##VIDEO ID:GNU1G8OEsAI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Laughter] you're on now she even sat down yet she going you're on now we're going to take all these things in different order too now you have to say that we're starting the meeting we are calling the meeting to order good morning it is the mo meeting the policy board meeting it's Monday October 21st do we have Pastor Jim harp here we do sir would you please lead us in prayer let's stand followed by the pledge of allegiance that we can do thank you let's pray father thank you for this day and uh Lord we thank you that your plans are never thwarted uh your ways are above our ways your thoughts above our thoughts and we thank you God that you're never in a hurry and you're never late and so God thank you for these truths we glean from your word Lord I want to pray this morning uh for uh not just for this meeting but I pray especially as I always do for these that you've placed in leadership ship Over Us in Martin County uh we thank you for them Father we ask your blessing upon them upon their families uh all the situations and circumstances in their lives Lord we we all have stuff and uh Lord we seek your help and your guidance and your wisdom and your direction and all those things I pray for wisdom Lord for this uh committee I pray God that you'll guide and direct them uh for the benefit of those that uh they serve here in this community again we thank you for them thank you for placing them in leadership Lord and just uh give them joy in what they do I know there's a lot of problems and circumstances and decisions to make but Lord would you give them joy and give them a sense of satisfaction and peace knowing that uh they're doing the work that you've called them to do so bless this day for all of us Lord may we experience uh your grace and your mercy and your goodness in all that we do and I pray all these things in Jesus name amen amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good morning D it was a train wreck we're glad to see you it was a train wreck we're glad to see you great start great okay morning good morning everybody Welcome to our uh no meeting uh Monday October 21st 2024 um we do roll call yet or no no no all right I'll call roll um I'm a little new here so if you guys could just say your name when you do a first and a second whatnot um I just wanted to introduce Margie tamblin I think I have it a prior meeting she's actually the senior planner and she volunteer to take minutes today because we don't have an admin assistant so if you could um when you make a motion just State your yes state your name first please um as well as when you um second it welcome Margie all right commissioner Doug Smith commissioner Sarah herd here commissioner Stacy hington here commissioner harol Jenkins here commissioner Edward campy here commissioner Chris Collins commissioner Ka Mayfield she might be late council members K or oh council member Susan Gibbs Thomas here and commissioner sha Reed here okay uh herd moves approval of the agenda wa she's not paying attention herd moves at okay the agenda Camp be seconds here you sit here I seconded it I didn't make the motion ow ow calm your jets goodness okay we have a motion we have a second by commissioner her commissioner all in favor of the motion say I I I all opposed motion carries unanimously uh the mo uh minutes from o from September 16 2024 we need a motion to approve heard moves second and that would be commissioner Jenkins no you have to tell her waving doesn't help um commissioner uh Harold it's going to be a long meeting uh we have a motion we have a second further discussion on that all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries unanimously uh comments from the public anybody from the public wish to address us this morning on any issue okay nobody no you sure absolutely P I was hoping we that's the second one no third one you get to nope okay nope okay Beth item a 8A uh 2050 longrange Transportation plan lrtp public involvement plan yes um as you know the um long range Transportation plan or lrtp is one of our federally required products that we update every five years it does have our 25-year planning Horizon and it's the biggest plan that we do at the no um we have vas Jane from T Lin International to talk about the the public involvement plan um and and discuss the Outreach that we're going to have during the development of this project so with that I will turn it over to you vas uh thank you Beth uh good morning Mr chair Vice chair and members of the board I'm vas Jade with t I'm your consultant project manager for the 2050 lrtp as Beth mentioned the lrtp is one of your core work products this as many of you may know it sets the blueprint for transportation Network and improvements um over the next 20 to 25 years in in Martin County we are very excited to kick off this planning process with you and I look forward to working with each one of you over the next year year and a half uh quick outline of my presentation this morning I'll walk you through the public involvement plan um I'll and before I do that I'll provide a quick project overview and then wrap up with next steps so for those who have been involved in this planning process before this may look a little familiar uh there are four main phases of the lrtp it begins with public involvement plan uh we put together a 2050 needs plan needs assessment which is based on a lot of technical analysis as well as public input we prepare a draft 2050 cost feasible plan and then the final cost feasible plan for adoption there are two other boxes here that show some of the technical analysis again there will be a draft vision statement uh goals objectives performance measures as well as the technical analysis will include travel demand forecasting projecting uh future year revenues 25 years out in fiveyear increments doing project prioritization and developing a list of projects and throughout this process uh we'll have extensive public invol agency coordination with your partner agencies local jurisdictions fat and as you can see on this slide we'll be coming back to you throughout this planning process almost on a quarterly basis from Project timeline standpoint we are looking at a 20-month project schedule we began back in April of this year looking at final plan adoption in October of next year to date we have completed public involvement plan which is what I'll walk you through on the next several slides as well as we have put together a draft vision statement uh collected a variety of data and uh done some documentation as well again at the bottom of this of the slide you can see um the various Mo advisory committee meetings and board meetings uh where we'll bring this item back to you so we developed a a robust public involvement plan for this uh 2050 allot PP planning process is robust in that there as you can see there is multiple communication channels tools activities that we'll be implementing throughout the next year and a half to gather public input and um input from various agencies uh first off we to develop a unique identity for this project we developed this logo that you can see it's Martin moves And the tagline Martin moves 2050 again this is to get the word out it also shows in the logo different modes that kind of depicts the multimodal nature of this plan um I'll walk I'll I'll share the project video as well as information on the Public Public website and some of the other items that are on this list on the next several slides before I do that real quick here's the draft vision statement I'll just read it louded establish a framework to create and maintain a safe connected resilient multimodal trans report ation system that provides mobility and accessibility options for Martin counties residents and visitors in a sustainable healthy and Equitable manner this is uh this is a broad vision statement as most vision statements are it touches on National goals as well as uh federal and state planning empasis areas which is peas and for uh for this for this year's pasas it's safety sustainability equity and and emerging Mobility so we have our public uh meetings which will be conducted in openhouse format these will be in-person meetings there will be several interactive exercises um that people will be a attendees will be able to participate provide their input uh they'll have an opportunity to participate in a survey this survey will be administered both um in hard copy format as well as tablets in digital format so they can choose um how they want to participate the first meeting is coming up next month on November 19th uh in Stuart and the next one is a little bit uh further out in January on January 16th these will be visioning sessions so it'll be open-ended to get input on Transportation issues improvements up front as we put together a draft cost feasible plan which which will be about uh summer of next year we'll hold and conduct another public workshop and those details will will be coming out as we figure out the location and other details I'm very excited to share a project uh video this is a promotional video that our uh public involvement specialist Quest has put together uh the intent of this video is to promote the project get the word out get everyone excited um encourage folks to visit the website take survey and participate in the planning process after this meeting uh the video will be uh sort of broadcast and shared with uh with the public for Mass consumption through this various different media Outlets shown here and with that the video [Music] in a world where movement defines progress the Martin Metropolitan planning organization's long range Transportation plan is more than just a road map it's a vision for the future imagine a county where every journey is seamless where transportation is safe sustainable and accessible to all the 2050 longrange Transportation plan or lrtp is not just about today but about the Next Generation and beyond our 2050 lrtp is our 25-year planning Horizon document that will be our guide book for the transportation projects in Martin County and we're very excited about that with innovative solutions and most importantly Community input we're sh shaping a future where Transportation enhances the quality of life transportation is extremely important there's individuals who solely rely on that transportation service and it's imperative for them knowing that there's a bus system that will be there every morning the lrtp is a commitment to sustainability safety and resilience from roads bicycle Lanes sidewalks Freight and waterways the Mo's lrtp looks to enhance all aspects of the transportation Network the infrastructure has not caught up with the demand of supply and we don't have the roads to carry all these trucks through planning and collaboration we're ensuring that Martin County moves towards a better future the long range Transportation plan is Paving the way for a smarter Greener and more inclusive tomorrow join us on this journey towards a better future participate in our survey attend our workshops and meetings and share your vision for more information on how you can get involved visit our website at Martin n.com Martin moves 2050 together let's plan a better future for Martin County so that's that's the video that'll be as I mentioned we'll be sharing that um widely we also have a project web page the project web page sits on the Martin moo uh website uh the URL here uh we made sure that uh the project web page is Ada accessible there's a QR code so that folks can easily accessed they don't have to remember the entire URL there's an online survey again the online survey is up and running as we speak there are 10 questions it's available both in Spanish and English and the questions um it's somebody can take this uh survey in less than 5 minutes they can spend as much as 15 minutes again the questions are related to Transportation issues and improvements that folks uh may want to see um in the 2050 lrtp there are several other public Outreach activities besides uh the visioning sessions or in-person meetings and the website uh some of them are listed here we'll be conducting one-on-one interviews we'll be getting your input um over the next couple of months uh as thought leaders and there'll be informational booths and some targeted Outreach that we'll be conducting as well um just in closing our next steps we'll be implementing the PIP um uh we'll continue our data collection technical analysis and then we'll come back to you uh and share some information on goals objectives and some initial public feedback that we'll receive in the next couple of months uh in in December with that thank you and I'll open up for questions comments fantastic anybody have any questions oh Susan I'm sorry me no that's okay it's okay thank you than you um thank you so much for that um question I see that there are visioning sessions that are currently planned in Stuart and in Palm City and you said that you have others planned also uh these are the two visioning sessions that'll happen UPF front early on and there will be one that will happen in summer of next year which will be uh where we'll share the draft cost feasible plan when we'll put a plan together okay now the tagline a better future for Martin County that's I heard that in there better future for Martin County is well I would and what I am getting at is that those visioning statements needs to include all of Martin County I would um encourage I'd like to encourage that maybe a visioning sessions also include uh South County North County and West County Palm city is definitely not West there's further West that needs to be considered also and just for clarification we do plan no staff does plan to give presentations at the Indian um council meeting as well as the chambers of commer in the different areas of the county um last time um for 2045 we actually um did do a breakfast or maybe that was 2040 but we will reach out to that the the visioning statements are the ones that the consultant is involved in staff will be doing a lot more with the Chambers of Commerce the some nonprofits like the United Way um homeowners associations um um uh so a number of different events if you will so we will make sure we car and I and I appreciate the presentations you know and get that information out but visioning sessions has a total con connotation to me sure as to a presentation one is just presenting the other is listening sure so that's that was my okay that's my desires to make sure that all of the county is listened to thank you that's all I got so with that Beth um uh so with that um what's plan on adding at least Indian town and South County uh in formal in a formalized visioning along with Stuart and along with um Palm City okay Mr Reed yeah was there a survey deadline date like when the survey would close and was there any limitations on the survey or could a person do the survey over and over or would it stop them from constantly doing the survey both good questions so there is a survey we'll close out the survey in uh March and and the idea is we'll have a needs plan that will be presented to this board in April so you want to make sure that we get that information ahead of time that can feed into the needs plan uh anybody can take the survey as many times as they want so it's there's no uh limitation that it has to be like a unique survey or anything like that okay thank you MH anybody else okay Beth thank you presentation this is an action item sorry uh so you want a motion to approve the dire the public involvement plan was included in your agenda packet with the with the modifications to adding South County and Indian town I'll move approval of the public involvement plan adding loc visioning sessions in Indian town and South County campy seconds Hetherington sorry that got that uh any public discussion on the item seeing none back to the board all in favor the motion say I I all is opposed motion carries unanimously B item 8 a or 8 B please Transportation Alternatives program tap application yes this is the um South Dixie Highway improvements um tap application that the city of Stewart is here to present there have been some changes since their last presentation and some additional public Outreach as well so with that I'll turn it over to the city staff thank you thank you good morning good morning um I'm here to update the board on the um design of the Dixie Highway improvements project um last time we we were here there were some concerns about the the project uh we were proposing oneway traffic um there were also some discussion on uh expanding the boundary of the project to include the confusion Corner uh redesigning that confusion Corner uh which is uh in the presentation but that'll be the last slide that we could discuss um we wanted to discuss the the scope of the work that we actually applied for um do I forward use your mouse well there you go sorry um so you um you've seen this multiple times um the scope of the work is uh improvements along Dixie Highway from Joan Jefferson to Ocean Boulevard and Colorado Avenue I interrupt for one second can we make it full screen just so that it's a little bit bigger please [Music] H thank you um so this is our uh our typical section um we we the city has a lease agreement with FC uh for those on street parking and uh the city did apply for an amendment to the lease agreement uh to see if we could make any modification in the FC RightWay um it took almost a year to get back a response from them and they basically said they don't want us to make any modification into their RightWay uh because there is a 25- ft clearance requirement from the second track that was installed and also there's some uh you know if there's a future train station and if they need to make any modification to the track at that time um they don't want to uh give any permission to the city to make any modification at this time um so now we're limited to only 20 foot of City's rideway um you'll note that 2 feet of our uh travel Lane is actually in the FEC RightWay so if they don't want us to make any modification what we want to do is just work within the city's RightWay so should they ask us to remove those on street parking uh we can easily do that and just put the put that um uh that location into the condition that it it was prior to installing those on street parking um after the meeting we did go back out to the community and presented different options and um the consensus was they do want to keep two-way traffic so so um so the proposal that we have today before you it is uh two-way traffic and um and we also went to the crb board CRA board and uh received approval on the on the conceptual um that you're going to see today um and as far as a confusion Corner that that's currently not in the scope uh but we can discuss that after we discuss the scope of the project now I have Joe cap right here he's going to go through the details of the design good morning Commissioners Joe kapper for the record um first of all as as you can see we've we've actually been working on this for a couple years there's been changes I guess from the last time we were in front of you you asked for some changes we actually came back to that okay so just so you know maybe we saw the light but essentially we've been through numerous public meetings um not only with your advisory committees the CAC the TAC uh basically several committees at the city of Stewart as well as the city commission um and I only bring that up because we've actually met with the neighborhood a couple times and they've told us what they would like some of this most of it's consistent with what we're proposing today and uh last but not least we basically also met one-on-one with the property owners that are directly affected by this change okay so um as as as pretty much panel mention the difference here is we're trying to work on a typical section that is probably going to change from what you see out there today uh we've always were going to make a change but the biggest one was that the FEC has asked us to to consider not using that 12.5 FEC lease at this point for the future improvements that doesn't mean we got to take it out of place take those spaces out it just means that they are want the flexibility that they could ask us to remove those spaces so I think that's probably the biggest item I know a couple things that we've heard in the past from prop from from the residents as well as the boards is we are going to be going to two 10ft lanes one in each Direction and which you see on the left side here is an existing sidewalk if you go out there today you'll see that the sidewalk goes up and down in various Fashions sometimes it does have a 6in curb next to it sometimes it doesn't meet Ada we're planning on fixing that so the improvements throughout the corridor will will again make them safe and provide the 5 foot so sidewalk there and although it shows existing sidewalk we plan on improving That Sidewalk let me see if I can going back the other way so this is a plan View and um on the top of the screen is Joan Jefferson way the roundabout uh on the bottom of the screen is the confusion Corner area um essentially uh what we plan on doing is I'll just go from south to North is there's there's already two-way traffic in this this area we are going to maintain that two-way traffic um what you see here um is is pavers we were talking about a pervious paver uh for the for the roadway itself asphalt then some perious pavers some of the um just so everybody knows some of the patterns will be different so that you can distinguish an intersection and so forth but the idea is uh we thought it'd be nice to try to um improve upon the texture in this area so perious pavers are being proposed in this whole area the um intersections with the side Street such as Third Street will come in more perpendicular uh side streets with uh Camden will again be coming more perpendicular we still have this the coral stained sidewalks um the same thing right here with California more perpendicular we will try to be we'll be adding some green areas some Landscaping along the corridor um the other thing there'll be lighting decorative lighting throughout the whole quarter just about every intersection has some decorative lighting um so you'll see sidewalks improved upon you'll see lighting you'll see uh green areas uh We've add a little more parking here on Third Street because when they do take away our parking along the FEC right away we we will lose a number of spaces uh one of the things we have done in over the period of time since we last saw you is we've actually gone into the neighborhood and see if there's any places we can make up those Spaces by restriping the restriping some of these areas so we have a program that can almost get back to the same amount of spaces that are out there today once we get if if we do intend if we do not in 10 but if for example FEC says no we have to get rid of those parking spaces again um most of the improvements um pretty much in the same general location that they are today the traveling public will still get two have two-way traffic on these on these roads when we come to Joan Jefferson way we'll probably make some adjustments here here so that the vehicles come into this more the perpendicular way into the intersection we've had some requests to consider uh some flashing signs that depict when trains are coming across uh coming across this intersection some of those improvements we plan on putting into the final design um this is is really just to give you an idea what the um the quarter could look like at the bottom is the proposed improvements which you see out there today this is the old creative Auto site the gentleman has purchased that has come up with a plan for an improvement to this building some out outdoor seating and so forth and some Landscaping so we put that into a landscape rendering you can see the side you can see the pavers proposed here uh pretty much this area on the left side here of pavers is is actually southbound the area here is Northbound we will probably just leave the asphalt that's out there in the parking spaces that potentially could be removed okay which is on the right side here along the FC railroad uh you can see sidewalks you can see some trees being added and so forth and you can see the street lights um a major Improvement if you go out there today you'll see there's ponding of water we plan on also providing underground storage or exfiltration pipe with inlets and so forth for to provide drainage for this Corridor so there'll be some there'll be some uh improvements on the drainage in here also having said that I would entertain any questions I just wanted to talk a little bit about this confusion Corner okay um design um this is something um I uh commissioner Smith reached out to Treasure Coast Regional planning Council um to have them work with Michael Wallwork uh who designed the uh Jensen Beach um uh roundabout in their downtown and this is the proposal that I just um received last week and uh this still needs further modification uh this has not gone to any Outreach meetings Public public um meetings um the board are my boards haven't heard uh haven't seen any of this preliminary design yet so um we think that we are a little bit far along with the Dixie Highway improvements project um that we could easily if if this were to move forward uh we could easily just modify the parameter of the Dixie Highway improvements project and uh still I'll still be able to achieve what we want to achieve with the Dixie Highway and then and um work on this uh as I get direction from my board U maybe commissioner Smith might want to speak a little bit more on this design great well thank you um do you want to go first or you want me to go this is new to me so I'd like to hear about that first maybe I could incorporate some of my so um last time we talked about this uh there was a lot of conversation certainly about Dixie Highway and what was being proposed as a one-way link um and and I think putting it back to two way was probably the right thing to do um but there's also I I personally think cuz I'm in this intersection at least five six times a day my wife's office is two blocks from um the roundabout here and I watch people do the craziest things um known to mankind in in the current configuration with all the little Islands the splitter Islands if you come north on Colorado into what let's just use for what's on the screen now into the roundabout um the other day uh I watched a truck come into the through Lane because the backup trying to go up Dixie Highway to the north was probably 12 15 cars long and he decided I'm not going to wait for that so he flew into the middle Lane flew around the roundabout because when you come out of the roundabout into Dixie you get the RightWay going onto Dixie north um which caused all sorts of issues because people were watching what he was doing and it just got everybody even that much angrier the two cars that can stack now in the little piece there at the end of uh Southwest ocean uh Boulevard as you come into the roundout that's a constant battle as to who actually is going to give and who has the the right away um going into um Dixie Highway North or coming out of the roundabout uh likewise coming south on Dixie uh what we discovered when we were looking at this and what I think Michael can still fix if there's interest to do this today if you're coming south on Dixie um into confusion corner you cannot go to East Ocean Boulevard East you have to go south on Colorado to do a U-turn or come or come on some other direction from a very long time ago and I think when the current configuration is was established uh there was the conscious design um idea to force everybody that wanted to go on East Ocean to go through downtown Stewart to be in front of the stores in downtown Stewart I I I I know listening remembering going to public meetings about that a very long time ago that was by Design so that you couldn't come down Dixie and go down East Ocean because that way you were going to avoid the shops and the stores as downtown was starting to grow and redevelop I think everybody knows we're down toown Stewart is now I think everybody knows where every store is downtown even to the extent that I do it and some other people do it in the mornings when it's backed up coming down Flagler into the roundabout you go down the drive line adjacent to the railroad because you get the RightWay coming out of that going into the roundabout to go down to Colorado there's just all sorts of peculiar little things that happen because of the existence of what is there today so as m has this drawn um I'd say the only real issue relative to if we were to achieve something better than exist today would be to reconfigure the island on the left hand side going onto Southwest ocean to allow that movement to go to East Ocean if somebody wanted to or to go south onto Colorado um the other thing I question in in in the in the whole scheme of this whole project of of beautifying this section of of uh Dixie p and I met last week and we talked about this and and my sense of all of this is It's almost like we applied for the money to get a a project to get something done on the west side of the railroad tracks all well and good there's nothing wrong with that concept other than do we really achieve what it is you'd want to try to achieve long term and my argument would be we're still not getting on street parking on the west side of um Dixie because we don't have the RightWay there's a question whether we lose or we don't lose the parking on the east side which I think panal is 28 spaces correct on the east side 28 the church um certainly has been under contract at least that I know of twice in the last couple of years um chances are at some point in the future that property is going to redevelop um I think they've already acquired or in the process of acquiring property out on caner and so then you have the couple commercial buildings that are on um Dixie Highway today um that have at least communicated in the past that there is interest in selling at some point for the right amount of money clearly um but that isn't going to happen yet and so my I my my suggestion at least for everybody to think about is that the plan should be designed about what you want it the final cut through or cut line to be actually going through um Dixie Highway Southwest ocean you have all of the RightWay you have on street parking on both sides but it could certainly use a facelift and it could certainly use a treatment and an application of that treatment like is being proposed for for Dixie that could really make it a great looking Street and would help it to redevelop someday into a destination Street very much like what happened to Colorado 10 years ago when the city decided to completely uh redevelop um the cross-section of all of of Colorado going out to US1 um and I again I can I can share with you that having my wife's office on that section of Colorado uh it is an entirely different street it behaves differently people come there it's a very active place to go now where it wasn't 15 years ago and there was a lot of criticism of the city back then when we took out two lanes of through Lane traffic off of off of Colorado that it was going to shut it all down and it was going to make it difficult and it did just the opposite it's made it flourish and become a great little um uh component of Stewart so um that's those are my comments and thoughts relative to what um the city is offering I I think I would step back again like a couple feet back I think I would really focus on Southwest Ocean Boulevard which is the off of US1 and and P there was another whole presentation done for this area do you have that with you don't have it with me um we did a triangle District uh master plan uh Treasure Coast Regional planning Council put that together to really um you know make recommendations how we can improve this area and Ocean Boulevard is one of the recommended Street to do a complete Street project um just because we didn't know with the church and you know uh what will come there in the future we thought Dixie Highway would be uh a priority just because we already have existing businesses um and it was it's uh it's a little bit easier to achieve this at this time versus Ocean Boulevard which is going to take you know with the Redevelopment of of that large track of land um Church site uh anything is possible there right so the access points will be different we want to also discuss with them maybe giving RightWay dedication to the city um on on perhaps the one of the street so that way we can widen um we can widen the the right of way to put on street parking and a wider sidewalk so there's a lot of moving Part Parts with the Ocean Boulevard so that's why we thought this was a better right and the only the only thing I would I would offer I I agree with panol that the north south um cut through streets the ones that are one way could go back to two-way you could get on street parking on both whatever is going to happen with the church it's clearly going to be a a lot of conversation because there's there's two streets that BCT the property um and I and I my recommendation is that you never shut off those streets no matter what they want to build there whoever wants to um but the goal should really be to try to achieve on street parking on all the streets and two-way traffic back so that all the interconnectivity comes back to that triangle uh and then how it interfaces with US1 there's some really interesting Concepts out on US1 uh there was a bridge design uh that right there by the old um there was electric boat rental or purchasing place there on the on the creek uh there's actually a proposal to elevate that bridge to like a little bit of a humpback bridge on US1 uh that would give uh the properties on the south side of US1 if you will under that Creek more uh boating access that they'd be able to come and go uh but it also provides another significant entrance way into downtown Stewart as um a Gateway if you will project I want to talk to Beth about this um it's not that we haven't swapped out projects and done this kind of thing before we did it with su's point where we put it off for a year and swapped out the project to do another project Beth do you want to explain what that looks like yeah because of the um I think the timing with Soul's point there were a lot of things um that were um happening in that area and there were there was tap funding involved um I think Joe cpra worked on that project as well um um there was a resurfacing of um East uh East Ocean Boulevard A1A at the same time that the around well within a year or so of of the tap project with the crosswalks and also the town was looking at doing some Street lighting so I think um that we we discussed with fot um changing some um you know switching tap projects because when a when an application is awarded the when the local government is awarded the money that money is Absol actually available three years out from the ne from the following fiscal year and so because of that um the local governments uh count the county and the um town were able to um switch the the tap projects out I think that's what you're referring to anyway just some ideas for everybody to consider commissioner heatherington no I'm done I'm all set while you were on that Beth that's why I was clicking my light because we do have at least one new member um can you give the definition of a tap project sure what what the mission and what what that qualifies and how that works sure the uh tap project is a transportation Alternatives Pro program project and that's a federal funding source primarily it funds bicycle and pedestrian improvements uh local governments uh make the application they got come through the no process to be able to be prioritized now Martin County is in little unique situation where we're a small County with a small population so we don't get that many funds and um so usually there's one application that comes through every year so that's the priority other uh mpos that have a larger uh uh project area that include um a lot more population like Broward they may have 30 or 40 tap applications in one year and so when it goes through the no process they actually prioritize those applications and they're recurring I think once projects usually get on the list they stay on the list so I I don't know if that that's helpful so the no is their role in this is obviously to give input on the project but also to prioritize it for that specific fiscal year um I know the county kind of went back and forth for several years like the county would make an application then the city would make an application um because it is federal funding it is does require local area program or lap requirements of that has to be done in accordance to lap requirements and the city has taken it upon of themselves that you all are lap certified for Project Specific projects whereas the county is an agency that's the actual agency is lap certified so when they apply they can um move forward with projects without having to do that individual certification every time just inter on that same Vin so lap certified in the past the county has done the lap projects for the city because they didn't have a lap certified engineer on staff and P I think you showed me the other day you're in the process of getting one or having one certified correct yeah we are in the process of being certified and um the people that are involved have already completed some of the certifications So within the year or so you'll be able to we have to have it completed by a certain point Kevin is here um he what time do we have to have it completed by the kick off is in January have all the information and all he's leading the tap certification on behalf of the city um he's with Public Works Department morning utilities now we have um can you speak into the mic too when just give me a second and your name for the record and your name for the record when we get there Kevin Smith city of Stewart uh utilities yeah the project we have project kickoff January 29th so we have to have all our certifications into the DOT so that they can so we can move on to the next step which is preparis Project Specific lap certification which is 130 and then um dot environmental preliminary field review is to 1 13025 so we're trying to get all this information together and then we'll sit down with Dot and we should be ready to roll so that's if that's if uh you know no puts this through or so but you'll be hiring or you've hired an individual to be that certified engineer for the city that's always been my understanding that that's why we've done it for the what it is is there's a team like myself I'm responsible charge there'll be some other individuals we had a grant administrator um we had procurement person specialist but we're obviously in the process looking for some new people we don't have them right now but we will have somebody in those capacities and then we have Joe CAO he's going to be assisting us with this project as well so his team Kaa engineering will assist us with that George Z I don't know if this is m not on your mic's not on I don't think George George you can't turn it on can maybe I you still not can you use the other that one I'll use this one thank you commissioner thank you George Zama Martin County Public Works deputy director so um Martin County is lap certified as an agency the only agency in the county um there was uh an agreement in the past that has now sunsetted for the county to sponsor the city um the city and the other municipalities so Indian town as well can obtain Project Specific lab certification so I'm not sure if that's the process that the city is going process we're doing okay so and in lie of uh the city obtaining an agency lab certification they can't they the cities cannot obtain an agency so municipalities thank you Beth municipalities can so be a a certified agency so that they every project that they submit for they have to do a specific lap certification so sounds like they're going through that process and um we had you know you have to take all these these training courses and stuff to get to that certification which is is part of it put all on myself and a couple other individuals have have taken the uh courses that are required of them um so we're trying to get to that finalizing I got to finalize some title six document I got to make some adjustments there on that our title six you know um documentation um and then the state just asked for something new it was a human trafficking uh affidavit so we're going to have to create that I already sent that to our legal department and so that's trying to get all this information compiled and then and uh we should be we're right on track for the most part like I said we had the project kick off on the 29th uh January 29th 2025 and then and then this processes keeps going on so um it looks like the project would probably be sometime in 26 27 fiscal year so okay well thank you very much I appreciate that I think that helps at least people understand where we are and what's going on it's it's definitely a new new process so sus I will come back to you as soon as uh commissioner heatherington is done okay so I I thought I thought that tap explanation was important because we only get one Martin County gets one allocation of tap funds per per year and this no body prioritizes one project a year so it's important that it meets that mission of what we're trying to accomplish and I would like to say on this I think that going back to the the community and getting input you did a nice job and we appreciate you doing that um can you go back cuz I have a black and white copy that slide the conceptual plan no wait one more oh that's it that's it okay so on Third Street the existing um directional traffic it's two-way yield am I is that correct currently is two ways we are proposing one way right now so this this small section of Third Street so if you're coming down Dixie you would push that down Third Street now I I drove this the other day so I walk it all the time and pretty much I'd rather do anything not to drive the section because of this oneway you know um and it's like it's a maze but so you're going to pick up parking there going on Third Street but you're also going to push more traffic down and they were they will go then one way down California right to West Ocean correct and as you go down one way down California if you ever have tried to get out in a car driven down California and get out to on West Ocean safely in a vehicle it is very very very difficult and a dangerous intersection you cannot there's zero sight distance whether you could whether you're going whether you're turning towards uh the confusion corner or turning towards US1 there's there Vehicles parked um in front of the church I guess the diagonal parking and then there are some that are front of the field which are parallel parking there's not often a lot of people parked in front of the field many times there's people parked in front of the church it's almost impossible to get out of that intersection safely in a vehicle so I I would recommend and we talked about this panal thank you for asking you know calling last week um that I would recommend some kind of safety improvements whether it be this tap project or some other and I I'm hesitant about the Third Street one way I know it picks up some parking spots for you all but it creates again some of the the conditions that commissioner Smith was explaining I like some of your ideas commissioner Smith for the the roundabout they certainly would not I don't think tab projects are about a half maybe $500,000 worth of funding you'd have to but I do like the idea of planning for the future of how to incorporate some of those ideas but I'm I'm some I'm somewhat concerned about the oneway on Third Street because it pushes more traffic down California and that intersection coming out of California on West Ocean is just such an unsafe intersection I'd rather see improvements done there before you start pushing more traffic down California one way otherwise I appreciate very much how you've you've really talked to the community and gotten their input on this well definitely make uh we'll look at that Third Street and uh maybe change it to TW way we don't have a problem with that the origional planning council did design some speed tables uh along um Southwest ocean um and and there's you need to see their presentation it's really nice in terms of what that could look like in the future and again depending upon what happens with the church and how that interfaces with ocean and uh Third Street and in California all I think you should decide sooner than later what you want the final product to look like so no matter what anybody comes forward you've got the footprint in place to say no this is what we're doing whatever you want to do there that's fine but you've got to conform to uh what the master plan was for the whole triangle I think Susan sorry thank you um it's really good conversation and what I have is kind of just to kind of a Fluff um I find this very aesthetically pleasing and I'm just um wondering the cost comparison between the pavers and using asphalt and Joe could probably speak to that is there a cost comparison is it comparable is one you know more pavers are going to be more expensive okay we are going to get some drainage benefit out of it so as you mentioned you know the cost of the is originally proposed at about a million dollar half 50% coming from the grand 50% coming from the city that added about another $200,000 to put the papers in okay so I just want you to know it does get more expensive it's a little more attractive um I think some of the things we were trying to accomplish here and and everybody knows here on these boards this is a balance okay we're trying to save as much parking as we can um we tried to look at the way origin destination where are people going to and what they're going to cut through um and again if so everybody knows I I design confusion Corner the where it is but I don't tell people I design it I tell them the community designed it it took us three years to do it okay we have three years before this this change happens okay so that's the good news right we have time but the fact of the matter is there's there's a lot of reasons for the way it's set up the way it is and Doug brought up a bunch of them okay and I'm just telling you that this is not going to be a cheap change just to be honest with you and and I'd love to design it for you and walth it does a great job we designed several roundabouts with him he's he's probably forgotten more than I've ever known about roundabouts he's he's very knowledgeable about him but there's going to be as he brought up you will lose some movement by putting West Ocean in here you have a limited amount of right away okay that's that's that's a problem you don't have the right away to do a lot of things and spread things out um you need a lot of space there so and what was put in there by the community is we want the ability to still go through the intersection when the train is through and that's why you see some widened areas on one side of the other again I think this is a great program and I don't disagree with bringing West Ocean Boulevard into the into the mix and so forth It's just that it's it's there there's going to be something's going to have to give and and I just just want everybody to understand this this is it's all balance okay parking we are trying to make sure we made it attractive for the business businesses to come across the track which I think we've done that you're absolutely right there's only about three or four businesses there but one of them will not change they do not want anything most movement so we maintained all the driveway entrances that they have now we may make them smaller because they don't need the the wide areas that they have but there are I mean that's that's the whole plan here so uh we can we can make the changes has been proposed on confusion Corner again people are going to have to realize some of the movements are going to they're they're not going to be like you see them on that map they just they just don't work and I don't get me wrong there's other things that can be done but that's going to be expensive so also um Also regarding the pavers um we are considering depending on the cost just looking at intersections similar to what we have in Ocean Boulevard in Colorado so it's more consistent with what we already have in downtown Reed are you done Susan I'm sorry yes sir I'm done that was that yes I was looking at the the proposed typical section and I see where we're taking a foot from each Road and we're adding a foot to on street parking where was the other foot going um cuz I noticed like the FEC fence moved as well in the diagram so I don't know if they were moving that fence no the fence would still remain yeah it curbs the foot uh we are there's two foot of our right of our uh Road on in their RightWay um so we're just going to be moving the that road out of they rideway that's why we're reducing it to 10ft travel Lane is that what you're asking well no I was if if you took the twoot away we're adding one foot to the parking where is the other foot is that in the curbs or is it just yeah they're 6 in curbs so you either side um and and be honestly we can make some adjustments to that sometimes we we put in valy curves but the what's out there was to try to keep the uh the 6in curb 6 in high so people would stay away from the pedest protect The Pedestrian yeah cuz I noce suit like 2 in here here 4 in there um and I agree with commissioner heatherington on on these roads I think most of these roads coming out of them are dangerous in themselves especially Albany because you can't see at all with the zero foot setbacks I typically go to uh akan just cuz it's a four-way so I think that's the safest intersection to leave there um can I just point out something what one of the things we're doing and you can see it in this inter section here maybe not as clear but where Camden and East West Ocean Boulevard is is we're actually moving the crosswalks into the road so that you can you can actually see around the building and see around some that so so those crosswalks are actually in the road if you're in a vehicle yeah if you're in a vehicle and you come from in this case it this one if you come from south to North or North c in there yeah yeah you can you you go out into the the intersection more and that's where the crosswalks are and we put these bul Bots out there so you're jetted out then a little bit to where you can get that line of sight that was the intention and I know we we never finished the one on California Because the actual Church didn't want that changed so that's why we haven't done anything with that they they kind of use some of these areas for different events and they like to park different ways and so we just basically stayed away from it so okay no I like that cuz I I come out of these roads a lot and yeah you you can't see that line of sight so it's tough so I think that's it mton I think that Chris is that you oh yes it was it was me again George Zama um I just wanted to reinforce that you know the the agencies submit for these grants and are approved by the the and by the board ultimately for um do to include in their work program once the scope is submitted do um there is a little bit of flexibility but once your project limits are are established um you you it is greatly recommended to stick to the original scope I think I think going back and um reanalyzing the traffic flow was was a good process and overall I think it's a it's a great project um the other thing I wanted to to mention is you know the approach moving M forward it would be good to know for all the agencies the the the no board's expectations for these types of projects as commissioner heatherington mentioned um we only get about $450,000 of allocation um the County's approach for these types of projects has always been the greatest um cost benefit has been to add uh pedestrian or bicycle facilities like sidewalk projects um so um that that doesn't say that this project doesn't qualify by any means for all the scope that's been added because from what I understand historical cultural environmental uh which includes vegetative management um for for projects um do qualify so um but moving forward for the county um Can scope out certain projects um for the for for ta uh grants um so um it would be good to have an understanding from the board of what those expectations are for for the types of projects that they would like to see moving forward commissioner Reed yes there was one other thing that was at the the workshop they they talked about it was crossing over from Flagler to Joan Jefferson so when you're crossing over the railroad tracks They come down so fast that you're almost tempted to get stuck on the railroad tracks because of all the traffic going north and south or Northbound on Dixie to get into Jensen so when they're stacked up they're just blazing through there and you can get stuck on the railroad tracks I know they had mentioned maybe adding a signalized light at that intersection for the traffic going northbound that's going through the uh roundabout to hold traffic there so cars could clear out from Flagler so they're not stuck on the tracks well that adds another conversation become coming in on Joan Jefferson off of the bridge the traffic coming south out of Jensen on Dixie into sailfish Circle completely controls the traffic movement of that roundabout and that Stacks up the traffic out onto US1 it Stacks up the drive lane down the Roosevelt Bridge it's why there's so many accidents at that intersection out at US1 and Joan Jefferson because people are racing to try to get into the queue but you can't because they're stopped coming into the roundabout because there's not a stop sign entering the roundabout there's a yield but not a stop coming down Dixie into that roundabout it it's a cluster mess it's awful and that then backs up what ends up happening going south on Dixie Highway or going into downtown Stewart because everybody's trying to reposition themselves as to how do you get from A to B um anyway I just think there's a lot of little Nuance changes or things that you have the opportunity with a project like this or modifications to fix some of the things that have long maybe for a while been uh somewhat problematic I have a staff Das SL on is that Beth that you no um like commissioner Reed mentioned we are looking at doing a light at that intersection of Joan Jefferson and Dixie um and it is kind of looked at separately through the public works department I feel like this is the base of the project and there's other things happening that will kind of tie in together I I I always think of these things if you don't talk about it now and get it on the record in conversation it'll just kind of go away I mean I I would very much hope and and I won't be here after this to influence a conversation one way or the other but I hope you seriously all consider dealing with confusion corner and how all that interaction happens whether it's Michael's roundabout or something else because of two lanes of railroad and because there are people stop in the railroad tracks or because you can't move because those two cars get locked into that little space in between Colorado and Dixie um it just forces people to do some really stupid things and um the same thing up the at the other end um so hopefully I'll do something with it Beth what do you need for uh Rec staff would recommend approval of the city's application with the understanding that there'll be future discussions for um the Improvement of the transportation Network in the downtown Stewart is that triangle area is that everyone you okay with that P all okay so uh unless there's any further discussion I'm sorry George oh I just wanted to um Echo commissioner hetherington's point about having that be two-way P all you know just looking at it here and you know we're it sounds like we're already at consensus but not necessarily including West Ocean into here keeping this uh the scope that it is and then again confusion Corner in the future that was all okay so if there is a motion just to include that it's two-way if we need to or if you got that under control um yeah I'll I'll take care of it but you can make that emotion if you well can can we just just for clarity when you say two-way is that third or is that Dixie or both Third Street okay and that Dixie stay too yes two-way that would make everything two-way effectively we're in agreement with that um I would also just for historical purposes and I don't know where in the City Records you might ever find it but when the buildings were torn down in the other triangle where the surface parking lot is for those of you who are old enough to remember what that looked like before it was torn down um there were some conceptual drawings um done of that whole Corner that had liner buildings and had a parking garage in the middle of it it was fantastic looking um the brick building that was there that got torn down it kind of emulated the original historical look you might want to do some digging and find out what that is because if FC does take your 28 parking spaces you've got 60 some plus or minus parking spaces in the surface parking today you could easily pick up 120 uh parking spaces in that property if that design or some other design were to come forward and also to it would be fantastic if akine could become two-way again um from confusion corner or not confusion but from sailfish Circle um South um just as another component of how to improve what's there so um did you make a motion Chris on those accepting staff's recommendation with the addition of 2A on Third and yes Dixie I'll second that okay so we have a motion from commissioner Collins seconded by commissioner heatherington anybody from the public wish to weigh in on this item seeing none back to the board any further discussion on the board all in favor with the motion say I I I all opposed motion carries unly P all thank you very much for all your work okay Beth item 8 C Cove Road widening pd&e study yes F do is here with their consultant to give you all an update on this study they've done quite a bit of um public Outreach since the last time they presented and I will turn it over to um fot to um introduce this project hi good morning Venita sey with Florida Department of Transportation I'm the PDN project manager for Cove Road and um I have also David dangle who is the uh fdot consultant pdpm from ardura and what we're here today is give you an update of Cove Road and um really focus this presentation on the how the Alternatives um that we PRI were that we presented previously that when we were here how they're developing into a preferred alternative and it's really predominantly based on the public input we received since the Alternatives workshop and um and then um once we you know develop the preferred alternative we're going to take it to a public hearing sometime next year in the spring and then at that time the public will have another opportunity to comment on that preferred alternative before that becomes the concept design that we will take and carry into final design so with that I'll just um let uh David um go over the updates morning thanks Bonita good morning and again your name for the record my name is David angle with our Dura group I'll just give a little bit of a background I know we've presented to you before but uh the project that we're looking at is co Road from caner Highway over to US1 it's about 3.2 miles in length the existing Road um from caner over to Avalon which is about 3/4 of the project is a two-lane Rural Road it does have widens out for left turn Lanes in some areas it has sale drainage and sidewalks along both sides of the road we've got plenty of rideway it was really intended to be widen to four lanes through this section the last quarter of the project uh from Avalon over to US1 is really where we have our constrained rideway uh we're down to about 90 ft of rideway so getting a four-lane road and here has been quite a challenge uh you can see on the the left side is the north side of the road that's the Hibiscus Park neighborhood they back up to Cove Road on the South Side we've got the Montego Cove Condominiums it's a 55 and older uh condominium uh development and we've also got some large transmission poles that come into the rideway in that area as well so as far as public involvement goes we had a kickoff public meeting in in March of 2023 we held our Alternatives public Workshop uh in May of this year we presented to you all prior to that meeting um and told you we would come back and give you an update of what happened we've had a lot of things that have gone on since then um so that's why it's taken us a little bit longer to get back to you uh we've had small group meetings with some of the neighborhoods the the South Fork HOA and the other developments at the West End of the project um the Montego Cove um board we we met with as well uh We've as Venita said we've got the public hearing tentatively scheduled for early 2025 and this is the project website uh which we add information as it becomes available so this is what we presented at the public meeting um essentially we had two options in the first segment uh the first one one a had onroad bicycle lanes and a shared juice path in the South and a sidewalk on the north side of the road a four-lane divided roadway alternative B is the same essential four-lane divided roadway however we removed the on-road bicycle lanes and have shared use paths on both sides of the road and that seemed to have a lot of support from the board uh previously and the second segment we looked at a couple different options that included various combinations of on-road bike Lanes sidewalks and chare Juice paths uh 2C is the one that kind of mimics the 1B with the shared use pths on both sides it does require a little bit or it did require a little bit more RightWay than than alternative 2D which we really look to see how much we could reduce the the RightWay footprint pulling the sidewalk up to the back of curb on the north side of the road and some other things so that's what we presented to the public to get their input can you go back just for that um how do I go back Ricardo M so the difference between 2D and 2 C is that little pull out fly out sidewalks next to the curb bike lane yeah the the 2C does not have any onward bike lane got it got it and it's got the sidewalk on the side essentially we can't use a sidewalk to provide both bicycle and pedestrian so if we have a sidewalk then we have to have separate bicycle lane uh where a shared use path is wider and it accommodates both thank you I just I didn't see the Nuance that's all thank you m so we did receive a lot of different comments uh related to noise people asking for traffic signals that their neighborhood entrances um some different specific things about u-turns uh we did get support for the roundabout that we had shown at the alt Avenue intersection uh people asking for trees and and Street lighting but we did get support from the public for the two options that had the shared juice paths as opposed to the bike lane options so that's one b and 2C yes sir um some of the concerns raised uh were typical for where we're going from a two-lane road to a four-lane divided Road where people currently can go out and go left from their their sidewalk or their uh driveway and now they've got a median in front and so they're going to have to go right and do a U-turn to come back so that was not unexpected uh we did um have a few comments related to flooding again noise um and some other uh pedestrian related uh comments so there were really two areas that we we focused on after the Alternatives meeting based on the uh the input we received from the public the first is the area at gains Avenue I'll show you some graphics here in a minute um where we had a lot of input from the the residents um in that area related to uh Vehicles Towing U boats and horse trailers and how they access this area and then the other area was down at Montego Cove with some concerns about access to and from their development so touch on that so as we were kind of completing these revisions that we were going to go back to these neighborhoods and talk about um dot conducted a value engineering study and it's a week-long study where they look at our preferred alternative at the time to see if they can come up with some cost savings ideas or value added ideas to improve the concept um so during that study um the the midweek meeting on a Wednesday we knew what what they were going to propose and that Wednesday night was when we had scheduled our first meeting with the South Fork residents so we were able to say this is what we proposed uh to them the value engineering came up with another option so we were able to get input on both of those options at that meeting and then the next night we met with the Montego Cove folks but there were some some minor things that came out of the value engineering related to uh bulb outs for u-turns uh extending some turn Lanes um the revisions I guess again that I just mentioned at gains in Montego Cove and then also a new pwn site that they recommended we look at so after all of that we do have what we are saying is our preferred option and again it's it's alternative 1B with the shared use PS on both sides of the road um we can generally fit I know this is really hard to see we can generally fit within the existing rideway through through this this segment we do have the roundabout Pro proposed at Trey Bell um kind of closer to the the West End of the project and then the alt Avenue intersection and then there's other signalized intersections that are existing that we would maintain so this is the existing condition at gains Avenue right now um when you come off of caner you can only turn right and go south on gains Avenue it's a one-way connection at Cove and in order to this gains Avenue Extension was was constructed by the county because they wanted to move this full access away from caner Highway and so this is a two-way road we got a lot of input from the public about concern for for trucks with trailers kind of making this sharp curve and and conflicting with other cars that are sitting there waiting to leave uh so this is really the the one area that I mentioned um the value engineering concept proposed to close this connection of gains Avenue altogether and force everybody down to this one location well the the the residents didn't like that at all when we met with them so this is the concept that we're moving forward with that we showed at um showed to the the the neighborhoods down here that they liked it's really converting gains Avenue back to a two two-way connection at at Cove Road so they can go in and out of this location and then since we are proposing to close this full opening at the gains Avenue Extension it's providing a a westbound directional and this would be a one-way road that we will make this pavement a little bit wider to accommodate so they they like this this idea uh so how do you go west out of of gains you on the Cove you at what we're proposing is a roundabout at Trey Bell and it so it's just off of this to the right and so that would allow for people to come down with trailers and do a uturn to go back to caner so that so can I ask yes sir question can you go back to the other screen why not and is it because of the stacking that you have but why not do that roundabout in there or that that was a concern it it was it was having the two-way traffic on on this area through this tight curve but there was a concern with with this potentially stacking back um That Could That Could in the future create some issues with the the roundabout operating it just seems so counterproductive though to cut off gains from not being able to go out to you or out to caner well essentially today well yeah at this location you're right it's a couple hundred feet they would have to go farther to the east to do the u-turn at at the other benefit of the roundabout at Trey Bell is we got a lot of concern and input from people saying that people are coming off of caner and they're just flying um you know one one reason is there's two lanes here and they're trying to get down to the one lane so they're trying to beat each other to the point which we wouldn't have but but again this is um seen as kind of a traffic calming Improvement as much as anything Mr herd any other questions on this area yeah I'm confused so we're talking about gains is are the people on gains going to be prohibited from turning West yes correct so they're instead going to go on Cove Road East to the roundabout in order to go west okay okay that's okay no no no I I I just I think if I liveed down on gains I'd be pissed I don't know I I'm a fan of roundabouts we did we did get a lot of positive feedback I I think that the the boat trailers and the horse trailer people really like the idea of being able to yeah do something like that yeah I just would do it further west that's all I I I I think it's worth I think it's worth considering that if [Music] gains became stayed the two-way traffic down to where the ball bout there is in front of Bell that you do the roundabout there just to look at it to see what does it really do to hurt anything versus it gives the gains people yeah a couple hundred feet less you got to go to the east to go west cuz right now you you know you can go West on the current configuration where it is but anyway it's just how many houses down gains Avenue a lot a lot quite a few there a whole mobile park home whole Mobile Home Park Community down there a lot anything else on this um not unless you all have any other questions on that I mean any other segments you want to you were going to highlight or no yes yeah I was just going to quickly touch on um alt Avenue we've got the roundabout proposed as well that we got a lot of positive feedback at the public meeting and then in segment two this is really the tight area so what we essentially did was took 2C option with the shared use pass and kind of converted it to the 2D which is then then minimized so we we met um you know we've got some design variations that are going to be approved because this is a really short constrained section uh we've got an 8ft shared juice path is is the lowest you can go as far as the width of the shared juice path pulled it up to the back of curb um we are currently working on the noise study but we anticipate a noise wall will be warranted along the back of hibiscus co uh hibiscus Park Park so we're going to use that as a a kind of a dual purpose a retaining wall and and a noise wall to stay out of the right of way we've got a minimized uh median down to 15 and 1 12 ft in this one area um and again we there was areas we may pull this Sher juice path up to the back of curve but we can essentially fit this between Montego Cove and hibiscus park with no rideway impacts for that segment so just so curious you said that the the median what's the width of to the other cross-section median 22 1/2 ft is a standard median width so you've got you no on the on the other on the west section on the 1B on cross-section so you got 4 foot on the South Side between your shared path and the green dotted line right M yes you got four feet there you've got 6 feet where your light poles are so you got 10 ft that if you mimicked the the north side and the sidewalk were pulled up to the edge of pavement you could make your median wider if people wanted a wider median we could we we we could I mean there's nothing to to prevent that from happening there there's really the there's only one access point in this area for Montego Cove um so we felt that the the limiting the median through this you know several hundred foot section was made made sense there's 10t to work with if otherwise you wanted to design it differently there there is and this may be a little bit leading misleading this is kind of a typical for this entire stretch so you can see the the the six feet there is areas where we're going to be pulling it up so it's zero to six feet it kind of varies um so in order to to get that all the way down to the 90 ft we will have to pull that up to the back of curb I'd have to go back and look at the four feet and see if that's still part of it but um but but yes you you could kind of swap some things around as as far as that goes M yeah I'm looking at the north side of of this alternative and it reminds me of uh US1 which is just so unsafe I I why can't you separate on the North side the shared use path or sidewalk or whatever you're calling it from the travel Lanes it's just a an attempt to try to minimize this and stay out of having to acquire right away I I I think I would have to go back why does the median have to be so big there's there's safety issues with you know two-way traffic and you have to have them separate and there aren't with pedestrians well there are there are but we've got the curb there that you know kind of helps in in some cases so 15 and a half is really kind of the minimum uh we we had had approached dot early on in the project with having something like a 12ft median and they they said they that would not that would not work um so we we have looked at a lot of different options in there and this is what we felt made the most sense in that that dot design staff also supported but to Sarah's point I'd almost rather not have a sidewalk and I was going the other way but to Sarah's point you've still got give or take 10 feet to play with from the south side and so if the idea was from Sarah's comment if you put 4 feet of if you took the four feet off the south side and moved that to the north side between the the sidewalk and the RightWay you're mimicking almost what's on the South Side you get a little bit more space separating between the RightWay and and the sidewalk if that's if that's the preference you know that's what I would do commissioner Collins just to synthesize those two points I agree if you're going to do something with that four feet it's all the way to the right it would be putting some space in between that left sidewalk in the street doubt okay to the greatest extent possible and and where you have 10 ft to play with cuz I I didn't really read it from 0o to 6 feet on that on the south side but where you have six foot in there you've got 10 feet to play with air on the side of the caution of the north side adding it to the drive lane to the sidewalk versus the South Side okay we can go back and is that yeah Chris than you okay anything else oh I'm sorry who Stacy sorry commissioner this was for end of the discussion you mentioned um and I've have talked to some residents in the area that that have flooding concerns or and water and so I know this is in the PD and so that the environmental side I would hope that we're considering significant amount much more drainage potential than our current Cove Road in this existing segment all the way down yeah we've got there aren't really any ponds for the road right now it's just roadside swes um this proposed Improvement will include carbon gutter with piping to to offsite pond so we've got several ponds identified thank you again this is a you can see a little bit here this this first part is is kind of where we're that tight right away once we get past the end of Montego Cove they've got sidewalk access to this building that we need to get past then we are widening back out and having more of the the offsets that we we talked about through the through the last half of this but um but again I I'll go back and look and um you know work with our road designers and see see what we can do there hang on a second Comm Collins to commissioner hetherington's point with drainage M of what's getting built there in terms of sidewalks and concrete is any of that permeable is there any look at because to me if you're going to build anything new through here making it as permeable as possible I know you're talking about gutters and drainage but just generally yeah there's nothing really permeable other than like the grass areas the medium but the the shared juice PA would either be asphalt or concrete sidewalks is there any thought to do something like that where you can have more permeable um I don't think typically those kind of things have been considered during the study I don't know in this part of the county I mean that if you're going to have somewhere drain well yeah the drainage design will meet the needs of the project so um in terms of drainage perspective it's not constrained where we have to add permeability we can accommodate all the drainage with the impervious um which David previously mentioned with the retention Pond and the piping and the drainage structures is there any thought to go beyond what is just the minimum I know I'm beating this to death of drainage where you could make it more permeable is that an option we can look at it in design to see what uh further options there are but from the PDN perspective they have to demonstrate that you know they meet all the needs and they usually go through the worst case scenario so putting permeability is you know is adding on to what has already been identified so thank you all right thanks Vita um just real quickly monteo Cove I mentioned U this is their Community they have one access point on the Cove um they they rais concern with turning left out of the community onto Cove Road um we are proposing a directional meean opening here so that they will have to go out and go right and then we've introduced a U-turn um where they can safely get into a lane sit there and wait for traffic in the other direction so they're only having to navigate One Direction of traffic um uh here's our schedule um you can see we're presenting to you today we are working on the final documentation and and we'll take another look at the the final concept uh we'll we'll be going to the public hearing early next year and we'll present this to the public and get their input again before finalizing everything and then having the project um approved late spring and then design is funded uh so dot will be advertising for the design phase for this coming up in the next few months this is venita's contact information if you have any other questions you can think of following the presentation and then I would like to read the go right safety message so this month is National pedestrian safety month reminding drivers and pedestrians that staying safe is a shared responsibility in 2022 there were 10,000 pedestrian related crashes which is a 5% decrease from 2021 in Florida and 765 fatalities which was an 8% decrease from 2021 as daylight savings time comes to an end and it gets darker earlier the risk for pedestrians increase the vast majority of Hit and Run fatalities occur at night or during lowl light hours drugs and alcohol can not only affect someone's ability to drive but can also alter someone's ability to walk safely pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility between pedestrians and motorist our data shows a pretty Equitable split between who is at fault in these types of crashes which is why it is so important for both motorists and pedestrians alike to remain Vigilant on the roadway and behind the wheel s do you have another light on yeah I do um so from Avalon East to us Juan there's going to be four lanes of traffic and occasionally turn lanes and how many lanes are there going to be eastbound on Cove at the intersection of US ju essentially the same that's out there right now okay and so also people who live in in hibiscus Park will only be able to turn right out of hibiscus Park turn west on Cove out of cable which is kind of the easterly okay but at um that um Avalon that's going to be a full median opening there so they'll be able to go either direction there farther a little farther away from US1 and much safer and how much there's Avalon has a lot of traffic and how much stacking ability is there going to be eastbound on Cove Road turn turning into turning North onto Avalon I don't know the number but the traffic analysis has considered that and so it we'll have there's plenty of room for a left turn lane to be as long as it needs to be thanks anybody else anybody from the public wish to comment on this item we need a motion uh to approve uh the PDN study update I think with the additional comments of the two C portion that would uh ask the Consultants to review looking at the shifting as much of the Green Space if you will separating the north side Sidewalk from the RightWay plus drainage Alternatives huh plus drainage Alternatives plus drainage Alternatives capacity thir moves heatherington will second it have a motion we have a second again anybody from the public seeing none all in favor of the motion say I I all is opposed motion carries unanimously uh we are past our 10:30 uh point we need to take about a 10-minute um recess for our Clos captioning yeah that's what I thought e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we are back from our Clos captioning break we will take up item uh 8D which is US1 congestion management public Outreach study program yes we have an update from Kim Le horn who is um preparing the US1 congestion management study and I will turn it over to the project manager um Stuart Robertson to begin that presentation good morning Mr chair or vice chair members of the Martin lpo policy board my name is Stuart Robertson with kimley horn and Associates we're here to give an update on the US1 congestion management study along with my partners at Bonnie C Landry and Associates this is a study that has been going on since the beginning of this year it's included some technical analysis and a lot of public engagement and so we're going to cover those aspects of the project at this time we are planning to finalize the study by the end of this year so we wanted to come to you today with an informational item on the uh the results of the study so far so our background on this study is that it includes the section of US1 from Southwest Joan Jefferson way to the St Lucy County Line This is approximately 5 miles in length this section of US1 is the busiest section of US1 anywhere in Martin County in fact it's the busiest non-interstate roadway anywhere in Martin County with 63,000 vehic icle trips per day in its uh busiest segment almost 92% of these trips or at least the work trips that happen on us one are Drive alone trips so only about 8% multimodal so we know we're dealing with a a very um an environment that's vehicular oriented and most trips are Drive alone trips also it's important to point out we know from prior studies that 24% of workers in Mar Martin County people who work in Martin County reside in the city of Port St Lucy so from this we can gather that there's a lot of commuting trips from St Lucy County that occur on US1 but there's a lot of local trips as well a lot of uh commercial and institutional uses along US1 that attract local trips as well we're studying the transit conditions both uh Mary Route 1 as well as the St Lucy County art transit system operate along US1 the highest ridership stops that we have uh identified are all near Commercial centers Brit Road the Treasure Coast Mall and the Walmart at Port St Lucy are the highest R ridership stops so from our analysis we have found that there are lots of large parking lots and large Parcels the commercial Parcels are quite large along the corridor and uh they're developed in a Suburban way so what this creates is a a setting where we don't have a lot of grid Street connectivity most of the trips are are concentrated on the arterial roadways and the few streets and driveways that connect to the arterial roadways there's also something of a lack of connectivity between the properties themselves so many of the properties on the east side of the road don't connect to their adjacent properties many of the properties on the west side don't connect to their adjacent properties so what this means is that more vehicle trips must use US1 for even short trips if you're pulling out of one shopping center you often have to pull on to us one for a very short amount of time to get over to the next shopping center sometimes that movement involves u-turns as well which adds to the cues for left turning uh at signals along the roadway the existing pedestrian network is somewhat Limited there are sidewalks that exist along the majority of the segment of US1 uh and they tend to exist along the lining of the commercial Parcels as well but don't extend into the parcels themselves and so this creates an environment that is somewhat uh non walkable for traffic data collection we've conducted traffic counts along the roadway as well as uh turning movement counts at signalized intersections along the roadway we've looked at Travel speed and travel time runs generally speaking the uh Corridor during Peak periods operates at an average speed between 20 and 30 miles per hour and the PM Peak period tends to be more congested than the Am Pm at the a peak period you see this by the lower average speeds during the PM Northbound in the PM southbound condition and of all of the various Peak periods the Northbound PM Peak is the most congested at 21 milph however the majority of the of the of the day the corridor does operate at or above its 45 M hour posted speed so we do have peak hour congest congestion happening we have localized congestion happening at turning left turning Lanes especially at traffic signals but what we've learned from our speed data as well as a lot of the input that we've gathered from the public and from uh our committee presentations and presentations also to the city of Stewart commission and to the Martin County Commission that uh speeding and the perception of speeding and aggressive driving on the corridor is one of the things that people perceive to be the most dangerous part of driving or traveling along us one another one of those issues that we have both observed as well as heard from the public is red light running and we were actually able to quantify the red light running along the corridor and found that the intersection at West Morland Boulevard had the most red light Runners so that's a good segue to our congestion mitigation strategy section we are developing strategies that are largely based on the public input that we have received as well as the technical analysis that we have conducted so in addition to the public workshops that Bonnie is going to discuss in more detail in a moment as well as presentations to other elected official bodies we've also had a project advisory committee made up of Representatives of U agencies along the uh Corridor as well as law enforcement Representatives that has been guiding the work that we have conducted so far and have really provided a lot of input to these congestion mitigation strategies so because of the aggressive driving that we have observed as well as heard about along the corridor one of the strategies that we're recommending and developing is related to and building from the LP's adopted Vision zero plan so the Moo's adopted adoptive Vision zero plan includes strategies related to law enforcement and we're going to be developing a strategy uh for US1 to apply that Vision zero concept to the um effective engagement strategies for conducting along us one on the engineering side uh one of the strategies that we're recommending is to work with local Property Owners to increase the amount of interprop multimodal connectivity between businesses along the corridor recommending these near high volume intersections where short trips on US1 can really make a big difference in the amount of cues that are occurring the length of the cues and the time it takes to get between uh two different intersections so two of the examples include connecting the Treasure Coast Mall and Kohl's area to the Target on the north side of Brit Road and also on the um on the east side of US1 also north of Brit Road the parcels along the east side of the road could be better connected to improve people's ability to make short trips without getting out onto US1 so really that area between Brit Road and up to Jensen Beach Boulevard is where we're concentrating this type of recommendation Stuart can you go back just a second you need to extend that green box from the Barnes and Noble um mall to the next mall to the north oh yeah it is by far one of the silliest things there's about a 5 foot separation between that and the Hobby Lobby mall or the old Service Merchandise mall where Sonic is um anyway just as far as a study or as far as connections that's probably as significant as any of those other connections are yeah we'll make sure that that's depicted in the final report for the project and also too I thought we talked about this last time but where you have the the mall um charger Coast Mall connection to coals there was and there's already sort of in place just to the very east of that blue circle that inner connection there's like pylons in the ground between the Treasure Coast Mall Cole site and um Panera well in back of Paneras yeah all of that there through there but there's literally the the it's not the Perimeter Road but the the first right-and turn you make off of US1 into Target behind the first liner building that was originally no keep going down south to right there keep going down a little bit okay now go to the left left Stop Now go north that right there was always anticipated to connect to coals keep going straight like that straight up yes yeah then You' be behind coals and there's already this interesting look I never knew there was this interesting little connection behind yeah uh Comcast TNT I forget which building it is out there and coals that you can connect there but between there and and Target that would be a huge reliever of movements going out to US1 to go north it's almost almost like how the Home Depot Mall down in Stewart all the liner buildings out on us one are connected to the the feeder Road around Home Depot yeah in that mall every every single one of them well and if you think at how people shop go to the mall then they go to Kohl's and they go to Target you work your way down so if you could get from the mall to Target that would be a good and then when you're done there you can go to Total Wine and get a bottle of wine and cool out from all the stress yeah we'll make sure that the final report as well as the version of this graphic that goes into the final report includes those multiple options for potentially making that connection and I also want to look into make sure that um that there's not a separate parcel in between the connection uh in the drive a of the parking lot of Target up to the back of Kohls but definitely um you know this being a planning study there will have to be some additional more detailed design work that would have to be yeah just just it's great that we're talking about it and it's great that it's like on a study somewhere but if you really want to improve the congestion on US1 up there the those interconnections are absolutely imperative and we'll also extend the green box on the east side of US1 up to the Hobby Lobby shopping center great thank you thank you so our our second bucket of improvements are related to multimodal safety one recommendation that we are developing is a short-term recommendation that's related to the bicycle lane on US1 the green bicycle lane or sometimes green bicycle lane and that would be to work with fdot to request that they install audit auditory and vibratory EDG line striping this would be a different type of 6-in thermoplastic marking between the bicycle lane and I'm sorry between the buffer of the bicycle lane and the motor vehicle travel Lane this would alert motorists that are drifting out of the designated travel Lane toward the buffer bicycle lane however I will say that this type of edgeline striping is typically not used by fdot on 45 miles per hour roadways in urban areas it's typically used in rural areas or on Long Bridges so can we pause there and I was going to do this at the end of the meeting St you want to go first I was just gonna on this auditory um vibratory striping because it works I think very well out of Martin grade but I and I I think these work fantastic but if if you put these um those arrows down us one where you have to drive over those uh flashing what are they what are those things called reflectors payment market and so you're which are by the way and we're going to I hopefully talk to fdot about those at the end they are absolutely distracting and terrible and it conditions people to hear that kind of vibratory if as you're running those over all the time so when they're running over these off the road they're so used to hearing them in the middle of you know travel Lanes then these don't become as effect effective do you know what I'm talking about the big giant arrows in the direction pointing in the direction you're supposed to be driving up and down us one from Monteray all the way north of Jensen Beach Boulevard again I I hopefully we can talk to do at the end but I love this strategy this auditory but if you condition people to not listen to them by having those everywhere in the middle of Lanes on reflectors then this strategy no longer becomes an effective strategy in my opinion we do have a long-term strategy that we're hoping to move toward but that this would be an interim implementation but just uh one thought on those large Arrows with the raised pavement markers in them those also are typically not installed in urbanized areas on 45 M perh roadways you tend to see those more on freeway on-ramps where the marking and the RPMs that are lit or that have reflectors in them I should say are intended to notify motorists who are making a one a wrongway maneuver onto potentially a freeway so it is somewhat rare to see them on Urban arterials and that's why it's probably so sort of shocking as you're driving down US1 and you keep seeing them and you run over the raised pavement markers with your tires it it is unusual to see them on uh freeway off ramps we drive over them all the time on on Urban roadways we drive over them all the time on freeway off-ramps and probably don't think about it but the the intent is that they flash red lights at a motorist who is approaching from the wrong direction if they're turning onto the road in the wrong direction so following up on this and I know that this I just was a good segue to um comment on this and this has nothing to do with your Corridor study but it does and it has to do with this this whole idea the other day um fot installed uh the Martin Drummond um uh uh bike lane sign on uh the uh sus Point bridge um that the family sent a photo of them standing next to it that we had asked them to name the bike lane in honor of the gentleman that was um killed out there a couple months ago um my suggestion was going to be at some point during this meeting and I'm bringing it up because you're on this slide what I had hope would happen next and you're already kind of heading in that direction with this is that we ask fot to do the auditable on that bridge on the white striped line that separates the bike lane from the the travel Lane and that we also as a prototype paint the bike lane green the whole bike Lane right now they do these segmental pieces on US1 and then they do the striped thing where there's a crossover between a a right-and turn off of a drive lane um and again I know it's not your project but I'm hoping fot is listening um that at least has a pilot idea of how do we make things safer and I always find it interesting when we read the safety message with fot on on on a PD and study some of these things would dramatically change I think people's awareness and Stacy I hear what you're saying but those those audibles out on out on uh the grade when you go over them you cannot miss it like you know you are driving on those things I like that those on the grade and so I think if we did them on the bridge just as a pilot to see like if you were drifting off the drive lane you would know it and then you also have the colored stripe line you know the green line that would cover over the entire Bridge anyway just as as part of this discussion for the US1 Corridor that is absolutely consistent with our recommendation the more we move in that direction I think relative to the safety side of this thing will improve dramatically and the Roosevelt Bridge being that it is um a long bridge and obviously it's a concrete surface it is one of the use cases that were originally established by fdot for the use of the audible and vibratory edgeline striping so we're sort of going to try to build from that and recommend that the rest of the corridor included as well because of the the safety concerns that have been noted in the I tell you how crazy is there was a guy kid yesterday going northbound on the Roosevelt on one of these Razor scooters and he was flying like I it's not like a regular razor you know little scooter like a kid has I mean he was doing like 40 m hour and it was blown like crazy and I'm thinking at what point does a gust of wind hit him and shift him out of the the bike lane into the traffic I just sounds like a motor on that scooter no they do they're motorized oh I'm sorry no it wasn't it was the single wheel oh oh he was on it wasn't it wasn't the razor thing I forgot he was on like a gyro wheel going up the bridge in of the that's all right keep going sorry yeah so shifting to kind of the same concept which is safety separation for bicyclists but moving toward what a long-term recommendation would be and this would require reconstructing US1 and that would be to implement what's called sidewalk level separated bicycle Lanes this is an approved type of bicycle facility that is in the fdm fdot design manual uh it relocates the bicyclist essentially to The Pedestrian realm rather than the onroad realm so what this would look like in um in practice would be uh if you notice on this graphic if you look at the sidewalk areas either on the left or the right you see the concrete sidewalk and the bicycle lane would be adjacent to the concrete sidewalk rather than adjacent to the asphalt roadway and there would be some sort of a uh texturized surface between the bike lane and the sidewalk so it's not a shared use path where all of the bicyclist and separated are in the exact same space but there's still designated space for walking and designated space for biking one of the ancillary benefits that we feel like this could have would be that it would narrow the traveled way asphalt width of the roadway so right now there's four lanes Northbound four lanes southbound then there's the buffer between the car lanes and the bike lane then there's the bike lane itself so the road appears very wide especially when you're driving it during non-congested times you just have this uh great amount of space to yourself as you're traveling Northbound or southbound so what this would do as an ancillary benefit would be ever so slightly reduce the feel of how wide the road is because the drainage curb would be coming inward toward the car Lanes uh rather than being outward to accommodate the bicycle lanes and I think Stuart one thing you also ought to study and look at and this is something else we talked about with Mr Drummond's um passing is that even on the Roosevelt or on Bridges where you have the Jersey barriers and and I me I would move the Jersey barriers out to the edge and I'd have the bike lane speed bike lane inside of it and The Pedestrian Lane inside of it but you've at least got the jersey barrier as a fullon separation between the drive line and the bridge because those speeds that you you said that are on US1 North I don't doubt that the congestion and the speed at which they are up there but the reason why the sheriff's department and the and the Stuart PD are up on the bridge these days is because of some of the crazy accidents we've had and we had a roll over Tuesday Monday on the South Side I guess of the bridge um people don't do anything less than 60 on the bridge you know and so the congestion part north of the bridge I agree it's probably 30 m hour but on the bridge people fly on that bridge yeah and that's one of the safety concerns they fly on the bridge until they hit the back of the Northbound congestion and they have to abruptly come to a stop and uh sometimes um that can be with limited visibility if you're driving up the bridge you don't realize maybe that there's um congested traffic Q on the the downward slope we're also looking at signal and traffic operations improvements uh these would be a vehicle detection and adaptive traffic signal control to help coordinate the signal somewhat better we're also looking at signal timing refinements as well as potential modifications to the Lage on some of the approach streets that connect to US1 in particular Golden Rod Brit and uh Jensen Beach Boulevard are three that we are looking at making some modifications to leanage on those approaches to try to um improve the safety and the efficiency of flow on the approach to US1 pleasure and then uh finally on the technology side um a technology called integrated Corridor management this is something that fdot is rolling out and um it's something that could help the traffic to flow better but also help the communications along the um roadway to the traffic operators and speaking of communications recommending the use of arterial Dynamic message signs or DMS to help communicate real-time traffic information to motorists so those are the public the the strategies congestion management strategies that we've been working on uh now I'm going to pass it off to Bonnie to do uh the presentation of the public engagement including we have these uh business cards for the project which have been out on the table in front of the the room here but that's just one of the many strategies that we've been using to reach out to the public engage them uh and get their input and make sure that their uh thoughts are not only heard but included within our recommendation Bonnie good morning good morning for the record Bonnie Landry Bonnie Landry and Associates so I'm going to talk to you about our uh focused effort to include the public in these strategies so that we can make sure what we prepare mirrors what they would like so we've already had the two open houses we had the first open house at Flagler Center in May and we did polling on what is the problem from your perspective as the public and then we had a second set of polling um very recently at the hul library in October and we took some of the strategies that we have in the draft plan and said which of these strategies do you think would be best um for those who could not come to the live meetings we had online survey which is still ongoing um that survey is going to close off on October 31st um as I said we did have live polling at the meetings people could put their input via comment cards email um and there's a project web page on no's webbsite where they can put their input as well and we did a great job promoting them through press releases the QR code for people to easily get the uh survey flyers and we did a signage along the corridor um as Stuart had mentioned we do have a project advisory committee which includes uh experts in the field um engineering law enforcement Regional planning Council fot and and other experts in this field to kind of guide the project and we had a video diary which I'll talk about later so as I mentioned when we were at our most recent uh event we did a short poll on the mitigation strategies that Stuart mentioned we explained to them what they were and had them the project advisory committee and the joint no committee uh put their input on which of these strategies they think they would most like and I'm going to show you the results so of those pulled um the greatest number of them think that the improvements would be best served from Brit road to Jensen Beach Boulevard which means they think that's the worst uh section of this roadway the majority of those pulled also believe that the joint access driveway connections is the most effective way to make improvements to us one um and it was interesting that 100% of the public supported that me method 61% of The Joint Committee impact a majority of those pulled um believe that a joint access driveway and this is the location that they selected was Treasure Coast small to Target they thought that that would be the most beneficial out of all the choices that they looked at Bonnie can you go back just real quick the D connection um between the high school yes that is something that is just a bad safety thing that by not having it like a a multimodal path going through there because tons of kids do it anyway go to Starbucks and go over to the high school yep and they do it anyway they do it anyway and we heard that one of the um people we interviewed was the um LongHorn Steakhouse he said he sees it all the time the kids cutting through and there's not a proper way to do it but they do it anyway y so um also uh the majority of people believed that we pulled believed that the Adaptive signal controls would also be very effective in managing the congestion um 90% of the public and 80% of the other two police believe either strongly support or they're not really sure about the dynamic message signs as a strategy uh majority believe that uh the way to reduce traffic again is that inner property M multimodal connectivity and um it is important to say multimodal because like that connection with the high school that would just be a pedestrian connection so we did we do feel we've had great participation on the online survey um so far we've had 270 responses um the QR code on the cards uh as Stuart mentioned is is a really quick way they scan it with their phone they do the survey it's really quick and that those results go right to our account with Survey Monkey um another interesting thing um one of the questions we asked for the online participants is are you a resident of Martin County 78% of those who participated are Martin County residents um transportation Choice 97% believe that they want to drive um and we believe that some of it was related to the feeling safe as a pedestrian or a cyclist um they're not all cut through traffic 55% of those polls utilize US1 for going to dinner errands shopping Etc it's not just people cutting through all the time um and 54% visit multiple locations meaning kind of what commissioner said they'll they'll go to Target or they'll go to the mall but they do it all in one trip uh while they're out they just make a list of places to stop um so 54% of those believed that the stretch between Joan Jefferson to Brit Road was the most congested um they do 73% do look for alternative routes especially when the traffic is backed up um those pulled uh more than half has have experienced close calls or accidents or crashes um and unfortunately 86% of those we pulled felt unsafe traveling that stretch of road so we're trying to make it better um a fun part of my job W and I brought Lucine with me um we went and talked to people along the corridor um we asked the people who either lived there or had a business along that route in that section we asked them a series of questions um we gave them a choice about whether they we just took notes or hey could we take your picture or hey can we videotape you so we did it on their comfort level and of course if we videoed we took we got the video uh we had them sign off on it um so in these 20 interviews those that we talked to they thought Jensen Beach Boulevard Joan Jefferson way were the two worst intersections that needed the most Improvement they felt the worst time of day was 4:30 to 6: at night um and again I think we we Stuart talked about it it's the running the red lights it's blind spots like you're trying to make a U-turn but you can't see over the big vehicles there's no no View so you don't feel safe so you wait and the person behind you doesn't want to wait and they start beeping their horn so then it it leads to kind of aggressiveness on us one oh and they also felt that the bike Lings were not protected they're not they're not they're not that is one of the things that they ask for so I just uh these are a couple of the photographs of the people we took who did not want to be videotaped uh we went to the googan coffee shop Gold's Gym Best Buy all within that that section and here's a map of all the places that we we uh interviewed and so you can see we we try to distribute it equally along the route of of the project we also made an effort to not just do one Industry Group meaning we've we have we've got retail we've got lodging Property Management uh uh homeowners associations dining medical so we tried to make sure it was over a bunch of Industry groups for the people we spoke with so um hopefully we are going to be able to show you the video we had a little bit of uh technology concerns previously Oh and before he starts I do want to say one thing the great uh thing that came out of this is we made those first contacts with people to see whether or not they would be interesting in connecting the parking lots and one of the people we spoke to was Southern cotton which used to be Cal Co Corners it's significant connection she was very interested she said let's start with a pedestrian connection and then maybe you know making that automobile connections more expensive um but she's the property owner so we we thought okay that was good so we're going to show you the video and you'll see her on this video thank you go grab MCT is this the shorter unfortunately no we we had some issues with the shorter version but while he's working on the sound if y'all have any other questions uh for me or Stuart we can take them now the only thing I I would add Stuart I just thought about this when Bonnie was doing her who you interviewed and who you didn't um Pino um towards the north end of all this um it is like its own little island up there and it's not really connected to much of anything to the South I think that would be another place I would look to I I know there's a huge transmission FPL thing in the middle of it all or in the way of it all but a way to connect it by some kind of multimodal path or something to the South to get it down towards Char Coast Mall the people who live there every one of them have to get in a car and get on the US1 to go anywhere they can't can't get anywhere South because there's no connection safe of any sort so I I don't I don't with the FPL thing I don't know how you fit it in there but there might be some kind of an opportunity to figure out that as part of your study area for interconnections how do you connect Pino to them look at that there definitely examples of shared use paths in FPL rights of way it's somewhat rare but there are examples that we could look to great thanks even though it's a three you know six Lane Road it's not big enough to handle all the traffic it it how things up you know it's not easy I feel that when the traffic gets congested that's when people get impatient tense and nervous I usually try to avoid it as much as possible I feel inconvenience I don't know that I've ever felt unsafe I just feel like that it's [Music] crowded you know I live on us one I turn off on us one every single day so I use it all the time um this morning alone I had to wait you know almost 6 minutes just to be able to take a right hand turn most of it is for shopping dining or just going down to beautiful Steward to walk around 2:33 till probably 5:00 Northbound is real bad if I left at 6:45 I would have very little traffic if I left at 7:00 a.m. I it would take me 30 minutes to get the I95 southbound it's mostly afternoon is when I see the problem certain times of the day it gets pretty crazy around lunchtime I don't want to be going south at like 3:00 the worst is when school's in especially with Jensen Beach High School up by the commercial areas close to the Treasure Coast Square Mall that seems to be what's leading to the backups Jensen Beach I feel like is really bad on the north side of the Ros Boulevard Brit Road gets very congested did I think it's not safe in any way shape or form and sometimes I get cautious because if there's a backup people do whip through these parking lots yeah it's so funny you can always tell the people to live here cuz we sit at the cor intersection and you'll have people beeping behind you like no we're stopped for a reason we were having an accident at least once a month oh my God and then we just had one not very long had a roll over ended up in my little Gully out here in the front at the intersection of Joan Jefferson in US1 we've replaced our sign there more than a couple of times the amount of people blowing through red lights because of the backup and not wanting to have to stop again we have people you know that are trying to quickly turn off and get to a plaza you see these guys doing this with the motorcycle it's at least a couple times a week that we have uh you know everybody's getting up from their chair cuz we hear the screech in the bag [Music] I have a lot of foot traffic and bicyclers I ride my bike I do whatever is necessary though not to ever have to cross Route One I think the intersection here at Joan Jefferson can be very dangerous for pedestrians for [Music] sure but I think an overall Improvement of how traffic flows through there and and utilizing some of the Alternatives you know to get people off of that roadway um I don't really think that the expansion of US1 per se is really a solution to that problem connecting parking lots and just making it safer I have never written the Marty bus but I see a lot of people that do I would consider it I'm definitely all about Mass I think it's something good I think it's something we should I have thought about it here within the past six months about riding it because it just cuts down on the traffic okay so that kind of demonstrates what we heard um the people who were uh agreeable to being on video so we put that together um sorry about the length we had a shorter version but it didn't work so we appreciate your attention to the longer version and we will put this video will be on the website to help you know promote the project and demonstrate what we heard and sometimes it's good to see what we heard um instead of just the written word so great thanks Bonnie anybody have any questions comments very good thank you very much thanks Stuart wherever Stuart went to like me he had to get to another meeting okay uh item 8e yes this is the development review interactive map um Ricardo Vasquez of the no will give you all an update afternoon good morning quarterly update yep so um as far as the map goes at the last meeting it was mentioned that um it may have been a little bit too difficult to find the map so what we did is we went ahead and uh put a button on the very first page of the website you'll see development review interactive map underneath our little picture slider so um you can get the map get to the map pretty easily now um as far as the map update goes and our new unified planning work program that you all approved in June we are doing quarterly updates to this map now before we're doing it twice a year now we're doing it four times a year um so that'll mean the map is a little more up to dat with the current development as um it pertains to the different municipalities um of course the county doeses keep a good system of of their development review process so a lot of the County's um projects are up to date um we do work with city of Stuart staff and the village of Indi and town staff to get your shape files um as best we can but there's a little bit more of a lag or delay in getting those projects in here correctly um but if you do if you're reviewing the map and see that there's a project that's been approved or already constructed and that's not being reflected in our map please please let us know so we can kind of clean some of those issues up um and again we're updating this map four times a year and um not to explain the map in detail to you all every single time we meet I know we have Sean Reed who's a new member of the um board um the red lines and the red dots on the map are the list of project priorities that you all approved in June and um that's a good way for you guys to kind of pick out um you know certain projects that you guys are prioritizing in relation to the current development that's happening in the area so with that um if you guys have any questions on how to use the map please feel free to reach out to to me I'll be more than happy to walk you through how to navigate the map and use different layers or different settings on there um and with that I'll be happy to answer any questions yeah I would just like to express that in speaking with Beth um I let her know that at our last joint meeting that this was highlighted that people would be able to go to and utilize it so that I think was um says a lot anybody else anything it's great stuff really is for those that want to use it and want to figure out what's going on there you go all right um Ricardo thank you very much you're welcome item 8f 710 update yes Tony norat is here from The District 4 office to give fots update on the state road 710 project good morning good morning everyone uh my name is Tony nor I'm the planning supervisor uh and normally you get this update from Ron Cara but he couldn't make it today so I'll be giving um excuse me I'll be reading off my phone the update that he provided um so in regards to the ongoing Construction in the uh Tommy Clemens uh left turn uh lane widening project uh it's still ongoing and remains on schedule uh for completion uh later this year uh once that's completed uh the plan is to begin the right turn lane project immediately after um staff has been coordinating with uh push but contract so that they they'll be ready once uh the project is over um in regards to the county road 714 realignment at State Road 710 uh design is ongoing and on schedule uh right right of way is fully funded and construction funds are being sought out uh via multiple means um one of them is Senate Bill 100 and also partially funded through the Cy and the the f. PM is dearis Williams and then we go to State Road 710 widening from Southeast 127th a 126th AV um in okobi County to Southwest vanan in Indiantown uh design is ongoing as well uh and on schedule RightWay is also funded uh fully funded and construction funds are also being sought out through multiple means which is cael uh Senate Bill 100 and partially through the the CIS and the PM uh for that is Robert Lopez and that's pretty much it so um I'm sure Susan wants to weigh in at some point um but it's good news to hear that all the RightWay all the RightWay acquisition is fully as far as I know everything all the RightWay is funded because that's to the best of my knowledge understanding that's probably the biggest hiccup yeah getting that done those funds are available now or they're coming this fiscal year from what what what he sent me here it says right away is fully funded on both projects okay great I was going to comment on that also that's that is encouraging um to put a a a finer Point too is schedule to be completed by the end of the year or okay so we're kind of coming up on that fast do we do we have an exact okay by the end of November I asked him the same question he didn't respond because he okay meeting but um I the end of the year is around the corner so I would imagine it'll be wrapping up quickly and then as you expressed you already have somebody waiting in the wings in order to once that is yeah once that is completely signed off on that they'll be able to step up that is encouraging and let me just express to you from the people in Indian town and Western Martin County we appreciate your diligence in making sure then getting us done because it literally is a life and death situation because we have people in our community that have lost loved ones on that road and it's just in recent recent history plus you know people passing through that aren't even in from our community you know from Tampa or from Georgia that have lost their lives on that road so thank you for all that you do it is definitely appreciated thank you it's our pleasure and it's our our job to to listen to you guys and and do the best that we can and we understand and sometimes we have to go you know in a different direction just to to help you guys out so thank you thank you the only thing I would recommend um Susan Indian Town stay on top of and it's not that what you said isn't accurate but the the difference between the existing contract and the push pin whatever we call that to the next one to the right hand turn lane stay on top of that so we don't lose 6 months in between when one finishes and the next one starts the the the hope is that literally the day we finish the one we move like immediately into the second one yeah absolutely we get it and again all the way from the secretary down um we understand the importance of the project so great fantastic thank you very much anybody else anything for fot while we're here yes stay could you give us a brief Insight on the arrows that are going up in US1 from say uh Colorado intersection south and north of the bridge and are you going to continue those on the entire stretch of us one so I don't have any of those updates provided but I can get back to you uh as soon as possible uh I'll try to get that by today that' be great send back to you sure I I guess the the question is is there a new policy like directive with fot to start putting on resurfacing projects like on US1 those arrows the full length of US1 I mean is it like a new it's just an interesting addition to what's out there that or is it just in a very tight Urban section that we're seeing I haven't heard of any new policy being put in place I know that we're trying to listen to the community and and do uh our due diligence um so I can get back to you and I I know that we are trying to get as many resurfacing projects as we can in there um but like I said I don't want to speak to to something I'm not you can just get us an answer maybe absolutely by by later today I'll try to get you and if we're listening to the community I'll tell you I've received nothing but really negative impact on those those reflective arrows mostly because of the the vibration it causes and the distraction it causes you while driving interesting commissioner herd well I was just so baffled that they were there at all what's the alternative I mean it seems so redundant okay us W we're going we're going we got three lanes going north why on Earth are there arrows marking it not it's crazy wrong way in yeah I think uh you know we have to go back to the study and see some of the recommend a lot of times people are traveling in different lanes and not paying attention to the signs and and kind of jumping over another Lane last minute uh so it's kind of to give the the driver a warning usually but um I have to go back to the studying by now we'll get you guys you're just the messenger right I have I'm I'm the messenger but I'll take the Stones it's okay um it's okay I had my my my assistant back there she was taking notes she disappeared on me right now so thanks for the update anything else yeah anything pleas 71 no sir thank you anybody else thank you very much when's our next no meeting um our next no meeting is December 16th in that case I would like to thank commissioner Smith for all of your years and your attentiveness on the mo you've made a terrific contribution you all very much um anything else further from epot was that f. comments too good enough uh we don't have any Advisory board meeting or members in the a ma I mean yes sir I would like to I'm a advisory isn't that an Advisory board but I'm going to take this opportunity sure sure you can talk about that yeah absolutely the transportation for disadvantaged uh board that I chair I would like to say and tell this board thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to do that thank you for doing it it has been a privilege and an honor to actually serve on that committee and meet those people that this board is responsible to because it is a very um needful thing for the most um vulnerable in our society and they are precious and they are involved so I would like to and they feel forgotten they really do so I would like to re respectfully request that this board consider moving forward that whoever happens to um replace me on this board if you would consider allowing them to chair that committee because it impacts our residents so much I um I would appreciate that so thank you you and and just to add on to that um um I just wanted to mention that um because of um of council member um Gibbs Thomas leadership of that board um that for the transportation disadvantaged as well as the local contribution of the board Martin County Board of um County Commissioners and the village of Indian toown and the City of Stewart and the um Lucine Martin actually staffs the board so with all of that hard work um we actually um won the um 2024 outstanding Coordinating Board of the Year award for the State of Florida recently so um that was very exciting and and Susan GB Thomas actually was at the annual conference for the Florida commission for the transportation disadvantage and she accepted that a award on behalf of the Martin County LCB and it was it was a and once again it was a privilege and an honor to do that and I don't know if everyone is really aware of these small steps that we do and we do them together the huge difference that it makes because stepping out with $12,500 Indian town did and then the city of Stewart matching it and then the the board of County Commissioners stepping up and improving what they did over a two-year period it has it has equaled more than more than a quarter million dollars so it is very impactful these things that we do and and it is very much appreciated thank you ni job Susan um board member comments I have some just a few little comments I would make on my way out um first and foremost Susan thank you for your time uh your [Applause] representation your representation for Indiantown um will be remembered for a very long time you came in at a time when a lot of things were changing politically um but also um physically changing on 710 uh your advocacy Your Role um the role on this board but also as a city council member mayor um has made a huge difference for Indian town and and we hope I hope as a community that whoever does fill that seat uh continues on with the the care and the love that you have for your constituents it's really something special to see thank you for that um L um I would say this about the mo uh and Beth Beltran I told her this the other day at our at our one-on-one meeting uh I've worked with three or four Mo three or four maybe coordinators um the mo is a mystery um it always was a mystery anyway at least before Beth um it it is tends to be I think one of the more confusing difficult to understand acronym where does the money go why does the money go How does it go how does fot make decisions why do we do all the planning exercises that we do with the federal government why do we have to cross the teas and Dot the eyes because at the end of the day the money that it does draw down from the state through the federal government makes a difference in our local community at every single level and without Beth quite honestly um it would still be a black box um it was a black box before she got here um and you have single-handedly made at least for me and I assume for the rest of the board members um a black box that is understandable um and that I hope whoever sits in the chair is moving forward take the time to get to know Beth um she is a remarkable uh Mo coordinator and probably one of the best in the state so Beth thank you very [Applause] much with that members our next no policy board meeting is December 16th 2024 commissioner campy your light is on well we have three board members departing the mo as this is their last meeting and I Echo the comments that commissioner down there commissioner herd had for commissioner Smith he you know he said that this was sort of um a obscure area for him but he's a champion in this category he has you know even just today as an example I was getting frustrated with how much he was speaking but um I was cutting him some slack since it was his last meeting but but all kidding aside he is really very astute in all areas of the county he can talk about a little side street in downtown Stewart as well as he could talk about a street in hob sound or out in Indian town he really really uh excels at this level and his absence will be noted because look he he as an elected official really took this on uh and the details and you know he's an expert with the time that he's been here on how the funding works and and how the projects you know have to be designed and and done in a certain way or you get no money and then what he said about Susan Gibbs Thomas is what she's brought to the position in every in everything she touches whether it's parks and wreck or Public Safety or drainage or or utilities she's brought a real level-headedness in a time out in Indiantown when it was desperately needed when they start discussing privatizing Public Safety and you know or or their the lack of leadership they had prior to miss krisda showing up uh it wasn't um you know I know that you weren't interested originally in in corporation but as Miss Chris said the other day once you realized it was happening you completely embraced it and the Not Just Indian town but the county in general is a better place because of your service thank you now the guy in the end who doesn't normally like to have any kind of conversation would have preferred that we just left I was hoping without even mentioning it but you know he he's a Statesman he's a dear friend um he has done remarkable for our County in the short time that he has been a commissioner he has made Decades of um improvements that our residents will especially down in South County and in Indian town I think out of all of the Commissioners and I used to split up Indian town before he completely land grabbed every portion of the county at the last um census he's been the strongest advocate for Indian town that we have ever had and you know taking that title away from Patrick Hayes is something well let me also note there he is also been the strongest advocate for the county in Indian town because he would always when possible he would always be at our meetings that's what I mean physically at our meetings yeah really took the time to keep Indian Town very much front and center and what he has accomplished in hob sound uh for his district constituents will last a lifetime but also the projects in Palm City and in and in the rest of the county where his vote was so necessary to get something done uh they love him everywhere he goes we we will you know we're not it's not going to disappear but Palm City Chamber the folks that live in Palm City they love them and so do I congratulations and thank you for your service so and and I appreciate that and I was trying to sneak out without uh you without any Fanfare but uh I I have really um enjoyed working with the mo I'm a little thick so it took me two classes at the no AC to completely grasp the whole con no I have still yet to grasp the whole concept because it's extremely uh hard to understand but uh but uh anybody that hasn't attended the new ones the mpac they they do try to um make it fun for the most boring um subject matter available but uh but uh I want to Echo uh commissioner all of our commissioners about uh commissioner Smith he is going to be sorely missed I don't think a lot of folks understand what he brings to the table um and um I think once he's gone they're going to have a little bit different um opinion so um I I he he's before I was commissioner and when I was uh considering being commissioner he counseled me and don't do it everything he said has come true and the challenges yep they were there and and I thoroughly appreciate it and I consider all of my Commissioners friends uh Susan and I became dear friends uh as everybody I'm sure knows we went to high school together and uh we didn't necessarily know each other but um that's how long we've been around and um but uh I I've enjoyed working with Indiantown enjoyed working with the MP it's uh it's been a life experience that not a lot of people get and U so and I appreciate it thank you so I would wrap it up with this I think the the consistent piece of Susan and Harold both you have to love your home you have to love your place and every action that I've watched them do um they absolutely love where they live they love their community and they they do what has to happen to to make it the best it can be and and to both of you you both deserve that and with that Beth do you have any parting words uh um we do have a federal audit coming up so that's the pass out before the meeting to each of you just on the best Note you could end this on I'm sorry um so just as an FYI the next couple of meetings I may you know the agendas may be kind of dotting the eyes and crossing the tees there may be some item that's what make you so special anything else thank you I just want to add I agree with all the comments that have been made about that your roles on the mo you've all done a terrific job but Doug I until now I had completely forgotten Beth's predecessors and you're absolutely right there is just no comparison I had blanked out all of your predecessors she's remarkable thank you and she leads a great team absolutely yeah all right we are AJ Jour thank you all very much we are e