##VIDEO ID:FRhT_JGroHY## the Schoolboard work session begins in 1 minute please take your seats again the Schoolboard work session begins in 1 minute e [Music] good Thursday morning everyone I now call the September 19th 2024 administrative briefing and work session of the Marian County School Board to order at 9:00 a.m. please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you please pause with us for a moment of silence please join me thank you I'll Now read our board commitment statement we are the Marian County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first and we will leave a legacy of success I'll now ask our school board attorney to explain the rules for this public work session good morning attorney Powers good morning Madam chair thank you this work session is a public meeting as defined in Florida's Sunshine Law the board is dedicated to full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board's adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will now will allow public regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in the lobby and hand it to the board clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call speakers names in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by the Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout this meeting speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions and respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the Privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information thank you for your attention to these important rules thank you attorney Powers good morning Miss Martinez please provide the proof of publication for today's meeting good morning the notice for the September 19th 2024 work session was published in the Ocala Gazette on September 6th 2024 proof of publication has been attached to board Doss under proof of of publication thank you and we'll now begin the work session with the superintendent's administrative briefing good morning superintendent gullet good morning Madam Cher members of the board very nice to see all of you today I just have a couple of brief items uh first one I want to thank you board for participating in our um what I call our refresh our strategic plan subcommittee work um asked the team and and asked you all to be involved with us in looking at where we are with our strategic plan goals um strategies what's working what needs to change and so they've been very productive um and I want to I appreciate your involvement in those with that said um that was something we were going to bring on October 3rd on the work session that's coming up but we are still working on those um been great work so we will be doing an update with recommendations to the board but that will be later than planned on October 3rd right now we don't have any topics on the 3 we have topics already scheduled through December of this year but um with that item and then another item that was moved up um to today we don't have any topics right now so I will'll let you know that the other item I think is really critical that I just want to mention um publicly this morning uh we all are aware of a lot of social media threats that are out there I urge our students and our community if you hear something please report it to the proper Authority um spreading it with others um posting it reposting it just adds harm um so we want to make sure that anything of threat gets reported appropriately so that we can work together and allow our our amazing law enforcement um and safe school team to address items of concern but this is a not only a local issue but it's a national issue and we will not uh we have no tolerance for students who are posting things that are threatening nature and we are going to see through those consequences fully for any student who's participating so just urge everyone um from their due diligence and making our students aware that we are not we're not playing around we want to make sure that everyone feels safe coming to school and and those um situations are being addressed fully and completely so thank you for your time that concludes my briefing board thank you Dr gullet I think we're ready for our first item okay terrific thank you so I'm pleased this morning to present Miss Morant who's going to kick kick off our conversation this morning with um our salary study presentation as you know we had a uh a consultant look at um the work and look at our salaries and and do um a real dedicated job in comparison and where we would like to be as a district so turn it over to miss Morant at this time thank you good morning and thank you Dr gullet good morning chair thrower thrower and members of the board I am excited to introduce Miss Ali Crumpler who is the senior consultant with Evergreen Solutions LLC as Dr gullet mentioned and I'm sure you all recall Evergreen was approved by the do the board in the fall of 2023 to complete a compensation and classification study for Maran County Public Schools this extensive study includes an assessment of current conditions employee Outreach a job assessment tool Market survey and lastly recommendations of potential changes and next steps to our salary schedule Miss Crumpler will share the outcome of the different project phases during her presentation which includes the recommendations to the current salary schedules it is the recommendation of the superintendent CFO and human resources to present the potential adjusted salary schedule to the board for approval effective fiscal year 2025 2026 which would allow an opportunity to budget for the increase as potential increases were not budgeted for the 2425 fiscal year of course this would include bargaining with the respective unions regarding their salary schedule recommendations we will provide additional information to the board as Dr gullet Miss Boston Ellis myself and our respective departments determine the specific plan of implementation and without further delay I welcome Miss crumer to the podium thank you good morning good morning um so as Miss Maria mentioned my name is Ali kumler a senior consultant with Evergreen Solutions uh very excited to present uh the results of our classification and compensation study to you all today uh so just to discuss or to provide an overview of what we'll discuss today so we'll talk about our study goals so why do a classification and compensation study uh we'll talk about the project phases so what Evergreen has been doing uh behind the scenes this whole time and then our subsequent recommendations that we are making to the district as a result of our analysis uh so for this study specifically our goals were to review the current classification and compensation system that is present within the district um to ensure an appropriate internal alignment of positions so that looks uh um encompasses looking at your positions and the internal hierarchy of those um making sure that they're slotted appropriately in terms of the roles responsibilities and risk that each position entails within the district uh we also surveyed peer organizations to ensure external Equity or Market competitiveness and then based on those two factors um we aim to provide the district with recommendations including an updated compensation and classific ation system that will assist Recruitment and Retention of your employees um so for this study spe specifically uh we kicked off your study way back in October of last year so almost a year ago and at that time we asked your District leaders leadership team for quite a bit of data uh so we asked for the employee database which included the information for all employees that were included within the study we asked for all salary schedules for those positions so how those positions are being paid currently ly within the district uh all job descriptions for those positions all organizational charts for uh District departments and then any Personnel policies and procedures related to classification and compensation once we received that information we were able to officially start your project um which encompasses all of these different project phases which we will go through in depth um so we start with the assessment of current conditions we then uh move into an employee Outreach phase days we also asked employees to complete what's called a job assessment Tool uh we also completed your Market survey and then encompassing all of that information we used to um make recommendations to the district so starting with your the assessment of current conditions which really gives us a snapshot in time of where the district started um when the study began and really provides the Baseline for recommendations moving forward so looking at the compensation system that is currently in place within the district um we can see that it is a combination of salary scales with with both steps and placement plans um so the this particular study included 10 different groups of employees within the district so that included your assistant principles principles athletic trainers non-instructional management and support services your DSP employees administrative employees Mees employees your public Education Foundation employees your iupat employees and your confidential secretaries uh so we can see that you know based on how these employees are currently being paid within the district um your assistant principles and principles are based on placement plans um so they are placed into a salary based on their years of service and experience um there are flat rates uh currently being utilized for your athletic trainers and then step plans for all other positions so a step plan is um um a plan where there is a minimum starting salary and a maximum earning salary and then there are predefined steps um in between those two um pay rates and employees move through those uh plans accordingly um the first thing that we noticed um in reviewing these um the current plans that are in place within the district is that the district has very narrow range spreads so a range spread is the distance between the minimum starting salary to the maximum earning salary and uh you know looking at the ones that do have range spreads so you know there is a minimum starting to a maximum earning um those range spreads are narrow so on average within the district your current um average range spread is 133% um best practice within HR um typically calls for a range spread between 50 to 70% although some smaller organizations do utilize a 40 to 60% range spread so um um your your current range spreads again average of 133% but that varies between 9% to 34% so on average very narrow um and this narrow range spread does affect the earning potential for your employees um but if we look at how employees are progressing through their salary ranges so for employees that do have a set salary range um the majority of them are being paid within 5% of their expected placement so this does indicate to us that although you do have narrow range spreads your employees are progressing through those range spreads as the model would anticipate based on a 30-year progression plan um so once we completed your assessment of current conditions we moved into your employee Outreach phase of the study um so for this we sent an Outreach survey so an anonymous Outreach survey was sent to all employees included in within the study um via email in February of this year and we left that survey window open for 3 weeks um so during that 3-e period we received over 750 responses so roughly 23% completion for your uh employees that were included within this study and we asked them quite a bit of information and and opinions uh related to the district's current classification and compensation system and I want to stress here that these are employee uh opinions not necessarily that of uh the school district or that of Evergreen Solutions uh so we asked employees to sh share why they came to work for the district as as well as why they remain working here um so you can see the most common response was the benefits package they're very appreciative of the benefits that are provided to them uh through working in the district uh many employees mentioned the location um many of them mentioned that they uh live in Maran County and so they enjoy working where they live um they enjoy making an impact on the students and their local community and many employees share that they enjoy the work schedule and the holidays are provided to them by working here uh so many employees share that they came from working in the private sector uh where they often had to work nights and weekends so having a schedule that is similar to that of their children they were very appreciative of so we also asked employees perceptions uh regarding how the district should approach uh being more competitive within their external market and how to better recruit and retain their employees so again employees felt that the district should increase compensation for employees so just higher salary across the board um increase pay ranges so again increasing the minimum starting salaries and the maximum earning salaries and then to uh employees felt that the district should provide additional cost of living adjustments to account for inflation and the current cost of living we also asked employees to share their classification concerns um generally employees were were more positive about the classification system that is currently in place within the district um 40 one roughly 41% of respondents felt that there are limited opportunities um for uh career growth um but roughly 25% uh stated they were unsure if more levels were needed so you know additional room to move within their classifications um the majority of p uh respondents so roughly 56% stated that they felt their job description was accurate and does encompass the roles and responsibilities of their position and most respondents felt that their job title accurately described their role which is great uh so we also asked employees to share their concerns related to compensation so on a scale of 1 to 10 with one being the lowest and 10 being the highest a satisfaction regarding their current compensation within the district was rated at a 4.6 um so roughly 33% of respondents rated um their satisfaction as a three or less roughly 133% of respondents rated their satisfaction at an eight or more um roughly 54% of respondents felt that compensation practices so um how pay grades are assigned how raises are given are unfair between employees and or Department schools or bargaining units um so we also asked employees what their top priorities would be for this study and what they would like to see the district address through a study such as this um those top three priorities would be competitive compensation with Market peers adjusting comp compensation to account for the High Cost of Living and then accurately aligning compensation within the district again according to those um roles responsibilities and risk we also asked employees to complete what's called a job assessment tool or a jat and this is really our version of a desk audit so we ask employees to provide information on their roles and responsibilities or what they're asked to do every day when they come to work um so every employee that was included within the study if we had an email address address for them we sent them uh this tool and we received approximately 19% completion on this job assessment tool um so this was open for about four weeks to collect employee feedback um and we like to get um 50% completion but um in this instance um we did use Uh current job descriptions if we were unable to receive employe feedback um with the employee feedback that we did receive um that represented roughly 67 % of the classifications that are currently being utilized um within those groups in the district um So based on this analysis of the job assessment tool and again those uh current job descriptions we were able to analyze each submission to uh review that internal hierarchy within the district to make sure that it um positions were in appropriate alignment um at the same time we also completed your Market survey so um you can see here these were the peers that were selected for your salary survey survey or comparison um for your ranges in comparison to their current ranges so I want to stress here that we are looking at pay ranges not individual employee salaries so we're looking at how your minimum starting salary compares to your peers minimum starting salary and their maximum earning salary uh versus your maximum earning salary not individual employee salaries um so you can see three uh peers here did not pro provide information um the rest of them we did receive good information from so for this Market survey we did use 100 classifications or uh District positions as benchmarks for that we're looking at the roles and responsibilities of the position not just the title as it may be called something different in another area and through this analysis we were able to collect 829 different data points um these market results were finalized in April of this year so again this was looking at uh Market data from the 2324 school year um so looking at that data on average across all of those peers that we collected information from um you can see that the the district salary ranges are on average well above um the market minimum of that of your peers so at the minimum so your minimum starting salaries are roughly 13.7% above that of your Market peers however as I mentioned before you do have narrow range spreads so while you are making quite a bit of of ground at the beginning you're losing ground towards the maximum end of your scale because your ranges are on average much narrower than that of your peers um so where you start 13.7% above Market minimums on average at the midpoint or the middle of your pay ranges you're roughly 1.8% below that of your Market peers and at the maximum end of your range you're roughly 15.2% below um the market maximums um so again the that is just simply due that your range spreads are much narrower than that of your peers so I think on average your um peer ranges were roughly 55% where on average yours are 16% so or 133% I believe um so taking all of this information into account um you know we want to provide the the district with recommendations moving forward um but we also want to make sure that we are providing a the district with a plan that is going to be fiscally sustainable um and and something that you can afford to implement now and in the future um so we want to uh suggest to the district to adjust that Plans by expanding range spreads as much as possible um in year one with a recommendation for the district to continue to increase range spreads in subsequent years to make you more competitive at the maximum end of your scales um so we want to um expand your range spreads by keeping your current minimums so your current minimums are already in good shape um we want to utilize your existing step structure that seems to be working again employees seem to be progressing appropriately through those plans and then no changes to assistant principal or principal since they are based on placement plans again those placement plans um you're already well ahead at the minimums so um your assistant principles and principles seem to be being placed appropriately um you know then just making sure that they're receiving increases as appropriate um in moving through their plans um so you can see here we do have your proposed salary plan so this is your administrative plan um very similar to the structure that is already in place within the district you can see that we widened your range spreads to a more even 20% um pay grade 97 was already at a 34% range spread so we left it at 34% um the previous range spread for the other pay grades within this plan were previously 133% so we've widened those to 20% for your confidential employees the previous uh average range spread was 14% so again we've widened that to 20% for you in year one uh for your DSP employees U current average range spread is 133% so again we've widened that out to 20% for you iupat um the current average range spread for this plan was already 24% so we just made it a consistent 25% for this um employee group um for your Maran after school program um current average range spread was 133% so we've widened that again to 20% for you um for your M employees the current average range spread for this was 10% so again widen it to 20% in year one and then for your non-instructional management a current average range spread was 133% widened it to that common 20% and then for your public education Foundation Uh current average range spread was 133% we've widened that again to that 20% um so really we're we're widening those ranges in increasing the earning potential for your employees um you know again that recommendation would be for you to continue to re um increase those range spreads as budget allows um for you to be more competitive with your peers at the maximum in of your range um for this um implementation cost so widening those ranges to 20% in the first year looking at base salaries only um and then readjusting some of your positions within your plans for um internal alignment based on that those rules responsibilities and risk um the estimated implementation cost is roughly 2.47 million um this is an estimated cost only uh we would work with your um Finance folks and HR to make sure that we have the best numbers moving forward um sub quent recommendations for the district from Evergreen we would recommend that uh the district Implement eight updated pay plans for the employees that were included within uh the study slot all classifications into these plans based on that external and internal alignment and then transition employees salaries into the new plans um with the salary ranges for all classifications um we would also again recommend that the district Implement a u a multi-year approach to extend salary ranges um to a level that is going to be more competitive with your Market peers and then we would suggest that the district continue to conduct small scale salary surveys as needed to adjust uh to assess Market competitiveness especially for your hard-to-fill positions or positions that you have a lot of turnover just to make sure that you're maintaining a check on the market and that those positions are aligned appropriately um we would also recommend that the district review and revise as appropriate existing pay practice guidelines including those for determining salaries of newly hired employees progressing employee salaries through their ranges and determining pay increases or decreases for employees whove been promoted or demoted as appropriate um we also provided the district with all of the information we received um through our job assessment tool process um so our final recommendation would be to review and revise all job descriptions as necessary to make sure that um you are accurately capturing those roles responsibilities and risk as necessary questions for me thank you thank you so much for the presentation I wanted to see Miss morand is there anything that you want to add at this point or do you want to allow the board to just answer questions so um I shared the recommendation earlier um which would be to implement 25 26 school year um I think other than that we would welcome any questions from the board thank you all right we will open it up for board discussion board member Kim sure so um two quick questions come to mind specifically relating to the public education foundation and also Mary and after school programs so while they're both included in the study and a completely appreciate that public Education Foundation specifically we do not have control over their salary ranges because those are indep ently voted upon by their board so I'm assuming that those are probably included in the Evergreen study in that 2436 million but in my opinion would need to be pulled out because again we do not have control over their salary schedules uh Maring after school programs is also a unique one I'm sure that's also included in the 2.43 Six Million but because it's a self-sustaining program in order for us to raise their salaries they have to raise their prices and so that also is a very unique one so while we're looking comprehensive Ely at this those two in particular I think we have to take very special note of because I don't know that they belong in the same I completely respect the the recommendation but I don't know that they belong in the rest of the salary study conversation um the only real question that I have though is because it was noted that we're already above our Market peers on our minimum salaries by 133% which is terrific would it be the recommendation then moving forward and I know this would have to be bargained in a real conversation to have but moving forward to not change our minimum salaries at least for several years but continue to change the the additional stair steps but leave our minimums where they are first year this is what you make and obviously since we're so well above our Market peers we could start closing those gaps higher up the chain as opposed to actually adjusting that because we adjust that minimum every year and so if we stopped that that would give us more room to adjust those higher year after year is that would that be the recommendation so I'll I'll address the first part of your question just um and I don't disagree with you as far as pulling out the public Ed foundation and map but just so you know or have the information um and when you're looking at the totals map is approximately 50,000 of that 2.4 and the public Ed Foundation um uh like 1,600 so we pull that out just so we can be updated on what that total is So but I don't disagree with the point you're making as far as the recommendations so specifically for the study and what we want to implement for 2526 there is the recommendation is not to increase that starting salary however that is separate from the employees that are actually in those positions so some of the conversation that I mentioned that we would take back with HR the superintendent the CFO would look at would look at what does that look like as far as an increase for those individuals because as you know with our Steps step one and two really is one step so you can if you're coming in you're joining at step one that's great but if you've been here and you're step one now and you're going to step two you wouldn't realize a raise a receive a raise along with your peers so we are looking at ways or what that would look like to implement additional increases across the board when we're implementing the study if that's clear but these numbers and this is what Miss crumer some of what she was alluding to the data we pulled and you'll probably see based on some of the titles was we provided that information in the fall so already that information is outdated and there are employees that have come employees that have left positions that we don't even have anymore so we really need to sit down and actually cost out with the folks that we have right now and anticipate for 25 26 to be able to make the recommendation of what it would actually be for those folks who would be in you know progressing to step two so and understandably we have to have a starting point and say from this point on anybody hired starts at this minimum anybody in this St and that that's understandable there has to be a starting point and so whatever that date is determined July 1 2025 fine and if you start from that point on then that's how we I just see it as because we are already above our Market peers with minimums rather than every year having a conversation of adjusting the minimum minimum needs to stay the same and that's across the board as far as I can see based on the study that minimum needs to stay the same and then we can progressively assist all the others that are with us long we're rewarding longevity is essentially what this is and and I agree that we need to continue to do that in an even stronger way than we have in the past so thank you for the study thank you board member Campbell board member James sure um a couple a couple remarks I have um I completely concur with Dr Campbell and the recommendation going forward to I understanding too that that is going to be part of our bargaining process and if they come back and say they're not okay with that then that will have to be a part of the conversation we discuss um on slide 11 you referenced the um 50 something per stating that the raises were unfair or the placements were unfair if you go back to the slide I could maybe state it exactly but I I just wanted to seek clarification when we do those items that is not an us thing from the board as much as it is the union and the representation is that an accurate statement so I I think did we provide the raw data for this survey so you know and this is really the you know employee perceptions that these compensation practices are unfair um they may have provided some additional information um regarding that percentage um did you make so so to answer your question yes for mesp IET the that those salaries are bargained through that bargaining process and then after the bargaining process is when our non-represented they um receive a a um a salary or an increase or a suggested increase but yes the vast majority of our employees their increases do come through that bargaining process and what we do for non-represented is essentially the comparable equivalent to what we do for or lower or lower and so maybe what I'm asking is and I guess maybe I should have done a better job of digging into this particular item but these respondents are they represented was is the is our guess that they are represented from those non non represented areas I'm just trying to pinpoint is this complaint more of like a union negotiation bargaining issue or is this non-represented individuals do you know what I'm trying to say I would have to confirm and if I had to guess though I would say it probably was even across the board and I think a lot of it like Miss Crumpler said it's their perception and it comes from not understanding the process a lot of times the folks who aren't at the table they may not all realize what that process looks like for for bargaining but I can't say that with certainty without having that data in front of me and it's been a few months since I've it's not a make or break for this conversation I'm just I I it it unfair was a a word that stood out to me and I just wanted to understand if that was something that was in our control we plan for next year based on your recommendation or if it's something that is really in the hands of the bargaining units and they have more control over it I think Dr Campbell has something she I just if the chair if it's okay I I just wanted to mention depending on again who this body of people are U that or the who the body is especially with a non-represented in previous administrations there had been times where employees were placed on a salary schedule and they skipped steps M and that decision was made in Prior not under Dr gullet but in Prior administrations people have come in at the highest range just as a beginning and so if people have been here for five years or longer they're going to believe that's unfair and there's still a lot of hold out I think of people that know that occurred I think that she's probably accurate in that statement that may actually make I hadn't that part hadn't occurred to me but you're probably right that it's probably more reflective of um historical practices than year-to-year practices thank you for that so then my only other question and this is something I've brought up many a time is the principal and assistant principal placement so I think that's one of the first few slides here um where it's brought up and today still this year we are having principles who are placed on year zero or one of the salary schedule who have former principal experience in other districts and then have leadership coordinator experience in this district and if they had come from being a principal in another County directly to being a principal in this County they would have been placed with those 12 years of experience but because they served in a pseudo administrative capacity within our district like a coordinator or director and then went back to a school they are placed on Year One and I fundamentally and I have said this before am in complete disagreement on this placement because if we are going to place people and then essentially freeze them there for the rest of their principal ship other than the annual raises there is no opportunity for them to and to move up in any direction then we should be placing them based on all of their years of like experience regardless of what level it was at so this particular individual that I'm thinking of right now had years of principal leadership in another district and is a year one Elementary principle right now and that is not okay with me and that is a practice in Marian County as it exists and I would still two years later still like to see that practice changed because it is not reflective of the years of experience that individual has and and I can address that and I um I don't disagree with you and that is what the current practice is um and one of Miss kumler mentioned one of the recommendations that they had is to look at how and the those are our procedures how the placement is done for individuals and in all transparency it doesn't just impact our principles and APS it impacts anyone who's on that administrative salary um schedule so again coming back to because it's a bigger picture than what we're talking about today just salary schedules it's it's placement and everything so we will be able to work and make recommendations on ways to improve change edit update what the placement looks like and not just for administrative um positions but across the board so when is that is that going to be come to the board before July 1st of 2025 then that's the intention and it will be we're going to retroactively adjust placements well and and that's why it's a larger conversation and so it's a procedure right now so guess you guys if you want us to bring it back to a work session that's certainly something that can be done um however I was not here but it's been shared with me just to kind of give you an example when it changed for those who are on the confidential salary schedule before you could not bring outside experience and then it changed and you're able to do up to five years so the way they implemented that was over a Year's process they had time to you know give that proof but those things were done in steps because you have to Bud for that as well so I don't want to off the cuff say you know next week next month but I'm definitely happy to provide updates but it it will you know that is something that has to be adjusted as we look at not just the placement again of ap's principles but anyone on the administrative salary schedule and then really across the board at that placement okay I mean I know as one board member I this has been something and I'm looking at Miss Connor because she and I have had this conversation and and she when she was serving in the principal role I I have a fundamental issue with it and I would love to see this Board address where we're placing and specifically I guess I'm talking about APS and principles because I feel like they move around a lot and move from one place to another and one level to another and um that is what is top of mind for me but certainly we could look at all administrative placements um but I I think that it needs to be addressed and we need to come up with a plan to put people where they're supposed to be based on their years experience because it's I mean right now we have a principal making $1,000 more I think than she did as a coordinator and the job she's doing as a principal is significantly more challenging than the job she was doing as a coordinator and we're going to wind up losing employees because they're not being properly compensated for their years of experience and they could go to a neighboring district and make more money for their years of experience again I I don't disagree and part of the implementation and the recommendation is to look at those practices that we have in place and then we'll be able to make recommendations based on what you've shared based on what principles have shared based on other directors other employees and then also of course our peers okay well I would love to see a plan for when that will be able to be presented to us either privately or publicly so that we can start addressing the issue thank you you're welcome thank you board member James um and that is the plan to have followup on this because in totality after reviewing all of these positions I I think that there's been some um immediate uh opportunities to make things um the way we know will help us as as a district in terms of retaining so I am in agreement with with Dr James on that particular item but also on all of the items as they have gotten identified um they're all important and there is and I share the sense of urgency I will say um for remember com good morning um Miss Mor and I'm just asking for clarification and I think thank you for the presentation um ma' the we are at a higher rate for the starting the minimums on average yes on average okay I just kind of want want you to kind of share why we are at a higher rate for minimum because I think sometimes the public doesn't understand some things that have happened why we got to a higher minimum on some of these things um during covid I know that there were some extra things that we did we also some legislation that said we had to move um our the uh minimum wage up and can you explain that process please a little bit so they could so that the people know what's going on so I would say there is a um combination of things that have allowed us to increase our Sal our minimum salary so like you said covid um um and outside of I would even say Co but the the directions that we were given to bring everyone up $15 so that impacted that group um and then that of course created compression along the way also as a whole or the district I think historically the focus even when we go into negotiations and that's shifted in the last few years that the focus has always been on starting pay so we've put a lot of our attention um money emphasis on starting pay and attracting employees to come to the district and what we've seen and I think we kind of known with the study because our ranges are so narrow we do a lot to attract but then it misses out on that retention piece so the primary focus has been on getting folks here if we're talking salary only but a lot of other factors as you mentioned have help different pockets of our different salary schedules increase as well and I asked that because um one of the issues that we've had since I've been on the board was Recruitment and this is part of why our minimums are a little bit higher or because we were trying to recruit people now the compression has hurt us because we get them but we can't keep them we can't retain them so U I think this is what the study is showing that we do I again this is a great study um but we do I think we have to go with your recommendation and see how we move yeah because because what we we essentially we're doing is increasing that starting pay but if we increased it by 10% or whatever we're not allowing that to trickle to the to the higher ranges so that will continue to create that compression issue there thank you thank you board member Cummings and yes to piggyback on that you know we had the at the state level the the change in the minimum salary for teachers and that was great um but it did uh to me the salary really the salary study there isn't a lot of surprises in it you know it's what we've it's our lived experience all right uh Vice chair comrade um I just really my fellow board members have said um everything very well um I along with uh Dr James am concerned and happy that it was brought forward about our administrative um pay scale I I do feel that it's urgent um I don't want to lose any more staff members so I would like get brought forward what kind of financial impact that will have on us as soon as possible if if we updated our administrators to um their years of service in that area and how much that would increase our budget for um our administrators is that something we can get an estimate because it would be based on the years of service that folks have provided us and we document it in there but it first it'll be a sitting down and determining what this now looks like and then from there it'll be an estimate but I would say whatever estimate is presented it would be probably lower than what it really is because if they didn't think their years of service were going to count we may not have it on on file but we can provide by what we have and go from there okay I was looking at Miss Boston Ellis she was not giving me facial expressions I'm Not Looking Back I'm sorry yeah we had did you have something I I was just going to quickly say I I completely concur with getting this fixed as soon as possible in part because our administrators often don't aren't picking the jobs they're in a lot of times we have folks that are placed in positions and so when that occurs that's not even something they've necessarily personally chosen to apply for a position to move to so we have to get this administrator thing fixed I I completely concur with that member comment I do have another question and I just want to know how how you get to this amount of this this number the range spreads are 20% some are 25% um why how did we get to 20% spread versus a 15% spread or 18% so um Miss crumer she mention it quickly but I can elaborate on that so as she shared um peers their spreads are 50 to 70% so what Evergreen has recommended to us in a cost effective way that first year being 20% the reason why 25% for iupat is because there already at a 24% spread so not you know of course no recommendation to decrease that but also part of their recommendation was to continue looking at this don't allow this to be a oneandone um but to look at it year-over-year and if you know possible if we are able to continue expanding that but also realizing it has to be um sustainable as well because anything we do related to salary those will be recurring cost that we have so it's allowing if we do 20% and then if we're able to come back and spread it more but this is like that jump off point to get us um where we want to be thank you board member comings board member James did you have something else no I don't think so I love everyone's uh desire for urgency and Dr Kimbell makes a very good point and I think one of the things that bothers me most is that you can be in a position and have been placed at year one and I'm so let's say I'm a first year principal I'm a year one principal and that's where I am because I got a princip principal ship in Maran County let's say I'm a principal for 6 years um I could use someone in our audience as an example but I won't and then I come to a district office job and then maybe let's say I go back to a school so then I go back to the school where am I placed am I placed at year seven for principal ship because if I had not left my school I would have been stuck at year one but because I did onee stent at the County office I come back and know I'm at year seven or year six and that is not Equitable to the principal who didn't leave the school and maybe that principal didn't even want to come to the county office or maybe they did there's so many variables but the point is that the process is not Equitable at all and it is not properly reflective of people's years of experience so so again I share your concern and the concerns that you all continue to um Express and the the plan is to go back look at it and see if ways that we can update it that is beneficial for our employees and I've heard several say that this is urgent so we we can comply with that I I mean I don't honestly know how else to express that but I do appreciate the the feedback but from where I'm standing right now I can't do anything but the plan is to go back and provide updates wonderful thank you anything else um from the board no just thank you for the presentation I don't I think I said that when I was sharing but thank you very much it was a lot of information um we appreciate you bringing it forward and sharing it with us thank you Vice chair Conrad and yes I wanted to say and extend my gratitude U no one even remembers um including people that have been in this district for a really long time a salary study being done and so I am really grateful for our continued commitment to professionalizing our practices and getting in line uh with the other um entities that we're competing with Miss crumer thank you for a great study I think I said before that it really I didn't really see too many major surprises um you know this minimum salary thing especially with teachers you know simply mirrors State priorities in public education the last few years and so we have to to be able to shift and be able to make sure that we are extending you know that same that same compensation um equitably across the board so that is a challenge because if there's two words that I'll always take with me no matter where I am um for the rest of my life it's recurring cost and so there's but there's some heavy needs here and it from what I'm hearing from the rest of this board you know we're committed and and staff um to to meeting them I am a little distressed I I hope that this improves in in the future that we will have more than um more more response you know I thought it was kind of ironic that our recent voter turnout in the primary election was around the same as what we got in our survey responses 23% for all the complaining that happens is you know a little frustrating um but yet there's been suspicion Through The Years in this district and you know how private really is this and what's going to be the retaliation if I participate but at some point we have to you know take a deep breath and jump back in the pool because that's what we're here for and I I hope that anyone that's tuning in is hearing from the collective body you know that we are committed to to supporting and and getting this right and creating a range and spread that that makes sense um and I couldn't be happier about that I hope this jat the job assessment tool ends up being um being re redone uh it I'm not sure what the best practice is for all for how often that should occur but it's employees opportunity to share you know what they what they do and in general from my experience including in the private sector they end up on top you know I don't know that I've ever been in a job or a company where it resulted in less money and so I think because this is so new because it hasn't really been done in anyone's recent memory um I think we'll see more participation and feedback as as time goes on especially as the results begin to roll out you know a lot of people are at this point in life it's like show me talking about it is great but but show me and thank you chair Thor for your comments and one thing I will add that's great with our um contract with Evergreen solutions they do um part of our contract is we will have them um for the next year so and part of having them includes assistance and implementation if we have questions if we want to run different numbers and then also some of the tools that they utilize we will be able to utilize those so as it mentioned um in Miss crumpler's uh presentation doing small scale studies we will have some of the tools to be able to do some of the things that they did on a smaller scale so all of that to say um the goal is not a oneand done um we do it and we're done but realizing that this will be continual work and the partnership with Evergreen allows us to continue that that's fantastic and as a best practice what is the typical amount of of time between these formal salary studies in other words how often should they really be done I I can answer that um based on um uh Evergreen and consultation and and um best practice every 3 to 5 years um because the information or the data we have does become stale um just like we give our folks increases um other school districts other entities organizations they give increases as well so that best practice is every 3 to five years to do a new study thank you um that's really helpful information and the last thing I have is just looking at the hard to fill a lot of turnover positions I know that we have to um balance what we know our needs are you know with Union negotiations and so on and and I think sometimes you know other employees in different job classifications are like well you know why is that job any more important it all jobs are important but if certain categories are historically hard to fill and there's a lot of turnover then my answer to that would be go ahead and and apply for that position you know we we have got to get these positions that have been historically so hard to Phill um and and we're going to have to really negotiate that I know um but that's fundamental you know to Our Success so that's all I have um again I thank you so much it's thank you I I just want to ensure we all leave on the same page so we are at a consensus as far as the the salary ranges that will we will work on that process and what the plan for implementation for the 2526 school year understanding bargaining for the bargaining units and then as far as placement across the board for all of our employees we're going to look at updating the way those procedures are written and that's done with emphasis and priority on the administrative which includes administrative ap's principles and that not necessarily we're not waiting on that for 2526 I just want to be very clear on where we're leaving today with the priorities and the steps forward for us thank you I see nods from from the board that was a great wrap up I'm Dr gullet did you something that before we give our thank you I I do I I appreciate that um Madam chair um I just want to take a moment to thank the team um and board I appreciate your comments the sense of urgency is the reason we're here today because I've heard firsthand in all the years I've been here of those unique situations and the um let's just say it wasn't systematic where people were placed in the salaries they received and this is I think you said it very well Madam chair professionalizing the organization so the only way we build trust in this organization and operate as a business is that people understand where they are why they're there and and we have to be true and we have to be good stewards of our taxpayer dollars to to operate as a business that way um in my as far as I understand there's never been a salary steady so when you talk about three to five years I think hopefully moving forward that will continue but tough conversations a lot of work a lot of budgeting needed looking at Miss Boston Nellis we've had a lot of conversations around this but we are here because of the sense of urgency and we we no longer want to hear about and and try to explain to employees we can't help you understand why you're there but we're going to get this right and it's going to take some time but we are here and committed to doing that because that's what makes us a a great place to work so I just want to again thank the team thank the commitment thank our employees um we are here because of them and we value their work and we're here to do the right things and do it the right way so just think it's important to share that thank you absolutely it's big and is important thank you I agree all right if there's nothing else is there any public comment hearing and seeing none toss it back to Dr goet for our next item thank you so our last official item this morning I'll be bringing Mr mcfaden forward and he is going to provide our annual update on our uh our school assessment um tool in our plans um to the fullest extent that we can share publicly aboard I I know you all know this but I'm going to remind you the board the public more more um than the board that there are certain things we cannot share publicly for safety reasons but but certainly we're here to provide an update on our plan and thank Mr mcfaden for his work thank you yes ma'am good morning and thank you uh good morning to chair throw Vice chair Conrad all the board members Dr gullet again we are here to share uh our Florida safe schools assessment tube which is better known as the fsat uh updates along with recommendations as we go through this program we're going to have several people coming up not just myself but with us today we'll have Cynthia Barnes who is our safe schools coordinator Melissa Connor the school board the school base crisis planning and Corey tayor who is the district threat management coordinator so as we do with all of our recommendations we gear everything towards our goal which we're goal to which is safe and positive learning and working environments but as you can see everything safe schools does kind of touches everything in here maybe not so much talent management but for every other goal we have a resp responsibility to number one you know Student Success uh if they feel safe in the classroom they're going to learn better fiscal and operational efficiency as well as Community engagement and commitments as you can see like Dr gullet mentioned today U earlier about all the different threats um we are responsible for trying to ease and calm down some of the fears in our community when these things are going on so again that's part of of goal three so the Florida safe schools assessment to we come to you every year to discuss this here and as you should be aware of or aware this is a confidential document and I I just kind of took some notes and as we've been doing this here this is a tool that is used across the State of Florida uh every District uses it and it's mandated to be used in order for us to sub uh secure our funding as well as meet some of the mandates um of of of the of the state as I was looking at our assessments we're probably answering or responding to well over 500 questions or sections about 10 sections with over 500 yes no comment sections for each School in the district so the te the school based uh School administrators do their conduct their fsat or complete their fsat and again it's over 500 responses that they're given uh in that assessment and then the uh safe School Department reviews every one of those to make sure that their answers are um accurate for their specific schools and um once that's done we'll submit we have to submit by October 1st for the school based assessments November 1st by the district assessments okay um so we come to you today to give you updates and some school hardening rep recommendations so as a priority some some of our priority projects and keep in mind there was some languages words that was says earlier that greatly impacts what we do every day that's recurring cost and best practices um every recommendation or every school hardening project we put in place we don't put them up and after two or three years or four years take them down this is something that's going to be here throughout our lifetime because of the world we live in today so cameras maintenance is as a big priority right now because even though we're putting in new cameras the ones that have been in the district for years and years and years are beginning to get um get older and not as effective so we got to replace them um we did get um part of our school Securities hardening Grant we got roughly $644,000 well I say we we haven't received it yet but it was based on last year's fsat and we know that funding is coming but the state has to review every again every fat for all across the state and they're working on approving that and once that's done we dedicated all of that Finance all of those fundings to cameras because we knew uh the area of cameras and and needing cameras throughout the district was a critical need uh door buzzers uh we we pretty much completed there's a door buzzer at every school but then there are some unique situations where again we're still adding door buzzers to some special special doors um but these these are the things we're doing fense maintenance 3M film continuation bus and mobile radios mobile Panic alert system access control for doors access control for Gates Again going back to the cameras um adding a making sure we add a camera to all front doors at one point we was just thinking about line of sight but moving forward we want to make sure we add a camera to all front doors regardless of whether you can visually see that person through the door or the glass we want to add cameras there and it complement the door buzzer again additional cameras at every site for increased coverage to include exterior coverage what we're noticing is that we're we're we're getting a lot of interior coverage some interior coverage but the exterior um there's been some times where we needed some exterior coverage for cameras so now we're beginning to focus on that and keep in mind when we do exterior covers with these cameras it may require a higher uh quality camera because of the weather so there's a lot again that goes into this year we work work work with technology to get that done uh again door buzzers installing the door buzzers in schools with unique challenges and installing door buzzers at Marian after school programs we went through the Maran after school program and we put up some again fencing specific fencing that allows parents to go only to the map areas because at one point the cam the campus was pretty open and there was really no secure way of getting those parents to the B side of the uh cafeteria in a safe way to protect our campuses so we went through and we started installing fences but in when you install the fence and put that barrier between the map programs and the parents now we have to add some type of door buzzer system so they can be buzzed in in a safe manner fencing upgrades to the schools with unique challenges again and complete fencing at the map sites what we're running into is as as you all are aware the state has mandated that um these Gates be mandated and that's going to be a further conversation when uh uh Cynthia Barnes get up but our fences were beginning to see where they have to be replaced they're beginning to fail um you know the weight of the hinges the gates on the hinges kids swinging on them or whatever slamming them so we're beginning to see some failures that we're going to have to correct on the 3M film um that started project in 20 2023 the project the completion to be July of 2025 as you're aware a a donor um gave us an anonymous donor gave us funding for that and that um donor has gave given us that funding again this year and project to give us give it to us again next year the funding that was given to us went a long way in placing this 3M film on the windows and doors that sits outside of the exterior fencing on the first floor and um it's it's been a great um partnership with that Anonymous donor and and we see that as a as a huge uh impact on our security uh the bus mobile radios we just finished up the interlocal agreement was approved and I think that was a big step and again showing that um not only on our school campuses but when kids initially get on that bus and the bus rides to and from school throughout the day it's important for us to protect them and keep them and that's what these radios are able to do if a bus driver gets in a situation where they need law enforcement immediately the radios are there for that and we have had several instances where the bus drivers have had to use it due to fights and different situations on the buses so we're we're happy that the buses radios um are on our buses now electronic key cards It's seems like it's an easy thing to do but this is not as easy as we um have anticipated there's a lot of work that goes in this year because you have to make sure the systems that you're getting ready to put in place either matches the systems that we've already have in place or you have to redo the take out the old systems and put in new systems and that's kind of what we're facing here uh we are again looking at electronic key cards I've got we met with a company last week who went around to three of our schools and they're supposed to come back and give us some quotes within the next few days and we'll be able to provide you with a real pretty accurate uh account of what this is going to look like what it's going to cost um I think moving forward with electronic key cards we have to think about this is something that we have to plan for all schools I I'm I'm very as the um executive director of Safety and Security when I look at this particular topic if we can afford it this is not something that we budget it for and and this is millions and millions of dollars unfortunately and so as a best practice anything that one school gets to protect kids and keep them safe we have a plan moving forward to put it in every school and and if we I'm just you know we what we don't want to do is put something in at one or two schools to three schools and do not have a plan to put it in everywhere because now that puts us in a position or situation where we got to try to pick and choose what schools and this kind of stuff so as as we look at electronic key cards let's look at a plan moving forward to implement it and have it available for all schools at this point we're going to go into cix and I am going to ask U Melissa Connor to come up and speak on this is Sir good morning morning most of us have recently heard about our district implementing um the cix's crisis alert badge system I'm going to share a brief overview of the system and now that we have all of our school sites up and running we're diligently working on our district departments and getting them right there too the CICS alert badge it does offer two types of alerts it gets vital communication out to certain responders 98% of alerts are the staff alerts those are those I need help is how we say it um because there's three clicks of the badge and that gets it directly to school sites again while we hope it's never needed the badge can also trigger a campus-wide lockdown in the case of a campus-wide threat again reiterating that all Maring County Public School Employees will receive the badge um we've worked with our contracted employees as well ESS through our substitute system to get those uh Subs trained the foundation of maring County was great enough to give us lanyards for all 6,800 of our employees so we have those for all of our employees to wear the badge on as well again it enables every staff member to call and get immediate help uh there is a strobe system and an alert messaging system included with it and it works anywhere on campuses and across our districts across the Departments when we trained administrators in kind of a train the trainer model for cix we did review the logistics of the badge as an additional way to communicate emergencies on our campuses admin teams they've set up the expectations on their own campuses if they feel like their teachers and staff can get to a phone or can get to a radio they're still utilizing those ways of communication but this gives another layer of communication and another way for them to have a voice if there is an emergency on campus the staff alert is typically one that's used directly impacting a certain group of students or a certain group of teachers I think about this in secondary whenever we're in the hallway during a class change you know we are tasked with um watching the hallway traffic but also watching our class room and if we can't get to a phone if something's happening in our hallway you know there's a scuffle then we can click this three times and immediately site responders at our school get that notification that communication is given to the Deans the counselors the administrators and they can respond directly to that the lockdown uh mechanism of the badge several things are happening all at once uh strobes will flash those red strobes will flash they've been installed all over our district once our intercom systems are integrated an automated message will immediately come on to say that the school is in lockdown and to follow Alice protocol also responders not only site responders District responders and Maran County and the City of Ocala communication centers all receive the information simultaneously so they are able to see and view on a map exactly where that alert was from the person whose badge alerted and that vital communication is coming again all simultaneously so that we have everything at one time obviously it's um going to be used that we want our employees to feel safe enough that they can put the entire campus into a lockdown if they see something rather than getting to a phone rather than stumbling through a login or anything this is just your finger and it's attached to you every day behind your regular badge that you can press to get help because of these preset triggers and their automated response time confusion drastically reduced we hope that that plays a huge impact for our employees and makes them feel an even safer environment for our strategic goal too have anything else chair can we ask questions now on this particular component absolutely okay um and I Mr mcfaden and I spoke about this earlier in the week but some Mis some um conf confusion I think among schools is that so with raptor I could be in North Carolina on vacation and set off a raptor alert there is a misnomer and I was speaking with a principal so it's not like it's someone who may not have received the information and they did receive this directly from the company not from our staff but there is a misnomer that I have to take off the badge and leave it in my classroom because um if I if my kid is playing with it in my car or at my house it will trigger an alert is there a way we could um just for the record today effectively articulate what is the amount of feet Beyond a school is it Beyond a parking lot what is that actual distance um the person I was talking to lives two blocks from 8th Street so she's like well if I'm at home and it gets pushed is that going to trigger an alert at 8th Street right that's a that's a really fair question and I can tell you that um the beauty of this badge is that because it works on all of our district campuses and District properties it's within a it's within a radius if you will basically the school zone I can give you an example of College Park um I went there and I did a couple tests I was in the balcony balcony gymnastics parking lot and I was able a question question before she answer this question is this something that we need to say out public Dennis cuz I don't want you to give any specifics I don't want give too too many specifics because this is about safety that's what I'm asking well in this because again this strategic product that we're using they have a lot of all of this information on okay online okay okay I just want to make sure cuz good caution though yes yes thank definitely within the school zone so it goes out past the parking lot I would venture to say in most of our perimeter fencing areas right out to the roads that are either on the side the front the back of those schools once you get outside of that radius if you will if you are around a Gateway at any of our schools up to about a mile if you press it it will send an alert to the company that says unverified location so once you get outside our school zones it can't track a specific location if you are still within a radius of about 1 to one and a half miles from a school and you um initiate it too many times it can send an alert to the company but the company again only gets something that says unverified location they then um contact the School site admins that are listed and they'll say hey this employee just did this outside of uh the school zone it's during the school day school day do they need help okay does that make sense when you say school zone you're not talking about Mr Air's school zone talking about just so we're clear because we interchanged that term a lot you're talking about the zone of proximity for for the alert on the campus yes ma'am I was thinking of like the Zone flash well I just wanted to make sure that was clear because they're like well I live in the eighth streight School District zone so so then my is it a best practice then for them to take them and is it a best practice to leave it in their classroom or is it a best practice for them to wear it to their car and then put it back on when they get in their car before they head to into school so the company actually encourages as a best practice to take this with you if you're walking out to your car you've had an event late at night you're walking out to your car to the parking lot you could need help just as you could in your classroom or on campus so you can initiate something and get law enforcement immediately um there are some parameters of the badge we ask people not to keep them in their hot cars during the day they're a piece of equipment kind of like a cell phone they've been tested to 130 degrees but it gets pretty hot in Florida so we we've said yes go ahead take it home put it in your bag whenever you get back put it back on we've encouraged that as a best practice if they choose to leave them in their classrooms that's I believe a site specific question okay I just want to and and site leaders will make their own determinations for their campuses but I just wanted to kind of clarify what the best practice was um because I think when we were getting the briefing we talked about if you had a medical emergency like a heart attack on your way to your car if you were wearing it you could get medical support without calling or or notifying anyone because you were wearing your badge um which wouldn't have anything to do with school safety but just to do with your own personal well-being which would be a benefit to wearing it in the parking lot sure and then if I'm on a high school campus and I'm wearing it at a football game that's within the perimeter proximity so um there's no time limits for it works 247 365 yes ma'am and the site responders at that specific school campus so if you're at North Maran high school for a football game and you work at Liberty Middle School you can initiate a staff alert then even if you just need medical attention or something right there you can initiate that and the site responders at North Maran receive the alert not from where your badge is assigned from right which was the B which is the downfall of what we were using with Raptors it was site specific so now as a district employee as we go to a variety of campuses ours will pick up immediately at whatever site we're at versus um maybe being tied to one site previously right and Raptor you know we had the issue with employees not feeling comfortable downloading that on their personal cell phones this doesn't have any downloadable features this is just something a piece of equipment that you wear okay um I think that was all of my clarifying questions on this particular item I just wanted to clear up that misnomer so we were all on the same page about that thank you thank you board member James yes the geolocation is really great thank you please continue unless you're done yes no I I just I would like to offer there have been questions and concerns that this is a Tracker of some sort this can't track you the only way it tracks you is if you activate the badge you activate it when you do that for a staff alert it it comes up on the map and it shows up for 60 to 90 seconds so that responders can get to you if you are um chasing a student who has eloped and you are continuing to follow that student your little dot will move on the map but unless you initiate it it can't do that thank you have board member Campbell has a question sure it's it's more of a statement while we're kind of clearing up misnomers I've been on a campus recently where and this will be kind of a growing pain scenario and administrators needing to ensure their staff fully understand what this really means but I've also witnessed um employees that are using it when there are behaviors that are being exhibited in their classroom that they know that three pushes will get administrators there immediately it's not a fight it's not a disruption on campus it's just behaviors that classroom management could assist with I see some um people in the audience that might know what I'm talking about so I I think that it it's going to take us a little bit through Growing Pains but if there are any employee teachers listening out there this is the purpose of this is for an emergency something that's a medical emergency something that is a fight where kids are going to hurt themselves that is a major disruption to if if it's just behaviors happening in the class that you might be able to send the student out with you know something like that that's I don't know that that's the intention of what this is uh but we do have some administrators right now that are running themselves all over the place because of poor classroom management skills and so I think it's also heightened some interest and knowing and knowledge there um so that that's again we're grateful that we have this tool in in the event of of need real real critical need for assistance and there are those times when we absolutely need it but classroom management also needs to be an increased Focus thank you thank you m that was just a big long statement com just real quick Miss Connor Thank you very much um for the presentation will there be any data coming forward just about the usage I don't know what would be um a good Benchmark but maybe halfway through the year saying you know how often schools are using it and um you know what they're using it for yes ma'am so cix has provided us some um data from other uh like-sized districts and we just pulled ours yesterday we've used the um staff alert at site specific schools over 400 times so far since the beginning of the school year we can track that down to the the reason that the alert was closed whether that was medical or um you know an altercation or what that was so we can continue to do that and I'm sure that Mr mcfaden can provide those updates whenever you'd like you thank you thanks that's way more than I thought it would be well there are a lot of campell's point though I would love what are the what are the sorry to digress here for a second but what are the different codes for um how it can be logged medical so remember it's it's being closed out by the site administrator so they get to choose what that is whether that is a medical behavior is one um physical altercation drill or testing okay so probably or suspicious activity so maybe the ones that are not necessarily um to the level of needing um us to initiate this procedure and maybe classroom more leaning on classroom management would be coded as Behavior Poss but not all of them right that's going to be super sight specific and you know the administrators have set up their expectations on their campus too like we said if if it's easier for you to get to a phone and that's your normal mode of communication of how you would ask for a student to be removed then continue doing that continue those practices this is an additional layer is there a way we could add an additional code is that something that we can do because it might be nice from s of I'm thinking of this if I put on my administrator hat it might be nice to be able to have a um not find a very delicate way to say um pushing but maybe it could have been a classroom management and so we just have a way to kind of really dig into maybe our sites that are initiating it or is it this an issue everywhere um and kind of dig into it to just better understand the data I would love to have a a different code for that just as so administrators can because also the code goes to the person who did it right so like the the individual who clicked it they're no ma'am the so individuals who are wearers of the badge they receive no data they have no login for the they what I mean is when the case is closed it is tied to the individual who triggered it oh yes ma'am it's from a data perspective so if I'm a principal at Christmas break and I want to review the last semester if we had a specific code for maybe a specific employee who may be using it more than they could it would be a good data tool to use in reflection and in progress monitoring and planning for the next semer yes I can definitely take that back I put that delicately enough okay I can take that back and see if that's a possibility for sure okay thank you you anything else from the board right dret oh we have more from your see Mr B isn't finished it yep thank you yep moving on so the assistant's uh platform that we're using just to kind of follow up is for us we see it as a huge Game Changer uh we um had conversations Dr gulet went down and she saw it and we we had conversations about it remember this has been out for some years and when it first came out it was really we felt as though it was too pricey but then you when you look at the overall value of what it brings to this District it is it's it's it's worth every penny that we spent on it um I personally tested it three Fridays ago at one of our schools I compared both cic and Raptor on my phone and it took me roughly 45 seconds to one minute to get the Raptor alert out finding reception on my phone doing a drop down box to make sure I'm at the right school it's initiating it's trying to find a signal it took me about 45 seconds to a minute to initiate that Raptor alert and once I initiated it the Communication Center got it immediately and I was on the phone with them so they got it immediately but what it did not do was alert everybody on that campus it did not alert everybody on that campus because most of the people don't have it downloaded on their phone so I then initiated the strategics from my badge eight clicks whatever it took me to click eight times it immediately went to the C Center and staff members started coming out of their classrooms to because of the uh scroll started going off prior to doing it we we notified the school that we were going to do it it was after hours but those teachers who would stay late got it immediately and came out of the classrooms so that in itself and we know about what happened in Georgia and based on preliminary investigations and and statements that a lot of people at the school in Georgia said they had cic they had just got it a week before and they knew something was going on because of the cic's alert went off prior to the shooting so it required them and forced them to stay in their classrooms so we're we're hoping that if something like that happens here it will minimize the injuries and possibly fatalities on our school campuses so next uh Cynthia Barnes will come up and she will discuss House Bill 1473 thank you good morning good morning we all understand that when the parents send their children to school they expect us to provide a quality education in a safe and healthy learning environment in order to accomplish that we must have the buyin of all and that results in different rules policies procedures principles best practices and legislative mandates we also learn from other people incidents as well as our own and experiences that they may have um went through as well as new technology and so we learn and then we Implement to enhance to school safety thus we end up with House Bill 1473 rule 6 a.1. z18 now one of the principles is we have a layered approach where we start on the outside and we work our way in and we have various measures because no one thing address everything there's no one fix that's going to take care of everything so we have to put a lot of different measures and a lot of different layers into practice in order to achieve what the goal is with that we have access control where we start on the outside and that's as it relates to um perimeter and our non-exclusive areas so we start on the outside we work our way in and the focus with the house bill is access control with that access control as you can see it now says all Gates doors and other access points that restrict Ingress or egress so what we trying to do is as you come in or as you're leaving it says that all gates and doors will be locked when students are on campus unless they are manned actively having someone at that gate or at that door standing or seated but eyes is on that door next to it not the door is over there and I'm over here if I can beat you to the door then you're not maning it if that is if I'm the threat so it has to be actively staffed but there is an exemption and the exemption is as we stated earlier with the different layers if there's other measures that's in place safety measures that will ensure that our children are still safe then that gate can be opened or that door can be opened when there is no one actively Staffing it as you know like the door to a building but you have to come through the single point of access you got to go through this and all these other measures that's in place such as the SRO the cameras all the other doors are locked especially the ones to the classroom so those are some of the layers you have to go to in order to get to our children the next layer is wrong direction the next one is going to be our exclusive area which is our classrooms and other instructional spaces AKA your meteor Center if you're using it as an instructional space with that all doors must be closed unless again actively staffed so we know that as children are moving back and forth during transition the door has to be open but someone needs to be actively Staffing that door in this instance there is no exemption and the exemption is placed in fsat it has the um information as far as where the door or the gate is located so there's clarification there no Mis understanding as well as a photograph that is accompanying the written statement as giv as far as the location of that door and our gate those things are placed in the fsat the next one is anonymous reporting and that's the fortifi Florida that had to been done within the first 5 days of the school year where it had to be developmentally appropriate for the child's age where each school had the responsibility of making sure every child was given that instruction on how to use it so they can also like we said it's a shared responsibility so even if you're a student that does not relieve you of the responsibility of bringing forth any kind of information if you see something suspicious or hear something suspicious bring it to the right people bring it make sure you see something you say something and that was one of the reasons for making sure that that instructional information was given we received from the state two PowerPoints that we were able to use with the assistance of some principles we had their Buy in and we actually turned that into three PowerPoints to make sure it was age and developmentally appropriate the children have all seen those things that had to be done within those first 5 days they have received that and it was very beneficial as you walk around and you can hear from even some of the principles how some of the students actually react with that and um we've been receiving the fortifi Florida tip so you know yes they did receive it there has been an increase with that but also the consequences but we're dealing with different ones having to learn when they should actually use it next there was a designation for the safe areas the key word in here is conspicuously marked the children had to have within the first 10 days of school they have to know where that place is it had to be marked and then they had to been shown and told what this is and why it's there and it is conspicuously marked that was taken care of as well districtwide along with the the policies and the procedures and the mandates sometime you have to have a little muscle behind it unfortunately so there is a mandate that you have a progressive disciplined policy and with the help of HR and attorney Blackman that has been done and publicized as well but your keywords here are noly violate so some sometimes time things do happen but that's where we ask that everybody come forth with some intention be intentional about closing the doors intentional about closing a gate when you walk through a door or a gate look back and make sure that it actually did close don't just go by what you he pull it and make sure I do understand that some of the doors to the external buildings when you have rain etc for one reason or another something may not have closed and you may have thought it closed we want to stop that make make sure even if someone's walking behind you sometime you think they're going to be the one to close it no you open it you make sure you stand there you look okay you got that right visibly looking and making sure those doors are closed those gates are locked so we have to be intentional about the things that we do and one of the other changes is the compliance inspections now that's nothing new we know that the state have always done it of course when you come with these new mandates those are some of the things that they were adding to the compliance inspection making sure that those things are in place one of the things that's new with this is the fact that now our department would also be doing compliance inspections of every school every year and I think that's a good thing because we roll these things out but and we go out and we talk and we make sure you know you need these things continue to practice these things but now we also are documenting those things and make sure that hey we got your back we always have been a res resource here for you let's make sure these things are being done and in place so every year our department in addition to the state will also be doing a compliance inspection check anybody have any questions any questions comments from the board I have one question yes go ahead um going back to one of the first slides and I know that we've talked talked about this um previously one of the first slides in this section so I think it is uh slide I think it's slide 15 um I'm thinking about a school like Belle high school but I know that there are others um how are we are they locking those building doors top and bottom or are they Manning those during transition some of some of the doors have exemptions on them but during transitions the STA should be in the hallways or standing at their door so they have eyes on kids so if anything happens they can sweep them into the classroom and lock the doors I'm talking about the building doors no not the classroom doors the building doors a lot of those have exemptions and so therefore they're not being locked but that varies from campus to campus every campus have not made the exemption some do some don't the ones who don't those doors are still locked um so how do we know know I'm just thinking of BBY because I work there but I'm not even sure how she would even miss guest would even begin to navigate handling transitions on a campus like that and maybe Dr Campbell you know just from your children's experience but my concern is that you know are there instances where we are putting our schools at a really strong disservice and if we added a a gate in some capacity would that help obviously it would have to make specifically at Belleview like it would have have to make the um one directional stairwells or something to be able to navigate it which would still be very hard to manage but I'm just trying to think through what this is going to look like on some of our campuses that don't have an exemption and they have to have those building doors locked but the students also need to transition through those spaces do you know if that's happening at Bellevue Dr Campbell so yes I I believe that in that particular instance that particular campus does have some exemptions what I have witnessed in campuses that potentially do not have exemptions and we're not talking about anyone specifically um there are employees that are now Manning these doors if the door has to remain locked and there are employees that are now Manning Gates administrators three hours at a gate if that's what it takes and so that is what's happening right now because of the way the law is written right Miss Mrs guest she actually do have an employee that comes in early I think she says maybe 30 minutes early that's taking care of that they adjusted the schedule but she's also looking we went through her campus she and I along with some others at a different date to address this to see what needs to be done and she's looking at putting up extra fencing as well and we do need to be careful about where this conversation is going yes Madam chair may I interrupt I was going to ask the safe schools team to reiterate for the board and for the public that that your team is working diligently school by school because we have unique situations at every one of our campuses corre when this law came forward um the team was was out there really working with that so every school's different but I want to go back to something that you commented on about not locked um and if you could clarify that they're they're locked or manned at all times yes that is it locked or manned at all times okay thank you and sometime as Chief mcfat always says it's not always convenient sometime you got to take the extra steps you got to walk a little further you got to go around but first and foremost we're looking at safety we're looking at lives thank you and this has been a lot of work um not just for safe schools team but for all of our schools a lot of adjustment needed in this and and we've all and behalf of as a superintendent my superintendent Association had a lot of conversations a lot of questions when this came through but our commitment is always to do its best and safe for our schools but a lot of work on a lot of people's part to to follow the the law on this that's correct it is ongoing as we have to look be sight specific with every case go around and look and sometime you have to make adjustments but we got to do what has to be done thank you thank you um Miss Barnes and honestly I think that this will be a wonderful I love that we're having this conversation ahead of the next board conversation that we're having because we do have very unique spaces on some of our campuses and as we are able to build and replace what we have that are currently not conducive in some cases to learning and safety we will be able to hopefully adjust the way some of those campuses are made up and just further enhance safety for students right plus the state is still looking and still evaluating and they're also there a resource and trust me I do reach out and use them thank you right the team effort yes yes for sure and and you know we want to give um just great praise to these schools these site specific schools I mean there we've been anticipating this because we kind of knew where the Mandate was headed and from the day one we've been working with them they've been working with us there's a lot of questions there was some time some disagreements but the overall agreement and understanding is that we got to do whatever we need to do to keep our students staff and visitors safe that's the way we refer to it students staff and visitors um and they have just done a tremendous job they they've sacrificed a lot to make sure their campuses are safe again with the the using extra staff and putting people in places that they have never been to man Gates and man doors um thinking outside of the box to meet the mandates and um we're going to continue to try to make improvements and then making those those improvements this is where again it it affects us from a financial or funding standpoint because there may be times when the the best fix is to implement some type of uh door um special Hardware on a door or putting up another fence things that we did not see or have to deal with until this mandate came forward so because of that um our budget is is approved but there are times when the safe schools department has to go back and make some changes to to keep our kids safe um next we're going to have Corey Tor um come up to talk about the Florida harm prevention and threat management model and I've told him to um this is we have to understand that this is not a physical security but this plays a huge role in how we protect our kids so he is going to um give you his best um presentation today of of making it clear on how uh the Florida harm prevention and threat management model is used in Maring County thank you hello good morning so in 2023 the legislature amended Florida statute section 10001 212 to task the department of education's office of safe schools with developing a Statewide behavioral threat management operational process which was later dubbed the Florida harm prevention and threat management model the Florida model slated for Statewide implementation on January 1st 2024 was designed to identify assess manage and monitor threats to schools School staff and students unlike its predecessor the comprehensive school threat assessment guidelines model referred to as sea stag the Florida model was purposely designed to overcome barriers and stumbling blocks that had threatened SE Stags Effectiveness those barriers included ineffective policies poor team structure inadequate training and ambiguous role responsibilities while seag focused primarily on threats the Florida model utilizes a methodology that identifies students exhibiting threatening or concerning behaviors gathers information to assess the risk of harm to themselves or others and identifies appropriate interventions to prevent violence and promote successful outcomes the process applies a non-punitive assessment to distinguish between innocuous and serious situations ations the aim of the threat management process is to intervene at the earliest stage to help students and to alter or disrupt concerning behaviors for the benefit of the student and school in accordance with Florida administrative C code rule rule 6A which outlines each School District's responsibility for ensuring the Integrity of the threat management process our superintendent Dr Dian gullet established a district threat management coordinator position the dtmc in addition to serving as the liaison between mcps and the Florida Department of Education Statewide district threat or Statewide threat management coordinator is responsible for ensuring the Fidelity of the district's threat Management program this includes five core responsibilities first reviewing and approving every threat assessment submitted from mcps is 55 Public and chart schools second coordinating and facilitating threat Management training third overseeing threat management records and transfers fourth leading auditing and compliance efforts and finally metrics compilation and state mandated reporting research has established that offenders may not make specific or direct outward threats toward their target but they do display identifiable indicators to Violent in of violent intent prior to perpetrating an attack therefore the lack of a specific threat should not drive the decision whether there is a possibility of harm to another person persons on the pathway to violence may I may be identified by the presence of threat factors along with other subtle concerning warning behaviors which need further exploration warning behaviors are changes in behavioral patterns that suggest and increased concern for violence protective factors May prevent or inhibit a student of concern from thinking about or carrying out an active violence most people learn to process and cope with negative experiences through healthy responses however individuals most at risk for perpetrating targeted violence do not possess healthy coping skills instead they tend to obsess over injustices and are unable to withstand rejection or triggering events the more stressors and triggers that exist in a person's life the more difficult it becomes to cope and the greater the chance the person may enter the pathway to violence a stressor can be anything that causes tension or anxiety for a student such as bullying School related failure unhappy home environments social isolation or peer rejection since the attackers do not snap they decide the first step in understanding targeted violence is understanding how individuals progress from a personal grievance to the commission of an attack one way to conceptualize this General process is the pathway to violence model research suggests that an individual on the pathway to violence tends to cover a series of steps however the pathway to violence is not identical for everyone the process may be linear or steps may be comingled time spent at each step may vary the steps on the pathway to violence may include grievance a personal gripe or humiliation based upon real or imagined injustices ideation the idea that violence is unacceptable or the only means to achieve Justice research and planning when when how where preparation Gathering equipment skills and resources probing and breaching testing for the attack and then finally the attack which is engaging in pre-planned or opportunistic violence threat management teams must consider the totality of threat factors warning behaviors and concerning behaviors stressors precip itating events and protective factors that are present in a student of concern's Life once the team has gathered all available information they can begin to assess whether a threat or concerning behavior is present and if so determine the level of concern levels of concern also called threat levels are categorized as unfounded low medium or high an unfounded determination means that there is not sufficient factual basis to support the allegation what was said was clearly not a threat or the incidental behavior of concern did not happen or rise to the level of posing a threat or concern of harm to the school Community low level of concern designations are appropriate where a PO person poses a threat of violence or exhibits other concerning behavior that is minimal and it appears that any underlying issues can be resolved easily this level means the concern for future violence toward another person is low medium level of concern designations are appropriate where the person does not appear to pose an immediate threat of violence but the person exhibits behaviors that indicate a potential intent of to harm or exhibits other concerning behaviors that require intervention this level suggests that violence toward another may occur and although the situation is not urgent violence cannot be ruled out high level of concern designations are appropriate where the person poses a threat of violence exhibits behavior that indicate both A continuing intent to harm and an effort to acquire the capacity to carry out a plan and may also exhibit other concerning behaviors that require immediate intervention and protective measures for the Target this level suggests that the student of concern is reaching a critical point on the pathway to violence from which they perceive it may be difficult to turn back a high level of concern requires immediate and continuing attention from threat management resources to ensure violence does not occur Florida statute section 106.7 and Florida Administrative Code rule 6A require each school to have a school-based threat management team the sbtm is a multi-disciplinary team team at the school level and is comprised of at least four members with expertise in counseling School instruction law enforcement and School administration the SP spmt must also include a member with personal knowledge of the student of concern that is being evaluated by the team additional spmt members may be assigned by the school principal as long as the four core required roles are filled the administrative team member must be a person who meets the definition of administrative Personnel they must not be the school principal because the principal has administrative oversight of the sbtm the counseling team member must be a school-based mental health services provider that is able to access student mental health records this person must be a certified school psychologist School social worker School counselor or licensed mental health professional who is employed or contracted by the district to provide Mental Health Services the instructional team member must be a person who meets the definition of instructional Personnel or someone who holds a current Florida educator certificate the law enforcement team member must be a sworn law enforcement officer such as school resource officers school safety officers or other active law enforcement officer Personnel certified School guardians or licensed school security guards as defined under the statutes may not serve the law may not serve as the law enforcement member of a threat management team School principles are required to appoint a chair and vice chair of the sbtm the vice chair performs the chair's duties in the chair's absence the sbtm chair is the point person at each school for threat management and receives initial reports of all threats and concerning behavior that that may result in harm toward self or others the sbtm chair is responsible for assessing and triaging each reported threat or concern determining whether it has a factual basis and whether the matter should be summarily closed or reviewed by the entire sbtm there are two instances wherein school-based threat management teams could be convened first when sptm chairs report refer reported threats or concerning Behavior to the full sptm for investigation and secondly for mandatory monthly sptm meetings matters referred to the full spmt for investigation can result in the development of a student support management plan under seag these were referred to as safety plans the ssmp is not punitive or part of a disciplinary process and uses direct and indirect interventions to help create an environment less likely to produce violence the ssmp identifies Mandatory Action steps that are needed to en ensure school safety and responses that can help support the student of concern thereby making positive outcomes more likely the the action steps selected will comprise the ssmp the resources and other support the student needs will differ depending upon the information gathered during the assessment including the mental health interviews when applicable and identified protective measures as stated earlier the sbmt is required to meet monthly they're required to assess each ssmp for its Effectiveness and if necessary make modifications as appropriate sbtm meetings whether part of a threat investigation or the monthly variety must include the presence of the core members meetings can be conducted in person virtually or telephonically the safe schools department is committed to serving as an everpresent reliable and supportive resource we have sought to achieve this goal in a variety of ways continuous training opportunities effective communication and thoughtful collaboration in addition to the dtmc the safe schools Department added two certified Florida model trainers this has allowed our department to offer more threat Management training opportunities for mcps personnel to date we have facilitated 28 in-person threat management classes and trained approximately 700 00 faculty and staff members we routinely publish information bulletins and other resources these bulletins and resources aim to provide timely guidance and instruction on relevant threat management related topics we provide detailed report reviews and when necessary thoughtful constructive feedback purposed with ensuring strict adherence to and compliance with Florida model guidelines since January 1st 2024 we have reviewed 718 threat assessment investigative reports lastly relationship building whether connecting with our mcps family networking with office of safe schools Representatives or collaborating with other Florida dtmcs we recognize the importance of establishing and maintaining strong relationships simply put we are much stronger together than we ever could be apart it has been a distinct honor serving as your district threat management coordinator supporting the mcps school community and helping do what is best for our students at this time I am happy to entertain any questions related to threat management thank you any questions feedback from the board go ahead board member Campbell sure thank you Mr Taylor mine is not a question it is simply a comment I have repeatedly heard from multiple staff members how great you are at your job and I want to publicly acknowledge that the responsibility that you have in our safe schools department and all that you've just outlined is so much greater than I think people have an understanding of and your responsibility is new relatively from a statute standpoint and all that it entails I'm just grateful because you're doing a great job thank you thank you thank you uh board member James I completely agree with all of her sentiments I'm grateful that you're on our team and are leading this work and honestly there has been instances where you've we've been kind of had to compress timelines significantly and a lot of work has had to occur so that we could meet deadlines that were predetermined by other people outside of our organization and you've Rose to that challenge every time so I'm grateful for that um I I had a question and then it it escaped me when I started done that so let me try and get it back but and we'll get back yes it happens when Oh I thought it's back it's back it's back those are called senior moment have more of those to look forward to in life so the the the primary complaint from site staff is the immense amount of paperwork that's required for a threat just to clear it up is that a Mr Taylor decision or is the um the amount of paperwork required something that is com down from the state and we're just simply having to implement the procedure interesting um question and so so the short answer is that is um something that comes down from the state um one of the things that I think is impressive about the Florida model process is yes um and it's a joke that I make with students as they're coming into the classroom I hand them a 49 page document which is the Florida harm prevention instrument it has all of the forms that Encompass this process um but I remind them and I I beg of them don't check out on me just yet because that document does not represent everything that is needed for a threat assessment my father um by trade was a mechanic um and any mechanics will know that um they always carry their toolboxes and there are dozens of tools but my father every job he went to whether it was a break job a tuneup he took that entire toolbox with him and it wasn't because every tool in the Box was going to be required it was that they were there as an option so for a normal threat assessment there's only one document that's required and that is form a the intake and disposition and unlike seag the Florida model um provides the autonomy and latitude for a chair to summarily close innocuous or low-level type um reports um concerning behaviors and if the chair summarily closes it at their level um then we're talking about maybe three to four pages um in a Adobe you know form um but full investigations oftentimes will then require a student of concern interview a parent interview um a ssmp as we talked about during the course um but the short answer bottom line up front is that no every threat assessment does not require that 45 49 page monstrosity of an instrument um they're just tools that are in our proverbial tool box that we can pull out when necessary okay that thank you for clearing that up because when I we don't often hear um positive things right so oftentimes when people bring things to us they're a complaint and so the complaints that I've heard are that it is this 50 page document and it's every single one and D D D D du and so thank you for clearing that up because I honestly didn't know I I've just kind of been leading with the Assumption like well that's just how it is that's that's what it's going to take to make sure that we're keeping it safe so I appreciate you clarifying that absolutely thank you thank than you um B your comment just just a closing comment um since I've been in this position I've used this phrase a lot but um sometimes when change is good it's still difficult and so I feel like that happens a lot or applies a lot in the area of safe schools and the job that you all do um it all of the mandates have presented a lot of challenges uh for our campuses um with staff and um funding and and all of the things and I just want to tell you that everywhere I visit uh this the STA our staff is so appreciative for the work that you do each and every day because the administrators will confess you know that you all came out and and we've worked through this problem or we've worked through this situation and then something else came up or there's something else they they didn't foresee and you guys are back out there helping them find solutions for these problems on each campus and so just as my fellow board members have said really grateful um for the work that you do um I will tell you it has been enlightening um not really in a great way but the amount um of calls and notices that you all have to respond to is really overwhelming and so I know that you're working and keeping us safe 247 I'm just grateful for the work that you do every day so thank you yes ma'am and thank you all thank you Vice chair is there any other questions or feedback from the board on this and I I certainly concur I wrote down a couple notes and and the one thing I wanted to make sure I said was we hear from you from from the team multiple times a day nights evenings weekends I know I've called some of you way outside of ours because there really are no hours when it comes to protecting our students our staff everyone that's associated with Marian County Public Schools so I also just wanted to extend you know my personal gratitude and I I know the board feels the same it's just continues to be really sad that we're having to spend the time money and resources on keeping and I quote anyone from getting to our children just to hear that from from Miss Barnes that that just shook me all over again you know it's an abnormal phase that we are living through in society today you know this is not normal and I look forward to some normaly um being restored hopefully sooner than later but in the meantime we know that you have our our backs so thank you thank you and um just a little bit more with the threat flaa model um as this documents and this um these documents are uploaded into the system we have to understand and realize that the state watches this stuff they have the ability to see it and what uh Mr Taylor is doing is ensuring that if something ever happens in this District we have done everything possible to prevent a tragedy before it happens because a lot of it we we hear people say after these tragedies well we call that guy we knew he was going to do this we just those type of statements coming from um students and staff that they knew this could be the potential person to do this we want to not ever have to make that statement and and that's why he is so um meticulous about these assessments that he reviews them he has to by State Statute sign off and approve everyone and as he mentioned over 700 since uh January multiply that times two or three and I say that because when he reviews it he makes marks on them he highlights he writes he writes recommendations sends it back to the team they make those Corrections they come back to him and if it's you know something is missing as a date or a Time he it has to be perfect in order to submit and so sometimes he spends 37 40 minutes on each assessment we have a great team in the safe schools Department they're always they're out working and just like other departments unique challenges come up at any me minute probably since we've been standing here if I haven't had a chance to look at my phone but if I pick it up there's somebody calling with a concern issue or something going on um we have been able to we've got system in place now where we can go back through CICS do fortifi Florida or whatever and grab this data as to what's going on in our district and for fortifi Florida like Miss Barnes mentioned um we train the students we had two by State Statute and we see that a lot of our 45 florids are not the little frivolous reports anymore about I'm not I'm having problems with my math and I'm I can't I don't like my teacher these are real um postings and reports of um sexual assault um um child abuse and and threats uh in our school so they're using it the right way and out of the 50 or so we've had over the past month 25 of them related to U reports of of gun violence some type of gun violence on campus so we take them all seriously we review we reach out and work with the Sheriff's Office OPD whoever needs to be uh contacted to make sure that it could be the same threat but we want to confirm and verify that's the same threat so nothing slips through the crank so at this time um we're going to this fsat will go to the board uh at the next board meeting and once it's approved if you approve it we have to submit that to the state and they will use that to help us uh keep our school safer as well as use it as part of our uh funding for the 20 for the 2425 school year so any questions that you have from us so far to close out Dr gullet okay Dr gullet thank you madam chair um Mr mcfaden I I want to thank you and the entire team again um great presentation but also more importantly the work um I Heard the word collaboration with our school are doing the burdens I've asked a lot of you all in addition what the state has done and it really does take great team effort um bordon I think you will see and I hopefully you've heard and know firsthand we are not taking any shortcuts and we are not disregarding any threat and that takes a lot of work and it is a 24-hour 7-Day a week job so I just want to say publicly how much I appreciate everybody because sometimes we're on the phone in the middle of the night um but we are not taking any shortcuts and we will not disregard but we will we will see through every threat and again I'm going to start from the beginning of my briefing comments that we are not taking these things lightly um there will be consequences for for threats that are made that some of may think that they're they're not they're just a prank those times are over those times are over um I will not have under my watch anybody thinking that that's just going to be okay and taken lightly we we are in a time right now that those cannot be taken lightly and I know this team is committed to that our schools are committed to that and it is our responsibility to see those through so let's make it a productive day every day and our schools and safe for all of our students our families and our visitors and staff um so just want to again thank everyone and thank you board for your support of of the the incredible work that's happening every day to create the safest environment that we can thank you thank you thank you Dr Gad and thank you again Mr mcfaden and to all of our um local law enforcement Partners um it takes us all to do it and and we're so fortunate to have an internal group that is just really doting the eyes and crossing the tees all right um is there any public comment seeing and hearing none um before we move into our next topic which is the technical working group update I'm going to go ahead and call for a short break and we will reconvene before 11:30 thank you thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e think about it whoa thanks thanks Y what I just said think about it like that really loud she came on loud okay all right we have two minutes but we're all here so we might as well get started all right we're ready if you're ready thumbs up ready okay ready set go with a smile I like it okay we are back at 1129 a.m. and our um Dr gullet do you want to introduce the next topic or should I take it from here let you take it from here okay since they're both um board driven all right our next topic is an update from our recent technical working group meeting and I believe all board members did receive some information including the agenda and and the minutes um I will say that it is good that all of our uh entities and partners are continuing um to meet as laid out by the interlocal agreement um that we updated and this particular in uh this particular meeting of the technical working group was held here over in MTI last Friday the 13th and um so just going through the agenda you know the typical thing we uh selected our chair and vice chair which uh for this meeting was um Tracy strob from the county and Stephen SS that I nominated and uh they both did really well um the item on the agenda that came after the roll call and introductions was a part of the continuing discussion of Hillcrest school's use of of county-owned property and this has been this use has been going on for over 30 years and we had a discussion about it at our joint meeting of elected officials believe it was the first one we had after um getting our interlocal agreement updated and and to try to get an idea of what the county planned on doing because an idea had been floated to use that property for uh housing for for um citizens with severe uh mental and and behavioral disabilities and at that point in time um the neighboring Community was pretty concerned about that so that got tabled there was no further discussion um not much had been said since that time so I want to get it back on the agenda not only uh for that but also just in case there's other schools that have shared property you know with the county or the city and just trying to get some things codified as as to what we're going to do with that um this agenda had been publicly noticed and everybody knew it was going to be on there but and I guess I just didn't realize that any entity could just say you know declined to discuss it but that was the the County's position um apparently I get I'm going to be looking forward to being contacted for a private meeting about this property and and potential uses for it so I'll keep you posted on that one it is interesting to note that I think it was probably back in 2010 2011 maybe and I'm not sure who might be able to search this Dr gullet there was an offer made by the county years ago if my memory serves to sell this property to Maran County Public Schools but we were kind of in the middle of the Great Recession um I can't remember offand and I don't want to speculate what the asking price was but the board at the time um declined that purchase so who knows you know maybe that opportunity will represent itself or we can look at potential land swaps you know if discussion can occur then we can certainly you know bring it back to the board and and see what can be done what we do know is is that a therapeutic horback riding has been um on that property for well over 30 years and now that program has expanded to um public you know uh not just kids that attend Hillcrest School but members of the public as well it's also a Career and Technical education site so it really meets um so many of our needs and and priorities and hopefully we can come to some really good some really good ideas of of how we can make sure that that property is protected in perpetuity so that was that one and then we had a brief discussion about the booster Stadium property for for us it was just more to inform that there's conversation about uh Vanguard and the fact that uh there's land set aside long ago to build a stadium there what the condition of booster Stadium uh is and um just kind of put it on their radar I was encouraging maybe some Visionary ideas you know we've talked about collocation shared use we've talked about selling property we've talked about keeping property so just as a matter of putting it on um the radar that there's conversation happening um about that property especially in light of the fact that there is some maintenance needs there and um and the history of it that we didn't always own that property but now we we do and we have for quite some time so that was that one and then uh we moved on to um discussion of the of the high school property and and the this Maran Oaks flyover that seems to be out there but hadn't really gotten much information on and how that might impact um the Ingress and egress to the high school and you know we we now know that we're going to move forward with that High School hoping to break down I break ground I think in November is that right Miss doin okay she's nodding so it's starting to become very real and um at a meeting a couple months ago with Dr gullet myself attorney Powers uh guy Mentor um moner chair Stone um they shared a a special use permit that goes along with that um High School site and in reviewing that special use permit which I think you guys all got copy of you received some a packet here uh there are some uh requirements that you know we're supposed to be meeting there's also you know that everyone's supposed to be meeting and one thing that was kind of interesting um to me was that the original um part of the of the special use permit showed very clearly a traffic light and and three areas of Ingress egress to help really with the traffic flow and um that particular page was was not included um in this meeting and when it was pointed out uh you know I guess it was just an oversight or something but um when you look at what the original concept plan was compared to the concept plan that was shared with us literally at the technical working group meeting um last week it looks very different so I don't know if um any of you can quickly pull up that special use permit I'm going to ask attorne powers to weigh in on a couple of things but it says you know very clearly in section two under findings and conditions that any changes made to the Ingress uh egresses identified on the concept plan will require amending the special use permit so that's something that appears to me anyway that we need to discuss and and agree to um here could you share where the special use permit is given some is that in the email you sent us it was sent by attorney Powers last night okay so there's that and that the email from at 349 yesterday yes okay got it um well there's four attachments but they're all titled the same thing so it's um they should not be let me double check that that's why I think I'm missing it because unless I'm what's it the email from attorney Powers it came in so there's an agenda from 20 13 is it is the special use permit within that agenda is that okay is that where it is yes it's included in that 25 page document okay thank you thank you I yes and I didn't go to look at all that because I had it already yes absolutely I was just a little confused so thank you for that pause yeah there are four documents each they're titled differently it just says yes so page 21 I'm just looking at one page but page 21 of the the 25-page document says Maran County Public Schools special use permit application and so perhaps that's what we're looking at together does that what I have is that in front of me is the resolution oh okay sorry y resolution of the board of County commissioners of Mayor and County Florida approving the issuance of a special use permit providing an effective date so I don't think I just need help finding that I think before you proceed so I'm not and if I'm missing it in the email I'm I'm so sorry I just I mean I for everyone to have it so we could have this discussion let see if you look at the document that is entitled uh 21091 1713 BCC agenda uhhuh you go to that document and it's a 25-page document and the if you look at your PDF it's a page 20 hang on a second here because what I'm referencing is two pages yeah so I think that chair thrower has the actual final resolution and what we have are the applications so I'm not certain that we have that two-page document this that is the final resolution once the application was approved at the County Commission meeting on 2113 chair th would it be possible for Miss Martinez to go make a copy real quick absolutely okay y she has a you could grab it and go make copies for all of us that would be wonderful cuz I'm sure it's signed a different it may be signed to 113 but essentially I guess what the board did the County Commission reviewed it and approved it and then the resolution was signed after the fact so is there anything else from the meeting you wanted to update yes I'll keep going I wanted to ensure that everybody had a copy of the actual special use permit because that's pertinent to this conversation um I'll move on to to be uh and I'll also share that U it was decided that any changes um any proposed changes to our current interlocal agreement um can be redlined and brought forward at our next meeting of the technical working group which will be Friday November 6th and it'll be back here at MTI the way this works is that the school system hosts the technical working group meetings and then the county hosts The Joint meetings um that we have once a year um then uh moving on I'll just move on to number nine uh discussion of the interlocal agreement between Marian County School Board and and Marian uh Maran County for the use of our radio communication systems and this is around our recently approved being able to use the same frequency for our buses to increase safety and it's wonderful that there was room on the network to add us and we're certainly you know paying our fair share as what was we got the work session on a week or so ago so that's all good and and that is a great area of of collaboration and and increased safety you know across all of our entities so that was a really nice way to to end this technical working group meeting and and for my part I'll say you know it it really is important to to continue to meet and it didn't do us any favors to not meet for so long um because what we're having to do is begin to find our new way forward thank you um together after many many years of just pretty much absent communication you know the the county moving on and doing what they feel they need to do and and and the other entities um as well and what we're finding now is that there's definitely areas where if we had been continuing to collaborate um previously that there wouldn't be so much uh cleanup that needs to be done um and including when it comes to this special use permit because it even States in it um if you look down at the um number two on the first page you know there it's it's based on the Maran County amended and reated Inter local agreement from 2008 well that's not even enforced anymore and it likely I guess I'm not an attorney would possibly still be enforceable with this special use permit but there was also concurrency then you know just a lot of things have have changed um if you move on to oh and above on number one that was what I was referencing when I finally figured out that you guys didn't have this exact document um and one it says any changes to the Ingress egress locations is identified on the concept plan will require amending the the special use permit so that's something we need to keep in mind and and attorney Powers will be commenting on that uh forming shortly uh moving on to the second page um just talking about the the need according to the special permit for an additional interlocal agreement uh to include um prior to commencing construction approval of at least the following uh engineering plans site plans traffic analysis um photometric plan copy of the site plan for County records and and I underlined the term cursory review so there seems to be more conversation needed about and here here's the thing you know the school system has not built schools in a long time therefore the the county has not had the need to review anything for a long time and it appears to me anyway that counties that have been building schools more recently seem to have a separate and distinct process for School site review and planning versus you know regular commercial property so I think that that is an area that definitely warrants um further consideration um but I am pretty concerned about the fact that what we weren't given and what we for regardless of the reason I'm sure it was you know just an oversight that we then were able to find compared to the concept plan for traffic Ingress and erress that was handed to us at the techncal working group are just vastly different so can you elaborate on what that means when you say vastly different yes I and I don't have all of the specific um verbiage and expertise so I'll ask attorney powers to to lead us off on that U Miss doin is here to share her piece to fill in um but we really need to make sure that each board member M understands the implications and the difference between the two so attorney Powers I'll give it to you yeah uh essentially the special use permit that was discussed uh with with us initially um we were provided with the copy of the special use permit but not any image or document that went with it one of our Engineers um found that there was an image that had actually been generated along with it and that image was we we showed that image uh to um the board accounting commissioner board chair at the meeting that that she referenced as well as to um as well as to the other staff that were present now in looking back we did locate the package with the agenda which actually has all of those factors has everything in there that that um includes the actual images and so those those images are different than what was handed to us at the tww meeting at the twg meeting it was a a very simple um photo with uh a single Ingress and egress so what was actually given at the time was um considerably more uh sophisticated so I've included that link to that agenda item um in an email to uh the County Attorney as well as to uh Miss stob in order to have them review that as well for their discussion I have not um had any further discussion with them on that so I hesitate to draw any vast conclusions as to what that means for the process but the process that you're describing is that there is a different review under 101 3.33 our review uh process is different than would be required when we have a special use permit there is a determination at the time that the special use permit is put in place that it is that the the property is subject to that is consistent with the comprehensive plan that's what the Attorney General's opinion that was referenced earlier also requires is that it's consistent with the comprehensive land use plan now the comprehensive land use plan may have changed in the interim um however at the time of the special use permit being granted um it was clearly consistent with the plan beyond that the review that's allowed for by Statute is uh a more cursory review the County's setup has a uh the county process has a major site plan review that's within the Land Development code and their Land Development code the major site plan review has distinct definitions it's a it's a quite um specific process that's the process that's used to develop commercial properties and um it's there there's there's a lot that goes into it there is is a subset and this is where the rubber meets the road of things that we need to provide for their use and for their uh inspection that is somewhat smaller than the set that you would have to do if you were you know building a strip mall for example or building something like that so the question is what exactly do we need to provide of course our Engineers been working with Mr cahon from the county to try to make sure that we provide everything possible um in advance but then there is a process for submission unfortunately many counties many districts um operate the way that we did up until just you know recently which is that uh we go about the business we have our own permitting processes under the Florida building code we go about building our schools and um the county has not other than uh planning for for you know utility connections and things like that there really hasn't been any need for submission of a major site plan which is a very specific set of documents and it has a lot of granularity and a lot of detail so many other districts just continue to do things as we have done them in the past in working with the county um some districts uh or I believe comes to mind date I think they have uh a specific process within the County Commission which has a very specific a school specific process that says here's what we need you to show us to demonstrate that uh health safety welfare things I mean for example there needs to be a uh in order so that everybody knows where things are linked up for utilities we got to report where the utilities go in order to make make sure that traffic impacts or off-site impacts drainage do we have on-site storm water or are we relying on some storm water and drainage are we going to affect other properties and that's a big consideration that has to be uh has to be determined and worked out those factors are all things that we clearly should provide there are other things that are because we have we're subject to the Florida building code we have our own um inspectors that do that there are other things that the county really doesn't need to review or have any you know real business in reviewing that are left to us to handle so the problem is it's not immediately replicable between Orange County and us because they have their different comprehensive use plan their different land their different codes so you can't just take some other counties process and say that's what we want exactly and those are the things you you should or should not regulate so I think from a good faith perspective on both sides we're trying to get to where does where does that connection come between what we need to provide versus what um we have provided at least in the planning process but now also we're trying to do it in a more formal way unfortunately our formal way to do it the only formal way the county has to do it is through a major site plan review which is not the right probably tool for the job however the tool that is for the job is something that's going to require some working through the uh through amending amending the interlocal agreement through um creating a new County process that's going to be something that because there's been none of this no building has gone on and that building which has gone on has been um has been not regulated in the same sense if going to take a while before we are able to um before we're able to work out all the Kinks in the process so I think that right I don't mean to interrupt but that's what that's what concerns me is that we don't have a lot of time right you know we really have to get on the same page you know with this I appreciate uh the due diligence and and finding that original you know packet everything to do with the special use periton forwarding that on and you forwarding it on to Mr Minter you know we we need to work through this um and we need to do it quickly because we're expecting to break ground in in November and as you know chair thrower when we met a couple of months ago um with with uh the county officials one of the things we discussed was okay look we don't necessarily have an objection to providing whatever it is that's needed what we want to do is get a commitment that there's going to be a rapid process for review we're going to be diligent about getting what you need um take a look at it tell us what you think unfortunately then it goes to the major site plan review process and we get back 12 plus pages of very minute detail listed in code AS to which departments have looked at things and whether the application is complete and so statute requires that uh we submit an application and then that the application cannot be rejected for purposes that are um unique to the school um that are things that are Beyond and outside the scope um but the application is one that then has all of these little check boxes of things that were not completed so miss strob during the uh working group um meeting had agreed that she would do what we kind of thought was happening already which was we're giving you as much as we can Now guide us through is there anything that here that you see that's missing let us know and we'll provide however because the tool used to do that is the major site plan review that's it it's encountering difficulties so um I think that as of the last communication I had with our facility staff it appears that there's a meeting going on tomorrow in fact between the engineers and our facility staff to make sure that and Mr St will be involved in that as well to make sure that um that everybody's on the same page and hopefully that fixes as much as we can can but there's no doubt that we've got to we've got to fix this process rapidly in order to have it out there otherwise we end up in in a in a process that is either going to involve an attorney general's opinion or litigation which takes much longer and nobody wants that so that's what we're trying to avoid could I ask so um you you said things were I just can't visualize what you said about vastly different so what image was provided to you all in the meeting that was my question and and what's different I'm just trying to wrap my head around what that looked like so I can understand that and then my other one my other question is you mentioned the three ing Ingress egress and then you referenced the number one having to change and requiring an amendment how do all those pieces come together I guess is what I'm looking for someone to articulate because I'm I think I'm missing that piece to the puzzle and and maybe I'm the only one but not at all lot to be hit within a short amount of time sure I'll take a stab at it um first Barbed away in I noticed you were getting up please good morning I can only try to weigh in on trying to represent something very visual so if you look on the very last page of that 25 page document you'll see a map you'll see a diagram of our property and you'll see that back during this resolution the county and the school district worked to have three egresses are you following where I am at this point yes if you look on your diagram to the far left you'll see the first egress having a light and the ability to turn left and right out of that ESS the proposed one that was provided in the meeting and that let me go back that is where our buses will exit so keep that in mind so the proposed egress uh from the county is not a light and not the ability to turn left it would force all buses to turn right so pause on that the middle egress also where parents and Community can come into the campus would also be a forced right which is the way it is designed on this sheet that you see so there's really no concerns necessarily with the middle one except how they're going to force that right-hand turn and I'll try to explain that in a second and then the far right ESS is where our students and parent pickup will egress out of the property and as you see in that diagram that is a left-and turn or right-and turn on the proposed that we received it would also be no left-and turn and a forced right-hand turn what they also propose is that they have more or less a what I would call a service road so all of the buses would turn down a service road if they're needing to go back out to the left also all parents and students who would need to turn back out to the left but canot would would join in on that service road and then go down the road on the service road into a uturn that would go under the flyover that they would then have to U-turn back around heading left until they reached a roundabout so that they could proceed on their way I know that's hard to see visually but but well essentially people coming into the school from that I'm going to suppose that on this map that North is up okay um G given that looking at this map someone who would be coming in from the uh from the right to the left which on this map assuming North is up and then it be from the West to the east um they would not be able to turn left including buses would not be able to turn left at that area that has a light instead they would in order to get to the school of coming down that road would have to go all the way out past the interstate correct or past that so if they're coming in from the flyover right direction they would have to pass our school all the way if you see that squiggly line further in that direction you would see a roundabout so all everyone needing to get into the campus from that direction would have to go around a roundabout and then proceed back to enter our school and then anyone who is trying to vacate our school would have to go right toward the flyover and then they're either merging into traffic to go over the flyover when it's there or they're staying in a service Lane that will then U-turn under the flyover for them to head back in front of our campus to a roundabout to go whichever direction they're going so these are traffic impacts that make a difference because when she said vastly different here's what I mean when we were first given when we first began discussing the special use permit the the conversation centered around a text document only now we got with one of our Engineers who located um the proposed the the image that had some uh that had that had the proposed School locations on it we showed that um but then at the tww meeting the image we got again was just sort of a satellite view that just did not have any of the road locations so back at the time the permit was applied for this proposed image that has the traffic light that has the three Ingress egress all of that was one of the conditions of the special use permit and the conditions of the special use permit says the site shall be developed and operating consistent with the submitted conceptual plan which is here and the conditions as provided with this approval any changes made to the Ingress egress locations as identified will require amending the special use permit so at that point it doesn't necessarily say anything about the lights but as to the as to the locations of Ingress egress if those are going to be altered at all then the special use permit has to be amended and that wouldn't be us that would be applying for such amendment that would be whomever is wishing to amend it what I hey just a second um I know you have more uh board member James I know you have something board member Campbell and and Dr gullet I'm wanting you to share the the concerns around this New Concept plan when it comes to student safety so board member Campbell sure so I completely respect that we now have access to this resolution our part of it as far as I can see is we do have to create a new interlocal agreement based on this resolution speciic specific to this high school property the two things that I want to say though are number one it appears to me based on everything that we've just been told is that the county has adjusted the road plan unsure as to when that time frame occurred but the plan for what they intend this road to be which in turn impacts the Ingress and egress on our proper property and they have now included what's called a service road that we didn't have who created that and so it whereas I see certainly the number two here our responsibility is a new interlocal agreement specific to this property number one also has not been upheld the the and that's on the County's part so there's a couple of pieces to that one is this body and all governmental bodies in this County started meeting again in 2021 and have met annually 2021 2022 2023 I'm certain we'll have a meeting again this year the technical working group on Friday to my understanding is the first time that the school board has been made aware that the county changed the Ingress and egress plan on this roadway to my knowledge and correct me if I'm wrong attorney powers and miss dobins this is the first time that the school board has been made aware of that change that ultimately impacts the special use permit that at the time chair Kathy Bryant signed so there are some existing Commissioners that were there in 2013 as well so that that's number one the other piece that concerns me even more than all of that is in the minutes from the technical working group we have the member from the County Commission recommending that no groundbreakings occur her on the new high school property until these things are worked out which you've just shared part of the working out is of their own doing so I'm I'm super cons thank you chair for being our wonderful Poise representative I'm glad it wasn't me because this is um unsettling is the word I'm going to use today that potentially even though other governmental bodies in this community have known for months if not even close to years that we are building on that property we've taken out a loan to build this High School we've said August 2026 will be the opening of this high school and there have been all kinds of community conversations about that because they weighed in privately on how the construction manager was chosen for said high school and now they're up upset that we haven't yet done the interlocal agreement that's a part of the special use permit whereas they've changed all the road plans which I mean just happens to matter entirely for the construction plan site plan student safety public safety and even the safety of those coming out of the summer Glenn back gate so those are all my thoughts right now chair I'm very concerned sure thank you Bard Campbell I will get you I promise um superintendent gullet I'll I'll thank you madam chair members of the board I'll weigh in on on something that you comment both you chair and attorney pow as we did on earlier our conversation we had um with the county um that day and I said it there and I'll say it again here my concern is always safety um and thinking about having thousands of students and staff anything that we can do as a community to mitigate that um understanding and I I heard a comment that day about and drop off and following the rules I said we can't create any conditions that are going to promote people be being impatient and dropping their students off in a roadway I am really concerned about that we have those problems already um and I just don't want to I don't want to be naive I don't want us to be naive and thinking that they're going to have the patients to go around pass the school and come back that is my concern and I just want to be on record as saying we have to do everything we can collectively to prevent conditions that are going to promote students being dropped off or walking across roadways that are going to put them in danger that is a great concern of mine whatever that looks like we have to make sure to address Miss doin I'm sorry you wanted to no no I wanted after you were done I'd like to Echo your concerns so we had a meeting um at the county Engineers office uh don't quote me on the date but it it feels like it was a month ago where we were made aware of their recommendations and we as a district along with kimley horn and our safe schools review Express those same concerns that Dr gullet is mentioning about the egresses um we talked about other ways a compromise of what's called a u Macintosh green tea um roundabout uh exiting and and so forth uh the engineer here uh took our concerns and and our discussion and said he would pass that along and that was the last we heard about it until we saw the map on Friday thank you um Miss doin board member James I just have a legal clarifying question so I appreciate what everyone is saying right now my legal question is number one says any changes made to the Ingress egress locations as identified locations it doesn't say Road plan and based on again what I'm I wasn't at the meeting but what I'm receiving right now is that the locations of the Ingress and egress have not changed it's the manner in which the road functions which has changed is that an appropriate and correct assertion I wouldn't know because of the fact that the image that we provided in the technical working group meeting was a satellite image didn't have much more on it okay I don't know exactly what the plan is everyone say is that there's still three Miss dobbin's painted tried to paint a very visual picture of three exits just there's limitations on turning left turning right Etc hold on hold on my point is I can completely agree that I don't love this idea however if this special use permit indicates locations and doesn't indicate Road planning as a limitation then I don't think we have any legs to stand on here and I don't think that they have they are not trying trying to adjust and amend the resolution because it's about the Lo the resolution speaks to locations of Ingress and egress it doesn't speak to the way in which the road patterns flow actually um according to um the assistant city manager the Ingress eess locations will be shifted um I'm not sure how far and I don't know um looking at this special use permit if there's anything that says it's moved 20t then they have to amend it if it's moved one foot you know I don't think it goes that granular um that would need to be confirmed by the assistant city manager that the locations will be the same city or the county county sorry oh okay assistant County ad Minister well that's the clarifying point that I would like to get because if if our attorney says that this is about location and not about Road flow and I would like for your your attorney opinion on that language then yes that's correct that's the opinion so then I'm just trying to understand where is the where is the document that indicates that they're changing the Ingress and egress because I think I'm missing that so my question is about the service road because that would be a change to Ingress and egress and so and I will just say that the concept plan we were provided at the technical working group doesn't have those Dimensions doesn't show exactly where it's going to be as compared to this one so that is a topic for further discussion um and that's where we are you know uh I think it also we're looking at going from a what was a two-lane road to a to a four-lane road well and chair if I may another piece to that while I understand that potentially the the language may say locations I think a transportation engineer I I've seen too many of these special use things come before the planning and zoning commission at the city and I understand that it always requires Transportation Engineers to come in and talk about how it's going to impact etc etc and so while I understand that it may be semantics I think a transportation engineer who potentially was consulted and that we'd have to find out in 2013 as to the image that was originally created and how a transportation engineer is weighing in now I I think the County would be Consulting both you know in both cases and so if it's it was kimly horn back then Kim did they even exist in 2013 but it's kimly horn now obviously because they work with the county all the time so while I understand that the locations have been identified the service road still is the one in question especially if they're trying to say that that's what we're going to use for all of our traffic I don't see that indicated here and so that would be a change certainly um but I I the way I've seen it again in reviews of these is that the egress from a transportation engineer actually says the right turn only or you know let and so that actually is a part of the conversation um nevertheless it it's still very disconcerting I need to point you to item three however item three says access to the site shout out we said under conditions Ingress egress locations as identified on the conceptual plan so that's what we have there however item three uh does undercut that a bit because item three says the specific locations of the Ingress egress locations along Southwest 165th Street shall be determined at the time of site development so there are three Ingress egress to which we have a very specific map um which is outlined and this this agreement says that the special use permit says as per the conceptual plan and that is submitted with the conceptual plan however in the drafting of number three it also indicates that the specific locations um shall be determined at time of site development so um that that is if there's an elim if there's an elimination of a Ingress and egress point that is going to be treated differently than if there is a shift of 20 ft to the left or if it's shifted one Ingress and E point to another to another road well and and just from my point of view I don't think anyone can dispute that we need this high school and we also need the access in and out to be safe to meet the needs of of what everyone has known since 2013 that this was going to be a high school it's 160 Acres there it's no secret that this wasn't going to be you know that this is going to be a high school so it would be my intention to continue to work as collaboratively and as transparently as possible to get this school online on time and continue I'm I'm glad to hear that there is another meeting that's going to be taking place so that we can find our way through this and again it's been a disservice to the boards that are in place now across all of the entities um that there had been literally virtually very little to no communication for way too many years you know and I don't know in terms of update till the Ila one that I'm strongly thinking about recommending is that these bodies will continue to meet you know regardless um in perpetuity because it's called planning you know and and that's what our community deserves as to the submission of an interlocal agreement um as outlined in the special use permit um in the future I believe that the proper way to proceed is that we don't try to have this really is not technically what should be defined as in a local agreement it should be anou specific to a s it property however that's what got placed here the drafting of anou that covers items 6 a through D is as simple as they they literally could have done it at the time we could have done anytime since as simple as saying a through D we will provide what we need now is for the engineers and facility staff and County staff to tell us exactly how a through d will be provided because obviously all those need to be provided and then certain questions need to be still hashed out like d a copy of the site plan for County records and cursy review well cursory review means different things to different people um so we need to ensure that we I mean I could literally if you give me 15 minutes go draft an local agreement that that has 6A through 6D that doesn't answer most questions so that the the the questions are what is going to be submitted for a through D because um you know a through A and D seem relatively straightforward uh B I do not know I know Kim Ley horn Works they have Traffic Engineers there I couldn't answer to what degree we have done a traffic impact analysis of the proposed development identifying any offside improvements needed um I would have to speak to the engineers to find out where are we in that process what's been done um and also identifying offsite impacts would tend to be something that also has to rely necessarily on what the County's plans are as are as to these Ingress and the egress and are their lights there so that's some of what the conversation's been going on so I don't know that the Traffic Engineers would be able to tell you much about a traffic impact analysis in the sense of a larger study if they don't don't know for certain what the plan is for uh lights that are or not going to be there because those things are still somewhat flexible or being discussed chair I just have one more clarifying question sure attorney poers would it be of your opinion that we should not um ask for an amendment on the special use permit I I don't see a reason for us to ask for an amendment on this so our goal is going to be to meet all of the things that are written in the in the the special use permit and not to amend the permit unless you have something you want to point out that no no no I'm I'm looking for validation that as a board we're going to meet this and not amend it because I think amending it opens up a um Hornet nnest of opportunity that we need to try to avoid at all cost I think from our perspective the only thing we need is uh in producing anou or Ila that meets 6A through D that we get clarity on what it ex I mean we I we can agree to say to do those things I don't know that that just agreeing to do those things doesn't still result in a lot of discussion about what those things are well yes and we we also still have to do some of those things too right um you'd have speak M St yes thank you so in regards to six a b and c those are conducted by our civil engineer which is kimley horn and they will provide the county those results when those reports are ready they are in process as far as D the cursor review of site plans a site plan is a one-pager however the county is requesting the full book which is over 600 pages and they are submitted individually and they have asked that we use their mechanisms for submittal this is what attorney Paris was referencing we went ahead and did it because we want to keep moving ahead so they have received all 600 pages and um we will look for their review of the items that they are only allowed to to um comment on okay and that has been the direction out of facilities to the county that we're providing the whole plant however these are the areas in which you are understood so just to be clear then as a board what we really are nickel and diing at this point is the Ingress egress specifics is that kind of a good takeaway from the conversation I because I'm just want to make sure I'm tracking with everyone and we're all on the same page is that what the is that kind of where we're at splitting hairs with is ingress egress in the roads I can answer that from my perspective on the special use permit not necessarily on all constructions yeah no I'm just talking about this on the special use permit the Ingress and ESS Loca locations are going to make a difference in the planning for the site and then as to how it impacts our ability for example briefly whether or not there is a light there and whether or not we are all doing right-and turns with buses out of there may greatly impact how traffic flow on site goes which may alter and we have a lot of what they call stacking built in to to this location far more than any existing campus um but the degree to which that traffic once buses and cars start rolling out onto the road it's not even just what our traffic impact will be to other properties what are the traffic devices and flow and patterns that the county already has planned for there going to impact our on-site so we need to know all of those factors but yes to to go back and briefly answer the question the special use permit the Ingress egress locations we need to know those so that we need to know do we still have three are there two how much and to what degree are the moves well because we can't break ground until we button up those pieces right I mean that's what I'm understanding from the special use permit is like we we can't break ground until we button up all of those unique pieces is that correct yeah I'd hate to have the I'd hate to have my driveway go through you know go through the CT in to the right of my property so it makes sense to me I'm just trying to get clarification so we're all on the same page because I think we just have to stay laser focused on what are the pieces we have to address right now and what do we still need um you know the the concept plan that we received the other day is that detailed and sufficient you know yes or no I you know that's something that the Board needs Direction on you know this is this is a big one um health safety and Welfare is what we have to be concerned about and when I hear our superintendent sharing that there are definitely concerns about the concept plan we were handed last Friday that needs to be addressed and it needs to be tidied up and whatever needs to happen needs to happen because we are under a very tight timeline I am I think we're all interested in continuing to work collaboratively and and not lose our timeline okay so I don't know that there's much more we can discuss today when is your next meeting there there's a meeting tomorrow with County and Facilities okay and as the board chair I would just request and I'm sure the rest of the board tell me that you don't agree if you don't that we want to keep a close eye on this uh be brief regularly and uh continue to move forward board member Campbell thank you but it is the understanding as we're looking again at six AB c and d d has already been accomplished A and C are coming from the engineer perhaps if you can get a timeline on specifically when those items will be handed to the county from our engineer and all it'll take from that point is a one-pager document to say that we've already done all of that is is that kind of buttoning that up board approved right because it has to be a board approved document it I sure we should hope one of the we should hope one of the things that was probably the best news in this that I took away from the technical working group meeting was that we've been concerned with the process all along about getting way off into Weeds on details that don't matter if you're reviewing 600 Pages it's a lot different than a condensed one page that answers the real questions you need however Miss strob did identify to us that part of their normal planning is that when a developer comes in to do some plans and they go and they submit uh an entire major site plan review she sort of walks it through individually and says here let me help you and guide you with this particular project and if there's if there's anything that's complex or unusual then it all will filter directly through her in order to help that along if there was something that's an unusual and not routine process she had indicated during the technical working group meeting um if if I was hearing that correctly that she would do exactly the same as per this and if there's ever one that needed sort of that consur level service like right now this is this is it because we need to be able to have somebody that can cut through a lot of the okay it went through 14 departments and 14 departments all gave back you know 74 codes each about you know what what minor items that they would normally review on a Chinese restaurant would be that doesn't matter to us so if she can cut through a lot of that red tape there not red tape but that cut through some of the uh cut through some of the static of what it is that are things that really don't apply especially while looking at statutes like 101 3.33 and working with Mr Minter myself you hopefully that will smooth the review quite quite a bit and then we can have a process for the next and the next one after that that is going to be continually improving process which is I think what everybody wants right and absent absent a separate process for for school building um that courtesy that was offered it truly is appreciated because that will help us with our timeline it'll help us continue to move forward so that's a very good thing um anything else from the board at this point not on that I have another question about the technical working group so when we're done with that okay because we're finishing up technical working group and we're going to move on to our next topic so whatever you have sure so I I noticed in the minutes again that you did have the discussion of residential development plans for families and that Miss drer mentioned as I did just previously that I'm the non- voting member to the city of Ocala Planning and Zoning meetings I note that Miss St told you when the county ones were and that Mr um somebody city of Belleview also indicated when their meetings were were invitations given to the school board to participate in the county and bells as the city of Okala has extended I don't think my recollection is that it wasn't specifically but um I I I don't think there was any attempt to exclude us either I can I can some one of us can reach out and find out from those um you know can we can we have someone participate in those I didn't any ex I mean they're public meetings so sure certainly I I can just tell you the value of of being there and weighing in as we have projects that specifically impact specific schools and then you all know I've brought back reports and said another one's coming you know this one's going to impact there here's another 500 homes and there there's value to the school board being a part of those and so certainly not exclusion I just I didn't know if there was actually a way that we can start having a board member participate in them at the county level and then at Belleview and I believe there are new zoning meetings in MacIntosh and dellan if I'm not mistaken and if I can have the luxury of one more bit of commentary on that I would say very specifically that's a excellent strategy and idea because of the fact that as we've seen in this property which we purchased in 2013 with the intention of building in the future um if if we're not made a part of all of the other plans it's why concurrency was a good thing because it tells everybody what's happening with each one of these kind of areas so we know this traffic pattern is going to have impact on what and then all parties are at the table it's going to have an impact on schools it's going to have an impact in in when that's not happening nobody knows what's going on and that way having our voice continually heard in those sort of meetings and in in concurrence with the Ila that we we already have too that's going to prevent this from becoming a problem like it has when the county approves permits over here and over there and then or the city does and then no one's necessarily considering the interest of what about what about a property there that you've got that is going to be a school someday what what's what are we doing there it's did you have anything else no it it was just a comment slash question I I was hopeful that we would be able to start having a board member representing us at those meetings as as appropriate for sure okay thank you and um one of the reasons why that came up is because you know with all of the development that's going on in the city um and we know that 8th Street and Oola are at capacity and um it's something I think to keep an eye on because you know young professionals that move in there we all know the average age of of the majority of folks that are moving into our area you know those young professionals are probably going to become young families and they're going to want what's the first question people ask you know how good are the schools in that area and to be able to live in a walkable area where your kids can walk to school and you can walk to the farmers market you might only be able to make do with one or no car um that that definitely is something when for us to consider for the future because that's not a big piece of property that E Street and naola are sitting on so in terms of making that that property you know building anymore on it I don't even know if that's that's possible but it's something that we need to be keeping in the back of our minds as we're considering sales of potential other pieces of downtown property um I will say that I admire the foresight of years ago that uh previous boards did buy a lot of land at yesterday's prices and if we had to buy that land today we'd be in a real pickle and I don't know that that price that land is going to continue to do anything except get higher especially in the city with all the cool things that are going on so just some things to think about the demographic is definitely changing you know Okala used to be this big mecca for retirees used to come to and they're still coming don't get me wrong but there's been an influx of of younger people with that either have children already or going to have them more than likely so we just need to be prepared and and be Visionary on what we're doing down there with our flexibility and our needs and the land that we at least still own all right anything else for the good or the cause on that one all right we shall move on to our final item and we will talk about our priority board prioritization list for construction and maintenance projects and as we move into that one um back up wanted to make sure everyone did see in their email because it came earlier this morning the copy of the signed resolution for half cent ctax and the way it reads to help guide this discussion um and just pull it up here or did we ask for public comment on the oh thank you thank you board member James is there any public comment because I actually see a member of the public here now's your opportunity all right seeing and hearing none we shall move on all right so on the official ballot here's how it reads School Capital outlay sales sir tax to improve safety and the learning environment to retain high quality teachers reduce classroom overcrowding and improve Safety and Security by expanding constructing and improving school facilities with collected revenues shared according to Florida law with eligible public charter schools based on their proportion of total School District enrollment with oversight by an independent volunteer committee shall the dis school district of Marian County Levy a one half cent sales tax for 10 years to fund such activities for Maran County schools and I just wanted to share that again with everyone to again to help us guide our discussion on our priorities because just like with our one mil funding referendum we have really stuck to those priorities as written and these are more General um but but still are important and to make clear to the public that this is exactly how we want to prioritize whatever it is we decide to do so with that who would like to lead us off in this discussion I don't mind starting sure I have a handout because what I uploaded I've changed a little bit so I printed an uploaded for you so if everyone just wants to take one down and pass it around I won't finish the rest of that statement I just did in my head so I want to I also just gave some copies to the people the audience because I wanted people to be able to follow along um and Miss Martinez will upload my updated one um to the board docs so to just frame my thought process one of the things that Miss Boston Ellis and I have talked about many a time is that we need to cut our costs and we've talked about that as a board publicly as well and I do not believe that we can cut our operational costs until we start addressing cutting our facilities because we have a significant amount of operational costs attached to a lot a varying amount of sites and some of those sites serve three or 400 students and so um my plan that I want to present to you all is focused on creating um relieving a strain on operational cost and being a plan that is going to pay for itself over the course of some years so my plan would include replacing Spar Elementary and by the way my estimated costs are above what they probably should be but I wanted to be as conservative as possible so replacing Spar Elementary with a school with for about 900 students and um repurposing or closing Anthony Elementary and rezoning the students so that most of Anthony students would go to spar doing that same thing at bellw elementary to the tune of a 12200 student capacity to offload biew Santos Elementary denell and um High School being rebuilt to be a middle high school um and closing Dell middle school and then building a new K8 site at the lakew middle site as it exists right now that would close Stanton and put um Harbor View lakee middle and Bellview middle to be able to get rezoned and then it also includes three wings at Okala Springs W Highlands and Maplewood if I direct you to page two of the handout I gave I wanted I did some numbers because I I generally try to just come with some data to frame what I'm trying to say so I first took the renovation costs that were um in the handout that we had previously received from Miss doin I did not update it when it was received again so if there were changes I did not reflect those so I took the renovation costs that were projected for the next 10 years for each of the schools that I've just mentioned and then what I did was had Miss Boston Ellis and her team pull up the annual operating costs for those sites so what you'll notice as an example for Anthony the annual operating cost over 10 years so the cost times 10 is $54 million and for Spar it's $55 million a component to this that I was not able to capture prior to this meeting is what potentially we could sell the Parcels for so you can essentially ignore that for the purpose of the conversation and then essentially I worked it to a 10-year total cost so including the renovation and the total cost Anthony and Spar collectively are going to cost $118 million to operate over the next 10 years just the operating cost in addressing the facility needs that were indicated in Miss doin's um very large document that facilities provided for us what I did was I did that for all of the sites I mentioned so you'll notice that Belleview Elementary and Bell Santos Elementary combined are going to be $149 million to operate over the next 10 years Stanton weirdale would be 71 million and then denell and Middle High collectively would be $215 million so if we do nothing except address whatever facility needs Miss Dobbins has brought forward that is how much it would cost to operate these schools over the next 10 years page three um is where I get into kind of the nitty-gritty of the plan and why I think that it's going to save us money so at the top of the page you'll see I I looked for a comparative school so I use Legacy Mar Oak sunrise and Forest as my most comparable comparative schools for Anthony and Spar combination being 900 students I'm using Legacy Elementary as the comparative School seeing as it is a newer school with a similar student population Belle Santos and B Elementary using Maran Oaks the new K8 site using Sunrise because it is mostly elementary students um and then danella Middle High using for high again trying to stay close to the type of student and the number of student stations at the school and what I did was I took their operating costs for 10 years so to run Legacy for 10 years is $74 million and so when you look at if you go down to that third table if we're talking about Anthony and Spar if we build a new school at at Spar and we close uh Anthony Elementary mered merged closed whatever the facility no longer serves students and we're not maintaining the facility we will at the end of the 10 years be in the deficit $5 million so if we do nothing it's going to cost $118 million if we build a new school it will cost $124 million in 10 years and we will put almost a th000 students in a brand new school and over the course of 20 years we would actually start saving money of course this isn't including facility costs that would be required for a new site but just going at a very basic level you'll see that same scenario present itself for bellev Santos and bellev Elementary so if we do absolutely nothing and continue to maintain those two sites we're going to spend $149 million and if we build a new site at Belleview element and serve both schools to the tune of 1,200 students in a brand new school we're going to spend 160 million which is essentially the difference of $10 million and so I want to encourage the board uh now obviously the money starts looking a little different when we talk talking about bigger schools because it's it's the more expensive the school the longer it takes to encumber that cost but my plan and then I'm really going to be quiet and let you guys present my plan plan is to try to put us in a position where we are making financially responsible decisions that are putting the most amount of students into new safe sites um and so that is what I want to encourage the board to do today I'll gladly answer any questions about my plan um but I want to take the sales tax and afford opportunities to as many possible students to experience the fruits of that that sales taxx labor so I'll answer any questions or Circle back to me or whatever thank you Bo member James appreciate this um comprehensive list and and priorities um it's helpful thank you Dr James this is um actually in my conversations with um Miss Dobbins in my conversations with um Miss Boston Ellis and Mr SS and talking about the rezoning redistrict and what however we want to call it these are some of the same conversations that I had with them U exactly the same ones um because I kept saying that something has to be done on the north end with and there's going to have to be some real serious conversations some hard conversations about um those older schools and putting them together and how much is costing us to to maintain those schools so um I thank you for putting on paper what I was talking about basically so um let's continue to talk this conversation talk this out and figure out is this something that is doable and how do we want to proceed with the CeX and I just I didn't touch on the wings but I ped those three because I felt like those were some of the highest needs based on capacity um but I'm not I'm not I mean I really want oal Springs to get one but I'm not dying on any of the swords there I just I think that those have some of the highest capacities and greatest needs and have been importables longest so that's how I came up with the wings okay that's all now I think thank you um go ahead are you okay if we converse absolutely yeah Dr James thank you for your work we have um some different ideas but I had one question about something that was on my plan and is not on your plan and I'd just like to hear if there was a specific reason um for that so what um what input would you give on fezan and reic um well I don't think the sales tax would address my input I agree so the reason I did not include it is because I don't believe that if this conversation is about the sales tax and the use of the sales tax I don't believe the sales tax money needs to be used to address what's going on at Fez and re I do not think we need to use sales tax funds to rejuvenate FES in elementary school so if you're looking for me to go on record to say that that is of my opinion but um I'm not sure the board wants to digress into that conversation today because it's not about the sales tax for me okay and so let me re let me reword my question um as you as you looked at combining schools um did you put any thought into um moving fezan to reic and adding um adding units there because so I believe that all of fesan would fit into reic without really much adjustment at all to the school but again that does not have to do with the sales tax and so for the purposes of today's conversation about the sales tax I think that we should focus on what we're going to do with the sales tax money and then I would encourage the board to have a conversation about that specific Topic at a later date all right thank if we want to digress into it I'm more than welcome to but I don't think it should be a priority of the board at this moment it's not included in your proposal um no because it's not using sales tax money so I'm trying to just stick to what the sales tax is used for understood um did you have uh more Vice chair on that just very briefly um I too I think the wings um for Okala Springs Maplewood and W Highlands when you look at the um age of w Highlands um and you look at their overc capacity and um the amount of Portables they have um I just I just think it's very very important and even though Okala Springs and Maplewood are a little bit um newer um in the8 86 and 91 um their capacity and amount of Portables also um just you know are a Challen challenges for those school campuses so um I am on board with with that idea thank you V chair comrade uh board member Campbell thank you so uh thank you Dr James for the recommendation of us to upload a document so we could have some time to look at our just our individual thoughts so that certainly uh was very helpful I also am the only other board member at this point that put up a public facing idea so this was I I talked to several folks about I'm an idea generator and so this is like the conversation starter is the way I see this so where our plans uh coincide would definitely be the wings at Ward Highlands and Maplewood spot on on those two those Portables in both locations I believe have far outlived their life and in my estimation and even recommendation specifically if this sales tax is passed I would even recommend those two schools get their classroom Wings ahead of Mo and Hammet that's as as high priority as I think those are because the wooden walkways just the they're not as conducive to student learning and we've had students in those conditions in those two campuses for far too long so th that those are my initial points on that I think that we completely concur on that Okala Springs I can go either way I think potentially re once we do some of these additional things rezoning all of Elementary may impact that uh and I I think there there may be opportunities there I I can go either way on oal Springs as you said um I also concur that building a K8 on the site of the existing lakee middle campus as soon as our new Lake Weare Middle School is open then we immediately begin building there I also see the need potentially for a classroom building at Belleview Elementary but I know my plan isn't for an entirely new Belleview Elementary depending on the size of that K8 it may give us the ability to have new classroom space at Belleview Elementary and close Stanton and the existing Belleview it it just depends on the size that we build of the new K8 in conjunction with what we could build on Belleview Elementary to potentially absorb both of those schools so that's just again this is these are conversation starters so I those are the things that I completely agree with um I also completely agree with doing something in dellen so I spent a lot of time yesterday actually in dellen I went to all four campuses in dellen talked to administrators walked those campuses and looking at the Benish study as well is what the recommendations are for us in the future one of the recommendations in the benis study is that there's and this actually is in the same document that we saw in Kevin she's presentation yesterday at the C breakfast the one page that Dr gullet had created that has the three colors it has the one color of all the things we're doing right now and then the middle section shows like what the forecast is over the next 10 years and then and and so it it shows it that way and in the center column those things that we currently are not doing but are projected there are both a wing at dellen elementary and a wing at Romeo Elementary therefore rather than doing a middle high school my recommendation would be to do a K8 and the K8 in my recommendation would be on the dellan middle school campus now let me talk through why um the first things about the Middle High option uh currently based on the plan you just presented would build it at 2300 student capacity which is what Forest is and that's the current enrollment for dellan middle and dellan high school today in 2024 so I don't believe that's actually like going to help us much to build it at our current capacity I would see and Miss Dobbins and I talked briefly about this yesterday especially when I was walking the campus that dellan middle school has a totally refurbished gymnasium a historic Auditorium on that campus and if we were to build a middle or elementary school again we won't get an auditorium I mean that that's not going to be a part of it and the gymnasium just fully being refurbished they're they're in pretty decent condition we we've done some some upkeep decently I mean we put a lot of money into both those facilities lately so if we were to build starting with the middle school on the vacant land that is currently the track an open field there at Dell and middle and we started building there two potentially three stories depending on you know I'm not an architect but uh Miss doin said maybe even using the footprint of what the new Lake we middle will be three store whatever we may already have that and then incorporating the newest building there and tearing down some of the old it would reconfigure how the whole campus is set up but then I also would Envision actually building the K5 portion of that on that campus as well so then we aren't building a wing at denell and Elementary and we aren't building a wing at Romeo or two wings I think eventually in Den Elementary in the Vish study we aren't building those and we're putting all of the money on one other campus that's a K8 and we reone all of dellen and all of the areas that feed into dellen I know both Romeo and dellen Elementary Romeo specifically is getting students from Citrus and Williston and they they have a lot they have a larger reach um just in that one school and they have a lot of land there so I again I walked the whole thing I'm like should we put the middle school here and but when I walked to the middle school and saw the existing structures that I think we could still utilize and wouldn't we would do the lake Mir middle Building without the gymnasium component because we already have it um so that's that part of my idea actually making a K8 and dellen as opposed to the middle high and and when I also spoke to administrators about a middle high concept they weren't as keen on that idea as they were on a K8 concept uh I know Middle High I tried to do some searches I know middle Highs are really popular in small districts there are some in other parts of the state Miami Dade has several I I was trying to see how long some of those have been established like the Middle High concept currently I think Middle School fits better with K through five than it does with high school but that's my opinion and Dr James wants to have a well I just want to clarify something because I I'm agreeing with you which I feel like I should highlight so I I actually don't I could get on board with that are you offlining in elementary school when you do the K8 I'm not offlining in elementary school I'm keeping from building onto existing elementary schools okay so I and Miss doin and I have talked about this at length as well as Miss Bellis I think we have to we have to start addressing the smaller schools so I can get on board with the K8 if it means it's built to the size to offline an elementary school because we we we have too many we have too many people but we need all the people we have because we have too many facilities and so I like my concept of the middle high is offlining operational cost and so if we're going to do the K8 instead of the Middle High which I can be on board with because I like the idea and honestly you bring up great points about the auditorium and the gym I want to offline one of the elementary schools then so based on capacity and future growth because Rainbow Lakes and all of that and the Bish study and where we know permitting is occurring and all I don't know that we can offline an elementary school in D Ellen I I I just don't know that we can can we offline elementary schools in other places absolutely absolutely that's a conversation for another day perhaps as you just stated uh talking about the Belleview area I think depending on how we build there we absolutely could offline potentially because I'm talking about a K8 in Belleview and you know additions onto so I I think that we potentially can offline even two schools there depending on how that's built so I agree we need to offline operational costs Elementary schoolwide 100% but based on future growth projections again using the Benish study that we all are using I don't know that that specific area is going to actually allow us to offline in elementary school Dr Campbell yes and I heard what Dr James saying about offlining I I I agree I don't think you can offline in dellan uh Elementary School the reason being because of the location of dellan you're getting kids from Citrus County you're getting kids from Ley County you're on that line and so there's going there's a huge influx and citrus Citrus Springs and all those areas so offlining one of those would not so and I completely agree I I mean I'm looking at the numbers I agree and so my my question is is there a way we can approach it so that we have from a financial standpoint we have to start limiting our operational costs and so is there a way because I is there a way to take DaNell and middle and turn denel a middle into a K8 and and then make the high school a middle high and so you have um some middle school students that go to denell and Height dellan Middle High and then you have a K8 and that affords you the opportunity because like moving some one of closing one of the elementary campuses and moving it and and making the elementary campus on the Middle School site is it exists right now and making that a K8 to help with the middle school I just um and I'll I'll stop stressing it but I really think we have to look at the operational costs and the utility bills and the custodial staff and all of it so I I appreciate that that thought process it some of the things that I have been thinking through on putting this on paper is I think in the first 10 years some of these things are what we can do and and I I don't want to make a statement because I won't be on the board 10 years from now to be able to decide if the community gets to weigh in again on something but I think some of these things have to be what this board says these are the first 10 years of what we can do but here are things we know still need to be done and that's what our five-year work plan continues to say but but in the first 10 years these are things that we know need to be done so combining still a middle high on the Dunellen campus right now isn't going to help so what I'm also recommending in dellen is that they get a two-story classroom Wing because again walking at dellen high yesterday talking through where that potentially could go there's a little bit of land challenges where it needs to be but they currently have 20 Portables on the denen high school campus and some of them are not close uh and so I know they're about to get extra internal bathroom facilities that's going to help a little bit in that area um but I still see as a again a part of my plan we do build on the Dunellen Camp Dunellen High School campus in this 10year window but it's not to add middle school students there it's just to service the students that are there and continuing to come there every day so does it offline an actual campus it does not but again it offlines future projections for where we might be 10 years from now dellen where we would need classroom wings at other facilities um so anyway I'll continue through my my quick analysis because there's other things in mind uh I'll actually start from the bottom up I did include an MTI conversation I I don't know where we are with that um but I did include that at least in in a gross timeline here I included Fort King Middle to get started on replacing that school I think that this board could make a decision that we could at least start with a classroom wing of some sort to get started at Fort King Middle understanding we're not having the growth challenges at Fort King but we're having maintenance challenges and I think we need to tell the community we're we hear you we see you let's start it but again I don't know that this board can say we can finish that work as well um then the classroom building at Belleview high school that continues to be it's already plumbed it already has the electri all of that is ready to go where all the Portables are right now we already know what that building needs to look like because all the other buildings look the I mean so I I think that I think there probably are already plans from back then what that classroom Wing needed to look like I included an auditorium in there but that's just because their blackbox theater is kind of small but we that's neither here or there but I think the again this is based on growth projections that Benish is saying and seeing all the growth we're having in in Belleview we need to relieve pressure off of Belleview Middle School school and so we're going to do that with the new K8 but Belle high school is getting all of those kids and so we need to relieve those Portables and not have to continue to have that and my kids have classes in Portables right now at Bev high school every day so um I kids are in Portables everywhere I I also included because it's in district one and I know the need is continues to be there is that wyomina Park um cafeteria and potential classroom admin building that classroom I mean excuse me the cafeteria and many of you have this in schools that you represent as well based on the size of the school the cafeteria is so inadequate for what is actually needed on that campus so some of these are you know I I wanted to just throw out all of the thoughts that I was having and obviously that's in district one so I wanted to put that there uh already talked about Belleview and then I I put in um the doors for the classrooms and the two schools that we know have the open classroom configuration um I think that that would be an easy thing to say and to put out there and do uh I'm projecting $2 million I don't know we don't have really an estimate on that but um that may not even be accurate on that uh rubberized tracks while I understand that the language perhaps on the ballot that may feel like a little bit of a stretch I believe based on the email Communications we've received recently from a student as well as from administrators about not having rubberized tracks we certainly can say that is a safety issue for our students who are track athletes that running track on an asphalt track is causing injury and not conducive to that um so I still believe that rubberizing our tracks would be valuable but understandably uh just yesterday we received a new Total on what that might cost us so I have projected low on that that's not uh what that will need to be um Vanguard High the conversation about booster stadium and Ora football stadium will continue and so I don't know that we're prepared to put that as saying that's what we're going to use this for but I certainly put it in because I talked about it La last week or two weeks ago and then the data center we we have to fund that data center because then that frees up property downtown that we have to figure out what we want to do with so I put in $5 million I don't think that's going to fund it like I said the remaining shortfall but I don't know what I think it's a $10 million Data Center and I don't think that we even have 9 million of that ready so um anyway that I've talked enough you guys can see what it is but I did want to at least talk through my thought processes and then see what feelings the rest of the board had but the last thing I'll say sorry I did have one more thing and this has nothing to do with this entirely I I grateful that the board is having this conversation right now those of us who were were at the C EP breakfast yesterday know that Kevin she's presentation that he's taking on the road encompasses the uh full Cent sales tax for the county as well as the half cent sales tax for schools he's talking about that that's going to be what he's going to be sharing I believe after we have this conversation and come to consensus today on whatever we agree to his presentation can be beefed up as to say this is specifically what is happening I spoke directly with a state road 200 group this week who has already said they want to hear about the full scent but they're not supportive of our half cent and he is speaking to that group on Tuesday evening like in five days from now so it is imperative that this board come to some kind of idea today so we can take this show on the road as well as individual board members but he can make a a better case for what our plans are okay that's all I had that's it all right um BL your comrad you I just I just have a couple things because um my fellow board members have shared um a lot of the same concerns and ideas um that I have and um it's a great collaboration but I want to say we had our safety um presentation earlier today and it really highlights for me are the door issue we have at two of our schools and so that really moved to the top the very top um of my list um just because of the Safety and Security um portion I do also agree that the data center is a big concern um I've already shared the wings but one thing um I just want to highlight this really for the Public's awareness because I know it's not a popular uh conversation when I was elected there was a lot of disc discussion about this facility here at MTI and so a lot of that stems around the idea that it doesn't service children and so if you drive by here uh anytime during the week or on the weekend it is usually full of children and so um Miss Dobbin and her team did a lot of work I'm just sharing um providing us with so much information um on E campus on the facilities all of these everything and so when you look at that I just want to share with the Comm community that she raided every campus for us assigning points to um different attributes um hold on I don't have that sheet in front of me because I wasn't last okay so um just what needs to be replaced is it's Plumbing electrical you know how many Portables all the things um and MTI was by far by far our campus with the last page okay with the most needs and so um MTI came out at 931 I believe and the next closest point value was in the 300s and so I just want to highlight that I know um I I don't believe this board is really interested in that conversation right at this moment but I did just want to bring awareness that this facility is used on a daily basis and it's also used almost every weekend I don't have access to the calendar but I know that when I drive by there's dance recital and graduations and all um great community activities um that our children in in Maran County are using so I did want to just bring attention to that um I am in favor uh I really like the idea of um combining some of our schools Miss doin I did have one question just as I was working through um some of these ideas of combining schools is it I don't know what the what the research says about this and and you may know and it may be something you have to get back to me on but as we look at combining schools is it more beneficial to do a K8 um or is it more beneficial to move the middle school on a high school campus and the reason that it caused me to pause is because we have had so much conversation about ath Athletics um and our students having more opportunities to facilities for athletics and so in my mind I leaned towards a K8 um just because of the age of the students and and and grouping them it's kind of always been a natural um partnering but as I was thinking out of our athletic needs I thought it would be it would be beneficial for our middle schoolers to be near or part of a high school campus I just didn't know if you had any input on that so I'll input on the side of operations because I think there's a huge academic discussion that would need to be had there that's not in my purview um I think there could be a benefit athletically um however the reality of that would be what I would want to discuss further or look into further and what I mean by that is if you think about the volume of use of our athletic facilities in the seasons at our high school they coincide with the same seasons as middle school and the high school's going to be using their athletic fields which means that the Middle School's not going to have that opportunity so I don't know that there's a big athletic opportunity for Middle School to use the high school during seasons and and a lot of times offseason as well okay all right thank you I appreciate that and I did have that thought I thought that could turn out to be you know absolutely trying to accommodate the other could be very challenging um but I just wanted to ask can I share something from a curriculum standpoint there are students right now sitting in Middle Schools who are missing out on opportunities for acceleration because the middle schools are too small and can't afford the units for say geometry as an example so denell Middle School specifically um they don't offer geometry on campus and they don't offer geometry on campus because there's not enough students that would participate to take an entire teaching section and apply it but if they were at a middle high school they would have opportunities to sit in a high school the high school geometry teacher could just teach one section of middle school geometry and so it would afford an opportunity for students to have acceleration not just in academics but also in CTE programs that are not currently afforded when they're sitting on separate sites so when I look at it through a curriculum lens I see I see a middle high school opportunity with regards to acceler a flowing um more fluidly than a K8 and it would help eliminate some of those caps that we've created on our middle school campuses with um specifically math because we've really focused on math acceleration thank you that's a great point and we do have a model for that from the past with um Westport was originally a middle school on one side and a high school on the other and so I I hear that from the curriculum lens for sure Dr gullet what would be your thoughts on that I think there are advantages and disadvantages of both I think we'd have to take a look at um all the options and looking at not just academic developmental age of students and access points um sixth graders with on a campus with 12th graders but you also have kindergarteners with sixth graders so that that which you're speaking about goes back to the Junior Senior High School model um that was in place um those of us have been in Florida a long time many many years ago and still in some I heard you say earlier rural districts so there ADV their options advantages and disadvantages to both right and I and I suppose you know it's all in how the schools are are built and designed you know with the eye to safety but also access yeah um that there's a balance there um this is incredible conversation so far and one reason that I didn't put anything of my own up there is because I felt like we already had several um guiding lights public facing documents which is our school facilities recommendations you know 2023 through 2038 also our Benish study that we paid a lot of money for um you know there's there's experts that have certainly you know weighed in um and so many recommendations and and they all have Merit I am weighing my input on on two things you know we are asking the whole public you know if this passes the whole public will be paying it so the whole public needs to be able to see results that matter to them ideally that also don't break our backs fiscally and we know that we have what upwards of2 billion dollar of of Maintenance needs and so I'm trying to weigh that with and I love the idea of of reducing our operational costs you know I don't disagree with that concept you know whatsoever we also have really critical needs to the community that we've been talking a lot about for a while and so in my mind again we're fortunate in in a lot of our schools where there's a lot of land there so we could be doing something with a building say adding a wing with an eye to incorporating that Wing into a new build in the future um thinking about for King for example it happens to be in my district but it just is what it is it's a super old school has had a portable City forever anyone that teaches Elementary School knows that when there's uh Portables with no bathrooms big waste of instructional time they're unsafe according to my understanding all of our Portables are going to age out soon and then we don't get any money for them to maintain them right is that an accurate statement not getting two things yes it's an accurate statement that at the end of this current school year they age out of 20 we receive no funding to maintain Portables okay so there you go so they are a complete Financial drain now my second question is is that with wings we would get money then to help maintain them is that correct sorry can you repeat if we replace Portables with wings would there then be a funding mechanism that we would qualify for to help maintain those permanent structures so let me clarifi clarify the funding so in the past Portables would generate maintenance dollars through Pico right there is no pico right so we maintain our Portables the same way we maintain any classroom and that is with the limited funds we currently have which is why 80% of our maintenance goes unfunded each year yes and I believe it's one of our legislative priorities that we're still looking at narrowing down and and focusing on to ask our um legislature to get real on on supporting us with some more Capital maintenance because having none is not an option the the kids are coming they continue to come um regardless getting back to the ballot language of of safety the the we know that brick and mortar are are much safer for kids and they're also visible uh I think in the community what I hear a lot of is look at those you know portable cities and they don't use those terms it's much more derogatory so I think that focusing on adding Wings removing Portables wherever and however we can sure you know uh Okala Springs Ward Highlands Maplewood Saddlewood added Portables and I don't think we took them away unless maybe we use them for Liberty when um Evergreen closed we added some Portables over there if my memory serves and even when Saddlewood opened I think it opened with Portables it was already overcrowded okay Miss Boston Ellis is is nodding um Hill Crest as it has expanded has a whole line of Portables that all got cleared out at one point and then they brought some of them back I think maybe a couple of them were left because they were afraid to move them and just the safety of moving kidss around that when it's pouring down rain that now they can't go out to those spaces they're in uh there's they're not covered walkways there's you know they're in wheelchairs whatever um just for accessibility you know I think of Vice your Conrad with your years as an elementary school teacher how how Relentless the timing is for instruction and how the the minutes are and if kids don't have access to a close restroom facility you know by the time you get them all through doing what they're doing it's like a whole period so so that resonates um with me U the certificates of participation are for for new construction only confirmed and this sales tax does give us the ability for some some maintenance as as well at least according to how I read it correct maintenance and new construction yes maintenance and new construction says improving yes improving that's that's facilities expanding construction and improving yes and mine just went to sleep so give me a second but as I continue to to think through this um we have our school facility recommendations 2023 through 2038 we have the the Benish study we hear from the community and what is important to them and to maximize the chances of of this passing I just want to be mindful of that and also continue to hear recommendations um in addition to the ones we've already received from our experts now that we've all shared our our our plans some more specific than others our interests to help us begin to to narrow it down because I agree that it's crunch time we need to be able to get out in the community and start sharing that we agree at least on these top five things you know um we know that we need new we also know that we need maintenance because we can't do it all at once and we have to continue to take care of of what we do have have I'm just looking through here to see if I had any more um specifics the data center I wish we didn't rely so much on technology but it does and if it goes down it is a nightmare lot lots of lost instructional time lots of loss of productivity so in my mind that's that really is a priority I'm replacing I put this in bold in my notes replacing portable cities with wings that replacement schools can be designed to incorporate um there's no money to maintain Portables and and they're inefficient you know across the board um and my one last thought is and I know Stephen A is if he's listening he's cringing but it would be pretty interesting to me to ask the community because we're the community is the are the ones that are going to be paying for it so based on our conversation today if there was a way to condense some of this and do a survey a quick one it doesn't and and try to hear gauge from the community what some of the top priorities are to help us finalize I don't know that I can come to a full decision today on on what we're going to prioritize and and and what we aren't but I think that we need to be straightforward we need to be pretty basic we need to make sure that just about anyone that's going to Mark a ballot it be like hey there's something in this you know for me and my family um that's about all the things that the ballot language is asking yes board member James so two things first I want to Echo Dr Campbell's sentiment that I want to walk away from today with a plan so I appreciate that it it feels um it it feels like it's a lot to do um chair thrower and if that means we need to take a 20 or 30 minute like quick lunch and come back I'm committed to sitting here until we finish it um personally um my I have a question about the data center because it's been brought up and we are missing that funding and it was something that I left off that I could get behind my hesitation is the language in the sales actx says to retain high quality teachers reduce classroom overcrowding and improve Safety and Security by expanding constructing and improving school facilities and I have hesitation and pause around using the sales tax money for the data center and I would um rather it um potentially the sales tax prioritize things that could come off of a five-year work plan um or some other way or we cut a wing that we thought we needed in the loan and we use that money to address the deficit for the data center potentially um I'm not sure but it does cause me pause and hesitation to use the sales tax money for the data center so I want to start and see if the board can come to I think we need to maybe just start picking item and decide are we on board or offboard maybe and so if they don't mind we could start at the data center since I brought it up but what is what is the take on that as a group I'll just respond um the data center I understand where you're coming from and it would been easier for me to continue to get behind if it said in improving School dist School District facilities it says school facilities well they're all school facilities because they're all designed to help schools you know do what they need to do but I agree that it could be enough of a stretch where you know people might not like it um on the other side of that I think we all know that technology drives what are kids looking at when they're in class or on Chromebooks you know we need technology and we need a a hub to make sure that that's functioning but if we can get it from another source that's not that's not a hill I'm going to die on um in terms of walking away today with uh with a a plan um that's fine with me but I still would love to hear from the rest of the board what they think about the viability and whether or not you think it's it's worth it to then throw it out to the community and say you know what what do you think of these priorities um I think that that could be interesting you know to get their responses but then again A lot of times we'll do a survey and not that many people respond I'm just really interested because the whole Public's going to have to pay for this for them to have as much voice as possible ahead of time since we're putting priorities on the table board member c m chair um I hear what you're saying I do know that we are on a very very short time frame um so even if we did a survey it would have to be a week survey it would have to come back within a week's time I do think whatever plan we present to the community it has to appeal to the county it has to appeal to the entire County right because we if we make it specific to District three which is experiencing the most growth um which my district you you have District three that may in but the northern side will not so whatever plans we come up with it has to Encompass the whole County right and so um I I think we need to let um I think we've gotten some great uh input from like Dr James Dr Campbell all of us because really some of this all of all this is on the table is pretty much what all of us are thinking yeah that's why I just want to like chip through it like let's just pick all what we're thinking pick Dr plan or my plan and let's see and then put those plans together let Miss Dobbins and her team put it together and cuz we got to sell this we we got to we got to put it out there we really don't have a lot we're 50 50 something days away from an election right so um whatever we do we need to get it done fast yesterday but it has to have that countywide appeal I'm sorry what was that last has to have that countywide appeal yes it doesn't it it's not going to Happ yes right chair chair I just wanted to say I love the sentiment um of what you said and and I love the idea of um getting the community's input but I'm also reminded of we recently did several five or six facility tours um you know and I I was able to attend I believe all but one and we only had two community members show up um that really had an invested interest in what's going on um with our facilities and so I'm hesitant to put put that out there um as as we have the experts are in the room you know they they they've presented to us what the challenges are what our needs are and brought them to us in a very detailed format um and so I'm just I'm hesitant to go that route understood and based on you know we have our personal priorities that we always have the the good of the district in mind and then we have this you know list of code Reds and so that that's also part of my dilemma is you know based on everything that we shared up here what would be the the short list of recommendations you know that facilities and and Dr gullet would recommend you know sure yes one more thing excuse me and I didn't say this earlier but I meant to one of the things that that that really jumped to the top of my list is because of the situation that we had to deal with two weeks before school started with surmy and new LEF and us having to um pull those students into MTI MTI went higher much higher on my list because um they are in the middle of the district they are um the situation has to be resolved and it may have been off our radar because they were outsourced but now that they're back or that they're here we got to do something that that it it went up a priority on my list thank you Dr gullet what are your thoughts on MTI um I know that it was quite one one of the major reasons why we didn't do it is because it was going to be too expensive to continue to to Outsource and this was something we had been considering doing for like 12 years so we decided to go ahead and do it um what would be your feedback thank you um appreciate that um an MTI is very different today than it was several months ago and uh to that point a recent conversation I had a meeting with Mr Jones and I asked him what do you need and he said we need space um and and here we are in in a building that was not supposed to be used for students I I don't know I'm looking at the team what year that was I know it was prior to my time here in Maring County but um you know I said I'm trying to figure out how to help you with that but but as we've taken the on and and he's done a great job the team is really supported this work I think for the long term there's a lot of opportunity for our students but we do uh to Reverend hummings point and to your point we we do need to address it it wasn't on the radar before but because we've made this change we do need to address providing a a safe environment for our students that are here in our scho thank you um So based on that feedback um would it be the consensus of of the board that we need to begin to pull in you know MTI you know to this it's on my plan I equ sure um so chair first of all I want to speak to the survey uh I am not in favor of asking the community just yet because their vote will be our response to a survey but also they are not they they certainly can ask for it but they don't have access currently to all that we have and to Vice chair Conrad's point the experts are in the room and they know what our maintenance issues are and I believe Dr James and I both built our recommendations off of what we've received from the experts we took this data and then came up with this list of priorities and so if you use this one page right here and I I I'm not I'm only I'm not making a case solely for my proposal at this point because I think it it all stems from Lake we middle we're addressing so MTI is is on my plan it can certainly be moved up however we want to do that if that starts with one classroom Wing or that starts with something alog together different but over the course of 10 years I at least have $50 million put in for this campus here Lake we middle we're addressing Belleview Santos that adjustment combo whatever is somehow Incorporated here we can address what that act D middle you want to stop at B sure sure I'm just I'm like if if we look at the challenges here if you don't mind let's just stop so we I mean I'm I'm not on board we can come back to MTI maybe because I feel like that's a hit or miss topic and we all can kind of agree on lots of other stuff be below MTI if that's okay that's the last as we're moving down the list um didn't hear a lot of push back about the plan regarding Belle Santos well so yeah so I think there's just two do you need to say something when when you're done okay there's just two varying opinions so the my opinion is that we need to build a new school that is 9 to 1200 students which is either the the school we're building right now or the school we're building right now for WX with a wing at bellw Elementary's campus that will offline bellw Santos it is a corner on 441 we need to sell that is a commercial real estate corner it is a traffic nightmare for enter and egress and I believe based on the by based on the projections I provided board it we're literally going to build build a new school and only spend an additional $10 million which means essentially the school's going to cost um essentially the school is going to cost $10 million instead of 50 million over the course of 10 years in Saving operating costs so I guess my ask to the board would be can we get on board with a new school at biew elementary and a repurpose rezoning no not serving students at B Santos I can get up with Reverend Cummings that we're not going to say the word close for the rest of the meeting and we're just going to say we're going to offline biew Santos as an instructional institution so is the board in agreement with that and I just wanted to put I'm going to put in dollar amounts I I'm have my Excel spreadsheet I'm I want to do that and so I just want to know what the estimate of that would be are we saying a $50 million Elementary School Miss just so we can start plugging in some numbers to make sure we're absolutely and these are all estimates sure consider that school's going to be around 1,200 we're currently at 50 million roughly 50 million just under for the elementary schools we're building now so I would project that it will be higher with the wing um I would add another 10 million to that our only concern with the Belleview Elementary School property is we really have to look at the um gradient of that site and we might need a retention wall built because of how that land slopes it's definitely doable um but I would I would maybe Target 60 million at this time 65 that's gonna add cost we're gonna plug it in so are we all in agreement on Bev Elementary getting a new school in the offline of BW Santos I I can get on board with that or at least the majority of us I can agree with that but I got to have MTI somewhere on this list and that yeah it's still there on my list right now but we'll we'll K but does that also incorporate a new K8 on the lakee middle campus well I don't think we're there yet cuz technically that's off lighting Stanton which is below the okay going down if we're following this order sure that's fine I one so then dellan middle would have to be next so I'm still of the opinion that it should be a middle high school because I think that jelle and high I've heard Miss dobin say 20 times it was built on a really low budget it was not built correctly it is not an ideal high school at all and then when I sat with Mr um Tucker and talked about Athletics the entire Athletics out there are very much in need of of improvement and if we built a middle high school out there we would be able to Encompass fixing those Athletics as well as addressing a curriculum um deficit that currently exists between the middle and the high school and it would offline to Nell and Middle's site which would give us an opportunity theoretically to still do the K8 out there Dr Campbell at a later date um while still preserving that that Auditorium and gym which are in great condition well well dellan actually was supposed to just be a temporary school that's what I mean so like we're we need to address I think putting a wing at dellan high is not going to address the systematical issues with dellan High's campus which is that the entire campus is not great and it preserves the ability to have an elementary school out there to add an elementary school because of the growth so I can get behind it because we'd still have the property at the middle school in a good gym yes it's air conditioned I'm right so I'm I'm still not kind of there just because I walked that property I know that there are buildings that are not great but there has been a lot of money the new outdoor cafeteria area that we just spent millions of dollars on the CTE area there there are areas within that school campus at Den Allen High that we have put a lot of money in there's a new Chiller there's like there's there's new things that are there I would hate to say we're just going to nope we're scrapping it all and we're building completely fresh and new because where we would build fresh and new is there in that grassy area to the left of it and then I guess get rid of everything we have that still doesn't in uh in my opinion completely solve the athletic issue and it also doesn't solve the capacity issue because if if we have high school right now and the middle school right now at 2300 when we build a middle high at 2300 we can build a bigger than that we could build a middle high at 25 or 27 we I mean we have the ability to do that and if we put a K8 back at that middle school we would off L some of those middle schoolers to then the K8 and the other the other thing I I think to remember is that and I'm trying to do my Miss bostel would be laughing at me because I'm trying to do my good math that I'm not good at but I think Dell and Middle School's fish report pushes almost a thousand students if I'm doing backwards math quickly and correctly and so that is bigger than both of the elementary schools that currently exist so there is potential to create DaNell middle school and turn DaNell Middle School into a elementary site if needed instead of adding Wings to other schools a wing doesn't solve the operational issues that we have and that's what I'm trying to avoid us doing at as much as possible because it is not a a long-term solution to this what I call like a systematical issue we have and I I agree can we have open conversation sorry like um I I agree with that that we need to to reduce our operational expenses completely can be on board with needing to do that I just don't know that dellen is where we need to do that I I continue to look at the Benish study and what the projections are Southwest Maran how it's eventually going to come all the way out there I mean right now it feels like it's a long way away but when you look at what that capacity is going to be in Southwest Maran to I I don't know that it is strategic for us to say that's where we're pulling from now if we want to look at other parts of the county absolutely because we have it I mean and we know the Farmland preservation area isn't going to be touched so they're definitely a room for pulling um schools off there I just I still tend to and it's going to be really tough I'm I'm just going to tell you from this board seat for me to get on board with a middle high school on that dland campus for many many reasons um in in athletic facilities included I mean there's there's just a lot of reasons that I'm struggling with the middle high on Dell how long was Westport a middle high before we had to build Liberty can anyone just shout a number from the audience is five years five years seven years so my thought process is if we built an allen middle high as a middle high understanding that eventually the growth will curve for it's going to need to be an entire high school at the size of forest at 23 24 2500 would we then not give us a gap happen a breath to re then redo denell Middle School which needs to still happen and I realize that's not going to be in this funded plan so that would be in a future funded plan but what it would do is put all of those Dell middle school students in a newer School in a better facility and it would give us an opportunity to breathe and fix Dell and middle school to whatever it needs to become for that growth that you're recognizing because if we do what we did with Westport and Liberty that would essentially be the same thing we would do in dellan is make a dellan middle high for five 7 10 years until the growth makes that so it needs to be a high and now we have a high school big enough out there and then we can move those kids back to a new denel middle and the challenge for me still continues that we're talking about this 10year sales tax and what you've just said is something we don't have even projection of funding for well we are going to have a future board none of us will have to address the growth in dellan at a later date they're going to have to and if we don't do anything with dellan middles campus and five years they could just turn it back into a middle school or five seven 10 years yeah it leaves them with flexibility which is what previous boards have done for us because they put enough land aside for us to be able to have these conversations so theoretically they could just roll right back to danella Middle with a little bit of lipstick they could roll right back to danella Middle not be ideal but then we would still have a high school that's big enough to take on all of this growth that we're talking about but if let's hear from the rest of the board what are where where are you at a board member or where are you with this board memory coming that was terrible ground I'm in the middle with this one um I I I I'm in the middle because I see the growth now I see the growth coming from the Maran Oaks area already going to dellan so I something has to be done now and again we we put they put a Band-Aid on Dunellen in the 70s when they built the high school so it's time for us to deal with the problem instead of kicking it out the road I Vice chair I'm sorry I'm looking at Miss dobbin's notes right now um do dellen middle is right up there right so I believe if we don't do something on the Dunellen Middle School campus which we've just I believe we've agreed that the gymnasium and the auditorium need to remain intact so then that does away with the thought process of getting rid of that campus there's a whole wing on that scho about that there's a whole wing on dund M School that's relatively new but there's one that's pretty much obsolete you cannot use it the plumbing gone so yeah so if we don't build new on that dunell and middle campus now it won't be usable 10 years from now whenever they might need it as a Band-Aid well that's that's assuming that it wouldn't be used for anything which I think it could be used for a lot of things in the meantime you've got a gym you've got an auditori could be rented out it could be rented out we could be income producing yes cuz cuz you're right any system that's not used ends up you know falling apart I think you're right we we're going to need more High School seats out there and so rebuilding denell and high to be in Middle High for even just five years like we did at Westport Middle High solves our high school seat dilemma it solves our high school dilemma and the fact that denell and high is needs so much including athletic facilities and then it affords us an opportunity to figure out out how to address anel middle school but at 150 million we're out of money I mean all the other things that that's part of the reason why mine is a little bit lesser expensive because building a K8 is going to be less expensive than building 150 million doll high school on the dellen campus and I'm trying to get as many people touched as possible knowing that we only have 300 some odd million dollars and all the other projects we've talked about have hit our priority list well and in all new El Middle High would serve 2500 students how are we feeling about trying to reduce our Portables in this conversation because those are very visible it's something that I don't think any of us have had anything but negative comments about um you know I've taught him Portables and I've taught him brick and mortar each have their merits but in this day and age when it comes to safety and access I think that if we're going to ask the public to support a sales tax that they need to see some Portables which I think I mean we would address probably if we just landed on a Ked Springs W Highlands and Maplewood we're going to address upwards of 45 Portables between those three schools which is pretty significant and if we did the classroom Wing at biew high that's another however many and obviously we're getting rid of 20 if we do a whole dunnell in high school so I mean we're we're yeah I mean I think we are addressing it no I think if we can agree on three Wings we're going to address 45 Portables off the rip pretty much if if we but if we don't go ahead and do something with Elementary in dellen then we are leaving Portables cuz the entire second grade at denl and Elementary is in portable right now and so Romeo I think has Portables as well so I Portables are portable at almost every Elementary School in Mar County and so I think if back to I'm not sure who said it Reverend Cummings I think we have to look at the entire picture and I don't know I think we need to pick a thing to focus on in dellan and we have a thing to focus on in Belleview and we're going to pick a thing on the North End and a thing on the south end and we're going to pick things throughout because our needs are so vast in all of the areas right we're talking billion and so I think we need to pick a singular project in dellan this is would be my opinion and and you're right 150 million is a lot of dollars but we're going to have to I mean thees study says we're going to need another high school and so if this is a way to solve a a multiple issues in the same breath I think that it would be in our best interest okay so how about this we do the high school this is like horse trading we do we do the high school in dellan with an eye to maintaining and continuing to use in some fashion the parts of dellan middle school that are still plenty usable and then what would be the priorities for removing Portables what would be the the top three schools the way I look at it it would be Maplewood Ward Highlands um okay call Springs yes and that's it those are my three the highest bie high I mean I'm I still think we can do that well but I think we have to wait and see how B High School's population is addressed with the new high school being built because the new high school is being built to relieve pressure off of Bel the new Miss Dobbins if you wouldn't mind coming forward the new high school is being built to relieve pressure off of which school one of those little chairs thank you that's actually why I stood up is I just wanted to remind you that the new high school will impact the nelen high bellev high and Westport yes to what degree we don't exactly know at this point but you will have that but at the same time you still have growth so totally what's the give and take that that's unforeseen at this time and we can't predict it like there's going to be no way to really cut that cut that cookie thank you for saying that that you can't predict it because those of us that live to the the Great Recession that is another concern I have about you know building a lot of complete new schools and why I'm leaning towards getting rid of Portables and and building Wings because to me that's more coste efficient it's more Nimble I can get be depending on what happens I can get behind the dellan plan as we've been discussing for the last 20 minutes or so at this point as the chair I'm going to ask for consensus at least on the the three schools with the Portables which are uh uh Maplewood and um I think pass from my head Ward Highlands and Okala Springs and then a replacement school at Dell and high with an i to continuing to utilize the what we can from Dell and middle and keep that available for a combo school down the road for future needs can we get behind that can I just clarify one if we do that then we're going to be close to the you say it's dellan but it being built as a middle high yes okay I did you left out that middle word part so I just wanted to make sure that that was what you were saying right I can if again I'm going to be sticking on this one I can but MTI has to be in this conversation yes so let's trying to get consensus on these two things and then we'll we'll attack Miss Dobbins could you provide quickly running out of money Miss Dobbins could you provide some numbers for a middle high and then what Wings what classroom Wings would cost at those three schools yes so when you think of a den Allan High Den Allan middle school so here's my line of thinking so whether it's right or wrong you're going to essentially look at building it as a high school because that's the future aspiration of that so you're going to want to build it to about the 2500 Mark um because you still have significant growth out there so when you look at the current High School we're building we're probably going to estimate by the time we're done around 150 million for that site so then you have to ask the question is when we talk about that new new High School Middle School are we just just absolutely going to redo all the athletic fields as well because currently if we are hitting around the 150 that's that rubber rice track and and also an artificial turf if if it holds um so that plays a role the only thing different is that you have to bulldo the old school and that's going to probably run you three to three million to to bulldo that I base that off of our estimate to bulldo uh lakew Middle School to demo that is around three million and that's a former high school but we have if I if I can just real quick but we have existing athletic facilities that need love but don't have to be completely redone and so and so I think that you could wash the 3 million demolition with the 3 million I mean we we don't need to nickel and dime at the 150 million Mark we could just chalk it up to 150 is that pretty safe I'm good with that okay so we're going to chalk it up to an even 150 and then how much is a wing a classroom weighing at an elementary school run in these days 14 to 15 14 to 15 so let's call it an even 15 for 15 math with fives is easier for me so the wings are putting us at 45 million and then we're looking at a um 210 million with um the two schools we've decided on so we're at 255 million so we're looking at about another 75 to100 million do depending on what sites we're offlining and obviously how the sales tax flows let's talk about MTI so the replace I'm sorry I'm just trying to so we there was an agreement at least from four of us to say we're going with a replacement done in high school that is a middle high yep yes and then wings at Maple Woodward Highlands in oala Springs and then a new bellev Elementary that offlines belew Santos 260 million that's what what yes the BBY Elementary at 60 million 65 oh 65 okay so now that leaves us for with hold on I I don't do math that quickly what she do 65 what for the replace for the K so we're at 215 plus 45 so 260 is that or that's correct right 260 we're at 260 now 260 million yes we're at $260 million before we talk about MTI I want to offer one thing this a new school at Spar pays for itself in 10 years with a reduction of operating costs minus $5 million so we I think we really really really have to think about how we're going to create more revenue and and offlining Anthony Elementary does that because the operating costs are and the financial and phys um facility needs are so significant ific so spending 50 million in 20 years literally creates us in a an in a surplus of $38 million well and then that still gives us 40 million to go as far as MTI and what we're going to do if my math is correct and we don't have anything on the North End right now so that would be my request of the board before we venture into an MTI conversation there there were still a couple of things that I had on this in including a classroom Wing at Fort just for conversation classroom Wing at Fort King Middle rubberizing the tracks and cl doors on classrooms at ool and East Maran the doors on the ool and East Marion is what around two million 2 million each or 2 million total million each but I that was a forecast I don't is that so I can answer that so I I want to make it understood why the price is so high is because you just can't throw up doors um so you have two different scenarios you have a you have an East Maring with no walls and no doors and then you have an Oola with walls but those walls are not permanent um so both will require significant build within those not only that is when you build those walls you have to particularly at um East Maran you have to then adjust the fire alarms and the HVAC systems and and so as of right now it would be an estimate of around 2 million for an oal in middle school it's going to be much higher for an an East Maran because they don't have walls at all at least at Oola the walls go up to the ceiling and and the HVAC isn't going to need as much adjustment as long as well as the fire alarm but you're going to need more adjustments at an East Maran so like five million how much what is what is a lot I would double it and and stick around 4 million okay and if I had to prioritize I would definitely go with East Maran and here's why you know they don't have any walls or doors at all and having been in both of those schools I see the Oola school being much more conducive to instruction as it is currently still happening higher school grade whole thing I can get behind both I can get behind million for doors for both for both if there's enough for both I can get behind both I think these are the lower hanging things that have can I just circle back to spar H can I Circle back to spar well I'm glad you brought that up boy member Campbell because that's going to get us down to the smaller uh smaller cost items how does the board feel about the The Spar and Anthony I think that there is good thought process behind finding a way to at least reduce some of our operating cost there's a lot to be said I think I think um you could split Spar you can and this is we haven't talked about this split Spar some come to forom some go to not Spar Anthony split Anthony some go to the north some go to the South oh I'm not saying I'm not Mr SS I'm not saying they all go to spar I'm just saying we build a new school at Spar to address the the the operational issues but according to this it's not and so that's what I understand the qu the comment that it's in bad shape but Anthony is in bad shape right this list Spar is not so I think we could still do the Anthony thing without building The Spar Anthony it's a rezoning issue well Anthony though Anthony's site is not conducive to be larger and so that is the issue the Anthony site the Anthony site cannot be built on to be bigger and we need to address our small school issue is there enough room to rezone Anthony over to spar with an eye to the Future No Spar is over capacity already that's what I thought right it would have to be a split car so so and Anda Springs Wing may help that too possibly right but we have I mean in my opinion Anthony needs to get offlined I can get what this would and so but we have to we have to we have to build new at Spar to be able to address the Anthony offline because we cannot continue to operate I mean it literally pays for itself in 10 years because of the amount of work that's needed to even make maintain those facilities what were you sharing board member Cummings and and I didn't hear reic in there that if we rezoned I was going to say that you can actually bring reic into play I mean this is just a chess game that we're talking right now but you could bring reic into play you can bring um oeller Springs into play with offlining Anthony I agree I think Anthony does need to come offline because of the cost that's going to take to maintain it but it those students that's a Mr sis issue would have to be dispersed equitably to um and I think reic going back to the start of this conversation I think reic will fill up with another conversation with a with another school that needs to come on I don't thank you I don't want to go and I don't want to go there right now so for the purpose of this conversation let's yes CU we're getting close so where do we land with Spar offlining Anthony offlining Anthony but I still don't know that that it is a a new build of something on that Spar campus I well where do can I just bring us back to a little Touchstone event here too because we um I want to just for the purpose of maybe helping with the board's discussion there are three things I wanted to bring up here because we've talked about them sort of briefly and and moved from there the question is on for example um our purpose for for doing the building and we identify in the ballot link which is p purposes retaining teachers improving Safety and Security and reducing overcrowding the things we're talking about here today all are things that limit that that are specifically for that um then there was some discussion about well what can we use the money for what specific projects or sub projects and if you look at the um resolution here that that that's that you've been provided the resolution indicates with exhibit a it's near the end there um exactly what a lawful expenditure is so it's spelled out there exactly how and what we can spend it on um and that it does include you know slightly larger scope than than just the building of a specific school or a specific Wing um but it all ties back to what the purpose of the uh you know the ballot language is and that is because if you look at that it says for example one valid thing is reducing portable classrooms as appropriate to improve school facilities um we're designing an engineering cost acquiring technology um that's technology specific for infrastructure so those are all the things that are valid uses but then also this the the third thing I want to bring up is if you look at section four of of a resolution it's very clear that there is an an independent citizen oversight committee that will be created and they're going to be in charge of oversight of all of the proposed projects so what the board's doing here today in sort of identifying its sort of recommended projects and its direction that wishes to go all these things will then be filtered through a citizen sales tax referendum committee who are going to be actually looking through um each of the items that we're doing and verifying and overseeing how those dollars are being spent so um that that's something that this board while it's making his decisions now or making some consensus opinions now will also then uh develop plans and strategies that will then essentially be um submitted to or guided through the process with the citizen Review Committee on point so just wanted to keep that in in mind there that there's the the the level or granularity of the plans that we're going to have some of that is going to depend upon that citizen review you so uh just thank you for that want to throw that out there yes see because these are these are recommendations they're not you know um edicts okay so here's what I have just for a recap uh dellan middle high as as new uh the old dellan will continue to use parts that we can um with an i at continuing to have that property on hand for a K8 correct okay we're looking at get reducing Portables at Maplewood Ward Highlands and Okala Springs and as I say that I hope the day comes where we actually open a school and we don't have to add Portables the same day um hopefully that'll happen we're talking about offlining Anthony the conversation now is offlining Anthony and either redistributing the students or immediately building to reduce operational costs a new spar Elementary that would basically absorb all of those kids I wish Mr SS was here because there's nowhere for Anthony kids to go to a school that has capacity other than reic and reic is the farthest school from Anthony in this in the in the circumference there's no I mean Miss dobins I don't know if you want to speak to it at all but there's literally nowhere for those kids to go that can take them talking like the Anthony I mean Anthony enrollment is about 400 right now I just had it up but there's what's the capacity at reic it's only at 50% reic is at 50% but there is a there are closer schools than Anthony yeah that so busing I mean trans if you want to speak to Transportation busing students from Anthony all the way to reedit Coler they're going to have to be bused from somewhere though to fill that school I think but a Anthony's only nine minutes from Malla Springs so right but okal Springs is over capacity it is but we're building a CL the wing wing but as we were just talking about the wing is replacing the Portables the wing is only replacing the Portables the wing isn't going to address overcrowding how many Portables are there I'm sorry a a twostory classroom Wing at Okala Springs There are 16 Portables and 12 are occupied I believe and again look where the building's occurring you know and Okala Springs is also unwell in septic so it's in a it's just a slightly unique situation out there because the well and septic have to be brought up to continue to expand there we've had some water issues out in reic too aren't they on Welling yes well what I'm saying is to continue we wouldn't have to add capacity to reic right but we would have to add capacity to Okala Springs because they the the systems they have right now are tapped out why do we keep jumping over forom well because forom has been created and I mean I'm completely on this board I think for me decided forom was going to be an early learning Institute and there have been fences that have gone up that have completely changed forom change all the time based on need and so if forom is needed we have the space there we know the space is there we also have the space well there and forom was put into place for that reason because we know that our early learning really needed it and as they've just added did you second grade this year right yeah so how many more second grade classrooms I mean that school's going to slowly well it's it's well it's stopped next year it will be full because there's going to be three more second grade units added and then the school is full based on the way the fencing was designed that's that's how that's how it was designed forom was designed to be a k prek-3 through second grade and there are four units of each K1 and two and then it is tapped out and there is no more room that's how it was designed however if it continues to be as successful as it's been and we want to or need to add you know more units for each of those grades then the humans the tall humans need to go somewhere else exactly oh I I completely agree but I don't think that has to do because then for would forom stay as a magnet school like Madison Street because if so that's still not addressing the Anthony situation that's the Anthony students can't be rezoned to forom because forom would still be a a complete Choice magnet like yeah I understand so let's get back on topic here because we have had reic sitting there at 50% capacity for a really long time and yes uh transportation is always in play but we're talking 375 students said Anthony I mean but again again 347 students atth again you let Mr SS do what they do those kids that are closest to spar as farar as closer to Anthony move them shift them and the ones that are in Anthony shift them to spar is is that's that's beyond us right need let the ones that do that do that and it'll be they can work figure it out they can but we I mean I think the point is is do there's room there they have to all of those students there's room there I will go on record and say that I am vehemently against busting Anthony kids all the way to reic I'm not saying that I'm saying move some of the kids from Spar to reic that's closer correct some student some of the students that's attend Spar are closer to reic than a kid in Anthony correct that that would be accurate that's what I'm saying let Mr SS them look at that they'll know which ones to adjust without without having to do the bus without being on a bus or hour from Anthony we're trying to we're trying to we're trying to put all the way down to the to the minimum we're trying to do everybody's job we need have people do their job I completely agree and what I'm saying is we we are what we did was we're doing a a new school in bellw and a new school in dellan and we're going to offline a school on the North End and add no new school and no new facility other than the wing at oala Springs which could be argued is not the North End and if you're a North End person you would say o Cal Springs Elementary is not on the North End so my confusion is how am I supposed to go out into my community and have a conversation with them about a sales tax and we are not addressing any of the facilities on the North End we're just we're just offlining one East maran's getting walls so East Marian's getting some walls and we may rubber Riz a track at North Maran well greatly needed walls I don't think we can underestimate that but I hear what you're saying board member James it just continues to bother me that if we're talking about reducing operational costs where that school has been rumbling along at 50% capacity forever it's wly underutilized I wholeheartedly agree that we should address that I just the way in which I think we should address it is a conversation for a different work session B I tend to agree but it also potentially means offlining two schools on the North side so if we're doing that then but one of which would have nothing to do with the sales tax oh absolutely so I think it does warant a separate conversation correct that isn't here what the conversation today is do we want to build a brand new school in an area of our County where we're talking about offlining schools yes because we're offlining one school and combining schools to have a bigger school to serve 800 7 six to 800 students which is the average size of the student enrollment throughout the rest of our County for elementary schools an 800 student station School Spar is at 500 and something students right now if we do a just based on calculations if we do a $500 million School excuse me not 500 50 sorry I was looking at the 150 million that messed me up um if we do a $50 million School up in Spar then we do not have the money to do anything at MTI to do what really needs to be done here so I still I mean we can and that's even with selling uh Anthony correct we I mean I'm not calculating we in bellie Santos's corner so we would have Bell s to's corner and we would have the we're talking about offlining Anthony and not repurposing it now we're talking about selling well we've just been saying offlining in general because I think I mean I think I'm of the opinion we need I mean but there are historic pieces to B Santos's gym as well but I'm of the opinion that that is a very valuable commercial Corner that we need to we need to preserve the historic and do whatever that means for the community but we need to look at our bottom line according to the maintenance report we've done a lot of things recently to spar Elementary School while I understand those that school itself is old the roof the flooring the electrical the window all of those things are in really great shape so it's it's difficult to say we want to build an entirely new school I now I I could get on board with a go there let's build a wing at Spar but to build an entirely new school where we've just spent millions of dollars to do all of these other things it's in the bottom third of our maintenance we're literally closing danella midd and we just spent millions of dollars at danella midd I mean it's the same exact we've if we not my recommendation if we go through and itemize the amount of money we're pouring in and this is the whole premise of my argument we're just pouring money into to facilities and it's just banding it and so correct but also in the next 10 years we still need to put in another $2 million to spar and almost 6 million to Anthony so we we have to do and Spar is not secure it is similar to many of our other schools which part of this sales tax is supposed to address is security you walk right in the front door similar to many of our other sites and you're just in the school and so offlining Anthony and Spar which are two schools that would eliminate that security and and merging them together to have a brand new site which is now more secure is continuing to meet what the expectation of the sales tax is which is what we're all going to be able to do with the Nell and middle and high because right now you walk into denell and middle you're wide open and so we're going to be able to address that and with bellie Elementary and B Santos those same things occur and so by building a new school we're going to be able to address those situations and time moves along we've had to con put money into all of these schools just to keep them functioning correct and what we're trying to do is is is get out from from under that so I get that part and maybe you know I sound like I'm being out voted here consens wise about maybe the radic conversation needs to happen another day but I don't want that day to be too far down the line because that's just been on and on and on and it's it's a nice school what do you think uh comings as far as you know the bellev Santos and and Anthony I'm good with BW Santos um the Reddit conversation has to take place but we all know there's a there's a school that's going to come into play when we talk talk about re and I don't think this board wants to deal with that right now I'm just being very transparent and I I'm just the school is fident this let be straightforward we don't want to deal with that so um but what we are dealing with is Anthony and Spar and reic and zoning and Zoning which isn't our problem which which exactly it could be done those three schools in play can be done we may not get a brand new school as far but we will be help in the situation um the situation would be better I think whether we put a wing there as far something a wing that could then be incorporated into the into a new building a new building at some point we get on board with that the I don't want to throw another Cog into the wheel but if we're talking maintenance we got an updated report we haven't even mentioned the school at Fort McCoy right this number right here is the largest of any other number that we have on this entire sheet of projected maintenance Deeds we haven't even talked about Fort McCoy but while you're talking north side I thought I would throw that one in there but I can completely get on board with a classroom Wing at Spar and rezoning all of the north side and offlining Anthony and offlining Anthony because we're doing a classroom Wing cising if I'm a parent at Anthony and I get rezoned from Anthony to spar which is a school that is essentially just as old in just as bad shape right now when we're resoning we're resoning to a new site almost or a newer site we're even in wnx we're resoning to Mo or we're resoning to hammock we're resoning to new schools not all that's not so CU we just reson from Shady Hollow to in Jones n Jones is much older so what do you mean Shady Shady H were there Shady Hollow we haven't done that yet it's in the process okay but what I'm saying okay but we could talk from an academic standpoint that's a dis desire of those parents there that would be that's a desire the principal of that of sh of Saddlewood that wasn't that wasn't this desire of the parents also that was a need it is now the parents in the community definitely said that that's what they wanted I mean that but that wasn't initiated by them that was initiated by us uh I would disagree I would say that that was initiated by the parents having multiple conversations with their principal and their principal advocating so either way when we are rezoning we are sending kids from a facility that is older to a facility that is newer 95% of the time at the the plan that we are doing right now when we are resoning from Sunrise they're going to a brand new school when we're resoning from Moe's um or or we're resoning from Bel Santos they're going to um Moe or Sunrise I think I don't even have the whole plan in my head right now my point is if we build a new denell Middle High they're going from danella middle to a brand new Middle High if they're going from Belle Elementary they're going to Bell sandals they're going to new Elementary so if I'm a parent in Anthony and you're going to completely close my school and then rezone me and I might get to be in the new Wing that doesn't sit well with me and it is not reflective of what we're doing in the rest of the Town rest of the community but the premise Dr James is we're resoning some kids from Saddlewood to a older school so that's not 100% across the district right now we're trying to do students based on the parents desire if they don't the parents don't want it to happen the board won't vote on it right now we have to do what's best for kids all way across the district I would love to say yes let's get a new school in Spar but the money don't fit well I the money don't fit I see MTI and maybe the premise is I see MTI differently I think the premise is I see MTI as um less important than Spar and Anthony and so in my brain the students who are um I'm not I'm gonna need to perfect the way I deliver the next message so I see Spar and Anthony as more important I I I get it I get it I completely understand but I do think that again MTI got dropped on us two weeks before school we need to deal with MTI because if not this is going to it's snowballing what I've heard Dr Hook say is she wants she's been searching for a lease for a facility that's what they were doing for 6 months so what if Dr henbrook and the team go find a a a a lease in a facility that they want to turn into an MTI in a in a wherever well the fact that they've been looking for six months and didn't find a place which necessitated this here um you know it may or may not happen that that's just I guess conjecture I would offer that each each and every student is just as important as each and every other student and to spars credit they are educating students quite well and managing to do all kinds of cool things out there the fact that they get a brand new Wing which hopefully we can make it a bigger Wing to accommodate as many students as as possible looking to incorporate it into a design of a new school down the road Anthony is very old there are parts of it that are super old um and I know that when I was just there for the Black Stallion project when the AC turned on at that classroom you couldn't hear yourself think so you know we all kind of have to weigh the the pros and cons but I was the one that said from the beginning that to sell this sales taex we need to be able to sell it to everybody across every sphere and it's still a pretty good deal especially if we can come up again with a bigger Wing than we would have and we're only talking 375 kids and then Madam chair also and I'm sure you guys probably got some of the same phone calls when we start getting phone calls from other elected officials about MTI that's an issue that's a countywide issue um because they are recognizing that we need to do something with MTI so we cannot just not have them on this list somewhere because they got to be dealt with and I'm sure you guys got some calls from some other elected officials um miss doin's a typical wing houses how many kids like a 16 classroom Wing okay so you're talking I don't know 15 million is what we've put for the other ones no I'm talking about capacity of students oh students sorry my bad 16 classrooms 300 students okay yeah so there's a range in elementary because you have two class sizes right but it's they're not too far apart nor wise so can we find a a balance here that will you know try to build the most jam up wings we can that's a little bigger and I don't think it's going to solve the systematical issues that are occurring at Spar Elementary so I'm not going to be in consensus on this so that's fine if there's four of you that are we can proceed but I'm not going to be a consensus with prioritizing new facilities here and not a new school there I'm not so and not didn't another way we're actually going into conversation about a new facility here necessarily either um but there wasn't complete consensus on the denan idea am I accurate correct M Campbell there's not complete consensus on The Spar I think we just let's let's move the conversation forward and talk about the only one we had complete consensus on was the bill view so guys we're not going always give and take let's keep moving okay so MTI bring it um I also sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but right now I still have a class Wing at Fort King in this projection that I was working off of I still have I put in $7 million for rubberizing tracks you guys may disagree with that I still think that comes down to safety at some point but if no one else is on board with that and I'm seeing everyone shaking their head no so I will remove that from the list let me let me say this it's not that I'm not on board with it but I'm not willing to put that before walls and doors correct so and I agree with that that's why we're doing walls and doors so um I I I still see a significant need and at some point if this District doesn't start acknowledging our athletic facilities then we're just going to continue to lose students to our South and to our North but that's fine uh for King for King is a very old school um 62 I think right it was built in 62 I think 60 something anyway um my my input would be if we're going to try to get rid of the portable City at Fort King as part of this initiative that again it would be whatever Wing we built would be with an eye to the be able to incorporate it into an eventual replacement school if we have the money money to do MDI if you do Fort King I mean isn't that the whole that the whole so it's right now it's in the plan of what I have here if if we is if we do 15 million for a classroom uh Wing at Fort King and I have 50 million on the MTI campus that brings us to $331 million I don't and so and that's that's just those are just Pro here's my thing 50 million builds a whole school and there are 500 students here which is a whole school worth of kids so you could build a whole school in that field over there and that would be enough to service more than enough students that go to MTI and I don't think we should build a whole school for students who have been alternatively placed in expelled if I'm a parent and my student is being put below that and I could have a new school at my site I just fundamentally have a problem with that because 50 million builds a a k6 school we've we've already determined that today what goes we go back to Dr gullet all students matter all students matter so we can't we can't priorize student over a student based on their discipline we're talking about safety too we got to look at safety we got to look at safety we got to look at where where are we at I we this these kids are at this place you got Highway 40 right there they're running they're all kind of stuff would you want to pay money for a lawsuit for a kid getting hit running out the highway they do that on W Highlands no and they can they can get their education at home I I agree but that's that's that I'm just not at the price tag of $50 million when you I'm not saying spend $50 million here but we have to get Mr Jones said we said we we this board said that we would support him what his needs his need is space that's what he told Dr gullet she just said today it's on record how do we help him how do we support him with space if we if we don't even have him on the table how much are you wanting to spend I'm not I'm listen that's not my expertise my expertise is to help him get the space that he needs how much does a wing at MTI cost Miss doin you might as well just you need a rolling chair rolling chair where's that stool I need my exercise so it's all good it's like squats so depends on where you want to put it so I'm assuming we would put it up on the recreational Fields up on the top and because that's better land right um so again a classroom Wing is going to cost you the same no matter where you put it whether it's here or whether at another school so the question would be how many classrooms do you need if you're talking about a 16 classroom then we're still going to be around that 15 million Mark but you then have to look at Logistics if you're putting it way out there where's the cafeteria um and and things like that so so you have to balance that out as well but miss Dobbins ask a question we still I think we still have some MTI classes here I'm MTC classes here or programs or something I think there's some dual enrollment possibly going on so if we could Sor Dr away from here let's give Dr I got let a chance I'm sorry no no it's okay thank you I was going to say in another year some of those classrooms are going to move over to MTC okay so that that will occur and and I would just want to comment to I heard Vice chair Conrad mentioned about students we will be having students working online as well so I just want to bring that to the table there are other factors here but to I wanted to answer your earlier question about space so we're working with all the different options so as those programs move to MTC he'll gain some space yes there's a whole back section over here that am I saying it right Miss Dobbins back here where the fire truck and stuff was that we could start I'm not saying spend $50 million on this Camp not either but I'm saying that we have to make an investment can't they get Portables yeah like so this is my thing there are Portables over here but what I'm saying I realize it because I'm I went over there and put a little dingdong on the door so I know there's Portables over there my point is so put 10510 million and put Portables out there and wrap it up and call it a day if we're going to off if we're going to make available more space in a year from now when the MTC programs move but I'm fundamentally and I I see Miss Conrad nodding when we talk about this I'm fundamentally in disagreement with with students who chose to not be at their base School based on their behavior prioritizing putting excessive amounts of money into a facility that when we could be just putting money into the facility that they could have just chose to stay at by making different Behavior choices right however I didn't hear anyone sitting up here saying they wanted to put excessive amounts of money into anything number one we wanted to put appropriate amount of money so that the students are safe so the teachers are safe so that the we we offered to take this on so we have to provide what's necessary and what's necessary is what is safe and conducive for learning the kids that have the opportunity to come here and I believe more and more they're going to recognize that it truly is an opportunity but the ones that aren't recognizing that as an opportunity will then have the opportunity to do their work from home with a box computer for all you know at that point it becomes a larger problem that we can't take on you know we have to be about the safety and serving the the kids as best we can that are here can miss Dobbins provide what is the cost estimate for adding the appropriate amount of Portables with the acknowledgement that if we could get Portables here tomorrow to address Mr Jones's pin imminent issues with space with and the acknowledgement that we're offlining more MTC space that is here that would be able to become classrooms here what what does that need look like and may may I just I I just want to give a a little uh uh disclaimer for you and that is that any sort of estimate that we're talking about at this phase age is extremely Broad and we all agree to that and ly how can we talk be talking about Portables when we 3ars of this conversation has been about REM yes removing Portables you know for safety and every portable has a door there I don't know maybe we need to take a break how about we take a 15minute break it's 2:24 and then let's come back ready to finish our list and and wrap this up we'll return at before 240 Elena is your room open I need some water I'm going to a snack e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 135 million that's the estimate that's the estimate for 10 years I of course if we offline facilities we'll increase our okay let's scav a list back in yeah we in the open okay great thank you all right we are back on with our work session at 2:37 we had stopped um starting to have some conversation about MTI but before we continue that conversation we'll go ahead and recap with figures um board member Campbell sure where we are so far thank you for keeping track sure so we have a$ 15 million classroom Wing at Ward Highlands Elementary we have a $15 million classroom Wing at Maplewood Elementary we have doors for classrooms at 2 million for Oola middle and for 4 million at East Maran Elementary we have a new Belleview Elementary School uh for 65 million we have a new Dunellen Middle High School for 150 million we have a classroom building at Spar Elementary for 15 million a classroom building at Fort King Middle at 15 million and a classroom building currently at MTI for 15 million and a classroom building at Okala springs for 15 million all of that comes to $296 million So based on projections we have $39 million left okay chair thank you go ahead v shair um just real quick um on the fort kingwing just looking at the capacity um we don't need a wing there we need to get rid of all those Portables um been there forever and hopefully we're going to increase capacity there as that school continues to improve which may be another resoning opportunity but I hear what you're saying on not for capacity more for 67% 70% so I in in my thought process because this was on my list in my thought process it was because ultimately Fort King Middle School needs to be replaced and so this is the start to offlining some of their ancient buildings that are continuing to cause us maintenance headaches so that's why this is a classroom building to get started to refurbish an entire school campus but we don't have the funding in my view unless we did the whole you know we added that 39 million I just said to Fort King and we give them a whole new school that's the only other way that we could it they're just really high on our maintenance needs list and continuing to have aging facilities that's why that was the thought process so just to I make sure I heard you correctly um Dr Campbell that includes a $15 million Wing at MTI and then the wing at okal Springs Maplewood W Highlands as well and Fort King yes yes and and that leaves $39 million and Spar and Spar on there too could I just offer that that 39 million could be put to spar and it would be a whole school at Spar I knew you were gonna say that I knew she was too if it's going to be like that I I I don't have an issue with that perfect James but again sure as I said from the beginning MTI has to be on the list 15 million I said from the very if I get a school at Spar 15 million for MTI is fine with me I think that Anthony Community is going to have a really hard time swallowing offlining Anthony and not sending them to a brand new place so if there's 39 million left and that's doing the the wing that you wanted at Fort King and that's doing the doors that and that would be my request to the board and let's just you know words matter it's not the wing we wanted it for King it's it's it's based on need sure sorry but I'm going off of Desire list so it was on Dr Campbell's list of priorities and it was not on mine that's why I said so I also had on my list of priorities that I had Ned because of conversation was a classroom building at Belleview high school and a new cafeteria classroom at U classroom building at yina Park but um the bellie high we kind of talked about the zoning the rezoning that will occur potentially with the new high school the new high school being built to offload the capacity there it will but if you look at the Capac capacity right because what we've done also keep in mind originally on the plan for me was we had a new Belleview Elementary and a K8 to help with the overcrowding at Belleview Middle because we're not impacting that Middle School overcrowding whatsoever on that side so we're not having that K8 any longer in the conversation that we could put on the lakee middle campus that's more than 39 million we we know that but um that also is a significant need because Middle School significant overcrowding with Horizon bellw but the loan also encompasses the loan that we've already taken out is encompassing a wing at Horizon our loan is we've already written out encompasses a a a wing at Horizon okay so would that be of the pleasure of the board then if we have $39 million left while hitting Fort King and hitting um MTI MTI thank you I'm sorry I was blanking so let me let me just to makeing sure I'm hearing this right 65 million for a Belleview um Elementary combin um offline in the school dellan middle high school that's 150 mil correct mhm yes doors of aola middle 2 mil um East Maran doors 4 mil M Ward Hollands Wing 15 um Okala Springs Wing 15 Maplewood Wing 15 MTI 15 and then we said um uh King you didn't we did we say foring we did I mean we haven't we haven't come to full consensus on that because my concern is I know we we it's it's needed and necessary but because of where it is right now um that that portable City the my question would be where is there a place that the new Wing could be located that is in good proximity that could then be incorporated into the new school when it's eventually built Miss stavin because that is a very very old school so I would definitely want to leave that to the engineers but I would suspect that there's a lot of land on Fort King that you could start moving it toward that North I think it's the north side of the school um and start there it may be a little bit further away from that cafeteria but eventually that cafeteria has got to be replaced right and that would be so that would be 15 million for Fort King and then what was The Spar 39 is what the number I heard but I think the math was a little bit off there doc I think you have an extra Wing in there because I just did the math without anything at Spar and it's 296 if you include that's that's what I have 296 so I'm saying if we go to 335 as the projection then 296 but it's 296 without the wing it Spar unless I did the math wrong no I have a wing it Spar I can go through 65 at B view let me make sure that my calculation on my Excel spreadsheet did correctly and while you're calculating I have a question um again about wings and and and Spar I I certainly want Spar to have what they need especially if we're going to relocate the Anthony um and take that offline and right now we're talking 340 something 30 35 and my formula was wrong so you're right it it didn't collect we're we're at 296 before you do anything at Spar correct okay so say 350 students for rounding purposes at spar right now and again you know like Fort King we look at building a wing that can be incorporated into the new building when we can better afford it what would that how big would that Wing need to have need to be to be able to hold say 300 50 kids but maybe the kid maybe that building would be used for you know specials and things that all the kids could would benefit from I don't know I'm just I'm thinking about you board member James because you have to sell it to your community I also am seeing that we are running up a bill here that takes every single penny of what what's projected and we're still needing to maintain the schools that we have left and I thought that that was what part of this he's been all tax money is supposed to be for to also make sure our our campuses that are still old and struggling at least we can continue to patch them up that's the only reason why I'm bringing it up well we would be able to I mean we still have M we have our we have our work we have money every year for maintenance and it's never enough correct but if we're offlining facilities that are on the fiveyear work plan we are freeing up money to be available to other schools y y and so this plan in 10 years is offlining or addressing a significant portion of of issues we have when we're looking at what needs to get done in the next five and 10 years sure and I think the number I keep hearing is close to $2 billion worth of Maintenance needs so I just want to still have a little bit of an eye for that and how big of a wing I think we said before 16 classrooms was going to hold how many students I forgot the number 352 if it's a 22 class size which would be three size of Anthony well it'd be 35 classrooms so it wouldn't be kindergarten K12 classrooms low that's that 300 range yes right so build it build the wing a little bigger yes it can absorb all the kids so my request then would be if we're at 296 and we are going to $335 that's $39 million my would my request would be that the remainder of that 39 million goes to spar and if it doesn't do a whole school it's going to do a a media center that's not a closet and it's going to do a a really great classroom wing and it's going to address a cafeteria and it's going to address the multi-purpose room which doesn't even fit one classroom their art and their music are literally inap portable they do not even have any of the proper resources for for art and music so then my request would be that the remainder of that 39 million which is what's left to take us to 335 is used to address a variety of needs at Spar that will fall short of a new school but that would address a variety of things and a hit students that attend Spar currently as well as the students we would re know to there and I just I will share Dr James the wing it that was last added I believe at NH Jones um the first first room is music and that's an extra large room and you could put arts on the other side we don't it's not that way now but you could because it's an extra large room and it would be it would be nice um to have those special areas here and then the rest of the wing is classrooms um so just chearing that pretty high up this list I was going to say if you're talking about Dr they're pretty high up this maintenance list we could add a classroom Wing at Dr NH Jones and that would offline some of their old I I I just want to make sure again Anthony and Spar are not high on our maintenance lists so I completely appreciate giving something there I I do but if we're looking at the specific needs that we were given I mean we're we're even talking about doing some things with Reddit cure and they're really high up this list so maybe we reserve some of that money for those maintenance needs on some of these schools up here for King's not on it either so I mean we've we've taken for King is they're in the top they're definitely in the top 10% they're in the top 10 percent it's it's not on our list of it's not it's not because of capacity it's because of the thing is just falling apart and it's costing us too much to maintain it at this point so it's it's different it's a little bit of an outlier um yeah well you know board member Campell you raised a point that it's not always the condition of the school it's the conditions of what's going on inside as far as the instruction and everything else people still really want to go to Jones even though it's old and has needs um but but the north side tends to not get you know a whole lot and I do remember you know when other big beautiful high schools were being built and we're out there cow patty hi Windows there you go so um was my re if we're going to have the I hear the the savings that we're going to have over the 10 years that could go into the maintenance basically how much savings is it total it's about well if we just were to look at the 10year projections of needs and that and you didn't even look at operating costs you're looking at between Anthony and Spar you're looking at um north of 8 million just in in necessary facility costs um as well as I mean we're at we're at 13 million for the bellie schools that we would be not needing and we're at 30 million for danella middle and high that are that are in our 10 years of needs that are not going to be addressed because we are we are doing something else with the facilities and Della and middle still require some maintenance but not nearly as as much I think with of these let me I think I think we've all kind of had some concessions with what we're talking talking about and that's what it's going to take because if we don't have any concessions we're not going to be able to sell this across the district um countywide the biggest thing and I've said this for several months one of the biggest things for me right now is to make sure we get this sales tax across the line yes I think these projects or how using these to sell this are good um I think the board's done a great job in this conversation you know with that really prioritizing and and with with an ie to if we can get this across it does touch pretty much all parts of the county MH we just can't keep playing with it right so do we are we on board with the 39 going to spar then is that what you're saying Reverend cing I am I am I but again we also the wing was 15 no what he what I had suggested was that the remaining balance instead of the wi what Reverend Cummings was saying what I'm saying is too also um the communion also has to know that things change yes and just because this is a recommendation that this is what we would like I said I think I said this Teresa a few few weeks ago when I was a kid every Christmas we would get these uh that was du Teresa wasn't it about the catalogs we would get these Christmas cataloges those wish books series and JayZ pennies it was a wish we go through and been y'all so y'all in my say you don't know about this I have NOA here's robu sure you know what's in stores presents you know was in the school it was a wish if we got it we got it if we didn't we didn't so this is our wish list this the this is our wish list and this is what we have to tell the the voters this is these are the things that we would like to get done if it happens it happens but priorities change I agree very good disclaimer so I would say $30 million to spar and the remaining nine for those in those contingency plans we just projected 335 what what if you know I bies comes and we get more than that well right as right and it it should keeps going up it should but I I think that we have set this we certainly need to come to consensus on exactly how much money we want to give to The Spar Anthony conversation but I think if we did 30 million up there and left this other $9 million there will be an oversight committee there will be future boards that we give them $9 million to figure out what the next thing is I I think that we certainly have touched just about every part of this County with the lakee middle school going into the shores the shores wasn't really touched except we do have a brand new lakee Middle School going there so I mean there may be other needs that pop up I would personally feel better if we stuck with this 30 million to spar Anthony it's not a full brand new school but it at least and it gives us some wiggle room of 9 to $10 million to say that's our contingency fund to see if there is something else that comes up along the way that we need to do go with that I can go with that we just need let's quit messing with the form if this what we saying is going to be the form let's quit messing with it and let's be through with this and and let's give it to Kevin sheiling and whoever else want to sell it let them sell it because we're doing a bad job right now selling because we keep changing hey if we can sell it to each other we can sell it to any I agree with that Dr Campbell and I agreed today so and it's you go High performing a lottery tonight cuz all agree that's right that's right well that's great and that makes my banker's daughter heart feel good you got to have a cushion gota so all right so let's recap give let's recap one more time all right where the record atanta where the record okay we have a $15 million classroom Wing at w Highlands a $15 million classroom Wing at Maplewood Elementary uh $2 million doors for classrooms at oila middle $4 million doors for classrooms at East Maran Elementary 65 million new Belleview Elementary School with the um vacating of the Bellevue Santos property when that is built 150 million for a dellan middle high school with the middle school property being vacated until we determine what to do with that Spar Elementary $30 million uh Fort King Middle $15 million classroom Wing MTI $15 million classroom wing and Okala Springs $15 million classroom wing and that puts us at $326 million can we uh instead of designating MTI for a classroom Wing can we can we say MTI for Capital Improvements thank you sure Capital Improvements i' rather say that then because it may not be necessary that it needs a wing as much as to change the infrastructure of the MTC rooms that they're currently occupying or whatever y more build in some flexibility there but at least putting some money on this campus that has been desperately needed so we're saying 15 million for Capital Improvements at MTI not specific to a wing to a wing everything else we saying classroom Wing but that would be I want to add one word there student Capital Improvements because um there is a misconception that when we do money in MTI it's for the district office they need to come visit I I'm just saying if we could just say 15 million for Capital Improvements for the stu um what are we calling mt's alternative program I get what you're saying but this is the thing even if we used it for administrative building and we got administrative staff out of a wing and we were able to put students in the wing that is still for the students correct I think it would be really hard for me to put the adults into a brand new building and put the students into an older building say I'm looking at from I'm looking at from a safety standpoint if it's going to keep them closer to the cafeteria it's going to keep them closer together that's how I'm looking at it I hear you I'm just saying I think that that doesn't sit well and we've we've kind public conversation if we're out trying to sell it that's not going to sit well well what will sell it to the public is that we're working hard to improve the the safety for the program that we committed to supporting it's in there I'm not in disagreement with what you're saying Reverend Cummings I just think we need to package that the most well I mean we just leave it leave that language that gives us I don't want us to write ourselves into it's not in legislation it's just a recommendation right now anyways we're just kind of summarizing our recommendation Capital Improvements to improve student safety yeah just don't write ourselves into a box where we get stuck all right Capital Improvements to improve student safety going once going twice all right gone all right yay did okay well well well anything else I think that there's always one more thing in this life come on on this not on this topic okay well very good board um and we have train enough to discuss we have what oh yeah wait yes we do right after this so let's move on to board committee reports and concerns uh the next school board meeting is scheduled for September 24th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. I want to thank you Vice chair Conrad for being available to conduct that board meeting since I will not be here so thank you for that looking forward to it um there's a special meet school board meeting scheduled for October 3rd 2024 at 7:30 a.m. if required we should be hearing soon maybe even today if no not quite that soon but we will hear ahead of time whether or not we keep that on our calendar the next administrative briefing and work session is scheduled for October 3rd 2024 at 9:00 a.m. all right no yeah correct no topics on that no topics at the moment um I think that we covered it expulsion hearings that we have expion at 7: a.m. correct yes 7:30 excuse me if we have we don't currently have students scheduled for expulsions not right at the moment so we may end up having to come in for that at 7:30 but then no work session that's fine okay all right yeah that's pays to be productive right so hasn't been cancelled the October 3rd work session has been officially canceled so I can take it off yes the work session has been officially canceled correct for for October 3rd you won't be here anyway okay all right and I Dr Campbell you'll be up north right I will be driving up North earlier now yes yes all right um anything from your seat uh Miss Martinez no Madam chair okay attorney Powers I've used enough words today thank you sir nothing additional for me either thank you okay board member Campbell uh only thing I wanted to mention was a recommendation that I received about us joining the Kanas club I'm I believe you received the same request so just at some point to have that brief conversation to see if that is something that we as a board want to have a membership with the Kanas Club the justification for that would be because it would be an like an organizational membership it's $900 a year I don't know that we want to do this I'm just putting it out there uh because of our camp Kanas and other things that we have relationships with the Kanas Club apparently eight years ago or more there was a standing membership that the school board had with the Kanas club and under prior Administration that went away and so not under Dr G we've not entertained the thought I don't think um but I just wanted to bring that up it is $900 a year essentially if we had an organizational membership as the board we would rotate or we could have one person assigned to that and then anybody else could go um they meet every Friday every Friday it's just the Kan I mean it's a club but they meet every Friday and attending meetings I'm sure is part of have a presentation every yeah I mean it's got to go like kind of you don't you don't have to be present there are plenty of people that aren't um I've been several times to the quanas club meetings but um that just we don't have to make a decision today uh but we do have a request from them to consider having a membership with them again I think it's something to consider I'm not sure I'm and that's fine I just wanted to I don't mind serving I just you know with the public Ed Foundation there's a a $500 commitment but well there there may be reasons to do it and reasons not to primary Mission things like uh the what what you were just mentioning certain memberships we have um their primary missions education so uh other memberships we've declined in the past because we don't wish to complicate things we're perfectly legal legally able to but there may be reasons why we want to and may be reasons why we don't however we've always been supportive and had a good relationship with quanas club we just don't want to you know we may or may not want to be corporate members or have a you know have that level of uh of um would we then open the door to same for rotary and you know the the our relationship with with quers Club is great and has been forever and we you know love the camp that's a huge tradition here I don't see that shifting or changing whether one of us is a board member or not I think individually some of us are members of Kan yeah that could be an individual decision I just wanted to bring it up they had requested we have the conversation and obviously they want us at the table for and and and like you say there are pros and cons um we just need to figure that out so can we talk about that later sure just wanted to right maybe maybe we could come to a decision at the board meeting on Tuesday which I've I've already shared you know I I think that we'll always be supportive of Kanas anyway and I'm I'm a little worried about the cons you know I don't know it's yeah we're doing fine I think all right okay thank you um for member James um I don't have anything anything further I'm grateful for the board entertaining the discussions today and coming to a productive conclusion and I believe that we all are in a position to go talk to the entire Community but specifically I think go out to the places where we reside and speak with our neighbors about our plan and um share the value in saying yes so thank you thank you board member James and as you were speaking it got me thinking I know Mr Carlile needs something else to do because she's but to just get it typed up you know what we came up with we need that colored document that yes Lori had with the new information right right in a one pager um so that we can have it to go out and and share the good news thank you I was going to ask that you like a handout yes hand you need like hundreds of copies our talking points well and it needs to be the new slide in Kevin she's present because he has that slide in the presentation so he just needs the updated one by Tuesday night yes Miss Dobbins was already alerted to that yesterday Dr gullet is that something that a member of Staff might be willing to put together yes we'll take care of that thank you thank you very much appreciate it all right uh board member Cummings this has been a long day uh long long day y'all did say pack your lunch today I didn't do that um very good very good meeting very productive all the presentation were good I think our our I hope our staff listen to the first part of the salary study and um they paid attention to those things that we talked about and um thank you Mr mcet for the safe School updates and you to um the store for the technical working group I do want to start off by saying even while we were sitting here today we were getting um alerts about threats on schools and I think we have to come back as a board and just make a look at our code of conduct and we have to deal with these threats because there's every day three and four streat threats schools violence at schools it's unacceptable if these kids don't want to be in school then there have to be there are consequences to your actions I'll say that again there are consequences to your actions so we need to deal with that um it's ridiculous that it's disruptive to the to the staff to the students to the community every time so um we have to have a real tough stance on on all these these threats because what's going to happen is there'll be a real threat it'll be like the little boy that cry wolf and somebody won't pay attention because of all the fake ones that are going out so I think we have to have a some serious consequences behind that um also I want to thank um everyone that went out we we we've had some rezoning meetings to me those rezoning meetings have been very very productive um we did the one at Shady Hollow and I know it's small it's only for 11 kids but it's important to that community it was important to those parents um and we're still trying to work out the details on that one but then the sunrise and the Hammet bornes which are bigger schools um and I'm I'm imp impressed um with how many parents did show up at those because is we want the community input we need the we need the parents involvement it's a team effort with us to get these things done and to get it done right so there we never going to please everybody but to get it done right so that we have the least amount of um confus fusion and then my final thing and I I I kind of mentioned this a little bit I I saw um when I went into this morning to get my my mail I saw boxes in in the board clerk's office and I'm trying to figure out are we planning on moving again because personally this is me I don't think we need to be moving again we've moved several times since I've been on the board I think this is the most convenient office for us to be in um we saw it today I don't think you PID attention to it but we needed something ran off it was so convenient to go back there and get it right then and then I I what I'm hearing is that we were moving to your office did I hear did our you heard it incorrectly I heard our board cler was moving to the to is so that's that's a conflict for me because anytime in the past when I've came to legal and there was another board member there I've been stopped and said I can't come in here so if there's so if our board clerk is in that office office and I come to see the board clerk I'm going to get stopped again correct no you can come see the board clerk at any time the only prohibition is we in legal try to protect to make sure there's never a situation in which two board members are present at the same time that will still happen so not there's no reason two people should be meeting with the board clerk anyway why however if you're wa wait hold hold why why not because we can both be in get our mail at the same time right and this office is still going to be there it's just the clerk the clerk herself is moving so still have access the office is still going to be there in fact I'm moving my conference room table into there um we're going to have nice better chairs so we have uh place for for us when we have our trainings or anything like that um I'm going to be having a room built in there that is going to be secure storage for board files and legal all legal over here I'll I'll talk to you about this offline if you want if you want it publicly I'll tell you that's that's what I'm that's what my plan is move if we're going to move let's move it'll be more convenient the reason I'm saying is we part right here we don't have to go all the way through campus unnecessarily when we have a alternative school here on campus sure you you'll you'll still be able to access your mail and everything you access there it's just that the board clerk will be physically with my pargal and me and myself that way we can all interact do everything we need to do I just want to I'm I'm confused why we're you guys are all going to go to a smaller space when there's a bigger space available back here that's and you guys like when I come here I see like three people generally unless I have an intended meeting I see a clerk or I come to you or I come to Dr gullet and so I don't I guess I just literally don't understand why you guys would go into your office which is smaller when if you're already having to build a room for Secure Storage why aren't why aren't we just moving everybody into this office which is more convenient for us as board members and is bigger that part I don't understand well you already frequently go to the office next to mine which is the superintendent's office I I've actually never been in her office so so I don't and the and the conference room that is there as well what we've what we've got is within my current and existing office we have um a lot of it was was I think uh probably inefficiently used for storage of legal files because we needed to have their rules about the secure locking of documents and and secure retention of documents the board clerk has similar requirements So within the current room that we have back there my intention was that we would have a um we would have a subdivided area that was a locked area for both board clerk secured storage files as well as legal department storage files that would then uh that those files in addition to the fact that I would no longer have you know my conference room table taking up that that second office that I've got in mind would allow me to move all of those directly into um this and maintain that as a board clerks I'm sorry as a board office for the board to come in the board would have access to the printer board have access to the copier board have access to their mail we have access to that for conferences everything else we intend to do that way though however we would then have all of the Personnel be in a space which is optimal and comfortable for the personnel and having easy ongoing access to a conference room right next door which is superintendent's conference room and also access to the superintendent administrative staff that are right there as well yeah I mean so when were we going to get told this because I just happen to walk in and see boxes today when when was the since this is about the board when were we going to Noy this and she's our confidential secretary is how I how I Envision the board M she's our confidential secretary right so a principal's confidential secretary has a office with a door and they're able to have private conversations so then is is is Miss Martinez going to be in where your conference room is in your office no it's going to be where Miss where my pargal is currently so she won't be behind a closed door to have confidential conversations with board members I'll weigh in on something here um one thing that would be helpful to me with this model is I've had several meetings and you know you feel bad there's been a couple meetings where I've been like it's fine for you know the Elena to stay or not um but I've had several meetings where there's been multiple people in there including meetings with uh rep Henson um where you know I kind of needed a place to to be able to have a meeting and I don't care you know if the printer can stay in there I'm fine with that I think it's odd for you know one person to be stuck behind three doors that really doesn't do much for collaboration across and that's something that we talk a lot about here is internal communication I like the idea um at face value of having you know we talked about how isolated it was Cummings when this first happened you know that she was back there by herself and talking about you like you're not here you're right here so you know it's to me it's six one half dozen the other um I just don't know why you're going to a smaller space that's the part that confuses me I why go to a smaller probably for accessibility accessibility for who though because it's they I mean legal is talking about across that whole row of people well but legal is legal is the board's employee y yes and so superintendent so as is a superintendent and so and the board clerk serves as our confidential secretary so I know for me I can speak for myself when I come to this campus I come primarily to see three people they're all on the stage and then I have a meeting with someone else so I very much like and maybe I can be selfishly I like parking right out there coming in this door not having to enter this whole campus that has lots of stuff going on now and I can come in I can I can speak and then I can leave and I would love if legal was right back here because then I wouldn't have to go onto the entire campus and I again I've never Dr gullit's office is not large and so she often meets with people in other places besides her office so correct conf theide legal yeah just where sure but there could also be a conference room in here that that that because legal I mean I've never experienced legal other than our off a board um what do you call those thingies where we negotiate on the amount we're settling with we've never legal has never used the superintendent conference room that I'm aware of like that's the only time we use it and that's but we could easily go back here if there was a conference room which would be more conducive right and we still will have that conference room facility there the difference is that if the legal office is right there we and and we were all shared in that one space then that would also limit that the use of that for other things then they all have to leave if we want to have a meeting I don't know because at that point then I can't have even my clients even board members I can't have just everyone a number of people that all have access to that area up walls just like you're going to have to you're going to have to put up walls right now to do your Secure Storage so you would have to put up walls but I I don't go um I mean just if you're if you're done yeah that's fine so I personally appreciate the idea that all of the employees that we work with will all be within three doors of each other and so we just park out front and visitor parking and go see anybody superintendent's conference room legal board Clerk anybody else that we ever meet with are all in that one building personally um I also understand that this technically is an operations decision because now that the board clerk does fall under the superintendent's purview I know that we have attorney Powers as our employee as her supervisor now but I personally have no problems with this arrangement I will love the idea that we could have this back room back here um without having to push her out of the room whenever we need to have a meeting um so I mean I I can see the value in us having our own space uh just solely for us whenever we need it and to have a meeting like what what chair thrower had stated um and going to legal on a regular basis is something that the board chair tends to do so it may not have been something that all board members have had the opportunity to do yet but going into legal and talking to the board clerk on a regular basis are both things that the board chair tends to do on a more frequent basis and so I tend to see an incredible value to get it all done in a One-Stop shop I love onstop shop I just want the shop to be back here and I and listen since I've been on the board and N you came on the same time we've had how many different offices next including downtown move whole building do that really move whole building we were on the end down there we were on the end of that Wing down there once before we were back here in a little small room room back why I just don't like all of this shuffling around we again we're in a in a this was ideal I was like okay I can come right in the door I'm here I'm do what I need to do and go go back this keep constant moving this constant shuffling and and and it makes me think there's something else going on that y'all aren't telling us because first of all I I didn't know this until I come here and see freaking box correct that's that's poor communication y'all just said one reasons for this is for better communication communication for who sure I've communicated my plans with the board chair and also with the superintendent also no I understand um however those sorts of should had some input in this sure and those sorts of decisions are not necessarily decisions that if it were coming from operations and not your other employee that you would have much input in when when it was a matter of Elena's office was going to be moved from name on it because I don't want to be fine when the board chairs off office was going to I'm sorry the board clerk's office was going to be moved from uh any of the three prior locations that it was moved um I my understanding was there was not a larger discussion about which spot it was going to be um in my estimation based on the needs of the office based on the needs of me being able to provide Elena with or the board clerk with the support that she needs and also with the board clerk being able to successfully perform within my department um this would be the best potential option you and and the board pays me and hires me to make sure that I run a department and I run that department well um I believe that this is the way that I believe will'll most efficiently do that um there are a number of you mentioned the One-Stop shopping while the three people that the that the board comes and sees on a regular basis would now all be right there this office however would still be retained by the board for board purposes because of the fact that then I would have that very large conference table I have which takes up a large portion of my office would so it's it would be now here with an ability for us to have those School Safety and Security meetings which are right next door to Dennis those are the the meetings that we have with the board for for um any kind of uh any kind of off the Record you know um Sunshine um exemption meetings or anything like that we would be able to do it right there we would still have um you know the printer copier all those factors that are the boards um the boards to have we we' have all of those items right there um then we would also have the storage which is currently taking up Personnel space um that is sort of overflow storage but needs to be maintained for 10 plus years that would then be out from under us so we would actually be having although we would have four people in my office we would have literally onethird the amount of of stuff that is currently in my office and that would in in in my opinion there the way that getting things the most efficient is by having the people that have to work together all in the same place to make that occur now the best way to do that although I would certainly love to have a large expanded area the large expanded area right now all I have to do is put in two short walls in order to make a secure storage area that that um has the uh within this space back here I don't have to do any of that to my current existing office now when it comes to how we would uh arrange for personnel well that's a large open space it used to be a band room I believe it was it's a it's a large you know large open space And So It has all of those advantages that I don't want to I don't want to subdivide how much is I don't think you can going to cost us to do this because now almost nothing I spoke to Mr Dobbins about the fact that we're not talking about extending in a wall to the ceiling we are literally talking about like we did within the some people call the Fishbowl over here the uh you know they they did the uh uh in the old library here wall there was like a half wall that goes up all that I need is a is is two walls coming out of one corner with a door so that I can secure a locked storage I could do that without building any wall at all the problem is then that somebody H that I have to strictly regulate the key access to both board clerk um and legal department files and that would then exclude a whole lot of people that currently there's very few people that have keys to my office um just like with the superintendent's office and Dennis's office so I would have to first to restrict that and I think that would be counter to what the what the Board needs with its ability to come in and go and for that area also beat a space that we could use for larger events if we had a larger training if we had something that was um you know a larger conference where we've had um the board chair has has had conferences with um facility staff we have agenda review meetings anything like that those things are currently done within the superintendent conference room room but that is one space if I have meetings with my um you know when I have meetings with staff that's fine if it's two or three staff that can be done with in my office if I need team meetings or larger meetings I need a larger space than even I currently have and usually the superintendent the superintendent stays very busy with her conference room schedule so the superintendent's conference room is a pretty is a pretty busy place um I can organize that schedule but for the ones where we need a larger space for board purposes we'd be able to retain that here I would really hate to subdivide out that up into a bunch of smaller offices if you look directly to the left of that we've already got the school safety offices there and those spaces although um school they certainly have been able to make them work they are highly highly subdivided and when we had first looked at those spaces I had entertained the concept of moving the the legal department over here behind the stage for exactly the kind of reasons you're talking about the two reasons I came up at that time was saying it wouldn't be my ideal uh recommendation was number one if I move to that left side where school state safety is the subdivision of the offices is too too small for our purposes because the although there is private space for each each individual that doesn't work well with the the way a legal office works because all of the individuals in that office need to communicate much more directly and openly if you've ever been in my office you know my office door is never closed unless I've got a board member in there um because we need to be able to interact immediately and quickly with one another I feel that our department and the board and frankly the district would improve with the ability of the board Clerk and the legal department Department to be able to have that same interaction because you rely as does the board clerk on me for recommendations regarding agenda review items uh recommendations regarding when advertisement must occur all of those factors that the board clerk has to deal with on a daily basis there are frequent questions that need to come back and forth between myself and the board Clerk and frankly I don't have time in many cases nor would the board clerk to be able to catch each other in between the other things we're doing if I'm on the phone then my phone she's got to leave an email or a voicemail for me we've got to communicate all electronically back and forth and many times that's not optimal so I would appreciate the opportunity to be able to have anyone who I'm charged with supervising and helping to be able to be a immediately within my armband to do that let me say this that's exactly when you brought it to my attention I agreed and didn't think anym about it because of what you just said you know I see it as a you're superi you're the supervisor it's an operational decision I can use my two legs to walk anywhere and so that's where I started and left with me so and I just feel like I have confidential conversations with our confidential secretary and so I don't I would like her to be behind a closed door so that I can continue to have confidential conversations with our confidential secretary and if she's in the middle of an open Office I can't I can't do that well the open Office you're talking about includes your attorney I mean I I don't I can't really fathom what kind of but that's that's up to you I I won't those kind of conversations I don't think anything that's ever been discussed in my office whether you were my client or or another entity was my client has ever been discussed outside of those doors so I'm not saying it isn't what I'm saying is that is the level of of confidentiality that exists currently and I certainly would not want to diminish that level of confidentiality by moving her to a different location so if you're going to put her where the conference room is right now behind a closed door then that would continue to provide us with the same level of confidentiality we currently have and then as I said and again no one even we didn't even know until this conversation we didn't even know it was happening as I said earlier I've come to legal and knocked on the door because the door's locked which is supposed to be and got ready to come in and I was like nope you can't come in there's another board member here that's counterproductive for me when I'm on the campus and so that's now you're saying if I'm coming to see my board clerk I'm going to get the same thing if there's another board member in there whether the door was closed or not with you that has happened to me too that's what I'm saying that's that's counter productive to me that's that may be more productive for you but if this is a board clerk is counterproductive well so what I'm hearing from the board is the board wants to be able to have um confidential closed door access to the board clerk without any direct supervision by the attorney I think you can be in the same office I just want her to be able to close her door yeah and and and that can't work in the direction that I've got this plan then so if that's the board's pleasure and wish and the board wishes to manage how I do that and take that from my purview and and and choose for the board to do that that's okay I work well with you I listen to things that you tell me to do but if we don't want to have these conversations just individually with me um because something has I I wasn't aware this would cause anyone any grief if if if it is something no one even told I understand well and as I say um when when when the board clerk was moved to I think Kevin's office I don't know that that that anything changed there either I I didn't have any way of in in of knowing especially when over here it seemed to me to be considerably less convenient for the board um than it would be when you go many of you other than the board chair at any time might spend one part of an hour per week with me in my office um most of you um not just you but collectively any board member have had with the exception of the board chair um at any given time and and Reverend Cummings you know this when you were a board chair in my office constantly because we're constantly working on stuff and that's apart from that generally the other four board members you know I I see you once a week for a a brief period of time um and you're generally on campus to do briefings with other staff or to do briefings with the superintendent and I try not to overextend and you know say hey everybody I need I need to sit down and have individual briefings with you on a regular basis um and likewise I try to be extremely um unless there's a need for it I likewise also try to be extremely cautious and sensitive about the fact that while I'm trying to plan any particular thing the plan in doing so often needs to be an executive decision made by someone because Collective decisions outside of a meeting are prohibited so therefore I'm able ble to do things on the board's behalf and get the input of the board chair notify the board chair and if they are things which the board of course has any kind of objection to that's that's fine I I listen to what I'm told however um what I'm doing here is is an extension of the fact that what I'm trying to do is make the board able to able to run its business smoothly while the legal department and the board Clerk's offices are too and I believe that this is the best mode of doing so I recognize that with anything moving the board Clerk or or moving my offices or anything else um is something that the board has input in and can certainly weigh in and let me know how they would like for me to proceed I just I will tell you that twice before there have been plans which were halfway through trying to the process of moving my offices from where they are to an entirely different offsite facility or to an entirely different building and the board members knew about it and it didn't generate really any response one way or the other from any of them so I really honestly did not anticipate that this would generate any response either I mean I would I would assume that it would generate a response if I were if if legal department were suddenly going to be moving to a location off this campus but when we were when we were planning that before and looking at how that would work I I I didn't have any any discussion or input or anybody really had anything to say about it it just oh well you might do that I appreciate what you saying attorney Powers but if you came into work if you came into work and casa was not where they were and you had not been told how would you feel well the thing is the board does I understand didn't know you just seen box understand I'm not I don't intend to argue a point I don't intend to argue a point what I'm telling you is that that is a bit difference because because the board does not directly supervise the board clerk the board supervises the board clerk through either the superintendent or through me and there are decisions that need to be made by those who are in the supervisor supervisory position and when the board clerk is being supervised by the board which was done before those decisions have to be made by the board and any decisions made collectively by the board have to be public any when when there's a decisions that are made that are non-collective decisions they have to be made by an individual and that individual is supervisor would generally I think the process is I go through the board chair and explain what the intention is and then you know I would notify you of what what decision I had made and if you have any discussion about it then I would expect for someone to let me know I literally though I need to tell you that as as of three days ago going be very Frank and very transparent I didn't like it I didn't like how how this is being done I didn't like the lack of communication because if we say we're going to be transparent we say it every other week that we're transparent I don't like that we should have been told I don't care if it came from you or the board chair I don't care who it came from but we I shouldn't have got walked in there and seen that not like that well we haven't heard from Miss Conrad at all on any of this do you have anything to suggest recommend um I actually don't have a lot to say I respect um Jeremy's position on that on this um I also have not had any trouble any issues um with the office um be behind us and meeting with Elena there um the only other comment I really have is I do think having a door is not too much to ask if we want to meet with her in private as our confidential secretary I think um this conversation just is way off topic for everything that's happened today and uh it's just a different level of our priority so I'll just reiterate that I I trust attorney Powers um of course I trust decision making um I and I will say I the communication I agree with you Reverend Cummings there could have been some more communication um about this but again I I haven't had any issues thus far so and and let me say to the board to make it to make it really clear I I have not I don't have any difficulty doing whatever the board wishes me to do and in that for that case if the board here in discussion is telling me now first of all I would appreciate the voter conference and I know what I'm doing that I've managed law offices that I've have moved Personnel around and everything else I I get all that that being said if it's the board's pleasure for whatever reason that I not touch it I am perfectly happy leaving my office exactly as it is right now and leaving that office exactly as it is right now and everybody and that can continue that direction I will tell you that the only difference if if if we did that is that it is more difficult for me to maintain the supervisory relationship with the board clerk that I need to do I have no problem with both office that's not an issue for me if you got I think you guys being in one office makes a ton of sense I have no issue with that I have no issue with that but I I I maintain I think it's crazy to go into one into a smaller space instead of a larger space that doesn't make sense to me and I I want our confidential secretary to have the ability to close a door when we want to have a confidential SEC confidential conversation would this help um cover all the bases because there's value to internal communication via proximity and we come and go but staff is here to work together all day every day so I'm sure it wouldn't be that expensive to put a if are you saying that Terry's going to move into the what's been your conference room where your big table is yes okay so she would move in there the board clerk would move into her space you put a wall there with a door how much this cost I just said how much cost way less than moving all of legal over here and then that way you've you've got it covered everybody has a proximity to each other everybody has a door that shuts I sit in there with attorney powers and have conversations and you know if Terry's there she's there if cas's there she's there there's still confidential conversations so what's the difference confidential office it's a confidential office why not putting Elena in the conference room and leaving Terry where she is well gez I mean let's come on let people run their offices yeah there there there are a lot of a lot of factors that many are many are counter to one another for example the very fact that yes I could do things differently there I've thought this through if I did things differently and we had another uh another person that still wouldn't change the fact that if one board member is in my office another board member for the purposes of who's sitting outside and who might be seeing coming going I don't put you in that position ever so I don't put you in the position ever of having two board members walk out of the same door at the same time so period that goes back to then Reverend cumming's first I understand that we all going to be in the same place I understand that and that is that is the fact if two board members if two board members are both coming to see me one board member if if you call ahead and let me know then I'll tell you well come after this person person but for the most part I've never had to micromanage that because the board chair is there often and individually you board members when you stop by it actually is relatively rare for you to be turned away at the door for a few minutes while we're you know while we're let me just say as a chair I'm having a meeting with you and a board member shows up you know unannounced I can always step out for a few minutes while they handle their deal you we always have things we can be doing I don't know we're getting to a level of micromanagement here that I'm not comfortable with but th that has never happened when I was the chair I've gone there and there have been other board members in the office and I was sto at the door now maybe I was I absolutely do many times and even and when I wasn't the chair that has happened I mean that has happened to me I've certainly been stopped at the door by KLA before and she has said he's with another board member he'll have to come back happened to me once never it's not in six years well it happened to me off maybe I was going by the office no no I I I agree I look I agree and I concur that it happens I hope you all understand why there's a reason for it and and so I I respect also what's been said that that if if the if the goal of the board is to have a a private space that it can spend individual time with the board clerk that is not through my door then I I get that but you will still be if if if the board clerk's office is within meeting over here sure no but I'm just saying what you're saying though I just want to make sure I capture what you're saying what you're saying though is with Elena in your office now you we would still be unable to come in if another board member is in the office that's what I heard you say and I want to make sure I heard that correctly if a board member is in your office and your actual closed office door be turned away the we will be turned away because you don't want two board members exiting your office at the same time which happens with the superintendent already anyway I mean what happens with the super you go in to meet the super superintendent she's meeting with someone else we have to go down and sit and wait well we have scheduled meetings with the superintendent so we overlap because of our scheduled meetings we never have walk-on meetings I have never had a walk-on meeting with what I'm saying the same thing with if you walk in and you can't get to Elena you wait a few minutes and then you go in and you take care of your business and are we talking about continuing to strengthen internal communication here or board member convenience what what trumps won yeah I I yeah I what's the board's pleasure I mean honestly respect your your Viewpoint here attorney powers and here's my my point because you have managed offices before you have an employee that is essentially is an off-site location that is not conducive to your supervisory skill you know prowess at this point that has an easy remedy and so I have absolutely zero issue with trusting you implicitly with how this can work best and I believe ultimately the board will find it works really well as well it's going to be a change and right now we're the ones that are going to have to adjust the to the change but beyond that I I completely trust you with this decision I heard what you just said but I also heard something you you were about to say you're about to say that he didn't have the skill set to supervise not what I was about to say that was about to come out 100% you put words in my mouth that is not what I was about to say that's what I was hearing well I'm sorry you heard me completely incorrectly you have an employee that you are supervising that is essentially in an off-site location and it would be much more conducive to everyone including this board for you to do that in your office as opposed to the way the setup is now and that's what I believe implicitly Reverend Cummings may I also just contribute this in the interest of transparency I also do not have the ability currently with the setup as it is if um um if staff need to reach out to the board Clerk and staff meets with for security purposes a locked door here and then staff happens to call and wish and and let the board clerk know that they're here to drop something off staff have been told if there's something for the board clerk you can bring it to my office however regularly still people are going to deliver stuff to the board Clerk and they run into doors that are locked which have to be and and those doors are are the exterior doors to the to the auditorium here then they call the board clerk's number well just like my phone the only time if you call my office the only time you're ever not going to get somebody is if I'm physically on the phone on my line at that time because otherwise from 7 to 6 somebody's picking up the phone now when the board clerk is on the phone and a lot of business that the board clerk needs to conduct is telephonic when she's on the phone that person calls and they get a ring and so they don't even know to to be let in or I mean you know we could set up a buzzer system or something but that's yet another potential solution now one of the things there is though if staff if staff then says oh the board clerk isn't doing what the the board clerk needs to do I don't or board clerk isn't there when the board clerk needs to be or if there's any if if anyone says that uh they needed to communicate with the board Clerk and were unable to that person I can't I can't defend that because that person is not in my is is not in my office I can't help the board clerk if she has an immediate question if she's not in physical proximity to where I am now when I'm in a meeting like this for example I'm I have my email here and if my office needs me for something my office is emailing me back and forth so I can communicate with them as well to give direction um for transparency purposes I will tell you also that you need to you need to one of the reasons that's factored into my decision is uring that when there are a number of items related to agenda do and the board Clerk's duties that I can I can assist the board clerk in doing those things and that I'm immediately available and ready there for in order to do that I'm not able to do that when we're in separate offices I yeah I I maintain I'm totally cool with you all being in the same office and and again the difference between all of us moving into this space I've outlined why I don't believe that that is conducive that's fine if you guys can all be in your office that's fine I I just maintain that I would like the board clerk behind an opportunity for me to have a private conversation with the board clerk so that can be a decision made later I'm not I'm not queen I'm just saying I agree so would the board then just prefer that for now I just put a freeze on any action that I'm taking while I attempt to figure out how I can make those things work all right yeah it seems to me like it's a pretty much more simple solution rather than moving all you guys over over here to just create a wall and a door or I don't know you know I didn't go that deep into it because you shared that's what you felt like you wanted to do and why and I'm like all right you know you're the supervisor by no means it's not saying that you don't know what you I understand I don't take it that way I hope you know me enough to know that it's not that's not the case and I I do think Bor that we need to be aware of the fact that attorney Powers has been tasked with you know supervisory roles and for us to put a freeze on anything without coming up with another solution there's lots of other places we can meet if we need to have a a private conversation but you know we're here to get the work of the district and and everything done and have proximity to each other so it would be my suggestion to this is his lead let's follow it and if I want to have a private conversation with anybody you I can guarantee you I will find a place on this campus to do that I think we're given him enough time to figure out something um again communication communication transparency for me I don't think one or two people should know something and other board members don't know oh no I just please understand my only reasoning is that the board chair is my point person to deal with regardless of who that is at any time or things that are not districtwide decisions board member knew I you I'm not aware of that do it but more than one board member knew that presents a problem for me well if one the more than one board member knew about it it was then because of the only people that that really knew about any alteration were people within my office or the board Clerk and those things shouldn't really be communicated that way I'm I say no freeze but whatever three said free I'll freeze I I I'll I'll take a step back and I will try to come up with other Alternatives and options and uh then I'll present those a little more formally to the board that's all I that's all thank you all right sounds like a plan um Vice did you have anything else for mayor Cummings no okay vice sh comrade thank you um I'm glad I wrote my notes down CU I don't think I would have remembered what I wanted to say I just have um a few quick things I particularly um wanted to share the rezoning meetings I thought I was able to attend two out of the three and they were fantastic um not only do we have great attendance by parents um and and School staff but we had a tremendous um showing from our District staff and so I just continue to be appreciative and thankful for the time that they give um to our district and the success of our district because they're here for work sessions they're here for board meetings and they're here you know they're out and about at schools um late into the evening uh taking time away from their families and their loved ones um to do the work of the district so I just wanted to um extend my gratitude for that a job well done um every single parent or family member that I visited with coming in and out was was happy uh and um their questions were being answered so kudos to the team on that um I did want to give a shout out for a give for Marion uh we had several board members were there uh last night um at kind of the finale of the event and I went home last night and I to I told my husband I said you know it is a really great problem to have when there are so many Fantastic nonprofits in our area that you struggle to decide where you can give um that you wish you had more so you could support more nonprofits and as I sat there and and um listened to the work um that was shared and and the groups that were recognized so many of those um entities overlap what the work that we're doing in our schools and so I'm just really grateful for they pick up where we have we leave off the work that we can't do um providing for our students and for our staff members so it was really a night of Celebration um and in my book the school system wins too uh because they're supporting us each and every day and then lastly I have a question I just act my computer died while you're sitting here um I did get a an email from Jamie Gilmore while we're sitting here and so his the contract is being held up and so I just would like someone to touch base on with me I guess it's been delayed twice if you could just reach out to me attorney powers and let me know what what the hold up is sure a as I think that as of now it's still under view by Mr Gilmore I mean we he's he's recently sent back just in the last day or two um some scope of work changes okay that solve the problems we've been talking about for many weeks and um I think that it's probably I I'd have to check I mean literally within the last 24 hours there may have been some changes to that but we've okay and I think he sent that back to you so I think it's ready for your review okay if you would just update me when you have a chance to sure will thank you very much and that's all I have all right thank you and yes I just briefly looked at my email and it was the same so it might not hurt todate um all board members when you get a an opportunity to give us that update thank you um yes for my part I'll say that um the GI for Marian is amazing I especially liked what Kathy Bryant said commissioner Bryant the other day when she said you know maybe not everyone has treasure to give but time and talent makes a huge difference too and the fact that they more than doubled um their donations was just really uh something to be amazed by and a lot of good going on in this community so um thank you uh board for the it was a long work session today but productive I was you know I think all of us were glad to to stay till we got it hammered out thank you for factoring in the time to do that I know several of us had other meetings but you know this was really important to get done so I'm glad we did that and with that I don't think have anything else at this late hour so I will say we will go ahead and adjourn and it is 3:52 so we made it out before 4 o' thank you all train we got train are we going to still do our can we just yes but that's off here she's said but we're done [Music] e