e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay is good to go you guys ready what's that over there because because he is uh going to be on we're just waiting for the governor to sign the uh the portion plan plan he he's not a voting member yet um I can talk about this once the meeting starts if that would be helpful um but um but he is is um being proposed to be a voting member so he can take part in the conversation in the discussion but we can't can't vote yet any he okay so um I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting to order uh good morning everybody Welcome to the uh the uh June 17th uh no meeting uh Pastor harp would you uh would you uh do our uh invocation please let's pray Our Father in heaven we thank you for this day that you've given us this opportunity to uh uh even be together uh this morning Lord we thank you for waking us up this morning giving us health and ability Lord to be here um Lord I'm reminded again from your word in 1 Timothy Chapter 2 it says first of all then I urge that supplications prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life Godly and dignified in every way this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our savior Lord I thank you for that opportunity to pray for these who are in leadership in this County Lord that you have raised up and uh Lord I do pray for them I pray uh even a special prayer of Thanksgiving for them this morning I thank you God that you have uh placed them in this position that you've given responsibility and stewardship uh of the decisions that are being made that helps us in this County to lead a life that is is is good and pleasing so give them wisdom I pray guide their conversations guide their decision making uh Lord we pray for your Holy Spirit to just uh be very real and present we know that you're here because your word says there's no where we can go that you're not there so thank you this morning God thank you for this opportunity and I pray all this in Christ's name amen amen IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America to be the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right thank you Britney would you call the role please commissioner Troy McDonald here commissioner Doug Smith here commissioner Sarah herd here commissioner Stacy heon commissioner Harold Jenkins commissioner Christopher Collins commissioner Kaia Mayfield here mayor Susan Gibbs Thomas here all right thank you uh before we approve the agenda I'm going to ask that we remove from the agenda item 8 C which is the South uh Dixie Highway Improvement project update um this needs oh Beth yeah I just I'm sorry I just wanted to um um make a couple of announcements um Britney trong is our recording clerk today and if you all don't mind when anyone makes a motion or a second if they could please state your name just to make sure she has that in the um notes and also I wanted to welcome commissioner Ed campy he is um proposed to be the fifth commissioner on the no board um starting when the governor approves the apportionment plan from what I understand all the npos in the state their apportionment plans are on his desk ready to be signed they just haven't been signed yet so we like other mpos like metrop plan that have new members coming on board um they are invited to come to the meetings and be part of the discussion they just can't take an actual official vote of anything yet um so I just wanted to mention that okay thank you anyway so item 8C Improvement Dixie Highway Improvement projects uh the city has asked that that be removed at this point we're going to uh uh vet that through our crb and the city commission before bringing it back to the uh bring it back to the mo because there's uh a lot of questions regarding that um can we still talk about it so we can give you some input um because I are we on we are okay um and and I and I think Stacy heatherington had our joint meeting had voiced some concerns and wanted to comment this morning on it um I don't know if she's coming in late do you know she's coming today as far as I know she's going to be here she's going she's she's going to be here from what her assistant said uh we can sure uh but like I said uh there's been a lot of concerns from the community and neighborhood and we want to vet it through the the staff and here's let the record reflect uh commissioner heatherington has arrived um but we definitely want to bring it through the staff before we bring it back for any final uh approval or for sorry oh go ahead even before it goes to the staff um I I would like to at least be on record with some ideas and thoughts so that your staff because if if staff has been driving the conversation with the consultant where we are today it's not going to go anywhere differently than where it is today because that's where we are today right okay yeah that's fine so we we'll just have a short discussion I if that's thank you I appreciate that okay we don't have any staff here on that commissioner hington we're doing the city staff had asked that 8C the and downtown be removed from the agenda so we could bet it through the crb and the City commission but uh commissioner Smith has asked that we at least have a little short discussion so that we can get some input from the uh County Commissioners as well so perhaps for the approval of the agenda you can change item 8C to a discussion item instead of an approval item and so that way you'll still be able to discuss the okay commissioner Smith Mr chairman I would move a approval of the agenda as submitted with the exception of changing item 8 C to a um discussion discuss versus approve second just new okay so we have a motion by commissioner Smith a second by commissioner Collins all in favor say I I okay motion carries okay let's move on to approval of the minutes heard moves approval second okay we have a motion by commissioner herd to approve the minutes second it by commissioner heatherington any public comment on the minutes hearing none all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries okay let's move on to um comments from the public did you fill out a comment card I did oh you did do you have the car yes please do you have a comic card I don't have a car oh here we go I do have one um Melody Hearn Family Care Council of area 15 which includes Martin County St Lucy as well Indian River noobe so I attend all of the transportation disadvantage meetings because I am for number one I am a mother of an individual with intellectual disabilities and on that board APD the agency for persons with disabilities sits on that board Vocational Rehabilitation and many others I'm sorry I will lean forward so I do reside in another County but my position is Governor appointed to serve those families and individuals with intellectual disability I'll leave my brochure because many of you in this room know me I've been here for many years but this is this is the heart throt right here it's called the Treasure Coast dis Advantage ride which you all support in with other counties and other means that my son who has intellectual disability has benefited from he has graduated he deferred his education till 22 which is his legal right under us law of special education and he did then go into adult training my hopes was that he would go on to college cuz I was one of the proponents of that college program within our Treasure Coast up at IRSC it was moms of those with Down Syndrome that went to the college and asked their provos and their legislative session to go and get the grants for our individuals to attend college and it was my purpose to make sure that our individuals would be able to get there and it was clear up at Main Campus well also Indian River Campus hosts part of that program so it is my privilege but my honor here to look you in the eye and ask you to put as much funding as you always can into this because it's our individuals rights now we're not in the old days when they're kept away in a in a sheltered workshop they are out in their Community working and being employed being trained and enjoying their life with supports of APD the agency for persons with disability but not everybody gets on that not everybody has a companion that can take them there group homes their funding is cut thank you I appreciate the funding amount thank you very much the brochures okay any other public comment I'll get you another she sounds like she's done okay thank you we'll move on to item 8A this is a public hearing uh for the final draft of the fiscal year 25 to fiscal year 29 Transportation Improvement uh program and it is a public hearing so I open up the public hearing Beth um yes the fiscal year 25 through fiscal year 29 tip was presented to you all last month in draft form and now it's back here for final approval and Ricardo vasques of the no staff will present this item good morning board the transportation Improvement program was presented to you at the last no board meeting the tip has remained relatively unchanged we made some updates to the transportation disadvantage allocation table we added the local municipalities uh cips um other than that the projects have remained unchanged that we not have we have not received comments from thought on any changes to those projects so um we are looking for approval today I'll be happy to answer any questions um only thing I was going to say I wasn't here last meeting and I was actually going through all of the uh over the weekend all the the projects within the city and I had just one question on the little bit extension I see we're in PDN and that's because they need to do a what a environmental impact study is right it's the highest level environmental study for the extension and how long you we know how long that will take that one takes longer usually a PDN study is about two years so this one will be closer to probably three or four years because of the um um amount of analysis that goes into an Eis okay great okay that's all I had uh Susan thank you my question was uh you said that there was um some changes made to the uh transportation for disadvantaged what were those changes and the draft TDP we could not add the allocations we because we had not received them from the state yet so we got those allocations the state so we just updated the current funding for the the TD program okay and is it more this year than it was last year how are we doing on it the tripment equipment Grant has been reduced in its funding size by a small amount but it is less than than it was last year okay um I'm not sure about the TD planning Grant but um usually the amounts that's minimal that was that's maybe within two 2,000 ,000 we get about $25,000 a year to um um fund staff to staff the local Coordinating Board with the planning Grant thank you welcome okay do we have a motion to approve herd moves approval second so we have a motion by commissioner herd second by commissioner hington any public comment on the tip hearing none all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries all right let's move on to item 8B this is the um final draft of the fiscal year 26 through fiscal year 30 list of project priorities um by approving the tip at the last item you have closed out um the that tip cycle and now we're starting the uh new tip cycle for fiscal year 26 through fiscal year 30 um this list was presented to you back in February you all did make some changes to the order of the projects that's reflected in the list that is in your um included in your agenda packet um you requested that um the right- hand turn lane at South caner Highway at Southwest River Drive and traffic signal at that intersection be moved from number six to number five um you recommended that Northwest Alice street at the FEC Crossing be moved from number 12 to number six and then you recommended that the bascule bridge and hopes sound be moved from number five to number seven um that like I said is reflected in your agenda packet in April however there was a change in that the um um Community um homeowners association had a meeting and voted not to Dedicated the land for the right of way for the dedicated right turn lane on caner highway at South River Drive um and so um at that time F dot stopped the design they had been working on the design up until that point um they had done a a warranty study for a signal at that intersection or traffic signal and it was not warranted they had said previously that once Costco gets finished that they would do a another warranty study for another for a traffic signal and they would just see at that time whether one was warranted or not um but like I said the um homeowners association did vote not to dedicate the 0.15 acres for the um the right-and South the southbound right-and turn lane and um so fot has stopped design all design and work on that project so um The Advisory committees um you know weren't sure what um you know what the board's um view of this situation was so they um just all voted to just um leave it as is on the agenda and um that would give you all time to um talk about how you wanted to to address this issue okay Susan Gibbs Thomas oh I'm sorry oh was I maybe I didn't commissioner hington yes I could elaborate a little bit on this we've had many many talks and meetings with South River and then we're able to while all the seasonal residents were in town to have uh fot come and do a presentation and that was just prior to the April um historically they have always wanted a traffic uh light and with that once we put this on the agenda we were able to get some other safety improvements which included the delineators going in and then we put the South um the right bound turn R Lane there were some residents that once do uh presented the project that were concerned without the traffic light being installed that on their exit they would have more of a sight distance challenge so if they're looking now they're looking across an additional Lane which would be the southbound turning lane so there were there were several residents that were very concerned that was going to make it more difficult to get out with that rightand turn lane if the light was UN installed um simultaneously so those residents voted against the RightWay dedication because of that so and since they voted against it then do has pulled that project but um there still are significant safety challenges there and the the residents as a whole and myself would like to still include the traffic signal um until this war warant is done after Costco which do has agreed to do that um I'd like to leave that on the priorities as would South River until that warrant study is done um once Costco is built thank you commissioner Smith so commissioner heatherington I I guess what I don't understand a little bit is that was the was the anticipation or was the right-and turn lane into South River was that required or as a component of having a traffic light that you'd have to have a right inter Lane so originally it was not originally it was not required to be a part of the traffic signal but our subsequent conversations the last meeting said that eventually if there is a traffic signal they will um they will need the RightWay for that turn lane because those two would go in simultaneously and so the residents agreed that it wasn't so much of them dedicating the right away it was that if they added an according to the residents if they added that extra Lane without the traffic signal it was going to give them one more Lane to look across that would would deter their site distance and that was the purpose that they voted against the right away if the traffic signal wasn't going in simultaneously so I I guess struggling point on all of this is now that fot has stopped working on design it will set it back years it's very unfortunate that and that my concern would also be first and for I you know we all have had instances of this in our district somewhere I've had a couple up in us one up in Jensen that we've done exactly what was going to get done and then it did get done for the safety of the residents to pull off of of caner and get out of the drive line into their own turn lane regardless of a sight distance issue I would think would be Paramount to their safety relative to how do you get out of the flow of traffic with the three lanes going 60 M hour um and that flashing speed light out there doesn't seem to affect anybody's speeded feedback signs whatsoever and the residents got frustrated because it took it took do about 14 15 months to get those feed speed feedback signs in so I'm willing to support you to whatever you want to do I I just I my caution with this whole thing is that projects like this take so long you've worked for so many years to get it to a point with f do capitulating I'm sure to some things and if we stop it it will set it back years and so and then my other concern is that if they're not willing to do the right away to facilitate the right-hand turn lane fot may also look at the warrant study in a very different way relative to the traffic light that that may not happen either well I'm concerned that they didn't dedicate the right away but I my my preference would be to leave it on at least until we get another warrant um study so can I just ask a question though sure so Beth what happens leaving it on the list if fot has stopped design putting any funding towards any work on it what happens with it being on the list where it is well um usually not say usually but a lot of times a project is left on the list um because it's important to have a project on the list to be eligible for federal funds even um if it's not Su funds it to be on the list to eventually get funding for instance The Pedestrian midblock Crossings at number 12 um the afot has said um a few years ago that that those were not warranted however we that work in this building and everyone across East Ocean Boulevard for a cup of coffee know how dangerous it can be and you all have decided to leave it on the list and as a result of that um fot has come back and they're getting ready to do another walking audit in that area um to see um if they can warrant some safety um improvements to um cross um East Ocean and monay from this this area right here um so that's usually why um a project is left on the list um um when it's not warranted um now it is number 12 on the list but the reason why it is far down is because it hasn't been warranted but you all wanted to leave it on the list for future warranty studies and future funding if available so that is certainly an option if you all want to um um um you know if you all want to leave it on the list um then um I know at the last meeting or the February meeting when you all talked about this you actually moved the project from number six up to number five you know if you all wanted to move it down the list and give a higher priority show f. a higher priority for you know Alice street but the basball bridge the um signal at 7on in alapata the new Southeast Commerce Avenue you know that would definitely um um you know give a signal to F do that those are higher priorities you know you still want this that you still want them to be aware of this project um you all do support some safety improvements for this area but um because nothing is going to happen immediately in no terms um that may be that would be an option to move it further down the list and have these other projects to show F do a higher priority for some of these other projects that are listed below that okay I get all that I I guess Stacy it's up to you what what do you think well and and as you remember we you know that at one point there was proposal to take the traffic signal out since it hadn't been warranted and I was adamant that we have to keep the traffic signal in and um you know at at one time and of course I know he retired um Jerry O'Reilly had had mentioned uh or Riley sorry mentioned that this was purely safety and and sometimes you know when there were incidents outside of the warrant that there is a possibility that the traffic signal um could be um installed so I think it's important and like I like I mentioned there were they voted as the 530 members of South River and it was a very small minority of them at the very end of this once do presented that voted against the RightWay so unfortunately that still was a majority and then they couldn't provide the letter to dot so the majority of residents in South River are very concerned about their safety and their number one priority is a traffic signal so I think it's unfortunate that they didn't dedicate the right away but I think we have to keep working on this and regardless of what ranking it has I would just simply like to see it on there um stating that the traffic signal and then see what this next warrant study some of the development around the area has been completed but they won't they won't do the warrant study until Costco is opening and functioning correctly that's correct because they want to see how much traffic is generated from that area the year July 2025 I think typically we do a warrant study we we've almost done them every every January for this project but I don't I don't uh anticipate that if we did it this January it's going to show anything significantly different until you know some of these other projects are completed and then I anticipate that we'll show reflect something different Mr herd yeah I I um we we can't change the vote the the residents made they're the ones who have been asking for these safety improvements I fully support them but they voted to not support fdot and not give them RightWay so fdot I don't think had any choice but to to uh stop design work because they couldn't get the necessary RightWay in order to execute the project I I don't understand how we proceed with you know they they voted and I don't think it was a a uh you know you know one or two votes I think it was significant so they voted not to provide the right of way I think it's a mistake but I I agree with you I I can't I can't substitute my judgment for theirs they they they heard the the facts and judged and they I think they judged wrong but that was also taken out of season too right Stacey that vote was like two weeks ago the vote was taken in April the end of April so if they come back in October November and have another vote again it may look very different could possibly I I think it was about a 40 different 40 vote differential that they lost and they had about 400 and some odd people voting Camp I don't think we should vote on speculation we got to vote it's interesting uh when I first heard about the vote from the HOA to not do it like all of you I'm thinking wow that's odd that they would vote sort of it seems against their own um positive intentions I was surprised to hear that until it was explained that hey their feeling was that you know you'd have to look past in the right turn lane which okay now I sort of get that but then when you hear what commissioner Smith said who's been at this a while I don't know uh having not attended that meeting I don't know if the residents understood the bigger picture and how fot works because once fot if you had through your hard work got them to start this study in the first place which is not easy now they have that vote which I bet if the if they heard what commissioner Smith just said how that it that simple decision which someone probably a neighbor said hey look now if you don't have the light you're going to have to look to the left past this additional Lane that makes sense in a vacuum but if you understand by stopping that turning lane it's a domino effect and the concept of the warrant you you hit the nail on the head commissioner heatherington when you said that Jerry O'Reilly would say that sometimes lights are still put in place even if they don't quote unquote warrant it and I'll give you two real life examples when we needed to have a traffic signal at Danforth uh and Martin Highway in pal City Dan fourth is directly across from Palm City School Avenue the neighbors like your residents were asking we need a light we need a light we need a light kid got hit on riding a bike and they said now will we have the light and we did a warrant study and since Danforth was a finite neighborhood that was completely built out it did not quote unquote warrant a light same with Whispering sound the F do said no sorry it doesn't warrant there are lights at both of those intersections now because you just have to keep pushing which you have been doing but I don't think the residents if they were faced with a vote of hey let's give up 0.15 Acres of RightWay to continue this right turning lane which is also even without the light I've done that try to pull into this parking lot coming off Monteray in front of the Blake Library if there's a car behind you you have to like basically race to make that right turn so I can imagine that just on its own Merit the right turn in Lane makes sense but if they understood what you and commissioner Smith had said they would have to give you that right of way because they have just set themselves down from that light years and years and years and I think the concept of pushing past it doesn't warrant it is more the fight that they need to be taking on because you have gotten success and movement from fot which is not easy and now they've just forfeited that um Mr heatherington would what do you think about if we keep it on the list but we just move it to the bottom so that we just move everything up one and that way it's on the list we can keep it um in the realm I don't think it'll hurt anything to do that I I would agree with that that way it's the traffic signal at least is recognized that with it even without a warrant it's still a safety Improvement that's necessary I would agree with that yes Gibs Thomas yeah just um for clarification and it doesn't have any bearing on this situation if they had taken a vote that said yes we agree to that easement if it includes the light would that have been an option and that would have shown their dedication to that and F do may have continued on with that yeah I I and it's it's hypothetical it doesn't really pertain but moving forward in a situation like this would something like that help well according to many that I spoke to that you know the light is the ultimate goal and they they they probably are going to need that turn lane as well so you know I highly encourage them to support that turn Lane it's just unfortunate that a few of them thought that it was going to the the turn right well because those are two separate um the southbound turn lane and traffic signal are really completely separate projects according to the do but but could they have made that stipulation we'll agree to it if I don't know that the do would have done that stipulation Beth did you have your yeah I I just wanted to mention um just remind you um that um this um list a list of project priorities goes before you all twice every year um the draft always goes to you all up in February and then the final like this year um comes back to you all in June um so if you were to make a change today um you would H have the opportunity to review the list again um in draft form um in um in February for fiscal years 27 through fiscal year 31 commissioner Smith um listening to all the board members I would move um staff's recommendation on the list and I would move uh item number five sr76 caner Highway at South River Drive to the bottom Stacy of the list yes that's fine and that everything else uh beneath of that move up one space I'll I'll second your motion okay so we have a motion by uh commissioner Smith uh moving item five is yeah five to the bottom and moving everything else up uh second by commissioner heatherington and got more comments yeah pardon I was just reminding you that you had comment oh yeah and we end comments and we have um commissioner campy oh commission yes oh you guys are sharing a l okay sorry um just kind of a this doesn't actually relate to the topic but I heard they used the word warrant used kind of as a verb and a noun um and again being somewhat new could you guys explain I understand this doesn't warrant a traffic light I understand that context but then it was kind of used we didn't have a warrant what is is that the the version of that that's a noun if somebody is be yeah that's that's usually you think of that in these terms as you being used as a verb F do looks to see if a um traffic light is warranted is Justified um and and and a lot goes into it there's a lot of criteria involved um that the do looks at and also um you know they have to um you know this caner highway is their facility like uh County Road would be a County's facility City Road City's um um liability involved so if you put a Improvement in that's not warrant or warranted or not justified and God forbid there were to were an accident you know there's different Ram ramifications so when we were saying have a warrant that because there's also like a warrant for an arrest but that's no no it's like a warranty yeah yeah right yeah it's it's to to just a justification yeah very go one step further there is a process in fot that is called a warrant study okay and that process if you are wanting to put a traffic light in where there is not one there is an entire traffic analys um analysis and process called the warrant a warrant study that is an the analysis is done on that particular ask um and there are generally speaking very difficult criteria to climb over to get to the justification through that study that something is warranted okay um not impossible not impossible but what's very frustrating on our end and we have lobbed at the state level multiple times over the last couple years and I sit on the longrange transportation planning committee on your behalf um that there ought to be a separate stepout position that an no or a County Commission or city commission can take because as Beth said there are local conditions that we understand better than anybody understands regardless of whether it warrants it or not Ed said he's got two lights out there that whether it met the criteria of a warrant study or not it still was important to the residents and it was a safety feature that we all deemed was worthy of putting in I had one on Savannah Road uh in front of um um one of our two neighborhoods and they were never going to Warrant a traffic light there so we put a roundabout in because it could meet the criteria to put a roundabout in but because of the safety analysis enough people hadn't died yet at that intersection to get us over the threshold to say okay six people have died we've now met the warrant for doing so okay it's rid ridiculously frustrating on our end that you may know in su's point that there's something that should get done that just doesn't quite meet that level of of of f do standards but that's all within this warrant study process it doesn't always meet the standard of vision zero does it so no it does not commissioner cins yes so um the last time we talked about this list I had brought up item number four and what would probably look like from our discussion and and what I saw building a tunnel there at montere and at the time I said you know it's my instinct that if residents actually knew that this was on the docket certainly an item for you know importance um there might be some pushback and I had a conversation about this on the podcast not to drag that into this meeting but I got a lot of feedback after that from residents and my instinct was confirmed that people really do not like the idea of a tunnel being there at at Monteray which seems like the you know it's going to be the most likely option because we can't really put a bridge with the planes coming in but uh especially in light of some of the feedback I've also had about Palm City Road I would love personally and what I you know gather from residents to see item four somewhere below Palm City Road improvements 10 and 11 um there wasn't really any take last time but if you know possible I'd love to see that motion amended to see four move down but that was it any other comments hearing none uh we have a motion by commissioner Smith a second by commissioner heatherington do we have any public comment all in favor say I I I any opposed nay okay uh motion carries with one descent by commissioner Collins okay moving on to 8 C which is now a discussion item and please keep in mind we do not have City staff here I I when I saw this item last week when I went with Beth on the agenda and I realized this had not been vetted by the uh City commission and crb yet uh actually the crb first then the city commission uh I did talk to staff and suggested that it really needs to be so um that's what we are going to do but uh as commissioner Smith said he'd like to make a few comments on it um uh and uh and I would say that uh that there's uh there's a lot of moving parts to this plan and I haven't had a chance to go thoroughly over it with our city staff yet as well um so uh any comments I would ask I I will follow if if it's okay I would ask that commissioner heatherington okay the first she wants me to go first sure no I I'd be happy I'll I'll just kind of reiterate the comments that I've made so um this if you look on page 2117 I'm going off of that diagram and the pro proposed plans and without the present the formal presentation I'm not sure about some of the the proposed traffic lights but what it looks to me is that it's um changing from Haney circle on South Dixie to a oneway um that Haney circle is that Haney Circle up here no that's uh sailfish Circle oh sailfish Circle yeah to down to confusion corner on South Dixie Highway to a oneway and adding a sidewalk on the side of the railroad track I can't determine if it's a six foot sidewalk still or a 4 foot but we had had conversation at our previous meeting February 2023 and in lie of that one way it would push traffic down akan which is it it denotes it's a two-way street but it's actually there's parking on each side and technically it's a two-way flow but you can't pass two cars on akine unless you yield so I would call it a one-way yield if that's such a thing excuse me do you want the mouse so you can kind of show I think that would be I mean show I mean I think that might be a whe usually you all get that I mean just I'm I'm okay okay there's only three probably follow just as I just wanted everybody to make sure they could follow you main three that you know I'm referencing is akan and then when you're pushing down south um Dixie it would push the traffic that would have been going on during the down the two-way street down California which is a one Race oneway Street so that would traffic would all go out to West Ocean Boulevard assuming then they would have to go back out to the Colorado or confusion corner so it's an it's a neighborhood that whole block is a k through eight school that you're proposing and I walk by it every single morning and every single afternoon there are couple hundred kids that are being dropped off at First Baptist school and I think that's probably a a major safety concern to have that traffic running down these you know very narrow streets off of Dixie so my recommendations would be to try to figure out a way and I I looked at last um the minutes from the last meeting where we discussed this and several of us had made commentary on truck traffic and some of the things on Dixie Highway and I would look for Alternatives that did not limit that down to a single Lane of traffic I think there's going to be a lot of congestion up here at the Circle and it's going to create you know like like Palm City Road what you're doing right now is is neighbors are uh significantly concerned about this going through their neighborhood I think that you're going to find if this were to happen you're going to have the whole neighborhood of pot Stam which is pretty much that triangle having major major safety concerns as Palm City Road does so in order to create a sidewalk on Dixie you're creating I think in this particular plan many many many neighborhood complications in lie of that and I I don't disagree with any of that and that's uh why I I want to like I said I haven't had a chance to even go vet this with staff yet but what I would say is what the D there's a couple driving factors which I think is important to understand as we develop this and and uh one is uh we're working on safety improvements um of confusion corner with the railroad uh in order to get the score to qualify for quiet zones and so that's one of the uh and we are seeing um you know that the train running now for 8 months 10 months whatever it's been uh we're starting to see the the weaknesses that we need to address the other issue is as you can see on here uh this green section along Dixie Highway that's the uh looks like that is the parking uh the right away that we're going to lose from from uh from FEC so we're trying to address all of those issues and I think that we can do a better plan I think we definitely need to look at uh acarine and we need to be looking at everything between West Ocean and Colorado in particular to see how we're going to uh address the CU those are are narrow streets they're 100y old streets that are very narrow uh and they are they're not they're two-way streets but they're one effectively one and a half Lane so you have to you have to pull over to allow people to go through and that's on a normal basis that's fine but as we are developing with additional traffic and so forth uh we have to be conscientious of that so and sometimes the engineers aren't always thinking they're they're they're focused on the safety issue of the roundabout and maybe not on those other issues so um but those are definitely I spoke with a couple folks on akaran last over the weekend and last Thursday or Friday so we'll see how that uh see how that you know will keep them and I think that we need to have include the community into our a workshop with our community on that commissioner Smith um so probably the same comments I had last time one I'm not so sure I I I guess I don't understand at this point why FBC needs that right away to go away where the existing parking is with the system that's operating today so I guess that would be one thing it' be interesting to learn from from Bright line or from FC what's going on with that number two um 2 and three um I would absolutely hold a shet um with the neighborhood and the businesses um that triangle at some point um a lot of that was up for sale over the last couple years it will redevelop at some point in time and at that time if there's needed right away to happen um that would be the time that I would think that the city would extract the right away to get the additional Lane width that they needed on on A1A uh and sidewalks and so on um and I would also bring in Michael wallor who is um by far the foremost authority on roundabouts and both them the regional planning Council I would hold a charet with Michael wallor with the regional planning Council and the neighborhood and the businesses anybody who wants to participate to say look you know confusion corner has kind of worked over the last you know 30 40 50 years as in its current state is it time to rethink how that whole intersection works um does the roundabout move um does it cross the railroad tracks like we have in downtown Jensen so that you only have theater streets coming into the roundabout versus people merging in the roundabout coming in from four different directions I don't know but I would absolutely um um ask the city to engage the regional planning Council and Michael wallor to at least do a study of how all of the interactions work and then what does the neighborhood think about what happens with akan and California and and Second Street and and Joan Jefferson and all the different pieces that feed into this triangle I'm in this intersection at least five times a day my wife's office is literally two blocks out of the intersection um I'm there almost every lunch I'm home the S every breakfast um and I watch the traffic patterns just because you have to survive what's going on there and um anyway I just think there's a lot of opportunity Troy to to do something better I agree but I would bring in some additional talent and support to look at the whole thing and go where does everything go to your point with quiet zones um Kim Delaney um has done multiple applications and worked with multiple cities and counties down south on their quiet Zone applications and what's required what's not um I suspect the county will be moving in that direction at some point in the future and so again having that knowledge already kind of built in what what was needed to to be able to do that you have an amazing resource with Kim sitting over the regional planning were working with Kim and George like right there in the neighborhood yeah okay thank you okay your thank you no I'm all set all set any other discussion okay let's move on to item uh 8D thank you for allowing that um yes this is the high Meo Avenue widening PDN study update um you all heard a presentation about the High Meadow a widening several months ago and it was at your request you kind of wanted to um hear what fot was starting to um work on with the PD and how they were kicking off the project and and give some input well now they are um currently going through their normal um public involvement process that's required with a PD study and we have F dot the um dearis Williams and the consultant here to give this presentation hi good morning excuse me good morning everyone I'm dearis Williams the FD project manager I was here before when we um uh let you guys know that we were presenting in February for the kickoff meeting so we're anticipating now um in a few weeks actually probably next week the Alternatives Workshop so I'll inro uh hand it over to Paul carbo you met him previously with metric engineering um to talk about the alternatives thank you the hi everyone good morning the project supports the Department's focus on responding to community needs increasing sorry can you hear me better the project supports the Department's focus on responding to community needs uh increasing safety and improving the supply chain in support of a strong sustainable transportation system in the State of Florida this following slide is the agenda for today's presentation where we'll be going over the transportation development process project location adjacent projects and alternative development as the May mentioned she is the the May Williams is the project the fdot project manager and I am my name is poker bio I'm the consultant project manager the transportation development process consists of six phases we are currently in the project development environment uh phase or P study um following the study would be the design RightWay and and construction phases the project study area uh is uh for sou uh Southwest High metal Avenue from I95 to County Road 714 or Southwest Martin highway there are five intersections along the project study area starting from the south we have Southwest swallow tail way uh Southwest Baneberry Drive Southwest Golden bearway Palm Pike and then Southwest Martin highway there are some projects in the vicinity of the study uh there's a recently completed P study for the turnpike that runs along the corridor this P study resulted in Winding and improvements to The Interchange at State Road 714 or Min Highway in addition State Road 714 is being widened just north of the turnpike interchange with an anticipated construction completion date of fall 2024 in addition to these roadway improvements there are various developments on the Northern segment of of Southwest High sorry of Southwest High metal Avenue uh these developments are either construction constructed approved or they are in review to be developed um as you can see there's a lot of Development coming to this area the purpose of this project includes improved capacity for local and Regional travel Freight movement and emergency evacuation in addition enhanced economic development in Mor County the project is needed to address the increase in transportation demand capacity social demand and economic development one of the Project's objective is to improve rway capacity by addressing existing and projected traffic demands which may include a winding of from two to four lanes in addition other project objectives include improved safety throughout the corridor and enhance enhanced pedestrian and bicycle features Illustrated here are the existing conditions for County Road 713 uh it is currently a two-lane undivided rural roadway providing one lane in each Direction the post is speed limit varies between 45 to 55 mph the rway is 100 ft and there is a 6 to8 ft sidewalk on the east side the study has experienced 147 crashes in a 5year span between 2018 and 2022 with 35 injuries and Zero fatalities related crashes well can I stop you for a second I had the opportunity to have this presentation and just for clarity's sake this safety analysis is from 2018 to 2022 in approximately 2015 or 2016 right before you know this study uh window we had three fatalities there there was at least one motorcycle fatality um a bartender from moneros yes and then there was another car that had wandered and was hit two people killed in one crash and a single person within pretty quick succession I just I understand they have a a window that they're looking at but right before that window opened we had three fatalities there thank you hence the warranty study yeah the so the predominant crash type uh is we are end crashes which is counts about 47% of the crashes which is usually related to heavy congestion the traffic conditions or level of service describes the traffic operations associated with the vehicle delay uh Southwest High metal Avenue is operating today at a level service D with the anticipated population growth the travel demand will worsen the traffic conditions uh where the traffic volumes are projected to increase by 69% by 2050 where the corridor will result in level service F the corridor also serves as a direct connection to I95 from serves as direct connection to 95 and provides access to several communities Palm City and commuters uh in addition with this connection there's a lot of heavy truck traffic as it serves as a transfer between the I95 and Turnpike with a with a truck traffic percentage of 6 to %. this P study developed different alternatives to address the project need uh to improve capacity Transportation demand social demand and economic development as part of this concept development uh the Alternatives that were developed or to wien County Road 713 from 1 to two lanes in each Direction in addition we evaluated various typical section improvements such as raise median sidewalks and share use paths in addition intersection improvements were also evaluated this project Corridor has been divided into two segments so we have segment one from the begin project of 95 down to Southwest Golden Bear way this segment is more residential with having entrances to the residential communities and then 2 is from Southwest Golden Bear way down to the end Martin Highway which also serves more of the um the commercial properties for segment one we have three typical sections that we're evaluating the first typical section alternative being evaluated is a four-lane divided facility with 11t Lanes in each Direction a 22t raised median curbing Gutter and a 10t wide share use path on the east side of the roadway the proposed typical section will have a post a speed of 45 mph which is lower than the existing 55 mph uh and this will be a this will allow to for it to be construct them within the 100t rideway typical section two uh B the second alternative that was evaluated uh is a Suburban high-speed facility with 12T Lanes in each Direction inside and outside paav shoulders a wide grass median and a 12T multi-used path on the east side the require wider weight for this alternativ is 148 ft which will require 48 ft of Hardway acquisition the posted speed limit for this facility is 55 M Power which maintains the existing posted speed and then alter alternative C is similar to Alternative B but with a medium barrier in the middle um with that Medium barrier it cons it allows the the typical to be a little bit more constrainted uh so with this uh typical we have 140 ft of width which will require 40 feet of additional rway The Matrix on this slide it's a comparative tool that allows the the project team to analyze potential benefits and impacts related to each of the typical section Alternatives and then for Segment two um we have uh what is being analyzed as a four lane divided facility with 11t Lanes in each Direction a 22t median curbing gutter a 10-ft wide Sher use path on the East and a 6ot wide sidewalk on the west so uh this also is posted speed 45 which is matches the existing Post-it speed an intersection coner evaluation was performed for Southwest High metal Avenue at the County Road 714 Martin Highway intersection from the intersection concept uh evaluation intersection alternative one is the traffic signal uh this option is similar to the existing intersection configuration with some operational improvements in addition to the widening of Cony 713 um some improvements include an additional Eastbound and Westbound through Lane along sou uh Martin Highway and in addition left turn additional left turn lanes for all movements at the intersection intersection alternative two is a partial north south displaced left intersection a displ left intersection moves left turning traffic across the opposing travel Lane uh through Lanes ahead of the primary intersection then left turns are made at the same time as a through movements the project will also include a comprehensive investigation of environmental effects uh of the projects for social cultural natural and physical environment features uh and if any if needed identify ways to reduce and randomize impacts a noise analysis is also being conducted as part of the study noise sensitive areas have been identified within the study area uh once a recommended alternative is selected for this project noise abatement strategies will be considered where traffic noise is predicted to be greater than the fdot noise abatement criteria um as previous previously said you know public involvement is imperative we had our kickoff in February February 13 and 15 um and now we have our scheduled alternative public Workshop of June 25th and 27 25th virtual 27th in person at the Palm City Community Center which is 2701 Southwest Cornell Avenue Palm City Florida 34990 and then a public hearing uh anticipation early of 2025 spring 2025 and the project schedule uh will span two years um with a anticipated to be completed by 2025 when formal uh project approval is granted or ldca is accepted um and then the design and RightWay phases are funded for fiscal years 2026 and 2028 and at this time the construction phase is not funded that's it thank you for your time any questions yeah I have a quick question on the displaced left uh I'm seeing more of those as I travel around the state in the country seen a few in the State of Florida some in a couple other states uh is that uh are are you seeing improved safety with the display left is that the purpose yeah cuz so for motorists we are reducing conflict points since we are shifting the left turns to the opposite side to allow so B basically there's a signal we we transfer the left turns over Crossing to the other side and then while they're making a left they're also going through at the same time so that reduces conflict points and then as well as you know improving green time for for all so reducing okay commissioner Smith I'm trying to remember and and it might have been helpful which isn't your fault um to have the turnpike interchange options part of this I thought in some of those options there was a there were impacts to High Meadow well uh so turn bik is pretty North it will be like the following intersection um there were there off ramps and there were on ramps and there was involvement wasn't there a connection to High Meadow yeah and that will be the kiss of death so we will fight that pretty but yes right in front of Golden Bear they had an exit and entrance to the turnpike and then they also had one on Leighton Farms Road which that's absolutely ridiculous just relative to what might not happen here it might be helpful to do sort of an overlay for us to see are there any impacts conflicts I'm pretty sure when that was up we were able to kill the funding for the study push it out a decade because that would have been a the person that was the consultant at the time I don't think completely grasped what happens in the actual neighborhoods to have the Turnpike exit onto Leighton Farms Road and have the Turnpike exit or enter from High Meadow at Golden Bear is absolutely insane and we fought it hard back then I think we knocked it out yeah I get your point I don't think the recommend the recommend the preferred option I don't think included any of those but yeah but I show it and see it right away issues what you need what you don't need what that thing needs doesn't need if there's going to be any conflicts or any overlap it just would be helpful to see it uh commissioner her can't be thank you see aren't you glad I'm back I came back almost for this uh if Paul if you could go back to section A alternative one perfect um I had the opportunity to see this presentation and when we really carefully reviewed these I'd like to just give you my feedback on this this is a relatively existing wide RightWay area that we have already as Paul had mentioned in his presentation this first alternative requires zero additional RightWay which plays a huge advantage in one you don't have to buy it two you don't have to spend the time trying to buy it as well as the fact it's hard to see in this picture but to the left when you see sort of that chain link fence and then there's like a wide grassy area there that's the turnpike there so I'm pretty sure you're not going to be able to buy much of the right of way closer to the turnpike onto the turnpike's property so you're going to be going towards the east which is that sidewalk and those two power poles those power poles run their massive FPL power poles the full length I would believe that you would have to have some kind of and Paul please correct me if I'm wrong those would be displaced so that's a huge project and then you're also bringing the roadway closer to the houses now what's to the east or to the right of those power poles is a golf course f Airway and then homes uh relatively close so it's not a vast parcel of property that would buffer the houses as it is currently they already hear them so the other two Alternatives the only down side to this alternative is that it would take it from a posted current speed limit of 55 to 45 section two that is now 45 was also 55 until they started to develop the intersection uh the the property where the WWA and the and the tractor supply store is that was 55 and when it went to 45 I never heard any kind of backlash like oh you you've totally changed this and you've decreased the speed limit 55 always seemed pretty fast to go through there anyway and we all realize that just because it says don't do more than 55 that doesn't mean that people will so from my perspective segment one alternative a is literally the most logical one uh you're not buying up to 50 ft of right away you're not bringing it closer to the residence and the only Advantage I could personally see is that you would be able to maintain a 55 mph speed limit um if you go to Alternative D this one when we talked about it now this is getting closer as as Paul had mentioned you're past hammock Creek or Golden Bear and on the left hand side they're up at the intersection there is the Wawa and the rest of that shopping plaza but south of that there are believe it or not it seems very narrow but there are a couple of uh there's also an Anytime Fitness and the little Plaza right there but even south of that there are a couple of parcels that are in play so it feels like why would you have a sidewalk out there in the middle of no nowhere it's not the middle of nowhere so that sidewalk makes sense so this particular segment alternative D segment too is as far as I'm concerned as the local guy makes perfect sense and then if you could go to the may I ask a question is it sidewalk on the East it's on or the West currently it's on the east closer to the hammock Creek in this scenario they would add one it would be yeah we make it we add one on the West Side add one on the just a little bit to the end because there will be businesses future businesses and not even I think the businesses will be there quicker than this will be done and the multi-use path would take the place of the existing sidewalk there is a multi-use path that takes you sort of all the way down towards the sidewalk it's wider than a sidewalk right now got it yeah and be whining at to 10 which I think is appropriate because you know there was another example that I don't know if we saw in the typical cross-section there's no trees out there currently so it's just the grass and the poles and the sidewalks so to walk that or to ride your bike it's hot and it's not really anything that would uh appeal to people making that as some kind of a path one of the suggestions that we had was to run some Landscaping if that was a treelined multimodal path I think it would entice people to want to do that because it's a nice clean level shot yes sir the only the only thing I would question with the one on the west side is now you're going to you're going to encourage people to use the west side and want to cross over four lanes of traffic to the east side I I don't know that I would do that I think I think their sidewalk there in front of the Anytime Fitness currently yeah so we will be Crossing them at the golden bearway uh intersection right but I'm just saying further south like if it if it were to run the full length and people want to no it wouldn't run the length it would stop at Golden we go from Golden Bear all the way down there's no reason to go past that only seg yeah there's no reason to go past that that because it becomes a safety issue because of 95 and you know what do you do with the pedestrians it basically would be a sidewalk in front of the existing and future businesses and those future businesses will be built and operating prior to this ever happening and then if you don't mind my suggestion or opinion on the intersection alternative one is pretty much what is there currently that pattern had recently changed um and it is working relatively well the second left turn lane is helpful to have um it used to back up further when it was only one and it would back up further and block basically what would be the straight through Lane so imagine you got off 95 you're heading north many cars go straight through the intersection continuing on high Met that would take you to Martin Downs and moneros and and there if you go to your other one where you had the crossover that one what you see there is the traffic light to the left of the picture would be a new one and what you don't see in that picture is further south there's a new traffic light for uh Palm Pike shopping plaza so you would have traffic signal traffic signal traffic signal Within a pretty short distance and you know I have I travel a lot I South River yeah what well I'll give you that one right there you can have that one we'll trade you up two traffic signals for the idea that these three will kind of work together and they would all that's what we're negotiating I think that uh alternative to you know I get this new kind of concept of but what's hard to see in the photo graph is that if you were coming south on on Martin Excuse Me On High Meadow and now you needed to make the left to Head West towards the turnpike if you will you'd have to at some point there'd be a traffic signal there but you're crossing over the southbound two lanes of traffic to get into the left turning Lanes I think that's relatively complicated so in my humble Local District 5 opinion it's alternative one it's section D and it's alternative two excuse me 1 D1 the backyards of those four houses on the right hand side of the photo go to now the other one yeah now it's in their backyard that's what I mean that's why I don't like this alternative too and then there's also more purchasing of right of way and those people would be pretty surprised that um there's a wall there currently but the way it works now is probably the way to leave it alone these are again decisions that you know with all due respect to our very talented colleagues and Consultants There's real life examples and and things feedback that just that's why they're giving us these options they didn't say here it is so I think alternative one for section one and then D and then alternative one for the intersection concept is the way to go and then of course the final thing is is that when Paul talked to you about the end of 2025 as the end of the PD in E study when I asked them the million-dollar question of when will we actually be on these roads in 8 to 10 years so I think we'll be okay commissioner herd yeah I I completely concur with uh commissioner campy's comments um segment one alternate a segment two alternate D and the intersect con intersection concept um alternative one and as far as I'm concerned you can take all of the other Alternatives off you know don't don't even further evaluate them particularly don't evaluate the intersection concept too can we can we like vote on that for you can we like give you a recommendation I mean yeah we use this uh feedback and we put in our Matrix and it helps us but can we put it like on the record of almost verbatim What commissioner herd just said yeah I mean if if you if you're also in favor of reducing the uh speed limit that's another yeah because I think that's uh you want to make a motion sure I move that we support for segment one alternate a for Segment two alternate D and for the intersection concept alternative one with the reduction of the speed limit from 55 and 45 to 45 throughout second okay the other important point before you vote since I'm not going to vote with you they're having a public hearing on June 27th of this year uh Alternatives public meeting Alternatives presenting these a public meeting where they're going to present to the public who are not experts on seeing these Maps these three options which I personally think and I get that they've already done the work they're just going to instill confusion and anger in the general public when we already know that those other option well I I'd like you to also include maybe they present those options yeah but then they're going to think that they're that somehow you all thought that they were in the mix when they're genuinely not in the mix well they can maybe include that they present that the that the no board recommended these ones and not to use the other one so when I'm sitting there in the crowd and the crowd starts to percolate I'll know that this was the only option that we're genuinely considering because they'll think that you all came up with these extra yeah because the intent will be you know to get the public feedback get their com their comments and then you know that will help us evaluate and Paul will the will the intersection Concepts be interactive uh well in the presentation I'll have like an animation of how it works yeah I I commissioner campy I think that alternative two will do really poorly in the animation as long as they don't think it was our idea I think the the idea of doing like a letter or a recommendation this would be like if staff were giving us giving this board their opinion the board still can do whatever it wants but we are we are sharing with the public the Mo's recommendation is this this and this they can still say well we don't like the Mo's recommendation we want that okay fair enough we'll be in Orlando at fa so I won't be at this public meeting meeting so someone Beth Belin someone will have to present the fact that we were presented these options but we really were hopefully unanimously deciding that it was only going to be one making a motion okay so we have a motion by commissioner herd second by commissioner Smith commissioner heatherington I was just going to mirror that those are my selections of the Alternatives that commissioner uh camping and commissioner herd outlined so okay um council member uh Gibbs Thomas uh just quickly that June the 27th meeting that is in person at the Palm City Civic Center what time is that it is at 5:30 I believe later it is I think at 5:30 should be 5:30 should be 5:30 now that's on a Thursday correct correct we'll be able to go that and just kind of um make sure that I'm I'm understanding this right now we previously had a present on the crossover between 95 and the Turnpike um in the Hope Sound area now that say that happens that'll impact this roadway and it should lessen some of the traffic on this roadway correct yeah but at this time since that project's not fully funded we're just you know independently focused on yeah it's it's like this is kind of just out there okay okay commissioner campy did you have anything else or was that no that's old light okay and be yeah I just wanted to clarify are youall going to be giving an actual presentation at this meeting it would be like this presentation looping um and then we'll have like it'll be an open Forum so everyone will be asking questions we so you can there'll be like an um a m where mic you give people opportunities to will be a public hearing for for right now for the Alternatives we'll just have an open floor format people come in ask questions have all the RO plots out so so how will we let them know what the no board um prefers um we could be near the the option stated you know this is what the NB prefers at this time well we'll have to work on that because yeah I mean some no we're just going to have the r plots um what Ro plots like the them printed out Mountain um with the Alternatives how they look like how mean you're going to have story boards on on easel oh yeah correct the answer so why don't you put a story board together that has the three I think there were three components to the motion the Mo's preferred options voted on options something that's very obvious so otherwise I'm going to forward the calls to you commissioner Collins yeah just for the record not to confuse Miss strong but I was the second oh you were this yeah I was the second not you were the second on that one not commissioner Smith you had said commissioner Smith oh it was you okay I heard okay okay I'll change it to Colin's here he in the we're out here in the wings you'll make your way over okay so oh uh on that note I don't have any other lights we have a motion by commissioner herd uh a second that was actually by commissioner Collins and you all understand the motion yes okay any public comment on the motion hearing none all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries much okay um and I think that's all we have on this so we'll move on to our next item which is our state route uh 710 update oh no I'm sorry it's the development review development yep you're right I missed one development review map thank you yes this is coming to you for the second time this year um next fisal year which for us like the state starts um July 1st we'll be updating the development review interactive map on a quarterly basis um this is in response to a lot of um recommendations that we've had of people and different agencies really seem to like this map and and use it as a resource so with that I will turn it over to Ricardo Vasquez for the um update this time so the map has been updated with all the developments in Martin County and the City of Stewart um so those are all up to date we are working with Indian town uh with um your staff out there to get updated shape files on the updated developments that's going on out there I believe there's an annexation that's happened out there as well so um we'll be working on updating all that information in the upcoming year um all the red lines and red dots are the list of project priorities that you all are just finished approving I'll make sure that we update the the rankings once we leave here today but all those have been updated as well so with that um nothing else has really changed on the way that the map functions um you can find the map on our website you can always feel free to give me a call or have someone give me a call I'll be happy to walk them through it and teach them how to navigate it so with that I'll be happy to answer any questions Rich hington yeah I really love this map um I have it starred on all my devices when I refer someone to it sometimes I find that it's hard to find from the website could you walk us from your homepage of your website that way someone can see exactly where they go to click on the link for that sure so if you go to our website martin.com if you go under the resources tab under maps and tools it's going to be under interactive maps it's the first interactive map that's pretty easy perfect yeah thank you I would say the home page um we could link right on the homepage we could find a way to put a link on the homepage yeah make it a different color so it doesn't kind of blend in all blue or something you know maybe yeah I don't see why we couldn't do that it's uh I I've heard nothing but positive things from um uh everything from people concerned about development to people are concerned about traffic and road projects and want to know what we're doing to businesses just trying to keep ahead of things so it's been it's been a excellent planning Tool uh for uh everyone so thank you welcome okay anything else seeing none move on to the 710 update yes um Tony norat is here from The District 4 office to give um this update to the board Tony thank you and thank you guys for fdat for coming and updating us every meeting so absolutely um so normally uh you have Ron Cara that gives the update but he's out sick today so my name is Tony NORAD I'm the M leaone supervisor and I'll be reading off the the updates that he sent me here today um so ongoing project at Tommy Clemens uh the left turn lane widening project is ongoing and remains on schedule for completion late 2024 to early 2025 the plan is to begin the right uh turn lane project immediately after the lane turn left turn lane project is constructed staff has been coordinating with a a push button contractor so that they'll be ready to begin once a left turn lane project is is completed uh County Road 714 realignment at uh State Road 710 uh the design is ongoing and on schedule uh right of way is fully funded and construction funds are to be sought out uh via mul multiple memes including Senate Bill 100 and the CIS uh the uh PM for this uh project is the May swins which just gave the presentation um State Road 710 widening from Southeast a 126 AV uh in okobi County to Southwest vanan in Indiantown similarly uh design is ongoing and on schedule RightWay has been fully funded construction funds will be sought out uh via multiple means including Senate Bill 100 and the CIS as well and the PM for that project is Robert Lopez that concludes any Mr Smith I want to step in front of Susan no go ahead so Senate Bill 100 were those the funds that were just vetoed by the governor last week yes yeah they were yeah just yes they were just in the presentation piece of that we just needed to note that the Senate Bill 100 funds don't exist I don't know how much they were exactly I'm not sure how that's going to work if they're going to revisit it again um it's it was between three and $4 million um it was for the construction phase um I I don't know I just I just put on everybody's radar that what we were encouraged to do as a community County in terms of the last couple years how funding was working through the legislature this year that process seemingly changed um and a lot of Transportation funds were vetoed and a lot of water projects were vetoed so for next year we need to be thinking about if we still need those funds to continue or or to complete that project we just need to understand is that now only going to come through fot funding traditional style funding or do we need to go back to the legislature again and ask for another um I'll try to get from what I in talking to Ron Kura Ron they fot is doing um all that they can to try to get funding for both of those projects the state road um um 710 widening as well as the realignment of 714 they're looking at a lot of opportunities every opportunity um that as um Christine faisa had presented to this board several months ago um there the one important thing about looking for funding is to make sure the timing is correct one doesn't want to get funding allocated in a year that it's impossible to move ahead with construction because RightWay phase hasn't started so um that's something that we're working closely with um fot with um and hopefully we'll have some good news in the draft tenative work program in December when f. District 4 comes to present to this board just make everybody cognizant of the idea that if there's if there's a gap somewhere we need to figure out how we're going to fill that Gap yeah and we're committed we're committed to to getting this uh done and the right way and so you know that's why we're here every every meeting and trying to update you guys and behind the closed doors they're having these conversations as well and and this is more for our board than for for fop but it may be worthy or Worth US Susan again going back to Tallahassee come fall um and Reit down with people again and keep nudging them and encouraging them of the importance of why we're doing this yes sir okay this and just for clarification did I hear you say that right of way procurement is fully funded both of those projects so we're moving ahead with that they're funded and they're just looking for construction funding now okay well does that mean that they they move ahead with the with the procurement of those easements before it's funded for the construction do they do they get that in place even though there's not con construction that's funded from my understanding they're they're going to start beginning the right of way acquisition okay no yeah okay good thank you okay Mr hington I don't know if you this is your department but do you have an update on timeline of the I saw it on our priorities at alipa um and 710 intersection traffic signal which was separated out of these widening projects but do we know the status have that yeah that's something we've been working with the district on um if the depending on when the funding comes in with this construction for 710 that will include the signal unless that the construction phase is not funded then the signal will move ahead and funding on its own that that is is um you know as far as Expediting that project that could we could hear good news about that in the draft tenative work program coming up at the end of the calendar year potential that it would be separated out and would not have to wait for funding because if if it waits for funding for the construction phase of 710 it's going to be waiting a while sure that yeah that's IDE we want to they're moving ahead and looking for funds for that now I'll try to get you an update on that okay okay thank you anything else okay thank you very much moving on to comments from uh fot that was it quiet hi my name is John Deer I represent uh District 4 uh fdot maintenance so I95 US1 um and those maintenance needs and the uh asset maintenance contracts in those areas so I have Chris Carris told me to come up here today and talk to y'all about Roosevelt Bridge about the debris on the bridge and yes sir I was actually going to ask you that uh since uh well well currently I have uh two contractors that work the bridge uh we have um one contractor that's Bridge specific uh we have another contractor that does the roadway um both contractors work that bridge either uh removing debris or doing the sweeping operations for that currently we have we're asking above their contract level in response to the amount of um briis and trash on that bridge um currently we on an average uh we remove six to eight cubic yards of debris from there a week wow wow that's a lot of um we sweep the bridge uh sometimes once maybe twice a month which is if you take another bridge in this County we make we may make a trash run once a month uh and sweep once a quarter is there any reason do you have any idea why this particular bridge I know there's a lot of traffic on the bridge um and I'm and I I used I haven't run lately but I've run I run the bridge and I've seen coolers I seen construction material I see I see life jackets so I get that there but I would think that you'd see that same stuff on all the other Bridges as well but why is this particular Bridge getting so much to bre a major commercial hall route for all the landscaping companies and also all the waste management or any trash haulers it it all coincides with trash day it does it does um plus uh well Raquel Sak project manager specifically for this area uh she may have some other Insight but um with the way it's been so far every un secure load as soon as they get that that bridge is way in the air uh the winds whip through there pretty quickly removes everything from the back of any pickup or trash hauler that doesn't properly tie their stuff down so we I've seen TVs on on that bridge mattresses whole bedroom suits I don't know how they that happened but um everything's been in there um I we've engaged with FHP we've engaged with um uh the waste management all everybody says yeah everything's on the up and up we're doing what we're supposed to do I saw a 5- foot Yeti cooler up there one time people were slamming on the brakes to grab that how's that cooler treating you I do not have it Comm Smith so we are probably the worst offender for calling your office to ask you to clean it um because I like I said with the intersection and downtown I'm over that Bridge four or five times a day and we get regular complaints from people about how nasty it is up there um what's interesting is there have been two um uh maintenance of traffic signs laying down with now broken sandbags laying on them for at least a month and a half so whoever the cleaning crew is and maybe they think that that's not their responsibility to pick up whoever's maintenance of traffic signs are laying there A lot of times the well can you please get rid of them I will it doesn't matter who I I I'll get rid of them they're as bad looking as the Edie cooler is it's it's like sure and now I'm sure multiple people have run over them at this point you know so they're probably flatter than they were flat they'll be gone in about an hour that'd be great soon as I get to my phone and then the follow on question and and and okay how do we get the bridge painted so like for instance the Palm City Bridge which is Veterans Memorial Bridge is a beautiful beige color the Roosevelt the two Jensen Beach or the Jensen Beach Causeway and the two Souls Point causeways are kind of like stained black molded mildew nasty looking Jersey barriers you want me to have those bridges painted for you Doug your District funds that would be I just I'll make a call we got you I just I just it I I I don't know how we approach that conversation but they should look a lot nicer than they look like the pal City Bridge looks so um as far as maintenance goes um we can get it done uh you need permission from central office in Tallahassee to paint class five finishes on any concrete surfaces the FD standard is keep it concrete we don't need to hire what's his name the famous artist that they did the Keys bridges down there to pick out the color right you don't have to do that um there are standard colors um or well or the yeah he said or pressure cleaning and my guess is the cost to pressure clean a mile plus a bridge on one two three four sides it would proba probably be cheaper to paint it once every 10 years when it's painted necessarily not necessarily not really well we've never pressure washed them so anyway it's just just it's a general comment with the trash pickup sure it would be really nice to have the bridges look nicer than they look I can get a request for it I can get a supplement and agreement I would move that we request F do to look into what would be the cost and what would be the appropriate way to paint um our bridges and if st's point doesn't want your Bridge painted that's fine it's technically not our bridge but we're it runs into your neighborhood it does yes um so we we have a motion by commissioner Smith uh to send a request fot to paint uh the bridges look into or look into or paint or pressure wash or make them look better does that sound about right and it's second it by uh commissioner Jenkins uh any public comment all in favor say I I anybody say no motion passes and then the last part of that from what I think I I don't know if it was you who talked to Kathy in my office but like the cost of this cleaning will exceed like 300,000 a year to keep up to if that was the number I don't know how you all budget I don't know what you do but clearly it's got to be done once a week and I don't think I I don't I don't know and I don't think that advising like first of all Waste Management has all enclosed vehicles I I don't believe that has anything to do with them but there are constantly landscape lawnscape whatever you want to call them maintenance trucks on that all day long um and there's also if you're going to the dump you know for us and you're in North County and you're going south you are going to go over the Roosevelt bridge to get there I don't know what you're ever going to stop or enforce it enough to stop people from not securing their loads unfortunately it is a Maintenance Cleaning thing and I I just so whatever it takes to make sure that that budget is adequate it's got to be once a week big safety issue huh people swerve around to miss something on the road or H saf ISS to your windshield I mean we're sort of making light of it but it's a big I'm not making light of it it's an embarrassment and it's not your fault I'm just saying it is an embarrassing major gateway to both the city of Stewart and to Jensen Beach and anybody traveling through Martin County that uses the Roosevelt it is an embarrassment and I'm not blaming you guys I'm just saying the impact is we've got to clean it better and make it look better so currently like I said currently I've got I'm working both contractors above their contract they've been they've been really fair um in in accepting that responsibility the good news is in two years those contracts are um first the roadway is in two years the bridge pors is in is in three we get to rewrite those contracts so we can use newer language to put more emphasis on trash pickup in those specific areas and that's that's a really big possibility um maybe with input from you know your counsel or whatever that uh we can get that in there and that I don't have a problem doing that you can't ahead of schedule like rebid those contracts not without cause I I you're talking about cancel one contract these are seven-year contracts uh multi-million dollar contracts and once we sign them that we kind of unless they stop performing all together um we try not to we try to stay with the same contractor asking that's all I understand understand thank you for thank you for coming anytime anytime anytime you need me I'll just give me a call okay comments from advisory committee members comments from board members I have one I received a call from an individual uh and he noticed something and I actually went and I experienced it myself on Monterey Road at Dixie when the when the train goes through whether it's a freight train or one of the passenger trains the um the first light to change green after the gates go up is Dixie highway going north and south and not uh Monteray coming from us one in particular and I'm not sure who is if it's Martin County or fdot that is responsible for the lights but if there's a way to look at those traffic lights to adjust it so that when the gates go up Monteray heading towards East Ocean goes first that would help alleviate some of the traffic on Monteray at US1 because what happens is that at US1 in Monteray people if you're going south to go to montere they fill up the Northbound Lane right on US1 so US1 can't go north and then people start trying to go around it all to go through the middle of the intersection it is chaos right so if that so by getting Monteray to go first on the light that may alleviate that a little bit quicker so that's my only comment any other comments good one okay so let's see uh Beth notes um a couple of notes um one is the card that is is um that I passed out before the meeting the no is doing a US1 congestion management study and we are currently taking a survey um and so if you're interested in taking the survey or you're interested in having folks take a survey you can use the QR code and will be the survey will be open until uh July 15th so about for a month and um so we'd love to hear from folks and this is the segment of us one from just south of the Roosevelt Bridge North to the Martin St Lucy County Line okay and what about the letter from Jupiter is yeah and secondly um we did the N did receive a letter from Jupiter Island they had requested that I make a presentation an overview presentation to their Council in April which I did and um they did send a letter to request that they have a seat on the no board and that is included in your agenda packet um so I have it included in your agenda packet so if you all want to talk a little bit about it today that's fine um from a staff perspective um I thought it might be helpful the no did as I mentioned earlier did um approve an apportionment plan as we're required to do every 10 years and part of that aort enforcement plan is proposing a fifth County Commissioner on the no board that's my commissioner campy is here um that it was due by the end of the calendar year 2023 um the um all the npos 27 npos in the state are waiting for the Governor's approval on the enforcement plan it's my understanding that he is going to approve it is he just hasn't approved it yet um so I thought it might be a good idea that um I could come at the next meeting and give a presentation on what goes into that apportionment plan um why what is looked at what is some of the criteria of why um for instance this time um it was justified adding a fifth County Commissioner on the board um 10 years ago when the no board did an enforcement plan there were no changes um so that would just be um something I would want to um recommended if you all would um be interested and with that I mean it's up to you all how you want to handle this any comments yeah I like the I like the idea of the presentation me too okay okay yeah I think that's fine okay okay and if on this Beth on this yes um Landscaping is at all part of this as well is it anything north of the Roosevelt to the county line anything on us one any between south of the um Roosevelt Bridge North to um the Martin St Lucy County Line I mean let mean I shouldn't say anything but yeah but but suggestions on how to improve Mobility improve safety traffic calming how are we getting this out to everybody that might be interested and commenting we have it on our no website we're going we and we included it on the county connection I believe um we also um um are anything anytime I'm making a public presentation at The Advisory committees or for a group I bring these cards and I I I um direct people to the website um we um have some more cards if you all are interested in you know taking some with you um so we're um in any and we're also going to do interviews for um the stakeholders um along us one the business owners and stakeholders are long us one as well thank you okay okay and if that's all we have meeting is adjourned okay thank you thank you