here Mr hayatt here Mr Lansky here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ Mr petruno here Mrs seart here and Mrs Mendes here I'll draw your attention to Sunshine Law the statement of videotaping of public portion of Board of Education meetings public comments statement and the no smoking or vaping on school grounds can everybody please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance okay student recognition thank you this evening we will recognize marbar Memorial students for their achievement of honorable mention in the Toshiba nsta Explorer Vision competition at this time I'd like to welcome Mr John Pacifico up to the microphone and he can do our introductions Mr [Music] Pacifico good evening everyone um thank you Mr balom members of the board for having us here tonight I'm here with uh Mrs tardio and miss labuza our two Vice principles and also one of our science teachers Miss Hardy who's going to tell you a little bit more about what you're going to see tonight good evening Explorer vision is a national um stem competition that that our honor students participate in the competition encourages students to combine their imagination with their knowledge of Science and Technology to explore Visions for the future students work on a team to select a technology research how it works learn why why it was invented and then predict how the technology may change in the future they identified what breakthroughs are required for their idea to become a reality and described the positive and negative impacts that their technology may have on society the student teams presented their findings in formal research papers and designed web pages that describe and communicate their idea needless to say it was a lot of work this year 14 of our 20 teams received honorable mention for their projects these 14 projects were ranked among the top 10% of all explor Vision project submitted Nationwide these students are commended for a job well done in demonstrating Innovative thinking in their explor exploration of Science and its impact on technology and the future we would like to invite the board members and members of the public to the gym where the students will present their projects thank you [Applause] okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay um roll call sure Mrs bomo Mrs bomo oh here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr alansky here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ here Mr petruno Mrs seart here and Mrs Mendes here um I just want to take a second we did go in the gym and it was super cool what the children did I think it's far better than anything I could have ever done in my lifetime and so um I just wanted to thank the families for coming out I know there's more student recognition but I want to take a second to thank the the children that work so hard on those um science projects they were amazing and super cool so thank you for [Applause] that okay student impact student impact in May third grade students at the Frank defino Central Elementary School performed a music showcase featuring everything they've learned on the recorder the recorder is a unit in the third grade music curriculum that helps prepare students for future endeavors such as joining the band in fourth and fifth grade the students finished the Showcase with a rendition of the song I of the tiger Miss ckii music teacher at defino also collaborated with students to create a defino Anthem the dream the dolphin mascot song adapted The Melody of baby beluga and used lyrics that reflected the school the song is a great representation of defino and will celebrate the school Community for years to come let's take a look right hi my name is Miss Ki and I'm the music teacher here at defino elementary school the recorder unit is part of the third grade curriculum which prepares them for future musical Endeavors like joining the band in fourth and fifth grades our third grade students worked on their creating the proper tone to play the recorder and it culminated with a musical showcase for their parents in May [Music] R it up straight to the top the got the glory when [Music] [Music] the of the [Music] our third grade students put together a music showcase that they shared during the month of May featuring everything that they've learned on the recorder unit and we culminated everything with a really fun song a version of um I of the tiger this year we've created a dream the dolphin mascot song our mascot here at toino is named dream because we dream big at Tofino I've adopted The Melody of Baby Beluga by Rafi and chose lyrics that reflected the school mission statement and the student motto of treat others the way you want to be treated [Music] Thea [Music] sing El is the to We Are One B the lyrics were a collaborative effort with myself and the students they shared ideas and phrases about our school and I synthesized everything to match the melodic line and lyrical phrasing to the music form I hope that this song becomes a celebration of our school and its Community for years to come is on the [Music] [Applause] that's awesome thank you and then artwork on display sure the artwork on display uh was actually displayed for you as you walked in this evening um it also is on display at the administration building and it's from Mrs fingon's art classes at Maro Middle School both seventh and e8th grade creative art students studied print making this year both grades carved into lenum blocks to create designs that they printed onto paper seventh grade students studied contemporary pop artist Burton Morris and chose an image from pop culture to display in print eth grade students created a design that when printed created a radially symmetrical image the artwork seen here is the culmination of their efforts in their respective printmaking units thank you thank you and beautiful artwork um okay so thank you again to the families the students that came out thank you for all of the work that you've done um super cool and extremely talented so we appreciate the time and effort you put into that and of course of the staff um okay so with that being said we have the executive session resolution be it resolved in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the maror Township Board of EDS shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the exceptions prescribed by njsa 10 4-12 for the purpose of discussing board attorney interviews and matters of attorney client privilege it is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be approximately 70 minutes and that action will be taken on the agenda that follows after executive um in public after executive be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10412 no longer applies do I have a second Ashley all in favor any opposed discussion okay thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening again um roll call sure Mrs bomo here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr alansky here Mrs McCormack she's in the restroom Dr MTZ here Mr petruno here Mrs seart here and Mrs Mendes here M on so sorry I thought it was on we're gonna start with public comments we just want to respect the people that are here waiting that want to speak before so um we'll start with that sure first up U Miss Avery Eisenberg can I start um uh hi my name is Avery Eisenberg and I'm a 14-year-old Jewish student at marble Middle School when I was younger I had these gorgeous dangly Jewish star earrings that I would want to wear all the time yet my parents wouldn't let me and now I understand why it was due to the hatred towards Jews that I've personally experienced over the past years here I just never thought I would exper have experienced anti-Semitism from my student from students in my own school I have been told by other MMS students how great of a man Hitler was I've heard hail Hitler who was the best Jewish cook Hitler was and we love Hitler this was all reported to Administration nothing consequential was done because of the war and the rise in anti-Semitism this past year I decided to do a speech on anti-semitism in my writing class during my speech I was laughed at by numerous students and made fun of again I saw the hail Hitler arm movement done in front of me the worst anti-semitic hate that I have personally experienced this year is having a student named Latifa repost videos saying free Palestine and gas the Jews she can have her own opinion for Palestine but she cannot say gu the Jews she then proceeded to make fun of hidic Jews to me tell my friends to go back to the gas Chambers and called me a dirty Muppet Jew this was all reported this was all reported by multiple parents Latifa only got a two-day suspension she's still allowed to go on her chorus trip to Six Flags and half fun she's still allowed to at the eighth grade dance she's still allowed to participate in field day she's still allowed to go to the swim club trip and she's still allowed to be in conflict managers and she will receive an a re W for being in conflict managers at graduation she violated the code of conduct please tell me how a student who tells another student to go back to the gas Chambers and then calls me a dirty Muppet Jew can be a conflict manager a conflict manager is someone who who is supposed to help their peers make good decisions where is there any kind of good decision here where is a good decision made by the school and to make matters worse I was told by Administration that Latifa probably doesn't doesn't know any better she's probably taught this hate at home I feel unsafe in school due to the anti-Semitism I have faced throughout this past year there needs to be stronger consequences for anti-semitic students at school there would have been more parents here tonight but there are two October 7th survivors speaking at maror jeice center right now I wish I could have been there to hear their stories of survival but after seeing how all of this has been handled I felt this was more important for you to hear about the anti-Semitism I have faced with with I am faced with hopefully you do something about [Applause] it I I just want to say first off thank you so much for coming up here and speaking because I know that's not easy especially for 14-year-old student so thank you that was courageous and brave and I respect that so much so thank you secondly I can't speak to all the ins and outs of what actually happened cuz I don't know all the details of that but I want to say that we all take that very seriously as a board and so I appreciate you bringing that up here at the board meeting and thank you so much that took a lot of strength and I appreciate you bringing that up Mr balone did you have anything you wanted to comment Avery thank you for sharing your sentiments um again as Miss Mendes said that was courageous and brave of you to do that here in public so I commend you for that um any kind of hatred in this school district has no place um I have been working with Administration um at MMS and and will continue to do that um and we you know we ensure that that while we can't necessarily control everything that comes out of students mouths um we do address it uh we address it quickly uh swiftly and um I will continue to have conversations with with administration at MMS um what really troubles me is that you mention that you feel unsafe going to that school so um we need to have further conversations about that and and we will address that issue immediately thank you next up Sophia Tamaro she wants to be a to you got this Sophia go ahead donate don't worry about the clock go ahead don't even worry about that you just read hello my name is Sophia tamamo and I am a sixth grade student at mararo middle school I'm here to take today to talk about two things I think our school district is lacking for for us as growing young adults we need to be able to eat and be active yet some of us like me have lunch at 10:00 a.m. which is really like breakfast with no other time to eat during the long school day and no recess not to mention lunch is only about 20 minutes long which forces which forces us to rush and not get in much time to talk to our friends many kids have lots of energy but all we do all day is sit I do I don't think this is healthy for our bodies or for our brains to site the article how important is recess States recess offers a much needed break from the structured environment of a classroom this shows recess is not only a form of play time but it also gives children necessary brain b breaks allowing them to focus better when they go back to class additionally kids in middle school should have recess because it helps kids interact more many assignments are still on Chromebooks we don't need more screen time we need more time to interact with one another as for snack I'm not asking for there to be a specific snack time but we're grown adults if we eat lunch at 10:00 a.m. we should be allowed to take out a non-disruptive working snack to just to eat just like a teacher or another adult in the real world at work who might pull out an apple or protein bar to eat while they're working thank you for listening to my wait oh Martin Luther King Jun Martin Luther King Jr once said if you want to change the world pick up your pen and write thank you for listening to my concerns today I hope that you think about what I said and consider adding recess to the middle school day and allowing students to eat a non n disruptive snack if we are hungry and if you allow this maybe you can give me credit if if it [Applause] [Music] works Sophia I just want to say you did a fantastic job again that is really courageous to get up here and speak and you even wrote something so wonderful I agree 10:00 super early right I mean I don't control the scheduling throughout the day but I want to say that I thank you for coming up bring bringing it to our attention because it is important right and maybe a protein bar later in the day would be helpful so I can just say I commend you for coming out here and speaking so thank you but I'll turn it over to Mr bone Sophia again very courageous standing here in public is not easy so great job um as a former Ela teacher he had great transitions in that in that um speech as well and um you had a nice quote at the end so you really um you know you kept my attention um I can also empathize I was an Ela teacher here at Memorial and I ate lunch at 10:15 it was pretty brutal that was my schedule um and I I I think I do remember having some snacks not in front of my students because they weren't eating but I do remember that so we can certainly keep that in mind we love feedback um and again I I I can sympathize with you because I I did live that schedule as well so um thank you again for coming up and I don't control the schedule either so but I know the people who do so maybe we can talk to them if it does so happen to be a designated allowed snack I request it be called the Sophia tamamo snack time that was great thank you so much Sophia anybody else sure Melanie Cass I first like to start on a positive note and commend the students who took part in the stem competition on how well they presented their projects they were very articulate and they also answered questions well demonstrating knowledge and Mastery on the subject matter I'm here to speak for the students without a voice who couldn't have presented that articulately or worked been included as part of a team not without appropriate supports and modifications our special education students I'm speaking as both an educator and child study team member of 24 years and a parent first I'd like to speak specifically about my son he's currently an eighth grader here at Marboro Memorial Middle School he'll be going on to the high school next year he's been in a special education since preschool here and I've been uh advocating for him since he's been a preschooler he was in the MD Club class as a kindergartener uh for half the day and half the day he was in a general education class uh during that time I got to know the MD kids at birthday parties and I realized these are all inclusion students I feel that marro often uh erors on the side of more restrictive instead of least restrictive and um they also cannot handle behaviors my son right now is in eighth grade he cannot independently complete homework um he's in a resource room and inclass support cannot independently complete homework um a bcba consult was supposed to happen that never happened I'll read a quote from his case manager because I had questioned um I had asked for a log of the bcba report of because the teachers keep saying he's not doing anything in class so as a result that classwork becomes homework and guess who's doing it m um because if he can't do it in class he's not doing at home either because he obviously missed the lesson and that that's on top of the other long-term assignments and everything else he has on the list to get done so his case manager wrote to me if you continue to have concerns when he transitions to marbor high school please reach out to their District's bcba to determine what would be appropriate for him so basically marbro has washed their hands of him it's Freehold Regional High School District next year it's not marbro school district so they've washed their hands he's going to high school ill-prepared I've worked with all age levels preschool through college college level um high school they're not putting up with that they're not going to be writing me notes home he hasn't done his homework they're not doing checklists for him none of that none of that is happening a team member said to me today why are you coming to the board meeting because he's going off they've done nothing for him nothing's being done you're not following due process again with the district none of that's happening I'm coming because even though the district washed their hands of my son and other special education students I'm not washing my hands because this is important to me that they're included and they're prepared for life thank you thank you and and just so you know you can ask another question if you'd like but I just want to say the first thing is is that thank you for sharing your story um some of it resonates with me I can't get into the personal details but I have a child too who moved on to to Freel Regional right and it's different in high school than it is in middle school you know different levels of support so I hear you on that and I appreciate you standing here and always advocating for your child cuz that's obviously why we're here too advocating for the kids but um I don't know if Mr blone or or Mrs Tyrone or somebody wants to add anything if you have anything to add and if not I don't know I just no okay so I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story you can always feel free to also email the board if you feel like your voice needs to be heard in a different way um you're more than welcome to email us at any point in time please do that if you need to okay and thank you for coming out have nobody else on my list is anybody else Mr Pollock hi everybody uh Adam Pollock 52 St Lawrence way in Marboro so a book was just published that I read and it really resonated with me it's called the anxious Generation by John height and it's about how adolescents are in a mental health crisis depression and mental illness in American teens has more than doubled since 2010 as their social lives move onto smartphones f with social media apps with a shift from play based childhood and replaced by phone based by replaced by phone based childhood in the early 2010s specifically children and Adolescence began to spend much more time on smartphones and social media and much less time doing activities such as face-to-face interactions with friends and family sleep exercise and reading books students are bringing their phone-based behaviors patterns into the classroom which is causing conflicts teacher burnout endless drama cyberbullying and massive distraction giving kids access to social media and apps like Tik Tok either on their own phone or through a parents phone or account is proven to be detrimental to the child's long-term mental health it is not debatable hard stop on top of that we are breaking the terms of service for these apps it is against the terms of service of Tik Tok and Instagram for a child under 13 to have access to these apps hate lays out an action plan for administrators and parents for parents he recommends four four new Norms one no smartphones before high school two no social media until 16 three we should all be advocating for phone- free schools for give more Independence and free play to our students now I know not providing a smartphone before high school as a lofty goal and everyone has different parenting Styles same with social media personally I am not going to I'm going to do everything possible to delay uh the introduction of social media to my daughters but again personal decision for each family the one that really did hit that did hit home for me was advocating for a phone free and Smartwatch free schools not just having policies and then making exceptions based on specific teachers or situations an actual phonefree Smartwatch free school where phones are put away and not touched for the entire day especially in middle school when children are in school they should be paying attention to their teachers and to each other not to their phones we can enhance the systems to allow deeper communication with parents and their children in case of an emergency which is a common argument against prohibiting phone access during the school day smartphones or any type of smart device that has access to social media and texting fragments and absorbs attention we know this policy changes follow public opinion we can take steps here to enact change Last Action step that height gave that resonated with me with me was supporting principles or the superintendent in sending a memo to parents recommending that parents delay smartphones until at least high school and social media until the age of 16 to support the school's effort to improve mental health this could catalyze Collective action in our town and reset Community Norms these reforms or new Norms require Collective action we might be at a Tipping Point parents and teachers are fed up if we band together if enough of us delay smartphones and social media it will be easier for other parents to do the same we can do something about this if we act together as a community if any of this resonates with any of the members of the board or the community I would like to partner with the board and like-minded community members and work on steps our community could take together thank you thank you Mr Pollock I was taking um some notes on the things you said the statistics that you mentioned about social media and children and and Tik Tok and all of that is really important to understand that I do have a child um an older child she actually deleted the Tik Tok app because she just felt like it was not helpful to her at all and to her mental health and so I hear you on that so that did resonate with me um I do thank you for coming up and making the recommendation and and offering to partner with the community and the board in in that so I appreciate that and thank you anybody else can I just goe um Mr P can you email that in some form just so that if any board members do want to respond to you they can okay all right so I uh like to motion to close public comments so I have a second Ashley any discussion okay um all those in favor any opposed okay public comments are closed moving on to announcements right I think we went out of order because the public comments move first right announcements I have none none okay uh bus driver and building maintenance sure all abstracts for run and all have Privileges and good standing thank you report on antibullying buev Bill of Acts rights act so this is um a mandated report uh you see um one report that shows up in the fall and now one that shows up uh during this time in the spring so these are the identical scores that were submitted in the fall the change now is in the fall we um we provide scores to the New Jersey Department of Ed and we submit them to the New Jersey Department of Ed they have now certified those scores so we have to then that uh this is no longer a submission this is now an approval by the New Jersey Department of Education um you have everything outlined in your board scans um just know that the score of a 78 in any given school is the top score so when you see a score of you know in the high 70s that's actually a good thing um with with the top score being a 78 there are things like um you if you see schools that have a 76 versus a 78 um they look at at items like um the number of times that staff are trained and all of our schools are uh very honest and use uh the rubric given by the state um so they may not have a perfect score but these scores are extraordinarily high and we've uh seen a large increase in our scores from the 2011 2012 school year since its Inception thank you thank you you're welcome okay next I'm going to turn it over to Mrs gross for student achievement presentation my goal is to keep this somewhat short but of course we'll answer any questions um so this my name is Morgan gross I'm assistant superintendent good evening everyone um and Michael balone is actually going to jump in and provide some information as well so um make sure this is working this presentation is going to give you some highlights on our most recent New Jersey school performance report 222 2022 2023 which was released recently however just let want to let you know that the actual um njsl scores were actually um reviewed in October so I'll give you some information where you find that information as well we're also going to go into um how we compare to other surrounding districts how the um District uses data to Target action some other highlights and um how we've been actually acknowledged by the doe and uh a few other examples of success so again I'll try to keep this as brief as possible because I know it's getting late so our performance report this is for the entire District um for 2223 again was released recently um but however we have had the scores since October um actually a little bit before that but we presented on it as a district in October so if you wanted to go back and see the details of that it's actually the October 10th um Board of Ed meeting when those scores were uh presented but we just recently got the performance report which I'm bringing this up because there is a at some point in this presentation I'll talk about why our local assessments are really important because of the timeliness of this this information but as you can see for 2223 um this is where we are for English language arts and Mathematics um so this is our performance the next slide I'm going to talk about the growth which is a little different than performance and I'll explain how those two are different um and then when we look at 2122 we see that there has been an increase um between both English language arts and Mathematics some things that we want to consider when we're looking at this data are a few things one I just want to mention the fact that we we did have a several years without any State Testing so this is actually the first year that we were able to see the growth because it Compares between the two years because that is part of what the state looks at the other piece of information that I that is important to mention that we did discussed actually Michael balone discussed this at the October meeting was how our math scores are calculated um Mr balone do you want to explain how our algebra and geometry students affect our math scores sure so you'll see across the state that math scores are lower um and and that's typical especially at the middle school level and the reason for that is what you're seeing here on the screen are grade level scores we here at mtps offer two High School level math courses to our middle schoolers who qualify those scores are not included here so we have some seventh graders who take Algebra 1 we have also some eth graders who take Algebra 1 and then we have some eighth graders who take geometry so we essentially have two levels of math students the the top two levels of our math students are not included in this data and that's why you see the numbers that are pulled back now they are reported separately under Algebra 1 and geometry respectively but they are not recorded here so when when the untrained eye looks at this they say wow your your Ela scores are much better than your math scores that's not really the case thank you um and just to reiterate there is information if you want to go back and look at this in detail on our district website under curriculum there are two pages one will link bring you to the school performance report if you want to look at this yourself and peruse and look at other districts you're welcome to and then there's also um our state testing results which will have the presentation that was shown on October 10th and it breaks down the scores a little bit more deeply so you can actually see where how our algebra and geometry students are doing as well as our our students that are on grade level um so growth and this we did discuss this at our most recent Board of Ed curriculum committee um but the the growth is actually so there's a couple there's there's different levels of this there's the district level which is what you're looking at right now what they're measuring is they're looking at how did the district do the year before and then how did they grow and the why the state does this is it's difficult to see or measure how districts are doing across the state that's very different every district is so different with demographics and size and there's a lot of variables so this is the state's way of looking to see that districts are growing and the the state's goal if you look at the previous slide is to get everyone over that 80% so this is how they're measuring success to see if are we heading in the right direction so we did show growth um and we're always striving to show growth even if we were in that blue we would always look to be improving that's part of being in education we always are reflective we look at data and again I'll show you some of the ways that we do that in the next in in the next slides um some way that might help you a little bit with understanding how growth works because even when I was a teacher teachers get msgp scores as well and if you're a teacher that say has honors kids the kids are already at the very top so they have very little room to grow so we are actually a very high achieving District so it is more challenging to show growth if we had um historical data that was underachieving we would have more room to grow so our that number could be a lot higher but when you're already at the top it's it's challenging to show that growth um Mr broland do you want to add on to that at all I know you have a nice little metaphor that you like to use no that's that's exactly it and and I I do want to um say to all of our teachers out there that they are doing an incredible job with all of our students we are a very high achieving school district and we are doing well so um you know you can look at reports from this this is from the state of New Jersey right you look at some of these media Outlets put out school rankings a lot of those uh those metrics are some of them are just even parent participation so you really have to um look at look with a close eye with some of those um media Outlets that are putting school rankings out this is really the data you should be looking at um and it's really a testament to what our teachers are doing the preparation they have and and the skill they have to to have high high achieving students throughout the district um the also piece that we all have to acknowledge is this is one data point and when you look at any kind of research on data having multiple data points to measure success is always better than having one so while State data is one data point and we take it seriously we don't put all of our eggs in the state basket we have a a whole host of other uh metrics that we use for our students and in turn what those metrics do is measure success which you'll see on the last slide um Success is Not only measured by a state test m um another and exactly like Mr balone said we look at a lot of information to see how we're doing and again we're always striving to do better because that's just who we are but something to look at is we always compare how are we doing with the surrounding districts or districts with similar demographics we are an i District as you've learned from our budget meetings so we look at that and there is we do we do compare the data we look at surrounding count districts to see how we're doing and man alapin we actually are pretty close with we you know depending on the grade level or subject we we kind of compete a little bit in that respect but we are high performing and again top in the region I would in some cases we're first and some were in second but we are at the top in in the surrounding area um in fact another good indication is our magnet programs just last year 2023 we had 112 students except into the Freehold Regional High School District for you know programs such as the business ad Administration computer science law and public service science and engineering those are just the top few but they are being accepted in great numbers we also have the mammoth County Vocational School District including biotech we had 80 students accepted there last year so we are our kids are getting into these programs at very high rates so that's another piece of information that we do collect data on um to see how our kids are are getting into these programs Mrs GRS I'm sorry did you say 80 were accepted to biotech or eight I just couldn't hear that 80 yeah so we had 112 into the Freehold Regional High School District and then 80 into Mammoth County Vocational School District that was just last year a thank you um so we also wanted to share how we're using data and there there's much more than what I'm going to share today because this has become a part of what we do every single day and I put teachers up on this slide because they're the ones who really do the work and I know because I was a teacher in the district and I did this work with them and I have a couple of stories to even share with you and not as a teacher but also as a supervisor and a director and now assistant superintendent or um so that we're always looking again for continuous approval and that's looking at the curriculum we look at the pacing guides and you'll see in this agenda there's a tremendous amount of work that's going to happen over the summer and that work is being done by our teachers so our teachers are looking at feedback from their colleagues they're looking at State Standards which is the big lift this summer we have new Ela and math standards that they are re revamping everything and the reason why we tightly align it with curriculum and common assessments is so that when the students do take the common assessments we can measure to see how they're doing so that we can remediate or enrich as they're moving along and it actually is a very good predictor to how they will end up doing on the state assessment so um again you know the njsla we we we have to you know consider it it's a one data point but the and we've expressed this to the doe and we will we have another slide on that as well but the timeliness is what's challenging we we receive those reserv results when we're already the school year is already started so that still helps us we we use the njsla information to look for kids that might need to be in our RTI um students that maybe are not special education students but students that are struggling we also use that information as a data point for power power leap and rise or supplemental programs so we do use it but again it's difficult so our our our common assessments are the most important because we can use it right then and there so one example I will say when I was teaching when we first um started to use common Assessments in linkit which is the plat online platform that we use which makes it very sophisticated some I know we have some Educators in the room that might have taught back when we had to and including me when you said um provide an assessment used to have to use tally marks to see how many questions how many kids were getting a certain question question wrong and then you would address it but with link it you can score it see data you can group students by within a few clicks see which ones are struggling with a specific skill and work with those kids so I remember my first Common Assessment my colleagues and I were sitting sitting around looking at our our data and we said oh my gosh the kids didn't do well in this one question we realized that it was because it was the first marking period it was narrative was our unit but that question was aligned to non-fiction text so we were not addressing non-fiction text early enough in the school year we completely re we first of all remediated with those kids but then we revamped our lessons the next year that question wasn't even a problem anymore so it was it it helped us be very intentional in our lessons in our curriculum and also made sure that our kids were not falling behind we were addressing what they needed before they moved forward in the curriculum and that's exactly what teachers do today they they are so I can't even if any administrator were standing here before you they would tell you that you can walk into any classroom and a teacher will have a lesson differentiated in several different ways you would have kids working independently on the same skill but at the level that they need it to be or with this the right supports while a teacher is pulling kids and working with them in small group so they are they are Beyond professional they are Beyond experience they are very serious about what they do and I can't again as someone who worked alongside them and continued to do so I can't say enough about the work that they do to make sure that kids are getting what they need um another good example is our math supervisor really has done a lot of work in making sure that our math Casa are Prov providing feedback again very timely not just to the teachers but to the students and the parents so that they can see what exact skills the kids are needing to work on and then she Ties That to online programs so that they can continue to practice those skills with not only the teacher but also independently even over the summer hour over the summer months so everything is very intentional it is it's not just for the students that are struggling but also providing enrichment for those who need it as well um Michael do you want to add anything to that no just uh I I think you have here on the bottom of the slide um we not only do we have um exceptional teaching teachers they like working here right so our average is uh 13.4 years of experience which is which is fairly high for a for an overall teaching staff so um they are happy working here um I think someone mentioned that they're they're overworked they sometimes I think they do feel that that way but they love what they do and um and they like doing it here so we're happy to see that as well yeah that's a entirely separate presentation but I will say that I've done some research and we are very fortunate that we're not facing some of the teacher shortages that other districts are facing we really do have people still wanting to work here we're always proactive and we're always looking to to recruit as many as much talent as we can over the years but we're very lucky that people continue to want to work here and they stay um and then we've even been acknowledged by the New Jersey Department of Education we have a very good relationship with them uh We've not only have a good relationship with them in different groups we've also had them come to our building spend time with us learn what we're doing with computer science as you can see we had the assistant commissioner division of academics and performance come and visit and see what we were doing with coding and visited the Middle Schools they're interested in what we're doing because we're we must be doing something right by how our kids are getting into these high school programs and through our data they've also come and had a site visit to learn in detail about how we're using our common assessments how we're using our data and I do plan on sharing that exact presentation with our curriculum committee so they will be receiving that soon and we constantly are giving them feedback in various ways at the top right you can see I'm actually in that picture working on the assessment design practitioner group where I was giving feedback on to how to make the state assessments more meaningful which really across the state people were saying very similar things which was that timeliness and making sure the data is specific much like our common assessments and then as you can see Michael's in there as well showing doing some coding with some students so we have a very good relationship with them and and our own board of education our curriculum committee gave feedback last year on the new state standards that we're implementing over the summer so we are really involved in giving them feedback and they're very receptive Michael would you like to share anything about the their visit no so we have a good relationship with them and we'll continue to keep that relationship the where it is so that we can make the curriculum and the standards be what we want them to be here and some other indicators of success because as Michael said this not everything is measured by a state assessment and I know we talked a lot about this even in the curriculum committee we talked about what kids need to be successful and so here's just a couple of examples not nearly all of them but we have kids that are winners of the CBA math tournament we have a student who was placed in press Communications 2023 Regional spelling B we had a student as a part of a student council raised $675 to purchase items for patrolman and his partner bolo we have a first place a student who placed first in the foundations of information and second place in the computer AED design TS SAA State conference we had students who were Runners up in the New York Times invent award challenge we had for the first time ever a student who was a winner of a cross country meat of Champions we have students who are undefeated League champions in basketball as you saw from the at the beginning of this uh board meeting we had and there's banners over there our kids are continuously recognizing the EXP explor Vision as you saw again before the board meeting or right when our board meeting got started but you see Explorer Vision Regional Fair competition winners of 2023 we have a first gr first place winner in the mammoth county law Day essay contest we have students who are honorable mention at the New Jersey State Bar foundation's law Adventure 2024 competition and also students in the 2023 competition that were top 12 in the state New Jersey TSA conference third place in career prep competition and second place in Flight competition and finally placing second in the finals of the 2022 njsba steam tank challenge our kids are really Innovative they're articulate they're smart they are high achieving and there is more than just State Testing there's this there's evidence all around us and it's really the why we wanted to share this presentation with you so we can really share our experiences and I look forward to continuing to sharing these stories in the future but in the meantime anyone who is watching I really encourage um our community or parents to follow us on our social media Instagram Facebook Twitter and also our website we have so much information that's posted all the all the time these beautiful pictures of what the kids are doing so please um follow us for for information that's it any questions [Applause] um I don't have any questions I know um you've shared a lot of good information with us before I just for me I want to say thank you um for presenting this providing that level of detail I think it's important for us to see and for the community to see so thank you for that and I thank you you know for all the hard work that people are doing out there so thank you you're very welcome my pleasure any other questions any other questions from Mrs gross okay thank you again appreciate it okay um Communications I have none and Hib uh harassment intimidation bullying report from the time period May 3rd 2024 through May 23rd 2024 there were two incidents reported thank thank you upcoming meeting dates Tuesday June 18th 2024 is a regular meeting um approval of minutes resolution Ashley the superintendent of school submits the following for approval one approval of minutes is so move have a second Aldo any discussion rollal Mrs yes Mrs bomo yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky yes Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs mmack yes and Mrs Mendes yes the secretary business administrators report this is the for the month of April uh 2024 and the payroll certific for that same month thank you okay committee reports Communications inette this mic always has some feedback okay um the communications Committee just met right before this meeting at 6:30 tonight so I was able to sit down with the team and discuss our next topic for coffee chat which will go hands in hand with tonight's presentation and we will discuss curriculum uh we are trying to to find new ways to possibly piggyback on other school events so while parents are already out of the house and attending something for their children they can also attend a coffee chat so stay tuned for some um innovative ways that we are hoping to get more people involved in the coffee chats and um keep an eye out for any new Communications for September the communications committee kind of rests during the summer months while most of town is out of town so appreciate the support and um look forward to September thank you curriculum Dr MTZ at our recent at our recent uh curriculum committee meeting we discussed the summer curriculum writing which is going to be aligned with the curriculum guides com common assessment and resources in relationship to the new standards as Mrs gross had pointed out um during the curriculum committee meeting Mrs gross during our next curriculum committee meeting Mrs gross is going to show us how these all these pieces come together that she was explaining to the public just now she's going to show it to us and hopefully she'll be able to show that publicly in the future to the rest of the people what do you think yes yes I think we can I can share with you and then we can work together on what information should be shared out with our communic with our community super thank you I'm happy to share thank you thank you very much um it was also it was very impressive to find out that uh the mammoth County interim executive County Superintendent Dr Lester richen was impressed during his visit uh to the school and is um that's why our team is looking forward to the presentation uh we also disc discussed at Mrs bloo's request providing more activity in PE so that uh let's get those kids moving the um since there's so much WR curriculum writing this summer the curriculum committee is going to have a lot of reviewing to do so it's going to be a big job not just for the teachers but for us as well come the summer that's it thank you thank you and then special education can I just add to the go ahead I'm so sorry so um Mrs G kind of stole my thunder on the last slide of what I was going to say but in our meeting we were also able to see some of the Steam and stem um examples of in auxiliary programs and accessory programs around the elementary and middle schools and I just have to say as a parent and a board member that it is undoubtedly a huge contributor to all of the successes that you see whether it be acceptances is all the or the banners on the wall behind me um some of the things uh that Mrs gross and the teachers and administration have brought to the schools and to the classrooms and to the different clubs and programs are really incredible and uh are definitely outside of the box and forward thinking and just one more piece Dr misit I just want to remind you that the um the drafted curriculum can be viewed on the district website before it's passed by the board that was something that I wanted to make sure we got out to the community the drafted curriculum that is worked on this summer will be available as it always is on the district website under the tab of curriculum drafts before the board even votes on them and approves them we are able to see them and be able to see the upcoming changes to the curriculum so I just want to make sure everyone utilizes that tool on our district website that they could see what is being changed what what you know amendments are happening to the curriculum all whole Community can see than reminding me thank you question around that um so how would we know like as a community like what the changes were made to the curriculum from like prior years we actually spoke about that in the um curriculum committee Michael do you want to so the curriculum guides don't operate the same way policy does right so in policy you you'll see a striketh through or an underline and a bold um but what we do is we provide U information on what what was changed so we we have an entire document um so will you be able to look at that document and discern what exactly was changed by a glance no but we can give you that information and and what the changes were um a lot of the the big changes in ela and math will be for the standards because those standards are brand will be brand new um but we we can we can work with uh Mrs gross and the curriculum committee on what that could look like uh but just for full disclosure for it doesn't look like policy where every little thing that's changed is noted no I understand I think it just would be helpful um especially since we're going to be voting on it to just have even like a it doesn't have to be verbatim but like anything big or significant that was updated or changed just to let us know so that you know if we need to comment or again we're voting on some things it just would be nice to know what the changes were is on I just wanted to add one thing um that we did discuss during the curriculum committee that I think will be helpful we were talking about providing a crosswalk which is something that they the state would provide showing the changes with the standards which would help you kind of focus where to look but we also um receive summaries from the supervisors of what work was done so that will be provided to the board as well okay okay yeah and Mrs gross I think just one thing based also on what you're saying I think think Annette talked about the draft which I think is super important and and I know you talked about some of the stuff that's going to happen I think just a high level maybe in the in an update to the community right instead of people by all means everybody should read everything right that'd be great but if people just want to know here's what I should look for that change maybe there could just be something out there that we could talk about whether it's in a board meeting to just say here's the sections that maybe the whole thing has changed I don't know but so people aren't just looking through and reading everything if they don't feel like it I don't and maybe that's something that could happen later I don't know and Mrs gross you if once the teachers sit down and start working they're going to want to see what where the changes are maybe then you can um decide once once the actual writing starts so I I will say that the work will take pretty much the whole summer you we probably won't see drafts until the end of July beginning of August right um and just from my own experience curriculum writing it can look it can look it's very detailed work and I don't even like to micromanage it I let the supervisors kind of run that but I again the expectation is that they should be giving us a summary so that at least you know what was changed yeah yeah yeah that that sound so it's difficult to because every content area is so different every grade level so there's no consistent way to kind of keep record of what changes were made but we can absolutely make sure there's a summary and make sure that we're communicating that with our community as well so again end of July beginning of August we should start seeing those drafts because the goal is to have them approved by the board before they're implemented in the classroom we we wouldn't want yeah anything that's not board approved in the classroom for teachers to teach yeah no thank you and I know a lot of work goes into that so thank you for that any other things from uh curriculum no okay special education okay um at our last curriculum meeting we discussed the tracking of all IEPs and 504s they are tracked through Frontline correct okay the um there's a list of there's going to be some um program changes with locations that will be shared with the families as soon as everything is approved um there will be a new program uh titled emotional regulation impairment program and then The Walk For Change happening throughout the district in June May 30th is at marbor Middle School June 7th marbor Elementary Dugan and Asher June 10th uh Memorial Middle ELC and defino and June 19th at the at Robertsville and the there's a uh the family night panel from which was supposed to be scheduled in April has been postponed until September thank you um okay thank you so much Dr MTZ and the special education committee moving on to the policy committee policy committee recently met there are some policies that we'll be voting on this evening that we can obviously open up for discussion when the vote comes up if needed there's first read which is policy 0131 bylaws policies and regulations policies that are up for second read are uh 0155 board committees 2411 School counseling 2423 bilingual education 7610 vandalism and 9210 parent organizations um just a couple things to draw your attention to in case you didn't get to read the policies um that were out there you can read them at any point in time um School counseling there were some changes in there and I know that when it went for SEC first read that there were some edits that you're able to see but you'll see addition of a couple of bullet points that added parents and Guardians involvement when they were involved um talks about referrals how families are involved in the referral process as well um and obviously when parents and Guardians are communicated with regarding any concerns um from counselors so that policy is out there uh for you to review if you have any questions you're welcome to send an email to the board the other one is policy 9210 which is parent organizations we did meet with the PTO PTA presidents and we did kind of set the stage on that policy and so and so um just wanted to make sure that people saw that one too kind of mirrors similar policies where they will you know present their information things that theyve achievements they've made within the district and or within I'm sorry within their schools so uh that one's out there as well again any questions that you have you're more than welcome to email the committee myself the board you know whatever seems did you want to say something one more thing so um we did mention that at the PTA PTO president meeting we have another one uh this week and we will also share that now out again as a as a final so so um they'll have Ample Ample notice to um review those policies yes thank you we will discuss it again so any PTO PTA presidents that are coming to that meeting this week you're we're going to talk about it again you're more than welcome to ask any questions about that our next meeting will be held on June 6 for the policy committee okay organization matters Michael organization matters superintendent school submits the following resolution for approval one board auditor two insurance agent three motion is so move have a second Ashley any discussion roll call Dr quits yes Mr petruno yes to one and two no to three Mrs seart yes can I take that back so you want to change your vote Yes I do because we were discussing it okay so let's let's we wanted a table that she want you to number three thank you motion M second well the motion was Dr misit so I need a second to table it okay so Dr MTZ you motion to table number three correct adidi you seconded that motion right okay so we're going to pause on the vote correct to table number three we have to vote on table yes okay so right now you're voting to table number three and then we'll come back to organization matters okay so correct voting yes or no to table number three so this is a vote to table number three Mrs blomo no Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky no Mrs McCormack no Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno no Mrs seart no and Mrs Mendes no so the motion to table number three does not pass so we are I'm going to redo roll call vote for organization matters one two and three again and I'll start from the top Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes to one and two no to three Mrs seart yes to one and two no to three Mrs bomo yes to one and two no to three Mrs Gandhi yes Mr Hyatt yes Mrs McCormack yes to one and two no to three Mr alansy yes to Excuse me yes to one and two no to three okay and Mrs Mendes yes to one and two no to three thank you okay so one and two passes motion number three does not financial and business operations matters Danielle the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval one transfers two list of bills three secretary monthly reconciliation reports four travel five harassment intimidation bullying Hib report six approval of Transportation agreement case 959 2024 2025 esy 7 approval of Transportation agreement case 959 2024 2025 syy 8 approval of Transportation agreement case 951 2024 2025 esy nine approval of Transportation agreement case 951 2024 2025 Sy 10 approval of Transportation agreement case 972 2024 2025 esy approval of Transportation agreement case 972 2024 2025 s y 12 approval of joint Transportation agreement with colck Township Public School District 13 approval of agreement with epic Environmental Services LLC 14 tax levy 15 participation in coordinated Transportation with the Educational Service Commission of New Jersey 16 contract renewal year two Food Service management company fsmc contract 17 School Bus emergency evacuation drill report 18 18 donation 19 donation 20 dental benefits 21 further amended resolution escnj contract purchase amama Inc building management systems for maintenance and related services for the 2023 2024 school year 22 approval of agreement with Bata home healthcare Inc for the provision of nursing services for case 972 23 approval of settlement agreement case 975 24 approval of agreement with cable vision light path NJ LLC 25 home instruction 26 St contract purchases I so move thank you I have a second Michael roll call I'm so sorry discussion roll call Mrs McCormack yes yes Dr MTZ yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Gandhi yes Mr hayatt yes Mr alansky yes Mrs bomo yes to all abstain from four okay thank you and Mrs Mendes yes all abstain from four Personnel matters adidi what's Personnel matters the superintendent of school submits the following resolution for approval oh before you read Mrs Gandhi sorry so we are um polling number three on personnel and we're also polling number 12 on Personnel so do not read three or 12 okay so when you read you're just going to pull three and 12 personel matters the superintendent of school submits the following resolutions for approval one application for disability retirement two resignation four employment certificated staff five employment non-aligned non-certificated administrator six amended salary certificated staff seven amended salary non-certificated staff eight amended salary non-certificated staff nine reassignments c certificated staff 10 reassignment and amended salary non-certificated staff 11 stien non-certificated staff 13 curriculum writing Ela revised curriculum guides 6 through 8 curriculum writing Ela and jsls revisions 1-8 15 curriculum writing Ela KNE standard link it 3 to8 16 curriculum writing gifted and talented gifted literacy revisions 17 math summer 2024 virtual facilitators for students transitioning to sea level or accelerated math 18 curriculum writing math revised curriculum guides K through 5 19 curriculum writing math revised curriculum guides 6 through 8 20 curriculum writing math Revis curriculum guides um algebra one geometry geometry 21 curriculum writing math revised units of study based on feedback K through five curriculum writing math revised units of study based on feedback 6 through 8 23 curriculum writing math revised units of study based on feedback Algebra 1 geometry 24 curriculum writing math revised Google Docs and Link it compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data 1 through three 25 curriculum writing math Revis Google Docs and linked compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data 4 through 5 26 curriculum writing math revised Google Docs and linked compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data 6 through 8 27 curriculum writing math revised Google Docs and linked compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data Algebra 1 geometry 28 curriculum writing math check Google doc and linked compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data 1-5 29 curriculum writing math check Google doc and linkoln compatibility based on formatting suggestions and data 6 through 8 Algebra 1 geometry 30 curriculum writing math Revis common performance tasks based on feedback formatting suggestions 3 to 5 31 curriculum writing math Revis common performance task based on feedback formatting suggestions 6 through 7 32 curriculum writing science um aligned curriculum to McGraw Hill 6 through 8 kindergarten report card revisions 34 curriculum writing Health Services nurses updated nurses manual 35 grade level waiver assessments 36 ESL screening 37 Mentor resource facilitator 2024 2025 school year 38 curriculum writing special education Ela revised curriculum guides K through 5 39 curriculum writing special education Ela revised curriculum guide 6-8 40 curriculum writing special education Ela and jsls revisions 1-8 41 curriculum writing special education Ela new standards in linkit 3 to8 42 curriculum writing special education math revised curriculum guides K through 5 43 curriculum writing special education math revised curriculum guides 6 through 8 44 curriculum writing special education math Revis units of study K through 2 45 C curriculum writing special education math revised units of study 3 to 5 46 curriculum writing special education math revised units of study 6 through 8 47 curriculum writing special education math modify Google Docs and Link at items 1 through five 48 curriculum writing special education math modify Google Docs and Link at items 6 through 8 49 curriculum writing special education science align curriculum to mcra Hill modifications and accommodations 50 curriculum writing special education level literacy intervention lli and Wilson Foundation supplemental specialized reading resources 1 through eight 51 curriculum writing special education for curriculum program development 1 through 8 52 curriculum writing special education preschool thematic curriculum writing 53 curriculum writing special education CR lifted activities development and organization 54 curriculum writing special education executive functioning supplemental support 55 curriculum writing special education ER emotional regulation impairment supplemental supports 56 curriculum writing special education lld program supplemental resources K through 8 57 curriculum writing special education self-contained programs MD autism l Google Classroom development 58 School counseling summer work 59 administrative intership 60 substitute teacher 61 paid leave sorry paid medical disability leave 62 unpaid leaves of absence 63 amended resolution leave dates um sorry just looking to see what else ISO move that was a lot I know that was nothing after that thank you um do we have a second second oh any discussion okay roll call okay so before um we vote just number 42 uh the amount of $157.50 the number is just transposed it should should be $157.50 just a little correction there thank you okay roll call vote Mr petruno yes Mrs seart I'm sorry I have a quick discussion just for my own Clarity I'm sorry is am I too late no can we just can you just walk me through uh like what qualifies the the hourly rate for each curricul can you just explain to me like why it fluctuates so much which one are you talking about because we have uh the 5025 is a contractual rate in the mtea contract do you have a specific item number I just see like some are I see the the rate is it just based on like how many hours or is it their their qualifications so the rate is $50.2 which is a contractual rate in the mtea contract and then you'll see a in the amount right some some you'll see 1,000 in change you'll see 753 that's based on the hours okay I just wanted to make sure okay thanks then I'm a yes thank you Mrs bomo yes Mr hayatt yes Mr lonsky yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr MTZ yes Mrs Gandhi yes and Mrs Mendes yes Chad policy development and community relations matters a lot of pages in this month thank you uh policy development and community relations matters one second readings to First readings isum Mo have a second Danielle discussion roll call who was the second sorry oh uh Danielle okay thank you Mrs Gandhi Mr alansy yes Mrs McCormack yes Dr Ms yes Mr petruno yes Mrs seart yes Mrs Palomo yes Mr hayatt yes and Mrs Mendes yes okay before before we move along I just wanted to um congratulate Mr Rose um for being appointed the new supervisor of Safety and Security so thank you for coming out thank you we have some retirement comments thank you these are retirement comments for Jerry zardi Mrs zardi was hired as a school bus driver in February of 2007 during her 17 years of service to the district Mrs zardi has done an excellent job she was continuous conscientious and aware of the great responsibilities placed on her position she proved to be proficient and thorough in the performance of her duties year after year Mrs zardi's commitment to the safety and well-being of the children in the district made her an asset to the transportation department she will be missed for her upbeat attitude personality and adaptability Mrs anardi has earned the respect of the parents children and her peers throughout her years of service we thank her for her dedication reliability and loyalty over the years we hope that her retirement years are happy healthy and fulfilling she will be missed by everyone in the transportation department [Applause] congratulations thank you okay leaz on reports freeh hle Regional Chad sure uh Freehold Regional met uh actually this week on Tuesday Yeah Tuesday I'm sorry this was two weeks ago I got this email um they presented the cheerlead Squad with medals for winning the first national championship in the school's entire history which I think deserves a round of applause so good job freeold uh they adopted their budget their 202 2425 budget of 203 20 11 3.94 million uh the budget had a tax rate for maror of 482 cents per 100 of assess value um however they could go to cap now I don't know if a lot of people have following this but the state did pass a law allowing them to go to 2% cap um so they're going to have another meeting about that to discuss it might be a good idea that's not that's not that's their decision um central office payroll is down 1.22% year-over-year in the budget they just approved uh and the class sizes are between 28 to 30 students and it's my understanding that the class sizes this year Rose about one to two students and that comes from Michael per class because they had to do a reduction in teachers of around 40 teachers um so this year they're I think they're pretty stable but what I read last month what's coming up in I think it's the 2024 2025 budget if the state doesn't do something about S2 that's when they're in real trouble so but congrats on the uh cheerleading squad so that's the good news of the night and thank thank you Chad I know you and I had spoken or emailed with Mr Messinger about the last report and funding and all of that and yeah so he did respond immediately and and he gave us some good information so thank you um Michael minger for that information and thank you and I think anybody who has concerns about um S2 and what that's doing for Freehold Regional School District should go and speak at the uh meetings which are held at maror high school so they're right up the road yeah thank you um MEF Anette uh nothing to report um Mor Township Michael uh Saturday June 1st to 1 p.m. will be mayor Hornick bike and stroll to celebrate National Trails day you can bike or walk a section of the Henry Hudson Trail at Shady uh pave path this is a free fun family event dogs unleashes are welcome ice cream following the event will be donated by chick filler uh flyer will be will be sent out uh shortly so be on a lookout for the flyer by email Sunday June 2nd the Farmers Market opens for the Season Market hours are 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and will it will be open every Sunday through October opening day will have 29 vendors bringing locally saued Goods produce flowers and more follow us on Facebook and Instagram at marbar farmers market for updates over the next couple of weeks the best basetball Courts at wicker and Woodcliff Parks will be refurbished the parks will be open for play I have nothing for the alliance and that's it Michael what was the date of the trail the trail is June 1st at 1: p.m. thank you Mammoth County School Board Aldo nothing new report njsba Danielle um for njsba on May 18th um myself and Mr vuno attended the um delegate um voting meeting um I was the voting Delegate for our board um there were 14 or 15 different uh motions um all of that can be found on njsba if you go on to your uh Weekly Newsletter one of the um motions that was pass that I feel is very important for our community and our schools is that the um location of voting will now lie within the hands of the school um and no longer with the town um and the voting assembly um Mr Pino spoke on that and that motion did pass so we'll be able to decide well not we'll but the school district will be able to decide um who's allowed to vote when um and utilize our buildings um is there anything else you wanted to add um yeah no it was it was a good meeting and that was one of the um like one of the bigger takeaways cuz I know we discussed it and when it went over to the I think it was the county clerk or the ele the office of elections we were told we couldn't move the polling locations so um I'm curious to see how this policy like you know transpires into like the real world situation for us because it sounds like something you know we' already tried to do in the past so um is it like the way the way the um the motion was worded it sounds like it's going to put the Power basically in the school district hands to make the decision whether or not they're going to use the uh allow the schools to be used as a polling location so um you know given the State of Affairs and security and everything if it's something we want to move it's sounds like we'll be able to uh going forward have a question what was the vote by the way oh oh no go ahead I was just going to say something go ahead you go what was the vote like how many do you know like how many voted against and how many voted for this roughly any idea they only showed um like a a grid of percent percentages and I don't know the percentages it was an overwhelming amount of yes um but all of those slides can be found uh from the meeting yeah did they say what sorry did they say what um year like will this take effect or when it will take effect will it affect our November election or even our like not I don't think it would be for the November election because when we were originally trying um if I'm not mistaken I think it was right after the June election that we were fac bed with it and we couldn't we weren't even able to move that November so this still has to comee it has still has to come from the njsba down to I don't know however it's going to get sent to us in an update um and then from there I guess we'll be able to as a board decide you know I personally think it's a smart move but you know if the board decides to move forward with it then I would imagine it probably be for the next the next year because ultim locations are going to have to be found you know whether they're like fir houses or houses of Warship or you know someplace where there isn't students and Danielle I think was there one more about the policies that they said njsba with something that's mandated yeah njsba would be giving a uh broader overview to all School boards as a general announcement on policies and what their status is thank you and thanks for going appreciate that um okay moving on to our PTA PTO liaison so um Asher Aldo nothing to report thank you Chad for Abbot uh yes so I can an update for Mr perno uh some recent events the chick hatching program was a huge success we had they had two incubators one for kindergarten one for prek um students in enjoyed studying and caring for the chicks uh earlier this week kindergarten students start students at Abbott took a field trip to a lair Community Farms where they learned about a variety of farming um activities farm animals and how to feed them uh and today actually I got this email last week so today is irrelevant um they had their annual PTO sponsored Spring Fling I think last week bouny houses everything you would expect uh upcoming some things to keep in mind final day is scheduled or sorry field day is May 30th uh the PTO works with the teachers teacher Laura shean to put together a fun day of activities for everyone as you expect that should be fun on June 3rd kindergarten students will be taking a field trip to asheron Robertsville to learn about the first grade so that's good on June 12th the PTO is sponsoring a magic show for students and finally June ushers in celebration season each class is busy planning parties ceremonies special events to commemorate a year of growing and learning so congratulations to all the Abid students who will be graduating thank you defino ADI nothing to report um Dugan Danielle all right um so the pto's big Boosterthon event was on May 1st and it was a huge success um we broke the world record as the highest number of people dressed as dragons in one place and we also um crushed the fundraising goal that we had set for the one day in school event thank you to everyone who participated and to all those who donated to make this such a wonderful and exciting event we had a rocking good time celebrating all of our wonderful teacher and staff during teacher appreciation week thank you to everyone who donated and made it a fabulous time for all our fifth graders enjoyed the first of many activities c um celebrating their last year Dugan at our fifth grade dance on May 17th the students had a great time dancing the night away thank you to all the kids who attended and those who donated to make the event a success the fifth grade activity continues bright and early tomorrow morning with the picnic to black bear um please see the eblast sent on Sunday for all the information related to the trip for students and those who signed up to volunteer our other exciting activities for fifth grade are the yearbook signing on June 14th and the entire grade end of thee party on June 19th science fair will be on Thursday May 30th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Dugan students and their families there will be a fun assembly at the start of the science fair from nationally recognized stem educator and award-winning meteorologist Jason Lindsay aka Mr science Mr Lindsay will also be putting on a different assembly for the students during the day as well after the assembly at night students will have the opportunity to do some science experiments and see projects created by their fellow classmates to help our students continue the science fund at home the PTO is offering science kit from Mr science for information on how to pre-order the kits please see the ebl send on Sunday the the last Spirit day will be on Friday May 31st students can dress in their Dugan apparel or green to show school spirit and the last school store is also on Friday May 31st and takes place during lunch periods students can bring cash or gift certificates and they can be purchased on PT board the next PTO General membership meeting will take place on Monday June 10th at 7:30 if you're signing up to volunteer for field day this meeting is mandatory we're looking forward to taking field day to infinity and beyond on June 17th with our Toy Story theme voluntary sign volunteer signups will open in June and thank you to Robin for writing this greatly aison report for me to read very detailed and it's good good stuff good stuff happening can I just make a quick correction I I just read out um the principal's report for the schoolly aison I don't have the PTO so no update there that's fine sorry and and a lot of times we combine them so that's okay yeah that's fine no problem and thank you and thank you Robin I know she shouts you out um okay Marl Dr MTZ on May 21st Miss Ms malazzo and some volunteer parents collaborated on it on the building's art Showcase of a which was a sampling of art the students of morel were proud of on display in front of their home rooms were a combination of art inspired by famous works from kushki h hokai if this was in Polish I could have read it sorry I can't Great Wave to Rene's U Mar greets the arrival some of the uh Project based and activity based projects were which encouraged students and parents to ask questions and discuss the process there was a sense of Pride throughout the building that evening and the stroll ended in the cafeteria where there was an energetic music a photo station with a large paint palette and paint brushes uh Refreshments in a large they all paint the world with kindness poster for all to make their mark this was all pulled together collaboratively thanks to a collection of parents the parents of our students I I got to visit the um display and it was absolutely spectacular I couldn't believe that little children were doing this and and I don't know what they call it but how you have you show depth and stuff like that I thought these kids were phenomenal M um miss malaza you did a spectacular job with those kids thank you so much for all you do for them now I have from Mr shatz um tomorrow is the end of the year picnic at Black Bear Lake Day Camp I hope the weather is good for tomorrow let's hope uh June 3rd is sci-fi convocation June 5th this PTO meeting June 7th um grade five Bagel breakfast and yearbook signing June 10th um marbor Middle School grade uh to GR grade five conflict manager visitations June 11th moving up ceremony June 12th grade three spelling be June 13th moving up ceremony if that's the rain date June 13th grade three recorder concert June 14th kindergarten Flair Day celebration and June 14th at night um the PTO is having their endof the year party from 4:00 to 7 o'cl busy day busy month for Morel absolutely and hoping for good weather for everybody who's going to Black Bear yes thank you um Robertsville I think it's yes I transition I gracefully pass the Baton on to Ashley since she's so active in the building anyway I pass on my le on duties to miss McCormack I gracefully accept Okay Robertsville has been busy spring events are wrapping up even though we are just a few weeks away from our last day of school with so much still left on the calendar May third we hosted our annual dance the students enjoyed music by our house DJ miles playing carnival games with their friends and left with snow cones a special shout out to our vice principal Mrs georgees for dressing the part as our popcorn server or what I like to call our popcorn poer as she served every student fresh popcorn all night long we took our staff around the world and celebrated teacher appreciation week with delicious food from deenos Ras of man alapin Empire sashan and last but certainly not least a bloom bar where our staff was able to make their own bouquets our Spring Book Fair clothing drive and school store were a huge success thank you to everyone who helped us stuff the truck 523 ended our book club and it was such a wonderful group uh where am I in it was such a wonderful group thank you to all of our volunteers we look forward to this club again next year and to all the students who continue um who continue to love reading all fifth graders are getting ready to move on to middle school and the celebrations have begun on May 25th I'm sorry she's wrong here on May 24th Robertsville and Zino celebrated their fifth grade um their fifth grade moving on picnic at frogbridge we are so happy to bring both schools together to watch the kids build relationships before they meet up at Memorial the day didn't disappoint and the kids had so much fun tomorrow Robertsville is proud to bring back parents Nate or which was formerly known as ladies night out at the Grand Marque we have over 150 Raffles from so many generous vendors we cannot wait to enjoy the night with our community and staff members events to come please save the date 67 is field day which is our favorite end of year event we are proud to say that this year we've sold over 330 t-shirts a portion of the t-shirts the portion of the proceeds of the t-shirts will be donated to Mad Mothers Against Drunk drivers in memory of Kylie Joe Williams a small m k has been placed in the heart over the letter i on each shirt 612 is our pretzel sale 613 is the last school store 6113 is also our fifth grade moving up ceremony 619 is celebrity Scoops at readers so come cool off and be served by a few surprise teachers from 5:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. all proceeds benefit Roberts so enjoy the last few days of May June we are ready for you awesome thank you so much Marvel Middle School one principal in Milwaukee PT celebrated teacher appreciation week with the theme of Willy Wonka it was a week of amazing treats closing out with ice cream Sundays from a food truck Simply the Best we want to thank our executive board and all volunteers for making this an incredible year filled with collaboration and fund for the students and school community over 100 students attended the student council's movie night in May it was awesome eth grade conflict managers will soon visit the elementary schools fifth grade classes to discuss the Middle School clubs Sports lockers Bell schedules and general program June is filled with grade level events and programs ending with graduation on June 18th soon you will hear about the BMX assembly the human game board assemblies the unique game show trips to Safari a great adventure The Swim Club trip the ice cream socials and other events our first art walk through MMS will take place on June 10th thank you to everyone who supports our school community from Lauren and the PTO thanks to all those who donated bags of clothing other items to our spring clothing Drive were're able to raise over $650 attention parents and guardians of eighth graders lawn signs can be picked up in the MMS Lobby on Monday June 3rd from 4: to 7:00 p.m. or Thursday June 6th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. if you purchase the graduation Locker gram for your student please note they will be decorated after school on Friday June 7th and soon to be graduates will see them when they come into school on Monday if you purchase a towel for the swim club trip on June 13th please be on the lookout for them on June 11th they will be distributed on school that day the e8th grade dance will take place on June 12th at the Grand Marquee eighth graders will have a one session day wristbands for mittance will be distributed in school that morning ongoing fundraisers are still membership n discount cards and box stops that's it awesome thank you yeah I just want to add to that I was able to attend the um uh spring concert this past week and I have to give a shout out to the three teachers that were involved the three music teachers Jennifer Bingham uh Chelsea uh doas and Juliana J uh J the show was absolutely spectacular young kids playing instruments string instruments uh band instruments and this the coral group they were absolutely outstanding thank you ladies for all you do for marbor children thank you wonderful absolutely thank you um next is marbor memorial so first from Mr Pacifico maror Memorial music department just returned from an unbelievably successful music in the Parks Festival in Hershey Pennsylvania Mr goalie Mrs P and Mrs dois brought three ensembles the Monarch wind Symphony Royal airs and Griffin Orchestra the Monarch wind Symphony and Royal airs were both awarded second place in their category and a rating of excellent the Griffin Orchestra was awarded first place in their category and a rating of Superior in addition to our um one of our students here earned an individual Award for best vocal solo maror Memorial is extremely proud of all the students performances and also the way they represented the Marboro Community uh for the PTA on Friday 5:24 the PTA hosted an ice cream give back to the students during lunch this was the last one for the year eighth grade yard signs were picked up last week and we're closing out the birthday lockers for the school year they also did concession sales at the baseball game versus marbor Middle School um they also just wrapped up t-shir Appreciation Week the teachers love the different themes including a Hydration Station where the teachers decorated their cups with inspirational stickers that were provided um the PTA is starting to load up on the eighth grade backpacks for the swim club as well as starting to make the eighth grade um graduation grams they're also finalizing the gym mats for the wall of the gym and then scope is Adi scope is looking forward for the rescheduled Walk For Change events across the district please remember to send children into school wearing their be the eye and kind shirts and with spare change to donate you can also donate online on our website scope mar. ptboard thank you CPAC Dr MTZ the CPAC meeting scheduled for May 30th is being rescheduled due to districtwide events look for the new date on our Facebook page for June CPAC also recognized all School District staff Boe and the bus depot during njsba special education week on May 13th through 17th this year's theme was thank you for blowing our minds and being so sharp this year with tissue packets and Sharpies thank you thank you okay moving on to Old business Val can I just take one go ahead I'm sorry second no it's fine I just wanted to thank both middle schools for providing the board with yearbooks tonight one of the perks of being a board member is first look at the yearbooks they're beautiful and the art on them are both spectacular so I just wanted to take a second to say thank you for our yearbooks it it's really great to go home and be able to have first dibs but also they are really well made this year so Bravo to I know there's kids involved in the artwork and I just wanted to say that these are outstanding this year so thank you absolutely well business yes so um as Mr hayatt mentioned about the law that Governor Murphy had passed so I just wanted to bring it to the board's attention regarding I know I had sent some correspondents on May 17th just an email highlighting you know what was going on just to bring it to your attention I feel like it would be a disservice for me not to bring it to your attention because it is going to be circulating out there in neighboring districts so we did attend a meeting this morning with the county to discuss this I believe Freehold Regional stated that they were anticipating on using the full amount um manalan was anticipating on using the full amount how was kind of still in discussions as well as some other neighboring districts um but just I wanted to give you some brief information on it the timeline is very short for it um so basically what the governor signed into law were basically two bills one I believe was some sort of Grant grant that we would not qualify for the other was um basically would would affect us which is a basically it's a one-time adjustment to the tax levy cap without necessa um basically necessary obtaining approval through Maro taxpayers or through a vote so it's almost circumventing a referendum but it's allowing you to recoup some of the funds lost due to the S2 cuts um so how the formula works is they're going back to your 2021 state aid amount which I believe ours was a little bit over 9.7 million and they're taking that and and putting it against the 2425 stated amount which is your a little over 8 million so they take that variance and what they're saying is they're allowing you to do a one-time tax levy capab adjustment of a little it's about $4,000 under 1.7 million so 1.69 6 million um allowing you to basically add that to your tax base so basically it's almost a special budgetary um adoption period where how we just went through the motions of adopting a budget for our tentative and our final they're allowing a one-time window for us to go back and try to use any of this money that we would like to use since it's a one-time use um that would mean that the latest you would be able to adopt a new budget is July 5th um again we stand by the budget that we we presented to you um we had to navigate a lot of challenges when it came to you know of course because of theate state aid reductions and not really wanting to put so much on the taxpayers if we went over Bank we went over cap again um so I think this year we looked at a little bit over a 3.11% increase I did run the numbers because I know some of the board members like to ask exactly what is the tax impact with taking this money or leaving it so right now we're at a 3.11% tax increase um so just the average impact to the um household so 300 I'm going to start with a 300 $1,000 household and I'm going to go down to an $800,000 household so um from the 2324 budget to the 2425 budgets for how we approv the budget now it was a $24 increase for $300,000 house uh $31 increase for a $400,000 house $40 increase for a $500,000 house $47 increase for $600,000 $55 for $700,000 $63 for $800,000 this was based off of the net assess valuations the ratables we get across the street from the township so they have been going up each year due to the assessed valuations and the valuations of property just going up so I did so that's 3.11% so I did run it which just utilizing the full amount now now granted you do not need to take the full amount you could you can take whatever the board would feel comfortable doing whether that's zero whether that's all of it whether that's um whatever we would decide to do so if you were to take the whole amount it goes to 4.99% and so those figures that I just gave you um I'm going to now give you with the 4.99% based off of 23 24 numbers so really so for example if the $300,000 house was an additional $24 from the previous year just forget that and just go by this number don't even try to net it out until you get the full numbers so for the revised one utilizing this full amount a $300,000 house would have been increase of $93 400,000 would be an increase of $123 $500,000 would be an increase of 155 600,000 would be an increase of 185 700,000 would be an increase of 216 and $800,000 would be an increase of$ 246 so if you kind of look at the two numbers the $24 for $300,000 house compared to ' 993 it would be that's how you get your net of what would potentially increase further from what it already increased now um the only reason I bring this up is it is is it is a one-time use I can't predict the future I wish I could um or I retire very early at a young age because I'd be playing lottery numbers all day um but I just wanted to bring this up to your attention because it is a one-time use it's not going to be stored as bad Bank C uh banked cap so you're not going to be able to utilize it in further years this is an opportunity to build your tax base for additional years um Through The Eyes of the state and I don't believe the state anticipates going back and ever fixing the funding formula and giving us money that we lost instead they're turning the table now and saying okay we're going to give you an opportunity to go get the money that you claim that you lost from us you can go now to your local fair share and and utilize that and ask for that but if you do not take it do not ask for me to fix the funding formula and give you more money because I gave you an opportunity so it's really almost turning the tables on us as taxpayers to try to it's coming out of our pocket no matter where it whether anyway correct and in the memo all I said was that we would just utilize it for onetime use not increasing staff not increasing um not creating classrooms not not really revolving cost around this we put the nail in those uh air conditioner projects you would utilize this for an another school or try to do two yeah um that's the only recommendation I would have at this time is to do like a onetime capital project that we would not have to go out to referendum for in the future um and we wouldn't have to worry about depleting our reserves to to complete those those projects Ben you're at this summer completion of well marrow's going to start but I don't know if it's going to be completed this summer because of the the backlog on but budget wise yes tomorrow will meet order whether it's completed or not it will be ordered and paid for so what's left would be Robert and Asher correct which we always said that we you always said that we might do together anyway but with the 1.7 it wouldn't even be enough anyway well we would we would we would see um so what you would do is you would go out to bid and you would You' make one school the base bid and one the alternate and then you would take the base Bid And if you have enough money you can you can you can tailor the bids to however if you want you could start Robert um and start Asher or you can um complete a school and start another it's it's how you tailor the bid depending on what the estimates we get back for the the project itself um but again I just wanted to bring this to you because it's a disservice for me not to because it is going to be brought up around the county to other school districts who are going to be utilizing it and now that the ratables and assess valuations are so high the impact I don't want to say is nothing it is something to people depending on you know your circumstance but um but the rateable so high the tax rate is very low compared to if the the net assess valuation was very low at the time question what go go okay so my only problem with using for rec conditioning is the town already said no when we went to referendum and I feel like just taking the money because we can't and doing it anyway is kind of saying oh you said no I don't care so I wouldn't I personally wouldn't be that do that when we had the referendum to put a conditioning in when was that years ago years ago yeah just my opinion no no I'm saying years like I'm trying to gauge then we had the referendum to put air conditioning and it failed yeah so I no I wouldn't want to use it for that but we worked very hard on the budget to get where we were and we already said your recommendation wasn't to take more when we could took more before we didn't take more so for me to take more now because I can not because I need it's for me doesn't work that's any of the I know we were taking some funds from like our like I guess savings almost right our Reserve accounts to project would that help like would we be able to keep the funds in the reserve accounts as is if we take this money or if we it it would you would just budget you would budget the project through your operating budget with the the funds you set to increase you wouldn't have to take anything out of reserves um and I do stand behind the budget that we built um and that's a good point the only reason I didn't take the full amount is cuz a I felt like we didn't have a need for it and B I was looking into the future to try to just create an offset of a balance of something we could utilize the reason I just bring this up is is it is just a one-time use so we're never going to have this to fall back on if we ever need to God forbid certain things increase or we have to make certain Cuts in the future so that is a good point um I just knew that was on the the Forefront of the board's long-term list as far as Capital Improvements especially one of the board goals was to to get HVAC so I thought this was a creative way just to to bring it up to the board Bo again I'm not I'm not proposing it I'm just bringing it up to to engage to see what the next steps are because we would have to move fast on approving a new budget and I just didn't want to not do something that the board elected me to do or is it requested me to do is it foolish to leave it on the table so to speak when you talk to the county office they actually recommend you do this um they're recommending most districts today to do it which to at least engage in conversations in in taking part of it or some of it just to to build your tax base I'm never going to say something's foolish or not foolish it's really just depends on what the what the board as a whole and what what the district as a whole wants to do um costs continue to increase and continue to rise so it would never hurt to build your base when you have an opportunity to but if it's not my my recommendation would to at least look into it maybe we'll we'll talk about it more we would have one more meeting to talk about it but it's something we can rely on so I understand both sides of the argument if we don't take it it's like we never had it and if we do take it I don't want it to make us comfortable well if you if you um if you don't take it you'll never have the opportunity to ever build your tax base an additional 1.7 million um if you do take it you're building your base for future years to to utilize that those funds so even if it doesn't get utilized for agac that 1.7 million still becomes part of your tax base in your budget so you can you can you could basically forecast not having to to cut as much due to increases because you'd have that that offset base but um I I I'm just going to give my two cents on it for what it's worth this why I wrote it up yeah I appreciate the information um you know I like Michael said I mean we worked you know you worked hard on the budget and you know everybody um on the board put a lot of time into it as well and you know it yeah 1.7 million would be great but that's $1.7 million that we're taking from the residents it's not like the state's giving it to us I'm just I I agree with Michael you know if we if we have a budget that works for the next year look ultimately you know taxes you know taxes uh healthare every like the what we saw the last two years I don't think it's going to slow down next year you know I just don't I don't see a need to go and you know ding the taxpayers for more when we can make it through the next year with what we have said already yeah I'm I'm in agreement with with Aldo and and Michael I think it's just a lot to put on the taxpayers and then I don't know what's going to happen next year and I feel like that's just not fair to them and we're taking it from you know the community so I just Echo your sentiment you spent a lot of time on the budget I stand behind the one that's there so I'm okay but I appreciate you bringing it to our attention in your in your expertise um what what could happen if we don't like in terms of because you mentioned that you know we've been saying that we've gone so many S2 Cuts right and that it's been difficult now if the government is giving us an opportunity like you mentioned if we don't take it are we essentially telling them that we're fine with what they're giving us and there's no way for us to potentially ask for more and we're kind of jeopardizing future I mean as that essentially I think your state has the possibility of always going up as long as your enrollment increases because it's based off of per pupil um but costs and everything continue to rise so you know when we use certain providers or certain vendors or certain negotiations happen I can't anticipate what that will be like in the future because again it's just going to metastasized to where it's you know you're going to have to try to create be creative and make Cuts in certain areas to afford things that you know you cannot cut um so like out of District tuition Transportation salaries benefits those are things that are continue to go up and it's a must have must need kind of thing in your budget so um again again we've been creative the last two years I know a year two years ago we we cut a believe I believe about $1 million this year we were creative through just absorbing positions through attrition without affecting class sizes and um cutting out programs we didn't really need or just you know cutting down on things that we may have done that we we are not um so it you know it it assists it assists The District in maintaining what we have and not not having to cut as much in the future but I can't anticipate exactly what we'll need to cut um or if we would have to do any Cuts cuz you know retirements happen things happen where you know we may bring outed District students back in so there's always rooms for savings but you won't know that you can't really anticipate that kind of stuff well so that's Jesus sorry I was just gonna say we also had an additional 2% I spoke louder you did I coughed louder before CU my was on uh we had the 2% option last year this year now this I mean I know that maybe the county is saying that they recommend it but that's exct they don't offer it again next year they might offer it again and we've been a board that seems to have not ever gone to a full cap so I don't think that and the community members seem to be in line with that situation so as much as I would love air conditioning quicker and Robertsville and Asher I agree with Lansky and P know that I I kind of feel the same way that we're good with what the budget that you've built already well that's my question too I know you say this is a one time but I feel like this I may be speaking out of term but I feel like this is what S2 wants to do they want us to take from our local tax base rather than the state so I feel like next year there's going to be opportunities I feel like the next year there's going to be opportunities because this is exactly what the state wants I I I may be speaking at a turn here but to me if we don't need it this year what's the sense if we do need it next year or we do need it in 2026 or whenever that it's going to be there for us is it yeah I just I don't know if it's going to be there they they keep telling us it's a one-time use so when they say it's a one-time use we have to go by what they say unless they offer something additional I don't I don't I don't know um right now they they deem us to be over adequate which means that um they say our district adequacy B budget to give an adequate education would be 76 million um our total budget adequacy spending is 88 million so they're saying we're 11 million over adequacy which again 78 million for the things that we have here I don't I don't I don't think that would ever make a sound fiscal budget if you were to just cut enough to go down to 78 million to become adequate in their eyes but on the other side they say that our local fair share should be 101 million where our local fair share is actually only 85 million so they're saying that the taxpayers should be contributed at least 101 million to the budget wow again I don't know how they get their formula and I go by the budgets off whereby but what they tell us and what we ask the county but can I I just thought I should bring all of this up to you because again I don't want to not bring it up and then you're saying well what is fre Regional doing why aren't we talking about this just two questions and again um how much were we taking from our reserves again for this year rough I know you probably won't remember all the numbers but um I believe it was it was about like it was 2.6 or 2.5 million so if we take this 1.7 that would so we would still have well we would already still take that um because that's covering portion of Marl and all those projects that we went over in the budget presentation this 1.7 that we this this was just basically an idea to take it without having to go to your reserves for next year because I don't know what our Surplus is going to be this year because things have gone up your Surplus kind of dwindles each year so when in June when I put those motions on there to designate you know a certain amount to capital reserve and maintenance Reserve that we vote on every June it might not be to exceed a million it might be to exceed 500,000 because I need to make sure my fund balance is where it needs to be for the next budget when I build it I know you said Freehold Regional may be taking it but I think they're meeting next month to decide that oh our tax are going up regardless because so people should just be prepared for that but I think correct me if I'm wrong Freehold Regional High School District is in a much different situation with us in their budget right they're way worse off so I understand why they may need to take that just to retain class sizes next year okay anyway I get I'm saying all this to say that I think this year I think I'm I'm in agreement let's not go to this because we don't need it I truly believe it'll be there next year because of that's what the state wants us to do but that's I'm I can't predict the future you're an accountant you don't want to so I get it so but that's how I feel I double major in finance accounting I mean I can I learn how to spend money and save money so it's it's good for you um thanks for bring yeah so if you have any more questions just let me know Dr MOS were you gonna ask something the only B thing that I I feel B for the kids that the two schools that won't have the air conditioning that's you know they're just doesn't seem fair you know to me and I I understand everybody's piece but on the plus side we've we're kind of on schedule we've never we haven't deviated From the Path we're still on schedule so let's hope Robert are next thank you any other old business any new business okay um opening up to public comments anybody on the list Mr Pollock you held strong my foot fell asleep sorry um Adam poock 52 St Lawrence way um in for the organizational matters with number three with the motion I was just wondering did anybody want to explain why they voted no to that one only because I read it and it kind of made sense to me and I just didn't know if anyone like if there's anything specifically about the motion like maybe the independent entity was the issue I just didn't know if anybody wanted to comment because I was confused by why the majority voted no on that based off of the other meetings that were had and everyone agreeing that we should do something about it I thought I thought that was the consensus from the last couple meetings that we were going to do something so I don't know if anybody had a comment about that thank you thank you for bringing that up I kind of had the same question but I'm glad you brought it up so Mr poock your question was why some people voted no to the tabling of the motion or the motion in general I just want to make sure we're getting Clarity in your question I thought that the majority of the board voted no to the motion correct I just want to make sure I'm saying the right what I'm that's what I'm asking about yep yeah for me I can only speak for myself personally there are reasons I can't discuss why I voted no only just because there were conversations um that were had as I'm trying to say it in a way I just I just voted no for a variety for for one for a couple of reasons but I can't speak speak to it in public that was at least my answer and did I know you were asking that so that was my answer okay any other comments okay uh motion to close public comments second Ashley all in favor any opposed any discussion okay public comments are closed um executive session resolution be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the Marboro Township Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the exceptions prescribed by njsa 10412 for the purpose of discussing matters of attorney client privilege and Personnel matters it is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be 60 minutes and that action will not be taken in public after the executive session be get further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10412 no longer applies motion to move to Executive thank you Annette any discussion no all in favor any opposed thank you