e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh no that was my fault first uh thing on the agenda is pledge of allegiance aliance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible lice okay approval of uh last meeting's minutes motion to approve second second any discussion all in favor I I passed any conflicts of interest no okay um do anyone from the public uh have any comments no going on to um old business uh program project updates okay good afternoon Elise Rafa um Community Development coordinator in regards to the r roundabouts we recently had a um phone call with the developer and his schedule is being pushed back which of course is going to push our schedule uh they're hoping to have approval in September from the board for the project um so so depending on that we're looking to release this RFQ in January of 2025 and then that would give about a year with the expectation of install between May and January and may of 2026 is their timeline for now so we're just going to chill and come January just to give you another detail um Susan cor's office of Community Development uh when Alise says approval of the project project what's happening is that the rot Town Center has the south portion and then they have the roadway because they're doing so much roadway work on 707 so that's the piece they they need to wait for approval um final approval from the board um and then we can move on so it wasn't approval for the art project it was approval for the construction yeah and that's why you're still s here nobody asked okay and then moving on what do I have next on here sorry what was my second thing moing Fields the moing field yes so if we can push that up so attached is a draft of a request for proposals for the moing field facility um as you all know the community was interested in having a mosaic um so in this we have it all out outline the community overview uh about art and public places the project description uh building is scheduled to be open at the end of February 2025 according to Public Works um we have the related departments outlined and budget eligibility and so I would just make a ask for you all to make a motion to approve and then I'll work with Public Works to get a more concrete timeline so I can't remember how this comes into the budget is it 15,000 we're putting out yes so we uh the uh public guard advisory committee agreed to not to exceed 15,000 we did however add a signed piece to it not sure how much difference that makes um it's a large Mosaic so I don't I don't really know the cost of that Nancy do you have any ideas about that cuz it's a pretty big Mosaic and we have added the signage to it one of the reasons why uh we wanted to do that is that the community's been asking for quite a while and and jam can attest to this as well at NAC meetings that people don't know that there's a lovely Boardwalk there or you know now they're not going to know what this facility is or so it would be nice to have some signage there that directed folks out of the street and onto the boardwalk instead of again walking in the street so that's why we thought this might be a great opportunity to do that uh because the artist whoever that may be can design something for the facility and something complimentary for the signage so that it's not all ad hoc that it's kind of you know yes thank you um so that's that's why we we put that piece in there and I don't know if there's is there a per foot cost for Mosaic is there anything like that we didn't we didn't find anything like that and I wasn't sure Nancy turle executive dor Martin Arts um I can't remember how much Brenda was paid for the beach mosaics and but that was a really long time ago I'm thinking that the M Mosaic on the Memorial Park bathrooms was in this 15 to $20,000 range but that's pretty expensive it is yes and so I think your number's probably okay yeah all right I think so well I guess we'll know once you put it out there right nobody responds then we'll know has our um has our maintenance experience with the mosaics we have pretty consistent with the other art that we have to maintain mosaics are fairly easy to maintain yeah um because really all you have to do is clean them and every few years we have to repair the one at the beach well the because that's a ceramic relief that's a little bit different okay yeah what happens that to the one at the beach unfortunately is that kids climb on it and touch it and since it's all very 3D you know stuff falls off or whatever gets cracked yeah mosaics seem to be fairly uh low maintenance yeah any other discussion we have any U motions I'll make a motion to approve the draft I'll second it any other discussion all in favor I Yay approved thank you project thank you okay any other oh nope and that's all I have with that so if that's the case moving on to public comments oh wait or no sorry sorry no I'm I'm a firsttimer I'm so sorry okay so next we were going to talk about the updates that I have so as we discussed last meeting um I've been doing some website updates for art and public places uh that have included you know rearranging how we're looking at all of the art so as you can see everything is now separated by area within the county versus just having one long list uh I think as a user that's easier it was also noted by you all that it would be very cool to click on the piece and have it linked directly on to where it's at um so we have that capability now and just so that is what's going on here I do want to do more of a comprehensive tour so this is just more of a overview but my ideas with the tour is be narrated video hopefully with the artist that made the piece that talks about the idea of the work their artist statement you know a little of their history to make it more engaging for everyone um my other updates include the Hop Sound Library Susan and I recently met with them to discuss their upcoming project which includes two book benches it'll be facing More Dixie Highway than I guess what's the other Road name that's there side Ro us one no next to our church it's facing More Dixie Highway yeah way is it oh yes yes that's it so she got gave clarification on that and I have a note here their theme for the mural they want to do is wildlife reading or being read to um that was the winning choices of their staff so we're going to work on creating a call to artist for your review for the next meeting and so that should be a really great project that mural has potential to be enormous so we're really excited about that um and then the other update I had was I know we were discussing uh nature signage at the patio Palm City place so I done a little digging on what we had spent for ripple in the signage that's out there so those 12 by8 signs just for the sign itself were 800 a piece just Food For Thought um the design part if we wanted to move forward with with this I could do and we know that Dr sentel would be donating his photographs um so I'll leave it to you all to keep on Rex what do you have in your um you know photographic Satchel if you will what do you have that you think is would would work for it because what I was thinking is that it might be worthwhile for us to come up with a number of them how many do we want to do well when I donated them for the U telephone or the light boxes I gave commissioner campy around 200 of the birds so do you have any specific ones that you think work best for the for the Palm City Place I think it's what we've seen over there and I've seen several um which I could go over with you um I also have an alligator with his neck on the fountain that actually is a really cool photo I don't know if any of you guys have seen that so I would suggest maybe um if you all want to are interested in in taking this up as a project um I did bring budget sheets but I don't know what I did with them so we can always bring it up on the computer but what I do recall is our capital projects budget um at the end of this year I believe we'll have something like $40,000 and that's with spending the 20,000 for hob sound which we're not going to do probably in fiscal year 24 um that won't happen till 25 come October 1st we get our next 50 so we certainly have it in the budget to do that if it is the will of the committee to have us move forward on doing that yeah I'd like to see you know go to the other how how many signs we're going to do and what it would cost yeah so I if you would like we can yeah we can move ahead and go to Capital so yeah so 43 I was pretty close um and the expenditures for 2024 uh we will not be spending the r roundabout money yet uh so we have that in the kitty and the again the 20,000 for the library uh the others are spent we just invest the ri roundabout money into something like mutual funds like what are we talking about cuz that's where I'm going if we started with Bitcoins when this started we'd have like $500,000 we would have so much art have a Bitcoin in the roundabout huge retire on RI round about funding we had a discussion about about Transformers and um other utilities being wrapped I don't know if that's something that um perhaps we could look we did look at that um there so there's two ways to look at that you've got the entire County because art in public places is a countywide project um so I had kind of looked at it as I was looking at doing that kind of thing per CRA because I just think it's more manageable because how would we like how would we decide art in public places where you were going to put them and then do we have to go out for RFP or do we you know when you do it in a smaller chunk might make more sense and again that's up for discussion you know you all that makes sense I will tell you that commissioner Camp is the one that funded the ones in city and he used Amber sand and I've also used them once for the oceanographic that I did uh and they're really good about what they do yeah and they're local they're right here I don't know who did who did uh who did we use for I don't know who Lucy used for ripple oh sorama sorama okay I would just extend from the C's the neighborhood around all the schools that we have cuz that would seem like a ideal spot to have that particularly the lower level schools where a lot of the kids are walking there and stuff getting Carline and everything else where people are going to see it y That's that would be manageable yeah yeah right if we just said let's do it near right elementary and middle schools right you know MH that's kind of cool you could do that I like that idea you know we can certainly add that to our list right and then on the signage for all the art it it makes me remember that we have those um sculptures that we were thinking about whether to sell loan out or do something with so clearly spending money on signage for those wouldn't be worthwhile but maybe getting an idea what the count would be of the appropriate um signage for the art that we do want to put signs on would be like that estimate from you guys would be helpful I think we have don't we have signs on everything we do yeah okay new signs the new logos and all that yeah oh right okay perfect I think we got the ones that don't have the new signs are the pieces at St Beach and then I think there was one more but the store Beach I think is the only one that doesn't have a ceramic Rel and we're working on that one now yeah okay great [Music] you know we can certainly add that um wrapping the boxes to this uh but that does not answer my question about Palm City place and if you guys want to do that so if we're looking at 800 bucks per um and we are thinking about a finite number how many how many animals would you say do we need need to talk about five four there's probably been about five or six bird species there and then alligator if you want to do that okay um haven't seen any other Wildlife that I've seen so far okay we will if you would all like we will go back and get a a specific price for that that will installation and Etc is this taking away from your ideas to concentrate it in the community redevelopment areas by going countywide with this um I I liked Rich's idea of the countywide you know doing it near schools no that could be to separate yeah no we could still do that good I think it's a good idea I like the idea I think okay you know they're always they're just generic current condition of utility boxes so we can look at you know maybe doing uh a couple of schools per CRA let's see what school we don't have elementary schools I think in each one no schools closing Gates so no but hope sound's got a look at that I don't have any in Jensen just the high school okay then maybe it doesn't have to anything to do with the CRA it's just wherever the schools are okay we'll take a look at what's there so we can look at how many that might be oh we do have Jensen Beach Elementary I only live three blocks away from it yeah so we'll just look at it countywide I'm not sure time frame or anything but commissioner Smith came to me and asked if I would donate for some in Jensen Beach I don't know if he's doing the whole thing or whatever hey that's uh he just approached me one time and I don't know if it's going to happen or not so I'm not going to remind [Laughter] him just as long as you guys leave something for my Cino was he oh we got plenty was he referring to wrapping the boxes yes oh okay all right I like I like the idea around the schools but I'm also thinking like the little like the little downtown areas like every every area has like a little downtown area also playgrounds for the kids which is usually near the downtown areas you know yeah a lot of them all right we'll we'll discuss what what looks like it might work the like be the most apparent the most visible okay we'll take a look at that bring something back right are we doing anything with the patio yeah we're just going to get costs okay y well that's all I have now okay anything else Susan no I'm just so excited about the Marty's now wow okay let's go on uh comments public anyone from the public have any comments no members I do have one yes um can you make a note for somebody to check out the Mosaic at aine Riverside Park I was there couple of weeks ago and there are probably seven or eight pieces missing at the Mansion Oh missing yeah that guy was just there yeah oh well this is a couple weeks ago so I don't know okay this was a couple of months ago at least but that's weird yeah I just happened to go up there for Grins and Giggles and I was like oh it's missing pieces that's so funny the guy from that studio remember that day Naomi and I we missed each other and it was pouring rain and my umbrella broke that it was a lot of fun but the good news was he told me that the Mosaic looked fine anyone else staff no I'm I'm good okay I'd like to go ahead and adjourn the meeting then thank you all thank you --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that he G to show good afternoon uh welcome to the community redevelopment agency meeting for Monday 29th let's uh call the meeting to order and say the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first item on the agenda approval of the minutes anybody have a motion to approve the minutes make approve I second it okay all in favor I I anybody opposed okay motion carries we'll move on to um any disclosure of conflicts of interests today no for me okay great um we have a public uh comment section now if anyone and members of the public would like to say anything today three minutes to speak just state your name and um come to the podium nobody interested we'll move on to our presentations here he comes you can start or we can wait for Rex to sit sit down and introduce the first item I'm going to ask you to make one decision yes ma'am Susan corus um office of Community Development um good afternoon all we just want to change the agenda to put the third quarter report first and then the capital projects review after that if that please the board you need a motion I do I'll motion that that's any all in favor I anybody opposed okay switch up the agenda Rex is here Rex you'll take over the uh meeting okay sorry about that trative excuses the bridge the train late client difficult case okay on the third quarter report okay you can proceed okay good afternoon is this on my name is Janna Cox I'm program manager for a office of Community Development and I'm here to present the third quarter report for fy2 24 as always this report uh looks back at the previous quarter and this one covers each of our six cras from April May and June we do cover the cras alphabetically so Golden Gate is up first we're going to talk about septic to sewer unpaved roads and elemy Amino Trail septic to sewer to date um the project is moving right along with 65% connection rate out of the 775 properties 502 have connected and 58 are pending that leaves 250 Parcels 215 Parcels yet to either commit or connect in collaboration with Public Works we are supporting the improvements to two unpaved roads noted in the map in the Golden Gate CRA El Camino bid opening was June 12th of 24 on to the next alphabetically is hob sound we're going to talk about sound Brewing uh train station relocation and the southeast wyard Avenue planting project uh the Brewer is moving right along the contractor had some delays due to weather and maneuvering around a light pole but all is on schedule to finalize their Co by August and I just talked to the owner this morning and he said they're on track looks good uh talking about the hob hob sound historic train station relocation um all of the approvals from BCC LPA um went through smoothly we also were able to secure the the old shelter which you'll see a picture of that the very first picture on this slide um and they stated that it's in better shape than they anticipated so that's going to be added to the train station Southeast War Avenue planting project um I think I mentioned this last time but the project was smaller than anticipated because of some critical lines from smru that ran through the property that we weren't aware of um but it is completed it should definitely grow in as time goes by and field offs our field offs department is going to maintain it on to Jensen Beach um we have Jensen Beach Boulevard resurfacing and a c investment program that was completed uh Jensen Beach resurfacing the map shows the downtown area that is being resurfaced and rest R is located within the CRA but it also it starts at Savannah and ends at Indian River Drive um you can locate those maps on our website at martin.fl.us projects and look for that project you can find the entire uh site plan and this is applicant number 10 they completed their project on June 20th and if you hadn't had a chance to ride by it's quite a difference with the older look and now the brand new purple color for Sno we're going to talk about new Monrovia neighborhood improvements noon mon Monrovia Park Waring field Upland facility and signage for new Monrovia neighborhood um these notes I got from Joy received Engineers proposal for the new Monrovia neighborhood project that includes sidewalks traffic calming and Lighting on to new Monrovia Park captech engineering is currently designing engineering plans to level the fields extend the concrete from The Pavilion replace the basketball court install a shade structure over the playround and install accessible routes throughout the park so that should make it quite a nice park with all of those improvements nice slide uh the bingfield Upland facility site plan for the moing field upin facility has been designed along Park Drive Park amenities impacted from the location will be re relocated or replaced for example benches and picnic tables the next slide is the design of the moing field Upland facility front elevation if you have any questions throughout just interrupt me and we'll get an answer another thing um if you haven't driven by the new Monrovia signage uh three new signs were installed two along Cove Road one at Railway AV and the other across near flounder um it says the third was installed at the end of 47th Street I highly recommend you drive by these because it's a th% improvement over the old ones which you couldn't really even see what it said old Palm City uh Palm City Place and ripple storm water Eco art project is what we're going to cover we had the grand opening SL ribbon cutting on June 1st and again if you haven't been there I highly recommend you drive by there it's very nice Rio uh we're going to talk about pocket park infield sewer bio rehab bio Swale rehab and crosswalks the pocket park is located Southwest of the Martin AB roundabout the before and after pictures of the BIOS well completion are on this slide is quite amazing crosswalk locations are located on the map above location number one is the one where we are working with the property owner for easements next up is CRA wide we're going to talk about public records design standards Martin cares and the F award applications as you all know we had a public records training at our last C board meeting and that exact training is going to happen at all of the nac's and hopefully you've been able to navigate your new email addresses to be Revisited [Laughter] first uh for design standards we have ongoing meetings and revisions and again we are going to take that to each NAC to present as well on to the permit numbers our permit overview always compares the third quarter of the previous year with the third quarter of the Year we're talking about um so these are the numbers pretty much the same as third quarter of 23 these graphs show that the permit totals generally took the [Music] same look the same as far as distribution into the cras for residential permit numbers the valuation is another story it looks like um the yellow piece of pie is much bigger than last year and that's because old Palm City built seven single family homes on Southwest 35th Street so that's the jump in the number there commercial wise it looks pretty much the same as far as permit numbers and when you go to the valuation hob sound was quite a jump in the third quarter of 24 and upon researching the hob Sound Library which is in the hob sound CRA had a remodel for 525,000 that's all for the third quarter report if you have any questions please let me know any questions I'm good thank you everybody good thank you so much welcome thanks Janna now we're going to uh Capital project review don't have that up the top right click on that it was just the agenda it didn't seem to have anything there's nothing okay oh I can do that good afternoon Mr chair board members um we're going to do our Capital uh projects review and today will be a first because I'm going to talk about every single item for the first time ever so we're going to start with El Camino as J mentioned our bids were opened on June 12th um I can give you a little bit more information we are still in the cone of Sil so what I can tell you is what's also on our website uh we had two proposals that came in one from BDI Marine Contractors and as you recall we had split it into the main project and an alternative so each responder gave us a price for the main and a price for the alternative um BDI M Marine Contractors Inc came in and I'll just give you the totals 3,500 $ 79,3 23 and sunshine Land Design came in at 5,23 3798 the contract will be awarded at the board of county commissioner meeting on August 8th so tune in the great news is that we'll be able to do the whole project yeah uh we did receive some additional arpa funding for that project as well so there was uh some arpa money that had been left on the table because the rule is any arpa funds have to be encumbered by the end of this year some of those projects that the money was allocated to in the past were not able to meet that deadline we are able to meet that deadline so we uh got a piece of that reallocation pie which is really great and it's the reason why we can uh do the entire project and um so that that'll be really exciting we're hoping to have some construction underway by the end of the year if fall goes well um and we can get uh the contractor to get up to speed as quickly as possible so that's all really great news hob sound train station relocation Jan did talk about that um it's part of a larger project as you know the Dixie Highway storm water and streetscape redesign um on July 9th the board of County County Commissioners did approve the land use and the zoning change and that will enable uh the train station the old train station to be placed on the property the other thing that is really exciting is that they actually gave us a date when that's going to happen so I'll see you all there it's August 18th at 5:00 a.m. I'm glad to hear some laughter because I won't be there um anyway that's what we were told so there you go um we'll see if that actually happens at that time but even if it doesn't it's imminent portelo infrastructure Partnerships is our Park Drive imp improvements project uh I did talk with public works and we are looking at 100% design by the end of August and construction to begin by the end of the year y yeah we're out of 90% barely um you will notice that there have been projects added this month so portlant sidewalk connections has been added uh I'm sorry that one has not been that was already here but construction began on that project on July 8th um and that's moving along very nicely new Monrovia Park improvements was added yes can I ask you about the sidewall you can's one little that I Elric I don't unfortunately Jamie and joy is not here you Jordan knows they're gonna move it they're gonna move that box Jamie thank you sure um quick Interruption yeah August 18th you said was the hope sound moving I did that's a Sunday okay probably have to close the road yeah I think oh that's right yeah plus they don't want it to get stolen so I guess maybe they thought people wouldn't come out on Sunday always a great story um new Monrovia Park improvements um so we did receive oks from Martin County School Board to move forward with all the improvements and captech has been retained to perform the engineering design they are currently doing that so hopefully we'll have something to bring uh to you all shortly new monrovian neighborhood improvements has also been added Jan did talk a little bit about that as well um we have moved ahead a little bit and we're using wsp USA environment and infrastructure Inc they're going to do the design for that and right now we're we're defining the scope and uh the activities that are going to happen so that they can get started 707 streetscape enhancements in Rio this is uh one that has been added as well this is more streetscape enhancement on 707 it's going to complete the Dixie Highway from the es curve to Langford Lane um and it will be a streetscape like has the sameus has been done on the um More Southern piece with uh Street trees sidewalks maybe bike Lanes if we can do it curbs medians Landscaping whatever uh would be appropriate for the road and that's why we have um Marlin engineering with do Cole and partners uh looking at that H to give us a conceptual design because it is a challenging roadway so we're we're looking for some good ideas from folks in the business uh and they will also be defining a scope for the CRA property and the Civic Center which is another large project for Rio you know that we've acquired lots of Key Properties right off 707 in that center of town right next to where the Civic Center sits today so it's there's 's a lot of ways that you can go with this um because of the amount of properties and where the Civic Center is and the um rot Town Center project all kind of in one so there's a lot to look at um we thought it was a good idea to go with the same firm to do the conceptual for both because it's all inter intertwined at some point all roads meet um so it looked like a much better idea to have somebody looking at the whole thing um in a holistic way than to have pieces and parts trying to fit them together so we are working on scopes for both of those projects with that company CRA neighborhood enhancements it's been a while since we've had um or never since we've had completes next to every project and now with the completion of the signage in uh Port solo and I did have a little couple of pictures to show as well for folks that didn't get a chance and just to point out um as Janice said you could barely see what those sign what those signs said the actual design of the signs didn't change so the the part in the middle and how they are installed stall didn't change except for the installation now they're higher so it used to be this middle piece was practically on the ground so we raised it up and it has a different Edge to it um things are a little more 3D so I think it kind of pops out a little more I know Jamie I'm sure you've seen them they look really nice I believe they're larger they're a little bit larger yeah that could be I know that I yeah this part probably is because it's framed out differently um so there's one on Railway and then 47th Street as Jan mentioned and Cove Road so the only question I have for that is do they typically lay grass down so yeah that's a good question um Joy is going to be looking into that when she comes back um so that would be sort of the next part we'll look at a little landcaping okay and we did leave a a phone call for the lighting yeah yep she's following M yeah good fantastic we'll see if he comes through what did I do with my little and last but not least the investment program I'm not really going to say anything about that other than the next two uh items on our agenda are about that topic so I'm going to leave that up to um Janet to come back and for elely to come back and they can talk about that so if does anyone have any questions for me on capital projects or about anything else looks good fantastic okay moving right along no business CRA investment program marketing plan [Applause] here we really don't have any slides for this presentation but um Janna Cox I'm joined by Elise Rafa yes Community Development coordinator the office of Community Development so we are going to talk about the CRA investment program marketing plan and I have three items to talk about and I'll talk about the first one and I'll at least take the next two um but as you know the CRA investment program has been operating for more than a year we feel like it's very successful but now we need a marketing plan so as promised we are bringing you that and at your seat you'll find the brochure and that's what I'm going to talk about our idea is to have this brochure available um to place like in the Chamber of Commerce at the BCC building we'll have them at all the NAC meetings the CRA board meetings to let people know that this is what the program is all about this this is how you can become eligible this is how you apply um and I think that this session is kind of Round Table let's get some ideas what you guys think do you like the brochure um we're also going to rotate the pictures not have the same picture you know maybe next quarter we'll find a better you know not a better but a different picture um just see kind of see how how it goes over and and make some changes and keep just keep improving it is there any way to make the font a little bigger kind of small on the entire brochure or well yeah well like I said I mean cuz you know when you look at the the inside here it's just it's really small print especially like this one down here with the blue with the white print it's really hard to read that right at least for us old people yourself um keep in mind as well that this isn't a a actual proof so because it's done you know on our office computer there's a border so right perhaps we should get a proof proof and have everyone look at that but I know it does look quite small on that um is there any possibility going 11 by 17 rather than 8 and 1 half by 11 that's a possibility we could do that because we're not going to be mailing them so that's that's very very possible we could just scale the whole thing up yeah yeah thought we were going to mail him oh ma mailing the letters with that with the brochure yes we are sorry oh but that's we can figure that out have to fold it again fold it three three four times yeah make little footballs out of them across the people right while you're talking about mailing and I'm sure you're getting to this but how are you going to distribute them sounds like by mail yes well and got meetings meetings and you know as program managers we will go out and visit you know if we see you know we think somebody needs their fence replaced or their dumped it won't be like a mass mailing there' be a more targeted kind of more targeted to the people that are eligible not the entire C so when we get to the letters we'll talk more about the the mailing but we're also um I myself want to become more diligent with before and after pictures make sure that we get you know it looks the same it's the same angle all that kind of thing because that's what really shows off the the Improvement any other questions you mind if we email you like I did you know previously email bu that I from this that's fine you know if you want toet or you know bus either way Jamie but yeah you can have them call or email and then I'll turn it over to Elise to talk about the letter um in our website yeah so along with this brochure there was the idea to create an invite letter to all of the targeted businesses and property owners that are eligible um Naomi has gathered a list for us so we're going to you know go through that and work on getting this printed professionally and then mailed out with the letter the idea was that Janna would have her business card and then each of the program managers for each of the cras would also throw in their card and um the followup from the letter would be then to go visit and be like hey let them digest all the inform and hopefully they would call but if not pop your head in and hopefully they take advantage of it um and then the other big part is I've been working on updating the website hopefully with the next meeting I can show it to you with really focusing on the completed projects that link to the project reports that show the before and afters and it's just a lot more userfriendly and engaging um eventually I would also love to do video interviews with the folks that benefited from this program and get their testimonials and I think it'd be really great you know because it's a fantastic project especially with the PO before and afters it's amazing and that's that's all I [Laughter] got so um I didn't know if you guys had had any other ideas this all sounds great sounds good well it looks good okay perfect good cool thank Youk thank you so now we're going to talk about the completion program completion yes oh you you coming back up okay I'll so um I was hoping that the applicant would be here but um I'm going to present the applicant 8 completion report this one um happened to be in Port solo at 4625 Southeast Dixie Highway and it's where the roofing company is just North of the district table this is just a little bit about the program and we include this in every slide for hopefully people that are watching um how to apply and about the program the program types there's property Improvement and fence and Landscape programs uh this was a property Improvement program and they um qualified with the following ex exterior signage and parking lot improvements and the target areas in each CRA are listed here in Port cerno um this particular business is in the core subdistrict this is just the process of um filling out the application coming in meeting with the CRA representative and then it gets presented to the board and approved a little bit about the applicant um they present we presented to the CRA board in January of 24 and they were actually here um their improvements were completed in March the property owner is Caesar's Holding Group LLC uh the location I already told you the location um the building improvements were completed update repair replace three exterior signs and you'll see pictures of that in the next slides new asphalt and striping of the parking lot and the total project cost was 18,1 75 uh they were re reimbursed 80% of that or 14540 so their contribution was $3,635 um prior to applying the applicant had already improved the building quite a bit if you can see the picture on the top is the Old Stone and then the bottom right hand corner was the new look to the building the before pictures the signs and the parking lot um I'm not sure how long that sign had been around it's like log polls um and they actually have three signs on the property so the second sign at the bottom it needed new lighting the one that says the roofing General and the after pictures it's different than the thing that I sent out for the agenda because they actually sent me some drone pictures um that's what the top one is and you can see how beautiful the sign is now no more logs uh the before and after comparison of the signs uh if you drive by there at night all the lights work it's very nice and then this is the after of the parking lot with the seal coating and the striping and a couple more pictures that they sent me uh the sign on the building you can see at the bottom right hand corner is where they put their logo because they have tenants in there and that's the name of their building and that's all I have for this presentation if you have any questions please let me know any questions think it's a it definitely upes it reallys drive there they even trim you know some of the trees around yes they installed some Landscaping too yeah I knew they were looking at Landscaping last time I went over there and it kind of Spurs on different things once they get one thing improved they want to make it look better and and and Nicole who works there said she actually enjoys coming to work now so oh that's nice it does seem like they get them done really quickly after yeah yeah well that's probably because they have to lay out the dollars so see there's a [Laughter] reason you have anything else Susan before we move I do I just have a quick couple of updates um design standards we start you saw the schedule earlier um I'm happy to send out that schedule to you of all the public meetings via email if that's helpful uh we will start with our nac's August 5th in Golden Gate that'll be our little design standard kickoff for public meetings um and we will have a draft on the website probably by the end of this week early next week so that anybody can take a look at that um and I'm happy to send that draft to you if you like before um you'll be reviewing it I think your schedule is what uh we have our microphones on oh I think your schedule for for the CRA for Dana and Jessica Treasure Coast to come to the CRA I think is I want to say September or October probably October so little while yet um and also County issued emails how can we help because we're not supposed to be sending out anything to your old emails anymore so does anyone need it to call them and work with them yes please yes one two Jamie I'll let you know I I was down last week okay all right um so you will not be getting anything from us on your old email accounts so if you think we're ignoring you or we don't love you anymore this is not true I feel that Sadia did feel it and she had to call so I don't want anyone else to feel that um but I will talk to it about both of you and see if if we can get uh who we can get to to give you a call and set that up and make sure we get you on board is there someone we can call like the the only thing I find is just the login is there a way to um speak to someone about a quicker login way I don't know who that would be Bert it's certainly not me um don't want me to tell you anything it uh but let me find out who I can get go in and get in and it's just fine it's just a little cumbersome logging in going to the website and then logging in and maybe it's just a matter of me staying logged in because when it says log out I'll log out my problem was the password so are you trying to stay logged in well I guess that's a question should I or I i' prefer not to when you're logging in are you using your phone to log in are you using a public no computer computer office my office you should be able to just stay logged in so you don't have to log even though I have another Outlook account you yeah you shouldn't you can switch between yeah okay I'll give it a shot okay I'll find out who might be able to help you as well BD okay yeah thanks and that's all for me okay thank you okay moving right along we're going to go to uh comments first up would be the public if anyone from the public has any comments um questions if you'll come to the podium and state your name you'll have three minutes anyone from the public no okay moving right along members I just have a a quick one um when we do reviews like this it's a good reminder Susan of how much you and your staff get done every year it's a lot and very impressive yeah thank you appreciate that I have one I was a pro and I was asked if the same investment program we have because he working beautifully can you do that for the properties there a lot of people who could use Residential Properties yes so I have done those in the past in other CRA areas not here in Martin County I know they did it in Martin County years ago uh there was a res presential program um we did not put that forward immediately we wanted to kind of test the waters a little bit and I remember doing that as well in Palm Beach in West Palm Beach with um habitat so habitat does a brush for kindness um where Property Owners pay whatever they can or materials or yeah so they what we were coming across in West Palm was that they couldn't pay for the materials that they needed so the CRA would step in and pay you know everything but 10% or whatever it was um so we could certainly look at something like that we would we would need to bring a program like that back to the board of County Commissioners yes because uh before we done like painting uh and it was with the help with keep Martin [Music] betiful and it stopped yeah I'm not sure that we have the funding to do it the whole thing the way we do this investment program but I don't know Mike if if you're interested in collaborating we could not collaborating with it of course it's not going to happen all I do is collaborate um middle name yeah no U maybe we can talk you and I can talk about that offline a little bit and see yeah how that might work yeah cuz we're uh we were super active for a while in Golden be and East Stewart um and Indiantown so yeah we're trying to get back into the a little bit more active so yeah we can do that for sure okay maybe then the timing is right to try it because that time the paint was donated I mean well that's we used to get donated paint every year and then that program ended yeah so but we've other ways to figure things Som out I mean it might not be on the scale of paint 60 homes in one day like we did 2010 but I mean we can still do a pretty good amount of work so yeah okay and maybe it's not just painting uh you know maybe there's we can minor exterior repairs yeah I have it all written up for you already yeah what was it they brought us you know like they put the fire what do you call them smoke detectors smoke detectors it was the Red Cross yes I remember when they did that yeah H I think the fire department they yeah they were with them were with the Red Cross and the brown it was really really nice I mean everybody kind of and they have 10 years of lifespan so so when was that when do we need to do it again probably like in five years maybe probably five years ago yeah and does that Target um owner occupied yes that's what we our side is owner occupied for sure mhm yeah I mean there'd have to be criteria just like there is with the with the property you know the commercial property owners yeah I mean because there's certainly commercial property owners that are multif family housing that could benefit from yeah we didn't do owner have to be in the house we was even a renters we just went in and see who doesn't have the fire oh for that program oh for that program yeah you're talking about the other yeah yeah yeah if we're going to expand the uh you know program yeah we'll take a look at it and bring it back I was thinking about the we all have a budget of enhancement you know like we could use that it depending on the CRA area yeah you could and we can ask our commissioners to donate [Laughter] too I have nothing I just have a quick I know um I had asked about this before especially with hurricane season everything is there a m program that or plan that is set up in the county to trim trees or prune them whatever specifically for hurricanes or just in general General but I know around hurricane season we typically think about it a little more so in general yes we the county does have contracts with uh contractors that do tree trimming and pruning and that annually picking up all the stuff I don't know what the contracts say to tell you the truth Jamie it seems like it would be more than that I would think but I don't know um I probably field operations would have that information I'd be happy to contact them and see I just know um a lot of the trees just have not been trimmed through through ports Leos so email me specific I yeah I sent it to Joy okay but I'll I'll I'll yeah yeah I'll get with Joy about that and we we can look at the specifics of the places you're talking about and find out how often they get to those okay yeah sounds good yep no problem anybody else I have someone from the public would loed my fantastic good afternoon hi Susan Nancy turl executive director of Martin Arts and uh thank you chairman for helping me collude on this special announcement um so annually we have an event at Martin Arts called The Martin Arts Awards and we recognize artists in the visual the literary and Performing Arts and then our board and those are nominated from the community and we have a you know steam panel of Judges who make all those decisions but in addition to the nominated Awards we have honorary awards that our board and our event committee name annually lifetime achievement in the arts arts leadership and a couple of other categories including special recognition and our board and committee felt like the work that the office of Community Development and specifically Susan has done on the Ripple project and making Eco art come to life in the Palm City CRA that we are recognizing you with a Martin Arts Awards goodness yeah look at us Jordan that's for you too the event is held November 13th at The Lyric Theater so you'll be prepared to make comments on stage at the lyric that night and hopefully you all can attend tickets aren't on sale yet but um we'll be there all right so congratulations can we get a quick photo with everybody sure is that okay yeah okay down there do we want to join the meeting first and then yeah sure yeah can we adour the meeting first and oh sure did the county have anybody anything else to say no okay meeting adjourned good work thank you Nancy e