##VIDEO ID:z-B6bUv5umU## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] good morning everyone I now call the October 17th 2024 administrative briefing and work session of the Maran County School Board to order at 9:22 a.m. apologies for the tardy start we were experiencing ing some technical difficulties and we should be able to roll smoothly now please silence your electronic devices to avoid disturbing others mirroring and modeling how our students begin each day I ask that you please pause with us for a moment of silence please join me thank you I'll Now read our board commitment statement we are the Marian County's School District leadership team when we come together to work we are efficient effective and productive our three most important characteristics are dedicated transparent and individually responsible to work well together we must demonstrate respect confront reality and be accountable we will always put students first we believe leave a legacy of success I'll now ask our Schoolboard attorney to explain the rules for this public work session good morning attorney Powers good morning thank you madam chair this works session is a public meeting as defined in Florida's Sunshine Law the board is dedicated to full transparency in its meetings and its work in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board has adopted uniform meeting procedures including the right for citizens to participate the board will allow public comment regarding any work session item listed on today's agenda at the appropriate time speakers must fill out a request form located in the lobby and hand it to the board clerk after the board and superintendent have completed their discussion on a particular agenda item the board clerk will call speakers names in the order received each speaker will have three minutes as required by the Sunshine Law the board must maintain orderly conduct and proper decorum throughout this meeting speaker speakers May criticize subject matter and decisions in a respectful manner but not people finally speakers must be very careful not to violate the Privacy rights of others especially students and their family members by mentioning their names or other identifying information thank you for your attention to these important rules thank you attorney pow Miss Martinez please provide the proof of publication for today's meeting notice for the October 17th 2024 work session was published in the Ocala Gazette on October 4th 2024 proof of publication has been attached to board docs under proof of publication thank you we'll now begin the work session with the superintendent administrative briefing good morning Dr vallet good morning Madam chair members of the board um appreciate um having you here this morning and I'd like with your permission Madam chair to take my comments and hold them to the end uh and the reason for that is we have guests here this morning and a full agenda if that's okay with you good okay perfect so if I may I'd like to introduce our first topic so I I'm pleased to have um Harvey vandan come forward he is the chair of the facility procurement process he is the chair of my committee that provides um input uh on behalf of the community to to our not just our procurement process but our construction related items and um as you know board we recently have had them working diligently and countless meetings and time commitment to looking at our procedures and so what you're going to hear today um from Mr vavan on behalf of all of our dedicated Community leaders Business Leaders um are recommendations that the committee came up with with specifically today the fac procurement process which is a procedure which is a guidance to the way that we do this work so I just before I turn it over I want to just say uh to them again here publicly um and to let the board know I've been incredibly um grateful for the amount of time the expertise um the commitment of all they've been doing not just in our weekly meetings but also the time they're committing to seven days a week to really get this done so it's been a huge effort and a represent ation of this incredible community so um appreciate all their work and and and thank you Harvey thank you good morning Sarah good morning good morning board um uh superintendent um just I guess uh started off briefly just to let you know that when we met um we had uh staff there for assistance we had uh attorney Blackman there also to help us if if it was a legal question to try to help guide us um but at the end of the day they asked us to do all the voting and make all the decisions so we um did that as a committee so I needed to point that out um we um we went through it um we we wanted to do this before we do our final version so this is our final draft but we expected to get a few comments so I don't know if you guys would like me to summarize it or just open it up to questions I don't know which your preferred way of doing this would be yeah it would be wonderful to get a summary and then we can open it up to board questions if you wouldn't mind can we turn turn it up a little bit Gavin or something or pull it closer or something yeah I get nervous so I talk quietly well it doesn't help the students are arriving too so it's just some background noise as well I won't let none of these ladies up here bite you don't G this morning turn it up um so summary would be uh we we used U we used the uh recommended document that was given to yall um for um for guidance we um reviewed other counties um procedures to try to um look at what other counties did to try to make sure that we were keeping us inside of you know being sued for not following protocol so we tried to look at other counties and see what we were doing versus what they were doing um we increased the points um so instead of doing like 15 points we went to like 110 points um for scoring purposes uh we reviewed the um size of the of the committee and and the and who should be on it we reviewed the um um Point evaluations of like how many points should be given to what types of things and then um Tred to put it all together and give you something that um would give us our best chance to selecting the best construction manager for our school system so that's the shortest summary I can give you thank you very much and and I I know the work was incredibly comprehensive and and there was a lot of focus on just making sure that um things were in in in writing and that any of the Committees um were are going to be you know well well reviewed to make sure that they understand what their roles and responsibilities are so with that I'll open it up to the board for comments chair can I make a recommendation sure is it possible because it is pretty um significant document that we just maybe go front to back and kind of go Page by Page um just to keep us focused that would be my request I could just have a few things throughout the document and I don't want to get scattered and zigzag everywhere so um is that possible we can certainly start at the beginning and then um whatever comments you have or input to share and then everyone else can chime in before we move on okay I mean I I have something on page one so um we'll start with page one okay wonderful um so my first question um is under a at the bottom of the page it says all responses received on time that satisfy the minimum RFQ requirement shall be scored and ranked by designated facilities and procurement staff in accordance with the established screening criteria this is contrary to the established procedure that we've had previously which is that a committee reviews the books and short lists and then a Comm comme does the inperson interviews so I'm not sure that the intention of the of of your Harvey um your sorry I'll try not to call you Harvey um your committee Mr vman is this but this in my opinion needs to be changed to reflect the public process the committee however we've been referring to that throughout the document needs to be transparent and um the collective group um so yes um you are correct there was you mentioned it and um on the bottom there where it says facilities and procurement we'll fix that there was um that wasn't our intent I think we just accidentally missed that spot in our in our review um the intent was for procurement and Facilities to do the pre-screening checklist and then turn it over to the committee to do the book and the interviews so we will fix that and so if this particular paragraph is referencing the pre-screening I think we just need to be very clear that it's only referencing pre-screening and not the book phase and that is not clear in my opinion in in the narrative so I don't disagree that the pre-screening has always just been a facilities kind of checklist they either hit it or they don't hit it um and I have no problem with that I just want this to be clarified one way or the other yesam Bo do you I guess I agree it was a note that I had also Dr James um and and so just the clarifying point that it is only for pre-screening I would that's sufficient board okay with that sure I I could go either way I I honestly could see it being either way um that we have facilities and procurement staff for a reason and so um I I could see it going either way but I'll go with whatever the board wants on that particular issue so um I won't answer for my committee if it's not an answer I already know but in this one the answer you you the books are part of the process if you don't if you're on the committee you need to look at the books in order to do the interview because the two things even though we don't score them we scored them separately we left that the same way as we currently do it but it's important for the committee to review those books so um that's I think we just we just missed the spot there right and and I'm fine because it sounds like that was what you were wanting to have it look like and it was just missed so I'm fine all right anything on page two yes ma'am keep going okay so um I just have um under selection committee I I'm well I have an overarching question the front page of this says and I will quote it construction Management Services we have the same process for our chitectural Services is the intention that we are duplicating this process when complete for architectural services because we have gone out to find prototypes and then basically the process that I experienced we we followed this exact same process for Architects and so this does not say construction and architect architect so is the intention that this is representing both entities or are we doing something different for Architects and I'm looking at Miss boom boach kind of behind because she was a part of the Architects when we did the interviews for that and so that is like an overarching question I have because then it kind of gets into who's if it is the same book we need to be more clear because the committee Representatives should be different I think a principal should be a part of a committee when we're choosing a prototype absolutely I'm wondering what a principal knows about construction and why they should be a part of a con choosing a contractor um and so I vary in why a curriculum and instruction person is a part of a construction manager process but again they should be a part for an architect so that's my greater question and Miss boom's coming um Harvey so maybe she wants to morning morning yes you're correct the attend is to copy this for The Architects it needs to be a little bit different because we will different questions and look at different uh criterias for them but yes we will duplicate the same thing okay so if the intention is that we're going to kind of shift it a little bit for Architects then the the first question I have based on B is why are we including curriculum instruction individuals on the selection of a general contractor I don't understand what what value a principal has on who the GC is um and so that's my first question well can I did you Yes actually because we had I I we had this conversation um and I'm I didn't give I gave some thoughts on this particular item Miss Bach do you want to talk about that another another otherwise I can ask Mr vandan because I did have some thoughts on this one too okay do you want to miss Bach do you want to speak to that um I know we had discuss it and um the principles had um good input in architecture but not for construction so much so correct so my my take as a superintendent was principles should not be on this but one of the members in that committee brought up a great point that if it was a very unique project that was specific to and I think we did and I think the committee landed on and and Mr vandan you can correct me if I'm wrong it was um May participate and as I listen to the committee of of experts talk about this there may be a specific project that's why it said not limited to Tech info Services if there's a specific building done um it's not so much a principle it might be somebody who has an expert lens in what's needed to build a very specific type of building and we're looking into the future we not just talking about traditional schools but looking into the future but correct me if I'm wrong because I said I don't think a principal needs to sit in on that process nor a principal supervisor no you're correct um the the committee says minimum of five maximum of nine voting members and um these are the um choices to pull from and there are unique situations this is anything what 7 and a half million or more would be something that would go through this process so you could be doing a new it building or you could be doing um something else that maybe you're splitting the campus and maybe there's input that that that principle specifically might be valued and that's why we we didn't put the word principle we actually put the curriculum instruction instead just to uh leave that available if it made sense but it wouldn't be mandatory and so I I appreciate that and I could get on board with the word may essentially allowing or limiting which would make the ease of duplication for Architects my concern is that then you may find yourself in a position where five people are chosen and no Community representatives are chosen because it's May and there is no designation of who is going to participate in the process and so I'm not that Hill I won't die on but I will go on record and say I'm not in alignment with it if there are two other board members who agree with me then we can further the conversation otherwise we can move on but that is the reservation that this board member has and Madam chair if I may I think Mr vavan said this at the beginning because this these procedures and I really rely on the experts that are in that committee again very impressed with their knowledge that recommendations are made by before go back to Mr vandan as the chair to take to the committee for consideration yes and I just I have another point I want to add to that because um that was a concern that I had also um but another reason was because of Staff turnover so if someone retires um in that department that we in ensure as we hopefully move forward in building new schools um that we do have a good solid panel of experts um at the table and so um sometimes there's uncertainty you know from our position we I know that we have staff that are approaching retirement um and there's been some turnover so I just want to ensure that we have um a solid committee that that there experts in building and I also want to share that I think um having principles and special um instructional people at the table is important but I think that needs to be in the design phase I think that when we're laying the plans for what we're going to do that's the time to get their input and so um Dr gullet I do appreciate you taking this um back to the the committee because I do think there are um you know I just want it to be done right and I think that puts us in a position to do things correctly so thank you and vice chair board member Cummings I I see I see on the committee it says Safety and Security but shouldn't that be safe schools um rather than just Safety and Security if the purpose is to represent our like safe schools Department if that's the intention of the committee then I agree with Eric right that it should be the title of our safe like what we title that Madam chair I yes um again a um broader context to the many conversations the committee was having thinking forward to when all of us are not here um titles change positions change and so the I what I really uh appreciate about the committee is this understanding of when when somebody is not there at the table they weren't part of this conversation what the intention is is clear so um committee was really um diligent and trying not to name something that didn't make sense in the future if the if the title changed does that make sense yeah more of a descriptor rather than a department because those things come and they they change over time so just Pro providing some guidance to that yeah um if I may um the only other reason there's so many um choices is that there are some projects that they'll have a hard time getting Community people like for a school it's a little bit easier to to get people but if they have to do a a new Roofing program or something and they may not be able to get multiple Community people and they were worried about being able to get those things done and so we kind of left it open but I think that would be maybe a board and a superintendent conversation when you're going out for one you can just encourage which guys if you want if you want to emphasize the local community people on this when you're doing a school more so than when you're doing a roofing program or HVAC or something you guys could have that conversation we try to leave it as generic as we could to give them the ability to fill that committee um but if you guys want to tweak it between y'all that's fine we we'll we'll do whatever y'all's Direction so what direction are we giving because according to my understanding we're providing feedback for Dr gullet to take back to the the committee so are we okay with Safety and Security staying as is yeah that's right okay well it was board member Cummings question L I want to make sure that we got that understanding based on what he just said is this is basically a generic like a menu yeah but I mean they they definitely need to be at the table good in those designs yep all right and um does that answer your uh concern um yeah I'm not a h I'm a DI on I'm just on record stating my concerns so if we move forward we move forward okay for member Campbell sure I I just wonder if perhaps not another appendix in this but you know if there was just maybe even a a like little statement that we will all come to consensus on to say like for Pro for schools or you know something like that then at least two community members must be something like that where we come to a consensus on a statement where we don't have to address this every single time we're considering building a new school but same thing with you know we're if the project is under a certain amount of money maybe we do that that we make a recommendation on how many people need to be community members other than that the rest of this is just our own internal staff so that that's the only thing because we don't have it's five to nine people doesn't always have to be any one of these nine individuals I don't know that's that's the only do we have a recommendation on if we're building a school and the construction manager is being chosen how many community members do we want to see on that Committee of the nine and that that's the question I'm asking hold on one second I mean maybe we don't have an answer right now but I I think that's kind of the heart of what we're trying to to ask is there doesn't there are nine choices here but it doesn't say necessarily that you have to have one from each of these categories if you're having a team of nine if you're having a team of five they get to pick and choose which category so well and if I may to your point I think you just brought up a very valid something that I hav't thought of but like some of these are not ma some of these are Wills so there needs to be like the word required next to like number one number one is a requirement correct I mean I could be wrong but I think number one is a requirement and so if and and what I've heard is that there is requirements for facilities individuals to be a part of the process well if that's the case the word required needs to be next to the people who are required to be a part be represented um and if safe School Safety and Security is one of those um but the absence of that basically means you could pick five community members to do it in theory and if we're trying to do this for the future I think being very clear is of value so maybe it's about us ensuring um Dr Campbell which of these nine our requirements and then going from there so one number one the non- voting facilitator is a requirement I think we would all agree right okay number maybe there could be an asterisk and then it could say required sure sure yeah whatever the whatever something that delineates okay Business Services it's required okay would I I would say we need to know how much money it's going to cost cost okay um did the the facilities Department director I think it's an either or depending on the project at least e someone from facilities needs to be a part of it it doesn't historically it's been two so it's been the construction coordinator and the director that was the experience that I had and Miss bombach is nodding so um so are both required are both three and four required yes or not always well I don't know that I'm considering number one even a part of the team so that's where I'm because if you have a non voting facilitator I'm not considering them one of the five but maybe no no I would agree because it says nine voting members up to nine voting members so I would agree okay so then if we had business services and someone from facilities do we see three other categories that we would believe would need to be required on every project and if not security would be one well but I I would disagree for a construction manager again when we're talking about architecture absolutely Safety and Security is so important because it's about the design of the school but when we're talking about building the school and the CM I I would I would struggle to say sure if we have nine members and they're apart great but I don't know that it needs to be a requirement because when we when we had these when last year when we went through this Mr mcfaden Chief McFadden's input was when we were choosing prototypes because he wanted to look at the school and look at the exit doors and look at the perimeter and it was about the the architecture of the school it wasn't about the construction of the school and those processes are not synonymous but when I classify in my mind if we're talking about someone choosing a construction manager that's whenever I use the word Safety and Security to mean risk management because I don't think of risk as being Business Services even though I know that's where it falls currently but Safety and Security in a construction manager I think you need somebody from a risk mindset to say does this construction manager follow all of the guidelines they need to to make sure their folks are safe that that you know that we're not having any liability on our own so that's where I'm kind of flipping I appreciate the generality of the term Safety and Security because in a construction manager I think those terms actually are a little different what about safety security and risk management I mean that's fine I just I they need to be at the table they do I think there needs to be someone from a safety standpoint it's not safe school security wise as much as it is risk and so I mean I'm still okay with it just being Safety and Security yeah that's technically the the assumption is risk management would fall under that category well since we're talking about being clear now I'm thinking about when I first looked at six Safety and Security a picture came into my mind of Mr MC faten not risk management I agree so we may want to consider safety security comma risk management and risk management or risk management um we're just trying to cover all the bases I just I think that what I understand from Miss bomach is she's going to then essentially take what everyone agrees on today and we're going to firm this up and then she's going to make some minor modifications for architecture if if what the board is saying is risk management needs to be representated uh representative in the CM process and safe schools as representative in the architect process I think that that can be handled without necessarily changing Safety and Security I think that she can make that I I think it might be you picking I really don't know I guess but what I'm saying is the it it can be handled all right Dr gulet your thoughts yes thank you madam chair what is the next step is is for the board's comments and suggestions to go back to Mr vavan and the Community Committee to review the recommendation just to be clear they can't say this enough we have experts that have given their time extensive amount of time have expertise in many areas related to this I trust them that's why they're leading this committee we are here to support them and they they will go back and look at what the board's feedback is got it so adding risk management is I something I'm taking notes I think m vandan is taking notes I think several of us are and I see nodding of heads of committee members out there so they will go back and discuss but they they are experts in their area and Mr vavin is one and standing in front of us today so I I respect their expertise absolutely agreed all right um we're good there keep rolling page three um the word framework is used in C at the top of the page well I can appreciate this is a framework I feel like the board is approving this process and the use of framework is um is lacking from a board member seat the security that the process cannot change without it coming back before the board and so this language for me needs to be more clear to specify the level of changes that are going to be allowed without the board being made aware of them because there was criteria changes multiple times without the board's knowledge over the last two years and that is where my concern stems from so board I'll leave it to you to discuss chair um I would agree with Dr James and what I would like to see um is some defining language where we're specifying what may not need to come before us um is HVAC Roofing things that are specific um trade um jobs um that are more routine that don't need to come before us for minor changes so that would be my recommendation okay anything else from the board good all right next um so under D advertising all others identified through research who may be interested in responding to the specific RFQ appendix one says there's a pre-screening checklist and says basically if you do not submit and you're pre-qualified and then do the pre-screening checklist you don't get to phase two which is the book phase this language in this in my opinion is contrary to that what others that research may find what does that mean because they have to be pre-qualified and they have to go through the prescreening process so to me those are contrary and I don't I don't understand how you can who are we just going to go find that isn't already a pre-qualified vendor so what I would like to see is that struck through essentially and that line struck through I don't think that facilities should go out searching for other people they should be pre-qualified and then apply just the same as everyone else I agree board any other input on this suggestion a recommendation I will call it yes yes sure you good board member camel sure okay all right moving right along um on page four um it's it's at the top of the page it's talking about uh pinex one and it says if a project has unique requirements adjustments to the standard selection and scoring criteria including categories points allocated per category or weight per category may be made during the planning phase in advance of the release of the RFQ I'm going to go back to limit to trades only because I I as a board member do not want to see the process being changed and points being added or removed for a $150 million proc project at the will of one or two employees who may decide that they want to see it changed I think that there needs to be a threshold number maybe put in here 30 million 15 million I don't know and any project over that it has to come if there's going to be significant if there's going to be changes to the process that we have been informed about we need to be notified so I guess my request would be determining a monetary threshold where we are essentially saying changes most HVAC roof projects are under that 15 million Mark maybe so we just say anything under 15 million have at it and anything over 15 million I guess that would be my request um to take to the committee Dr gullet um also on page four uh in the initial screening respondents will be evaluated and scored on the information presented in their RFQ response and other relevant information on file with the district what that says to me is District employees have had a negative experience with XYZ contractor and they're bringing that to the table and they are using that I don't disagree with the sentiment but I think that there needs to be clear expectations about how that is scored because certainly if a contractor failed to put Windows in a high school for a semester I think that that should have weight but I think that I would like for there to be a little bit more clarity about what that history and that knowledge is and not just well I didn't like working with contractor ABC he was he was hard to work with well how do we quantify hard to work with um and so it leaves opportunity for fluff and I don't I I would like it to be a little bit more clear M Campbell So to that point perhaps it does have to be quantifiable relevant information sure because the quantifiable relevant information may be that they never completed work on time and we have documentation of that or we had multiple safety violations that occur whatever but quantifiable relevant information I can get on board with adding the word quantifiable in front of relevant information thank you and then my last thing is number two at the bottom comparable non srf projects for which the responding firm has provided the general required Services comparable is a very vague word so comparable in size comparable in scope comparable in um monetary value comparable in Timeline conditions and so I I would like like I'm still on the same page yeah the bottom page at the bottom of the page number two so the word comparable I'm struggling I just think that we need it's a very vague so let's be again more specific comparable how because it's 20 points so experience well they built hospitals and were building a school and it was the same square footage so that's comparable because they were both the same square feet I I would say that's not really comparable because they didn't build a school so and that's all I have for page four okay moving right along um page five the project team professional and Technical staff I think technical staff and on-site staff are are two different things and potentially going back to having two different processes for architecture firms versus construction firms I'm not sure that both of these I feel are incredibly specific for each so a technical staff would be engineering firms and design firms and um and that kind of thing I'm thinking about when Joe London comes to the pitch for all the CMS and he's talking about the Civil Engineering versus on-site staff and the superintendent and so I I just and again this is not something I'm going to a hill I'm going to die on but I just have kind of I guess concern about are they both necessary for both processes or is one more necessary for one process and one the other so and that's all I have on page five okay anything else from the board all right um on page six at the bottom it talks about the following key points during their present presentation and it um it's in the second to last paragraph at the B the last sentence but I don't see any following key points so if it's referencing the appendix a maybe I don't know but there is for me a disconnect from those key points that are being mentioned and then what what what what are the key points I get it you see that Dr I'm looking no tell me on page six second to the last paragraph it's a little bit of a hanger sentence interviewing firms will be expected to address the following key points during their presentation I would be like okay where are they where are they so if they could be added or or pointed to C appendix whatever yep okay and then I don't have a question until page nine so okay anybody have questions on seven or eight hearing none we'll move on to page nine um so when we're talking about the the last paragraph of G failure to bring the project team as identified in the selection process may result in termination of negotiations and may be just caused for removal for the current pre-qualified and future pre-qualified list the my experience is that the teams that are presented are vast some of the teams presented depending on the scope of the project have 15 members I think it would be in in my conversations with multiple contractors it would be inappropriate for them to bring a superintendent or a project manager to the negotiations the negotiations is a table for owners and so I do not think that I think that um paragraph should be stri I I think that it is requiring a significant effort on the behalf of the owner to bring an entire team as they presented to the negotiation table and honestly inappropriate the project manager is not cutting the check they they don't they they have no they're not they're not the money people so chair my my question with that is would be if they are presenting the project team in a presentation whether that's in writing or something like that where they have identified the project team that will be in place I don't believe that the way I'm interpreting this paragraph is not saying that all of those members actually have to be present in the room I'm seeing it as failure to bring the project team that you've identified already in this interview that you have been writing here's their photos here's their bios and all that failure to bring those people into this is going to result in the termination but you would bring them after the negotiations so the timeline doesn't add up because I'm not going to bring my team until I get the job and when I get the job then my team's going to show up to work and so I I agree with you because I think that is the intention of the statement but this is talking about the negotiation process and so I I can't this says may result in termination of negotiations and removal from the current pre-qualified list and future pre-qualified lists I could still see the T sorry if I interrupt if I could still see the team being a part of the negotiation though if I and maybe this is because I'm thinking more of like car dealership scenarios when we've gone to when I used to work in that sector we would lay out here's our team this is why you should choose us because the team is a part of the negotiation perhaps and we did choose them so they were selected we chose them now the owner is negotiating on fee and cost and all of those pieces and so at that table in that room there doesn't need to be the 15 people team Miss bomach yes and that that's not the intent the intent is that when we start negotiating the fee the project team that was presented in the in the book and in the interview will be the project team that will handle the job sometimes a superintendent moves they got a new location a new project and and then they are coming to the negotiation say oh that superintendent we presented to you is not available anymore uh I'm sorry um so it's not that they are coming into the room to negotiate um with 50 people um negotiate their fee it's to make sure that the team they presented in the book and in the interview will be the team that will work on that project I hear you and I think if this is in the document no um owner of a multiple million dollar company is going to say the superintendent move they're going to say absolutely the entire team is going to be present and then we're going to negotiate we're going to get in a contract and there is then no Clause to pull that back because this is a negotiation this is not after the contract is done and so if the intention is to say you can't do this job if you change your team then the language in this needs to reflect may result in termination of the contract and I don't even know if that's even legal to do but I think I hear what you're saying and I totally agree but I don't think the language in this paragraph reflects that and I I'm going to respectfully disagree because of the word may because it's not a shall it's a May in both scenarios where it says may result in termination or may be just cause for removal if it said shall result in termination then I would completely agree with you but that's one of those areas that gives the team the leeway to say okay wait a minute this whole group chose you because of these 15 team members that you presented to us with all these years of experience and all of this and now you've said the entire team left you they're not going to say that if this is in the book no owner is going to go oh I know I said this but here's the Clause where I'm going to tell you I don't get the job I mean no owner is going to do that they're going to read this and they're going to know that they're going to say yes them absolutely the team is staying the same and then when the team changes we have no recourse because this actually gives us that though because if we're saying okay we want you to present your team we've chosen you because of the team the entire team is different on day one our team now has guess what because you have failed to give us the people you said you were going to we now now can say this may result in termination so guess what we have our own records the negoti someone else from the board if anyone else want Madam chair do you mind um the I'm I'm smiling because I recall the committee had this exact conversation and I I listened very intently in here for a reason yes the committee had that and Mr van I don't want to put you on the spot and if you just want to take notes and take it back it's fine but I do recall members of the committee having very specific examples of what might occur which is why may was chosen yeah I think I think we just need to change our language a little bit to make it more clear what our goal there is um so we we can do that really easy um but yes our goal was to if we're going to give points for somebody bringing a good team and some some contractors have multiple good teams and some contractors have one good team and if we are fortunate enough to get the sales taex passed to build the schools that we have coming in the future we want to make sure that we get the team we're promised and so we can tweak it so that we make it maybe it's maybe it's not the current job maybe it's points against them in any future projects it may be if we have to because Dr James is right did people can not always tell the truth so we we'll have to we will modify that as a committee and we'll we'll make that a little more direct but yes you're right we don't we it never was the intent to bring the whole team to the negotiations it was meant to be that they show up to negotiate we verify that they're still planning on using the same team and if they are we're happy if they're not they got to give us a reason why and if not it gave staff the ability to say you wait we were counting on that team you're going to give us your new guy then we're not really as interested anymore so consider modifying paragraph for clarity does that capture what the board yeah I I mean yeah I'm it's just I think it should be clear what the intent is because I don't disagree with the intent I just want it to be clear yes ma'am okay everybody good all right nice true um I have a question or just a recommendation um at the top of the first paragraph negotiation and award process um again I'm going to go back still on page nine yeah still on page nine um again I'm going to go back to um turnover and people retiring and so um I would like the committee to discuss or want to know if the committee discussed looking at an outside party um when they get to this point of the process considering a third party um so so your recommendation for the committee would be to consider a third party when it reaches this part of the process yes and kind of hash that out any input can you say that again um when you're looking at the negotiation team and I'm just thinking about the turnover that we've had recently and that we may have in the future that hiring an outside um negotiator yes thank you with deep knowledge of the TR we ensure we have um someone that's very knowledgeable guiding us through the process that's where we can save a lot of money cuz the negotiation did Happ is is now going to happen in the procurement department is that accurate um so Madam chair we we H that the committee had that conversation and that is why and be careful not to get ahead of any board approval we consulted with an outside consultant that can help with this process so that consultant is already in process to provide advisement to this okay so can we add that what consultant I think right Miss bomach if you want to speak to that um but I want to get ahead of that yes so on the next board meeting on Tuesday there is a contract on the board agenda for an outside third party who will go through the whole process of selecting a CM or architect and that includes also the negotiations okay and and board for clarity because it's not board approved yet it's an extension of what I've shared before were about um engaging with that same entity for our technical working group and our work with a with the county so it's an extension of that same contract with experts in the field um that have been doing this for quite some time they that the representative was present at the technical working group and spoke to um the the group at that time same group on the board agenda for approval um because I can tell you from my seat again this is the committee's work but it was important to get an expert from the field in doing and guiding this work pending board approval that will be you'll see that on Tuesday is that item under discussion uh I believe so okay I believe so okay if it's not if Miss Martinez could move it that would be wonderful okay that was all I had on page nine okay and I actually missed I missed something on page six so I don't know if we want to go back to page six or if we want to proceed but um as a proud woman own business myself I would like to offer that I do not think if we if it gets down to a tie a woman-owned business being awarded 10 points and a local business being awarded 10 points should not be Equitable which would mean that a firm outside of being local who is owned by a business would essentially Trump a um local owned business and for that I would offer to the committee to to suggest that the woman business should be five points I don't want to see a woman-owned business superseding something that's local I would hope that it's a local woman-owned business and they can get 15 points um and then the only other I don't know if anyone um so I'm sorry so go ahead so are you recommending that Minority and small business still receive 10 points but a woman-owned business only receives five uh a minority woman-owned business or small business shall be alloted of 10 points that entire item should be five five points Five Points okay I just because you were singling out the woman aspect of it I was just thinking of the one the seedi represent but yes the entire the entire section should be five not 10 there's no legislative or legal weight that is required we just have to represent it so my recommendation would be five points yeah um I would agree that with that I also had a note on that um thinking about that exact same thing I would much rather um have someone local um working on our projects that's invested in our community um I think it's great if it's a woman a minority anything else but I I don't think um that it should be equal to the local preference so I'm just I'm in agreement that would be my recommendation also anyone else from the board I don't I I'm kind of up an air on that one um so we we're just going to say local preference trumps or deserves more points than all of these other categories is that what we're saying well it's not all the other categories well all these in this in this section minority woman owned small business small businesses yes by five points but you could also be a local business and owned by a minority and then you get extra points both I just I don't want someone from Miami to get the job here over someone locally just because they're a woman or just because they're a minority I'd rather have someone that's um as close as can be to Maran County um and have input I'll acknowledge this is the book phase so like there's no carry forward points this is the book phase so like the likelihood that this is going to happen is Slim because it's just Slim they all start fresh at zero points or they all start fresh with 100 points depending on how you want to look at grading but they all start fresh at the interview and so this is really like semantics but it's just and I I don't have to die on The Hil it's just something that I wanted the committee to review personally I mean I I I I think they could be equal in weight since they can have more than one they could qualify for more than one they could be a minority they could be a woman and they could be local why I just don't see the local getting an additional Five Points higher I I don't think that the intent however is that for each portion of the you can you can glump them together if that's the way that is intended to be under procedure but at least with minority and woman-owned businesses or small businesses those are you don't get additional points for each one of those categories so for example if you you are a small business that is woman-owned by a minority that does not not 30 points that's not 30 points right however under this classification it would be additive to local preference so local preference could get you 10 points and under this scoring rubric minority woman-owned or small business would also get 10 points but it's that that's an or it's the minority woman-owned or small business and my thought behind it Reverend Cummings is we're asking this community in less than three weeks to vote for a sales tax and this community is the data says 70% of it is going to come from local and so if our local community is raising the money to build these schools then I want in every possible effort us to use local contractors to build the schools with the money that we have raised locally and I all right Dr G we'll take it back again the the committee has had a lot of conversation about this I don't want to speak on their behalf but and then I just had one other thing on page six so in the um in the last paragraph of step one so it's about the middle of the page on page six it talks about the minimum of three firms I I would make the request that it says no less than three and no more than five or something um I hope that we get to a season where we have 20 people apply for our jobs that was not the case for the high school we had three qualified um applicants so I just think again with that forward-looking lens setting a parameter of no less than three no more than five no more than seven whatever that looks like to establish the short list and then I believe it would be a best practice to communicate with everyone who applied not just the ones who were shortlisted the way this narrative is written it kind of reads as if not kind of it does read as if we're only communicating with those who have been shortlisted and I believe a proper phone call and um paper notification would be the right thing to do to notify all all individuals and I would love to see the notification also come with their score sheet um historically vendors would have to go ask for their scoree sheet to be sent to them after the fact I would like to see that upon notification in the short list phase and then also in the in the final interview phase that the notification come phone call in writing and include the score sheet forthcoming instead of it being something that they have to look for after after the fact Che um I I agree with what Dr James has shared but I'd also like to add that I would like for everybody to receive the same thing so when they get their phone call and then receive a notification everyone's listed their scores are listed and maybe we highlight um the three that have made it um you know to the next portion I get on I think in the in the face of transparency that's what we we were lacking the last round and so I think that's an important part um of getting some clarification and being specific in um communicating I I agree and it's all public record anyway so they can get it anyway so we might as well just send it have a process for how it's done so timely right yep I believe is what I'm hearing Y and that actually concludes my comments chair Thor okay for six no in in conclusion I am done oh okay all right all right I know we weren't done but my my notes ended there so I think we were on page nine so if anyone has anything further all right anything else from the board from page 10 on was I just have comment uh I just wanted to say first of all grateful for the um immense amount of work that you all put in on this the the things that pointed that were pointed out to me most importantly is how we begin the whole document immediately out of the gate talking about basically being anti- lobbying super we're grateful for that also thankful for the acknowledgement forms of both cone of silence and conflict of interest I think those two items alone will help this community understand that we want to get this right and we want to be the board that gets it right uh we don't we don't want to be messing around with either one of those items and so thank you for the inclusion of of all of those things and the highlighted interest in what we're really trying to do here I did think of one other thing so and this is my educator hat and so when I I've said this a couple times to the community and the construction guys look at me with googly eyes because it doesn't make sense but when I was an English teacher and we were um we were practicing for FCAT and then FSA we had an anchor set we had the thing that we were grading it against we knew what the five looked like and then we had to grade our students against that anchor set what I have felt has been absent this whole time is is an anchor set what does exemplary look like and I know that we have this very detailed um scoring rubric however I feel like the scoring rubric it's well it's missing 10% so I don't know if that was intended or not but it essentially changes the adjectives and so how do I Nuance between what is fails to meet and Lacks significant or not like it's just it's it is not clear and I feel like it leaves a lot of opportunity for individual interpretation about what I think the rating scale is and I think we saw in the high school some people are Raiders who start at a 100 and work your way down some people are everyone gets a c and has to earn their a or go down and so I struggle with the lack of clarity on on the scoring and I think we have to we have to be sure that our graders and our committee members understand what exemplary looks like and and and I don't know the committee can come up with what how that would be but I mean I I have made the recommendation privately I think to Mr bam and I would take go have a conversation with Miss bomach and Miss Dobbins and go back through the book books that we've collected over the years find some that got very high scores and remove all of the identifying factors from the book and make that the exemplary book and then you have some very clear indicators for the interview about what is what is exemplary or maybe you put on a fake one and make a video and there's a quick 30 minute training of a fake interview and you give some give some model of what exemplary response looks like but in the absence of having that anchor set I think we're going to find again that the rating is not aligned because people are going to come into the into the rating with different Vantage points about what exceptional is so I I think that is the conclusion chair through but I I did forget that okay any feedback on that comment all right go let's sced internet can I uh ask two questions abolutely sorry um the conversation I'm going back to the committee mostly everything I heard today we can discuss but there was two things that I didn't really get a majority or uh not a majority so I would like to ask you guys to me not to be the political one let you guys be the political ones so um minority women owned small businesses I heard two people would like the local to be more and that's all I heard in two I need to know if we three that would like that or if we' only like two that like that because um I will say from our committee perspective the reason we scored them the same is because it only allows you to get to the next level it doesn't get you selected so we didn't have any issues in our opinion with a woman-owned business a minority own business or a small business getting to the next level because that that I understand Dr James saying that they were a tie but you're talking about if you have a tie at the book level we would allow both of those firms to go to the next level so I'm not too worried about um deferring it I just don't want to um disrespect y'all's opinion but I just want to make sure I have a clear answer to our committee of what your recommendation is thank you Mr vanman I I'll just say for myself your point is is very well taken and again um I want to thank the committee for their their deep and and committed work it's important to this board to have a at least a good working knowledge if not a very deep understanding of the process um so we can avoid any future problems but at the same time you know we're not the experts sitting up here that's what your committee was all about so um I think that as far as the rest of the board is concerned as if you feel comfortable with the statement that um I just made that it's going to be important for Dr gullet to take the rest of these back let them hammer it out and um then we'll have an opportunity to review it one more time before we vote is that the process Madam chair I don't think there's a vote this these are procedures unless unless the board chooses and wants to do some policy um I would defer to attorney Powers these are procedures um again neither neither I nor any of Staff members voted on anything when when decisions were made as far as recommendations that you heard today they were all from the committee from community members and experts in the field we we've had no we've had conversation um mostly listening mine was 99% just listening but um that's the committee's re this is the committee's recommendation they're here today to present what their what their recommendation is to me as the superintendent and we are as a courtesy sharing that and getting input from the board but they procedures from the committee to me and and to the community as a whole so there there's no vote per se to procedures um I and know like again we're taking notes Mr vavan is taking it back there are several committee members here today that have worked so diligently on this but um here to here with the board has to say but there's no vote on this unless the board wants to set some things in policy or provide some guidance what I'm hearing Mr vandan say is there's two things that seem to be in Conflict amongst the board members and he's seeking Clarity so he he can take that back to the committee okay and and thank you for the reminder um you know this has been so impactful and it's so important that you know in my mind from it I'm thinking okay it's going to come back to us for a for a final vote that's the that's the depth of what everyone has has gone to and and I can't appreciate it anymore um so okay I said what I said um and so we do need consensus um on both of those topics and if I may I'm sorry so Clarity is important right what I'm hearing um what I'm hearing Mr V asked for is Clarity if there's if there's anything that needs to be asked from the board table as a board we need to hear that today thank you um yes board member James I acknowledge you and then we'll have board member Campbell and then Vice chair um I'm super appreciative of the community involvement and Mr vanam in leading this work I um what I will say is that I maintain and struggle that this was a committee put together not with representatives from board members the board had no say in this committee um that I'm aware of um this was Dr gullit's committee and so at a minimum as a board member I want to see this item in a work session before it's implemented with the changes that we have the feedback that we've given today and the team will go back and do and have whatever discussions they have this board member at a minimum wants to see it in a work session before we move forward um with any procurement um because I I do feel like as a board member it's comp it essentially is completely out of our hands it is not a votable item and we're talking about hopefully with the passing of a sales tax in 20 19 days we're talking about $350 million in projects and it is our job as to do the money that's our job and so I I struggle with it not being a votable item and if that's okay if it's not policy but I certainly do not want it enacted until this board has seen a final draft and had another public discussion about it I was expecting that we would get a final draft and look at it one more time so I would agree with that piece of what you shared yep um let's go with board member camel unless you do you did you say you agreed board member I concur oh concur okay thank you all right m c so back to Mr vander's question I believe he was asking specifically about if the other three of us who haven't weighed in agree to the point change on minority woman-owned or small business so I've been sitting here trying to rationalize Dr James has recommended at Five Points and Miss Conrad concurs with that um if we moved it to seven points than the scenario that Miss Conrad has presented if it was a minority woman owner small business out of Miami would have the same number of points if we were doing seven there and then three within the State of Florida as a local M Maran County business so I can also support the Five Points spe specifically for that Minority woman-owned or small business understanding that if we have one of those in alache leevy Citrus Sumter one of our adjacent counties then they have the same point total as a local um vendor I think that was the question you were asking so you now have three in support of that question so I don't know how um chair thrower or board member Cummings feels on it as to Dr Jameson she had something entirely different in that conversation as to the point of voting on this I personally don't necessarily see that there is a need I I believe that the people that have been appointed to this committee are experts in the field and I don't know all of them but the ones that have been there are also the ones that voted for us to be sitting up here who have appointed Dr gullet to be the one that has then appointed them as the committee of U experts in the field and so I don't personally believe that it's for us to weigh in on a vote on how this is all done because ultimately we do still hold the pur strings and we will vote on the construction manager when that contract comes around we will vote on the architect when that comes around we will vote on every dollar that crosses this table before any one of them is paid so I appreciate the process and the way this is a procedure and not in policy uh and though I also am grateful that we are having the opportunity to weigh in on this procedure because we're not in most procedures within the school district we set the policy and we don't weigh in on the procedure so because of the public nature of this particular item and what the board is doing requesting the community to support financially us moving forward with additional opportunities for our students uh I can see why we needed to weigh in on this procedure but I personally don't have to vote on it thank you ice share I've already shared I'm I'm good shared my opinion yes okay the coming that's all I had to say about it okay so can we share that we have consensus on the two points that Mr vanderman needed Clarity on okay all right you got it I'm done public comment is there any public comment all right hearing and seeing none thank you again for your amazing work and your dedication and commitment to helping every student succeed all right Dr gullet uh thank you madam chair so we're ready to move on to our next item which is uh introduction of our strategic plan review I'm going to have Mr White House kick us off but number of Staff here today uh Mr White House will provide some context to historical changes and just as a reminder that this is a 5-year plan that is not set in stone for five years we do um we do updates every single year each goal separately but this year I really wanted to take some time set aside to do uh a deeper dive review into each of the goals um bordon you of course you were invited to those as the laa aons for each of the goals um to give um a thorough review and and I would say a pause as to where are we now where are we going um what what needs to change in our strategy and how our outcomes doing so better defining and and reviewing them I think is is important especially in a long range plan so appreciative of that so today is um a summary of of some of those points and recommendations moving forward then board will come back and then start and we'll resume again again with what we've done in the past several years is a review presentation from each goal separately at work sessions okay so thank you I'll turn it over to Mr White House thank you thank you ma'am all right good morning chair thrower board members Dr KET we are here as a group to share um some updates for the achieved 2026 strategic plan and I will start off um with the five pillars that we have on there these are the five key goals that were established in our original strategic plan um and these really anchor the work that we do every day in our school district um and really driving uh our work every every week and every day so going back a little bit to the the origins of a strategic plan we launched this plan in the 2122 school year um and spent a lot of time not only just communicating out the information and making sure that people are aware of what those outcome metrics were that we were working towards and the strategies that we're going to implement U but also spent a lot of time in groups creating action plans uh to support those strategies and make sure that we could accomplish those goals in the time frame allotted um and so in the fall of 2022 um we actually came before this board as well um and provided some updates after we had lived with this uh strategic plan for one school year and shared some recommendations for some changes to some out outcome metrics at that that time and also some updates to some of our targets that we're working with um certainly recognizing as Dr G point out that you know this is a fluid document and the world of Education changes around us very rapidly um and so we want to be responsive to those needs and so we have again taken that opportunity to go back and review where we are with a strategic plan um some of the outcome metrics you'll actually see we have already met those um ahead of schedule which is good and so we're going to provide some of those goal byg goal updates so you will see we did spend some time over the last few months meeting in small groups and looking at each of those goals uh with representatives from a variety of stakeholders on those committees we looked at the outcome metrics themselves did we have the right metrics in place were we making sure that we're measuring the right things that were going to ultimately Drive success of our students in this District um do we have the right Targets in place and also looking at our Key activities and do we have the right strategies that in place to make sure that we can reach all of those targets we looked at a lot of current trends and changes within education and we know just in the last three years we have seen quite a few changes um to the educational landscape and then we've made some recommendations for changes and you will note that you each have a handout um that provides you with all of the updated outcome metrics and recommendations um along with the updated targets and we'll review those uh individually by each goal so when you're looking at that sheet as we bring up the other presenters um anything that you see in green these are recommended additions that we have for our outcome metrics and in some cases some recommended Target adjustments sorry Mr White pausing on handout yes ma'am can what which handout yes so there's a a separate attachment on there it is a um large chart looks like this lots of green lines okay and that provides each of the five goals these are the outcome metrics um the ones that are in white are ones that are currently existing the ones that are in green are recommended additions or adjustments to the outcome metrics based on committee work um and the ones that are in red with a strike through our current outcome metrics that we feel need to be deleted or changed um and we'll talk about the rationale behind each one of those so we'll be referencing those um as we go through each of our goal presentations so just a quick highlight of some of the changes you're going to see from our goals so with Goal one we really want to provide a greater focus on our subgroups um not that we don't um constantly work to support all of our students but we really need to make sure that within our Improvement in instruction that we're not leaving anyone behind and so we really want to have a greater Focus um making sure that we are calling out and identifying the success of each of those subgroups and so you'll see that highlighted within that goal um goal two we provide some updated targets again going back and looking at some of the changes that we've seen over the last three years and where we need to get to um goal three we've made some adjustments uh to some of the outcome metrics and added a few new outcome metrics goal four you'll see some upgraded targets and new outcome metrics and then goal five we've also added some new outcome metrics and so we're going to take time now just we can't we literally can't hear you you hold one second yeah sorry let's see let the weed eater get done yeah we just between the weed eater the lawnmower there's a lot of noise up here they working very hard hard they are they are getting it done okay all right clear so we will go through and address each one of those outcome metric changes for you this morning um you'll also note that we've made some adjustment to Key activities we're going to reference um some of the activities that we've already completed U which is great we're ahead of schedule on some of these and um we'll make some adjustments because of that there's some new strategies that we feel we need to add to make sure that we're able to reach our Targets in the next two years um we're not going to go into great depth on the Key activities as Dr G mentioned we do have have in-depth presentations coming up at future work sessions for each of the goals and we will elaborate much greater detail on each one of those as we get to those work sessions so without further Ado I will turn over to miss rle who will talk you through the recommended changes for goal one morning thank you thank you good morning so first I'm going to um and like Dr gullet and Mr White House said we're going to be going into um greater depth with with Goal one at the November 7th work session so you will get to hear um about all of the um New outcome metrics and key strategies that we've added so I'm just going to quickly um go through the outcome metrics that we added for goal one as well as any strategies that we have completed already and then a few minor changes that we made to existing strategies so some of the outcome metrics we added were to increase the percentage of third grade students scoring on grade level in English language arts it um because that's a new um a new um uh what do you call it calculation I'm sorry the school grade calculation it's a cell on its own we felt it important to add that because we have um an emphasis on third grade proficiency uh another outcome metrics we added increased their percentage of students in the lowest quartile for ELA making at least one year of of growth um we did the same for math we added that as well increase the percentage of elll Learners specifically um scoring on grade level in English language arts and increasing the percentage of students with disabilities scoring on grade level in English language arts because we do have that extra emphasis on our subgroups this year we also adjusted the targets for two of our outcome metrics because where we were sitting right now with our percentages we were moving very close to our Target which is great news so we increased our targets um for increasing the percentage of students making oneyear learning gain in math we increased it to 60 and increased the percentage of graduating seniors earning a qualifying acceleration score that Target was also increased to 72 some of the Key activities under um goal one that we have completed are on the slide that you see now developing a comprehensive K12 literacy plan we are removing that because that is something that is complete it is required by the state it is um uploaded annually and now it is required to be board approved for the second year in a row so that is completed support the transition to best standards that was one of our strategies we are no longer transitioning to best standards we are in uh in we're digging into best standards uh very deeply this is year four for K through2 year three for grades three through five so while we are working um on implementing rigorous tier one instruction we incorporate the uh implementation of best standards in everything we do in all of our professional learning um so we're no longer transitioning we're working on the implementation designing an instructional framework that um was completed um that was rolled out um the year before last I believe um and again last year um as well as this year all schools have that and they do use that framework in collaborative planning developing a data dashboard that was another um uh key indicator that was complete alignment of formative assessments to best standards as you know we offer lesson plans for our teachers in grades K through five um we have Incorporated uh formative checks into those lesson plans and PowerPoints throughout all lessons for every Benchmark strengthening professional learning communities and the universal designed for learning opportunities those are um complete of course they're ongoing and we're working on those but um their professional leadership and learning Department rolled out their professional uh learning communities um sessions for our coaches um who then took those back to their schools and the ESC Department dep um continued to offer Universal Design for Learning opportunities for our um general education teachers inclusion teachers self-contained teachers and administrators expanding prek opportunities um that is complete we offer at least we have at least one VPK classroom on all elementary school campuses for a total of 44 VPK classrooms across the district so those um completed activities were um removed because we've added uh some new ones to go along with our new outcome metrics and targets um a few changes we made on the next slide um again we updated a strategy 1 A2 um remember strategy 1A is to strengthen core instruction tier one instruction with an emphasis on literacy we updated that um and now it says it reflects effective implementation of best in standards because we're deep in our best standards now and so now what we're doing is working on how do we include specific instructional strategies along with the benchmarks there was um a strategy uh 2 B3 parent conference nights to strengthen communication we moved it under goal one for Student Success and we added three additional strategies for goal one um one increase opportunities for writing in grades K through two two provide opportunities for collaboration with teachers and specialized units across the district and then three to enhance administrator coach and teacher capacity to utilize multiple data sources to make instructional decisions so we're going to dive again very deep into goal one and what all of this means and what the implementation will look like at the November 7th work session we just wanted to give you a preview today um do we want to go with go one questions before we present goal two or do we want to wait till the end of the presentation I think it would be best to go ahead and if there's any questions for are there any questions for goal one so I I don't have a question as much as a statement because the conversation that I've heard from community members is in part asking why our targets are basically you know 60% or below in proficiency and that's our Target in in a lot of these areas as opposed to like everybody wants it to be 95% of you know of all of our students receiving um having Proficiency in language arts and math and what I'm grateful for is the first time that the district ever put in measurable strategic planning um at outcome metrics that were measurable are essentially smart objectives they're strategic they're measurable they're attainable and realistic with a timetable to them and so while we certainly could have set a target of 90% proficiency when we're know when we know we're coming in the 30s or 40s to start as our Baseline that's nowhere near realistic or attainable and so I just want to say that to the community understanding that our goal is to reach 95 100% of proficiency across the district absolutely a goal but we have to have a Target over a five-year strategic plan that once we reach that Target then the next fiveyear strategic plan has a new Target we continue to have new strategies we continue to try to achieve that highest level of performance but I I just want to say to the community I know that there are questions about it or U people having different expectations than what they're currently seeing and I think they don't fully understand or grasp what that looks like for 45,000 plus students that might not be at at or above grade level and how we do actually move those students and move those needles and so I am grateful that you have moved some of these needles that definitely we were already almost there so once you get there then we're going to keep moving that Target because that's the long-term goal that we do want everyone to be proficient we but we are putting those strategies in place to make that happen so just a comment more than a question thank you Miss rle Madam chair if I may I I appreciate the opportunity to have a comment too uh I couldn't agree more by definition helping every student succeed that this board and District have adopted is 100% but we I am incredibly grateful and appreciative that we are not doing this artificially that this plan is not something that sounds like a a promise that we can't fulfill getting us to the top third requires what Mr uh White House has alluded to earlier the the alignment of our action steps that are very measurable and our smart goal oriented and aligning our Title One plans our school Improvement plans which are up for the board's um review and approval on Tuesday are all tightly aligned I was at a school yesterday and sat in with a specific grade level team and their planning is so deep and specific to each and every child for every standard and Benchmark that's what our goal is and that will get us to where we need to go but just having broad goals sounds great but it doesn't create a road map to get there and I think that was the missing piece for us is how do we work with our teams to help articulate the path forward it's a road map so appreciate the comment on that and I couldn't agree more 100% is our goal but we have to get there we have to get there authentically absolutely I just have one question yes go ahead M rle I just have one question um on the updates we added um you added three new strategies and the first one was to increase writing opportunities for K through2 I was just curious what data we used um to come up with that goal and um what are we looking at to help our students move in that area well we know we've taken a lot of feedback um from schools and teachers as well as far as the quality of writing instruction in grades K through 2 and the expectations that we have um we have us our star Early Learning data for literacy that we look at um but just embedding writing strategies across content areas in grades K through 2 um I know there was a a a day when we did demand writing uh even as low as kindergarten um while we're not necessarily um doing that right now we need to increase those opportunities we need to show our teachers in K2 um what appropriate writing looks like in those grade levels um by creating exemplars and putting all that information out um on our SharePoint page and doing additional professional learning sessions when we meet with our impact teachers in grades K through two um and Talking about the importance of writing um and just we have a lot of new teachers and teachers who are not um they don't come from an educational background and so they might not know what um an example of student writing should look like by the end of a kindergarten year so just additional professional learning um and more opportunities for students to write across all content areas in K through two okay I think that's great I know a struggle I had in the primary grades is there's just never enough time and you spend so much time on reading and math and so I personally feel it's incorporate that they are exposed to how to integrate that because we don't have any more minutes in the day you know than we did before and so just helping them understand how to integrate that writing into things that they're already doing each and every day did we use any third grade data um looking at this goal also well when we look at our third grade proficiency data um we know that we have to have more opportunity for student to write and when you look at our benchmarks um the verb in The Benchmark a lot of times will'll say explain how are students going to do that and master a benchmark if they're not writing or they're not speaking so uh for that reason looking at proficiency data uh and the fact that students need to master those benchmarks they have to be able to express themselves in writing or or orally to be able to do that um um and it could be something as simple as um I was in a school U recently and every kindergarten had a writing journal and it was part of their day every single day to write um and as a teacher and as a parent uh of a kindergartner one day I remember looking at that journal at the end of the year and looking at the progress uh from a kindergartener from the beginning of the year to the end so just uh really reiterating the importance of that and that it's an expectation uh they have to be writing in all grade levels and it starts as early as kindergarten prek really well and I love that I'm just going to share personally that I love that journal idea because you're also teaching them to love writing because all so much of what we give to our students is scripted um and it's hard to love writing and enjoy it you know when you're being told everything you have to respond to so I love that also um were there were there any concerns about or data um from writing to keyboarding as as they're going in and having to do their writing on the computer yes we have um kids kids use computer kids know more about computers than we do um and so they've become very proficient at keyboarding and the way they do it is very interesting if you've ever sat and watched them Peck the keys but we we have to have more opportunity for that practice we do have a program called edu type um that teachers can use um to for students to practice typing but a lot of teachers um just use Word documents or uh sometimes they use Google Classroom so we do have a lot of opportunities for students to use keyboarding as as they are writing um and I think sometimes kids are more proficient than than we think they are I don't think it's a it's a huge barrier for them anymore okay that is kind of was my question really mentally thinking that I would guess there would be you know if we saw a child that was very proficient in writing when he was doing it in hand um but maybe it didn't transfer into doing it on the computer so that thank you for sharing that all of that information that's great and that's all I have chair thank you okay thank you Miss redo anything else from the board all right thank you Miss redo we're ready to move on to gold two if the board's ready perfect thank you we're ready morning good morning morning that's not go three shouldn't be on go three gotcha go two all right good morning how's everybody doing so this is um Dennis mcfat we're going to talk about our safe and positive learning and working environments on the go to and the objective is to provide a safe and support supportive learning and working environment for all students and staff if you're looking at your sheet there the long sheet that Mr White House showed you earlier um we only changed one of our outcome metrics and if you see down there in the pink we had a goal of reaching 100% on our school hardening projects which was the fences cameras and door buzzers and as we went through that process we know that it's an always a a constant upgrade and Improvement to school security but we were were able to meet those goals by at least having cameras door buzzers and our fences at every one of our campuses but as we move forward although we meet 100% we know that there's going to always be improvements uh where we may have to do some fencing repairs or maintenance or adding cameras to maybe some places that we um are lacking some visual Security in so we're going to always be able to improve on that although we're still at 100% uh as you're looking at the um outcome metrics in green we added that one because we know that house bill 1473 every year there's some new type of mandates that's coming to us from the state and what we wanted to do was capture and and and be more broader in our approach as we start doing this Safety and Security and this here is to uh increase the percentage of schools in compliance with the Florida Department of Education Office of safe schools um they are requiring some mandates as far as classroom door access control and what we're required to do as a district our school safety specialist in the safe schools team prior to the state coming down and doing a compliance check we are mandated to complete at least one internal District compliance check at every school per year so what that does is allow us to if if if possible and if time allows to do a complete compliance check prior to the state arriving on campus that's to make sure that our all of our staff have their proper documentation certificates that we're driving around the campuses we're not finding fences and doors and gates open that we're staying in compliance with the state before they get here and and and and um you know have a compliance and have some findings that's negative against us so um that is what we're doing when we added that uh we gotten up to B2 add home school Aon to uh to the campuses to every campuses we have reached out we're working closely with mental health and wellness and that has been accomplished um we we removed remaining 2 B strategies to goal five that better aligns them aligns that goal with what they're doing but as always that we have these Family Focus and opportunities to go out in the community and meet with the community to educate them on school safety we're always more than happy to do that uh we do have opportunities to receive some grants where we purchase giveaway items to go out and help educate again our students our visitors and staff on on school safety um again we added the two new strategies and and one of the strategies that we really been talking about that we added was we we we looked at our surveys and our surveys [Music] were I would say they were in at a point went to where we were asking some specific questions and so we had to go back and ask ourselves what the person means when they say a student means when they say they're not safe they don't feel safe does that mean that they're afraid of active ass salance are they afraid of bullying cyber bullying what does that actually mean so we got together as a team and again we'll get more into detail with this as we move further uh in our discussions but we're looking at specific questions because we want to know what they are feeling careful of and that's hard to really pin it down when the questions are pretty broad CU that could mean anything so we're really looking at um doing some questions and asking some specific questions that we've got a list of that we can uh again find out exactly what they're afraid of so we can address those concerns um in our in our review of their strategic plan um we did change our Baseline uh improved our change our targets for instance for future chronic absenteeism we went from 90% I'm sorry reduced chronic absentee abom rates from 35% we changed that to 25% uh looking at the data we believe we can realistically meet that goal we know that there are some um you know schools and meetings all the time at places like oakrest and other schools that have these problems and there's some procedures and policies and even even some legisl that be that may be put in place to help us with that um increase the average daily percentage rate as we look at our daily attendance we see that that number is actually increasing from that 90% 90.1% And so we again we think we can reach that Target of 95% um reduce the number of alternative uh placements that went from 40 422 to 300 again we with the implementation of the new program here here here at MTI and some different strategies that we're putting together we're sure we can meet that um increase the percentage of students feeling safe at school something we talked about and we always want that to be 100% And and we again that's our goal but we got to try to look broader into exactly what is going on what are their the specific concerns that they make that make them not feel safe is it something from the outside is it something from the inside what is it that makes them not feel safe and again increase the percentage of Staff feeling safe at schools uh again we don't like that number of of what we saw in the past uh the Baseline was 85% but when we done our surveys they were not that it was like 60 65 68% but as a department we want our staff to feel safe on our school campuses and again we're going to try to reach that 100% goal and that is it this a short um go to is rather short with a lot behind the scenes Madam chair may I comment if you could uh allow me board um Mr mcfaden referenced the the change with the percentage of schools in compliance with the um Florida Department of Education Office of safe schools just Ste to underscore the magnitude of that because I think board you know there have been new mandates and new expectations and just last night I had a convers ation with a with another principal about uh an interpretation Mr mcfaden and I had a conversation about early yesterday um it's it's ever changing so I just really for the public to understand underscore that's not a simple task there is a lot of moving pieces behind ensuring that we're in full compliance with the state and getting consistency in Direction and expectation from the state on meeting those requirements so a lot of work and not just behalf of the safe schools team but also all of our schools because we we continue to get new updates new expectations it's just there's a lot in that one line I just need to underscore that thank you and thanks to to everyone who's worked so hard um Mr mcf and your team and all of our schools and Leadership and this is a lot of work behind the scenes in that item thank you thank you Dr gullet and any comments um feedback from the board good continue to be eternally grateful for everything that you and your team do and and the due diligence and the vigilance and and the communication you know um as as a board member getting those texts and not having to wonder and getting follow-up texts has really been great so thank you for that ma'am thank you good morning going to goal three talent management so the strategies that have been completed under this goal include developing and sending an HR survey to gather input from our hiring administrators as to the functions of the HR department and creating an action plan based on the results one of the outcomes of the survey resulted in the implementation of a recurring training or refresher for our hiring authorities and this training has been well received and will continue um two to three times per year um another um update or completed strategies the HR scorecard and that's been created and reviewed and it continues to be updated by our HR leadership team on an annual basis and this has allowed us to remain focused on our goal of improving Recruitment and Retention efforts as well as improving employee Capital Management and lastly we have investigated and implemented solutions to challenges relating to or boarding in this it's allowed us to implement strategies that have decreased the average number of days for on boarding in addition our committee made seever several changes to the outcome metrics for goal three the largest change being to the metrics around diversity recruitment doe no longer has the requirement to report employment equity which is what these metrics were based on historically doe required adherence to title six in the Florida Educational Equity act which allows school districts to implement affirmative actions to overcome the effects of Prior discrimination or conditions which resulted in limiting participation by persons of a particular color race or condition which resulted uh I'm sorry or national origin in the past doe requested a review of employment data for the district's administrative and instructional positions to identify under representation of minority employees and based on the information that was provided by Doe in mid-september of this year this is no longer the case or requirement and we've added several outcome metrics that will begin that we will begin tracking and Reporting and there are three of them and that's improving the retention of all staff we will continue our focus on improving the retention of our instructional staff but we felt it was also important to highlight um all staff across the district with our retention and recruitment efforts um also we are going to start in measuring or reporting on increasing the impact of recruitment activi ities and targeted marketing communication so we want to be able to clearly um evaluate and report on our Roi with our different recruiting and marketing efforts and how those efforts actually translate to the success of our recruitment strategies and lastly um we've added a metric in increasing the percentage of staff that complete the various career pathway opportunities annually so we do have various Pathways that are offered and we want to ensure that staff are taking advantage of these and encouraging them to do so so we can continue to build our bench as staff are promoting we've also changed the time frame for measuring the vacancies of ESC self-contained instructional positions from The 10day Mark to the FTE survey period too and we've done this for alignment and as Mr White House shared we look forward to sharing specific updates to our strategies and outcomes when we present our updates on goal three on November 21st at that work session all right well it anything any comments the board we're happy to hear when you speak to the annual survey of Human Resources is that can you can you say what you said again because I want to make sure I understand what you were saying yes so a survey was developed and sent to gather input from hiring administrators as to the functions of the HR department and then we created an action plan based on the results and then I shared one of the outcomes from that survey so um I I I I wanted to make sure I heard you correctly so one of the things and maybe this will be a part of the update I'm not sure one of the things that I have asked for for two years um and we've kind of we were waiting The Narrative was we're waiting on cognia we're waiting on our accreditation it's a part of accreditation and now that we have accomplished that my request has been for us to expand our surveys that are done and so on a School site you have surveys that go out to staff to evaluate administrators um I have me I have consistently said I want to see our principals able to do surveys on the district folks that they work with and I would like to see a districtwide survey on our top District leaders and so that was supposed to be a part of the cognia process and so um do you have any information on on that survey or those surveys I don't have information on that survey the survey I been referring to is a survey on HR and how HR can better support the team but I cannot speak on a on the districtwide survey with a survey like that though the surveys that go to staff about their supervisors comes from HR right or or no no so where does that come from Dr gullet uh Mr White House leads the work with um Hanover research and cognia he' speak to the surveys good morning again so the survey you're referencing Dr James actually comes from the principal supervisors um and is utilized as part of their feedback process they give annually to the principles um we still continue a number of surveys that are part of the accreditation process um so even though we've now achieved accreditation in order to renew six years from now we have to maintain data analysis throughout that um so we're continuing to survey all of our staff um all of our students and all of our community members and we actually just pushed out the fall surveys this week um to be able to gather some additional information from them that allows them to give us feedback not only about uh what they're seeing at the school the success of um their relationships with the schools how we're communicating with our schools how they're receiving communication from the district um and from their school leaders so we gather quite a bit of information okay um I guess I'm sorry to digress a bit from Miss morant's presentation but the word survey reminded me as we were talking about updates my I guess my question then is for two years it's been we're waiting on Coga so is there an intention from from the district to start allowing principles and site leaders to survey the individuals in which they work with on a regular basis and then collectively our organization to evaluate our top leaders including the superintendent CFO Etc so I'm not sure I can speak to that um specifically but we do have the ability to develop a variety of surveys and the cogni platform actually utilizes um a very intuitive survey design that we can build and create our own questions that we can then push out and gather data very quickly from our staff if we need to I was under the impression that that was a part of based on my conversations with Dr gullet I was under the impression that those were being developed so from my board seat as we go into finishing fall and into the spring I would want to see that happen because that is something that I have been told was in the works so so that's my little digression I guess CH yes to speak to that some of that is in part what community engagement Communications goal five has talked about because we have surveys specifically in that but the specific questions I believe that you're asking about may not have actually been discussed yet and so perhaps when we get there we can talk a little bit more about surveys um but I I do have a quick question back on Miss Mor's pres thank you Mr White House back Miss Mor's presentation so item 3d5 that has been stated as being completed so investigating the challenges related to onboarding and you say that has now been completed because you've investigated the challenges um and the onboarding process has been improved so at do we now have a time frame that we're wanting to say it used to take three weeks to on board someone now it takes two weeks or you know what is that now a part of the the strategy and and the momentum we're trying to see and and so we've shared that in the last two updates and we plan to share it again on November 21st okay all right perfect good bless your com good okay thank you thank you y appreciate the opportunity to work with you guys on this enjoyed working with you as well yes as we had great conversation around you know making sure that all staff um were included um just you know and in improving retention rates and and we talked quite a bit about um opportunities for advancement um these career pathways are really exciting and it's important for people to know that they're available and to get on the track you know so so to speak because we certainly if they feel like they've Tapped Out in one area we certainly don't want to lose them you know if they've been really good contributors so it was yeah they were they were good meetings all right Miss Boston Ellis hello good morning uh goal four which is fiscal and operational efficiency uh we our objective is to ensure that operational Effectiveness and efficiency of resources are aligned with the Strategic priority and basically from a simple perspective that's just to make sure that our resources are used efficiently and effectively to meet the goals um on the outcome metrics I had to blow it up so I could see it on the outcome metrics um we believe that we have met the uh improving student access to to Portable devices for use in the classroom and home and this was a technology uh metric so this goal for as you know includes not only technology uh but Technical Services facilities Food Service procurement um and all things Business Services but in the technology we have added um a a metric that is to increase Network uptime during school hours to provide consistent reliable access to digital learning resources for all of our students and staff and basically making sure that our systems are up and running while um students and staff are using them uh one of the comments that Mr Ben vudi made to me uh was that we're replacing a lot of old equipment which should help U meet this outcome metric and then the the uh rest of the metrics We are continuing to work on them uh with I won't say with the exception of but we are adjusting uh the metrics that says that we're going to increase unassigned uh ending fund balance uh to reflect the times and when I say times and we'll give more information on that when when we do our detail analysis and that's based on looking at the additional funding that we received through Esser um attempting to uh include and keep as many as the teachers uh that we can so that has led us to reducing the expectation of in the fiveyear Strategic goal we're going to reduce that amount um goal four things that have been completed amended and are changed and again you'll get the uh details uh when we do our presentation uh the first two are exploring uh digital the digital excuse me exploring Innovative Technologies and also we have completed the digital master plan the next four relate to Transportation upgrading the GPS for our buses to 4G establishing a lead bus driver program developing a system of tracking maintenance requests and of course air quality enhancements uh in the area of food service um the purchase of a nutrition software we've found another way to uh to meet that particular goal and it will be discussed as well and then also you have begin uh begun to see a web-based bid management software and that's the vendor link and that has um I I would say almost revolutionize what we do in terms of gathering um different uh vendors potential vendors in our purchasing we have increased procurement training and Mr Collins will bring a lot of detail relating to that and that's training of our clerical um staff um also you have you as you have seen uh we have expanded piggyback contracts and all of those kinds of things are making us more efficient uh go four we have added seven new strategies to support fiscal and operational efficiency four are in the area of Technology there is one in Food Service one in facilities and one in transportation and also we are continuing to utilize Transportation surveys uh to add valuable communication uh we are surveying bus drivers what's working what isn't working what can what what can we improve so we look forward to providing all this detail when we do go for are there any questions for member Campbell I don't necessarily have a question it's more of a comment just because on slide 10 it does indicate the upgrade of GPS for our buses and just because I was in a transportation office not long ago board you may or may not be aware of this the GPS that we have on our buses helps us track their ontime arrival and and that sort of thing and so we're certainly tracking that and our our offices our Transportation Hub managers are able to monitor where those buses are on screens but that GPS is not in the buses helping the drivers use GPS for mapping and I just as a point of reference for statement sake this board member is in full support of seeing whatever kind of software I know the team is working on it but for the Public's knowledge whatever software we can get to help our drivers on the fly in the bus reroute for traffic jams all the things that we know GPS does for us whenever we're using it and our own Vehicles driving to different destinations so um just looking forward to increased opportunities for efficiency and Effectiveness in our transportation using GPS yes and I think you will hear more about that when we do the detail analysis perfect thank you and we thank Miss Conrad for sitting in with us was very informative and I'm I also am looking forward to the um an upgraded GPS because they talked about a lot of benefits I'm looking forward to that absolutely because you hear them on the radio and it'll just be another driver saying just wanted to let everyone know that there's an accident on you know Airport Road at X intersection and hopefully you heard it that way so I thank you all right Mr Carlile good morning so the objective of goal five is to increase dialogue Partnerships and collaboration to meet stakeholder needs and productively engage them in our successes go 5 subcommittee met twice in September to thoroughly review uh the outcome metrics Key activities strategies for go five we have several updates I will say the focus for our updates was on uh more true engagement with our stakeholders uh we really wanted to align the outcome metrics the strategies Key activities and and uh performance indicator s with the with the goal so U I'll I'll address the outcome metrics first uh we did remove two outcome metrics the target had been reached um by a significant number that was within our family engagement however with that we did add six new outcome metrics uh two of them within family engagement and those again were to address a more true engagement with with our families so the first outcome metric that we added was to increase participation in Family Focus events surveys by 25% annually so we really want to we wanted to get more feedback from our families that attend those events and to uh better um tailor those events to the families and what their needs are the second one was to increase the number of families that attend two or more of those events again we want them to come back and engage with us over the school year uh the other four outcome metrics that we added were relating to our district website in social media accounts uh we have really great data now that shows engagement on those sites so those four outcome metrics relate to the district website the Facebook platform the xplatform and YouTube so showing engagement there and we measure those by the engage engagement metrics that those platforms utilize additionally in outcome metrics we did adjust the target metric for um the two surveys that we we send out to 80% we did that because the survey um from the beginning of the Strategic plan has changed to currently uh we were using the title one survey Now using a survey through cognia all right in terms of our key activities uh three three Key activities were removed because they were completed first one was the hiring of a district district liaison to improve communication that was uh completed in August of 2021 the next one was development of a mutual civility protocol that was completed when the code of Civility was established and materials shared and and and um distributed across our County and then the third one was developing a measure for satisfaction with communication and those are our those are surveys that we send out on an annual basis and that we're I believe just sent out just in the last week or so additionally we have added Key activities that were previously in goal two those relate to um engagement with our families the first one is was tob1 offering community events we added that under goal five because that more directly relates with our family Focus initiatives and then the other one was increasing we actually adjusted this increase in attendance at our um trainings for school advisory Council chairs previously it was establishing those trainings those that that has been established now we want to see more attendance to those and then we also added a key activity within that that area um and that is it is list s tb5 that'll be adjusted but increasing engagement or attendance at our leadership councils the various leadership councils that we host across the county and those I believe are the biggest updates um and more detailed information will be shared on December 12th the go five updates all right thank you thank you any comments from the board feedback I would just copy my comments that I said I guess under Miss marant's presentation and paste them here so um and be thank you um chair and and Dr James I think that the survey and that I guess it's just been sent out so I don't know what that survey says or what we're asking folks so my hope is that uh we are asking the right questions because we certainly don't want to be sending out multiple surveys when we could get it all done at one time so hopefully we're asking all the the right questions that that we believe need to be asked and just for board information and this is just sitting from my seat as the liaison I guess to goal five um one of the initiatives that we did on the front end was to have a district liaison to improve communication well you know this is the position standing in front of us so it it may have changed faces over the course of the last couple of of years but regardless this is the position um I continue to believe from my individual perspective that potentially we still are in need of an additional person and if you'll bear with me as I expand on that the the concept here of this um of of what we're doing is to increase dialogue Partnerships and collaboration to meet stakeholder needs and in our conversations and I know I haven't had this conversation with you all Bor but we certainly had them several times when we when we met in go five I believe that are missing a person solely responsible for Community Partnerships it's different than and so for further information Miss magal is a part of the group to talk goal five um Community Partnerships and potentially even sponsorships on large scale uh business corporate contributions sponsorship that kind of look we do not have anyone in the district doing anything of that sort um and it is not something that the public Education Foundation has the bandwidth currently at their Staffing to to take on so just as we previously when we first started this achieve 2026 strategic plan we put in that we needed to have someone such as Mr carlile's position here um I believe long term we need to think about someone that can additionally help us as a district with some Partnerships that could help us do a lot of things so that's not that that those are my personal opinion that did not make the list everybody on the whole uh we did not add that as something that we wanted to put in as a goal or metric but just letting you know I still believe we're missing a person um with that specific responsibility thank you board member Campbell um I just I just have one comment um thank you for the presentation I just was looking at the very last item increase the number of Community Partnerships for Marian County Public Schools and I just want to give a plug we are missing one partnership for West for um Maplewood thank you maybe not May oh is it in the works maybe not okay I just wanted to put a plug in case a business owner was listening use more than one we could use like five we can use plenty but I would love for each school to have at least one so I just wanted to give a plug for Maplewood um when I saw that in there there was great interest uh after that statement was made and that uh plea was was shared so fantastic yes I I'm very hopeful one thing soloft yes absolutely well thank you um appreciate it and I I can see the value you know as communication is something that we talk about all the time and and the need to to strengthen it and and internal and external and and as our district continues to grow there certainly continues to be an increasing need you know for for Partnerships of of all kinds so um that might be worthy of further discussion when it comes to some staffing decisions and I see Dr gullet kind of smiling a little so I get the feeling there'll be more to be heard on that all right thank you all right is there any public comment people that are here are part of the public but they're really staff all right hearing none all right board um Mr a is usually lays it on the line and gets through his presentations you know expediently would you like to go ahead and sit for that and then take a 20 minute break before we hit our last two sure okay all right morning Sirah I was prepared for either way I noticed you were standing by the exit just in [Laughter] case all right my understanding is the monitor is not working but we up there okay we're good got good morning Madam chair Madam co-chair board members Dr gullet attorney Powers Miss Martinez this morning I'm presenting the rezoning for new Elementary W and X this presentation will cover the purpose and objective provide an overview of the resoning process review the timeline and present zoning resources the purpose and objective of resoning for new elementary schools W and X is to establish attendance zones for the new schools align the number of students with campus capacity meet the educational needs of students and develop a grandfathering process during the initial transition period as a review there are three types of res zoning technical targeted and relief technical resoning is used to correct mapping errors is located in uninhabited areas and no students are impacted targeted rezoning alleviates localized overcrowding and a limited number of students are affected relief resoning is used to alleviate widespread overcrowding it involves opening of new schools which impacts a large area and a large number of students projections are developed using the growth rate of school zones calculated using a combination of power schools Predictive Analytics and historical student enrollment rates the capacity of schools determined by the Florida inventory of school houses fish seats which are determined by the Florida Department of Education fish seats which are determined by the Florida Department of Education are adjusted annually as new classroom and wings our our portable classrooms are changed the utilization percentage of schools is determined by comparing the student population and available fish seats the resoning timeline for elementary WX started in July when the initial resoning plan was presented during a board work session today the RO development Workshop is happen to discuss the resoning plan is being held and a public Hearing in vote on the resoning plan is scheduled for November 12th Community input was collected using an online form in in-person community meetings an initial community meeting was held in April to present general resoning information and collect input from the community once the proposed resoning plans were developed incorporating that initial input two additional Community meetings were held in September to present the plans and collect additional input this slide shows the proposed attendance zone for elementary W which is being built in the Maran Oaks Community just south of County Road 44 The Zone pulls from the current attendance zones for Marin Oaks Elementary and Sunrise Elementary this slide shows the proposed attendance zones for elementary X in the Winding Oaks area south of Southwest 66th Street this attendant Zone polls from the current attendance zones for Belle Santos Elementary hamt bow Jr Elementary Marian Oaks Elementary and Saddlewood Elementary attendance zones this slide shows the new attendance zones for elementary W and x and the adjusted zones for b elementary B Santos Elementary Hammet Bowen Jr Elementary Legacy Elementary Maran Oaks Elementary Saddlewood Elementary and Sunrise Elementary the colors on the map represent the new boundaries and the back lines represent the current boundaries this chart shows the number of students and the attendance area from which they will come from to populate the new schools the following slides will show the projected enrollment for the four years starting with the 2526 school year for elementary W andx and the other impacted schools this chart shows the projected enrollment of w andx and the utilization percentages for four years starting with the 2526 school year the attendance numbers for all schools will be evaluated annually following the formalized attendance process to determine if the current rate of development and enrollment is maintained this chart shows the projected enrollments of Saddlewood Elementary hammbone and Junior Elementary Marin Oaks Elementary and Sunrise Elementary along with the utilization percentages of four years starting with the 2526 school year note that some of the Marion Oaks Elementary attendant Zone is moving to both Elementary W and X also the fish capacity changes for the 28 29 school year for Hammet Bowen Jr Elementary and Marin Oaks Elementary are for when planned classroom wings are scheduled to open pending review this chart shows the projected enrollments for bellev elementary bellw Santos Elementary and Legacy Elementary and the four-year U ation percentages starting with the 2526 school year note that BBY Elementary and Legacy also have attendance boundary changes following this work session the next step for resoning new Elementary W andx is a public hearing and board vote on resoning plan scheduled for November 17th 2024 during the public hearing and board vote board action is needed to approve the attendance boundaries for the new Elementary WX as well as the adjusted boundaries for the other schools also during the public hearing and board vote board action is needed to approve grandfathering of fifth grade students to remain without transportation as well as suspending all out of area placements for one year as schools affected by the boundary changes to allow School enrollment to stabilize and that is my presentation thank you Mr Aris I would thank you and your team for all the great work um not alone here and and the the holding the meetings they were I think um very informative and I know the community was very appreciative of of the opportunity to ask questions so thank you for that all right any feedback I just have a few questions sure statements I guess um I would like for at some point so maybe it's in the board meeting there to be at least public acknowledgement about how from a facility's perspective we're going to transfer the overcrowding so we are all aware there's lots of Portables at maybe Hamm it right now and at Sunrise and with those populations decreasing and the population increasing at a school like Bob Santos I would like for at least there to be a public statement about the effort facilities is going to take um immediately following the end of school and and how they're going to address it because the concern I've heard in the community is well there's no space for those students right now and well how are you going to afford Portables and in my brain I'm thinking well we have Portables we just have to move them from school a to school B um and I don't know if that's the plan I'm just guessing but if there could be a maybe a statement about that at some point that would be great I can I can address that now okay um remember we have a formalized process that's going to take place every January where we're going to evaluate all schools throughout the district and look at attendance zones the schools where these are moving from obviously you said have extra Portables that will be addressed during that January process the facilities will take place in and they'll understand okay we have these Portables here we need to move them X or Y or Z and so those will be addressed during that time to be clear though the January process is an is a forecast of 18 months out not six months out yes but during that time we can also look at well the school is now not going to be as crowded as it was we have 12 Portables we need to move them and they'll be moved at that time okay I just want to make sure that that's clear because in the previous presentations it's said been said that the January conversation is a we wouldn't be rezoning schools at that time we would just be moving those around so those will be addressed as well okay um so that's just something that I'd like to have a conversation about at some point and then if I have three students at Sunrise Elementary right now and one of them will be a fifth grader next year and then one will be a third grader and one will be a kindergartener I either have to let them all go to the new school and get Transportation or my fifth grader can stay at Sunrise but the other two must go to the new school is that an accurate statement that's my recommendation to the board to make that decision for grandfathering fifth grade students that means only Rising fifth graders will get to remain since they've been there the whole time they can stay but then also suspending out of area placements for one year to allow them to stabilize yes ma'am okay so so then yes that is what the recommendation is just so I understand and if you choose to stay because I don't think that's clear on here if you choose to stay you cannot you have to transport your own childre transportation is not provided that okay so I don't think that that's clear in this presentation um unless I missed it that it transportation is not provided for fifth graders with the if we decide as a board to make that the Declaration grandfathered fifth graders would have to have their own transportation um and so I just wanted to make sure we were all clear about that that's all I have on this but I do have something else but I'll wait until we conclude this conversation sure thank you so appreciate the comment Dr James because that was going to be my question as well I know during the community meetings we had several parents come up to us talking to us about Rising fifth graders and at that time there wasn't a recommendation and so uh we don't have the full inner workings of what that recommendation is just by seeing November 12th we're having a public hearing so I'm assuming that'll be some of the attachments that we have with the public hearing it's it would be on the board loock but just so I can make the statement here my recommendation and the team's recommendation is that Rising fifth graders are grandfathered in without transportation and that all other out of area placement is suspended for one year to allow attendants stabilize okay and I think that's helpful especially for those families that have reached out to us directly that have that very scenario and they're completely fine with providing their own transportation but if they've had a student in one school will be they have some passions there so okay um terrific so we will be voting on that on November 12th during that public hearing uh but there this is the slide that I'm looking at slide 14 that's the slide that details what that is um I had one more statement that's a little bit unrelated to this there has been I guess some chatter that I've seen about why the district isn't rezoning all schools and I I don't know if you want to speak to that or if you want to allow me to I mean at this point we have two new schools opening in very specific locations this board has not made decisions about any other school changes at this point and until we have the ability to know after our November election date it's really really difficult for us to have any other conversations about a districtwide rezoning uh understandably we're going to have a new Lake wear Middle School in the near future not in the next year or two years even perhaps since it's not even under construction yet but Middle School will need to be rezoned somewhat because of the new lakee middle uh additionally we'll have a new high school high school will need to be rezoned definitely because of that new high school but as far as a districtwide elementary school resoning this in January you'll have a little bit more of a forecast because we'll know what that looks like from our November election date and uh if this board has the ability to continue to replace schools that are aging and need to be replaced um okay so I just wanted to make a general statement on that because I certainly have seen some chatter people naysayers saying this isn't going to do anything it's not going to help anything my school's already overcrowded okay well we have a plan but the plan is contingent on what happens in November so thank you and chair if I may because I what I was saving was kind of to what doctor that's okay no but it's in in conjunction with what you shared and so um there are two pieces to this puzzle that I have shared with both Dr gullet and Mr SS that even in a January conversation I want that to be impacted or initiated in August of 25 and those two components are NH Jones which are we having a public hearing about NH Jones does that have to happen that does have to happen and that will be in the works you will see that coming okay the Evergreen um there's a word you use what's the word when we rezoned and we did whatever we did there's a there's a word you the um there's a anyhow we all know what I'm talking about so the Evergreen rezoning that occurred and where those students are going I want in January when we have that conversation I hope that would be a part of a January conversation my expectation would be that that conversation is for impact act as of August of 25 because we have a major transportation issue and we are not helping oursel by shipping kids across the district and then the third that I would want to see address that I became aware of when I was at the community meeting for NH Jones um rezoning from Saddlewood is that we are shipping kids that live in Shady Hollow to Liberty which is 6.6 miles away when they're in a walking pattern for either Oola or Howard and I don't understand why and the bus is always late and if you talk to Mr Williams at uh Liberty he will tell you his bus situation is dismal and so he why are we busing kids 6.6 miles when they could be in a walk pattern so I would also like to see Liberty discussed in um those Shady Hollow kids going to Liberty discussed in January with an impact for August of 25 those are three things that this board member does not want wait 18 months to decide on and but I am more than willing and acknowledge the desire and need to wait until after the election because there are things being determined in the election that could impact the forecast but I absolutely want that discussion in January for those three components at a minimum to be a part of a August 25 start yes I I just have a quick a quick question um Mr s so when I'm looking at the numbers for hammock Bowen and BW Santos so for next year there there'll still be 109% and then the projection keeps going up um at several years to 125% I just wondered what the rationale was that we didn't move more of those students to Elementary X yeah well we would needed to do that for the growth that's happening in the elementary ACC and right and understand when we look at these zones these are as Z Zone students and not all adzone students attend but I have to look at the low the greatest number of possibly that could be there and so when we look at this this is without any moving movement of Portables so like Dr James had mentioned once we alleviate grow that we will have other fish seat carrying options that we could move to those schools possibly at that point okay but that is on your radar yes ma'am okay cuz some administrators don't feel that it's on your radar but it is on your radar please have those administrators reach out to me directly I they're probably listening right now so I sure they will but I just want to make sure that you have a plan because they're concerned that you don't yes ma'am we do okay all right thank you thank you guys chair did you have something else last thing if I um only because hamnah Bowen and Mary noes have significant amount of ESC units am I if I am a student um how do I phrase this when we have the public hearing are we going to include where those ESC are we going to have a plan for x and W and ESC unit allocation because if my student has been in a self-contained autistic unit at hamt Bowen since they were three and they are in third grade and get rezoned and they are going to now have an ASD unit at XR W whichever one X as a parent I may feel a sense of hesitation because my child has been um has may be very unique and extreme needs and has been in the same exact place for five years now and so will we just because I live in the reone we know how we do ESC and we put units at different schools and so do we have a plan for that already that is going to be available to families when we have that public hearing so that they are very aware because just because they may live in the change of the zone does not mean their unit's moving I can address that to we do have a plan that is being developed in place I do not believe it'll be ready for the public hearing because we can't do anything officially until the board votes officially on what the rezone is but I can tell you right now we are having meetings we are looking at numbers of of services that need to be provided at those new schools what the impact of the current schools are that is definitely being addressed and looked at right now yes ma'am but I can't give you concrete X Y and Z will happen right now sure so then my I guess my follow-up question would be is there do we perceive that there is going to be a reduction in ESC unit allocations specifically at hamt Bowen and Mar Oaks I'm I'm not able to address that because of not using unit allocations and all that kind of stuff but once we have the finalized approved boards we'll know exactly officially what students are and then ESC is looking at those and ESC is the one that determines the units and the placement of those units but that is being discussed we are having meetings on that okay I have hesitation around that particular topic what's your H what mean I just and then I further and Miss I don't think Miss Boom Box's here anymore but when we designed x andw uh Marin Oak specifically has a significant amount of ESC classrooms on the fisher report right and so did we design X and W to even how many Es classrooms do we even have designed that are on the fish report for that do you know what I mean um and what does that look like I just I think that's a piece to this puzzle that I hadn't really thought about prior to this meeting and so that's I can't speak for facilities but I know the ESC the fish plan for those schools hasn't been developed yet so once they know what how many ese rooms they need they can adjust that on the fish report before they submit it officially to doe okay it's a lot especially planning for ESC and board member James you're you're right on target if a family especially if their student has been moved to several different units at several different schools and is finally in a unit that is where they're experiencing success and a and a teacher that you know really is staying and meeting their needs and the last thing they would want would be to be rezoned even if it's a a brand new school and they'd rather stay in the one room cabin with you know that's working so um yes you know I I think we'll all be interested in hearing more about that as as soon as practicable um it is a big deal well thank you as always for everything that you present and your time and attention to everything that you do all right dret thank you nothing additional on this item just thanks to the team thank you is there any public comment from the citizen staff that are sitting with us all right hearing none so we shall take a little break here and reconvene about 1220 Jed at 11:53 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e think e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon everyone we are back on for our work session at 12:21 p.m. and we're going to have our final two topics of the day so Dr go thank you Madame chair so welcome back um bring Dr Brewer forward and and remind um everyone that the reason that we're bringing the athletic priorities topic to the board is the board you had a recent conversation on priority items for facilities um and so we are presenting um what uh Mr Tucker and the team have put together for athletic priorities so thank you thank you good afternoon Dr Brewer thank you good afternoon board chair thrower board members and superintendent Dr gullet um um as Dr gullet just said in response to um board comments and superintendent comments on September 24th board meeting the athletic um Department led by our current um athletic coordinator um Donnie Tucker has worked really hard with the athletic directors in our district to create a presentation for you to outline the facility needs for all of our seven high schools within Maran County so I'd like to invite Mr Tucker to the podium to provide the presentation to you at the end of the presentation um we will both be available for questions Mr Tucker thank you Dr Brewer uh thank you board and Dr gullet for allowing us to be here today um so this presentation as we flip through the slides let me start here we'll start with an overview and um I'm going to go through a few things we're going to talk about financial implications we're going to talk about how the schools get their funding um what the district currently provides and when we start getting into the needs we're going to have a slide that talks about what all schools need and then we're also going to talk about um we've got a slide for each individual School based on feedback from the athletic directors and what they what they desperately need at at their at their current sites so starting with an overview um just a kind of a Financial Funding review is what we'll do we're going to talk about how schools obtain their revenue um they get their revenue from various sources to operate their athletic programs each year to pay for maintenance uniforms equipment uh paint supplemental fertilization of fields um security ticket takers and other day-to-day operations um gate receips and District allocated funds for officials transportation and security help offset payment of some of these Services um seven schools receive an average of $35,000 from the district right now um to help pay for these things and and thank you to uh Miss Boston Ellis last year These funds were designated to pay for officials um for all seven high schools and this year they it's kind of an athletic supplement and they can use it to pay for officials security and or Transportation um and once their allocated funds are are depleted then that's that's the end of it then they have to get to we'll talk about gate funds and and all that stuff here in a minute and how that kind of supplements also um funding to improve athletic facilities uh will have a a positive effect on all sports that are offered here in Marian County currently there's an average of 32 sports teams at every school that includes the junior varsity level so including to count varsity and junior varsity there's an average of 32 teams per School some have more some have less um funding to improve athletic facilities will also have a direct impact on the safety of all athletes and the visual perspective uh to show that we as a district have take pride in what we what we are investing in all of our all of our extracurricular activities um in addition to similar needs at all schools we will also take a look at specific individual School needs all right District funds currently the district we use District funds to pay for things like electronic timing at cross country and track meets um Emergency Medical Services so that's the ambulances or um the paramedics that you see at all football games um graduations that that is also funded by the district um that comes to a tune for the EMS Services we pay approximately $40,000 a year and that that encompasses all that football games graduations anything that that we require to have EMS services at um the electronic timing that comes to an average of about $3,200 a year that is timing for CrossCountry meets at the middle school and high school levels uh as well as track meets for the middle and high school levels um facility rentals for swimming and Diving um approximately $25,000 a year we pay for we rent fast and we use the city pool at JY Gant and the reason for that is it's in close proximity to Belleview high school and to uh Lake we so they don't have to travel all the way across town to use the pool now we do a lot of our competitions are at fast but we do use the city pool um for practices and they do have a few swim meets there um but most of them take take place on the other side of town at fast um currently uh mcps also pays for approximately $130,000 a year for upkeep on other athletic facilities and this includes gym floor Renovations or gym floor um maintenance every year we have to strip the floors we have to rewax them um the budget for that that's housed um in custodial services with Mr cook and that's about $50,000 a year and then um for our football and soccer stadiums across the district uh we pay approximately well we fund approximately $80,000 for fertilization airation top dressing all these things that have to happen on our grass fields and this includes um the stadiums practice fields baseball and softball now that does not include track reserving which that should take place um currently all of our tracks are asphalt tracks that's something that should take place on about a 10-year basis um the cost for that is around $100,000 to re asphalt a track um for as far as the grass fields goes our schools also pay for probably two maybe three more applications of fertilization because currently what we fund takes care of about four applications right um that type of grass takes a lot more care it takes a lot more fertilization it takes a lot more things to happen so our schools currently take take care of that on their own um so for the best return of investment for our outdoor facilities it should take a minimum of six applications that includes pre-emergent fertilization um per school at $330,000 so if if you were to add that all up multiply it by seven we would come up with we should be investing about $210,000 a year where we're only investing you know maybe $100,000 right so you can see and that includes watering the fields cutting the fields all those kind of things that that take place um So currently we contract and and moving on from that after the fertilization and the gym floor maintenance uh the district also funds the weather stations which is a a safety application um that our schools use mainly the trainers uh use it and they access that mostly uh currently we're contracted with Earth networks which is a contract that expires in uh June of the 2025 and we are also currently in a trial basis with two other companies to kind of see which is going to provide the most accurate information for safety of all of our stakeholders um and current so currently the the current Earth Network's um contract is $8,000 a year for service and um again that's going to expire and we are going to try to see which one is going to best serve us moving forward um all right school-based service school-based funding sorry about that um how do they get their funds revenue from donations fundraising um ticket sales donations and fundraising varies from sport to Sport and year to year um some schools have an athletic booster club some schools have sports that have individual booster clubs like they may have a a football booster club and a basketball booster club and then the other sports operate internally um on average schools bring in about $100,000 a year in ticket sales and that a lot of that has to do with how many home games do they have and that's all sports combined that's not just football it's not just soccer or or anything like that that's that's all the sports that we take uh a gate fee for um on average it takes about 110,000 to properly fund an an athletic program to pay for everything um for expenditures or that are in the expenditures column and we'll talk about that in a second um so we move over there we talk about what do we what do we pay at the school level so what does a school-based athletic director pay for um out of their funds that they that they bring in dues and fees the FHSAA has dues that we have to pay every year that's the Florida High School Athletic Association um the Florida athletic coaches association um provides uh our all of our schools pay for membership for all their coaches it provides like a a million dooll uh kind of insurance policy that covers coaches and stuff so we pay for that and that varies from school to school based on the size of the school and how many coaches they actually have um field maintenance we talked about that earlier equipment um security Transportation uniforms all these kind of things are things that we have to pay for and and keep in mind when we talk about field maintenance that that has to do with a lot of things and I mentioned some of them earlier the fertilization the watering the grass cutting um the painting of the fields and we've got various sports that you have to paint the field fields for right um so those are the those are some of the the things when it comes to the the funding part so let's move on to what all schools need so this is the we're going to talk about rubberized track surfaces um rubberized track services have become the standard in tracking field uh due to the safety that they provide for athletes the cost for one rubberized track is anywhere between 500,000 and 650,000 it depends on uh where the track is being put what the current conditions of of the current base that they have do they have to um do they have to Mill the asphalt that's there is the asphalt good enough that they can um do minor repairs and they can put the surface over top of it different companies do it different ways but this that's why there's kind of a variance in how much one of those cost um turf fields uh artificial turf fields they're becoming more and more popular uh there's a number of school districts around the state that have started doing this um the picture that's on this slide here is a picture of a school in Tallahassee that's T that's Tallahassee Childs um they recently a couple years ago finished a project where they did this on all their high school campuses um Hillsboro County just finished the process and there's a few others um I know Orange County is talking about trying to implement this in their District Pasco County is starting to do it uh along with P County and and I believe there's a couple others down south that are that are doing this there's a number of reasons they're doing it um it eliminates a lot of the costs that we talked about earlier um is it immediate no it's a long-term investment right um so that's that's where that comes from a turfield can be safer in regards to concussions and some other bodily injuries there's a lot of discussion that can go into this because there are a lot of there are some negatives that people will bring up when it comes to turf fields um but at the end of the day they r R from about 1.7 to $2.2 million and that is for a turf field and a rubber ice track um that information came from uh Hillsboro County who just completed the process like I was saying earlier and that is kind of what they paid depending on the school and depending on the things that they had to do like such as drainage and all those kind of things um brick and mortar uh let's talk about outdoor storage buildings all schools need outdoor storage um brick and mortar buildings can be between 250 350,000 um there are some alternatives to that uh steel buildings uh with the same amount of square footage can range anywhere between 25,000 and 40,000 minus the concrete that has to be put down for the base um they are hurricane proof and all those kind of things and they're becoming more and more popular and they would meet the needs so there is there is some uh some costeffective savings that that we could do to to give some of these schools the things that they need um gym scoreboards and shot clocks shot clocks are about to become mandatory in high school basketball um in 2026 they are supposed to be mandatory across the State of Florida um so when they're we don't have we currently have no gyms that have shot clocks in them uh they come they're about $ 3,000 to $5,000 per set depending on what brand you go with um and then they they're basically Plug and Play they have to be added and then they they plug into the electric that all scoreboards have anyway um but that's about what it would cost um to purchase them and then you would have the installation on top of that but there those are things that our people can actually install it doesn't have to be a special uh company that installs those um indoor scoreboards which we have you'll see later some of our gims are in desperate need of new scoreboards and they range anywhere between $25,000 and $40,000 depending on again the company that you choose and and what goes along with that um locker rooms for outdoor sports we have a number of schools that are in desperate need of locker rooms for um several of their sports like the smaller sports like uh flag football uh track soccer um baseball softball uh brick-and mortar Athletic Facility locker rooms restrooms showers that can be 750 or more depending on the size um there are some options to use storage containers there's a there's a new company um and I did a little bit of research for those they come at about $50,000 but then you have to provide all the hookup and stuff so water um sewage um air condition so you got to have power and all those kind of things um but they there is options for those you can paint them you can make them look however you want to look um it is a little more cost effective as far as uh going that route instead of doing brick and mortar um softball and baseball bleachers so with the exception of North Marian High School who doesn't need them on their baseball field every every school needs some type of aluminum bleachers um those sets are with a 90 to 110 seating capacity which would benefit all of our schools it would be sufficient on all of our school campuses um those come they're about $20,000 per set um but that's before concrete again so you have to pour concrete to Anchor them down so they don't fly away in a storm and all that kind of stuff and to make them hurricane proof that's what that would be so they're around 20 to $25,000 per set and that would go per school and I mean you're talking $150 to $200,000 and then with the conrete at each school I mean you could be looking at $3 to $400,000 just depending um and then s volleyball courts so that is uh that's another sport that we have currently we have one school that has s volleyball courts and that's Belleview High School um creating a two court minimum at each high school that comes to about $440,000 per school and that's that's digging it out putting the sand in and then the equipment and stuff and and sometimes we can we have schools that have people that want to donate some of those things it's just a and it's I don't think that they would get the entire $40,000 donated but they have some of the stuff like the Nets and all that kind of stuff that goes along with it um one more thing I want to say about this Miss dobins did respond to our um to our PowerPoint here and and she made she did make a comment um she said that all the prices and stuff were kind of on par with with what she sees um the only thing that she wanted us to think about were buildings like locker room storage buildings um you have to consider the power the accessibility some of those things may have to be added um that might require new Services um if there's not enough of that stuff available and then drainage would have to be addressed um by an engineer basically because you're putting a lot of lot more concrete on these campuses and impervious Services come into play so so would they have to dig an additional retention Pond would they have to make some of the Retention Ponds bigger how is that going to look um that was that was her main concern was just making sure that um we were keeping you guys informed as far as those things go um when you go adding those things um so that's kind of a an overview of what all schools need um rubberized track services Synthetic Turf fields for stadiums um that's not not a priority but it's something that could benefit the district long term um outdoor storage buildings gem score boards and shot clocks locker rooms um softball and baseball bleachers and sand volleyball courts the rest of these slides you're just going to we're just going to go through them and I'll go through them as as swiftly as possible and they're basically individual School needs and Mr Tucker yes ma'am I was just wondering could we pause with the all schools before we go into interview idual schools I just had some clarifying questions about all schools if that's okay yep you can do that so the slide says all schools but I just for the purpose of the conversation we don't have a track at every every high school the only well no so Belleview High School is the only one that doesn't have one on their campus Vanguard High School does in the back of the in the back of their property every other high school has a track around their field so Belleview is the only one that doesn't have one on their site uh they use the track at bellev middle school and then how many middle schools have tracks Horizon has one bellevie middle school has one um dellan high school has or dun middle school has one and I believe that's it I know North Marian middle has one but it's yeah a small little so the ones at the middle school are they like regulation like you could run a meet at them or they're just for more for PE purposes BW middle and danella middle that would be it okay so when we're having the conversation about rubberized track surfaces as we expand into this conversation um I don't know if it'd be possible but like as a followup to this if it would be possible to get you you've said a lot of numbers and I person would have loved to like have a spreadsheet with those numbers because it would have helped that's just how my brain works but if there was a way because this says all schools but it's it's not necessarily like would we do biew Middle School when we did the other six high schools that would be a question I would have because Belleview High School uses Belleview Middle School's track and so if we're going to do that then would we do it there too and and and from your department what your dream you know pie in the sky is I would like to I would love to know that and so if there was a way to take this information and like do a high-end low-end kind of thing on an Excel spreadsheet of what every school needs and then what all of the other individuals as you're going to go forward just to understand you know does every single gym need a scoreboard yes and as far as our high schools that would be correct as a basketball who's been in all those gyms recently yes that's yes and keeping in mind that and I was going to say this later but the as far as the average age of all of our it's like 40 years right and a lot of people don't realize like even Forest even that's the newest high school we have right now and it's 20 years old um this year I believe so they they all are in desperate need I know B high school is in desperate need of new scoreboards in their gym um so you're Whispering a what's that that's a that's like an untouched biew high school and scoreboards in the same way dare we digress so I would just ask after starting with this and maybe having like one a tab and then having all the schools because I want to fight this fight um I'm very passionate about this and I want to make it happen but I would love to have a tangible amount of numbers and needs and and what that looks like and um I'm I'm thinking back to the work Miss Dobbins and Facilities has done with their ginormic spreadsheet per school and and and how old it all is and so if there was a way to put that all into one place so that we could really start having a very super informed discussion about it Beyond this discussion that would be super great for the way my brain thinks at least that can happen okay yes ma'am all right any more questions about all schools we'll move on to bellw um so bellw High School stadium public address system um and you're going to see that's going to be a common thing with several of our schools their public address systems in their stadiums are not up to par um I know I've had this conversation with Mr Christian and I know this is something that he appreciates because these things come into play a lot like when we're talking about um emergency situations and things like that like having something where people can hear what's going on that's that's important um especially with some of the things we deal with in today's world right and even with severe weather and stuff and announcing the people that they need to vacate the stadium and they need to go to their cars and and all that kind of stuff so there's a lot of reasons um but there's several of our schools are in desperate need of that so um girls lock a room for soccer flag football soft ball um they need those types of things out there uh football and softball drainage issues um if you've never been to one of their one of their fields I know their baseball field um desperately slopes from home plate all the way to the Outfield and it's a big a big deal um football the football field the drainage is not very good um that that field was built on Clay so when it gets wet I mean we've had ambulances go out onto the field after they've been told not to like go through those Gates and they've gotten stuck and they've had to been pulled out because it gets really really wet there um baseball field leveling um and then resurface their tennis pickle ball courts that's for you miss thrower um as far as the pickle ball courts go um but the uh so they can still use their tennis courts right now but they're getting to the point to where they need to be repaired and resurfaced and restriped and all those kind of things um so that's Belleview moving on to dellan um internet and phone service in the Fieldhouse this is a this has been a a problem for them for several years um they have no phone service out there that's where their weight room is so they have weight room um they have weightlifting courses that go on throughout the year right um so when they're out there there's no way for them them to take attendance has to be done on their phone um if something happens they have to use the radio to communicate um so that's that's a an ongoing that's kind of a safety thing for them out there too um but I know it comes at a big cost I mean you're talking 20 to $30,000 to run the the internet stuff out there um to get it to that building but that's just the nature of the Beast for them and and where that is located um locker room for Sol and baseball they have nothing out there um for their baseball and softball kids they have to do something up in the gym or whatever and then go out to the to the fields for practice Andor games um repair and reservice their tennis SL pickle ball courts they they can't be used um they're they're not in very good shape they have to go somewhere else out there in the Dunellen Community to to be able to uh practice tennis um or do all the things that they need to do in the spring for that sport uh scoreboards for baseball and softball um and then replace their public address system in the gymnasium um the one in their Stadium they just got a new one they got a new scoreboard last year in their stadium and um it came with sound and it's it's phenomenal so but their their gym their gymnasium public address system is not very good at all um Forest High School Forest these locker rooms in the stadium for soccer lacrosse track flag football um along with some along with that could come some storage because they really don't have the storage out there um to do things like for track hurdles mats all those kind of things um scoreboards for baseball softball and the gymnasium um they have Stadium drainage issues a lot of that has to do with the crown that they have on their Stadium Field um if you've ever been there they there's a big ditch on the side so there's a significant difference in the level of the field and the track and you step down in there and it's it doesn't it doesn't drain the way it's supposed to um softball and softball field drainage to alleviate flooding their softball field will flood like it doesn't take a whole lot of rain and it'll be it'll be floating like the whole thing will be underwater um and then tennis and pickle ball courts added there um they do not have any any tennis courts on campus um at all Lake wear High School stadium public address system um theirs is not in good shape at all uh scoreboards in the gym the stadium and baseball and softball uh base their baseball scoreboard is currently inoperable um resurface their tennis and pickle ball courts they do have I think they have three or four out there um they just need to be resurfaced uh locker room and Stadium locker room in the stadium for track soccer flag football those types of things and then baseball and softball locker rooms which they I think they currently use Portables um I know the softball team has a portable out there um the baseball team I'm not positive I don't I don't think they do North Marian High School um scoreboards for salt ball um and then their gymnasium um fencing replacement at softball and baseball I think their fencing has been up since maybe the Inception of the school um it is it is in bad it is in Dire Straits um so that's a desperate need out there and then they need tennis and pickle ball courts they also they had tennis courts before but when building 24 was built um those went away because that's where they were located and they were they were never put back Vanguard High School uh backboards in the gym need new systems they that gym is really old and the operating system for the backboards is kind of going away um to raise and lower the goals they're starting to have some issues with that um their track is not a certified track like we were talking about a while ago it's not it you couldn't really hold a track me there but it's something that they can practice on um it doesn't necessarily have to be a if you were to put one there it doesn't necessarily have to be an eight Lane track it just gives them somewhere to practice um they talked about adding bleachers and lights to that area so soccer flag football games could be held on campus I I know there's been some talk about stadiums on their campus and all that kind of stuff and that's for another conversation but that's one of the things that they wanted to they wanted to bring up in this presentation um moving forward for them bleachers in their gymnasium again that gym's been there for a long time I went to high school there so it's been it's the same gym there hasn't been a lot of upgrades um they're starting to have issues with their bleachers digging into the into the wood which causes more damage um and more repair costs for us uh cover over their softball batting cage and then adding tennis and pickle ball courts um they do have an area where it's my understanding they had them before um but they don't currently have any tennis um courts on their campus and then finally Westport HIgh School um a central Athletic Facility for their Outdoor Sports um everyone knows like West sports athletic facilities are a great distance from their field or from their school and there is no locker rooms or common like Athletic Facility in that area and that's that's where their stadium is their baseball field their softball field their tennis court courts all that stuff is located in one area but there's nothing down there as far as locker rooms or anything like that um drainage work on the visitor sideline in their Stadium um athletic fencing for baseball and softball again uh field leveling and site work for baseball and softball that's just to kind of level some things out and take away some imper imperfections that would help with some of the drainage and then repairs to their tennis and uh pickle ball courts so in summary um as you can see there's many upgrades and additions that are needed at all athletic facilities um across the district um currently our district is is funding um a good majority of the stuff that we talked about earlier as far as timing EMS Services um fertilization all these types of things gym maintenance um school-based budgets and funding re and funding sources we talked about um needs have been these needs have been prioritized um just so we can see what each individual site needs in addition to what all schools actually need and then um approximate budgets for some of these projects um that were presented that is the end of our presentation Dr gullet oh is that all no I'm thank you so much Mr Tucker and and just to reiterate my thanks because um board as you know I made a comment last time when you all were talking about the priority list um Mr Tucker and the team were already well underway with this project of of needs so really appreciate just the proactive nature that you that you guys have led in getting accurate information um so that we can help to try to to catch up on on the large amount of needs that we have and we want to be able to provide to our our greater community and to our schools certainly so thank you yes ma' thank you um well M Campbell I get feeling you have some to say well I thank you Mr Tucker Dr Brewer and the whole every all the athletic directors for putting this list together part of the reason this came forward today is because if the community votes in support of the half cent sales tax this board created a priority list of of schools that we would want to build replacement classroom buildings uh new schools new uh of lots of things and I was advocating at that time from this board seat saying that putting in rubberized tracks I believe is a safety issue for our student track athletes and um to so that's part of what came forth and how this has come to us today so I'm grateful for that and that we can continue to further the conversation I I believe that putting an emphasis in an area like this that is a capital funding challenge that this district has had for many many years we know that all of these are needs specifically for facilities within our athletic Community we hear it from alumni we hear it from parents we hear so this is a community conversation that needs to be had in part another reason why I said we're missing a person at the district to go out and get sponsorships and Partnerships like large you know donations and we're missing that person so that kind of is a tie-in into this conversation um but thank you for outlining all of the needs as as a mom of of student athletes I've I've seen these needs I've seen the challenges that our students are experiencing and just from this board seat I I want to be a part of a board of this board that that makes this a priority that previous boards potenti have not had the ability to do so um and certainly we know that our aging facilities on the whole classroom space and cafeteria space and all the things our students need on a daily basis we have a lot of challenges at the Capitol Arena but knowing that other districts around us are doing all of this right now I believe Sumter County just rubberized and went to her fields and all of their schools not just The Villages charter school but all of them have them other districts are figuring it out and so I I don't know what that looks like for us um but other districts are figuring it out and so I'm I'm hoping that I'll be able to be a part of a board that that starts prioritizing even more so than what we have thus far so thank you thank you go ahead board member James thank you I am super grateful for this and I look forward to kind of putting all the numbers in a spreadsheet I um while it was kind of a carry forward I've said this before but essentially we did just out the $2 million in lighting Stadium lighting um and I'm grateful for the facilities department for prioritizing that my request going forward would be that the board decides how much money we want to peel off from Capital funding from a facilities department and give Mr Tucker and the athletic department a budget and whether it's Mr Tucker alone Mr Tucker and the rest of the ads a committee we involve community members and Mr Tucker gets $2 million a year in capital funding to address the needs that he's presented before us today as the resident expert in athletics for Maring County and we take that burden from facilities under understanding that obviously if the project is going to need procurement and we'll we'll go Circle back to this morning and all of that conversation but how those projects are prioritized moves from facilities Department to our athletic department and he has a budget every year and that budget he gets to decide with the work of whatever other individuals on how those projects are prioritized and if that means that it's a rubberized track and turfield plus one or two other moderate projects or 10 small projects every year and that's what the athletic department decides then then that's what I'd like to see happen I think especially as we expand and again hopeful in I think 19 days from now we have a sales tax and are we continue to build more school sites I think peeling this particular part of the puzzle away from facilities and having them try to prioritize it into a five-year budget and instead Finance gives a a budget to this department and they come up with their plan that is what this particular board member thinks would be a solution to then start meeting then we work directly with you and the board works directly with you and your committee and we share what we would like to be the prioritization and you come forward with a plan and we move forward and he kind of has his own five-year work plan with his $2 million budget that's how I Envision this personally right thank you you have something she's muted hold on um I just have a couple questions and I don't want to put you on the spot so this is something that we can answer later but I'm curious about you mentioned quite a few districts that are getting this done can you share a little bit about how they are getting it done do you know how what they're using for funding no ma'am but I can find that out I'm not sure how they're doing that okay because every one of them I think is different just based on preliminary conversations and listen to what they say but I'm not sure how each one of them is doing it um but I can find that out for you okay it's something I'd be interested in because we know all the challenges that we face and that we've had to get creative um and and how to get things done and another question I have which I've asked before it's never really been discussed so maybe this will be the time but we look at our referendum dollars and what how we fill the gaps with our referendum money is there a reason that we cannot have Athletics um as a topic or a a a point of support for a referendum um when I think about safe schools and I think about teachers and art music and PE and all of those things that we're struggling to fill the gap with um I think that Athletics is a great Community conversation I think the community would be very supportive um in so is that something that's doable in the future Dr gullet could you I I don't have that answer I mean yeah we we'll take a look at that and bring all that back okay and yeah I mean I I'll I'll be interested to hear that I I think the way our referendum is is positioned now as far operational dollars and not Capital so it would have to be in 2026 whenever the refer ROM we currently have in place would be expiring and we would have to determine what that would look like there is such a thing as a capital millage that some districts have that's not what we have so what our voted upon millage is an operational millage I think there have been some things we've been able to fund from a safe schools perspective out of that because of how it's been positioned but the way it currently is reads that we I don't think we could allocate any dollars in the next two years for I didn't think it could be done now I understood that but I meant in the future is that something we can use to help us meet our needs so right that's why I think to the question as I understood it taking it back to look at whether that would fill the uh meet the requirements that we've told the voters we're going to spend the money on we have to be really clear that there's a direct alignment right and that's what ioc does they oversee that but whether or not we do something different in the future is always open to consideration absolutely but for current we don't want to do anything I think that would um be questionable by the community oh absolutely but when I'm sitting here thinking about allocating $2 million dollars a year which is wonderful but and I look at the needs that we have it's going to take us forever and I'm just going to be honest it's going to take us forever by the time we get these needs met we're going to be ready to start all over again and so we have to find another way to do it and so if we allocate for the next couple of years $2 million that you you know you're plugging away whatever you decide but we have something to look forward to that we say when we get to 2026 things are going to start happening in the athletic department in Marian County and so I just I want to thank not just about tomorrow but I want to look down the road and how can we get the facilities that we need for our kids and so I was just kind of talking out loud I'm sorry um but that was my thought process and I we're not going to get there at 2 million a year we're not well just won't get there if I may Madam chair um Vice chair Conrad to your point I think that's um a really important conversation because even with the money we're getting for impact fees for growth the the volume of work that's needed even with our sale Tech hopefully we get sales Tex if we get that coming um shortly hopefully um we're playing catchup in such a a an incredible way that I don't think everybody really understands that we've been talking with schools about that and talking about facilities and needs and this list this is just a small piece right that you all know this but the broader conversation of needs we're playing catchup is is extensive is extensive and so right the board's consideration of how do we start to see um an acceleration if you will of how do we get there is the question because I I do agree and I'm have to be really careful and I use this word and Miss Bosell is forgive me doing this creatively legally creatively creative and utilizing all funds and and in different ways other districts different I can say that diff uh different districts do this differently I think we really have to get um honest about how we can do that because plugging away yes we're plugging away but the plugging away the the um the needs are increasing at a greater rate and the Gap is continuing to widen right so we're not decreasing that Gap at all yet and then you talk about these needs that you see today for athletics I don't see that decreasing rapidly is the word I'm looking for so we we have have to look at all options and I I do think we're going to lean on our community hard to help us with that I agree right and and and being where we are in the state we've had this conversation had this conversation um at schools too and coaches and ads I mean we are such an opportunity here to host and to do things that are that are Innovative and state-of-the-art and that really benefit this entire community and and show everyone what we're what we're here to do I agree it's just if if people haven't been following along the conversation for the last year it's just par parallel to what we've been talking about with our schools it's the exact same issues our schools are old um our athletic facilities are old and so just highlighting that um and maybe there's a Kevin close your ears maybe there's a short video that we have that we can share about um what's needed at our Athletics because when we did our facilities tours we that was not included um cuz there were some some some things that were shared I didn't know you know I didn't know I just hadn't been on the athletic field at certain schools so just looking at um you know improving the awareness including the the community in the conversation and finding ways um to make Marian County the place to be for athletics so just was a good idea and and thankful that we've opened up the conversation so thank you Mr Tucker for all your I know that you've been gathering information and compiling information for a long time so thank you for sharing with us today yes mam thank you thank you and yes this is a a great opener um to what is going to need to be a lot of continued conversation and problem solving one thing I wanted to confirm we're not um Char expecting kids to pay participation fees anymore is that correct okay that is correct I'm I'm really glad to hear that um you know it it is such a barrier for a lot of families and and it to think that a kid wouldn't even ask because they kind of would know what the answer is or what a hardship it would be so that really this is a terrible pun levels the playing field you know so that more kids can really participate um I'd also be interested to know you know as as we begin to get the next presentations with dollar signs attached to the um categoricals uh what percent of I would just like to know what percent of the student body in each High School participates in sports so say you know for math purposes it's a school of 2,000 kids what percentage is inv involved in a sport so off the top of my head I can tell you like so Westport HIgh School has 3,100 students right now right in the neighborhood uh they have approximately 700 athletes Forest High School as 2400 students and they've got approximately 800 athletes so it varies from school to school school I think it just depends on the area that they're in and the things that the kids are interested in um North Maran has approximately 300 athletes but their po their school population is around 1,200 1250 so that that gives you kind of an idea I mean it it varies from school to school okay yeah that would be just interesting to know um because that may help us with prioritizing as well you know certain certain schools that have a very high participation rates you know um may get priority on certain things um and I guess what crossed my mind too is that that's one reason why I asked about how many kids are participating is that it really doesn't seem like there's been that much investment over the years um and from from the school system side you know and I'm sure there's all kinds of reasons for that typically and you know overarchingly the lack of money um so I agree that we're going to need to um if we ever want to get ahead of this it's we're going to have to have a a detailed and and big picture plan you know to fund um and I know the stadium is a is a whole different conversation but it's out there in in the community and I just want to make it clear that the whole stadium conversation of having a stadium at Vanguard finally to continuing the use the one a booster that wasn't something that an idea that came from the board that came directly from Community you know from a Community member that represents a lot of passion at at Vanguard so I just kind of wanted to clear that up that you know no board member sitting up here is trying to build a stadium for their own whatever you know this is a need that was brought by citizens that as they see it so that's also going to need to be part of the conversation down the road because it was interesting to me that there almost seemed like a 5050 of people that were like well we really want to deserve a stadium at our own high school you know why wouldn't we we haven't had one and then others that really see the the tradition you know and so many Traditions do seem to be going away of since the 70s of going to booster and playing and you know so anyway there's a lot of opportunity here uh to make a lot of really good improvements and I think that other board members have hit it right on the head that there is a lot of community commitment and passion for sports so I believe that what we come up with it's a good solid plan I think people will get behind it and push so it's pretty exciting yes thank you U Mr Tucker if if you are getting for us a since we're asking for all these numbers if you are going to give us in actual print the numbers of of student body and the numbers of student athletes I would also ask the number of student ticket sales and so that should be an easy statistic for us to get as well um because these sports are not just benefiting the students on the fields or the courts these sports are also definitely impacting student culture and the ability to support their teams and support their friends um and I also wanted to um just tag on a bit to what Miss Conrad was saying I have a chart I have no idea this came from Miss Boston Ellis at some point I'm sure but I have a chart that someone created of existing local taxes for schools and children from 2010 so you listed uh I think you said Leon Hillsboro maybe bravard they've all had sales tax for school Capital outlay since at least 2010 so chances are I mean I I'm not putting words in their mouths but I mean th this is 20 some odd districts across the state that have had a half cent sales tax specifically for purposes like what we're talking about today so I think those school districts that have been able to go ahead and meet the needs of their students um in this Arena and way have already had community support for a long time for things like this and they started asking their Community for support report in 2010 2012 2015 um that predates all of us and and so I'm just grateful that we're having the conversation now and looking forward to continued conversations in this vein that's good anything else for the go of the cause all right thank you appreciate it thank you is there any public comment even our staff is dwindling okay hearing none we'll get on to our last item Dr G thank you madam chair members of the board our last item um on the agenda for today I know it's been a long day already I'm pleased to have um Mr mcfaden come up and then I think he's going to introduce Miss Barnes for a discussion over what we do for compliance for the inspection reports for safe schools thank you yes ma'am and thank You' all again Second Time Around um just to you know provide some little bit of clarity to what Mr toer and Dr bruis put together Dr gulet and I had a conversation yesterday about how our school security needs are being met and how we are looking to expand that to the sporting events and sites and how security cameras little things like that that we don't have at our sporting uh sites our locations needed to be added and I'm visioning going to other districts and other facilities out of town where they have visitors and home teams coming into a gate and they're separating them so that there's no confrontations after the game just strategically putting things in place that may not cost a lot of money but it increases the level of security so uh we have been working with Dr Brewer and Mr Tucker to get those things done but moving on to this last item I know it's been a long day as we spoke earlier you know that the state has mandated a lot of different uh com uh things within the district across the state and this last item that Miss Barnes will talk about is the mandation of um that compliance checks has to be done at every uh School in the district at some point over the year so she's going to come and she's going to explain our last compliance visit and what the results of that was as we move forward to improve the safety of our schools thank you good afternoon to each one of you and I want DeLay So I go directly to it Florida State Statute 101. 212 the office of safe school was instructed to develop and adopt a Florida school safety compliance inspection report to document compliance or non-compliance with school safety requirements that's mandated by law or Rule and adheres to the established school safety best practices to evaluate the safety security and emergency responses of the schools furthermore the office of safe schools was instructed to conduct unannounced INSP inpections of all public and Charter Schools while school is in session and investigate reports of non-compliance with school safety requirements thereafter the office of safe schools is instructed to provide quarterly reports to each district superintendent and school safety specialist identifying the number and percentage of schools including Charter Schools inspected or reinspected during that quarter and the number and percentage of the inspected schools that had no school safety requirement deficiencies earlier Dr gullet she was so concise when she mentioned how the laws and the interpretation and the consistency as it goes forth with these compliance inspections and it does have a bearing so recall that the following report does not contain detailed information that that's to maintain a level of Safety and Security the office of safe schools report the following for the 2024 2025 October quarterly report the number of schools inspected or reinspected is two the percentage of schools inspected or reinspected is 3.7 the number of inspected schools with no school safety required deficiencies would be zero the percentage of inspected schools with no school safety requirement deficiencies would be zero and that concludes the compliance inspection quarterly report for Mar County Public Schools you win the award for the shortest presentation yes this they told me it should be something quite boring I like boring when it comes to Safety and Security there's nothing going on that's a good thing yes ma'am thank you thank you very much is there any questions comments from the board did you have something else Mr mcf yes ma'am yes so keep in mind once the inspectors come and they do the compliance checks any non-compliance issues are addressed immediately uh by Miss Barnes as the school safety specialist we notify Dr gullet or what they are and the state will come back within they have six months six six months to come back and again our goal is to go out have these compliance inspections prior to them getting here and obviously if we have they they check two schools and whatever is may not be um in full compliance little small minor things we can make sure that those schools when the state comes back to do inspections aren't caught up into those little small any type of violations good board good yes ma thank you yes thank you you welcome all right Dr go I think that that that actually concludes our formal agenda thank you madam chair okay would you like to begin with your comments that you saved from earlier today I I certainly will thank you and I'll will be very brief because again I appreciate the board's patience and and always active involvement and authentic commitment to our students so just briefly and and several of these are because of the recent hurricanes and I wasn't here the last meeting wasn't able to be here um because I was at the Emergency Operations Center at the request of of the Emergency Management director to make some critical decisions for our schools so um a couple wrap-up items and you're going to see this in my weekly wrap-up this week I wanted to highlight and recognize that uh we've been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month that's September 15th through the 15th the week this week's wrap-up is going out a little late because of the hurricane but just appreciate um all of our staff of recognition of our amazing um uh Hispanic Americans in our district and the work that they do our staff and our students too and appreciate all of them and want to recognize them not just this month but all year long really proud of our diverse uh population uh it is also um National principles month in October I know it's Midway through again delay with the Hurricanes but I appreciate all that are our teams are doing um there was a principal day we recognized earlier but appreciate each and every one of our principal leadership instructionally and managerially too and meeting the needs of our students um on Tuesday we're going to do some recognition with the shelters I referenced earlier hurricanes the amount of people involved in addressing the needs of our community through these recent hurricanes yesterday many of us were at uh the C breakfast and heard from the city of Okala and and others about our First Responders and how much we appreciate them and we absolutely do I want to take a moment to say the missing part of that was our team um what was missing to me was the recognition that it's it's our shelters our school schools are the only shelters our schools are the only shelters that support all of Marian County and even those residents who came in from all across the state uh we had 10 shelters and the amount of work that goes into preparing for those shelters through the Sheltering post Sheltering calls text and making sure that our schools are safe to reopen um countless people hundreds and hundreds of people involved in that so I am incredibly grateful to everyone who makes that possible I just think it's important for the community to understand that we are we are glad to do it but um understand that it takes a lot of work on our part so I just want to uh provide recognition to that um it is also national school lunch week so when I mention shelters I did put those together on purpose because serving our community with food and being present with that um but what we do every day to make sure that our students are set up for success for optimizing learning is really does take a village um and so incredibly grateful and appreciative I always try when I'm in schools to go in and talk to the lunchroom staff and thank them and our custodial staff and everybody who makes the wheels move forward for our students and sometimes I feel like they're they may not feel as visible but I recognize them and I see them and and that may be the best and sometimes are the only meal for those students every day I am incredibly um grateful for all that they do and uh just another quick shout out to uh had great school visits this week and yesterday I do have to just do this and I don't often do this but South Okala fifth grade team they're digging deeply into IB planning um what a model what a model they never know when I'm coming so popping in and even sitting with them and enging with our teachers of um welcoming arms of what what's happening every single day in this in this district from our our teachers and staff our students is absolutely um impressive so really grateful to everyone thank you board thank you dret Miss Martinez anything from your seat attorney Powers thank you nothing from legal thank you thank you board member Campbell so I'll use what Dr G said as a jumping off point just for one piece and then I want to um give all of you something for just a moment but uh yesterday during our legislative call with fsba working on the platform there's a lot of dialogue about shelters and how the platform potentially should indicate additional resources for those districts that are providing shelters in addition to having schools closed and all the things and it was interesting to hear because not that's not it's going to do winners and losers kind of thing so that there's a lot of conversation around capital and all and and I we can elaborate on that another time we've been here a long time but um I I noted yesterday that Katie Campbell from bravard said that they haven't used schools as shelters for at least six or seven years because their County identified that it impacts schools so much that they're going to come up with another way and so since she's been a board member they haven't ever had to open a school shelter I just I found that to be interesting I think it highlights the additional conversations that we need to have but that isn't a blanket statement across the state because several counties are already fixing it in other ways okay then I want to pass these out to all of you and I'm giving you to U Miss Martinez because you can put one in Miss Reverend Cummings box you guys know that this is something that I've brought up a couple of years now I think each year I've I've brought this up and it is the school assignments that each board member has um and I know a couple years ago we tried to address this and it it based whenever we changed all of our livein districts and all and and so what you have on the front page is uh what the current makeup is right now these are the schools we each represent if you turn the page and we certainly don't need to have this conversation today I wanted to give it to you today potentially have Miss Martinez I'm going to send it to you electronically maybe even send this out electronically to all of the board but especially now that we're bringing on new schools with Elementary W Elementary X and then uh how we have like our charter schools that don't really have a Zone anymore does Dr NH Jones need to be in that District does Madison Street need to be in that in district one because of geographically it is well they don't have a a walking District so I don't think that's you know necessary um anyway I I just took the whole thing and tried to mix it up a bit and so this certainly warrants additional conver ation from each board member that's on the second page because the first page is how it's made up right now and so I I know I've made this conversation happened a lot um over the last couple of years um but the first time I brought it up was after I drove the district one schools in 2020 when I was a candidate at that time and was like okay well how come I as district one represent Greenway and lakee high school on this side of mar Camp Road but I don't represent Emerald Shores and and but when I cross over Baseline Road then I represent Forest High School but not May and anyway so that's where my whole thought process started and then now that we've changed our live-in districts and actually the people that would have the opportunity to run for any one of our seats the Silver Spring Shores area is not a part of District one anymore at all and so that's just one illustration and I'm certainly grateful to continue to represent Greenway in lakee if the board does not want to touch this uh but I believe especially now that we're bringing new schools on that it's time to have this conversation and since rezoning was on the item today I thought okay let me just pass out to you what I've created and then we can certainly massage it have additional conversation uh if the board sees fit over the course of the next couple of months um I would propose this something uh potentially would change for the 2025 2026 school year understanding that we will also be in the midst of building a new High School in that year that I've already kind of put right now under the district three because it will be in Mar and Oaks um so anyway I just wanted to pass this out I'll I'll also send it to Miss Martinez electronically so perhaps she can send it out to all of you and if chair if the board is interested in having this conversation more in depth um then I would welcome that in a future work session possibly in the beginning of 2025 all right thank you for sharing can I ask a question sure what was what is just because I want to understand how did you come up with the changes so if you and that's a great question because I didn't provide the other piece so if you go to the supervisor of elections website and you pull up our livein districts they are represented in these five colors so these five colors represent our live-in districts and so for the most part the way that I move them around are the schools in my livein district are actually now in Belleview and so if you look at mine in particular Madison Street again I said doesn't necessarily need to have a Zone um MTI if we put all alternative education together that's kind of how I did a few of these I there like each one of them has a different Nuance to it but um for the most part it was based on our live-in districts now and how those maps changed in 2021 whenever we voted and that's actually also the map that we are using for our impact fees so the five live-in districts are where impact fees can be spent if they're collected in our live-in districts they can be spent in those areas and so I thought if we created something where it actually had the schools represented more in our Livin districts but again there's a lot of nuance here that we can have extensive conversation about um but several of the Southwest Ocala schools are actually in chair throwers livein District now based on the map that we approved in 2021 so it again this is my first stab at this no no no no and I'm not I'm really I'm not trying to be I'm trying to understand because I'm genuinely confused okay so you're saying on the El the supervisor elections website 2021 we that's because right now since we updated our website it used to be on our website but since we updated it the map isn't there so I found it on the supervisor's website so if you go to votem marion. goov and you pull up maps and you go to school district it's also the exact same map we used for impact fees so it's also the map that's attached with that with our interlocal agreement um but if you if that's how I did the colors because if you look on that map district one is now this kind of purplish color and District 2 is yellow and um so if you do pull up that map it corresponds closely but not entirely accurately because the other thing I did was try to make sure that we didn't have all high schools with one board member and all middle schools with another so I did separate a bit on that and tried to level out the number of students that we each represent so all of those factors are how I came up with this proposal again but I I want us to have some time to think about it talk about it if if the board wants to move in a direction like this while we're rezoning while we're you know adding new schools um I just honestly from this board seat I have no idea how Reverend Cummings supports all the schools he does so well with 177,000 students that he represent I mean that's a huge number and he does it phenomenally but as a board member I'm also saying why are we asking him to do that when we could move it around a bit more and represent schools that are closer to where we live so okay I'm I'm still confused so okay so the front page is our current zones and you colored them based on our current map yes the second page is the live-in districts the second page is what I'm proposing and I kept the colors for the school the same so you could see that yellow would be District Two Belleview Elementary School is currently in District Two which is yellow but I'm proposing that it move to district one because it's actually in the map for district one so that's the part that I'm trying to just understand is the reasoning behind every move because it is because I don't think that's accurate so that's why I'm trying to understand it the reason behind every move move rooted in it's now in the livein district most of the reason is yes so that was reason number one right to start doing this reason number two was to start evening out some of the 45,000 students because because this hasn't changed and I mean when I first became a board member I think there were 30 38,000 students in Marian County Public Schools now there's more than 45,000 so and and I remember former board member m saying you're right we've never changed Southwest and we've added schools in Southwest but we never changed this so as we added uh Liberty and Hammet Bowen and all of you know all of these schools to Southwest Mary and Oaks we never actually we just kept adding them into the district three um area and so number one was to get them close to our live-in districts uh number two was then to say okay having a disproportionate dispropor number of elementary schools one way one way or you know this person has all the high schools that you know so spreading those out uh and then you know I I already mentioned Madison Street NH Jones they NH Jones has a very very small um walkable District but beyond that those are both magnet schools that are Lottery based so they don't necessarily have to go geographically because there's not like a because you could be representing Madison Street as I do now and have parents in the forest or parents in Dunellen and so um anyway so that and same thing with MTI so MTI obviously is located here but it is an alternative program and students are coming from all over the county to be in it so I was trying to lump all of the um all of the alternative education Pace acceleration Academy all of that together certainly doesn't have to be um but that I didn't intend for us to have a long convers I wanted to just pass it out I just wanted to understand so when I go back sure so I get the where it came from is so I can understand as I think about it I can understand your logic sure no absolutely I mean I I spent a couple hours just trying to make the numbers work and and plugging and playing and trying to say okay well any one board member shouldn't have to represent 20,000 students so H how do we figure that out and maybe this isn't it or maybe it's maybe we don't even want to have this conversation in the future but I think as we continue to add schools and uh I just I think it's unfortunate that the schools currently if we kept it the way it is that both elementary school xnw as well as our new high school will all be in District three unless we make changes so and that just continues to add to the student population in one District alone yes I would say that that would be something um that we would definitely want to consider because there are brand new schools that haven't been other than okali um that haven't been represented by anybody before so um I would definitely support having a conversation about that and what's interesting is that um board member Cummings was completely uninterested in giving up any of his schools yes he was so you know um and people that have been on the board for a little while they you you form relationships so I can just say that I would like to thank you for bringing it Forward again I I can definitely see the Merit and support it with the three new schools coming on and having conversation around that um I made it clear when I got reelected that this was going to be my final term so I'll have two more years um and starting in November and it would definitely be my preference to continue to serve this schools that I've always served till I complete my term plus any others that um come my way um so those are my thoughts on that and I appreciate it certainly there's there's apparently since I've brought this up I think three or four times in the four years I've been a board member there's never a good time to have the conversation so and everybody feels uh passionate about the schools they represent and we know that we all go to all schools and we know that we all are having relationships with all different administrators and all and then those administrators might be moved and then that relationship goes to another school or whatever that looks like so as I've approached it time and time again I've just had a conversation and not actually presented something as an actual proposal and so that's what I'm putting some colors and letters and numbers to what this actually looks like um but I also understand the passion that Reverend comings came saying he didn't want to give up any of his schools and the same passion I just heard from chair thrower she doesn't want to give up any of her schools either until she's out of here so and I I can appreciate that I I can um but I I think that it still warrants a conversation um starting with the livable District the livein districts that we have and the area that we live in that we represent and that mirroring more closely to um the map that we approved and the schools that we represent I I just I'm so confused it's been a long time is East Maran not in my liveing district am I missing something actually it's not that the geographical oh oh that's the other piece I did I took the geographical uh zoning maps for the elementary schools so the numbers of students that attend East Maran are predominantly from the akaha fort that's actually in Vice chair Conrad The Zone where East Marian's address the address is the zone is not okay okay but so that's what I'm trying to just clarify sure this was a lot of maps I had all over the place I was the students that feed East Maran some of those students sure would be in your district and I mean I feel like we would we could split hairs all the way down to the nitty-gritty but I I'm I I'm that's I think why I have been so confused for the last 15 minutes east Maran is definitely the address of East Marian Elementary School I'm looking at the map right here and there's not there's only a bunch of Precinct numbers on it but I'm pretty positive East Maran resides in District 5 so I would have to pull the and I have it and if I'm wrong I can be wrong but I there's a zoning map specifically for elementary school and if you pull up the zone I'm know I'm not talking about the zone I'm talking about the geographical location of the school right well because that's what you that that's what this conversation started with is let's put the schools where they where they are and so and I'm East Maran is in District 5 I think I I believe so yes so yes the the geographical location for East Maran but if you look at the zoning map and again that's part of why I brought it up on a day we're talking rezoning if you look at the zone of the students and the families represented that go to East Maran the vast majority of that geographical area makes up predominantly in Vice chair Conrad District as opposed to District 5 but again this I we don't have to talk about this in huge detail but I did also pull that was the other map I used I also actually overlaid The five district Maps over top of the elementary zone map and said okay these schools these families live in all of these areas that are in the areas that we have approved for our live-in districts got it okay I think I'm clear now okay I'm sorry I left out that map too I seriously guys I spent hours on this I was just trying to really understand and I appreciate that I but I I pulled so many different maps and looking at so many different things and then looking at the population numbers and that anyway so I I welcome the idea to have a a work session or additional conversation about this and certainly you can finagle this however you see fit uh that but I I do appreciate the ability to have the conversation again and not just continue to put all of our new schools in one District uh for one board member to represent and that's that's really at the heart of it all so and I can beat with that heart the rest of it not so much that's just that's just my feeling and my statement I'm happy to take on any other schools but I don't want to give up M until just pull the map there you go and you know we have a lot of things that need fixing I'm not sure this completely is one of them unless it's legally required or something like that but again I've talked too much I've stated my position but I doesn't lessen my appreciation for you bringing this forward there there there's my ceremonial tearing of the paper the thought and the is appreciated and I'm only one board member I would ask that the other board members give themselves a chance to think it through and and decide you know what your feelings are and um board member Cummings will get a copy of this I think you said via both ways electronically and paper copy okay and then we can have another conversation how's that great all right moving right along anything oh anything else that's it I've spoken enough thank you board member Campbell um I got nothing I'm good I'm good you're good for today good I think I I think I've said all that needs to res said today okay all right Vice chair Conrad I do have a short list I'll try to be quick um kind of going along with um Dr gallet thanking our schools and our staff um for all of the hurricane shelters and all the work that goes in ahead of time and during and after um all the hours all of the staff um that go into that I did just also want to thank because we've had also a lot of community conversation um today and we did have um 10 local businesses take dinner to our um Sheltering schools and so I just want to say thank you to them um for helping us provide a nice hot meal um you know over a long after a long workday and so I just I'm thankful for that and I know that the staff was um thankful too so I just wanted to to give a shout out to um to those in our community that um appreciate um all that our schools and school staffs do um this morning we had some difficult conversations uh while we were we had a meeting first thing this morning and I so I just wanted to share I feel like we have some items to iron out um when we talk about expulsions and so Jo really would like some some clarity something in black and white that helps us or helps me as a board member understand what all is taken into account um when we talk about expulsions with services and expulsions without services so just I know that was seems like days ago but it was this morning um just would like some more clarifying information and I know that's somewhat of new territory for us and so we're figuring out as we go but I would like something um that is definite um as we move forward I I did we had an awful lot of presentations today awful lot of Staff here today and just want to thank you thank them for all the work that they did in preparing and presenting um you know some of those those conversations are difficult and not going to make everybody happy but I know that our teams are working um to do the best that they can for all of the families in Marian County so I just wanted to say um a big thank you um for that I also Dr goet I didn't know if we have a transportation update for MTI do you have any update I know it was end of the month we were working on getting buses for oh yes okay I was waiting to see what part so the contract uh Vice chair with regard to Outsourcing is coming forward you will see that very good yes looking forward to that I think it's going to be um just have a positive imp impa on the whole District so forward I know I keep asking um I'm just I do I do also because I I think it's going to have a positive effect um and I chair thrower I think oh one last thing I did want to make sure and I personally have not checked so I'll apologize for that but since we are using some weather makeup days I just want to ensure that we get that correct on our website and any information that's going out to um administrators and families that we get that all update it as quickly as possible because I know in the past there's been some confusion um about who's supposed to be at work on what day not from lack of communication I just want to make sure that at the least on our school website we have everything um correct and so that is all I have thank you thank you Vice chair and before I forget I'll just payback on what you shared has there been any um conversation Dr gullet or updates from the the governor and and what he may decide to do regarding these hurricane days you know our hearts go out to Pasco and and her Hernando County and or Hillsboro and pelis um Hillsboro might be back today I'm not sure if they opened or not but missed a lot of days and so uh because yes I 100% agree that sooner we can make it clear to what we know now in terms of makeup days but then that the governor could change that agree um thank you subject to change right um we we've been following I know I had a I had a great uh call from one of our County Commissioners this past weekend about some Provisions provided from the state for for Hurricane identification which is great funding for that we're waiting for more information and Guidance with days as you know the last storm no days were provided as as a um anything it didn't need to be made up so subject to um subject to change uh we continue to monitor I agree with you I I think my understanding is Hillsboro was trying to go back today as was pelis um because they still had schools um that they they could not open so um I think fuchia had one as well one or two but we'll keep you posted okay great thank you and and I sure Echo you know when I first got on the school board and visited the emergency Operation Center for the first time it's like a whole underworld of happenings and you're in this like bunker and I think it really is a bunker it's and and the the planning The Angst the coordination the the constant shifting of of what you thought was a plan but but then based on the way the storm is moving and and people that are so hungry and anxious for information and you know social media it just catches fire and before you know it you know it's just this conflagration of all kinds of rumors and and gossip it's it's just terrible really because when you have a chance to see the actual work that's being done and the number of people that are disrupting their whole life and families to try to take care of this community um and some of the negativity that came through on that was was upsetting um so I I hope at some point that we will be able very soon to bring in some of the superstars and heroes that are play such a huge role um spending the nights there including our own staff spending the nights at the shelters of course you know to be able to be recognized and acknowledged because information is power and I think if the community had a stronger understanding and a deeper understanding of what we all go through to try to plan as best we can to not disrupt as much as we can there'd be a different level of um gratitude I would say um because all of us are you know either you're always a parent but have had kids in school and and do now and and so any decision that we make directly affects us too I think is my point and um everyone that has uh plays such a huge role just deserves to be um commended rather than condemned um for the the efforts that they're making and and just really going to the mat um for everybody so I'll look forward to maybe some upcoming recognitions at Future school board meetings or even depending on people's work schedules if recognizing them at a work session I think of our bus drivers you know they're out on running their routes still a lot of them at by the time our school board meeting starts but maybe we could recognize them at a work session because a lot of people don't even know that it's our bus drivers that are going to get folks with special needs that don't have a ride and just everything so um very very deep thank yous to all all right a few meeting reminders the next administrative briefing and work session is scheduled for November 7th 2024 at 9:00 a.m. there's a special special school board meeting scheduled for November 7th 2024 at 7:30 a.m. the next school board meeting is scheduled for November 12th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. so the beat goes on the work continues and it's uh been a long and productive day so if there's nothing else that anyone wants to share we will consider adjourning at 1:3 p.m. how's that beautiful okay adjourned at 153 thank you [Music] all e