okay you're running you're clerking the meeting for us today are we all ready oh thank you all right good morning everyone uh I'm going to go ahead and call the uh regular meeting of the uh Martin County no to order uh Pastor harp would you lead us in a invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance is it okay to pray for this The Fray nerves and and getting here and getting started this morning you know the Bible says not to despise Small Beginnings but I think it's important to maybe don't despise difficult Beginnings as well as pray father thank you for this day and uh Lord as I was in your word this morning I saw how many times that we are encouraged to praise the Lord uh not we thank you for what you've done but we praise you for who you are and uh Lord just as we said I was frustrated I probably need prayer more than anyone else coming in the room uh just because of the difficulty getting here and traffic and and all those frustrations but God we thank you uh for your presence we thank you that NE you never get fr hled uh you never are behind schedule uh you never um have to try to worry about making things fit Lord you're in charge and we thank you for that this morning and so God as I pray this invocation it's just invoking your presence and recognizing your presence I pray Lord that you would be with every aspect of this meeting be with each one that's here those that are maybe still on the way uh Lord we just ask your blessing and your goodness to just be upon uh our County and this in the Treasure Coast Lord that you would continue to bless and guide and direct those in charge making decisions and that this day Lord would be a day in which you are honored and recognized and we just give you thanks and praise in Jesus name amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and ironic that Pastor harp would talk about traffic at an mpo meeting uh Sher would you call the role please commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Smith here commissioner herd here commissioner heatherington here commissioner Jenkins is absent and excused commissioner Collins is absent and excused commissioner Mayfield here council member Susan Gibbs Thomas is running late okay and can we have a motion to approve the agenda approval second okay moved uh motion moved by uh commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner herd all in favor say I I motion passes can we have a motion to approve the minutes so moved okay we have up yeah I just wanted to U make a correction on the minutes um of the uh representative from the SS from the town of souls point is commissioner Mayfield um there's a mistake in the uh minutes it at the beginning it said that um commissioner Campo was at the um meeting in February and he was not so um with there is a correction on the minutes I just wanted to point that out move approval with the correction okay we have a motion by commissioner herd with the correction seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor say I I and if we just make note that uh council member uh Susan Gibs Thomas has arrived thank you morning morning good morning I apologize for my tartin no worries don't ever let it happen um we don't have any cards any public comments from the public okay seeing none uh move on to item uh 8A 8A is the fiscal year 23 fiscal year 24 unified planning work program or upw amendment 2 de obligation of Federal Highway planning funds as you are aware the unified planning work program or up pwp is the 2-year budget for the no and it defines all of our planning activities that we do um we are in the second year of the current upw which is fiscal year 24 um every two years we go through this um cycle that if we want to take money out of the current upw and put it in the first year of the next upw which in this case is fiscal year 25 and it begins on July 1st because the no is on the same fiscal year as the state we have to go through a de obligation process if we do not go through a deobligation process then that money will not be available until fiscal year 26 which is the second year of the next upw um this year or this time the deobligation process will be to take funds out of the current upw and fund primarily the 2050 longrange Transportation plan that you all approve the scope of services at the last meeting it will also fund the completion of the US1 congestion management study that is continuing on to the next fiscal year so staff Rec is recommending approval of this deobligation of funding and um in this um approval it includes the um approval of the resolution um number 24- 05 which states that that that is what the board intends to do with this de obligation is move the funds from this fiscal year to next fiscal year it includes an amendment number two to the mo agreement de obligating the funds as well and I'll be happy to answer any questions Mr Smith Mr chairman if there are no public comment I will move staff's recommendation on the the obligation of amendment or of amendment for a day okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith do we have a second we have a second by commissioner hington any discussion any public comment all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries all right move on to item 8 B fiscal year 24 to 28 Transportation Improvement uh tip modification number two um yes the um transportation Improvement program or tip modification is also part of that deobligation process um because the board is approving moving money out of this fiscal year into next fiscal year that changes the budget of the tip which actually mirrors the state's work program and so it's a modification because the the money is not changing the amount of money is not changing but also the um the total amount I should say but also the scope is not changing as well um so it's just that's a modification it's not an amendment but it's for the state budget and our tip to reflect that de obligation so staff is recommending approval and I'll be happy to answer any questions Mr Smith again Mr chairman uh move approval of item 8A uh staff's recommendation if there is no public comment you mean 8B I'm sorry 8B sorry okay no no problem do we have a second second okay second uh motion by commissioner Smith second by Comm commissioner heatherington any discussion any public comment seeing none all in favor say I I any oppos motion carries okay item 8C draft fiscal year 25 to 26 unified planning work program um yes the um 25 draft 2526 unified planning work program or upw is coming to you in draft form today it will come um back to you to be for final approval at the next meeting in May and that is our two-year budget for fiscal year 25 and 26 and all of our planning activities during that time um we kind of run into this every five years when we have to up um update the long range Transportation plan almost all of the uh monies for consultant services are going to the 2050 lrtp that's a required document and the biggest document that we prepare at the mo um like I said there are some funds that are going towards um the us one um congestion management studies and also um there are a funds that are going towards um the development review map um for the last couple of years that was something that we did um new at the M um the development review map that showed the um development at the M dur at the municipalities and the county all on one map and the advisory committees and the board and other agencies have found that um extremely useful and we've gotten um recommendations to update it more often than twice a year so this includes the budget um to update it quarterly so we will be presenting that to you quarterly now um if you all approve it but like I said almost all the funds for consultant services will be going to the 2050 long range Transportation plan and that's a project that you will be hearing about a lot during this year what when we give you updates when we reach milestones and the development of that plan so I'll be happy to answer any questions and staff is recommending approval of the draft upw and like I said the final will be coming back to you next month commissioner Smith Mr chairman pending no public comment I'll move item 8 C and staff's recommendation second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington any discussion seeing none any public comment seeing none all in favor say I I anybody say no no okay passes okay let's move on to 8D uh 8D is the title six and non-discrimination policy plan and update and recardo Vasquez principal planner for the M will present that item good morning board this is an item that comes before you all on an annual basis the mo staff takes a look at the title 6 non-discrimination policy and Plan update to see if there are any updates that are needed uh so this time when we looked at it we did find that the Ada web page link to the bccc website was broken so we fixed that so it'll take you to the correct website now um we updated table one in the document where it states top languages spoken at home in Martin County we always try to keep that up to date the second language mostly spoken in the county is almost always well is always Spanish um so in the event that we have to produce alternative documents and other languages we always go with Spanish first unless we get a request otherwise and then lastly we uh have a title six activity log at the end of the document that outlines all the different trainings and activities that are related to title 6 that the M staff takes part in um so we updated that as well so with that the we are looking for approval of the update to the title six plan um commission Smith again um pending any public comment move staff's recommendation second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner hington any discussion any public comment seeing none all in favor say I any oppose motion carries okay let's move on to item 8 this item is the public involvement annual report that Ricardo will also um present so we uh develop an annual report every year to outline the public involvement activities that the m has undertaken over the calendar year so for this report we be looking at activities that were done in 2023 so the reason for this annual report is comes from our public participation plan in our public partic our participation plan it outlines all the ways that the no will do public Outreach and plan its activities and how we gain input from the public to make our transportation studies better um so that's what currently our public participation plan looks like and in that public participation plan it outlines that we have to do an annual report to report on our activities throughout the calendar year in the public participation plan there are six objectives so I will be going over each objective which you all and I will uh there's also strategies associated with each objective um so long story short each objective in the public participation plan has been achieved so for that I'll just briefly go through some of the or through all the objectives objective one was to hold regular public meetings with no advisory committees to obtain feedback in all documents and projects and funding determinations prior to considerations by the no board and here you see some pictures of some of the studies that you all approved last calendar year of note some of them are some some big ones are the regional long range a plan and the US one at Southwest Palm City Road feasibility study objective two was to provide Equitable access to information regarding Transportation decision-making all six strategies for that objective were met and here are some pictures of uh our public involvement activities at uh various events the bottom left was our Mobility week artwalk event that we participated with I believe fot partnered with us to hand out safety materials and information and then in the bottom right there was our us one at Southwest Palm City Road intersection feasibility study open housee number one they we held at the city of Stewart where we had a lot of participation from the public objective three was to engage the public early often and with Clarity so that opportunities exist for public feedback in the transportation decision-making process all six strategies were achieved and then we also had that uh City or uh DS1 at Southwest Palm City Road intersection feasibility study open house number two there in the middle bottom middle picture where we had I believe over 100 attendees at that meeting objective four is to use a variety of methods to involve the public so we do that in a diff in a few different ways we like to participate in the bike to school days and and the walk to school days uh we did develop a new MPL website last year so we we are finding that people are enjoying that our new website and navigating that we do have our social media we have always had Facebook and we I believe in the last calendar year we uh uh created our in stagram page so those two are moving forward and then we produce our on the Move newsletter as well objective five is to gather public feedback on the program or projects for Martin County public transit that is an item that we do every year with the Martin County public transit all the two strategies for that objective were achieved and in the top right is the program or projects or the pop as we call it that was approved last year which is included in the tip and lastly objective six is the strive to continuously improve the public participation process which is the reason for this report so we are kind of grading ourselves and seeing how we did and uh so far we are uh passing with flying colors and we but that doesn't mean that we stopped to uh to make our process better we're always driving to to see what else we can do for public involvement and public engagement because that is one of the more important things we do here at the no is to make sure that the public is involved so this document is is pretty important so with that we are looking for approval of the annual report and I'll be happy to answer any questions Mr hington yeah I just want to say a couple years ago I thought we were trying to discuss getting more public engagement I think that we've done a great job you have done a great job because I see significant Improvement every year of of re reaching out to different communities in different districts more people showing up so I think great job every year I think we improveed on this so I appreciate it and I'll move to staff's recommendation for approval second okay we have a motion uh by commissioner heathering seconded by commissioner Smith any other discussion me commissioner mayfeld uh yes this is very minor but I was reading through the agenda and I saw that you had a Facebook page and I was like oh I've never seen it so I went to search it but I think because it's called Martin in motion and I'm not a social media expert like I couldn't find it because if you if you did Martin and again I'm not great at it but if you search Martin there's a lot of Martin stuff and I didn't know it said in motion so I kept doing no Metropolitan planning or organization so just you know if someone like myself was trying to look for it it wasn't as easy to find as if it has the exact name I'm not saying you should change it but that was just my experience well actually it will be changed Martin in motion was the um the name of the 2045 longrange Transportation plan and that's when we really kind of kicked off our social media so that's why I had that name um because we're kicking off the 2050 lrtp we will change it but that's good to know thank you and just for clarification you typed in Martin M and it our Facebook did not pop up at all I I typed in Martin M and search and I couldn't find it easily I mean maybe if you looked farther but I was like I bunch of stuff comes up we'll fix that thank you any other discussion uh any public comment seeing none all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries okay uh let's see item e f and this is informational Turnpike and I95 Direct Connect uh PDN study and presentation yes you all had um um requested a presentation for the turnpike and 995 direct connection PDN study so we have staff and um consultant here to make that presentation for you all good morning board uh Florida's Department of Transportation for turnike Enterprise appreciates the opportunity opportunity to present on this project it is as was mentioned the direct connection a proposed direct connection between Turnpike and I95 in more County my name is jasine Haywood I'm the turnpike project manager and I have a few members of the turnpike team here if we have any questions that I can't answer that they will jump in and assist me with you use the mouse wheel okay up and down all right so we're going to go over it's a short presentation we're going to go over the transportation project development process the project purpose and need why are we looking to make these improvements the project Alternatives we've developed with come to the point in the PD n study where we have two project Alternatives and um as it's important to Martin County public involvement is as important to Turnpike we're going to present these two alternatives for public input get the feedback but first before we send it to the public or um present it we like to present it first to our local agency partners and so you'll see what those two project alternatives are and then we'll get into the project schedule so this is the transportation project development process it's five phases we are currently in the second phase which is the PD or project development and environment study after which if the PD is approved it goes to design and then it goes into RightWay acquisition which we would need right away um for these two project Alternatives and then to construction so right now the only thing that's funded for this project is the PD study the project is in Mar County and it is 2 miles the study limits are 2 miles south of Southeast Bridge Road I'm going to just say Bridge Road and then um a mile north of Bridge Road so that's the study era that we're looking at making this direct connection between the two facilities why are we looking at doing it um and this is where these project needs are what we use to flush out Alternatives that would develop and and and then um come up with two build off narratives so we're looking to improve system linkage enhance safety and enhance emergency response and evacuation under improving system linkage we're looking at if we do that we can also improve traffic operations and travel time reliability and relieve congestion on the local roadway Network so right now the um yellow dots they show the I95 interchanges in I uh in Martin County so there are four within Martin County and there's one in Palm Beach and then we have Turnpike interchanges we only have two one in Martin County and one in Palm Beach County and but there's no direct connection between there's no direct connections existing between I95 and um um Turnpike what folks do is that they take the nest uh like Indian town and Jupiter and they um take make that connection so what we're proposing is a direct connection um within Martin County at Southeast Bridge so right now this shows the security uh the the movement that's taken and it's not direct um so you do a loop to Loop and then you get off of what is that Turnpike and then you get to to to Northbound I 95 and this is at Indian town so this is what drivers do today and um so we're just showing one movement at Indian town and now we're going to go up to Martin Highway which is you get off of um southbound Turnpike and that's the movement that you would have to take to get on to South Bon I95 so it's not direct and it and it clogs up that local roadway so another project purpose and need we looked at the the uh crash history from 2018 to 2022 so this is a long Turnpike uh within that time period there were about 1,300 crashes and this is relate uh equates to our economic crash cost of about 372 million unfortunately resulted in um sorry 109 million uh four fatalities and about 294 injuries so this is what happens on the turnpike the crashes and now along the I95 it kind of doubles it went up to like 2600 for um um crashes amounting to $372 million in the economic a crash cost 18 fatalities and about 759 injuries both facilities Turnpike and 95 are critical in facilitating that emergency movement um so anything that could be done to enhance that is needed now looking we just covered the project purpose and need looking at these what are the needed improvements we need to create that direct connection between the two facilities and we also need to provide e mergency access u-turns and this would only be used for emergency responders the process that we went through to develop these Alternatives is a teared process so we started with five and then we created some variations but at the result we have these two build Alternatives that we were presenting to you today and we'll be presenting to your residents um in June this this year and we call it true reasonable and feasible build Alterna so I'm going to get into what those are so alternative one it provides those four major connections the Northbound to Northbound southbound to southbound connections between turnback and 995 and it also um provides the emergency uturn for the Emergency responders so it's pretty simple you you go from southbound turn bike to southbound 995 there'll be these new ramps and then the Northbound 995 it's a Turnpike northbound Turnpike Northbound to I95 Northbound and then southbound I95 to southbound Turnpike both um Alternatives the emergency access is the same so um there's on on the left there's Northbound Turnpike to southbound 995 of VI Versa and up along Southeast Bridge Road that that would provide the access to I95 Northbound to Turnpike southbound and vice versa I mentioned rideway that's part of the design phase um but um we would need rideway for this for both Alternatives in this case is about 65 acres and the rideway that's needed is the yellow shaded area on the graphic yellow or orange about sorry orange my colors are off this morning so the orange shaded areas in the graphic oh sorry um I need to point out that um the access the existing Bridge Road access to I95 it stays it Remains the Same you'll have some new Bridges um some ramps over the southbound access and because you have the ramps um merging into 95 the southbound off and the Northbound on those ramps will be modified a bit but the the axis remains that's today with some modifications so that's that was alternative one we're going to Alternative two provides the same major um connections between turn P 995 and the same emergency access can you go back sure so um will you be able will you be able to get off the turnpike going Southbound and get on to Bridge Road no so there will be no access between um no new access between Turnpike and Bridge Road it's only system to system is that has there been any thought about that yes that that would that would create some um it would compromise safety because what you would have is three interchanges closely within this one area so it's it would um impact safety it would be more impactful and costly to the to the surrounding area yeah just to to let you know both the um the we had a joint citizens advisory committee and bicycle pedestrian advisory committee before this meeting and they did talk about um that you know possible connection to the turnpike at this location um and but then um they discussed that but then when we had a Tac meeting a technical advisory committee following that um they echoed what Jay lennis is saying because of the safety issue um that that they did not agree with that so and and just curious so if you're if you're if if the connections to 95 were a tad further south meaning like a quarter mile south mhm could you not get on to 95 and get off a bridge if those connections were a little bit further south so you had enough staging time to get onto cuz right now if you're going northbound on the turnpike you depart off the turnpike and you loop on to 95 yes but you loop on to 95 in such a way that you're bypassing Bridge Road at the 95 exit so is there a way to move that whole X further south by a half a mile I'm going to ask one of my team members to help because this is an area where the two um facilities are space for far enough away to get that the ramps to fit in so let me is there any yeah my name is Henry binson I am the Environmental Management engineer and uh this location was evaluated uh the team spent uh couple of years evaluating this is a location where it is better just uh the geometry is very appropriate to do that crossover if you get too close the geometry is more difficult to provide so this one is is the the appropriate location yes GE I will remind you all about 8 years ago we sat here with a presentation from fot at caner in '95 and the experts told us that The Interchange had to wipe out a hotel and three restaurants or two restaurants and park access that's what the expert told us and we said no that's not going to work go back to the drawing bird and try to figure it out and so what got built there today and there's still a further down the road option to expand that intersection at caner and 95 is what happened and so I'm I'm just I guess I'm challenging you perhaps a little bit to think if I'm a if I'm a traveler if I'm forget for a second who the engineers are forget who this board is for a second if I'm coming up the turnpike and I'm deciding to leave the turnpike to get on to 95 in the first place why would I do that if I didn't want to continue up to Palm City to get off in Palm City if the purpose of this is to EV is to alleviate Indian toown Road and some of the congestion down further south which I think is the background noise for this right then if you're running low on fuel and you need to get off the turnpike which has happened to me probably three times in my life of living here you have there's nothing in between that stretch until you get up this Steward exit Bridge Road is just about as far going east on bridge as it is to continue on 95 to get up to Stewart and caner to get fuel and I I just I it's it's fine it it looks perfectly wonderful in terms of yeah you do this and you do this and you're all set but it also seems like we're missing an opportunity for people to be able to hop off at Bridge if they wanted to hop off at Bridge for some purpose if you were on the turnpike and so I would challenge you all to kind of go back and rethink and relook is there a way to condense that further south that gives you enough space to get on drop on to 995 and get off a bridge yeah um the whole team evaluate the the access to Bridge and again this AES be the purpose and need for the project which is the the the main purpose is is to the direct connect but yeah the the issue is again you have three interchanges together uh it is a it is a difficult to construct three interchanges I have we have a several locations where we have three interchanges at the same location and and it is very challenging and and I I don't question for a second it's not difficult I look at The Marvelous things you do down south that are billions of dollars worth of construction and loops and twists and tying things together anything's possible this you know it it would appear that that is the most simplistic approach to how you would link these things together that's fine I'm just asking you to sort of go back rethink your ideas and say if we moved it f that if we moved that crossover a little further south is there a way to drop people on a 95 cuz you're dropping them on the 95 anyway at Bridge Road just on top of Bridge Road not before you get to Bridge Road anyway that's it that's thank you councilwoman Gibbs Thomas yeah don't go away because she wants you to be able to come to Indian Town off of the well well so this does a away with I 95's access to Bridge Road no it does not okay so we're still able to stay on Bridge Road in order to or stay on 95 and get off at Bridge Road okay so I would kind of challenge that say why can't it be why can't that interchange be on the North side not the south side but the north side because if it's on the North side you're able to 95 you're able to get on 95 and you still be able to hit the turnpike from Bridge Road you don't have um one of those an a interchange or or a booth or an on-ramp but you're just getting on 95 on Bridge Road and you're able to then get on the turnpike a little you know further down the road um and once again it may have been um advantageous and I'm once again I'm I'm with commissioner Smith I'm not an engineer however if I'm coming from Indian town and I go to because I can either go to Fort Pierce I can go to Stewart I can go to Jupiter you know and then or hope s to get on you know if it would be Hope Sound get on 95 head north and then get on the turnpike there would be actually be closer probably than any of the other ones but it also then gives the people from Hope Sound the opportunity to access that if they're going north if you're going south you know maybe it wouldn't you wouldn't even people if Bridge Road has no I they they can't get on can't get on um the turnpike at all so I think if it just you know you scoot it up just a little bit because if you it's like in Palm City off of 95 within a mile you have two exits you've got Stewart and then you've got Palm City and then you've got Stewart I see I see if I understand your comment correctly move this this proposed direct connection north of bridge roads so that um folks can make the choice to get to to to switch over to I95 get off a bridge so you won't need the uh Turnpike interchange with bridge if I'm understanding correctly give me that again so I'm trying to make sure I have your comment correctly so we can go back so it seems cuz I didn't hear you mention a direct connection from Turnpike to Bridge Road what you're suggesting is that we move what we're proposing the system to system north of bridge so that those southbound um drivers can can switch over from turn bike to 95 and then get off at Bridge is that what I heard yes yes I think that's what I heard either either way whether North or South I think it does the same thing it's it's probably it just thinking about it looks like it would work either way yeah the idea is that you give access to 95 soon enough so that they can use that you can use the off ramps of 95 to Bridge Road whether it's coming from the North or coming from the south you'd have the ability to get off of 95 as you do today understood whether it's north of that interchange or south of that inter understood I'm going to um Andrew Velasquez he's our traffic Guru so I'm going to get him these thank you I appreciate that Andrew Velasquez with aom uh turnike traffic support resident of the trasure coast area so I know this uh this area pretty well um when we developed this interchange concept we we did keep that in mind about the access to bridge um we we looked at the traffic on Bridge Road um as far as what's out there today and what's planned to be in the future um you guys know this area very well um this is not cter high this is Bridge Road access to Hope Sound um the rant volumes are actually pretty low and our forecast models didn't indicate that we would have substantial um access moving forward or Improvement and um traffic forecast moving forward we do have some new data that we got from the mo uh with respect to the development to the West so we will be looking at that but if you if you think about it if you're coming from the south let me move this up a little bit if you're coming from the south from Palm Beach CH from the palmach area and you want to get to Bridge Road you have the Indi toown Road Interchange to get on at right so you can get on and off at Indian toown Road um it's pretty right next to the turnpike as we showed uh it's whether you're using the turnike or you're using I95 um if you're coming from the south you just hop on at the the I95 uh interchange and then you can get access to Bridge Road to and from the north is a little bit more challenging right because in order to get to the turnpike from the that area you have to use the Martin Highway interchange if you're coming from that that part of the U the county or T from that part of the County so I do understand that uh that request um but we did look at an access and that's one of the Alternatives and if that needs to be brought back to this board we can but we did look at an axess that that connected to Bridge Road directly from the turnpike the issue that we found was it would impact uh the RightWay on the south side we have to reconstru truck Bridge Road and potentially has some adverse imp impacts to the connection and access to the farmers market so um that can be shared next time so that you actually can see what that is and if that's an alternative that needs to be considered even further um realizing the the impacts that it has and um that can be brought back I guess my argument with that would be what I understood the purpose of this was all together was to offload traffic Indian town because of what's happening there and what's happening at that interchange so the analysis you just said well you can just hop off at Indiantown Road and hop on to 95 that defeats the entire purpose to begin with the idea was to drop off from what I recall all the capacity further north that was using Indiantown Road to get it out of the congestion of Indian toown and Palm Beach County because it was growing so much at that interchange that was 10 years ago 8 years ago 7 years ago go and now you're saying well all you have to do is just hop off at Indian town and hop on to 95 and you're all set that's just for the bridge Ro people so it still accomplish no no no that's for all Martin County residents that's what I do today when I'm coming up from the South if I go down to the keys if I go to Miami and I'm using the turnpike I hop off at an Intown Road and I hop on to 95 right we the the direct connections do provide that so if you're coming from anywhere North but if you're going to go through the mization of doing all of that work out there regardless of where it fits why wouldn't you go one step further and figure out how do we tie it together I I just don't understand that I'm sorry and maybe jasine can finish going through the presentation you'll see the reduction in traffic that we're you're we're going to benefit from the Indian toown Road interchange it's about a 37% reduction in traffic that's pretty significant in terms of the reduction the access to Bridge Road is the forecast for those ramps is about 3,000 vehicles per day it doesn't really do it but we can share that information if that so desires from from staff and uh present that at a later point I'm thinking about our residents and if there's only 3,000 of them that benefit from it good for them okay you know all right we uh jasine you want to continue with the presentation uh one moment uh commissioner Mayfield uh yeah I pressed my button a little bit ago but I think that question kind of got answered I'm new here so I was getting just the basic background because one of the points of why to do it was um to get local get traffic off local roadways and I think uh commissioner Smith addressed it the reason why is it because of just Palm Beach County Indiantown Road or was it other roadways too so I think my question got answered but I'm just clarifying for sure like why this spot right here are you doing it yeah I think let's let jasine go through the kind of the benefits from a traffic perspective because we do have a slide on that but have a quick Point first so looking back at the history of this and understanding that it's wanting to offload traffic but it's it's uh and I'm not sure if we need an intersection at H sound or not but the reality is is that this is needed because of the uh the am the incredible amount of people that are transitioning from St Lucy way I see it from St Lucy County to Palm Beach County every day which is then overburdening the Indian Town Road exit so why shouldn't we get some benefit out of it and again I'm not sure if if we the intersection there or not uh uh I think I don't I'm not in hobes sown very often but certainly I think there needs to be some benefit to Martin County residents at some point because it's the the additional traffic is not being generated in our County to speak of it's being generated in St Lucy County and Palm Beach County to the South so anyways go ahead thank you'll probably be back up Andrew when we get to the benefit slide so alternative to it provides the same thing with the ramps in a different location so we have the Northbound to Northbound and the southbound to southbound and that emergency access so I'm going to get through this so we can get to that benefit slide so we can talk some more but these are the new Rams southbound to southbound Northbound to Northbound Northbound to Northbound I95 and I95 to southbound Turnpike so the ramps in this alternative are in different location such that sorry we also have the same the exact same emergency access um and this is what I thought the orange again shows the potential rway impacts in alternative one it was about 67 Acres I think and in here is about 73 Acres the ramps are in different locations so that there are no modifications needed to the existing I95 Rams and now um this is a slide that we um simmer on but these show the traffic benefits of both the Alternatives so the new new direct connection interchange is anticipated in the year 2050 to take to handle about 26,400 vehicles and that West yes so that's that and then that West Indiantown Road interchange um the crossover traffic that's removed between the I95 and turn P it's going to be about 15,600 um aadt so that's a 37% % decrease at Turnpike and a 16% decrease at I95 and then at Martin highway it's 8% with a crossover traffic of 3,200 removed so I'll I'll sit here and see if we got to bring back up um Andrew to discuss this oh M Mayfield yes um so just to clarify from my other question the reason that this isn't happening down at the Indiantown um exit point is because it's too close together you said something about the distance at Bridge Road is okay and that's why it's coming to Martin County okay yeah so just to elaborate a little bit so this does address the purpose and need which is to handle the crossover movements for all vehicles who are basically if you're starting from Martin highway to the north and you want to cross over and you want to get over to the uh I95 area or vice versa um and if you coming from south of Indiantown Road this addresses that so it is that crossover movement so you can see the reduction in traffic of 37% um at the turnpike interchange and then also at the Martin Highway interchange for people not having to make that movment getting off at Martin DS and then working their way over okay council member Gibbs Thomas thank you and the AL um the alternative number two was my way of thinking except they're swapped if you have the Northbound can you go back to this yeah thank you yeah the alternative too so if you have the Northbound change over on the North side instead of the south side of your of your interchange there with 95 if you do your Northbound on the North side and your Southbound on the south side then your traffic getting on 95 from Bridge Road also has the alternative to you know if they're going north they can choose either to stay on 95 or to go on the Turnpike and conversely if from Bridge Road you get on 95 you have the opportunity at that point you're not doing an extra interchange you're just swapping those so you have that choice once you get on 95 well okay let me stand no let me hop over to the turnpike if you just swap those so what you end up doing is you're creating a kind of an unsafe weaving movement along I95 because you have the two ramps coming in together at the same location um we have a variation of this that we looked at that provided that access to the north so you you don't want to have traffic mixing on 995 that's what we want to try to avoid we also don't want to have the high-speed traffic kind of merging into the low speed traffic trying to get off that Bridge Road you can accomplish one of those but you can't do both because you're going to end up with uh weaving on 995 to to get off let's say if you wanted to get off say imagine flipping it you're now going to have you're not going to have the movements occur Ur on I95 itself as you're trying to make that exchange between the turn bike and I95 so you end up with a a situation where there's going to be a lot of people that are coming in yeah yeah they're going to be coming in and they have to jump back out to go to I9 uh to go the other direction if you can imagine okay so what what type of um area how how much area do you need between that because I'm thinking of quite honestly I'm thinking about 95 once again I'm going back to to I know and you're talking Palm City and the Indian and the Palm City and the steuart exit off of 95 how close those are so that happens in a relatively quick you know and how is that considered unsafe it's a little bit different because now you're not it's not a systems interchange where you have you know these these ramps are designed to carry 55 plus miles an hour so you've got people coming at a very high speed what you what you have over there you're talking about High Meadows areas that The Interchange you're talking about yeah that's a little bit different in terms of the configuration um so you know we have to also coordinate with Federal Highway on this and and the last thing that they want to see is something unsafe on on I95 we've coordinated with them um and some of the Alternatives development to begin with as well as we have to present this to them at our final option but as far as having that connection come down if you can imagine you're coming from if you want to flip it you got to come from the North and then you're going to have people traveling on I95 and then have them make that decision to go on to the turnpike further down south that'll have to be probably at least a mile um of distance to to make that safe and that will probably push you outside of the limits remember we're trying to also accommodate this in an area where you can get those ramps to uh come in so you're not having to swing all the way out and take right away or separate the two roadways the other constraint that we have it's not really demonstrated here on this graphic there's a a purple line that goes along the turn bike Northbound uh if you guys can look at that graphic a little bit more detail that's Florida gas transmission um that's a a a gas transmission line that we have to avoid we actually have to shift traffic to the the the entire winding to the west to avoid that because of a settlement agreement so um that's another constraint we're dealing with there there's a lot there in terms of constraints we get it I understand what the ask was the was can you have a connection to Bridge Road primarily to and from the north right cuz that's where you know you have that movement to go to Martin Martin Highway um plus you have an in toown Road very close to the South so I think we could share that with staff the alternative that we looked at and we we have that alternative that we considered Mr Smith I I'm sure and the Crash data I think that you all shared with us in the beginning of the present ation um I can't tell you how many times I have come to a stop on 995 or the turnpike has been at a stop because the crashes that for some unknown reason between Indian toown Road and caner is horrific and I don't know what happens out there I don't know why it happens out there I don't know if it's because people are used to coming up from the south and the speeds at which they are and then all of a sudden there's this quiet area between Indiantown and Stewart I don't know but the ility to give everybody the most option is possible to get around if they need to I I think Troy pointed out as well that Martin County should be getting something out of this if there's something to get um and I also on this whole idea of how things merge and blend together if that analysis were as important as it seems to be in the conversation the the Confluence of Saw Grass Turnpike and everything that goes on down south with that overpass and those nine Lanes or seven lanes and the signage I think is God awful that doesn't tell you that the Saw Grass isn't going to take you to Naples it's going to take you North if there was ever a confusing Turnpike relationship that's the worst in my opinion this seems fairly straightforward to me I don't necessarily agree that people won't be able to weave and blend I I I I think they will um I just think it needs to go a little bit back before we go forward that's all I just think we're going to I I'm going to want to see some additional options that um that give us some more flexibility I think I think if we're going to go through the acquisition of land the gas line is an interesting conversation but clearly that's something that we have to deal with I get it um but the more flexibility I think the better fair enough you commissioner herd yeah I i' encourage you to do as much public involvement as possible this is a a a big Improvement that you're contemplating and this is the right time to do it I think that you need to to uh present before the town of Jupiter Island commission and the Martin County Board of County Commissioners it had those have two wider audiences than the mo does thanks thank you commissioner Mayfield yes um yes to Vice chair Smith's point I I was thinking about Turnpike signage and I take the turnpike a lot north and south and yes we're it changes down south I've missed the Turnpike exit several times much to my chagrin I don't think the signage is great for the turnpike um at least down there so if something like this is happening it would be great to I I'm getting a little ahead of the game but just to note that more signage the better for people they're usually distracted and then just for me I'm not personally into the bridge Road Turnpike exit if it doesn't make sense mon arily and um I don't in my opinion usually Highway exits lead to more development I don't think that Martin County is into a lot of development at this point so if if it's not necessary and people aren't clamoring for it I think any of your Alternatives look good commission okay Beth I just wanted to make a suggestion I know you all had requested this um presentation before the actual kickoff of the public involvement that you all have as far as going to the public and having I'm presenting the alternatives to the general public um I um I I recommend I think it would might be a good idea since you all do have some questions and would like to see um would like to um see some other options is perhaps I mean um usually when you go through that public involvement process you come back to us and go through our advisory committees in our board so I think it would be important the timing of that is once you go to the General Public and go to the juper Ireland and board of County Commissioners then you come back to us um to come back to the MP because I think this board would be very interested to know what all those entities what their feedback was um The Advisory committees can be happening the same time as the um general public and the other commission meetings but I think to get all of those um comments and and input um compiled for this board would be very helpful definitely so um we are looking to take these two alternatives for public input at a public meeting in June right now is June 19th and 20th but I want to stress that all this involvement all this engagement that we're doing is to get the feedback that we're receiving and uh we will take that back and revise the concepts as necessary based on the feedback so we'll do the public meeting we'll present to the two board or the Committees that you just mentioned we'll we also have what we call a value engineering study where another engineering team who has never seen this project we give them these Concepts and we also give them the feedback that we've heard and they come back and they give us some value engineering recommendations so many times Turnpike projects they look one way at the public meeting and based on feedback they look a different way at the public hearing if if if the changes are feasible so we're going to continue to work through the public engagement process for sure I I just didn't want you mentioned giving staff extra information about another alternative you looked at or or something I just didn't I wasn't comfortable with that I think if you were I think it needs to come to the board because they're the decision makers so um and they need to they I think they would be very interested in hearing once you get all that feedback from the general public as well as um the other um commissions I think this board would be um interested to hear that Mr Smith yeah in the timeline of all this yes um if only two these only these two alternatives are going to go to any kind of public involvement yes the public is not going to be given the opportunity to understand or know at those kind of workshops that there are is option three four five and six and if you don't show them they won't know and you'll come back and say oh everybody loved option one or everybody loved option two and then you leave the board with this kind of well they didn't get to see option three or four and so what I would encourage you all to do is before you go to the public and this June timeline yes you come back to the County Commission and you come back to the the different boards and get some more feedback from us and look if the County Commission says we're not interested we only want option one or two go have at it and go do your thing okay I will keep pushing for some other options because I think it's an opportunity to fix some things that otherwise won't get fixed or that we will regret not doing 30 years from now that somebody said why didn't you do that back then um anyway I just think in the timeline there's there's a couple iditor of things that ought to happen uh before you get to the public and only show them the two options Hest commission commission may did you have I I just have a quick question um given that this happens what is the plan for the um Indian toown Road Turnpike 95 area keep it the same improve it do we have any plans turnpik minor I was just curious that's where I always do The Interchange please continue yeah I mean this is actually going to address a lot of the issues that we have at Indiantown Road with the 37% reduction in traffic but we are looking at um an additional westbound right turn lane to get on at some point in the future plus a dual eastbound left turn lane so that's a further Improvement that we're looking to do but other than that this is the fix okay Susan just kind of a sidebar does it really have anything to do with this except in one um area talking about um population projections for Western Martin County I know what I've seen the school board have is not realistic to what's happening in the western part not necessarily hopest toown but the western part of the county is I think SEC significantly different than what is um projected and many different things so it's just a comment higher or lower higher please continue and that's it this is my last slide then then it goes my contact information and thank you but we've we we have heard the feedback and we'll go back and bring some Alternatives Mr her yeah just another opinion I I think that uh commissioner uh Gerber made a good point about uh exits being opportunities for further development so I'm not in favor of that either okay there you go okay commissioner Smith did you have one do you need a motion to give direction or is Direction I no I think I think this was an information item but I think you all have Direction about you'll be coming back with with um the um other Alternatives as well as feedback that you've received from your other public um involvement initiatives but the question is timing I think commissioner Smith is saying he wants that done before the public meeting okay yeah absolutely all right because if I'm wrong and and Sarah and and others are fine I'm just I don't I from my perspective as one of five that will end up deciding on this if three of us say we're not interested and those two options are great fair enough good enough but I will share with you again that decision that was made at I95 and caner had we not spoke up had we not said no we're not interested in doing that that's what have what have gotten built and then there was this whole Double Diamond thing or crisscross Double Diamond thing we were going to do underneath the bridge at at 95 and and caner you know just things take on their own life yes and if there's not the opportunity to say yes or no then it just kind of keeps on going and so I would advise and and that's why I asked if you want a motion so that it's like like but if not sure sure don't go ahead also um before I finish I spoke about local agency meetings we do meet with um we're meeting with Martin County Public Works this afternoon and the emergency responders at one just that just just an FYI I I would hope before June the commission has a agenda item that talks about this and we get an update from where you all are and that we give some feedback okay understood thank you thank you commissioner thank you thank you to the board moving on to item 8G uh development review interactive map this is informational yes um Ricardo Vasquez will present this item this is the development review interactive map that we spoke a little bit about earlier that we will now be updating on a quarterly basis once you all approv the upw or the next upw so with that um we did get some updated shape files from the development from Martin County uh still currently only Martin County the Indian village of inding toown and the City of Stewart providing us with shape files um which is what you see here today um and of course the red lines and dots are our list of project priority projects here with the Martin M po that we overlay over all the developments so with that there hasn't been any major updates to the map I won't go through how to navigate it and use it I've done that several times with you all already but if any of you need assistance in navigating the map or getting to it or want to walk through or you know want a presentation feel free to reach out to the Martin M and we'll do our best to assist you with um navigating it so with that we just wanted to bring up the the the update to you all and share the news that we will be updating this more frequently moving forward and uh it seems to be a success yeah I think this map has been fabulous I mean I I use it whenever someone calls me about a question about anywhere in the county I can it's like I don't know let me look so so I think it's worked out really well so and I'm glad to see that we're getting the data from Indiantown now so okay is that all on that item yes okay moving on to uh item 88 710 update um yes um Ron Kaa is here from The District 4 office um of fot to present this item morning good morning Ron CA with fdot from the planning Environmental Management office just a quick update on the 710 projects that are ongoing I don't have a presentation per se just to we been here regularly just keep continuing to update you on it the uh widening projects um have been going through the selection process for consultant which we've just selected a consultant and negotiations ongoing to begin those services for design for the widening all the way from 126 which is in okobi County to vanan um the intersection relocation project for County Road 714 being relocated to 710 and Southeast 126 that design is also ongoing at this time both of those projects have RightWay funded uh construction is not funded for those we're continuing to seek opportunities for funding for construction for all of 710 both the intersection relocation projects and the widening um quick question yes um I know it's not your District but are they uh is District I think it's district one in okachobee County looking at widening 710 up to because is otherwise it's in a neck down to two lanes when it hits the county and and again we're going to at the county line there's going to be a uh um I guess a a convergence of traffic yeah same problem I'll have to check into that at one time it was on their long range plan for that purpose of widening I think they want to widen it all the way from okobe South moved out to the out years that's actually how the um PD study um for the 714 realignment came about it was for the widening of 710 in okobi county and they had requested that the realignment be part of that PDN study so they they still it's not funded um it's funded for construction in the out years of the um work program but it it's still it's certainly a priority of theirs okay yeah it's still on their priority list but I know as Beth said there's nothing ongoing at the moment okay thank you um and what am I missing here oh Tommy Clement sorry so Tommy Clement there's a left turn lane uh widening project ongoing uh that's under construction now if there's any questions about that I have Chris car's here from the Operation Center and um we plan on as soon as that construction is complete come right back in and do the right taling which I updated you guys on on last month as well um but it it will be done immediately after the left turn lane construction is is finished um Su GI thank you so much that right turn line that's very encouraging appre appreciate you guys's ability to to act quickly and get that done um I would like to ask in the process of the project that's going on at Tommy Clemens I know that that is a very active community and they advocate for what they see that they need and there was the um the brush along the side and um I guess several emails and that got accomplished because I got picked I was kind of tagged in all that and then got pictures provided by that community and actually spoke with somebody Saturday happened to see them and spoke to them about it and they are very pleased how well it has been but their concern is ongoing and mine too I know that I spoke with um Beth about it whenever we met that that is an issue and now that that we are aware of it who who's responsibility is it and who took care of um making sure that that was all mode back appropriately and my personal opinion it just needs to get on a m somebody there has to be a maintenance schedule somewhere it needs to be on a maintenance schedule so that is done regularly and not forgotten understood uh good morning board Chris Carris Treasure Coast operations engineer um good questions when it comes down to it we were looking to include that scope of work when it comes to the clearing into our construction project it just wasn't getting done in a timely manner so we asked our in-house maintenance forces to go out there cut it back and they were out able to get out there in 24 hours and get it done so they did a great job on accomplishing the task and and alleviating the sight line issue um when it comes to the further clearing that is being requested part of the concern is that this area is under what we what appears to be an easement so we have to determine where we're able to accomplish that task within the easement guidelines and easement requirements um there's also a canal on both sides of Tommy Clements which does pose a little bit of a challenge when it comes to the access into that area to clean out the existing vegetation that is further beyond the area that's already been cleared um we're committed in construction to maintain the area that's already been cleared and cut down but when it comes down to it it is an active conversation that we're doing right now we're seeing if we can get in there as soon as the active construction completed and possibly include the clearing in the upcoming left turn lane accomplishment project okay and and I appreciate that but what I'm hearing is construction phase I'm talking further out than the construction phase who would that responsibility fall to and and how quickly can we make sure that it is on somebody's schedule that it is an ongoing ongoing um project that continues to be done are you talking the area that's already been cleared or okay so that we have an asset maintenance contractor in Martin County now I'm not sure if the board's aware of that um that area we can make sure that they're aware of the need to maintain that sight line and we can just make sure that it's being reviewed on a monthly basis make sure it's being cut down and cleaned up okay so on past the construction phase correct we're talking on into corre the future that that would that would be wonderful can we get um kind of in on that information is that that's just an automatic that's going to happen I will work with the asset maintenance project manager at our local office in Fort Pierce make sure he is aware of the concern and make sure that's his part of their ongoing routine maintenance cycle okay and once you confirm that can you make sure that we're kind of looped in on that email stating those things so we can let that Community know what's happening so then they're kind of if they feel like they need to Advocate they know they know who they need to Advocate with yes ma'am thank you commiss Smith um thank you for that back to the right turn lane I think last meeting we talked about the secondary contract that would have to be employed to get going have you already have you let that do do they know what do so when the Tommy Clemens work finishes that with what they can do today where are we with the next contract for the turn lane sure um when it comes down to it it's going to be handled under a push button it's one of our mechanisms to get a a contractor out on the on the roadway as quickly as possible it's a it's a contract that we already have uh a pot of money uh dedicated to we just got to issue the work order to them um the plans from what I understand are nearing 100% or already are at 100% for that additional work effort and the plan is as soon as final acceptance occurs on the ongoing activities for the construction we're going to issue that work order and get that contractor moving to okay and it may seem like silly little details but um so that we don't lose months um with that is it something that that contract with your push button program can already be let and they know literally on the sign off day that occurs with the work that's being done that they can start the next week the following week you know within we can absolutely have that conversation and I agree with you when it comes down to it we don't want to have a large overlap can you you don't have to confirm it with me but can you confirm it with Susan and make sure that Indian Town knows that we're not wasting a day in the timeline uh to get that done and to the maintenance question to Susan's real question I assume there's there there's some kind of a maintenance work program that you all have that keeps up stuff um is that going to be just worked into every 6 months there'll be a there'll be a a task order to go out and manage that intersection from a maintenance perspective when it comes down to it their routine mowing cycle will just need to include this area so it's it's I believe their mow Cycles are in most cases at least once a month or once every other month so just need to make sure that they are the contractors aware that this area is our responsibility to maintain and keep that sight Line open great that's perfect answer and are you the one that oversees our Bridge the Roosevelt the one who calls you and I am involved in the conversations it is also an asset maintenance contracted area but the the management of that contract is actually done out of our district office in Fort Lauderdale oh it's not out of Fort Pierce no sir really correct um okay well thank you I guess it's been moved up to every week we're cleaning it now it appears to be it it helped um because for whatever reason there is a bunch of trash that ends up on the bridge and it's nasty and but at least if it's once a week it's getting taken care of but I appreciate the effort and it really does make a difference please do not change how you're corresponding when you guys see an issue on that bridge make sure my office is included in that correspondence that way I can make sure that the the work order that is issued to the contractor we're aware of it district offic is aware of it and the contractor has been made aware in Tomy man so are you the one Kathy's communicating with or is it somebody else I believe it might be our front desk uh which is um you I'm I'm included in that correspondence I see it on a cc level but not directly to me that's great thank you I appreciate it very much Susan and just real quickly um I thought that when talking about the maintenance that you said something about reviewing getting out there and reviewing every month or two to make sure that that is you know even if it's on a regular maintenance cycle you know everybody knows in summer and Florida everything's grows quickly so you know having someone I thought I heard you say that that somebody would do us like a site visit and review that the in between to make sure that it is still is that did I hear correctly we have yes our contract manager does ride the roads on a monthly basis looking for issues so we can make sure that again this area is on his list of hot topics to ensure that the sideline is is clear fantastic thank you okay anything else okay all said so uh if that's all we have on that item um comments from fdot oh here we go I am Chris mcer um project manager at fdot um I don't have any additional items other than what was discussed but do you have any questions for me looks like we're good okay thank you comments from advisory uh committee members okay um comments from board members uh com go ahead I just actually have a update hear me this doesn't sound like it's on but an update for uh we had a a very large community meeting at South River as you know this board has prioritized South River a traffic light a right-and turn lane two Mondays ago we had a community meeting probably just under 250 people attended the meeting so was it was well attended we discussed all of the traffic safety issues that we're having and have been having for some time I'd like to thank I see Rob Lopez from dot here and his team for coming to that meeting and presenting the options on the right-hand turn lane if you've driven down ker Highway lately you've seen the somewhat obnoxious delineators those are temporary we wanted to make sure that the Turning move it would create a safer turning movement into South River because by and large a lot of the accidents have happened going into and out of that neighborhood which is a neighborhood of 550 residents so a lot of the um the collisions have happened going in and out those delineators were to test some of those movements going in and out and um they seem to have been very well received although the delineators themselves were not so we're moving on to doing a a permanent um delineator which will be much more aesthetically pleasing so I'd like to let every resident know that that is coming and South River has approved it at the meeting we discussed the right-and turn lane which is again on our priority there were some concerns from the residents that that would limit their sight distance as they're coming out of South River um and they're making that right-and turn which would be a right-hand turn only because of the delineators that they were going to to have a hard time seeing um with a right-hand turn lane under around the curve um I think that the dot did a really great job and our Public Works of describing you know the scenario of stopping for the pester and crosswalk at South River and then rolling up to caner highway I also think that um do expressed that likely if there's a a turn u a traffic signal in the future that it would probably uh need a right-hand turn lane there to facilitate a traffic light so that Community will be voting here very shortly on the right hand turn lanane and we'll be proceeding forward for that but they desperately desperately um need some safety improvements there and are are really um advocating for the traffic light so I appreciate do attending that meeting and and George from public works and Luke um again 250 some odd people when we probably received as many emails so um we appreciate having it on the priority list and look forward to getting the delineators and the only thing we are have not achieved on that traffic safety and if anybody from the dot could help me out here whether you would take some speed feedback signs from Broward County we were we're waiting for some speed feedback signs for quite some time now a long time I know there's supply chain issues but we've been we've been trying to get these in for probably more than a year so if anybody from dot could help us out with some speed feedback um posts that would be fantastic because speed on caner highway is a major concern and that seems to you know cause a sense of awareness of people so and we certainly have beefed up enforcement with the sheriff's department and look forward to getting the right-and turn LAN and the traffic light uh installed thank you thank you I just to say you mentioned speed I've just seen an incredible amount of aggressive drivers lately just passing in places that you shouldn't pass and just you know just putting everybody else in danger only thing I was just going to say on the May 6th meeting I won't be here so um I'll be out of town so if there's nothing else meeting adjourn thank you thank you