##VIDEO ID:Je4xf8PcdTk## McCormack here Dr MTZ here Mr petruno Mrs seart here Mrs Mendes here yeah hi Mrs Gandhi this is just for roll call vote hi just say here here thank you thank you okay I want to draw your attention to but we will not read in full Sunshine Law statement of videotaping of public portion of Board of Education meetings public comment statement and no smoking or vaping on school grounds can you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance okay student impact thank you this summer The District's extended school year esy program ran from July 1st through August 12th with a total of 111 students attending students worked on academics with staff as well as participating in gym music and science each week below are some additional highlights that enhance the program the Robertsville fire department visited the program donating time to set up a water Play Station for students to enjoy outside with peers and staff Goldie's Ice Cream Truck sponsored by scope and the giov anazo family provided a sweet treat to all students and staff students worked on ordering their selection with various levels of support and social skills with peers on a hot sunny day finally cpeg finally cpeg sponsored spirit days for disability pride month students and staff dressed as their favorite literary characters wore favorite hats Scott silly with backward clothes and wrapped up with beautiful sunflowers all for a great cause now let's uh view a very short video just so you can see what that time period looked like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mrs Tyrone would you like to come up and say a few words is it on yeah okay um I just wanted to take a moment to recognize Allison mortar because I don't think anybody realizes how much work goes into the esy program she really is there supervising the entire summer it takes so much organization and she just is such an intricate part and that video doesn't show how hard she works so I just wanted you guys to all be aware of how much work she actually puts into it um and I wish she would have come tonight but she's like no I don't like that type of attention but she um puts so many hours and effort into this inside and outside of work that I just want you guys to realize that I just want to add to that um again Dr MTZ actually I mentioned it during the last board meeting as well um she um reached out to Mrs Tyrone and requested that we do a little tour of the es esy program um and an Abbott and I want to thank her again because quite honestly it was really nice to see how well it was run um the students were very engaged the teachers were amazing and yeah I mean you guys are doing a great great job so thank you thank you so much and thank you Mrs mortar you're not here so hopefully you hear that the kind words okay um announcements okay I do have an announcement that's not on the agenda really just an update on the opening of our our schools um which was very successful we started on September 3rd with our staff opening and Professional Day thank you board of education for attending and seeing what we do to get our staff kicked off for the year um I then traveled around to every school with uh Central Administration Mr caravello Mrs Tyrone and Mrs gross um and um all of our buildings were in such phenomenal shape thank you buildings and grounds thank you teachers those classrooms you should have seen them on day one they look like they were set up all year long so I really appreciate that um the front office staff in each building welcoming parents answering phone calls um we really this this seemed like one of our best Years yet that that we're really starting um even on the on September 3rd our bus drivers went out and practiced their runs so everyone uh gave a full effort here and and I do appreciate that so thank you Mr caravell do you want to um recognize the second announcement no I'll do it for you so there's a certificate of excellence on the agenda for tonight um and thank you to Mr Caravella that the Marboro Township Public School District has received the certificate of excellence in financial reporting for its fiscal year 2023 annual comprehensive financial report from the association of school business officials the district's continued prepar uh participation in the Coe program is a testament to its commitment to transparency and high quality financial reporting and that starts with you Mr caravell so thank [Applause] you thank you and I just wanted to give a big shout out to my assistant ba and my whole office staff that assists me throughout the year in achieving that goal so thank you so much [Applause] great job and and you're always so thorough and you answer all of our questions and and really are super helpful thank you so much for that and this is awesome so thank you um okay the bus driver and building maintenance sure all abstracts are run and all have Privileges and good standing thank you okay public comments I do not have a list in front of me and I don't see anybody on the list on my phone would anybody like to speak okay motion to close public comments do I have a second Ashley any discussion okay Communications HIV harassment intimidation uh report from the time period August 16th through September 5th 2024 there were no incidents thank you um upcoming meeting dates Tuesday October 15th and Tuesday November 19th are regular meetings all right approval of minutes resolution Michael approval minutes resolution level one approval minutes be resolved that the minutes of the following meetings be approved that submitted February 20th executive March 5th executive March 19th executive April 16 executive April 25th executive April 30th executive May 7th executive May 28th executive June 18th regular and executive June 6 July 16th regular and executive August 13th special and executive I so move thank you do I have a second Ashley any discussion okay roll call Dr MTZ yes on all except for June 18th I'll have staying on that one okay for both regular and executive thank you Mr patruno yes Mrs seart yes to all excepts April 30th okay thank you Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes to everything but April 16th okay thank you Mr hayatt yes Mrs McCormack yes Mr Lansky abstained from April 25th yes to everything else thank you and Mrs Mendes yes to everything but abstaining from July 16th thank you okay secretary business administrator's report so this is the um just to catch up through the summer this is the submission of the secretary monthly reconciliation points reports for July and August of 2024 thank you committee reports Annette Communications um the communications committee met on Thursday September 5th 8:45 in the morning uh myself Mr lansi and Morgan were in attendance I'm Sorry Miss gross um we have some curriculum updates and a video presentation coming out a communication will be shared with the community reviewing curriculum updates for the new Academic School year including where to find curriculum information and how to ask questions including the chain of commands so please look out in your emails for that communication uh we have an upcoming Community event the committee discussed a night for a community to gather to celebrate the year of respect more details for coming and will be shared at the October board meeting the uh coffee chat is kind of evolving this time around for more of a town hall feel the committee discussed scheduling a town hall meeting coffee chat depending on the space availability the meeting could be held at maral middle school on October 9th in the evening so just pencil that in it's not a hard date yet but we were hoping to have more of um the community tell us what the topic could be for coffee chat this time around instead of locking it into just one specific topic so you know what it looks like right now is a town hall format where we could call a meeting a town hall instead of an like an actual board meeting and all board members can be in attendance to answer Community questions we can have some admin we're just you know moving through the options to expand coffee chat which is really exciting and that's all sorry when did you say you were planning on doing that the town hall thing uh October 9th in the evening is it okay okay thank you Annette thanks to the communications committee uh buildings and ground yes so the buildings and grounds uh committee um has a lot to report on we were able to on Friday August 26th uh Mr carav and myself uh were able to complete building walkthroughs where we got the opportunity to to see the completion of recent upgrades to the facilities um these improvements have significantly enhanced our educational environment and Community spaces at Dugan the New Black Top playground stands out with its modern layout smooth surface and new vibrant colored activity space offering a safe and beautiful play area for students accessibility paths have been installed at multiple schools ensuring that all children can access playgrounds with ease which represents a major step forward in inclusivity defino and moral received essential black top repairs revitalizing these areas and improving safety for everyone the completion of the small auxiliary gym at MMS marks a substantial upgrade to the facilities providing students with a versatile space for physical activities with new modern flooring David Abbott's playground features new equipment and enhan safety measures that will benefit the entire School District school Community these improvements collectively reflect a commitment to creating better more accessible and safer environments for our students and staff and we're excited for the children to enjoy the improved spaces during the new school year additionally um the new generator for David Abbott has been ordered and the lead time from the manufacturer has been projected at about 26 to 36 weeks the contractor will start doing work on second shift throughout the school year so that when the gener the generator is received they can wait for a school closure or extended break to hook it up marbo Elementary School District HVAC project has been approved and the units have been ordered the lead time for equipment is the delay as a the contractor is mobilized and ready to go they will be installing these and working on them throughout the school year with the hopes of this project being completed towards the end of the school year or the beginning of next summer the winning bid for this project was about $200,000 below what was projected the Dugan exterior door project will be going out to bid soon and they will be scheduled to be replaced throughout the school year as well as during extended breaks throughout the year that was a lot yeah sounds great thank you so much Danielle I have a little asteris adds that as well from Communications we Vinnie provided us with a lot of before and after photos of all the work that was done over the summer so just keep an eye out on the bo Facebook page to see more detailed images of what all those projects completed and in progress and it visually it sounds I mean it looks much more than what it sounded so it was really impressive and appreciate the content thank you okay um thank you mandatory hearing Michael and report on NJ Doe yes uh we are mandated to have two hearings per year and this information applies to the second hearing from the period of January 2024 through June of 2024 there were 13 incidents of violence and vandalism for for that time period uh which is actually down six from last year so we are moving in the right direction um and then I'll move on to the report on the self assessment for HIV um beginning with the 2011 2012 school year our district has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the anti billing Bill of Rights Act by establishing implementing and assessing HIV programs in the district as you know we've also updated the policy recently so um we're sure that everybody is trained appropriately um looking at Trends our Hib um scores or hibs continue to decline so um over the course of the last three years um we have had a sharp decline in confirmed hibs so we are certainly moving in the right direction um again I know with the policy committee we made some we've implemented some changes as well so my hope is that we will continue moving in that direction um but I am very proud to report that our hibs are down thank you that is great thank you for that okay moving on we're going to just have a briefer discussion than last time on the board goals you all as board members should have a copy of the revisions in front of you I know I had emailed them just a couple of revisions based on our feedback from the last meeting and I think I didn't hear otherwise but this is our time to discuss any of those changes if you're all in agreement with it then it will be posted to the mtps website and then these are the goals we'll live to for this school year so I just wanted to draw your attention to it again in case you didn't have it a couple of things that we added to student achievement So for anybody I'm not going to read it all again but there is a goal in here on student achievement and making sure that we are celebrating all levels of student achievement which is the addition that we had last time so I think the conversation was we want to recognize all students at different achievement levels so we made an a modification to also include celebrate all levels of student achievement by recognizing various forms of success including academic Excellence personal growth perseverance and contributions to the school community so we added that along with the rest of the objective that was already there and we added in a milestone to work obviously in collaboration with the district to establish a recognition program that highlights multiple forms of Student Success that may include but is not limited to academic Improvement leadership creativity and Community involvement so we want to celebrate everybody and so that's under student achievement the other goal was enhance stakeholder engagement and communication and some of you had talked about meeting minutes and ensuring that uh committee meeting minutes are available I think people were asking for that and so we added added in a fourth Milestone to ensure that minutes from Board of Education committee meetings are made accessible to the community Through The District website so that's the addition to that one that we talked about last time and so that's there as well any board members if you want to share anything or thoughts please chime in um the other piece was Foster a safe and respectful School environment and we added in a fifth mile Stone there well in four and five and so for had a little bit of a wording change throughout the year promote a culture of respect and Leadership by example across the district and in this one we talked about adding in our pillars of respect if you remember that conversation so that's included in number four so we added the pillars of respect citizenship trustworthiness responsibility positivity and kindness into all school activities staff development student programs and Community interactions with recognition events to celebrate those who embody these values and then we had a nice conversation around professional development and we were figuring out where to add that so in number five board members will attend professional development training on bullying discrimination and hate speech to gain a deeper understanding of prevention strategies and the enhancement of related policies we'll review impacted policies to ensure continuous Improvement um in addressing these critical issues within the school environment and that when we we talked about just we would identify what some key policies are for this board and then the next board can do something similar and so that's what we had there we didn't have any modifications to promoting fiscal responsibility and resource allocation I think everybody was in agreement with what was included there there was a policy Development Goal as well and there were just couple of modifications about reviewing key policies so number three schedule annual reviews of key policies to ensure they remain relevant and effective make necessary updates when needed and create a list and conduct an annual annual review of these key policies and then number four is ensure districtwide enforcement of all policies with clear accountability measures to guarantee adherence and address any issues effectively so that was it for the modifications from our last meeting board members anything you want to share concern s anything you want to modify again or you're okay for our meeting minutes can you explain how uh security meeting minutes will be kept to not impact um you know if if those meeting minutes are going to be made public how are we going to keep some of the more confidential security measures of the district yeah absolutely I would just say do you have any thoughts on that Michael for the Safety and Security meeting that you chair your meeting minutes anything that we wouldn't mention here in public Safety and Security I guess will have to be um redacted some sort right we could do that you would just generalize the topic to the to the extent that you can you wouldn't go into specifics right anything else Daniel on that no okay anybody else have any thoughts discussion on it okay so Michael I think you want to talk about the district goals sure so to work in conjunction with the board's goals much like uh what we did last year so the district would like to choose the top three so student achievement enhancing stakeholder engagement and communication and fostering a safe and respectful School environment will be the district goals thank you and just to be clear then I think or for me anyway then underneath that right I know it's just a topic right now and then I guess you sit down write the process you work with Administration yes so uh we had a preliminary discussion knowing what the board's draft was and if anything changed we would make the change but now we will sit down as an admin team and figure out what those three goals look like thank you you're welcome okay financial and business operations matters onette financial and business operation matter letters the superintendent of schools submits the following resolutions for approval one transfers two list of bills three secretary monthly reconciliation reports four travel five harassment intimidation and bullying report six out of District placement for the 2425 school year s amended resolution out of District placement for the 2425 school year eight approval of the 2425 school year coordinated transportation routes with m moesc nine amended resolution for Mammoth ocean Educational Services Commission non-public nursing Services agreement 10 home instruction 11 resolution rejecting all bids and directing release of competitive contract for work at the Marvel Public Schools 12 non-public school requests for security purchases under the New Jersey non-public security and program for the 2425 school year 13 non-public school requests for technology purchases under the New Jersey non-public technology and program for the 2425 school year number 14 donation from scope number 15 approval of purchase and sale agreement for the board's property on the corner of tenant Road and Union Hill Road Lot one in block 268.7 number 16 State contract purchases is so move thank you we have a second ad discussion okay local this isn't really a discussion it's more for curiosity sake but um any idea what's happening with the property on the corner of tenant and Union Hill do you know who bought it um I do um but I believe it's zoned for I think the zoning is for residential so I think it's going to be a residential develop yeah developer okay thanks but this is from the bid that we had opened up back in November and with the transition with legal uh legal firms we had to finish the the real estate contract with the with the buyer so this is what's being approved yeah no of course I was just curious thanks thank you roll call Mr hayatt yes Mr alansy yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mr patruno yes Mrs Palomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mrs seart yes and Mrs Mendes yes Personnel matters Danielle the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval one resignations two termination of employment contract three employment certificated staff four employment School Aids five reassignment and amended salary certificated staff six amended hours and salary non-certificated staff seven bus drivers hours and salaries 2024 2025 school year eight bus attendance hours and salaries 2024 2025 school year nine curriculum Ed Camp Professional Day presenters 10 child study team evaluations and meetings 11 extracurricular activities adviser 12 stien longevity instructional assistant 13 stien Mentor teachers 14 Mentor induction 15 substitute teachers 16 substitute corer 17 substitute secretaries Transportation 18 substitute bus attendant 19 paid medical disability leave 20 unpaid leave of absence 21 amended resolution leave dates ISO move thank you have a second Michael any [Music] discussion okay roll call Mrs McCormack yes abstain from 15 okay thank you Dr misit yes yes Mr patruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs gandi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr alansky yes Mrs Palomo yes and Mrs Mendes yes um policy development um adidi policy development and community relations matter one second readings ISO move have a second Dr MTZ any [Music] discussion okay roll call Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Palomo yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mrs Gandhi yes and Mrs Mendes yes okay moving on to the uh liaison reports free hole Regional I don't have an update this month on free hole thank you MF Anette I have an update from Jen salach president the Maro Educational Foundation looks forward to being able to support local students teachers and Community to benefit the whole Township we will continue to update as events happen thank you more leison Township yep uh September 11th Patriot Day ceremony will be held tomorrow Wednesday 8:30 a.m. I have a flyer here if anybody's interested to look at after the meeting um um feel and uh it's here voter registration deadline is October 15th deadline to apply for a vote by mail ballot is October 29th save the date for the rabies clinic to be held on October 26 from 10:00 a.m. to noon thank you Mammoth County School boards uh the mammoth County School boards is having a hybrid virtual inperson meeting on October 1st so I'll report back after that thank you njsba nothing to report thank you okay moving on to school updates so our Liaisons we will start with Abbot Chad can you Circle back to me I have to check my email I didn't print it I'm sorry sure Asher Aldo um yeah I just want to thank Miss syi and uh miss or for sending this over uh the first days back for teachers and students were both exciting and successful the Asher PTA provided the ice cream emergency truck for staff as a sweet treat to welcome them back on September 3rd on September 4th students entered Asher with big smiles ready to start the new year the PTA has already planned an amazing calendar of events while kickoffs with an ice pop social on September 12th they have their first in-person PTA meeting on September 20th at 9:30 a.m. followed by Fall picture day on September 24th don't forget about Asher's back to school night on September 25th it's a shortened day for students followed by a parent only night evening starting at 700 p.m. lastly remember to complete your PTA checklist join the PTA add your child to the student directory order spirit wear decide on the route N9 Shopper card and prepare for a year of fun since September will be gone on a flash you can look forward to a fall book fair an awesome BMX bike assembly the renowned monster mesh spooky gym and a Halloween parade all in October please be sure to check your email for announcements and reminders from the school and the PTA so you always stay in the know welcome back we look forward to an awesome school year thank you I can do Abbot now go ahead Chad sure so for Abbot from uh Mr perno so School Year's off to a great start students and staff have quickly gotten to know one another uh their routines are setting in which is fantastic um they were thankful for for um some buildings and grounds improvements including um preschool playground has received several upgrades and looks great these include new rubberized surface sidewalks umbrellas some of the stuff you mentioned and picnic tables uh open house was well attended they had a few weeks ago um and he is looking forward to the back to school night which is September 18th so back to school night for Abbot is September 18th that's it thank you defino oops they have back to school night coming up on Monday September 16th and defino is very excited to welcome all the parents and students thank you Dugan uh thank you Robin Borstein for providing this report for me um the playground play date took place on August 26th on the Dugan playground it was wonderful tette and everyone had a great time catching up with old and new friends it was such an exciting way to start the new school year the staff enjoyed a wonderful back to school luncheon provided by the PTO on September 6th say thank you so much to everyone who donated it was a great way to welcome the staff back for the new year the first PTO membership meeting will take place on Wednesday September 18th at 7:30 p.m. please join us to hear about all the wonderful things that will take place for students during the school year this is is also a mandatory meeting for anyone interested in being considered for class parent the back to school dance will take place Friday September 20th registration is currently open and will close on September 16th the event is free for current PTO members the dance is $15 for non PTO members and includes PTO membership looking forward to seeing our Dugan families for our first big event of the school year the school supply Drive is currently taking place items are being collected for Children's Specialized Hospital please see the eblast sent on on September 8th with the wish list of items being collected donations can be sent in with your child or dropped off in the vestibule until September 25th the route n discount cards were sent home with students in their folders on the first day of school it is a great resource to save money on purchases at local Merchants the cards are $20 and can be paid for on PT board additional cards can be purchased on PT board as well if you are not interested in purchasing the card that was sent home it is due back to the PTO by September 30th the first school store will be H held on September 27th students can bring cash to purchase items during their lunch period the first Spirit day is also on September 27th our Dugan dragons can show their school spirit by wearing their Dugan spirit wear or coming dressed in green or yellow thank you Morel the first PTO meeting and parent social was held this evening uh there will be an ice cream social for all the PTO members and their families on 9:13 with the food truck beginning at 5:00 p.m. back to school night will be held on 9:26 from 7: to 9: dining for dollars will be held at playable on 9:26 please mention uh marbar elementary school because the PTO will be receiving a portion of the proceeds school picture day will be held on 9:30 upcoming fall events consist of a planetarium assembly a fiton excuse me spam aidon Halloween bash and uh Thanksgiving pie sale Additionally the school store will begin on 9:13 and will be available on a biweekly basis and the PTO is uh the PTO is planning to into fixing or replacing the broken slide on the playground um Mr caravell is that the board's you know is that the district's responsibility or is that a PTO responsibility um historically I know the PTO ptas have tried to chip in to replace equipment when they can on the playgrounds okay um I was just wondering they had it on their list but I just I didn't know that was their respons we we assist where we can budgetarily if we have it budgeted um and then sometimes they actually are phenomenal with offering a helping hand to try to replace some of that stuff okay thank you to maror um Morel PTO thank you Robertsville Mr G wrote this so Robertsville had an amazing opening our staff was so excited to welcome our students we kicked off the year with our PTO sponsored ice cream social the turnout from families and staff was fantastic we are so appreciative of the PTO for purchasing our second Gaga pit students have been using it during every recess period the staff voted on our theme for the year and was it was announced to students last Friday morning this year our theme is Robertsville runs on respect the staff will collaborate and find ways to infuse this theme so that students truly internalize the importance of respect in all facets of life we look forward to welcoming parents and Guardians at back to school night on September 16th from 7: to 9: Robertsville will hold two sessions so that parents and Guardians will have an opportunity to experience the presentations of both their children's teachers September 16th is a one session day Roberts family receive a Weekly Newsletter every Sunday so they can read about all the great things that are happening throughout the week for for our staff and students and then jacqulyn masello added that the PTO had an amazing time um putting together the back to school lunch in for the staff and teachers and that reminders are pretzel sale our first pretzel sale is um 9:16 first school store is 9:27 and the first D out is 919 thank you Mar middle from Principal Milwaukee we're excited to bring to begin the new school year many thanks to everyone who played a part in preparing our school for the first day custodians teachers and staff Bolton boards and classrooms were decorated and ready for students to return to school we will begin the athletic programs and Club registration this week yearbook pictures were taken today thank you to our PTO and parents for continuing the tradition of beginning the school year with a welcome back lunching for staff the lunching is scheduled for this Friday the first PTO meeting is set for September 17th at 9:45 and that will be in person back to school night is September 24th we hope to see all of the parents that night from Lauren in the PTO maror middle school PTO hopes all our new sixth graders are doing well and as our returning seventh and eighth grade students as well all to a great new school year these are some of the current fundraisers PTL membership for new school year is now open join us or renew your dues for 2020 24 2025 school year with your paid membership comes a weekly email each Sunday letting you know about current upcoming PTO and important school events and deadlines our first dineout fundraiser this year is Thursday September 12th at Pizza Pasta Factory in marbor or to eat a lunch or dinner and mention you are there for the MMS fundraiser 15% of the sale will go to MMS PTO welcome back stay up lunch will take place on Friday please help us raise money to throw our wonderful MMS teacher staff of Welcome Back lunch on 9:13 donations can can be made on PT board.com spirit wear order your spirit Weare for new school year now order online order form will close on Thursday 9:12 to ensure delivery in time for a first school wide school spirit day on 10:11 various colors and logos available t-shirts hoodies sweatshirts full zip hoodies sweatshirts flannel pants and Locker dry erase boards available for purchase for limited time birthday Locker Gams now for sale let us decorate your child's Locker for their birthday we will decorate the front of your students locker with a happy birthday sign that includes their name and birthday as well as some 3D embellishments outdoor movie night MMS will take place on the courtyard on Thursday October 10th at 7:15 pre admission for all students please register on PT board and be on the lookout for additional details and that's it thank you um and then Marvel Memorial the update is from Mr Pacifico and from the PTA the mmms differen makers Club will present a transition assembly for the new sixth graders on September 13th PTA Spirit Weare sales going on now and ends on September 15th there's the virtual PTA meeting will be Tuesday September 17th at 9:30 a.m. and a link to the meeting will be sent via email prior to that meeting back to school night is September 26 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and just a reminder that September 26th is a half day for Maro Memorial students tryouts for soccer and field hockey are going on this week cross country starts next week sign up for after school clubs will take place towards the end of September and more information will come out soon via email the fall Sports spirit wear are coming up soon coaches will send out order links uh soon enough uh they had the first welcome back breakfast for the staff so thank you to the families who do donated there are many birthday gram orders they were received and they have been putting them up on students lockers on Fridays thank you Scope scope is thrilled to kick off the school year with a variety of fun and inclusive activities planned for all we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Gio sorry giovano family for partnering with us for the esy ice cream truck event the students and staff had a blast we we invite you to join us for our first membership meeting on September 23rd to learn more become a member and stay up to date on upcoming events and announcements please visit scope mar. ptboard dcom thank you cpeg thank you to the ceg co-leaders for uh sending me the update CPAC co-leaders enjoyed meeting the members of the community at marbor day this past Sunday it was such a wonderful opportunity to proide provide information about CPAC cpac's first meeting of the school year will be be virtual and will be on September 19th at 7:30 p.m. the agenda and Link will be sent out through special services and posted to cag's Facebook page cpag co-leaders will have a table set up at all the back to school nights for each of the schools please stop by for information and learn how you can get actively involved thank you okay thank you everybody for the updates moving on to Old business anybody have old business they want to bring up new business okay we're going to open it up to public comments oh did you did you have something that you want to share on public yes you can read you had something you said you want to read okay Madame President thank you for allowing me uh the floor this evening I hadn't initially planned to attend this uh rescheduled meeting meeting due to a prior commitment but after recent developments following the August 20th meeting I feel it's essential to address this matter directly during that meeting we discussed the board's goals for the 2425 school year one of the goals specifically focused on recognizing and supporting student achievement both Mrs seaart and Mrs Gandhi highlighted the importance of including students with special needs in these efforts and I fully supported their points I added that we should also include special needs children an end those who are not the cream of the crop to be crystal clear I did not say nor would I ever imply that children with special needs are not the cream of the crop the following day the board received an email from cpad co-leaders misrepresenting my words and requesting my re removal from the special education committee and my role as the liais on CPAC I want to set the record straight I hope we include special needs children and children who are from all a Avenues of the schools I've reviewed the meeting recording multiple times and my words are unmistakable I want all children to have an opportunity to get recognized in some fashion this was a clear misrepresentation of what I wanted to say using an advocacy group for personal attacks not only damages reputations but is also counterproductive to the very children we are all here to support no matter what our differences are we are all here to support our children I believe we can all agree that this Behavior benefits no one least of all our students since moving to marbor I've been involved with cpag starting when uh Mrs Christy Hutchins chaired the group I asked to be the cpag liaison because of my passion and advocacy for children and parents that need my help at the last cpeg meeting there were only four people in attendance the co-leader of cpeg another member and myself I was told that I can't um tell anybody what went on at the meeting because I am a member but I'm not there as a board member and that was fine I was told then that as the liaison I could attend the meetings that the co-leaders have with the director of special services but I've never been invited to any of those meetings and I don't even know if they've had a meeting at that meeting I felt as if I I felt as if they thought I was a board of education spy if true advocacy is the priority my offers for collaboration would have been met with engagement not silence rather than rushing to judgment and calling for my removal the approve the appropriate course of action would have been to initiate the conversation which I offered in my response to the cpag letter we must stop listening solely to respond and start listening to understand as a lifelong educator I'm dedicated to the success and well-being of all children regardless of their abilities this is not just professional for me it's personal I raised a child who received special services and I'm proud proud grandmother of six six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren three of my grandchildren are receiving special services two of them right here in morar this is my life's sub Mission and anyone who knows me understands that I will always Advocate fiercely for the success of every child my commitment to special education runs deep it's not just a passing in interest it's an integral part of who I am as a member of this B uh board I've set goals for myself and while there's still some more work ahead my dedication to doing what's right for our children remains unwavering I'm determined to continue working collaboratively with cpeg and scope parents because I'm also a member of scope and all stakeholders to ensure that we provide the very best for support for every child in [Applause] Marboro thank you thank you Dr MTZ um and and thank you for you know uh bringing back the the comments that were made and then how you felt and you felt that you were misrepresented and I you know appreciate that piece I do just want to say one thing I am not a member of cpag any longer I was because I have children that receive special services here as well I do just want to say one note is that since you referenced an email I just want to say and and you're anybody could speak on public comments obviously that I think it wasn't I don't want it to feel that I don't want it to come off to the public like it was an attack I just don't I think it felt a little bit that way and I understand your point that you may have felt that way I just want to make sure that I'm clear at least how I interpreted it was I think when I read it it seemed that they were just offended by the comment and brought that to attention I can't speak to anybody's personal feelings I can just you you felt a certain way and they did and I can just see what I read I just don't want the to your point you wanted to clear your name and I respect that wholeheartedly every board member has a right to do that I just want to make sure it comes off for me that it didn't feel like an that level of attack but I I appreciate the conversation thank you I didn't want it to you know it's not about me it's about us working together and we have to work together that's our job here and cpag scope we all have to work together and I am more than willing to get along with all of these people I don't care about the letter that's over as far as I'm concerned now but I want to work to bring scope and CPAC together and with Mrs um Tyrone's help you know we can pull all of these pieces together right Mrs Tyrone we can do this and we're going to I think we're going to work well together now thank you I I agree I'd like everybody to work cohesively as well Valentina can I make a comment I would be remiss if I didn't say that I think it is highly inappropriate that parents reached out to our board in an email to seek assistance um and they have been called out today and ridiculed for that seeking of assistance um so I just I wanted to put that input in there to discuss further yeah I have a question so Mrs bomo what exactly did you feel in what Miss Dr misi just said was is ridiculing anybody everything anything specific everything well well I have to wholeheartedly disagree I think it was a very wellth thought out statement um I think that anybody that were to listen to that video recording which is on YouTube can very easily decipher that that is not what Dr mt's intent was we were all discussing how to be inclusive and that's exactly what Dr Miss gtz was trying to to talk about and same thing with Mrs seaward we all were championing to get all of the kids in the community to be involved I am a parent of if I or four child and I want to sit there in the audience and I want to be able to watch the accomplishments that my kids that my child can make right and that's what Dr MTZ was advocating for and I have to thank her wholeheartedly not because I'm a board member but also because I'm a parent yeah good yes I mean if we're discussing um I am very impressed by your career in in advocating for special education services I truly am I know that you're passionate about what you do and you're you're speaking from your heart and I have a lot of respect for that but with all of your experience and all of your training maybe just recognizing that cream of the crop was a poor choice of words and offering an apology for being misunderstood this isn't about pointing fingers and and accusing a group of using their turn your microphone off can we just go one at a time now yeah just let her let her and then you go after go ahead sorry I just I read the emails and um the off the offensiveness is not for us to determine whether or not they can feel that I know what your intent was I'm not accusing you of anything so please don't take anything out on me I was here I was in the moment I was everyone keeps mentioning that I was kind of the one that started the conversation for advocating for all children but I don't H excuse me I don't have currently any children receiving special services but I also don't have any children that are in honors programs and to hear an average student be called not the cream of the crop can be offensive it's not it it's not you that they were attacking it was just what they felt and this is again from the email that I was reading so knowing your celebrated career and special services and all of your accomplishments you should also be able to recognize that people can be offended which is what Mr balone was speaking about at PD by how you choose your words I know you didn't mean any harm by it I actually think that it it was just a a misunderstood connotation but not the cream of the crop is is offensive to some people it's like you can't decide whether or not someone is offended by that and I agree I agree very much so but the cream of the crop the children that are valedictorian the children that are always you know getting honors I didn't want that is to me you know the ones that are always being honored I want everybody to be honored just as you did that's Mis it's just speaking to a trade school person I understand wholeheartedly what you mean I'm just asking you to recognize that in the future moving forward you'll just be more conscious of the words that we say here because you can't again you can't control how people perceive them you just have to we're in a position where you have to really be conscious of how we say what we say here that's all I couldn't agree with you more so I wasn't going to bring this up but I think it's important to since we're discussing this when that discussion was going on as a parent of a504 I was offended when you said kids with minor goals it's no different cuz my kids may have minor goals but to to bring that up it could be offensive but I know where your heart was so I didn't come to you and say why would you say that why would you sit there and make it seem like my kids have minor goals I didn't I took it for what it was and that's how I took Dr mis's statement as well listen I would never say to you how dare you be offended by that you're entitled to your opinion everyone has one everyone has feelings I'm not here to determine whether or not you know there's plenty of things that we hear and read about ourselves as board members and if I took every single one of them to heart I wouldn't be as entertained so I just want to make sure that there's not a continued amount of misconstrued information that a parent advisory group for specialed parents in the district is abusing their power to be offended that's to me personally I just feel the need to elaborate on on um you want the letter to be in the past but you're also continuing with no I disagree I think what she was trying her intent I'm going to speak for her because and she she can too Dr misit can as well but I read the letter when she read the letter the way I took it is if people were offended cuz apparently there were parents that were offended she doesn't know or okay a parent she's not aware who they are they weren't a she wasn't able to communicate directly and apologize so she apologized from what I understand right she just mentioned it that she admittingly that it was the wrong choice of words I I think just in I think just no no let me finish my statement please go ahead so what I was trying to say is that her letter what she read right now is to just say that that's not what she meant she was clarifying she wasn't being defensive she wasn't sitting there and negating I'm not done speaking I'm sorry and she was not not negating anything that anybody felt all she was doing is clarifying that that's not what her intent was that wasn't the letter at all you're making a mockery of what you already did you should read I listened attentively I just want to say this we can go back and forth about this for quite some time I'm just going to say this I hear what you're saying I think where I I'm with you I think where I got lost was after the I shouldn't have said that I think it should have just ended there and I'm sorry for saying something listen we've all made mistakes and thing we've said every nobody sitting here is perfect we're trying our best every day just I'm sorry for something being misconstrued would have been okay for me and then leaving it but a parent advisory group who's just trying to help other parents and then they come to us and just say hey a comment offended this group would have just been sufficient to say you know I'll choose my words wisely next time instead of making it feel like they were ATT haing when that's not listen we could all perception is key here however you perceived is how you perceived it my own perception was it was not ATT attack it was these words bothered me that were said in a meeting I'm sorry for the words I said would have been okay for me but then we go on to kind of attack them almost to say they shouldn't have said that they have every right we can't tell people how to feel people felt offended they felt offended I think that's just kind of where I just got lost for a second but we could debate this all night you said your statement I I think we're going to open to public comments people could speak or not speak but go ahead you want to say something I am hoping that we put an end to this because we have a bigger job to do than argue amongst ourselves here so let's just move let's move forward and get over this little hump we're better than that can we just wrap up on one sentiment before we lose the opportunity to address it because we received another email today that um scope was approached and and um confronted about I mean I'm sorry CPAC I'm so sorry thank you was um confronted at marro day and um at their table while while donating their time and volunteering their time by a family member of yours and I just want to make sure that our board emails stay here like within a board discussion board no but body saw an email from me no one no one talk to Miss quitz no are are you saying that the letter is a lie are you saying that that's a lie then that somebody saw the letter your daughter was the email today I'm repeating an email yeah no one saw the letter for so that hang on a second hold on we are talking about not discussing stuff that was there were emails that were sent to the board confidentially but that can be brought up in public and I have an answer to that but that that email that came today was addressed to the board it was a private email hang on it was a private email as the CPA right but it was she was the email was sent to Dr MTZ and the board this is what I need to she wanted to respond on behalf of she was defending herself because they asked for her resignation that's not coming and talking about hey this offended us there was an agenda they well or whatever it was but nothing that Dr Mt said and again everyone can please watch the the YouTube um recording of the board meeting Dr M apologized Dr M apologized and her statement right now was just saying that that's not what she meant and that she has a lifelong career where she's dedicated her life to help kids with special needs that's all that she addressed you're okay with a our parent advisory group for a special ed committee a special ed community being confronted about an email that they sent the board by a non-board member just it's just a yes or no are you okay with that kind of don't ask me that question because I'm never going to be okay with that but I don't know what happened and it's again have you spoken to the other party you're you're basing your comments off of one email no you weren't because I was there I know Val do you remember so you were not there you just lied right now at the board meeting okay it was me Val and Mr lonsky who were there you know I wasn't on the grounds of marro you know my whereabouts that's what I'm saying I'm saying that happened when that conversation back to the gas lighting I was there it's not it's not I'm not gas lighting let bring it back there's there's a Mrs mes did you and I have a conversation about this all right can we we have many talk you remember okay fine hold on hold on one second we just have to pause because we're arguing and nothing productive is coming from this conversation I think you wanted to ask a question about policy to address the larger issue these are individual like occurrences but anytime parents in our community come to the board with legitimate concerns they should never be felt intimidated bullied silenced to express those concerns with the fear of being called out completely demoralized with their concerns or invalidated with the concerns that is a general statement we took an oath to be the liaison between our parents and community members and to serve on a board that recognizes their concerns and by coming here tonight and using this as a forum to make their concerns not legitimate or to downplay them is completely inappropriate and does not stand for the oath that we took when we joined this position to serve our community that's the larger issue not individual en currencies but the fact that parents should always feel like they could reach out to us be heard and then be able to have their confidentiality especially when it's involving their students and things their their children they should never be demoralized in a public forum that's going to be viewed on on on all kinds of platforms um because they chose to write that email that's completely inappropriate and not something that you know I I stand by because I took the oath I took it seriously and I would not have come here and made anybody feel inadequate or the concerns not be legitimate yeah and and just go ahead Chad I just want to say one thing I think what Sue had mentioned and I think what we all believe in is we need to work better together right so I don't know if you talk to cpad after that email was sent about this but I believe it could have been handled way differently I believe Sue addressed the fact that an email was sent mischaracterizing her words from an advocacy organization that is representing our district right I don't think anyone would ever demoralize parents nobody would ever demoralize children no one ever bring children into this this is what happened I think nobody worked together to begin with when this complaint happened I I don't know if anyone approached you personally to express their concerns about this or an email was just sent saying please resign now I think it could have been handled differently and I think because of that this all boils down to us working Better Together as colleagues that's what needs to happen end of story stop fighting about this let's stop accusing each other but the people that that that are sitting on this board are not cpeg cpeg is a parent Advisory Group they're parents in the community their concerns are legitimate because they are parents of students in this community infighting on the board that's one thing but going at parents and calling them out in a public platform for expressing concerns not the the email just bring advis group the email that inappropriate I think in your statement where I think again I said this before where I got lost in it and where I was with you with the I'm sorry and then I and then I was not when it came to calling out the email I think the problem and I and I understand what you're saying is that we're calling out an email that was sent to board members now I do want to be clear emails to board members under Oprah right can be requested by Mr caravello we get them all the time right separate when they request it in the public this is different what you're saying and what I didn't didn't agree with is the part where we call out the email as board members I just don't want us to sit here and start calling out this one emailed me and this one emailed me because it could bring a sense of like I'm not going to email them now because they're going to say my name or talk about I think that was the part again you have a nice career no one's taking that away I think the the problem is is referencing the email I think is is where so where was where was this when um not last meeting but the meeting before when Mr Pruno brought up an couple of emails that the parents sent while we were all in a board meeting MH where was the same direction and directive given to the board didn't there was no name of the parent mentioned or referencing I don't think Dr MTZ mentioned anybody's name it mentioned CAC so there's only two coers but it's not a parent name correct I have a question you referenc co leers of cpeg there's only there's only two two w just just for clarification any any of our current emails regarding the situation oad to your knowledge not to my knowledge now thank you okay I I think we can go back and forth on this topic I would just say I think we should wrap it up thank you for your statement and and what you said to clear to I understand to I I understand that okay I you could turn your mic on so that they could hear you there's more to this got to be kidding than has come out here okay there's more to this but I'm not going to bring it up I as I said before I want this to be over with I want us to work together okay as Chad said we have to work you know we are have to work as a team we are here for the children and we have to work together but there is more to this okay than is being said right now thank you I'll tell you at a different time you know what I I want to apologize to cpeg on her behalf because this iset apologize you don't need to apologize for anybody's you should apologize for your beh but not anybody else's thank you I apologize to them letter I apologize I truly sorry for this spectacle that is going on right now that you guys don't deserve this thank you we're going to move on to public comments anybody listed would anybody like to speak okay seeing none motion to PO close public comments I have a second Michael uh any discussion okay executive session resolution be it resolved in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the Marboro Township Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the exceptions prescribed by njsa 10412 for the purpose of discussing matters of attorney client privilege student matter M EA negotiations discussion it is anticipated the length of time of this executive session will be 60 minutes and that action will not be taken in public after the executive session be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10412 no longer applies I have a second any discussion okay thank you [Music]