##VIDEO ID:A7bPXikP78A## the Schoolboard meeting will begin in 1 minute please take your seats again the school board meeting will begin in 1 minute e [Music] good good evening the September 24th 2024 meeting of the Maran County School Board is called to order mirroring and modeling the way our students begin each day I ask that we observe a moment of silence at this time please join me thank you board member Campbell would you would you read our commitment state statement please gladly Vice chair we we are the Maran County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first we will leave a legacy of success thank you for the courtesy of those listening to the meeting I am requesting everyone in in the audience to please turn off their electronic devices or put them on vibrate later in the meeting up to 30 minutes will be provided for individuals to address the board on matters concerning the operation of the Maran County school system or the school board only presentations to the board are limited to 5 minutes and are televised if you wish to address the board regarding a regular agenda item or matters on which the board customarily takes action you must first complete a peach form located in the lobby if you wish to address the board regarding a public hearing or a student discipline matter please complete a lime green form these forms must be fully completed and received to the board clerk no later than 5:40 p.m. good evening Miss Martinez would you please call the role Dr Allison Campbell district one here Mrs Lorie Conrad District Two here Mr Eric Cummings District three here Mrs Nancy thrower District Four Dr Sarah James District 5 here Arisha bani Belia High School here adrial Diaz Westport HIgh School here Dr Diane gullet superintendent here Mr Jeremy Power School Board attorney here good evening Dr gullet would you introduce us would you introduce to us those providing the inspiration and Pledge of Allegiance for this evening's meeting good evening Madame Vice chair it' be my pleasure to introduce Lindsay Barber who's going to come forward with some very special guests to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance tonight thank you Miss Barber thank you good evening Vice chair board members superintendent welcome to celebrate freedom week Florida statute designates the month of September annually as amand American Founders month and the last week in September as Celebrate Freedom week so it's a time to reassert the importance of celebrating our nation's dedication to promoting the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution throughout this month our campuses and classrooms have geared special instruction toward recognizing our founding fathers and mothers Heroes day which is our um commemoration of September 11th Constitution Day or Constitution week and um freedom and patriotism that goes along with celebrating Freedom so for tonight's inspiration and pledge I'm proud to introduce retired Maring County Public School educator and representative of the Okala chapter National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Beth Coleman who will provide some inspirational words and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance good evening good evening communities throughout the nation celebrate the spirit and the meaning of the United States Constitution during the month of September on September 17th 1787 39 of the 42 delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the final draft of the Constitution of the United States of America in 1955 my service organization The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution spearheaded an effort to set aside one week annually when Americans would remember teach and celebrate the signing of that magnificent document after petitioning Congress to set aside the week of September 17th through 23rd then president Dwight D Eisenhower signed Constitution week into law on August the 2nd 1956 in celebration of This Magnificent document the Okala chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution secured just under 2000 Constitution booklets for fifth grade students in 20 Maran County Public Schools where we serve the booklets were sent out and given to students during Constitution week which was last week we hope this educational tool will support the amazing instruction of American History already happening in fifth grade classrooms the Ocala chapter was able to provide these booklets due to generous monetary gifts of our business partners trademark medals right here in Okala the kaanas clubs of South Florida who gave us $1,000 and Constitution for for the people a 501c3 dedicated to providing Florida's fifth graders with their very own personal copies of the United States Constitution and we would also like to recognize and thank the Oola County public schools for helping with the delivery of these booklets to Okala our sincere thanks to miring County Public School teachers and staff including all support staff and Personnel we applaud your dedication to students and Student Success and we salute you for your commitment passion and expertise and may the 2024 2025 school year be pleasant and prosperous for you and your students and now please stand as you're able and join me in pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and be seated thank you Dr gullet I understand we have two rounds of recognitions this evening is that correct that is correct thank you and I would like to bring Miss Barber back up to the podium who is going to kick this off on a recogn section with recognizing some very special teachers so thank you it's my pleasure to introduce the 2425 social studies teachers of the year the social studies teachers of the Year program is organized by the Florida Council for social studies to bring attention and recognition to the dedicated social studies teachers across the State of Florida the nomination process always begins in May and it administrators colleagues anyone in the community including parents students families were all encouraged to nominate teachers and we would like to thank our um community members who selected this year's recipients so our first recipient is Mrs Brittney Corry of Anthony Elementary School she will represent our elementary schools Miss Miss Corker was nominated ated by her colleague Rachel Kean according to fellow teachers she believes in promoting the whole child and ensures social studies curriculum is taught in her classroom she's always concerned about incorporating social studies into her English language arts block to allow more time with informational text Miss Corker helps plan the St Augustine history field trip and is truly part of the entire Anthony community thank you yep face this way we're going to get a nice photo Mr William Talbert of Howard Middle School represents our Middle School teachers Mr Talbert teaches he teaches Civics and was nominated by his instructional coach Mrs msas she described him as going above and beyond to Mentor new teachers participated in the We the People program assisting with all extracurricular activities on campus um I hear that he plays pickle ball and loves horses um engaging his students in those activities and not only does he have Stellar assessment scores um he is and I quote steadfast and reliable setting an example of model citizenship for his students and colleagues you're welcome Miss Jamie Grace of Belleview High School is representing our high school [Applause] teachers Miss Grace was nominate was nominated by her students Amelia Jimenez Jocelyn Dara and by magnet coordinator Mr um lito the school the students praised her teaching methods knowledge of multiple social study subjects and the leadership role she takes by helping organize their annual civil rights field trip um across the states of Alabama and Georgia as written by one student she prioritizes her students education and health in a way that I've seen few teachers do she's truly outstanding as both a teacher and a human being and that was a direct quote from them [Applause] these um three teachers will be further recognized at the Florida Council for the social studies state conference on October 10th in Orlando where they will also um get to go up on stage and represent Maring County Public Schools so let's give them a round of applause [Applause] just real quick I just want to say congratulations and thank you for the work that you do each and every day with our students I tend to agree social studies is a fantastic subject to teach so you're L the lucky ones would you mind holding on for just a second so we can come down and take a picture with you last e Dr gullet do you want to ask our second presentation to come forward please I would be happy to it's always such a great pleasure to recognize the amazing work of our employees and so this next recognition is no different Under the Umbrella however under of national attendance awareness month I am pleased to have Miss Del no doal come forward and again recognize some other special guests that are with us tonight thank you okay good evening Vice chair Conrad uh board members and superintendent Dr gullet chronic absenteeism is not just a local or State issue it has been a topic of conversation nationally most recently following the significant increase since the covid pandemic chronic absenteeism is typically defined as missing 10% of the school year or approximately just 2 days each month for any reason this is not solely a matter of treny or skipping school in fact many times these absences especially regarding our younger students are excused absences can be attributed to health problems appointments scheduled during school days and other barriers that make it difficult to go to school every day while tracking the percentage of overall all daily attendance is important it is also key to make sure we're monitoring absenteeism Trends to ensure absences do not start to add up and result in students missing crucial instructional time to meet this challenge we need everyone involved this includes teachers students families and our community this evening we're excited to recognize several schools for their efforts last year we kicked off the showing up together campaign and these schools put in the effort to show up and improve their chronic absenteeism rate this year's campaign is be present be powerful it's designed to remind students of the connection between School attendance and realizing their hopes and dreams we look forward to their continued efforts and hope their success encourages all Maran County Public Schools to show that they too can be present every day even when it's difficult Miss Sher laua our School attendance Advocate and courtly aison was very excited to be here this evening to provide you with information on what was accomplished and introduce the schools who were recognizing unfortunately she was unable to make it and sense her most sincere regrets I'd like to start the recognitions with a a special thank you to BJ trophies for their generous donation and show of commitment and supporting efforts to improve attendance across Maring County they have donated the planks the plaques that we'll be presenting this evening today we're recognizing one elementary middle and high school that decreased their chronic AP absences more than any other school at their given level we'll begin with recognizing the most improved Elementary School for chronic absenteeism this Elementary School began their school year with chronic absences reaching as high as 31% but with their strong tier one programs in place they were able to reduce that number to 23% that's a reduction of 8% that is fantastic for an elementary school while they did tie this reduction with another Elementary School Ward Highlands took it a step further and significantly reduced their tardies for the 23 24 school year as well at this time we would like to recognize Ward Highlands Elementary School accepting the award this evening is going to be principal Mrs buck and her attendant team and school [Applause] next we move on to our Middle School category this Middle School was recognized just two weeks ago for most improving their attendance for the second semester of the 2324 school year and received our quarterly traveling Banner for that outstanding achievement uh since Mr Williams began his journey as principal he and his attendance team have reduced their chronic absenteeism last school year from 35% to 28% that's incredible work at the middle school School level at this time we would like to recognize Liberty Middle School Mr Williams and the entire attendance team for a job well [Applause] done finally we have our high school category this school had chronic absences as high as 48% but their attendance team came together to figure out solutions to get their most chronic absence students back in school on time every day because these huge efforts that number dropped by 7% by the end of the school year this is huge on the high school level at this time we would like to recognize lakew High School principal Mr mcateer and their attendance team for this outstanding reduction in chronic absences [Applause] it takes great effort to move that needle and they really came together and did that so we thank you please give them a round of [Applause] applause we just want to say thank you I do think um that you all have the most difficult job I know it takes every day staying on top of students that have a difficult time families that have a difficult time um getting to school so I just want to take a minute to celebrate you and the work that you do um I know that it's not easy we know that it's not easy it's a conversation we have weekly and so if you'll hold on just a minute we'd like to come down and take a picture with you in celebration of all your hard work so thank you for members you may need to fill in yeah Reverend cumings step out to the end of we can see you one two three couple more am many more we got okay the next portion of our meeting we're going to recognize do donations um it's always humbling to see uh the support that we get from the community uh we re we graciously acknowledge the following donations made to benefit our schools our students and staff members including $3,500 to the Silver River Museum from the canon law firm to be used to support all aspects of the Silver River Museum 3500 to Horizon Academy at Maran Oaks for the heights aluminum Incorporated to be used to support the band and the chorus programs $1,600 to Vanguard High School from Adam Parker to be used to support the boys golf program Dr gullet please make a recommendation on tonight's Schoolboard meeting agenda thank you madam Vice chair once again I recommend approval of the agenda for the September 24th 2024 school board meeting with the materials in the board packet those materials distributed to board members at the meeting and the audio recording included as part of the official record of the meeting with the exception of the following items D2 24.1 D2 24.2 D2 24.3 D2 24.4 D 24.5 D 24.6 D2 24.7 D2 24.8 and D 24.9 that have been placed under discussion as well item D2 24.10 that has been completely withdrawn from the agenda tonight thank you may I have a motion on the superintendent's recommendation motion to approve agenda second all those in favor I I may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the August 15 2024 special administrative briefing and worksh work session may I have a motion Madam chair Madam chair think we need to go back and make sure that was carried the record motion carries 44 thank you may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the August 15 2024 special administrative administrative briefing and work session may I have a motion second are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 44 4 4 Z 4 Z sorry may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the August 27th 2024 school board meeting May I have a motion motion to approve second are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 z may I have a m motion to approve the minutes for the September 5th 2024 administrative briefing and work session may I have a motion motion to approve may I have a second second is there any discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the September 10th 2024 special school board meeting May I have a motion motion to approve second are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 z may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the September 10th 2024 school board meeting May I have a motion so move second are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 Miss Martinez please provide approved publication for tonight's Schoolboard meeting the notice for the September 24th 2024 Schoolboard meeting ran in the Ocala Gazette on September 13 2024 the proof of publication has been attached in board ducks and proof of publication thank you I will now ask the school board's attorney to explain the rules governing the P persons who wish to address the school board this evening good evening attorney Powers good evening Madam chair thank you in compliance with Section 286 0114 Florida Statutes the school board has adopted uniform procedures for public speakers who may wish to speak at tonight's meeting either regarding one of today's agenda items or a matter relating to the operations of the district these procedures will ensure the public has a reasonable opportunity to be heard on school board and School District matters a written summary of these procedures are available from the table in the lobby public speaker forms are also located on the same table the completed forms were due to the school board's clerk no later than 5:40 p.m. this evening speakers will be called prior to the business portion of the school board's meeting in the order of receipt by the school board clerk before you begin speaking please State your full name for the record and spell your last name each speaker will have five minutes of time however if there are more than five persons who wish to speak the board May seek consensus to limit each speaker's time to three minutes when the speaker has 1 minute remaining the speaker will receive a visual notice to complete his or her comment speakers may not yield their time to other people speakers and meeting attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner therefore verbal attacks and profanity are strictly prohibited pursuant to the procedures for public comment item six speakers are to not to identify specific individuals other than themselves or their child unless the statement is provided 24 hours in advance the board is here to listen to your comments only you may be directed to an administrative staff member following the conclusion of your comments for further assistance to address your concerns if there are matters dealing with student discipline including expulsions they'll be scheduled at the conclusion of the televised portion of this meeting parents May address the board regarding a discipline matter at that time to ensure student privacy only a parent or Guardian may use a student's first or last name identifying references to or identification of other students or their families are also strictly prohibited a speaker speech does not reflect the endorsement sponsorship or position or expression of the school district thank you for your attention to the board's requirements Madam chair that concludes my explanatory remarks thank you attorney Powers Miss Martinez do we have any speakers this evening yes Madam chair we have two speakers melany Slaughter n Only Slaughter um I have a power Point presentation I'm going to try to get through quickly um this is for this is about Vanguard High School in the football stadium I'm trying to go back in time just so we understand how we all got to this point Vanguard High School stadium booster stadium was built and dedicated on September 19th of 1969 the land was donated by am Collins of Okala ice and manufacturing company they provided the land for which booster Stadium sits and the Okala Wild cats booster club paid for booster stadium so Vanguard and and and Forest were both there at that point and they both played their first game at booster Stadium on September 20th of 1970 and they both shared the school the both schools shared that stadium that was not paid by paid for by the taxpayers of Marian County or the Marian County Public School it's 55 years old now and they played their first game then until 2005 when Forest had a brand new High School built and a brand new St stadium and then booster stadium that was built by the forest boosters not the Vanguard boosters was given to Vanguard High School at that point the problem the problems that we have with Vanguard at this point the stadium at Vanguard or booster stadium is that there safety issues at booster they're standing water inside the locker rooms when it rains making them unusable electrical malfunctions due to the age of the facilities half the lights went out during a football game and it took a long time during the game when everybody was sitting there waiting to get it the C Electric spent four hours trying to fix the issue prior to the first football game and then it broke down during a football game later on they're having consistent electrical problems in repairs the concession area is wide open um they have a gas grill that's falling apart and unsafe to prepare the food the restrooms are not large enough to accommodate attendees and they had to shut down restrooms during athletic events because there wasn't enough there now this is the uh concession St which is wide open um so rain wind anything like that goes into the concession stand because it's not enclosed like other standard other stadiums within Maran County this is the grill that food is prepared on at booster Stadium that's what the grill looks like it is Rusted it is in disrepair and it's because of all the wind and rain that comes in there during and this is another example of the condition of the grill that food is prepared prepared for at booster Stadium um there's pipes that are rusted um that that don't work properly um this is the fryer area um that has rust and mildew and other things on it because of the condition that it's left in out in the open all the time um this is a restroom that has been boarded up because there's been problems with the plumbing um this area right here the the shower area floods um when it rains either before or after um the game and this is the locker room that also has flooding issues um these are just like storage areas there that that people just leave leave things in and this is a wide openen top they don't even have a roof on top of these areas they're wide open and they don't have a roof on top and this is another picture of of of a wide open area that doesn't even have a light fixture this has a light bulb sitting up there um now the the speakers are also a problem they've had consistent electrical shortages and outage with the speakers at booster stadium so because and the and the the the restrooms are on septic they're not they don't have actual Plumbing like most I think pretty much everybody else does and so because of that if they have a big crowd they've had to close the restrooms because sometimes the septic backs up and then no one at the athletic event can can go to the restroom I've had students at Vanguard High School and have attended things at booster stadium and I have never used the restroom at booster Stadium ever and never will because of this smell that comes out of there so we are requesting that the school board consider the Student Success at Vanguard in in 2024 every single football player graduated 21 of the football players signed scholar college scholarships the football program has the highest GP in the county and they have the most success graduating students this is the picture of success of students who are on the football team at Vanguard High School and be aware that the proficiency of people that are not in athletics at Vanguard High School African-Americans at Vanguard High School 16% are proficient in math 16% every one of these football players graduated every single one and that is the success that we're asking you to consider and also I was at the football game and they played theelen this weekend okay and Vanguard won at the last minute by a point and they were excited and they started doing back flips in front of Dell and stands and Coach farmer grabbed every single one of them and they ran suicides back and forth back and forth back and forth because that is not what you're allowed to do at Vanguard High School because he is using the education at Marian County Public School to not only build students but to build men and I'm asking you to invest in Vanguard High School and the students at Vanguard High School who quite frankly deserve it thank you thank you Mrs slutter Mr Jerome Smith Mr my name is Jon Smith SMI I used to be a student at Vanguard back in the early 70s when Vanguard was our first built when have all this other differences of people going to school there but my thing is about the gr and about the quality of the school it's not up to standard just up to rest of the schools are if we ask for anything it's not much but if we get anything it's rejected we don't get anything to fulfill whatever needs to be done to the stadium the stadium should have shelters over the bleaches out there keep the Sun rain off the people other schools have that so why is this one school that don't have it at all if you want to be transparent we going transparent right this is where we started we don't start nowhere but here transparent and I'm pretty sure everyone wants that it's not asking much it's for the students I have grandkids go there PJ Williams graduated from vangar high school and went to New Orleans Saints okay vangard had produced some students out there go to the NFL NBA so why why can't we do something for them I'm just asking the Schoolboard members to it think about that and please for God's sakes do something about it because it's our students and other kids is that's going there and soon to be going there it's going to need this help at this school here we want to bring it up to par this is what needs to be done not asking for anywhere else to move to just put some investing thatp or the stadium bathrooms hook the sewage into the city that's not asking much and then everything should work dis properly and I appreciate the time that I've speaking I thank youall ladies and gentlemen for my time to be here thank you okay board may I have a motion to approve the 5-year District facilities work program for fiscals fiscal years 2024 2025 through 2028 2029 may I have a m motion so move I have a second second uh superintendent goet thank you the approval of the 5-year District facilities work program for fiscal years 2024 through 2025 through the 2028 2029 school year complies with board policy and the Florida Statutes thank you I declare a public hearing is there anyone present who wishes to address the 5-year District facility work program for fiscal years 2024 2025 through 2028 2029 hearing none all those in favor I I I thank you motion passes 40 moving on to item 10.1 for informational purposes uh the school district used a construction management delivery method including a guaranteed Max maimum price to perform construction work on the following projects there were unused funds on these projects since the projects were delivered using a construction man management delivery with a GMP format unused dollar dollars regardless of the item are returned to the owner the unspent monies will be returned to the owner via change order which will close the fin Financial books on these projects the superintendent has signed and approved the change orders per board policy 634 5 the superintendent is author authorized to approve and execute any Construction contract change order that will increase the Construction contract by $25,000 or less or that will decrease the Construction contract contract amount provided that the approv the approval will be in her judgment in the best interest of the board such change orders will be binding upon execution by the superintendent the superintendent shall report each change order that she approved to the board meeting that follows her approval the superintendent's approval of the change orders will be entered into the official minutes of the board meeting 10.1 amendment number one the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for equip equipment early procurement related to construction of new Elementary School W change order number one amendment number one project 24-11 um in the amount of $17,730 192 10.2 amendment number two to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for early site workk and materials procurement related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number two amendment number two project 24-12 in the amount of $225,000 $25,000 $ 42348 10.3 amendment number three to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for labor and materials consisting of interior construction related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number two amendment number three project 24-12 in the amount of $ 8,739 I feel like these are tongue twisters CU it says Construction so many times 10.4 amendment number three to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for labor and materials consisting of interior construction related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number three amendment number three project 24-12 in the amount of $4,790 10.5 amendment number three to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for labor and materials consisting of interior construction related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number four amendment number three project 24-12 in the amount of $ 39,821 10.6 guaranteed maximum price for Oola Middle School New gymnasium change order order number one amendment number one project 24-19 in the amount of $ 42,71182 point1 through c2.1 with the exception of items d4.1 D 24.2 D2 24.3 D2 24.4 D 24.5 D2 24.6 D2 24.7 D 24.8 and D 24.9 that is been placed under discussion so move one a little bit more and the item D2 24.10 that has been completely withdrawn from the agenda thank you Reverend Cummings can I get a second um all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 Z moving on to student disciplinary matters before addressing expulsion matters I wish to acknowledge that board members have received the alternative placement list for students through August 26 2024 Miss Martinez are there any parents who have submitted a timely request to speak on their child's disciplinary matter no Madam chair thank you may I have a motion to approve the expulsion of student JD 25-5 JD 25-8 JD 25- 010e and JD 25-11 without Educational Services for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year and the first quarter of the 2025 2026 school year may I have a motion motion to approve I second second all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 um moving on to discussion items uh D2 24.1 may I have a motion to approve the sixth amendment to agreement with instructure Incorporated um Dr goet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item can do a motion in a second oh I apologize and I'll do the second okay I didn't get the first Reverend Rend Cummings Reverend Cummings thank you for the first uh well thank you for the second Dr gullet can you provide some information for us happy to Madam Vice chair members of the board um as we've done in the past some of these items are grouped together so the first two items will be um presentations by Mr Ben vudi who's going to come forward and I know you need to vote separately but just he will provide some information uh beginning with this first item which is at the cost um if you approve at $550,000 and is an amendment to allow us to have the learning management system um continue so Mr Ben vudi thank you hi uh good evening Vice chair Conrad board members and Dr garet superintendent um the technology and Information Services Department seeks approval to amend the existing agreement with instructure incorporate I'm sorry I'm losing my voice there instructure Incorporated the district's learning management system provider also known as canvas so give it that name so everybody recognizes it as the foundation for our District's digital learning instructure infrastructure canvas is essential and facilitated and enhancing the educational experience for students and staff the platform allows us to create Dynamic personalized digital learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of our academic Community from K12 students to District employees canvas delivers instructional content assignments and assessments to students providing Educators with powerful tools for curriculum development collaboration communication the platform's integration with various third-party applications further enhances its flexibility enabling the seamless access to resources that support Student Success beyond the classroom canvas also serves as home for the district's professional learning catalog this catalog allows administrators faculty and staff to access various professional development opportunities including live and On Demand webinars certification programs and instructional guides the proposed amendment to the agreement with instructure canvas will cover the subscription and support services ensuring the district has ongoing access to technical support software updates system enhancements this support is critical to maintain the platform's functionality security and overall effectiveness as we adapt in the evolving educational demands these resources are invaluable in promoting the culture of continuous learning and professional development across the district we respectfully request your approval of this amendment thank you Mr Ben vudi I appreciate you elaborating on that for us board is there any discussion okay seeing and hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 Zer um item D2 24.2 may I have a motion to approve the sourcewell contract 12923 CDW Tech technology products and services may I have a second second sorry um Dr gullet Mr Bon coming remains of the podium board the cost for this item is $980,000 and Mr Ben Ben vud is going to share some more information about how we can remain competitive in purchasing these n items for our schools thank you all right the technology and information Department seeks approval to utilize the source sell contract 12923 with CDW to procure essential technology products and services sourcewell offers a competitively solicit solicited contract that allows the district to acquire a wide range of Technology Solutions at a reduced prices ensuring cost Effectiveness purchasing while addressing the district's technology needs this contract covers various products including Network infrastructure computer peripherals printers server management and UPS Power Solutions these items are critical for maintaining the district's digital learning environment and supporting operational efficiencies from classroom technology to Administration tools the contract also provides access to it software ensuring that our devices and systems remain secure and current with the latest advancements additionally the contract includes audio and video Technologies such as interactive displays and video conferencing systems which are essential for modern teaching remote learning districtwide Communications Beyond products the contract offers IT services like installation and Technical Support ensuring that technology is implemented and maintained effectively throughout the district we respectfully request approval to utilize this contract thank you Mr Ben vudi board is there any discussion on this item hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 item D2 24.3 may I have a motion to approve the Grant application Ida B preschool entitlement 20124 2025 may I have a motion motion to approve second thank you Dr gullet do you have information to share with us on this item I do thank you again Madame Vice chair members of the board so the next two items are also grouped and we're now moving into uh the grant proposal for the um idea also known as individuals with um disabilities Education Act and the first item that we are requesting your approval of is approximately 455 $454,000 that would um provide needed services to our three to five yearolds that qualify so uh Miss Williams Jones is here to provide additional information thank you good evening Vice chair Conrad board members and superintendent Dr gullet so the information that I'm going to share really encompasses both of the entitlement grants that are on the agenda this evening the individuals with disabilities Education Act or Ida governs how States and public agencies provide early intervention exceptional student education and related services to students with disabilities the individuals with disabilities Education Act entitlement Grant provides funds to States and school districts to ensure that eligible students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education the priorities of idea are to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free and appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related Services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education employment and independent living it is a goal that we identify children with special needs before they enter School providing services to help them a priority is to develop individualized education plans that focus on improving educational results through the general curriculum a priority to educate children with disabilities with their non-disabled peers a priority to set higher expectations for students who are disabled and ensuring that schools are held accountable a priority is to strengthen the role of parents and Foster Partnerships between parents and schools and ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents are protected here in Maran County Public Schools we serve 7,9 970 students with disabilities this includes 422 pre students with disabilities in addition to academic supports M which may be provided in general education or special education classrooms students may also receive behavior supports counseling speech and language occupational therapy Physical Therapy Vision impairment and death and heart of hearing services an important use of Grant funds is the hiring of Staff who provide direct supports to students the idea Grant dollars fund special education special needs pair professionals Behavior Specialists and behavior technicians in addition the grant funds technology resources and supplies including access to curriculum platforms assisted technology applications and technology related related reps so that all of our students have access to the necessary educational supports thank you very much Miss Williams Jones that was very informative board are there any discussion or questions okay then we'll vote all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 z um Miss Williams Jones do you have anything else to share for the next or you had all in one it was all in one all right thank you so much um board may I have a motion to approve the grant app application Ida B for K12 entitlement 2024 2025 may I have a motion so move thank you second thank you um board is there any discussion on this item hearing and seeing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 Z all right moving on to item D2 24.5 may I have a motion to approve the First Amendment with growing leaders Incorporated may I have a motion second second thank you Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item uh thank you Madame Vice chair I do the cost of this item is about $261,000 or $262,000 rounded up uh this addresses our Mental Health and Wellness in our habitudes curriculum um including that work we do with resiliency so miss Delo doll is is here to provide some additional information as we are looking at this first amendment for this curriculum thank you good evening again good evening our district utilizes the habitudes curriculum from growing leaders to teach and reinforce the required resiliency standards and skills for all secondary students recent updates to the program offer different options for Content delivery and the lessons themselves now include more engaging videos speakers and activities lessons can be delivered in instructor Le whole class format and or small uh small student Le groups which encourages student participation updates to the content and modalities included feedback from students to increase relevance and engagement this amendment allows us to continue our partnership with growing leaders and purchase a three-year subscription to continue providing effective curriculum that consistently supports building resiliency in our students thank you very much Bard do you have any questions any discussion okay hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 4 Z moving on to item D2 24.6 may I have a motion to approve the special data share agreement withl learning Incorporated may I have a motion motion to approve thank you second thank you Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share with us regarding this item I do Madam Vice chair thank you this item request is a $250,000 and this is the the request from our site-based leaders our principles who are asking for consideration of this item um Dr Brewer is going to come forward and provide some additional information um but we appreciate your consideration of this item thank you thank you good evening Dr Brewer good evening Vice chair Conrad board members and superintendent Dr gullet I Exel learning is an integrated personalized interactive curriculum learning platform that can provide a additional teaching tools in the areas of English language arts math science and social studies for grades K through 12 I Exel learning also provides our teachers with A continuous Diagnostics a comprehensive curriculum a personalized guidance and actionable analytics to personalize instruction for small group or individual work for the students to gain fluency and confidence and to or and to reach their full potential so at the conclusion of the 23 24 school year um during the analysis of the data froml the schools um met within a committee led by the district leaders um to really examine what the school data looked like and which direction we would move towards for the 2425 school year um the committee tried out demo demo sites from different programs more that had more adaptive features in them and the committee did select a a different program success maker as the districtwide purchase however as Dr gulet stated this is a site-based decision and as always our principles have discretion to purchase additional resources that meet the best needs of all of their students and so we have six schools that have chosen to purchase ISL to meet the needs of students and teachers on their campus but miss kard and miss rle Mr Frasier and I are available for questions if you have any board any discussion on this item okay Dr Campbell sure I don't have any questions but I am grateful that we continue to allow it to be a site-based decision as I've discussed with with you all there are schools and teachers that are using I EXL for homework and practice purposes and it works very well in their classroom settings and for those specific sites so I'm grateful that we continue even though the district is moving in another Direction those Educators that are used to this process and this program are going to be able to use it and so I'm grateful for that thank you thank you Dr bruan you you really answered my questions in your presentation so thank you very much Dr um Dr James I'm sorry the principal has to get when the principal gets a license for their site or requests it is that for do they are they saying how many students they would need it for yes it's a school license at that point so so then it's more expensive to have a school license than to have a license for just 20 kids or something right but that's how that's how the quote would work it would be for a school okay I'm just thinking if there's only one or two teachers at a school but they find it very beneficial the principal may decide that they don't want to get a license for their site is that is that feasible that might that might be feasible but what they would do is the quote would the would the quote would cover the amount of teachers using that particular program program so a license at Westport HIgh School would be much greater than Anthony Elementary so it's based on the teachers and the students of that school okay but presuming they all use it kind of like Accelerated Reader and how we how that is site by site right okay feel like in the secondary school only your English language arts or your Math teachers um would use it so when we look at the data for that we might see 57% of the teachers using it but that's not necessarily a bad number because you're only going to use it for your English and your Ela or your Math teachers okay thank you did that answer it yeah I I guess what I'm just thinking is if you're a teacher at a site where it's not being used and you want to use it what would be the best recourse for that for that teacher or group of teachers who may want to use the program I think they would speak to their principal and then we would work with the vendor to see what best quote we could um get for that school okay thank you Dr James Reverend Cummings did you have anything okay sorry about that Dr Brewer I just want to say thank you for your presentation um because I was concerned if we only had six schools what our um teachers were going to use other than the text to provide practice for standards and so one thing would you clarify if if this is correct with success maker because it it is Association associated with a as a remedial program from years past but this piece also has an enrichment is that correct yes that's why the committee chose this particular program because of the Adaptive feature in it and so I wanted to emphasize that part of this program okay thank you will all students be using it or select yes yes all students all students are at TH yes all for success maker not all for I Exel okay thank you very much much thank you okay board if there's um no further discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 may I have a motion to approve the Florida safe schools assessment tool public and Charter School recommendations may I have a motion so move thank you may I have a second second all right Dr gullet do you have information for us on this item thank you uh Madame Vice chair just briefly uh board you recall that on uh September 19th we had a work session on this item this is the annual a report known as the Florida safe schools assessment tool as fsat most people know it by and we're requesting your permission to upload this this provides that web-based program to provide the data it's used by not just our Public Schools but our Charter Schools as well the assessments that are required to the state in order so that we are eligible for the State of Florida Safety um schools Grant so um again we had a pretty extensive um conversation presentation by Mr mcfaden on this item on September 19th at work session happy to answer any questions thank you thank you board any discussion yes um thank you and this may be more of an attorney Powers question maybe potentially with Dr gullet I know that we did have extensive conversation but at this juncture we have nothing uploaded that we're actually voting on so there's no executive content administrative content or anything there I know we have a deadline that we have to have this done by October 1st so uh we're about to vote on something that we haven't physically seen and I I knew that the conversation was that it was going to be uploaded but I don't see anything I kind of kept I I was holding out hope that it would get there sometime today or but no attorney Paris wants to weigh in Mr mcf is on his way back from um Emergency Operations Center who's he's there on my behalf right now so I know we already already know he's on his way we want to table it oh Miss Barnes can you speak to it perfect thank you good evening good evening everyone you are correct October the 1st is the date that we actually submitted to the state the fset which is the Florida safe School assessment tool has been conducted at each and every site we have submitted the majority of them we're just waiting on one more um a training to take place so we can have that one completed it didn't make sense to send it in as the training will be done tomorrow as people have been moving around but the all have been completed and at that point they all have been submitted we just have a final submission to do I just don't know what we're voting on right 24.7 attorney Powers would you mind advising us as to how right I mean uh essentially the approval of the tool is something that has to be I mean the board would have to view the tool in order to be able toor can you can you lean in for me thank you in in obviously in order to uh approve the tool the board would have to be able to view the tool in order to do that these are standard sort of uh um revisions that are made but I mean I would have to rely on safe School staff to tell us what those revisions are but certainly as to a final approval the document would have to be present for the board to you know ensure that that was uh within the board's um within the board's purview I mean the board was actually approving what was uploaded so if it's not uploaded cannot currently approve okay then that document would be forthcoming m m faten with everything that was happening he couldn't make it here he did phone to say that he was on his way but he wouldn't make it in time and I have not received though if the board members have received separately an email with that document then it just need to be provided for public view but to my knowledge I mean I I have not received it looking like anybody did so then would that be a motion to table or no it would have to be removed from the agenda and then placed on another agenda because um because this is a time sensitive um situation has to be done by the 1 is it possible that we can possibly have a special board meeting we will back to our conversation in our shade I don't think we have that Pro we don't have probable advertisement opportunities to do that that's why we could call special or emergency board me too but is an emergency it's not an time sensitive it's very time sensitive because it has to be there by the first correct right uh the Florida safe schools assessment tool I believe would meet health safety and Welfare guidelines to be able to place it on um if we advertise it on the website tomorrow so that we could approve have a meeting for approval on Monday right if if you believe that it meets the emergency criteria um 72 hours would be what I would anticipate is necessary and that includes weekends as well so if we advertise it tomorrow we'd be fine for Monday um but that doesn't require only the 24-hour emergency meetings require uh notice within you know within whatever is practical I mean literally emergency 24 hours or less in this case 72 hours is is a requirement for a special board meeting and that certainly we have time to do we'd have to set that on a special agenda for Monday in order to be able to achieve that M chair I request that we do a special board meeting on Monday and it be put on the website tomorrow that will give us time to get it approved before the October 1st deadline okay Miss Martinez can you send that out to us an invitation for the first and and I just want to slow down here for a moment to make sure that superintendent gullet has an opportunity to advise as to both availability and anything she may want to say on thank you attorney pow um man of just want to ask Miss Barnes to confirm that we can get all the documents to the boarding and be prepared for that with proper notification for Monday yes ma'am okay thank you what time are we scheduling the meeting we have agenda review at 8:00 am so uh would have to be after after that I I personally have an obligation at 11:45 you have what something at 11:45 okay but you just need a quorum so 9:00 is not okay I'm open in the morning oh I can do the morning well typically agenda review takes longer than than than an hour or so the afternoon can we do it before agenda review agenda review is at 8: a.m. before agenda review at 730 so it's only be one thing on it agenda review can be moved at to after that way we would have time certain so I mean I don't want to speak for the superintendent but we could move the agenda review to immediately follow a special board meeting have the special board meeting at 8 8:30 9 whatever you wanted and then follow with agenda review after because that doesn't require quite as much flexibility in everyone's schedule just a proposal 8 A.M works if it works for the board we could certainly do 8 o'clock for the meeting and follow with agenda review I think that is absolutely flexible and just for advertising purposes if it is a special board meeting and we had it in by tomorrow we would still actually get it in this week's publication is that correct well we would advertise it on our website as a special meeting okay but we could still meet the 72 hours if it went in a Friday publication for Monday yes we would it went in Friday publication yes though I do not know that we can meet Friday publication uh with igaz that it it's not any longer Wednesday at noon okay I thought it was Wednesday at noon ahead of the Friday publication okay so if you're having a meeting on the 30th it would have to have been already advertised on September 20th one week before it only needs 72 hours what we're saying though is this doesn't need 7 days this only needs three calendar days so if if we submit something to The Gazette by tomorrow at noon it will be published on Friday is that correct tomorrow by noon yes for the 72 hour okay so I think we can publish both on the website and through the oal Gazette and also I will note that um announcing in a public meeting is also served as another form of notice we have to show that with emergency or special board meetings we give we take all action in order to provide maximum notice this has already been calendared so the public has had notice I note that no public was here to speak on this item anyway but we also the public the item was not uh uploaded so we now have the ability to advertise on the website number one number two in the Okala Gazette number three it's been advertised as for now so it was known that was upcoming and number four we can um we are noticing it right now on on on YouTube which the whole world watches that's four that's four ways we done it yes think we're good Monday morning 8: am special board meeting for agenda item 24.7 currently perfect thank you thank you yes very good thank you for catching that all right um attorney powers do I need to do anything with this item that has a motion a second uh no ma'am at this at this point I believe that constitutes that that we would be uh voluntarily withdrawing that item okay correct all right thank you for that okay moving on to item D 24.8 may I have a motion to utilize Florida Department of Education bid ITB 2023-24 the purchase of eight new school buses may I have a motion so move thank thank you Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share on this item yes I do and again we're back to excuse me we have two items that are backtack uh Madam Madame Vice chair we have um items regarding uh purchase of uh buses uh through Transportation Miss Dobbins is here to do presentation on those items thank you good evening Vice chair board member super Dr gullet yes I get to bring you something shiny and new for a change so as you're aware we transport approximately 22,000 students almost 32,000 miles a day so in the next two items we have the ability to purchase 12 new 77 passenger school buses of those 12 four of them will have the lift mechanism for our students um with wheelchairs um with this I I'd like to point out that these funds as as we saw earlier we had the five-year facility work plan um on our agenda so when we talk about purchasing buses we actually are categorized to fund our buses through our Capital outlay so we are trying to build schools and maintain schools and everything uh and it includes the money we also allocate to buses so we allocated just over 2 million as you see these two items are just under 2 million we're going to also wrap around a couple of Van purchases um that you'll see coming forward um but just like our fiveyear work plan as you are aware we only fund 20% of our project projects for facilities we also underfund our need for transportation as well it goes handin hand as we stretch those dollars um if we were to fully fund the need for bus Replacements we would need approximately million per year so we're just 3 million short of uh having a a cycle of replenishing our buses but this does get us 12 buses of which is just under $2 million thank you Miss Dobbins board is there any discussion on this item seeing none all those in favor say I I motion passes 4 Z Item D 24.9 may have a motion to utilize for Florida Department of Education bid ITB 2023 d02 for the purchase of four new school buses with lifts may I have a motion so move second thank you um board is there any discussion on the buses with lifts seeing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 moving on to meeting reminders the next school board meeting has been scheduled for October 8th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. the next administrative brief briefing and work session has been scheduled for October 17th 2024 at 9:00 a.m. a special school board meeting has been scheduled for October 22nd 2024 at 7:30 um Dr gullet do you have any comments for us this evening uh thank you um just briefly um just want to thank um Preston Bolan everyone at the Emergency Operations Center emergency management team as know it's been very busy it is hurricane season and we have been preparing diligently for the storm uh now tropical storm um Helen which we anticipate will be a hurricane we have made announcements that there will be no school on Thursday um and employees should not report to work and we will make an an announcement as soon as we have information we've been spending quite a bit of time over there at the Emergency Operations Center and we'll continue to keep our our student students families and employees aware um in our community as well um of what the storm brings for us I just want to say it's been a pleasure to work so collaboratively with so many of the agencies in this community not everyone has the great pleasure of working so um close and side by side and making these very difficult decisions but we're always going to prioritize the safety of our students and our families and our community so um more to come uh we will keep everyone posted but um most importantly we want everyone to be safe we want our students to be safe we want our families to be safe our employees and everyone so I wish everyone um that and again more communication will follow as we stay tuned to what this looks like and the path that this storm follows so very grateful thank you thank you Dr gallet Miss Martinez anything from your office no Madam chair thank you attorney Powers anything from legal nothing from legal thank you okay um we have our student Representatives who've been waiting all evening we're so glad you guys are here with us this evening Miss Diaz would you like to share do you have any comments to share with us this evening uh yes today I just wanted to emphasize the importance of being aware of the hurricane that is approaching um as we track this door just to prepare your homes by securing outdoor items and just stocking up on Essentials such as food and water and ensure that you have a plan for evacu evacuation if necessary I just wanted to state that if this is if it does come to this point Westport is a shelter area for those who do need it um we are starting tomorrow in the afternoon I believe at 4: um and we also are serving as a pet shelter if necessary and I just wanted to bring that up thank you very much uh Miss bani do you have comments to share with us this evening yes thank you so I wanted to talk about the recognitions earlier today because it was a teacher from my school B high school so I just wanted to say that uh seeing such a hardworking teacher like Miss Grace get recognized as very welld deserved because she's an inspiration to many around her and spreads nothing but kindness all the time and I've heard a lot of many exceptional things about her from my peers like all of the students are like oh my God Miss Grace is so amazing I love having her as a teacher and stuff um both as a teacher and as a person um I've never had her which sucks but I have spoken to her at times and she has treated me just as well as she treats others so congratulations to her once again and to all the other social studies teachers that got recognized as well and um on the second note there obviously has been stated that uh tropical storm Helen is coming up and I just want to say that uh emphasize one that obviously as stated before mcps will be closed on Thursday so no school and everyone staying home staying safe so make sure you all stay safe and be cognizant of the news to stay updated on the hurricane effects around your area just yeah stay safe thank you you thank you Dr James do you have anything you'd like to share with us before you do I just would like to um uh from legal perspective I'm I'm looking at I'm reviewing something on one of our agenda items before we um conclude tonight and that was as to the agenda item with the Florida safe schools assessment tool um just reading over the best practice form so I want to bring it to the board's attention so I don't want to misstate anything for the board um when Dr Campbell brought it up I'm reading on the best practice form it does indicate that due to the required level of confidentiality the schoolb based FSA fsat cannot be publicly shared so it wouldn't necessarily be provided to the public or uploaded that way however um as you indicated it didn't appear that anything was actually shared with the board now I do note that um we had if from the prior board action dates there was a work session September 7th where in 2023 was presented September 26 2023 approved and then September 9th of 2024 uh there was presentation of it at the work session so my understanding is that we're still waiting on a physical document I don't know how that works with the it's an online application so I just want to make sure before since I mean it has been withdrawn at this point but I want to make sure that I don't misstate anything about what we're waiting on I assume that there is still a document that the Board needs to be provided with to to to review is that accurate did we receive a document last year I I just I just don't want to misstate if I said well the board's waiting to waiting on something and give unclear direction so I want to make sure that direction is is sorted out before we conclude the fset tool itself and the contents of it is is confidential as it is showing our strong points as well as our weak points and what we're working on and all our improvements and everything that we have in place to safeguard our campuses and everyone on the campuses so as far as another document we can do a summary or something to say that yes we this has been completed and is being submitted to the state from my understanding in the past we've never submitted uploaded a specific document there was always something like a a forward- facing summation of what that did not uh violate confidential things right and I and I think it's it's there's a a valid question is if the board is being asked to approve the Florida safe schools assessment tool what is the board being asked to approve now we have made I understand a number of submissions regarding the fsat to the folks who need to receive that information correct that is correct um and so that has been accomplished but as to aboard approval of that I I I would also still leave with the question of I don't I don't know what the board can approve so if the board is asking me us your legal counsel what I I I I don't have enough information so I just if if I wanted to give opportunity for staff to to chime in if there's something else that I'm not understanding or that that needs to be presented again on Monday I didn't want to obligate anyone into areas that are beyond their beyond their capability because of statutory concerns so Ironically in assert I just did we had a special Schoolboard meeting on September 26th of last year to approve this and I I'm not certain if there were other items in that special school board meeting um it doesn't look to me like there may have been an upload at the time time but again it's that's just a quick search but there was a special board meeting we held to do this potentially for the same conversations we're having right now so if there's a individual briefings we can receive or or however that it it's just difficult to know what we're actually voting on without having additional information right and I show that in addition to that board meeting on September 26th that there was a work session on September 19th just just recently in which there was a presentation of the material so so if it's an approval of the material presented then perhaps simply that document which has already been uploaded is what the board is is is is seeking to approve but that would require that the board take a moment and go back and review that as it has prior to the work session and move forward so Dr James Miss Barnes was the intention of the safe schools for us to to vote based on the work session information we had been received I would venture out to say I believe so due to the fact that when we presented last week we also had recommendations after the assessments have been done as far as what different things we would need to implement in order to take our safety to the next level without being specific to sites excuse me without it being specific to certain sites yes there were General in the General recommendations correct we were not um we compiled the various things from the various sites without seeing which site would need whatever particular upgrades Madam Vice chair may I um correct we we cannot share specific information by site for safety reasons and Miss Martinez has confirmed that last year the board approved it without the attachment and it followed the same pattern last year we did the work session shared the information we could share and and um approved this being submitted to the state okay correct Miss Martinez that is correct so yeah so I I guess my question would be I think that similar to the Union contract which I know is typically emailed to us ahead of time but we don't have a work session on the Union contract but the Union contract is not uploaded so if this is the traditional way of work for this item and we're using the information we received in the work session to frame our vote then is there a way to I mean if is there a way to put the item back on the agenda yes uh we're within the same meeting so we can resend the withdrawal and it just requires that we stop with board comments and go and I recommend that we would send the draw and add it back to the agenda okay for tonight have a second I second that okay then we just given that just I would recycle exctly where you were um with that item and then proceed back to board comments all right one second I find there's a lot of writing on this page D 24.7 thank you all right may I have a motion to approve the uh Florida safe schools assessment tool public and Charter School recommendation may I have a motion move a second second all those in favor say I I I I motion passes 4 Z thank you board thank you okay I think we can pick back up with board comments attorney Powers is that conclude yours okay thank you Dr James thank you good evening um I don't have a ton of comments for this evening I do just have a quick question that I would like for us to discuss um so we there is an off air portion where we're going to discuss c 23.1 um and so my question first is is uh why does it have to be off air I I have a few questions about this as well but the questions I have are not pertaining to student information but more to our procedures and so I would like to be able to have the discussion as the board about the procedures related to these consequences that are not tied to student name number Etc and so is is that the only reason for off air presentation would be if any specific and individual case or identifiable information from it is going to be presented by anyone on each of these items so if we're pulling an individual item out and there's discussion about anything which could present identifiable information that's the reason for off a presentation if the board doesn't mind me wagging your my finger at you and telling you don't do that then this can be an onair conversation that you can have um the only issue of course is if it gets down into well for example in jd1 123 um this is what the discipline record says or that students name comes up or further information needs to be directed about that then that's a portion that will need to be necessarily had off air well I just have a pretty simple question I I say that of course and I chuckle but um I in Prior briefings I personally experienced with staff about transitioning to doing expulsions without Services which is something we approved earlier in the agenda I was under the impression that if a student offended while at our alternative site which we are collectively calling MTI and it was an expellable offense that they would then be granted the opportunity for an expulsion without Services um and I the last impression I had was that was the case and so the confusion I have now is that we have expulsions with services that are maintaining their site at MTI that are in this group of expulsions 26 C 23.1 um and so that that is the premise of my question that I want would like um if there's a more appropriate time this evening to discuss it that's fine um I can move on to just a few other remarks or if we're going to take time now to discuss it that's fine too uh that's within the perview of the board chair it was selected as an off a item with my recommendation based on the fact that something could come up which identified an an individual uh at this point you know we're in board comments it's been set as an off air portion that doesn't mean that when we get to it we can't still retain it as an onair conversation and certainly if the board is willing to heed what I've just indicated then we can proceed with that as a as a as a off a port as an onair portion uh and then conclude immediately after um no problem with that of course uh however I would still recommend we go through the board comments and then go to that item okay that's fine thank you um so um not a lot of other comments I'm grateful that as a community and and strategic thinking we have um tentatively uh only closing school for Thursday and we're leaving Friday on the table I know as a community that's there's a lot of varying thought about how we should handle hurricanes and there's never a right answer for the collective group some people are mad at us because we don't close enough days and and others are frustrated with us because we we waited too long and or we did too many days and so um I am grateful that we are going going to wait for more data to come in tomorrow before we make any further decisions about Friday um I with the safety of our students and our staff always being at the top of mind I also think that our students are often um many of them safest at our schools and so if we can get them into our schools which may very well have power where their home does not um and may have the opportunity to receive a meal at our home where they might not at their home um our school rather versus their home um I I always want to see that happen if possible so I'm grateful for the team working tirelessly to kind of game day plan it and adjust accordingly so uh that's all I have for this evening thank you thank you Dr James Reverend Cummings um just Clarity Clarity first um there is no special meeting Monday morning that would be correct we're not going to advertise it as such um we're not going to place it on the website we're not going to um move forward with that unless there was another reason for a request for uh a uh not emergency meeting but a special meeting on Monday if anyone knows of another reason for a a separate reason for a special meeting on Monday we can as of now set one for that date but otherwise you know we don't have to and I just said that because sometimes the public is paying attention but they may not understand what just happened that we did go back and revisit that and passed it um so I did want to say that um I do want to encourage everyone to please as well be safe on on the storm that's coming and um I think I thank our Junior board member for uh taking the bull by the horns and and open up shelter so thank you for your encouragement that was very courageous um thank you um we do know that those shelters are going to be possibly open are going to be open and so this is what I want to say to the public don't wait till the last minute to get there or to to make a decision that you need to evacuate or whatever if our people that are transporting them to those shelters please take advantage early and not wait till the last minute because once it's in process things happen and you can't get there and we want we want everyone to be as safe as possible so please please do the right thing the other thing that I wanted to talk about briefly is I heard the presentation from Miss Slaughter I heard the presentation from Miss Mr Smith concerning booster Stadium um it is old it is old I'm it's actually it's my age so I played there and it was bad then in in the 80s so I can imagine what it looks like now um so and you're you're right you've had many many student athletes come through that uh field that have gone on bigger greater things so I'm thinking that there has to be some type of community collaboration not just with the school board because again um when Miss Slaughter gave the history of it the boosters paid for that they built it they the land was donated so there has to be a community collaboration for that and it can't all come to us I think we can help on how we how we how we um bringing this about back to the community and get it done so I I think there has to be some more conversations Mr Smith Mr sluder on how we get this done but I do see the need and I think we have to move on it at some point my comments thank you Reverend Cummings Dr Campbell that'll be a good segue but I'm actually going to save that to the very end so thank you for for touching on that Reverend so I first wanted to piggyback on what our student representative Miss bani mentioned earlier uh I had to give Miss Grace a hug from Belleview high school because last year she had a Campbell boy for two class periods and this year she has a Campbell boy for two class periods so she teaches the uh the junior year a couple of classes with the Ace Program and so um that alone having my children on block days for four hours at a time is is just that she deserved a hug for sure um but grateful for the the folks that are representing us for sure our social studies teachers all across the district are amazing people love that we received this little uh guide here that includes not only the United States Constitution but also the Declaration of Independence um both of those are included here so thank you to our friends from the daughters of American Revolution who have given that to us um we did have another item earlier this evening that was withdrawn and I mentioned it at the last board meeting when we had the same item withdrawn so I'm just mentioning it again and that is the collective bargaining agreement with our Marian educa Ed tion Association um so that had to be withdrawn again so I'm very hopeful that in the very near future that we will be able to vote on that because the board has been ready uh we did this evening approve the fiveyear work program I just wanted to make a a point as we talk with Miss Dobbins and and the team about the five-year work program every year we know that we're really only approving year one of that because every time we approve it we're approving a different schedule for what happens in years two through five though we are submitting something to the state something that was in this year that we did just approve I hesitated in my vote but I determined just to go ahead and move forward with it knowing what I just said is still the case in year five of what we approved tonight it shows the rubberized track for the first time being put in a high school and it's going to go to Forest and in Prior years the first one was going to be Westport and and so I know again that is a moving Target because we don't have the money really ever and it it you know HVAC systems always Trump the rubberized track that we need at all of these high schools uh but I just wanted to make that as a point because at some point we have to get serious about it and at some point we have to dedicate a dedicated a million dollars a year to getting this done and so right now we're not at all uh it's not obviously in this first year uh of our plan um and as we continue to progress we need to put a real plan in place on how we're going to make that happen that's what's best for our students it's what's best for our student athletes and the safety of all of those that are participating in track which we received an email at Westport is 150 students which is the largest sport we have of that's touching any uh one single group of students so we we have to get serious about that board so you know I talked about it in our work session and I'm talking about it again so please know that I'm going to continue to push for that in coming years for sure uh and as the money becomes available but I also am going to end my comments on the booster Stadium conversation as you know on Thursday I also recommended that prority list you all saw that it's publicly available that was something that I wanted us to talk about Bard you also know in that conversation we left the table with some money on the table uh we had some folks that came this evening that made a very passionate and there were other people in the AUD audience that did not stand up to speak I fully believe that we need to potentially even adjust those priorities and dedicate at least a couple million dollars to the safety of our students and community at booster Stadium if that is what this community wants I know I was recommending that we actually build a brand new stadium on the Vanguard property what I heard tonight from community members and those that were in the audience is they want booster stadium and they want it to be refurbished and if that's what the real priority is then I believe board we need to consider saying if the community supports the sales ctax as we now have a document that says all the things that we said we were going to do we left about $9 million of unspent money and I believe that we need to at least dedicate a couple million dollars of that to say community we hear you and if this sales tax becomes a capital funding mechanism for us our student safety which is a part of that tax referendum language that we can update school facilities for the safety of our students and frankly for the community and so that is my plea to you board that we could even make that decision right now uh if it was 2 million three million whatever the number is um but we did leave some money quote unquote unspent of the 335 projected 335 million projected um so that's those are my comments and I certainly would welcome the discussion if you're willing to have it well we that that list that we talked about last Thursday work session and and I again I I support us doing something for booster Stadium we talked about that facilities and theer tax we do know I don't want I don't want anyone walking away from here stating thinking that it's a death def that they're going to get this money for that because as priorities come those that are top priority going to make Trump that I would love to just say we we fix booster but I think we do need to have booster on the plan somewhere but I don't know if we can just say that we're going to take part of those money because it's it's basically like a wish list I think we kind of established that the other day and I don't want the community say you guys said you're going to get us a a new stadium and doesn't happen that way I think we have to have them on the list and and that's why I said a collaborative project with the community taxes are the community um former players us as a whole and I think it can get done I believe it can be getting done um I just don't want the community to walk away saying that they're going to get $2 million or $9 million and it doesn't happen that's that's the only part I'm afraid of if I may um I would just also point out that um it wish list might be one way to put it but I would also say there is a it's a list of board priorities that is a guidance tool it is not uh an endall Beall um as the board was discussing the board was made keenly aware by the everyone that this was that the uh the potential costs were estimates and they were based on a number of factors some which aren't foreseeable um that they could be less or more depending on what was contributed to each of those um and I think that as board guidance um the the list that you've put there in place will then be there will be multiple future opportunities to bring those back to the table for further board discussion on which priorities as those get narrowed down um but of course the items that you want on the list we need to make sure are on the list uh for for board priorities beyond that as to exact details I would recommend for the board that uh to remember that with also After figuring out the the details of what building is going to happen then also there is a citizen Review Committee that's going to happen that will that will much like our ioc does uh review the expenditures and and and help to determine those I would also say that the board typically would encourage people who are civic-minded and would like to participate in such committee and have the experience that might be able to would be appropriate to to encourage them to to do so because we need people doing exactly that um so just if if something isn't if something isn't um uh fractionally a high enough priority on the list tonight um but it is uh something that has at least made the list the relative proportions of money spent um are all things that um are subject to Future an ongoing discussion and I would caution that no one uh from not the board but but any any of our departments would not be allocating specific amounts or doing a fractional breakdown until um we have a lot more certainty so I would treat what the what the board's discussions were as a as a strong and Urgent guidance for what our priorities would be okay Dr James thank you I um I agree with Dr Dr Campbell's sentiment regarding the 5-year work plan and to be honest the reason I had less hesitation about the athletic funding for this year's budget is because we essentially carried forward last year's almost $2 million for um lights and that project essentially didn't get done last year and it's getting done this year I am on 1,000 person a board member who supports um the athletic division of facilities getting north of $2 million annually for costs related to athletic facilities across our district and I would love nothing more than to see Mr Tucker create his own prioritization and get his own budget and he creates a committee and he makes those decisions independent of the facilities Department who manages all of our other academic facilities I would love to see Mr Tucker get $2 million and every year kind has his prioritization and uses those funds as as he and a committee sees fit um I I do believe that that is a necessary step to start addressing needs across the district what I can't get behind is is prioritizing to the tune of millions of dollars one school over another the pictures that were shown tonight are I I could have guessed they were North marians it it looks just the same and so I can't get behind prioritizing one over the other what I can get behind is tuning $1 to2 million annually and the the board collectively deciding or Mr Tucker or Miss doin or whoever deciding how we're going to pick a project that can be done on multiple campuses each year what I love about the lighting project is it's being done at every single school every single school is getting new lights no one school is superior over the other um and it's putting us in a position so that everyone gets to benefit from the prioritization of athletic funding and I want to see that continue uh so that's my position on it I'm not going to personally going to support adding it to our sales tax initiative okay sure Dr Campell thank you um I appreciate the board's comments I know we haven't heard from you yes Vice chair Conrad and while I certainly appreciate the the s of $22 million a year to Athletics it's going to be about a million dollar per track to rubberize them and so the only way that ever gets done is if we start saying one goes a year if we're only doing two million a year um otherwise our brand new high school will be the prioritization because it's the only one that will have one and so is I don't want to be a board member that makes that decision that only the brand new high school gets the the best of the best for their track program and their students and so I believe that this board does need to have a very specific priority list and maybe it's said over the next six years that a million dollars is dedicated to each school to that one project and then the remaining million dollars go to individualized projects that work at every school every school could get a brand new Baseball Stadium scoreboard perhaps or just that's a random project that could benefit all schools we were fortunate this year that the LED lights was something that we could do that could uniformly impact every school um but at some point you're going to run out of those projects that uniformly you can do at $2 million flat and what the real project needs to be is actually redoing the facility itself and so um I certainly have heard that at least one board member is not supportive at all of using the sales her tax uh potentially for a project at at booster Stadium uh I understand that it would need to be a community collaborative effort I completely do I know it was something that was brought up at the technical working group um but I believe that the community has spoken that they want to maintain a property there um which the technical working group actually talked about if we were to move it at Vanguard what would that look like um so I I believe the conversation currently is that they would like for it to stay there and if it does become a community collaboration I would love to see this board say that we would dedicate resources to that as well understanding by attorney Po's cautioning that we don't really know exactly how much some of these other projects are going to cost but the purpose of that long multi- hour conversation we had on Thursday was so those going out in our community including a conversation that happened tonight at 4 4:00 in one of our retirement communities to say here is the Maran County Public School Board prioritization should this ballot referendum that this school board put on the ballot for November should that ballot we have an affirmative in that vote then these are the priorities that the school board has also set forth so at this juncture athletic facilities are not a part of that conversation and that's unfortunate and so I don't know if you have anything else to add Vice chair but that wraps me up I'll just add that I think um every board member is passionate about the athletic Athletics programs here in Maran County I think all of us agree um we're struggling you know in the athletics department and we wish there were more funds available to put into Athletics I am interested in furthering this conversation um at another time and maybe Mr Tucker can bring some ideas forward so that we can discuss them I I'll at one time sure that okay sounds good okay thank Dr Campell for that recommendation because we all we all are very passionate about this athletic um situation with the rubber tracks as well as what was brought forward tonight with booster Stadium um as I said um Miss laer she did a good PowerPoint it was actually disgusting to see some of those pictures but as Dr James said some of those other there's some other places around the county that those Saints pictures can be taken and I think Mr Tucker can help us prioritize those he knows what the needs are um at each School moving moving forward and uh Miss Lauder thank you again for bringing that uh forward not clarify that not to the mic M slau if you don't because we can't hear you I just want to clarify for everybody that we did not we were not aware and none of the people I've talked to are aware that an option was building a stadium at Vanguard High School nobody was aware I don't want everybody thinking oh we don't want to sell the land at booster and use that to build a stadium at Vanguard because we didn't know that was an option so I just want to make sure everybody understand that is not that was not our understanding that that there was enough land to do that if there is enough land to do that then we would obviously you know and we're we I have Community people that are willing to help raise money but they want you guys to meet them halfway they don't want to raise it all so just so you know all right thank you for clarifying that for us okay um finishing up board comments um I just have a few things I want to highlight um this last Sunday uh the Okala film Derby was at uh the Maran theater and we had a a lot of our middle school and high school students that participated and it was a fantastic event um and the most exciting part to me um was the mentors in the group who are currently working um in digital prod production stood on the stage and said this was such a great experience because the students in Marian County public schools are so awesome they know more than we do so they were sharing as experts in the field that the students in Maran County are do just doing phenomenal work in um digital video production so hats off um to that Lorie zinc and we had a lot of teachers and a lot of Staff members U volunteer their time uh Saturday and Sunday so that the students could participate in that and it was a really great event so looking forward to next year um this week the public Education Foundation is um kicking off thank a teacher and so the first winner will be um selected this week so I'm looking forward to that if you're not familiar with thank a teacher please go to the public Ed Foundation site there's a little bit of information there and you can nominate um a teacher that's made a difference in your life so um just looking forward to that um moving forward and recognizing more and more um teachers that are doing great work um at their schools um I also wanted to invite the board um at Church of Hope on November 1st uh John Maxwell's live live to lead um seminar is going to be there from it'll be in from 8: in the morning till 12:30 it is free but I just wanted to invite you all to join me uh if you're a available I've gone the last couple of years and it's really a great uh uplifting time so I hope to see you there um and my final comment uh goes along with what everyone else has shared with the the storm Loom blooming out there um I just want to give a shout out to Westport they always have a heavy lift they're the first ones to open as a shelter um our Sheltering staff that preps and gets everything ready and brings things in uh I'm just really grateful for the work that they do um that helps Marian County Community as a whole and so just hoping everyone um stay safe um stay informed and um we look forward to seeing you next next time okay attorney powers are we going to I just had one question I was trying to get in before you started your comments if that okay Dr gullet um is what based on our conversation will you look at a future agenda maybe this fall that we Mr Tucker could present his priorities and and expected um what his plan would look like to to the board work session in a work session certainly in a work session yes I know he's already done some work with that and working with the athletic directors so we already has a a tentative draft okay so that's something that you can put on in the future absolutely that that would be my request as a board member is to have Mr Tucker who is is our staff person leading that work to be able to present to us on what because as he sees the whole picture that would be they already have a draft yes thank you okay all right are we going to circle around to the conversation about expulsions and at this point I would just ask that um Madam chair that you recognize Dr an henbrook uh and move forward to item 23.1 directly okay thank you need to make a recation thank you Dr HR and you can proceed with item 23.1 and and and read that and she'll you want me to read just read it 23.1 right okay may I have a motion to approve the expulsion of student JD 25-2 JD 25- 003 JD 25-4 JD 25-7 JD 25-9 and JD 26-14 e with Educational Services for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year and the first quarter of the 2025 2026 school year may I have a motion just one correction it's you said 26 but it's JD 25-14 e just to correct JD 2500 014 e the last one you just said oh 014 e with Educational Services for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year and the first quarter of the 2025 20 26 school year okay thank you thank you second second okay and at this point uh board discussion and as per our limitation as we indicated earlier um board the reason I wanted to um discuss this item is I had the same concern as Dr James I was worried that we had students that had already been expelled um they were in trouble again with um an offense that was um could they could be expelled for again and so they are continuing to reain uh stay on MTI campus and um the concerns I've heard from staff about um the level of discipline that Mr Jones has already having to tackle here um it concerned me that we were looking at adding some students who had already been expelled are going to be expelled again um to this campus so I just open it up for discussion Dr oh Dr henbrook so I can um I think I can answer that question so when we started those conversations about expelling students without services and making it a true expulsion we had those conversations towards the end of August the incident dates on these particular cases were early right right when school started so we had not a had that conversation and made that decision yet and the letters had already been sent out so to be true to the communication that we sent to families we move moved forward as we had in the past but after that we had made that decision going forward the future decisions are what we had discussed okay thank you Bo any comments chair um Vice chair at some point we do know that the program here at at Maran technical institution is the the last spot the last point um they are here for disciplinary reasons and you can't and the purpose of them being here is for them to correct that behavior to get some consequence and correct that behavior but if those behaviors continue there has to be a point where um we move to something different um that looks different whether that be an exposion without Services going home with a whatever there has to be some something else other than just bringing them back because it gets to be redundant and there's no real consequence when they just keep coming back and it it becomes a recycle so there has to be some type of um movement Beyond just coming back so I'm an agreement that that needs to we need to do something okay any other comments I'm only other comment that I would make there is um now that we have the process in place I believe that we all have the understanding that any student on this campus that has an another offense that could be expellable we address that accordingly as I believe we did some tonight so um I am of the same opinion and mindset I think that the other board members have shared U that this is the last stop with services and then once another offense occurs we um bid you farewell for the time that you need to get yourself in order and let your family take care of you for a little bit and it's unfortunate that we're coming to that because this district has always been very very supportive to try to help students in struggling situations to still maintain some level of academic support but we've reached a point right now with discipline infractions that are so egregious and continual that family needs to take care of these kids for a little bit and hopefully get them academic services in other ways um but I believe that's those are that's exactly how I feel and I'm prepared to vote on this item right now and can I say this too addition to this I my my thinking is that we do stuff the right way I'm an agreement but I want to to make sure that when we as this is implemented that we implement the right way that it's put up front to these parents to whomever to the students that hey these things are going to happen if you if this happens I don't want to be a surprise to anybody when it gets to the point where this exposion is happening and there's no services I don't want a group of people coming here U trying to Lobby about well we weren't told I want there to be an endstone process that they signed off on it they knew about it and they were being held accountable for those actions that's where I'm at with that Dr hen Brook when um what date would you say that we started following this this new guideline what can we look forward to it was the very end of August is when we started having that conversation so I think we had conversations around August the 30th very early September so anything that's an incident date in August we might still see coming to MTI okay so have we already added a statement to the agreement that says really similar to what Reverend says that say says you are assigned MTI but there are no no more exceptions if you if there's an offense to the student code of conduct you will not re receive Services anymore so you mean like with they're doing an intake um when they're being assigned to MTI during the intake process that's what you're asking Mr Jones and I will make sure that that's clear to families yes and make them don't just make it clear to them I need to see a signature I want to document because that's what comes back to bite us when we don't do it that way where we where it looks like we violate someone's due process I don't want to violate anyone's do processes yes okay and just another question the paperwork that's gone home on these students did it state that it was pending board approval yes okay is it possible to send out uh so what would happen if it was not approved what would your process be if we if the if we did not approve the expulsions they're not approved they would return to base as the recommendation was exposure okay my struggle is that they're all lumped together and so I mean we could parse them apart but if they return to base we can't another packet my problem is this we're looking at drugs and we're looking at Major classroom disruptions for the two students that I'm thinking about and um I can appreciate all of the sentiments that have been shared but I I do not believe it's supportive of the way of work of what's happening on mci's campus for us to because where have these students been since August 13th so one offense was August 13th we're talking about the first week of school so where have they been since August 13th I'm not sure if I really should answer that question publicly on air so my my point is I I don't I don't I don't see the consequence nothing has changed nothing has changed for these students and I'm not okay with it I'm not okay with and I realized the conversation happened at the end of August but we collectively made a decision and so if that means we have to go back and change our paperwork and what we've told the parents based on the conversation the board has had in the different direction then I'm of the opinion that that's what we should should do because that is what best supports the rest of the students learning on the MTI campus in my opinion so I don't I guess attorney Powers could give guidance as to what that looks like whether we parse these out and approve them one by one and then make an alternative recommendation for whichever ones we want or I don't know um it's above my pay grade but well firstly as we're as we're proceeding forward with this at this point these students have had a recommendation this is the recommendation brought by staff that recommendation is one that is within staff's Pur to make and the boards to approve um those are typically um relatively routine unless the option has been taken by a parent either to challenge through the DOA process uh based on the facts and circumstances of the case or to come separately and speak to the board regarding the disciplinary consequences um now in these particular cases neither of those paths were chosen instead they they had consented to the board's or the the recommendation of staff and staff now brings it to the board for approval now I believe that the question that was are cited to staff now is that is whether uh is with this uh approval or with with this recommendation um what are the effects on campus in the future now staff's answer as I heard it is that this is sort of a for lack of a term the last batch of of the sort of direction of student students that would be presented on this campus there won't be more incoming with each new um so by attrition that number will reduce uh as as some of our uh directions are changing um I would Express concerns that if the board either rescinded a recommendation that was already made because you would create public complications because parents have now been told these were your options and here's our recommendation and parents have essentially chosen either chosen to dispute or chosen not to dispute based on what those recommendations were so there could be other complications if the board chooses to either say we Deni the expulsion and in that case as we heard they return to base or did parents not have the option to show up tonight and if if they're well they would have however you do have a potential due process issue there because the fact was they've not shown up tonight because they were told they either have that that that this was a board recommend they they weren't going to come speak to the board about disciplinary consequences because this was the plan that was presented as being in place my question is can we not the no the child the students placement is probably not changing where they were yesterday is where they will be tomorrow and so my question would be can we not just say no tonight and then process a new packet which has without services and then they can they can go ahead and receive an exposion without Services if that's the board's purview but where they're going to school is not changing so it really makes no impact on Mr Jones at mti's campus because there is no difference and so if we just process a new packet and if even if that takes six weeks the consequence that the board board believes is the necessary consequence would still be implemented let me ask a question if the new packet is done those parents get the same new options over absolutely correct am I saying that correct 24 hours that would be correct however it also essentially my concern just to be frank with you because these things are thrown you know they there're immediate ideas we're talking about because this is so speaking off the cuff my immediate concerns that I would want to address and probably need a little time to give you better answers than this are that this is in in prosecutorial terms giving two bytes at the Apple to one side or the other and that's typically disfavored we don't get to uh you don't get into a situation where we are like right now and saying that either either the either side the the the to the degree their sides the staff side or the or the uh uh the parental side has a right to kind of go back and do it again because there was a that that's an that's an appet process I I don't I I would be reluctant to I'd be reluctant to alter what to to set that aside because there could be complications arising from that so we are where we are the board may choose to do exactly that I don't see immediately that there is any strong legal ground that would prohibit the board from doing that um however it could give rise to complaints later that we go back and say okay well because we altered this that puts us into a different process that we have to do down the line that frankly given several different cases it's hard to anticipate where that would turn out and and I'll defer also if staff or even attorney Blackman has anything else to add to that that's my view is I'd be reluctant to make changes that had us put these aside bring them back come back for a rehearing with things changed so much as that might reach the desired outcome I don't know it's procedurally the best idea Dr Kamp sure um so thank you attorney powers for that based on what you've said because there are a minim minimal number right now that we're talking about even that this is impacting I I would be in favor of moving forward with what's been presented the way it's been presented but I also would be interested in entertaining an idea for all students on this campus and I know we're shooting off the cuff here but all students that come to this campus to have something similar to the behavior contract that we give to students that are early re-entry that they understand that their family and each student on this campus signs a behavior contract and if they become in violation of that then they leave this campus and I believe that would accomplish even more tightly what needs to happen from an education standpoint on this campus for students that have made poor decisions but are trying to make more positive decisions as opposed to those students who are going to have continual poor decision- making and so I don't know if that's something Dr gullet that you would be willing to entertain but or board that you would agree with that but that's the thought process that I'm having here that it's not just that we're sending it in their first certified mail letter but when those students come here and their family comes here and they know that's where their placement is that they have a dual signed letter that if they do anything that's a level three or level four or even a level two I don't I mean and it doesn't have to be exactly what that behavior contract is let ask a question Dr Campbell I'm I'll just just for right sure are you saying that when a student is assigned to come here that part of their entry into here is that they signed the behavioral contract up front yes oh I'm good with that yeah yes I I think that that would it's the the piece to me that that's ironic about all of this and I I'm sorry I have to say this for the thing that's ironic to me is the conversation we're having right now for students that were expelled and then have an offense on that same campus that or then expelled again on that we did this for years we just weren't the ones taking care of these students and so that's what's ironic to me about it because we continued to have students that were expelled at new Leaf for surmi and then we would expel them again and they would all go a new leaf and then we expel them again and and we did it for a long but now that we're seeing with our own eyes in our own school what the egregious behaviors have been I agree that we we need to start addressing it differently it's just ironic to me that uh we're we're addressing it this way because it's time and I'm grateful that we're we're going to address it this way because we we have to start separating those students who have an expellable offense but want to do right and the students that have an expellable at fence and are going to continue to make those poor decisions and that's impossible for student learning for everybody else so um if Dr gullet if you the I that behavior contract of some sort uh Dr HR if that's something that we can work on for those students who are coming to this campus uh if we start at October 1 or whatever day we have to have a start date certainly you can start at the beginning of next semester what whatever you need to have from but I think that would solve a lot of the questions that we've been receiving from folks that we've been getting emails and communication as well as our own personal questions Madam Vice chair um thank you for the suggestions board I do want to say this I don't disagree and understand the passion of the board but I also want to share that we've trusted Mr Jones as the principal of the school met with Mr Jones and out of respect for Mr Jones I think he needs to be the one that finally makes the decision what's best for the students that we're supporting we've we've trusted him with that role and out of respect for that I think we need to allow him to some make to make some final decisions and so I agree he needs to be involved in that conversation I agree so in turn though if he is hearing this conversation even right now and agrees with our assertions then that would be a decision that would be supported that he if if that's his recommendation as well okay perfect sure he's listening sure great idea Dr Campbell thank you thank you um my only question really after that conversation is there any way to make that retroactive to have our students that are already here say October 1st whenever that every student that is on this campus signs that contract and um ironically enough that's what we do at our magnet schools they sign a contract that they will um have good behavior so um I'm looking forward to that uh Dr hre is that something that's possible we can look into that okay all right well thank you thank you board I think that was good conversation um challenging topic um but really address some concerns that we have have here right here at MTI so thank you for that can I just ask one clarifying point if there will be any more students who are going to be in an exposion packet who are going to receive Services who were at MTI and offended so if there's any more lingering can we please receive a phone call or something to provide that extra point of clarification of why they're still hanging on to that packet absolutely yes we can do that thank you very good because it was very confusing or it was confusing to me I well I was also confused so we have a motion in a second yes yes okay okay we have a motion and a second um all those in favor say I I I motion motion passes 4 Z okay there being no further business yes I just want to clarify that what just passed was these are expulsions with service Services yes sir but the ones coming in the future be without thank you for that clarification Reverend Cummings I appreciate it okay there being no further business may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second James all right all those in favor say I I I motion passes 40 and with that the meeting is adjourned at 7:49 thank you Mr [Music] [Music] Smith for