##VIDEO ID:Beq56cFeWoo## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you're on all right Welcome to our October 8th 2024 Board of County Commission meeting if everybody would stand Reverend Singh will of uh Trinity United Methodist Church will lead us in our invocation and followed by uh remain standing for our Pledge of Allegiance thank you good morning it's great to see all of you again thank you for inviting me to offer a few words on the eve of this approaching storm so let's join together in mind heart and spirit creator of all things Giver of all life and provider of all sustenance thank you for the blessings of our lives our families and our community thank you for making us who are many into one people bound together by our love for one another and our great nation loving one as hurricane Milton makes its way to our Shores we pray for your protection not just for us and our loved ones but for all our neighbors across the State of Florida in these hours may we set our disagreements aside and face this time as one we pray especially for our First Responders those who place themselves in danger to protect us from harm rescue us from our perils and repair our injuries thank you Almighty one for all of them and for our dedicated leaders here today guide them in all your compassion your wisdom and love as they decide upon the issues we face today in this moment of truth may we all courageously unite in faith love and mercy amen amen amen who it is oh yes uh we're going to be led by Valerie Rudder I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right that's great thank you thank you good morning thank you for having me welcome new Commissioners I have not met you yet um yeah I have always had a great respect for all of our law enforcement our First Responders our military and I had many family members in the military and I had no intention of going into the air force I was dropping off a friend at me station to swearin I was sitting in in the benches and they said you want to take a test I said okay so after that I went into electronics and I had a 13-day Delayed Enlistment I was going into the into the air force I went through basic training in Texas San Antonio and then I had my tech school in buuy Mississippi where I did go through one of these events and I saw some not so nice things floating down the roads um my first Duty station was in Homestead Florida so I have come full circle um I was in Homestead for about a month when s uh Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and that was our Target zone so about two months later I actually went over to Saudi Arabia and I serve my country and I serve my unit we had to build bunkers we had to keep our equipment up been running on a 12-hour basis 24/7 and we were always under the threat of scut attacks we had them blowing up over our heads we had shrapnel falling on us it was um quite an event um I'm glad I don't have to relive it now um we ran the communications between the ground and the Jet Pilots so we were the ones that gave them the coordinates to Target the scud missiles and any um uh enemies in January of 1991 Operation Desert Storm started and uh that is the event that I was taking place in we had some scut attacks that actually took out a dormatory that were less than 5 miles from us and it knocked down all of our communication Towers so that was our primary effort because again we were the main communication with the jet pilots and um I have to say we did an amazing job we had the Patriot missiles right next to us and they did an amazing job they were very loud I actually got my chemical warfare training during a live scut attack so that's a little nerve-wracking after a bit of time I left the Air Force um I went to Colorado where my husband was stationed and um full circle 25 and 1/2 years later through Montana 6 and 1/2 through Colorado I came back to Florida this is where I always wanted to be so I am very happy to be here even though we deal with these kind of weather events but I'm glad to be here I'm glad to be at Martin County and I'm glad glad to be of service to you and our community and if there's anything I can ever do to help you please let me know I want to keep this short and sweet so that we can get through this and you guys can all go home safely thank man I never see us giving them a standing ovation yeah right yeah it is I left that part out she is a it employee here at Martin County so uh today we have uh 905 public comment which we about to commence then 505 public comment additional item is Department 4 approval of the eighth amendment to commercial lease with deare uh Incorporated uh we have no consent polls we have Department three request to withdraw approval of commercial lease with the hair um anyway with that can we get a motion for to approve the lights are on no that it is okay sorry commissioner Smith morning Mr chairman move approve being very today move approval of the agenda uh with a consent agenda and the request to withdraw uh item department number three second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I motion passes 40 with commissioner herd absent is that right wow beautiful getting good at this right at the end yeah stay on okay we have four proclamations which I will let Laura um uh read and I will stand down there and hand them out thanks good morning Commissioners first we have a proclamation declaring 4 week in Martin County Florida 4 is America's largest Youth Development organization supporting nearly six million youth across the country each year 4 has helped local youth become confident independent resilient and compassionate leaders and National 4 week observed October 6th through 12th this year showcases the incredible experiences that 4 offers young people and highlights the remarkable 4 youth in Marton County who work work each day to make a positive impact on those around them and here we have David Hafner who is the forage Youth Development agent who does an excellent job hello everyone I am summer erns an alumni member and volunteer for Martin County 4 when I was a member of 4 I love doing livestock projects I raised in show twin goats for 2 years at the Martin County Fair a lot of time and dedication and hard work went into each of my projects there were lots of long nights and hours spent at the barn training My Goats how to walk and be set up in the show arena my goats have taught me patience and to never give up I learned how to medically care for my goats in situations of emergency there is so much I could go on and on about what you learn in the show ring but the point I'm going to focus on is that you gain confidence and that it is a place where your time and hard work is put to the test and it shows how much effort you put into your projects outside of 4 I am studying to be an equin specialist for mental health learning currently working at Harmony hope stables in Palm City where I train horses and work with children with special needs and Trauma 4 prepared me for the future by being able to learn life skills through through showing livestock also the ability to do public speaking comfortably through the opportunities I had to speak at 4 meetings and events in the community being a part of 4 is special because it is an environment that Fosters a love for agriculture and it teaches leadership skills a hardworking mindset and what it means to give back to others in the community thank you thank you good morning morning um my name is David hner I'm the Martin County 4 AG agent officially I am the University of Florida Institute of food and agricultural Sciences extension Martin County 4 Youth Development agent I just go by 4 agent um yes uh summer is fantastic I'm really glad she's here today before I became the agent I was a volunteer for the program and I was lucky enough to have summer in my club so um she is an outstanding youth from Martin County from our program uh she's one of of many who are are in our program have come from our program and I'm I'm really proud uh to have youth like summer um you know a few a few quick facts about 4 is our members are three times more likely to participate in community service two times more likely to have the goal of being a leader and two times more likely to report living a life with intentionality and purpose um I stood before you guys last year to receive this Proclamation again I'm appreciative that you're doing this again um after we met last year I set a couple goals for our program uh one of those is I really wanted to extend 4 into our schools since then we have added 4 programming in eight different schools both public and private actually going to meet with Hoptown Elementary this morning cuz they want to start a club at Hoptown Elementary um so it's really taking off there in our schools uh second also we are working with tyes and teens in their alternative out of school suspension program we're going there and teaching the kids who are there in that program uh second goal was to add clubs for our non-ag kids we do a really great job of of targeting and and offering programming for the kids who have livestock or have land to keep an animal um but I really wanted to hit these kids who don't have an opportunity to raise a goat or a cow or a pig and uh so this year this year we just started in September we have added seven new clubs five of them are non-ag uh we have a new Rifle Club we have a k9 Club a fishing club a stem club and a leadership Club have all just come online um I'm pretty excited for that um also since the last time I was here we had our first uh State officer for the Florida 4 um Executive Board in 40 Years first one in 40 years that was pretty awesome um also the current first place speech contestant for the Florida 4 speech contest is from Martin County um so that's another thing we have to hang our hat on she's actually going to the national competition in January and it would not surprise me at all if she she takes the whole thing she's really incredible um the atlas of our program you know I could stand up here and talk but it's not me you I'm here to open the door it's the kids that are going through and taking these opportunities but the real Atlas is our volunteers we have 39 adult volunteers including summer who has come back to be a part of this program and help give that opportunity to the next kids and um so I really appreciate our volunteers and I'll leave you with the purpose of our program which is to help young people develop skills knowledge and attitudes that will help them become productive members of society and I think we're on the right track here at Mar County 4 David so if somebody wanted to learn about your clubs or where would they go to or where would they call or go online to go find out about what clubs are available sure so as a few op options uh they can contact me directly I'm I'm try to take the the front there uh my email is D Hafner ufl.edu my direct line is 772 419 6965 also a simple Google search for Martin County 4 should bring us up and they have I have our entire list of clubs on there along with the leader phone number if that club is open fantastic thank you very much thank you thank you POS for a picture everyone's taller than Harold right let's take a few two two next we have a proclamation declaring domestic violence Awareness Month in Martin County Domestic Violence transcends all ethnic racial and socioeconomic boundaries and each year in the United States more than 10 million women and men experience physical abuse by their intimate partners with many experiencing repeat abuse during October and recognition of domestic violence Awareness Month the board urges all citizens to actively participate in the scheduled activities and programs sponsored by safe space Inc and to work towards the elimination of personal and institutional violence against adults and children and here to accept from accept from safe space we have Charles truo good morning everybody my name is Charles tro I am the lead attorney for the injunction protection program that we have at safe space and I'm honored to have this opportunity to speak with you this morning regarding what we are doing as safe space itself for services and also what we're doing for domestic violence awareness month so for those who don't know safe space is the only certified Domestic Violence Center that we have in the Treasure Coast our services are offered to Martin County of course Indie River County and St Lucy County and some might think that they it's a shelter right that's one of the things that might be familiar but we do so much more of course we have our shelters based in Mar County and Indian County but we also offer our 24-hour hotline so if there's anybody who's a victim of intimate paron violence they can reach out be in contact with the professionals that are trained there to speak with them about having shelter Services Outreach Services and other things as well we mentioned Outreach and Outreach advocacy what does that look like well those Outreach Advocates are those who are going to get in contact with the par participants or at least that's what we call them also known as victims and help them assess their needs provide them information referrals services and other things to assess their situation so they can be free from violence one of those referrals is to me and my team the attorneys that we have and we're tasked with either providing consultation advice regarding their situation provide them other referrals and information for other assistance for Legal Services but most importantly assisting them with procuring a form of an injunction for those who don't know a restraining order so we see what's going on and do what we can to assist them in that matter and then provide them in the best opportunity to be free from that there's other things I can talk about but I don't think we have that time today about the services but anybody who's interested please go on to the website contact Carmen salivan myself even and we'll inform more of what we can what we're doing for domestic violence awareness month well big news it is our 45th year 45th anniversary of being around I don't think we could have been in existence and continue without the contributions from Martin County and everybody else who is part of our community that reach out and speak with um to highlight that October 18th at the crane Club Tor Port St Lucy we're holding our second annual amthy Galla where they'll have me and seeing the event that should be fun I promise we're not wearing red heels gentlemen but if you want to that's perfectly fine it's always good for photo ops but there we're going to be honoring Sandy Joe Crocker 19th state attorney um Tom badal Ernesto and aelis Kierney as well a few guest speakers that will be present as well so we invite you all to come attend it's for a good cause we we're going to use those proceeds we're going to help out we're going to do what we can but most importantly thank you for having us here today because without your contribution without your assistance I can tell you 7 and a half years in doing this being part of that organization I can see it's just moving further and forward s of success and helping those who are victims finding new path in a new life so I thank you for your time most importantly if you know anybody who is either suffering from physical abuse verbal abuse emotional abuse Financial abuse whatever it is have them contact our hotline if you don't know the hotline number you can Google it go on our website there's also a national hotline that's available for those who are not in our counties because your voice your suggestion might be the first step that they take in order to get away from abuse and thank you for you win the award for a best dress group color coordinated right thank you and our next Proclamation today is a proclamation declaring Florida Florida native plant month in Martin County native plants impart Beauty to natural and developed Landscapes and are adapted to Florida's climate and rainfall patterns more than non-native plants serving is critically valuable wildlife habitat October is an especially vibrant month to see native plants in bloom and provides opportunities for the public to appreciate the beauty and natural value of native plants the preservation of Florida's native plants is an essential prerequisite to the conservation of our native Wildlife for generations to come and therefore the board would like to recognize October as Florida native plant month and here to accept we have Emily hard hard hardigan hardigan Vice President Martin County chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society thank you um morning good morning I'm Emily hardigan I'm the vice president um and on behalf of our organization I just want to thank the board for accepting the proclamation and for their dedication to the county and the environment um I think that from a potted plant on our patio to City Planning everyone here has some opportunity to interact with native plants and I highly encourage you to do so uh native plants promote insect and bird D diversity which provides a foundation for the rest of our ecosystem and we can think of each tiny planted area from a parking lot little Garden area to a highway median as a critical stop over point that provides those basic resources they need each little space might feel insignificant but when we scale up to a landscape level scale those create actual impacts in our environment um as if that wasn't enough they're also uh less expensive to maintain than ornamentals because they are so well adapted to our current environment um native plants are critical to conserving our beautiful state and to building a resilient Martin so thank you again to the board and we hope to see all of you at our monthly program meetings who's with you oh this is Nick Nickerson you want to come up I'm say hello you want to introduce yourself yeah I'm uh Dave Nickerson commonly known as Nick and uh I'm a member of the Native Plant Society Martin County chapter and I encourage you all to consider native plants as Emily has said God put them on the planet they're for us and we enjoy them thank you thank you very much thank you and our final Proclamation today is a proclamation declaring Fire Prevention Week in Martin County Martin County fire rescue Personnel are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of Home Fires and home fire injuries through prevention education and Community risk assessment the Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms make them work for you educates people on the importance of having working smoke alarms in their homes in recognizing October October 6th through the 12th as Fire Prevention Week the board commends the men and women of Mart County's fire prevention and fire rescue divisions for their efforts to educate the public in fire prevention practices and here to accept from Martin County fire rescue we have fire inspector Chris Hansen and Josh Jenkins who is our community risk reduction specialist and somebody else good morning morning morning morning uh I'd like to introduce myself I am Chris Hansen the deputy fire marshal for Martin County fire rescue i' like to thank everyone for having us here this uh fire prevention division is honored to receive this again this year um our division is compromised of six Personnel who strive to ensure a fire safe Community uh we do this for the residents patrons and the First Responders of Martin County there are five e and Fire Prevention the first one being education at which point I'd like to give Josh Jenkins the face of public education in Martin County thank you you Chris thank you so thank you Chris um like he said um the fire prevention division our our the concept of fire prevention is based on the five E education enforcement engineering economic incentives and emergency response so in the spirit of that education piece some of you may have heard this uh before but for the good of the group The reason why we're here Fire Prevention Week um this is the longest running National Health National Public Health observance in our country's history incepted by Calvin kulage um no wood Wilson sorry in 1922 um in response to the Great Chicago Fire so everybody kind of is familiar with this pattern of why we come here every year in October to accept this Proclamation but why why October 8th uh the reason why for October 8th is because of a commemoration on this day in 1871 the Chicago fire destroyed uh some 1 18,400 structures in the city of Chicago most of which were built out of wood at the time and obviously weren't fire protected like we have now most fire code that we enforce is a result a knee-jerk response by the NFPA to a catastrophic fire or a loss of life so October 8th 1871 Great Chicago Fire here we are fast forward 10 and some odd years later 102 years later uh proclaiming this shall be known as fire preven week and what are we doing about it and so the goal is education like Chris said that's the big that's the first e for a reason um what does fire prevention do to mitigate this risk henceforth so the 5es education um we conducted 141 public education events over this last fiscal year impacting over 6,200 Martin County residents we do this sometimes in concert with our Operations Division meaning bringing out the trucks and the cruise sometimes it's just me and a church or an HOA or a scout meeting doing CPR or first aid or what have you or fire extinguisher simulator training or sometimes it's us visiting homes to install smoke alarms that would be a part of the engineering piece um last fiscal year we delivered 471 smoke alarms so in keeping the spirit of the theme of this year smoke alarms and make them work for you what are we doing about that um we are very happy to say we uh were FEMA accepted our grant proposal for the safe Grant smoke alarms for everyone in Martin County based on our census data and data from the National Fire Administration that says x amount of these homes do not have working smoke alarms we are going to we we ran out of smoke alarms over the last fiscal year but I wanted to say this publicly we're just waiting on the Monies to come from FEMA so that we can procure more free smoke alarms for Martin County we're going to have plenty more for the years to come so and I just wanted to touch on as well um emergency response I'm always every time I get a chance to plug Community connect I am doing so so I dropped off a load of community connect flyers in the lobby we also you can search Community connect on our web page Community connect is a conduit for Martin County residents and business owners to funnel information to our emergency response division operations to give them information you want them to know before they get to your home I have a Mobility impairment I can't be moved without this device my uncle lives with us he can't be moved without this medication I cannot answer the door the access code is XYZ please don't cut my door down I have pets I'm a dog lover their names are Tom and Jerry and you know don't let them bite you whatever whatever you whatever information a business owner or resident would like that Captain to see in that responding apparatus on a laptop before he get to your home this saves time time is brain as we always say so I wanted to take that chance to plug Community connect there are lobbies in the flyer and I before I eat up too much time with the five E I wanted to save a little bit of time to talk about aeds and the initiative that our risk Reduction Program that we have to that we installed aeds over a large footprint of Martin County Parks and I believe there's a video to start us off with that segment nice segue nice park choice I wonder why who's that running that's me he should have put you in there uhoh fire rescue what is the address of your emergency yeah I'm at Park there's a man on the ground and he's unresponsive I'm trying to open the the Ed box okay are you at the community center entrance I sure there's an a available there okay I have a code when you're ready okay okay let me know you have it all right I got it all right I want you to go back to the man and I want you to position the a close to his ear on a dry non- metallic surface that's free of any hazardous materials and he has to be on his back okay okay Swit point so thank you for taking a second to watch that and thank you to Corey Pippin our community relations liaison for putting that video together for us uh the point that we want to illustrate here and first a mass Exodus fearful first I should say thank you to the county commissioner for approving the purchase of these aeds and these weather and tamper resistant vaults that we have placed out throughout Martin County we currently have 34 of these units in place in Martin County with plans to place the remaining six in stock at a few other strategic locations um we have targeted Parks the bigger Parks especially trending toward the athletic areas where we need to service those people that are that are getting hot and getting and you know getting worked over so uh I wanted to just briefly explain that and then give an opportunity if there are any questions about the aeds in the Parks the as you saw in the video stop me anytime if there's any questions um we had to partner with dispatch so dispatch has all of these aeds on a database with access codes and the Box are very conspicuously labeled so that if a patron wants this AED they're told up front you have to call 911 for the access code so this way we get EMS activated on time and the user will get granted the access code they can take that and then become a very very valuable the first link in the chain of survival before First Responders are on scene is the immediate responder the person who is getting that life-saving CPR and AED in action that's the gist of it but if there are any or no any other questions and that's all the the info we have prepared thank you John awesome nice job thank you right he does a countown she does a count up I like a countdown to do it differently than me thank you Laura you thank you gentlemen 934 you did great up there really good you did great excellent okay I have one speaker for him uh Mr Tom F Pine oh wait a minute Don Mr Pine while you're on your way up uh since we are in election season politicking is prohibited which is defined as advocating the election or defeat of a candidate for public office either partisan or nonpartisan this includes the use of words dates signs props and or wearing apparel that convey a message of support for a person or group of persons thank you good morning Commissioners uh once again it appears the speakers in the back of the room are not working I'm been Arisen of Martin County for over 50 years presently live in the Jensen Beach area several months ago when the the Stewart News called me out for opposing raising the County sales tax to buy conservation land also claiming that I gave no reasons for my view on the issue when in fact I gave my view several times over prior months but today I will reiterate some of the reasons for opposing raising the sales tax to buy conservation land in my three minutes first off I do not trust my local government over the past few years they have been attending County Commission meetings our local government has been using consent agenda to hide anything they don't want to talk about in public whether it's the cost of a new project or a cost overruning project or for that matter anything they don't want to talk about in general such as the state Housing Initiative to help with affordable housing or a special rental deal for the county-owned building for their friends in the Chamber of Commerce it never ends this is how banana republics operate hiding as much as possible from the local citizens sad on the final agenda the county emails out to the taxpayers listed on page one call to order number five consent agenda items are considered routine and are enacted in one Motion in Martin County there's nothing further from the truth it started about 20 years ago when a newly elected County Commissioner became chairperson and starting using the consent agenda in a questionable manner the last time we had taxpayer approved a tax increase by to buy conservation land from my perspective our County Commissioners at the time stole that money to build a water park at our community pool there were rumors at the time the only reason they built the water park was to keep low-income families out of the community peel pool and of course it was strongly denied but years later that's exactly what happens imagine that over the last decade our property taxes have gone up considerably if you're a homeowner your tax increases are capped but renters in reality pay the highest property taxes in the county because rental properties do not get the same protection I recently ran a 5k with a Treasure Coast food bank and according to their figures they raised enough money to provide 800 and8 386,000 meals for our neighbors across the Treasure Coast so I will be voting no on raising the sales cans to buy conservation lands the working class in Martin County can't afford another tax increase thank you for your time have a safe day thank you sir any other public comment seeing none moving on to commissioner comments commissioner Smith good morning Mr shair thank you um nothing really other than uh I hope everybody just follows the news station the storm is still forming its direction and its intensity and I guess our next update on will be 10:15 somewhere around there 10:30 at 11:15 11:15 and so if we're still here it might be good just to give a quick little synopsis of where we think it's happening and what we think is the next um thing but uh follow the news follow the storm patterns um because it can change and it's a fairly good siiz storm as you've all seen thus far and the west coast is certainly in for a long ride but we also will see a lot of rain and a lot of uh issues on our side so that's about it for this morning thank you I'm all set this morning okay I have a couple of things happening between now and our next meeting um Hope Sound Presbyterian Church is having a fundraiser and car show on U Saturday uh the 12th I hope that still is on but uh that storm should be gone by then anyway um o October 19th is also Our Hope Sound Hometown Festival put on by The Hop sound Women's Club at Doc Myers Park starts at 10:00 a.m. and then obviously uh the 18th and 19th is uh our rodeo out in Indi toown I'm sorry Mr Pine can you hear me better now hey you got to almost yeah so um other than that we're good commissioner Cy I'm all set this morning you know me very quiet very quiet yes he doesn't talk anyway um Mr Donaldson yes in terms of uh storm preparations we're going to open a special need shelter tomorrow we had contemplated it today but I think it's going to open tomorrow um also the after the 11:15 will'll determine um the uh office hours uh for County operations but uh we do have Crews that'll be working throughout the storm we providing um sand and sandbags at our um halao Park uh and has been very popular um I think we've had maybe six dump truck loads of sand at this point our mosquito control division created a device that can fill a dozen or so bags at a time with a little bucket loader so um uh anyway so we're we're getting the sand uh donated by one of uh the mines uh for free and we have the sandbags that we have been uh for these types of available so we're providing the sand and the sandbags for free and loading them this time so this is um so we're able to get a lot of folks so we're getting some from out of the area coming too so we're we're keeping up with that um other operations um that are critical not only for us but for residents and that is have your cars fueled up um we're fueling all of our equipment we also have fuel deliveries to top off our tanks um and uh doing all the other necessary preparations um again we will determine uh later today whether or not we need to open General Shelters we're hoping that um we stay in the in the zone that we are tropical storm only winds um but we will rely on our uh conversations with the National Weather Service and the Hurricane Center so we'll if we go beyond that we'll give you an update at the end of the day perfect thank you okay with that we're going to move on to public hearing number one approve the state Housing Initiative partnership ship program annual report and transal to the state Miss Michelle Miller good morning commissioner it's Michelle Miller Human Services director I'm here this morning to present for your approval and submittal of our state Housing Initiative annual report upon your approval this report will be submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation so we just request your uh approval for the submission commissioner Smith uh I don't know if we need public comment I think we do but if there is none I would move approval second okay do we have any public comment seeing none we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion carries four to zero with commissioner herd absent thank you that was easy okay okay public hearing quasi judicial number one public hearing to consider adoption of an amendment to the Martin County zoning Atlas to change the zoning District classification for KSA equities holding Incorporated uh w098 d005 Mr Brian Elum morning morning to oh oh uh do we have any experte if I do they're filed if any m have been filed I don't have any they've been filed I don't have any and I filed that okay uh please stand and be sworn in Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth do we have any interveners no interveners has all the proper paperwork been turned in to the clerk copy of my work history and the agenda item turned in for exhibit one that's it so the applicant comes and tells us about notice yep okay thank you chairman Commissioners uh for the record Brian elim principal planner with the growth Management Department uh this is a request by gunster yle and Stewart PA on behalf of KSA equities Holdings Incorporated for a proposed amendment to the County zoning Atlas to change the existing zoning District classification for an approximately 3.83 acre undeveloped site from B1 business District to GC General commercial District the GC zoning district is consistent with the site's current future land use designation of commercial General included with this application is a request for a certificate of public facilities exemption the site is located east of Southeast Federal Highway and North of Southeast hyrangea Street approximately .17 miles south of Southeast Southeast Sero Road in Stewart to the east is the Sno Cove multif family development and Cove Place Apartments established in the 1980s to the north is General commercial developments that have been present in aeriel photos since the 1970s and to the east and south of the property borders Southeast Federal Highway and Southeast hydrange Street the existing zoning District on the property is B1 business district to category C zoning District consistent with the commercial General future land use designation and the future land use on the property is commercial General a review of historical Aerials and a comparison to the original future land use map to the current parcel configurations and development of the area indicate that conditions have not substantially changed um since the adoption of the County's future land use map in 1982 General commercial district is the only standard category a zoning District available to implement the commercial General land use policies of the comprehensive growth management plan and is cons consistent with the current with current the with the current uses permitted in B1 business district zoning in addition to the standard zoning District the planned unit development District or PUD is also an option available option uh the customer has requested the GC General commercial District this is just showing you the development standards for uh General commercial square footages and setbacks application was heard before the local planning Agency on October 3rd um 2024 and it was voted for to zero in favor of staff's recommendation to approve the rezoning development review staff have found the KSA equities holding Incorporated resoning application to comply with the regulations of the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in the staff report staff recommends approval of the resoning request by KSA equities Holdings we move that the board receive and file the agenda item and all its attachments including the staff report is exhibit one a move that the board approve the request to reone from B1 business district to GC General commercial district and that concludes the presentation thank you have any questions any questions for staff seeing none uh applicant good morning good morning there are times is well for the record it's Thomas Sawyer with the from guner Oakley um there were times that I enjoyed being at South Florida Water Management District now is not one of them I'll tell you um everybody be safe with this hurricane coming um I have turned in my Affidavit of notification uh at the LPA and that's on record and just thank you for the opportunity to advocate for the rezoning Mr elam's presentation is very thorough and we really I personally have nothing more to add but I would like Mr uh Brian Nolan our expert to come forward and um speak on behalf of the applicant in this application Brian have you been sworn uh good morning Mr Sawyer you have to speak up it's a little hard to hear you is it sorry have you been sworn Mr Alam sorry too many Brian I have Mr noan yes good morning Brian Nolan for the record and if you would please just a quick um history of your educational experience and and uh professional experience please sure uh good morning uh I have a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture from University of Florida and I'm an aicp certified planner um I've been in practice with Lucio for 19 plus years now and I'm a partner nice time thank you Mr n I'm going to hand you your resume would you um take a look and make sure it is up to date and accurate yes this is my resume okay thank you I would like to submit it as exhibit one thank you Mr El um I'm sorry I keep doing that Mr Nolan are you familiar with the mark County comprehensive plan and the Land Development regulations yes sir and before coming here you have uh reviewed the staff's report and the staff's presentation correct yes and in your professional opinion do you agree with the staff's recommendation to rezone to General commercial I do and do you believe the change is appropriate given the designation um under the land under the comprehensive plan is um uh commercial Comm is it commercial General commercial General give a general commissioner uh yes I do okay absolutely that's all here that's all we have and we're ready for any comments if you have any any questions for the applicant seeing none do we have any public comment seeing none commissioner Smith thank you Mr move staff's recommendation I second it okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries 4 to zero with commissioner herd absent thank you thank you thank you moving on to public hearing quasi judicial number two public hearing to consider adoption of an amendment to the Martin County zoning Atlas to change the zoning class classifications for All Saints Cemetery Incorporated Mr John Senate will be handling this uh would everybody stand uh that is going to testify and be sworn in Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do is there any interveners there no interveners has all the proper paperwork been turned into the proper yes the Affidavit of mailers was turned in at the LPA hearing on the 3 okay no your work history oh I'm sorry turning in copy of my work history in the agenda item as exhibit one okay now do we have any experte uh I don't and if there if I did they're filed I don't have any and that's filed I don't have any it's been filed I don't have any well there you go all right take it away thank you Mr chairman good morning Commissioners I'm John Senate senior planner with growth management I'm presenting the rezoning application for the All Saints Cemetery this is a request by Cree land use and Zoning on behalf of All Saints Cemetery for proposed amendment to the County zoning Atlas to change the zoning District classification for an approximately 9 acre Cemetery from A2 agricultural District to PS2 Public Service District the subject site is adjacent to the All Saints Episcopal church at 2303 Northeast C viw drive in Jensen Beach included with this application is a request for a certificate of public facilities exemption this is a mandatory resoning site's approximately 9 Acres it's bounded to the east by Northeast Dixie Highway bounded to the west by the FEC railroad the future land use designation of the subject site is General institutional while the surrounding properties mainly have the low density commercial limited and Commercial Waterfront future land use designations the subject site is currently zoned A2 the surrounding properties primarily have the R2 R1 r3a and WRC zoning designations because the existing A2 agricultural district is a category C zoning District this application is being processed as a mandatory rezoning to a category a district which implements the policies for the general institutional future land use designation there's one standard category a district that implements the policies for the general institutional future land use designation and allows the current use of the property as a cemetery and that is the PS2 Public Service District new PUD zoning is also an additional option however the applicant is requesting the PS2 District these are the development standards for the PS2 District minimum open space 40% setbacks for a one-story structure would be 25 ft in the front 20 ft in the rear 10 ft on the side conditions supporting the requested PS2 zoning District the PS2 zoning district is consistent with the future land use designation of General institutional the PS2 District allows the existing use of the property as a cemetery the PS2 District provides development standards which are compatible with the residential and Commercial character of the surrounding area area this application was heard by the LPA on October 3rd the LPA voted to approve four to zero with one absence development review staff have found the All Saints Cemetery Inc resoning application to comply with all applicable regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in the staff report recommended action is to move that the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report as exhibit one and move that the board adopt a resolution amending the Martin County zoning Atlas to change the zoning District designation of the subject site from A2 agricultural District to PS2 Public Service District I'm here for any questions any questions for staff seeing none applicant good morning Commissioners Auda Cree on behalf of Cree uh land use and zoning and the applicant here All Saints Cemetery Inc I'm here to answer any questions you may have uh I appreciate John Senate's uh good uh review of the material and the presentation thereof I'm here for any questions property any questions for the applicant commissioner campy good morning what is the plan for the property are you at Liberty to say so I am the uh essentially the plan and we don't know when the this plan is going to come to fruition but essentially we're running out of horizontal space the cemetery is over 100 years old and they want to continue functioning of course and the way that a cemetery continues to function is by intering people and therefore the only way to go as far as keeping the cemetery functional is to go vertical so they're considering putting in mausoleums however as a part of that process uh we had to get the zoning to the current category a zoning um so that's why we're here today is to allow for that possible ability in the future to go vertical with interments as far as a mausoleum and columbariums excuse me and columbariums which is the earns yes um I am not uh super up to date on my uh Cemetery jargon but yes um so I I believe that uh they do not intend to have have uh mausoleums that have full caskets they do intend more towards the colum bariums as you said um after of course cremation so it's it's not in the works as of right now but they do realize that they are running out of space and this is a part of addressing that issue motion to accept um staff's recommendation for the applicant second okay we have a motion by commission we have to ask for public comment oh I we did that already thought we did that but okay do we um have any public comment we don't have any public comment we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor all right all opposed motion carries unanimously 4 Z with commissioner herd absent thank you Commissioners thank you okay now we're off to uh public hearing quas additional number three public hearing to consider adoption of an amendment to the Martin County zoning Atlas to change the zoning classifications for the Grace Place G60 d005 you're new L agular agular this is a quasi judicial proceeding commissioner oh yes of them okay you would think that I would have it please stand to be sworn in if you plan to testify Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay have do we have any interveners no interveners no interveners have we turned in all of our paperwork and work history to the proper person yes a a copy of my work history has been turning as an exing one and proof of public notice was turning at the LPA meeting thank you sir commissioner Smith exper file I don't believe I had have any and that's been filed I don't have any that's been filed commissioner KY I guess no one wants to talk to me about these things I don't have either so all right with that well thank you Mr chairman uh just to let you know I have been working uh for Martin County for now a little bit over four months oh good and I'm very happy to to be here good good excellent that's always uh good good morning uh me members of the board my name is Louis agilar principal planner for the growth Management Department I'm here to present today a resoning application for a property owned by the grace place Inc the grace place is requesting a sunning change from A1A agricultural District to re e2a rural state district this is a mandatory resoning the subject property is located in the Southeast corner of Southeast Salerno Road and Southeast Al Avenue the property is built out and is currently used as a place of worship the future line use designation for this property is rural density and the sunning district is A1A agricultural District because the existing A1A soning is a category C District this application is being processed as a mandatory resoning to a category a district which implements the policies for the rural density future land use designation the A1A district is a category C that is not consistent with the rural density future land use assigned to the area and the site is subject to a convenient agreement there is one standard zoning District that implements the policies of rural density future land use designation which is re e2a the new P PUD soning is also an additional option for the applicants uh but the applicant uh have um is requesting for r2a these are the development standards for r2a the minimum lot area is 2 Acres the maximum height is 30 ft minimum open space is 50% and the setbacks for this district is 30 ft for front rear inside these are these are the conditions supporting the r2a district the re 2A district is consistent with the existing future land use designation of rural density for property and surrounding areas the proposed r2a soning district and the rural Den future land use designation align well with the character of the existing land uses in the adjacent and surrounding area the current use for the subject property is a place of worship the grace place is a local church that has served the Martin County Community for over four decades and own the subject property for about 43 years this matter was heard before the LPA on October 3rd and the LPA voted to approve 4 to Z development review staff had found the grpl Inc resoning application to comply with all applicable uh regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in the staff report and we recommend uh to move that the board received and file the agenda item as and its attachments including ining the staff report as exhibit one and move that the board adopt a resolution amending the Martin County soning Atlas to change the sonning district designation on the subject site from A1A agricultural District to r2a rural estate district and I'm here to answer any questions if you have any questions for staff commissioner Smith no um is the applicant have anything got to stop sitting sorry good to see you over there yes I'm Kristen spake good morning thank you all for being here under these circumstances here on behalf of the grace place we have um the senior pastor of the Grace Place Sten Bray here as well as engineer Scott Montgomery if any questions come up but I'll just tell you all really briefly why we're here it's a mandatory resoning um the grace place as you heard has been here for at this site for 43 years they have 600 parishioners every Sunday right now their site plan approval is for stabilized grass and gravel parking in the on to the south in the back of the property and they just want to improve that to paved um and so that has triggered a site plan amendment I think and because we're amending the site plan we have to come to the most current zoning so that's why we're here to ask they want to make it um better for their parishioners they want to make improvements to the property they're also going to I think cover the parking in case of inclement weather so that's timely um so we would appreciate it if you would approve the rezoning and if you have any questions we're happy to answer them questions for the applicant seeing none do we have any uh public comment seeing none commissioner Smith with that I would move staff's recommendation second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously for to zero with commissioner herd absent thank you moving on to Department one Office of Management budget which requires board approval Stephanie merley good to see you good morning commissioner Stephanie merley director of om here to present eight items on our om item today so our first item is a permission to apply for the FY 24 Community Project funding Department of Housing and Urban Development or HUD legislative appropriation grant for the southeast County Line Road Bridge replacement project the county is requesting um $3 million for the replacement of the count the southeast County Line Road Bridge and there is no match required for this grant our second item is a permission to apply for the bja Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance grant program for the Martin County Sheriff's Office um the Martin County Sheriff's Office is requesting $2,564 for funding to offset cost for equipment to be utilized within the Traffic Unit unit and Agricultural and environmental unit um they get this grant annually and so this is just a continuation of that program with no match required item number three is a permission to accept the local agency program or lap funding for the southeast Avalon Drive sidewalk project from Southeast Cove Road to Southeast LNO Road um we are requesting to accept $1,492 49 for the construction of a 6 foot wide sidewalk on the west side of Southeast Avalon Drive it also includes modifications and improvements to the existing drainage sailes outfall structures and pavement markings um there is no match required but funds that exceed the Grant in the amount of $274,400 are being contributed from our road CIP item number four is a permission to accept the amendment for the e911 state Grant agreement um this is an amendment for $92,400 accept the fdot public transportation Grant agreement for Airfield signage replacement um the airport is requesting um acceptance of a grant Award of $500,000 to construct Replacements of Airfield signs at the at Witham field there is a 20% match required in the amount of 125,000 that is provided within the Airport Enterprise fund item number six is another a permission to accept fdot public trans Transportation Grant agreement for the vehicle gate security improvements at Witham field um we're asking for an award of $ 77,4 five to install additional airport perimeter Access Control security gates to prevent direct access to the access to the movement area there's a local share amount of 20% or $1,351 that will be provided from the airport Enterprise fund item number seven is a permission to accept an fdot um for airport facility security improvements at Witham field this is a grant Award of $1 4,521 to install additional security equipment at the airport maintenance facility this requires a 20% local share match of $3,630 that will be provided by the airport um Enterprise fund and our last item is permission to accept the fy2 mosquito control agreement from the state of Florida um the mosquito control divis division is requesting the acceptance of $61,800 for the purchase of chemicals for arthropod control and there is no match required on that and that is my last item today you did nice well done very thorough wonderful I'm sorry it's okay you missed the last could you start over yeah start I was listening commissioner Smith ask recommendation second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously four to zero with commissioner herd absent moving on to our last item Department four approval of the eighth amendment to commercial lease with the hair Aerospace Mr sebast you're not Sebastian mean withdrawing this right yeah that's what that was one Department four that's an addition Department three one was taken off and one was put on good morning Mr chairman good morning uh Commissioners this item is concerning the eth your name for the record Andrew McBean airport director this item concerns the Eighth Amendment to the commercial lease with deare airspace the lease between the county and deare the purpose of this uh amendment is to extend the lease for an additional six-month period ending in sometime of April of 2025 the purpose of that extension is to allow the FAA and the airport to work together to finalize the lease review that we discussed earlier this year the FAA has indicated that they're willing capable and able to wrap up this lease review as quickly as possible and we're anticipating that wrap up to happen sometime in early November so this item could come back before you shortly um the recommendation is that the board moves to approve the extension to allow that the uh staff could go forward and wrap up the lease review um and I'm here to answer any questions if there are any makes perfect sense commissioner campy do you have any questions for staff I don't have a question okay I'd like to make a motion to accept staff's recommendation because I have had the opportunity to tour deare uh we are very fortunate in Martin County to have them here in the county utilizing a large portion of our airport leasable space they employ hundreds of employees they are a world leader in Aerospace and for them to be in Martin County elevates all of our Aeronautics so I'm happy to have them here yep in case you didn't get that part I watched a um documentary on Airbus and deare was mentioned numerous timeses through that documentary anyway commissioner Smith second and I would also add I think one of the best things that's happened to that building and to that site and to all these years that we have had um the relationship with the various aerospace companies that have been here uh diara is by far um above all of the other I think that we've had that agreement with so I I think for the future it all looks fantastic and I I don't know that a better airspace company could have landed on top of us landed that's it's an amazing operation that's for sure they are okay did okay we got a motion by commissioner Camp be seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously 4 to zero with commissioner herd absent thank you Commissioners with that we have reached the end of our agenda except that our County Administrator would like to have a word oh just was following up on your last agenda item just kind of putting you all in notice that uh we may ask one of you if necessary to attend staff to meet with FAA in Atlanta if necessary so it is an important lease and important uh uh so I just uh uh want you to our vice chair perhaps to be prepared to uh if if necessary to go to Atlanta on our behalf or alternate and District Five commissioner like okay uh with that do we have any public comment okay and with that we are before you do that Don are you going to do um is there going to be any formal announcement from the EOC after the 11 o' meeting yes so the county uh is currently uh um providing uh regular updates uh both internally and through uh our social media and our web page and others we will uh look to provide uh what so what staff will be doing is uh at our 11:15 uh following that we will have our incident command to meet which includes the the school board and the sheriff and others to discuss um any other operational issues that may need to be done and so uh which includes the opening of shelters and and other activities and what what uh uh whether or not the county offices will be open uh uh on on Thursday uh or Wednesday so that that will those announcements will happen this afternoon um after their consultation with the state EOC um the National Weather Service and Hurricane Center so um relative to the schools being closed we won't know that until we declare that we're going to because the shelters the school made the announcement yesterday that they would be closing Wednesday and Thursday and so that uh uh and we needed that because we know we were planning to open a a special need shelter so we know we're going to open a special need shelter tomorrow and we need the schools for that located that is uh at on Willoughby is the special needs facility uh um and uh that's also where we'll open our prep familyy shelter should we need to open one so that it all depends on the uh the track whether or not if we have any types of hurricane force winds we will be opening um if if it's only a tropical storm uh a warning um we will determine um the risk and and say whether or not we need to open the shelter uh it's also the possibility that the governor may ask us to open shelters if there's a need to uh provide Sheltering for those evacuating the West Coast so that uh those announcements will be made later this afternoon great thank you that's it old light sorry okay I did have a well one positive thing too I've tried to do highlight some of the good things that happened uh uh and that is selfish Sands did get from the southern Florida PGA Southeast chapter the um merchandising of the Year public facility and it it was a little it took me a little bit to understand the award but it basically uh they review everybody's shop to see um do you provide uh the the right equipment for those that are playing the golf um and they also measure your volume of work and the the the product that's being sold and that you're not overcharging so it kind of they got it for the all of the shops around so basically it means that as you're consumer there you have a good variety of quality Equipment to to get there um the right kind of things to to help those golfers and uh and at a really good value so it's uh and they do a lot of volume there so which is pretty amazing so there uh are little sfish Sands is is doing well so thank Kevin abatti and his team thank you Kevin all right with that we're jour