##VIDEO ID:xQIFbeZ-6yw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] good morning I now call the December 12th 2024 administrative griefing and work session of the Maran County School Board to order at 9:00 a.m. please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you P please pause with me for a moment of silence thank you we are I'm going to read our board commitment statement we are the Maran County School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first we will leave a legacy of success I'm now going to ask um attorney powers to explain the rules for this public work session good morning attorney Powers good morning and thank you this work session is a public meeting as defined in Florida Sunshine Law the board is dedicated the full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board has adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will allow public comment regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in the lobby and hand it to the board clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call speakers names in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by the Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper dequorum throughout this meeting speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions in a respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the Privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information thank you for your attention to these important rules thank you attorney Powers good morning Miss Martinez would you please Prov the proof of publication for today's meeting good morning Madam chair the notice for the December 12th 2024 work session was published in the Ocala Gazette on November 29th 2024 proof of publication has been attached two board dos under proof of publication thank you we will now begin the work session with the superintendent's ad administrative briefing good morning Dr gallet good morning Madam chair members of the board I know we've been together a lot a lot of a lot of great things happening right now Maran County just have a few items for you for your consideration this morning uh first I'll start with a thank you um board for participating we had a great day yesterday I call it the bucket Viller day going out on the the golden apple Caravan thank you so much to um public education foundation for always organizing an amazing day of recognizing what I call the most humble people in our in our community of of educators of just when I hear the backstories of recognizing our golden apple teachers and our support person of the year and a r rookie teacher um I I always hear kind of from those who are in the field tell me more about this person I I read the packets and I'm not part of the committee I always say that people are surprised superintendent not no I'm not so I always want to read about them before I'm able to go and have the honor of presenting them with these uh recognitions as finalist but um hearing from the the school teams of their work and their humility of how they serve others is is just remarkable how they're working with their colleagues and their peers coming in and recog recognizing him always just um inspires me and I just I'm so grateful for everybody who puts that day together and thank you on behalf of all of our employees for all that you do we have amazing amazing employees and so um thank you all for your hard work um um more logistically I mentioned this uh Tuesday night I'm going to remind everyone again that uh winter break is coming up very quickly almost too quickly for some of us but um winter break December 2 3 23rd through January 5th uh the central office reopens on the 6th of January and students will now return on January 7th due to that hurricane makeup day um being moved to January so School resumes on January 7th um reminder board and and probably chair will say this but I'll say this again just because it's helpful for our audience to know we will be at the Maran County Board of County Commission office for our meeting meting for all of our meetings in January for the duration of January so we will be there for those meetings uh and last board is a request that I have Madam chair if I may um we've had a lot of meetings um board as you know on um code of student conduct and items that have come before you in your roles and I have already asked the team in recent weeks to please reconvene the code of student conduct committee because the committee is the one that makes recommendations to me and of of course ultimately to the board and I what I need from you today is to know who the liaison is going to be from the board because we always have a board member on that committee who makes those recommendations critical work lots of I think constructive conversation that needs to occur but I'm asking if you could please provide me who the liaison can be so that we can convene that and of course we're going to have a work session in January so um thank you madam chair very good and we do have that as our on our agenda for um item 7.1 and I do have I'll pass those out later on um um previous committees that board members have sered served on and we'll have some healthy um conversation about that so thank you Dr G thank you okay ready for me to introduce the okay perfect thank you so uh without further delay I'm pleased to introduce not introduce have Miss Boston Ellis come forward she needs no introduction of course board but um we are pleased to have her here we have some special guests whom you know very well as well um and we're going to be um presenting to you some information that you requested based on the um sales s sales ctax and how we will what we can do for our new construction and for funding so uh thank you Miss Boston Ellis you good morning chair Conrad board members and superintendent gullet as Dr gullet said a few meetings ago a request from the board was made for a presentation on what bonding the proceeds from the recently pass sales ctax how that would look today we have with us Laura how which you are very familiar with she work with us uh with the cop bonding she's our financial advisor from pfm asset management and she will provide the presentation and address any questions that you may have we also have with us our bond Council George Smith and you are very familiar with him as well so after the presentation I will defer back to Dr gullet and we will continue on with the discussion uh with the high schools I did want to just bring you up to date on the impact fee collections uh we were provided an estimate for $15 million uh as of the first quarter in this fiscal year we've received just under a million dollars and we will have to um watch that pretty thoroughly we're looking at um getting JB Pro I've made that request uh for them to look at permits for us to help uh also get a better estimate or find out if you know we're just going to see more proceeds from the impact fee later in the year can I ask a clarifying question yes Dr James sorry you said the first quarter do you mean since it was a yes since July one okay so okay third quarter of the Year meaning this last quarter well that is our first quarter okay first quarter of our fiscal year that's what you were saying okay I'm sorry I just was I was not tracking with you got it thank you so I'm sorry the estimate was 15 million in the first quarter or the estimate was for the full year but as you know that's concerning for us because um we estimated that we would have $15 million available for the year so so in in our conservative view uh we it looks like if it is consistent over the next three quarters uh we will have a shortfall in terms of the debt payment and we'll have to use additional uh resources yes I understand fill that Gap okay thank you thank you Miss Boston Ellis thank you I'll turn it over to miss how now good morning hi good morning sorry about dropping my bottle earlier I apologize for the racket um good to see you all this morning and here to answer um to discuss with you the school Capital um outlay sales or tax um which as you all know the voters had approved um on November 5th for a 10-year period And it commences January 1st 2025 will run through December 31st of 2034 um and that can be used to fund Capital needs for school construction expansion remodeling other maintenance throughout the district as well um and it is estimated that the sales s tax will generate over $40 million a year for the district to use for these purposes um and so on this slide we are showing you the capacity that it would be if you wanted to bond on this or tax over 10 years um it would start the debt issuance in the kind of tan bars um in 2025 and expire October 1st of 2034 um we do that so that collections roll in so in case there's any offset there's still money to pay for that so it's a more conservative approach of how we structure this so this wouldn't line up with the cops um which are in a different payment schedule for how this works um it would be level Debt Service over it and estimating a borrowing capacity at an additional bonds test of 1.35 times coverage it would allow you about 250 million of projects um and so the orange bars on top of that represent what would be left for pigo each year as those collections come in um which is a little over a a million5 um 105 million excuse me um over that 10year period so about $10 million a year in pgo would be available um assuming we bonded to a 1.35 times and so I'll stop here to see if there's any questions on any of this piece Dr James sure I just so I I just understand in the previous slide it says it's estimated to generate over 40 million a year which 40 time 10 is 400 million correct so if I missed it I'm sorry can you can you re explain or clarify why it's going to generate 400 million but the estimated project funded is 356 sure so if you look at the total of the bars the the tan and the orange stacked that's showing a little over 40 million um the actual projects funded because there's interest expense in there and so that would take away by bonding you're paying some interest over that 10year period $50 million and interest these are conservative numbers but yes on $250 million of projects and why can't we pay as you go all of it um well you can so you could take $40 million a year and do $40 million of projects each year so if I just want to I'm sorry if I'm I just want to make sure I understand this part of it so option one essentially is to do this route and we will spend $50 million in taxpayer money on interest I just want to make sure I understand that so I don't want to say like option one this is your full capacity if you wanted to leverage up to what we would recommend the max that you could do you could borrow today well not today but in a few months $250 million of funds that would be deposited into your account now to start 250 million of projects you could say we've identified $1 hundred million of project s that we want to fund today and only borrow for that amount um or you could say we only want to do payo and as those revenues collect in so by the end of 2025 estimating having 40 million so you'd be able to start $40 million of projects at the end of 2025 it's just if your projects are larger than what the revenues are in that's why you would bond for it to kind of Kickstart it but no you don't have to borrow 250 million you can borrow none a in between if we do pay as you go then we're not borrowing any money correct which means we're not paying any interest correct you're just delaying the project projects correct yes the urgency right okay I wanted to me thank you for clarifying all of that thank you any other questions on this okay we're good okay um and so the next steps are if there is a desire to bond today to identify those projects again again like I said up to 250 million um it could be much less than that um and if so you know direction from the board on how you would like to move forward um and just to know that the earliest that you'd be able to have the funds would be by April of this year so any other questions anything else Dr Campbell sure so I don't I'm not certain that it's necessarily a question as much as I I believe it's a comment so should we move in a direction to go this route and bond the expectation of the time frame when those dollars would need to be spent is much less than 10 years if I'm not mistaken so let's hypothesize today we decide that we want to go ahead and bond a hundred million and and just looking at based on a chart that Miss Dobbin sent us earlier this week of prioritization that a part of that is saying we want to start construction on a new Belleview Elementary Belleview Santos replacement something and the projection on that needs to be by August of 2027 or at least August 2028 but we can't say we want to go ahead and get that money in our hands now but we're really not going to build that school until August of 30 2030 then that's not the way this would work right and George is here to kind of get into all the IRS if if you want to go down that path but the rule of is the three years so if you're borrowing today you would expect to spend those funds within three years okay so if there's projects that are coming so yeah if you don't have 250 million of projects to be built in the next three years we definitely wouldn't have you borrow for that okay and again for three years so I I appreciate the opportunity to see it all on paper now I think that it probably is going to be now a conversation that collectively we have in a work session style where we talk through what projects do we really think we have the capacity to get built in the next three years are we we're going to have two new elementary schools okay that those projects are going to be done so that pulling that offline uh we're going to have a new high school start obviously we're going have new middle school starting those are really large scale projects for our district can't do we have the capacity in the next three years to also add a new ele a new completely new Elementary project I don't know that we have the capacity to add another High School while we're in the middle of building a high school like that those are pretty large scale projects that I think that we're just going to need to have that conversation about so but this this has been really helpful to see I can understand why the ability to bond is important for us to have that conversation pay as we go if we do that then we have to essentially wait two or three years to build up 30 to 40 million a year and just sit on it before we could take on another high school and so that I understand the need to be able to bond if if possible and um so this is helpful thank you so much any other questions from the board Dr James no you go ahead board member thrower oh thank you uh board member Campbell mentioned 30 to 40 million a year and just sit on it if it's we're just sitting on it it's in an interest bearing account or not it would be yes okay thank you I just want to confirm I guess then my next step is I don't have any further questions about this presentation but my further than in my intention for this I'm grateful for you all to be here to share this information which I requested but I guess then my next question which is not directed towards you but to staff when is the board then having a further discussion and is this now an opportunity for that to occur and if that this is that's wonderful and I I don't have any other questions about the financial presentation as much as I have other questions about kind of well then what do we do next and what is the recommendation from our Chief Financial Officer yes Dr before you do step away and I don't know again if this is um attorney Smith that needs to speak on this so a part of the recommendations that we have on this list that perceivably we are going to start having this conversation with staff a part of this is also a reconfiguring of the monies essentially that we have already um earmarked for hammock bow and Maran Oaks and Horizon we already made those changes to those documents no okay that's what so we as a board need while you are still here at the podium I guess we do need to have that conversation about the existing bonding that we've done and what those projects are in that Bond and that we do need to make those adjustments and how we are we going to move forward with the recommendation here that potentially move at least those three projects to the sales tax as opposed to the bond that we currently have that chair thrower signed you know last year uh because we also know that the dollars for the high school are coming in at significantly higher than what we had originally bonded that for so are you also right now looking for guidance from us as to what to do with that I believe that's an intention of Staff yes and if I I'll speak to that Madam chair that if you recall board we talked about your request to bring this forward to have our experts here to to share this information as you see Miss Dobbins Miss moach they're here as well uh as well as Miss um bosis and the team to be able to then go back to the high school piece and those moving pieces with board decision on what direction you want us to go so I I describe it as a puzzle there's several pieces that are important in this conversation and the more direction we get that more quickly is going to be helpful in getting the work done and financially as well so when you're ready board we have Miss Dobbins here miss bombach here as well to move forward with this component I one thing I need that would help me is where are we with the loan like so um we've talked about lots of things are over budget but I other than the presentation that we got maybe the last work session about the high school where are we with the other components to understand the whole picture so we took a loan for um the number three 350 is and where are we in what we said we were going to spend and where we are because from my the way at least my brain works understanding Elementary X we said it was going to be this it's this and so understanding what is the overages and what do we have to eat because I'm not sure I know that and so I'm struggling to like have an informed conversation about weeding something out or adding something if I don't know where we are with it can we ask Miss Boston Ellis or um Miss Dobbins to come forward thank you absolutely good morning everyone um so I I don't have the document with me but when we set the loan and we set those pay periods for each project that is more or less set in stone unless we bring it back to the board for resolution so for example when we did go over budget with the Oola gym we shifted those funds and capital outlay to cover that overage however there there are not enough dollars of course as you know in capital outlay that would be our whole budget for the high school so with the high school overage we have to make a decision on how we're going to fund that overage or cut that that project which was our last discussion does that answer yes so then that clarifies it so then any overages for x and W have just been absorbed by Capital so Capital outlay we we don't have o overages for x and W uh per se right no so so let me clarify so we're also looking at the future Middle School the lake wear middle school replacement so I think um and forgive me for not having the document I I didn't know this was part of it but I believe it was around 65 million let's say out of the loan we don't believe that we're going to be over we're we believe we're actually going to be over in that project so in the if you decide that we're moving the three um Wings off the loan we're also going to bring some money out of the middle school project to finish paying for the high school however we will also then have money coming back from X andw because we believe that we will have budget remaining for unused funds okay and those will roll into any overages as well so that's what I needed you to help articulate because I needed to understand so the only thing that we're over budget on is the high school which is what you presented to us a couple weeks ago the only thing that we don't have the funding to cover funding for that we don't have the funding for thank you that's a more effective way to say that so that's the only thing on the table right now that we need to find the money for that is that is correct the prioritization of everything else because we don't have the S tax money is in is we cannot begin any other project anyways what we need to walk away with today is do we have consensus on how we're handling the overage the the the budget need for the high school if that's going to impact that resolution so we can bring it to the board in January as a resolution to the certificate of participation so that we can free that money up then or transfer that money from one project to the high school so we can continue and not delay the high school um that is the the truly the only decision today consensus today that we really need to finalize as far as your prioritization list we can continue those conversations on into the new year because we don't have SX to even cover any of those projects at this time okay um Dr Campbell yes Dr Campbell okay so I I understand the consensus that you're needing today there I think there's certainly different conversations that we need to have Beyond on that but based on all that you've just said if I'm not mistaken each one of those wings and that's what I was I keep trying to go back and forth on all the things I can find each one of those wings individually was 15 million if I'm not mistaken on the loan it was not on the Lo it was way under so if you added the three together it's only just over 21 million coming out the loan to award the 29 million okay you said 21 million like I'm literally doing it an Excel spreadsheet I got to figure this out because we don't have documents in front of us to really help us we we ant anticipate the loan would the the moving of the Wings would free up just over 21 million from the loan to go to the high school and then we would move some money over from the Middle School to finish the high school okay but we anticipate those wings today now are at around 15 million that's why it's written on that prioritization okay just as such all right so at this juncture if we have consensus today to move forward with altering the current certificate of participation then that would essentially absorb all certificate of participation dollars for the projects of Oola gim two elementary schools Middle School DD and high school CCC and Liberties wing and Liberty swing yes ma'am okay and there would potentially be no reason to come back to to us to say well we actually do have an extra $3 million in there that we can use now for the doors at Oola Middle School I I mean that I I would love to be able to button all this up as tightly as we could today to say not just if if we're going to amend a a certificate of participation let's get it right and so if we believe that every dollar left on the certif including whatever deductive change orders we have on W andx and taking off these 3x extra Wings if all of that money is going to have to be absorbed into the high school that's fine but if there's going to be still a remaining of whatever the dollar amount is and that Still Remains to be seen if we also could come in and say we're taking these three pre three projects off but we're also adding in this $2 million expense that we know we have coming based on the project list that we've already identified that we need so we get it all done in one time and then if we're not able to fund them sorry to interrupt but I'm on board with what she's saying is like then if we can't fund that Oola project then we just move it back then we're just like well it was we put it on the loan but we couldn't pay for it and so now we're going to have to find a different Source but I agree with what you're saying Dr Campbell that if if it's possible to just just put the East Maran in Oola or maybe just Oola doors and walls on the loan now I mean is that even possible and again that's where I'm sorry we kind of keep going back and forth here but that's where not knowing how much money not seeing these numbers that I'm trying to plug in in my own Excel spreadsheet that that's where we're we're kind of struggling with having the information I think we can create a uh spreadsheet for you but if there is money left over we would take some of the expenses that were charged to the 1.5 mil and move them into the car cops so Elementary X and W we used the cops for but there was I don't know what the correct word is but it's going to cost more so we designated the 1.5 mil to pick up the difference so if there is money remaining we would move some of those expenses out of the 1.5 mil back to the cops does that make sense it it does it does so I I understand what you're trying to say I think ultimately what I this board member I think trying to do from this seat is just to get as many projects funded as we possibly can and we know we have significant needs that currently aren't on lists at all and so the cops list we we have that I excuse me the the five-year work plan we have that the 1.5 mil we know goes to fund that some of these projects though that we've identified and that we have in front of us as priorities of this board aren't necessarily on those plans ends and so that's what from this seat I'm just trying to make sure that we can cover as many projects as possible and that board directive moves forward with the monies that we've also been able to to bring in from Impact fees and sales tax as well as the certificate of participation that we're doing so but I hear what you're saying that there's we're pulling money from everywhere to make sure that we've get all these projects taken care of anyway and just eliminating those three pieces off of the cops will get us to a place that um within the three-year period right because um when I spoke with with George um and I don't know if I should be speaking for him but it's really a better thing to um to to put if there is a need to put additional money to put it to the high school so that we can uh I think he calls it footprint a larger project so that to me would be financially responsible to do to do that um as far as the doors I think we were mixing that because that was in your prioritization with the sales tax right um and if there's a need to get that done sooner we could use the 1.5 Mills to do that so it's it is like Dr gullet said a puzzle so for our future borrowing capacity it looks better if we've used a lot of those dollars on a large scale project as opposed to peace meal here and there is that right the wings and George if you don't mind saying that so we have it George welcome to Maran County I wasn't going to let you sit out there and not come address US good morning again good morning good morning thank you uh it's a pleasure to be here I'm George Smith your bond Council and as uh was just being discussed so when we originally issued the cops there were several schools there were um Elementary W element X Middle School Double D Southwest High School Triple C those are full siiz schools and then various additions have been discussed and I think at the time and now as if I understood the discussion um the majority of those projects were being paid with the bonded proceeds the cops but there is some element that you were just going to pay from 1.5 mil so if you had a budget for instance for elementary w at 45 million 750 if it came in at 46 million 47 million you would make up that difference with just your 1.5 mil collections um and so then we told investors we are these are the projects that we're going to finance and the investors said okay we like those in those those projects they like a high school better then they like a middle school next then they like an elementary school next then the additions and when they saw those four Schools they're like okay we like those four schools and and we're comfortable that with that those four schools that you can use some of the proceeds to to finance your additions we don't like those additions and the reason they don't like not that they don't like like them but they prefer the bigger schools and the reason for that is under the law if you were to non-appropriate which has never happened in the State of Florida they can do more with those schools that you would have to turn over for the remainder of the ground lease than they can do with the additions so and they find that to be a better security that you're less likely to non-appropriate on a high school and say hey we have to give up this High School for the next 10 or 15 years or whatever the remainder is as opposed to oh you know what this addition this gymnasium we could just let we we could give that back to investors and then get it back at the end of the ground lease so they feel like they have a stronger security position and in addition your cops were insured with bond insurance and that lowered your interest rate so you paid a premium to an insurance company they said if the school district non- appropriates or doesn't pay the debt service we'll pay it investor say okay great because of that insurance we will take a lower interest rate and in fact the tax code in the IRS won't let you take that type of insurance unless it actually lowers interest rates you have to have savings so that's what we did and because of that we go to that insurer and say okay the high school footprint has expanded we're we're increasing the number of student stations and we have other needs for this what we'd like to do is amend our documents remove some of those additions and use those funds that we borrowed to pay for the larger high school footprint they it's a little process but they should agree to that without any hesitation at all it should it won't be an issue to to negotiate that with them um and so and I was going to do a little twist on the way Teresa presented it I I think I understood it um is my after we closed the deal I sat down with the and her staff and we talked about the tax certificate which is 25 pages of procedure which basically states spend the money as quickly as possible and so I think what she said is we're spending some money out of cops proceeds and some money out of equity or 1.5 mil money my prefer would be spend that one spend those cops proceeds first and then when you get to the end and you say okay we still need another million to finish a project then you use the 1.5 million and that may have just been a a substance U you know s or substance but but that's that's my preference is to get the bond proceeds spent because what the IRS doesn't want you to do is borrow the too much money or borrow it too early that's why there's a three year three rule three-year rule that we talked about in sales tax is if we borrow this money for sales tax we we don't want you just to sit because when you borrow that money we then invest it and you can keep some of those investment proceed uh proceeds there's all sorts of rebate and Arbitrage rules but if you spend it fast enough you get to keep more because they're like okay they did not they did not borrow the money too early and they didn't borrow more than what they needed and so on this on on the cops if that's what your preference is is to to spend the money on the high school then we could eliminate some of those um additions and the bond insurer would would would be more than happy to do that um if at the very end all those schools comeing in under budget and we have the $3 million left over and we say what do we do with this we would have to come back to the board and say hey we're going to use these for doors apparently at Oola school or whatever that project was but we could we at that point they would say okay you have these these three four five high you have a high school two elementary schools a middle school and three additions and you have 3 Mill left over yes of course you can use it on whatever project you want um because those other projects you use it on they don't get you know there's not a lot of value to them like I was just saying in the non-appropriation so that's how they do that calculus um so hopefully that was helpful but it would it would not be uh there there would not be any push back on removing the additions and adding a larger um High School larger footprint thank you that that was very helpful So based on everything thing you just said should we decide to bond out additional money based on all the presentation just before you it would behoove us to consider the new Elementary School in bellue or the new High School in Den Helen to be projects that we would consider doing more so than smaller projects that all add up to a certain dollar amount or is that a different bonding process yeah so sales tax since it is a different different bonding process okay um so because of the Master Lease in the cops the bigger schools that's a more secure sales tax is different so we have school districts that will will finance for smaller projects um for maintenance needs that aren't these big schools with the sales tag so if there's a priority that's over building a elementary school that there's another need that's part of deferred maintenance definitely use your sales tax for that um as opposed to trying to issue cops for it that's and George will go legal yeah it's more legal more legal ease the the only um the only correlator to that is if you decided to do new security systems and those security systems had a life expectancy of say five years and you wanted to bond for 10 years the IRS doesn't like that so you would need to blend it with an HVAC system or a roof or something like that but we can do that at any campus you know we're going to tell investors what we intend to do um but you have a lot more flexibility and if it changes um you know during the period that you're spending those proceeds if we have a hurricane we need to replace something we have a lot more flexibility to do that as opposed to the cops program in the sales tax bonds the investors are secured solely by the sales tax so they want to know what your collections are they want to see that buffer that's why Laura had 1.35 times I believe they they don't want Ina in case there is any reason that your sales tax were to drop they want to buffer and so they obviously allow you use as pgo but that's that's why um you have that that 1.35 times collections um but you have a lot more where you could say we're going to do an HVAC system on this school we're going to upgrade Security in this school we're going to do a roof here as opposed to a whole school and the the investors and sales tax are a completely different group of investors and they're not concerned about that that aspect okay okay all right thank you board member thrower did you have some questions thank you um I'm glad that uh impact fees were were brought up it would there be any update as to um where we are with the projected um amount of imp impact fees we should have been collecting by now compared to the reality well in in most simplistic terms we would think that it would start off slow and then build but in our opinion this is a really slow start and that's why we would like to talk to JB Pro to actually have them take a look at the permits and help us do a better job at estimating what we think the proceeds are we just haven't gotten to that spot yet um if that answers your question so we don't know what it should be we need um the expertise of someone who can understand um tax or the the permanent structure and what that looks like in uh the timing and I I believe in the interlocal agreement that you assigned and agreed to they can pay it anywhere between when they first did the permit and when it's almost complete so um that'll add some uh some another aspect to it that we would have to to get someone help to help to do that we were just concerned because we know that if those proceeds do not come in we're going to have to use the one .5 mil uh to make that de debt payment on the cops right and we're working on that uh July 1 was when they were supposed to start right okay so since July 1 and have we're collecting separately from the county and the city okay two separate checks so to speak right when we finally got a copy of it thanks to attorney Powers uh when we finally got a copy of that signed in a local agreement that's what it said that it would begin July 1 and that the county would collect for the county as well as all the uh other municipalities excluding the city and then the city would do their own uh collection and they would remit to us um as a standalone okay and to date um have we collected from the county and the city a little over 900,000 from the county for the first quarter and from the city um Kayla contacted the um guess the person that handles that and then first we were told that that nothing had been collected but they went back and looked and it it was about 43,000 that we had um that they had collected uh on behalf of the city so since July 1 yes so there's some work to be done but um it's out of our um out of our area we need to get um someone to look at the actual permits because and that's where JB Pro comes in we hope we believe in that they can help us sounds like there's a need yes there is too all right thank you Miss Boston Ellis Dr James I just want to offer I think that um leading up to the election there was a lot of hesitancy in the construction community for new new construction and so I think that that was a temporary tide and certainly that would be my prayer that that was a temporary tide and that the tide will change but I know that from my personal relationships with builders in the community they were very hesitant to start pulling the trigger on things leading up to a pretty contentious election so um I do have a question about the investors um how does seeing as we're discussing potentially going back out for a separate bond for the sales tax how are are those investors chosen where does that publication occur if someone were I've I've received communication from people within our community that they would have liked to have been an investor in the bond and so what does that process look like and how can we effectively articulate that to our people within our community sure so as we did with the certificates of participation we would have an underwriting Syndicate where there's a senior underwriter and co-managers um and their role is to go their desk goes out and talks to to investors um and so we did do this as well with the certificate of participation where we set it a priority policy um and we do it so that there's local priority retail so Maran County can have first order of buying those bonds um and then often we'll set it so that there's Florida retail and then it goes to the institution so your insurance funds um that you know buy and kind of bulk for the bonds um so that was set out there so if someone's interested locally in buying for the sales Tech that are coming up they would have to go talk to their local retail um broker I guess essentially that would go buy their bonds and it's a minimum of $5,000 denominations that the bonds are sold in um and can go up from there but there we do set the priority policy specifically to make sure if there's retail investors um interested they have first access to the bonds and is that information from from from Maring County public school facing information if I were someone in our community how would I how would I know that that the bonds are coming up for sale yeah so typically the the retail um the bank so Bank of America has a retail desk that you know there's people that talk to the institutional investors and there's also people that talk to the retail and so um I'm not sure how the word would get out specifically for Maran County um you know for investors inhouse if that's something that someone's interested in that would be talking to their own personal advisor that then works with the the folks up in New York on their retail desk that says we want to buy these Bonds on the day of I can definitely ask to get specifically like how the word would get out um internally but I would think that those sales forces are reaching out to the investors that might potentially want to buy this we do see um in Florida and the the schools issuances that there will be random retail orders that come in that are local um across the stra state that people are interested so I would love for it to be very clear so that there I it's been brought to my attention in our community people have asked well I how how did that occur I would have I would have invested in that Bond I mean we're pretty good money right we're pretty good investment and so especially a sales tax there's I couldn't think of a better type of investment than that and so I would love to be able to have it very clear so that we can talk to our own Community if they would like to participate sure I can definitely find the ins and outs from if there's an issue and sit comes thank you any further um comments or questions from the board well yes oh did I miss you do Dr Campell no I mean as far as the conversation we've had thus far I think it does need to now come back to the board for us to really kind of have some conversation about the direction we want to move forward yes I agree I don't think we're done having a conversation I did know if there was someone wanted to go next that's all I would oh okay oh Reverend Cummings m m thrower from what I've heard so far um we let's just talk about impact fees for a second again we can't really forecast or let alone create any kind of a calculation because it's too early in the game um what is really crossing my mind more and more is that and I think about the election that just occurred conversations that are happening that level about what changes might be coming for public education um you know there's a lot in the hopper so in my mind I Am shifting where pre previously the bond that that we did great idea ambitious excellent we're starting to see some good things happen from it that we know are greatly needed um but now until there are methods to really be able to anticipate forecast and calculate funding coming in sales tax included impact fees because it's all part of the same puzzle of how money is getting shifted around is what I'm hearing so I think it's going to be important to proceed with conservative caution on the discussion of of borrowing any let alone a lot more money for the next year I agree I I agree I agree too agre I and actually I don't want to see us waste I mean I don't want to see us waste 50 plus million dollars in taxpayer dollars over 10 years on interest that is not what I want to see happen and so personally what I would rather see happen is I mean the interest and and I'm not great at this Teresa is gonna laugh but I if we were to if we were to borrow for sales tax as an example if we were to borrow $40 million so we could press go on let's just call it MTI Ward Highlands in Maplewood but we knew we were going to be able to pay that off in a year isn't the interest that then paid for that significantly less because it's over less time so so let's say we only took a loan for because we know we're projected to get $40 million a year in sales tax revenue so if we decided no you're G to have to step forward I can't hear you get a few steps I want because I want to understand the most fiscally responsible way if if you're expected to collect $40 million a year I wouldn't take a loan knowing that you're going to receive that amount because we can we can invest that money and be earning interest rather than taking a loan for something we're know we're going to have proceeds for okay and then have to pay interest but how do we cut the check to the contractor if we don't have the cash the cash is pulled districtwide so if we have cash anywhere districtwide the cash is pulled so it's all in budgeting how we set up the budget so if you know you're going to receive that amount we don't it's do you get what I'm trying to ask I I know what you're asking but I also understand we have cash on hand I mean we have cash on hand that's not the question it pulls from everywhere right it's not just we don't have the sales tax money so then I guess my my request as a board member right now and this is after hearing all this information I think the way that I want to proceed at least for the next year as board member thrower just said because I think we need the dust to settle on impact fees we need to wrap up our loans we need to figure out by 2026 all everything should be buttoned up right I mean if maybe maybe by the end of 2026 for the U Middle School DD but we should be wrapping it all up by then and then we'll that we will know where the money stands with all of it so this board member would then like to just pick what we're doing for this next basically January 1st to to December 31st of 2025 because we're projected to collect $40 million in sales tax in that year and so this board member would want to decide what are the first things we're going to do for that $40 million and then to me that is the most conservative way to go about continuing to have action and show our taxpayers that voted yes for this that we are going to continue to move the needle on the things we said we were going to move the needle on and honestly some of the biggest pain points are you know like Ward Highlands and Maplewood and them needing wings um and I think from a safety persp perspective looking at East Maran and Oola those were two things that were very important to us and so you know if we did Ward Highlands Maplewood East Maran and Oola we're looking at 36 million um and that leaves a little bit of money to then move potentially over to cover gaps if we needed to but um that's my offthe cuff board recommendation I think um I don't I certainly don't want to go out and get a big loan right now um and I don't want to waste that much taxpayer dollars on interest um I look at this a little different when we took the loan that was like our own risk but taking a loan on the sales tax just feels I know it's all taxpayer money but it just feels more like the taxpayer money because it is a sales tax and maybe that's just the way I'm receiving it but I don't want to go I don't want to lose $50 million on interest um Miss Dobbins is waving to me yes Sor I just wanted to add some information as you uh consider all of this so remember that the design phase of these things take quite a bit of time so the money if if we say for example East Maran and we're looking at 4 million for doors and all that before we even get remotely to spending 4 million we have 12 months of of design at a significantly smaller portion of that 4 million now with East Mar oela we have the Portables that aren't in here if you saw that fine print um that we would have to consider also so all I'm saying to to that portion as you consider is we if we begin the design phases which are long lead time things it takes less money so we could do more projects through design and then start the construction phase as that comes in so we don't have to necessarily we don't have to look at Maplewood and Ward Highland and say that's $30 million that we can do the first year we're not going to touch $30 million worth for those two schools because the design isn't that much and the first year is design and those designs all have to be unique we can't use a a prototype wing for Maplewood in Mort Highlands so we're not saying we could not use a prototype um we could look at the wing that we have a prototype for the new and how does that fit in but we do have to look at all the other tie-ins to that to make sure it meshes and where it ties in on the Dem Graphics of the land and so forth so what I hear you saying is we should add to cart another item because we're going to potentially not spend all of the 40 million in the first year so we could do what is something on here then that doesn't there's is there anything that we that I you know what I'm trying to say like is there anything okay go ahead I mean it's not on this list but we've had extensive conversation about it and Mr Tucker came and gave us presentation we can absolutely put a million dooll rubberized track at Westport HIgh School or a million dooll one at Forest High School or wherever and those are oneoff projects that we have now had our districtwide athletic director not say just what I've been saying for you guys know that's a a a project that I'm very passionate about but I mean those are easier one-off projects that aren't necessarily here uh but again we were not forecasting 40 million a year our project total total is less than that on on all of this we were projecting about 33 million so you know over the course of 10 years we will have a bues now at some point and so we know that that's the largest tax generator in valua County so it potentially will be the largest sales tax generator in Maran County as well once we have that and so that that potentially will impact us too I just wanted to make sure that we got back to the original reason we needed to have consensus right now is yes we want to move those three items off of cops so that we can fully fund the high school and get that done and do we have consensus on that board that we want to move hammock Bowen uh Moe and and um Horizon off of the certificate of participation because that's what we really have to make sure we get consensus on agreed I am in agreement to do that everyone Cummings agre okay just trying to okay want to make sure we get that buttoned up yes make sure that it's clear that yes we did agree to that everybody understand I mean I'm just why we're here but then U moving beyond I completely concur I am not comfortable with us taking out any additional debt right now uh but I think that we have the ability to prioritize some things that we know that we're going to have money in the 25 calendar year that we need to start spending on the things that we said we would okay board member Thor I'll just say getting back to the consensus part I I I do give what I'll um formulate as my reluctant agreement because you know those schools were are and will continue to be in desperate need of more room and the enrollment is is continuing so we are where we are so yes I'll agree but may I just add one thing if we didn't do the new K8 and we did the three Wings it would cost less money to do the three wings so in the plan M dobins which is not attached for this particular item but I would actually like to make the recommendation that Miss doin's item that she emailed us get attached to to this in board dos um and Miss doin maybe you could forward it to Miss Martinez we've just referenced it multiple times and so I feel like it's important for the community to have seen it but the new K8 Wings the new K8 instead of wings is 65 million but the three Wings would be 45 million and so it would C we could still fund those three Wings in the sales tax or we could fund a whole K8 and the board can decide with dire of staff and Dr gullet philosophically how we want to approach that but we are essentially just saying instead of funding them from the cop we're going to fund them from sales tax is the way I'm receiving the document Miss Dobbins gave us essentially removing that funding source but they are still being funded and theoretically we probably could fund them if we wanted to if we wanted to say those are the three things we're doing we could say we're doing them right now and with the sales tax money am I am I correct in saying that if we said we wanted to say Hamet marins and Horizon those are the three the way we're going to spend the first 40 million we could say that as well is that an accurate statement I mean you you could say that but I I think we need to get the impact fee situation straightened first um because that's going to impact your 1.5 mil and I'm just coming from a different angle of what you're saying you could prioritize them as being the first three projects that occur with the sales tax and I think I thought that was what we were going to kind of talk about today taking all of your lists once you said that we're going to remove the three wings and put them into sales tax I thought you were going to talk about okay then what's first what's second what's third so then we could bring back to you a plan of action between uh facilities and finance CU I I just hear a lot of different things going on here and that was going to be my question and to uh borrow from Miss Morant to be clear if we have another work session what would be your exp expectation of us to bring because we want to provide the adequate information so that you could make a decision okay what's the pleasure of the board would you like to I have a clarifying question Miss doin document was done in which order then because I read Miss dobbin's document as highest importance to least importance um because I I first it started with e so I was like maybe it's Alpha but it wasn't and so when in the absence of alpha order the way I received it was that it was of highest importance to least importance so to your point Miss Bosell is that I'm reading that document as that's what Miss dobins provided to us so at the um last conversation on the it was requested by the board for the staff to bring their prior their recommendations for prioritization so um facilities maintenance and also um Mr SS with projections and then we went to leadership meeting compiled what the staff wanted to see so to your question uh Dr James yes this is the order that we believe uh should be the priority based on our recommendations for you to consider okay that's what I that's what I thought so I wanted to make sure that was clear and I think part of that Mr SS may say is because the capacity situation with Portables at some of those schools is not as emergent maybe as the concerns in the other places which is why the others have hierarchy is that correct and and that's why we included the capacity in the year that we uh project those capacities to be over and also include the information about about we we have Portables being leased that will continue to be leased until we do something about that okay and if I may yes and yes I'm glad you mentioned the Portables because then that's just money down the drain you know we're just spending it spending it spending it on those leases I also appreciate and I'm glad that the board all agreed that you know safety first um the the classroom doors top two priorities are for a reason so thank you for having that um you know we are where we are CH yes Dr Campbell um so I also appreciate the the list and I read it as a prioritization top to bottom as well I'm going to make a potentially an unconventional statement here I I certainly believe that Forks in the road give you an opportunity to make a change from what you originally had proposed and and at some point and I'm grateful we just had consensus on pulling those three elementary school or two Elementary School and one Middle School Wing off and what your document to us is actually recommending a K8 instead while I understand that there could be a cost savings perhaps again we we can kind of go back and forth on that because essentially hopefully those wings would be able to meet the capacity needs of those there there's I'm just going to say that kind of remains to be seen depending on what what would would actually have to come to fruition and the timeline on those things but I also believe fundamentally we have to have conversation about how big is too big for an elementary school I agree and when we continue to add wings on our two largest elementary schools already we're not having that base conversation we're not Upstream on really is 2 too many elementary school kids running around a campus I mean because right now we only have five leas Portables at Hammet but we I I think 13 Portables is the number we have we're looking at a 16 classroom Wing potentially I mean again it we may actually need more than that and and so the portable number at Mar and Oaks that would be another 16 classroom Wing I anticipate and so we're already well over a thousand students on both those campuses I personally like the idea of pausing I know that we have a lot of kids there but if we did have the opportunity to say let's do a ka8 instead and pull some of that volume of the smallest Learners off of an elementary school campus I I think again a fork in the road gives you an opportunity to change direction and we've already said we're pulling it off of the cops so let's at least have greater conversation and what we really fundamentally want our schools to look like in this community so two points to that Dr Campbell that was part of our conversation and Leadership and and developing this was how large do we want our schools the other thing I just would like to remind us of is the Benes study and if you recall we took a very conservative um recommendation for that Benes and they they in their study recommended six elementary schools and another Middle School in the southwest so so we're seeing those projections um hold in steady um when we look at projections for enrollment and that is why we that's why the recommendation was for the K8 to balance out how many students are at Hammond and Marin Oaks and also for that future projection thank you thank you and thank you do um Dr Kimbell I I think that's a very um relative Point um that I actually hadn't hadn't thought of as we're talking about adding the wings and then not building wings and so um coming from elementary school that is a very important um decision we have to make what we want our schools to look like in the future so thank you Dr James So based on the prioritization that was before the board because in part with Mr a saying we wouldn't necessarily need the Kate and Mar and Oaks for a couple of years because I can appreciate this sentiment would you say that it would then be appropriate to do because we talked about planning to do East Mary and Oola and the bellev Santos and Bell Elementary replacement combo School in the first two years which would be more than enough we'd be looking at 80 million projection for sales tax that total only comes to 71 million so that's leaving Flex opportunity and then we essentially could address offlining bellw Santos and selling that parcel of property generating money for the district and doing a rezone then and that would cover the first two years of sales tax and knock off the security top concerns but then also addressing the Belleview that we put that essentially bellw Santos Bell Elementary is the top priority beyond the safety concerns correct so when we developed this prioritization it was based on whether we were bonding up to 250 million capacity and that does play a factor of we're now backing to a 400 mil 40 million a year our recommendation that we have discussed is if we're if we're only going to use the sales tax as it comes in and and pay as you go then our recommendation is to take this prioritization and start in the design phases of these because even if the money isn't there we have the design ready to go so our recommendation is not necessarily to say hey we're going to move forward you know the whole project of bellw Santos to B Elementary which is a very high priority um we want to move forward with the design of that immediately and the design of these other projects on this list and then as that money comes in move it to the construction phase as we know and that allows us also the time to balance out what's going on with the impact fees so that that's what we would recommend doesn't have to be done that way so but to clarify though designing and executing the doors and the classroom walls is that I I feel like this board has said like we really want that to get taken care of and not I appreciate what you're saying and let's pretty much design most of it but I want to execute those safety concerns yes I agree okay good yeah all right um board member sorry thank you and yes so I 100% agree I um the the the pay as you go for now I can get behind um thinking about uh the K8 for Maran Oaks um design and the uh replacement Belleview Elementary um hopefully there'll be some prototypes that we can look to um to help reduce some of that cost as as well and then when we're ready to build hopefully that'll help speed things up too so of course we have an elementary prototype that that we can already use as far as denell and high school and denel and middle that's going to be a very unique build because we're building around an existing school so I'm not sure that it'll be a true prototype okay thank you thanks okay so are we in consensus on moving forward with the design phase can we just outline exactly what projects that is that you're saying so what I'm hearing is let's not only design but execute East Marin and Oola that's security number one um that's going to be a little bit more than what you see on the estimate because we don't know the portable impact at this time and then we would begin the design with based on how much revenue is there the design of bie Santos and then just take it on Down the Line Design design and as the money rolls in then we're able to begin the construction phase without bonding and bellev Santos and B Elementary the board is not going to need to decide if we're using the the Prototype we already have or is that a decision the Board needs to make because if we already if we're going to use the design we already have used for x and W then we're just really the design is consistent of looking at the property as it exists and kind of figuring out where it goes or didn't plan on that conversation today but our recommendation is it's cheaper to use a prototype we already have 100% I totally agree if that's what the board wants to discuss we're happy to go ahead and settle that yeah I mean it's the most it's the most conservative approach and I wish we were I wish we had the affordability of time for people to get in the space and live it um but we also have potentially more elementary schools to come so we can we can use those lived experiences then but I don't I certainly I mean how much did we pay for that design a couple million dollars right yes off the top of my head yeah so I would hate to go spend a couple million more dollars on a different an elementary school just because okay yeah I and and go through it looks like we're all in agreeance process again um my only thought though and and this may again be not what we would like to say but in light of the conversation we have been having about these wings that originally were what we decided a year or so ago that we wanted to do and now we have a recommendation for a K8 in in lie of that I'm curious as to why that wouldn't be moved up on the priority list after a Santos Belleview Elementary while we're talking design because we know Donell and middle high is going to be a totally new design as well and that's going to be an something we've never even considered or done before we have a K8 even though it's obviously quite old but I mean so both the K8 and denell and middle high would both be brand new going out and finding a whole new everything about them and so I'm just curious as the prioritization on those two items if we're going through the list I can agree with any of it we're not going we need so much work it it really comes down to which one do which one does the board really want to see first right and I will offer um just because of contextual knowledge the design the architect um he Hepner right for for x and W has a K8 of the same essential essentially the same as the elementary school but it is a K8 and so that could certainly be a less expensive route to take potentially or at least a more streamlined approach to take is to take the Prototype and turn it into a K8 um I know that Hepner does has built that Elementary as a K8 that's good to know but I agree with Dr Campbell to me because their exceeding capacity essentially in 25 the same as Belle is so I would like to see um denell and middle and high well we can acknowledge there are lots of issues there and Dell and high is having increasing enrollment they are not in the emergent State as some of those other schools in my opinion I I do still think at some point that we that making sure we have those Wing designs as well for the two high schools that we are excuse me high schools the two elementary schools that we are trying to get those Portables off I mean that was a significant part of our video that we put out to the community about the dilapidated Portables that we have on campuses and uh all of this is important and so while you're doing design let's do design and and and that maybe it's our first year our first several million dollars we spend is all design and and determining how we're going to spend the next um nine years worth of money that we get in but um I I continue to believe that wood H Highlands those we've got to get rid of those Portables there they they deserve classroom Wings in in those schools uh every one of these needs thank you community thank you Maran County voters because you can hear how we are grappling with this and I can't imagine 20 years of board leadership sitting here not being able to have these conversations so thank you okay do you feel comfortable with the discussion and moving forward yes ma'am so what I'm hearing is go ahead and fully execute East Maran and Oola as a priority for their doors for security reasons and then next would be uh B Santos b elementary and then the new K8 what I would like to do is for um our team to go back um coupled with our finance department look at when do we expect Revenue to come in how how does that balance out let us come up with a timeline of what this would all look like this may be what we say today but we have this is going to be fluid it's going to be fluid based on impact fees based on sales tax generations and and the cost of Construction and design and so forth and if I may Madam chair what I'd like to do is with that discussion you've had board and Direction we'll come back at a work session and provide an update on where we are is that some okay perfect wonderful thank you thank you yes just wanted to make sure as if we're going to do all of the designs and have them ready to deploy that Ward Highlands and Maplewood are in included in that mix when the money's available um you know if we have the designs ready we can then go when we can ma'am thanks okay all right I just want to say thank you there was a lot of back and forth conversation so thank you to everyone for your flexibility and and patience as we worked through that all right um Dr gallet would you oh I'm sorry any board comment public comment Public public comment public comment oh sorry public comment I'm sorry we've been sitting here a long time since 7:30 this morning seeing no public comment Dr cullet will you move us forward certainly and if I may may I have a superintendent comment I'd like to reiterate board with we're grateful to the community for supporting this so that the board could have this conversation because the needs are great so if I could thank you so I'm pleased to bring back our goal three team as you may recall we had quite an extended um as we typically do a work session prior and needed to move this um to a later date so thank you to miss Morant who's going to kick us off but um the entire team for coming back for today as a reminder um grateful for board liaison who sits on these committees and these are flexible and fluid plans if if they're not they're not meaningful so appreciate the feedback and the work um that everybody's doing to make sure that these are helping us address the needs that we have in our district so thank you Miss Mar thank you and good morning Dr gullet good morning chair Conrad and school board members I'm joined this morning with Mrs shaana Hughes and the human resources leadership team um together we're going to provide updates related to achieve 2026 strategic plan goal three talent management goal three talent management is to ensure that all students have access to highly effective and diverse teachers administrators and support staff the human resources and professional leadership and learning team are tasked with several essential objectives that strive to not only recruit and retain quality staff but also to ensure our Learners benefit from effective and diverse team members there are currently six outcome metrics being used to gauge and evaluate our movement and meeting this objective our metrics include data related to infield certified teachers retention rates ESC self-contained Staffing and staff development our first outcome metric seeks to increase the percentage of infield certified teachers in the classroom research shows that highly effective classroom teachers are one of the most influential components of ensuring student achievement and academic success our Target to be reached by 2026 is to increase the percentage of infield certified classroom teachers from our Baseline of 92% to our Target of 97% in an effort to further support our out of field teachers on their Pathway to meeting all certification requirements we have increased our communication our guidance and available resources we have also expanded various Pathways and opportunities in partnership with the College of Central Florida and Career Source all of which we will share more details later in this presentation another outcome metric is to improve the retention rate of instructional Personnel from 89% which is our Baseline data point in 2021 to 94% by 2026 we recognize that all staff play a part in the success of our school district and contribute to ensuring that every student succeeds as such we are adding or we've added an emphasized Focus not only on the retention of instructional Personnel but we want to also Inc have an increased focus on the retention rate of all staff in the district our Baseline is 88% and we are striving to increase that retention rate to 94% by 2026 the talent management goal also tasked the human resources team with helping to reduce the number of ESC self-contained instructional positions that remain vacant at the datea certain date certain of FTE survey 2 which for this school year was October 11th the 2026 Target is 10% there continues to be steady gains in achieving this goal as the most recent vacancy number is 11% recognizing that intentional communication with employees and potential employees is Paramount whether that be through Career Fairs social media radio ads Billboards the mcps website or other intentional and impactful recruitment efforts currently 24535 of the application submitted indicated that one of these intentional efforts is what brought them to mcps career website page our goal is to increase that reach to 27,000 by 2026 lastly implementing Innovative professional learning opportunities positively supports the efforts in retaining and growing a positive and effective Workforce a goal of 100% was set for staff that begin a career Pathway to complete it annually through the hard work and engaging and Innovative programs from our po Department we're making great strides towards meeting this goal goal we consistently utilize these outcome metrics to drive our work as we Implement practices related to each priority strategy our objectives and priority strategies are essential to not only talent management but also Student Success looking at priority priority strategy a which task our teams with the goal of strengthening recruitment of Highly qualified teachers administrators and staff we have centered our efforts around around three key elements recruiting opportunities promoting Maran County Public Schools and grow our own each of these key elements strive to reduce vasic vacancy needs and increase Recruitment and Retention all with the focus of achieving not only goal three talent management but also in in achieving our District's core goal which is Student Success I am happy now to turn it over to Mrs Tanya nun our HR recruitment coordinator and Dr Ana brocken our director of talent management to share additional information regarding the great work that has been done and our plans for the future good morning good morning our first key element in recruiting opportunities human resources in the Maring County Public Schools recruitment team has created an enhanced targeted creative recruiting opportunity ities to proactively and effectively enlist an army of all to positively impact learner success we expanded our reach by actively recruiting both in and out of state this approach enables us to attract a diverse and qualified pool of candidates who bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to our schools we're connecting and graduate we are connecting with graduating students who have been trained in the latest educational practices and our are eager to make an impact building Partnerships with universities enhances our reputation as a desirable and supportive district for our new Educators so this is what our current data tells us about our recruiting efforts shared by Mrs nun the majority of our new hires are from instate in fact almost half of our teachers about 45% earned their degrees from a Florida postsecondary institution in our own backyard the top Florida schools where degrees were earned included the University of Florida University of Central Florida College of Central Florida University of South Florida St Leo University rasmuson university and Nova South Eastern University so about 40% of our teachers hired earned their degree from an at of State College our University Southern New Hampshire University was noted as having the highest number of degrees earned by our new teachers followed by Liberty University located in Lynchburg Virginia an American College of Education based in Indianapolis Indiana the remaining degrees were earned from a historically black colleges and universities HBCU or historically Hispanic colleges and universities hhcu and online institutions are a foreign trained institution the data also revealed that around 70 70% 77% of those hired were females while ma while males accounted for 23% this appears to be consistent across the US according to a recent article entitled missing misters gender diversity among teachers only 23% of Elementary and secondary teachers are men men are underrepresented in all states and across most subject areas the shortage is particularly severe in English there is research that supports that sentiment closing the gender in race gaps in public school teachers could could help close gender and race gaps in student outcomes being cognizant of where we are en enable us enables us to make sound decisions about where we need to go and our direct our efforts when seeking to attract new Talent new Talent Mrs nun will now share some additional details about our recruiting efforts we are thrilled to share that this year's School District winter career fair was a tremendous success with over 275 attendees stepping up last year's attendance of 200 we're still Gathering final results from the schools and departments that participated but looking ahead we're excited to have Career Source as our key sponsor for our upcoming instructional hiring fairs in May June and July at the College of Central Florida these events offer even more opportunities to connect with passionate community members who wants to make a difference in the lives of our students in Maran County another factor that helped to make our winter career fair success was our three-day career Readiness camp in partnership with career source and Howard Academy community center this initiative provided valuable resources such as application assistance resume building and mock interview views to assist anyone interested in working in our school district these efforts help bridge the gap and equip the candidates with the skills and confidence needed to excel at our winter career fair our recruitment Department supports transportation and food service by providing resources hosting recruitment events and actively reaching out to potential cand candidates attracting and securing great talent for each of the Departments we support helps to ensure students safety promotes student well-being and increases Community Trust by ensuring our students transportation and nutritional needs are met we remove barriers to learning and support their academic success we implemented new recruitment opportunities to attract top t top teaching Talent by organizing monthly teaching hiring fairs these monthly recruiting events were designed to connect us with dedicated Educators who were ready to make a difference in our schools and County we attracted top talent and promoted diversity and inclusion and strengthen our District's reputation by highlighting our District's goals support system Community Partnerships and career paths making us a desirable place to work what an awesome time we had with outstanding results we had over 400 attendees participate and extended 32 on the spot District contracts with numerous hires coming after our after our sponsors included career source and Grand Canyon University along with Grand Reserve Apartment Homes what's new in recruiting well talent management has a new recruitment brochure as well as new marketing materials during the fall of 2024 we piloted a new virtual recruitment platform called career fair plus to connect with candidates outside of our County and across the United States we also have new housing Partners who offer discounts to Marian County Public Schools Employees for example if you call or visit the Grand Reserve Apartment Homes and tell them that you are a Marian County School District employee or have been offered a position with Maring County Public Schools they will wave the administration fee of $350 and the application fee of $75 when you apply for any of their one two or three bedroomroom Apartments our key element is promoting Maring County Public Schools human resources and the Maring County Public Schools recruitment team will continue to work proactively and innovatively to promote Maran County public schools in order to effectively attract quality diverse candidates to our district and fi vacancies for learner success we continue to Market on tv20 Career Source CLM live stream the Hispanic Business Council media Network and as well as run targeted commercials through the gray Media Group these efforts have resulted in candidate contacts through targeted campaigns including television commercials email direct marketing web page promotion and various other avenues which have positively impacted our reach throughout the community our internal marketing involve Distributing and refreshing recruitment kits to all the the schools the kits include a scrolling PowerPoint that can be used in their school Lobby or at school events a yard sign a Chromebook for applicants to use to apply to open positions in our school district and and we're hiring cards each item has a QR code that helps potential candidates easily connect with Mar and County Public Schools and learn more about joining our team in addition to our recruitment kits we have continued to promote vacancy V visibility by Rolling Out branded recruitment materials and postings opening posting openings on social media platforms and sending Community leaders and organizations information about upcoming hiring events we also advertise on billboards throughout the city and promote Maring County Public Schools opportunities on television we've maintained ongoing support from Lamar Advertising by promoting upcoming events such as our past winter career fair and instructional hiring Fair on multiple boards to expand our reach within our community these promotions run for several weeks leading up to each event we are thankful for our partners so what the data tells us excuse me it's clear that our talent management team has been hard at work and our data reflects that that we are not only headed in the right direction but our efforts have yielded a nice return in fact almost 25,000 applicants who answered the question how did you hear about us indicated that our career fairs participation in local events postings on social media and secured Partnerships Expos them to Maran County Public Schools have you ever heard the saying nothing draws a cloud a crowd quite like a crowd according to the research on Word of Mouth marketing and advertising people are 90% more likely to trust and buy from a brand recommended by a friend in fact word of mouth was noted as the primary factor behind 20 to 50% of all purchasing decisions 88% of consumers place the highest level of trust in Word of Mouth recommendations from people that they know the research appears to align with what the data is telling us since over 5,000 of our own applicants shared that they heard about our opportunities from a friend a relative or someone that they know a little shy of 1400 heard about our opportunities via our internal efforts via District email Communications or internal platforms such as Skyward BAS upon these numbers our greatest areas of potential influence and impact include proactive and strategic involvement in targeted recruitment efforts and activities and the use of internal Vehicles such as Skyward and ice caps to promote opportunities to existing Marian County Public Schools and staff by sharing more information with employees we're hopeful that this may impact not only our ability to grow our own but also impact our Word of Mouth data understanding where we have been successful will be critical to our planning efforts we will need to not only be strategic about where we travel or M for applicants but also how we invest our recruitment efforts our final key element and perhaps our most important is grow our own human resources and the Marian County Public Schools recruitment team will strategic Al and frequently evaluate Pipeline and pathway opportunities in order to recruit and retain quality team members to positively impact learner success our tuition assistance partnership with the College of Central Florida and Career Source CLM has seen great success we awarded 13 Marian County Public Schools teachers last year with tuition assistance to complete their professional preparation coursework I am excited to say that Career Source has awarded 22 teachers this year Maring County public schools has recently partnered with the College of Central Florida to develop a pipeline for students in the Florida future educators of America program in our school district to become teachers and teach in our schools next year the College of Central Florida will invite Maring County Public School students in the future Educators program to a professional development opportunity with their bachelor's degree faculty in February 2025 and provide scholarships to Marin County Public School students in the future Educators program to attend their Early Childhood conference in March of 2025 in addition to regularly recruitment channels we expand our efforts to include recruitment at local high school engaging students in early career opportunities helps us not to only F vital positions but also Inspire students to consider long-term careers within our school district so how do we plan to move this needle Mrs nun shared a number of our fruitful initiatives to date the question on everyone's mind right now is probably how do you plan to move the needle which is increase our effectiveness maintain our competitiveness and attract and retain the best talent we plan to tap our internal subject matter experts our smees we have an amazing group of internal smees at our fingertips we plan to partner with our Communications Department to help us Market our recruitment related activities and events in a timely and strategic manner this will involve identifying annual events and dates far in advance in order to get the word out internally throughout our community and Beyond via our social media platforms Etc we recognize the importance of employer branding and believe that a facelift of our recruiting web web page is in order we'd like to refresh our recruiting web page to make it more inviting informative and easy to navigate for our applicants we like to include resources to answer some of their most pressing questions such as where to find housing who to contact to set up their utilities and other perks and incentives just for Maring County Public School staff members we want to expand our word of mouth and marketing approach by celebrating our new hires we plan to maximize our social media Presence by featuring our new hires on our social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook we plan to launch a y Marian County campaign inclusive of a recruiting video featuring students new and existing staff our community jewels and some of our most interesting facts are best kept secrets our goal is to get all of our staff involved in a fun and competitive way we're confident that we have an army of recruiters our own employees who can answer this question this compelling question why Marian County and help us tell our amazing story we plan to set ourselves apart from our competition by creating consistent branding for recruitment rela Mater related materials rethinking our approach to reaching applicants in this highly technical AI world and creating a more One-Stop experience for our new hires we view our data as an ass we need to view our data as an asset we plan to rely on our data to help support and our Drive our decision making this will be done by closely exploring and answering where have we been most successful what opportunities have we missed such as layoffs in other states which states have more applicants than jobs which colleges and universities graduate the most Educators how can we strengthen our current partnership and are build new Partnerships within campus Career Centers are directly with colleges of Education we have an extremely competitive teaching salary schedule and affordable living options compared to some of our surrounding C counties we plan to use these factors to our advantage by making them a part of our pitch to attract our top talent so some of our initiatives that are on the hor rizing we know that there are at least eight primary online institutions where our teachers have earn their degrees we also patronize endless eateries throughout the Marian County Community we'd like to partner with these online institutions to establish discounts for our employees wishing to complete a degree or program and identify Target retailers that would be willing to support designated times of the year for employees to take advantage of deals customized just for them we're hopeful that these Partners will help sponsor a welcome reception for a new teachers or be a part of other cool initiatives that demonstrate that they recognize and value the important role that our teachers as well as all staff play in this community in short we want all of our staff to choose Maran County Public Schools as their preferred employer over and over and over again to further enhance our local efforts we' like to tap our team of internal experts again our communication Department to help us build a set of updated branded materials for placement in our school-based recruitment kits we believe that there is power in numbers so having having our schools support our recruiting efforts is vital is vital we want to ensure that all of our schools have updated materials in a designated place on campus for applicants to complete the online application and our view openings throughout the district in support of our kids we plan to launch an annual ready Seto initiative that will be inclusive of an annual virtual training session for site based administrators to kick off the recruiting season so that administrators feel adequately prepared to support us in our ongoing recruiting efforts Mrs nun shared earlier that our virtual pallet is underway our hope is to maximize this new platform to draw additional talent to the table from places that we're unable to reach in person in addition to our recruiting excuse me recurrently in are in discussion about the different ways to capture recruitment related data and exploring a variety of platforms that we hope can enhance our existing efforts one such platform is called palon palon is a platform that enables us to share timely information in a brief and engaging way xra is one of the automated reference check platforms that we that will help decrease the time taken to complete manual reference checks we also recognize that time is of the essence in that applicants have a pletho of organizations that they may be considering exploring a texting platform as an additional method by which to interact with Talent such as twilio and text mag text magic can provide a more rapid way to connect with applicants after initial after their initial contact with a recruiter we recently met with our Communications partner and discovered that it's extremely likely that we can initiate this additional touch Point via our own skyer Sky alert platform what a way to maximize an existing resource we want our applicants to see us as their organization of choice to jump start or build upon their professional career it's no secret that there's a teacher shortage and we along with all of the other 67 districts in the private sector are actively pursuing and recruiting the same Talent one of the ways we hope to set ourselves apart from our competition is by proposing a bonus and incentive program for targeted School locations throughout the district our hope is that this will improve our Effectiveness in attracting top talent to Maran County in order to work in some of our neediest schools and hard to fill roles we are so excited about the innovative ideas and initiatives that are on the horizon and look forward to sharing in our successes with you in the near future thank you for your time attention and ongoing support I will now pass the torch to Mrs Harris the executive director of K12 support good morning morning priority strategy B emphasizes Innovative professional learning opportunity ities to support the retention of a positive and effective Workforce the state defines professional learning as educator focused development aligned with state standards for Effective professional learning this approach integrates Active Learning fostering collaboration modeling and sustain and continuous Improvement The Professional leadership I'm sorry am I clicking it oh okay sorry the professional leadership and learning um Department manages the platform for professional learning each district Department in school follows an inter internal two-step approval process to ensure professional learning opportunities are available on campas on this slide you'll see an overview of departmental contributions to professional learning opportunities as of November 12th 2024 the canvas professional learning platform held 1,383 course offerings the breakdown of the leader breakdown of professional learning by dep department is as follows 20 26% professional leadership and learning 18% was exceptional student education 177% curriculum and instruction including both Elementary and secondary 14% was mental health and wellness 10% instructional technology 10% English for speakers of other language and 5% which constituted approximately 65 courses that included Early Learning grants and federal programs and family engagement while smaller in percentage the other departments play a vital role in fostering a holistic professional learning environment addressing specific sectors of our workfor work force to ensure a well-rounded approach the professional leadership and learning Department recognizes the importance of establishing clear Pathways for our pre-service Educators to connect to our school district in our high schools more students are enrolling in courses focus on the foundational teaching and learning Frameworks the department has observed an increase in articulation agreements an articulation Agreements are formal contracts between Maran County Public Schools and postsecondary institutions that facilitate student internships the five colleges or universities represented at the bottom of the slide is where we get the majority of our interns which highlights our strong Partnerships and supporting our future Educators last month professional leadership and learning held a College University partnership breakfast to collaborate with our partners and discuss future plans Maran County Public Schools is proud to offer comprehensive instructional Pathways that provide Educators with opportunities to strengthen their professional practice the chart compares the instructional opportunities available to staff during the 23 24 and 2425 school years to date the first four roles reflect data from our induction and mentoring program for our novice and early career teachers this year the department launched Great Beginnings with 101 Educators and 15 non-instructional employees experienced coaches have the opportunity to enhance their skills through our UF lenger coaching Academy this rigorous program includes an intensive curriculum and culminated in a certification process last year nine coaches completed the program and earn CER certification this year we look forward to our 11 coaches that are enrolled and to complete their UF coaching certification for instructional staff aspiring to become an assistant principal we offer our aspiring in administrators Academy the academy is no longer an internal prerequisite for participation in the Target selection process this year we're so proud to highlight our three teachers serving as teachers of record in Maran County Schools under our temporary teacher internship certification this 5-year non-renewable certificate that was introduced of September 1st of 2023 by the Florida Department of Education allows individuals enrolled in a state approved teacher education program who have not yet earned their bachelor's degree but they are in our classrooms with um coursework to be able to support our students each of the three teachers that we currently have are being supported through our induction and mentoring program finally the chart also tracks the number of teachers who benefited from our free recertification courses currently in cycle 2 we anticipate continued growth in the number of completers reflecting our commitment to supporting Educators at all stages of their career the Maran County managers leadership AC management Leadership Academy is designed for non-instructional District staff at all levels catering to a diverse group of participants these individuals may range I'm sorry these individuals may range from entry level employees eager to develop foundational leadership skills to midlevel managers aspiring to advance their careers despite their varied roles and experiences all participants share a commitment to enhancing their leadership abilities and contributing meaningful meaningfully to the district's success District leaders were invited to select a maximum of two team members to participate in our program as this was the first year of launching this program the course curriculum addresses essential leadership topics including foundations of leadership effective communication collaboration and team building decision making and strategic planning self-awareness and change management this year's cohort represents a cross-section of employees from six depart departments custo custodial services employment services Finance public relations Technical Services and transportation this divers diversity Fosters collaboration and shared learning across different areas of the district further enriching our management leadership experience and there are currently 13 participants in that group while the professional leadership ship and learning Department provides instructional Pathways we are equally committed to supporting administrative Pathways for our non-instructional leaders this fall our targeted selection process began with 33 aspiring administrators um for our assistant principal pool and our principal pool we're currently concluding our first cycle of targeted selection with the completion uh within the next week the National Institute for school leadership also known as nissle currently has 16 participants 15 of whom are pursuing their level two or School principal certification this year three principles who completed the facilitator certification Institute are facilitating nissle For the First Time by completing this institute facilitators gain access to all training resources and ongoing support from the organization Additionally the cost per participant is reduced to less than half the standard price because we are using our own leaders to facilitate these courses last year the district supported 10 principles that were less than two that had less than two years experience we have done a great job in retaining our principles and this year we only have two principles with less than two years experience similarly our new assistant principles are also being supported last year the district had 30 assistant principles with less than two years of experience this year 14 assistant principles will participate excuse me in an induction and mentoring program to ensure their success to further prepare assistant principles for principalship the expert leadership Series has been offered by two of our veteran princip principles that's the expert leadership program offers a focused program to build the skills necessary for a success of school leaders additionally recruitment has been underway for our UF leadership Series last year 12 leaders completed the program and this year it's being extended to it to offer it to principls assistant principls and our district coordinators our district has partnered with the University of Central Florida to offer tuition assist assistance for employees of mcps the assistance is aimed at supporting fulltime teachers in Title One schools who possess a bachelor's degree and at least one year of experience these teachers have the opportunity to pursue a master's degree with a concentration or in mathematics or science the assistant covers tuition fees and the cost of books from the UCF Bookstore in return for this support participating teachers are required to make a three-year commitment to Maran County Public Schools full-time pair professionals and Title One schools with an associates degree are offering an opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in elementary education the support also includes covering tuition fees and the cost of books par of professionals are expected to maintain a minimum of a 2.5 grade average to remain eligible for ex assistance we are really excited about our upcoming opportunities the professional leadership and learning department and the exceptional student educ education department has partnered with the College of Central Florida as a key stakeholder in developing a Bachelor's of Science and exceptional student education additionally MCS mcps continues its collaboration with the University of Florida to prepare for the participation in the teacher apprenticeship program with the focus on Early Childhood learning professional leadership and learning has partnered with Handover research search to design administer and an analyze a professional development needs assessment this initiative aims to gather valuable insights into professional learning needs of teachers and administrative Personnel to better support our students the survey will explore perceptions of an engagement with past or existing professional learning preferences for professional learning as it relates to content and format levels of efficacy and satisfaction with our current offerings the process will span approximately 12 weeks and will provide critical data to shape future professional development initiatives that's teller to meet our staff last but not least one of the upcoming opportunities we're really excited about is our Edge series Edge standing for empowerment development growth and excellence this new opportunity will be for individuals that are um currently in the mcps assistant principal pool have been that have been in the pool for one or more years without placement this program will offer four evening sessions designed to deepen participants understanding of our Florida Educational leadership standards through interactive experiences additionally participants will engage in mock interviews with mcps leaders to enhance their Readiness for leadership roles thank you for the opportunity to share her professional leadership and learning in collaboration with various Partnerships and departments continue to reinforce the commitment to retaining a positive and effective re Workforce next I'm please to introduce Mrs danana Gary director of equity and compliance good morning good morning just barely but good morning yes almost afternoon so priority strategy C speaks to reducing the impact of Staff absences on schools and students the equity and compliance office worked collaboratively with schools and departments to provide technical assistance in compliance with Federal Regulations under the Family and Medical Leave Act the Americans with Disabilities Act and the pregnant workers Fairness Act resourcefully and thoughtfully accommodating employees individual medical needs under these Provisions efficiently reduces the impact of Staff absences on schools and students as well as provides equal work opportunities for diverse population providing an inclusive work environment by addressing and eliminating barriers in the workplace allow allow pregnant employees and employees with temporary or permanent disabilities access to participate in employment and effectively perform their job duties additionally facilitating the interactive process compassionately in order to reasonably accommodate applicants and employees creates positive employment outcomes that allow the district to hire and retain a qualified valuable Workforce alternatively when an employee is unable to work due to a disability or their serious health condition leave may be implemented as a reasonable accommodation at this time Mrs Paige zachik supervisor of Employment Services will explain substitute services that are available when an employee needs time off from work good morning good morning the employment services division is proud to partner with ESS for substitute services on behalf of the district ESS launched service to The District in January of 2024 a three- member team on location in the district coordinates the hiring and onboarding of substitutes while also supporting substitutes and school sites throughout the year one team member is responsible for facilitating the hiring process while two more team members are in the field visiting schools on a daily basis in addition to the three- member team esess staffs a trainer with prior educational experience to include 14 years of administrative experience who provides classroom management training during new hire sessions to ensure substitutes are properly trained for the classroom we are very appreciative of the daily collaboration with our ESS team in ensuring our classrooms experience educational continuity when there is a need for coverage because the teacher isn't able to be there or the site is in the process of hiring a teacher for the classroom this includes daily Staffing as well as long-term Staffing when there is a concern regarding a substitute service to a site the team works with the administration to ensure the needs of the school and students are met which may include a request for additional training for example the ESS team is quick acting to provide the opportunity for continued support of the district through the role of a substitute teacher when we have a teacher who may have to step away from the classroom due to certification requirements additionally ESS is very supportive when a substitute teacher has the opportunity to become a full-time employee of the district we are pleased to share that the fill rate for the first quarter of the the 2024 2025 school year is 90% for a total of 9,556 requests this is a 133% increase in fill rate while covering an additional 1,487 requests as compared to the same time frame for the previous school year the average number of daily requests is 225 and increase from 21 the previous year with a single day high of 337 requests there are currently a total of 596 ESS substitutes with 215 of those joining ESS from July 1 of this year through the start of November this is a 151% increase as compared to the District substitute pool that moved to ESS in January of 2024 the ESS team recruits for hiring substitutes within our district at special events since July 1st they have attended two of the district instructional hiring fairs the meet your teacher event at Dr NH Jones Elementary School the stem and literacy family fund night at dellan high school the mcps career Readiness camp at Howard Academy and the winter career fair just the other day at Howard Academy upcoming events include the winter wonderland at Belleview Elementary School and the carnival event also at bellw elementary school the ESS team recently disseminated their mid-year report cards to the administrators of all School sites 75% of submitted sites scored ESS with a rating of a and 23% a rating of B for a overall total of 98% of sites rating ESS with an A or B average through the report card process sites had the opportunity to provide feedback one site secretary shared I want you to know how much I appreciate the ESS system before I could never find subs and my mornings were always spent scrambling now I always have Subs you all are amazing another site shared the staff and management team is amazing to work with addressing needs and concerns as they arise and working together to come up with Solutions the ESS team continuously reviews systemwide data and analyzes what it means for our schools they are actively working in the field to interact with administrators and support staff to understand the needs of the sites and explore ways to meet those needs the human resources team and the essess staff will hold a midyear meeting in January to take a deep dive into the year-to-date data and feedback offered through the report cards to explore next steps in support of classrooms and students our final priority strategy tasks the human resources team with building stronger practices for human Capital Management the employment services division team consists of 25 staff members supporting over 6,000 employees employees and all applicants recommended for hire with Maring County Public Schools as well as those being hired by charter schools and agencies Contracting for services with the district the employment services division is comprised of teams that support instructional positions a wide variety of non-instructional positions and certificated positions the addition of a second team in the non-instructional department provides the support needed to serve over 175 employee classifications the employee profiles and employment data for these areas is managed by the records department and we have a supporting team operating the front office and managing the department functions the work of the employment services division includes the following ensuring that incoming and current employees meet and maintain certification requirements processing supplemented in volunteer coaches employee supplements and stiens managing employee contracts and annual salary updates maintaining employee profiles and data in Skyward and submitting data as required by the fora Department of Education managing Personnel items to be submitted for board approval managing and implementing the annual Staffing timeline for instructional non-instructional administrative and District specialized Personnel supporting the hiring for summer school positions supporting the evaluation process and platform for all instructional employees principles and assistant principles as well as annual evaluations for all other positions in the district creating and maintaining over 75 employee calendars preparing employment verifications for current and previous employees filling public records requests and subpoenas providing badges for newly hired employees and managing district-wide requests for Badges and providing excellent customer service for all stakeholders of the district this includes providing bilingual support to ensure everyone reaching out to our office as well as those being hired have their questions answered and obtain the information they need regarding employment with Marin County Public Schools the employment services division continuously evaluates our procedures to support a customer focused approach of best practices for applicants employees and hiring authorities for example the employment services division maintains the hiring resource Manu manual which is a One-Stop res resource for the benefit of hiring authorities and their support staff this man ual includes links to resources and guides in support of the hiring process the human resources department recently met with our legal teams to review practice for reviewing employment history in alignment with the language of State Statute following which the employment history check process was updated to require the four most recent positions as contained in the FastTrack employment application this streamlined the application process for applicants as well as our hiring authorities applicants attend new hire sessions in in a room at the Maring Technical Institute site where they complete their onboarding session and have their employment identification badge picture taken this site can hold approximately 25 applicants for the larger new hire sessions is centrally located and provides an ideal space for conducting the sessions for both applicants and our team presenters the lab space and the Employment Services Division office has laptops available to new hires and current employees in support of the application process and completion of the online canvas new hire course the Employment Services Division and human resources department offer trainings for those who support hiring and employment processes this includes presenting a quarterly hiring Authority training to review the process from establishing a position through to the posting of a position and hiring an applicant the employment services division trains secretaries new to their position and also presents its secretary meetings to provide current pertinent information summer school training is presented for administrators and secretaries and the team supporting the Maring County instructional evaluation system trains administrator evaluators on the evaluation system components and software plat platform in addition to new hires the employment services division team supports current employees as they transfer positions take on additional responsibilities and Grant funded positions take part in supplemented activities and positions work additional time beyond their contractual responsibilities take a leave of absence and as they separate from the district these Transitions and additions are added to an employees online profile through Personnel action requests or pars as they are called for short the par is generated by a site or department and then processed by the employment services division team from July 1 through September 30 of this year there were 572 new H pars 464 transfer pars 138 temporary pars 182 Grant pars 49 supplement pars 99 additional time pars 259 leave of absence pars and 401 separation pars this means that the employment services division has processed in total 2,164 pars for employees during a three-month period whether processing an applicant For Hire or supporting current employees all of these functions are implemented for approximately 265 different classifications which include three bargaining units 14 salary in wage schedules and an additional eight wage schedules for temporary positions and supplemental paying the employment services division works with school sites and departments to support the hiring and onboarding of employees new to the district from July 1 through September 30 this year the employment services division has processed 572 new employees this included 193 instructional employees 357 non-instructional employees 19 District specialized person personnel and three administrators these applicants attended a new hire session and completed paperwork fingerprinting and drug screening and an online canvas course each Employment Services Division team facilitates these steps ensuring applicants have everything they need to complete the new hire process the average time for the total onboarding process is approximately 9 days reflecting a reduction of one day from this same time last year this timeline represents the number of days from the point of the applicant being recommended for hire to the completion of the onboarding process when the employee is ready to begin their new role variance in the length of time to process a new hire is directly impacted by the scheduling of the new hire session to best meet the new hire applicants needs meeting certification requirements and submission of required documents for example while the office strives to schedule a new hire session the next day or as soon as possible it may be several days before an applicant can attend a new hire session or an applicant May request to reschedule a new hire session date the certification review process may require additional steps for the applicant to take before moving forward in the process drug testing results May take longer to be returned or clearance may be delayed due to pending submission of required documents throughout this process the employment services division team focuses on supporting applicants and sites to ensure all processing through our office is efficient and streamlined through every facet within our control in addition to the new hire numbers the employment services division has also processed 20 supplemental coaches new to The District 27 Maran County Public Schools Employees serving as coaches and 58 Charter and contracted for services applicants along with building the online profiles for all new esss substitutes all applicants in the new hire process have the opportunity to provide feedback back regarding the process of those who have submitted a survey 96% of respondents agree that the new hire session provides helpful information about employment paperwork requirements and procedures and 96% of applicants shared that staff members are responsive helpful and welcoming during the onboarding process comments from applicants included appreciation for access to a computer and support with the online application process patient support from the team and professionalism displayed throughout the process in every facet of service the employment services division seeks to provide exemplary customer service to all stakeholders as our daily work supports the operation of the district and its primary function of helping every student succeed and now it's my privilege to welcome Mr Brent Carson director of professional practices to the podium hello board allow me to be the first to wish you a good afternoon good afternoon the Florida Clearing House is a System created by the state to stream streamline and centralize background screening for employees and contractors working with vulnerable populations including children elderly individuals and disabled persons the database is managed by the agency for healthc care administration affectionately known as AA and combines background tricks from various agencies making it easier for organizations and individuals to comply with the state requirements for level Town level two background screenings which we are required to do by Statute there are a number of key features and benefits to the Clearing House the first is enhanced background screening and efficiency the Clearing House enables multiple agencies to share background check information reducing the need for repeated screenings when someone moves between different jobs or sectors that require background checks employers will receive notifications if there are any new arrests or disqualifying offenses for individuals registered in the Clearing House this helps school districts respond faster to any potential risks related to employee conduct the Clearing House will provide improved accuracy in our background data the background check system will receive real-time updates on criminal records ensuring the most current data is used when evaluating new or existing employees previously fingerprinted individuals may not need to undergo the process again if they move to a different District thanks to centralized data sharing this can reduce costs and streamline the onboard boting process another benefit of the Clearing House is increased compliance and safety standards the Clearing House will help Mar and County stay compliant with new or changing laws requiring background checks for School Employees including the Adam Walsh Act and the Jessica Lansford act the centralized approach will minimize the chances of errors or mis checks which is critical for ensuring the safety of students the Clearing House will also benefit Maran County by ensuring an efficient renewal process we will be provided automat I reminders when our employees require the resubmission of fingerprint data this will help us ensure compliance without lapses in screening we are working hard to be ready for our transition into utilization of the Clearing House the district has already purchased three Live Scan fingerprinting machines this will allow us to do the finger fingerprinting in-house making it easier for our current and future employees we are hiring a temporary clerk to assist in going out to sites during the first quarter of 2025 to capture the photographs and fingerprints of our current staff having us go to the employees will make the process far easier and more user friendly we know this will be a big job and a considerable challenge but we are ready to move forward with the belief that this work will make our school system safer and will make our onboarding process even more efficient at this time I would like to turn the presentation over to miss Morin so as you can see our work is strategically focused around each of the priority strategies aligned to goal three we continue to ground our work and our efforts in the belief that recruiting and retaining the right people in the right positions providing support and growing the capacities of all employees will help ensure that every student succeeds as you heard today and saw much work has been done and there are still so much to do so we thank you Dr gullet and board members for your time and the opportunity to share our goal three updates thank you Miss Moran I couldn't have said it better myself so much work that has been done and a lot left to do I just team I want to thank you again Bor as you know most of the folks that are here presenting today you don't see all the time publicly but they are working so hard behind the scenes and and bringing this to you and and showcasing the work that is happening there are several things that I want wanted to just highlight and and I'm not picking or choosing any favorites but just some things that are unique the management Leadership Academy we've talked about for years getting that up and running to help our operational side have leadership training um I I'm just really grateful that we got that up and running because we we um talked about that many years ago we have that in place now the advance opportunity I've shared and I shared with this team and I think I shared it publicly before when I was at the Commissioners meeting in Miami with all the uh University College presidents and superintendents when we when I shared that everyone in our whole region said they'd never done that before so other districts are taking the lead are following our lead on providing bachelor's and master's degrees to our instruction are not instructional um which again I thank the team for putting the work into making that happen with a partnership with our University so um I think that's a game Cher to provide access and actually pay for tuition in books and and giving the access financially for our folks to reach their goals uh which benefits our students and then last but not least I wanted to highlight and underscore the partnership with CF on ese um because we've been really diligent in trying to grow our own and then working with our partners in our community to help provide access to get teachers in our classrooms is going to again hopefully be a GameChanger because we all know the critical need especially of ESC teachers and so thanks to the team team for working really hard to keep pushing forward to helping Partners work with us to provide that support so really grateful for that and thank you all once again thank you Miss Morant um B do you have any questions or concerns you'd like to to ask I see Dr James nodding yeah Dr cable has her finger up too so I don't I don't have to go first but I certainly can I just happen to be looking that way thank you so that's a wonderful segue because that was one of the things I was going to ask Dr gullet with and that's specifically on Slide :30 The Bachelor of Science in um ese with CF so do we have a timeline as to when that is it August of 2025 that we'll be seeing those first students going to CF or are they they have accreditation for that yet we do not have a date for that start they we still building the program also in the communication when we went over to meet with them they really have to Buy in from a lot of the local colleges because they are um not a 4year typical like a university with our UF around and they want to make sure to have those great Partnerships with our other other colleges so they are in collaboration with the other colleges but they are building the content and talking to us about how do we really help our students navigate this program that will come from Marian County so we don't have a start date but I'll be happy to share updates as they develop thank you and and in turn especially if the relationship conversation is is appears to be a potential challenge or hiccup for them that feels like a legislative conversation to me that state universities need to understand that state colleges can be better education Partners in local communities from time to time if the need arises and so uh I I would be interested in having more information if there's there's anything we can do to support in that um and while you happen to be standing there uh slide 24 was another question that I had and that was specific to the professional leadership and learning I know that you've listed numbers of opportunities that we have for employees slide 24 perfect many many learning opportunities in the professional leadership and learning catalog what is our usage rate what H how many of our employees are taking advantage of the numbers of opportunities are there opportunities our employees are still seeking out that we currently do not have or are they just not taking advantage um or finding the value in what we are offering that is a good question Dr Campbell um can get you the numbers um but just transparent in my assessment of that I don't always see them filled to capacity um when you look at a course offering a lot of times you'll see where the different departments May place it at 30 as a cap but you may see only 15 participate um so that is a good question but I'll be able to work with the team to find out what that looks like as far as how many people are are truly taking that um opportunities as far as outside resources I have not seen that when it comes to certification we have a lot of things inhouse one of the things I didn't mention is they are in the process of working with um a gifted endorsement in house that's going to be free too so I'm really excited about that um but what we have learned over the last I would say three years is that we're not getting a lot of return on investment if it's after hours even even if we pay teachers to come after hours after a long day we were not seeing that so you have seen a shift in offering things during the day providing um substitutes if they can get away from campus um and then shorter segments of time as opposed to three hours after school shorter like two hours but I'll be happy to get that data for you so I can share that out to the board thank you I and I guess the full canvas platform is available to employees at any time including in the summertime and I understand saying even if we pay them they're not necessarily participating but sometimes in the summer or uh My Hope Is that we would still have all learning opportunities available at all times so that employees can take advantage when their time permits uh let's see I had two more things quickly um uh uh actually I guess I don't know who this is going to talk about I just want to clarify on the substitutes I I know a couple of us looked 337 teachers called out in one day I I do we know what the reason for that one day of 337 teachers calling out that's more than 10% of our teachers that called out on one day and and if so we know exactly what it was and it was a calendar thing and then that's a conversation for the calendar committee to consider sure I can I can find out what that specific day was but when we have substitutes it could be that they're doing uh in-house collaboration it could be a field trip there could be lots of different reasons for a substitute being needed on that day doesn't necessarily mean the teachers needed to call out for sickness or for any other reason so we'll certainly um work with ESS to determine what that date was and some more information sure I that just really more than 10% of our employees on any given day just calling out like I mean then we need to schedule fill trips more randomly or something but that that's that's a large number and it kind of took me back um the only other question I wanted to say thank you to the whole team and I know this has been a long day for all of you because we've been here long too but uh thank you for the hard work especially that's being done on the recruitment side of things you know I called Miss nun the other day we had a really good conversation about all the things i' heard from another District she's like yes we're doing that and yes we're doing that and yes we're doing that and so I I was excited to hear that the the challenge that we do have though we still have more than a 100 instructional vacancies and so I guess that's a retention thing that we're struggling with more than a recruitment thing I mean you guys are doing a great job bringing people in as we continue to identify what those retention challenges are if it's cultural Dynamic within a school setting or within a department or um I continue to just inquire and and and want to know what we can do to better impact that instructional vacancy rate that wasn't discussed today but we get every week and so when we still have more than a 100 teacher vacancies U I appreciate that we're making movement on ensuring we have infield teachers and certified teachers and we're working and we're moving some of those percentage numbers but a 100 classrooms without teachers it's just not happy times for those students and Families place so um those are all my comments too thank you Dr Campbell Dr James sure thank you um so um I guess I'll start where Dr Campbell finished as just to kind of flow the best and so um I want to say a couple things that me if I miss them please let me know but um I would like to know based on that conversation of the subs and and I want ESS I was just talking with the secretary last week she could not have spoken more highly about about fill rates and subs and so I'm I am so grateful and I actually saw some ESS Folks at fsba conference and they stopped me to check in um and I sang the same Praises so I'm grateful that we've made that transition um growing up in a district that had Kelly Services I kind of was always Bamboozled why Maring County did it this Rolodex way so I'm so grateful we've moved to this um I would love to know if it's possible the what is the use rate of our teacher sick time so of the 10 days our teachers are allotted every year how what is the use rate are most teachers and if you know that off hand that'd be great but if not that's something like maybe as a follow-up I'd love to know because to Dr Campbell's point that is a lot of people absent one day which they may not all be absent they may have been doing other things but how many days on average are people using so that would actually be a question for payroll but I can certainly facilitate and get the information from Mrs straight to then share out with board members okay I would just be interested to know um how many days on average people are missing for truly missing work and not like a TDE or other things you know um and then with regard Dr Campbell talked about the recruitment efforts you all have shared are immense and I believe that you are doing dang near everything possible to recruit people to this District so the issue still lies in my opinion with the retention of people and so we are did we didn't talk about exit surveys at all in this presentation unless I missed it did we we didn't but we still do conduct the ex6 surveys okay so as a board member what I would love to know is are we doing them with Fidelity is every person who leaves this District completing an exit survey and what are what are what is what are the survey results what does the survey say um because that is a component of retention now it's obviously very after the fact right and we can Monday Morning Quarterback what we would have done differently but we could at least try and develop professional development potentially on how to course cck going forward but I would like to have that information what is that piece that's missing okay so I can share and I think I may have shared it previously the process that's in place so when an employee leave the way it was set for years and years they complete an exit interview they still do that that's what helps the secretary when they enter in the par so they are able to list the reason that they're leaving and then after that our area specifically Mrs nun reaches out to the employee via email where we so to answer your question how many people are completing it where we have the issue is we need to reach out to their personal email address and if they have not provided that personal email address we're unable to and in anticipation that you may have asked they pulled some data for us so as of J from July 1st until today um or when we pulled this so far only 21 people have responded so we have obviously sent it more to more than 21 people people but it wasn't every single employee that separated from the district because we don't have all of their personal email addresses and then of course not every person responds and so I sent and I can resend it it probably was maybe the summer before when this came up before we sent you a copy of what that exit survey looks like and what the questions were we've asked um for the most part the respondents 52% of those were our instructional staff that actually respond it um and the majority of those had been with mcps for less than a year and the primary reason that folks listed that they were um leaving and there are options from dislike unsuitability dismissal um entrepreneurship personal reasons it was relocation so again whether that's true not true other things that go into it I'm not sure but that's what's been provided to us and 66% of those um who did complete the survey responded that they would you know consider employment with mcps again um and we asked about professional development and their growth 70% were satisfied with their professional growth and that they were given the opportunities that they needed um and we have the average though rating though was three out of five stars overall for their um I I don't want to say their satisfaction with while they were at mcps and 70% stated they would recommend mcps to a friend and 33% noted that students uh were the reason that they most liked their job so again um we're getting them back but the information that's coming has not been that helpful and it is a area where they are able to leave comments but there's been nothing one or two of glar and things we had to follow up on but no consistent message that says you know at XYZ school you know everything's just so hard to do there's been nothing that we could identify specifically as far as reasons of folks leaving so my request then would be and maybe it can't happen but why are we not the par some people give us no notice [Music] MH most people give us some notice why can't that survey not go out immediately to their school board email so we talked about this before and if I remember correctly the conversation was we wanted to separate that because you all shared that staff may be a little hesitant giving candid information on with public records in a way and that's why we also wanted to separate it and them not just handing it to their employee their employer or their direct supervisor but doing it separate but we can certainly change that practice as um is the survey completed on like a Google forms kind of deal so they could put their personal email address on the Google form they could right so the email could go to their work email and say please complete your exit survey before your last day of work which is whatever and then when they open the Google form they could put they could enter their personal email address so then the stored record of them completing it is not it's not in I mean it's a public record because they're completing even if it wasn't even if they did it after their employment terminated either way it's still going to be a public I was just sharing the conversation that that took place when we were here when we were talking about when it because this just we just started doing this since I've been here um and we we've had I think we talk about it each time but we can certainly update and send it if you know if they give notice obviously sooner yeah I'm just thinking they could get it and say you can complete this with your personal or your work email you know but it would be a way to kind of capture maybe the audience before they leave us and get more information that was my just and I that definitely would be I don't want to say easier but uh we wouldn't have to chase down so many email addresses but we can certainly make that change right and then if they don't complete it we could always still go chasing for the for the for the personal email address and still try and get it but it might be a way to easier your capture was my thought um I have a few other things um I'm really grateful I feel heard slide 40 is talking about the Clearing House so I feel like um for a couple years now I've been talking about background screenings and from a child care perspective we use the Clearing House and that's where and we've talked about transferring and moving and so the way I receive this information is that we are essentially transitioning to using the clearing house is that correct all all all of Florida all of the school districts in Florida um and I think I may have mentioned before they're required to go to the Clearing House um we were hoping and I shared last time that it would be last year but it was moved right now we're looking at the first quarter of 2025 hopefully um actually Mr Carson we weren't sure if he was going to make it to the presentation today he was on a call um with that was hosted by fads with AA actually today that's super exciting because then also the information is still stored there so if the person leaves and comes back or if the person was with a different school district and then comes to us all we have to do is look it up it should be really a a much more seamless correct and it's not just school districts it's everyone that would be using yeah child care providers anything correct that's correct um so I just wanted to make that acknowledgement I'm excited for that transition so um I I want to highlight on slide 30 which we just already talked about CF it said Co um Central Florida it didn't say College of Central Florida or University of Central Florida so um I was confused as I mean I was guessing it was CF um as we know it but in the future especially when we're intermixing because we talked about UCF to if we could just include that first word that would help me um to have clarification on that um one of the things that I would love to see possible and Miss Boston Alis isn't in the room so I can say it and not her not scold at me I have to look her in the eye um what is the chance there are some people in our community that have spoken to me and they are really struggling to pay for their coursework uh their their tests for their teaching certification test so they have a bachelor's maybe a master's degree but they're living paycheck by paycheck and so paying the 7 5 so maybe they have a bachelor's in early childhood education um or sorry that's not a good um that's not a good one because they could automatically get it but let's say they have a bachelor's degree in I don't know whatever and they want to be an elementary teacher so they need to take this k6 test or the prek-3 test they have to pay that $75 to take the test is there a way is there a world in which we could get to not paying them before they become employees but in that first paycheck they get reimbursed for the test that they needed to take take to become an employee with Maring County Public Schools um that is something and then anyone who takes a test that they need for the job that they have so let's say someone who moves to an out of field um and has to take uh the esol test or I don't know I'm just I living right now but is there a world in which we could reimburse people who are our employees for the payments that they made for those tests and so that is something that I would just maybe it doesn't go anywhere from this moment but that was something that was on my heart and something I wish I know that um that people would still be a couple weeks months removed from getting reimbursement but it would help um if they put it on a credit card and then they know in that first paycheck in a couple weeks they're going to get it back um are you are you meaning and to clarify so they can give you the better the best answer are you meaning um if these are people who are not employees who become employees or people who are already employees who to go and get certificated in a separate program that they are employed in yes both so if you if you are a math teacher and you just go take a bunch of different tests because you want to have all the certifications in the world that's not what I'm talking about but if you are a middle- grades math certified teacher teaching ninth grade and I need you to be geometry certified so I need you to go take the the 612 math test and you and you go and do it and you pass it when you pass it I want to be able to reimburse that person for doing what we needed them to do as the administrator on the campus to be able to put them in a geometry test a geometry class will it matter if will it matter if the person has had previous employment before and already had that degree in other words are you going to reimburse everyone who is a new hire for no I think like certification test like anything HR has done it's this is our effort going forward I think since Miss Morant has been with us it's kind of we've come up with some new things some of which have cost money but it's been from this date on this is something that we're going to do right um just for clarity though I'm asking for example um because I actually read an article on something like this with an employee program recently that had some legal implications so the question would be with um if someone is coming to the district from another district for example and they are they then are going to be employed with our district but they're a new hire here but they may have had their credentials for some period of time before no no okay so you're going to have to determine a time frame within which their credentials they would have had to have only paid for their credentials within the last six months or sure come up with a frame of absolutely I'm just looking to like as a as a way to continue to strengthen our recruitment efforts and our retention efforts because this is a this is a double dip because there are certainly teachers who are either out of field and or um being asked to teach things that they are not certified for and so how are we going to retain those teachers to get certified because as a teacher if I don't have any extra money then I don't I'm not going to go take the 612 math test I'm just going to keep teaching ninth grade because that's what Middle grades math covers and if I'm wrong in that example please tell me but that's just what's on the top of mind so sure come up with all of the parameters um that's just a thought that came to my heart that I wanted want to say if it goes nowhere it goes nowhere but as this board member I think it would be something that would be really great to be able to do um I'm sure miss Boston Alis will tell me of the 500 something people we hired that would be this much money and whatever and I'm sure we can't afford it but that was something on my heart so I wanted to say it out loud um and con I am concerned slide 38 the 41 people who have separated from us in the last three months um I know I've asked for this before but um since this was brought up now of those 401 how many were retirements um and how many were were just resignations um that would be interesting information to have okay we can send it to you what that breakdown is because I don't want to discredit that that period of time includes people who are choosing retirement over the summer but 401 is a significant amount of people to leave our organization in three months time um encompassing the start of the school year just for clarity and I apologize we probably should have made it clear so when we're saying separation pars so I'll give an example we have quite a few of our pair professionals who also work with map and they may say okay I'm not going to do my map position anymore we do a separation par um so it's it's just not inclusive of folks leaving actually physically leaving the district but actual separation okay Parts but we can definitely give you a break down if you could break it down then that would be helpful just to understand then what what what all that whittles down to um and then lastly side 28 talked about a couple different programs one of which is nissle um ahead of this summer I had had conversations with uh Dr Talbert Irving who was formerly with us about um my own professional development desires and I was supposed to participate in nissle for this cohort I was unable to miscommunication those kinds of things but I just want the board to be aware that um seeing as I have a leadership on my certificate um but do not have the principal designation it is a request of mine that I be able to participate in Nell's cohort next year so that I will be able to get principal designation on my teaching certificate um prior to the end of my first term on the school board um it's available to all employees and I I haven't been told of a reason otherwise that I wouldn't be able to participate um you can only participate in these kinds of trainings if you employed by a public school district so if um I'm no longer elected to the school board after my first term then I would have to seek employment in a public school district to be able to then engage in a cohort like this um so I've asked of that and that is my request that in the next cohort that begins in um next August I'm assuming um I would be able to participate so I don't if the board has thoughts on that you can share but I haven't had a public conversation with you got about that but certainly I talked to Dr Talbert and Dr um gullet about it and then Miss Harris and I have both spoken about it as well so do you have any my my only question and that would probably be Miss Boston Alice question because I I remember that there are often costs associated with the nissle so we just would need to know what that looks like because then if that's a separate Vote or something that we would need to do because of the cost but now that we part of the presentation was that now that we have some of our own train the trainers with nissle and so maybe there isn't a as significant a cost as it what used to be so it may be you know that we're able to to do that that way that that would be the only conflict that I could see as any potential whatsoever because of the cost associated with something and I've even offered to Miss Harris I would cover the cost if it if if it came down to money I'd pay for it myself because I cannot participate unless I am employed by a public school district and so I can't allow this opportunity to pass me by um as a as a employee of Marian County Public Schools I see Dr gullet leaning forward yes thank you madam chair if if here's a here's a Here's a thought if the board would like to have a nissle program we can create one for the board for principal designation we we can create a nissle pro I brought nissle here so I've had a lot of experience with nissle and designing this program we can we can have one of our trainers do something my recommendation would be the whole board has the opportunity to do that as a board if you would like to do a professional learning we can we could we can create a process for for the whole board to have the opportunity for the leadership training if you'd like you don't have to decide today it's just it's a consideration so the board could do that together I know the board sometimes decides to do things with you know masterboard training fsba but we can we can create a learning opportunity that the board can do together if if the board would like I agree with on this one because this is um this is not just for principles sure School leaders so I would I would concur that if we're going to do it let's just do it as a board that satisfies the requirement for that would be my clarification would that satisfy we we could make sure that it does and whatever whatever else the board would like to have I mean it's just like again I'm going to use fba's masterboard has its own purpose we can create opportunities of of learning for our board and happy to do that happy to facilitate that and so is fine I just ultimately want to get it accomplished and I haven't I haven't I haven't talked to the staff about it but but I but I know we can make it happen so um so sorry but I just was thinking we can absolutely do that we could be the possibly the first nistle School Board in the state sure yeah I just wanted to bring it forward to the board as something that I I intend on trying to figure out how to participate in and if it evolves into us all doing it that sounds wonderful too um I'm grateful for Miss Harris and the professional development department I'm um recertifying my teaching certificate um we both are in August or July or whatever and I needed a a few hosts of things and I've been able to do my four hours of es by doing prek IEP writing with the prek um ESC team I was able to do my reading course or maybe I'm doing that right now and then I was able to do my leadership course as well through all of the professional development offerings that are through our PLL um department so I am grateful for having that available to me it's been very easy canvas has been very easy to navigate and so the user experience has been great and I just wanted to make sure I gave that thanks publicly that's all I have thank you rean Cummings thank you um I want to give a I'm G to be very brief because I think we we've been on this for a long time so um I'll say this thank you guys for the um this presentation one of the things when I came on the board and and when we got the superintendent was about um Recruitment and Retention of staff so to see this this this huge lift of where you are now is is very impressive to me I I appreciate it I think um Miss nun you kind of dumbed it down a little bit because you you left out the faith community because you have really stepped out and started recruiting through the faith community and that's important they need to know that um but then I do have a question and I guess it's for the clear concerning the clearance house because I know the Clearing House is coming um it should have been here it should have been here for years um because of the the the mobility of people between districts um and it's just a quick question with this fingerprinting is it digital fingerprint or is it the old ink and roller type it's all digital digital yeah it's um I don't know if you all have done accurate yeah it's the actual Live Scan so with are we going to need additional staff for that so we we yes so remember that when it comes you supposed to but but yes I'm going to always advocate for more but um Mr Carson was sharing we are going to we were approved um by Miss boson Ellis and Dr gullet we're going to hire a temporary um employee to help us get all of our sta our current staff in the Clearing House um because we were thinking about different ways okay we could have them come here we could set up we were trying not to burden down too much of Mr Carson team because there are are only two investigators and unfortunately we hate it but they stay very busy so that temporary employee that we hire their sole job they will go from school to school department to Department to actually get our current employees in so we have three um machines and so as we get new hires in our ESD department will take care of hiring folks as they come in but that new employee will take care of the existing okay and I'm sorry and I asked that because that is a huge undertaking to get the whole District um fingerprinted yes and what's the time frame so right now it's the majority of them have to be until June 30th 2025 one of the questions because it keeps getting pushed back when another District asked this and we had the same question is if they're going to you know scoot that deadline back we've put a plan in place to make it work that's why we needed that addition staff and then we'll you know we'll help and supplement where needed but it um it it it will be a um a large undertaking especially if we keep pushing it back that's a huge lift that was it but again thank you guys excellent presentation um I can see where we're going with this strategy and I can see some definitely some improvements um I love the fact that I see HBCU on here and Hispanic uh historically Hispanic University that wasn't here a few years ago that recruitment was not there so when we started tapping in there I started seeing the numbers change so thank you all Madam chair may I add on to the Clearing House conversation um Miss mirand is being very delicate in addressing this but I'm going to be a little little little more direct um and and board you may remember this from our joint meeting I was late to lunch and I said I had a meeting with Senator mford because he pulled a few superintendents aside I was one of them because there are a lot of challenges with the Clearing House and so he grabbed a few of us and asked us to to look at some of the questions and some of the challenges uh card County took a lead on this I have to give her credit for that um and then ask some of the US ask the team for feedback to prepare for today's meeting because there we have a lot of questions and we are trying to get this resolved as quickly as possible so this is like a whole state effort around this and so I just want to be really upfront about um some of the questions that we've had collectively to make sure that they get addressed and answered so anything that we get I haven't had a chance obviously because I've been sitting here to talk with um Mr Carson who sat as our representative today and and for me um on that on that uh Statewide call but even as a small group we were trying to really get down to get answers that we needed so we'll we'll continue to provide update to you thank you all right M thrower the rep thank you um so much deep comprehensive and great work being done by by your department you know the evolution over time um to match the needs that we have and what your whole team has done to address them is so admirable and appreciated it's a huge presentation that you gave to us and I know that this just represents an overall snippet there's no way you could go into all the details of the day-to-day and how you're making all this happen so I just wanted to let you know as a long-term employee how much I appreciate it because um these types of opportunities to bring employees in were never available and thank you Dr gulet for putting the pedal to the metal um because this is a national challenge you know why Maran County we we have to be answering that question to every single potential employee even if they don't know they're a potential employee yet um I also want to give a sh shout out to Howard Academy Howard Academy has become such a bustling proactive Community Compassionate Center and um I know it was your vision board member Cummings to really push to get it done the building was old and in disrepair it it definitely took an investment but man is at paying off every time I go there there's just such great spirit in the people and the good work that's being done so I I think it's wonderful that these types of employment fairs are being held there you know you have to reach into the community if you want Community Support to respond and I'll add to that she um Miss Dita Randolph she's been a great partner she even allowed us to take up a computer in her area so um in the main building we do have an application station that's set up there that she allows us to keep definitely has been a great partner the keyboards are warm yes so it's just wonderful um I have a question you can can send it to all of us later I would like to know how many employees and if so classifications are currently on uncompensated status but still working for us so those that are in an unpaid leave status okay we can get that for you okay and then also we talked a lot about attrition rates and how we can capture as much as possible you know the real reasons why people are choosing to leave us I would like to know if possible where are compared to other districts you know what are the trends that um the professionals are seeing across other districts for separation reasons and and things like that and just kind of drill down a little bit more deeply I I think I know that we have schools here in our own County where the turnover is really quite low compared to others and we know that our schools that are under Improvement you know and and difficult to serve well sure we we already know the answer to that question um sometimes there just isn't enough money to to get people to stay but there's some very challenging schools where people do stay so just some of those are the things that are are on my mind with continued thoughts so overall again just thank you thank you to the team yes the collective you yes okay I have just a few things and then uh board will take a recess uh for a quick lunch um if I remember correctly when we started I I think onboarding was taking three weeks when you came into this position and I believe Paige you shared nine days typically nine days so I just I wanted to celebrate that with you um what an improvement um and I know there's some exceptions to that you know as you go through but really just one thing that's really excited exciting about getting people to work and so thank you for your work uh in that area um just a couple of quick things there were a lot of incentives um that were mentioned for uh Schoolboard employees or several were mentioned do we have a one pager that that has a list uh that lists all of those things that are available to Marian County Employees so go I'm sorry so yes so there's um a document that's prepared that's used for recruiting but also one thing that we are very actively working on is updating our website so it's won't just be for folks who are we're trying to attract to the district but where our current employees can also go on and see the different benefits um that are perks that are just for mcps so we're trying to make that um more visible um so that is actively in the works um Miss nun Dr Brinson they are working very hard literally beating the streets going places um to just ask I say you know all people can do is say no um and she's very persuasive so she's been getting a lot of yes so we're very thankful for that thank you that's exciting very good um let me see all right so our students that are in the future educ educator programs are we tracking them with this um program we're working on with CF or or or what so I just want to know what that looks like what's the path the plan is to track them this is a very brand new initiative that officially won't launch until the beginning of 2025 But to answer your question yes they will be tracked we'll can do continual followup with them it won't be just you know hand them over to seef but keep them engaged to remind them to come back and I I will share we didn't put it in here but a reminder one of the things we did last year in trying to engage um that Fe group was we um worked with MES to allow them to be able to work over the summer during our summer school so we're you know still trying to think of different initiatives that we can do to actually you know these future Educators to sure that they come back and they Educators at uh with mcps so going back to answer your question yes we will be tracking them good because that was a pretty good number that's exciting um sorry I had a lot of lot of notes here I'm trying to narrow them down um oh with our sub training just um because that's changed over the year and with all of our subs how do we prep them with all the new safety protocols so there is a required course so it's part of their onboarding with ESS and there is a required course that they have to complete within ESS um within canvas and so they had a prescribed time frame to complete that don't remember the exact time frame but those who did not fully completed they were shut off from the system so they could no longer um come into our district to substitute um we did have like you know of course there's going to always be one-offs where we had someone who they weren't aware of the procedure so we had to go back and retrain them but they are required to complete that and I'm assuming you're talking about CICS and the new different things yes so they are now required and if not they will not be able to sell okay just as I was exiting the classroom that was a gap um that at the school level was a struggle because you may get a different sub you know in each time and so there were all these different procedures you know for different safety protocols and so that sounds terrific filling the Gap um you know they're aware before yeah and that's one of the great benefits of ESS is we're not we being it was one subers who did all the subs in the district they really were processing they could not train ESS that's you know that's one person who trains on classroom management they weren't getting that our subs were not previously getting that so those are the additional benefits I know we talked a lot when we were rolling this out of what that markup covered these are some of those things that their fee covers yeah thank you that's great um some other information I'd like at a at a later date is when we have a job fair and and we have several hundred people um that show interest I like to see um how that turns out do they end up are those do those turn into instructional positions non-instructional positions so we can track each event and see who we're reaching um so I I just like to see some more um definite numbers we can do that and we track that but we can certainly share it out we actually while we were sitting here waiting we received an email from um some of our Personnel um back at the office who actually just hired someone from the recruitment fair and they had a sign that was said career fair success so one of the happy things but we can certainly share those um that information with you and that data all right well thank you so much I do want to take a quick point of privilege um at the beginning of the program we talked uh of your presentation um about retention and Miss adn's in the office I believe that she is retiring very soon so I just wanted her to come up real quick and um I just wanted to share paig and I grew up together as I was reminiscing uh we were actually in elementary school together and so um we had cookouts together when we were young um just hanging out and so as we went through this program I'm really thinking about um her dedication and her commitment to Maran County Public Schools and just really grateful for your service um to all of the staff members you know here in Marian County that you've helped on board or train or I don't I don't even know all of the the pieces that you were tasked with but just wanted you to know I wasn't sure if I would see you again before Christmas break wanted you to know how much we appreciate you and your dedication to Maran County Schools so thank you hey thank you Miss Conrad that was very kind of you um right back to you all thank you so much it's been my privilege um Maring County public schools has been my life um I love it it has been my privilege to work for Miss Morant and the team so thank you we're grateful for you so thank you um and with that Miss Morant we're thankful for your staff and for the work that uh went into today's program and we will ask for public comment is there any public comment I think it's just come on public none we're going to take a recess at 12:53 um board will be back in 30 minutes all right thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon we are back from Recess at 1:33 um continuing with our work session agenda um Dr gullet we've got um new committee to oversee sales tax spending thank you madam chair that is um attorney poers items I'll turn it over to him is my it is my item indeed so as you know bored with our sales tax referendum one of the things that we um put specifically in our language it was that we would develop a committee that was similar to what we use for ioc um a sales tax oversight committee that would um govern and review how the sales tax dollars were spent and provide additional recommendations so part of that process is that we need to provide bylaws for that committee those bylaws need to be completed as soon as possible and a copy has to be submitted to the Florida Department of Revenue so to accomplish this once the board determines how the members will be appointed and we're intending to do that today I recommend the board chair and I complete those bylaws I've got drafts here so the District staff can provide a copy to the Department of Revenue once we have the bylaws finalized as determined by the board's discussion today staff can send a copy of the depart to the Department of Revenue and I'll place the final copy on the board's agenda as an informational item now similar to ioc I recommend that Elena Martinez manage the placement of members the legal ads for the committee and etc for this Committee just like we do with ioc um I also recommend the superintendent designate someone to create a web page similar to how other districts manage their committees that can work with Elena on maintaining this information now as part of a revieww obviously this is going to be extremely similar to iic bylaws there's no need to reinvent the wheel entirely however I did also review rard pan County Public Schools and how they did their referendum as well as latcha County Public Schools and adapted some of our ctax oversight committee uh bylaws to merge beneficially with what we already do for ioc so I want to provide you with a couple of things that are part of that today that I've used to make the draft that I'm going to provide to you and then I will finalize with board input today so first I'm going to send around this is a copy of our current ioc um composition and bylaws now we we we label this as the responsibilities and guidelines that also serves as the bylaws so that's current for ioc separate committee now while you have that I'm also going to provide you with alacha counties school capital outlay S tax referendum it matches pretty well with what Bard does as well um and it matches almost exactly with what our ioc um bylaws are but the format is more similar to our Roc so I'm going to provide you now with alatua counties so that's the second document when did you print this or when did you this doc where did you get this document from the current ioc yeah the ioc when you passed out where did you get it from that's our current I COC bylaws the members are not correct and I know we've updated it right so I'm asking when did you get it or where did you get it if the members aren't correct that's that's that's got nothing to do with what we're doing here today I can I can deal with that separately this this is historically what I have on file okay so this is not you this may not be the most upto-date I Croc document because I know Miss Martinez has worked on it so that's why I'm just trying as to the actual members on the committee it may not be okay but as to the substance of what the form is I understand I was just trying to clarify because I know Miss Martinez has worked on it and this is not what she's worked on so that's what I wanted to ask right in in in substance of everything except for the actual committee members which are not relevant to today's discussion yes those those may have changed in the meantime so please uh again in the interest of of currency I I could be mistaken but I thought we had come to consensus on on the meetings for the organizational meetings being moved from January deadline on January 1st to January 31st and I just want to make clear confirm that we did have consensus for that because January's right around the corner and the our ioc bylaws need to be updated that dat that is correct yes well at the last ioc meeting Jane Morley asked for consensus Mr osley was not there a date has not been set for January at this time I sent an email to Mr osley weeks ago asking him to resend a date for January which I have not received I've also gotten with the chair and the chair comrade is aware and she was going to get with Mr osley so that we can get another January date so we don't have a date for January set we do not waiting on okay I cracked chair okay well according to our bylaws right now they read January 1st so if our board can be in consensus to at least move the date to January 31st then there's a better snowballs chance that the meeting will occur in January and meet the date of our bylaws yeah I thought we had already done that we came to consensus I I thought we did I just wanted to reconfirm so that can be changed you were just you were waiting for a consensus you were trying to get an agreement members haven't been notified of a date because I've not been given a secur date okay Mr Oley provided some dates out to them so I was just waiting for a date in security to move forward with invitation so forth right and that date in January that the actual meeting takes place may change year after a year but as long as it's by January 31st which is what it needs to say in the bylaws I think what board member thrower is saying is the bylaws can be changed with our discretion aside from the ioc committee that's what I just said yes but what we're saying is we want the date in the bylaws to change from January 1st to January 31st but again recognizing this is not the most up-to-date version of the the bylaws anyways because the members are wrong so subsection five under meetings that's what we're talking about okay so are we all in agreement then yes that's what I thought changing the date from January 1st to January 31st in section five five well you would need to change to both dates it was has say January 1 20 January 31 2025 and by January 31 in each sub that's correct that would be that would be the fix yep correct and I thought we had come to consensus on that previously um but I just wanted to confirm it and I know that this is not the most up to date but it even if it was the most up to date it sounds like it wouldn't have been in there anyway so I'm glad we had the conversation okay back to you okay all right so so I I back to you Jeremy understanding all of that um this so let's treat that as a sample ioc document okay okay it in in general form with the with uh that that is what our original ioc bylaws were it has since been modified we will say for certain as to the Committee Member composition right and we've also made a consensus Amendment as to the uh as to the actual date of of the meeting um however for the structure which is what I'm using this as today um for the structure of the ioc committee the sales tax ctax sales ctax oversight committee needs to be relatively similar in fact it is in Bard it's in alacha I mean most other Counties have done this as well they all track they're all extremely similar and quite nicely they're all similar to how we've done ioc as well because we've all tried to stay on the same general path your administrators and your uh Schoolboard attorneys have for all of those districts have generally agreed on the path that we need to do so what the third document I will provide you here is the document that we do get to hack and slash okay um but I don't think it's probably going to need much but it does have areas that need some specific input from you if you will notice on the alacha county um version alacha County specifically designates a number of different I believe was on page two I gave out my last copy there um other people to whom the committee may be composed of now here we have the option to compose our committee of um folks who may not be two copies of perfect thank you so number two page one so you see elat County chose to do it in which way in in in such a way that five members will be appointed by individual Schoolboard committee one member by the superintendent then they have a bunch of other organizations which are all going to have a contributory hand we don't have to do that okay that's just the way the lwa chose to in fact bravard doesn't choose to do it that way so um we have to have appointed citizens who are going to provide oversight now those citizens can be selected by the board so what I've done is I've left on our copy that I'm going to provide you a blank under what is 2C here just to give an example of how that would work so I'm going to go ahead and hand those to you now this is the third document this is the one that is my proposed draft that we're going to talk about today and this proposed draft merges essentially our ioc um bylaws and responsibilities with similar item documents from alacha Bard and other counties and then for the board's perview for the board's review today the main question we have to answer is how we would like for the people with of this committee to be appointed now of course the easiest way if you look at the document I just gave you under 2A the easiest way is that two members will be appointed by each individual School Board member and one member will be appointed by the superintendent that makes it an 11p person committee um so it could be that two members are appointed by the superintendent or you could choose to Simply say that among five of you um there's two members will be appointed by in each individual Schoolboard member but if it's going to be a 12p person committee which would be recommended in what other counties do there may be a design who you wish to use so if you look at the elcha county document you'll see who among other people they chose might be good particular designes it could literally be anybody from an existing committee it could be a person that is on staff it could be a person who is uh on a volunteer committee however you see fit generally though the presumption is that these will be community volunteers so the community volunteer could also be someone who is employed by a particular they're volunteer as to our committee it doesn't necessarily mean they don't hold employment which is related so this could be a financial adviser from the community it who volunteers to be on our committee it could be someone who is associated with a particular agency or a particular committee that we already deal with who is a volunteer on our committee so what we will need to do and I would suggest in fact is that under the draft copy that I gave you which is as to Maran County if you look at the very first line under the title there I need to make sure you distinguish between our Marian County version and the ELA County B because the format looks the same but you'll see on that first line Maran County to the right hand side on the first line so this one on this one our biggest question is under number 2C on the first page and then as we mentioned um as to timing on page two there's a term and we have to resolve the terms as well as as far as what what term the actual folks will be appointed to and you may choose to represent that term to be concurrent with a Schoolboard member's term or you may wish to have that person be in a continuing capacity I would suggest based on my prior experience with ioc that typically as one um board member uh either ages off or or falls off of the of of the board representation that the new person should have the right to select who it is that they wish to have on the committee and they may choose the exact same person they may they may say that person's doing a good job they attend regularly we want to keep them on that that's up to you so the primary question we have today is how shall the committee be composed the guidelines we have for that are that the committee shall be composed of people who are doing this in a volunteer capacity uh that really would say that we want to shy away from doing employees of the district okay we want to keep this in people who have some experience and some background as we said under item one in financial management construction or another relevant field we're leaving an open-ended because for example you may have someone who is an attorney or a local doctor or a local business leader um they may not be specifically um someone who is engaged in financial management they may not specifically be someone involved in construction but they may have a valuable contribution that's why leaving it rather vague get to an another relevant field um that would be preferable and again this is what they call precatory language precatory language is stuff that you say it's not mandated but we want it to be this is our our goal and our goal is when it says that last sentence of number one finally it is preferred that each member have experience in financial management construction or another relevant field so that should be the that that doesn't that doesn't tie you at the hip to making sure that person has a CPA degree what it does say is that that's what you should be looking for you should be looking for somebody who has experience in financial management someone who has experience in construction or someone who has experience in a relevant field and if in your determination as board members the Committee Member you want to S you want to select has um experience in a field that you determine to be relevant that's a decision for you as the board member who's appointing that person and so that leaves that strength with the board so I'll stop there for a moment and ask if anyone has any questions or discussion before we start getting into more discussion on it I have a clarifying question seeing as this school Capital sales s tax is going so different from the iicot committee this is going to be used for construction yes exclusively right well I I shouldn't say exclusively because there are sales ctax can also be used for technical technological improvements and and other other factors in some circumstances but so it could be that it's used for Technology based upgrades which are not technically construction Capital but for Capital technology upgrades right right so my point is I want to clarifi I want to have a clarity if a person is sitting on this oversight committee can they participate in the bidding and or um partaken anything to do with the projects that may come before the board because I think that needs to be clear and um I kind of think it needs to be clear in here personally but right there's no conflicts of interest which I think best practice would be that they don't participate correct but that is not clear here um and I think from a board member who is seeking out a Committee Member I would love to be able to say no our bylaws indicate we cannot choose individuals who may ever partake in bidding either an architect like even to be a subcontractor I'm thinking of like civil engineers um who may want to be a part of planning process or any of those things so that was a thought I had when reading number one that I would certainly love to see a little bit heartier so that I feel clearly guided I have some input yeah absolutely thank you yes it says on alacha counties um is is much more clear um no member of the oversight committee may be an employee of the L Public Schools nor May any member be in a position of personally profiting well that that's also in ours look at middle middle of number one middle of number one middle of paragraph number one okay and then but also um I think it is a little ambiguous the part about where it says you know construction that that then it goes on to say we're looking for somebody in construction I that's the thing I'm struggling with is like so I have to go who am I picking in construction in this town a residential developer who building a school I mean I'm giving you asked an a question well the and and I think the conflict provision is is fairly clear and number one I don't think it's ambiguous in that it says no member can be in a position of personally profiting from the actions of the committee so that is the conflict provision so I would not say that someone who is in construction management would automatically be verboten and not able to do it provided that they know that during the time that they are doing this they are not going to be permitted for the committee to make any action which provides uh a conflict for them so they have a choice they can either be one of our preferred vendors and move toward being you know to providing services for the district or they're just not into building schools or providing contracts for the district in which case sure great come serve on our committee I don't believe we seek to exclude someone on the basis of what their career is provided that they understand that by serving on this committee you're not also going to be a bidder on items that are coming before for the committee and that's that's I believe adequately determined again in legal documents you don't have to beat a dead horse and spell it out you know more more than you need to though I appreciate that the fact that we we may need to do that with individual people it's clarified in in paragraph one now there may be modification language that would further clarify it but I think in in the attempt to resolve any dispute I would simply say if someone came to me and said said hey uh we think we're going to bid here and I'm on the committee and they're on the committee I'm going to say you can't that's clear because you could stand to profit um likewise if I want to be on the committee and I happen to be a regular bidder at that point the board member would need to say you need to be aware you're not going to be able to because it's a conflict and frankly we expect that all of all of the folks we're going to be engaging with these are we often times I don't think give give enough credit to the fact that the the people who are construction biders or construction managers they're sophisticated there they're sophisticated parties they understand this they there there is not there should not ever be a doubt of gee is that a conflict or is there not they they should know and if even if they don't board members and me as their attorney can hold them to it so if you want additional clarifying language I'm open and I'll put it in there yes and this is just a question it sometimes is less better to just simply say no member of the oversight committee may be an employee of maring County Schools nor May any member be in a position of personally profiting from the actions of the committee and just take out that finally statement it again when I read it that now you're saying that but then there's people there's the word Construction in there so and and just because they in financial management construction are another relevant field well we're saying that we want people from other you know relevant fields to yeah and and I'll give you pull I'll give you the I'll give you my my take on that and and why I see that language popping up with other districts as well I think the idea is that sometimes educational institutions we place a whole lot of weight on getting stakeholder input and you you're going to ask like a teacher and a pair professional and um another person a parent and and you guys you you may end up with 10 people on the committee who know nothing whatsoever about the kinds of factual content and then the risk is that you lead you have a person who knows enough and any if everybody that are served on a jury you know a person who has a tiny tiny bit of legal experience is going to be the foreman and he's going to direct everything that happens on that jury and and that's what you don't want here you don't want a a vast Gap in the knowledge level between parties that people that are on on your committee you want for everyone to relatively know what's going on maybe from different perspectives but not be completely naive to these and I don't mean that in a negative way naive just meaning not having been exposed to the types of tasks that are going to be called on to to review of diverse professions yes absolutely just say that um it is preferred that each member have diverse come from diverse Prof and I'm I'm I'm going to say I'm going to say I want to avoid that mainly because the language diverse doesn't mean what you think it means in this context um it it will frequently be used and because I know what you're saying and I know that there's a huge right opportunity for that to happen right and I know what you're trying to steer away from but again just trying to think of how can we make this more clear that's all so um board members any anything else I again this is yours to to write I'm just trying to guide you and provide you what ifs so please app it I'm completely fine with the framework I think another relevant field as the classification here this is going to be up to each individual board member to inter interpret who they believe needs to be the best representatives and so I'm not concerned about how this is broken down right now my question I guess which I hate to go back to what we talked about originally bringing back the urrent ioc bylaws but this subsection four here or I guess section four that talks about how the school board can actually remove a member of the committee I would be in favor of adding that language also to our ioc byw because we currently don't have any such language and it's kind of a self-policing organization so I'm just throwing that out there while we're amending those ioc bylaws but I'm I'm fine with the way um section one reads and that then in section two that two members are appointed by each of us the superintendent gets one think we do need to hash out item 2C and figure out who we believe the organ organization needs to be that would get to select and if I were to make a recommendation rather than saying the C I think I would say and this would probably help us cover some bases that we just had a concern about that the member be selected by the Maran County building industry Association because then that covers that construction wealth of and that's everybody under the I mean so if you have a lack of knowled know from anybody else you would at least be guaranteed to have someone from the building industry and that could be anybody that they choose that would have to understand that they can't have any conflicts and all of that so that would be my recommendation rather than just saying the C because they could put anybody on oh yeah and that's no disrespect to the C the fact is that alacha County seem to include um lots of fol a huge number of of people that were probably not particularly relevant but having one particular um you know I note that they said uh a member of the elat County Education Association um a member appointed by citizens for strong schools so they have particular folks who who make a large portion of their sort of action regarding how schools should run and that's again going to be up to the board as to how they want to do that now the building industry folks again these may be people that are you're going to have to be the ones to draw the line here how to what degree do we want people on this committee obviously they all need to be volunteer obviously they all need to act in the best interest of the district and the taxpayers both because it's supposed to be an oversight of the district for the taxpayers purposes and what we need to understand is that even organizations or that we may particularly like they may or may not have Representatives that are acting always in the best interests of either the district or the taxpayer and so you've got to determine when if you set something that says this particular organization you're going to have to do the calculus on that because you're not going to have any further input once it goes to that organization that organization determines who's on that committee and if that organization then determines somebody on that committee that sort of has friction points with the board um or friction points with the district or starts acting in particular ways that we don't like then that's that's going to now's the only time you have to fix that is to make sure of who gets to sit on the committee and obviously citizens to the most to the to the maximum degree possible and people with expertise yes and I'm sorry yes and no attorney Powers because then that's where the board exercises that number four and so that's again why it's valuable that we have that ability to then remove so depending on what the question would be depending on what if they violate the bylaws or they do sure something there's there's I I I would I would anticipate that hopefully we get through this entire session without ever having to exercise AB number four um I'm just saying that this the easiest way to go about it right now is exactly as you said you pick an organization that you trust make sure you pick the organization based on the factors that you believe are most qualified and not necessarily G these are folks we do business I mean it could be it it literally can be anyone but five of the 10 or five of the 12 sorry five board members with two each representing 10 total you're only going to have two remaining coming from an additional unless you set it up to be different so I just want that input so that I can put that in here however you want it and then I can uh finalize those drafts knowing that I've got that board input so I can get it off to uh the Flor dep partner Revenue ASAP and oh go ahead excuse I I like the idea of right now what I'm seeing the two from the school board members the superintendent Desy and that that third person for me should be someone that doesn't just represent one Municipality of the county and I I like the idea what Dr kampbell gave with the building industry sure because that person is representative of the whole County um which to me is much more incomp ing so um I can go with Dr Campbell's recommendation of the someone from the build's what is the proper name of that organization Maran County building industry Association MCB a got you yeah I'm on board with that um I think for me one of the questions that I have lingering is then I guess part of me thinks we should um I'm just thinking of people people in mind send names to you with their credentials and say can this person serve because even if they're a subcontractor of a subcontractor for all of this construction we're doing they can't participate on this committee is that correct they stand a personally benefit from anything this committee does which is including how the sales tax gets used they need to stay away from it yes so I mean we're talking about land clearing we're talking about removing gopher tortoises I mean there there is a lot of different work and so um I'm I think you're right they need to be based in construction so they understand the work that's happening but it's going to be really hard I mean there's a lot of there are a lot of people in town but we also have a lot of work and there's a ton of subcontractors being employed at some of these sites and so um whittling that out I think is not going to easy well I think that yeah I I I think that part of part of the easy button for this is going to be to tell contractors that if at any time any of your work is going to be working on a School site I mean it literally is a geolocation thing right yeah whether you're removing go for tortoises or doing a um you know doing a a photometric study or anything you're doing if it involves a site that is a that is a school uh site you you shouldn't be on this committee that's not what it's intended for because you are going to be in some degree personally profiting you might not be the person who's making any kind of decisions that really impact a whole lot about what your whether your business is chosen or not but I've always been told I mean back attorney training and judge training is sometimes different than other people's training you not only avoid impropriety you avoid the appearance of impropriety you have to step way back and make sure that you don't have and and that's going to be incumbent on these people to do it and boor when you're when you're asking people to potentially represent you that's going to be a screening tool that you're going to have to use but with that how far out do we go um that person a family member I mean how far out do we go to to that uh if it's the personal profiting so if they if they've got I mean if if if they've got a family member who also is happens to be in construction um you know caseby case basis if there's an appearance of impropriety based on what they're doing that that's that's fine but you know uh we we've got to you got to have there there is no way I can analyze every potential conflict that can come along in advance and that's why I'm saying we've got to make sure that we Choose Wisely yeah we got to Choose Wisely and make sure that folks are aware and they have to be residents of Mary County does that say that in here it does not but it should because I don't I didn't see that but I feel like that's important should be resident of mar County they really should be registered voters because they should have had a voting interest in getting this to where it is but had to have voted yes well but even if they said no then I still like that they would participate in it right but I think that like being a registered voter I I mean but I do think they need to be a citizen of Marian County like a resident understood is that can we add that somewhere no I I will add that okay it's well taken the resident of Maran County or registered voter as well I don't think you'll yeah just do resident of Maran County I think just um a resident of Maran County it's it's a person's right whether not they vote or not well whether you Vote or not and whether you are registered to vote or two separate things but also some people don't have the privilege to be registered voters due to their past criminal history that which would then make mean they couldn't participate in this and I wouldn't necessarily you going open up all kinds of cans of worms like a resident and I heard you mention the word citizen as well so every still has to pay the tax because a person doesn't vote doesn't mean they're not a taxpayer so I mean that's why I would leave that one but definitely a resident American yes when you're done I didn't want to interrupt I'm sorry thank you madam no no I just I want to wait until you're finished uh board I would I would respectfully uh request that you consider removing 2B uh and that allows the superintendent me currently to elect a a person I believe that to be really transparent this is an oversight over our spending I don't want anyone to think um there's any confusion over the appointment of a person in I would concur and I would say that I wanted to leave when I put 2 a and then c i it was based on what alacha had done I I didn't even include elat was d e f g h i j k i i i just I wanted to put example things down there for you to consider and it's it's to her credit that the superintendent brings it up because I also thought that's probably not a look that she wants and I would not and and I don't want to set up you know a superintendent after me to being a very difficult spot of appointing someone that it could be a conflict of interest I just think I I dis I disagree with ela's plan I just don't think it's a good look I don't think it's appropriate and then you're putting somebody in a position of being appointed by the superintendent who's the committee's job is to oversee what we're doing so I just I think that's a conflict and I I would just respectfully ask that you take that out okay then you can add someone else and add other in there you could then possibly add the CP thank you Dr Campbell so with that I agree we can add something else in that do the thing that I do like about Al Latz is item G so whether we make that one member or two members I do like the idea that there could be an application process for people who potentially retirees that have this breadth of Knowledge from somewhere else that we know nothing about I'm using that as a really gross ill illustration gross as a negative gross but gross is large um but that we then would select an at large member through an application process potentially as someone we none of us would have access to knowing who they are otherwise I would also say that um uh I might suggest just off the cuff that's a very good suggestion uh one of those however we the number of people on the committee um obviously needs to be con considered as well nearly everyone has been using 12 person committees now I don't know that's there's no Mandate of that or anything like that but they get unwieldy over a certain number and below a certain number you have attendance issues so because you have to have a quorum so um May I respectfully suggest that it might be a good idea to have one person designated from mcbia and one person designated as you just indicated as per item G uh that way you have you have 10 people because you have five board members each of you are appointing two then there's one MCB person and then one person who is selected at large by the school board through an application process and again that process have to established by facility so again that may run into I'll I'll respectfully request that the superintendent give us her take on that as to whether because the facilities Department would be um establishing the application process but you know it would be a selection by the school board so I got a question are they are these are they voting on anything will they ever be voting on anything who the people the on the committee oh yeah so then why would we have a even number I I don't you know I I thought of that immediately normally it's always an odd number particularly because that's so we don't get so but I think the other factor is that because of Quorum and because of a large number like 12 um I have no idea why every one has set it up as 12 members that's I it makes me wonder why it makes me wonder if there's some magic that everyone else has discovered that I can't see but um that that that's everywhere I've seen it's always been 12 member bravard um and a problem if they keep hitting that 66 I think I think they always anticipate they at least going to have one absence and so that at least one absence means it will usually be an odd number right so but um I I know of no reason why the board could not choose an alternate number based on the language that we had uh was simply that we would we would um create a uh an oversight committee we do the two members so that would make it 13 total yes two members uh selected by the board through an application process one member from mcbia yes sure sure okay and the application process would have to be I mean again uh it says established by District facilities department so it could be a relatively open-ended way of doing it uh could simply be put you know anybody who wants to apply please apply and then uh but if you're having two members accepted that way I I you need to be aware that you may or may not have a great deal of of of input you may not may not have a large number of people who are clamoring to spend their time doing such things and I just thought of a really strong Devil's Advocate if there are only two applicants can we have a clause where we can say we're not going to take them if I'm just thinking of certain individuals who've served the board in a variety of capacities previously and them applying and if there are not an overwhelming number of applicants and there are only two you have to take the two do we have to take the two yeah the these are these are valid concerns re can we create a little Aster because I'm just thinking of some of our favorite friends and I was only G to have one of these at large even though I mean one I'm sure there'd probably be more than one applicant but I'm just thinking through if there was a lack of applicants we might be putting ourselves well not us because we're not on that committee but the committee in quite a pickle think we have the right to decline I think you're going to run in trouble if you start trying to decline and that's I think I think you you got to dance with who BR you if you're going to do it you got to do it in in a way that's going to end up causing causing the trouble so I say take it down to one I should take it down to none that's not I'm personally I'm not sure that's the dance I want to get into yeah do we have to we don't have to have no we do 11 it's a odd number still correct unless I find some reason in my drafting between now and then that tells me it has to be 12 in which case I'll rely on that situation to just discuss it with the board chair um so that I can still get it out but I I I think that you I I think that if if we can find a way to make it uh a 12 member committee let's do that if if not um 10 from the school board and two from some other source one one or two being mcbia would be sort of preferential I believe rather than trying to application or one from mcbia one from another entity that we know is likely to be um an entity that is able to um properly analyze what it is that they're being presented sure like the C but I I just don't want to put us in a position where we take I love the idea but I'm I just dawned on me that the applicants may not be of our ideal candidate and then what and Madam chair for clarity I I do not wish and my recommendation is don't include the facility don't include any employees in the process of creating committee for the same reasons I shared earlier I agree the only problem with that is that somebody ultimately has to be the the right hand that's doing the board's work and so just Gathering the applications that's not a process that that your board attorney can really accomplish terribly well we've got other things within you know we've got a three-person department so if if it is going to be something that's requiring an application process and all that stuff it's going to have to be somebody that is you're going to have to have somebody to effectuate that so it may be that that is not something you want to to do it all because honestly just you've already got the board clerk has to run a certain degree of this as well um and frankly the one thing I did ask at the beginning is that uh that um we are going to have to rely on operations to appoint someone who is going to manage the uh the website um that keeps all these things public and online as well so um and and that that shouldn't be a big we there's already a good trend of experience with that so so yes I would concur with the superintendent that I don't want to pawn this off on facilities to to have to do it but if that's what you want to happen there has to be a person who's the business owner who's going to govern that and you know that that's going to require something that I I I don't I don't know that my department can provide adequately so let's not do it so we want to go with mcbia and have two people from there or mcba for one and another Organization for another I I certainly if if the board wants to take a few moments and and discuss other potential you know um entities to place into that role so we have one in one that's fine I don't mean to push you on that I just need to have I need to have a a a workable model that I can go back finalize a draft and get it off to Department of Revenue so that we get uh everything started as soon as possible if we go back to the one and one that puts us back at 12 I'm I'm just adamantly against the even number board um I I would be good with just adding the one from mcbia okay and the 10 and from us we have a odd number I don't want us to ever I don't want them to get in a position where it's just landlock there's nothing getting done because it's always a a 66 or I believe that's wholly acceptable and I would just ask for this degree of leeway if I find because I haven't looked into it specifically for this issue if I find a legal reason why it has to be 12 I'll make it to MCB people I could I go for that but otherwise I'll make it one mcba person so that there's 11 and provided that's what the board's giving me consensus to do if that's what you want um I we can make it an 11 number um and then if I find a legal reason why I have to make it 12 and I can't imagine that I would it's just odd that that always seems to be the number that everyone's come up with then I'll I'll I'll I'll make that too that's great and and submit that with the board chair's permission if for any reason mcbia is unwilling to participate then I guess we'll go to the Chamber of C for a second string I mean no I'm not sure anyone asked mcbi I can't imagine they would not be okay with it but I'd like to at least give you that leeway too so if mcbia for some reason is unwilling to participate can the next person we asked be the C I don't have an issue with that I think that's good I don't have issue with that okay or Maran County Realtors like I'm just thinking of people that actually have a vested interest in what like and I'm not saying the C doesn't I'm just saying Marian County Realtors would also know where people are buying and selling homes and it would it would be a different body all right C they are made up of so many different businesses that may have absolutely no relevance to sure we can do really I don't I don't care I was just bringing up the C I just want to have I want to give you enough so you don't have to come back to us right so can can't this give you this leway you want to keep me gone I like it cbia refus then can you go to the Realtors if the Realtors refuse then CP I think you'll get somebody out of the three of those agre okay so if uh if we contact mcba and they indicate that they really are not interested or they maybe they can only designate one person then I would make up the remainder by contacting in this order the Maring County Realtors association and then third the uh C okay I'll do that perfect um now as to the second page term of the oversight committee term shall be from January 1st 2025 until blank which is 6 months following s Sunset of the sir tax um I'll fill that in unless anybody has any particular it's going to be January until end of uh end of June well until the end of the um the the committee as a whole is going to be until the ctax actually ends but the individual members members twoe appointment are going to have twoyear appointments um however I want to make sure that we've encapsulated properly that if for example all of you right now have already been sitting on the board for a while and all of you right now are going to be appointing a member and then if our terms if you're if if one of you retires or one of you is no longer with Bo two years three of us are running right or not but right but at that point or if one of you should step aside at some point then then that would be something that there would need to be do we agree that that I we need to make sure that it's tied to the sitting service yes okay if you do it to your appointments then you're always going to be hitting an election so that shouldn't be an issue yeah I just believe we we we will likely have occasional times where that happens someone's only been on for a where there's a there's you know someone someone had oh yeah Midstream but that's yeah it should run that board member should have the op the right authority to choose whatever whenever they that a board member that had to step off to the health reasons right so okay any other input you care to give on this and if you have any I will incorporate that otherwise if the board gives me consensus I will make these draft changes um I'll review them based on what we've said here today and review them directly with the board chair then I will prepare the final draft I will send that to the Department of Revenue after giving it to miss Boston Ellis um and then uh we will I'll bring it to you as an informational item at the next available board meeting great very good okay thank you attorney Powers thank you very much okay thank you for making that easy J moving on to our last item um we are going oh do I need any public comment yes there any public com any public comment all people not everyone at once please sit sit down no keep order thank you we'll move on to our last item um we need to Board review our committee assignments so I will pass those down give you uh everybody a moment to read over them and then we'll have some discussion if you want I can start with one suggestion um if that's okay and it's actually um for the board chair because um this year the joint meeting of elected officials is March 12th I think is a placeholder and that will be one that the board chair for the school board will be chairing um in advance of that is our next technical working group meeting which is Friday January 24th I think so it would be my suggestion after having served as a technical working group liaison for so many years that if it were me that was going to be chairing that meeting in March I would want to be the one that is now the representative for the technical working group okay I mean that's for your reflection benefit benefit okay yes is everyone else okay with that I am which one is it say again just talking about for interlocal yeah for the interlocal agreement working group um Lori will be cheering that this year it's the school board's turn so and again just for being um up to speed if it were me I would want to be at the technical working group meeting prior to it and be the representative for the technical working group moving forward maybe that should be concurrent with whoever the chair is you know that's something else we can think of think about I agree procedural yeah I would make one one one other recommendation to um chair I'm so sorry please forgive me I'm in Holiday mode I I would like to make one other recommendation to um with the Florida School Board Association advoc advocacy liaison and Alternate I am on the advocacy committee um I'm the vice chair for that committee I would recommend that U Allison Dr camell be the alternate and I be the liaison since I'm already on that committee okay and I think she's done that work before if if if uh board member thr don't mind and the only change that that'll make is is the legislative committee I won I won't be able to serve on that any longer and that's you wouldn't be able to I will not be no the only way you can serve on the legislative subcommittee is it's a subcommittee out of advocacy no you would still even if you're the alternate for no you would be the representative and always go to then then you can stand I mean I I'm just I I if you want to become the legislative no no no no no I I'm sorry that's an fsba rule oh I didn't know that see I thought because I'm already on the advy committee right okay no keep it like it is okay we no problem well fsba just we did change policy so that you can be on the federal relation committee and you don't have to be an advocate your board's advocacy liaison but it still says that in order to be on the legislative subcommittee you have to be your board's chosen advocacy liaison I'm good I'm good okay sorry you just got to keep that by I just try to keep all together he does not want to do that okay well I mean I'll continue to do what I'm doing but if that's okay well that's your wheelhouse so I think he's yeah that's your yeah that's your thing he's tipping his hat to you saying that's that's your wheelous all right if I I'd prefer we just start at the top um and board members just speak up if if you want to change or you have a recommendation uh the calendar committee uh Miss thrower yes it we have another year because we have for the we did for the first time two years okay that's correct so um and I think that that will be a very good and natural time for someone to step in step in okay perfect all right we just took care of fsba all right uh Reverend Community Council stay there okay um JJC ran coming your list yes yes sir okay that one too all those good all right Dr Campbell advocacy liaison yeah that's what we were just okay that's the one all right is that listed twice do we need them both no it's the central Florida public school boards Coalition and then School Board okay thank you and um Nancy you want to be the alternate yes okay all right public Ed Foundation um I'm really enjoying serving on that committee unless someone else um called their bylaws say it has to be the chair or the vice chair so it's either you you're correct yes so okay and you want to continue it sounds like I I would like to continue but Eric did express interest at one point so I just want to leave that no you're good Ma you good okay I just want to double check um all right Planning and Zoning uh city of bellw that is myself dellan Reverend cummingsa Dr Campbell Macintosh reck Dr James I'm not I was I don't even know um and maybe Dr Campbell can is quicker on it than me but I'm not even sure that those towns since the there was the form six they reorganized yeah but I have I've never even been invited to a meeting a lot of them won't inv yes but I'm just letting you guys know I've never been to either of those because um the formality has never been extended so so when we have our new government Le on whatever the person's title is director of government relations and perhaps those relationships can be established at the staff level so then that can help us ensure that we get invitations Dr goet if you can I mean can certainly reach out to the towns too that's not an issue on my end but I would just wanted to kind of be forthcoming after the last two years like I've never been to a meeting um and maybe that's the same for I obviously Dr Campbell goes regularly to Okala um and the counties we can't go to because they meet when we meet the pzs meet when we meet for the county but um I just wanted to be forthcoming about that okay if you don't mind Madam chair uh just for clarity which which uh municipalities in particular have we not heard from have the board because I wouldn't be aware has not heard from RE and Macintosh for sure okay I just want to be sure I can't speak to denell I don't I don't hear from Belle but when there's a issue biew MacIntosh and reck and dellen too dellen just do h on but I mean I know when my meetings are so I go all of them except for the city of vocala you go to the city of denell PC meetings sometimes no no not the planning is onlyon that's what this is that's what this is for no not planning is onlyon no never heard from okay I just so for clarity so I don't want us to reach out and say well we've sent information and we weren't aware so yeah this is specifically talking about planning and zoning which is the reason we would attend is to talk about school capacity and how would impact our schools in that in that area I don't think this is the way this is written it's saying planning zoning boards and municipality or County L I always thought so there's some of these are for planning and zoning boards like city of Cala would have one city of reic I'm pretty sure does not have a planning and zoning board however it does have um you know Municipal Municipal meetings and therefore you'd be the municipality lays on basically the person who is let's say city of reic if the city of reic has a planning zoning then they also have Municipal meetings and you the same person should probably be attending both but the city of den and the City of bevie have pnz meetings right and they also have you know there there's there's other meetings and the same person would probably serve on all of those if they have any to what we'll simply just reach out to the representative of those municipalities and they can handle it from there right thank you okay I think we're on value adjustment board okay yes and I did uh all right so um moving on down to operations actually I did want to share a little bit about value adjustment board okay I'm sorry I think maybe you said that I didn't hear you oh it's okay go right ahead yep um value adjustment board um is a little bit different because a new member um can only be assigned um before the start of the July meeting so it's just the way the value adjustment board is set up because of of its function um so a new board member can be assigned to the value adjustment board cycle which will start in July of of 2025 well I still intend to be on the board in July of 2026 so my ask would be for me to um continue the cycle starting in July of 2025 and then in July of 2026 then a new board member should come on because I won't be able to then continue that okay cycle and that's their requirement whoever goes to the organizational meeting is the one that has to attend the final meeting and the final meeting takes place in the spring okay all right thank you for that so I'll remind you I'll keep you posted so I don't mind continuing as my point until the the time that I remind us as we get closer absolutely okay okay thank you um architect selection committee Dr James um I mean I'm fine to give it up fine whatever I is there anybody else that feels called to do that no I don't I don't mind I mean I don't have an interest I don't have any conflicts but I think Sarah's do it I think she should stay there unless she just don't want to do it no I have no problem do I mean I literally have nothing in the first half of the page because all I have is the town of Macintosh and the town of reic which do not meet so I I literally have nothing at the top of the page all right so Dr James we're going to leave you there all right Insurance committee sure I mean I I don't mind giving it up if someone wants to if you're passionate about our health plan but oh listen there's some stuff in insurance I want to get done okay well you're welcome to when do they meet when do they meet it's only like two or three times a year it's not very often okay so switch it to Eric can I yeah there's some stuff I think we need in our insurance plans okay great all right thank you for that um inter local working group we'll switch to Lori all right site selection committee do we need to assign anything there or that just stays open until the need arises I feel like if I remember the conversation last year because we didn't we have we have surplused land it has never it has not been a pressing need because everywhere we have projection to need a new school we already own land in the area leave it open till we need it okay great yeah there has been some disc discussion lately about the possibility of new land acquisition so just it's sort of a just in the beginning inquiry phase right now but I have already received some requests uh for how how we would go about doing that and my answer is likely going to be tied to we're going to need to talk to the folks that would or the planning folks under facilities whomever that's going to be if if David Hurley he used to take care of all of the all the land Acquisitions and so now we have someone who is filling that role who I believe is contractual so we'll have to determine if that's within the scope of their contract so but I do believe that there is some discussion around the possibility of some land acquisition so then we do need to put someone on a I think it would be wise to place someone there though that person may or may not be required for for some time okay Nancy's volunteer to do it okay thank you attorney powers for um updating us on that um under curriculum code of student conduct Dr James I'm fine to keep it I mean clearly I have identified changes that occurred after the work the committee did all of the changes that have come up are things that started after the committee worked um and which is why it was mentioned by the superintendent to reconvene so I'm fine to continue the work on the code of conduct committee okay um student progression plan that's myself Fort King Heritage Foundation Sarah yeah um they meet right now at two o'clock on Thursdays so um it no they meet no thank God no but they meet they meet um this is the second Thursday right it's either the second or the fourth Thursday every month and so it is very Hit or Miss whether I can go to the meetings because of their meeting schedule um when I go I offer nothing until the very end when I say all is well with the school board we love sending the kids to the fort and then that's all I offer um we have been able to revitalize the kids going to the Fort because basically it went on pause at covid so that has been a positive of me being there and building the relationship with um parks and wreck but I certainly don't mind continuing to attempt to go when I can but there's no there's really not much value added anymore now that we have kind of rebuilt the relationship with curriculum and the fort so but I have no problem continuing when I can thank you and that my committee falls under for the friends of the Veterans Park it really they meet at noon um on Thursdays and so we are never we're never done by noon so um I do stay in contact UM with them and we are also involved personally with that group so I am tied and do stay in contact UM with what's going on with the friends of the Veterans Park if everybody's okay with that it I don't I don't see that there will be a better no option well and I think before I mean I was shared with me was prior to me being there Lauren debic was there and so um someone from staff went before me and they were able to go regardless of a work session schedule and so they had better availability as they would probably for a noon meeting so I could only see the change there occurring if Dr gett wanted to start sending back someone from her staff but like I said I'm not sure that their time would be best spent for the Fort King Heritage because I've established the relationship and they'll email me if they need help with something that's what they do so has it has it ever been considered that maybe some of some of these we do like ACC quarterly we would uh staff member or a board member would attend once a quarter you know to friends of Veteran Park or the Fort King Heritage you mean instead of monthly yes instead of because you're saying yeah I just try and go when I can so like if we get out of if we had gotten out of here by at4 150 I would have been able to be there because it's at the Community Foundation Building and I would have just jet it over there so I mean I don't mind it being on my calendar every month and I'm just going to go when I can go but if if it's important that we have a presence then a staff member is going to need to take over to ensure that we have someone there that's all I guess I'm trying to say so Dr go you'll let us know as we move forward with the new staff member if you feel that's something um certainly and as with the Veterans Park because I established meetings with them and the different veteran groups which is why I asked the questions about the calendar and so forth um but it was also then an opportunity to invite board members to be part of that which I think was good for all of us they thoroughly enjoy being part of I know they I know they do so um yes but absolutely agree and understand about the conflicts of time that Dr James is bringing up and and certainly I think our uh new liaison can participate as much as possible in all of these that's really their role is to serve on behalf of the staff right absolutely okay did I had a question I'm not sure if yes Rend Cummings um and um Dr Kim you may have some historical is there some missing are there some missing off of this sheet wasn't there West Okala um that Governor's West Governor's West and so I I'm not certain if that was one of these Comm commes I know I am a member of Governor's West but I pay for that personally so I mean I I have um you had a presence there before you because I was on it okay as well as Mr mcfat that we didn't we weren't paying anything oh okay well I I mean it's like $30 a year or something like it's not but um I I've been a part of since 2019 I've been on Governor's West but I do I mean no I mean and that's that's fine if if we want to I don't remember it being on this remember Kelly King was there and after she was there then I got I came on okay I know Mr mcfat was on there too as well so that's why I'm asking I that was just one that jumped out at me Reverend Cummings is that something you're interested in if no board member camel she saying she's on it but I just thought the name should be I try to go to all their I didn't go this month but every other month I'm I'm on their Zoom calls they used to meet personally and they used to meet at Howard Academy and then after Co now all their meetings are on zoom and so they meet um they met this week the same day as a Yeah Tuesday same day as a board meeting it's always the same day at nine o'clock in the morning um and so I I I mean I participate in Governor's West if we want to consider me like aais on to Governor's West I'm fine with that uh I was trying to think if there were other committees that I know at one time when Miss debic did bring up the Fort King Heritage and Friends of the Veterans Park uh that I thought there was at least one or two more that she had talked about at that time but I don't remember what those would have been there was a faith-based one I thought she was attending I thought there was I feel like there is something else but maybe again as your as our new person gets established with some additional relationships maybe there will be others other opportunities where folks want a school board member presence and that's the difference in the Fort King and Veterans they had staff but they wanted an elected official presence and I was going to say that there are some other organizations that we all probably individually sit on sit on boards and they we're there because they asked the school board member for instance uh transitions Life Center I'm on that board is because I'm a school board member and I know Kelly was there before I was um so was on the original board you on the original so I mean some of those we need to know that in case I move off or someone moves off that we still have that representation on those boards right and you have the seat at the Children's Alliance it's not a a board member seat okay superintendent seat yes just likewise with like public Le An Early Learning Coalition you on that one too I I have someone um yeah I I recommended Miss Beck because she serves I'm just trying to think of other yes things that might correct impact CP you're on right C and United Ray ex except yes sheriff and others yes so that I think so too keep them captured um even though we're individually kind of doing it but at least for historical perspectives I think okay all right Elena did you get I wrote down most of them also but United Way C and the children of the liance Transitions and transition United Way yeah I'll see you you're United Way aren't you AR way I most recently it was Lauren we have um Mr carile was on it he he is right now okay and did we have one with Interfaith too oh maybe I don't know um The Early Learning Coalition Elena was one I mentioned because I think Beth was the that's not board for interface not a board seat on early learning that I know of oh there isn't a board seat okay I think so I thought there used to be so for clarity you're talking about board representative or someone from staff because from staff yes Miss Beck that was my first year I recommended um she said on that I think what Mr Cummings was trying to say is maybe the title of this document changes to Schoolboard and superintendent committees because we're trying to have a one page that represents all all of the different boards and entities that we serve from a Schoolboard capacity is that what you were trying to do so I think we want to highlight maybe we just have a section for superintendent but we put you or your design all of the different ones so that we have a one pager that captures all of the different organizations we're working with right I think that I think that's a great idea absolutely yeah okay don't disagree all right so right now we have for the superintendent TLC no you're on TLC Mr I'm TLC just C and Children's Alliance Dr gullet for you Children's Alliance C Early Learning Coalition learning I have somebody on it and United Way super those are all the superintendent it's her or her designate Des Early Learning okay or design okay that's four different and then Governor's West is not on here appeton I'm on Appleton Appleton Museum of Art I'm on that get to all these meetings and then Governor's West is not on here but Dr Campbell attends attends those regularly yes public Edge and then TLC is both Cummings what is that TLC CER Foundation both yes Apple team using in the B yes got it okay maybe if we think of any more we can email Elena right um but I think it would help to have a one pager that captures agreed it it shows all the different arms that we have out in the community and how we we got a lot out there we do we do all right board it's been a very productive day um that was our last item is there any public comment hearing and seeing none um we're going to go into board comments uh Miss Martinez you don't have anything to say after our whole day together all right attorney Powers further from legal I've talked enough today all right thank you all right Dr gullet likewise I don't think I have anything else thank you board all right Dr James just one thing um in January it's my understanding that Mr SS is going to present the um annual rezoning plan um and I'm looking at Dr Campbell because she and I have talked about this and so when I saw him this morning I asked to confirm that the um Evergreen auxiliary Zone was going to be addressed in January and he said yes but that it would be up to Dr gullet and then the board to decide whether that was enacted in August of 25 or August of 26 in attending the n Jones community meeting one of the things that Reverend Cummings and I heard from that Community specifically I think the neighborhood is called Shady Hollow is that there are students there who attend Liberty and are busted to Liberty but are in a walk Zone to Oola or Howard and so one of the things that this board member and I've had a private conversation with Mr SS but it dawned on me this morning and talking to him that I'm not sure that I had shared that publicly other than Mr Cummings and I being at that particular community meeting I would like for this board to hear um Mr SS bring forward the opportunity to address those middle school students who are living in that community and that very small surrounding Community who are being busted 6.6 miles to Liberty when they could walk to Oola or Howard um we have we obviously have transportation issues and when we see a glaring red flag of how we could eliminate a transportation issue not sure especially when by school grade the students would be afforded a um a better academic opportunity aola and Howard are bees um and so they can walk to Howard we kind of talk through it in this community meeting essentially they would just walk down M okay so um I would love to see um that come forward in that January work session if that's possible Dr gullet um um because I think it's a small fix but the parents did share their their bus was always late and you know it's it's a it's a complexity because the bus really shouldn't be driving all the way to sh Shady Hollow to pick up kids to go to Liberty um and we wouldn't even have to provide transportation if they were in a walk Zone um and so those are things that I um something that I would love to be able to talk about in that work session in January um and I did share that with Mr s so um I don't know if the rest of the board wants to weigh in or if just sure yeah I I'll wa on that it makes me wonder why it's like that Mr a shared that if we go way way back it has to do with the color of skin from way way back okay so it was we're not under that anymore correct and so we have these like having been done this way and never got changed and we're still there and it to me it's just like one of those no better do better the parents brought it up and I would have never known had I not gone to the community meeting but the parents had Elementary School students who were going to go to Jones and then they were like well what about Middle School what are you do about that and I was like well tell me more and then they just kind of started sharing why does my kid get bust all the way to Liberty when they could go to Howard and so anyhow I would love to be able to at least have a conversation about it because I thought maybe it was because when Liberty was built you know they filter you know rezoned or whatever and but hey anytime a kid can safely walk to school I am all about it and that was good for him and I think board member th I think you remember first on the board that was one of the same same issues I addressed with Dr n Jones because you had people that stayed right next door right behind the school and could spit to across the street and they couldn't go there they were being bust to Shady Hill yeah so um and it didn't once it got changed it did not I'm sure some and laori you were there some of the Dynamics of the school changed but it didn't change right it didn't change just gave kids adjust opportunity yeah yeah so if we get just to includ that in the January presentation I'm not sure which work session that is but that'd be that would be yes that's great I'm I'm very open to that I just the board wants us to do that absolutely and I know we'd still have to do a community meeting and other things to make the change for August of 25 but I think you know we're all willing to get that done if if um and we'd have to do a public hearing and all the things but if we may potentially be addressing Evergreen auxilary zone for August of 25 as well then you know we can button it all up in one neighborhood schools yes I mean I just why get on a bus for seven miles in 45 minutes when you can walk so that was the only thing I wanted to bring to the board because since we won't see each other again until January so Merry Christmas oh well yes but but tomorrow is off air so merry Christmas happy New Year oh wow okay I know and the Christmas bre do you mind if I go next just because I I had something about Transportation so it kind of fits in um and especially because we're talking about distance and trying to avoid that um something that I think that the the board we all need to be aware of is that when board member Cummings and I first came on the board we bought a lot of new buses like a hundred of them I think remember yes and it still seems like they should be new but time has gone by and our buses just cover so much geographical area that appears that the best practice is none of our buses really should be more than 10 years old because then it hurts resale value um their serviceability begins to suffer you know you start to have more maintenance problems um with Transportation being so foundational to the success of our district with the numbers of students that we have riding and depending on the bus we get the calls all the time and we continue to you know we're we're getting better all the time but we're not there so my point is is that we're talking probably an extra $4 million a year year at least to continue to solve this Transportation problem and make it as crackerjack and as reliable as we possibly can it's foundational and I think it's something that we should be getting more information on um if the chair thinks it's important too and an upcoming work session it's in that ongoing quest of what is it going to take to improve Transportation so that hopefully no drivers will be driving in buses that they feel very uncomfortable with you know anything that might be wrong with it I realize a pancake always has two sides when people come up and make their public comments but that caught my attention and I just really want to make sure that if we're going to continue to put all this time and money into contracted drivers and readjusting routes and all this that the actual vehicles are dependable and that we're rotating them out in the right way in a very professional way a capital maintenance plan for this Fleet that affects probably 26,000 students and more would be riding if if our ontime delivery and pickup was in the high 90s every single day we'd have even more kids riding so that's my little pitch for that I'm interested in that conversation for sure okay are other board members interested in that conversation yeah I mean we can have a work session on it for sure and understand I mean I would love to get to a point where every I know we kind of have a I'd love to get to a point where the budget like we talk about site based budgeting like Department based like so you know Athletics gets 2 million a year and he comes up with his plan and for what he's going to do and transportation gets this much for their capital and they decide what they want to do and like I would love to get to a place where instead of Finance micromanaging all of that Capital spending we empower the people who are running those departments to make those Capital decisions and bring them to the board separately um and give them their budget for their capital that I would love to get to that point okay um and thank you for bringing up Athletics because that was the next thing um on the Monday of Thanksgiving week I had the opportunity to walk booster Stadium um with uh Mr Fuquay whose name is probably very familiar huge supporter of Vanguard High School and Mr Swearingen um I also had conversation with um coach farmer and this is uh regarding the booster stadium and the Vanguard High School stadium idea and as I continue to learn more about it um it appears that there is even more appetite to keep booster it is a tremendous tradition um there's a lot of money that can be made for the program with parking and there's great parking there I mean and there isn't at Vanguard High School um it would probably be a lot less expensive especially doing a phased approach to uh do make the needed improvements um to booster maybe get a prioritized list from um Mr Tucker you know through Dr gullet there's 66 Acres there um there I know the CDL program is there but you know there used to be outside events at booster tractor polls concerts I don't know if a rubberized track could go there somewhere you know I think we're paying to go to a private school to have athletic absolutely so and the new high school will have a rubberized track but it's on a completely separate side of town right so yes so this is a an in town historic uh venue that I just continue to hear more and more since I represent that District that the vast majority don't want to see go away um I know that being said that the boosters um have financial responsibility in this um the the guys I walked with the other day you know obviously understand that there there may be grants available there may be you know matching funds available I do think that the School Board needs to have a little skin in the game um I think that we've had some tremendous athletes that have come out of Vanguard High School so maybe you know with some naming opportunities and things like that we could really do a lot um with that area I'm seeing a lot of nodding so so that's great um and then any expenses that we've had to put in they might be offset by potential Revenue you know moving forward so I would look forward to hearing from our uh from Donnie Tucker and and he can get with these folks and you know bring us a proposal for booster I would love to hear in that same vein because there is an appetite out there I would like to hear from those uh Community stakeholders that want to see this continue right and what they're willing to put into what they're will to do so that we can have a a great plan going forward if we're going to partner it's going to be some type of collaboration we need to know what's out there before we extend ourselves or overextend ourselves because I I I think too and this is the hesitation I have um we've talked about you know just giving Mr Tucker money and him coming up with his priority list but a project like this in my opinion cannot take away from all the other needs at all of the other schools this has to be an addition to and also if we're going to afford this for Vanguard then we are going to have to afford that match of whatever that looks like or whatever kind of plan we come up with to all of the other high schools because all of the high schools have affluent families who are potentially willing to engage in something like this and so I just I caution us to to put ourselves in a position where we are then going to need to be have obligation to do it at North Maran and dellan and all of the other schools right and that was going to be my next point is that it has to be a combined effort and we should be as much as we can supporting Athletics because again just like Transportation you know it covers a lot of kids and we can't as a school board afford to make every single stadium in our County look the way we would love to have it look so we have got to get the community involved and excited about it and I'm really looking forward to it um it was it was really a a great opportunity to walk around and and hear the stories of and those kinds of things are more even more worth preserving and it also brought forward a lot of emails to me about the downsides of having a stadium at at Vanguard you know primarily access you know where are you going to put all those people where are you going to park them and everything else and then getting the band back and forth to booster hopefully that can be a process systems driven fix um and and make it better for everybody it is very rundown so okay well great that'll be a future work session we can continue that conversation about how to help all of our Athletics and and maybe make this be a showpiece that would be cool all right um I think yes the oal Christmas parade is Saturday and um the organizer loves everybody to be there early although she did say and that should make us feel good that we're not one of the groups that she worries about that's going to hold up the parade because we're not there yet or something so uh the suggestion is 3:00 but we've done the parade now for quite a few years I think we know the drill and thank you for getting your numbers to me I know things can happen at the last minute but it's a good siiz float and hopefully there'll be plenty of smiling waving happy people on it all right and yes I we're off a on Friday so have a wonderful holiday season be blessed have fun do what makes you happy and see you January 7th 7th yes yes back on the 7th all right member th I I heard something over lunch and I don't know if you know if it's true or not I I was told that you can't wear Santa we can't wear Santa hats or something what right is that a rule or something I have not been informed of that and I don't know what Santa's going to do if he wear hat okay I was just I was just told that over lunch so if we could verif about that no I I think I don't think anyone can control your ability to wear I'm I'm telling you I you can't dress like Santa but to wear whatever you want with a Santa hat you can wear but you cannot walk in the parade is Santa because Santa's only at the end of the breade right okay only one Santa I was just told that at lunch so that's why I asked yes okay okay yeah no they're very I didn't know what you could add sometimes there are Walkers that want to like walk dress saying that is absolutely forbidden so they can't wear the hat wear a hat I got you that makes more sense cuz I couldn't understand why you could wear because I think you last year as far as I know I haven't changed that guy with a beard too so that's right could have very well you know yeah Okay I uh Reverend Cummings do you have any other comments you want to say please because I got to get out of here um I got appointment um what was I going to say um so I so we're not doing the ugly sweater thing this year and I went and bought one we did it last you miss her you miss Tuesday oh is not an ugly sweat literally all of the women at once said the same exact thing yeah you were in here buddy well this ain't an ugly s that's right but anyway um listen we have to wear yours Friday tomorrow yeah tomorrow but we're off air so no one will get to see it we're off here let's do sweaters Friday in in board member cumming's honor and in the fact that hopefully we'll be celebrating a lot of early re-entries do it in my honor but I won't be here remember tomorrow tomor so any Merry Christmas guys um I'm looking forward to us what the new year is going to bring and um I think we're moving in a great direction we got a lot of things going to happen in 2025 new schools coming online and we got a lot to be grateful for so have a good Christmas and a happy New Year all right and Dr Campbell thank you so I seriously didn't have anything to say and then y'all kept saying things and I'm like all right I'm writing that down because that's absolutely completely supportive of a capital maintenance plan on Transportation Dr goet and I have talked about that before because I was curious how often are breakes changed how like how often and I don't know theen answer most most often some of those things are when there's a problem um I also Al no Transportation will be coming to us talking about a GPS system for their buses uh and when that comes I am ready for it as I hope you guys are as well uh Dr James mentioned something about zoning I am also interested if the board also is if there are recommendations for additional zoning conversations um consolidation of some of our facilities and what kind of plan we can talk about with that because uh we we have some large spaces available in certain parts of our community and I think we need to have very serious conversations about what that looks like and that might take rezoning all of our elementary school students or something like that over the course of the next year or two uh booster I also agree U that in all the conversations I've had in the community they want to stay at booster and I can respect that completely understand it but that leads me to say back when weed talked about strategic plan goal five the committee from that goal did not want to move forward with putting what I'm about to say we have to have an employee whose job is Partners in education if this board is serious about trying to capitally fund raise and that's what we're talking about like we need people to put in couple hundred thousand a million here a million we have to have somebody that's doing that for us we do not have anybody doing that the public education Foundation is not going to be that they manage the business partners program which is very different than what I'm talking about and what Dr gullet is familiar with so I'm telling us board Dr goet knows I we've talked about it but that is an expense of a new person that we have never had before and so if we're serious about really wanting to do that we got to figure out what that looks like because there's no way that we can just we can willy-nilly put together what did the sponsorship benefits look like what are the naming rights and who gets what and why and what are those magic numbers that say you get a name on this or not and that there's real strategy to that so I I just wanted to put that out um I I also wanted to say you may have seen in recent news that uh our counterparts at the city had been having conversations about their chamber and economic partnership membership um board we don't see that bill for for Maran County public schools because it doesn't come through traditionally just like any other bill would um but I would be interested in having a conversation about that I know currently it comes out of maryan technical College's budget just because it was a public conversation that the our counterparts of the city and potentially even the county are having I think it's important for us to also have a very similar conversation so maybe in the new year I don't think that that our renewal of that comes up until I think uh maybe March or April or something so maybe if we had it around the first of the year where we could at least talk about is it a cost sharing that I don't know that maryan Technical College needs to bear that brunt of that whole cost um so that's just an opinion that you all may or may not I mean I yeah so uh and with that I think that's all I wanted to talk about I completely concur with site-based budgeting I had this wonderful book I got from Martin County of what their budget looks like Miss Boston Ellis if you're still listening wait till I talk to you about that and I'll show you what it looks like um cannot wait till the day comes when we might be able to have something like that and really take a look at what that looks like and with that happy holidays Merry Christmas Happy New Year and peace out okay with that we have a few meeting reminders there is a school board meeting scheduled for tomorrow December 13th at 300 PM there's a school board um meeting scheduled for January 9th um at 7:30 all board meetings and work sessions will be held at the board of County Commissioners Auditorium which we covered earlier the next administrative briefing and work session is scheduled for January 9th at 9:00 a.m. the next school board meeting is scheduled for January 14th 2025 at 5:30 p.m. we have already shared all of our board comments and I just wanted to add on to what Dr dullet started us off with as yesterday was a fabulous um golden apple day um it was a great way to celebrate um a lot of great instruction um and relationships within our community so I was happy to be a part of that and celebrate with all those that were involved and with that there is no further business and we will adjourn at 3:10 thank you [Music] board e