okayy please be seated to take U uh the KSA equities Holdings in case first U we've got folks here and I see uh Mr Waters uh here you want to just come up to the podium Mr Waters and maybe just quickly make your appearance Tyson waters on behalf of the respondent okay and this is case number GMD 2023 0666 the respondent is KSA equi Holdings Inc it is um let's see officer Mitchell you're going to testify what we're going to do is he'll present the case and then if if there's any questions or issues it's a stipulated case so we should uh go through it pretty quick if you raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so help you again I do all right so what have we got okay we do have a stipulation agreement here uh my name is Jerry Mitchell and I've been sworn in I am a senior site compliance officer for Martin County the respondent KSA equities Holdings Incorporated is not pres but on behalf of him is press your button okay I don't know whether that helps or doesn't help but we'll see that that make a difference now maybe not [Music] oh okay anyways uh this case concerns the unassigned property located in Stewart Martin County Florida the case was generated by staff after discovering land clearing activity had occurred on the property without the benefit of a permit or development order according to the official records of the property appraises of Martin County the property owner is KSA equities Holdings LLC uh and that's County exhibit one aerial view of the subject property is going to be marked as County Exhibit 2 yeah this is Exhibit 2 which is showing the location of the property on May 26 2023 principal planner John McCarthy and myself inspected the property at that time we observed that understory habitat throughout the property had been cleared at that time I photographed the property the photographs accurately show what it's all then they're going to be marked as counties as if it's three and four three just showing that the understory habitat cleared and you can I'm looking West and you can see us one is the road you see in the background there County zit four is um clearing to you can also I'm looking to the east here and you can see the rental H Cal rentals properties which I'm showing here is clearing activity I'm also showing the um the brown stumps which is salt pal Meadows and their Upland habitat go back to exhibit two and just explain where you are okay we're at uh US1 and this is in serno it's south of Sno Road and North of Cove Road so we're at the northeast corner of Southeast Federal Highway and Southeast hydrangia Street okay yeah all right okay so that's exhibit two yeah and exhibit three is our ground proofing photos just showing the clearing of the ground understory uh clearing activity and four is same as well and showing the uh like I said the brown stumps is kind of showing the uh that was native habitat that was clear uh uh cleared during the clearing activities County exhibit 5 is a Google uh it's the January 14th 2023 Google Earth view of the arrow is just showing it's a rendition of the uh understory cleared on the property and those the blue lines are approximately the property lines on the property all right based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to KSA equities Holdings LLC uh and I'll explain the change in ownership as we go through hopefully hopefully and I also have Tyson Waters here if I need help but um so originally it was under KSC Holdings um LLC and in that violation I cited section 4.33 PR preservation of native Upland habitat Land Development regulations in section 4.37 land clearing plans and procedures Land Development regulations okay and notes of violation response was given to October 21st 2023 to comply per the compliance requirements on July 13 2023 the required land clearing permanent application was submitted subsequently on December 4th 2023 the required pamp application was submitted by the responded however both applications were incomplete uh because they required additional information to be submitted for staff to complete a full review staff had learned that the property is under contract for sale attorney Tom Sawyer from gunster Law Firm represents the buyer in this case the buyer's intention is to develop the property therefore on June 12th 2024 staff met with attorney Tyson Waters and attorney Tom Sawyer to to discuss the outstanding compliance requirements for the property which is the need to obtain approvals for the land clearing permit and also the p application with the outstanding compliance requirements and with the pending potential sell of the property it was agreed to enter into a stipulation agreement with the respondent based on this agreement I did hand deliver a notice of hearing to Mr Waters uh for the July 17 2024 hearing during the meeting it was brought to staff's attention that the title of the property had recently changed from KSA equities Holdings LLC to KSA equities Holdings Incorporated this was in order to correct errors found in the original deed the corrective Quick Claim Deed representing the changes is marked as counties is that it's seven and I only put the first page in there for a record I can enlarge that if you need me to so in essence basically went from KSA Equity Holdings LLC to KSA Equity Holdings incorporate okay um I completed an affid let's see okay that was exhibit s the de okay number and um I updated a notice of hearing with the corrected ownership information and emailed a copy to Mr Waters the notice of hearing issued for the July 17 2024 hearing is marked as County exhibit 8 and it has the corrected information on it also the legal legal description had been updated as well all right what's the change in the legal maybe I I have the whole entire deed here and I think um either maybe Tyson water or turny Tyson water or um Mr Sawyer could help us with this if need be that's that's fine go ahead okay so you've got exhibits 1 through n yeah exhibit 9 is just it's just showing I did do a hand delivery as per statute okay and that's U so we did enter into a stipulation agreement I requested all the exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the responds come in compliance respondent come in compliance with the CED code by April 30th 2025 and if a compliance is not achieved by the then to pay a fine amount of $100 per day per violation thereafter we have um like I said entered into a stipulation agreement and I have received uh the magistrate uh administra cost of 575 enforcing this matter okay and this concludes my testimony this time all right good um Mr Waters any objection am I accepting an Evidence exhibits 1 through n in this case all right so without objection so ordered and I let me just ask first off are the principles of uh the first whatever it was KSA equities Florida LLC and KSA equities Holdings and are they the same folks so what happened was there was a deed done back in I think 2022 that conveyed the property to K or attempted to convey the property to KSA equities Holdings LLC but that's not an entity and so the corrective deed was to convey it to the correct entity of the as originally intended okay all right all right um all right so and the legal description um what what's going on there um again with those what happened in 20122 was um this this overall entity KSA equities kind of took ownership of this entire track of land including um the area that is is just to the left on the on the screen let's look at um so I think is exhibit two is the best let look at exhibit two so that kind of whole track of land both what's outlined in blue as well as the the land just to the I guess it' be to the north on the screen to left all owned by the same entity um conveyed and that's part of that conveyance it was split into two well there was an air in the Deeds that split it both with the name of the entities that received it as well as the legal descriptions so that kind of was of record for quite a while um until both with this violation and also with the the property to the north recently obtained site plan approval and as part of that process is when all of these heirs were discovered okay so since then we've been PR we we've been correcting all of these Deeds so that was the change in the legal description essentially it just shifted the property a little bit to the South um so the legal description that's now part of the stipulation is the correct legal description for this subject property the clearing uh what happened with the clearing was um the then owner was approached by the sheriff's department one night to say that there's a homeless population community on the site and was requested to clean up the property and so with that he cleared up the underbrush which without the proper approvals and permits so that's where kind of we we we we came into this situation so it was on the entire parcel as part of similar to what we're asking to do with this violation the the the violation on the Northern side was cured as part of the site plan approval process which required a pamp so what the stipulation does it sets a hard deadline but the idea is as we proceed or the the contract purchaser proceeds with the site plan that's going to include a pamp however if for any reason that site plan does not proceed then we're still obligated to do an independent pamp okay to ensure compliance either way by that agreed upon date all right so and and the stip requires you to obtain an approved pamp by April 30th 2025 which we anticipate is the process ideally to get that site plan approval but there's any hiccups the count is assured that they're going to get the pamp and the end result that they expect one way or the other okay and um do you have Mr Colette here I do not know sir okay all right he came to my office yesterday and signed signed the stipulation all right and signed it in front of you I signed it in front of my assistant but I've been in constant communication with him and he was at the meeting um in June whatever it wasun he been an active participant in this all right he is the principal owner of of KSA equities Holdings Inc all right and I am his rep I I do represent the company I'm here on the company's behalf okay all right good um well um based upon the evidence and your testimony and your representations I'm I'm uh certainly in agreement with uh the stipulation and I will enter the agreed final order which requires your client to obtain an approved after the fact land clearing permit and an approv pamp by April 30th 2025 and note for the record that um $575 in administrative cost have been paid to the county and that um if your client fails to comply with the stipulation and agreed final order it it will uh mean a fine in the amount of $100 per violation per day okay all right good then it is okay no watered all right and we'll get a copy of that out to you thank you very much very good I will thank you yes you can take that y I appreciate it thank you all right okay let's see second case that we're going to take is um the pner case it's uh enf 2024 4 50411 Stephen Andrew pner is the respondent and uh it's a violation case Mr hosner is that you yes sir okay so I'll I'll swear you in after we hear from the county it's a violation case so it's up to them to make it their case and after which then we'll we'll go from there and matter of fact you can both just Raise Your Right hands if you will do you swear or firm testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you gu I do I Fair all right so we're going to hear from Miss espat first and then we'll go forward go ahead whenever you're ready my name is Maria espat and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator from Martin County the respondent Steven Andrew pner is present this case concerns the property at 58 Northeast 16th Terrace in Stuart Florida in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the off IAL records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Steven Andrew pner a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is Count's exhibit 1 on May 7th 2024 I inspected the property at that time I observed trash and Tents on the property at that time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and is marked as counties exhibits two and three let me zoom in a little bit these are the the tents there a a small brick right there exhibit number three has some wood leaning and here's another angle of the tent and there's some tree debris here in the front based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to the owner on May 16th 2024 marked as Count's exhibit 4 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 6 7. 20101 pointb trash nuisance declared trash Etc General ordinances Martin County Code and section 3.11 permitted uses Land Development regulations Martin County Code and the notice of violation the respondent was given until May 30th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so on May 28th 2024 I received an email from the owner who want to know information about the violation the email is counties exhibit 5 it shows his email and my response oh sorry okay great thank you I did a follow-up in inspection on June 5th 2024 and found more trash on the property and Tents remained on the property as well the follow-up photos are marked as counties exhibits 6 through n number six you could see the tents here still some tree debris the wood number seven is the other side of the property and this is all trash number eight it's a different angle more trash scattered and number nine is a map so where the tents are is on this side right here and this is all in red is the the whole entire parcel and this I would be where I did my followup of these photos after the follow-up inspection I emailed the owner but did not receive any reply the follow-up email is Cy's exhibit 10 okay compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail and regular mail on June 17 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 11 the return receipt was not returned therefore on June SE I'm sorry June 27th 2024 I posted the property in the Martin County Administrative Building the Affidavit of posting is marked as County exhibit 12 no more contact was received from the property owner therefore I went again to the property on July 16 2024 and saw the cited violations had not been corrected at the time I photographed the property the photographs accurately show what I saw then and are marked as counties exhibits 13 through 18 we still have tree debris here some more trash and a bit more on this side as well number 14 same trash and now there's um there's wood and it appears I don't know what this is um 15 is another angle more trash some here some more wood on the floor 16th is where the tents were so the tents are removed and now we have all of this 17 the tree debris and 18 is just a different angle and here's some uh containers plastic containers I request that all of the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Stephen Andrew pner be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by August 30th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per violation for every day the violations continue their Hereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and requested the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay um sir if you will um give us your full name and your address well my name is Steven pner and my address actually is part of the thing that I'd like to talk about because on my deed I believe it says 48 Northeast 16th Terrace and also uh the mailing the mailbox situation has evolved over the past year I'm a firsttime home homeowner a new homeowner I bought the place and moved in basically in September of 2023 um I think there's also that 58 thing and and there's also an issue of the homestead I appi went to the homestead office and at the time when I bought my property there was a tenant living there on month-to Monon okay that I had to be able to let me just stop you for a second the the property that we're talking about let's call it the subject property um is is that the property that you own yes okay and and you're saying that there the one in the pictures is correct is there could be a discrepancy with the address is that the address situation is very odd but the properties that she's Tak the prop that is my property okay and the pictures all right and um I I unfortunately I can't really resolve your addressing issue uh that may be between you and the property appraiser and the post office and there is an issue that this lady brought up about the zoning uh single family housing s that I'm zon for to return it back to a single family housing the entire Square it's about 100 met or 100 ft by 100 ft that belongs to me there's no longer any tenant there it's just me I own it I live there the entire place is mine I was considering I'm not sure well I I guess at this point I would go to the homestead office and make it 100% but even still with what she's saying it's still at least three quarters already single family that's one question another question is your honor if I could just clear that up that had to do with the tent violation as far far as people uh possibly living in the tents it it has nothing to do with the and that's moot now because that violation is no longer exist okay um I look at exhibit nine if you can pull that up Sirah if I could add one thing about the tents they were entirely for storage only there was boxes in there and stuff like that yeah I think no one was living in there I live in the trailer that's marked by the number 15 there but the entire I my intention is to build a home in the middle and including the trailer and the the guest house and the shed and stuff like that um so I think permanating is is the question and debris and trash is the question and the metal plates and building materials are the question that I have let me let me just make a a point and a question I guess to the county if is um the permitted use violation that was charged 3.11 is that still an issue in this case it resolved as of yesterday okay so that's I'm going to take that off the the the case compl I still have a question about that sir what if I did want to have tents up that I wanted to be in overnight on my own property I I don't think or what if I wanted to have other people on my property in tents and she takes a picture well if it's if you're renting the tents out if you're if you've got multifam use of it then then you can't do that but but then we'd be back here talking about it is that what you're saying I that's there would be an issue she would take a picture and then we'd come back and talk about it you know that's pretty remote and I'm it's a possibility I of course it's a possibility anything's a possibility but but I I wouldn't worry about that let's just address what we have in front of us my intention was for storage only okay so we got trash on the property that I see in those photos and let me just ask you there are 18 bits of evidence that the county has presented do you have any legal objection to any of those I am not understanding exactly what the issues are is what I is why I'm here oky do well debris and trash I guess is the next part of if the permitting is is clear and then so the tents are gone right now but my intention is to build storage sheds a house a garage a home a castle okay so you you so I have building material and I have formations with the cuttings of my trees hang on stop talking for a sec when you're ready to do all of that you're going to file for permits with the county you're going to have drawings that show exactly what it is you're going to do and and you'll deal with the building department over those permits don't don't project a situation that hasn't occurred yet all we're looking at today is trash on the site and they're based on the evidence and I'm going to unless you've got some legal objection I'm going to enter into evidence the exhibits 1 through 18 in this case and and um there are pictures that she's taken of my house I agree that that is true I disagree on what is considered trash and debris yes and I I understand that but that's not that's not a legal objection to those photos or the rest of the evidence so I'm going to say without objection I'm going to enter into evidence exhibits 1 through 18 in this case yes sir looking at those I I see trash and debris strewn around the property I that's what we're down to it's one issue and and basically I I think I've seen enough to tell you you're in violation you're going to need to clean it up it's not a it's not a big deal but it's something that you need to take care of as the property owner because the county code doesn't allow it to to look the way it looks today so so um the county has asked for compliance on or before August 30th uh any reason you can't get it clean up by that time sir my next question would be what are my artistic rights to build as I go and to have the building material available to explore and to play I answer my question is there any reason you can't clean up the property by August 30th at this time I'm still not understanding what I'm allowed to do and what I'm not allowed to do okay and you'll work with the with the code enforcement department and they're pretty good at knowing what the codes require and don't require Miss espot has been at this a while I'm sure she'll be happy to come out and and walk the property with you and tell you what you can and can't do okay but and even if even if you don't understand at this moment what the violation is I'm looking at the evidence and I can tell you based upon the evidence that a violation does exist on your property because of the trash and debris and and things that are strewn around it and so it's a simple simple fix you just need to go clean it up and um all right I I think I've heard enough I'm going to find that based upon the evidence your testimony sir and miss espat that uh their violation of 67201 B trash does does exist on the property I'm going to order you to comply um U by no later than August 30th 2024 failing which you find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and I am going to award costs um uh in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of the hearing so that's that's my ruling and I think you just need to Sir i' ask that a different a third party another agent be assigned to objectively with a new set of eyes take a look I would be willing to work with someone else someone who is not the initial investigator and I I mean you're welcome to talk to the to the county about that but but I'm not going to I don't assign code officers all I'm saying is I I don't see a reason for that but you know that's that's just me you can take that up with um W with the County Code Enforcement office okay sir I have $300 in cash today that's okay what I'm sure the county will take it on account um but the ruling stands at at $575 good luck I hope you get the property cleaned up by that time is there an appeal I I noticed there is an appeal process but I'd like to ask about itally because of the fine the the uh County uh Code Enforcement office can tell you about that as well it is to the Circuit Court and um uh you're welcome to take an appeal of my decision how how would I go I thought I was talking to the county and the code enforcement magistrate I'm confused here you're talking about talking to the county I'm talking to you you seem to be the chair of this I meeting no it's this is not a meeting it is a hearing I am a magistrate I just ruled in your case I don't um have really anything to do with the county staff they make appearances before me just the way you make an appearance I'm independent and and I don't you know work for the county in that regard I mean that's it's a it's a scenario where uh you have as much right as they have and so uh I've heard the case I've heard their testimony in evidence I've heard your testimony and and I've ruled on the case okay and you'll get a copy of this order and and if it occurs to you after reading it and thinking about the the hearing and this process that you want to take an appeal you're you're welcome to do that you have to do it within 30 days so make sure you do that I I again I don't represent so I can't tell you how to do it but if you find a an attorney uh who is familiar with the process they can take the appeal to the Circuit Court okay all right okay now your your alternate is to just go pick up the trash on the property the question would be where would it go that that would be my big question well where does all trash go it's I don't consider consider it trash okay it may be debris but it's building material for me then if it's properly stored and you you again take that up with the county they'll they'll uh guide you on that process I had the tenses storage sir yeah no that's that's not uh acceptable storage so okay okay all right thank you good luck we'll meet you back there give you aop you going to give him a copy of she probably all right be next do we have the shats case he paid okay we're going to re we've removed that one he came into compliance okay he came into comp compliance good okay that's great I I noticed looking at the docket that there were um looks like four cases that were in compliance three cases I guess which is great that's we're trying good work all right so the the next case um is the burn case Christopher and Julie burn are the respondents it's enf 2024 04915 um and officer ametti you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so you go yes sir all right your honor this is a a stipulated agreement okay all right good we can take that and so it as a stipulation my name is Charles ambretti and I've been sworn in I am a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Christopher Bernie and Julie Bernie are not present this case concerns the property at 861 Northeast indust Boulevard Unit 19 Jensen Beach Florida 34957 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are Christopher Bernie and Julie Bernie a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one okay on April 29th 2024 an expired permit letter was emailed to Christopher Bernie a copy of that letter is marked as County's Exhibit 2 based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation of Christopher Bernie and Julie Bernie on May 2nd 2024 Mark Des County's exhibit 3 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code for expired storage Loft permit in the notice of violation the respondents were given until May 31st 2024 to correct the violation and were informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so on May 31st 2020 before I checked the permit status and the permit remained expired since compliance was not achieved a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on June 4th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 4 okay okay let let me just stop you for a second I'm I'm trying to understand exactly what the issue was it looked like they had applied for um a loft of some sort in in a is it like a work live unit or is uh what it is your honor is a storage unit where people store their vehicles okay all right okay so that I I see in exhibit 4 unit 19 Jensen Beach Auto Vault Condominium Association so it's okay so it's that type of building and and what they they were they had applied to build a a loft above like where you might pull in vehicles is that it's a multi-level storage building okay and their permit for unit 19 got to the end and failed the final inspection okay got it all right go ahead I'm I'm up with you on exhibit 4 on June 26 2024 I conducted a follow-up investigation but due to the property being gated I could not access the unit this is Mark us County's exhibit 5 here you you can [Music] see yeah how it yeah that actually kind of explains a bit to me good thank you yes sir however a search of the inspection log showed a failing final inspection on April April 23rd 2024 and a screenshot of that inspection log is marked as County's exhibit 6 you could see here it failed the final structural for a handrail issue just left the final structural now pending oops the return receipt was not received so on June 27 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting and the Affidavit of posting are marked as Count's exhibits 7 and 8 my Affidavit of posting photo of the posting outside the Gate of the property okay I have spoken to the property owner and explained what he needed to do to come into compliance therefore I checked the permit status again on July 16 2024 and saw that the cited violation had not been corrected a screenshot of that permit status is marked as exhibit 9 however on July 16th 2024 the owners of the property Christopher Bernie and Julie Bernie entered into a stipulation agreement with the county and agreed to receive a passing inspection by the Martin County building department on or before November 1st 2024 and if not in compliance by then the owners will be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 a day thereafter for each and every day of non-compliance the administrative cost of $350 has been paid by the owners and with that I request that all the County's exhibits received into evidence okay all right so let's see without objection I'll accept into evidence the C's exhibits 1 through n in this case and I'm now looking at the stipulation and see that it tracks your testimony and that $350 in administrative costs have been paid to the county yes sir and uh that Christopher Bernie and Julie Bernie have signed on behalf of themselves and that you have signed on behalf of the county yes sir and I with that seems pretty simple pretty clear I'm going to go ahead and and uh execute the agreed order in this case okay thank you your honor thank you let's see that was by November 1st okay all right next case um also a stipulation officer counselor are you going to testify this is the uh Thomas Hunter price case um formerly known as I'm going to take a guess here franel egot Dame the is that right and franel edot price I think it's the franel edit Dame as per the uh deed and then she added price because they are married okay all right so this is uh husband and wife correct okay all right so um it's case number enf 20241 0022 and this is also a stipulation correct and if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I hope you go I do okay whenever you're ready my name is Chris crer I've been sworn in I am the co-compliance investigator for Martin County the the respondents Thomas Hunter price and th francel edit price um are not present this case concerns the property at 5140 Southeast Front Avenue Stewart Florida located within Martin County this case is not was not generated from an announced complaint this is uh the owners have signed uh and agreed to a stipulation agreement according to the oral records the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are Thomas Hunter price th franel edit price a copy the property appraisers record of ownership is County's exhibit one okay on January 23rd 2024 I inspected the property for an expired permit application BL 2023 061 753 for for a fence at the time I observed that the work had on the fence had been done without an issued permit and a new slab had been installed also without a permit at the time I photographed the property the photograph you show what I saw then and I marked as County exhibits 2 3 4 and 5 with the expired permit application letter as County Exhibit 2 exhibit two this is what initiated the case was uh an application shown expired uh exhibit 3 is my visit to the property the new fence section is to the right and then this new slab here right in front of the trash cans was was also installed oh okay let me let me me just ask a question and maybe this is for everybody's edification when uh the building department issues one of these letters that says um an application for a permit for proposed work has deemed to have been abandoned 180 days has gone by and no no inspections were triggered does that automatically come to uh code enfor is that how that works yes it does okay so that's how that case basically starts internally from the building department to code enforcement okay got it and I actually it's funny I've been doing this a long time but I never really knew how that process worked all right go ahead I'm sorry I interrupted you we're good we're up to exhibit the exhibit three is that just the front of the property showing the new fence section and slab exhibit four just another view of the fence section that was installed and exhibit five just an angle shot showing the new slab that was also poured okay based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Tom Hunter Thomas Hunter price they Fran seal edgit price on February 7th 2024 Markus County exhibit 6 that's my notice of violation and the notice I CED the following Martin County code violations Section 105 Florida building code AS adopted by section 21.1 General ordinances to obtain a permit for the slab and the fence or to remove both and the notice violation and respondent was given until March 7th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on June 24th 2024 is marked as County exhibit 7 the return seat was not received so on July 3rd 20 24 I posted the property a photo of the posting in the Affidavit of posting remark has County exhibits 89 it's my posting now is my Affidavit of posting okay on the day of the posting I met with the owner Mr Price and he agreed to a stipulation agreement basically he was um he had become confused with the permitting process and needed some more time so I offered a stipulation agreement um so on July 8th 2024 the owner signed and the requir $350 for the stipulation agreement I request that all the Count's exhibits be received in the evidence based upon the testimony and the evidence I request that the respondents Thomas Hunter price the Fran Ed Price be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the stipulation agreement by October 1st 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day until the violations are corrected that concludes my testimony all right um okay so without objection I'll accept in evidence the counties exhibits 1 through n in this case and based upon the evidence and the stipulation in front of me find that um stipulation requires compliance onor before October 1st 2024 failing which you find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and note that a respondent has paid $350 in administrative cost to the county the stipulation is signed by Thomas Hunter price and the franel egot Dame price um on behalf of themselves and officer Counsel on behalf of the county so um I'm going to find that it's appropriate to enter the agreed order in this case and no we've got a little bit of a formatting problem I'll just going to put agreed order on the top of the page that I'm going to sign okay thank you you don't need to redo this or it's fine just the way it is okay all right good thank you all right let's see officer Marcos all right we've got case number enf 2024 04295 and um the respondent is Adelia Benz yep Adia Benz and officer Marcos if you raise your right hand you swear or affirm testimony you're about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so I'll be G I do okay whenever you're ready my name is Frank Marcos and I've been sworn in I'm a Cote compliance investigator for Martin County the respond the respondent Adelia benis is not present this case concerns the property at 1311 Southwest Sunshine Street Stewart Florida 34997 in Martin County Florida this case was was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of M County the property owner is Adelia Bennis a copy of the Property Appraiser's records of ownership is counties exhibit one okay on April 9th 20124 I inspected the property at the time I observed an inoperable landscaping trailer with a tire sunken into the ground at that time I photographed the property the photographs show what I saw then and his Marcus count is Exhibit 2 and3 thank you based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Adelia benis on April 19th 2024 and his Marcus County's exhibit 4 okay in the notice I cited the following Mar county code violation section 91. 34. a general inoperable Vehicles General ordinances Martin County and the notice of violation the respondent was given until June 3rd 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on June 6 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 all right the return receipt was not received and the property was posted the posting and photograph our Markus County exhibit six and 7 okay no call or a letter from the property owner was received within the time allowed therefore I went to the property again on July 16th 2024 and saw that the sded violation had not been corrected at that time I photographed the property the photograph shows what I saw then on marus Count's exhibit 8 still there thank you I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Banis Adelia be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by August 31st 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day that the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost of uh in the amount of 575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing this concludes my testimony okay I think I heard you ask for August 31st the recommended order says August 30th that's fine I'm inclined to go with the 31st first it's the end of the month and so I'm going to inter lineate the order it's a your honor it's a weekend we usually end them up on the last business day of the month which is the the 30th it is the 30th the 30th is a Friday the 31st is the last day but it's a Saturday okay so we we generally make the orders uh run till the last business day of the month yeah because otherwise it carries over to September all right um so anybody here on behalf of Adelia Benz seeing no one without objection I'll accept into evidence the Cy's exhibits one through eight in the case based upon that evidence and your testimony officer Marcos I'm going to find that violation as charge does exist on the property and Order compliance onor before August 30th uh 2024 failing which you find in the amount of $100 per day will crew and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing and it is so ordered thank youor thank you okay let's see all right so miss at your back okay this is the Ross or Rossy case um yeah F 202442 39-1 na Rossi as the responded whenever you're ready you've been sworn in yes my name is Maria espa and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent na M Rose is not present this case concerns a property at 4110 Northwest cinnamon Circle in Jensen Beach Florida and Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner n m Rose a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on April 16 2024 I inspected the property because of a tenant complaint I observed a broken AC and an ex an exterior damage to the property at that time I photographed the property the photo photographs accurately show what I saw then and they're marked as County exhibits 2 through six two is a picture of the thermostat that I did check the AC four some exterior damage to the fascia five I'm sorry four more exterior uh damage this is the other side of the same area where there is exterior damage number six there's some more on this side based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to the owner on April 19 20124 Markus County's exhibit number 7 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 21110 General exterior structure I'm sorry General exterior structure General ordinances Martin County Code and section 21. 212 heat Supply General ordinances Martin count count code and the notice of violation the respondent was given until May 20th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so on May 1st 2024 I received an email from the tenant stating the AC unit was repaired the email is marked as County exhibit number eight okay I'm just I'm looking at exhibit with 7 and the the section that cited 21.22% Fahrenheit which is interesting in the context of all the heat that we've endured for the last couple of months but but I I do get it that's kind of a carryover from Old Florida where you still had to have minimum am of heat but we didn't really require AC however in this case the whole unit is broken correct so or at that time was not working so okay but that's cleared yes according to the email from the tenant it has been uh cleared and they did have a permit for it okay however the exterior violation remained therefore I issued a notice of hearing by certified mail and regular mail on June 17 2024 marked this count as exhibit number nine the return receipt was not returned so on June 27th 2024 I posted the property and the Martin County Administrative Building the Affidavit of posting is marked as County's exhibit 10 no call or letter from the property owner or the tenant was received within the time allowed therefore I went back to the property again on July 16 2024 and the cited and saw the cited violations had not been corrected at that time I photographed the the property the photographs accurately show what I saw then and they're marked as counties exhibits 11 through 13 and the permit history is 14 and what does the permit history show the permit history is number 14 shows that no permits have been applied for to do the exterior work and exhibit 11 shows that the exterior is still damaged that's the top of there the FAS is still damaged and 13 is the whole area some here and behind here as well okay yep I see it I request that all of the counties exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the owner be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by August 30th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a f in the fine in the amount of $100 for everyday the violations continue thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting the investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay anybody here on behalf of naita Rossi seeing no one without objection I'll accept in evidence the C's exhibits one through1 14 in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony I'll find that a violation of section 21.11 0 uh of the Cy code does exist on the property in order compliance owner before August 30th 2024 failing what you find in the amount of $100 per day will acrew I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing thank you Ed okay all right moving right along officer bush you've got a few cases this is the McBride Anthony W McBride case it's enf 2024 02009 -01 Anthony W McBride and uh if you'll raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so I do sir okay whenever you're ready [Applause] my name is Tama Bush and I have been sworn in I'm a co- compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Anthony W McBride is not Pres pres at this time however he did show up but had to leave he understands the violations though okay this case concerns the property at 13580 Southeast Power Line Avenue in Hound Florida 33455 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint and according to the official records of the property appraisal of Martin County the property owner is Anthony W McBride all right a copy of the property appraisers record of ownership is County's exhibit one on February 14th 2024 I inspected the property and at that time I observed garbage trash and debris and or junk and weed overgrowth I spoke with the male named Mr Tony who stated that his he was the property owner and I explained the violations at that time I photographed of the property the photograph actually shows what I saw then and it's mares County's exhibits 2 through 4 I'm sorry 2 through 5 okay tell me what we're looking at here so in this particular photograph we're looking at um some number two yes sir um it's a an accumulation of uh different types of storage should I say some is trash some is just um furnitures uh the garbage cans in this particular photo kind of buries off some of it but the next photo will show you the um remaining violations as I zoom in three for exhibit three you'll kind of see it again here there are a few clearer photos coming up too what do I see in four anything well in four is just the vehicles initially the complaint was for an RV with possible um possible persons living inside of it um the owner had since removed the RV he said that he stated that no one was living in it at the time I still photographed it from the roadway and he said that he'll just have it removed and then photos to come you'll see that it had been removed so it didn't remain as a violation right and then exhibit five is again um I believe this is like a trolley or something for moving um some other items unidentifiable uh there is also like wood and other things that are stored out all right based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Mr Anthony W McBride on April 11 2024 M this Count's exhibit 6 and the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 67201 B for trash nuisance declared General ordinances of Martin County Code section 67201 we's nuisance declared undergrowth General ordinances a Martin County Code and in the notice of viol the respondent was given until May 1st 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on June 11th 2024 and it's marked this counting exhibit 7 the return receipt was received the property and County was not received and the property and County Administration Building was posted on July 1st 2024 and an Affidavit of posting is marked this County's exhibit 8 at that time there had been no additional calls or letter from the property owner I went to the property again on July 16th 2024 and said that saw that the cided violations had not been corrected while the lawn had been mold which that violation no longer exist um you'll see the Open Storage again all right so in this particular vehicle of um 67201 a is has been resolved is that correct yes sir okay so I'm going to take that off of the recommended order yes sir okay all right go ahead I'm sorry and in this photo there were just Vehicles added but they were all operable um just a little bit more items were added out okay says I believe in this photo you can pretty much see clear of the wood items and pallets and things that were in the previous photos Okay um there's a chair a desk and some other items there okay that's both exhibits 11 and 12 show that okay good at the time I photographed the property those photographs um which were exhibits 9 through 12 at this time I am requesting that all of the Count's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Mr Anthony W McBride be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by August 30th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine any amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay and you say that that Mr McBride did actually yes sir he was here and what what was your conversation with him our conversation was regarding the violations I did explain to him that um he may have contacted me prior to so that I could have maybe pointed out he said that he would bringing items from the back to the front and that he would clear all those items out and call for the reinspection I did explain that the county was asking for 30 days to comply he indicated he should have it done by the end of the week okay he did have some concerns for the $575 and that he would contact our supervisor regarding maybe a payment plan or some type of a way of making those payments okay I I know that um at other times um officers have actually entered into a stipulation on the floor so you actually can do that if you if you think that that's helpful however the problem with that is does he have a checkbook that he can actually make um a payment of costs I am not other words I was looking for a way to lower the cost because the guy showed up today I don't know how you feel about that Mr tuy but it well let me ask the officer did he make any attempt to contact you anytime during the pendency of this case we only spoke on February 14 okay yeah so so your opposition would be there was a lot of time to enter the stipulation absolutely and uh he didn't have the he showed up but didn't have the interest even stay to plead the case himself so to speak yeah and I think it was maybe in this case too little too late um had he had he done some well he did do some work I mean he he mowed the lawn that was good but but but nonetheless he didn't clean up any of the debris that was around the property so okay just know that that that is an option and and um it's it's an unusual circumstance but um if somebody does show up and wants to enter a stipulation um you know you can kind of do that on the on the Fly even on a violation order just show it as a stipulated order finding violation thank you sir as long as they sign it okay so I on the recommended order I've removed reference to 67201 a u and we're down to the trash issue okay so uh without objection um and I'm going to accept into evidence the Cy's exhibits 1 through 12 in this case I'm going to order based upon the evidence and testimony order compliance uh honor for August 30th 2024 failing which of finding the amount of $100 per day will acre and I am going to award costs to the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing thank you sir and that's that one okay next one is case number 20 enf 2024 020217 d01 Roseanne barbuto revocable trust is the respondent and whenever you're ready my name is Tama Bush and I have been sworn in I'm a co-compliance investigator from Martin County we have entered into a stipulation of agreement the respondent Roseanne barbuto revocable trust is not present the case concerns the property at 8495 Southeast Palm Street in Hound Florida 33455 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint and according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Roseanne barbuto revocable trust okay a copy of the property op Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on February 12th 2024 I inspected the property and left a door hanger to obtain a permit for a seaw wall/ retaining wall that was installed without a permit exhibit two shows the door hanger these are some Building Materials in exhibit 3 exhibit four shows the wall exhibit 5 is the same okay based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Roseanne barbuto revocable trust on April 9th 2024 marked as County's exhibit 6 and in the notice I cited the following Martin County CO violation sections 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by sections 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County and the notice of violation the respondent was given until May 6 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Cod enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on June 11th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received the property and County's administrated administration building was posted on July 1st 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 8 on July 1st 20244 the owner was send a prop stipulation of agreement the owner agreed and signed to come into compliance with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by October 31st 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of $350 and at this time I request that all the counties exhibits be received into evidence okay so without objection I will accept in evidence the candes exhibits 1 through eight in this case based upon that evidence and the stipulation in front of me I find that it is appropriate um for the um responded to come into compliance with the county code honor before October 31st 2024 uh failing which fine in the amount of $100 a day will acrew and note for the record that $350 has been paid to the county uh at this time and with the stipulation reflects that it is signed by Roseanne barbuto and by Tama Bush um and although Miss barbudo didn't put the word trustee uh the property is owned by her interest so I'm going to go ahead and accept it thank you sir all right okay the next one is also a stipulated case it's case enf 20243 0018 the Maria Soko uh revocable trust and uh that's also you miss Bush go ahead whenever you're ready my name is Tama Bush and I have been sworn in I'm a co-compliance investigator from Martin County the respondent Maria Soko rev revocable trust is not present we have entered into a stipulation of agreement this case concerns the property at 9004 Southeast Siri Street in Hound Florida 33455 in Martin County Florida this case case was not generated from an anonymous complaint and according to the official records of the property op apprais of Martin County the property owner is Maria Soko revocable trust a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on March 18th 2024 I inspected the property and at that time I observed installation of a staircase and Landing as well as siding work with no permits at that time I photographed the property the photograph a shows what I saw then and it's marked as couny exhibits 2 through three exhibit two displays the siding work I'm sorry say that again exhibit two yes it displays the siding work that was completed here okay siding and then exhibit three is where they tore up this they torn the staircase and then that's a picture of the staircase in the back there is a clear photo coming up of the staircase okay so they tore an old staircase down in the landing yes sir got it okay based upon the investigation I issued a notice of viation to Maria Soko revocable trust on March 26 2024 marus Count's exhibit 4 and in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations sections 105.1 FPC permits when required Incorporated by sections 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County Code in the notice of violation the respondent was given until April 16th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on May 6 2024 and marked this Count's exhibit 5 the owner was granted additional time and an amended notice of hearing was issued by certified mill on June 12th 2024 and his mark this count is exhibit six I'm sorry okay six is here and that was the notice of hearing no that's fine the return receipt was not received therefore the property and administration was posted July 1st 2024 and an Affidavit of posting is marked this County's exhibit 7 on July 16 2024 the owner was offered a stipulation of agreement the owner agreed and signed the agreement to come into compliance with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by October 2024 30th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of $350 and at this time I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence okay October 31st I'm sorry first I see that on the stipulation yes sir um okay so without objectional accept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through eight in this case based upon that evidence and the stipulation before me find that it is appropriate for the respondent to come into compliance honor before October 31st uh 2024 failing much you find in the amount of $100 per day would acrew and then note for the record the three uh $350 in administrative costs have been paid to the county at this time that's what the stipulation indicates it is signed by Maria Soko on behalf of the Maria Soko revocable trust and um officer Bush on behalf of the county so I'm going to find that it's appropriate to enter the agreed order in this case and I I do have one question is this multif family or is that single family it's just a a second mean erress I guess U from the Second Story okay that one all right the next one is um enf 2024 04554 and it's uh step celd trustee and had a lot of trust today whenever you're ready my name is Tamika Bush and I have been sworn in I'm a co-compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Steven seil trust is not present and this case concern we have entered into a stipulation of agreement this case concerns the property at 1 191 01 Southeast cross winds Lane in Jupiter Florida 33478 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner Steven Seafield trust a c is is the owner a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership it's count is exhibit one okay on April 15 202 4 a notice of expired permit was sent to the owner via email by Martin County building department the expired permit originating from 2016 permit number b2016 0960 is for an addition to an existing house permit at 1 19101 Southeast Crosswinds Lane in Jupiter Florida the notice is Mark this count is Exhibit 2 all right I note that it's addressed to Edward sass of EDS air conditioning at least the copy that's here was there also copy sent to Mr seel do we know for the permit yes I am not sure but I did have personal communication with him as well as the building official and also my supervisor Mr colando and I do email them as well this same copy to the emails that I have on file so the owner was aware of it okay he understands thank you yes must have be entered to stipulation just for clarification the ordinance requ specifies that the notice go just to the contractor on record uh but it's my understanding that of late the county has begun to add the property owner as a second address e even though the ordinance doesn't require it you know I I mean I think that's good practice just because um a theoretically a contractor could get a not notice from the county and say okay so what I'm not getting paid I'm not going back on the job I'm leaving I believe that's why the county began the practice Yeah so better better practice is to notify the owner too okay but it it sounds it I mean obviously we've got a stipulation so all right uh go ahead Miss Bush I'm sorry I interrupted an area view of the property is Mark this Count's exhibit three this shows the addition that was place there unfortunately from the roadway you would not be able to see the addition if had I taken a photo from the roadway so this is the property and this is the original residence okay in the Hang based on the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Steven seill on May 16 2024 which is Martin this County's exhibit 4 and in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations sections 105.1 FPC permits when required Incorporated by sections 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County Code and the notice of violation the respondent was given until May 30th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so complaints was not achieved and and a notice of hearing was issued via certified mail on June 13th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 and the return receipt was not received the property and County's administra administration building was posted on July 1st 2024 and an Affidavit of post in is Mark this Count's exhibit 6 and on July 1st 2024 the owner was sent a proposed stipulation of agreement on July 2nd the owner signed and entered into the agreement to come into compliance with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by November 29th 2024 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day every day that the violation continues thereafter the owner has paid the agreed administrative cost of $350 and at this time I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence okay all right so without objection I'll accept in evidence the Count's exhibits 1 through six in this case and I'm just curious did you have a like a conversation with them or email or something that that how did you know to send them a proposed stipulation so um this case has been going on for a while and initially he came into the office and met with everyone and at that time pretty much prematurely we explained that if it's not into compliance the options that they have and when I post the property he was just coming back from out of town so I met him at the property on the day that I posted it and he indicated that he would enter into the stipulation unfortunately I guess there are a few um inspections that are still warranted for the permit so the additional time was granted granted until November okay all right so um the stipulation requires compliance honor before November 29th 2024 failing which a fine in the amount of $100 a day will crow and a note for the record the $350 in administrative cost has been paid to the county the stipulation is signed by um Steven cafeld trustee uh on behalf of the trust and and uh Miss Bush on behalf of the county I'm going to find that it's appropriate to enter into this agreed order and um hopefully Mr sea Feld will get himself in compliance here okay all right so that's that's it for cases um I we do have have a set of minutes for the uh June 19th hearing so um I have reviewed them and um and approved them and I will go ahead and executed note for the record that uh the staff recorder um Miss Cain has signed and so has Mr colando code administrator for the county so I'm going to go ahead and approve them and sign them it's no longer sticks all right anything else to come before us today that's it all right so the next hearing 2 it is August 21st we will see you back um at that time thank you we stand a Jour thank you