e e e e e e e e e e oh that it's still 4:00 I hadn't got to 401 yet so I'm officially starting the meeting looks 4:00 to me call the order um Pledge of Allegiance see I I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay next thing on the agenda is approval of the minutes make a motion to approve got a motion a second a second any discussion all in favor favor I good any conflicts of interest no yeah I have a I have an artum going to hang out in the middle of Dixie is that conflict of interest no it's IL [Laughter] legal thank you Michael help he likes to pick on me anyway so okay any comments by the public no none going on to Old business the uh Rio roundabouts so um we're going to do a little tag team here today you guys um remember Lise Rafa she is here and she's going to be your person for art in public places moving forward so we're going to sort of tag team today's meeting a little bit um and we wanted to bring back the uh RFQ to you we did make some changes based on your input last month or two months ago and also based on some additional information from the developer and input from Martin Arts I don't think this is the absolute last draft um and that's a little bit driven by the timeline and some additional information but just to um show you the things that we did uh look at based on some again some of your input the uh I'll just talk about the timeline real quick here so we're looking at uh a timeline that's going to run sort of concurrently with how the developer is going to build Dixie Highway in Rio and they do not have that yet approved through growth management but we expect that that's going to happen within the next couple to three months um so then I'm going to get a little bit of a timeline from the developer that's going to tell us when they expect to be starting that so that we can put out the call uh when all of that is happening because what we would like is for a to have all of the finalized plans to put with the RFQ but we'd also like for the artists if they wanted to potential um parti ipants to be able to uh give us their proposals and then if there are specific things that they need that that can go into the construction if that's uh necessary so we we want we want to do it just a touch ahead but sort of around the same time so there'll be that'll be a little bit of a um a dance that we'll have to do so you'll see that date in in yellow the July 15th that is really probably not true but we just put it in there um we did listen to things that you told us and Elise had a great idea that we'll put out the RFQ and then we will have links in the document so that it's not a big huge document that's going to talk about some historical information about the Rio area which I I think would be really helpful and also to um talk about the fact that it's an opportunity Zone and to have someone able to click onto the prospectus so that they could have that information as well because that has a lot of Economic Development information just it just gives you a good feel for what's in the community um and that could be helpful to anyone that's going to answer this um these are parts that were added that Elise did some search on and with the help of fdot um came up with lots of things that needed to be added I think so site constraints you'll see uh we did get to uh somebody here mentioned height in the last meeting so that's referred to or at least it's you know people have a little bit more of a guideline when we talk about the site constraints and then as well as the design criteria uh that is something else that uh Elise added now you will notice that there are a couple of things that maybe are said more than once but I think that that's important so that was purposeful um we're not just repeating ourselves because we didn't pick it up but that we thought we it needed to be set again because it's a site constraint and it's also a design criteria so they need to really pay attention to a couple of those uh things height being one of them for example so uh site plans are going to oh wait we didn't we got to overview okay so overview we did look at this again because we had discussed it at the last meeting and Elise came up with a couple of things that were added um so in talking about movement again we're talking about these this art being on a roadway um and so we can't have it moving around and distracting drivers and pedestrians or bicyclists for that matter um so movement was something that you guys had questioned a little bit um and textured movement is kind of what we're going to be looking at and I'm going to show you a really nice example of that what did I just do with that so here is texture and I don't know Elis if you want to talk about these oh well this piece is so I have to say my name right yeah I'm obviously new so Elise Rafa office of Community Development um basically texture movement is using texture to create an imply movement so this is a really nice use of the elevations it's made out of Styrofoam cups it lives in the MFA in Boston weird styrofoam cups right so these are just a few examples and then you know through this piece the brush strokes and how they move implies movement um we all know V Go's star night I would hope we do and then yet another one where it's using texture to imply movement so we thought that would be a good way to have movement for the C tips I'm sorry what Q-tips Q-tips actually oh wow so it's hard yeah it looks soft to me it looks like it's going to be soft to the doesn't it right you like feathery or something that's looks like it should be in the ocean but yeah so just to give you we wanted to give you a little idea of what that was all about and we could include some of those examples as well if um you know if we wanted to do that so there's our timeline we did talk about that I think that that's going to to be pushed forward um and then these things were were just at least just redid um in order to make them things that we can receive and whatnot um all of this pretty much stayed the same except for the one thing that we did change um I think we had said we we'll select a maximum of four that doesn't mean that we have to select four could mean that we select three you know that would be our maximum uh number but it doesn't mean that we have to have that so I I had changed that instead of saying the four finalist just the finalist because uh that gives us a little leeway if we don't have four that we want you know we don't have to pay an extra artist group to come and give us a presentation um and then changed I just changed these to indicate uh the direction and location I did have to change because I had them a little bit wrong on the first one uh we will have the site plans included and we also received the landscape plan today from the developer so that would be included as well we are going to get input again from Martin arts and also from our legal department um we will'll need to go over this I think just to be on the safe side make sure everything is the way we need it and then when we're ready to send out we'll keep you posted though at the next meeting in terms of the timeline based on what the developer tells us in the next month and that's all we have on that other than answering any questions or taking any further input from you and if you do come up with something think of something look at this again in a week how you know you can always em email us with uh whatever you might want to let us know um of course I have something to say I I know that there was an architectural representation on what these guys were thinking about building and to the extent that that hasn't changed would that that might be helpful also for them to understand yes right yes you did mention that and we did we did tell them that that we wanted to have those things yeah okay so it was the renderings so that kind of the concept plan right yeah so that they can see what's going to be around it right what the yeah yep building I did not mention that but I did have that written down that's it for me yeah that will be included any comments questions I'll make a motion to approve it I second it great okay fantastic all in favor I I program and project updates so again we're going to both do this a little bit together um virtual art inventory tour for our committee members uh that will start in July and I don't know what Alisa's plan is for that so I think it will be a surprise we're going to leave that up to her um the Artis and Guild of Martin County if you recall last meeting Nancy Turell was here and she talked about kind of getting us together oh you are here he's here too she talked about getting us together with Martin Artisan's Guild which we did last week we did a presentation at one of their meetings and I have to tell you that they are an amazing group if you have a chance to go to their website um their website is Martin Artisans guild. org and it is just chalk full of so much information they have a location on Ocean Boulevard I don't know Rich have you ever been there it's a location on Ocean Boulevard um the Harbor Bay Plaza and it's a boutique so they have event space gallery space and boutique so they have events like Gallery openings they have openings they have art in there all the time in their galleryy yeah I've actually walked by it I didn't know what it was yes and then they also have a boutique where you can purchase uh art from local artists from some of the people that are either exhibiting there or are members of The Artisans Guild uh I don't know how many people they actually have but there was a really nice group that that showed up at the meeting last week for the presentation and so we did get to tell them all about art and public places and to talk a little bit about maybe some of the things we could do together and I don't know if any of you remember but when we first started in 2017 we had talked about uh doing some educational public education about art uh for the community and we had kind of met with the Elliot uh Museum a little bit and with Martin Arts as well um and they do a ton of education for local artists and you have to be a member actually to get to this spot on their website but they have everything you can think of for an artist who wants to run a business or I mean really even to how to hang a picture correctly had a frame a picture and I thought oh this is great I'm going to go you know and they were like no you have to to be a member I like bummer but um the education piece is something that maybe we can look at doing with them in the future and maybe have an event or two or a seminar or a symposium I don't know that's just an idea that we kind of threw out there we are definitely going to be sharing information so they'll be on our website we're going to be on their website so that um you know we kind of get a little out there through them and vice versa uh uh and I also talked to them a little bit about repair and maintenance because this is a great group to know because they can also assist us with keeping our our inventory in repair um and doing maintenance for us as well so uh doing inspections for us and all all of th those kinds of things so it was really a fantastic um meeting and I think will be a nice collaboration in the future so I would encourage all of you to go up to Ocean Boulevard and take a walk around have a glass of wine you know purchase whatever now I I was going to recommend that you know yeah next door that'd be okay my favorite restaurant called Thai restaurant you know I like Thai food oh is that is that a good tie place there oh really is we'll have to check that out my wife love Naomi write that down so we can go we'll do that um so next on our list we have potential grant opportunities I'm going to let elely take that one because she looked at uh what Nea is offering these days yeah so Nea is National Endowment for the Arts and they have two grant opportunities that are available one is the grants for art projects that's du in July 23rd so we're going to see what we can do there it's a one for one up to $100,000 and then the next one would be similar setup for Arts projects it's $150,000 and doe in August and we would need a nonprofit Arts partner which naturally would be Martin Arts would be great for that behind us and I have Pro Nancy for all thing grants so at least what kinds of projects are those would those fund so from what I was reading it's you know public art projects murals Arts programming you know we were talking about progr yeah educational type thing that we could do would be great for something like that so and they do different things like music don't they would they find like yeah I mean Nancy concert like a little Concert Series yeah every so it's really something um now that we do have uh additional staff it's this is the kind of thing that we can start looking at seriously exciting um potential new any questions on that if anybody has any questions we'll just keep going no I can tell you that I i' people have come to me with some ideas so you know we'll definitely throw them out there oh yeah that's exciting yeah um so again Jamie thank you for the assist runs right into my next comment um we did not rehearse this I just want yall to know uh potential new project for Palm City Place uh this did come to us from an illustrious member of this committee um as you know Palm City Place has a trail that goes around a beautiful sta has a fishing pier and an area people can sit and look at um Wildlife that is there including I think an alligator I can show i' I've heard I've only heard I don't know um but anyway um so uh Dr santel has uh suggested that we may want to consider uh doing some Artful signage that can go around with pictures supplied by uh by his photography of some of the things that you see there that and with some information about what that is of course with our logo on on that and I thought it was a fantastic idea it's a small project um so something that we're going to put on our list if uh the committee would like to see us put that on the list we don't have to decide to spend money on it yet but just so that it goes on our potential project list I think it's a would be a really nice one so I wanted to throw that out at you and um then I'm going to turn it back over to Elise okay so website changes I just use it like do you mind typing it in um I've been working on updating the art and public places web page to get the logo on it make it a little bit more um engaging for especially public use with the FAQs all listed on there you know what is public art how is it funded um letting it central um how do you get out of that click on go back to I clicked on the little house your cursor down there you missed it oh why didn't the little house work just a different always gets me hello okay okay so I don't know if we can all see that but just re-up dating it like I said using some of our branding we have this Collections and programs so folks can explore the collection we have Martin mural's program the artist Network what I would like to do with this tab specifically is create that into more artist opportunities so we're working to have a sub page where it'll have you know this application resources for artists on things like grants or art in public places Martin Arts um Mar Martin Artis skill Martin artison Guild exactly so that'll be kind of like an artist Hub sub page so I'm working to get that all done and then as you see down here it's about you know public art advisory committee and who's on the committee the meetings and then all the FAQs which I thought would be really helpful for those that are just wanting to educate themselves instead of reading through our wonderful manual that's a million Pages we can have it right here um and that's about that so she's going to be continuing to update any ideas or anything that you all think that should be there let us now let Elise know yeah and then I just wanted to add two that relates to the virtual tour I mean how I would like to see it is going to be in a video format I'd really like to go out and film the pieces if we have the artists that live here locally to get some of those candid conversations about the piece about them as artists and I'd like to bring break it into segments because we do have quite a bit and I I do Envision these to be a little more indepth more than a a 30 second reel on Instagram for instance so um that'll be to come so and that would live in this whole explore art collection there'll be photos but then links to these video series is how I see it so for each piece of art can I click on that and see the art right now currently yeah on the list yeah yes I believe cuz we have this fun map system is it this right here here we are okay so when you click on that it has the map and then a photo the piece with some general information and also part of my project to myself is updating all the photos and then it just goes through each one yeah yeah if you click on the list below below does it take you to that same spot uh this is just a that's just list right yeah it would be cool if if you could click on that to go right to that picture something that would be really yeah no and that's I'm open to any see they didn't bother to say that to me cuz they know my limitations but I agree that maybe it's more of a picture gallery that when you click on it it has all that information so I'm I'm totally on board it's nice how you can scroll through them but I agree I think it'd be great if you had like a little link attached to each of these and you can go specifically to that take you up to that map section you had up above just basically that same thing thing just go right instead of 1 2 3 4 we go to eight or whatever it was yeah well I'll see what we can do um but I'm excited it'll it'll be a whole new look for the website yeah I like it's got the map and then a photo of it and a little description I think that's all great yeah this has served us this has served us well I think yeah and the new Martin Arts magazine came out and it's by the um sign and Sheet area if you'd like to take one home very good I have nothing else Elise no you're good I'm good okay okay so if you have nothing else we'll go to any public comments it's a race Julie priest I have a question for Elise you mentioned a grant program and when you started speaking we have an after school program over uh at the Vince bino Center and then that turns into a summer camp program can the youth there the children there take advantage of applying for a grant through of course the supervisor for uh public art of any kind learning of different media I would need to research a little bit more on that um but you're saying through the Parks and Recreation the department of recreation and the lady's name is Lauren mahalik yeah yes okay if if you do have those opportunities I'm sure she'd be happy to learn about them I'll I'll try to get with Lauren and see what we can do and there's also a similar program running in Sno near the uh solo colored school next door the uh Miss costell Williams Learning Center they would probably also be interested thank you okay thank you that one's that one's called The Reach program thank you with with cookie hey I'm here I have to say something well I hope so Nancy turle executive director of Martin Arts so thank you again for everything that's happening here very very excited about the big project in Rio um been talking to my counterpart down in the Keys who runs the counties and the city's public art program from Monroe um they've got two half a million dollar projects going down there so there's a lot of public art happening in Florida um there's a lot of great resources um by connecting with other communities to learn from their mistakes and and do a better job so I'm been happy to work with Elise and Susan on that and we also have a meeting uh later in June with the city of Stewart um they wanted to talk more about how we can combine resources to come up with um so in the city of Stewart their program is all based on private developers that's the only way public art happens in the city So Pro private developers in the CRA of Stewart are required to do 1% of their vertical construction for the purchase of public art um so you've got a lot of people who don't really know anything about commissioning or selecting artwork and so I often Smart Ones I guess I'll say reach out and you know we have some conversations but we're talking about building out a little bit more of a reference point and a resource base for these for really the community on public art including narrowing down our big list of artists and the Guild's big list of artists to the artists who actually work in the kind of scale and scope that would be good for public art to try to help make it a little bit easier for all of them and I think that'll be great for our whole community so stay tuned yay thank you thanks thank you any comments from the members um I have one thing um you have challenged us to go out and find places for murals and the other day my husband and I were actually out and about and we were actually over at the Publix in Ocean Breeze and they have this huge massive blank wall with nothing on it it's got lighting already on it I I took a picture I'll show it to you but I I was just sitting there thinking it was like I mean it's so big that um it would be stunning um it would be really cool if we could get some of the local cool schools involved with an artist um and do a huge you you've seen it Julie it's huge I mean it's a huge retaining wall yes and it's just this ugly wall and but like I said we were looking it's like I said it's got Lighting on it it's got everything I mean like literally lighting shines right down on that wall that sounds fantastic perfect empty P I think you and your husband should take more walks sending we didn't walk there that time that was very helpful but anyway um yeah that would be great and we do have a potential uh mural at hobes down Library so that project is getting closer as well uh they just I think they're going to close they're going to close for like three months or something soon right Naomi already Clos they already did they already did so they're going to do their renov and then we'll do the have our outside project so that's coming up as well yeah is uh we need to do followup with the the moving company in the Golden Gate on Dixie Highway he was interested before the moving company yeah um you know the it is it's got like a brick he's on Dixie on Dixie you know they were they were very much interested for it we'll ask oh way down towards Indian at that end of Dixie yeah like a block in it's cross the street from uh House of Hope yeah okay oh okay but we'll ask Joy about him I think they call it the Hadley shoing Center or something okay and we've had no murals soon we're going to have like 20 murals well you gave us a challenge I did I was going to ask about the hopes Sound Library and you've already answered that question yeah I was excited to see that because that is supposed to be finished I mean they're supposed to do it this year and I had we hadn't heard anything so yay I still think those big Windows look like owl's eyes and be incorporated in you can you can put in your proposal Dr SEL oh yeah I just take photos the murals in hopes s are they listed on the art and public places the you know Nadia got like a part of our inventory um that's separate she's got like 25 them right she's and some of them now were funding for repair yes so anything so the way that's working is in the hopes sound CRA you have a creative placemaking fund um and any of those murals that are in the CRA that needed updating or I should say refreshing which they really did uh we can fund those and so that's a little partnership that we're doing with Nadia would they then be included on this website as a location uh they really wouldn't because we're not they they weren't commissioned through us I mean they're really not part of our inventory that's kind of more through the CRA than it is through this okay it's CRA dollars thank you for bringing it up that's actually part of the conversation with the city of Stewart too oh is you know maybe through our website at Martin arts.org having a comprehensive list whether they're private development public development that would be ni whatever the public art is having a central repository for where they all are yeah I think that's great idea fantastic that would be great yeah I love that idea I just one more thing too um on The Artisans Guild I I just went to their website and I see they have two levels of membership and one of the reasons be a member no yeah you have to actually be an artist but yeah apparently but they have an emerging um artist level and a professional artist level and to help meet our Mandate of educational among art maybe sponsoring some emerging artists with partial scholarship just as part of our budget would be a bad idea to raise awareness to maybe let the high school art programs know that that exist so when they first get out of school and are looking for heads up on how to start that could help that's a great idea and it gives a little bit of exposure to us at the scholarships have been what else do in public places do like that she's taking notes being taken pardon me notes being taken Lisa is writing yeah that's a very nice idea I thought we we voted a long time ago about having like a reception invite all the artists to loc clean all that stuff but that's what I was talking about we did because we were going to sponsor part of that monetarily as well um but it just never never happened we never never followed through with it uh for many reasons you know one of them being time and another one of them being funding there's a lot of CRA projects going on yeah yeah so now that we've got uh we've got a little you know another set of hands and another brain to help us um I I hopefully we'll be seeing more things like that happen yeah Jamie you had something thank you so back to your challenge yes so of course you know Port cero can't be as easy but there was an idea never okay there was an idea that did come about that I thought was a fabulous idea um and there is a dilapidated wall off of Cove Road from like 45th to 47th and I believe the business on the north side of that street owns that dilapidated wall so we were thinking we looked into that once there was an issue and I don't remember what it was but I remember having that conversation I wonder if they would be willing to do the investment program to be able to update that wall into maybe a center block or some type of where we could put a mural on there I don't know if that would work for investment program okay expenses and Landscaping it's yeah because it's worth a thought it does it does provide like did you take a picture of that for me absolutely send that send that to Elise and I and we'll take a look at it again because it'd be nice if if I do remember talking about that maybe this company would you know replace that wall and then we could put a nice mural on there and get like the schools involved you know like you you'd mentioned I think it'd be wonderful and then maybe some grant money would be able to be allocated toward it but I'll send I'll take a picture yeah do that I thought it was a great idea unfortunately we don't have the ligh I don't remember what was the outcome of that but it yeah it's really bad I know we talked about it maybe it's in the right away or something like it's like it's almost like a storage unit behind it for automobiles and we used to call it the junkyard but yeah it's really really bad but I thought that would be a nice spot for a nice mural well we'll take a second look Cemetery mhmh yeah that's what it was a cemetery because I remember but it's not on the cemetery property I know it's that I don't know that we want to do a mural on the cem No No that could be weird property use some textured motion or something in thatal lighting yeah Special lighting exactly I just i' like to thank you for bringing that up about uh Palm City Place I see a lot of birds I see out my office window all the time and there's all kinds of birds and an alligator that was using a fountain before it started up as a resting place uh that really was real Jordan showed me that picture and I was like that's not real it's real like Rex took that picture I said what but anyhow sit on that path not anymore uh I think it would be quite an addition to that with the walkway all the way around the the lakes to have identification of the book and it's amazing how many different things are there now that were not there before that sta um you know anybody that knows me will tell you I'm not a huge nature girl and I sit there and look at things that fly and creep so yes lots of interesting things to see there yeah and there's a lot of as I run away that's yeah I but was huge too came in and he was digging and I didn't see him so I stepped on top of him and I felt the Earth moving and I looked down and he was I passed out a a tortoise is that what you're talking about a big big Toto o those are protected you know you shouldn't hurt right I know I didn't I won't run one over but I'm not going to get out of my car and pick it up either I can tell you that they're hard to fix once you do uh but anyhow I hope everyone can come out to the patio it's quite a yes that's going to be a jewel of big celebration and uh it's going to be nice and it's it's funny Rex now that the fence came down all that stuff came down there's people in there all the time I'm sure you've seen them yes but I was the first one to Ed the cornhole as it should be anything else staff good thank you all very much and call this meeting to thank you end all right