e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to our Board of County Commission meeting Mr Abate uh department number five discussion reversible n hole golf course at the selfish Sands um Mr bti I'm actually looking forward to understanding what you all are talking about irrigating a nine hole you got to irrigate it whether you're going one way or the other other way so this is one item I don't necessarily understand so uh Kevin Abate Parks and Recreation director um before we get started I do want to um just kind of give you kind of a a state of the golf course where we are today um as you know this board uh unanimously voted to implement a very pretty aggressive plan to put the golf course on the map of of the the sport of golf in this County and um you know we've been uh over the last few years we've been very very successful um if you to kind of take you back down memory lane a little bit um you know the golf course was established in 1925 so we hit our 100 years next year um and during the during unfortunately during the pandemic we we came up with a program and that that time in our fiscal year um 21 our our budget at subsidy for that golf course our tax Subs was $763,000 and it was growing and as a matter of fact when we went under construction it grew up more than that over to so since then um we've implemented all the strategies and programs from the hidy Bays to the restaurant to the reversible 9 to the technology at the driving range um you know just this past year we've had some great successes we we hit 2.3 million golf balls um at the driving range in hitting base excluding the months of um June July and August when we were closed and um and today we've sold almost 600 summer members which is something new we implemented last year and um I'm happy to report too that um our revenue is at 2.5 million and our our net operating fiscal year-to-date revenue for the entire facility is $889,000 in net revenue now we know that that will go down some during the summer um but we've we've had some operational uh strategies to take maintenance in house and reduce some costs on maintenance plans but uh I do want to again thank you for you know um approving the vision of this community and then my team more importantly um for implementing the entire plan and which will segue nicely into to the reverseable nine and so we we we believe that we've met our goal which was to grow the game of golf in the county through all generations um that was kind of our common goal um through all the whether you I was just at the hitting base and there was a two-year-old hitting on the mats today and a bar full of people just played golf afterwards it was wonderful to see what has happened over the last few years so I'll get into the presid presentation here to talk about the reversible N9 hole golf course some of our successes and our challenges um so you'll see this is an aerial photo of the golf course um if for those in the audience that don't understand what a reversible Nall courses we we created something that has um I would I call very familyfriendly tea boxes there's five tea boxes per hole and we have 11 greens so when we flip the course one hole's open and we use that for other activities like short game areas so the course is surrounded by a 133 acre uh driving range that's powered by top Tracer um and then you'll see the rounds of golf are right around right now we're averaging about 24,000 rounds of golf of nine-hole rounds on the uh on the nine-hole course of course we've we've implemented the strategies of typical greens environmentally friendly Landscaping we removed all these Exotics and um to kind of give you some understanding we have two directions the course can be played in you can play it in the clockwise direction or the counterclockwise Direction when we first opened up the course we were changing the course by weekly um and then after the first year it became very very expensive because um every time that you take a course and you flip it in the opposite direction you have to take um five five T boxes and you know 10 T's times nine holes 90 T's move them in different directions remove all the cups and the flags and and so it became complicated so we went to to monthly um we were getting lots of complaints about constantly flipping it because the golf cart technology wasn't precise at that time but through the years we got a lot better so our goal with um flipping it monthly at that time was just to um last year before this season was to focus on really good customer service was our goal because we were getting lots of complaints about people getting loss and which way are we going today so this past season we kept the um we kept the reverse ball 9 and the current direction which you'll see here in in the Sands black Direction so you'll see the star here on the right hand side of the screen it starts out the pro shop where the carts are staged and it loops around really nicely kind of like it did at the last 99 years when the course has always been going in that direction so it's a much it's a very easy route and then throughout the last few years we've we've had some lessons learned um for the golf course and the and the Sand's black Direction which is clockwise um we um we we it's a simpler uh pattern for flow it did uh fortunately created a new short game experience for some golfers where you can hit a ball 70 or 80 yards in so we that was a free service that we provided over the last four or five months that the golfers really enjoyed it does require less signage and um and then it created an instructional hole for the open hole behind the driving range and then of course um it's closer to the cart staging and then actually because we didn't flip it during season and with the intention of flipping it after season we we didn't get any complaints it was it was nice so the Sans black course is a nice course and of course the the uh Sans gold course which is counterclockwise starts on the other side of the driving range so it's a little further away um and then it over here on the top left corner um you'll you can kind of see it kind of goes across a green it gets a little bit more complicated and our Golf Course technology was uh we have to put out about additional 30 signs to uh for some routing um and so we we did that um many many times of course in the past year um but it does become a little bit more complicated so we had some lesson learned for the gold course um one of them is the gold direction does provide a great a new experience and that's kind of what we we came up during some of the program goals when we I presented to the board is having Florida's only reversible inold course I think it's very important uh to always maintain the fact that we have something that we can flip when we need to and it's super super super important and um it does remove of course a new game a new short game area that we discovered but does keep a short chipping and and pitching area on the open t box in the up u in the opposite direction the open green I'm sorry so again so it does require as I said earlier additional signage um and it again on holds three four and five and back to the other screen it can be a little confusing but with good signage um uh we believe that um we can adequately manage the course and then um of course we believe because we hear from customers that some some folks don't like to go in the gold Direction and some folks don't like to go in the black Direction so there may or may not be a slight decrease in the rounds of golf we're not too sure if that will happen so um concerns and considerations obviously labor costs every time we flip a course becomes expensive because we're replacing all the t- markers as I said earlier we install signage and new flags and then we also flipping it often also has some concerns with liability because some golfers will if there's not a starter or a ranger that day they make go off in the opposite direction if you're flipping it very often and then limiting flipping the course um does of course reduce complaints um and then of course the golden black course um providing a limited schedule I think would be a good approach we've we've heard from some of our golfers when you're going to flip it and um Our intention was to flip it in May until this item I'll have a recommendation coming up to um look at doing it in June I believe there's value um in flipping it um but I believe that it should be flipped limitedly in a very limited manner so but overall the the reversible 9 has lived up to its expectations over the last few years and what and the community so um so real simple relative to the the nine-hole course um the black course um you know I commit with a recommended schedule for the board to consider so the the so that the community will know this is how much we'd like to flip the course of course we can do it more or less or not but um there is value in having a course that you can flip in both directions so that's my short presentation so if you have any questions on the reverse B be happy to answer them end of presentation I thought this was about irrigation I don't know how we got anyway go ahead so I Commissioners I will say because we talked last um meeting about bringing this presentation and I think the way it started was as District Two commissioner I was getting a lot of calls from different constituents golfers residents some of them that were saying when are you going to flip the course didn't know two actually I was getting two phone calls one was the monstrosity sign that we met out there um that is on St Lucy um some neighbors are not real happy with the sign being twice as tall as their wall but that's how it started then the conversation of when are you going to flip it so I said to Mr Abate hey I'm getting phone calls when are we going to flip the the course I didn't know if we flipped it weekly monthly every three months so he got back to me and said okay well we're going to flip the course there was no time so I was surprised when commissioner herd said we we shouldn't flip the course on May 1st as of as directed because of irrigation concerns and I think that there is some will by whether whether it be parks department or what have you to not reverse it or some golfers to not reverse it I have heard the same things that some people like the short game so my my whole issue was when you say you're not going to do something you need to come back and be transparent about it and say we we've touted this as one-of a kind we spend a lot of money on Architects and design and rfps for people to design this so we just have to explain to the residents what we're doing and why we're doing it and how we're using their tax dollars and I don't care I've played it a number of times and I don't care if it's played one way or the other I enjoy it but I think in in all transparency it has to be discussed and you have to say why and I think that this was sort of a maneuver to not reverse it and again I I take step st's recommendation because if it didn't work out like you originally said then by all means maybe there's a better way to do it be transparent say why you're doing it and I think we will all be on the same page if the transparency happens can somebody explain to me what irrigation has to do with this nothing or was I asleep at the switch last my opin my opinion irrigation didn't have anything to do with it it just there there was some de deadline that some I I don't know what the May 1 deadline is but the deadline was was determined that it had to be flipped by May 1 and I think that maybe staff wanted more time to talk to the Commissioners about it commissioner yeah I brought this up last week because I am at the golf course frequently and I play the golf of course frequently and it's we are in a drought and the uh therefore the um uh maintenance Landscaping Maintenance Crews were um we're playing the the black uh course so they were irrigating and feeding the black course to make it as playable as possible because it is dry out there and they weren't giving the same level of care to the gold course which is perfectly understandable because no one was playing the gold course so my impression was that it was it was inadvisable to to switch that quickly without giving the greenskeepers the superintendent the opportunity to prepare the gold course to be playable that was what the whole thing was about it wasn't about some political maneuvering it was about there was a drought and the course was Brown and we were going to if we switched over without giving the superintendent some some preparation that we were going to lose customers and satis and and and satisfaction and we definitely don't want to lose either of those things so the holes that are not used going one way or the other way are not irrigated during the time of their dorcy of use the level of Maintenance so everything's irrigated it's system is the whole system so the the course is all irrigated the level of maintenance on the fairways and greens on the open holes that were not being used are not maintained we're not cutting the greens for example every day but irrigating yeah but we we were we were we've been struggling for water for the last 90 days so I mean we obviously uh I think the the day of the when commissioner herd made the comment actually poured five inches the next morning so we got a little bit of a relief so um but we're prep like I said we're prepared to move the course on June the 1st you know um we'll get some rain this week um this the team will be ready and the course will improve the conditions of the reverse ball n going in the goal direction will improve over the next 3 or four months as we play okay commissioner SMI I that was sort of like the question I was G to ask I'm just sort of confused that the black course is the gold course are just the other way correct there but there are 11 Green 11 greens and two are always open not in use not use okay just curious why because when you flip the course the greens on the opposite times that you're flipping them become a practice facility so we have we have a we we have open greens that allow for it to be reversible you can't have you can't flip it um 9 for n you have to have an an open green available and that's was created that way and designed that way so that the ninth hole of either direction can be played for as a short game area and that's some that's still the case today they can be played as a short game area is in use pardon me in us but not for but not for putting so what happens is on the current direction we're in now on nine black there's just dimples all over the all over the U course so we'd have to give itself you know a few weeks to braw those greens and you know what I mean and and sand them so correct so I'm sure I'm sure there's an obvious answer to my next question why don't we just maintain them all the same more expensive well you know so we do but we don't have to so if we have an open green or open Fairways that are not in play we're not going to spend all our resources and time we're going to spend all our resources and time on the actual nine holes and Fairways and B ERS that are in play and then when we flip the course um we would focus our efforts on those two open greens that were not in play that will be in play how long does that take to get them into a I think it depends uh you know with our I I have talked to our superintendent but we we gave him we gave him a few weeks um of course it didn't rain at all he was out concerned about um rain but we gave him a few weeks to get ready for it for May 1 I I think that would be I sort of understand the logic but at the same time from an appearance from a a visual I'm thinking if we're in the black with Revenue right I I wouldn't let the maintenance of something go until we switch I think I would keep everything at a constant that's just me and and and I'm sure you have a much better explanation and when we go see it maybe it'll all make much more sense but I'm just processing this by going okay okay how much more could it cost to manage to and and and in the grand scheme of the whole thing the Brilliance of this nine hole was to eliminate nine holes alt together which should have sha shaved off a whole bunch of Maintenance of the other nine that we did away with correct and we Incorrect and we did that when we created these waste bunkers for non- irrigation you know one of the things we things we did just and while you said that we we got rid of our old contractor and we took it over we were a little upset that on one of the fairways let go completely they stopped mowing it um we didn't know it was happening they just stopped mowing they thought well you're not you're not flipping the course for another couple months and it was pretty upsetting that they did that because we always want to be able to flip the course we were never told them to stop doing the maintenance so we actually had to get that back over a period of time and then the other thing on the water too Kevin I'm just just trying to understand so we are tapped into uh Willoughby Creek's um West Eastern discharge from the Schoolboard property area right yeah so the the the flow into will Creek we're able to divert the water to the blue course if we need to but the black and gold we can't no the the blue course is on an island and so we are actually working on a purchase order now because um our permit expires with South Florida Water Management District in 2025 and part one of the goals um of this project is to ultimately evaluate because IQ water is close by on Dixie Highway whether or not we need to move to IQ water but we are evaluating connecting all the lakes in the courses so we can uh lower the number of Wells that we have on the course so we're doing a study now um with a vendor that's approved from South Florida Water Management to undertake our concerns with water so I didn't know that before um that's great I I I was under the assumption falsely cuz I just thought it I thought it was all tied together and if it's not and if you need encouragement to do so then do so I think because that I mean the idea which I thought was brilliant from the Inception of tying it into willby Creek was that we were consuming excess water we didn't want to put in the Estuary anyway um and if that requires us to do something above and beyond to tie it all together and and have all the Lakes tied together I I'm 100% supportive of that it is a board goal to evaluate IQ water um there was a plan that's about 10 years old that the city of Stewart presented to us on that and whether or not we're going to go that route or we're going to just use water because the water from the STA just can't fully support water in the golf course it does assist but um having water from rainfall or down at our deep walls in the aquifer and the combination of what we can and can't do will be dictated probably by the state based on our consumptive use permit again that's something that I think as a board if it requires something extraordinary with the district or some conversation for us to have now knowing that um I would certainly have that conversation with Mr Bartlett like give us we're trying to do the right thing we're trying to consume water we don't want to put in the Estuary give us the flexibility to do as much as possible I think that process is starting now thank you I honestly thought when we were sold this that that was the whole concept of us using Willoughby Creek poll potentially polluted water for irrigation water that actually brought in nitrogen that we wouldn't have to fertilize on the I mean the whole thing and if now we're saying this new part of the golf course isn't even connected to that is troublesome because that so Willoughby Creek was um obviously created much long after the blue course was designed there just happened to be a transfer pipe if you will gravity fed to one of the Lakes at the on the blue course um and when the bivy creek was um built and designed we realized it was there we were able to close one of the wears off with Plywood And divert the water back to the course during these times of years when we need it and so we're able to use that storm water runoff to irrigate the blue course the other Troublesome statement for me being in the business not necessarily uh Golf Course Maintenance business but being in the landscape maintenance business is the idea of being able to just because a particular area is not being used by the client that we're going to somehow do less of a standard level of Maintenance um I found that to be catastrophic in my business I've watched my competitors go down because because of that um I cannot wrap my head around that so that is something that we're going to have to agree to disagree on but uh anyway commissioner her we agree that's why we got rid of our maintenance people and took it over and it's it's uh it's looking much much better but I think also too because what I didn't hear in all of this was that from a policy perspective take care of it all year long all of it right I think that's what Harold just said absolutely whatever whatever was the transition between whether it was the contractor or us just saying we have two holes that aren't going to be used as much I just maintain it all the same I think well also also the consumptive use permit that we have now is an old one it was it was um that permit was issued before the golf course was redesigned correct so that's that's another thing that we're in correct it was based on 36 holes of irrigated water and we don't have that anymore so so where are we going with this what do we want to provide staff Direction on recommendation schedule for the reversible night oh I'm sorry I see a light here commissioner Smith you want a motion of some sort so really what I wanted to do today was really get some direction I know that listen the the reversible 9 of course has Merit I believe we we need to flip it minimally at least once a year I kind of went to the points of the Troubles of when we financially um what it cost to flip it my my goal for this project is is to not use a tax subsidy that's my goal and so however operationally and and the hundreds of decisions that are made throughout the years um but I'd like the public kind of we just developed a new schedule that's going to launch next week on our website for the golf course and it'd be nice to have them log on and know when we're flipping the course as a kind of a standard schedule if it needs to change I'll I'll come back and ask but that's really the the intent of today so I would move a couple things one that we we um entrust the decision making of the reversible timelines to the parks department to manage that in the most appropriate way that makes the most sense for the public to understand but to use and from the cost of running it that's part one part two that whatever if there was any confusion relative to how we maintain the entire course that the entire course gets maintained at the same level of care regardless of whether it's used or not used number three um that as Sarah her just said and I don't know what the status is but are we in the process of applying for a new consumptive use permit or yes so we are hiring a consult that's approved by South Florida Water Management to take us through that process and that we further acknowledge um um and support uh the the concept of redoing the consumptive use permit to fit the needs of the golf course as it is today versus it being 20 years ago on a 36 hole course and whatever that means Kevin and and the fourth part of that would be um and that may be in the consumptive use permit discussion or may be a separate issue but that we uh we give the parks department the direction The Authority the budget to um tie in all of the lakes and all of the connections so that there is the option to use will it be Creek Water the IQ water is another discussion I think relative to the city of Stewart but that we give ourselves the most flexibility in operating the entire system as possible commissioner hington I I agree with the first part of what you said that that parks department should have some kind of you you should manage the course just just make it advisable to the public and transparent on how and when we shouldn't be getting a lot of phone calls on when what and nobody knows the answer so we have a motion do we have anybody a second or any other input I I think we're proceeding with these things anyway yeah I just I don't want to my point of making a motion there are times where we say things here and it doesn't necessarily get captured in that way if I left something out or if I added too much I just I want Kevin to have the most um language support of the board he needs not that he didn't hear it but in writing or a motion that um everybody else surrounding this process understands the district understands what we just did anybody else that's got to do permitting wise that's why I would make a motion to do that youall don't want to do it it's fine commissioner campy Mr abatti are you comfortable with commissioner Smith's motion I am second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously oh commissioner heatherington maybe we don't go anywhere so we were um while you're sitting there on we were going to have an agenda item come back at the beginning of the year speaking of the golf course to talk about the uh the clubhouse and it's currently being run by parks and wreck so that was supposed to come back January February is when is that agenda item coming before us um we issued a memo to the board as an update uh when when we have a onee kind of here's where we wind up financially and part of the just to let you know part of the $889,000 $189,000 of that net profit is at the hidden Bas in restaurant um your fiscal year to date today so as we kind of like finished the last few months as we get because we opened in August of last year I think we need a as we said I think last year during the Summers we need a full year under our belt to understand what we're dealing with and as we moved through summer we're going to know a lot more about whether or not this is something that we need to Outsource um obviously that'll be a board decision but we talked about this last year as having one full year under our belt and then bring it back I thought the direction of the board was to come back back at the beginning of the year so maybe maybe in the future you're right commissioner Smith motions need to be made I thought the direction of the board was come to come back in the beginning of the year with an agenda item that talks about putting together an RFB and a discussion item for the the the request for proposal for another vendor to run the clubhouse uh commissioner you're correct and that falls on me that uh the staff did request that we wait a year the the memo uh was issued in in March to give you a heads up where we're at um if the board wants uh uh wants the agenda um right away we can do that um but it was my um direction to staff to to allow them to continue on um um with the uh with just the update to the memo did not bring it back to the board so it's the pleasure of the board if you want to put this on the agenda right away or as the uh Parks director suggested waiting for one year Mr Cy thank you for that Mr Donaldson I think I'm I'm trying to think back to that conversation if I were to guess it was one year not the beginning of the year however I was with commissioner heatherington on the fact that with all due respect to your First Rate team there are certain facilities that I think are appropriate that remain inh house from a concession point of view the swimming you know the sfish splash and the beaches the issue with the golf course I think which was the initial uh recommendation was that it would go to an outside vendor and to remind the public only one person applied to that and that person was selected and that situation sort of caved in on itself but it was a unique situation because I had been to those hitting Bays a couple of different times and if you didn't know the behind the scenes from The public's point of view it looked like it was working real well the food the quality of the food and the quality of the service at least in my perspective was very good of course they didn't want to pay their rent they had a lot of things happening behind the scenes so you had asked to have your staff come in which they did an excellent job and I've seen the photographs it was so disappointing in such a short period of time to go from a brand new facility with all brand new equipment and make it look like it was 25 years old and your team had to go in there and handle all sorts of disgusting things uh and get it back going I think there is times where it's in my opinion appropriate that we keep certain smaller scale facilities in house that particular one I was not opposed to having go out to the public but if you want we have minutes of all of these we have agendas and and video we could find out specifically what it was I'm only guessing that it was a year and I would also be interested in at least having the opportunity for uh an outside source to bid on the management of that specific portion because I'll tell you I've had Golf Course operators reach out to me and ask me could they have an opportunity to do that now asking and then actually going through the process of doing it maybe we end up in the same situation where um no one applies to do it or no one is qualified to do it uh we've learned some lessons I think one of the downsides of not getting more qualified people to do it was what your original Vision was for a municipal course was quite ingenious there were not a lot of hitting Bays with top Tracer golf technology handled at Municipal courses that was much more of a private sector thing um I've been several times while your team has been handling it and it's well done so I just think that we owe it to the private sector of our community to at least have an opportunity to compete uh maybe three of us don't agree with that but that being the case whatever the date was at the very least we should just put something out there to see if there's interest if there's not then we know that we have a a terrific plan in place to handle it but I think that particular um location lends itself to being handled at the private sector commissioner Smith yeah for me uh it's very simple um the most important piece for me of this is our constituents that use the course and I hear time and time again from I heard just somebody literally last week at lunch come up to me didn't know them and they said I just want you to tell I just want to tell you how fantastic sailfish sand is and and all aspects of it and I said oh great thank you very much so I we can we can say how important it is for someone else to run it or do so but at the end of the day it's our constituency that uses it is a public golf course and it is U something that is represents our brand here in Martin County and and the feedback I I get from the user group uh is that they're very happy with it and and I would for one not want to mess with that and go backwards that's for sure commissioner herd I agree commissioner Smith it's it's I can tell you from experience it's very very well-run it's not broken that doesn't need fixing it's fixed now go ahead I I'll just give my final word first of all I didn't get a memo to to the board so I guess that that didn't land on my desk but secondly the constituents who I agree many of them are happy they don't get memos to the board either and when they ask questions someone needs to have an answer for them just in the name of transparency whether it's broken or it's not it wasn't originally intended we had a public conversation whether we were going a different direction and just sweeping it under the rug doesn't do anybody any good we either talk about it in public and make a decision or it it just it just doesn't simply disappear so um in all transparency I think the memo to the board was was not the right strategy it was to have this conversation and let the public know what we were going to do with it my recollection is that we were going to run this operation ourselves for a year's time to have historical knowledge of how to design an RFP what works what doesn't work experimenting with our own Personnel I did get the memo um and I did think that in August we were going to have an agenda item is that am I missing something but anyway so but having the experience that we had the whole idea was for us to run it because we're doing it very successfully at the beaches and on a much larger scale for a year period of time so we've G gone through the gravy time right so now we got to go through the lean time so this is going to tell the tale this is actually the most important time that the county should be running it from now till August maybe even into September because that's the lean time so we've got to know how that we are going to lean ourselves down to survive without an additional um you know and keeping the profitability let's call it of where we're at would collect land yeah I I get it but but you're not going to put a high-end restaurant in that's not going to survive during the I hear you yeah so anyway that was my yes sir to to your point so last year at this time we were closed we the old tenant left um after Mother's Day and we were closed all the way through August so we have no historical knowledge on how well the facility will perform um we're going to learn a lot in three months like I said we're up you know 190 thou 189,000 a net revenue but that can erod away very quickly we are leaning there we have no full-time employees working there as a as a strategy to not displace someone if we were to Outsource this s down the road so we have all contracted staff so we did as a strategy and so um we will know a lot more of the one year how how the profitability of this facility in conjunction with the golf course okay thank you oh thank thank you okay next item is a workshop indeed review the physical year 2025 tentative Capital Improvement plan Stephanie merley and Shelby Baker good afternoon Commissioners again my name is Shelby Baker I'm your budget and CIP coordinator today I want to talk to you about your physical year 25 Capital Improvement plan today we're going to during this Workshop we're going to define the capital Improvement plan CIP project origination and process Revenue planning and proposed expenditures fy2 Capital CIP project highlights FY 25 CIP impact to the overall budget and the Board review of the CIP so what is a capital Improvement plan the CIP is a proposed schedule for the expenditure of funds to maintain construct and prod check the County's infrastructure for over the next 10e period so all revenues in the CIP are both to be required to be available and feasible with approval of the CIP the board acknowledges the projects contained in the in the plan represent a reasonable interpretation of the anticipated needs of the county projects contained in the first year of the fy2 CIP will be included in this year's FY 25 budget CIP projects originate from variety of sources such as Master plans levels of service advisory boards and infrastructure needs and many more the CIP is ever revolving process of identifying needs throughout the county the capital Improvement PL is an important step in the first step in our our annual budget process While most of our fy2 CIP projects is a continuation of previous year's projects there are many projects worth noting this year which will be discussed in further detail by the respective departments keep your eyes and ears open for details on the following projects such as Parks we have bojak Park ecosystems is East Fort Creek Phase 2 sta Coastal storm water management storm water we have hope Heights outfall Community Development we have old Palm City Place and El Camino Trail in utilities we have connect to protect Force main and grinder systems public buildings fire station bay door replacement program in the library we have Peter and Julie Cummings Library audio visual for the CIP this year we're looking at a $500,000 increase over physical year 24 CIP this SL represents the adorm impact per Department which totals to approximately 517,000 increase over fiscal year 24 here's a snapshot of projects that are contributing to the fy2 impact um St um for Coastal we have St Lucy Inlet management of 500,000 public buildings is roughly 104,000 increase over several Farms this year in Brads we have heavy equipment replacement of $100,000 res surfing and neighborhood neighborhood excuse me neighborhood restoration program of 150 Grand Library again we have the Peter and Julie Cummings audio visual of 61,000 and then the RFID replacement of 5,000 the county CIP is roughly 133% of the total countywide budget pie which is still in the preparation will be brought back to the board in July and because CIP projects originally typically involved the outlay of substantial funds in numerous sources of revenue or Nary provid financing over the duration of the project most Capital funding sources are earmarked for particular purposes and cannot be transferred from one Capital approvement plan to another such example would be like Enterprise fee based project such as airport fees could it be used on another project such as in utilities okay that ends my part of the presentation does anyone have any questions for me before we get started on Department highlight [Applause] slides yeah oh sorry commissioner Smith um thanks for that just uh I I think for the Public's consumption of all of this so This starts the CIP process today right correct um walk us through or whoever whether either one whichever one wants to do it um so when we approve the CIP it'll come back to us in June for our first July July sorry for for our first uh budget hearing right and then we will have our second budget hearing in mid July or September September y we'll do our trim notice will go out in July August the first week of August August sorry um and that will contain this the CP it will contain the budget for the rest of the county correct correct um and then it moves forward to October for fiscal year begin fiscal year begin M and then following October oober projects will start happening that we approved in the CIP correct right so we will have had three hearings including this one today right correct on four oh yeah four four four we have had four public hearings on the adoption of components of our budget correct right correct and so in January you might have something on the agenda in consent that is a 3 million Project M that we have fully vetted discussed if somebody wanted to at 104 or all of four correct hearings correct and so when that item moves forward from the administrator's discretion or your discretion to the administrator and to us and there is an approval and consent for x amount of million dollars that's not the first time we would have ever heard of that item correct and there was a full disclosure full transparency as commissioner heatherington uses on a regular basis thank you very much of every item correct and I know I'm I know this is sort of very simplistic but I I I think there's sometimes a misunderstanding that when something shows up on our agenda that we never talked about it we so maybe even in the reverse of that does anything ever come to us as a capital Improvement plan other than some something that was an emergency that we didn't know about that we had to allocate funds to that was not put in to the program so Stephanie merley director of OMB so the only time that occurs is if there is something catastrophic that happens and you'll see those types of items with an amendment to the CIP on an OMB item or another agenda item in front of the board otherwise these CIP sheets as adopted and then furthermore within the budget document that you'll receive ceive in July with the budget workshops and then the two subsequent public hearings all of those expenditures are voted upon each time and reviewed are they still sent to the state oh yes it's a very stringent process and we have to meet a lot of um what's called Truth and millage requirements in order to adopt the budget which even includes our non adorm funds such as Airport Enterprise utilities building funds and such thank you I I know that's probably very Elementary for you all but okay yes commissioner her yeah where's the brightline station in the CIP the bright Line Station funding is still being worked out with the city of Stewart right now but I plan on bringing that forward with our budget workshops once we have U more concrete details on the funding plan but shouldn't it be on our CIP even if we're still working out funding sources there are plenty of examples in here where it's unfunded but we have the sheet and we don't have a sheet and we know we're going to be building a station we can absolutely add it for our budget discussions okay let's add it today well can I pause there for a second sure we're not building it we're paying for it we have grants that I don't know about yeah so at this time you're you're correct we the the the money would be a transfer to um the uh uh the city or to um bright line directly um but you could included in your CIP like we do have done with DOT projects that are fully funded and built by them so it it it it could be a it could be a CIP project um and sort of the only the only Nuance I say is that if if and commissioner I'm not trying to pick straws here I'm just saying if you say we're building a station we're not building it to the best of my knowledge the agreement is either the city of Stewart is Contracting with bright line or bright line is Contracting with the city of Stewart or however that relationship works we are merely funding our piece of it to them but we're not we have no ownership over the building or over the construction design or anything like that Mr stokus you want to elicit a little more detail on on where we are with the bright Line Station I was just kind of hoping to sit here um we we are still working in negotiations with the city of Stewart as far as a uh transition of the property over to the city can you hold on just a minute our attorney which I always she's got something to say I'm thinking that maybe she wanted to pre I just wanted to say that as we're dealing not just with our proposal to the uh to Bright line which this board was aware of and then bright line uh response to us but also our settlement agreement but factually we are not building the station nor are we going to own the station we are we are going to contribute $15 million to Bright line um and to get the and also to agree to convey certain pieces of property to them that's the theory we're in a pro in the process of amending our settlement agreement drafting amendments to our settlement agreement as well as um developing a transfer agreement with the city of Stewart all of those things will come to you of course for full discussion and a public hearing and Mr chair the only thing I'd like to add is is We There are I am working we are working with our county attorney's office there are reverter clauses that are being built into all the agreements that if the said service suspends it comes back to the County um and we're treat I guess from a staff's perspective we are treating the $15 million contribution as a re almost like a reimbursable grant um so there will be they have to perform in and build the station it's not like we're just going to hand the money over there there are many Loops or jump hoops that we will have to jump through um of course we're going to come back to you with a separate board item that will lay all this out very very uh systematically and simply and I working with our um Office of Management and budget on non Ador sources in order to fund that but bright Line's going to construct this yes bright line will construct it we had a discussion at a previous board meeting about where there uh we believe that we're following the boa Ron model which was where the city of boa Ron gave money and I believe land and the bright line builds its own station so it bright Line's going to build this thing commissioner herd but we have an obligation we have an agreement that we are going to fund $15 million toward the station and that's not in our CIP I I recognize that we hope to be to receive grants I hope we receive grants too but it needs to be the the CIP needs to reflect the expenditures that we are expecting to spend this year and there's nothing in the the CIP that talks about spending $15 million for a bright Line Station that we are uh uh We've agreed to fund Mr Donaldson I'll try to be brief um so if you were to include it in the CIP there they would either be added today or as we've done on other projects at the time you do the approval Stephanie could put the CIP sheet when we actually have the the full document together the second piece is since the station is not um subject to our adequate public facilities ordinance in terms of a level of service item it's as a planning tool or as the CIP reflecting construction given the nature of the bright Line Station not going to be owned and operated by the county and we're not going to constructed it's the pleasure of the board to either include it in the CIP or amend your budget through an item to uh have the budgeted um uh agreement and it um uh to provide the city of steart funds so it's really up to the pleasure of the board whether you add the CIP sheet is a yes or a no and if you do want to add it it could be either added as a placeholder today or we could wait to add it when we do the agenda item that includes all the pertinent uh agreements has the placeholder today commissioner Smith my concern over the entire discussion is that the CIP the budget is already confusing enough to most people that don't deal with it on a regular day basis somebody that's new to the process picks up an approved CIP plan and says oh there's a station in the in there's a $15 million station in the budget that must be the county doing that I that's where that from from My Lens that's where that leads us that we will be criticized for building a station or not you know that because it's in the CIP whether it's understood or it's not and this conversation will never be watched again it'll only be somebody picks up the document and looks at the document and goes oh there's a sheet there for a station I guess the countyy is funding and building a station so um I you know I asked for I asked the question about how this CIP process works for a reason uh because there are some generalized comments that are relatively raised about um CIP not being transparent it's very transparent it's very public and I'm just I'm concerned that we do something like this unless it's like incredibly boldly printed on the CIP sheet you know built operated funding by others contribution thereof or you know whatever but if it's just a CIP sheet that's that has 15 million and they're going towards the station I don't know that that will be helpful to people that don't necessarily follow the document that will commissioner campy Miss merley as our financial budget director what is your preference what do you recommend to us do we put it in as a placeholder I would uh prefer to just have it on hold until I have all the details um to place with our July budget Workshop thank you very much moving on first department is airport you see what I thank you Airport's looking at additional $39,000 and additional Capital Enterprise fund Capital needed for this phisical year Andrew MC Bean we can go through uh good afternoon commissioner Andrew McBean airport director um so as Shelby mentioned we're looking at additional $ 39,821 in the fiscal year 25 Capital uh uh Capital Improvement fund that is coming from the airport um fund which is a fully self uh fully funded self- Enterprise fund go to the next one uh the current projects that we're doing at the airport um are as follows this is the airport operations center that project is currently in in constru construction around 80% complete the taxiway Alpha Rehabilitation project is around 90% complete or 99% complete the automated uh weather observation system is around 99% complete as well we have two projects in um design which is the runway 1230 hold Bay extension and the taxilane Bravo Rehabilitation design project the upcoming projects that we're looking for in uh fiscal year 25 would be the taxway alpha hold Bay extend ion construction the taxi Lane Bravo Rehabilitation construction the runway uh Runway 1230 EMASS field strength test the Airfield signage replacement construction the runway 1230 papy replacement design and some uh security enhancements at the airport are there any questions on the CIP for the airport as presented Commissioners no thank you all right next is commit Redevelopment pardon I'm stand you want approvals after each item or however you would like to do so yep I would move tenative approval of the airport CIP okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously good afternoon Susan corz manager Office of Community Development um I'm going to start with what what stayed the same in our department um we continue to focus on our infrastructure projects as we have really for the past seven years and on following our community redevelopment plans um to the best of our ability so what changed uh we did get a new employee that was in our fiscal year 2024 budget and approved um her name is elely Rafa and she'll be managing art in public places historic preservation and Communications for all of our activities CRA included we've had some amazing big projects completed very recently the CRA the Rio uh CRA bio swell is completed the Rio CRA infill sewer is complete and old pal City's CRA Ripple storm water Eco art project is also complete so as you can see that we are following um the things that are staying the same which is infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure uh we're really very intent on getting all of our C uh sewer and water and we're very close to that um one of our other larger projects is infil sewer for Rio as well is complete so now we are complete in Jensen Rio Golden Gate with a very nice Public Works utilities County assist um and hopefully we will be in old pal City soon as well so I like to say that we do uh infrastructure projects with a Twist little CR twist um we have also completed art and public places projects two of them this year one of them are the uh stainless steel Pelican sculptures that you can see on the manatee bridge and Gateway down in Port Sero and another which are an additional uh eight Mosaic benches and bike racks in Rio that really do kind of give you a flavor of Rio every one of them is different and gives you another feel for what Rio is and what the history there is ETC current projects Palm City Place in patio uh is our latest addition to our beautiful redevelop map road the patio is going to serve as our Town's Palm City's uh Town Square it's adjacent to a beautiful storm water treatment area and it's surrounded by walking trails they'll have lots of community amenities including a pavilion a fishing pier um game tables Landscaping lighting construction should be finished this month and on June 1st I'd like to invite you all to our ribbon cutting and grand opening 11 to2 um it promises to be fun you can come and walk the trails and fish off the pier and eat at a food truck uh there might even be I don't know a scavenger hunt and there'll be music as well uh provided by the newvo honies that's right uh another current project is our Port Salo crra Park Drive is a small but very pivotal roadway right that that kind of feeds the docks uh the commercial docks right there and that's being enhanced um with sewer um repaving of the roadway additional drainage and additional concrete for trucks so that the commercial um Endeavors can happen crosswalks New Park equipment and we are looking at construction starting in the fall projects about 90% designed upcoming projects thank you welcome um in hob sound we have a very large complex project coming on board it's the A1A streetscape from Southeast Bridge Road to Southeast Saturn Street this is going to enhance and and I should say expand the downtown so Bridge Road was one piece and this is the next piece of that um enhancement and the project will include drainage and storm water which are very important elements not just for Dixie but also for post office alley which is included in that uh it's going to include parking lighting redefined pedestrian spaces um and the renovation of the historic hob sound train station is a piece of that thanks to commissioner Jenkins um it's going to be just a beautiful element in this uh Redevelopment effort and of course El Camino we've been talking about El Camino for a long time it is out to bid again um so we're all crossing our fingers and hoping for the best uh this will be a multimodal trail that will bict from the north to the South in Golden Gate CRA um constructed along an unopened County Road which is actually called Camino uh so you can expect to see picnic facilities community garden exercise stations um and a new soccer field or I should say a redone soccer field with dirt Mounds for the community's enjoyment and that's all I have for you today and I'd be happy to answer any questions commissioner heatherington I I I didn't recall the FTE with the art in public places and the um historic preservation board but what what is the scope of that and did have we have we considered that the Arts Council could run the art in public places if we provided them funding rather than provide another FTE position this was a 2024 FTE so this was approved last year we've recently hired uh the person in April as far as the Martin Arts running uh Martin County's art and public places program that's certainly a decision that um I will leave to you all of you uh we were given that program when I started in 2017 as well as historic preservation both are Martin County programs uh not specifically CRA programs so what's the scope of that it's an administrative position to run yes so they both have boards um there's an art in public places it's called the public art advisory committee historic preservation board um and they both are tasked with for historic preservation I think you heard a little bit about that this morning uh doing historic preservation month coordinating all of the activities running the board um looking at what historic properties may be in the county when they come up so for example we get dinged if it comes up in the building department that somebody who has a property that could be deemed historic is coming in to ask for a permit so then our staff would go out and check that out and see if that was something that maybe we wanted to add to making sure that all of the historic places that we have here in Martin County are taken care of not that we do that but we do work with tourism and with uh General services on those art in public places again also has a board and funding and we are tasked with increasing public art for the community's enjoyment commissioner her yeah I'm looking at the Port cero improvements there's $1.2 million budgeted what are the projects look at [Applause] that so in solerno we received we will our 2025 Tiff is 1. 1241 is that what you're looking at well it just says that that's going to be the yes so what's been how that those funds have been allocated is half of that has been allocated towards infrastructure Partnerships which is going to go towards sewer uh that was recommended by the NAC approved by the CRA board and they also added new Monro roadway improvements which is a project that's going to take into account um sidewalks repaving lighting and Landscaping in the new Monrovia Community for 500,000 and then the new Monrovia Park improvements was the last piece of that um allocation and that's I think that you've seen some of that commissioner the park improvements we're going to be redoing the basketball court adding some drainage to it leveling out some of the ground there and hopefully doing a uh uh shade structure over the playground I was mistaken it's $1.7 million so that includes 500 for what's what's the uh uh infrastructure improvements is that design is it construction is it is it it's both it's called we call our that line we call that CIP infrastructure Partnerships why I would assume that the the uh water and sewer project is already fully designed since we were out to bid water project that that the CRA did was completed last year the sewer project that I just spoke about on Park Drive is just for the manatee Peninsula but that's not in this that's not a project that's being funded this year in this CI it will be funded through that line yes is land acquisition in funded no um the NAC recommended that the money that we had allotted for that which was 596 th000 be put into the sewer line so that's where that is now okay no additional monies were put into property acquisition okay thank you sure commissioner campy thank you I just wanted to also say that the new employee in Miss cor's office when we had a meeting to discuss what kind of programming we were going to do on map Road Road um she came forward with a fully worked out plan of exactly what it needed to be and we just all looked at it and normally we don't all agree we just said yes this is perfect and we kind of amazing and we ran with it so I give her credit for putting that together beyond the scope that Miss chorus had mentioned she will obviously fill in wherever she needed to fill in and from my perspective right off the bat she filled in excellently yeah she is also responsible which I did not me uh commissioner heatherington for communications for all three of the programs CRA uh art and public places and historic preservation motion to accept staffs tentative approval tentative approval of the OCD a motion by commissioner C be seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed fire rescue um before Mr Rush begins his presentation on the fire rescue CIP I would like to request an addition of the CIP sheet that you were given on the dis earlier today called automated external defibrillators or aeds in parks for the board's consideration based on the board's request to potentially Implement an AED program originally the proposed fire rescue CIP was requested as a decrease of of $47 um but if the board moves to adopt this AED sheet for the enhanced level of service it would be an impact of approximately 153,000 to the fire rescue mstu fund so I'm just throwing that out there righted all right good afternoon Commissioners I'm sorry playing pong with my chairman uh I just wanted to speak to the AED I don't know how the funding would work I understand that you have to put it somewhere but I certainly don't want to wait another six to seven or eight months before we make those purchases so I don't know if you have to if you make a motion today to add this in I can include that into the budget for when for the July Workshop discussion when will they be purchased FY 25 I would prefer that you figure out a way to purchase them now and reimburse yourselves in this in the fall versus waiting I don't want to be the one we said this morning the public has been waiting our staff's got it all figured out if we're waiting this is a life and death issue it's not some basic thing that we could do it now or we could wait none of us wants to be sitting in this room when some family comes forward and says that we had an issue with the park because we didn't have them there so I think it's it's urgent and if you want to fund it into the future fine but we need to fund them now and if you can't I'll fund the parks that are in my district with my district funds or I'll have a fundraiser but I don't want to wait any longer M uh I was just going to suggest if we could at least add the CIP then we can bring back at a future agenda item under OMB how it could be Advanced sooner uh if that's the board's pleasure make a motion I make a motion that it the sheets are brought in and that this conversation is had at our next meeting which is next week Mr Smith would like to talk about that so um first and foremost I think it would be helpful for the chief to share with us what this thing is going to look like and how it's going to work because there was a lot of conversation by commissioner campy this morning and so it' be nice for the public I think to hear that whatever needed to get worked out got worked out that would be where I would start and then what this is reminiscent of I believe is when the sheriff came to us mid year for his um his body cams request um we were able to do what we needed to do and move funds around to make that happen but I just I just think before we jump completely off the edge that tell us what we're doing and then I think Ed or I or somebody can make a motion to figure out how out of reserves we get the purchase order done if that's the right thing to do today and we can move forward even faster for the record Chad Chuli fire chief Martin County fire rescue so this AED program if we were going to do any program at all this is the program to do it's a phenomenal program it's advanced in technology we're getting more of a lifespan out of the aeds but it's a it's a collaboration between us parks and then also we're going to have fire prevention included on it but just for the Public's perspective to understand how this is going to work it's going to be out in the open in in select Parks right now we're going to rent out a pilot program it's going to be in a secure box and the beauty of this box is you still have to activate 8 911 they give you the code of the box and then they can get access to the actual AED there's a couple things you need to know about the AED though as well that's why I'm saying this is the best program we have something that's a dashboard that's actually um within fire rescue to where we can view all aeds at the same time if anything happens with one of these aeds we are immediately notified that there's an issue could be a dead battery it could be something where it was vandalized anything that was missing we would know we would know to act on it quickly um as far as inspections we have our fire inspectors that will be able to look at this on a weekly basis to make sure they're running through their inspections and then parks on the collaboration is more of where they had to do a visual inspection to make sure that the boxes weren't vandalized at all so the program is phenomenal the batteries the uh pads are four-year lifespans which is is newer usually they were have to be replaced every year and the other Beauty about it is the pads themselves for those that know about the AED Market how they work you used to have to to have a difference between a adult pad and a pediatric pad this pad is oneand done so it makes it easier for the end user of this product that they don't have to decide which is the weight which pad we have to pull out it's one pad you follow the prompts on the AED and then hopefully at the end of this you have success but 911 is activated during this whole process so it's a phenomenal program to put together so um one thing that's worried me about all of this is that there's an incident on a field and a resident goes to the Box dials 911 they get the code to open up the box I assume it activates the the AED right no can you screw it up so there's a human factor in anything you touch of course but it is a very I appreciate that but if if you are doing it or one of your staff are doing it or one of the park staff who is fully trained at doing it I just wonder what happens if a resident gets to it and goes to do the best of intentions but can you mess up you this AED the worst thing that you can do to a patient is shock them in a rhythm they should not be shocked in so that's the worst case scenario but the AED won't allow you to do it so the worst thing they can do is grab the a D and just seize up and just not apply it does that make sense so so if they apply it if they apply it yes is is there is there literally like like a like a 5-year-old you put it here you put it there you push it here and you push a button and you go if I put an AED in front of you and I turn that AED on it walks you through a stepbystep process of how to activate the AED how to apply the pads when to do CPR um and and let's just face it not everyone's going to do perfect CPR because not everyone in the community is trained in CPR however any type of CPR compared to no CPR at all is better than nothing um so if we initiate compressions compressions is what saves lives the AED it shocks in only certain arrhythmias it's not every arhythmia that a patient would be in but the ones that they are in that requires a shock that's when an AED does save a life so how do you know when when they're in that right shock the AED it analyzes the heart it recognizes the Rhythm and it will tell you when to shock if what it will do is tell you to pause it will analyze and then it'll tell you either continue CPR or shock the patient so if you would have take or would take the the CPR course of my namesake I can't remember his first name Mr Jenkins Josh Jenkins Josh excellent um part of that is using this and it is literally dummy proof one from the lobby will try it on commissioner Smith right now great no I just I I that's that's all all this is great I just think that you know I I think of like I I think of my mother can't operate her cell phone right and so I just I just think of and as long as there's no way for someone to activate it if it's not needed to be activated like if you're telling me you put the pads on the patient and you then it does its cycle and it says pause or do not you can't can you actually hit them with it or it won't let you the monitor will not let you shock in a non-shockable rhythm that's what I'm saying it can't be done not like paddles you see on TV clear it's not that right so somebody just texted in a question you want a video okay um if somebody's because of a heart monitor or defibrillator can you does it tell you or can you damage a implant defibrillator so that's that's a good question if they had a fibrillator a heart monitor if it was working properly they wouldn't be in the condition that they're in go so it would override that and then it would it would give the shock that's necessary to get them out of the Rhythm that they're in okay so I want to reiterate um something that if if we do have a funding issue the parks that are in my district um which I only have two you just chill out um I would be U more than happy to um contribute to the cause out of my district funds the second thing is Indiantown is in my district but it's its own municipality have we brought this to maybe taran's attention maybe she wants to to um Pony up to us um with this program I just a thought that I mean there is what three or four Parks out there that aren't ours that um anyway just a thought okay go ahead so um you answered everything I needed to want to know and here which is great um and so um I would I would move today that we did what we did with the sheriff's um body cams and that we go to reserves for the 100,000 whatever it is Stephanie 104,000 153,00 and that covers all of our Parks or portion portion of the parks portion um 80% of our Parks some parks will have more than one unit that's why it's the number like that how ptio has more than one 24 units over 12 Parks 24 but there was a there was a uh factor that we added to the estimate of that cost because we weren't sure when this project was going to come to fruition I think it was about 10 or 15% if we were to wait till October with the way prices are increasing so I I so we we likely will be able to purchase more than 24 with the full 153 I I agree with Ed and and others I don't this isn't something that should come out of your districts that's silly because that's this is a countywide issue not a a district issue um I and if and for the purpose we're doing it in the first place if you guys are satisfied with the equipment and the program and the thing then I I I wouldn't wait I would say order today and I think we give you the approval or the ability to purchase them today or however long it takes to deliver them I'm assuming you don't get them like on Amazon the next day um you know I'm sure there's some lead time but I would and then they have to be installed yeah I mean I would move that we we approve or Don unless you have a better source that of reserves the 152,000 you could second my motion that I already made did you do that for that I didn't I tried to I don't think I heard that part I only heard that you were going to fund it all out of your District whatever it takes we need to get it done right away general fund reserves is where the funds would come from and other than we them at the October 1 when we do our our new budget yes second thank you I'm just curious to know what parks I saw a list there's a list Mr vat have it there I saw a breakdown Hal pattio Park Langford one second Hal patok more than one there's four there okay um Langford Park four Justin Wilson Park 2 William docm Meyers Park 2 Indian Riverside Park two Jensen Beach 2 Stewart Beach 1 JB Reid 2 pineapple Park 2 timer Powers Park one wac park one and jock Leon Park one what about Charlie Leon Park I've been told this is a pilot program Lamar Howard Park Charlie Lon park with your extra money that you got there there's a boat ramp very dangerous you're done we got a motion I'd like Lamar Howard Park in there if we're going to put him in I would just ask if you'd like if I can make a suggestion if since there's going to be some a little bit of additional funding which would allow us to buy some more units let us reevaluate the parks and see where we can put some extra ones and then we can bring it back to the board and let you know what what we have but we're still voting today correct and if there is a chance of buying in bulk uh please at least approach IND town to see if they would be wanting to participate in our purchase agreement Mr I just you know I know we didn't do an agenda item on this to go more detail but part of this isn't just installing it but it's a routine daily inspection by the parks department every day there's the uh fire prevention staff dealing with them it's the training and staff and the and the 911 service being aware when the Box get opens that operate automatically so it is not just simply the purchase of these things it's it's also an operational um uh Duty so that the reason why we selected the subunit of this is to get a handle on all of the staff resources it will take just to keep these operational on a daily basis um and and uh and I think this is a good start of the program and uh if we can do it efficiently and and we can expand it throughout all our Parks um uh when we get some better data on on on its maintenance commissioner Smith I would go along with the acquisition of the land this morning um the only thing when you do when you redo the analysis of like where you might and might not from comments at board members if we're going to do two at Jensen I would certainly do two at Stewart Stewart long enough and wide enough between farthest ends of Stuart was one and Jensen was two anyway I just however you're going to evaluate it I I the southern end of Stewart Beach versus the nor Northern end I like light years apart so understood commissioner Heatherton aggressively pushed her button so I will take her now I don't know how you're going to explain to some residents that some parks Merit at AED yet when we have soccer fields and so if I have to pay for it out of my own District funds the unit itself for Lamar Howard Park if all these other parks are getting installed I would prefer that not to have them wonder why they also don't have a unit in their park I would agree with you maybe he should come back uh no no let's get it going let's go okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith campy campy seconded by commissioner Smith it's been a long time um all in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously but I do think we need to have a conversation more about this at a later date I agree shall I continue with please it [Laughter] depends have to shift my script here okay good afternoon Commissioners Matt Rush fire rescue administrator so this project represents our Capital Improvement plan for fire rescue apparatus replacement as well as any major fire or medical equipment needs the apparatus replacement program is based off of 15 years of Total Service life with 10 years as a Frontline truck and 5 years as a backup there are two matrices attached that outline a more specific detail both the replacement programs for the apparatus as well as any of the major fire medical equipment needs the primary funding source is the fire rescue mstu and as you can see we are not seeking an increase over last year's budget now um over the years we've been able to offset the advalorium impact and absorb any price increases with the help of the uh the Medicaid reimbursement programs that we participate in however in the last few years we've seen such significant price increases across the board that's making it increasingly more difficult to do so for example the ladder truck that we just recently purchased back in March with the board's permission cost $1.3 million we purchased the same exact Truck 18 month 18 months ago for $952,000 that's a 36% increase uh in just under a year and a half uh in addition to price increases we are experiencing um exorbitant build times to build these trucks what used to be a one-year process as balloon to now a three-year process so to account for this and to stay on schedule with the replacement program we will be looking to move forward some purchases in FY 26 uh which will have a a temporary impact on avalum until FY 27 when some of the current active leases that we already have fall off so with that I'd be happy to answer any questions I get it move okay we have a motion by commissioner heatherington sir second um just curious Matt um the the year to three years how much do they require up front we typically take advantage of prepaying for the trucks because we get somewhere between a 10 to 15% uh price price reduction um so they don't require to do that but it's it behooves us to take advantage of it considering the any additional break because you're paying three years in advance no but that's a good point I should we should can consider I my assumption is if you're if it's a million two you're dishing out for a truck right they're holding on to that money for two and 3/4 years or two years and then a year to construct right that they're sitting on interest I mean perhaps some of the the way they may look at it too is that there's such a a mar competitive Marketplace for these trucks and people are waiting so long that if we ever decide to back out of it they could probably sell it for a premium over what we prepaid for it so they may but it's definitely something to consider for sure I like like that idea anything else okay we had a motion and a second uh all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously with that we're going to take our close captioning break before we go to our next item e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e was really trying over there okay welcome back to our uh I'll intru Commission meeting carry on law enforcement with Mr Shan Donahue good afternoon Sean Donahue General Services director uh we're asking for a zero ad Lum impact um this Mo to approve just going to stop so anyway maintaining our our farb funding our fixed asset replacement budget funding uh credit tool to the jail operations uh we're still funding some of the long-term projects the firearms training grounds uh build up uh the logistics Center and um the chiller plant connection for the psse we're adding a couple new projects that I'll talk about in in the slide later uh current projects we're we're finishing up our jail pod Renovations later this year where we have one more pod after the one we're going to finish in a few weeks here uh and then we'll be done with that project uh jail exterior painting is pretty much done that's more of a weatherization project but it did bring it in line with some of the new newer colors we're putting on the newer buildings uh the boot camp uh gym in the K9 construction K9 building construction k9's almost done will be in substantial completion about about next week uh the gyms a little bit behind that but they're both on schedule uh and then the uh Marine Patrol building is well on schedule that'll be completed later this summer uh law enforcement upcoming projects uh we threw the the uh new Monrovia substation in in the mix it needs a little bit of TLC over there uh there's some radio upgrades and CCTV upgrades uh as well as um access management that needs to happen within the jail itself and then we have an unfunded CIP sheet for the for the new mental health pod um as we get funding and Appropriations and things like that for that project that's it any questions commissioner herd yeah I'm looking at the logistics and operations center which is $1 million what's up with that that's been a uh a project we've been working on for quite a while it is a replacement of the oldest building on that campus on that on that complex uh it's it actually was the old um I think it was a packing house packing Warehouse so it's it's pretty aged it does need to be replaced it's it's certainly seen it's seen this time uh so replacing it with a similar size building that would Encompass the um uh the the purchasing department for the for the sheriff's office as well as warehouse storage and a few other uh uses and those things cost $1 million it's about a 20,000 foot structure all in all and that those and ALS also the firearms training facility $10 million yeah currently they are in a portable trailer uh that trailer is seing its end of life and we're replacing that as soon as we we possibly can uh we have you know the plan would be to build a about a 10,000 ft training facility with classrooms offices storage all the components you need for firearms trainings as well as bolstering the uh uh and enhancing the um the bming and the safety features around the range as the new development comes in and the [Applause] uh the lobby of the the jail for $1.2 million because it hasn't been updated for 16 years it's actually a combination of projects it's it would be the lobby uh it would be an attorney uh uh inmate visitation room uh a body scanner uh area and then a staff parking a secured staff parking lot and what we'd like to do is is master plan the C that complex to see where we can put that in conjunction with building a new mental health pod so the first part of this is kind of Master planning it seeing how this all these things are going to work together as we start planning this larger um construction project so that that Lobby is not the 1.2 million It's a combination of all those okay it it just looks to me like next year we're going to be on the hook for nearly $10 million for two projects that being the logistics and operations center and the firearms training training facility I don't have any idea where we're going to come up with $10 million for those two facilities next year the the logistics project is over time there's there's still several years of funding that we we would need to it's bring together for that it's not what it says in the sheet it says next year we're going to spend SE $7 million thanks commissioner Smith um not that I oppose it but I guess the question with the firearms training facility there was some discussion a while ago whe whether or not it was staying there at that current site or we were going to move it so I guess building a permanent facility means it's staying there I was going to ask the same question because I thought it was moving too I'll retract my question you can ask it instead no go ahead done I like so in order to move the facility you would need to buy additional property we had looked at the Lako property which is not eligible we have to change so um the other conversation with the sheriff's deputies that they're happy with that location just um it's convenient for uh their uh communting from uh their office to to do the training and so the preference would to have something similar close to town the site there can be upgraded to meet the requirements to uh shield from the adjacent Community So the plan at this point was to continue to look at the existing site upgrade it to its uh to be a more modern facility um and uh do there as opposed to if you take the costs uh that uh that are anticipated in this and then added um uh a couple hundred thousand an acre for property you get the idea that that would be the um the total cost for a Firearms facility of which we don't have uh any land available at this point in time to to move it nor is the sh Sheriff's staff um and the AMT about moving something further out west so at this point in time we're we're looking to do the design where it's at I'm just thinking the fairgrounds would be the perfect spot out in the middle of literally nowhere they want to be out in the middle of nowhere they don't want to be next to Newfield either so no he's saying they don't want to drive further west all the time not so I I'm also assuming that sometime in the future we'll see another CIP for other improvements to the BM and to other that's what I was going to ask yes that's there was there was I I there was always the question I think when that when the shooting range lengths were built and the the size or whatever that there was probably more to come so the in order to fully utilize the site it will require and that's I think uh what we're anticipating is to uh improve the boundary conditions while also improving the course itself and the classrooms but is so is that part of the classroom funding or the classroom and then no it's it's part of the classroom to do a to design the bullet traps and to design the safety features as well as to design the the classroom that's all it would all be in one project and we would enhance the funding as as it came in and design thank you commissioner heatherington I think that answered I was under the impression that was land acquisition in this sheet but we're basically need a BM and a small modest classroom yes so they're going to come back with a separate sheet for that no well it'll be all in the sheet the sheet will reflect all of what I think they will come back with uh we Indo shooting facility that's what I thought it's 10,000 squ foot no building shooting no that's for training it's an outdoor shooting facility it's the indoor training classroom classroom offices storage Armory okay even more reason for it not to be there but okay I I thought it was a burm that we were we were either going to buy land to move it or build the burm and I didn't even realize that we did training on site in in the classroom they do they have a trailer there now and it is a a substandard training facility in the fact in and what what the sheriff needs to train their folks to uh have them uh through their various exercises the uh um rehabilitating and using the existing site is preferable to moving further out west in my conversations with the sheriff so we can certainly come back where we're under their design and have some further conversations with you but the the uh the idea was is that the where the location it if it could be made safe the way they want it they would they were happy with staying where they're at commissioner herd yeah it said the sheet says that it's immediately adjacent to Newfield um which of course makes me think about Palmar and so it sounds to me like um as New Field gets built out we'll be moving this again at Great expense it it's next to the open space area it's not next to the housing it sticks to The Preserve areas yeah have you ever heard about any problems at Trailside and palar a sheriff's deputy shooting not just the general yeah but there's going to be a lot of shooting oh no I asked commissioner Jenkins can you hear it from those will those residents be able to hear it sure so I mean you maybe we need to have this conversation with the sheriff MH or at least his his re unless his representative is here oh come on you can commit it his Representatives um I think we have to have a conversation with the sheriff becausee it's big money and the future site might not be ideal no doubt and you don't have to necessarily move further west you could move on the same PL parallel north to south there's property around down onto Citrus along there on the way in the industrial someone will donate at the property how many acres is it it's about 50 I think some of it's undevelopable those they're not using 50 the footprint so what do you need a temporary we're just doing this temporarily and then we'll bring the representatives in that's the only group so far we've needed to have further explanation I'll make a motion to temporal to accept the tentative uh CIP sheets for law enforcement knowing that we need to bring the sheriff's representatives to explain more succinctly what their future vision is second very good than you okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Heatherton all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries compation 4 to one commissioner herd s don't speak Library good afternoon Commissioners uh Jen Sal's Library director uh for fy2 we are asking for some additional funding for a project to replace the audiovisual equipment at the Cummings library in Palm City right now the equipment is about 15 years old and is not um accepting the different newer technology that both our presenters for Library events and our outside public who books the meeting rooms are requiring our current CIP projects um we are actually just starting our hobtown Public Library Improvement project that was from a $1.6 million private donation uh we are closing down the library starting tomorrow uh for about 3 months that will include um planning for an outdoor space as well as interior improvements um we are just because it's so new um and making the announcement to the public we are going to have some events and classes at the hob sound Civic Center at Zeus Park as well as an outpost where people can pick up their Library holds at the clerk's office in hob sound so we're launching on that starting tomorrow um we also are currently working with the vendor for our radio fre frequency identification system replacement at the Robert morgade Library um that is our 10-year life cycle replacement program upcoming projects in the next few years um we will have a new library branch in the Newfield community and um we are currently in the um planning stages for the h Library outdoor space in Jensen Beach happy to answer any questions and where's that going to be what's that where's the outdoor space going to be the stre so if you're looking at the entrance to the building it'll be on the right hand side in the grassy area there's a rain Garden right to the right and it it'll be closer to the library not to the um strip Plaza that's there side of the building for book drop off or the book drops well no you it's in the the front of the building where you park is where the book drops are and then just to the right back that way okay commiss camp that thing is going to fit there P this is just a a design potential we're working right now with the Architects to decide what it like or we're thinking about doing yeah a different design shape I can do fights in there in the Octagon absolutely we'll include you in the process go no I already uh the Newfield Library will be built by the developer of Newfield correct do they have to build it out and put the books and everything else and then we'll run it or do they just build you a shell and you have to take it over um we're still working out the details they are going to to help a little bit with the interior um however we expect to apply for a State Library construction Grant to help with some of the funding as well as our library Foundation doing some fundraising um so what we would probably come back to um the county for at that time would be Staffing um and you know utilities that would be included in the building is that something that you felt was an appropriate extension of your library system or is it because it seems like it's on them yes well I mean I if we're going to have a library in our community I would like it to be part of the Martin County Library System um so that we can oversee the operations of it are you in negotiations with them currently yes yes we've met with them multiple times to decide you know what the space will look like I would love to attend okay thank you because I think they're going to owe you some stuff move tenative approval second okay we have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously award winning Jennifer Salis Li award winning welcome [Applause] [Applause] Parks good afternoon Commissioners Kevin Kerwin your deputy director the Martin County Parks and Recreation Department here today to present our fy2 CIP request as you see we came in just under last year's request highlights are that we're maintaining our funding our fixed asset replacement budgets our historic preservation building Paving equipment and Wi-Fi um our boat ramp projects are moving forward as you all know we just completed uh sandsprit Park boat ramps both of them and they're opening open and operating very efficiently uh we're continuing with phase two of the wac park projects um adding the uh additional footall and small-sided soccer courts and then the restrooms and a multi-purpose space there and then as we discussed earlier today phase four and five of a sailfish sand Golf Course course the improvements there um big thing that's going on is uh we're going to be finishing the boardwalk at Indian Riverside Park and also installing this summer the uh Joffrey Smith Fountain coming in Palm City this fall at the Charlie Leighton Park we uh the park improvements are planned they're permitted the boat ramp um is planned we're going to be receiving final permits any day now I might have them already in my inbox um and that'll be the complete Park um we do have a fine grant that we applied for for that Park um so we make we'll be making the presentation and we'll hear about that so with that are there any questions commiss uh just a a comment not that everything the parks department doesn't do is fantastic but if you haven't been to OAC Park since all the improvements have been done uh it's amazing I mean it is a fantastic transformation I was there a couple months ago and it was just uh fabulous ni thank you yeah our team did a phenomenal job on that it was a heavy lift but it is beautiful AB wonderful i' move tenative approval second have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner herd all in favor I motion passes unanimously public buildings welcome back you did you change your outfit again Sean Donahue General Services director uh the public building um request has a slight increase for some farb enhancements uh we are continuing with the uh the courthouse and Courthouse office building VAV replacement that's been a long-term 5-year project uh that should finish up just next year with a smaller portion of that um we're maintaining our critical farb funding across the across the county and then we're maintaining some funding for important fire station projects for uh experior pretty sure that's what he saying what's changed uh we are um starting uh starting some funding savings up for a larger courthouse and Courthouse office building air air conditioning replacement project this is the larger units on top of the roof about $6 million total to replace those they're near their end of end of life and then we're um adding some VAV Replacements in the Blake Library and in the inding toown governmental Center Uh current projects that we're working on hopes down ocean rescue in the planning phases working with the town of Jupiter uh we're replacing two generators at the at the um hangers at the airport the LIF star and the fire rescue or the Sheriff's Office uh we are like Jen was talking about before we're working on the hopes Sound Library remodel project uh she explained that well uh it's the steuart health department building VAV Replacements that's going to kick off very soon and then this is the fire station 32 that's an example of some of the roof and facade work we need to do on several of our fire stations that project's complete upcoming projects like I talk about the uh Courthouse and Courthouse office building hbac unit Replacements on the roof uh we're working on the design for the fire station doors uh that's a multi-year project uh we're going to look at all the older buildings and try to replace those with the Bold doors for a quicker regress uh the supervisors of election is asked for um uh building expansion their warehouse space is packed as you can see in the picture uh they need a little bit more room there and then they want to use the existing warehouse space to uh expand their offices and then the operations complexes something in planning with the Capital Improvements any questions commissioner herd yeah Fire Station 22 relocation have we gotten any developer contributions from any of the rural lifestyle approvals for the uh funding of this not not that I'm aware of that now how about Western Palm city fire station is new Building A Fire Station I don't I'm not I don't know the answer that I'm sorry does anybody there's been discussions about the donation of property at this point in time there isn't actually a uh building construction there's also been look at uh working with the chief on on the actual best location for a fire station in Western pal uh Palm City um to to serve both um the I95 and turn prite corridors which we've talked about earlier and in addition to the growth in um New Field development so um the other locations are along um 714 may be a more appropriate location for the fire station so that's all a future consideration but we're in the in the planning stages of it now Jim Gordon Public Works director um we are we've looked at the contributions that are going to occur through impact thre fees through Newfield and they're they're going to contribute about 7 and a half million dollar toward a new fire station just through their impact fees but that funding won't come until buildout so um but other uh development that may occur in that area could also contribute to it through um pey agreements so do you know what the average uh new fire station costs these days yeah the fire fire rescue has estimated it at about 10 to 11 million does that include land acquisition uh that includes land acquisition yep okay so not nearly enough well we're getting there commission Smith um just to to the Chief and um Capital side of all this can we further talk about all that I just the the theory of where how what that happens out there I just love to have a broader conversation about and that may also go along with a shooting range convers ation too cuz a lot of those things start tying together with Newfield and the road that's going to get built there and so on so anyway just for conversation Point Mr campy the if there's a fire station built with somehow conjunction with Newfield it wouldn't exclusively be for Newfield it would be a western located fire station that could respond to Western Palm City calls so it's not I get 7 million and we'd want to make sure we get the most out of them but it's not going to be an exclusive New Field fire station we've needed one out west for a while I see the chief you representing the fire department the record Chad chanu Le fire chief Martin County fire rescue um just just to add to what you said you're correct uh western western western Palm city that is our next place to build a new fire station um it is definitely in Need Just with the responses that we have out there the emergency calls our response times um not only Western Palm City but we're talking about the encroachment of Indian town as well because if we get the station out there in the right location we can close that distance out in that out Westerly area of Indian town that um we need to address at a at a at a point in time this is the best way to do it is to push us further west in Palm City and then over the years obviously things progress from there but as far as our next step this Station Western Palm City absolutely there's a need right now the chief has actually attended a number of community meetings that we've had with the people that live out on the grade uh and there horrific stories of uh some horrific stuff that's happened out there and you know we're doing the best we can but but sometimes our response times are um anyway it's uh they are desperate for I remember the response times were much quicker when that was my district yeah but Mr her and and the Indiantown fire station 24 replacement whose responsibility is that do we have a contract with Indian town what's what what are our responsibilities for public buildings what kind of contractual agreements do we have those kinds of things why is this in our CIP So currently um Indian town is essentially uh we are providing uh Fire Rescue Services throughout the uh Village boundaries uh we have the County Commissioners have a an interlocal agreement with them um before we would build another station out there we would revisit that um agreement to ensure that uh the long-term commitment is there if we're where we build that station um anyway that's that's where we're at what kind of a contractual agreement do we have we have operationally we the uh the village the T the town is providing an equivalent amount of our our our our taxable value the mstu the fire rescue mstu is being uh essentially applied within the village boundaries um and so they're paying proportionally the same for fire rescue as everybody else commissioner campi thank you um again like we discussed this morning the dynamic and makeup of Indian town will dramatically change and increase very soon so I think you know the rural town that our fire rescue uh was handling out there I think if you're talking about uh new community impact Trey terago would have a large impact on anything that's happening out there Staffing equipment so that's going to have to be part of that conversation but also if Newfield created a need for additional fire rescue um Services out west doesn't necessarily have to be built on the new Field property because maybe if what the chief said about trying to reach out to to the grade and capture some of the Eastern Northeastern Indian town area perhaps some of our other land owners that are out in Western Palm City several of them that I'm familiar with would be more than happy to potentially donate land knowing that they would then then have the fire Services closer to their operations as well so if that's a conversation you'd want to have Beyond just within the footprint of Newfield which might put it a little kind of East uh Northeast maybe it needs to be closer to the 95 intersection and I've been involved in a lot of meetings recently community and and otherwise where that question came up where is there western Palm city fire station and I think some of them might be willing to at least contribute the land as long as the impact fees from Newfield could be used still to purchase because they will create an impact don't you think Newfield would want the new fire station on their property I understand but if we're talking about a for the whole County just having it in their heart of their Village might not be the best use if if you're on you know coming off of Newfield Parkway north of Martin Highway and that's where the station is located but you're trying to get out to the grade that's not ideally what's best for the county as a whole I get that it's best for Newfield if if it was on 95 and Martin Highway and any one of those four quadrants around that intersection that's much more centrally located still get to Newfield but then benefit the rest of the county versus us taking their money and saying look we're going to make this and it's basically yours because it won't be basically theirs it'll be for everybody that's correct it's going to be for the county and there's already some conversations taking place regarding the what your speaking on but it's the need for a western Palm City station it happened prior to Newfield whether Newfield exists or already there yeah absolutely but yes it has to benefit the community as a whole not just one development commissioner Smith that's why I'd like to chat about this like oneon-one because there's a lot of Dynamics going on with this whether Newfield is going to be its own sort of town and there'll be a lot of response calls to Newfield at some point in time Western Palm city is a whole another issue and I don't know how you best do that but I know when we used to do our station location response time studies there was every time we did one of those there was a logic as to where we would site a station to get to our 8 Minute 7 Minute response time I just happened to go out there yesterday up to County Line on on Newfield Boulevard Parkway it Parkway it's a hall up there I mean it's it's further than you think when you're looking at a map and so I you know I just I think if the distance you've got to go on 714 if that new road isn't going to be the feder road if it is then maybe the sheriff shooting center location makes more sense because that's kind of splitting the thing in half I I don't know but I'd just love to chat about it on a how does it where does it sit where does it sight and how do you get the best response time to build one station that's going to service a whole broad range of Mr Don I just suggest we'll bring an item back that looks at I mean one of the things we look at is a we have a growth management invested in a growth model kind of and would layer it in that you can do some predictive uh call loading and so there's the art of it is the ideal location versus uh properties that are available for lowest cost acquisition and between those two um this board can make the decision yeah because if you're putting a circle around the station and that station is close to the northern County Line a lot of the circle would be out of the county correct okay it's been so long I don't remember if we had a motion or anything so finished yeah okay we have a motion second have a motion in a second all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries 4 to1 commissioner herd dissenting Coastal you don't look like Kathy you oh she's in New Zealand all right good afternoon I'm George Zama the Public Works deputy director and with me is Jim Gorton Public Works director um we're going to kind of tag team these next few sections of the CIP that are under the Public Works perview um but before that uh I know we're speeding through but I do want to highlight um just a level of uh grant funding that we are able to attain year in and year out um I think it's super important um so I just really wanted to express my sincere appreciation to our staff for their exceptional work in securing Grant funds to expand our critical programs and project goals um we in public works as well as other departments om um Administration we have great pride in leveraging County funding to the greatest extent possible and uh staff's dedication perseverance and grant writing and more importantly project execution and effective Grant Administration plays a vital role in sustaining successful Partnerships with federal state and Grant agencies and legislatures and we all know if you spend money well you usually get more money so I just wanted to share few brief Statistics over the past I have a lot of data in front of me um of a lot of these uh sections we're going to be talking about but um in the roads budget over the past three years uh we were able to obtain uh with design and construction uh uh 20 million out of 60 million total funds so it's about 30% um ecosystems uh over the past three years about 30 31% uh averaging of of 13 million total funds uh Coastal we averaging 44% over the past 3 years grant funding uh both state and federal funding out are the total funds of around 30 2 million uh average and then our storm water which is really I mean it's just uh because of the FEMA and the state uh D resilience grant program uh we're at 81% over the past 3 years uh Grant funds um out of the total budget um so overall uh Public Works we're operating over the past three years about 39% average of the total Pro projects that that you approve uh is is Grant funded through the state and federal legislatures and and um agencies so I just you know I just wanted to say that this is a a testament to you know the high caliber staff that we have uh throughout the organization um especially you know I'm in public works uh which I hold dear um and also the board's uh commitment to supporting our efforts to fulfill these goals so uh with that I'll yield it to Jim we're on the coastal so uh the coastal program we're recommending a $500,000 increase um from fiscal year 24 to 25 the reason we're asking for that increase that money was taken out last year at at the the tail end of the budgeting system to um reach our goals and uh the reason we need it back is because we have a number of projects that are coming to fruition in the in the next year most notably the um we have an inlet management plan that requires us to share in the cost for Beach Management on Jupiter Island and there's a large project that's going to happen that we're going to have to contribute to and then we also have the South Jetty is another project that uh we're we're partnering with the US Army Corps but that's going to be a rather expensive project to protect the south side of the inlet and uh the North End Of Jupiter Island because right now that Jetty is pretty much shot it's been we've had a couple of hurricanes that really did some damage and it's it's been breached and several section sections um also through this program we're also uh funding our resilient Martin program where we're doing countywide analyses of um impacts of sea level rise and and climate change and uh that that's for both the county and our municipality so we're sharing that information with them um our current projects this is a list of uh several of them that are happening bathtu Beach we just just about wrapped up we just have some planting to do otherwise that has 260,000 cubic yards of material there Twin Rivers we have the shoreline project that's kicking off soon the manatee pocket moing field is we just have the Upland facility to build and then the uh living Shoreline is is getting close to being U put out to bid on the upcoming projects that we have um I touched on a few already the South Jetty project Four Mile Beach Tre nourishment which is the Four Mile starting at the North End of um Hutchinson Island uh running down to just past Stewart Beach MacArthur Dune restoration is an important project there was a lot of damage to that Dune in uh hurricane Nicole and what happens anytime we get a large wave event it actually over tops what's left of the Dune and we have sand and water going across MacArthur Boulevard and we have to you know clean that up to make it safe for motorists um so we need to restore some of that material it's going to be a joint project partially funded by the property owners that that benefit from it then the 96 Street bulkhead is the facility that we're we're building so that we can uh store and launch our um artificial Reef material from there do you have any questions about Coastal no approval second we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner herd because she was louder um all in favor all right all opposed motion carries unanimously okay ecosystems um we're staying flat uh with as far as our adalum impact where we have a constant level of funding for our sta water quality improvement projects as well as our BM bmap tmdl compliance projects and our environmentally sensitive Land Management projects um current projects we just wrapped up East cor East Fork Creek sta Phase 1 uh Phase 2 is currently out to bid uh that's the area that's along US1 uh near Heritage Ridge um and uh we also completed Hawk hammock access improvements uh which is part of our environmentally sensitive Land Management and uh Public Access program um it officially provides access to the trail system at Hawk hammock and um we're working on the um modeling and design uh for construction of a weir in the Cypress Creek flood plane Basin in the state park um and we look hopefully uh we'll be able to obtain permits to get that project started soon and we're also finalizing design for some upcoming projects uh for the Southwest prong manate pocket sta in Port cero as well as uh The Kitchen Creek Eastern flow way um where where we'll uh convert channelized Basin flow into natural Wetland systems um uh for the Eastern flow way uh which eventually makes its way into the North Fork of the lockah hatchee river yeah and that's one of my pet projects that we have a property acquisition problem that we i' really like to see this um underway before November anyway commissioner Smith uh thank you Mr chair so are we changing the water flow through Kitchen Creek um making it back to what it was historically it's right now it's like channelized to ditches like a there's a primary ditch so yes well we're going to we're not we're not taking the like the uh the peninsula that got built and we're not removing that and putting I it almost looks like there's lines in there that kind of we're not changing that no okay that's this Project's actually further east talking about Kitchen Creek um sta this this is further east of Power Line Road it it's on the other side of Power Line Road okay yeah pre-development there were three flow ways that existed and as development occurred it all got channelized into a central flow way that runs down Kitchen Creek Road um and this is going to restore some of that flow and put it back into the Eastern flow we still have to do the Western floway but this is going to allow another outlet for that water and it's also going to rehydrate the wetlands in Jonathan Dickinson State Park that North section of sh state park is so dry the wetlands are just not healthy because they're not getting the water they historically had so that flooding that we had in Hope Heights we had no water in a Cypress Head in the area that Jim was just talking about during all that flooding yeah so um when you all have time and I don't know if it's you that'll do it or John M that would do it but can we take some of these and do like an agenda item with pictures and aerial and stuff to show us like what's happening in the progress that's being made like like the East Fork if you go back one slide yes um I I just it's an amazing project but I I'm guessing hundreds of thousands of people drive by it a day and have absolutely no idea what that thing is all about and what it did and and not that everybody watches this it just would give the opportunity to talk about it see it and put it into context and exactly what Harold's talking about I I think if we could show it just the progress It's Made because when we talk about it to people there sometimes I have no idea what we're talking about but I just if we can put some more visual to it would be great yep we could I think Michael Houston has put a lot of his heart and soul of that he's crawled through the mud there a lot he's he'll be a good presenter yes thank you tenative approval if you were done with that one second thank you we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner Heatherton all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously this next one is the the transit CIP so what the CIP sheet is for generally is to um accumulate funding for Capital replacement of the buses uh based on the discussion this morning um uh the next bus doesn't need to be replaced until 27 so we have some time to make some decisions um but we we are accumulating that that funding so that we can replace them as they reach their effective service life there's also a smaller amount of funding that's on the CF sheet for uh bus stop construction um but the vast majority of it's for the um um Capital replacement of the buses themselves I am absolutely flabbergasted one of those buses cost almost a half a million dollars it's crazy they too have a long lead time so you have to order them about a year in advance not quite as long as the ladder truck but um same thing with all Heavy Equipment these days is just thanks approval second motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I I all opposed roads okay roads uh uh we had a const what stayed the same we had a constant level of funding for traffic safety measures as well as signal maintenance intersection improvements and our Bridge maintenance program as well as annual our annual commitments for the railroad leases um we are requesting an increase in roadway mstu for a roadway resurfacing program and neighborhood restoration uh as well as an increase for in our storm water mstu for our heavy equipment replacement program um it was at I think 600,000 a year for the longest time and um equipment we just talked about equipment costs and um we have to keep up with our program and upgrade our equipment um as a lot of them are at uh at the end of their life cycle um some current CP projects we're currently underway with the Dixie Highway East for Creek Bridge replacement um it's currently a box cover a a double box covert that we're replacing with a a a a pre-cast concrete Arch Bridge uh We've we've uh replaced I think about seven coverts with this type of bridge structure in the past years or so um and it's uh very streamlined construction and less of an impact to the public um really good bank for your buck so uh we're currently underway that that road typically we we um close roads during Bridge construction um but we're keeping the uh roadway open at all times uh during construction for this project um Indian Street resurfacing uh we're just getting started with that uh f folks may have noticed um some work out there um it's it's a two-prong project that's not just resurfacing the road but we're also performing intersection improvements and we're going to be um doing massed arm upgrades for a new traffic alignment we're adding uh dual left turn Lanes uh both Eastbound and Westbound um in conjunction with the with the uh Grant resurfacing project and then uh we're doing a number of neighborhood restoration projects year in year out we just wanted to highlight Coral Gardens uh we're wrapping up the drainage phase in there and um we'll be on our way to the next neighborhood in the program uh upcoming projects uh we just wanted to highlight uh um just a a grant project you know a lot of these Missing Link sidewalks they go a long way in the community so we just wanted to highlight we received a a tap Grant through the no process and uh for Avalon Drive um in hibiscus Park so we'll be uh we're finalizing design with that project and we'll be construction constructing that this next fiscal year and then County Line Road Bridge replacement um that road uh that bridge will be scheduled for closure in South County um uh we have finalized design um I do want to highlight we received a state appropriation for 3 million as well as a federal appropriation for 3 million so uh we have $6 million for the replacement of that structure hopeful uh it's almost 100% funding for that for that bridge so um kudos to staff uh and our state and federal legislators for uh helping us fund that project and also we'll be coordinating uh with the village of Thea we've uh and we've uh our emergency um or our fire rescue staff uh is is in coordination with uh the village and um as well as Palm Beach County in that area and they'll be actually um they're planning a little satellite station on the west side of the bridge uh during construction any questions just want to note that page 171 is the Bridge Road turn lane on the power line and U just if I don't show up here one day not to be funny but not to be funny it's because I died at the intersection this is I'm sure that this condition is uh repeated throughout the county but this is uh I turn left there two times a day and at least once a week I'm thinking I'm going to die so God forbid that be the case but I would tell you we will vote to name it after you Jenkins Memorial turn line I love it love it okay well maybe not Jenkins maybe just like H sound okay all right good District three no but I'm just saying and I hope that we had talked about maybe including this in the in the uh the ecosystem project that we were talking about before so the kitchen Creek Eastern floway project uh part of the modeling is sizing the pipe covert that will go under the road at this location so we are working together to you know obviously we want to do the underground first and and we'll incorporate that um before we perform the turn lane project because that'll be a sizable footprint at the intersection but I just see this going out 30 or 2030 to 2034 so anyway just saying don't mean to be selfish but I don't want to die we fatalistic yeah got a light oh I'm sorry commissioner heard yeah I'm I'm looking at the intersection of US1 and uh caner Highway and it says that they're going to be three Northbound left turn Lanes on uh caner at the intersection are those three new is it one new it's it's one new a total of three left turn lanes and there's going to be an eastbound turn lane onto Colorado there's going to be a right-hand southbound turn lane onto caner okay okay and that's that definitely backs up I just wanted to to to bring this up because I don't so it's not scheduled for construction until 2028 I don't think we can wait that long either at that intersection that's a do project so it's in it's a concurrency project so it's in our CIP but um yes they understand the that we would like to advance that project it's it's something we can uh the mo board can also help to expedite um by prioritizing it yep it's our number five priority so we are prioritizing yep um I didn't know I gave you up my seat I have noidea you're getting it back not back I'm getting added yeah me and you just putting the team back together uh and now now I'm on resurfacing and drainage maintenance we are never going to catch up at this rate we really need one of these years to prioritize to put about five times as much funding in this every year and lastly um Citrus Boulevard resurfacing is I'm showing uh 2027 resurfacing it's a grant who's whose Grant is it it's a uh uh uh do small County outreach program Grant 75% Grant um so yes we that's that's the timeline uh we we've started design and we're in the design cycle right now okay thanks yep you're welcome yes sir oh I'm sorry side note to that scop Grant probably 108 years ago we asked the legislature with the small County coalition to modify the population um Base number I think it was 147,000 or something like that we got it moved up to like 160,000 I forget exactly what the number of people were but I know we'll be bumping up against that soon again and so we rely a lot on that scop cramp process and scrap right scrap and scop uh we're solely scop just scop scrap is a smaller um threshold a lower threshold something that we need to if we need another 10,000 population something we need to be thinking about asking the legislature to modify maybe how we fit in that still if we want to rely on that for the future that's all yeah we have a close relationship with fot District 4 local programming office and uh they work with us it's we're one of two counties that in the district that qualify uh under that threshold the other is Indian River um and there are a lot of years that Indian River does not request the funding and it's it's upwards of 2 million a year so they try to equit distribute every year and um so we like to have projects lined up so if the money is available they program it they you know because um our staff does a good job of of the administering the grants our numbers hitting the top of that threshold and we out of the the allocation side right Al together commissioner heatherington I rarely find myself finding this saying this but I I think we probably need more funding in the future and this to because we we are going to with the neighborhood restoration and the resurfacing we're going to find oursel in some of these older neighborhoods like Golden Gate that have a lot of unanticipated um occurrences and I don't think that in future years we probably have enough so I think we need to look really closely and do some of these sampling and make sure that we have enough or contingencies or or something CU we might have to program more money in next year more money okay move tenative approval motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you this is the stormw water management is the last uh CIP for Public Works sorry I already flipped the page I thought you were done so what stayed the same is constant level of funding for storm rouer management and flood control uh a lot of that funding is for the um repair of drainage facilities and also retrofit of our um storm water treatment areas over time they do their job they're like a sponge they soak up a lot of nutrients and then you have to remove those nutrients over time so that a lot of this CIP sheet um provides for that maintenance that needs to occur the other funding is uh for the hites uh drainage Improvement so we were accumulating our match for the um project for the outfall project we've already designed it we've already permitted it uh it's with femma they're just reviewing the um design and cost and once they approve that we'll be able to put it out on the street so with this CIP we'll be able to accomplish that project can you also when you do your update with John or whoever can you bring back that as part of the update like what all happened and how did we how where are we sure that would be great to see it yep yeah no that's a um there's a lot of engineering that went into that project if it was easy we would have done it years ago move tenative approval okay motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you thank you thank you hello are you welcome here's Sam Amerson number one in the number two business I was expecting nothing less commissioner thank you I very rarely get to use that line but uh whenever I see you I can got to I app number one and the number two business appreciate it first of all let me put my glasses on it's good to be with you and present our request for the CIP for 2025 as you can see our uh request is about 2.8 million less than current year what stay the same we've got some recurring relevation projects and replacement projects such as roadways resurfacing pavement repair some minor Capital Improvements tipping floor replacement and some scale Replacements and what changed we've got some additional CIP projects this includes on-site Water and Wastewater for the facility as you know we're on well and septic tank they now um not the best situation but as soon as Western extension is completed we plan to have that system uh constructed and ready to connect we also want to design next year the fuel Island replacement and I'll get to some photographs in a minute to further explain that and then one of the great uh largest reductions was we removed the CIP sheet for the uh public convenience and the single stream recycling uh adjacent next door the property we purchased from Waste Management um we didn't we've asked for funding this current year and so we're not requesting any additional funding um at this time for that so A couple of the new projects uh currently ongoing we've got a construction of a solid waste administration building that's been designed permitted all the architecturals and civil site work has been designed uh and we plan on on constructing that later this year I mentioned the transfer station tipping floor replacement and also some general Capital Improvements to the transfer station building so I mentioned the on-site Water and Wastewater system that's about $735,000 request the we're asking for funding for the design of replacement of the fuel Island as you can see this fuel island is old school kind of like me um so I understand what I'm looking at here but is gray also excuse me I said that one's gray also yes it is absolutely that was coincidental by the way um but you can see this is a single steel tanks this is our Diesel and gasoline storage tanks and this is a secondary containment this block wall around it so if we have a leak or a fuel spill while fueling dispensing fuel it's contained there doesn't run onto the ground it's concrete slab but this is Old School Technology and we want to replace it with a dual wall uh tank that's um encased in concrete if you will a convolt tank hurricane proof windload proof and uh they also want to put a canopy over the top so when folks are there filling up a vehicle or a piece of heavy equipment in the rain they've got some protection just like at a gas station and so our increase uh in request for those three projects uh totaled about $1 million and so that does it for solid waste if there are any questions commissioner Smith solid waste side that was an old light but I'll move tenative approval that's what second sorry about that um motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you uh you'll see a pretty good impact here on our request about 11,700 th000 um some of the projects that stayed the same are recurring septic to sewer projects ongoing renewal and replacement projects um Water and Wastewater Plant projects proposed projects in FY 25 do not require any increase in rates we stick with the current indexing rates and so will be good until 2025 uh also allows the department to provide water and wastewater service to customers at a comparable rate so we're fairly competitive we completed a rate analysis um rate sufficiency study I say in a 10-year Financial Outlook uh we'll be bringing that to the board in January or February and uh looking forward to present that to you um some of the projects that we can you go to the next slide please so a couple of the current Uh current projects as you know we've got um Force Mains for the grinder system we're continuing with the vacuum sewer systems in a number of neighborhoods Rehabilitation and replacement projects those are typically chemical storage tanks some Capital Equipment lift station rehab and S sanitary collection system uh slip lining and waterproofing of manholes we also have an ongoing water water meter replacement program as well uh the tropical Farms water treatment uh CO2 facility just came online we've had some issues with our surficial wellfield that's what we used to blend with the ro we're blending about 80 Ro 20 surficial and that's because we need the minerals so we can buffer that water it's not corrosive we're having some issues uh with that well field production and so we put in the CO2 system that will provide the minerals and CO2 to buffer that RO water so we'll be going to a little bit higher blend of R and the Marts repump station this is a water system repump station we've experienced some um some residual pressure uh issues and in the Palm City area canopy Creek and those areas um what we're finding is we have a number of homes that irrigate with pable water they've got their sprinklers on five and six days a week and it's a huge demand they've got the sprinklers on coming on after midnight and they'll run till 6:00 a.m. that's overlapping with the peak when people are getting up in the morning for the morning the peak and so we're competing with irrigation versus just the regular household use and so we're addressing that we're going to be doing some Direct Mail outs to some of those highest using communities remind them send the copy of the recent ordinance that was adopted and uh we hope to curtail some of that potable use for irrigation does that ordinance have any teeth it does it will require require some assistance from code enforcement but all you have to do is drive around and look at who's got lush green Lawns yeah it's it's basically overwatered our ordinance requires two days a week um so we'll be doing some Direct Mail outs we'll doing some follow up knock on doors leasing door hangers try to encourage it wasn't affecting anything that would be one thing but you're actually having to alter your system yes to make up for that I would probably send some folks around and real quick some upcoming projects uh we'll continue the small dammer Force Spains for our grinder system rehabil Rehabilitation and replacement I mentioned fire hydrant water main Replacements and we're going to be replacing the bar screen at Dixie Park adding some disc filters and some iron filter rehabilitations as well and we plan to we're requesting funds $6 million for a North plant aqu aquafer well that's the RO well the deep well we'll also be applying for alternative water supply funding for that through the district we haven't been successful through the district but we continue to apply um we want to add the third clarifi clarifier at the tropical Farms wastewater treatment facility it's uh it's intended for capacity but it's not necessarily needed next year for capacity it's more for operational concerns and gives us a lot more flexibility on taking one offline having repairs done and we still have two two clarifiers in service at all times uh but that will eventually meet uh concurrency for us Sam you there for a second sure the uh the deep well that you just mentioned up in Jensen that we haven't been successful with what how why what where that's the RO that's an RO additional Ro will uh we have four and that'll be the fifth will and the fact that we have four and they don't want us to have five no no no it's just we just haven't been successful with grant funding for that through the district so but we're there are there are times where we can be helpful maybe I I didn't know that I mean I know we struggled with a grant request for an additional well so it would be helpful to share that kind of stuff with us so talk to others about it thank you knows a guy but that will be uh an additional um Ro and raw water main to the north treatment plant and I think that's all I have oh I didn't mean to rush through but you were looking a little tired so I it's I would well you do my part old gu it was I don't think it was the Red Bull of presentations it was it was the the um what's the right word for it the the gray fuel tank and I think that was all part of that the age and the thank you um I I I should have asked you this long before but we had a neighborhood request um information on fire hydrants um relative to who owns them who maintains them and it's apparently they're their own fire hydrant or something in their neighborhood do we have a lot of that not a lot we typically own once the subdivision is constructed um we will own and operate the water system distribution system and the fire hydrant but if you're talking about off I think caner Highway and is it uh yeah South River this is on the island on the island I I just I thought it odd that we'd have fire hydrants that we would use if you needed to that we don't maintain and take care of anyway I just at some point if there's a policy Direction like should should we know how many of that those exist and what is the liability for that if they fail if they're not maintained properly yeah that is an issue so let me uh we we'll get with staff and we'll go through and let's pull up do some summary report of all of those subdivisions for they private hydrants if it's 100 that'd be nice to know if it's 20 that'd be nice to know if it's five that'd be nice to know I mean at the scale at which you know we have privately maintained fire hydrants probably they're probably I'm sure the roads are probably private they're probably not our roads which would mean that they' probably take care of but nonetheless if you dial 911 you come hook up to the thing it doesn't operate whose fault an issue yeah whatever thanks move ten approval we already didn't a we have a motion second we have a second um by commissioner herd motion by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously correct that's it that's it really yes oh man you want keep going just thank you thank you thank you very much Mr campy sorry thank you uh Mr Donaldson and Miss merley I appreciate the presentation and I know that there wasn't a lot of additional increases but what I would like to see potentially over the next couple of months before we meet again on these topics if there are items that are older that were sort of placeholders if there were some things that seemed like a good idea a couple years ago that have been sort of following Along on their 5year Journey on a CIP sheet if the Departments and I trust our our people if there are items that can be subtracted out I'd like to see you know I know there wasn't a large increase but there is also the possibility of having a decrease um keeping the things that are necessary but if there are some projects that are just like ah we're not going to get to it it was seemed like an idea I know that those are probably gone already but if not I think it's important we have we don't have a crystal ball of what the next six months will look like but that being said the CIP sheet I know when we get to budget time we start to potentially scramble and look for items and last year we pulled out the CIP sheet when we were trying to negotiate the budget and people said well this should have been discussed when we were dis doing the CIP sheets and it wasn't discussed so I just wanted to bring up that if there are things that the board without having a not the board the staff without having a gun to their heads uh have the ability to do as a put aside a you know postponement or elimination it might be easier to do that with some time to make thoughtful consideration versus we're giving Don a two-e ultimatum to find $5 million just if you could keep that in your head for me please in other words don't do it on the last dve don't do it on the last day okay we have reached the end of our meeting uh 505 public comment I have no public comment cheats does anybody uh want a public comment seeing none how about the commissioner comments none none n I'm set all good me too and um our next meeting is May 21st and we are adjourned