e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right great thank you please be seated see we have some folks here we're going to try and take you in the order that you arrived and um so the first case I'm going to call is actually at the bottom of the first page of the docket it's um case number MF 2024 020 485 um let's see it would be says Gan Marie Carmel it's the way that it's specified good morning uh I'm attorney Joshua Perez on behalf of a lender who has interest in the property uh we went ahead uh we paid a lawn care service to cut the grass um however uh that was done at a time after uh I believe you what Mr press I'm sorry I don't see these cases before I get here so I have no idea what you're talking about but uh uh let's uh we'll start from the top yeah it's a violation case I'm going to hear from the county uh assuming they make a primacia case then we'll we'll continue on uh so let me just SAR in M Switzer if you raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I'll hope you go I do all right so whenever you're ready go ahead and begin and let's see what we've got my name is Kelly Switzer and I have been morning in I'm a Martin I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Carmela Marie galin is not present this case concerns the property at 3920 Southwest Brier Brook Way Palm City Florida 34990 this case was not generated for an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Carmela Marie Glenn a copy of the property of Appraiser's record of ownership is is County's exhibit 1 on February 20th 2024 I inspected the property at the time I observed a vacant lot that was overgrown at that time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and is marked as County's exhibits 2 through five vacant lot it's overgrown um where is the lot where where on that photo the it's a it's a 5 acre lot so it's um I'll have another view and some Aerials for you as well and that's the end of the uh the one side of the lot and this is exhibit three looking at yes exhibit four is the 2023 aerial this shows the properties on either side being mowed the one in the middle is the the lot in question I see okay so back to exhibits two and three it's the the tall growth that's on the lot correct and the rest of it is not correct okay all right and exhibit five is um showing that hit 2020 where it had been mowed based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Carmela Marie Glenn on February 20th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 6 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations SE section 67. 20101 a nuisance declared weeds undergrowth gender ordinances Martin County Code in the notice of violation the respondent was given until March 6 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on April 17th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received therefore a posted the property and at the Martin County Administrative Building the posting and the Affidavit of posting is marked as County's exhibits 8 and N okay no call or letter from the property owner was received within the time allowed therefore I went to the property again on May 14 2024 and saw the cited violations had not been corrected at the time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then as marked as counties exhibits 10 and 11 it's the grass Still Still tall okay I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that all excuse me I request that the respondent Carmela Marie Glen be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by uh June 28 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost the amount of 575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed that amount at the conclusion of today's hearing this concludes my testimony all right um Mr pres any objection to my accepting in evidence of counties exhibits 1 through 11 um the only thing I would say is uh exhibit 11 and 10 it's a little difficult to understand where the property line may or may not be uh the aerial ones speak for themselves um I only say this in so much as if I were to go to the property and CU they vacant Lots next to each other uh which vacant lot is which vacant lot is there any part of the overgrowth that's on somebody else's property uh to my knowledge that's what I'm not aware of and why I have some objection to 11 and 10 um okay let's ask the count if I might if if I might I would question the uh council's uh standing to object to anything his his I understand he represents alenda lender is not a party to this not the not the owner is not the owner he doesn't represent the owner he represents Linda so uh I don't say I say I question standing Equitable interest there's no question about that but um I not notwithstanding that Mr prz took his time to come here and and U oh we welcome we welcome his participation okay well then I'm going to I'm going to let him have standing to object but I I don't I think not withstanding your objection I'm going to still uh enter all of those exhibits for what they're worth I understand 10 and 11 may have some issues but but there are other parts of the exhibits um looking at u 2 three five uh which I Now understand because of the shape of particularly shown in five and I I think I've got enough of a flavor for it to discern UND the issue um with that said however uh magistrate um we did speak uh the code enforcement officer and I before the hearing today um uh she informed me and correct me if I'm wrong you went at 9: in the morning is that correct uh we got a picture at 224 from the lawn care people showing the area clear I show that to her um and at this point I think it would be in the best interest of Code Enforcement period to go ahead and have a continuance uh I'll drive out to the lot myself and I'll look the picture that I received was in 2:24 p.m. has a Time Mark uh it showed it to her she went at 9:00 a.m. on May 14th uh So currently it's unclear as to what is or what is not cut and if there is anything that's not cut obviously the due diligence will be put forward to get it cut all right I obviously you didn't take the picture so you can't really authenticate it um and you're not presenting it as evidence right uh no uh I I guess I'm just making in this moment or observation for yeah uh for continuance okay um honestly based on the evidence that I'm looking at I'm not sure I see the value in that the same effect may occur other than the fact that the the owner will ultimately be responsible for costs if I rule against her I am inclined to do that based on the evidence this is classic Tall Grass case oh absolutely I understand as to the cost but as to the fine for $100 a day that's the only thing $100 a day won't Ur until June 29th so okay I think I think your interest and and perhaps hers are served by my ruling against her so based upon the evidence and and um your representations and the testimony that I've heard I'm going to find that a violation as charge does exist on the property I'm going to order compliance onor before June 28th 20124 failing which a fine in the amount of $100 a day will acrew and that's thereafter so starting on the 29th and um but I am going to award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing so I really appreciate your coming and explaining and it's good to know that some effort uh has been made yeah that's basically today thank you yeah that's that's really the value of of your appearance and I um you can get a copy of this if you like before you go if you want to take one with you all right we can make that happen thank you thank you you Mr Perez before you go who who is your client who is the lender uh it would be sweet PE holding sweet PE sweet PE one word those ladies I don't know M they're not okay all right and do they have a first mortgage uh yes it's a primary mortgage on the property okay all right great thank you thank [Applause] you all right uh the next case actually is a fine reduction case I've got um M tomasco you GNA hear that or no because that's Rachel's case yeah okay all right so we'll go right to Casa yes yes sir Casa 1803 LLC let me just we had this in slightly different order but not much all right so this is case number enf 20231 1216 the respondent is Casa 1803 LLC and this is also a violation case and Mr Marcos you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you go I do all right whenever you're ready you may begin my name is Frank Marcos and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent cassa 1803 LLC is not present this case concerns the property at 180 3 Southwest College Street Stewart Florida 34997 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is cassa 1803 LLC a copy of the property appraiser records of ownership is County's exhibit one on December 1st 2023 officer Norman and inspected the property and at that time he observed many split ACS installed without permit at that time he photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what he observed then and his Mar as County's Exhibit 2 and three okay three is looks like a courtesy notice maybe it's a door hanger left at the property okay but exhibit two is the outside component of the mini split correct okay based upon the investigation he issued a notice of violation to Casa 1803 LLC on January 16th 2024 marked as County's exhibit 4 in the notice is cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code and the notice of violation the respondent was given until February 15 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and an amended notice of hearing was issued by certifi mail on April 17th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 okay the return receipt receipt was not received therefore on April 29th 2024 I posted the property and the Martin County Administration Building the Affidavit of posting and photo of the posting are Marcus County's exhibit 6 and 7 no call or letter from the property owner was received within the time allowed therefore I went to the property again on May 14th 2024 and saw that the cded violation had not been corrected at that time I photographed the property and I did a permit record search of the property and no permit had been filed the photograph and screenshot accurately shows what I saw then and his Mark as count is exhibit 8 9 and 10 that's a screenshot yeah I can't see that if you will maybe just maybe you can just tell me what um uh it shows no permits under that property address okay nine is of nine and 10 are photos of the outside portion yeah there are two two uh separate yes that's one this is the other one on the other side ah got it okay um I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent cassa 1803 LLC be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by June 28th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of 575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearings this concludes my testimony okay and is anyone here on behalf of Casa 1803 LLC looking out I don't see anyone um in that case based upon without a objection I'll accept um into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 10 and based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that a violation as charge does exist on the property in this case the the replacement of two um units many split units and of further order compliance honor before June 28 2024 failing which of find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing and it is so ordered okay thank you thank you hang on just a sec all right [Music] um let's see all right now we can go back to that U second case the uh tomasco case and this is a fine reduction case it's enf 2019 07010 and the respondent is Pamela tamasco and Miss Bradley you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so I'll help you go I do all right and is there someone here Mrs Tasco is here all right right and and you are Pamela tomasco okay great good thank you okay go ahead okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the newsance baitman coordinator for Martin County this case concerns the property located at 1370 Northwest Brit Road Lot 12 on February 19th 2020 a stipulation and agreed final order was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Pamela tomasco for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code Compliance was required by April 30th 2020 on February 7th 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of 112,000 or $12,300 the respondant did pay $400 in administrative cost at the time of signing the stipulation agreement Steph has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respon B it was responsible for the violation and brought the property into compliance and has offered to pay $3,369 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured in addition staff has considered the $33,600 assessed value of the property so that concludes my testimony for this one we did the 10% off of the property value as opposed to the fine I see it okay and um let's see do you have any other exhibits so exhibit one is going going to be the property appraiser Exhibit 2 is the original stipulation agreement that was signed exhibit three is the Affidavit of compliance with fines and then exhibit 4 was the reduction request that came in okay Mr tasa if you want to come up to the podium just for a second let me just swear in if you raise your right hand you swear our firm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so if you got I do all right and your full name and address Pamela Jean tamasco 1370 Northwest Brit Road uh Stewart 34994 all right and uh you've heard the testimony of the county any difference any changes anything you want to tell me no I I just um was interested in making sure the fine didn't go up because it looks like 5 years has gone by that I really had tried to comply um getting an engineer and a architect within that two months and presenting everything on April 20th but covid had started so um all right well actually um in in truth you did not need to appear I mean I'm happy that you're here and that's good but um but the president presentation and the stipulation kind of speak for themselves this is your signature on the back of the stipulation okay good and you agree with everything that's contained in it all right good um good thank you I think that's that's all I need to hear based upon that I'm going to accept into evidence the County's exhibits one through four in this case and based upon the stipulation and the evidence I'm going to find that it is appropriate to reduce the fine in this case to 3,3 $69 and um and note that uh costs have been paid in the amount of do I have it that's $400 that she paid at the time at $400 in cost okay paid all right now um this is a recommended order it goes to the County Commission they're they're the actual property holder if you will of the the own this document and as a result um the County Commission has chosen to keep that as as their prerogative so as soon as the the county is able to they will present it to the County Commission it's pretty rare matter of fact I'm not sure it's ever happened that they've rejected one of these but U but but that is a possibility so just be aware that it has to go to the County Commission okay at that point then I get a letter after the Commissioners the board of Comm you get an email for me an email you'll know oh okay yeah you'll know that it has been accepted um we do have your email address yes uhhuh okay good okay thank you and I note um too that uh that you presented this copy of uh timeline and I have actually read it um I'm not well I I can accept it as as an exhibit from you if you like all right so I'll accept this as exhibit one for the respondent in this case thank you and um and as long as there's no objection there's no objection to that your honor and um and we'll just add that to the record okay thank you very much all right but your honor if I before we for we we know no there's a possible scrivener's error in the document um if we can go to to to the Pas number one the address of the subject property that the violation was on was 1370 Brit Road Lot 8 not Lot 12 moscow's address is Lot 12 MH so we want to make sure that the stipulation reflects that it lot eight it it it applies to lot8 not lot 12 and I believe leave the stip that we did we flip the lot numbers yeah the stipulation says Lot 12 okay um well let's see on the first page there yeah but then the legal description says lot eight so I'll tell you what let me I as long as you agree I will inter lineate that 12 to an8 uh involved a parcel this is number one this fine reduction stipulation and agreed recommended order involves a parcel located at 1370 Northwest Brit Road Lot 12 Stewart Florida which is of your address not the lot that we're talking we're talking about so I'm going to I'm going to inter lineate this to Lot 8 and I'm going to ask you and Miss Bradley to initial that and then thank you very much for making sure the record is straight do you each have a pen do you need a pen and I'm going to mark your exhibit as respondents okay exhibit one and there's a note on here that says uh your honor magistrate all those the appeal wasn't accepted by building please give consideration to my efforts to comply and signed by you and I I'm not sure that that has to be part of the record but thank you I appreciate what you were saying okay and I'm going to give this to miss Spradley for incorporation of the record okay all right so now that you've both agreed that it is line8 thank you um I will go ahead and execute the agreed recommended order and thank you for your time thank you [Applause] too okay we are back on the regular docket almost maybe since I see this ESP covering for um here officer Amber oh you are okay so the wiggly correct B um okay so this is uh enf 20231 120 205 Allison m wiggley is the respondent and let me see if I can get Z5 205 Alison wiggley okay and let me go back up here okay I'm with you if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I'll you come I do all right my name is Maria espat and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Allison m wiggley is not present this case concerns a property at 5134 Southeast miles Grant Terrace in Stuart Florida 34997 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Allison m wiggley a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit [Music] 1 on December 11th 2023 an expired AC permit letter was emailed to the contractor of record a copy of the letter is marked as County's Exhibit 2 on December 12th 2023 officer ambretti inspected the property at that time he left a door tag for an expir AC permit at that time officer ambretti photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what he saw then and is marked as Count's exhibits three and four three is the front of the home it shows here the address he goes in the right address and four is his door tag based upon the investigation officer ametti issued a notice of violation to the owner on January 2nd 2024 marked as Count's exhibit 5 in the notice cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances in the notice of violation the respond that was given until January 31st 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so an original notice of hearing was mailed out on March 13 2024 for the hearing on April 17 2024 that hearing was cancelled so on April 15th 2024 officer ambretti checked the permit status again and the permit remained expired since compliance was not achieved an an amended notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on April 17 2024 mark this County's exhibit 6 the return receipt was not returned so on April 29th 2024 officer ambretti posted the property the photo of the posting and the affidavit of posting are marked as counties exhibits s and 8 seven is the Affidavit of posting and eight he posted at the property no call or letter from the property owner was received within the time allowed however officer ambretti spoke to the contractor of record who stated they have they will not be renewing the permit due to the property owner being placed in collection for non-payment therefore officer ametti checked the permit status again on May 14th 2024 and saw the cited violation had not been corrected this is a screenshot let me zoom in a little for you and it shows the status here it's expired the permit number and the description is for the AC I performed a I'm sorry I inspected the property for offic ambretti on May 14th yesterday and saw that the violation still exists in that's County's exhib 10 that's the model number the same that's on the permit paperwork I request that all of the counties exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondant be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of Martin County Code by June 28th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay an amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting the investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing all right thank you um anybody here on behalf of Allison M wiggley or the or the contractor I guess in this case because that's where the contact's been okay no one uh so without objection I'm going to accept in evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 10 in this case note for the record that you came late to the party yesterday is when you got involved yes good thing thank you I'm glad because otherwise it was all heay so um and um So based upon your testimony and the evidence I'm going to find that a violation as charge does exist on the property in order compliance honor before June 28th 2024 failing which of finding the amount of $100 a day will acre and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid uh to the county at the conclusion of this hearing thank you thank you all right let's see Spitzer you're back I am all right this case is the Richmond case it's uh enf 20231 0462 and the respondent is Michael Richman and I have to tell you my torts professor in law school was named Michael Richmond I hope it's not the same guy I can guarantee it's not okay all right clear conflict um all right so you've already been sworn in whenever you're ready go ahead my name is Kelly Switzer and I been sorn in I'm a code compliance investigator from Martin County the respondent Michael wrenchman is not present this case concerns the property at 394 Southeast Cortez Street in Stuart Florida 34994 this case was not generated from from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Mike Richmond a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on October 17th I inspected the property and at the time I observed outdoor appliances trash and debris and weeds at the time I photograph the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and as marked as County's exhibits 2 and three it's the front of his property this is the mobile home in the back is is where he lives and then three there's some tall grass here oh okay um still looking at two the mobile home being the white structure that's what we're talking about okay all right good thanks based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Michael Richman on October 23rd 2023 and then notice I cited I'm sorry the notice of is marked as County's exhibit four okay in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 67. 2011b trash nuisance declared and the following codes have now in compliance section 67. 20101 a nuisance declared weeds and section G2 46.3 outdoor appliances in the notice of violation the respondent was given until November 22nd 2023 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on December 13th 2023 and is marked as exhibit 5 on December 29th 2024 a follow-up inspection was conducted and an additional violations were observed the additional violations is marked as County's exhibit six and seven um this is the the roof caving in right here oh yeah H and then a broken window exhibit seven that's the one that you've outlined in yellow correct and that was you that did that correct okay an amended notice of violation was issued on January 16th 2024 to include the additional VI I'm sorry excuse me I uh got ahead of myself there the the notice of violation is marked as County exhibit 8 for the amended notice okay the notice I cited the following violations 21115 roofs and drainage and 21121 glazing the owner was given until February 16 2024 to correct the violation was informed the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so the owner reached out to me requesting more time to getting to get the work done which was granted therefore an amended notice of hearing was sent out on April 17th 2024 the amended notice of hearing is marked as County's exhibit 9 the return receipt was not received therefore I proed the property and at the County's Administrative Building the posting in the affidavit posting is marked as County's exhibits 10 and 11 the posting and the affidavit on May 14th 2024 I conducted a follow-up investigation the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and is marked as counties exhibits uh 12 and 13 a little better it's yes it's better but still some trash MH there's another one stuff laying around I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon a testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Michael renman be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by June 28th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the fine continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost of amount of $575 conducting this in investigation and request that the county be reimbursed at the amount of this at the conclusion of today's hearing this concludes my testimony all right and Michael Richmond is here not here seeing no one he was the gentleman with the girl oh in the back very back yeah all right um okay did did you all speak with him um he was having a medical emergency and he had to to leave due to that okay did he make any requests did he he he said he know he he knew he was it couldn't get it done he's in poor health and he couldn't finish the work okay all right well seems like um Count's asking for the end pretty much the end of June that should be enough time that's so hopefully that'll that'll work um so uh without objection I'll accept into evidence the C's exhibits 1 through 13 in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony Miss Switzer I'm going to find that violation violation as charge does exist there's still trash on on the property uh violation of 6720b of the code and Order compliance owner before June 28 2024 failing what you find in the amount of I'm going to say $50 a day there's there's been some effort okay in this case and and um I appreciate that um I'm going to say $50 a day will acrew thereafter and however I am going to award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing now I see a note that said stipulation but it really is this was there there is no stipulation no that was no okay so I'm just going to cross that out it's a violation all right and the order in front of me is a violation order correct okay all right let me just ask you to take a look at and I'm not sure one way or the other um on the section one of the order it talks about monay subdivision but it's mon there's no e at the end and I'm want or r y I'm just wondering if that's spelled correctly if not I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably a typo yeah then I'm going to say fix it yes please and you don't need to I'm going to sign the second page you don't need to bring it back to me as long as that's all there is okay okay but but I am going to circle it and then you all can figure out if it's not then you can just re okay um reprint the page if it is uh fix it all right um thank you and let's see you also have the next case which is the Higgins case uh it's case number enf 20231 0588 and the respondent is Matthew Higgins and whenever you're ready my name is Callie Switzer and I've been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Matthew Higgins is not present this case concerns the property at 2601 Estella Terrace Palm City Florida 34990 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser Martin County the property owner is Matthew Higgins a copy of the property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on November 29th 2023 I received a case for an expired permit for a swimming pool a door tag was left to re asking to reactivate the permit a copy of the expired letter and the door tag is marked as Count's exhibits two and three expired letter and three is the door tag based upon the investigation I issued a not of violation to Matthew Higgins on December 28th 2023 and is marked as County's exhibit 4 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 105.1 floor to building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County Code in the notice of violation the respondent was given until January 26 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so I again check the permit status on April 2nd and 20124 and the permit remained in expired status since compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on April 17th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 the return receipt was not received therefore I posted the property and at the Martin County administrative building a photo of the posting and an affidavit posting is marked as Cy's exhibit six and seven posting and the Affidavit of posting the owner reached out to me May 14th 2024 and it is entered into a stipulated agreement the agreed stipulated amount of 350 has been paid in full I request that all the County's exhibits be returned into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Matthew Higgins be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by September 27th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter um this was a very last minute stipulation he is in Miami uh he is overnighting the original stipulation um okay let me just look at it all right so we've got a photo copy on of his signature correct all right he is going to be sending the original overnight all right so um I'm going to accept into evidence the counties exhibits 1 through eight in this case and based upon the stipulation find that it is appropriate uh for him to comply on her before September 27th 2024 and based upon the stipulation uh it does indicate a fine in the amount of $100 a day would acre thereafter and as Miss Switzer has testified $350 has already been paid to the county so I'm going to go ahead and approve the agreed order um and um I will execute the original when it whenever it shows up okay okay thank you okay all right so let's see the next case is case enf 20231 120 71 Elizabeth Dara Borges and Diane boures correct all right and whenever you're ready okay my name is Kelly Switzer and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Elizabeth Dar bores and Diane bores is are not present this case concerns a property at 8 8500 Southeast Eagle Avenue hob Sound Florida 3345 5 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are Elizabeth Dar bores and Diane bores copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on December 4th 2023 Nicholas fiser a co-compliance investigator for Martin County inspected the property he found trash um broken windows and and de trash and debris on the property the trash and debris has since been resolved at that time he photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what he saw then and has marked as Cy's exhibits 2 and three there a broken windows in the front and another one here okay all right um on February 27th 2024 we received an additional complaint complaint regarding the home not having power I contacted fpnl for confirmation the email correspondence regarding the power status is marked as Count's exhibit 4 interesting email from yeah fpnl we don't give away free Power okay based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Elizabeth Dar bores and Diane bores on April 15th 2024 the notice violation is marked as County's exhibit 5 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 21. 21 glazing General ordinances and section 2121 electrical facilities required in the notice of violation the respondent was given until April 29 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so a notice a hearing was also issued by certified mail on April 15 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 6 the return receipt was not received therefore sorry sorry yes okay go ahead the return receipt was not received therefore I posted the property and at the Martin County's Administrative Building the posting and the Affidavit of posting is marked as County's exhibit 7 and 8 I those are mixed up a little bit an email I received for an updated fpnl from fpnl updating the power status is dated April 30th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit nine okay so showing that the power has been restored to the property all right okay as of May 14th 2024 a permit application for new windows has been applied for but has not been approved a screenshot showing the permit application status is marked is exhibit 10 that's showing waiting on applicant on May 14 2024 I also went to the property and found that the windows were still not repaired photos of the damaged Windows is are marked as County's exhibits 11 and 12 still missing pains I request that all the Count's exhibits be return into turn into evidence and based upon the testimony in evidence I request that the respondents Elizabeth Dar bores and Diane bores be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by June 28th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the fine continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost of the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount of today at the conclusion of today's hearing this concludes my testimony okay um let me uh ask the you asking for compliance by the end of June and B based upon the status of the building permit application well we cited for them to fix the windows um they took it upon themselves to apply for a new permit to change out the windows okay um so they haven't fixed the windows are obviously still broken well let's assume that the the fix that they've chosen is replacement correct um I mean that seems to be what they're they're doing and I guess what you're saying is Well they could always just throw another awning window in there they could put some new glass into the windows correct to fix the okay all right and are they aware of that yes they are okay all right so push comes to shove they can get it fixed in a day or two in a day yes okay they were made aware all right okay so um anybody here on behalf of the Borges seeing no one without objectional accepted evidence the Count's exhibits 1 through 12 in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that violations as charged to exist on the property and are we are the weeds that's all everything has been taken care of except for the windows all right so really it's just the 21 .12 1.1 glazing correct issue and I'm going to get rid of those other two and uh order compliance owner before June 28 20124 failing which of find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and I will further award cost in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing and it is so ordered okay very good um let's see next case next Cas not Rachel all right Bush it's the last case on the docket um William Pratt yes all right it's enf 2024 01061 6-01 responding is William Pratt and if you'll raise your right hand I'll swear you in do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I hope you got I do sir all right good whenever you're ready my name is Tama Bush and I have been sworn in I am a co- compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent William Pratt is not present this case concerns the property at 8555 Southeast mangroove Street and hopes Sound Florida 33455 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser in Martin count of Martin County the property owner is William Pratt okay a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one all right on February 1st 2024 I inspected the property and at that time I observed a structure indoor shed being constructed without permit and left a door t to apply for and obtain an issue permit for the work being completed at that time I photographed the property the photograph actually shows what I saw then and it's marked as counting exhibits 2 through 4 two is the door tag three is the shed it's the opposite side of the screen patio and here's a closer photo of it based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to William Pratt on February 21st 2024 marked as County's exhibit 5 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County in the notice of violation the respondent was given until March 12 2024 to correct the F violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on April 9th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 6 okay the return receipt was not received the property and County Administration was posted on April 18th 2024 the Affidavit of Po posting is marked this County's exhibit 7 on May 2nd 2024 the owner Pratt William William Pratt I'm sorry entered into a stipulated agreement the owner agrees to come into compliance with the cited provisions of Martin County Code by August 30th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day for every for every day the violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of $350 and at this time I am requesting that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence okay so um Mr proud is not here I'm looking out seeing no one and uh so without objection I'll accept kept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 7 in this case note for the record that there is a stipulation and recommended agreed final order in this case um and it does as you state require compliance owner before August 30th 2024 failing which a fine in the amount of $100 a day will acrew and note for the record that $350 has already been paid to the county yes sir costs okay all right and um the respondent William Pratt has executed the agreement as have you on behalf of the county so I'm going to find that the agreed order is is proper and um go ahead and execute it thank you special magistrate you all right um let's [Applause] see this Bradley we're begin getting on the top of page two yes sir is that right and I have not sworn you in oh I did yeah I testified for the other one oh yeah you did okay so this is the Lions case Milton R junor Lions L ye NS and it's case number 08 002 0614 yes sir a moldi oldi and let me just catch up with you here okay and whenever you're ready my name is Rachel Bradley and I've been sworn in I'm the new bitman coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 7708 Southeast Fork Drive in Stewart in Martin County Florida on May 20th 2009 an order finding violation was issued by the Cod code enforcement magistrate to milar Lions Jr for Section 21.99 accessory structures General ordinances Martin County Code section 91.3 4.a generally inoperable Vehicles General ordinances Martin County Code and section 3 .11 permitted uses Martin County Land Development regulations compliance was required by June 22nd 2009 on April 3rd 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of 1.1 m619 700 plus cost in the amount of $575 Greg Lions is the current owner of the property pursuant to a warranty deed Enhanced Life Estate recorded in official record books 341 page 1917 Martin County Florida public records the respondent has no remaining interest in the property staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owner was not responsible for the violation however he did bring the property into compliance and has offered to pay $5,000 to Res resolve the outstanding fines which have accured in addition staff has to considered the $50,000 assessed value of the property so this one is the same they're paying the 10% off of the property value and exhibit one is the property appraiser showing that Greg Lions is the owner exhibit two is the original order against Mr Lions yes note who signed that mhm that order in 2009 the recorded Affidavit of compliance with fines is exhibit number three and then exhibit number four was the reduction request from Greg okay it's a realtor making that request and it has closed it it's now no it's actually waiting for this to close it is okay yes they were waiting for the approval all right all right so um and Mr Greg Lions is not here no sir okay so without objection I'll accept in evidence the C's exhibits 1 through 4 in this case and note that there is a fine reduction stipulation and agreed recommended order signed by Gregory Lions um on behalf of himself as contract purchase offer of the property and that uh the property has been brought into compliance he's actually the owner of record right now he's the one that's selling the property oh he's selling it yes sir he inherited the property from his father gotcha all right I couldn't figure out which direction it was going all right so he's the seller yes sir all right that's fine okay all right anyway uh note that the stipulation does require of a fine being paid in the amount of $5,000 and that that is 10% of the assessed value and Gregory Lions has executed as have you Miss Bradley on behalf of the county so I'm going to go ahead and enter the agreed recommended order in this case and again this goes to the County commission for approval okay next we have the Groves case this is 11 0047 262 looks like you're clearing up a lot of old cases here yeah and the respondent is Groves 14 LLC and I see the property owner is Discovery Hope Sound investors LLC correct yeah go ahead my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the nuisance baitman coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 4384 Southeast Santa Barbara Terrace in Martin County Florida on December 20th 2011 a stipulation in agreed final order was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Groves 14 LLC for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code on March 21st 2012 an amended stipulation and agreed final order was issued to Grove 14 LLC adding additional time on June 13 2012 a second amended stipulation and agreed final order was again issued to Grove 14 LLC for additional time once again on November 6th 2012 with third stipulation and agreed final order was issued granting a final extension of time compliance was required by February 1st 2013 on April 22nd 2004 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $156,400 Discovery Hope Sound investors LLC are the current owners of the property pursuant to a special warranty deed recorded in official record book 3402 page 1730 Martin County Florida public records the respondent has no remaining interest in the property Steph has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owners were not responsible for the violation however they have offered to pay $5,650 to resolve the outstanding fines which have occurred and that concludes my testimony for this one okay go no just because I let Michelle Owen get away with three stipulations and I doesn't mean I would let you do that J craziness okay so this one the property appraiser is number one showing that Discovery is the new uh Property Owners exhibit two is the original stipulation agreement that was put in place exhibit 3 is the amended stipulation agreement that was put in place exhibit 4 is the second amended stipulation exhibit five is the third and final amended stipulation agreement that was done exhibit six is the um Affidavit of compliance with fines and then exhibit seven was the reduction request that came from Discovery okay and I don't I don't remember the particulars of the case but it is really highly unusual to to have that kind of um situ where it was there was some um site planning issues that hung them up back when Grove owned it and was trying to change this is where the Polo Club is or the polo fields are out in hopes sown they're trying to change zoning and yes so that was why we gave them so many steps got it all right so without objection and there's no one here on behalf of groves 14 LLC that I see so um without objection I'll accept into evidence the County's of it's 1 through 7 in this case based upon the evidence your testimony I'll find that it is appropriate to reduce the fine from $156,400 to $156 40 and um also note that Joseph Aronson vice president for Discovery Hope Sound investors LLC has executed on behalf of that anty and that Miss Bradley you have executed so this is an agreed recommended order going to the County Commission and it is so ordered okay all right let me just catch up here is this another Lion's case yes sir it is okay two of them all right so the next one is um also in the name of milor lions um it's case number 11005 [Music] 11116 and let me get that one okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the newsance batement coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 3069 Southeast Fairmont Street in Stuart Florida on June 20th 2012 an order finding violation was issued by the code enforcement magistrate for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code Compliance was required by July 20th 2012 on February 12 2014 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $421,000 Plus cost in the amount of $500 this case was regarding a fence permit that was pulled two owners before Milton Lions owned the property Milton lions purchased the property on September 2nd 2011 Greg Lions received the property pursuant to a warranty deed Enhanced Life Estate on October 4th 2023 recorded in official record book 341 page 1919 Martin County Florida public records the respondent has no remaining interest in the property staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owners were not responsible for the violation however he brought the property into compliance has offered to pay $2,500 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured staff has determined that due to the fact that both Mr lions were not the original people to apply for and received the permit that a reduction lower than the standard 10% is warranted and that concludes my testimony on this one all right do we know the value of this property let's so the showing the property appraiser the market value is 1973 okay so you're a little higher than that than 10% okay sir all right um so without objection I will accept in evidence the Count's exhibits 1 through 4 in this case again Mr Lions is not here on behalf of himself but he has executed the uh stipulation and it does reflect that that um he is willing to pay $2,500 you want me to put the exhibits on file oh yeah there were exhibits in this case I've already looked at them no exhibit two is the uh obviously exhibit one was the property appraiser exhibit two is the original recorded order exhibit three is the recorded Affidavit of compliance with fines and then exhibit four was Mr Lion's request all right for the reduction again without objection I'll accept an Evidence the County's exhibits one through four in this case um just for clarity for folks at home I actually can look at the evidence um as as we go notwithstanding what's on the uh TV screen so I had already looked at them um okay so I think that takes care of that case let me just execute the agreed recommended order again this is recommended goes to the County Commission all right um next case is the Heasley estate case yes sir and this is the estate of Katherine Heasley it's um case number 1 15926 7 and catch up here 670 okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the Nuance abatement coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 1464 Northeast croon Street Jensen in Martin County Florida on October 21st 2015 an order finding by vition was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Katherine Heasley for Section 21.1 121.2 openable Windows General ordinances Martin County Code section 21111 protective treatment General ordinances Martin County Code and section 67. 20101 pointb nuisance declared trash Etc General ordinances Martin County Code Compliance was required by November 23rd 2015 on February 24th 2020 an Affidavit of transition and accured fines and cost was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $71,400 plus costing the amount of $575 staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owners were not responsible for the violation however the county placed the property under condemnation the estate did bring it into compliance and have offered to pay $227,200 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured in addition staff has considered the $272,100 assessed value of the property and just so you are aware Mr nicketti you have actually done this one once before um they had a probate issue so it did not meet the time frames for it that's why it's back before you all right but that concludes my testimony on this one exhibit one is the property appraiser showing that that's in the estate Exhibit 2 is the original order that was placed on the property exhibit three is the Affidavit of transition where we rolled it into a condemnation and then exhibit four is the fine reduction request that came from Caitlyn so they're willing to pay 2,00 or 27,0 [Music] 213 and 3,700 well you have another case before you that's what that one's for okay that's not that's not tied to this one oh yeah okay I see that's a 2018 case all right so all right so really we're looking at the 10% of the assessed value yes sir all right um so without objectional acceptance evidence the counties exhibits 1 through four in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that it is appropriate to reduce the fine from uh 3 71,9 se5 to $2 27,2 which is 10% of the assessed value of $272,100 also note for the record that um Property Owners Caitlyn Kelly Katherine Kelly and Kristen gavl have executed this agreement electronically and I find that that is appropriate in this case and note that um Miss Bradley you've signed um on behalf of the county so I'm going to go ahead and execute the agreed recommended order in this case and um okay that'll take care of that one let's see now there is another Heasley case yes sir all right so this is um enf 201803 0519 and it is um in presumably in the estate of Katherine Heasley yes sir okay go ahead my name is Rachel Spradley and Ian sworin I'm the nuisance baitman coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 1464 Northeast croon streets Jensen Beach in Martin County Florida on October 17th 2018 in order finding violation was issued by the codee enforcement magistrate to Kathleen Heasley for Section 21.10 21.15 roofs General ordinances Martin County Code Compliance was required by November 30th 2018 on February 24th 2020 an Affidavit of transition and accured fines and cost was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $36,500 Plus cost in the amount of $575 staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respondent's estate was responsible for the violation however the county placed the property under condemnation the state did bring the estate did bring the property into compliance and they have offered to pay $3,727 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured this is the same situation we did bring this before you before they are paying 10% of the total fine on this one right yeah I see that okay so um without objection I'll accept in evidence the County's exhibits 1 through four in this case and based upon the evidence in your testimony and those fine reduction stipulation in front of me I'll find that it is appropriate to reduce the fine um from um$ 36,700 plus $575 in cost to $3,727 and um note again that Caitlyn Kelly Katherine Kelly and Kristen gavl have all signed electronically as uh you have Miss Bradley and Inc and I'll go ahead and and approve the agreed recommended order so exhibit one is the property appraiser exhibit two is the re-record Ed order finding violation that was issued exhibit 3 is the Affidavit of transition and then exhibit 4 is the reduction request that came in from Caitlyn you know maybe we ought to change how we present these since I can do it as I go if it's easier for along and I'm I know hitting each one of those exhibits as you testify so maybe I can do it that way if you want me to yeah I would okay less confusing for the public maybe I mean I know what we're doing you know what we're doing got to get it in the record though I can do it that way that's fine all right so once again I'll accept in evidence the Count's exhibits one through four in this case um good okay and I've and I've already executed the agree recommended order all right moving along uh the next case is is it Kona fall I don't know how you pronounce that kifl con yeah kopf K could be that too all right it's case number enf 201811 099 Joanne conl KO NE f a l and let's see 099 okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the nuisance abatement coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 1027 Southwest bmia Terrace and Stuart in Martin County Florida County's exhibit one is the property appraiser showing the property owner which is not correct it was sold on a okay on September 18th 2019 an order finding violation was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Joanne Koff for section 21.12 two doors General ordinances Martin County Code section 21111 protective treatment General ordinances Martin County Code section 21132 interior surfaces General ordinances Martin County Code and section 21105 swimming pools General ordinances Martin County Code so Exhibit 2 is the original order that was recorded okay comp compliance was required by March 31st 2020 on April 9th 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with accured fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $586,500 Plus cost in the amount of $575 so exhibit three is the recorded Affidavit of compliance and I think it's Bernard and Ki vantor are the current own owners of the property pursuant to a general warranty deed recorded in official record book 3423 page 750 Martin County Florida public records the respondent has no remaining interest in the property staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owners were not responsible for the violation however they brought the property into compliance and have offered to pay $586 197.50 to resolve the outstanding fines which have occurred rude and exhibit number four is their reduction request asking for the fine reduction okay all right so nobody here on behalf of the owners or Miss cul without objection I will accept into evidence County's exhibits one through four in this case based upon that evidence I'll find that it is appropriate to an agreed recommended order based upon the stipulation uh reducing the fine to 10% of the assessed value of the property and let's see she's offered so it's 58,60 um as the 10% of the assessment no it's 10% of the total fine of the total fine yes sir oh yeah I'm I'm reading along now and seeing that the outstanding fine was $586,500 Plus cost yes sir okay all right it was cheaper than their property value ah okay all right and note also that the vours BR brand and Kelly ventour have executed the agreement and is that a is that a wet signature I it's black so hard to tell all right and then Miss Bradley you've also executed on behalf of the county I'll go ahead and enter the agreed recommended order in this case okay very good and let's see getting down here let's see the Zano Cas is next it's case number uh 2021 01042 0-01 Michael V Zano and me catch up okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the nuisance baitman coordinator for Martin County this case concerns the property located at 46 639 Southeast Bayshore Terrace in Stewart in Martin County Florida the property appraiser is exhibit one on May 19th 2001 an order finding violation was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Michael V Zano for Section 67201 pointa nuisance declared weeds undergrowth General ordinances Martin County Code and section 21105 swimming pools General ordinances Martin County Code so Exhibit 2 is the original recorded order that was put in place okay um compliance was required by June 30th 2021 on May 1st 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $150,300 Plus cost in the amount of $575 so the Affidavit of compliance with fines is exhibit number three staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respondent was responsible for the violation and they brought the property into compliance and have offered to pay $1,875 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured and exhibit number four is his reduction request and that concludes my testimony for this one okay all right was was he the owner at the time yes sir he's who we recorded the original order against yeah yeah okay all right well that's a hard lesson to learn isn't it all right then Mr Zano is not here um so without objection I'll accept into evidence Count's exhibits 1 through 4 and find that it is appropriate to reduce the fine in this case to1 15, $87.50 to be paid to the county in accordance with the stipulation and note that Michael Zano has um executed the agreement on behalf of himself and Miss Bradley you have on behalf half of the county um in that effect okay I'll go ahead and approve it all right let's see wait a minute sorry just catching up here all right good all right uh so the last case is um Alex and Leslie Curtis and it's case number enf 2023 07213 213 go ahead whenever you're ready my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the new since baitman coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 132 Southeast Paradise Place Stewart in Martin County Florida and the property appraiser is exhibit one okay on October oober 18th 2023 an order finding violation was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Alex and Leslie Curtis for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code exhibit two is the original order compliance was required by November 30th 2023 on April 23rd 2024 Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $14,400 staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted oh sorry exhibit three is the Affidavit of compliance with fines okay thank you step has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respondents were responsible for the violation they brought the property into compliance and have offered to pay $1,440 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured and exhibit four is their reduction request right and that concludes my testimony for this one okay all right um so without objection I will accept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 4 and um note that the stipulation reflects acred fines the amount of 14,400 and a offer to pay $1,440 to resolve the fines executed by Alex Curtis and Leslie Curtis on behalf of the themselves and Miss Bradley on behalf of the county find that it is appropriate to enter the agreed recommended order in this case all right and let's see there is a a set of minutes for the March 20th hearing and I have reviewed them um and we'll um approve them as filed okay anything else to come before us today no sir all right and the next hearing is what June the 19th of June 19th June 19th okay great all right so we will see you all then hopefully thank you you