e [Music] good Tuesday evening everyone the April 23rd 2024 meeting of the Maran County School Board is called to order at 5:30 p.m. mirroring and modeling the way our students begin each day I ask that we observe a moment of silence at this time please join me thank you I'll now ask for member Campbell to read our board commitment statement good evening good evening chair threr we are the Maran County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first we will leave a legacy of success thank you board member Campbell for the courtesy of those listening to the meeting I am requesting everyone in the audience to please turn off their electronic devices or put them on vibrate later in the meeting up to 30 minutes will be provided for individuals to address the board on matters concerning the operation of the Maran County school system or the school board only presentations to the board are limited to 5 minutes and are televised if you wish to address the board regarding a regular agenda items or matters on which the board customarily takes action you must first complete a peach form located in the lobby if you wish to address the board regarding a public hearing or a student discipline matter please complete a lime green form these forms must be fully completed and received by the board clerk no later than 5:40 p.m. the procedures applicable for each are on a separate sheet board clerk please call the role Dr Allison Campbell district one here Mrs Lori Conrad District Two here Mr Eric Cummings District three here Mrs Nancy thrower District Four here Dr Sarah James District Five here School Board member student I'm sorry board member Victor nyard Lake where High here Dr Diane gullet superintendent here Mr Jeremy Power School Board attorney here thank you Miss Martinez good evening Dr gullet with would you please introduce the member of your team who will be helping us with tonight's inspiration and pledge please good evening Madam chair members of the board great to see you this evening and great to have a full audience here we have a lot of inspiration and pledge and recognitions tonight so I'll kick this off with inspiration and pledge and I'm going to bring Miss Megan Magan Maul from our public Education Foundation forward but um and while she does that um it is my incredible pleasure to recognize the employee is going to come forward next um and I don't think it's a surprise anymore we surprised him yesterday morning bright and early surprised his principal too um we have the honor of having Mr Ed Lanza our Florida school related employe of the year the [Applause] so I have to share a few things about Mr Lan I'm going to say this again he is he was one of the finalists for the state recognition and I had a great call um that told me that he won for the entire State of Florida my response was I'm not surprised let me share a little bit about Mr Lanza before you hear from him and he is a very humble man and he's described by so many as polite Dependable humble thorough detail oriented and what an outstanding work ethic everybody says about him I am grateful for his service to our country he proudly served our country and military service um in the Vietnam War thank you sir for that and has been contributing to the lives of many at Saddlewood Elementary School and we are just so grateful to have him serve as a pair professional but does so much more than that because he truly exemplifies what an outstanding employee is represents our country and our district so well and just to see the students come in as I was recognizing him yesterday morning spoke for itself incredibly proud of of everything he does for us and what he represents not only now for Marian County but the entire State of Florida thank you Mr LAN [Applause] you're gonna get a lot of Applause tonight sir to you don't have to just thank you I appreciate it thank you so [Applause] much congratulations again Mr Lanza the foundation is proud to be a sponsor of the school related employee of the year program and what a testament to Mary County Public Schools support staff that we now have a representative for the State of Florida so thank you Mr Lanza you are a big deal to your students and your school community so congratulations can't wait to celebrate this summer at the Florida Department of Education event where he will be recognized for the Statewide award good afternoon shair thr school board members and superintendent Dr goet I'm also honored to be here this evening for additional reasons it is the public Education Foundation awareness week and every day we are thrilled to be celebrating and highlighting different programs and initiatives of our organization tonight I start with one of our signature programs started in 1991 to recognize and reward our outstanding Educators called the Golden Apple teacher recognition program the selection process is approximately four months long it starts in September of each school year with our schools nominating a teacher of the year those teachers of the year then submit a portfolio they go through an interview and an observation process thank you to miss Conrad for serving on our selections committee for Golden Apple the grand finale is at our annual Golden Apple Gayla and during that evening we celebrate all of our school-based teachers of the year but we also recognize the five finalists for Teacher of the Year and name our golden apple teacher who will represent Marian County Public Schools so tonight we will be congratulating and hearing from our 2024 teacher of the year Miss Jennifer Brown representing Forest High School and with Miss Brown she is accompanied by a lot of her fellow Golden Apple Academy members because being named teacher of the year while very prestigious it's the the start of a journey in a cohort of outstanding Educators who then work to give back in supporting uplifting and elevating their peers so as Miss Brown comes to join me on the podium I'd also like to ask our fellow Academy members to stand and be recognized as well [Applause] good evening Dr goet board members parents students there's a lot in the room today um I'm so honored to be representing Maring County Public Schools as your teacher of the year this this year um what an amazing process like I had no idea going into this how in-depth and rigorous this product was so um it's been a ride I'm a product of maring County Public Schools I went to ele weina Park Elementary in Fort King and I actually taught at both of those schools throughout my career so that was really cool to be able to teach with um the teachers who inspired me to be a teacher um I also went to Vanguard now I teach at Forest so I never thought I'd say go wild cats but go wild cats um that's where we are today um the Gayla number one um was amazing um if every District could do this I've heard from teachers and other districts and they don't compare like our district really does it over the top above and beyond and I'm just so grateful for the process making us all feel like we're at the Oscars and just appreciate it um I'm not usually one who enjoys the spotlight like I can talk in front of kids all day but this is a little nerve-wracking um but I love the opportunities to empower my colleagues to um feel empowered with what they do and to shine and that's really where my heart of teaching is at um because when you when teachers feel valued and respected that shines forth and their teacher their students feel the impact of that and then they are more successful and achieve more um the alarming attrition rate right now of teachers um just really underscores the urgency we have to develop new teachers and make those teachers that we have um really grow and that's where my heart is and we need to step up as a community to really acknowledge um teachers invaluable contributions that they make on a daily basis um it takes all of us to inspire teachers to recognize the intrinsic worth of the Relentless effort that we do every day to invest in our kids and each other um this is one reason I'm really looking forward this year to participating in the foundation one of the first initiatives that we've been working on is the Ed camp and like I said again that's where my heart is and so being able to work with the golden apple Academy and the professional leadership and learning team to um be able to bring Ed Camp to teachers this year to both veterans and new teachers um it's proof that we have forward-thinking people on our team that are going to allow us to see the value of teachers um what we have to offer each other um opportunities to encourage and collaborate with and Inspire teachers to embrace their practice and transform their classrooms into a place where their students can really flourish so I just want to thank my family I don't think I did that the night of the gala they were like um because we know if there's one teacher in the household like the whole family is a teacher even the dog because you're all put on duties so it's it's a whole job um and the lasting impact that I've had on every teacher every school every administrator um every school and every District that I've worked for has left a la lasting Legacy on me and has inspired me and molded me into the teacher that I am today um I wouldn't be here right now without them um the public Ed Foundation has already made me feel like part of the family um it's really been enlightening seeing the hard work that they put in and the heart that they put into um making this District great for the kids and for our teachers and so I just value their work and I excited to be a part of it this year thank [Applause] you you didn't C okay and now we stand and now we stand for the pledge for the pledge pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Miss Brown we're definitely going to come down and take a picture with you and and hopefully with the rest of the Elite Academy that you have now joined um you definitely have an even busier year ahead of you with lots of of fun and satisfaction and surprises and on behalf of the board we're just really grateful for the commitment that you have to students and and how you put your heart and soul into everything that you do um for your kids we say our kids because that's really who they are you know extension of of the family and um so we'd love to take a picture with you and uh Mr Lanza I'm so sorry but we really do want to get a picture with you as well and you certainly are a classic example of it's uh clearly not what you say it's what you do that makes a pretty big difference so you're not quite off the hook sir and I hope you'll indulge us and take a picture all right ready ready e Okay C that's great you got [Applause] $10,000 stand correct up push that [Music] to me don't here we go and one two three couple more say golden apple Golden Apple say thank you Academy okay great you're not in trouble not [Music] yes right you have your quarter box out she's a good lady that was pretty amazing all right Dr gullet I understand we have several more recognitions this evening involving both students and employees would you please introduce the member of your team who will help with this first recognition to kick us off we do thank you again Madam chair members of the board Miss magal is going to come up have outstanding employees outstanding students and outstanding business partners too so I'll turn it over to miss magal thank you thank you Dr gullet um now we would like to spend a couple of minutes to recognize our incredible School business partners who contribute to the success of our schools not only through their annual monetary donation but in so much more our business partners walk hand inand with the school leaders to lift up that school Community whether it's through volunteering opportunities career Outreach providing resources for students in need teacher appreciation and rewards um so much so this evening I will be naming and recognizing all of our school business business partners some of which are in the audience with us this evening I am going to ask that they stand when their name is recognized and I do promise if we can save the Applause for the end I do promise to get through this in as fast as possible so that Reverend Cummings I see your face I promise I'll be fast so our business partners you are amazing thank you on behalf of the foundation and our school district for all you do to support the work of our schools I will be naming all uh we have two business partners or two schools currently in need of a business partner so you will not hear those named tonight Greenway Elementary and wyomina park are two we are actively pursuing new Partnerships for so business partners and principles are we ready okay we will begin alphabetically with Advent Health oala who partners with Bellevue High School and Vanguard High School All State construction fezan Elementary American res residential East Maran Elementary olley construction Legacy Elementary and Stanton weale Elementary blessing State Farm Agency Belleview High School Chick-fil-A at Paddock Mall Shady Hill Elementary climber farer barley they are new this year they partner with 8th Street and Oola Middle College of Central Florida I know Dr Robinson is here with College Park Elementary School Conrad tree service thank you Miss Conrad Horizon Academy at Marin Oaks and Ward Highlands Elementary School Cox Communications partner with Howard Middle School and oakrest Elementary Crouch hommes dellan High School Dr Jones Orthodontics partner with beliew middle school and Madison Street Academy Express Care of bellw bellw Santos Elementary Florida Credit Union and forom Early Learning Academy Florida Express environmental and North Marian High School School FMC wealth management and dellan Middle School Geotech and Forest High School they are new this year as well Glover law firm and 8th Street Elementary golden oala Golf and equestrian Club partners with Anthony Elementary and redic Coler Elementary HCA Florida Okala partners with Westport HIgh School inline Orthodontics partners with Liberty Middle and Hammet Bowen International Energy Savers of Central Florida partners with bellw element school they are brand new Standridge construction and Harbor View Elementary Jenkins Auto Group and Maring Technical College Jennifer darly PA and Howard Middle School and denell and High kids City USA Dr James thank you very much for your partnership with Madison Street Academy locked Martin and Lake wear high school love Inc in the Heart of Florida Belleview high school and lakew middle metal Brook Church College Park ele Elementary and Saddlewood Elementary Mike Martin who is here this evening and Marian Oaks Elementary a new partnership as well Neighborhood Storage and South Okala Elementary Okala electric utility they are here and they partner with East Maring Elementary and Okala Springs Elementary Okala fiber Network partners with Dr NH Jones Elementary dellan elementary Emerald Shores Elementary Harbor View Elementary lakew wear middle Legacy Elementary Marian Oaks Elementary North Marian middle Sunrise Elementary and alternative programs thank you oala fiber Network Okala horse and home realy with Maplewood Elementary Okala Maring County Association of Realtors and I know they are here presenting this evening they are an amazing partner of Hillcrest School on top of the world grandparents club with Romeo Elementary Pediatric Associates of Okala Dr Harold and team are here this even Fort King Middle School is their partner School petroleum plus services and South Okala Elementary Phoenix wood products and Fort McCoy School rainy Incorporated with Madison Street and Vanguard High School Reed Orthodontics and Oola middle Region's Bank and Madison Street Riley Arts Center and Madison Street signature Brands and Marian Technical Institute along with Shady Hill Elementary Dr SAA Vanguard High School Spar building and farm supplies Spar Elementary the guest house Okala is partnered with lakee high Spar Elementary Westport High and the vines hospital that's a v so we're end of the alphabet here Fort King Middle School can we please have a round of applause for these amazing Partners on behalf of our foundation thank you to our business Community for supporting and investing in our schools and thank you to our school board members for understanding the importance of these invaluable Partnerships thank you thank you [Music] Megan now we do want to come down and take a picture very quickly and I hope we can fit everyone in Kevin this might be your greatest challenge yet but somehow I feel like you're up to the task and I just before we do that wanted to thank all of you so much on behalf of of the board including our two board members that are business partners just the variet y of support that we're getting across the community across business spheres is just absolutely extraordinarily humbling and we could not continue the great work that we are doing and accelerating the momentum of this District without you truly so it's going to be an honor and pleasure to come down and squish us all into a picture so let's do it so principles and school business partner ERS if I could have you stand in this section just fill in these seats Schoolboard members if you'll be on the front row we're going to do this picture in Reverse he want I [Music] know in a row like this are we doing every other row or was it we can't get let's go around we can't get in that row all right we climb we climbing it's all right hey how are you this is partners I'll have to [Music] ask okay and it just keeps coming um Dr gullet up next I believe we're recognizing some students for their dedicated service this year on this very stage would you please introduce the member of your team who will help with this recognition certainly will Dr living good will come forward and as she does Bard I think you're going to recognize these very special student leaders for their service not just in our district but here at the school board table so Dr living good yes thank you good evening chair thrower board members and superintendent Dr golet during the 2023 24 school year we had seven students who served as student representatives to the board in this role they served in an advisory nonvoting capacity to the school board and were able to provide input on board agenda items it's important to highlight because of this success that on March 26 2024 having student Representatives serve in this role became board policy and we have already now begun the application process for the 2425 school year so at this time I would like to recognize the student representatives for this current school year to the board for and I will begin with the students that serve during quarter 1 please come to the podium when I call your name we had jenesis munes Rosado from bellw high school and and Caitlyn kobak from Westport HIgh School so we'll have them come to the front because I'm sure we'll win a picture afterwards absolutely but we're going to do it up on the stage Mr Christian says okay he'll call you up uh together yes so go on a you go there right there so Quarter Two we had Olivia bidinger from dellan high school school and Bryce mctier from North Maran high [Applause] school and Bryce congratulations quarter three we had Blake Barnes from Forest High [Applause] School congratulations thank you and DEA nander from from Vanguard High [Applause] School congratulations and quarter four he's currently serving in this role is Victor nyard he's from Laker high [Applause] school it's so amazing and and we're going to have you come up here and and take a picture so just turn around for us second if you would please it's so good to see all of you again and and as your names were being called and I'm sure the rest of the board felt the same way we were all just thinking of different little memories that we have from your service time with us and and just how you brought so many unique and special qualities to the board which really elevates the board um student voice is so important because that's really why we're here and I also wanted to share my thanks with board Campbell um for helping bring this Vision to fruition we wanted to do this um years ago and then Co kind of got in our way and things got derailed for a while you know nobody was really getting together as much as we wanted to so um to to bring that back to the Forefront and then enshrine it in board policy means that you have set the trend once it's in policy it's not that easy to remove so there will be students um like you that will have the opportunity um to do the same hopefully for forever so that's the contribution that that you have made um to marrying County public schools in addition to all of your endeavors I'm remembering rock band and remembering which school are you thinking of going to for college are you going to go to college you know just so many things so it's just been a pleasure to have you so please rejoin us one more time and um we'll take a picture from up here so come on up on stage oh yes first that picture as only Kevin can congratulations to our inaugural class yes that's right are we standing or sitting you're you're sitting we're sitting okay two of you can stand between these two board members between on how are you I remember your Halloween costume hey how are you good to see hi good to see you again hi Divia it's like a reunion don't don't call off the stage please that would not be good can you yeah bring pict over slide down slide over sco down sco down you need us to scoot down I [Applause] can we've already heard from some of you good to see you congratulations on your future endeavors can't wait to shake your hand when you walk across the stage for graduation you exed I we'll be your graduations like we'll get to shake your [Music] hands it's nice to see what you got there congratulation Absolutely I'll miss I was thinking this would look really good oh licorice I get the black licorice version that's the Australian stuff I get the black be here be yes good to see you so wonderful it was is yeah yeah and that ladies and gentlemen was the first inaugural class of student school board [Applause] members all right well Dr gullet I think next we're recognizing some employees involved in Afterschool programs so will you please share with us the member of your team that will be coming forward to offer this recognition we are we're we're flipping over to employees and coming back to students in a moment um yes and I don't know if you know Bor that it's National after school professional week and it's never a better time than to recognize some of our employees and the employees you're going to see tonight have more than 30 years or more of longevity in this program so we are really appreciative of the service they provide to our students in this program so happy to introduce Miss Beck who will introduce our very special employees thank you good evening Miss Beck good evening board chair board memb superintendent I'm just thrilled to be here this evening um this is one of the great parts of my job is uh to be part of the Maring after schools program and this evening uh I get to introduce miss Karen Linko she is the coordinator for the Marian after schools program and she is going to be introducing these outstanding ladies their years of service and contribution to our students in Maring County Public Schools so I'm going to turn it over to miss Leno thank you good evening thank you good evening sherff thrower board members and Dr golet we are here to bring awareness to National Afterschool professionals appreciation week which is April 22nd through the 26th this week is a time to recognize and appreciate those who work with youth during out of school hours and provide ongoing support to Afterschool professionals who make a difference in the lives of young people in their communities and tonight I have the honor to rec recognized three ladies in our department who have given over 30 years of service to Maran after school programs an Simmons Miss Simmons has been with map for 34 years she started at Evergreen and was there for 21 years before moving to Saddlewood where she continued as the site manager for 8 years and then and moved to the administrative office as an area manager Margaret [Applause] White Margaret has also been with map for 34 years she began her career as an activity leader at East Maran and she currently is the site manager at Fort McCoy for the last 18 years in addition to her site manager duties Margaret assists with the school safety patrol program and fans Garden Carla Brown Miss Brown has been with us for 32 years she started as an activity leader at College Park and then became a site manager at Okala springs for 10 years she began the PE the afternoon program at Oola and was the site manager at 8th Street in Oola for 11 years most recently car was the site manager at Greenway for six years Carla now works as an area manager in our administrative office thank you for all the dedication and the impact to the students of maring County Public Schools and for representing the site managers in our entire department that serve students before and after the school bell thank you we definitely want to come down and and take a picture with you and and as I was sitting here I was thinking gosh it's it's not just the length of time where I added it added it up twice so I hope I'm right or otherwise I'm about to humiliate myself but I I think I added up a hundred years a hundred years of service between the three of you and that doesn't even begin to speak to the the depth of your service to Children across all those years and and and what you have meant to them and what you have meant to their schools so on behalf of the board just really wanted to say thank you and and for everything and and for coming out tonight to to be recognized I know we have a few board members sitting up here whose children directly benefited from from map participation so please board share with these ladies um you know what it's meant to you this is incredible go ahead sure thank you chair ironically today when I was visiting the hill Crest art show one of the former um folks from map she's still currently at Dr NH Jones but she was in the parking lot on her way there and I was like oh my goodness it's so good to see you are you still a j because of the impact honestly the impact that you ladies have made I know the impact that the map workers used to be called extended day workers had on my own children all three of my children participated in the programs at Dr NH Jones and at Oola middle school and just super grateful because I don't think that we can take for granted what this actually means to Working Families you are making such a significant impact not only in the students lives but in the family's lives to let families know that their children are taken care of not just taken care of but their their learning is extending on into the afternoon as well I'm just super grateful and this is going to continue to be one of those programs that is near and dear to my heart my my family has benefited greatly thank you thank you board member Campbell um I just want to say thank you also um this program not only impacted me as a parent but it also impacted me as a teacher um you all help fill the Gap um for our students and our families each and every day reaching out uh to help our students and our families get the best education for their students that they can so we just really appreciate you and thank you for the effort that you put in every single day absolutely board member Cummings and and I as well want to thank you all not just you but the other co-workers that work in the program because I think sometimes we underestimate or undervalue uh what you guys really do on a daily basis I I I've been able to um partake of the program with my kid my own kids but now my grandkids so I appreciate everything that you guys are doing and it's an extension of the school day and it really helps those kids so thank you so much thank you yes we're honoring you and and all of your team members that make this happen um as testified thank you we're going to come down and take a picture nope I'll take a picture everybody hands right at your side there you go here we go and one two three couple more and good to go thank you congratulations good job good jobat a long [Music] time okay up next we're going to recognize some student athletes Dr gullet would you please introduce the member of your team who will help with this task yes thank you madam chair I am I am pleased to do so Dr living good will come back to the podium and what you're going to see tonight are more of our scholar athletes who are getting or earning uh college scholarships based on their athletic ability and on their academic performance so really pleased to have them recognize tonight Dr living good yes thank you we have some student athletes to recognize this evening that not only Excel in their sport but in the classroom as well and we are excited to um introduce them tonight because they serve as an excellent role model for their for their peers at this time our coordinator of Athletics and activities Donnie Tucker will come to the podium and he will share a few words and introduce the student athletes you good evening sir thank you Dr living good uh good evening chair thrower board members Dr gullet uh what an honor it is to be here um again this month to recognize These Fine student athletes for their hard work um and what we're about to this this the athletes that we're about to to I'll also say what sport they've earned a scholarship in so that also means that they've excelled in the classroom as well um the I'm going to introduce them by school um all of our student athletes aren't that I'm going to read their names they're not here tonight um a lot of them have other obligations some of them are involved in a second or third sport that they're participating in right now um so we'll start with b High School Kylie Summerland cross country when I call your name if you are here please come down and stand in front Jordan mlin softball Gigi Santiago softball lenee Howard softball Jessica Harpley cheer Madison Douglas flag football Natalie Collins volleyball and Dakota KUSI volleyball as well are all the athletes from B High School all B High yes [Applause] ma'am the next student athletes will be from dellan high school bod Burns football Chris Henry football narl James football Tatiana Matthews girls basketball and Talon Watson baseball hey [Applause] now from Forest High School Avery bmach swimming Ben Camp swimming Ashley Samson swimming Kaylin Howard girls volleyball Ava quenes girls volleyball Ellen Goden football Elijah Dennis football Isaiah Osborne football Israel Evans football Matthew Hart football Clarissa zawalski girl soccer Camden Collins girl soccer Adrien dross boy soccer Brantley wiggington boy soccer Kaden Smith baseball Brock White baseball and Malia Flagler girls basketball these are all Forest High School [Applause] fantastic from Lake we High School Jamani Morales football I don't think Jamani was with us tonight we get my hand anyway yes please North Maran High School Antoine Hampton and taem Wheeler both from football and I do want to say something about Antoine um he is also a two-time as of this weekend he is a two-time state champion in the sport of weightlifting so and last but not least from Westport HIgh School we have lyanna paps girls basketball Jamie Drake girls soccer Jenna Drake girls soccer aanna blocker volleyball and dedri Grady [Applause] football these are all of our student athletes for tonight I also want to take an opportunity to or take a moment to recognize the parents that are in the audience um they spend a lot of time toing these athletes to and from school to and from their Sports when when they're younger I know a lot of them are driving now but um they indeed need to be recognized for all the time that they spend raising these These Fine student athletes we also have with us tonight from our high schools that are represented here tonight from Belleview high school we have Miss Heather guest from Den Allen High School Mr Wade Martin Forest High School Mr Lamar rimbert High School Miss Colleen Wade North Maran High School Miss Carol Sals and from Westport HIgh School Miss Jinder Cruz if you all could come down and take a picture with these young athletes I would appreciate it thank [Music] you thanks students and and before we come down and take a picture of you just on behalf of the board wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy and apparently very productive SCH ual um to come out and and be acknowledged tonight it really means a lot to us as a board um to see each and every student excel in in their own ways and so we appreciate you coming out and also um to your parents and to your teachers and to any of those special somebodies uh that have helped you along the way I know um from being an athlete that not every day is perfect and sometimes you can be hard on yourself so um I just wanted to take that moment and acknowledge everyone um in your support Network that has helped you get this far and um I'm quite certain the success is going to continue that you'll find your network and expand it as you go on to college and you're going to be well prepared because the challenges will continue but so will the successes so we're going to come down take a quick picture with you so you can get back to doing your things all right thank you sh come up can't see you you can't see me [Applause] hey you all can go you don't have to stay yes thank you all for being here and congratulations I love your hair good night have a good one thank you thank you for being here all right still got a couple y that's right okay I think we're on to our final one yes okay I believe we have reached our final uh formal recognition this evening which comes from a group who is no stranger to appearing before this board so Dr gullet please share who will lead us in our final recognition this evening the grand finale yes grand finale that is and we've had some people waiting very patiently I'm bring going to bring forward Dr Stacy Varner who is going to introduce the Okala Marian County real Church Association who is here to present um some teacher mini grants so thanks to everyone who has waited so patiently good evening Dr good evening uh board chair thrower board members Dr gullet I am happy to introduce oala Marian County relativ this evening every year they offer our schools an opportunity to apply for a Min Grant to support their innovative ideas in the classroom or either at the school level this year they awarded our schools 9,7 $50 to recognize the schools who were awarded these grants are Randy Alward sush Shields Nancy Johnson and Darlene y they're okay they're joining us to the [Applause] podium we just keep recycling that check every year so just let's just roll with it okay um so I've been doing had the honor to do this um since 2014 when I was our association president and here it is 10 years later and I'm still doing it but it's my honors Sue Shields um is our community awareness chair this year and uh every time we um send these out in the beginning of the school year we look forward to getting them all back we had a ton of applications we this year we were able to award 23 different grants um kind of my joke of the night I I like to joke um like I said I've been doing this for 10 years now and every time I get up here I just kind of make up a number of how many years we've been doing it sometimes I say 15 20 10 whatever but darling got sick of me doing that and actually did some research but we started this in 2003 we started with just $11,000 um then we increased it in 2008 to $3,000 um and then again in 2014 we increased it to 6,000 and in I think it was 2016 just a couple years later we increased to $10,000 and we're still at that level and maybe we'll go up a little bit more with a little more convincing so but you know here it is 21 years later I got it right this time and uh we're we're happy to be here and we're honored to do this every single year and uh we're I'm going to take a Shameless plug but we got to be here twice tonight as a school business partner of Hillcrest so you know we're we're involved so I'd like to read out now because who we won't do it even though I asked her to um all the recipients so a Street Elementary the principal Ryan Bennett um and teacher Jennifer aderholt North Maran High School Carol sales principal Jennifer Filman was an applicant and recipient reic Collier Elementary Donald Manning principal Monica May mama and I apologize if I butchered that um lakee High School Wade Colleen principal Amal Hannah applicant Harborview Elementary Joy Baxley principal Allison Camp recipient oala Springs Elementary Michelle Ceno principal Laura Mara applicant Ward Highlands Elementary Teresa Buck Julie Smith applicant I know Miss Smith is here um Vanguard High School Chris Carlile and Michelle na narez as recipient Forest High School uh Lamar rbert my daughter's principal and Marcia flag teacher Hillcrest School Lori manasa and I know Miss low is here and Tracy Bravo is the applicant Dr NH Jones um two of them do Robert Hensel is principal and Mel M brck and Jenna tomaseski Westport HIgh School Ginger Cruz principal Victoria Craig teacher Ward Highlands Elementary Teresa buck and Mrs Garney Hillcraft School Lori Manresa um and orfa Kim weingold Fort King Middle Michael Carter Tracy chin teacher DaNell midd Ken mcateer principal Leslie blunt um applicant Spar Elementary we're almost there Spar Elementary Renee Johnson principal Dolores erso uh recipient North Marian middle James Johnson uh principal Stacy Stacy Clifton recipient lakee High School Colleen Wade principal Margaret KY recipient and two more Staten weirdale Elementary Cindy Brody and relle onaf um recipient and one more time Forest High School Mr rbert and Christina Benner so that is it and we're honored to be here um like I said our application process we we we love going through the applications and seeing all the creative things the principal of dellan high school is here and he was telling us that uh what the teacher that w the grant there has been able to put on a play and the reason why the teacher couldn't be here tonight but he wanted to be here in our honor was they putting on a play for the very first time in 20 years and our you know our money's helped provide you know do that for them so um I don't know if anybody any of those teachers or principals want to come up for a quick pick but if not come on up oh yes we definitely want to get a picture with with everybody and we're we're so grateful for your many years of of support and the grants that you have provided you know as you read the name so many of them we know and recognize and that is the depth of the difference that that you have made Through The Years so thank you very much we look forward to seeing you next year too yeah I'm trying I for 10 years I've been trying to pass the buck to someone else here it is I'm still here we're used to you so I can get the picture we're gonna have to get back here I have any speakers take your first okay we're closing the ranks that's good awesome ready thank you all right right he's next look at this direction we go and one two three couple more good go thank you thank you very much how are you doing oh you're welcome okay you got your phone yeah I got thank you for for down to business gosh what a great kickoff to the evening with so many celebrations and and recognitions and just so many accomplishments of the students and since Miss owensby is still sitting here I wanted to thank her um for her on behalf of her student zarya uh this is her pen that that she made and and my other one ran out of ink so it was perfect timing um to get the my replenished pen tonight so thank you um from your whole class I know that's a great project all right well um the fun isn't over yet because we do have two donations to recognize $1,000 to bellw high school from John and Lynn Ivory to be used for new uniforms and expenses for track and field team members and $1,000 to Westport HIgh School from Citizens First bank to be used for a scholarship to a student attending a Florida College so as always we are so grateful for the if if tonight proves nothing else it proves that we have a a depth and breadth of of support in Marian County Public Schools um for our students and for that we could not be more grateful so we now are going to move into the business portion of our meeting and Dr gullet it's time to make a recommendation on tonight's agenda yes it is thank you madam chair I recommend approval of the agenda for the April 23rd 2024 school board meeting with the materials in the board packet those materials distributed to board members at meeting and the audio recording included as part of the official record of the meeting with the exception of the following items d201 d2.2 d2.3 d204 d205 have been placed under discussion also item C 15.3 has been pulled and placed under discussion and item c8.2 has been completely withdrawn from the agenda tonight thank you thank you Dr gullet may I have a motion on the superintendent's recommendation motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second by Vice shair Conrad all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5- z may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the March 7th 2024 administrative briefing and work session so move move by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 may I have a motion to approve the minutes of the March 2026 2024 school board meeting motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z Miss Martinez please provide the proof of publication for tonight's school board meeting the notice for the April 23rd 2024 school board meeting ran in the Okala Gazette on April 12th 2024 the proof of publication has been attached in in board Ducks under proof of publication thank you Miss Martinez we'll move on now to persons requesting to address the board I'll now ask the school board's attorney to explain the rules governing persons who wish to address the school board this evening good evening attorney Powers good evening Madam chair in compliance with Section 2860 one14 Florida Statutes the school board has adopted uniform procedures for public speakers who wish to speak at this evening's meeting either regarding one of today's agenda items or matter relating to the operations of the school district these procedures will ensure the public has a reasonable opportunity to be heard on school board and School District matters a written summary of these procedures are available from the table in the lobby public speaker forms are also located on the same table the completed forms were due to the board clerk no later than 540 p.m. this evening speakers will be called prior to the business portion of the school board meeting in the order of receipt by the school board clerk before you begin speaking please State your full name for the record and spell your last name each speaker will have five minutes of time however if there are more than five persons who wish to speak the board May seek consensus to limit each speaker's time to 3 minutes when the speaker has one minute remaining the speaker will receive a visual notice to complete his or her comment ments speakers may not yield their time to other people speakers and meeting attendees are expect expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner therefore verbal attacks and profanity are strictly prohibited pursuant to the procedures for public comments item six speakers are not to identify specific individuals other than themselves or their child unless a statement is provided 24 hours in advance the board is here to listen to your comments only you may be directed to an administrative staff member following the conclusion of your comments for further assistance to address your concerns if there are matters dealing with student discipline including expulsions those will be scheduled at the conclusion of the televised portion of this meeting parents May address the board regarding a discipline matter at that time to ensure student privacy only a parent or Guardian may use a student's first or last name or identifying references to or identification of other students or their families are also strictly prohibited a speaker speech does not reflect the endorsement sponsorship possession or expression of the school district thank you for your attention to the board's requirements Madam chair that concludes my explanatory remarks thank you attorney Powers Miss Martinez do we have any speakers this evening yes Madam chair we have two speakers Ryan panig graph thank you evening sir hello my name is Ryan panagra uh p a n z g r a f I um I have been it's about transportation and I have I have two daughters one senior graduating from Westport and uh I wanted to to thank you first for providing the two principles they my other daughter uh is in the second grade at Mar Oaks Elementary and both of the principles have tried at multiple times to remedy the problem and I don't find it to be the the school level but the transportation department as a whole seems to do a a very poor job of just getting the kids to and from school um this year I believe I'm at I want to say 27 times that she has been uh either picked up um late for school or brought home late from school and then over I think 9 years of public transportation with with my older daughter um I called I I know it's silly but I started keeping track just because I thought it was a ridiculous number it was 261 times I called trying to find out something to do with the bus uh I've been trying to talk uh through multiple managers and uh I call all the time and I I get very discouraged when it's just it's constantly over the last I guess 10 years that the bus is just constantly late and it's always the same excuse we can't find bus drivers but then I try to talk to them and I say why don't we try to put up signs in other areas or create fundraising to maybe advertise on Facebook or getting a position maybe advertising on the buses and all I'm ever met with is opposition and it's it's never like any I don't feel like um anybody ever is held accountable because I I just keep calling and nothing ever gets done and then I try to escalate it up the situ uh up the chain and talk to the multiple managers and I I don't know it's my daughter describes the school bus as a circus she's sitting right here uh she's 8 years old in the second grade we she's witnessed kids on the bus a first grader be held down and beaten and the school bus driver uh didn't even pull over or attempt to help the little kid in the first grade and it's very disheartening when I see these kids come off the bus almost every day like she gets to the point where I mean I have to work in the morning so it's I get her to the bus stop and I do the best that I can but when she comes off the bus in the afternoon and she's crying and she says that the the school bus driver uh has told her to shut up and they just yell and they they threaten and for an 8-year-old to tell you that the school bus seems like a circus when the teachers are doing an excellent job she's in the gifted program she is on the aonor role she's representing Maran Oaks Elementary uh in their uh scholar program so I feel like we're doing our part on our end and I mean she's she has to be a pretty good kid when both of them are straight a kids and one's going to nursing school to college and she's in the gifted program so I guess I'm just asking you guys can we do something like and not just keep kicking it down the road to where my grandkids are having the same problems that my now 18-year-old had when she was in the second grade I'm just very the the management I believe we need to do something if it's the same program of the same problems for 10 years of schooling and it just perpetually gets worse I I don't think that this many times when you call the 671 number for the Maran County uh School Board it talks about the kids getting to school and it's our job for them to get to school so that they can do where you the teachers can do their job and we graduate and all that but if the kids can't even get there on time or if they're brought home at a very late hour I don't see how we can accomplish this the goal that you guys are putting forward out to the parents have 30 seconds remaining okay um I don't see how we can do that if the buses aren't picking the kids up at an appropriate time and we're missing many many many hours of school in a limited amount of days that the kids go to school thank you for your time thank you sir Martinez you call the next speaker please Vicky troop evening Miss trul Le sorry takes a while to walk it's a long way from the back know my name is Vicky truly t r e u l i e b um as you guys know I wear many hats and I come here tonight wearing my mom hat um and I just wanted to express some gratitude tonight since this is the last school board meeting before Teacher Appreciation Week my youngest daughter is five and she attends forom Elementary and I cannot say enough good things about the school and the program that you guys have implemented there all the staff is amazing and I've had kids she's my third one I can count on my on one hand how many teachers I've had for my kids who have been a champion of my kids but there has been no teacher who has taught my child like the one that my daughter currently has and I know I can't say her name but she is an amazing person who has fought since day one for my daughter to be able to receive the accommodations that she desperately needs in order to be successful this teacher is astounding she teaches VPK I don't know how she does it because that would be my worst nightmare um my daughter is not an easy child to teach by any means she is highly curious and she wants to learn but she's not where she needs to be yet but through the help of her teacher and the staff at forom she's going to get there and I think this is because they focus on that Early Education piece that is so necessary in the lives of these children to be able to help them succeed with Miss Beck's guidance there as the principal she's amazing she is so patient with my baby um getting her out of the car in the morning can just be a problem and Miss beg's always telling her about all the awesome things that they're going to do and reluctantly she will finally get out and then she skips into class because she's happy to be there she just doesn't want to get out of the car for whatever reason so I just really wanted to express my gratitude and to share with you the amazing things that are happening here I know that a lot of times the work that teachers do goes unseen goes unheard they're not the ones who are recognized by the Golden Apple they're not the ones who win Awards but that doesn't mean that they're not doing the best darn job that they can possibly do and to all you teachers out there who are working hard to be champions for our children I see you I applaud you and I thank you for the hard work and sacrifice that you're doing every day because whether you see it or not you are making a huge difference in the lives of these children and I for one want to be be the one to tell you how amazing you are hang in there if there's only a month more we can do it happy Teacher Appreciation wow thank you Mr Le really appreciate the the kind words for sure means a lot all right we're going to move on to some informational items um board items 9.1 through 9.8 are information only per board policy 634 5 the superintendent is authorized to approve and execute any Construction contract change order that will increase the Construction contract amount by $25,000 or less or that will decrease the construction amount the first one is clearing of site B for new elementary schools W change order number one work authorization number four project 24-11 demolition of gymnasium as part of new gymnasium construction at aola Middle School change order one work authorization number n project 24-19 modification of the security fencing system at Harborview Elementary School change order number one work authorization number 26 project 23- 131 modification of the security fencing system at Saddlewood Elementary School change order number one work authorization number 27 project 23-1 131 modification of the security fencing system at Shady Hill Elementary School change order number one work authorization number 28 project 23- 131 modification of the security fencing system at Ward Highlands Elementary School change order number one work authorization number 30 project 23- 131 pool and deck refinishing at Hillcrest School change order number one work authorization number six project 21-103 replacement of storefront and windows at the finance building change order number one work authorization number three project 23 d139 may I have a motion to approve consent agenda items C 111.1 through c9.3 with the exception of items d201 d2.2 d d2.3 d204 and d205 that have been placed under discussion and item c15.3 that has been pulled in place under discussion and item c8.2 that has been completely withdrawn from the agenda may I have a motion please motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second by board member James all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 we'll move on to our discussion item items item D 20.1 may I have a motion to approve bid 4052 MF indoor air quality remediation and as bestus abatement term contract motion to approve motion by board member James second second by Vice chair Conrad Dr gullet do you have information you would like to share regarding this item thank you madam chair members of the board uh yes very briefly the first two items speak to uh the costs related to our aging facilities this first item 20.1 um allows us with your um approval tonight to address our indoor air quality especially um with as bestus um removal as needed on some of our campuses and the cost for this is $230,000 thank you thank you Dr gullet is there any discussion from the board seeing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 moving on to d2.2 may I have a motion to approve bid 4053 MF gutter installation and materials term contract motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice sherff Conrad Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item certainly again the cost for this is $300,000 we're asking for your permission to provide supplies for the gutters and and the reason that these are important is we're trying to make sure that that water is Flowing properly and not leaking into our classroom rooms so um with your approval would be $300,000 thank you Dr gallet is there any discussion from the board hearing none I will just say that I'm grateful that this is getting done because you don't want water pooling around the foundations either and it's just maintenance that has to be done but it comes with a high price tag we're all the way already over a half a million dollars um if there's any more no more discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z I have a motion to approve bid 4061 ah temporary labor for Food Service substitutes term contract motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell Dr go do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item yes thank you again just briefly this allows us to provide um substitutes for Food Services Department to make sure that that food is prepared and and provided to our students every day and that's on an as as needed basis with um projected costs of about $300,000 thank you Dr gallet is there any discussion from the board on this item hearing none it's important for the community to know not only is this a $300,000 item but there's also availability for work if you want to be a substitute a food service person it's a kids are usually pretty happy to see it all right if there's no further discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 z may I have a motion to approve renew bid 3974 MF OEM heavy truck and bus Parts term contract may I have a motion motion to approve motion by board member James second second by Vice chair Conrad Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item thank you madam chair I think it it's pretty self-explanatory but just to say that it at the cost of about $400,000 this will allow us to have the parts um for our heavy trucks and buses to keep them on the road to maintain our business thank you thank you uh Dr gullet is there any discussion from the board okay hearing none again I appreciate um these being put out there these are all high ticket items um we're definitely over a million dollars now and it's just part of what we need every day um to run and and service our schools um there's no more discussion all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z moving on to agenda item 20.5 may I have a motion to approve the memorandum of understanding with the Marian Education Association motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by board member Cummings Dr gullet do you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes first I'd like to thank our our team for working with and thank um the Maran Education Association for their willingness to work with us on this this will allow us to fill vacancies with your permission and also to offer immediate um contracts with those who are attending our teacher hiring fairs so we can get people into our classrooms and and serve our students so uh with your approval this is what this mou would would allow thank you thank you Dr gulet um is there any discussion from the board okay hearing none I think it's great that mea and and the district are able to collaborate on this the benefit of getting great teachers in the classroom sooner rather than later if there's no more discussion we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z okay moving on to item d2.2 which on your agendas was formerly c15.3 may I have a motion to approve bid 4058 GM paint labor door Sid lights and railings motion to approve motion by board member James second second by board member Campbell is there any discussion yes chair I need to recuse myself there's a conflict of interest in this for me thank you Vice chair Conrad for your transparency any other discussion from the board hearing none all those we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously four votes to zero with ice Sher Conrad recusing okay we'll move on now to board member committee reports and concerns we'll start with a few meeting reminders actually two a special board meeting has been scheduled for May 2nd 2024 at 700 a.m. so set your clocks uh the following administrative briefing and work session has been scheduled for May 2nd 2024 at 900 a.m. we'll go ahead and move on to um comments and Miss Martinez anything from your seat no Madam chair thank you thank thank you attorney Powers anything from your seat nothing from legal thank you thank you sir Dr gullet thank you very briefly board I'm looking forward to hosting the superintendent art show tomorrow night at the Appleton if you're able to join I'm looking forward to recognizing our our very talented students from across our district so looking forward to that annual event tomorrow night fantastic yes it's been a week of great art it has all right board member uh Niger anything from your seat sir uh not today no thank you all right thank you again for being here all right uh board member James good evening um love starting our evenings with recognition and acknowledging all the great work our students are doing our athletes are doing our teachers um our principes I I would venture to say that there are not many districts that have every High School principal show up to a board meeting to recognize um athletes and teachers and I um there was also a lot of other principles here but we only have seven High School schools right now and it is a pleasure to see their commitment to recognizing the individuals on their campus um and I know that it's an effort their days start early and they're here uh late with us tonight and so I just wanted to kind of publicly acknowledge that that's probably pretty special to Maran County I don't think that happens that often um I wanted to ask the board a request of when we thought we were going to um bring policies back forward uh I know that Dr Campbell is our resident um Tallahassee policy Queen um but House Bill 931 which is the chaplain's bill passed and so um it's going to require us to look at some policy and so I wanted to just ask the board um or maybe attorney Powers if if there could be some discussion not necessarily tonight but scheduling going forward uh when we will address policies again and what that would look like um I think that there's probably I'm sure there will be a slew of things that we need to address in policy but specifically this will be something that I think we need to create organically either with a community partner or within our own organization and so I would just ask that we kind of find some time to do that in the not so distant future would be my request um we don't have to make that decision tonight though but I just wanted to put that out there um I wanted to acknowledge that we did lose a student um on um Sunday uh atic colar and U my heart's go out to that family and that loss and that Community I know that Mr Manning and the entire staff out there has had um a challenging couple of days working through that loss and what that looks like and feels like and um I couldn't begin to imagine that time that they're navigating um but I wanted to just acknowledge that our hearts go out to them in this time and we're always here to support whatever that looks like as they continue to navigate forward um I wanted to touch briefly on the agenda item that was withdrawn I wanted to ask I didn't know if we were going to be able to ask a question prior to getting to comment so now is the time I have what um what was the purpose for withdrawing the item from the board meeting is there either Dr gullet or Cher thrower um I can answer that uh board member James it was a request from my team member who um from Miss Morant to pull that she was still doing some research and felt like it was important to bring back at the next board meeting so it's scheduled for the meeting in May so okay um what I'm struggling with is that my understanding for this particular item is that we are a abiding by expectations that have been set by the state and so I'm I'm trying to navigate why we're continuing to delay something that has been years in the delay and frankly don't understand why it was pulled and I I don't I really think it needed to just stay on the agenda and and we move we have a public discussion and move forward with a vote I don't know why We are continuing to delay something that really should have been done from 2019 forward and and now we've had it approved appropriately for a year now and we're trying to fix things from the past and I I'm just struggling to understand why we're still navigating this delay and I guess I'm looking for the board to understand if there's if there's a reason if there's something that I'm missing because I'm I'm feel like there's a piece to the puzzle that I'm missing um as to why this would not just move forward and get voted on Madam chair um thank you Dr James because I I'm in agreement with you on this um this is something that if we go back and look if I'm not mistaken and someone can probably correct me if I'm wrong but this was discussed on with a prior board two of us were on that board some if not mistaken the date was September 19th 2019 it was discussed in a work session we had originally um instituted this um Police Department School Board Police Department so the job description that we was that was withdrawn is actually something that should have already been done and I feel like we keep kicking this can down the road when it should have been either left on the agenda folded up or down and been through with it I think U we're doing a great disservice to the people people in that position um by continuing to put it off because um from my understanding um if someone's entitled to something or this position is entitled to something we need to get in compliance because we're not in compliance with what we what we as a board maybe some of you were not on that board but two of us were on that board right well in my I I don't even know if I'm allowed to do this but my request would be can we just put the item back on and vote for for it I don't understand why we're why we're delaying um and I I would ask that the item get put back on the agenda and we just vote for it and move on I I don't understand if the vote fails the vote fails if it passes it passes and we move on but I don't understand why the continue delay when this is something that has been years that should have been addressed so I I I guess is there a way I can formalize that to make it most appropriate attorney Powers tonight not not for tonight's business no concluded already into our comment section this actually even in itself is not a time period for board discussion on a topic it's individual comments now we frequently allow it to go into with your permission another board member May respond or elaborate on your comments because we're all being collegial and cordial here but um this would need to be brought placed on the agenda public would need to be notified it would need to go through the that's fine process so public I'm acknowledging that I don't I didn't I don't agree with this item being withdrawn it needed to have just been addressed tonight and going forward if we're going to have items withdrawn in the 11th Hour um I I feel like there should be some level of discussion um with at least individual board members as to whether we want that to even occur because if the board members are comfortable with the item coming before us or the majority of the board members are comfortable with the item coming before us I don't believe that the item should get pulled I don't think it should get with withdrawn from the agenda um I would just lay the caveat there I understand what you're saying but that also then requires that someone would have to reach out to the board members and find out whether they are quote okay with it coming before them which in effect could constitute polling which the violation of some G well I think that the absence of any board member complaining about an item no would so what I'm saying is if no board member wants an item withdrawn or if only one board member has a problem about an item the placement or removal of an item from the agenda is within the superintendent's um discretion so correct and so this is me publicly saying that I I don't want items withdrawn from the agenda in the 11th Hour this is this is my public acknowledgement of that I don't think that I think that we need to the item needs to come before the board in the 11th Hour we've it's been on the agenda for published for over a week or a week at this time it needs to come before the board and it can be voted up or down or we the the board could table it God forbid we bring that up again but I don't I don't think we need to move forward in this direction again that's not not be my request and I I concur with that because um again this is five years old this item is five years old and it should have been dealt with five years ago I don't know why it got why the ball got dropped but we shouldn't be dealing with this right now and it's should have been already handled and then to get another delay that that's troubling that is troubling chair yes thank you um I concur I'm not certain where all of this came about in some ways what I will say about it being publicly noticed for a full week in part is because it was published originally with no Financial implication and we know that just yesterday we got noted Noti that that there is a financial implication so that wasn't a full week of notice that the board had additionally I think acknowledging as attorney Powers has that the agenda itself is Dr gullets until the board has approved it the board approved it with a rra with with a withdrawn item and that was at Dr gullit's leadership and her staff's purview there are some items I believe that still are yet to be addressed not on this specific item but this specific item actually has led to additional conversations that this board frankly has to have and until the team is prepared to have those presented to us I think we need to afford them the opportunity to be prepared when this item is discussed publicly thank you everyone for your Um passion I too am impatient to get this taken care of um and it's been too long so therefore I'm not interested in violating Sunshine at the 9th hour sure when we could excuse me when we could get it right represent it in two weeks and move on get it right have it tight be done and move on so I'm not a fan of and those of you that know me know that I'm not a fan of doing last minute things I like to be orderly and have our ducks in a row um but it's not typical for an item to be withdrawn at the last minute and in this situation it was fully within the superintendent's purview and I agreed so if there's not any more discussion on that we'll move on and look forward to seeing it land in two weeks comments I said if unless you're have any more on this particular item then we'll move on with the rest of the comments I I did want to say something on this there is a f we just said there's a financial implication by continue to hold it off but to hold this and and we're going to do what we're going to do anyway you continue to to ACR a financial obligation by continue to put this off so that's I'm putting that on the record that we'll continue to ACR um Financial Obligations by Del delaying this which we would depending on how the board votes would be paying anyway correct so we well either they're going to pay it in two weeks or will we would be paying it could have been another obligation um when you look at this and what we're I I'll wait I'll yes I because I feel like we're treading into territory that we really shouldn't be treading into at this point um attorney Powers I welcome your nothing further so and I'm in by no means making the recommendation that anyone violate sunshine I think that what I'm asking for is that items that are on the agenda come before the board and they not get withdrawn and we either vote them up we vote them down or we table them and we move forward but if the item is on the agenda my expectation as a board member is that it had enough value to make its way to the agenda and it continued to move forward so um finally what I will say is that it is Administrative Professionals Day tomorrow and so I want to thank our administrative professional Elena Martinez and all of the Administrative Professionals throughout our school district who serve our variety of departments and support the work you guys are the backbone to the work that is getting done throughout the district and you are appreciate it thank you thank you board member James board member Campbell sure thank you so uh grateful that now board policy allows a superintendent without our approval to approve deductive change orders but we did have as an acknowledgement more than 81,000 $81,400 and deductive change orders and so that just means money back into the budget and in the general fund uh and so the the general fund is sacred and so every time we can put money back in to the general fund is a benefit for sure uh grateful for the opportunity to attend the Florida Schoolboard Association Finance forum for a couple of days last week uh we not only heard from great accomplished School District CFOs from around the state but it's also a wonderful time to collaborate with other Schoolboard members around the state and other districts and hear how other districts do things and um perhaps making sure that we have have all of our eyes dotted and tees crossed in every Finance conversation that we have that does have a financial implication is just top of mind uh presently for for me specifically uh but I think that it's important that we have um obviously fiscal transparency and we just learned a lot it was a great great time uh learning about cyber security there were all kinds of little things we delved into so it was great um also wanted to mention that I've participated recently in in the final of this term of the FHSAA public liaison advisory committee we wrapped yesterday just after the FHSAA board meeting and just grateful for the opportunity to serve in that capacity as the school board member uh representative on that committee and there are some things uh that I was able to share including the conversation we've had about srf Senator gr's representative was on the call and being able to talk specifically about uh the inequity currently in srf for indoor sports and so I I think that that conversation will be something that we'll be able to continue and just every opportunity to share uh we're going to take that so I went to the Hill Crest art show today I know that many of you either went yesterday or today uh it was lovely as I already addressed when I was talking about marrying after school programs which I already shared obviously was was near and dear to my heart as our student board representative so this has just been like a full night as our student athletes like all the things that that board member Campbell has a an affinity for uh we've been able to share tonight I also wanted to acknowledge as Miss trulie did about teacher appreciation week I know that we will have a Schoolboard work session ahead of teacher appreciation week but we will not have another Schoolboard meeting before then and just super grateful continue to be super grateful for all the work that our amazing Educators do every day and whatever we can do to assist them in every Endeavor um just ready and ready and willing to do it uh Dr James just acknowledged Administrative Professionals today so I also wanted to say that and to the secretaries and Administrative Professionals in all of our schools assistants in the superintendent's office assistant and attorney Powers offices as well as our own Miss Martinez just continuing to be grateful for the work that often those unsung heroes do that we don't acknowledge near nearly enough but I'm grateful there is a day that's Des dedicated to to those fabulous individuals and the last thing that I wanted to say tonight I had the privilege to attend now the second installment of the new Belleview C's uh morning I think it's on the rise is what they're calling it Belleview On The Rise and it's being hosted at Belleview high school and so it's just a a really fun time to have Business Leaders and Community leaders not only partake in the culinary expertise of our students providing the breakfast there uh but also being able to see our students at work and so they they could see that today and it was great but I also wanted to acknowledge the speaker today was Jeremy Williams who's a Chick-fil-A um owner operator of two Chick-fil-A here in in Okala and I went up and acknowledged him personally to say thank you and this is going to be a time I'm going to say thank you not only to our business community and we acknowledge so many tonight of our business partners all of those resources are valuable but I want to give a shout out to all of the business owners who employ our students while they are in high school and while they are in school and they are employed and I have a personal example that I was a small group leader of a student when she was in 10th grade in one of our high schools who was working at Chick-fil-A for Mr Williams and I saw her recently at one of our career Expos because she was doing hiring for is Chick-fil-A because she has continued to grow in managerial status in his business operation and I just wanted to say thank you to him for the investment that he had made in our students while they are still students and I just want to give a shout out to all other Business Leaders are doing that very thing it really means a lot that those students are being able to get work experience valuable work experience from leaders in our community before they graduate and before they move on to their next step in life before they choose their e potentially even and it has made an impact on that particular former students life I know and all the other students currently working and those former students as well so just want to give a shout out to our business owners because it it was a great reminder today um as Jeremy Williams was sharing about his why and how important we talk about the whats often but it's great that we also talk about the why so those clud my comments tonight chair ther thank you thank you board member Campbell board member Cummings thank you chair um tonight we we had a lot of a lot of um wonderful recognitions from staff to students and that's just a testament to uh all the great work that's going on within our district um our superintendent has assembled a team of people that are putting students first and that's V vitally important to the success of this District um championships can't be won unless you have a a great bench Oscars can't be won unless you have a great Supporting Cast and this district has great Supporting Cast so I I want to thank all of them for what they do the unsung heroes the ones that that often don't come down to the meetings the ones that are are not in the spotlight the ones that are in the trenches every day that are doing the work the the elenas the the the terries the Casas those people that are behind the scenes that are making it happen for us that make it look easy for us so I appreciate the robins and all those different people around our district that are doing great things every day to make this District better um we continue to we continue to move forward I'm encouraged by the needle that we're moving forward that we're pushing this thing to a different level so um this morning I had the pleasure to be at a volunteers breakfast I only famous Parker and um Miss Robinson at Howard Middle School um they were recognizing the the community volunteers at Howard Middle School for all the support that they give throughout the year but it's not just Howard Middle School there's there's community volunteers there's Community organizations that volunteer the resources their time their money their talents their Treasures to many of our schools that that are not publicly known that are unsung and I just want to uh thank all of those those entities that do that on a daily basis um it may not they may not be able to give $5,000 or $2,000 but every uh ounce of energy that they extend into our schools to help our kids do better to help our schools be better I truly appreciate that so with that being said I conclude my comments thank you board member cumings By shair Conrad yes good evening everyone um the first hour of our meeting there's a theme I think it was all overwhelming and and positive for us but you hear the saying over and over it takes a village to raise a a child and I think this evening painted the perfect picture for that happening in our Maran County Public Schools um from our staff leadership and Educators um from our students to community members donations um just the whole gamut um it it's just really IM impressive the work and the time and the effort that goes in to helping every student succeed and the diverse opportunity that our students have is I feel something to really be proud of so I just wanted to acknowledge again and and tell everyone how much I appreciate um the commitment to education here in Marian County um I also attended the finance Forum I was thankful for that opportunity sometimes I show up for that and feel like I'm learning another language there's so many different acronyms and so many different rules and laws and guidelines and so um I too learned a lot but what I walked away with most is um Miss Boston Ellis I am thankful for you um listening other districts share about the challenges they face and um obstacles that they weren't prepared to tackle I I felt so so thankful that we are in the position that we are in the decisions that you have guided us uh to be in a good place and even though there are challenges um it it was just it was awesome um to be able to sit and listen and not feel I think some of the pressure and um disheart that some other districts felt uh learning about the challenges um that face us and so thank thank you for the work that your team does every day in keep keeping this ship moving forward and and so I'm just really appreciative for you and your team um I too got to visit the Hill Crest art show uh this morning I I last year was my first opportunity to attend and I when I left last year I got on the phone and I called my husband and I said you have to come with me this next year so he and I went this morning uh and he got to enjoy it also it it really is remarkable if you haven't had the opportunity uh to attend that um put it on your calendar for next year those students and the staff put a lot of effort into making something magical happen um using all of their talents and abilities and it it really is remarkable so thank you um for the team at Hillcrest their students their staff for putting all of that together I don't I think back my classroom days and what it would take to put something like that together um I just I don't even know how many hours it would take to assemble all that they have done so just really a great opportunity and experience um for our students um my last thing is um just to request Dr gullet um our last meeting I asked for some in information about our third grade reading Camp from the summer before and what let's see what was my specific ask um after reading Camp how many students moved on to fourth grade and how many how many did it affect how many did it positively affect out of the students that attended um and how many were passed on to fourth grade and so as we were looking at the summer plans and the Staffing plans and I was just looking at how many how many staff members we have how many students we have in need you know for third grade reading camp and so what was our success last year and um so I just wanted some information on that okay thank you Vice chair so business partners and uh mentors for Tak stock and and you know pastors and just you know so embedded in the in the community and so active and having been on the board you know for a little while now that was something that the schools always said you know well they almost didn't even know what board members did is that because they want us to visit schools you know and they want us to see what they do and and feel what they feel and I just think that this board you know does does a great job of that and um it can be a fine line because they're busy and obviously a lot of them feel like they have to you know oh board memb here but but I think that you know we're do doing a lot to continue to blur that line between the board and the district and the school you know we're all playing on the same team as board member Cummings said and and when you build that trust people really begin to show you what they're capable of and and we certainly saw that the the first hour tonight um I too was incredibly uh grateful from the attending the campaign Finance forum and and here's why um I heard from a lot of other districts that they don't even do cyber security training at all um let alone at the scale that we do so hi Mr van vudi thank you very much and I know that started you know prior to you but but it's it's continued and it is updated and it is current and relevant um the the fraud controlling fraud just having controls in place for for cyber security you know maintaining the healthy reserves keeping the board apprised of our overall total Financial picture not just on a monthly basis but you know anytime one of us wants to pick up the phone and ask a question you know we don't get dodged um there's there's a really good strong trusting relationship do does everything always get done exactly when we wanted to you know no but but but the intention is is there and and that means a lot so uh having a a ship this big you know keeping it solvent to the point where even the big boys in New York uh feel like we're great credit risks is a just a testament um to how this district is is running so I just wanted to share my my thank you as as well um it's also a bus driver appreciation week and there are all kinds of multiple appreciations going on this time of year and and I almost hesitate to pick out one because there's there's others that are happening concurrently but I did want to mention that I also wanted to mention that uh Maran county is now a 4 state Champions they're headed to Nationals yep which is a big deal um we've already heard about the Hill Crest art show um today and um I started my day at Fort King at their attendance response committee um Fort King had a tough year last year and um this year the change and the turnaround is just really remarkable and uh just rocking it in terms of coming up with ideas to connect with families and encourage kids to come to school and and one of our big challenges you know we we're learning a lot about student voice you know well ask the kids you know especially middle school they're going to tell you you might not like the answer but they're going to tell you and you know how come you're late to school all the time well I'm tired you know well why are you tired well I'm up all night you know I'm on my phone I'm on my game system whatever you know uh there's only so much we can do about that as a school but but I know a lot can be done because we see the outpouring of the community um at our meetings and so we need this partnership and it's not easy all of us sitting up here you know except for you have have kids or that have gone through the system or in the system now and you know the struggle is real you know as kids get older we have to fight that but it but it's worth fighting the fight because once kids have better use of their time they're able to get their work done they're able to turn it in they're able to not be 8.5s wishing they were going on to high school um you know it's it's all connected so I just wanted to applaud um Fort King Middle School for their continued commitment also um and this is you know where where it does get tough you know I wasn't sure to say this in the beginning or say it at the end but I think it's appropriate to to say it at the end um board member James shared that we did lose a student at reic and and we just lost another one um today and um that parent um shared some something and and I think it's important because we have a lot that we're passionate about we have a lot that we're trying to accomplish we have a lot that maybe we squabble over and Spark every once in a while but but between the triggers uh need to be more glimmers in my opinion um and this is just paraphrasing but this particular parent shared but more than anything give the gift of love with all your hearts and all your souls to your families to your neighbors to your friends to your enemies yes I know that's hard but love unconditionally so I'm going to conclude my comments with that tonight okay um before addressing expulsion matters I wish to acknowledge that board members have received the alternative placement list for students through March 19th 2024 Miss Martinez are there any parents who have submitted a Time request to speak on their child's disciplinary matter no Madam chair thank you may I have a motion then to approve the expulsion of student JD 24-230 e jd24 d237 jd24 d238 e jd24 d239 e jd24 d240 jd24 d241 jd24 d 242 jd24 d244 jd24 d245 jd24 d246 e jd24 d248 e jd24 d 289 jd24 d250 jd24 d251 jd24 d252 jd24 d253 and JD 25 JD 254 with Educational Services for the remainder of the 2023 2024 school year and the first second and third quarters of the 2024 2025 school year may I have a motion please excuse me and I just want to make a correction correction I thought correction uh jd24 d249 I believe you said- 289 so strike JD 24289 from the record and it is jd24 d249 okay all right great thank you for pointing that out and that was accurate on my script so I just misread and and the last one also JD 25 it's jd24 d254 jd24 d254 yep okay thank you do you have that uh Miss Martinez okay thank you very much and I'll say again with Educational Services for the remainder of the 2023 2024 school year and the first second and third quarters of the 2024 2025 school year now may I have a motion please motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice shair Conrad is there any discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously five votes to zero there being no further business may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice chair Conrad all those in favor say I I I motion passes 5 Z this meeting is adjourned at 731 p.m. not bad thank you [Music] all for