##VIDEO ID:ADC19QMox6k## good evening we're going to open the meeting um okay roll call sure good evening everybody Mrs bomo here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr alansy here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ Mr petruno here Mrs seart here and Mrs Mendes here I'll draw your attention to but I won't read in full Sunshine Law statement of videotaping of public portion of Board of Education meetings public comments state statement no smoking or vaping on school grounds can you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance student recognition thank you good evening everyone uh before we get to student recognition I would like to um share that this year for the first first time uh first of all welcome to the month of respect it's our character pillar of the month um and we decided as a board and a district that we would recognize both students and staff throughout this year for their acts of respect so there are nominations that take place and um we will be recognizing them recognizing them on a monthly basis at a regular Board of Education meetings so for the first staff recognition uh respect recognition um this is a person actually um works over at the board office with us intakes every single employee into the school district and was nominated this past month for her kindness and her acts of respect in taking in all of our District employees um so I would like to welcome up here to get her certificate Mrs Diana lra thank you Mrs lace for all of your dedication and commitment to the district we appreciate you and I know Mr balom was really excited to give that to you so we're really grateful for your your time here thank you so [Applause] much okay um student recognition Okay now on to student recognition and respect certificates for our students um we have students here from Frank defino Central Elementary School and I saw Dr Stradic uh in the crowd there so Dr Strat would you like to come up and share uh this month's uh students with us and Mrs K is here as well thank you Mrs K and Mrs nich is this on there we go okay good evening board members administrators students and parents tonight we will hear a couple of songs from our defino chorus as well as recognize some defino students who were chosen by their teachers as representatives for our October character pillar of respect we're going to start with our chorus led by our music teacher Miss kwii [Applause] [Music] [Music] know there's a light that CL by the front door forget the keys under the when child shine always St humble and [Music] kind go to school cuz your M say to visit Grandpa every chance that you can it won't be wasted time always stay humble and kind hold the door say please say thank you don't steal don't cheat and don't Li I know you got mountains to climb but always stay humble and kind when those dreams you're dreaming come to you when the work you put in his realiz let yourself feel the pride but always stay humble and kind don't to free ride from no one don't hold a grud ship and here why bit keeps you from flying always stay humble and [Applause] kind go to school cuz your M says to VIs give Grandpa every chance that you can it won't be wasted time always stay humble and kind hold the door say please say thank you don't steal don't cheat and don't lie I know you got mountains to climb but always stay humble and kind when those dreams your dreaming come to you when the work you put in is realize let yourself feel the pride but always stay humble and kind humble and [Music] kind humble [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just wanted to take a moment to say hello my name is Miss kcki the general music teacher at defino um thank you for the introduction Dr Strat this is our fifth grade choir I am so so proud of them um Dr Strat approached me with this idea of The Choir performing like the first or second week of school and I was like I don't know if that's possible we rehearse once a week for 20 minutes so I think we've had maybe a little over an hour of of instruction time together to and that's just to build our choir community and and start learning these pieces so I feel like we made the impossible possible and that's because these students are just so um so kind and so respectful and so hardworking and they really work together well as a team so I just want to say thank you and I'm so so proud and this is just the beginning of the year it's October so we have um a lot ahead of us to look forward to um our next s that was uh humble and kind by Tim mcra and our next song is a classic respect made famous by artha Franklin [Music] you want yeah we got it what you need you know we got it all I'm asking is for the respect High School oh yeah respect show in our school we're going to show respect to each other all I'm asking it's for respect in our school oh yeah respect r s b me R in our community [Music] just a little bit just a little bit respect just a little bit just a little bit r s b c here in our community [Applause] thank you great job guys that was incredible uh now we're going to share a brief video with you that highlights some of the um great things we had during our week of respect at toino Central we know we have the recipe for respect first we add in some respectful and kind students each member of our defino community is important and Val valed we know that working together collaboratively and respectfully is the recipe for [Music] Success next we add in our caring and helpful staff members then we sprinkle in some fun spirit days to bring the school together [Music] then we Infuse opportunities for students to learn about the character pillar of respect such as read alouds and class discussions finally we put our new character education skills to work our students did a great job working on recipe cards with their special ingredients drawn or written down to show they know what ingredients create the perfect recipe for respect [Applause] thank you at this time I'm going to invite up Mrs Nichols to recognize our character pillar winners for October for the character pillar of respect and Mrs K could we have all the students for the respect certificates please come up perfect all right zaye [Applause] abuella Zan great job medy Ali not he may not be here Belle bomb Oh we could bring it to to crush do you want me to hold it for you I'll walk it over Maxwell Carl [Applause] awesome Angelica [Applause] Castro Penelope [Applause] Castro be you're not going to believe this Valentina [Applause] Castro Ava [Applause] cook chrisa denesh [Applause] Sophia [Applause] Enriquez Ariana [Applause] gargaro Mina Jaffrey [Applause] Deshawn Jones I don't think here brace [Applause] Klein Isa kraak [Applause] Nina [Applause] lamberty Valencia [Applause] maglor Ava nadell ashini polori she's not here Nora [Applause] Shake ranvet [Applause] Singh Bella tamzi [Applause] Riley [Applause] Thompson Rebecca [Applause] wagre and Zoe zacharatos all right I guess we're going to have a couple seconds for a picture here for [Applause] and the final thing we have is our defino chefs made a few uh recipe cards of respect for our board members I'm going to hand those out they're laminated cards of things that yes things that are um you know embody respect and and they made really cute recipe cards so we'll share that with the board and while she's doing that I'm going to invite up our chorus um and Miss Mrs kcki um to announce the names of our chorus members and they're also going to receive a certificate Lilia Liliana [Applause] barakov EA C [Applause] Joselyn [Applause] durki Olivia [Applause] Geller the student is not able to be here tonight but Pearla [Applause] Sophia [Applause] gines Dakota [Applause] goffen Easton [Applause] Hayes Shaina is in inel bun sorry inel bunch [Applause] Ina Lura [Applause] katuti Rohit [Applause] Krishna Claire [Applause] Lee Alysa Lou Vienna malandro advit Mishra Ivy [Applause] pianelli AIA [Applause] raal Joseph Richard Deli [Applause] Ella [Applause] risk Valentina Salgado [Applause] B Joey sanche uh this student is not able to be here but Aruba Shahid Isabella [Applause] Taro Olivia toao Angela young Ellie [Applause] U Gabriella Z zauna oh sorry guys Iris [Applause] Zoo Zan [Applause] Abella Valentina [Applause] Castro Zoe zacharatos [Applause] and Belle bomb I think she received hers already it's over there on the choir [Applause] stand for [Applause] can we give one more big round of applause Oliver too kiddos today thank you everyone [Applause] thank you everybody and kids you did a beautiful job the singing was amazing how you changed the words and inserted the school I thought it was all great and just for everybody who's out there who doesn't um who can't see this recipe they gave us it's really cool and I want to thank you it's a recipe for respect and I think each of us got a little bit something different and then it just has like some ingredients of half a cup of kindness two slices of respect and and it goes on with like two gallons of politeness and and it kind of just gives you like what their recipe for kindness is and I just want to say thank you so much for putting these together and giving them to us it it means a lot and we appreciate [Applause] you I just want to quickly add one more thing um I'm a proud defino parent and Dr Strat amazing you do an amazing job um thank you so much to everybody and the kids you guys did such a great job singing and all everything that you guys did thank you so much for coming out and being brave enough to do this in front of so many people so good [Applause] job thank you again um we're going to take a break in a minute but we're just going to um finish up and then we'll take a little bit of recess sobody can kind of take pictures and Mingle for a few minutes um we're going to move on now to employee recognition and we are going to honor employees with 25 plus years of service to the marbor Township Public School District um this started in November of 2019 the board at the time instituted the employee recognition program and again it honors employees who have dedicated 25 or more years of service to the district including those who have retired um Mr balon's going to have a gift for them and a recognition plaque will be displayed highlighting each Honor's name and school year in which they began their service with the Marboro Township Public School District so we're going to start and um we're going to go so we're going to start with 1997 to 1998 school year um Angela fiello and if you [Applause] can Dana McCall [Applause] Linda [Applause] Roso is Linda Roso here no okay um and Robin Sachs [Applause] okay we're going to move on to the 1998 1999 school year Laura Blake [Applause] Alice kauo oh they have a they have signs there team Laura Blake very nice Alice Carol [Applause] kauo Philip [Applause] Zada Wendy [Applause] moscowitz Elizabeth [Applause] Spectre she here okay Pamela [Applause] STS Courtney St shell Deborah [Applause] Tierney Rebecca W [Applause] nitzer Patricia Rye [Applause] Andrea [Applause] dinora Karen [Applause] Nadler Diane eban [Applause] [Applause] Christine [Applause] jalinski Linda winter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Mao Ang [Applause] Linda Baldi Rosalie vulpus that Sally Walker and Alan gzy [Applause] thank you so much for the 25 plus years of your time your dedication your service thank you for being here um it's just it means a lot to the to the district it means a lot to us and obviously the impact you have on the students so thank you thank you so much we appreciate you very very much thank [Applause] you okay student impact okay this month for student impact throughout the month of October as we mentioned mtps focuses on the character pillar of respect Mr Gano from Robertsville elementary school the principal there wanted Rob Robertsville to Rally behind a theme that infuses the message of respect and was decided upon collaboratively the theme Robertsville runs on respect was the winning Choice submitted by a staff member I do see Mr Grano in the crowd there Mr J ten you want to come up and explain a little more I'm Al I'll also be here in November for my school so if you want to come back and see that we you'll get me twice uh so Robert Robertsville runs on respect was something that myself Mrs Georges and Mrs Tong ring uh our guidance counter talked about over the summer to try to get our staff members to Rally behind uh the idea of the year of respect that was talked about here at the board meetings uh so we put out some choices to staff members and then opened up uh to staff members to be able to submit some choices of their own so Robertsville runs on respect was actually a staff member Choice uh and that really I think got the staff member Buy in and then we wanted student Buy in as well so we opened up a contest to our students to design the image that will be featured on t-shirts for our kids the Robertsville runs unrespect image so now students and staff both had buy in for our Roberts will runs on respect theme which is going to carry us through the year and the kids like I said have really bought into it um you can tell just by the way they're treating each other at recess in the classrooms teachers are infusing it into their lesson so I'm very proud of our staff and our kids as well as you know the administrators in the building teachers are doing a great job with it so enjoy our video [Applause] throughout the month of October mtps focuses on the character pillar respect students at Robertsville Elementary School were able to submit a design for this year's theme Robertsville runs on respect the designs represented their interpretation of the theme and there were five finalists and one winner chosen [Music] won [Music] the final design winner was fourth grade student Hunter and his design will be featured as the school's symbol for Robertsville runs on [Applause] respect thank you thank you Mr Janel that was very cool artwork on display artwork on display is from Frank defino Central Elementary School this artwork from the students at defino has been growing since 2013 about every six years all of the students at defino create a portrait using a very specific and limited color palette students learn about how artists use proportions when drawing a face and they are introduced to ways they can improve rendering people when finished all of the portraits are glued together to create a rainbow of students this is the third time the project has been brought out in the past 11 years all 507 of this year's defino students are represented in the piece and they are now connected together with over a thousand former students who have graduated defino since 2013 this year's addition brings the artwork to a total of 75 ft in length the greatest part of the artwork is its ability to create vibrant and meaningful discussions such as the passage of time the representation of community and how art can be imbued with meaning and importance once this year's kindergarteners graduate 5th grade the artwork will be brought out again in 2030 to include the next community of dolphins and then we have artwork from uh the YMCA at Robertsville elementary school during the month of September the Robertsville Y Kids program has been very busy with a wide variety of crafts and activities on Thursday September 19th the students at Robert Ville y kids took on a sweet project for National Ice Cream Day the students created their own ice cream cone project which had students flavor of choice displayed for all to see all their craft was well after their craft was completed students were treated to their very own cup of ice cream with sprinkles on Tuesday the 24th of September the Y kid celebrated National Heritage day each student talked about and highlighted their Heritage in the program before taking to their craft for the day while in the program students worked with Miss Helena to create their own Heritage flags from each country represented students had the opportunity to make a flag that represented one or multiple countries these flags are on display in the cafeteria of Robertsville where our why kids program takes place the Robertsville Y Kids program is already in full swing with fun-filled October crafts and activities that will highlight National custodian day National stop bullying day pumpkin crafts and Halloween celebrations thank [Applause] you thank you so much we're now going to take a 10-minute recess there's Refreshments on the table over there to your right you're welcome to partake in that take some pictures and then we'll come back in 10 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e again we're going to reconvene the meeting roll call please sure Mrs balma here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr lonsky here Mrs mccor ma here Dr MTZ here Mr patruno here Mr seart here and Mrs Mendes here announcements I do have a few announcements the first announcement um is also projected on the screen here um we are going to be hosting a what we call a community Unity event on November 13th from 5: to 7:00 p.m. at marbor Middle School essentially it will be um the center of this this evening will be student presentations students will be able to present on just about anything that either interests them has to do with their background um it could be cultural dance food um really anything that students would like to present to the community to show how they are unique in some senses but also how it brings our community of marbro together um as one people so we really want to recognize that we want as many uh students to participate in this event we will have our middle school music students involved as well both instrumental and coral so they will be uh there as well we do ask that any students who are participating either presenting um or in any any way for the event that parents do attend as well not only will you help us manage the hopefully large event uh but you'll also be able to witness the wonderful things that our students are uh preparing to show the community so please mark your calendars um a communication will be going out this week regarding more details on the event how students can sign up um I'd also like to thank um all of the ptas and PTO for partnering with us they are going to enhance the evening um the MEF scope cpeg um they are all coming together to really uh enhance this evening and support us for a community Unity event so we hope you can come out and join us um again more details will follow um so please mark your calendars secondly our staff members um participated in a professional development yesterday when our students were off from school and enjoying maybe sleeping in a little bit our teachers were here learning um so I would like to thank all of the presenters who presented we had both in-house most most of our presenters were in-house teachers um and administrators we also had some outside uh outside vendors uh presenting for us so thank you for that um I'm also going to jump Mrs Mendes if you don't mind I'm just going to jump to the Ed Camp sponsors which is on the next page of the agenda oh just because it it relates so we don't have to come back to it um we do have would we do would we would like to thank all of the sponsors for this event um the generous contributions that enhanced our experience uh for our prod day yesterday um Burger Brothers Red Tomato pabs des santillo and the Dunkin Donuts on Ryan Road uh thank you for your support um in your gift cards and uh Dunkin Donuts gave free coffee to our staff all day long so um that was very nice and they also gave gift cards to our staff members who were recognized here for 25 plus years of service so it was a really great event we also had a little ceremony thank you board members who attended we had um an event down at the Dunkin Donuts on Ryan Road yesterday which was another great event so um thank you all for that and one more announcement at least from my end um as part of our I know you know we continue to say this right our year year of respect um and uh some actionable steps that we have taken um with you know some of the events that have taken place um in our own school district and even the world um we want to continue creating awareness to our students so um thank you Marboro Township Police Department we have partnered with them um they have completed already um bias presentations and respect presentations to our students both at the elementary level in grade five and then in every Middle School grade level six seven and eight um they've completed all of those presentations again just one more actionable step that we are taking to make sure our students have the awareness that their words matter that their actions matter and that we need to be treating everyone with kindness and respect so thank you Marboro Township Police Department for um for presenting to our students and um again hopefully that will will help um amarate some of the issues that we've seen not only here at mtps but um around the world so so thank you for that and those are all the announcements that I have thank you um Vinnie school bus driver and building maintenance Personnel all abstracts for run and all have Privileges and good standing thank you okay we're now moving on to public comments sure so first on my list Melissa held good evening my name is Melissa helds and I am here to address the board in regards to the change from Champions to the why the change affects my family greatly in a negative way as a financial strain and due to the lack of flexibility with scheduling my financial strain as a single parent is where a one income family and the why costs more than Champions did with Champions you were able to make your schedule weekly and I only had to pay for the days I needed but not with the why if I have a doctor's appointment on a Tuesday and I need to put my daughter in after care with the why I have to pay for every Tuesday that month with Champions I did not as a New York City teacher if New York City schools are closed when Robertsville is not with the why I still have to pay for it with Champions I did not if marro schools are closed for a holiday or staff development with the why I still have to pay for it with Champions I did not another reason is the why's lack of flexibility first as I stated above I'm still paying for the days that I don't need next if my daughter did not use the after care with Champions but I was in a predicament such as traffic I could call the school and they would put her in after care as a drop in how however I don't know if I could do that with the Y the Y has a registration fee for both before and after care that's right two separate registration fees which equals more money can my daughter attend Aftercare as a dropin if I did not register her I don't know whatever community outreach was given by the why was in August while we were on vacation also their policy for drop in is to email the person the day before that does not help me if there's a late opening the YMCA is not open where Champions was again as a single parent I don't have someone to split the time to take care of my child I am only allotted so many days to take off for child's care and I cannot afford a day without pay the board sent out a survey two years ago regarding Champions but not last year the first question was if you could save approximately $130 would you switch providers who would say no to saving money but are we saving money no question two if you said yes to number one would you be willing to pay an additional $170 a month for an armed security guard that contradicts number one about saving money we switched providers we are paying more money but I want to know where the armed security guard is Robertsville did not have a security Personnel until October 1st that's a whole month without it he's not armed he told me he was a former corrections officer he's licensed to carry but not allowed to carry in our schools I would also like to know if he is absent who's his replacement are they trained to be a security guard and take care of our children do I stop it's typically three minutes but if you have another minute if You' like to continue just be mindful please of the security that you're putting out there in the on uh a live meeting question question three do you currently believe Champions currently provides a safe and secure environment and obviously I'm not going to respond to my answer there because I don't want to put something like this out into the world that's open because I definitely have a lot of issues with that they said on question number four if you answered no and you're willing to pay an extra $1400 a month to provide security for Champions where do they get the figures from because from what I was informed and it's supposedly public record the prices the Y gave the board last spring was not the prices for this year I could tell you from the people I've discussed with this change from companies that this is a hardship on many of the people in this community and I am pleading with you to re-evaluate the service next year thank [Applause] you Mrs H thank you first of all for coming up and speaking um I was trying to write as quickly as I could so I can't hit everything and there are certain things I can't speak about a couple of things about the paying for the days that the schools are closed I have to look into that one I haven't heard that one before so I have that as a note here to follow up on that one with you the other one you said was about being less flexible meaning that you can't call the morning of and drop the child off or was what I think what you had stated um in certain instances in certain instances um when discussing that with the why their their concern of parents doing that is that if we had 30 people that did that hypothetically they may not have enough staff so their Staffing ratio to student is based on people that had registered but I understand your point and I did write that piece down um the other piece about the two separate registration fees if that did happen to you um because somebody else had mentioned that I think it was just something in their system at the time they reimbursed them one of the registration fees so if that did happen to you then we can connect you with the director at the YMCA so you can be reimbursed one of those registration fees because that is not that should be corrected you can come up you can come up if you want to speak we we won't have it back and forth but I do want to hear your next piece didn't know yeah go ahead um yeah so I didn't sign my daughter up for the afternoon and that is because there was an extra fee and although I make a good salary as a single parent in this day and age it's extremely hard and like I said the lack of information that came to us was was really difficult to navigate I understand that and so just so you know and then I we'll move past this part but the registration fee it looks like there's two but when you actually get to the very end and you check out it takes off one of the registration fees so I don't want you to feel deterred from signing up for after care thinking there are two cuz there are not so at the end when you get to the very end it takes off one and just charges you one registration fee so I somebody else reached out so we did clarify some of us even tested it to make sure and that was the process and then we did reach out to the YMCA so I just want you to know that I would love a contact person there because I'll get you one I'll send you an email tomorrow and I'll get you the contact okay thank you for coming up thehead M I'm sorry the other part I remember right with the why if you couldn't utilize all the Tuesdays or whatever you could tell them I only want one Tuesday or two Tuesdays a month and only pay for those you'd have to pay for the full month that would they did allow to drop in once or twice a month and just pay for that time correct $20 I believe it was it's okay so so what Mr Lansky had said was that you can specify the times that you're going but that's okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to send you the email the contact tomorrow and and then you connect you with the YMCA director and you can speak to them directly I I understand so I'll send you that and then we'll we'll work from there thank you next of run Jolly thank you my name is Arun jolly and as a long-term resident I have couple concerns one is what can you lift the mic Mr Jolly thank you can you hear me better yes okay uh I'm sorry whatever the young lady before me said I think a lot of other parents have the same issue my niece has the same issue so please you know I hope and I appeal again like she did you make the right choice between the YMCA and the previous company there are a couple other issues I have number one is regarding one of your board members I came to know and I hope I'm wrong please tell me if I'm wrong that she should she's being removed from the special ed committee and I'm talking in reference to the young lady sitting here Su is that correct because she's in my opinion the most qualified person among all of you in this uh this year among all the board members and it'll be hard to see her being removed for some comment she made which has been misinterpreted or taken it differently can I I know you have the authority to remove her but could you let us know that if that's true and what's the status and I have one more issue I'll let you finish and then I'll speak after okay the last issue I have is something happened at the Board of Education it was not the meeting but at their office about 6 months ago we just came to know of it police was called and there is some concern about one of the the board members who acted very unprofessionally very loudly and abusive type of behavior are you aware of that can you share some light about it please do you have anything else you'd like to share before I move on let me just see no these are only the three issues you know she covered first one beautifully so I don't have to rehash that okay thank you you're welcome so if you want to stand in there for a second you can have one more yeah one last comment I would make I told Vin also that I have to leave by 8:15 would it be possible for you to tell us ahead of time what the time you would start public comments so we can come a little later or earlier you're talking about in the future yeah the public comment timing as you can see meetings can run from 4 hours to 1 hour to two hours I can't determine so it typically says Mr Jolly if we're going to go to executive session in the beginning it will tell you that on the agenda and in the agenda then you can kind of calculate it it would say typically 60 minutes I'm not really sure so I that yeah so I wouldn't be able to give an approximate time because everything in the beginning before public comments is really like it anything it could be anything I I don't know a time yeah okay I'm sorry about that no it's all right just to with a suggestion that's fine so just to get to the questions and I know we can't have a really a back and forth but you could stand there if you have questions when I'm done so the first thing you had asked me was about the YMCA you mentioned I think your niece or somebody so out of the hundreds I think it I can't give you a full number of how many students are using the YMCA we've gotten about three or four emails with people questioning pricing so I ask you Mr Jolly if you hear of anybody including your niece that has questions concerns complaints to please send them our way so that I can answer them appropriately if I have the answer or direct them to the director of the YMCA or to some Administration the second thing you asked me was about Dr MTZ chairing the special education committee I will turn that over to Dr MTZ to to share her piece if she has been removed from the committee or not that's for her to share okay so Dr MTZ has not been removed I don't know where you got that information from and right so is she is that on the agenda or I I don't have that on the agenda here I can't speak for anything else but it's not listed in our public agenda there's no back and forth by the way so I'll just get through your questions and you can ask one more question so Dr misit is not listed on the agenda for removal Dr MTZ has answered that she has not been removed as the chair of the committee that is no as of no that's what I have for you and then the other thing that you had asked me um it'll be very unfortunate if it is understood then the other question that you had asked me was regarding an incident from 6 months ago and you want me to address the issue I'm not here to address the particular facts or whatever was that happened that day I was not present for it and so I will not be responding to that but I leave it at that but we can't ignore it I'm not ignoring anything okay great okay but you're asking me if I knew that that had happened or or some of the gists of it did I know and then did it say in the bottom that Mr petruno had left peacefully that's the part I knew anything that happened after that I don't I can't speak to because I was not privy to that information well that's not a good example okay there's no so I'm done with my speak so you can give one more comment and then we can move on my only comment can you just pick up the mic so everybody can hear you my only comment would be that it sets up a bad example for children you're at the board of education for children and if they hear that it gives a bad impression they didn't hear anything cuz I didn't really say anything much I know they have heard yes no I'm saying you're asking me personally no I'm not asking I'm simply asking if there are there was some incident that happened okay which should not be overlooked in my opinion should be some repercussions of correct and Andor and we'll end and I can end this and then there's a second round of public comments that you can come up for so what I would say is it was not overlooked thank you myself and Michael Lansky I don't know how to it's okay you could lay it down the next person can do it for you okay thank you Mr Jolly thank you did you have a comment no I just had a question you because you didn't finish your thought you were saying that it was not overlooked you and Mr lonsky and then you stopped so I just wanted you to finish the thought correct Mr lonsky and I uh took the action we need to take and at and when it said that no further action needed to be taken Mr alansky and I were made aware of that and then we we had our conversation then we moved on that's the action Michael alansy and I took next Moshi Grant um good evening board members president of the board Mr balone and everyone else um I wasn't planning to speak today but something came out online just like Mr Haron Julie over here mentioned and I figured I'll come and listen and try to figure out what really happened just for my own sake and understand how the district works because I had an incident that seems to be somewhat familiar in the past it was kind of funny but an incident didn't happen and we want to get to the bottom of it in general when something happen the community but my simple question is to you Mr balone if I walked in here and raised my voice and I was frustrated because I believe something is not happening the right way if I'm your boss because you're hired by the district and this board decides who is going to be hired by the district and I have my differences in relation to something you have done right or wrong and I come and ask you about it discuss I'm frustrated because it's a very frustrated day and a lot of things happen it seems as if there's a situation here when an employee called the cups on his boss because he was not happy with the way the boss treated him and if I raise my voice right now because I become emotional will you call the police and feel threatened because I'm vocal or even if I'm nervous I'm shaking I turn red or anything like that so it's just a general question because it was very funny actually read through those documents that were posted online and it looks like you did not know that you were threatened that they happen and it was a very emotional day later on a lot of people found out a lot of things that we don't like to hear in malbro and then in the next few days a lot of things happens and then later on there's a motion to vote to get rid of a district attorney legitimately so for a good reason then you go back in later on a number of days later whatever it was and you add the fact that you felt threatened after certain scenario happen in time they in town that kind of put you in a very very negative light so just trying to figure out from your perspective when do we call the police and file police reports what is it that should be a perimeter where it's okay to use the police because it comes across as using the police as a personal tool in order to either one defend your self which is unethical or to bully or retaliate I filed the tour claim against the district in the past for the same exact reason the person I filed those claims against is not here anymore so I pulled out my Tor claim I didn't act on it but it looks very familiar and it doesn't look right thank you hi Mr Grant nice to see you again um you said you wanted the facts so the first fact is I did not call the police so I you know I I don't operate with suppositions what if this happened or what if that happened so I can't really speak to that piece you referenced an incident report that incident report is accurate and and you already read it so what was written in that report is 100% accurate that's all I have to say so I'll make a note and ask a follow-up questions Dr heib also didn't call the police someone else called the police on his behalf but if what you're saying is true and it's absolutely fine what is the reason you felt the need a week a week and a half or whenever it was later to go back and add to the police report that you felt threatened I'm going to go on record again saying I did not file a police report okay next wait I want to say something thank you Mr Grant next Brianna maglio hi good evening I am here tonight to express my concerns about the YMCA program I sent an email to the board on June 24th sharing my concerns about the increased prices and reduced scheduling flexibility when compared to the previous Champions program the response to my initial email felt dismissive like all other Working Families in the district I had no choice but to sign up for the YMCA given the price increase my family had to reduce our prior 4 days per week after after care schedule to 3 days per week this basically came to $50 more per month for one less day of care the monthly schedule used by the YMCA as opposed to the weekly one used by Champions is Impractical and wasteful life with kids is day-to-day not month-to month and at least Champions allowed changes to be made week to week with the current YMCA system all marbor families who utilize the service will be paying for days the district is closed such as teacher convention week thanks Thanksgiving winter break and all other scheduled closings uh I appreciate you telling Melissa that you were going to follow up on this but I did speak with Lisa our representative over the summer and that was confirmed The Limited scheduling flexibility the YMCA offers has already proven problematic in practice when making weekly or monthly schedule changes we are to email a YMCA employee who single-handedly manages the schedule for all students in our district this creates an opportunity for error like the one my seven-year-old daughter experienced on September 6th of this year my daughter a second grader at Robertsville was scheduled to attend Aftercare on that day I set the schedule on August 30th apparently the YMCA system was never updated to reflect the schedule change my husband and I are very deliberate with her and her schedule we set when sent to the bus by her teacher she informed her that she was supposed to attend Aftercare but because our daughter's YMC schedule incorrectly indicated that she was to take the afternoon bus she was sent home to an empty house in the years we were with Champions this never happened once we were lucky that her bus driver noticed the absence of a parent waiting at the bus stop stopped closer to our house than usual and watched her ring the doorbell no one answered because my husband and I were at work the literal reason we pay for aftercare I got the phone call that she had been returned to school because no one was home to receive her my daughter is diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder which both the school and the YMCA are aware of and this error more than rattled her it scared her it scared us as it would scare any parent I reached out to cont I reached out to the contact at the YMCA who mildly apologized and promised this would not happen again moving forward it has not happened to my family again because I have been overc communicative with the school staff about my daughter's weekly schedule change or no change to avoid experiencing this oversight again while we have been spared another scare I personally know two other families who have had similar experiences I want to be I have like thank you I want to be clear that as much as I liked Champions we came into the school year with no negative preconceptions toward the YMCA as a matter of fact our same daughter attended the Freehold YMCA's camp this summer she loved it and we loved it and all of the staff there the board has repeatedly promised marbor families that the change to YMCA would be comparable in the terms of affordability while offering the same scheduling flexibility and level of care for our children those promises have been broken in summation YMCA is not more affordable for working families and I do not feel more secure in or connected to my child's Care thank you for the time and thank you for your time and the opportunity to voice my [Applause] concerns Miss Mago correct correct thank you first off I just want to say that if my email back to you felt dismissive my apologies it was never intended to be that so I want apologize for that piece first if that was the case second thing is that I'm sorry about your child I won't speak to the ins and outs of that case but I'm I'm sorry that that happened that's horrible and I I never want that to happen to anybody so I apologize for that um I took some notes on what you said I'll I know you said you emailed I I still want to check into your piece about school being closed and it being paid for um if schools not open so I have to go back and look at that one um and the other thing I want to say is thank you for sharing your experience I understand that you know the change is is not something that you feel is favorable at this point in time and and I appreciate you sharing that we you know we heard from families when the Y came in about safety concerns they had with Champions and vice versa so it's nice to hear different feedback and perspective and so I took note again I am sorry for that situation that you stated it happened I never want that to happen to anybody um but if you'd like I can email you after I reach out to them tomorrow tomorrow and see if I get a different answer than the one you had and and share that with you okay thank you thank you and thank you for coming up thank [Applause] you next Andrea caparelli good evening I am Andrea caparelli um I've been moing over this for the few days now and trying to figure out what to say and how to say it um I am a concerned parent I'm a concerned citizen because things in here in town have definitely changed and not for the better um I'm still very proud of the schools which my kids attend um but that is not always because of the board of um I've been very disappointed with a number of things that have happened over the years but at the end of the day I am still very grateful that the Educators and the teachers and administrators in our schools have continued to keep my children safe um somehow along the line the Board of Ed has become a partisan game and it should not be there should not be signs in other towns for Board of aded members there should not be Board of AD member signs of associated with presidents it should not be anything of that nature this should be at the education of our children and nothing more than [Applause] that people have played games with never in my experience here I'm born and raised in New Jersey and and Community like marbor to have anti-Semitism spewing in our schools is a disgrace Mar has been notoriously a Jewish town a Jewish Community full of Pride and closeness and never ever have this existed now because of the spewing of hate and fear from Board of Ed members we now have homophobia running rampant through our schools and so my kid is fearful to go to school my kid is fearful to use restrooms thankfully for the amazing staff at marbor middle my kid does not have to worry about that my the staff there have made it so that my kid is comfortable and safe and that he has a safe place to go at all times but the spewing and the hatred and the fearmongering that is happening amongst the Board of Ed members is obviously emanating into your homes obviously children are hearing the words that you're saying and the things that you are doing because it is spewing out of the mouths of the children I do not blame children they are kids they only know what they hear I understand that parenting in this day and age is not an easy task it is scary but hiding kids from the realities of our world and not educating them about the realities of our world is not the answer we need to grow and educate our children and make them empathetic people and community members thank you [Applause] next Lisa D Silva before she comes on I just want to say thank you so much for coming out and speaking and um um again I'm really sorry that if if if your child had to um witness any of this or or deal with any of this so just want to say thank you for coming up being brave and truly our Administration is great that they're making sure that your child is safe and is able to go to school so thank [Applause] you good evening members of the board my name is Lisa D Silva uh for full disclosure I am Dr mtz's daughter and I am also a parent of two children in uh marel and marel Middle School I have uh five questions the first one is for uh Mr balone in the April 16th disorderly person's incident report which I obtained via the open public records act the officer noted that they obtained a written statement from you the officer wrote he you stated he felt threatened during the incident do you still stand by that statement today can you just ask your questions and then we'll get to the V after right my next questions are for Mr pno in your social media post yesterday in response to my letter to miss Mendes you mentioned you were seeking clarification in an urgent matter could you elaborate on what specifically needed to be discussed that day additionally can you clarify the time of day that incident or that occurred number two you stated the police presence was overly required cous and unnecessary do you feel that the superintendent acted inappropriately by notifying police and if so can you explain why you mentioned that you were unaware of being notified of the police being there until recently how do you suggest improving Communications between the board and its members to prevent further misunderstandings in the future and finally can you confirm the time that Miss bomo and you went to the board office to review what is known as the ziter letter on April 16th because according to her this took place between 3:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon and the police were on scene at the board office at 116 according to the report so I know your questions were directed to Mr blone and Mr patruno either of you want to say anything no I believe that the first question was just for me yes um I mentioned to Mr Grant the incident report speaks for itself okay and you stand by that Saidi yes it speaks for itself I said it was accurate anything else okay did you want to say something Mr richo or no uh hi Mr Silva so your question seeking clarification uh yes I was seeking clarification I received that clarification unfortunately that was a conversation that Mr balone and I had uh in a closed door meeting and uh unfortunately I don't feel that you would be privy to the information discussed at that meeting so yeah um as far as the rest of your questions uh overly precautious and unnecessary I yes I do feel that way because I had no idea that the police were even there until three days ago um you know that they had even shown up for anything related to me so any other questions thank you oh did you say something else Aldo yeah um I was trying to write but I didn't get the last what was your last question you mentioned you were unaware of the police being notified until just recently how do you suggest improving communication between the board and its members to prevent similar misunderstandings in the future to my knowledge I don't think any board members knew am I mistaken yeah I think what was a question are you saying Communications between the board members yeah I think Mrs Silva in that case you asked about communication between Mr patruno and board members the the incident you're referring to did not involve Mr patruno and other board members so so therefore that was not a lapse in communication between any of us and Mr patruno understood and I would like to make a comment as well you did mention my name um and returning at 3:30 that is in fact correct after Mr patruno left the office um Mr bone returned to our curriculum meeting where we sat finished our meeting nicely Mr uh balone myself and Dr MTZ went in that is where we found out about the letter um Mr uh petruna and I Mr balone instructed me to please call Mr patruno about the letter and Mr uh balone did did schedule um just about an hour and a half after that to meet again with Mr patruno on that same day yes and that is consistent with what you said on April 2 I know thank you Mrs Silva I have a two questions for you if you don't mind yes um just for the spirit of so I'm not going to speak to anything regarding whatever incident you're referring to the details because I wasn't present for it my two questions were first one was what sparked you to conduct this kind of op request to look for this level of information what what led to that and my second question is what encouraged you to in your email to me include the different media Outlets to kind of shine a spotlight on the school district to answer your first question I'd received the tip and I followed up on it myself to make sure it was accurate and that's how I obtained the official report from the police department thank you and that's why I decided to act the reason why I decided to to include various media Outlets I'm sorry I apologize the reason why I decided to involve various media Outlets is to start holding this board accountable there's been a lot of lack of transparency with the YMCA with you know this issue and maybe it's going to get your attention and that's the reason why I copied everybody thank you and I appreciate you answering thank you very much I do just want to share one thing and thank you again Mrs D Silva for answering the questions and for coming out I just want to share a thought for my own personal thing involving media attention whether it gets my attention or not is is never a NE negative attention for our district is never good for our children staff Administration I just want to so I appreciate you wanting to get my attention but it's not helping our children so I think dealing with things within our own Community make sense for me but again I appreciate you answering the question Mrs the Silva can I make a comment B go ahead we all just sat here and we clapped for the beautiful children not saying about being humble and kind and receiving anonymous tips two 3 weeks before an election calling news media Outlets that seems the direct opposite of humble or kind thank you okay I have a couple of comments um my first comment is for um Mrs Mendes so you're talking about Mrs Silva um copying in the media I want to ask you one when did you find out about this April incident where Mr petruna went and threatened Mr Bal uh Mr Bal no no no no no I'm sorry I'm just reading it off the police report sorry that's an incident no can can I just let me let me just say two things we can't speak I can't speak to the details of the day you asked the question of when I found out when did you find out April 16th with Mr lonsky so not but I want to be clear not an incident report Mr lonsky and I were called by Administration to just say there was a meeting that was had the meeting was tense it was detailed that way and then I'm not going to get into all the details because I can't speak to staff all I could say to you is that we were alerted Michael alansy and I and as you read in the bottom on April 16th it said that there's no further action need to be taken Mr patruno left peacefully no further action taken which is exactly what Mr alansy and I were told therefore we left it anything that happened 8 days later we were not privy to that and we don't have that and we never saw this incident report before so let me understand so if you were called and they knew that an incident happened MH isn't it your responsibility to look into it further because Mr balone reports to us yes and we did we want to make sure that but you you keep referencing on the report you know that he left peacefully but you failed to read or or or mention that the witness statement from Mr balone he stated he did he did feel threatened during the incident which happened eight days later 8 days later I wasn't notified that that was rectified and that there was anything else that happened Michael alansy and I were alerted on April 16th and why I keep mentioning that he left peacefully was because that was exactly what Michael alansy and I were told on the phone and we were told that no further action needed to be taken and that was the end of that so what did you do after 8 days when you found out that the incident was updated I never said I found that eight days later I actually never knew so you asked me did I know on the 16th I knew on the 16th the 24th or 25th whatever that date was 8 Days Later wasn't privy to an incident report being amended wasn't privy to to that whatever you're reading so I will this is what I would say right when an incident happens you have a lot of emotions and sometimes you react and you say something but when you when you sit there and make a statement like that 8 days later you know that you're making that statement because you truly felt that way directed to me though correct no okay so I'm just saying I know people are making it seem like it was 8 days later whether it's two days later with the same day to me if a staff member and and and Mr balone is the only person that we're truly responsible for if he felt threatened by any of the board members here policy 9202 you're supposed to and again um we can ask our Mr G our attorney isn't the board president responsible for letting and alerting the rest of the board and it clear I mean I can read the policy to everybody right now but actions needed to be taken and just saying that because he left peacefully no action was taken that's the concern the concern I have too is you're referencing something stating that I knew and I didn't know so you're saying I should have taken action on something that I didn't know had occurred so I didn't know that happened on the 25th I didn't know it was amended 8 Days Later neither did Mr lonsky so I couldn't take action on something I didn't know when I keep referencing he left peacefully we were asked to not take any action because it was resolved somebody then however I can't get into it it was however that happened days later I can't speak to that because I wasn't privy to that so I should can't take action on something I didn't know occurred okay but you should have still alerted us when you found out that something happened on the 16th what would I alert you to when I was asked I was asked to not take any action and to not do anything further just as an FYI this incident happened we didn't take any action I think I think Mr G I'm going to ask you is that something as a board president that she should have alerted us even if no action was taken not I'm not going to answer questions about the board okay because if you want to talk about that and my opinion on interpretation of your policy as it applies to the nine of you you can certainly do that in an executive session I'm not going to be rendering my opinions with regard to that I understand um but the policy I mean we spoke about this we spoke about transparency something comes to you that should be shared with the entire board so I'm still questioning even though you may have felt and could have been a simple email to the board saying an incident happened you know it's it's been resolved Mr patruno left peacefully and that would have been the end of it but that didn't happen you're correct and the same way after board members meet with Administration and administration updates me on those meetings I don't come out and and share what the update from that meeting was now I didn't feel that there was a need to because again and Michael you can chime in lonsky we were told no further action it was resolved everything was okay so what am I reporting we asked multiple times I mean it was not like okay we'll go away but did that was like you sure you sure you sure okay so you keep talking about the fact that it was resolved what was what what happened before that I mean obviously you were called and you were told that something I wasn't there so I don't know and I don't know what the full conversation was in Mr balon's office because it was between him and a board member you were called in you were notified that something happened but you didn't ask the question what that something was but you just left with accepting an answer that said it was resolved they had a conversation I'm going to just share this with you cuz I appreciate that you're trying to spin this whole story on me and I'm going and I'm going to flip the script okay first off go ahead first off I'm going to share this with you when you talk about transparency you sat there and you ask we need to share communication we need to do this you Sue and Shad never include me on any of your emails so you say transparency you email Administration they Loop me back in but you but you're saying the first thing so let's calm with transparency because that's not happening on your let me let me let me interrupt for a second that's not true I've done that once by accident and I I wasn't even fully listen I wasn't even fully directing at you I'm talking to a DD second thing I'm just going to say his name that's fine you know what Chad I'll remove you from it occasionally you do so I'll take you out okay adidi and Sue notorious second thing I'm just going to say to you Mrs Gandhi because I want to give you respect I give all board members but you're trying to flip the script and I'm going to just tell you on April 16th and I said this before Michael Lansky and I were called a conversation was had Dr MTZ was there Anette was on the phone Mrs bomo was there present not for their meeting they were there for another meeting Mr patruno came he said whatever I'm not getting into all the details and Mr balone then reached out to me and Mr lonsky shared the details what the meeting was about but said we said a thousand times in that meeting how did it all work out Mr balone said to Michael lansi and I it was fine everything worked out in the end he did Express whatever his concerns were and then he said to lansi and I no further action needs to be taken it's okay we resolved it we talked it through I can't speak for Mr balone and I will not say anything negative about whatever happened I can only speak to my piece and Mr Lansky's after that we were told it was resolved what is there to share it's an update similar to when they update me when they meet with the rest of you now maybe I think what you're saying is you looked at a report and your interpretation of it it should have been something else that's not how it played out for me and Mr Lansky on the phone okay no that's not what I'm saying U what I'm saying okay and then I I think we'll wrap it up because I know we're not agreeing all I'm saying is this is not an update after a meeting were you you weren't there and you weren't on the with him and I so you don't know how it was related so your interpretation again is from what you but were you there if you weren't on the phone with me and you weren't present for it then you can't say what I should have done if you don't know how the conversation played out I think we're getting into an argument here that doesn't shouldn't happen Mr agreed I I I'm okay public comments so I think we'll wrap we don't we don't agree agree but you weren't there I wasn't in the meeting thank you can we move to public yes thank you next uh Rob Marone good evening so I think um you pretty much addressed anything I was going to ask or didn't address anything I was going to ask but I just want to say that I think the transparency is the issue and it's an ongoing theme as these events come up I think you Mr Grant asked some questions Mr Jolly asked questions the community is asking questions and speculating versus having the facts and I understand if you just found out a few days ago whatever I think as that comes out I think that's the point though because you've got board members asking questions expecting you knew something they didn't know it and there's just just always the cycle we are now almost two hours into a Board of Education meeting I understand the kids performance went on for a while was great you haven't addressed a single thing about education nothing zero [Applause] I expect here's my thing as a community member I got a kid in the school and it's funny the words were up I never noticed right outside this door I expect two things to be reinforced with my kid that to me or not value it's a way of life that I want the school to reinforce respect and kindness and you had it up on the screen I got the rest my wife and I will instill values in my child both my children one of my children is still in this district one of them isn't I can handle the rest I need you guys to focus on giving the administration the resources they need to hire the best teachers you can get I need you to focus on making sure our kids have the best facilities that we can provide them I need you to focus on ensuring we've got the best technology for our kids and our students and focus on providing the best educational experience for our kids I don't care which side you're on here this is a joke every single Board of Education meeting there is an issue you're putting out fires you're fighting with each other here social media the community is at each other's throats you have a responsibility everyone none of you are innocent here not one step up because the community needs it more now than ever thank you [Applause] thank you Mr morone I couldn't agree more I just want to take a moment to address the elephant in the room um I've seen a lot of social media behavior that doesn't exemplify respect from many of the people that stood up tonight and was demanding respect so I'm just asking because we can only go so far as a board member but if you would like to see respect and kindness in your schools then maybe everyone here should be held accountable for what goes on on Facebook because I've had to read and the cracked board by the way I need to call that out too because I did my own little investigation and it's ironic that there's an alleged host for the crack board um that is also asking for accountability and kindness when I have to read really horrible things about myself on social media you like that one you're taken aback by that because I just I I agree the reason why I signed up to be a board member is because um after considering ways that I can give back to my community I chose to get involved with the Board of Ed not only as a concerned parent but as someone who was naive enough to believe that this was a nonpartisan non-- bipartisan situation and I was gravely mistaken over the last few years especially during campaign season um being at each other's throats is not something that happens in this room it happens on the screen at 3:00 in the morning so I don't know how you're going to hold people accountable who are volunteering their time who are working with Administration who I don't know if you read the agenda Mr Maron but we have a very lengthy presentation of the results of the State Testing we have things on this 43 page uh agenda that very much involve education I just want to take a moment to read a response to a public comment from the October meeting before my campaign in 2022 ironically it was still regarding before care and after care um and I was in the seats I was in the cheap seats at at the time and I was not elected yet and this comment stood out to me as a parent who just was totally taken a back before we selected any program for our children we did our due diligence and we decided whether or not the programs were right for them or for our family if not we found another program that did meet our needs it never occurred to us to ask a program to change because we wanted something it did not provide we found another solution for that reason and you addressed it some what quite a bit earlier the issue that has been raised multiple times at the last meetings and unfortunately on social media by a parent is that expectations about Champions had not been met my first reaction to that parent is that he has a choice about the programs they choose for their children and if the program is not appropriate for whatever reason they decide it would not be appropriate they can choose another solution just like I did and most parents have done that was spoken by Miss Fran Cohen of marbro and here we are tonight as she leads the Brigade and the loudest rounds of Applause in the room for parents who are disappointed by Champion by the YMCA so maybe you could take some of Frank cowen's advice from 2022 because I would never say that to a parent who was struggling with Afterschool care maybe you could take a page out of Miss Cohen's advice and exhaust other options I also want to point out that during campaign season everyone's opinions change ironically to align with the people that you're looking for votes from so I stand by what I ran on my platform I don't believe politics belong on this board and unfortunately I think the device has come from how people perceive myself because of their own expectations but leftwing rightwing for me it's all the same bird we're all fighting for our children so to divide a community which is supposed to be a community of acceptance and tolerance and kindness and respect because you have this illusion of a person that you believe we are as individuals it's just outright not fair and if anyone else thinks that this is a job that they would like to step up for then by all means please step up but it's been the same cast of characters Mr Silva you've been the treasurer for the last six consecutive campaigns so if it's an involvement of your friends and there's a second round of public comments if it's not ironic that you are also miss mtz's daughter there's no calling out okay we're not going to call out no calling out please come up you can come up for a second round of public comments if if you are being addressed then you are welcome to come up the second round of public comments and speak your peace this is what Happ second round of comments now going to be the victim public comments is still not closed so if somebody is being addressed here in the room they should be able to come up and respond we have we yes hold on finish your thought we have more public comments now I'm going to be the the bully now now I'll be accused of you know turning someone into a victim so by all means you have 3 minutes we have we have a list still and then you can come up and speak before the next round after as we normally do it I'm through he's going to go through the list and then he'll call you and you can come up and speak no one else left on the list anybody's welcome to speak so next on the list is John adley I feel like that just those were not my words Mrs those were not my words Mrs held you can come back up after the speaker speak if You' like to come back you can Mr Aly please thank you well first of all thank you all for your service I share a lot of thoughts that was said today this board is divided and it's a shame um first of all let me start by saying this although I've been watching you for three or four years and I truly feel that you're the conscious of this board I was very impressed when you actually acted the way you acted when the mother came here to report an incident with her daughter so I don't know what transpired after that but I thank you for what you did as a parent and I look forward to you being on the board for another term Danielle same here I know that you've been doing a lot of wonderful work with ptas and you have done wonderful in the last year and I look forward to seeing you on the board for the next round as well so best of luck thank [Applause] you Gail you are a businessman and you're running for the board I can't wait to see you on the board I think you're going to bring some sense of professionalism and I don't know what else to say you know from the business world and I look forward to doing that great job and thank you for coming out to run for the board I know it's going to be a heavy way next Miss Mrs president quite frankly I mean when when an employee calls the police on another employee whether it's Superior or not that in that instigates a feeling of intimidation and bullying and quite frankly some members on this board with their actions online and when their actions calling police on on others should be on the HIV report that you report on a monthly basis quite frankly this is childish and as the gentleman just mentioned over there we need to focus more on education on kids on safety on the issues that matter and as for you Mr balone shame on you calling the police on a colleague you're walking on the footsteps this has to stop he cannot do that to ad excuse me I am talking here excuse me this is the public not you excuse me all right all right oh hold on we're just going to finish your I don't like to be interrupted I didn't interrupt her when she went on a ear understand finish your statement and then adid you could speak please can you put some more time on for her please I need to reclaim my time I'm being interruped we can't go ahead and then once you're done if you want to speak you can Mr Balon Shaman you you're walking on the footsteps of Mr hibs so good luck with that I'm going to respond that's okay but let me respond to what you were making an illusion to that members of the public have a right to say whatever they want certainly they should not be mentioning names of students uh to avoid any problems with regard to student confidentiality but with regard to employees of this District the board members are the ones that are not permitted to make any comment in a negative fashion about uh employees at the public forum but members of the public certainly have their First Amendment right to say whatever they want they also should be cautioned I'm not their lawyer but they should be cautioned to know that what they say is being recorded and therefore they could be subject to liability depending on what they say how they say it and who they say it to but they have every right to say whatever they want can I just say something please I just want to clarify Mr bone you mentioned before you did not call correct just for record here you said you did not call yes casting shame on me for something I didn't do I did not call the police one two just corre confirm um Administration bny or Mr bone can you confirm that officer drum who's our resource officer has a office or space in the board office building she doesn't have she has if she is in the board office we find a space for her right but she does sometimes sit in the board office correct she she attends the board office occasionally yes okay just want to put that up there I'm just going to go to what um Mrs seart just said about the bullying piece and how people are being and how parents are being but here right now I want to know someone comes up and is basically justifying the behavior of a board member where there's no be where Mr balone felt threatened and they are attacking him here calling him and comparing him to Dr Hibbs that to me is bullying you're coming up here and Mr balone didn't put this out there a DD you got to tread lightly your behavior on social media has offended a lot of it's the same it's the same for Mr I'm sorry you and I are not coming from anyone but you this comment we we do have more public comments oh that's right we're not the same all right we and then we'll deliberate you can did are you done with your speech okay thank you so let's let's get through public comment and then once public comment closes okay is there anybody else midnight Dar [Applause] Annie hi I didn't say anything yet stop wasting my time okay I'm Dara Annie and I'm going to start by asking some of you to please put on your listening ears because I teach preschool because make sure your volume's up um and I also want to apologize to the board for not bringing you bagels tonight but my husband Brian he was working his other blue collar job okay Mrs Gandhi so some of the Board of Ed members really just aren't the cream of the crop these days and the bullying and harassing of the board members to the community on social media is just horrible putting down people who are their constituents because of their career because of their beliefs in things that have nothing to do with the Board of Ed really we are now attacking college educated men who work in blue collared jobs since when do Boe members do this without consequences since when do they post on social media without disclaimers every single time you as board members can support whoever you wish that's fine but don't harass and Bully and make up lies about other people you can't do that to me and you can't do that to people who have children in this District who are afraid to come up here and speak because they're afraid of retaliation all because you hold the title of BOE member shame on you having your husb usband do it for you doesn't make it any better when I was a board member I had a back up what I said with dates and times of meetings if I said anything about something that happened you are personally attacking people calling names and harassing them like a mean girl in school we're past that we are supposed to be examples for our children it's just horrible you know what why don't you use your time on social media instead of doing this and do what Mr morome said spend your time looking for things to make this District better look for technology better technology find the things that'll make our teachers even greater than they already are do that [Applause] somebody said it before words matter actions matter thank you anybody else last on the list is Dr agal Bashan agal Dr agal okay anybody else on the list no okay so we'll open up the floor now if somebody wants to come up and speak Mrs Cohen Mar I agree with you 100% wait Mrs Cohen can you speak in the mic yes Mrs zny I agree with you 100% words matter and actions matter words matter and actions matter and what I watched today of some of the members of this board and what I've seen in the past of some of the members of this board quite frankly are disgraceful behaviors there is a difference between what you say and what you do you sit here Mrs wart ests talks about the virtues of her coffee chats and increasing Communications with the community and having conversations and inviting people to speak and you sat here today first Miss Mendes you called out a member of this community who came up addressed concerns with you because you didn't like that she copied the media on what she wrote Miss Mendes I remember a time when you did a press conference about a horrifically divisive issue that this community faced and you very proudly took a position got on television and spoke your truth if that was okay how dare you sit up there today and call out somebody for doing much the same thing that you did that was her truth she had a concern about what happens in this board as a member of the community and as a parent you should never have done that Mrs Seward I'm a big girl you just called me out for a comment that I spoke here in good faith in front of you in 2022 I stand by that comment because that's exactly what my family did and in the context of what was going on at that time with that particular gentleman all over social media and at this board month after after month after month talking about the problems that he was concerned about that was my solution it was intended in a helpful way it was not intended in the way you just called me out in front of these people how dare you do you know what you did Mrs seart you just discouraged parents from coming to these board meetings and speaking their truth you can't give lip service you can't give lip service to wanting to hear from your community as an elected official and then go back two years to find a very well-intentioned discussion that I made or anybody else made you are not the judge and jury of the community we are the judge and jury of you we get to vote for you or against you and we'll remember this if you decide to run again Mrs Cohen thank you um a couple of things on your comment I just thank you for coming up to the mic fir the first thing is is I didn't call anybody out I said I had two questions and then the the uh Community member chose to answer I didn't call anybody out I said I have two questions so if you call that I'm not I'm not here to argue with you I'm just going to State my piece second thing I want to be very very clear on and just remind you I didn't call the media here for policy 57 56 we all remember that you did you posted and you called your post called call to action you called the media here including Michael gotsman you did it I didn't now did I get did I get did I speak with the news and I'll be done in a moment and then you can speak because I'm trying I'm speaking with the utmost respect to you but if you're going to say something to me I'm going to refute it second thing is yes I did proudly speak on a policy of a committee that I chair about a policy that I still stand behind to this day I did speak because the news contacted us after there was a call to action on multiple Facebook pages for people to come in here and rally against the board and I recall you posting it um the community Miss Mendes to the community I had no contacts with the media I didn't call anybody other than Community why would you lie why would you lie about a Community member like this this is this I just want to be clear I'm not here to argue Mrs Cohen I'm not here to argue with you we have different perceptions of the story your your post is on a page that was out to everybody there's no back and forth okay I'm not here to argue with you I'm speaking to you with the utmost respect you are lying about me and you're claiming I'm lying about you I'm not going to argue with you any longer thank you for your comment I want to add to this you did anybody sorry go ahead I'm sorry um you did when Mrs dilva came up after she was done you questioned why would you try to put marbor in a bad light why would you put a school district in a bad light so yes you did call her out I have a comment B that's fine I have for just to bring it back as a a board member who was here on April 16th when I saw that date a couple of weeks ago a couple days ago my stomach dropped I don't know about anybody else in this room but 416 will stay with me as a mother and as a member of this community for the rest of my life sitting up here whether whatever you believe about that day was one of the most emotional days of my motherhood and my time on this board to think that our district could be having news media again with the date 4:16 bomb threats to our schools our children their lives derailed that date should mean something to every one of you who was sitting here because that was a day that was filled with turmoil and weeks to follow so to re to to bring this issue back to the table 6 months later because you got a tip and to bring this emotional just time in in Marro's Community back because of a tip 6 months after the date about someone raising their voice in The Board office and someone feeling threatened or what whatever it may be that is a lack of judgment like I've never seen because to everybody sitting on this di right now that date should mean something to you because it definitely means something to me and when I saw it I my heart dropped those are thank you any other I want to add I would like to oh go ahead CH let me say something two things one we as a board have to tone it down right now this is not sing a good example Mr Marone is correct number two to compare what happened on three days ago or whenever that report was posted online to what happened on April 16th is apples and oranges to the highest level possible they're not compar they are not comparable do you remember what happened let's finish your statement Chad let's finish your statement and then we're going to move to the next public comment go ahead they're wildly different things that happened wildly different just compar done I don't want to back I just want to clarify I'm not I'm not compl I just clarify to finish pleas interrup Chad has a voice he can speak for himself okay lawyer we're going we're going to move on to the next I just want to clarify cuz he he's talking directly to me so I just want to clarify I'm not comparing an incident report that was dismissed to the incidence of 416 I'm saying the date 416 should evoke major emotions for everybody sitting here and the thought of news outlets back in our children's schools on for because of the date 416 should evoke a motion to everybody thank you we're going to move to the next public comment I just want to say one last thing please just sit there and again try to mislead our community I have an issue with that everybody here agrees that what happened that evening of April 16th was terrible but we knew about that incident weeks before it was actually brought up in public comments at a board meeting all the board members knew about it this specifically the April 16th thing that's out there is about a board member's Behavior against our superintendent where other members in the office felt threatened felt scared for what was going to happen and they had to call the police you cannot compare that to what happened that evening Mr patruno in here in the statement I mean in in the police report what happened that happened at 1:00 in the afternoon by Mr petruno and Mrs balo's statement they clearly stated on April 25th meeting and meetings after that that they went back to Mr Bone's office to talk about the zmer letter after 3:30 or 400 p.m. so those two incidents and it's really really important for the community to know that those are two very separate incidences you cannot try to bring it up and put it together they're two different things they're both equally important and that's all I wanted to mention because I think what Mrs bomo was trying to do is try to mix it up they two separate incidents can we can we just get back to public comment please because the public is here this is a this is a portion of the meeting that it's supposed to be public comment it doesn't say board discussion it doesn't say board answering the public it doesn't say the board talking to the board it says says public comment let's have public comment and please let's finish this because this is so unproductive it's getting to be a real waste of time for everybody and right now it's public comment not board response thank you anybody else want to speak yes please hi everyone uh my name is Sangita I'm uh member of the community my two boys have uh graduate graduated uh to one to college and one to high school um they have been involved I have been involved and even my kids have been involved in these meetings and I'm so glad I didn't bring my high schooler here because I'm ashamed of this this board that is sitting here you guys are bullying each other you guys are name calling each other you guys are name calling public which is the worst thing that can happen I have been in the school district since my kids were in kindergarten and I have never seen this level of deterioration it's appalling please take responsibility sitting in a chair to be a chairperson doesn't mean you can say or do anything as far as transparency goes there is no interpretation of transparency if something has happened it's the responsibility of the leader market leader to convey it to their people and then come out to the public incident happening is more important or it coming out is more scary what is scary someone having doing that conducting that or or behaving that way is more concerning or that news coming out is more concerning as a public as a member of the community I have full right to know and I'm very thankful that this came out because otherwise we would have not known what the board of members are doing and how they are behaving doing is one thing behavior is what counts respect for each other is what count counts and this board is a big bully as I can see uh calling names is the worst thing that we can show in action and in words to our kids and I really feel sorry uh for for those who are feeling that this incident coming out to the media Outlet or tipping to someone is the worst thing that has happened actually that's the best thing in fact whatever has been said here um our lady said that you are detering people from coming and speaking here I would say otherwise that actually gave me a reason to come to every single meeting here and talk about what is happening in the community and how the behavior that you guys are showing and mind it our kids are on social media as well the behavior that you guys are showing is really concerning for a community that has been a very beautiful very well- knitted Community thank you thank you next public comment Mrs held oh yes I'm sorry this was a huge hardship for me to come here hold on hold on we're going to run this correctly from now on has anyone not spoken who still wants to speak because the policy says and I'm pulling up the policy that everyone has a chance to speak first before anybody's going to get a second turn so let's do this the right way and hopefully we can get this done a peaceful good evening my name yeah I'm sorry I'm not going to take up much of your time my name is El monre I live in marbor for 25 years and I was brought up with a strict sense of what it is that we say and not say we are to speak with words that inform and not misinform and uh and confus people and I wish that people would take this micro phone would remember that free speech is about communicating thoughtful things that are helpful and make life beautiful and not make it confusing and difficult to follow so I wish that some people would remember that that is what western culture is about about speaking meaningful things that inform other people about what is right and what is wrong and so thank you and I say these words in the name of Jesus Christ thank you excuse me uh Mr adidi can you stop using your phone please thank you can you stop using your phow oh sorry Miss Janowski hi Carrie Janowski I live in Marboro um a few things first I do want to address the constant um the constant um alluding to to calling the police because I'm sitting in the audience and I am a female and I am saying that we should never shame somebody for calling the police because I am raising my children that if they ever feel for whatever reason that the police need to be called they should be called and then let it be sorted out Mr balone said that he didn't call the police so I am envisioning tomorrow morning Wednesday a workday the person who actually called the police scared to come to work and they think that's terrible to do for them do to them because I'm just going to choose to believe that they called the police because they had a legitimate reason to it wasn't a bullying tactic it wasn't to use law enforcement law enforcement has better things to do than to be bullies so the maror police came because they had to when they get a call they have to come no matter the reason they came they left without incident it was an incident report Mr patruno was not arrested he was not carried out in cuffs it was an incident report there are two different things you don't know the difference look it up okay but I don't think that employee who called the police needs to be nervous coming to work tomorrow apologizing to their boss I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause all that for you at the board of ed meeting last night so I want my children to know they should never be ashamed to call the police especially my daughter if she ever feels threatened call the cops next nobody here was in that room nobody was in that room and yet Ms Mendes is being called out as if she was sitting in the room co-signing on whatever script took place and the people that were in the room left peacefully and they decided that nothing else should occur and Miss Mendes and Mr Lansky followed up with it so I also think that there is a respect given between the superintendent and The Bard ofed president Mr balone told Miss Mendes there's nothing else to do so I also think it might be considered disrespectful if she came out and told everybody the business after Mr bolone said please don't it's fine and then whatever else happened in the8 days again nobody else knows about so we're all judging from up on high as if you were all in a room I can also say that I served a very short time on the board but I will say that as a board member I can assure you that misss Mendes was very transparent I woke up in the morning to email sent at 1 2 3:00 in the morning constantly keeping us in the loop and I just think that it is very unfair to say that she is hiding something or that she's not being transparent because I was a board member and I am I am assuring you she was very transparent just one more second um last but not least the Bell threw me off vny the Bell threw me off oh I don't have social media because of this reason but I would like to think that if you have social media and you put your name out there with a comment that if you're called to the carpet to answer for it you shouldn't be affronted however if it's not true then by all means speak your peace peacefully but if you're going to put it out there for the public why be affronted if you're call down on the carpet I just I personally don't understand that that's why I don't have social media thank you Miss shankowsky I just want to I want to make sure that everybody understands what I was saying before because we were getting off track but I do want to reference in our policy uh which is uh policy 167 it says that after the member of the public has 3 minutes to make a statement the board admin SL Administration May respond to to questions and com May respond to comments or questions after each individual Community member is finished speaking the Community member will then be afforded a further one minute response time the board Administration May respond to questions comments after this one minute session if a board member specifically named or alluded to in a community member's comments the board member May respond immediately at the conclusion of the community members comment the board president will ask the board member if he or she wishes to respond at that time so what the president's been doing has certainly been in consistent with the policy except when we get a little off track it's maybe it's just time to stop making responses and responses to responses because it says may it doesn't say shall and therefore it's in the uh authority of the chair to determine whether we want to continue with the May or we want to just continue with public comment thank you thank you any I don't have any thoughts anybody else I think you want to speak correct okay um thank you all I am LNA Vitali I am a 19-year-old college student so it wasn't long ago that I was in um the maror Township Public Schools um I was hoping that I could possibly shift our Focus I had a few questions um so in the beginning of this meeting we mentioned um I believe it was a fundraiser of sorts where local businesses helped out so my idea that I wanted to introduce to you guys was having the Maro high school high school students um help fundraise in Maro high school we had this program called Pure leadership where basically what we would do is we would go out into the community and try to collect gift cards for our event so it was a fundraising event that we had so I wanted to bring up that idea and then secondly um I Heard complaints about the YMCA earlier in the meeting I'm not sure um how their quality care is for our children but I was also hoping we could maybe Implement something else where maybe the more high school students would I guess volunteer um during after care and I'm not saying that as um I'm not saying that in a way to like replace the YMCA caregivers I'm just saying they can be become in and you know be an extra set of hands because that's always helpful and then lastly I had a question about the status of our school transportation because I know that there is current um a school bus driver shortage um so that was just my thought thank you can can I just ask I was trying to take notes can you just state your name again Lanna Vitali okay thank you secondly I just first of all want to thank you for coming it's always nice to see kids that graduated from here and in the high school come to our meetings I know they're not it was a little different probably than you expected but I appreciate you coming out um Mr balone do you want to speak to anything regarding those pieces of the fundraising or that you you'll no okay so I I appreciate the ideas um we can certainly look into that with you so if you don't mind after I'll come take a minute and get your contact information so that I could at least reach out to you um via email if you don't mind and and see kind of what you were thinking I I can't Implement certain things but it's so nice that you came and you're offering Solutions and you want to know about Transportation um so I I I could just say I want to say thank you okay thank you pal I just can I say one thing I was like who's speaking go I want to Echo that I have I have a daughter going into college next year and I have a son starting high school and I what you are doing coming up here helping to make the middle and grade schools better with these ideas I I applaud you so thank you I appreciate [Applause] it does anybody else want to speak Mrs Bono hi sorry the microphone was blocking people in the back farbo Malboro New Jersey good evening Miss Mendes members of the board my fellow community members I think most of my colleagues Liv they all left today but be and and with good reason I wanted to thank Mr Maron as well as other community members Miss Janowski for speaking about the climate of this these board meetings because it really is the climate I also want to thank Miss fatali for redirecting you because as I've said in the past the primary focus of the board of education is not to deal with the daily functions of the school district but to deal with and represent the what the community members want fiscal responsibility for the budget things of that nature if every sentence that our board responds with is I I I it's not the represent it's not repres reprentative of the community or the school district we need to be focusing on the students of Malboro need or the students of Malboro should have or this is how we could best service the students of Malboro so I hope that we can kind of take a step back I thank you for all your service you are volunteers even though you have been elected it's not a paid position and it's a lot of hours but let's try and refocus ourselves to doing what is best for the students of Malo thank you because we're only on page five of a 43 page uh agenda yes and thank you Mrs Bono anybody else want to speak okay I think everybody that didn't speak spoke so now Mrs held thank you I just want to say that this was a true hardship for me to come here tonight I'm a single mother I don't have family around here my father is 87 and lives an hour away and he's still at my house with my daughter and I know you were trying to make your own point but I felt that you undermind what myself came here to say as well as other parents regards to the YMCA when I moved here four years ago I had two things in mind I wanted a better education for my daughter I am a New York City school teacher for 28 years and I came here for an education for my 8-year-old daughter I'm close to retirement so I don't care I have three more years I thought about getting a babysitter another route but it's a it's a minute in the response after I couldn't do it please don't undermine the people that use that support of the YMCA I'm not downplaying the why I'm just upset of what I said before so I just want that to be heard thank you Mrs held I just want to reiterate that those were not my thoughts I was just quoting someone else's public comment I agree with everything you're saying and I utilize the program myself if if we aiming for transparency though Champions was not the cheapest option either and no one's talking about right at schools why isn't anybody bringing up the fact that we didn't go with the more affordable most affordable choice that came through our RFP process also Champions was in the district for 20 years they knew the families for 20 years we are five weeks into the school year so we also have to allow for the YMCA to settle into the district what happened to your daughter is completely separate by the way that's not I don't I'm sorry I'm not downplaying that at all that is not settling in that's not what I meant by that at all but a 20-year relationship with members of the community versus a 6-week relationship with members of the community is something to be recognized because Champions worked very much with families as the YMCA has Al also worked with families as well I just we hired the YMCA and if there's issues with the YMCA why aren't you contact ing the YMCA like we the contract has been signed we we had a role in hiring them of course but you're there's there's complaints coming to the board tonight that we have no control over the our control is over now it's that we hired them and I'm I'm sorry that there are families that are experiencing an underwhelming experience with YMCA but it's not something that is going to be fixed tonight here in front of us so I was not undermining you please Jo don't paint that picture and just I'm sorry we we can't have a back and forth so if you want to make one last thing I just wanted to to say can I yeah sorry Val can I just ask a question yeah well are you asking it of us or no no of of missal if she wouldn't mind just send Mrs held do you yeah no no you don't have to respond right now just I'm I'm trying to understand because I I had written down as you were speaking your questions um from the first comment and I understand you said that it's costing you more than champions um so I I don't want to I'm not asking you to share oh sorry I was looking for you over there I'm not asking for you to share the pricing publicly because I I don't want to but if you wouldn't mind just if you could share with us um what you were you know if you wouldn't mind sharing what you were paying last year versus this year because everything on the RFP that I'm seeing is showing that it should be cheaper right or Mrs held if you'd like we can email you if you don't feel like and I can email you if my stuff but the way I will just quickly say what is costing me more money was and as you said earlier one of the things it could be rectified was that there were two separate registration fees for before and after care secondly and again let's just say um I'm off February week in New York City I don't need extra child's care that whole week so when I pay in February I have to pay for the entire month the same days so I'm paying an extra week of money okay thank you um I'm sorry and you don't have to respond to this I just want to give you like my the best advice that I think I can um in August they um the YMCA came to give a presentation and during that presentation um they did mention uh I forget her name the lady from stac Stacy um mentioned that a lot of people were seeing two registrations as Val had mentioned and um you know one would fall off when you follow through to the end of the um checkout process so if you know you like listen I know we're all busy so if you didn't get a chance to catch that presentation I didn't I was a that's perfect but it discouraged me from registering for the understood I could listen I could see how that could happen so I think that um you know it that's one thing and also um as far as the flexibility and the uh cost if you're not going to use it for the whole week she even mentioned that um you know as far as flexibility their system is set up so that you know however the system is to to register for the month but if you have like specific issues pertaining to using like specific days per month she said they're more than willing to work with you know families to make it work for them to reach out to her so I would definitely reach out explain the situation because I have a feeling uh from what she explained during the presentation it sounded like if you have days that you're not used they can either carry them over or use the dropin rate of $20 a day instead of having to pay for those days she said as long as you're registered in the system you can use the drop in even if you're not signed up for zero days a month yeah so I just wanted yeah you got it thank you Mrs Miss Mago since we're still talking about the why um so my first I understand that we're not going to get a new Child Care Program tomorrow or in a month or in whatever my question is how long is this contract for um and when when will we have the option to vote as a community whether or not we want to re-evaluate and pick a different program um in terms of answering the question about sharing costs I do not mind I'm sure my husband would not mind uh I can't compare last year's cost to this year's cost they're different programs it everything goes up every year but what I will say is that I paying $50 more per month this year for one fewer day of care so I'm paying for three days of care this year I paid for four days of care last year I am paying $50 more per month okay um to what you were saying in terms of flexibility with schedule it is true if I need two days a week this week and four days a week next week as long as I'm hitting my days for the month they will allow that however if we are off for a winter break or some kind of break we are still paying because we pay a month in advance I had one more thing at that go ahead okay thank you um so and I lost it um so we're talking about schedules and oh when we were with Champions or any other company that utilizes a weekly schedule you can go in and Visually see what you have signed up for you could do the whole year in September if you want to with this you email them a week before but there is nothing to visually see and you're relying on somebody else um to make sure that your child's care is managed and as I shared before it was poorly mismanaged in my case as as well as two other families who were unfortunately unable to come tonight due to their own child care issues they had to stay home with their children and and I'm sorry I just want to confirm did you feel that it was rectified you said you're on top of it or did you need me to reach back out to I'm I'm pestering Robertsville every single week to make sure it doesn't happen again did you need me to connect you with somebody or you've connected with them no no I have the thank you I have the contact information and I do reach out to them um but I just I feel like it is one more thing that I have to do I have to make sure that my emails are set to go out on Monday morning every single week for what the schedule is isn't there the dashboard thank you you cannot schedule through the dashboard you have to email I think name is you can see the schedule on the dashboard for your child's attendance that was never shared with me so if there is it's the same dashboard that you use to register them and send the files over that's where you can see the activity of what days your so what we'll do miss Mago is let us I'm not familiar with that dashboard but let us find out and then we'll contact you if you could share that that would be helpful and and safe sometime thank you Mrs Mago did anybody else Mr Cohen you know I Brian Cohen maror I did a lot of um work looking at the stuff for the Wes to caravell when you compare prices or compare proposals in a Mr Cohen can you just raise the mic I'm sorry when you compare prices in a an RFP state right you compare the prices within the RFP Pro proposer to proposer right YMCA's proposed price to Champions proposed price not Champions proposed price to what YMCA charged another District not what Champions proposed price was last year to what YMCA is proposing this year you compare apples to apples and in all the documentation that you Pro provided to me through my opah request to you right everything indicated that the price for the why was more expensive than the price for Champion why is this board continue to make sure that they confuse the public by comparing the current price to the Y to being more than or less than what the Champions provided in cost outside of this RFP last year that is misleading it's misguiding and it's incorrect everything I've seen indicates that the Champions price was less your charts that you shared indicated that am I wrong I mean I shared you with what was public record I guess that's I guess I'm not wrong thank you I just want to clarify for the public also because I feel like you know there are some misconceptions here our previous provider was here unopposed on no RFP on no competitive contract and was just awarded about 20 something years ago and they replaced the YMCA that's number one number two we did the same RFP a year prior and we renewed Champions who was not the lowest cost but we renewed them and that was not an issue so now it's an issue am I understanding this can that can I have a little Clarity there was no RFP process when Champions was originally hired correct they just 20 over a little over 20 years ago the YMCA was the after care provider then Champions was brought in there was no RFP process they were awarded the contract within the district they stayed for 20 years with no RFP conducted within the 20 year span we conducted the RFP in 2023 we got back the results Champions was not the cheapest but because we did not have the timing to transition off of Champions we selected champions again not the cheapest option we then went to RFP again so that's that's what Mr Mr all due respect youve you've deemed yourself an expert at the RFP process why have you never questioned the districts why there wasn't one at all for Champions CU I had no idea that there was no RFP because this board did not actually con convey that information I guess I would probably bet that everyone on this board did not know that they wasn't an R children in the district prior to you joining the board so questioning me about whether or not this board had had an R P prior for Champion is a little ridiculous Mr Seward Mr caravell you had just Justified absolutely every single reason why rfps are done they're done to sort of Drive the market and to determine the best price for this district and by doing the RFP you actually did achieve that you brought the price down the only difference is you didn't select the vendor that had the lowest price you selected the vender that had the higher price of the two that you had in finals that's what happened okay yes Mr um I'm sorry to I'm sorry to interrupt you that's that's fine um a bid you have to go by lowest price per New Jersey purchasing this was value but so there's a valuation criteria that was not measurable by percentage there was a valuation criteria in the RFP that measured certain things such as program overall security for the district price price was not the only factor that the the board was determining on who they were selecting but you've heard from the public that that was a big factor for them and the fact that there's there was no measurable criteria IA for this particular RFP as complicated as it was in measuring security measuring programmatic information measuring price measuring Services measuring overall value to the to the parents who were paying the bill there was no measurable criteria for this board to be able to say conclusively this was a winner it was a gut feeling as opposed to anything else so thank you it was not a good feeling as you can see with my spreadsheets we we actually recorded every RFP that came in here I reviewed them in my office I proposed them to the board as you can see in the emails that were released um and then we decided to interview the the candidates that were put forward for selection I believe we interviewed about five or six um similar process to what we did the previous year and again that wasn't the only measurable goal each time we did an RFP for before an Aftercare and just to remind the public it was unanimous with everyone except for myself because I was in Pres for that meeting so it wasn't the six of us it was everyone voting for the YMCA so the Grievances need to be taken up with thank you okay not here on social media and the you did though any other comments hi I'm Sangita and I'm just listening to what has been told about YMCA what I would say is that in any project management and I know all of you are coming from from uh background from uh office work and you are leaders um the most important thing is communication and if you are implementing a new program you need to have a person which we call Spock to do that I see that board of education has become a lay on between YMCA and uh the community so this should not have happened that should be one of the criteria as uh the gentleman before me said that not just the money it should be how you implement and as you said you deferred it for a year uh but still um I hear a lot of people talking about it I personally don't use it but listening to their problems and comments it seems that they are not technologically advanced which is we are in the world of AI they are not having a service that should be needed especially when you are dealing with younger kids and parents were already anxious thank you very much anybody else Mr Grant all right that was a long one okay so I don't know how much time I spent to come back and speak again uh observing a fiasco of a very desperate board member whove been campaigning for her friends to run for the Board of Ed over the last few months bullying and trolling various community members online really desperately trying to suck drama out of her thumb in order to try to depict this board member over here as a monster where in all reality I wish everyone on the planet that if God forbid their child is at risk I want Aldo petruno to be next to my child protecting my child because no one over here no one over here care for anything anything other than trying to go at this man and all this men cares for is our children and he will walk through a door he will run through a door he will push a door open he will do whatever he needs to do to protect our children I know him personally at this point I vouch for it I would take all three children leave them with Aldo I will turn around and never look back knowing that they're safe one more thing I'm going to add if you will allow me I was personally targeted and harassed online especially ridiculously at night during the last few days there was a there were a few board members involved they did not speak in behalf of thems not as board members they did speak in behalf of them being as board members because they they did not not so I will send a a memo to the board to the board president with information and screenshots that what was discussed when and how and in what Manner and I need either an apology from the board for what was done to me and at least two or three of other community members that were personally targeted or an explanation of how is it okay for a board member to invest her or his time instead of serving our children harassing and bullying community members online have a good night thank [Applause] you anybody else okay oh hi Ellie alarm real quick uh just want say one thing this whole theater about what happened in April has nothing to do with Mr balone you don't care about Mr balone you don't care about what happened this is all about the elections let's be clear and if God forbids anything should happen to one of your kids you better pray that there's someone like Aldo on the board to advocate for them thank you thank [Applause] you okay motion to close public comments second Annette any discussion okay thank you okay go ahead um Mr balone the uh Hib report report on harassment intimidation and bullying from September 6th through October 10th there were three incidents reported um just on that note um just want to highlight I think I mentioned this in September as well um we are seeing historic lows on Hib confirmed cases in our school district over I have in front of me here um the last six years and we're at the lowest percent uh Hib confirmed in the last six years that's great thank you um upcoming meeting dates Tuesday November 19th and Tuesday December 17th um okay Michael Lansky approval of minutes resolution sure approval of minutes resolution number one approval of minutes be resolved at the minutes of the following meetings be approved as submitted August 20th regular executive September 10th 2024 regular and executive is so move do have a second Ashley roll call I'm sorry right discussion roll call Dr MTZ just just remember your microphone I'm sorry that's okay um I'm saying yes for everything except the executive on September 10th that it was not there okay thank you Mr purno yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mrs McCormack obain from August 20th yes to September 10th okay thank you she's not here um Mr alansky yes and Mrs Mendes yes sorry I'll take the thank you this is the vote for Mr Seward this is the vote for the minutes approval of minutes August 20th and September 10th for regular and executive yes thank you okay Ben need the uh secretary business administrative report so this is the uh monthly payroll certification and board secretary's monthly certification for the month ending in September 2024 thank you okay moving on to committee reports Dr mwit curriculum during our recent commit uh curriculum Comm committee meeting Mrs gross provided the committee with an overview of the njsla 2024 test results she will be presenting that this evening she also explained how Marboro Township Public Schools test data closely aligns to the state test as well as the state standards the local data is more timely and provides specific information to support teaching and learning as compared to the state test data which doesn't come in as uh in a timely manner Mrs gross explained how the district data Specialists and instructional administrators analyze the data and then provide one-on-one and group support for teachers and administrators once it gets to the building level that the data is discussed and analyzed with principes supervisors instructional coaches and teachers then it gets to the nutsen bolts of Education the classroom level where the data is then ready for the teacher to provide the necessary instruction for all students including enrichment support and Remediation common assessments or Casa are administered four to five times a year this gives not only teachers but the data Specialists and administrators an opportunity to review results not only only within the schools but across the district to assess what is working and what changes may be necessary these compilation of results can also be useful in determining curriculum development as well this process provides the opportunity for teachers to utilize their time developing instructional activities and teaching other topics which were discussed included the supplemental support students receive with power leap and rise this year we have a new textbooks in science which are providing more Hands-On instruction and marbor students have the opportunity to work on ISL and achieve 3,000 during summer recess n was that okay thank is that you finished Dr MTZ yes thank you done Safety and Security yep Safety and Security Safety and Security met this evening uh right before the meeting we had a very in-depth discussion on um the Safety and Security involved in the after use of our buildings after hours when the school are not in session uh we can continue that discussion tonight in executive session with the full board and then convey recommendations to most likely to policy committee afterwards um we also discussed and had a report on the current Lobby guard system which we'll were discussing with the board as well in executive session thank you thank you Dr MTZ special ucation uh we did not have a special ed meeting but we did have a um group meeting with uh special committee CPAC scope and special services administrators so and um Mr Tyrone was kind enough to write up some minutes for me to read today so thank you last Tuesday the special education committee met with CPAC scope and special services Administration the purpose of this meeting was for everyone to understand what CPAC does and what scope does for our community cpeg is an advocacy group mandated by the state of New Jersey in which each district has one for families scope is a group run by District parents that fundraises and promotes special education events for the special education programs within the district while promoting inclusivity we had an in-depth conversation about making sure that CPAC and scope work collaboratively to support the students within the district we spoke about making both groups more visible to the community and making sure that everyone is aware of what each brings to the district we will be having a brief presentation at the November board meeting to highlight both groups activities in the Marboro Community thank you thank you um regarding policy committee so we uh met a few times but we met this morning and we were able to include Tom anny he is the network administrator so we have a couple of policies that you'll see are up for first and second read but one of the policies that you're going to hear us talking about and obviously then board members will uh talk through that too are is the implementation of um an artificial in intelligence policy um to kind of get ahead of that and so we just talked about we didn't write anything we just had conversation Mr enny talked about Network parameters um you know what the the bandwidth here and a variety of other things we talked about just brainstorming requirements um any sort of consent to use the AI by families prior to the implementation you know what would it look like with prohibited list so it was all just really conversation um but we just wanted to let you know that we did have that conversation in policy okay so I will now turn it over to Morgan gross you are going to present I'm I think it's on this list the njsla 20124 test results take it away Morgan I just want to make sure okay it's on can everyone hear me okay okay um my name is Morgan gross I'm the assistant superintendent and I'm going to present the njsla results from Spring 2024 which is the spring that just passed um I turned down the lights a little bit so you can see this but before we go into the slides um I want to preface with the fact that this is a um it is an important piece of information as we discussed during our curriculum committee and uh Dr misit did a nice job of summarizing our um data processes that I went over I actually shared the same presentation with the um doe a couple years ago actually Michael balone and I um met with them several different on different occasions because we do have a very um tight data process um so I'll talk a little bit about that as I present the results but I think it's important to acknowledge that even the state looks at this as one piece of information to really understand where kids are at and we certainly use that information as well so even on the um isrs which is the individual student report that were sent home to parents recently um states that this assessment is just one measure of how well your student is performing academically um so even the state acknowledges that um we do use it to inform our atrisk kids uh RTI for RTI and um for programs like our power leap and rise and it also is important um when considering um what we need to do to improve teaching and learning so just to um Orient you with the screen you'll see uh and just also want to say that this present ation will be posted to our website tomorrow um and we'll also have a curriculum newsletter go out I know this was announced by the communications committee um we're going to have a curriculum newsletter that will go out with all the information that parents really need to fully understand our data points where to find information about our curriculum and how it all kind of ties together and this will be a part of that so this will be I know it's a lot to look at right now which is why I turned off the lights but just know that you'll have you'll have the ability to really analyze it more closely um starting tomorrow so this first screen is our English language arts um results and uh we talked a lot about how we did between 2023 and 2024 so I made sure that we included the comparable data on this presentation just kind of receiving that feedback from the um curriculum committee so I think it's a what you'll see on the right part of this chart where you see meeting expectations level four is essentially what you would call passing um where students get a score of 750 or higher on the very far um right columns where it says levels four and five those are percentages of students that um either got a level four or five so that's a good column to look at to see how many of our kids are actually essentially passing and then you can see how they did in 2023 versus 2024 um we also spoke a lot about which is worth talking about is uh the kids that are close to passing and that's something that we look at as a district as well so if I were to so again this is English language arts you can see it's grade three four five six and eight all the way down through eight grade three is where they start to take the assessment um which is why we don't see grade one and two or kindergarten um and something that I think is worth uh celebrating is last year I actually went back and watched our October 2023 board meeting just so I can see where our concerns were and we spoke a lot about grade three and six and we actually had our supervisors here um you know because it's important to them we do take this very seriously and grade three was a concern and we spoke a lot about you know the possibility of kids not being exposed to the types of questions or the um you know the what the test looks like with in regards to what the items look like a lot of those question a lot of the test items for example will be multi-art drag and drop um clicking multiple pieces so kids have to kind of acclimate to what that test looks like sorry morg what grades were those um grade three three okay grade three grade three was part of the discussion so was six um so three was again we're I also want to mention to and I'm sorry to backpedal a little bit here but we don't get these test scores until recently so that's part of the reason why we don't put a lot of you if we could get this information in a more timely fashion I think we would be able to use it a little bit more um and we have expressed this to the state and they are aware of it that we would love to have it um and not just us I mean districts across the state would like it to be Tim lean specific which is why we rely very heavily on our Comet assessments um so uh going back to grade three you'll see in 2023 62% had levels four and five and we jumped up to to 70% and I I have to give credit where it's due which is our supervisors our uh data Specialists our instructional coaches and our teachers do they really do take this very seriously um and it's become a very big part of what we do um analyzing data making sure that kids are getting what they need we talked a little bit about what that what the reason was and um in fact the schools uh the school districts in the regional area actually were so impressed by our numbers that they wanted to meet to share some of the things that we were doing and and same with the other way around we want to learn what other districts are doing as well so that we can learn from them as and and make ourselves better always because that's what we do we we're always looking to see what we can do better and how we can reach uh more kids um so we did share that you know we think that there was a little bit of more in uh focus on exposing kids to certain question types um we've brought down uh you know access to achieve 3000 which is an online program we use which is differentiated so kids can read at their level and it will kind of adapt as they become better readers and um those those questions are also tightly aligned to the standards so we are very proud of the uh plus eight points um we also looked at grade six which histor torically the Middle School standards do get more rigorous um kids are not just citing from one text they're citing from multiple texts they're trying to pull from you know two or three texts and trying to find a common theme they're pulling multiple pieces of evidence they're the the everything becomes more rigorous and which is why we kind of see it a dip because the standards become more rigorous but even there we see grade six um those kids went up seven points as well so lot lot to celebrate over 70% um for levels four and five but again we use this information absolutely to see where we can do better um the kids in level three or those kids that are very close to passing but they're not quite there those are the kids that we typically will invite to be a part of our um programs power leap and Rise um and that's actually going to be starting soon you parents will start to receive information about that and it's also used in our RTI processes where um teachers will pull kids and and start to meet with them based on assessments so information has already started to be gathered and teachers will work with kids in small group to try to get them and our uh CA data I have to say again our data Specialists do an amazing job of pulling all sorts of data points to see um how we can predict how they're going to do in the njsla and our common assessments are so well aligned to the standards that they do predict how well our kids are going to do on the njsla so we we using the ca is critical for us to make sure that kids can um move up to that meeting expectations level four and then of course exceeding them um another thing I think is important to mention and again I'm just giving you context um so our kids and I think you'll hear this from Miss mortar she's going to present on dlm after this something to be understood about the njsla is one we're not most special education students um are are expected to take to njsla and they are receiving accommodations modifications according to IEP all year long um and their CL and their texts and and and assessments are differentiated for them the njsla is not differentiated for them they are expected to take their grade level assessment um with their peers so even if they're reading at a second grade level and they're fourth grade they have to take the fourth grade test um with limited modifications and accommodations that they might be used to throughout the school year so that's another thing that we have shared with the state that we would like to you know they're aware um but I think it's important information for you to know that the test does look not the same as what they might be seeing in the classroom every day um but I feel that there's a lot to celebrate here and again we met with the regional school districts and we shared what we're doing because that's what we do we have a very good relationship with our local districts um and they were very impressed with these scores and we we shared what we've been doing to reach them um and we have been top um in the in the regional area we are either one or two in most of these great levels um all right so let's go on to math math again I have some information that will kind of help you understand this again this is a lot of data you'll definitely have a chance to observe or analyze it a little more closely later um but again grade three we see a big jump 69 to 78 another 9 points up um again that was an area of discussion last year and we also uh took this information and I have to say miss kente our math supervisor and our data Specialists who um focuses on math have done intensive work with one grade level last year to really dig in deep of where we can get our scores even higher um and what they've been for example what they've been looking at is teacher created assessments so we create common assessments which means that every kid takes the same assessment but they've been working with teachers to really create solid teacher created assessments that are tightly aligned to the standards really unpacking the standards understanding what they mean and and so even like something is simple as a do now or a quiz or a homework assignment should always be aligned to the standards because number one the kids are getting exposure to those standards but and and learning from them and honing those skills but they're also giving the teachers feedback so that they can remediate as needed um it was so successful that they were able to see that those kids did jump up at njsla and now this year she's taking that more broadly to work with other grade levels um because it was so effective and even she's already had meetings at the board office where Math teachers were able to come together create assessments together really analyze teacher created assessment standards so I'm looking forward to seeing next year's data to see how that um improves but really looking all the way down you see that we for the for the most part have um either stayed about the same or have jumped up um grade eight does look concerning and I think there might be uh a good explanation that is worth discussing one um if it's there's a future slide that you'll see the number of kids that took the assessments Algebra 1 in Geometry those kids so the way our our math classes are set up um kids we have with grade level class which is like 7B 8B for those of you who have kids in middle school you might be familiar with that or upper elementary um 7c is like is grade eight grade level so they're skipping a grade level level um seven accelerated which is usually a small group of kids those kids are taking algebra so they're even you know they're two grade levels ahead um 8B and then 8 C is algebra what we're seeing is that we actually gained 37 algebra kids which means 37 kids advanced in math which is a huge celebration however what happens is those kids take the algebra 1 tests and they do not take the grade level test so what happens is those Algebra 1 and geometry kids do not take the grade eight assessment so you take the kids that are very strong in math and they're not taking grade eight so you see this dip not just for us we've compared it across districts um and the state and we're seeing the same Trend but again we'll always look to see where we can get those other kids up that's always our goal that we are in education we always look to improve that's that's what we do but I think it's still worth mentioning that we've gained 37 Algebra 1 kids which were taken out of that group of grade eight kids taking the grade eight uh assessment um and again we have been doing some intensive work or Miss Cente has with the data um specialist and we've seen that the work that they did last year was so effective with the one grade level that she's going to go broader with that so I'm looking forward to seeing the results of that and still in Greedy we were number two in the region so only a couple percentage points below number one um science the state acknowledges that this is a problematic uh assessment they're working on it um but we were number one in the region so that's something to be said um I presented on our student achievement back in May and I mentioned that our students are getting into magnet programs you know hundreds of kids getting into Freehold Regional High School District um and I think these test scores while they're not they don't look amazing again the test is uh problematic we see that the results are in other areas like looking at who gets into these magnet programs um we also uh our science supervisor Miss labuza is uh currently working on well they just got new textbooks in grade six through eight to make sure that the kids are getting access to up upto-date books uh Hands-On learning tightly aligned to the standards and she's even gone as far is making sure that the grade eight kids have access to grade six and seven content so that they can review or go back to content before the njsla we're also looking at schedules we look at PD so we're always looking for areas to support teachers and to support our students go this part will go fast the last couple slides will'll go a little faster I know we're we're getting late here um so this is the slide that I was talking about how you can see Algebra 1 we went from 166 kids to 203 and the rest of the numbers you'll see are consistent so it shows we do have a jump 37 kids this is our data in comparison this is English language arts comparison uh comparing us to the state and you can see that we are knocking it out of the park when it comes to the state I'm just going to put that up there just for a couple more seconds so you have a chance to look at that and again you'll you'll have a chance to really Analyze This a promise here's math um I do want to highlight that even you'll see the the eth grade kind of like going down a little bit even in the state level um it's definitely an area to look at I think it's you know I taught eighth grade actually here in the district I'll always consider myself a teacher first um but I will say that the timing of this test is not ideal because the eth eth grade by may they definitely are thinking about you know eighth grade dance there's a lot of fun activities it's actually a great time uh it was probably my favorite grade to teach here in the um in the district there's there's a lot of celebrating and unfortunately because again the state in the state mandate this I wish we could do it earlier like we could pick them more ideal time but they give us a window that we have to test kids there's even standards that they're covering after they've taken it so they might not even have everything that they need to be successful definitely just want to give you some context here's science Miss Mrs gross can ask a question while we have science up sure um Elementary age we were doing half your science half your social studies um this year we've changed correct um do you think that has an impact because the kids who have learn science in the beginning of the year by the time they get to the ca they've not retained or it's a really good question um I think it's definitely worth looking into I I actually that was part of my conversation with the regional school districts I wanted to look at their schedules to see what that looks like because you know obviously we have math and Ela we we need a lot of time for but I want to make sure that we're also building in enough time for science especially because of our tested area so that is certainly a change and that's something that we want to make sure we're consistent with and making sure that the kids are getting the the instruction that they need um there's and there's there's creative ways of doing that too I've seen teachers teach El during Ela science material but applying Ela skills so maybe that they might need some even just support in professional development on how to do that well so it's definitely something on our radar that we're looking into so it's a good question thank you um and then this is some demographic information this is uh required by the state for us to share with you so I'm not going to go through it all but again you can definitely take a look at it starting tomorrow so Ela and then mathematics and something that I think is worth mentioning uh because I thought it was interesting when I looked at the Regionals data because again we share everything with each other you'll see a kid who was in you know a Hispanic kid in algebra and they'll say 100% but it was one kid so be aware that these are percentages and sometimes it can be misleading when you see the 100% And then you realize it's only one student so just you know just be mindful of that science oops sorry about that um and then here's some resources I wanted to end though on something I thought was important because Michael and I actually went to a really important really good training recently and I think it speaks to and actually we spoke to our Senator there was it was a really it was all the superintendant assistant superintendents instructional leaders in in really Mammoth County um it was a packed room and we heard from a keynote speaker that spoke a lot about what is needed to make someone successful and this was someone who is having his teacher of the year um and this was a kid that this was a man who was the kid that didn't do well in school and here he ended up being being teacher of the year he had an amazing story um I showed you the presentation last May of student achievement and I think there's more to our students than njsla we saw kids here present on respect we're talking about character building um we want to have kids that are able to collaborate can engage in discourse can use evidence um Can Pro solve problems respectfully um so all the those things that make you successful are also part of what we want to make sure kids are learning so while test scores are a good piece of information and see what we need to do instructionally I think it's also important to understand that it's only one piece of information even the state acknowledges that so I'll end to that does anyone have any questions I don't have any but thank you so much I know that was a lot of information and it it's nice to see that you know when you said that or second in the region so thank you so much for that Morgan I appreciate it so much and thank you for all you do yeah thank you I appreciate that and if you have questions later you can always ask yeah sorry Morgan um real quick just the slides um you said that you're going to send them over they're going to be so um we'll communicate it out through an email blast okay it will also be on our website and I also am going to put together a very simple parent friendly newsletter before the end of the week that will put not just this information but everything that connects to it like placement uh placement information is important because you know this is what we don't use this for placement because of the timing and because we don't have the inform you know we don't have the details of the test but just everything that has to do with curriculum will be in one spot just so that parents can know who to call for questions or see where to find information on curriculum like if I have a question about curriculum who do I go to just everything a parent would want in like a nice simple onepage document that they can access everything in one shot now that back to school nights are over I think it's a good time for that and now that we have this information out there all right thank you you're welcome thank you again appreciate it you're welcome I'm now going to turn it over to Mrs Ali mortar she's going to present the dlm 2024 test results good evening everyone mine is much shorter because it's a much smaller assessment um I'm Ali Mor I'm the supervisor of special services and I am also a coordinator for our dlm test so the dlm stands for dynamic learning Maps it's the alternate State assessment for the njsla and just so that you know it's as a disclaimer it is a special education assessment and it only really is eligible for about 1% of our population because it's for our students that have the most significant needs so the dlm is a a tiered assessment it is entirely different in its structure from the njsla test it is um individualized based off of student responses on how much prompting is involved and what level they come in based off of our survey that we do initially through our teachers um our students are all tested on the grade level that they are currently enrolled in and it will really modify as needed so if a student is coming in at a certain level and they do not do very well it will tear down to see if they do better at a more modified pace and more modified level if they do very well they might keep it at the same level or tear up to see if they're ready for the challenge but it truly is an individualized approach who can take the dlm so yes this is a special education assessment but as Mrs gross mentioned a lot of our students in special education still take the njsla they have to meet these criteria elements in order to be eligible to take this test and when you look at the state standards they address all all of our public schools with the same directive of you should be in a 1% range on who is eligible to take this test our child study team looks at this criteria every year and revisit it every year for our students with an IEP and it's discussed at your annual meeting if your child is eligible to take this St test for grades 3 through eight um and that doesn't mean that if they take the dlm in third grade that they necessarily would have to take the same assessment when they go to fourth grade because we revisit those results and we really look at how well the student is doing throughout the school year to see if it's still an appropriate assessment for them the dlm is administered in very different from our njsla njsla blocks out a certain like portion of days for each grade level and they have to stay in that testing range for our students in taking the dlm there's a flexible approach we were given a very extended window for our test so usually it's the beginning of April and it goes until the end of May and our teachers have the discretion to say my kids are having a great day today I'm going to give them a couple of Tes lists to see how they do to really capitalize on their attention and how well they're feeling um but if they need more time if they're not having a great day if they're tired if they're just not feeling well we have that flexibility to say John is not going to take it today but Mary will and that's okay because we know how many testlets have to be achieved for each content area for each of our students being tested the same number of testlets are required for all of our kids um but each testlet is incredibly different based on how they're responding our parents received the scores if your child took the um the dlm as same as you know if you received your scores for the njsla but the scoring is very different it doesn't have a number attached to it it has these four different levels so it's emerging approaching the target at Target and advanced this is a reflection of using the Essential Elements so when we talk about the njsla we're talking about State Standards the Essential Elements take the state standards and go down to the foundational elements of those standards to ensure that we are doing grade level content but add a more approachable and reasonable way to present that information to see if our students have that understanding emerging really is where our students are at that lowest level of the teering so if that Tesla has gone down they it will only go to the emerging level that will be the lowest it will go the highest is Advanced and generally that gets us closest to that state level standard and when we look at the scores of our Learners especially when we get these results we really highlight the students that come in advanced and we talked to our child study team so that they're in the loop letting them know that they did exceptionally well in this content area in their testing last spring um the performance level descriptors really go over over how the levels were tiered and how we they came across their score the parents receive a graph with their scores for each content level and it will let them know areas of Mastery if they took a a tesl with seven questions they might have received six correct out of the seven so that they can really see how their child performed on that assessment and then for further review on interpreting your results there is a link on here that I definitely recommend all of our families who have um children participating in our dlm go on and look at it they have practice testlets so you can see how they look they have questions for parents they have questions on how the Essential Elements align to our state standards and how we are training our teachers in order to administer this test in the best way possible to really ensure we're getting the understanding of our students so this is our maror data like I said this is about 1% of our population that is able to take this test our in District students we had 28 total taken in both Ela math and potentially science depending on their grade level we had three that took a hybrid so they might have taken it the dlm and Ela but because of their placement and their um levels according to their child study team placements they could take njsla for math or science so we did have three that had a hybrid schedule and then our out of District students we also are are required to report on them we have nine students that took this assessment as well these are our demographics as Mrs gross re uh mentioned the state requires that we do map it out based off of the criteria that's in Genesis so this is just basic graph so that you can kind of see the breakdown of the students that participated Marvel did a really great job um we had a bunch of students that came at Target or at the advanced level that we were able to highlight for our families but then also at the child study team so that as we started off this school year we can say they did a really great job and their stay testing at the end of this year let's talk about this more let's see how they're doing in their in their classes as we start to go and approach IEP season which tends to be in the spring because at the annual meeting we want to have this information and we want to share how well they performed previously and how we can have a plan in assessing them moving forward did you have a question results back on this we miss quiz can you just put your microphone on it is I'm sorry it is I just wasn't talking any when do you get the results back for this versus you know we know that for the Andre laa because it's such a smaller portion and a smaller number of participants we receive a digital version of their results late August um we get a paper form that goes out to our families and goes a a paper version goes into our student files early September and we blast those out to our families with a cover letter explaining what they're receiving um but we do receive a digital version probably I would say the last week of August is when it's posted it's still late still pretty late aside from what I had already mentioned I maror students did a really exceptional job when we're looking as a special services lens we were were looking for our students in our self-contained classrooms that have the most significant needs to be at emerging approaching and at their targets um and we had a a large number in that range so that means it's an appropriate assessment for them it remains to be an appropriate assessment for them and we can continue that conversation with our families to further support them in their understanding of the state testing requirements the students are um scored in the advanced level like I had mentioned that's where we really are revisiting if the accommodations on the njsla are enough so that we can give them a hybrid option or if they're ready to just jump full in into the njsla uh our plan for this year we have our testing window has already been posted it's going to be April 7th through May 30th like I said we have an extended window to really allow for a lot of ibility for those participating um letters will be going out to families to prepare the annual meetings might happen in the spring but if they are already being mentioned by their child study team members that they might be candidates and they're meeting the criteria we would like to give the families notification so that they can you know wrap their head around understanding what state test their child will be expected to take um and any additional questions that any families might have please don't hesitate to reach out to special services I'm happy to go through each of the reports with them so that we can go over the criteria and how well their child did on their individual scores does anyone have any other questions I do I have one you mentioned about the out of District students right so just to be clear they're taking it wherever they where they are and then the results though are coming back and being included in our reporting is that correct yes okay thank you yep any other questions any other questions anybody has for Mrs mortar okay thank you so much appreciate you sharing that good information thank you okay um organization matters Ashley the superintendent of school submits the following resolution for approval one attendance offer sir ISO move have a second Anette any discussion okay roll call Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky yes Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs McCormack yes and Mrs Mendes yes I just want to draw your attention to we're coming up to financial and business oper ation matter so board members there's an addendum there for number 24 so whoever's reading it I just wanted to let you know that that was there so uh financial and business operations manag Chad the superintendent of schools submits the following resolutions for approval number one transfers number two list of bills number three secretary monthly Reconciliation Report number four travel number five harassment intimidation bullying Hib report number six acceptance of child assault prevention cap grant for the 2024 2025 school year number seven home instruction number eight health and safety evaluation of school buildings checklist statement of assurance number nine approval of 2024 2025 school year board goals number two approval of 2024 2025 school year District goals number 11 new Jersey State School Safety and Security plan annual review statement of assurance number 12 comprehensive maintenance plan and form M1 number 13 authorization for marbor Memorial Middle School and marbor Middle School to participate in music trip number 14 Amendment resolution approval of agreement Occupational Therapy Services number 15 memorandum of agreement Marboro interservice employee Association number 16 approval to operate emotional regulation impairment program number 17 amend amended resolution out of District placements for the 2024 2025 school year number 18 further amended resolution extension of contract with Pritchard Industries for Marboro Township Board of Education custodial Services uh sorry 19's there at the bottom of 18 oh I see it I'm sorry uh 19 nonpublic School request for technology purchase under the New Jersey non-public technology aid program for the 2024 2025 school year number 20 non-public school request for security purchases under the nonpublic security and program for the 2024 2025 school year 21 out of District placement for the 20124 2025 school year 22 approval of employee sponsored vision plan 23 State contract purchases number 24 which is on the addendum number one resolution of the Board of Education of marbor Township School District in the county of Mammoth New Jersey authorizing submission of other Capital project documents to the New Jersey Department of Education I so move thank you Chad do have a second Michael any discussion roll call Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Palomo yes to all obain to number four on my own travel okay thank you Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hansky yes Mr hayatt yes and Mrs Mendes yes curriculum matters DD you want me to ask someone else to read it okay curriculum matters one inter Scholastic athletic competitions winter sports 2425 school year I so move thank you have a second Annette any discussion roll call Mrs Palomo yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Gandhi yes and Mrs Mendes yes um just in Personnel matters for board members you have an addendum there too so number 40 you'll see the addition on your sheet of paper I just want to make sure that I draw your attention to it it should be there um okay so Personnel matters Michael Personnel matter superintendent of school submiss the following resolutions for approval one retirement two resignations three employment certificated staff four employment instructural assistant five employment school aid six employment bus driver seven movement on guide eight amended hours and salaries non-certificated staff nine transfer amended hours and salary non-certificated staff 10 transfer reassignment amended hours and salary non-certificated staff 11 transfers non-certificated staff 12 assistance after school activities 13 staff PID with idea funds 14 idea coordinator 15 curriculum Title 1 coordinator 16 curriculum Title 1 building fac facilitators 17 curriculum power coaches 18 curriculum power program Parent Academy planning committee 19 curriculum reporting and data coordinators 20 curriculum data and Technology coordinator 21 curriculum leap coaches 22 curriculum R coaches 23 curriculum Rise building facilitators 24 curriculum ESL family literacy program coordinators 25 curriculum ESL family literacy facilitators curriculum writing 26 ESL family literacy program facilitators 27 curriculum technology coordinators 28 curriculum coordinators Ela Math Science Social Studies 29 extracurricular activities advisor 30 amended extra extracurricular activities advisor 31 dipen Mentor teachers 32 student practum 33 substitute teachers 34 substitute School monitor 35 substitute bus drivers 36 substitute bus attendant 37 paid medical disability leave 38 unpaid leave of absence 39 amendable resolution leave dates and I have 40 on the addendum employment maintenance mechanic ISO move thank you do have a second Ashley any discussion roll call please Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes yes Mrs McCormack yes Mr alansky yes and Mrs Mendes yes Mr bone I think you have retirement comments I do I have retirement comments for Steven badro Steve badro joined the marbor middle school math department in September of 2000 initially he held positions as a sixth grade and seventh grade math teacher however his Niche is teaching students the basic skills of math which led to his assignment as the BSI math Innovations teacher his careful planning and delivery of individualized instruction serve students well leading to academic growth and confidence in being able to tackle the grade level curriculum he served as the facilitator for the conflict managers program and has consistently supported the overall middle school program by attending events and offering his assistance in 2001 the MEF sought to recognize staff through teacher tribute program parents of a student recognized Mr badro as a worthy recipient and honored him an outstanding teacher mentor and friend another parent in recognition of Steve's dedication to teaching wrote a letter to the superintendent in the letter she acknowledged Steve's patience kindness respect and understanding he would never leave a child behind she added quote he represents the spirit character and excellence in teaching on a daily basis he gently pushes the student to excel in class end quote these kind words speak to Steve's commitment to the profession we are grateful that he chose marbor for his many years of service he plans to travel with his wife Heim and spend time with his children Serena Matthew and Mario he's also looking forward to working in his Greenhouse gardening and reading we wish Steve good health and happy travels as he begins his retirement thank you okay um policy development and community relations matters Danielle the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval one first reading policy 3160 policy 4160 policy 5350 and policy 6620 and two second reading policy 0155 and policy 5512 I so move thank you have a second Ashley any discussion Ral Dr MTZ yes Mr patruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr alansky yes Mrs McCormack yes Mrs Palomo yes and Mrs Mendes yes okay moving on to the liaison reports Prill Regional Chad yeah I just have to pull up my phone I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to print it but I have it ready okay uh so this is from uh Freehold Regional uh let me say this is back in September uh they sworn their newest member Jennifer coward from Hal she's only going to serve uh the term that expires on 12312 she's replacing Matt paresi who recently resigned the district is going to be taking a much tougher stance on attendance 25% of students are chronically absent 10% of the school year so that's 18 days or more the administration is going to take a stronger stance on withholding credit from students going forward there will be a particular emphasis on the freshman class uh the new cell phone policy is going well I think if you asked my kids they would have a different opinion but hey whatever teachers and administrators are very happy with the ramifications as they seem to be a lot less distractions in socializing during class so that is fantastic those are the updates for freeold thank you Jad MEF Annette I don't have an official um statement or update from the MEF but I have the email that everybody else received as well um they're having an Autumn paint night on Thursday October 24th from 7: to 9:00 p.m. at maror high school um it is a paint a fall Halloween themed glass tumbler uh there it seems to be information here for uh registration uh scan to pay and a sign up QR code so check your emails for um the Autumn paint night fundraiser hosted by the MEF thank you Maro Township maror farmers market in last few weeks of the regular season Sundays from 9 to 1 p.m. through October save the date for November 24th Holiday Market they're having the Halloween spook ular Friday October 18th from 5:30 to 7:30 uh it's a free family event cupcake decorating at 5:30 while supplies last and a Halloween parade and costume contest steps off at 700 p.m. joia DJ and Halloween carnival games all night long candy donations are appreciated the teen advisory committee you have a maror team looking for ways to give back and earn community service hours join the teen advisory committee save the date for the the meeting on October 21st at 7:30 p.m. in the town Town Hall courtroom they will have a free drive-thru rabies clinic will be held on Saturday October 26th from 10: a.m. noon at the maror middle school and Route 520 no appointment is needed fall brush collection is underway by Zone the leaf collection will be scheduled when we see that the weather will while we see what the weather will bring did not Place leaves curv aside at this time loose leaves on the road block storm drains exaggerate flooding and are danger to vehicles and pedestrians and blow back onto yours and your neighbors's lawns the schedule will be sent VI email and posted on the website when is determined leaves are accepted at the recycling center throughout the year with no fee or permit information on these and other Township programs can be found on the township website and by registering for Town emails thank you thank you Mammoth County School Board Aldo um so uh on October 1st they had a um a hybrid meeting that was um supposed to be at the Colt sik in but was moved due to some issue with the location um I'm not sure what the location issue was um and then uh there was also that was the mammoth County and we actually also ended up dropping into the um uh middle sex County um school board's meeting uh on Route 9 in Oldbridge for an um seminar on AI uh last week and I was um a companied by Valentina and Danielle um it was actually quite informative and um it was it was a good event so I I'm going to keep an eye out for the next one and I'll keep everyone posted thank you njsba Danielle I have nothing to report thank you okay moving on to the school updates um Asher Aldo uh so thank you Miss s me for sending this over again it's much appreciated uh October is flying by at Asher we kicked off the month with an amazing fall book fair thanks to our PTA so many books were purchased by students and wish lists were fulfilled for our teachers thank you to everyone for their generosity and for supporting Asher's love for reading although respect is a focus every day at Asher last week we participated in a district Spirit Week to drive that message home home and today we had an awesome BMX bike assembly to support our message of kindness and respect our newly appointed fifth grade student ambassadors had the opportunity to embark on their first classroom outreaches and staff presented hi policy Refreshers to all students as an important reminder of our community expectations our theme of creating recipes for respect is displayed proudly in our main hallway for everyone to admire we are looking forward to the best Halloween party in town the annual PTA monster mesh scheduled for this Friday as well as the annual Asher Turkey Trot which kicks off our holiday food drive spooky gym is scheduled for the last week of October with a concluding Halloween parade on Thursday afternoon we look forward to the PTA theater week and a mini golf Extravaganza in the gym in November before we all give thanks for being a part of a Kind respectful and empathetic Asher cult community so uh thanks again miss syi and um the PTA for sending this over and that's it thank you thank you Aldo um Abbot Chad yeah I'm just got to pull up my phone to read it I apologize so this is from Mr perno um a few things he wants to update us on the week of respect with a series I'm sorry they celebrated the week of respect with a series of theme days the daily themes help students learn the importance of being kind caring treating others with respect which is I know something he pulls through the entire year there the Robertsville fire department came on October 10th to discuss fire safety with students their character program character shines recently kicked off students have been earning tickets for demonstrating character pillar of the month at the end of the month they will have a drawing where students will be selected to win special prizes for school violence Awareness Week students will be learning see something say something St St members at Abbott film a series of vignettes about different types of bullying and conflict a student's view on them teachers I'm sorry as students view them teachers l a discussion about what to do if you witness an act of bullying or conflict the PTO is hosting the fall bash on October 16th which is tomorrow and pumpkin patch on the 24th which is next week finally they have their annual hollering parade scheduled rightfully so on OCT October 31st so thank you Mr perno for the update thank you Chad um defino withi so I got this update from Dr Stradic um and Mrs Nel um we welcomed our staff back with a welcome luncheon and welcomed our families back with a family ice cream social the PTO also held successful school supplies and spirit Weare fundraisers in September as well as kicked off um their Route 9 Shopper cards the cards are still available and valid through the end of 2025 so parents if you haven't ordered them um you can still do that September also saw the conclusion of our recess refresh project from Year from last year our incredible custodian Ryan Thomas with the support of the b& group finished the last of our five um stencils for the for the black top our kids are enjoying all the new ways to play at recess October is a very busy month our kindergarten family stock the staff Lounge R treats and the PTO CED lunch for our staff for yesterday's pro day we hosted our first school store and spirit day of the year last week was our Scholastic Book Fair and the school also celebrated the week of respect tomorrow and Thursday we are excited to welcome the out of this world Planet planetarium program for all grades next week is our annual Halloween spirit week and Friday the 25th is our one and only Monster Mash make sure to get your tickets ASAP sales close a week from today Bo grams are also on sale just a few left make sure to order it uh order if you'd like a surprise for your student on Halloween we will have our annual Halloween parade on October 31st our fourth grade students will also have an outside Halloween themed musical performance at the conclusion of the third and fifth grade parade led by our music teacher Mrs Kiki this is always one of the highlights of the year and we're excited to welcome our defino families for the special event the PTO is looking forward to an exciting fall um I did want to also say that the the book fair that they did the Scholastic Book Fair they had some really neat ideas um this year that um Trish um implemented which I thought was really cool they did um uh they asked the principals and the favorite teacher Mr D to kind recommend some books and uh they had that they also gave an opportunity to um the the parents that are volunteering I was one of them to purchase a book for um their classroom so their teachers which I thought was kind of really cool that they did that because every year it's really just for kids to come in and purchase books but this this year when they had um nominations or you know recommend sorry recommendations from the principal the vice principal a few select teachers I think that was really helpful so that TR did a really good job thanks that's great thank you for the update um do again Danielle I know no books just pencils they want to buy sorry thank you Robin for writing this report for me um our class parent program closed um and is off to a successful start with over 140 applicants we were able to fill all of our classes um everyone had a wonderful time at the back to school dance September 20th thank you to everyone who attended and volunteered their time to make it so much fun for all of our Dugan families thank you to everyone who donated to the school supply Drive items were donated to Children's Specialized Hospital picture day will will be this Thursday October 17th the trunker treat will be on October 25th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for current Dugan families to register for the event please see the ebl asent on Sunday August uh Sunday October 13th registration is $25 and it is highly encouraged to register for the event cost will be $35 at the door without pre-registration registration for a trunk can also be done through the link found in this past past Sunday's eblast nutree candy donations and novelties are being accepted for the trunk Retreat if interested in donating a collection bin has been placed in the vestibule and will be there up until the day of the trun or treat on October 25th the spooky surprises for students are currently on sale until October 16th each spooky surprise will contain a Halloween themed non-edible item and will be delivered in school the week of Halloween the link to purchase can be found in this past Sunday's eblast stock the fridge for our Dugan staff is currently open the link to sign up can be found in the Sunday's eblast this also has drop off information as well Dugan makes a difference is currently open to recognize a staff member whose hard work dedication and outstanding efforts have made a difference each staff member nominated will receive a personalized certificate and be featured on our bulletin board in the main hway please see this past Sunday's eblast for a link to nominations Halloween class parties and the Halloween parade will be on October 31st the time of the parade and additional information related to both will be emailed route N9 discount card should be returned to the school if not interested or it could be purchased on PT board the next school store in spirit day is October 25th um we were able to provide our teachers with a thank you on the morning after back to school night with a special Bagel breakfast um our book fair this year featured a book fair uh at night where our children were able to decorate a pumpkin like their favorite book character uh they got to uh Walk The Green carpet where Mr pagliaro was able to interview each child on their character it was a huge success we saw over 60 families come out uh that night today we had a bike assembly to follow up uh for the week of respect and class parties will be scheduled on the same day as the parade this year the 31st that is it thank you Danielle Morel Sue there was a great turnout for our parents social and everyone is looking forward to bringing in new ideas and getting more people involved the fiton fundraiser kickoff will begin On th Thursday October 17th and run for two weeks the entire school is looking forward to a great time at bash which will will be held on October 24th the rain date for The Bash is October 25th the children are are participating in a pumpkin contest where they will decorate their pumpkins to look like their favorite book character that's right up my alley excitement is already warming up for an indoor movie night in November thank you to our our beautification committee who planted bums and decorated the front of the school one last big thank you to the committee for putting together an apple bar with muffins and apple cider as a full themed surprise for morel's fabulous staff today and it's still today thank you um Robertsville Ashley okay hello fall September flew by we ended our first month of school by hosting um black black belts America which was a great way to emphasize our theme of the year which is Robertsville runs on respect October we are ready for you last week our school participated in the districtwide dress up day like Wacky Wednesday and we your favorite Jersey um Robertsville really knocks it out of the park tonight is our dout event um it's at McDonald's so swing by if they're still open mention Robertsville and uh proceeds go back to the school of course uh it's also their first night of releasing the Halloween buckets which is a huge hit so get out there right now um friendly reminder tomorrow is our picture die 10:16 so we're excited to see every kid with big smile on their face um 108 is our pretzel snack sale 10:25 starts our fall book fair 10:24 is our Bo Bash tickets are still available on PT board until this Friday then you can no longer get them online but you can purchase them at the door for an additional $5 um$ 1025 school store don't forget to use your birthday vouchers 10:26 is uh stuff the truck our fall clothing drive the truck will be open from 10: to 1: and volunteers are still needed you can sign up online um 1028 is our book club signups they will be released on that day and of course 10:31 is Halloween so we have our Halloween parade um as well as our class parties look out for communication from the office for more information on that and have a great October everyone thank you Ashley W middle Michael from Principal Milwaukee uh following on the month of respect they had the week of respect October 7th to 11th every day had a theme connected to respecting others your school and yourself students in peer-to-peer conflict managers and School staff award Goa cards for observed random acts of kindness students who receive a Goa card will have the names displayed on the bulletin board outside of student services students also entered into a raffle to win a prize donated by the PTO theal presentation this month by Dr Sabo the school psychologist also focused on the pillar of respect NJ School violence awareness weeks October 21st to 25th student representatives from peer-to-peer and conflict managers will lead morning announcements aligning with the pillar of respect songs aligning with the theme of kindness respect will be played on the intercom speaker during morning arrival students will be asked to review and sign an anti- building anti-bullying pledge in their first period classes 8th grade conflict managers will lead the first Outreach titled promoting tolerance this is pushed out to all sixth grade students this month is kickoff with the Hawks helping all with kindness and support leadership team open to all students in sixth to eighth grades who want to be involved the first school safety climate team meeting will take place at the end of the month officer Kelly drum from the Township Police Department presented grade level assemblies last week focused on Bess aware bias awareness training and they already thinking ah had to win to sports the deadline to submit sports physicals is October 28th from the PTO in Laur MMS PTO hosted our first outdoor movie night on Thursday October 10th mission was free students gathered in the courtyard and watched inside out two under the Northern Lights annual wathon biggest fundraise of the year will take place on Thursday 10:17 through students go outside during their plus period and walk around the soccer and softball field or they can participate in one of our fun stations but music snacks and drinks ceny of the PTO you can donate any dollar amount or even create a fundraising page on on your walk by clicking on the link above below and sharing with your friends and family no Mount is too big or too small please help us finish out the campaign strong thanks so much for all those who already donated Bo GRS are backed by popular demands send your child boam this Halloween boo grams are ghost cutouts that will be hung on your students Locker have a message that says you've been booed students will not know who has booed them unless they send to tell them be a fun surprise programs of $4 including a silic and include a silicone whis band a Halloween themed sticky pad and Airhead candy students will go to The Home Room teacher to pick up their goodies please visit m mspt board page for additional details and the order today the Thanksgiving pie sale featured wrock Orchards will have seven delicious options to choose from apple apple crumb pumpkin blueberry crumb Peach peacat and Cherry we also offering a pay forward pie to local families in need please visit the MMS PT board page additional details on to place your orders and L the birthday lock Locker Gams now for sale let us decorate your child's Locker for their birthday we will decorate the front of your child's locker with a happy birthday sign that includes their name and birthday as well as some as 3D embellishments that's a lot a lot of good stuff going on all good stuff all good stuff thank you so much Michael and Marvel Memorial just concluded their week of respect which included morning announcements and classroom visits from peer-to-peer students and conflict managers Spirit Week classroom lessons a make a difference contest bias awareness training from officer Kelly drum and the cop being kind initiative from the PTA they have a fall clothing drive it's 10:19 that would be this weekend um bring donations to marel Memorial between 9 and 12:30 they're collecting gently used clothing comforters belts shoes stuffed animals and even bikes they're also collecting books um the physical paperwork for winter sports is due in the nurse's office by 10:28 reach out to Mr Osborne with questions the book fair was a success last week and the winter sports spirit wear are coming soon uh they're hosting an event at CA Farms this Friday so you the ticket sales have just closed and the kids can just come together it is not a drop off event so parents should stay with their children and collecting donations for um stack the fridge for the staff and thank you again officer Kelly drum I heard that your presentation was really impactful for the middle school students so thank you for doing that for all our schools okay scope ad scope is excited to kick off the school year with our first event we will be H hosting a fun and inclusive Halloween painting party at around the corner art in their Freehold location this event is open to all mtps students and there are still spots open so please go to our website to buy tickets um and the website is scope marro do oops sorry scop mar. PT board.com we're also looking forward to hosting a dine to donate at Shake Shack next Wednesday October 23rd 25% of all purchases will go back to scope order out or dine in all day scope families will be there in our Halloween costume starting at 6:00 and we ask that teachers look out for Grant request forms from scope to support students and inclusivity initiatives that will be coming out later this month thanks for your continued support thank you and cpeg Dr mwts C CPAC scope and the Board of Education special education committee members and special services met in a joint meeting on Tuesday October 8th the meeting discussed the roles of each organization communication lines and ways to work collaboratively it was a very productive and clarifying meeting with many new ideas shared by all cpeg is hold hosting a free virtual webinar on Monday October 21st at 7 pm related to ADHD and executive functioning you may have received the flyer because it is a free webinar that it is open to every anyone in the district parents and teachers interest in attending please please reach out to cpag with any questions thank you and thanks everybody for the updates um moving on to Old business anybody have any old business they want to share new business go ahead Michael hi I uh spoke to um Mr bone the other day because I looked at the superintendent report and I was looking at the at the um the page that says enoll report as October 2024 and the bottom you see you see the suspensions and I looked and I saw in one school we had two out of school suspensions another one we had 10 and we had a Saturday suspension but there's no details we've asked for details on the hibs I think now that we have this year of respect we really want to get a climb of what's going on in our district I yes Mr it's possible to get same kind of details these suspensions so we can see by month to month exactly what's happening in our building because if it's not a hi then it's a code of conduct and these are just as important to me to know what's going on as the Hib and you can tell them yeah I agree the more data we can have against that yeah just uh in addition I have no problem doing that and I I can certainly prepare that um just a a noteworthy Point um sometimes hi also have codee of conduct consequences as well so so they could be included so I think what I'll do in addition to giving you a little information on that I'll also let you if know if it was connected to an HIV and that might give you a little more information of course I can't use student names but um we'll we'll certainly give you some information on that perfect great suggestion Michael thanks for raising that um anybody else have new business okay uh public comment Miss Janowski I just wanted to thank Mr G the new principal at Robertsville great addition to the school nice work and I wanted to thank the Robertsville PTO Ashley spread the word um personally my family does not celebrate Halloween um and the PTO and Mr G have been nice enough to listen to me and just get my perspective and they have exp expanded the boo bash to a Fall Fest boo bash so for the first time my family can participate in the seasonal activity and spend time socializing with her classmates meeting new families we haven't met so Ashley and Mr G I am extremely grateful that you listened with an open heart you took my family's perspective and we're now included so I'm deeply grateful so please tell your fellow PTO members it really means the world to my family thank you so very much you're very welcome there's lots of fun activities besides the Boo bashy Part apple cider pumpkin carving and stuff so yeah you're welcome thank you anybody else okay motion to close public comments second andette okay any discussion no okay public comments closed executive session resolution be it resolved in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the marbor Township Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the exceptions prescribed by njsa 10412 for the purpose of discussing matters of attorney client privilege Personnel matters Safety and Security it is anticipated the length of the time of this executive session will be 45 minutes and that action will not be taken in public public after the executive session be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10412 no longer applies all in favor any opposed discussion okay meeting's closed thank you very much have a good night [Music]