e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e is all right good morning everyone uh this is the Martin County Code Enforcement magistrate hearing for uh June 19th 2024 if you'll All Rise join me in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice all all right great be seated please thank you we're going to begin with um a case that's on the top of the second page it's a Thomas glass case it's a fine reduction hearing and it's case number 10 0042 691 so a 2010 case okay all right and um Miss Bradley you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth old truth and nothing but the truth so I hope you got I do all right uh whenever you're ready you can begin and and then um we'll hear from the respondent um I'll call you up as soon as Miss Bradley is through presenting and identifying the case okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the new of bitman coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 1769 Northwest Sunset Boulevard Genson in Martin County Florida on February 16th 2011 an order finding violation was issued by the code enforcement ma straight to Thomas F glass for Section 67201 B nuisance declared trash Etc ra General ordinances Martin County Code section 21.12 1.1 glazing General ordinances Martin County Code and section 21111 protective treatment General ordinances Martin County Code so exhibit one is the property appraiser showing that Mr glass is the property owner okay Exhibit 2 is the original recorded order that was placed on the property all right compliance was required by March 9th 2011 on September 20th 2022 an Affidavit of compliance with accured fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of$ 1,263 600 plus cost in the amount of $575 staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respondent was responsible for the violation and they brought the property into compliance and have offered to pay 21,6 $125 to resolve the outstanding fines which have occured in addition staff has considered the $16,250 assess value for the property so Mr glass is paying 10% of the total property value for his reduction all right and exhibit three is the Affidavit of compliance with acred fines and then exhibit 4 is Mr glass's reduction request okay and that concludes my Tes Mr glass come on up to the podium if you will all right and if you raise your right hand you swear or affirm testimony you're about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so help you gu all right now I'm going to ask you to take your hat off thank you all right all right um so I've got a fine reduction stipulation um an agreed recommended order that's your signature on the stipulation is it okay and um it requires you to pay 600 or um I'm sorry $2,625 to the county it is um an agreed recommended order meaning that uh ultimately the County Commission has to approve it and so um um what will occur is if if I approve it I'm thinking that I am um it goes to the County commission for a final approval and and you'll have to then um perhaps even appear I don't know whether these go in consent or okay all right so they go once I approve them they go under the consent agenda for commission approval so do you understand that part yes all right um any questions of me uh no sir I uh just briefly on my behalf uh on the original uh hearing I was working over in Puerto Rico and I had no availability to be able to come back to the states to attend hearing I tried to explain that to Mrs AO who was the uh compliance off or the the uh uh code enforcement officer at the time yes and there were modifications made to the property uh as far as trash debris the glazing was repaired the only thing that was not which was outstanding to date was the sofit that needed to be repaired and uh the debris and uh inoperable vehicles that were in the yard one was a welding truck which I'm I'm a welder by trade and uh the what they're considering trash and debris was actually material that I used for at the time I was building buggies uh airboats you know I'd help people out different things barbecue grills just for side money and uh so it really wasn't trash or debris and I organized the yard I had a dumpster dropped off I even got cited for having the dumpster on the yard when I was cleaning up but uh I know I'm I know I owe you know I didn't realize it I mean I'm Martin County resident since uh second grade at St ANS you know worked around here at the nuclear Powerhouse of Roosevelt bridge and uh you know I would have never have let this go as long as it had knowing that you know fines were being recruited to this to any extent you know I mean I I I pay my bills I'm a working you know class citizen I'm doing my best to try and get by but you know it kind of uh didn't know anything that there was that I owed anything until I went to put uh take out uh loan for to put a roof on my house and that's when the I was notified that there was an outstanding uh code violation on my property and that was when I reached out to code enforcement to rectify it and move for forward and you know I I understand I do ow you know and I would like to anything I could do or you could do you know I would really you know $20,000 is still a a lot of money uh you know my wife has got you know uh a lot of back issues she's got degenerative degenerative spine disease and uh we take care of my mother-in-law who has dementia and uh it's it's just uh 20,000 is is a lot to come out of pocket you know uh I I know I agreed to it but that was the only way that we could even move forward I tried talking I came to the last month's County Commissioners off meeting and Doug Smith is actually over my district I tried reaching out to Doug this is over a year and a half I've been you know trying to reach I spoke to Rachel and John quite a few times and the only way that we could even get to where we are today was to agree on the 10% okay you know but if you can find any leniency you know I would greatly appreciate there there would have to be what the law calls some mitigating factor and I'm not hearing it I I mean the fact that you weren't aware of it but isn't a legal basis I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you well it isn't a legal basis so let let me just ask the county um you you obviously have negotiated this amount that is correct all right and uh in the County Commission um when they look at these have um arrived at this 10% calculation is what they they expect to see I I understand so all right I also you know in some of the records it did show to where you know that uh the debris would been clean not totally removed uh uh uh I'd have to go back on all this stuff I mean I had the printouts of of when somebody was by the house and it it was almost 10 years that somebody had came by to uh reassess it 2000 2020 they were there 2022 was when it was finalized 2010 was the original okay uh issue but you know the glazing was repaired but like I said I was working out of state out of country actually and it was my wife and I guess if they were making notices there they said that uh the debris was cleaned uh the glazing was fixed fix on the side but she couldn't tell on the back side because the shutter was down but it had also been repaired the only thing that wasn't was the S it okay let me ask the county do you have record of partial compliance yes sir you do not you do okay and did you take that into consideration as you negotiated this figured into the fine so we stop them as we comply them okay and then because there would have been $300 a day so so we would have stopped it as we found them with however many days it was out of compliance the 1.2 million took that into consideration okay all right I uh if you don't have anything else to tell me and based upon your signature I'm going to go ahead and approve the stipulation and agreed recommended order as submitted and um I I I hear you as far as your personal situation but I I think there's not a legal basis to consider it further so I'm going to go ahead and approve thismy thank you okay all right um Good Luck I I hope U this enables you to go forward thank you very much you have a great day yes sir you too all right um okay I mixing them up with somebody else all right just to tidy things up on that case I'm going to um include into the evidence exhibits one through four uh that were presented by the county just for the record all right now um let me just make sure I know we are awaiting Mr Cassidy who are you yeah M okay you're both here okay sitting out there okay well I'm glad you're here my brother he inside okay all right um well let's take let's take U Mr counselor's uh officer counselor's cases first and you one of these is your case so yes all right and you're are you ready to go with the Cassidy case yes oh good okay great all right so uh if you'll raise your right hand uh do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I'll help you got I do all right and um let's see this is case enf 2024 5021 15-01 respondents are sha T Cassidy and Mark L Cassidy III and uh officer counselor we're going to we're this is a violation case gentlemen so what we're going to do is hear from the county first if they make what the law calls a primacia case meaning everything that that they've presented um is correct and accurate and then they will then be able to go forward I will then call you up to the podium swear you in and then you can make your presentation okay can I give him some information he didn't have yesterday um I suppose you could I took pictures of an open driveway and I've got pictures of it f in okay well you you can present those and that'll that'll help not now not not now let's hear from the county and then we'll go forward okay all right R just a point to information this is a repeat violation case this is a let me find your recommended order this is a repeat violation in case okay so so what that means is that you're subject to being fined from the day that the violation was discovered and again that's assuming that the the evidence presented makes that case so uh let's hear from officer counselor and then we'll go forward okay okay hi my name is Chris councel I've been sworn in i a co-compliance investigator for Martin County this case is a repeat violation case the respondent shant T Cassidy Mark L Cassidy thei are present this case concerns the property at 3240 Southeast Dominica Terrace in Stewart Florida which is located within Martin County this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are sha T Cassidy and Mark L Cassidy the third which is County's exhibit one the property was previously brought before the Martin County Code Enforcement Magistrate on August 12th 2020 a stipulation agreement was signed and the owners agreed to correct the violation of 67. 2011b nuisance declared trash and debris General ordinances Martin County and section 3420 which is the M1 industrial district code from the Land Development regulations on or before December 31st 2020 on December 31st 2020 an inspection was conducted all violations were corrected a copy of the original order from 2020 and the Affidavit of compliance or counties exhibits two and three so this is um this is the stipulation agreement from 2020 for the violations that they were cited for what they agreed upon compliance dated December 31st signed by the magistrate so it was trash abandoned vehicle and a zoning the zoning violation the M1 industrial district and that code basically states that um in an industrial zoning any aspects of the business must be conducted within the confines of the structure located at the business right and exhibit three is the affidavit compliance signed by the officer complying the violations as of December 31st on May 15 2024 I inspected the property at the time I reserved the property again in violation of trash and debris and materials for the operation of the business were being stored outside uh at the the time I photograph the property the photograph ACC show what I saw then and marus County's exhibits four 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 so these were all dated May 15th all right looking at four tell me what I'm seeing there okay exhibit four is basically the front of the property this is the location um I got um material stacked right here in the driveway see about five is as I um drive down the road I basically got materials and parts um stored outside okay exhibit six just a side view just showing that um there's pallets of materials they're Parts either for vehicles or the forklift that are just um out front exip seven um at one point when we first started the case we were concerned about the vehicles in the right away we pulled that code because the code didn't apply that was basically the initial complaint um as the vehicle's parked in the right away but the code that we had on the case that was used for previous case we pulled that violation because it didn't apply to just their basically it's their employees parking in the right away the code that we had cited that's in the noov and the NTA we've pulled that because it didn't apply okay I I understand okay so eight basically sh the front yard exhibit 10 is just um basically they just have you know there's just materials that should be either stored behind the building or screen from view that are basically in plain view from the street and exhibit 10 it's just um like I said was that included the vehicles based upon the investigation previous history of the property I issued a repeat violation repeat notice of violation to Shan T Cassidy and Mark L Cassidy third on May 16th 20124 Markus County exhibit 11 this is the notice of repeat violation and noce I cited the following Mark county code section 61201 B nuisance declared trash and debris um what was included in the initial letter was the code of um 91.33 abandoned vehicles and right away we've since um removed that code and then the third code was section 3420 M1 industrial district Land Development regulations Spartan county code which basically says operations must be conducted within the confines of the building okay and the notice repeat violation and responds were formed to comply with all violations immediately and also informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so and notice of hearing was also issued by certified mail on May 16 2024 and it's marked as County exhibit 12 being that a repeat violation they immediately get a noticed a hearing for today's hearing June 19th at 9:00 a.m. signed by May which at the time included all three codes all right the return receipt was not received so on June 7th 2024 I posted the property a photo of the post in the affidavit Post in mark this count exhibits 13 and 14 13 is just a picture I visited the property I actually hand delivered so my affidavit to posting is to apptive hand delivery also on June 7 2025 I met with the property owners Mark and Sean I inspected the property with them and the property was still in violation for trash and debris onsight the materials and products from the business being stored outside at the time I photographed the property the photographs ACC saw what I saw then on June 7th and our count exhibits 15 16 17 18 and 19 all right looking at 15 what am I seeing there uh this um B this basically still the vehicles in the front exhibit 16 is basically the materials that are stored to the front um right corner of the building I just got um misscellaneous materials that are just um stored outside Parts June 7th is just an up close view of of the parts I'm referring into it's just um I assume it's parts for either vehicles that they're repairing or forklift repair but there's just all this stuff is stored outside out front the gas tanks all this material exhibit 18 is basically the the one part in question the most where they really need to work on either screening it or or removing it is all this material in the picture okay what's the story with the boat um I don't have an issue with the boat I mean it's not illegal for them it's not illegal to have it it does take up quite a bit of their lot which limits their space to have other materials we discussed that so yeah there's no question there's no problem with the boat it's not a violation for the boat be there it just itself hinders them from having other storage space on the lot for the business exib 19 is the other side of the building just showing um materials stored outside and basically I mean I got a worker here working on the ice boxes outside this is the type of stuff that's supposed to be include all that stuff is supposed to be done inside the building for the and for the industrial code 6 20 is just the front of the property 21 is just the vehicles that no longer apply that's just another shot of the front corner oh I'm sorry go back to that's a different set of dates so that those pictures were all from June 7th uh I went to the property again for the day before inspection on June 18th and so the said violations had not progress had been made but there was still areas of the property that still needed to be cleaned up um at the time I photograph the probably the photographs ACC show what I saw then which would be my final exhibits of exhibit 20 21 22 and 23 so these are as of yesterday so um a lot of material has been removed um so the left side of the building was good I um the vehicles were still there um but the the big area that was still in question yesterday was still that section at the front right corner of the building they still have material stored with an up close shot of basically most of all this stuff either has to be screened from view or stored back behind the building which is still that's what basically still left the vi property in violation all right I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony the evidence I request that the respondent Shan T Cassie Markel Cassie be found as repeat violators and be ordered to comply with the subed provisions of the Martin County Code immediately and be required to pay a fine in the amount of $250 a day per violation per day for the date starting of May 17th after they received my notice of so the fine should start as of May 17 2024 and for every day the violation continues after the Count's incude the cost of 575 conducting this investigation and I request that all County's evidence be um the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay um which you are you both going to speak or all right come on up if you will and if you right side okay you need to show him that I'll just show him you first okay and left side go on [Music] okay there's the D all right to the deputy Cassidy you stand at the podium you'll stand at the podium cuz we need to get you on the mic if you raise your right goodness yeah do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got yes and you're full name Sir Mark Lawrence Cassidy III and your address uh business address as business 3240 Southeast Dominic Terror Stewart Florida 34997 and what is your relationship to the business that's there I'm the president owner okay all right so you've heard um the county make make its presentation and present its evidence any any objection to any of that uh no as of uh as of yesterday as of yesterday there's no trucks out there okay so totally let let me just put it on the record with that objection I'm going to accept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 23 that means we can use them to to consider so and and I see that you have brought now a couple of photos as well is that correct fenced off the way they asked me to all right let me ask you about the photos that that I'm looking at um let's see looks like there's there's two of them right one's the right driveway one's left all right or north and or uh East and West okay big the big one's the east driveway that's the East area that's the main driveway going in and out okay I'm going to mark that one as as your exhibit number one and the other one I'll mark As exhibit number two they're both six foot all right so so what um what am I looking at in in this I photo there's nothing there now nothing on the looking at a driveway apron you're looking at yeah the driveway apron going in and it's now got a fence that you can't see anything all right on as per Rachel Spradley is it uh told me if I put a six foot high fence up uh gate covering that anything in back of that doesn't exist well okay both sides I know what I know I know what she's saying is that of course the junk that's out there in the driveway yes that changes week to week because what we're doing is we're bringing the stuff forward I'm selling the business is that what we're looking at in respondents to yeah that's on the right hand side or the West driveway okay every every week that changes out we take it on over and trash it where the boat is with 60 ft of in your words debris or whatever junk gone that you've now removed from the side yeah and there's a lot more going okay the new owners don't want anything there zero all right and I can't say a blame them okay all right the trucks out front the two trucks that were out front uh oh the one in the driveway on the west side is licensed and insured and was missing a drive shaft until last night and the two trucks that were there were not abandoned vehicles I own them okay um let's let me see if if I can find those are either of those vehicles in exhibit 15 David sold about four times yeah but like I said we we we removed the code 21 uh we removed the code 91 that was not in violation the the parking on the right away we're not concerned with the vehicles at this time for this for this case all right I've been I called him all day yesterday no response we're going to come over and take a look and see at the fences okay all right so probably busy all let me ask officer counselor I looking at it respondents exhibits one and two if if everything that we see on exhibits one and two is correct would the violation remain or no well the issue is is basically what he's stting is that they've put two gates over the driveway so when the business is closed the gates are closed and you don't see it but during normal open and closed all day long if you'd like well that's the issue is that nor during normal business hours those Gates tend to be open which gives anything on the lot is you hear what I just said I understand sir okay wait a minute hang on it's got to come through me and not right I don't want talk I understand what he's is yes he put front gates up so basically when the gates are closed the materials are not visible from the road okay but that but what he also testified is the materials still exist on the property you just can't see them when the gates are closed but that does racial the the other thing that I'm I'm seeing here is it looks to me like it's a fabric material that's maybe applied was approved by the Martin County building department okay and and that's that's fine but if you have a gate there do you then have to remove the fabric to get into the gate through the gate it does okay all right so that's that's helpful all right I um Ron might be heard on this for just a point sure as far as what the what the ordinance requires um I think we're going through a little bit of semantics here as far as with closure the exact the actual wording of the ordinance is all operations shall be conducted and all materials and products shall be stored with in the buildings of the plant all waste materials shall be stored while on the premises in a screened enclosure which shall be counted as part of the area allowed for occupation it seems that the the the the the intent of the ordinance is that a enclosure being provided inside the property not the outside gate now the outside gate if it never opened up that would be an enclosure but every time it opens and closes it's in violation want to put a zigzag in there so you have to drive around you can't see anything all right hang on I'm going to go back I'm looking at um the order the Exhibit 2 no it it's going to be um looks like it's going to be in an exhibit 11 which is the re notice a repeat violation on page two Mr tuy if you'll direct me to what you're looking at here um on the 3242a subsection 2A 2A all operations shall be conducted and all materials and products shall be stored within the buildings of the plant all waste materials shall be stored while on the premises in a screened enclosure which shall be counted as part of the area allowed for occupation by buildings and structures so um my recollection of that is that um that's more like a dumpster enclosure is what that waste material um storage could be a dumpster but waste is is fairly broadly defined in the ordinance okay but I I mean I think that was the intent if I recall of that knot that it just be strewn around um so all right you do have a unique situation though because you have large pieces of equipment and Machinery the ice um machines and and that sort of thing which which are somewhat unique to your business and we have spoken past I there would be no issue with the the ice machines that are in the pictures that are being not used um like the ones that say ice on it yes if that's all that was across the front of the property the county would be okay with that it's just all the other materials that's in between it's the parts it's the scrap metal it's all the other issues so okay we've never had an issue with the the actual ice boxes it's just all the stuff that ends up on pallets in between those ice boxes and and up until yesterday the photos that I've seen actually do show all of that okay um I think I've heard enough to find a repeat violation um and and I'm going to accept if unless you've got any objection I'm going to accept these into evidence exhibits one and two for the respondent um it looks to me like you're well on your way to complying and you may more than that you may be in compliance at this point um and that's my hope for you I it um Rachel told me to put anything that I could on trailers so I bought 256t trailers and put most of the ice boxes on them okay all right work based on your representations in testimony and the exhibits and you and the fact that uh you are apparently making an effort here I'm going to reduce the amount of the fine there is going to be a fine component because it was clear that from the get-go there there was a shouldn't have been there a violation all right and and uh it does run from May 17th until until it's brought into compliance um I'm going to reduce the fine to $100 per day that's for both violations that's going to be a hefty fine but um it'll be probably a $3,000 fine are you saying $100 per violation no just $100 per day okay um regardless of which violation Is Still Remains so $100 per day um and of course I'm going to order compliance immediately and hopefully when they go out there maybe even later today they'll find that that's that that that's been taken care of um I am going to further award costs so the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of the hearing so let me take a look I've got a draft order but let me just look at it um are you going to be out there today do you think I can be my afternoon's clear if if that's the case I'm going to go ahead I may have to inter lineate some of this order we'll try and have officer counselor bring you a copy of it um but um but right now that's that's where it stands thank you good luck thank you all right okay I'll take a look at that in a bit do I pay now or uh no actually let me sign the order and then uh you'll get a copy of it this afternoon and and then you can act accordingly okay okay all right thank you yes sir thanks is that sorry give me I yeah I got your message this morning okay thank you all right yes sir um Scorpio's um case right yes sir all right this is case CNF 2023 11551 d01 um is it Scorpio summer season LLC is that correct uh it's it's my mom's property um okay but I guess I don't know if it's in her business under her name I don't know I I'm just she's incarcerated and I'm taking care of all her things I hang on I didn't swear in I don't have your name my bad and we're going to listen this is a violation case so it's similar in a way we're going to hear from the county presuming they make a primicia case and I'm going to ask you to respond to to it okay and you're welcome to stand there but I'm going to swe you in after after a little bit so go ahead uh officer counselor okay my name is Chris councel I've been sworn in I am a co-compliance investigator for Martin County a representative the Scorpio summer season LLC is present this case concerns the property at 56 Southeast capson Avenue located within Stewart Florida located within Martin County this case was not generated from an honest complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Scorpio summer seasons LLC which is a copy of the property appraiser record is County exhibit one on November 27th 2023 I inspected the property at the time I observed High Grass and trash and debris at the time I photographed the property the photographs ACC show what I saw then and then marked us counting's exhibits 2 3 4 5 six uh five and six sa it two is um the left side of the property as you stand on the road as have high grass z b three moving down the street in front of the property exibit four picked up the driveway I did um behind the trash cans I guess the glare kind of there's Furniture like stored outside and then I I got random pallets off to the right hand side of the property exhibit five is on the right side of the property as you're looking at it um and amongst the uh the two campers I just have material stored I have patches of High Grass okay is this a single family property yes sir then exhibit sixes um I got uh things in the bushes again patches of High Grass and miscellaneous materials just stored and amongst the RVs and vehicles uh based based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Scorpio summer season LLC on February 27 2024 March County exhibit 11 I mean 7 I notice the following Martin County Code section 67. 20101 B nuisance cleared trash and debris and section 67201 A for weeds and high grass and the NTI of violation respondent was given until March 12 2024 to correct the violations and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on May 22nd 2024 as marked as County exhibit 8 the return receipt was not received so on June 7th 2024 I posted the property a photo of the post in the affidavit a post in our marked counties liit 9 and 10 n is my posting on the front door and exhibit 10 will be my affectiv of posting no call or letter from the property owner was received and time allowed therefore I went to the property again on June 18th 2024 and saw the decided violations had not been corrected at the time I photograph the property the photographs accurately show what I saw then and they are marked as counting exhibits 11 12 13 14 and 15 11 the grass on this side of the property has been cut okay at 12 there's still I still have patches on the right hand side of the property in between the vehicles and around the campers that's still high at 13 I still have materials in the bushes exhibit 14 still have pallets and miscellaneous materials and exhibit 15 I still have uh the materials and back by the red chairs I still have patches of high grass so it's they're cutting it they're just not cutting the entire property at one point at one time I request that all counties exhibits be received in evidence based upon the testimony and the evidence I request that the respondent Scorpio summer season LLC be ordered to comply with the subed provisions of the Martin County Code by July 31st 2024 if not compliance would then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day per violation until the violations are corrected the count has incuded the cost of $575 conducting the investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay all right sir if you'll raise your right hand you swear firm testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got yes sir and your full name Eric bruan and Mr bruan what is your relationship to sallyanne Frasco is my mom um I'm also her power of attorney I have that paperwork if you'd like it um but I do need it back it's my only copy okay so I can I can give you that though all right well me just look at [Music] that and we can make a copy of it perfect thank you sounds like I got to check the mail a little more sounds like it do you reside on the property or no um I don't normally but being with my mom being incarcerated I have been living there um and I've been kind of keeping everything trying to keep everything afloat but it's been a little bit hard lately just because I'm not used to it let me just take a look at this for absolutely for okay all right that's acceptable and um if we can just get a copy of that that would be great thanks um I'm actually going to accept that unless the County's got any objection I'm going to accept that in evidence say yeah we have no objection as respondents one okay so what do you need to tell me other than the fact that you you've heard the County's evidence any objection any of that uh absolutely not um you guys are 100% correct grass needs to be mowed things got to be moved can't have trash in the yard um I will say 110% I have been struggling uh and it's not you guys' problem I've been a little depressed lately you know my mom and my sister actually both incarcerated out of our three family I'm the only one still standing um so with that being said I have been struggling it I did not cut the grass for 3 months and until your letter I still probably wasn't going to do it until you put it on the door so thanks for the kick in the ass excuse my mouth um so I without objection I'm going to accept into evidence exhibits 1 through 15 absolutely all right if unless you've got something else to tell me I'm going to find that a violation does exist on the property I did I did actually mow everything at one point in time I did I did with a weed eater everything the pieces of high grass that you're still seeing out by the trailer back there that's um that is less than a foot I brought it all the way down I will say that cuz I did read the whole thing um I'm actually going home to Mo again today because it's a weekly Affair apparently well be during the summer for yeah I'm I'm not really used to that normally I I grew up in Jupiter with a Landscaping service so I'm very much not used to this um I didn't know as far as trash and debris which you guys were exactly talking about I figured it was most of the stuff um I I do have one question can I use one of those blocks that's in front of that pallet there to prop the boat up on and I will get rid of the pallet yes yes and with some of the materials that's there it's not so much that it's trash it's just if it just gets organized and stacked neatly instead of correct laying in the bushes and stuff got that would be also yeah I mean as long as we have a clear understanding of what needs to be done I will get it done 125% okay the only the only real question is the the piece of furniture that's in the driveway I uh I argue with my mom about that one all the time she hang on just a second let me just let me just stop you as you know it's not up to me to direct how you're going to comply and I really don't want you at this juncture to to try and negotiate that out oh absolutely on the floor so so what I'm going to do is I'm going to am finding you in violation and I'm going to give you until the end of July July 31st 2024 to come into compliance if you don't come into compliance by that time then I'm going to find you in the amount of $100 per violation per day there are two there's track and there's there's weeds and undergrowth so okay so tall grass and trash each are separate absolutely all right and you repeat the date for me yes uh July 31st 2024 which means that starting on August 1 there would be a fine if you're not in compliance in compliance means not just doing the the work that's required but it also means having it inspected by the county and so it's your obligation to contact um officer counselor and and make sure that that that um gets resolved I am further going to award costs in the amount of $575 which is the normal cost for this hearing to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing so when you get the order uh you can um basically um arrange for payment at that point okay okay um I I think that's it I wish you good luck and and U sorry for your family situation but hopefully guys issue yeah well hopefully it it resolves yeah hopefully um thank you so much for all you guys' time all righty contact me very nice to meet you thank you um can I give you my phone all yes 561 768 8189 okay don't forget your power of turn thank you okay and I'll call you and if you see anything else I'll just Contin later okay sir good luck Mr Brun thank you so much thank you have a good one guys all right uh next case is BNF 20231 0599 uh Jerry L Owens Jr and whenever you're ready my name is Chris CER Ben swor in C compliance investigated for Martin County the respondent Jerry L Owens Jr is not present this case concerns the property at 4985 Southeast capston Avenue located within Stewart Florida located within Martin County according to the official records of the property appraiser the property owner is Jerry L Owens Jr a copy of the pro property appraisers record is County exibit one it on November 27th 2023 I inspected the property at the time I observed High Grass and a damaged fence at the time I photographed the property theog actually show what I saw then and is marked as counting exhibits 2 3 four and five exhibit two it's the front of the property I got damage fence and grass High Grass exhibit three just uh picture the mailbox verifying the address is four I got we along the fence missing pickets damag fence exhibit five more pictures of the grass and damag fence okay based upon the investigation notice a violation to Jer Owens on February 28 2024 and marus County exhibit 6 when the notice of violation went out that the grass had been cut so the only violation still existing upon the notice of violation would be the damage fence so it was the only section indicated in the letter which was section 21.99 accessory structures for the damage fence okay and the notice of violation respondent was given until March 20th 2024 to correct the violation was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so and that would be County bit six all right compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on May 22nd 2024 is marked this County exhibit 7 it was for the June 19th heon at 9:00 a.m. all right uh the return receipt was not receed so on June 7th 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting in the affidavit a poting mark to County exhibits 8 and9 eight being a photo of my posting and exhibit nine is my Affidavit of posting no call or letter has been received from the property owner therefore I went to the property again on uh May 18th and saw that de seted Provisions had not been corrected at the time I photographed the property the photographs actually show what I said then and they are marked as counting exhibits 10 11 12 and 13 10 I still have the damage fence 11 fence still damage damage fence and more damage fence okay I request that all counties exhibits be received in the evidence based upon the testimony and the evidence I request that the respondent Jerry L Owens Jr be ordered to comply with the Senate provisions of the Martin County Code by July 31st 2024 if not compliance be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day until the violation is corrected the county has incuded the cost of the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimburse this amount to conclusion of today's hearing okay anyone here on behalf of Jerel Owens Jr looking out seeing no one without section I'll accept in evidence the Cy's exhibits 1 through1 13 in this case based upon that evidence in your testimony I'll find that a violation as charged does exist on the property in order compliance honor before July 31st 2024 failing which of f in the amount of $100 per day will acre and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 uh to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing okay next one my final case yes I'm sorry one more right um yes yes sir Lara I guess it's Martha Lara case it's k case enf 2023 020 120 576 let me just say that again enf 2023 12576 the respondent is Martha Lara and again whenever you're ready okay my name is Chris caner I've been sworn in the respondent Martha lar is not present this case concerns the property at 2651 Southeast Janet Street located within Stewart within Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Martha laa uh copy of the property appraiser record of County of the ownership of the property is County's exhibit one on December 15 2023 I inspected the property at the time I observed fence replace and it was an AC installed without a permit at the time I photographed the property the photograph accurately show what I saw then and a mark discounting exhibits 2 three and four two nice new fence exibit three the ACN question is over here in the corner behind the tree exhibit four both sides of the home have new sections of fence a Google street map view from 2019 show the old fence which is county zit five so this is basically what the proper used did look like shown that this section of fence replaced and it didn't exist across the driveway 2019 and exhibit six is the permit history for the property showing that no permit there's been no recent permit since 2019 for a replacement of a fence the pre-existing fence was built back in 2003 based upon the investigation I ISU to notice a violation toor Lara on February 7th 2024 which is marked this County exhibit 7 in the notice of violation the respondent was cited for Section 105.1 Florida building code AS adopted by Martin County at section 21.1 General ordinances to obtain a permit at the time I just cited it for the fence even though I had pictures of the AC I didn't okay catch it till later and the notice of violation respondent was given until March 7th 2024 for to correct the violation was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and amended notice of violation uh compliance was not achieved an amended notice of violation because of an address change was sent with a notice of heing on June 24th 2024 by certified mail so basically what had happened in the midst of the case the property appraiser changed so that's kind of exhibit 8 showing that exhibit nine is the amended notice of violation to to have the proper address the updated address and the exhibit 10 would be the sign NTA which for at the time would was going to be the May hearing at 9:00 a.m. okay as I was Was preparing the case um and observing the case in the pictures with my supervisor it was noticed that the AC was also installed without a permit so the so the case was removed from the May hearing because of additional violations were discovered and time was given uh the owner was given more time to correct the additional violations compliance was not still not achieved and another amended notice of violation uh was sent with an amended notice of hearing to include the additional violations by certified mail on June 5th 2024 March this County exhibit 11 and 12 so the reason for this amendment we had the proper address but now we included to get a permit for the fence and the AC unit all right then the signed NTA which would be for today's hearing to include also getting a permit for the AC to with def fence the return receipt was not received so on June 7th 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting in the affidavit are posting or mark this County exhibits 13 and 14 13 is my posting 14 is my Affidavit of posting sorry okay I have I spoke to the property owner discussed the violations and what needed to be done to correct them uh then I therefore went to the property again on June 18 2024 and saw that decided violations had not been corrected at the time I photographed the property the photographs ACC show what I saw then and I marked this County exhibits 15 16 and 17 with a screenshot of the current permit history for the property as exhibit 18 so 15 defense still they didn't take it down 16 AC still in place 17 defense still up and exib 18 being as of yesterday the permit history shows that no new permits for the AC and or new fence have been applied for I request that all counties exibits be received in evidence based upon the testimony and the evidence I request that the respondent Martha lower be ordered to comply with the CED provisions of the Martin County Code by July 31st 2024 if not compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day until the violations are corrected the county has incuded the cost of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing all right when did you speak to miss Lara uh in between uh the May hearing and today um she B she stated that um she's not the reason for the address change she doesn't reside at the property her brother is she was hoping that he was going to correct the violations so I told her what needed to be done and that was my last contact with her all right okay um well anybody here on behalf of Martha Lara looking out seeing no one without that objection I'll accept into evidence the County's exhibit 1 through 18 in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that violation as charge does exist on the property and Order compliance on or before July 31st 2024 failing which of finding the amount of $100 per day will acre and forther reward cost in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing okay thank you sir thank you [Applause] okay all right Miss whatz are you going to swear in here do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give me the truth old truth or nothing but the truth so up you go all right uh let's see all right this is casf 2023 12062 and the respondent is Casey Levy yes and whenever you're ready my name is Kelly Switzer and I've been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Casey Levy is not present this case concerns the property at 8249 Southeast Eagle Avenue Hound Florida 33455 this case was not generated for an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Casey Levy a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on December 4th 2023 Nicholas fiser a code compliance investigator for Martin County inspected the property at that time he observed an unpermitted addition that was added to the mobile home at the time he photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what he saw then and is marked as Count's exhibits 2 through 4 that's the um addition on the the one side this is the other angle and then four is where you can see where they are attached to the to the mobile home based upon the investigation he issued a notice of violation to Casey levy on January 12th 2024 in the notice and the notice of violation is marked as County's exhibit 5 in the notice I cited he cited the following Martin County code violations section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General orin's Martin County Code and the notice of violation the respondent was given until February 12th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice a hearing was issued by certified mail on May 21st 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit six the return receipt was not received therefore I posted the property and at the Martin County Administrative Building the posting and the Affidavit of posting is marked as County's exhibits seven and8 posting my affidavit okay a permit application was applied for but has not been approved a screenshot showing the permit status is marked as County's exhibit 99 it's waiting on applicant I went to the property again on June 18th and saw the site saw that the cited violation had not been corrected at that time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then as Markus Cy's exhibits 10 and 11 the structure is still on site it's just another angle I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony of EV evidence I request that the respondent Casey Levy be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by July 31st 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has occurred a cost of an amount of $575 conducting this investigation and requests that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay anybody here on behalf of Casey Levy or L seeing no one uh without objection I'll accept in evidence the County's exhibits one through eight 11 in this case based upon uh that evidence and your testimony I'll find that a violation as charg do exist on the property in order compliance owner before July 31st 2024 failing which you find in the amount of $100 per day will acrew a further award cost in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county County at the conclusion of this hearing thank you ma'am isn't inspection okay well let's see you're not miss espot I am not your honor I plot to today I'll be playing the part of her but you're going to take the case right is that correct okay so this is the dagostino case it's enf 20243 60-1 Alfred dagostino and if you'll raise your right hand do you swear or affirm testimony about to give will be the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth so all you go yes sir honor okay let me catch up here this is 6001 okay whenever you're ready yes sir my name is Charles ambretti and I've been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Alfred dagostino is is not present this case concerns the property at 2209 Northeast rustic way Jensen Beach Florida 34957 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Alfred dagostino a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is Cy's exhibit one okay on March 14th 2024 officer espot inspected the property at that time she observed trash in an operable vehicle and a vehicle abandoned on the county right of way at that time she photographed the property the photographs accurately show what she saw then and are marked as County's exhibits to three and four exhibit two this is the property right here the cars that were parked on the RightWay the trash and debris in the back here okay the boat on a trailer is a separate property your honor different property yes sir also on the RightWay okay yeah go ahead okay exhibit three is another another angle of the trucks parked in the RightWay and exhibit 4 trash all stored within the confines of this driveway trash at the front part of the property here trash at this angle here all right at that time or based upon the investigation officer espia issued a notice of violation to the owner on March 22nd 2024 marked as County's exhibit 5 in the notice she cited the following Martin County code violations section 67201 B trash nuisance declared Martin County or Martin County Code General ordinances Martin County Code section 91.33 abandon in right of way General ordinances Martin County Code and section 91.3 4 point a generally inoperable Vehicles General ordinances Martin County Code in the notice of violation the respondent was given until April 5th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so officer espia performed a follow-up investigation on April 26 2024 and saw the property remained in violation her follow-up investigation photo is marked as County's exhibit 6 a closeup of the trash and debris all still compacted in the drive way all because compliance was not achieved a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on May 3rd 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received therefore on May 23rd 2024 officer espat posted the property and the Martin County Administration Building the Affidavit of posting is marked as County's exist I personally performed an inspection on the property on June 18th 2024 and saw that the sided violations had been corrected the compliance photos are marked as Cy's exhibits 9 and 10 exhibit 9 this is where those trucks were parked and are no longer there exhibit 10 he had cleaned up everything that was compacted in the driveway and stored everything neatly however based on the history of the property and the number of times code enforcement has cited it for trash the county is requesting a do not repeat order for trash and debris a screenshot of the property's history of the Code Enforcement cases for this property is marked as Count's exhibit 11 I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence and that would conclude my testimony okay all right anybody here on behalf of Alfred dagostino seeing no one without objection I'll accept into evidence the C's exhibits 1 through 11 in this case and based upon that evidence and your testimony I'm going to find that it is appropriate to order the Violator not to repeat the violation and to pay costs in the amount of $575 uh to be paid at the conclusion of this hearing um and for folks at home wondering what happened here yes uh I don't believe we're charging anything as far as the cost on this one oh all right well uh I'm looking at a draft order that that it says order not to PE repeat violation and to pay costs scriven is eror okay I believe in the order it states0 um was that somehow negotiated or is that just a decision that you all have reached administrative decision here okay all right um okay well well Mr dagostino if you're watching you got away good the county is not asking for cost in this case however uh again for the folks at home uh an order not to repeat a violation can occur where someone was in violation and failed to correct it in the time set by the officer for correction and prior to the hearing so so in this case uh Mr dagostino did come into compliance prior to the hearing but uh not uh in in the time required of him by the uh code officer so typically uh that would also subject that person to the payment of administrative costs because we had to have this the presentation you had to prepare the case and or Miss espat did most of the most of the work here but but you went out to see it as well so um Mr deagostino does does get away um without uh having to pay those costs in this case but um I would say as a general rule that that's not the situation so okay very good um and zero costs all right and Miss Bradley you're going to start with the aine case yes sir all right if you did I swear you in I did all right yes that's right Mr glass all right so um Miss Bradley your SW in this is case number enf 2024 04784 and the respondent is Cara aine I don't whether I'm pronouncing that correctly but not sure let's see okay all right whenever you're ready okay my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been smoron I'm the nuisance baitman coordinator from Martin County the respondent Cara azen is not present this case concerns the property at 1076 Northwest 13th Terrace Stewart in Martin County Florida his case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Cara azen a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one okay on January 17th 2024 the magistrate signed an order for section 21105 swimming pools with the compliance date of February 29th 2024 a copy of the recorded order is marked as County's Exhibit 2 on May 22nd 2024 I went to the property and photograph the property the photographs are marked as Count's exhibit 3 no maybe oh I see it now so the pool is green back there still has not brought it into compliance okay and we see that basically through the slats and that chair and yeah I mean the fence is only like 3T I I can see it so but yes um on May 30th 2024 a notice to a bait was sent to Cara Zen for Section 21.15 swimming pools General ordinances Martin County Code a copy of the sign notice to a bait is marked as County's exhibit 4 all right on June 7th 2024 not an amended notice to Abate to add section 67. 20101 pointd abatement Martin County Code was mailed by certified mail to carine and also mailed by first class mail a copy of the amended notice to aate is marked as County's exhibit five on June 7th 2024 I also posted the property with a copy of the amended notice to Abate and also photograph the property the Affidavit of posting is and the photograph of the posting are marked as County's exhibits six and seven so that's the Affidavit of posting and then that is the actual posting on the property and exhibit 8 is a picture of the pool showing that it's still not in compliance on June 18th 2024 I did a follow-up inspection and found that the violation still existed on site the photograph is marked as Count's exibit nine so this was yesterday's and no change no sir I request that all the Count's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the order to Abate the swimming pool be signed and allow the county to cover the pool and place it into compliance and that concludes my testimony [Music] okay looking at the attached quit claimed it's in a different name do I have the right maybe I don't have the right deed attached might be the right deed that's attached hang on I'll pull it up for you yeah the deed says lot 11 block 11 Palm Lake Park that's cuz they attach the wrong deed to this that's what's attached okay hold on one second I'll get it for you just want to make sure we've got the right property and then don't want you covering somebody else's pool well I mean you know things happen this they do okay well you'll have to make that make sense I wonder if um well what's the date of that deed 2007 is the same one you have in your hand yeah it is and uh so I'm going to venture the property appraiser has the wrong deed attached because that's where I pulled this off of I'm not yeah [Applause] let's search ozine okay and just say for there you go how about that so the property apprais are just never updated there yeah if maybe just print that um yeah I'll put it and attach it because that's the I'll also that's the later deed yeah I'll also send it to the property appraiser and find out why it's not well isn't that interesting okay all right so anybody here on behalf of Cara oine uh seeing no one and um without objection I'll accept in evidence the counties exhibits one through n in this case and based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that it is appropriate for the county to Abate this nuisance and to um then thereafter um hold the property owner responsible for the payment of reasonable cost in this case and it is so ordered okay Switzer you're back I am all right uh let's see we've got um the hob sound mobile home park case yes all right this is case number enf 2023 1000 698 and the respondent is hob sound mobile park home park Inc hob sound Mobile Home Park ink is the respondent uh do I see an order yeah it's actually the respondent is maid do if you're look uh no that's the next case this one is this one looks like Irene ARA de Maharis oh yes I'm sorry that's the yeah okay I'm with you okay and and before we start if there's a scriveners error on the order when you get to it on the signature page uh above the respondent signature um and for the the mo H mobile s Park was entered in so if uh when we get to that point if you wouldn't mind making a correction and putting the actual um respondents name and she signed it I can just cross it out she it's typed her her name is typed underneath I'll just cross out the mobile home park thank you okay thanks all right whenever you're ready miss witzer my name is ky Switzer and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Irene ATA day Maharis is not president the owner has entered into a stipulated agreement this case concerns the property at 1 90 Southeast Federal Highway lot 18 hob Sound Florida 33455 this case was not generated from mononymous complaint according to the official record of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is hob sound mobile park Inc a copy of the property appraiser record of ownership is County's exhibit one in this case in this case the homeowner is being cited therefore a copy of the certificate of title is marked County's exhibit to okay on October 31st Nicholas fiser a co-compliance investigator received a case for an expired permit application for enclosing the screen porch upon in inspection of the property he noted that the work was completed at the time he photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what he saw then and is marked his couny ex exhibits 3 through five three is the expired letter four is the front view of the the mobile home and so is five this section here is where it was added based upon the investigation he issued a notice of violation to the to the respondent on November 17 2023 and the the notice of violation is marked as Count's exhibit 6 and then notice he cited the Martin the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code in the notice of violation the respondent was given till December 18th 2023 to correct the violation and was informed the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice a hearing was issued by Tama Bush uh by certified mail on May 20th 2024 and as marked as County's exhibit 7 the owner requested an extension therefore an amended notice of hearing was sent by certified mail on February 1st 2024 for today's hearing and is marked as County's exhibit 8 hang on just a second sure I'm looking at exhibit 7 MH which has a February 21st date I thought you said may but maybe not February 1st 2024 okay all right and then you it was later amended okay yes got it the return receipt was not received therefore the prop the property and the Martin County Administrative Building were posted on May 20th 2024 the Affidavit of posting is marked as oh I'm sorry there's the amended for May 17 that's eight exhibit 8 exhibit 8 yes property um the return receipt was not received therefore the property and the Martin County Administrative Building were posted on May 20th 2024 the affidavit posting is marked as County's exhibit 9 on May 28 2024 the owner entered into a stipulated agreement the owner agreed to come into compliance with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by September 30th 2024 if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine of $100 for every day that violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of $350 and at this time I request that all Cy's exhibits be received into evidence okay and what if anything was your relationship to the case um I'm just here to read to pres presenting yes all right and and truly I guess the County attorneys could have just presented it as well um it you you know what I'm saying I mean this officer had really had no relationship to it yeah but it's a stipulation so it really doesn't no it speaks for itself speaks for itself yeah I note for the record that Irene ARA de Maharis did sign on behalf of herself and uh that t Bush signed and I recognize that signature on behalf of the county so um I'm going to find that it is appropriate to approve the stipulation and agreed order in this case and I'm not sure did I accept into evidence the cand exus 1 through nine if not I am okay September 30th all right good thank you and you've got another stip right that's correct okay this is um case number enf 2023 1201 76-01 and it's Christian and Michael my do are the respondents and whenever you ready my name is Kelly Switzer and I've been sworn in I'm a co-compliance investigator from Martin County the respondents Christian midok and Michael a midok are not present the owners have enter entered into a stipulated agreement this case concerns the property at 8065 Southeast Mansion Lane Hound Florida 33455 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are are Christian midock and Michael a m midok a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on December 11th the property was inspected and at the time they observed observe observed excuse me unpermitted uh B bamboo fence divider and P patio pavers in the rear of the property the property was photographed and the photograph accurately shows what was seen then and is marked as counties exhibits 2 through four the front that's the divider and those are the pavers based upon investigation a notice of violation was issued to Christian midok and Michael a midok on January 24th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 and the notice cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permit when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinance's Martin County Code for the installation of pavers in the bamboo plank fence and the notice of notice of violation respondent was given until February 26 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so okay based on a lapse of time a reinspection was completed by Officer tamaa Bush and an amended notice of violation was mailed on March 14th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 6 and cited the following Martin County code violations section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances of the Martin County Code to apply for offense permit and for the unpermitted patio slab the fence has been removed and is no longer in violation the respondent was given until April 3rd 2024 in the notice to comply the vi to comply and was was informed the need to contact Martin County C enforcement upon doing doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on May 6th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received the property and the administrative building were posted on May 20th 2024 and Affidavit of posting is marked as Count's exhibit 8 on June 5th 2024 the owners Christian midok and Michael midok entered into a stipulated agreement the owner agrees to come into compliance with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by September 30th 2024 if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of$ 350 and at this time I request that all County's exhibits be received into evidence okay so um anybody here on behalf of the Mido Christian or Michael midok being no one I'll accept in evidence the County's exhibits 1 through eight in this case the stipulation as in the prior case speaks for itself is signed um by Michael a midok and Christian midok on behalf of themselves and uh T mik Bush whose signature I I recognize on behalf of the county um and as stated uh the respondents have paid $350 in administrative cost the date for uh compliance is September 30th 2024 failing which of f in the amount of $100 per day AC Cru I'm going to find that it's appropriate tener this order okay all right uh yes ma'am thank you and then we've got one more thing and that's the uh minutes of the Martin County Code Enforcement magistrate hearing for May 15 2024 I have uh reviewed them they've been um submitted by the county staff and I'm going to go ahead and approve them note for the record that the staff recor Jillian Cain has signed them as say John colando on behalf of the county okay uh anything else to come before us today no believe not all right so um our next hearing is is when it is July 17th and I will see you all then thank you very much have a good month thank you we're a jour