##VIDEO ID:udbwyfymmDI## here Mr petruno here Mrs seart here Dr MTZ here and Mrs Mendes here I'll draw your attention to the but won't read in full Sunshine Law statement of videotaping of public portion of Board of Education meetings public comments statement and the no smoking or vaping on school grounds please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you executive session resolution be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the Marboro Township Board of Education shall conduct a closed executive session pursuant to the per personnel and legal exceptions prescribed by njsa 104-112 for the purpose of discussing matters of attorney client privilege and discussion with YMCA Representatives it is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be 60 minutes and that action will not be taken in public after the executive session be it further resolved that the minutes of the executive session will be released when the need for confidentiality in accordance with njsa 10412 no longer applies all in favor any opposed discussion okay we'll move to [Music] executive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening um we started the meeting at 6 and we were went into executive session and now we will move to roll call sure Mrs bomo here Mrs Gandhi here Mr hayatt here Mr Lansky here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ here Mr petruno here Mrs seart yeah and Mrs Mendes here here okay we're now going to um move to announcements and then a presentation by the YMCA I don't have any announcements all right um we're GNA now move to the YMCA and then we'll open it to public comments so that you can ask your questions and the YMCA will be in the room so you can ask your questions also to them and then there will be a meet and greet right after they present if anybody wants to spend some time with them we'll tell you where that is so I'll turn it over to um Mrs Stacy lella from the YMCA thank you um thank you for having us tonight as she said I am Stacy lella I'm the vice president of child achievement Branch for the YMCA of Greater Mammoth County um and we are excited to offer your before and after school program this coming school year the next I don't have clicker right okay that's me out at Camp um and then I have with me here Lisa Johnson who is our Branch Branch business manager she's on the next slide she's who if you are a parent you will speak to more than you will speak to me um as our Branch uh business manager she handles all things registrations and um works with me and my right-hand person on a daily basis to make sure that our programs are running successful and we answer all of your questions and make sure you're registered appropriately and you're ready for the new school year and set everybody up to be successful so registration has begun um we have 145 students registered so far from the district um in all of the uh six elementary schools that you have here in the district some parents had some questions about registration so we wanted to come back tonight and share our registration process registration is online and you can go to the next slide um so it is online and you're going to go to our website which is the YMC of Greater Mammoth County as you see up there back SL back slch childcare as you know YMCA have lots of programs but you will be looking for child care when you're ready to select why kids before and after care so our program is called why kids and you could register for before care after care or both or drop-ins you're then going to go to click register now with which is that blue box and this is exactly what you're going to see when you go to our site you're going to read the registration notes and because we are in 15 different districts throughout Mammoth County you're going to select and click on Malboro once you click on Malboro right below that is the yellow box and it lists all of your elementary schools so you will then select the school that your child is in and select your location once you're there in your location over to the right it says Malo before and after after care you're going to select what your needs are and the next slide shows our offerings so you could sign up for one or two days a week 3 days a week four days a week or 5 days a week you could do am only you could do PM only you could do AM and PM and then we also have drop in and as you can see down at the bottom we offer a dropin rate of $20 is available for each participant so when we say active participant in order for you to drop and we want to make sure that we have as much information as possible on the students in the district that we are going to serve and that are going to be in our care it's extremely important that every child is registered and that's that non-refundable registration fee of $55 for each student with that your student also gets a youth membership to any one of our branches here in mouth County so keep that in mind that $55 is not just a registration fee but it is also a youth membership fee that you can take your child's in to any of our branches throughout Mammoth County that's Freehold Oldbridge or Redbank so typically if you register for the month whatever your option is it is drafted on the first of every month if you don't need to register for the full month and you don't you only want let's say two days a month or three days a month because of maybe your work schedule uh or you don't have a grandparent babysitting at that time an emergency comes up that's where it's we're pleased to offer the drop in rate of $20 and that's available to you but again you need to be an active participant so if you think you're going to use the dropin if you think you're going to register for one or the other you still need to go in and become an active participant because if you're dropping in and your child has medical issue or medical concern we need to know about that before your child gets to my staff we also need to know who's picking up your child so you want to drop in in the afternoon we need to have the information of who's allowed to pick up the child all these policies are in place for the safety of your children and I need to make sure I have enough staff there so if 10 people dropped in I would need to add an additional staff member for that day I know that's not likely but that's an example of why we would like to know at least 24 hours in advance if I understand sometimes there's emergencies that comes up we understand that you will email Lisa in our office she gets it first thing in the morning she lets our staff know and then then she would charge your card so that we know you used a drop in um we also have sibling discount that's up there too a 10% reduction in the monthly tuition for siblings okay all right next slide this is just a little highlight so we were uh awarded the contract here for the Marboro School District back in uh April May I came here and presented um I think I was here in June as well and um at that time I was asked what I run the summer camp program we were able to offer that we put that together very quickly to offer that program at Robertsville uh school and we offered five weeks of Summer Fun and enrichment we had arts and crafts but because it was a nice small group that's not even everybody but that's that day we had about 16 18 registered total we offered them swimming at no additional cost we had our minibus come over and pick them up here at Robertsville and bring them out to our Freehold YMCA day camp and that was at no additional cost just to give them something different for the summertime and it gave my staff an opportunity to get to know some of the uh the students in your District my director Tim who you see there will be in your District every single day working with your families and with your students um he's already met with every single one of your school principles uh we have visited every site I also have met with every one of your school principles um and both of us are real excited to get started we've already been um hiring staff currently we have nine staff hired for six sites uh and out of those nine eight of them are returning staff that worked in your school district last year so we're happy to have them back with us as well and then we will continue to hire throughout the summer we have a job fair going on tonight we've got a job fair in our Oldbridge y tomorrow and then the whole last week of August we do staff training so all of our staff are fully trained we do 28 25 to 28 hours of training in person and 10 to 15 hours online with youth protection trainings through our red WS insurance and that's just some of our highlights I just wanted to share with you throughout the year our marketing department goes out and also visits our sites so they will be here in your District taking pictures as long as parents sign off on their permission to do that when they register and we do that for marketing purposes we also send out uh monthly newsletters updates my director will send things out and we like to show pictures just to show how much fun they're having and that is everything that's just a reminder about one of your benefits get getting a free youth membership if you are registered at our after school program it also gives you a discount to go to our school's out camp which is basically vacation Camp so when school's closed the Y is still open winter break Spring Break um other assorted holidays teachers convention things like that so if parents still need that and if you want to join as a family you can upgrade your membership to a family membership from the youth to a family membership okay any questions from the board at this time um I just wanted to ask two things well to clarify for some things some key points that you had raised so thank you for the presentation sure appreciate you coming out um and answering any questions we may have and our families may have so thank you for that uh the first thing is I just want to clarify that if there's a family who has you know a scenario where they don't use it five days a week and maybe they're using it two days a week uh and maybe they're coming for two weeks out of the month instead of the before you had mentioned the best option for them and the the the one that would be cost effective would be the drop in at $20 a day correct so they would go in and join again they need to be an active participant so we have all their information and then you would se you would decide if you need a drop in you would email Lisa so she has it first you will also have to let your school know uh the school office so that they don't send the child home on a bus and make sure that the child is on our list to come to the program and if they need to do that two days for the month four days for the month it's more cost- effective to do it that way if it ends up becoming uh habitual where you feel like I am really going to need this two or three days a week let's say the month of October things change from September then Lisa would assure you that it's better to probably sign up for the whole month and it would be more economical great so if if families have questions of what would be more cost effective yes they could reach out to Mrs Johnson and you'll be able to answer those questions for them right should I do drop in versus sign signing up and paying monthly right that would be great the other thing was you had mentioned 145 families enrolled which is really good we have I'm sorry students not families students the other piece was that what schools it's available at so I just wanted to make sure we clarified that it's available at all elementary schools it's open obviously to enrollment at the middle schools as well but there are no people enrolled in one of the schools for Marvel Memorial the one we're in and then there's you have to have a minimum of 15 to 16 to have it another school right so if there's a family who's like why isn't it at Mar Memorial there has to be enough student enrollment to support the that is correct and this uh Memorial Middle School is the only school that is not licensed because you have not had one here so if we were to have A needs assessment go out and there was a larger need to start either an enrichment club or an after school program in this school we would have to call our State Licensing have them come out to a courtesy inspection figure out what classroom we're using what space we're using go through all that licensing requirements and then we would be able to start a program correct thank you and and Vinnie just to clarify in years past it hasn't been held at the middle school correct um not not recently no because of the enrollment right we haven't had enough students in Ro okay just wanted to clarify if anybody was looking into that piece further um and then the other piece was the staff so I know you mentioned the nine it's nice that there's eight friendly remain you know returning faces so that's really cool um and then you said you're going to continue to have job hunts um job fairs for folks and then you also stated though to us that you're not concerned right you said you're going to have staff regardless you'll have staff B on the enrollment we will have at least two staff if not more at every site there will be not only two staff with the students but again as per our contract and our agreement we agreed to have a uh security monitor uh welcome associate at every door so someone will be there for the safety of the kids in the vestibule we do a sign in and a sign out uh process that is on an iPad so when I say register online and you're going to upload picture so we know who's picking up that security Monitor and welcome person will be greeting the parent or guardian or family member who's picking up um that's an additional person and that's the person that's just going to be stationed at the door that's it thank you can I'm this is M BR middle school but I'm the Ys welcome go ahead please Ashley Stacy I know I asked this before um can you just repeat it for the public as well um give us a little more information about special ed and what you guys offer for the parents if they so choose to have a parah if they choose to have a parah yes so when parents are registering there is two parts to the registration form it's the regular registration form so we understand what days they need the times they need their financial information so that Lisa can make sure that they're on roster the other important forms that they are going to need to fill out are medical health and medical forms um The Trusted contacts am I forgetting something and so when it comes to the health and medical forms we want to make sure if the child has an IEP if they have a special need if they have an allergy CH uh something special that we need to know we want the kids to be as successful as possible but if you don't tell us I can't let my staff know what to expect and what not to expect from this child if there's certain trick if there's something special that they like prefer to do they don't like sports they like arts and crafts we need to know as much about them to make them successful just like a school teacher would they might not be with us all day but they're with us enough and so yes we like to make sure now if a child has a a par in their classroom and they have more one-on-one or a one to three ratio we need to know that too because we would have our Behavior Specialists come in do a survey with the parent make sure that we have exactly what that child needs to help them be successful whether it's a common kid or a a par with them at all times if a par if a parent family member wants to hire their own parah we welcome that too because they know that child best but they would have to go through our background check um and our training because I need to know that they understand our YMCA policies but more important the youth safety policies because they're around other kids not just that one-on-one with that child does that clarify it it does thank you so much thank you there was one more thing that we spoke about that I wanted you to maybe just reiterate um if a family is utilizing the drop in rate and you feel that they are they have reached the point where it would be more economical for them to register for a consistent rate that you would apply the amount that they had already spent in the drop in rate for the monthly tuition correct they will hear from Lisa yes absolutely and one other thing just to clarify again I know when they families were checking out they were seeing a registration fee for both AM and PM but you had said that that comes out in the end when you click you yes so if you need AM and PM for your child and you're in uh the system the first thing you're going to do is put all the information in and you're going to put 5 days am then you check out then you go after that then you go back in and go to PM you might see um the $55 registration fee but when you do the final check out it's like a cart and then it will then it's then it disappears out of the cart and will not be there anymore you will not get charged and I promise you if you have any problems Lisa knows this program and system with her eyes closed so if somebody's in the system and they're feeling uncomfortable please call us and reach out and tonight we actually brought hard copies of it so they could see what it looks like and can give us the basic information so we can start the ball rolling for you but again like I said we have 145 registered so we know it's working no one's been charged the membership twice and people are registering for morning care after care she gave me the list as as late as 3 o'cl today so we've got already 145 students registered from the school can you please address uh if you are if a a child is already a member of the why in one of your you know local mommoth yes so if you already a member then that membership will go towards the program if you have a family membership you need to let your membership director at your branch when you go in you can let them know and you let Lisa know in our office we our system talks to each other it's the same type of it's called daxo it's the same membership base so they they can talk to each other and she can go in to verify that the family's an active membership and when it expires if it expires within the middle of the school year we will then charge them the $55 for the Youth any other questions any of you have we we'll get to public comments ma'am in a moment and we'll open it up to all of you um board members any other questions before we move to public comments okay thank you so much thank you I'll should it stay here or I'll have no well let me say one thing really quickly and then we'll do that just a just for PE people that may have arrived just um within the last few minutes we're going to open to public comments in a moment which means you have 3 minutes where you can come up and you can ask the board any questions but just so you know after the public comments section you could also move and we'll we'll take a 5 minute recess just for you to move and we'll show you where there's a room on the side where the YMCA will be St stationed for you with tables and chairs and you that's where your meet and greet will be you could spend time with them you can ask them your questions directly privately so you're not sitting here in a public form if you don't feel comfortable with that it's really up to you so we just want you to know in case you missed that part I want you to know that that would be open to you okay so we will now move to public comments I have no one on any of the lists but if anybody would like to speak please just come up and state your name and your address so one at a time please anybody like to speak Mr Cohen good evening Brian Cohen marbor New Jersey hope everyone is enjoying their summer uh I had an opportunity to listen to the presentation of the car on the way here uh so thank you to the why for providing it and for the questions from the board uh as someone who's worked in public education and public sector for quite a number of years I have a lot of experience in doing rfps and what's engaged in RFP probably more than maybe most people on this board so I have a couple of questions and my questions are really aligned to sort of some of the comments that I've read or some of the things that people have read me aware to me regarding the decision of the board so um um so first let me just sort of say that you know there are a lot of buzzwords that are being used you know valuation criteria or evaluations and we considered a lot of different things when we made our decision but I haven't heard what those are I've heard price I've heard security I've heard program but I haven't heard how that criteria was actually used to evaluate this this RFP um I also feel that that you know in order to assess an evaluation or assess a procurement fairly and equitably there should be some evaluation criteria that's measurable and it wasn't clear to me that this board used a measuring system to evaluate its RFP and where does price fit in to that actual RFP did you evaluate price along with all the other criteria when you did your evaluations did you evaluate price separately and there has been no sharing of price across the RFP So when you say that you're the lowest or this was the best price what was the criteria that went into that were they the lowest price bidder were they the best price bidder were they providing you the best value there's no there is nothing that's shared in any way what that price was okay um and when you get into price how was price evaluated was it evaluated separately from the RFP did someone actually provide you with a summary of theice crisis and say this is how each of the respondents EV were in fact evaluated or scored so that you can added to the other scores that you have and come up with a clear winner that was not clear um I'd like to sort of also ask whether or not um how the criteria you used in doing your scoring if you used a scoring model what was the scoring was there in fact a weighted score for each of the criteria and then totaled up how is that done did all the board members vote or were all the board members involved in all of the scoring um I'd like to know whether or not there was any um additional information that was provided either by the respondents or by the administration in supporting the evaluation of the criteria thank you I'll submit the rest of my questions in writing so Mr Cohen thank you for your question um I was trying to write as you were doing that so I'm probably not going to get to all of the things you asked and any board members obviously you'll all chime in with whatever your criteria was so for the RFP process in general so for the community that's typically when there's a contract that or some service that we're looking for and in this case to Mr Cohen's question was on after care and before care providers the RFP means that the board had asked Mr caravello to kind of submit an RFP to look for different companies and typically with an RFP you have to have at least a few companies that kind of bid or or submit their proposal to work and we had a variety of those and I don't have the whole list in front of me to name them all but you can certainly ask that in your email Mr Cohen and we can give you all of that information if you're interested it is public information so if anybody's interested feel free to email us I don't know it all off the top of my head because that was a while back but we did meet with quite a few of them uh they came here they met with the board in executive session we asked a variety of questions they presented on the screen there was no formal scoring though Mr Cohen just so you know so that's not the model that I guess has been done here has that something that you all do any with like actual rubric of numbers so we evaluate the RPS we look at what's in the RFP specifications and that's how we evaluate when we are in interviews together right you're not looking at a number though like a one a two a five price is specifically stipulated in the rfps but again that's that's not the only weighted Factor that's 100% there are a bunch of items that are given to Administration where when we put the RFP together we put out and then we evaluate when they come in for the interviews um that's what we did this time and that's what we did the previous time too last year um before that there is no RFP on record for any before after care service here so this was the first RFP we ever did for for before and after care yeah and so for that there was a variety of things that came into play I know we've said to you Mr Cohen you asked about pricing and so I'll start with the one that you said we talked about before so I don't have all of the numbers off the top of my head I definitely wouldn't remember all of that but pricing is just one of the factors and so it's not only is it the cheapest option it's what is Affordable and there's a variety of other things that come into play when we talk about affordable safety measures the programs in place Staffing model um um a variety of things when you email us we can give you some more information but I'm just giving you kind of what we talked about in the meeting um we asked a variety of questions so there were questions that we asked um then we can ask additional questions based on their responses and then we kind of you know all sit down collectively and come to a decision I'm just giving the high level of of what the process looks like when you email us we can give you more of that information um and then the board has a discussion your other question that I made sure I captured was you asked did all the board members I think you said vote on this or whatever it might be and so anticipate in the evaluation yeah so I can't remember the exact date of when that was happening but I think that eight of the nine board members were there for that selection process so I wasn't I was the N that was missing I couldn't make it to the April 30th meeting but I would have voted the same way the board did right so Annette wasn't at the meeting but everybody else was was there and so they participated in the conversation they asked questions and then we all came out and voted um yes to land on the YMCA um that's kind of the higher level Mr Cohen I'm sure you'll submit your questions in an email to us we'll be able to give you a a deeper dive into what you're looking for can yes you can ask one more just come to the microphone so the community can hear you you have one followup question follow up to what Mr caravell said yeah when you said that the EV the RFP was evaluated or weighted there was a weighted criteria I'm not going to ask what the weighted criteria is now I'll ask that when I in my followup but when you said there was a weighted criteria who evaluated the RFP first if it wasn't for the wasn't it the board evaluating the responses I collectively evaluate the responses and then share all of them with the board and then we come to a discussion of who we are selecting for an interview so you score all the evaluations first then share the respon the evaluations what I said okay just so I'm clear yeah and so when send so there's not really back and forth so when you send your email we'll make sure that we detail out to you okay thank you thank you any other public comments okay um so motion to close public comments all in favor I have a second uh any opposed no any discussion okay we are going to move to close public comments we will walk the families that are here to meet the YMCA a we'll we'll break for 5 minutes and then we'll walk to show you where you're going to be positioned it's just outside this door and then we'll come back in 5 minutes me say oh yeah I'm sorry the five minute recess let me just clarify is not for us is for us but the meeting will be closed after this if you want to stay for the rest of the meeting that's fine they'll wait there for you um cuz we only have a few minutes left unless something there's more happening um but if you want to leave or if you want to stay it's up to you but if not the YMCA will be in there to start the meet and greet but after the meeting closes they'll still be there for you after you have the choice to stay or not it's up to you all right we'll walk you over we'll reconvene in five minutes thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e have um move to roll call Mrs bomo Mrs Gandhi here Mr Hiatt here Mr lonsky here Mrs McCormack here Dr MTZ here Mr petruno here Mrs seart here Mrs Mendes here okay um we're going to move to uh communication so meeting dates Michael just want to read them sure following meeting dates for Tuesday August 20th 2024 regular meeting thank you okay any old business new business okay we're going to open to public comments anybody listed anybody want to speak okay motion to close public comments all in favor any opposed discussion okay we are going to let's make sure there's something else here okay motion to close the meeting all in favor motion I'm sorry motion to close the meeting in second Dr misit sorry any discussion okay meeting is adjourned thank you have a good night everybody thanks for coming out