the Schoolboard meeting will begin in 2 minutes please take your seats again the Schoolboard meeting will begin in 2 minutes e the school board meeting will begin in 1 minute please take your seats again the school board meeting will begin in 1 minute e [Music] good evening everyone the June 11th 2024 meeting of the Maring County School Board is called to order Maring and modeling the way our students begin each day I ask that we observe a moment of silence at this time please join me didn't on the screen no I just put it in so oh no I didn't put it up yet okay thank you I'll Now read our board commitment statement we are the Maring County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put children first and we will leave a legacy of success for the courtesy of those listening to the meeting I'm requesting everyone in the audience to please turn off your electronic devices or put them on vibrate later in the meeting up to 30 minutes will be provided for individuals to address the board on matters concerning the operation of the Maring County school system or the school board only presentations to the board are limited to 5 minutes and are televised if you wish to address the board regarding a regular agenda item or matters on which the board customarily takes action you must first complete a peach colored form located in the lobby if you wish to address the board regarding a public hearing or a student discipline matter please complete a lime green form these forms must be fully completed and received by the board clerk no later than 5:40 p.m. the procedures applicable for each are on a separate sheet good evening board clerk please call the role good evening Madame chair Dr Allison Campbell district one here Mrs Lorie Conrad District Two here Mr Eric Cummings District three here Mrs Nancy thrower District Four here Dr Sarah James District 5 here Dr Diane gullet superintendent here Mr Jeremy power Schoolboard attorney here thank you good evening Dr gullet would you please introduce the person on your team who will share inspiration and help lead our Pledge of Allegiance this evening good evening Madame shair and members of the board great to see you tonight um yes I'm pleased to have Dr Brewer come forward who's going to introduce some very special students from Belleview Middle School who are carrying some um very impressive trophies just to give you a hint glad to have our students here tonight thank you Dr Brewer thank you good evening board chair thrower dear members of the board and superintendent Dr golet I have the privilege of introducing the Belleview Middle School robotics teams and I said teams because there are a few of them tonight um they attended the robo Fest World Championship on May May 9th through May 11th at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield Michigan the teams were led by their coach Anthony NES who could not be with us this evening he's actually flying in but he's not going to arrive until 10:30 so he will watch this later and assistant coach Lori root 21 students made up seven teams that advanced to the robo Fest world championship and the teams competed in five categories Belleview Middle School teams competed alongside over 200 teams from over 20 countries Belleview Middle School students represented their school district and Community incredibly well they show dedication to expanding their stem knowledge while showing respect for all they interacted with students and coaches from all around the world and learned about other cultures biew teams finished as follows so what I will do is I'm going to call out your teams but then miss root will call you individually to the front and then you can stand at that time and then you can face the members of our School Board okay so Robo Robo Med team finished in third place unknown Mission challenge teams all finished in the top 15 with three of the four teams finishing in the top 10 game team finished in the top 20 exhibition teams finished in seventh and Ninth Place and Robocat medium Tigers earned first place people's Choice Award and Sumo bottle bot teams all finished in the top 10 Robo cat links are in first place in Sumo time trials did I get that right guys okay I hope so because that would be hard to say again all [Applause] [Music] right so now i' would like Miss Lori root to come to the um Podium to introduce the students and then we have a few students that will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance um at that point Miss root so first but the two young ladies that'll be leading our pledge is meline velon and jelli lozado Lopez stay right here here you can bring your trophies and stuff up next in no particular order is vad niggard Eric shot Sebastian Neely Blake Ritz Blake Lewis Braden Hargrove Cohen M maders Logan Arnold Kyler Mitchell Jeffrey DeBerry urick ladimir Ferrera Zachary tis Justin rich and Ian Hogan and also not able to be here tonight on the teams was Violet messenger Derek desser Lance erley Rohan Gupta Wy Betha and Zachary Bard thank you [Applause] do the pledge come here so we're going to do the pledge while everyone's standing right and then we'll come down and take a picture afterwards come here sweetie come here oh sorry please stand for that please stand for the pledge you start I algian to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all yes if you would just uh turn around so we can give you some compliments before we come down and and take a picture with you thank you so much we are so proud of you and we're so grateful for that the time and the effort and the passion that you have and the willing and support of your families and everyone out there that loves you your teachers that really care about you and and your success and how much fun that must have been to be able to go all the way up to Michigan and and compete in this way doing what you love with a bunch of other kids from 20 countries that's that's pretty amazing what a great opportunity huh so we're happy to have you here tonight take thank you for taking time out of your busy evening and to all of the families and and friends out there that that support these great kids we just couldn't appreciate you enough and and keep up the great work way to represent Marian County Public Schools and yourselves so we're going to come down and take a quick picture all right okay [Applause] here we go and oh that was pretty weak one two three can stand up if you want parents you're welcome to take photos yes absolutely lots of Camas here look all those parents keep smiling oh we got one more good job good job come on everybody don't look so gloomy there we go thank you one [Music] [Applause] more hey y'all don't have to sit if your parents y'all can take them you can unless you want to sit you're welcome to hey guys I think I think she said you guys are best you can wait got to had Victor come picture us what do I do with this it to me yes I said time no it was probably the K sit next to me the little one it was it was Zary pH pH Miss where do I put these nice to see so many happy people I also understand they had to do quite a bit of fundraising to make this happen so the community really stepped up to help support um this Rob these robotic teams too so great stuff all right take care everybody have a great summer all right we will move on to recognize some donations at this time we would like to recognize donations the district recently received $4,440 25 C to Dr NH Jones from Dr NH Jones parent organization to support their media needs $1,000 to bellw Middle School from bellw American Legion Post Number 284 to support the biew Middle School robotics program so they just got another thousand dollar as they're heading out all right Dr gulet would you please make a recommendation on tonight's school board meeting agenda happy to do so thank you I recommend approval of the agenda for the June 11 2024 school board meeting with the materials in the board packet those materials distributed to board members at the meeting and the audio recording included as part of the official record of the meeting with the exception of the following items d4.1 d4.2 d4.3 D2 24.4 d4.5 D 24.6 D2 24.7 D2 24.8 d 24.9 d24 .10 and D2 24.11 that have been placed under discussion as well as item c9.1 that has been pulled and it's been placed under the discussion pulled agenda item section thank you thank you Dr gullet may I have a motion on the super tenant's recommendation motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice chair Conrad all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5- may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the May 14 2024 school board meeting move by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 z may I have a motion to approve the minutes for the May 21st 2024 special school board meeting motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second by board member Cummings are there any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing none all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 Miss Martinez would you please provide the please provide the proof for of publication for tonight's school board meeting the notice for the June 11th 2024 board meeting ran in the Okala Gazette on May 31st 2024 the proof of publication has been attached in board ducks and to proof of publication thank you Miss Martinez we'll move on now to persons requesting to address the board I'll now ask the school board's attorney to explain the rules governing persons who wish to address the school board meeting this evening good evening attorney powers in compliance with Section 2860 1114 of Florida Statutes the school board has adopted uniform procedures for public speakers who wish to speak at this evening's meeting either regarding one of today's agenda items or a matter relating to the operations of the school district these procedures will ensure the public has a reasonable opportunity to be heard on Schoolboard and School District matters a written summary of of these procedures are available at the table in the lobby public speaker forms are also located on the same table the completed forms were due to the school board's clerk no later than 5:40 p.m. this evening speakers will be called prior to the business portion of the school board meeting in the order of receipt by the school board clerk before you begin speaking please State your full name for the record and spell your last name each speaker will have five minutes of time however if there are more than five persons who wish to speak the board May seek consensus to limit each speaker's time to 3 minutes when the speaker has 1 minute remaining the speaker will receive a visual notice to complete his or her comments speakers may not yield their time to other people speakers and meeting attendees are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner therefore verbal attacks and profanity are strictly prohibited pursuant to the procedures for public comments item six speakers are not to identify specific individuals other than themselves or their child unless the statement is provided 24 hours in advance whatever the board is here to listen to your comments only you may be directed to an administrative staff member following the conclusion of your comments for further assistance to address your concerns if there are matters dealing with student discipline including expulsions they'll be scheduled at a at a televised portion at the conclusion of televised portion of the meeting parents May address the board regarding a discipline matter at that time to ensure this student privacy only a parent or Guardian may use a student's first or last name identifying references to or identification of other students or their families are also prohibited a speaker's speech does not reflect the endorsement sponsorship position or expression of the school district thank you for your attention to the board's requirements Madam chair that concludes my explanatory remarks thank you attorney Powers Miss martinz do we have any speakers this evening no Madam chair right thank you we will move on then to our public hearing may I have a motion to adopt the 2024 2025 student progression plan so move move by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad Dr gullet thank you madam chair the 2024 2025 student progression plan will reflect the changes in legislation in order to be in compliance with section 108.2 of the Florida Statutes as well as board policy 5410 to clarify language concerning student progression in County thank you thank you Dr gullet I declare a public hearing is there anyone present who wishes to address the 2024 2025 student progression plan hearing none any discussion from the board hearing none we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 the student progression plan has passed all right next we'll move on to some informational items the school district uses a construction management delivery method including a guaranteed maximum price known as GMP to perform construction on these projects there were unused funds on these projects since the projects were delivered using a construction management delivery with a GMP format unused dollars regardless of the items are returned to the owner the unspent monies will be returned to the owner via change orders which will close the financial books on the phases of these projects the superintendent has signed and approved the change orders per board policy 6345 the superintendent is authorized to approve and execute any Construction contract change orders that will increase the Construction contract by $25,000 or less or that will decrease the Construction contract amount provided that approval shall be in his or her judgment in the best interest of the board such change ORD shall be binding upon execution by the superintendent the superintendent shall report each change order that he or she approved to the board at the board meeting that follows his or her approval the superintendent's approval of the change orders shall be entered into the official minutes of this of the board meeting the first one is amendment number one this is agenda item 10.1 to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price GMP for equipment early procurement related to construction of new Elementary School X Change order number one amendment number one project 24-12 the next one is construction of a security fencing system at Marian Technical Institute known as MTI change order number one work authorization number 10 project 23- 131 the next one is purchase of generator for Data Center building change order number one work authorization number four project 23- 133 and that concludes the informational items on the guaranteed maximum price projects next we have Maran Technical College applied for the adult education and family literacy integrated English literacy and Civics education known as lce Grant sponsored by the Florida Department of Education this grant will enable English for speakers of other languages known as Esau students to learn English obtain a state of Florida high school diploma and find a career path along with purchasing curriculum materials and supplies for academics the next one is item 10.4 integrated literac I'm sorry integrated English literacy and Civics education known as the ice Grant application for 2425 Marian Technical College applied for the strengthening Career and Technical education for the century for the century act Perkins postsecondary Grant sponsored by the Florida Department of Education the grant will enhance existing postsecondary programs offered at Marian Technical College as well as students enrolled in the new Aviation program the funding will be used to hire an instructor for program startup preparation and travel by all staff which included or includes instructional support staff and administration this will allow for training on any updated Trends policies techniques Technologies government bills and statutes this grant included the funding for the College of Central Florida Mid Florida Career pathway Consortium the next one is and the last one strengthening Career and Technical education for the century act Perkins postsecondary Grant application so truly quite a commitment to Career and Technical education glad it looks like we're going to be having grants coming our way all right we will move on I will have a motion to approve consent agenda items c2.1 through c21 .2 with the exception of items d4.1 D 24.2 D2 24.3 D2 24.4 D2 24.5 D 24.6 D2 24.7 D2 24.8 D2 24.9 D2 24.10 and D2 24.11 that have been placed under discussion and item c9.1 that has been pulled and placed under discussion under pulled agenda items May I have a motion can we pull also item 13.1 I believe that there's a conflict of interest for me oh okay and I apologize for not catching it sooner okay so we will add 13.1 and it sounds like uh Vice chair Conrad will be recusing yes okay 13.1 all right thank you absolutely so may I have a motion on approval of our consent agenda items for this evening so move moveed by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z I mean 4 Z I'm sorry 4 Z with board with Vice shair Conrad recusing thank you no oh something else I'm sorry she didn't need to recuse herself from the consent agenda disc to discussion is that correct is that where we would approve we would recuse disc discussion okay so so move 13.1 to disc to discussion yes that's what I thought myself yeah okay okay yeah all right so the consent agenda passed 5 all right and you will be recusing later on 13.1 thank you yep all right before addressing expulsion matters I wish to acknowledge that board members have received the alternative placement list for students through May 8th 2024 four Miss Martinez are there any parents who have submitted a timely request to speak on their child's disciplinary matter thank you may I have a motion then to approve the expulsion of student jd24 d292 e jd24 296e JD 24- 298 e jd24 d301 jd24 d302 jd24 D3 03 jd24 d305 with Educational Services for the remainder of the 2023 2024 school year and the entire 2024 2025 school year may I have a motion please motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell is there any discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I I I motion passes unanimous ly 5 may I have a motion to approve the expulsion of student jd24 297 with Educational Services for the remainder for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year and the first and second quarters of the 2025 2026 school year may I have a motion please some move move by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad is there any discussion hearing none all those favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z thank you we will move on to our discussion items now may I have a motion to approve the special data share agreement with class link Incorporated move move by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell Dr gut do you have information you would like to share regarding this item I do thank you madam chair so with your consideration for this item tonight board the cost for this item is 360 98 and uh this would allow for our district to continue to have the single sign on which is beneficial both for our staff and for our students so they can access resources um more efficiently and I want to note that this is a three-year contract as well thank you thank you Dr gullet is there any questions or discussion from the board on this item okay oh go ahead I just have one comment thank you yes and and I will say that to Mr B I am as you know also an employee of another local educational institution here in this community who does not have this same it is very challenging to continue to sign on repeatedly repeatedly and every students are frustrated faculty's frustrated so thank you thank you that we have this it's great Echo that Mr Ben Veni yes time is money all right any further discussion from the board hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes 5 Z moving on May I have a motion to approve the renewal agreement with Explore Learning LLC motion to approve motion by Vice shair Conrad second by board member Cummings Dr gullet do you have information you would like to share regarding this item certainly thank you again board uh this item is at a cost of $250,000 it allows our schools to purchase software applications for mathematics for uh kindergarten through fifth grades and even with the title you may know it better as reflex math um which provides one of the programs we have provides fluency for mathematics and skills for our students thank you thank you Dr gullet is there any discussion from the board this item hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5- Z glad to have reflex math continuing all right um next item is May I have a motion to pay International Balor IB Program fees all right move by a board member coming second by board member Campbell Dr G do you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes thank you madam chair the cost for this item is $200,000 and this would allow our schools to purchase the international Balor exams training program fees and I want to note that it also includes uh South Okala which is a new program offered to for our primary um um International and baloria program so we're expanding this um the rigorous programs that are being offered even as early as the Elementary grades thank you thank you Dr gullet is there any discussion on this particular item hearing none I will just say that I continue to be thrilled with our IB program and the high level academics were're able to offer the how the students have availed themselves of of what it does offer and just the success that we've seen you know from the program so if there isn't any further discussion we'll go ahead and vote all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 5 z may I have a motion to approve that tntp Delaware Incorporated special data share agreement motion by Vice chair Conrad second by board member Campbell Dr gullet you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes thank you the cost for this is nearly $250,000 It's $249 9.99 to be exact and this would allow for additional coaching support you utilizing the school Improvement Grant funds to enhance our instructional reviews and support in our schools this also extends into supporting our second language Learners and our dual language system that we're moving into in our schools thank you thank you Dr gullet is there any discussion on this particular item hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5-0 may I have a motion to utilize Florida Department of Education bid 2023-24 the purchase of three new school buses to approve motion by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item yes and Miss Dobbins is going to come forward and do some additional presentation on this but I want to share board that the cost for this is $464,500 received the school start time implementation Grant which is just under the 500 uh th000 Mark and this has afforded us to purchase three new buses with all needed equipment although three new buses cost slightly more than the grant we will be utilizing uh the capital outlay for the remaining 17,41 and of note we have an update of our buses that went to auction that money rolls back into the C Capital outlay so it actually helps fund the remaining portions so recently we sent several buses to auction we have received from that auction $15,382.00 so uh a good example of sending buses to auction that actually turned out to offset the cost of this grant fantastic any other comments or discussion or questions for Miss Dobbins I I just have a comment yeah I just want to say thank you Miss Dobbins we know that transportation's been a a challenge and you continue to look for ways to help us move forward and so I appreciate you and thank you for the work that you're doing thank you and I would just extend that to the Department uh from me because it's a great team and thank you for the support thank you all right go ahead so just just so everybody understands I'm I'm hoping everybody understands so basically we're getting three new buses um the majority of these buses are being paid for by a grant correct all but $177,000 and of that 177,000 15 of that 17,000 came from us recycling or auctioning off that is CER so basically we're on paying about $1,500 yes sir I just want the community to know that that's good news that's not bad news thank you Miss do thank you madam chair may I add on to that thank you Miss Dobbins Bard if you recall some time ago we've had conversations about how we utilize our property and part out right and we talked about how can we do this differently so the school e is one new way to do that and capitalize on the current market and if you haven't seen them or familiar with them that is um a hot commodity right now for for many who are looking for that and we had buses that we had difficulty finding parts for so this provided another way for our our for us to utilize our assets and get money from it a different way so this is something that's unique for us right that's true and was successful private may be able to wait a little longer for a part but we simply can't we have to keep our buses on the road so I drive past week's auction frequently and I saw them all lined up there and there's getting to be fewer and fewer of them so they're selling so that's pretty cool so anyone that's interested in building themselves a schoolie there's a few left when is the next auction is coming up uh I don't have that date but yes I think it's June 14th but don't hold me to it but yes it's it's coming up pretty soon all right anything else from the board this is fun all right hearing none all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5 all right moving on May I have a motion to utilize o seal County School Board bid SD c-24 db- 094 DML playground equipment surfacing installation and repair motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second by board member Cummings Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item thank you also important for students uh playground equipment at the cost of $450,000 and I think the title speaks for itself equipment installation and repair of of our playgrounds thank you for only $450,000 for a playground but that's what it takes these days yes did you have something okay wow yes can't wait to see what the slide looks like right right all right is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z all right may I have a motion to approve bid 4066 GM audio and video equipment motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell Dr gullet do you have information you'd like to share regarding this item yes I certainly do the cost for this is $500,000 Mr Ben vui is going to come forward and share some additional um context as to how we're utilizing this in our schools and what they'll will supply and support thank you so much thank you and here comes Mr Ben Beni with his technology in hand with technology in hand well this is without it this is not one of the items that's on the bid we have televisions on there audio audio systems for classrooms we have a lot of different systems that uh are used in classrooms we have um document cameras and all these items are going to be purchased through this bid so just want to make you aware of that thank you Mr benanti is there any um discussion or questions from the board for Mr Beni um I'll just say that I know from visiting Vanguard High School and um some of their classrooms that are so technology you know driven and I know that technology moves quickly and becomes Obsolete and we're trying to keep up you know with industry with the most up-to-date programs so when the kids move into jobs they're familiar with the technology that's being used so and it's important to keep these bids up to date because the technology does just change so rapidly yes that if we don't do that we're going to end up buying equipment that's out of date so correct well thank you very much for staying so on top of it we really appreciate it oh you're welcome all right anything else yes comment Mr Ben vudi not to add anything else to your list of things to do but I am interested in improving the audio equipment right here in MTI so that's something I'd like to visit with you about to see if it's possible absolutely all right thank you for the work that you do oh you're welcome thank you all right if there is no more discussion we ready to vote all those in favor say I I I motion passes unanimously 5- Z and I definitely support Vice chair uh Conrad's request you know this is an old building and and we're doing the best we can you know with our sound systems but if there's something that's more up to date that doesn't cost $500,000 so hopefully we can Avail ourselves of that okay uh we'll move on to have a motion to approve amendment number one to the construction manager contract guaranteed maximum price for labor and materials related to construction of a new 16 classro Edition at Liberty Middle School which is Project number 24-13 may I have a motion please so move move by board member Cummings second second by Vice chair Conrad Dr goet do you have information you would like to share regarding this item thank you just briefly this the cost of this is nearly $9.3 million and this will as you know um help us to relieve some localized overcrowding in the southwest area specifically um adding a an addition at Liberty Middle School um which will allow for 16 classrooms um to be added and the expected completion of this is expected completion is August of 2025 thank you a of 2025 thank you any discussion from from the board regarding this item yes board member James thank you I know the board received some information from Miss dobins today so this may feel like a reiteration to the board um but for transparency to the community I wanted to share my notes on it as well so on September 6 2023 the committee selected cppi or Charles Perry to build Liberty Middle School wing on October 10th of 2023 the board approved the recommendation of the committee to negotiate the contract with cppi for the project Liberty Middle School wing it was stated then that the board would later see the official contract brought forward upon successful negotiation on February 13th 2024 four months later the board was presented with item D1 19.8 which included in its narrative and I'll read for quote however the school district was unable to successfully negotiate a contract with cppi cppi estimated construction costs to be more than 9 million and proposed a fee of $497,500 both Figures were significantly over the original budget and negotiations could not bring the numbers close to the budget without significant deletions in size and scope of the project after four attempts to negotiate a lower construction cost estimate and fee the facilities Department formally terminated negotiations due to the failure to lower the costs and the loss of time in getting a Contractor on board in time for construction per Florida statues and Schoolboard policy the school district negotiated a contract with the second highest ranking construction management firm wellbro instead the negotiations produced a cost estimate for construction of $ 7,787 48 and a fixed construction fee of 350,977 million lower cost estimate and this recommendation is to approve the contract with WB building uh Corporation for this project end quote based on this narrative the board approved staff to proceed with negotiations with wbro tonight almost another four months later and eight months since the initial approval we are presented with this item the max GMP for this item is 9,269 197 which includes includes a contractor fee of 350,977 million and now it is 9.2 million a difference of 1.5 million taxpayer dollars while I was unable to get the estimated Max GMP for cppi from Miss Dobbins through email this week she did share that their fee represented 5.75% of the total cost while I'm not the best at math I worked that out to be a negotiated Max GMP of 8,656 73.91% in a fee the max GMP was lower than the now Max GMP with wbro by $613,000 we would have spent less money to go forward with cppi and we would have already started the project months ago in her email today Miss Dobbin cited the rising construction costs as one of the factors for increased cost to build the wing and why wellb BR had the max GMP at 9.2 million had we secured a contract with cppi in the fall we would have avoided these Rising construction costs and potentially made up way more than $150,000 we are now saving except I I continue to reiterate we are not saving $150,000 because we are spending up to 613 more 100,000 more in the same email Miss dobins also cited the board approved fee attorney powers or Miss dobins can you share what board approved item this is referring to I'm not aware of the board approved fee being 4% but instead that being a best practice within the facilities Department are you aware of a board policy attorney powers that is is about a board approved fee of 4% for construction projects I am not off top my head no okay Dr gulet is Staff available to expand on that is that an appr a board approved fee or is that simply a best practice I'm have to ask if Miss dobins has that information available if not we'll um have to pull the item and bring it back down thank you m may I clarify some information first so when we negotiated with cppi they had an estimate GMP that I provided of 8.6 just over 8.6 million you derive the $9 million cost by adding their $497,000 no where did I say that that cost was included in that $8.6 million as far as a 4% that is the target best practice that we look for in negotiating contracts when we do negotiate at contracts we lock in the cost of the contractor the GMP officially comes later so cppi in this case base their offer on their own derived GMP again that did not include their fee so when you add their fee to the 8.6 it is over $9 million thank you Mr Evans I have a question too because I received the same email and it was referenced that the GMP is much higher than originally forecasted due to riseing construction cost but it was not stated and I see this in the email that there's also an additional cost that it was added to the project um what's that all about so yes so when we originally quoted the cost or the budgetary cost for this item I believe it was May of 23 so the price that was originally listed way back when is over a year old so in addition to looking at the 16 classroom we also needed to look at the addition of covered outside dining to help support the cafeteria with enrolled increased enrollment which also added to the cost of the project yes construction costes have continued to Rise um we have 10 of 20 Commodities that have increased over the months the years we have seen an increased in construction every month since January thank you Mr Evans and I can't remember right off the top of my head what it cost to add the um covered dining to Fort King Middle School but I I know it wasn't cheap and and I don't want to quote a number because I simply can't remember but kind of like the playground I was astonished at how much it was so okay that was the question I had keep in mind please that there's also General conditions and contingency in any GMP and if you'll recall any unused funds returned to the district so although this is R GMP we suspect and as we traditionally do we'll receive back unused funds from this project thank you mrin um Vice chair conran um no I was do you had a question because this is under discussion oh yes I do not I was just noting that oh okay yes I see Dr James So to that point even adding the 500,000 to the 8.6 we're still at 9.2 which is the same price point we're at right now and and if that 9.2 from wbro does not include their $350,000 fee then that 9.2 isn't 9.2 right let me try to break this down we are talking about the contractor's fee not the GMP because no matter what the GMP is today well Pro will only make 350,977 PPI no matter what the GMP would be today we would have paid them almost half a million dollars that's the bottom line and respectfully bored as a business owner myself I want to get the job done efficiently and I don't really as long as the price is reasonable and within the industry expectations I don't care if how much the contractor makes I want the work to get done on time and we are now eight months from the time that this was first presented to the board and we still haven't broken ground and we're going to spend the same amount of money with wellbro that we started with actually presumably more if we're going to take the 9.2 almost 9.3 to Dr gullit's point and then add another 350 we're looking at 9.6 million to build a project that out the door was going to be 9.2 with cppi four months ago and we could have already done that and cppi was the top pick for the committee and the top pick for the procurement process if I could add the project was slated to be completed in August of 26 and that we are ahead of schedule so that's the same completion date yes if I recall correctly I'd like to confirm that but I think originally when we went down this path we targeted August of 26 we just happen to be able to go much faster because we own that design in a sense because it's the same architect that built Liberty and we are duplicating a wing so that's how we were able to accelerate the project and that speed would have been duplicated regardless of the contractor my point is because of the nature of our climate currently attached to procurement of construction managers my recommendation for the board is that we do not approve this amendment for wellbro and if cppi can build it for the same cost or less then we should be going with the first pick who by the way I'll note is an outof Town contractor we should be going with the first pick because that is what the procurement process put forward to this board originally in October we shouldn't be going with the second choice that is going to cost the district more money it's our job as stewards over the money and the taxpayers hired us to look over the money and we're going to spend more money with this route so my vote is no that is what I wanted to make sure that that you all understood before we proceeded with this item thank you I have a question what the first company did that also include the covered dining the price I believe so pardon I believe so yes believe so okay any other discussion from the board I just have a comment um I just want to thank Dr James for bringing this forward as uh later in the agenda we're going to discuss the procurement process and um we're waiting on a report to come back on that process and so this to me just identifies that we still have room for improvement um in working through uh these construction issues so thank you thank you can I say something here I I really don't understand discussion thank you how we're saying that it's costing us more when we are saving over aund and something, by going with wellpro I I just don't understand the GMP is the GMP the contract fee is what we are paying the construction company to build the wing they have no incentive to have an inflated GMP they don't earn any more money by saying the GMP is 9 million 10 million 20 they earn not a penny more there is nothing wrong with that process thank you thank you m doin any other thoughts from the board before we vote ready to vote Yes okay all those in favor say I I I those oppose Nay Nay Nay Cummings I didn't hear you n nay okay so the motion fails of two to three all right right moving on to item 24.9 may I have a motion to approve the adult general education AE Grant application 2024 2025 motion to approve motion by Vice chair Conrad second second by board member Campbell Dr gullet do you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes thank you the cost for this item board um would be about 69 $539 this would allow this grant would allow for our adults to in our community to obtain their geds at Marian Technical College thank you great thank you is there any discussion from the board on this all right hearing none all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z all right may I have a motion to approve the memorandum of understanding between Citrus Levy Marian Regional Workforce Development board Incorporated doing business as Career Source Citrus Levy Marian and the school board of Maran County Florida motion to approve motion by board member Campbell second second by Vice sherff Conrad Dr G do you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes uh this is a partnership uh Madam chair with the Career Source um and they utilize our Brewster Hall at Maran Technical College and so the use of the facility um an in kind excuse me allergies are bad today in kind um value of 200 I'm sorry $2,531 thank you thank you is there any discussion from the board on this item hearing none all those in favor say I I I I motion passes unanimously 5 Z we'll go ahead and um I just don't want to forget item 13.1 that Vice shair Conrad needed to recuse herself from would it be appropriate to go ahead and do that now okay Vice shair Conrad yes I need to recuse myself for 13.1 um the title of um delegation of signing Authority for Gary smallridge principal at Marian Technical College okay V Conrad is going to recuse herself from this vote is there any discussion on this item further motion to approve have you had a motion motion by board member Campbell second by board member Cummings all right is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I motion passes unanimously 4 Z with Vice chair Conrad recusing thank you J yes thank you all right we will move on now to the discussion of the May 27th 2024 gray Robinson investigation of complaint attorney powers do you have information you would like to share regarding this item yes ma'am um as to the agenda item details with this agenda item uh gray Robinson PA was retained to determine whether there was any impropriety by the selection committee during the selection process um and immediately following the selection process regarding the high school construction manager contract as misconduct was alleged about the selection committee and a board member was on the committee Julie M zti Esquire of greay Robinson conducted the inquiry and generated an investigative report which is now attached to board docs as public record blower some of attorney zte's concerns starting at the bottom of page 11 of the investigative report it states my main concern with those who violated the cone of silence is with the members of Oley construction given the company's extensive experience in public procurements and the express disclaimer on bid announcement the number of calls to various members of mcps and the school board member on the procurement committee despite knowing the cone of silence was in place is a serious concern that jeopardized the Integrity of the process based on these findings I recommend the school board take action as they deem appropriate at the top of page 12 the investigative report states there was inappropriate influence by external entities to mcps substantiated there was inappropriate influence to change the scoring process internally at mcps substantiated attorney zti recommends that the school board take action as they deem appropriate and additional corrective actions are recommended within the report what has been presented to you in the report addresses broadly three areas of possible action area one is as to the committee comprised of three types of personnel those are outside board members a board member and employees area two is as to biders or applicants and area three is as to section criteria in the process now as to area one as to the committee the report reviewed the question of whether there was impropriety among members of the committee during the selection process the findings were essentially that no impropriety occurred as to the members during the scoring and selection process but that afterward there were violations of board policy regarding the cone of silence I will defer to the wording within the report but it does not appear to attribute uh intentional wrongdoing to the committee members themselves the report did describe actions of the board member on the committee uh who first brought this to the attention of the superintendent that could be described as unprofessional or uncivil uh board policies one z123 standards of boardmy and 9380 civility speak to those issues but do not provide for enforcement action against a board member in the opinion of the investigator quote there was appropriate inappropriate influence to change the scoring process internally at mcps and that a formal evaluation is not the proper channel to address these concerns and seem to only further pressure Dr gullet into changing the procurement process going forward the investigator further recommends quote that the school board take action as they deem appropriate the board member discussed in detail her comments regarding her evaluation scoring and the board approved that about valuation on May 28th the board is without authority to suspend remove reprimand or counsel a board member regarding potentially offensive harassing or bullying Behavior with a possible exception of addressing such issues in public discourse the author Authority for any further action is solely vested in the office of the governor under article 4 section 7A of the Florida Constitution as to area two as to the biders for the CM process the report identifies actions by agents of biders or applicants that presented issues of undue influence and violations of the cone of silence although the report focuses on applicant ousley on page five there are also notes regarding conversations initiated by an agent of applicant Wharton Smith board policy 6334 speaks to pre-qualifications of contractors for educational facilities Construction under suspension or revocation it indicates that the board May for good cause suspend the contractor for a specified period of time or revoke the pre-qualification certificate one of the reasons outlined is f which points to the previous section delinquency following that subsection j under delinquency is violation of any Schoolboard policy including violation of any staff student interaction and drug policy this would be one Avenue potentially available to the board area three as to the process itself including the scoring criteria used the outside Council indicates that she does not recommend any substantive changes to the rubric scoring criteria local preference or weight of equitable distribution for the new interviews for the high school contract um she also says quote I do not express any opinions on how if at all these things should be changed for future future processes as this is outside the scope of my investigation however the district has also hired a consultant to generate a report with recom recommendations directly on this point the consultant's report is expected on or about June 13th um and this is me speaking uh I I cannot say what those recommendations will be um what recommendations will be given or how they'll bear on any of these three issues for Board review because of that I also cannot recommend any specific action at this time however this is being brought to the board for your notice and your discussion and to make sure that this is available as a forward- facing document for U board docs thank you attorney po so just so I'm clear in order to discuss this further if the board wishes to do we need to have a motion the board May engage in discussion and then throughout that discussion if the board intends to make a motion a motion may be made okay thank you um there was a lot presented just now by attorney powers and I'm open to any board member that wishes to make a comment at this time sure I I'll start sure um in area one um it was important to me uh that there it was identified that we have room for improvement that the Code of Silence was not discussed prior to the committee meeting or at the conclusion of the Comm Community committee meeting um and so that that was a top priority for me in bringing in talking about this agenda item thank you V comrad any other discussion I have remarks go ahead uh I want to I want to point out um there is a note on page seven about a collaborative conversation that occurred between gullet Blackman myself andow and that collaborative conversation never occurred so I wanted to just make the record reflect that and attorney pow would back that up I believe um I think that that that was a that statement seems to be a conglomeration from witness testimony of separate conversations that were had on the same topic but I believe the report does erroneously state that there was a conversation in which all of us were participating at once and that at least the implication is that that that was not the case yeah at no time did all four of us have a conversation at the same time so I wanted to just make that record reflect that um as an inaccuracy or erroneous I guess uh in the record of the investigative report um I want to speak to on page 12 the allegation of internal influence um which states that there was in inappropriate influence to change the scoring process internally and mcps which was substantiated as a reminder to all of Maran County in 2018 this community voted with a 62% majority to transition from an elected to an appointed superintendent in doing so it has since been established that this board has two employees the superintendent and the school board attorney the superintendent works for us the five school board members and we the board members work for you the community almost 45,000 voters in this County chose me to sit in this seat and represent your interest when the word about the selection of the high school CCC construction manager got around the Community leaders not osley construction contacted me the community leaders had major concerns about our scoring criteria and processes the community had concerns about Dr gullit's leadership during this process I did not pressure Dr gullet to do anything she could have very well proceeded in whatever fashion she wanted I'm just one board member one board member has no power she chose to Halt the process because the board attorney provided three options of how to proceed one being to halt completely this was absolutely a her decision as board members we have every right to have a pointed and Stern conversation with our employee she was not forthright with me and I was angry my anger in a singular instance does not substantiate inappropriate use of influence it just does not and that is all of the remarks I have for the investigative report okay oops okay anything else from the board chair I'll I'll make a couple of comments um so first of all a couple of the policies that attorney Powers referenced policy number 0123 standards of standards for boardsmy says that board members will work with the superintendent neither undermining nor intruding into the areas legally assigned to the school administration and also policy 9380 uh civility which is something that we worked very diligently on uh civility conduct of District employees parents and other visitors to school and School District facilities while we worked very diligently on this in particular because of behaviors that were occurring in our schools where employees were being bered by parents and other members of the community uh Item B under unacceptable disruptive behavior includes using loud Andor offensive or demeaning language swearing cursing profanity or disruptive display of temper and that we as a board determined his unacceptable and disruptive behavior so just for the community's sake he referenced a couple of policies I wanted to say specifically what of those policies could be referenced in this um manner because I was on the board when we had another investigative report of a board member conducted that was a couple of years ago I believe that the necessary action for us to do is just what we did with that is just to submit it on to the governor and let the governor do whatever the governor is going to do and frankly he'll probably do exactly what he did with the last one and went in to file 13 so I I believe that we have gone through the work of having this done we do obviously have another report that we're waiting on to talk specifically about the process uh to speak specifically about what was done with the construction manager process cone of silence I agree with Vice chair uh Conrad that cone of silence was not discussed with committee members however every construction manager that has worked on government contracts for decades should be very familiar with cone of silence and so while anyone on that committee may not have been aware that is absolutely State Statute and so anyone who is doing work that is government related should be very familiar with that um so at this point all I see that my recommendation would be is to submit the investigative report as is to the governor and see whatever he wants to do with it because otherwise it's just information and clearly there was a perceived justification for the need of this and again the superintendent saw fit which is her legally assigned responsibility uh she saw fit to have this investigative investigation done and so that's what I see we should do with it thank you board member Campbell any other discussion um ni sh this is disappointing to me um and as I'm a big supporter of the code of Civility uh there was a lot of discussion about that I do feel it challenging that it is um something that our teachers and our administrators face every day they um they face students that speak ill to them and we have parents that speak ill to them and we don't lawyer up we sit down and we have conversations and that's the expectation I have of this board moving moving forward is that we sit down and have conversations to solve problems so that we can do our job in representing the people of Maran County and to build schools for the 44,000 students that are in overcrowded in Maran County and for our staff and for our community and work to solve this problem setting aside some of the differences that we have and get the work done thank you chair other comments I guess I need to say something go ahead and pull your microphone over then I guess um thank you when I look at all this um we got on the board to do what's best for kids about helping uh kids be uh become better academically um making sure our district is um perceived in the best way received in the best way and and I'm just going to be this has just become a distraction a big distraction there are some things that were done that should not have been done but to be honest with it's time to move on we wasting time on something that needs to be moved on I'm not in favor of anything going to the governor because I know what the governor gave us the last time so I'm not in favor of that at all so um we need to whomever have differences with each other need to be adult and work those differences out because that's what we would expect to happen in the school and then we need to move on and get to the business of getting schools built all this other stuff is just distractions and be honest with you when Nancy when you and I came on the board the board was unil completely unil and we need to be civil to get anything done we were at a clip where we were moving in the right direction getting things done doing what was best for kids again this is just a distraction so we need to move forward but I'm not in recommendation of anything going to the governor we should be able to hun our own stuff within the house thank you board member Cummings I'll just I'll just first say that in the totality of all of this I could not be more disappointed in a lot of what went down you know we sit up here week after week and go on and on about how people should be interacting with each other and we are elected and we sit up here to be public servants and role models and is it easy to do in the moment when you're really passionate about something no it's not is it always really easy in the moment to continue to do the right thing even when you're looking at losing a lot of money and you're getting a ton of pressure from the community what we call continue to call the community but I think we know who we're talking about we need to be better and right is right and wrong is wrong and we sent a report up to the governor that wasn't even substantiated all that report said was that that board member was guilty of just globally not being all that easy to get along with and abrasive and using outdated language and on and on now we're sitting here with a report that has substantiated allegations from what appears to be a crackerjack attorney that was on law review at uh University of Florida so I think about what messages is sending to the community that we send up one with less and we don't send up the other that it's not my words it's a professional that we hired has more you know we don't have the authority to do anything other basically than than what I just said but I am very conscious of the example that we are setting for this community and yes board member comings in how we interact with each other how we meet our challenges is how we move forward um we I can't sit idly by and accept and just say well we just need to move on from this yes we definitely need to move on from this but we also need to continue to set the example and not be Hypocrites so that is something that I'm very passionate about about and and concerned about because this it's my way or the highway mentality um is not how a board functions well together and the actions that we take Define us as a community I'm not out to chop anyone's head off I think that there's probably a lot of regret over some of the ways allegedly things were handled including to me personally I've never been the kind of person that hasn't been approachable talk about let's have a conversation and I'm also very compassionate you know when I see what other people seem to be put up to doing and I don't think it was the first time I can still have compassion for those people I can legit be threatened by somebody without being intimidated because I'm always going to stand for what's right I'm always going to look to the Future to make things better and to continue to do my level best as an individual board member to exemplify the values that we say we have and the commitment statement that is nothing better than words on a paper if we don't back it up with our actions so that's where I am with this I will also say that the Consultants report is expected honor about June 13th we don't know what's going to be contained in that report to bolster or change um anything and since we're paying for it I am not ready to send anything anywhere till we have the full information that we have asked for that Dr gullet has asked for that we have paid for but I will say this it's not make no mistake it's not kicking the can down the road it's because in my mind it's important to have all of the information before weighing in on such important issues concerns and substantiated allegations so in summary I'm not ready to move forward with any specific action at at at this time but I will be ready once that report has been released and we give the public time the the right amount of opportunity for it to be posted results of that and then I'll be ready to come back and make just have discussion further discussion and and make decisions and truly truly in the end be better for this it's what I have and I will just conclude with uh there's no assigned action to this item tonight in other words you're not being called on to vote on anything however it does remain within your ability to comment discuss as you have to reach consensus or make a motion related to the report or a potential action if you see fit for my input at this time no action is legally required but the board may still choose to initiate some action or defer to a later date as you just indicated um the investigative report gave its factual findings and largely left action within the discretion of the board without a recommendation as to what spefic specifically to do so um I will be prepared for the board's further Direction uh after that report has come from the consultant is presented to you um by the superintendent thank you attorney Powers is there any more discussion this topic okay all right we will move on to the pulled agenda item may have a motion to approve the administrative personnel items 2023 2024 fiscal year may I have a motion please move move by board member Cummings second second by board member Campbell Dr James you pulled item c9.1 and would like to have further discussion yes thank you just a few clarifying comments and remarks um so according to the investigative report on May 7th uh Mr in quotations Mr osley emailed Mr Knight Mr Roby and Miss dobins concerning the negotiations for the proposed fee on the elementary school X project that osley construction had been awarded in August of 2023 in his email on May 7th Mr osley expressed Mr Knight's conduct during the negotiation process constituted improper bid shopping and potential illegal ction End quotes on May 17th we were contacted by Dr gullet regarding the non- reappointment of a member of the facilities Department during that brief 60c conversation I had with her Dr gullet would not share who the member of the facilities Department was nor the reason for the non- reappointment we now have a resignation from the supervisor of facilities uh my question to Dr gullet or Miss Morant is is this the same individual who was non- reappointed Madam chair members of the board it's not appropriate to discuss Personnel matters can't discuss the details of personnel items so I and to expand I ask because the the investigative report found uh regarding the allegation of bid shopping to be unsubstantiated uh and they found no issues within the facilities Department as you've noted so why was there a non- reappointment from the facilities Department if in fact there was no findings of impropriety or malfeasance from the facilities department and so my question would stand um and the reason this was pulled was because I want to understand if if this is the same person or if there is a different person um who has been non- reappointed in our facilities department and if it can't be answered on record that's fine but I do think it's important to have that transparency of understanding is this the same or different person from the resignation packet so that's all I have thank you um it's my understanding that anyone in administration is an atwi employee and can be terminated for any reason or no reason at any time so uh in my mind while it would would be there's a piece of me that would like to know sure you know but it's really not uh something that is our purview to know according to my understanding of what the law is am I on the right track here and our policy sorry chair that specifically says that we will work with the superintendent neither undermining nor intruding into areas legally assigned to the school administration which Personnel is correct and we have an investigative report that was brought to the board that encompasses the work of the facilities Department specifically procurement which the individual who's in our resignation report was supervising as the supervisor of the facilities department and so he has since resigned with a date at the end of this fiscal year and so to understand our way of work I'm looking to better understand if this is that same person that she called us about on May 17th or if that is a different person so that we can best understand how that work in that in that department is going to move forward and and I think having having made your request and also having heard the superintendent's answer at this point um I would advise board members not to inquire for that that's fine and I don't need an answer that's fine that's a that's a substantive answer that's fine okay is Sarah any further discussion hearing none all those in favor say I I I those oppos nay motion passes unanimously 5 okay moving on to board committee reports and concerns um this is just a little different for me I'm just going to lead this off based on some consent agenda items um two weeks ago you may recall uh one by one we discussed and then ultimately approved all of the um local uh therapy providers for our students with special needs that require therapies for such things as speech language Physical Therapy occupational therapy Deen heart of hearing and it was important I thought to have that be publicly facing because of the amount of money and the fact that you know it's it's a mandate you know that if it's on the individual education plan we are obligated to provide these services and very thankfully we have a lot of local small business owners that are will to do that at a very high level of skill um tonight's consent agenda items to save us all from going through that all over again um and being repetitive um included 35 more contracts for therapeutic services benefiting students involved in our exceptional student education program these contracts include therapies for speech language physical occupational and Def and heart of hearing combined they have a value of 3,80 [Music] 3,834 21.50 and these particular contractors include Amy LC white LLC bilingual Bridge Therapy LLC Crystalis Physical Therapy LLC Danielle Sanchez LL SLP LLC hello sunshine Speech Therapy LLC Independence Therapy Services Incorporated Julie griffi SLP LLC Kelly Sho Incorporated lineer speech and language Services Incorporated Margaret uh Tiner LLC Michelle Callos PT P LLC uh nmk Therapy LLC Oasis OT LLC the whole person LLC um Amah house Occupational Therapy LLC top water Building Solutions LLC achievement Therapy LLC Beth eses LLC Brenda L day Incorporated Brenda M Collins PT P LLC uh Curran speech therapy Resources LLC Cynthia B long OTR Incorporated dyslexia Central Florida LLC Holly K Rubin SLP LLC juel Marin OT LLC Kylie Wyatt LLC lingui Corp Owen Therapy LLC pivot rehab LLC prog progress therapy Incorporated PSB SLP LLC Schroeder Communications LLC Stephanie M Wright Incorporated sunbrite speech and language therapy Incorporated Thornell PT for kids LLC so all of these providers uh we approved in the consent agenda um tonight to uh the tune of over $3 million to include these vital Services um for our students and I will also say that there was a student that's gotten a lot of uh press yet uh in social media and in the newspaper um young Mr ldas and that is going to the Navy and and doing a very special program this summer and I thought to myself that name sounds really familiar well as it turns out his brother Marcos is a proud graduate of Hillcrest School so that just goes to show you the breadth of students that we serve and probably why it costs so much because when you're looking to meet the needs of each and every child um that's exactly what we're here for that is will always be my focus um so I might have a few more things to say after that but uh I'll go ahead and and start with the rest of the board comments and concerns as we typically do after a couple of reminders the next administrative briefing and work session has been scheduled for June 20th 2024 where we will be discussing our legislative priorities for coming up because we know we like to be active in the summer and and begin to get that ball rolling and we already have some invitations from legislators so that's a good feeling um there is a special school board meeting scheduled for July 11th 2024 at 7:30 a.m. the following administrative briefing and work session has been scheduled for July 11th 2024 all right Miss Martinez anything from your seat no Madam chair thank you attorney Powers anything from your seat nothing further thank you okay I was wondering about the update on impact fees um we had had a little conversation about that where we are with Collections and getting that going I received uh from Mr mentor on yesterday uh the the attorney for the county um a uh clean copy of revisions that were to be made to the collection agreement uh it is in keeping and comports with the interlocal agreement um we had some discussion regarding uh after collection of the impact fees um the city apparently does not uh place the impact fees that it collects uh in a in an interest bearing account um Mr mentor's checking he believes that they have not traditionally done that either um and in the future that may be something that we wish to revise to ensure that it's an interest bearing account much like they have for trusts for lawyers I mean when you know there's an an interest bearing account tends to have uh the ability to to have that money compound and grow somewhat during that time period so I wanted to make it clear to the board that as of as of this point there does not appear to be any indication that that that it would be held in any interest pairing account U nor that any one party would be getting getting you know the interest proceeds now in the future there may be some uh some decision to hold it in an interest bring account collectively uh and if so to you know share among um the members uh the collection those responsible for collection and the school board or to direct those to the school board that is not a conversation that's occurred at this point but at this point what I can tell you is that uh they're not being held in an interest bearing account and that was one thing I looked into to make sure that uh that if there was an interest bearing account that that would be something that uh we were able to receive the benefit of for the continued growth of schools absolutely even at the safest um safest account that still is uh bearing a decent amount of interest and we're not talking chump change here so I'm actually pretty surprised um and and that that just has never been encountered or discussed or codified anywhere to me as a in terms of fiscal responsibility why wouldn't we be asking for that and and same thing you know with the county with their impact fees and anyone else that that's almost astonishing so I would love to see that conversation expedited um and I'd also love to get an estimate of the money we would be losing by not doing it as as a as a Fiscal Agent that to me just seems like a no-brainer I don't know how the rest of the board feels yeah sure okay all right thank you anything else no thank you okay uh board me uh superintendent gullet thank you uh Madam chair members of the board just a few updates you know it's interesting that even even now um a lot of our community members will say you know what's happening in summer if things slow down and and people all take off and um but I want to highlight a couple things that are happening because our our folks are hard at work and we have students in summer school as you know uh we have a we have nearly about 4500 students that are participating in summer school I I was um by one of our sites today and and um great turnout uh great responses talked to some of the teachers so thanks to everyone who is supporting our summer school our teachers our administrative teams and and everyone who's there Our Food Service uh departments and um also our uh custodial staff all support staff that are there I also want to do a special shout out to um ihmc The Institute for human and machine cognition I popped in uh yesterday uh a group of our teachers very dedicated to uh once again hosting with this great partnership um the Ocala film Derby which will occur in in September and it really provides our students access to experts in this field and so through those those Partnerships and through the dedic of our teachers working on this um our students get really unique Hands-On learning opportunities right here in our community so and they learned how to collaborate with with peers that they've not worked with before so I want to thank I want to thank them again today had an opportunity to go and welcome and kick off the U multilingual interdisciplinary training uh they're talking about this called smile and so a lot of teachers and staff there and and even School uh leadership teams there and committed to times over two days and learning how to support our growing community of second language Learners our multilingual students and some really appreciative of their commitment their focus they brought in some experts in the field and um they were very engaged and um very upbeat and so really appreciate their commitment during during these uh these summer times I also have a request board for consideration I have a request from the student discipline Department we have nine students that are um have submitted paperwork to be considered for early re-entry and so yes it's a great uh great request and it has been proposed that um if we could do those together like we've done in the past I think this past December we did those together in a bunch um that was more productive in our time if we a couple of options and certainly open to others but one one recommendation was July 8th in the morning beginning at 8:00 but also notice that July 9th the next day we have a board meeting already scheduled so open that up for um suggestions and recommendations thank you Dr I will say looking at my calendar um the eth in the morning does not work for me but I am definitely available and would much prefer doing it on the the 9th when that way staff's going to be here anyway agreed agreed chair yes is there a way we could just start the board meeting an hour and a half early or something like that is that a possible instead of doing it in the morning and then in the afternoon um and just a lotting Time ahead of the 5:30 start board meeting to do the that's what I was thinking like start at at we we have nine so we definitely want to give ourselves it's going to be at least 15 minutes each yeah transitions so yes that was that was my line of thinking as well not do it in the morning do it in the afternoon yeah I agree I think because the board's already coming you're coming that that evening I would allow enough time um for that because they were thinking 8 to I don't know that it'll take that long but we need to allow time for our families to come in so so could we do it like 2 2:00 would be um two o'clock and then that way if we get a little bit of a break before the board meeting it's I'd appreciate that as the chair I mean that's still only 20 minutes per with nine um so if we wanted to be a little bit more we could just start at 1 like after lunch and and then go until we're done I I just would hate to I don't know how time certain 5:30 is for a board meeting but I find it to be pretty time certain so I wouldn't want to run in and and with nine that would only lead 20 minutes per early re-entry so I was thinking 15 but that was probably ambitious it's it's a positive time so they go a little faster yes one's fine I I I think I'm I think that it would be fine but I certainly wouldn't want to fall short so right right well I'm personally available the whole day so I can come as early as needed yeah how about 1:30 do I hear 1:30 130 is great okay 13 thank you that concludes my comments thank you okay thank you Dr gullet H powers are you available I I'm just making sure yeah that that's so afternoon of the 9th starting at 1 o'clock correct I'm blocking it off okay and a calendar invite I'm sure will be forthcoming yes it will thank you okay great thank you um board member James would you like to go uh yes thank you um I wanted to thank Mr SS for his email yesterday regarding hearing the um rezoning conversation start for the July 11th meeting um I'm looking forward to hearing that we have three upcoming work sessions this summer we don't have them as frequently so we have one next week June 20th and then July 11th and August 1st um we already have spoken about the um con uh the why is the word escaping me the report that's being done with regard to the processes in procurement um I'm wondering if the board would like to pick one of the three dates this summer to have a placeholder on for the agenda um so that we could plan ahead to ensure that we're making adequate time to talk about that item or do we want to plan an additional work session to address that item I didn't hear the first part of what you said as the the consultant's report yes um that's supposed to be coming by the end of this week so it we may not have it ahead of proper publishing for June 20th and I don't know what the agenda looks like for July 11th but my question to the board would be would it be possible for us to consider adding it to the July 11th board meeting so that we could um have it placed so that we at least have a plan y I think that would be important yes yep so we can add it as a placeholder and and and that's for the special board meeting as opposed to the work session are are we wanting to have it as a work session topic or are we wanting to have it as a board meeting topic oh a work session I think it needs to be a work session work session also okay that the July 11th is a work session right it is also have a special board meeting that day so that's what I was clarifying oh yes no I was requesting it be on the work session agenda okay um the other thing that I'm wondering if we would be able to um possibly hear on an agenda upcoming um attorney Powers is waiting for the third appraisal to come back we had our leas incorporation meeting about listing the warehouse um is it possible that we could placehold an update either for June 20th or July 11th regarding that um yes we have that I just have check on on John's availability so we we have the third appraisal um and I just have to make sure of his calendar availability for that okay if not I don't want to eat into a lot of other things we have on that time because I want to make sure we have time to address things as the Board needs with Mr McGraw so um the 20th is what I'll shoot for and uh if not then I'll either set a special meeting or I'll add it to one of the meetings immediately following okay thank you um and then finally I don't know we were at fsba Summer Conference last week and I don't know um which Bo I know that Reverend Cummings and I sat in a session together about onboarding new board members um and we're in an election season so I found it to be pretty beneficial and in that did I don't know if did any of the rest of you sit in that session so there was a procedure manual shared with us um independently that I had our board clerk print and I could have her distribute via email to all of us I would love to see the board come have a work session before November on developing a procedure or duplicating this procedure handbook from penis County regarding onboarding new board members reflecting back on my experience two years ago coming on with Miss Conrad um there are just some things that I feel like lessons learned that I would I would love to be able to to provide if there is a new board member joining the board in November uh and we may not have a change in the board at all but I would love to be best prepared for that and so having a work session at some point before November to address that um and before the election I would like to be able to do that as a board um rever Cummings I don't know if you have anything you want to add about that since you were in there with me but I did find a lot of value in it and Carol cook who's now I believe working for fsba is um the one whose County it came from uh and so potentially miss chair Thor had mentioned maybe we could do a masterboard training with it um and maybe not do a work session with it I just think it would have value so whatever the board's purview on that would be thank you board member James I think it's a great suggestion I I I would say that it wouldn't be anything we'd really need staff for um so doing it as a masterboard training I think would be great and I would love for uh Carol cook to do it because she is she's been in penel County what 22 years and apparently they have a model of a manual so why not see what they have to say about it we can modify it as as we see fit I did take the liberty of texting Carol u a little bit ago before the meeting started and she said she'd be thrilled to do it so I'll go ahead and follow up on that and we'll get something scheduled yeah and then maybe just collectively the five of us can choose some dates for that and we don't have there's no rush really um but I just think before November would be good so we at least are prepared in the we have new board members joining the board absolutely good idea that concludes my comments all right thank you all right board member comings okay thank you board member Campbell sure um I wanted to First say Florida Schoolboard Association conference last week was was great there were a couple of things that I've gleaned from that that I was unexpected I guess you could say one of them we were given the teaser that there would be a big announcement coming and it came yesterday from the governor and and it was that he has approved money for teacher salary specifically for anybody who saw that announcement and has seen that information out there he has approved money in the budget we don't know what that looks like yet so please we know that there is money in the budget specifically for teacher salaries but we do not know what that means yet um it was a great announcement we're excited for it so looking forward to how we'll get information down from Tallahassee as to how that will need to be distributed also wanted to say congratulations to Reverend Cummings for once again being or for being reelected to Florida Schoolboard Association board of directors as well as his vice chairmanship of the advocacy advocacy committee um and uh the only other uh well I I also wanted to mention uh that we as a board I think this was something uh that chair threr might have brought up but we as a board it is time for us to select our advocacy representative from the board so I have been been serving in that role I am happy to serve again and continue in that capacity uh if that is consensus of the board we just have to have that conversation collectively so we need an answer by August 24th I I I I could think that we should just leave Mrs Campbell there she's passionate about it let's move on I I support that you you C are the resident expert so I have no reason in disrupting that okay terrific so done deal we'll we'll send that on uh and vice chair or excuse me chair thrower has been serving as the alternate we're okay with that consensus okay good we'll just keep things the way they we'll keep things the way they are on that uh we are uh needing to discuss our legislative priorities and so um originally fsba will be sending us on August 1st is when they will be sending out their request for legislative priorities and I originally I was thinking okay maybe we can have that in a work session later in the summer maybe after August I do want to make the board aware that we've already had a local legislature and our delegation request to have a meeting with us and so we might need to have a conversation about what our priorities are in advance of anything like that because we do essentially kind of at least come to consensus or vote on those priorities and so I don't think it would be fair for one of us to go without all of us weighing in on what that would be so um perhaps I don't know what these work session agendas are going to look like this summer but we probably need to have a conversation sooner rather than later I was thinking we could hold off until August but with this request from A legislature I want to make sure that we see who all we can see um and then August 20th we probably will know who some of the other legislators will be some of those seats may be decided on that date as well and so we have a couple of open seats and a couple uh that well R um representative Chamberlain I don't think has oppos right now so there there will be a couple We Believe will probably stay put and then there will be some that we need to um possibly meet and engage with so um Dr go if you'll just figure out I don't know if June 20th works or not I whatever all is on that agenda for June 20th I again I originally asked the team let's put it in August and then now I'm like let do June 20th would be my preference and come to the come to that work session with some ideas you know I know I already have several but please come with ideas of things that you've been hearing or things that other folks have been telling you that might be good for us to put forth uh attendance certainly will continue to be at the Forefront I hopefully we can get that over the Finish Line this year but uh as we talk about that in June uh just looking forward to continued collaboration and dialogue uh and the last thing I wanted to mention I I know we're kind of talking on on really positives there and things that the legislature is going to be able to do I do want to express my um mild disappointment I maybe it's strong disappointment but just the disappointment in the process on these construction projects I know tonight we rejected one and obviously we know that the high school is going to continue to be delayed and and I I understand that the report we're waiting on hopefully coming in the next couple of days will help us secure how the procurement process and the construction manager selection process needs to be solidified a bit more um but I want to say this individual board member is completely prepared to have a special Schoolboard meeting anytime over the summer so we are not delayed any more than we already are so if it's not already on the calendar and we have something that we could get done in June or in July let's make that happen so we can get ground broken on all of these different construction projects that we just continue to delay and I understand it feels like kicking the can down the road it's not what it is um but we need to get stuff moving that we've already approved to move so um that's all I'll say thank you thank you board member Campbell Vice chair Conrad yes thank you chair um I just have a couple things I want to share um I also too walked away with um some great Insight from fsba uh and one of the things was the opening speaker um Greg ofner he was a piano player and singer and so I sure would love to have someone of his caliber come and open up the school year for us here in Marian County um it was very positive it was very uplifting it was very motivational and years ago we did have opportunities like that where we gathered um as an entirety as a staff to kick off the school year and so as I sat and listened and I was inspired um by his message I could see something like that coming to Marian County and um thought it would be extremely beneficial as we continue to work to increase the morale and recruit and retain our staff it would be such a positive way to start the next school year uh another takeaway from that conference was um and I asked actually asked uh chair thrower uh to go to this session after I left because she has so much more EXP experience and than I do but the CEO of the Orlando regional realtors association his name is Cliff long did a fantastic presentation on how their Community is working together so well um to move their Public Schools forward and it was also inspiring and motivating and I know we have people in the community that can help us um with that and so it's just I asked him I said do you have I waited out after and said do you have this presentation can you share it with us he did not so I'm in the process of making contact with him to see if that's um some of the information he can share with us and help us move forward in building Community relationships as we move forward in building schools um I wanted to thank chair thrower uh for your for you sharing all of the special things that we vote on and approve to help our students because um it's a big lift we provide a lot of services for a lot of students and um I just think it's so great to share again what those are and and what we do to meet the needs of all the students in Marian County and and lastly I just I want to share um I want to end with a little word of encouragement um there words that have been shared many times at least I've heard them here and I've heard them out in the community um and just to remember that each board member and each staff member brings unique skills and talents and differences to the board table in the past two years this has been a benefit to this district and the success of the projects that we've tackled let's continue to do our best to work for the 44,000 students 6,000 plus staff and members of the community to get this job done and so I just want to thank everybody for their commitment um for their work right here in Maran County and I look forward to being part of the solution as we move forward thank you Vice chair Conrad um I would like to um start by just echoing how um how productive and uplifting fsba was um this year I felt like it really was one of the most uh productive and motivational uh conferences that you know they've always been good but this one did take it to the next level and I do remember all gathering together in fellowship before the school year started and kicking it off and we're so much bigger now it gets harder to find a venue as we continue to talk about if there was only a venue I don't know if if wack would be willing to accommodate us in a charitable sort of way but it sure would be great you know to to gather as as a full group and and and team um to kick off the school year so maybe there'll be a way um to make that happen um and I'm just going to touch very briefly on because I have a several you know real positive things I want to share but you know I just want to acknowledge that you know sometimes there's skeletons in a closet that that just need to be brought out you know and so that they can be put to rest and and that's what leadership is all about you know leadership is acknowledging the challenges not hiding from them um and then and then finding that way forward that that improves things and so I am looking forward already to as as Bo member said earlier you know I want to get past this as much as anyone but it's going to require regrouping and and it's important you know to be courageous um and just publicly Find A Way Forward for our community uh this community it's no secret is is growing by Leaps and Bounds there's a lot of stressors out there on on everybody and and what their vision is but if we're the ones that were elected to to work together across all of our elected officials um and so the more positive communication we have the more good the more good faith effort we make uh the the quicker and and and the better our results will be uh so I I look forward to the continued um conversations and and continuing to work with this board uh to to lead us forward um I had just such a neat experience today and it reminded me all over again of why we do what we do I continue to share how wonderful the Mary S Rich Community Center is and how it's already done such a wonderful job of bringing people together from all walks from all talks all ages you know I see the the Aran um Transit come in there and and the ladies come in I think they're playing bridge I'm not sure what they're doing but they look like they're having fun yes and then today um I I try to get in an hour of pickle ball here and there horseback riding whenever I can it's good for my head and um this morning there was a a young kid sitting there he looked to be about Middle School age and I said you want to play and he said yeah well as it turns out because I'm a teacher so I ask his questions his name is Javon he's a student at lakew Middle School uh he plays football for mcfl and um and those of you that play pickle ball know you typically play um as uh four you know doubles so Javon I invited him to join my team and I kind of gave the high sign to the other two because they were really good players I was like please you know don't destroy this kid you know where because it gets competitive any competition is competitive but it was just really fun to see the transformation not just in Javon but also in the adults you you know that their reason for playing that game completely changed you know and and to see Javon literally grow before our eyes in a 15minute pickle ball game to walk up that Court just a little bit more self- assured right and and just beaming you know when he got the shot um it it was just it was very very uplifting and and something I wanted to share tonight because that truly is our Core Business that is our our community is our children you know and they're our biggest economic driver you know we're the largest employer in Maran County we are the economic driver that everyone I hope and pray finds a way to support even if it's just playing a pickle ball game with Javon so and on that note I will close my comments and if there's no further business may I have a motion to adjourn motion tojn motion by board member Cummings second by board member Campell all those in favor say I I motion pass 5 [Music] Z e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e