you're gonna have to put a lot of your name recognition on Susan because Blake's got a lot of name recognition yeah he does he doesn't yes he does yeah he does best friend well that's doesn't make a difference you want to know why I call it inside Blake outside Blake outside Blake a lot of people like outside Blake only the people inside Blake know inside right oh we're still on all right so um we're back uh we had a little power failure so um Ash don't do it again he kicked there's a plug under there and he kicked it all right anyway please proceed okay so Martin County's Public Transit System is partially funded by a Federal Transit Administration grant that must be applied for each year the Grant application requires Martin County Board of County Commissioners to conduct a public hearing that encourages public participation and uh opportunities for the community to comment on the program of projects for the filing of the fiscal year 21 section 5307 Grant application the uh recommendation is that the board authorize the County administrator or design to execute and file a fiscal year 21 section 5307 urbanized area formula program funds application on behalf of the Martin County Board of County Commissioners with the Federal Transit Administration for federal assistance as authorized by USC 49 chapter 53 title 23 and other Federal statutes are authorizing a project administered by the Federal Transit Administration so this is an opportunity for the general public to make comment on the the PO as well as for the board to ask any questions regarding the 5307 uh Grant application you done I'm I'm finished okay any questions for ash staff if there's no public comment I'll move staff's recommendation do we have public comment seeing none um okay we have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously that was quick thank you all right office of uh department number one Office of Management and budget items which require board approval 17 of them oh my gosh by Stephanie merley good afternoon commissioner Stephanie merley um director of The Office of Management budget I have 17 items on OMB today and a gaggle of Support over in the wings if we have any questions our very first item is a permission like a community choir yes I do sorry yeah please don't make him sing um the first item is a permission to apply for the fiscal year um 2024 Florida e911 State grant for smart transcription the um Martin County Sheriff's Office is requesting a grant in the amount of $ 47,800 Award of $452,900 the requested Grant award is for $350,500 um to bring the County's GIS data to 98% accuracy level and to provide quality control checks on GIS data to measure GIS data quality there is no match required on this one as well the next item is a permission to to apply for the Children's Services Council grant program for the after school out of school program parks and W gets this grant every year and they're requesting $400,000 to pay for the staff maintenance supplies and programing at Golden Gate alternative after school program the Lamar Howard Park in Golden Gate and the Jensen after school experience program at lingford park um the grant match is the currently budgeted $345,900 number five is a permission to apply for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission artificial Reef construction Grant um the coastal management division is requesting $60,000 for the construction of reef darts or one rubber Rubble Reef in the I'm not even going to pronounce that permitted area and the project will enhance the Marine habitat and provide structural complexity there's a grant match of $30,000 which is already budgeted within our Reef management Capital Improvement plan sheet item number six is a permission to apply for the Indian River Lagoon license plate program grant for the IRL Estuary restoration project this is a requested Grant Award of $60,000 to spawn grow and release clams as part of the County's efforts to ReStore seagrass Habitat a local share of $60,000 is required and it's already budgeted within our Indian River Lagoon Estuary restor restoration CIP sheet item number seven is permission to apply for funding from um Florida Inland navigation District fine for der vessel removal funds the building department is requesting the reimbursement of $775,000 for 18 vessels through the waterways in Martin County um that have been determined to be Derick um we have already expended These funds and this is just a recoup and there's no Grant match required number eight is a permission to apply for the Bureau of Justice assistance um Justice and mental health collaboration program Grant um the human services division is requesting $300,000 for Martin County's mental health court to offer a continuation of Case Management Services transitional housing assistance and supplemental funds for the treatment services of the population there's no Grant match required other than some in-kind match through salaries and staff time number nine is a to apply for the Federal Emergency Management agency assistance to Firefighters grant for equipment um the fire rescue department is requesting $3,460 um to support the equipment needs of Aging nozzles um in a standard standardized fire hose and acquisition of new EMS training tools there's only a grant match of $1,314 which is budgeted within the fire rescue um fixed asset replacement budget program number 10 is a permission to apply for the FEMA assistance to Firefighters grant for fire prevention and safety fire rescue is requesting a grant Award of $65,625 for the purchase of over 2,000 smoke alarms for installation in homes of Martin County residents that are in critical need there is a grant match of $3,126 which is already programmed and the fire rescue fire prevention operation budget number 11 is the permission to accept the fdot um County Road 714 supplemental agreement number one this is actually a reduction in um funding for construction and CI Services by 452,000 which also um reduces the grant match and there is no other information other than the construction Pro costs have come in lower than than anticipated number 12 is a permission to accept the fiscal year 2023 state funded emergency preparedness and assistance grant um the fire rescues Emergency Management division is um has been awarded a grant Award of $29,400 for the accreditation program for the Emergency Management office that's designed to establish and maintain quality standards by Insurance compliance with Criterion there's no match required for that as well number 13 is a permission to accept amendment number one for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection agreement um there the utilities and Solid Waste Department is is being awarded additional funding in the amount of $400,000 for successful septic to sewer program and project ready Readiness there is already required local match of 1.3 million budget within the utilities connect to protect CIP sheet number 14 is a similar one uh amendment number one to another FTE um septic to sewer connect to protect item um utilities is being awarded another $937,000 for this program and the match is already programmed within utilities connect to prod protect CIP sheet number 15 is a permission to accept the State housing initiatives partnership ship funds um the human services division is being allocated $1.8 million to assist qualified very low to moderate income Martin County households with housing Rehabilitation home demolition and replacement emergency repairs down payment assistance sewer and water hookup and rental assistance there is no Grant match required number 16 we're actually doing a permission to award money um for the Martin County deployment Grant of the American Rescue plan act the arpa funds um for Broadband infrastructure program to Comcast um Martin County has awarded the deployment grant for a million dollars for funding for internet access in areas that are currently underserved or have no internet access from the American Rescue plan act allocation as previously aboard by the BCC back in 2021 I believe Stephanie would you pause there for just yes yeah so is Martin County going to install this are we awarding the contract to Comcast AT&T where is it going to be good afternoon uh commissioner George Stoke assistant K administrator this was publicly uh bid uh between companies Comcast was the select was selected they were the lowest or I think they might have been the actually the only one that submitted I'm not exactly sure what will happen is this will be uh installed in the Palm City Farms area along um Citrus south of Martin grade north of um um is it 96 I was going to say 94th Street uh that's the area basically it goes just south of 95 to 96 Street uh on the east side of the road how is that area selected because I live in Rocky Point and we don't have a decent internet so that area was selected because they currently have no service and it was through the have the time yeah it was through me too it was it was one of the that area was identified by the Federal Communications FCC I don't know what the other C is as well as the State of Florida and the reason we had to read vertise it was because the State of Florida was quicker to issue their grant for the west side of the road so we then were supplementing the east side of the road because those those individuals in those neighborhoods have no internet service and miss merly going back to numbers 13 and 14 the D um grants I'm so pleased to see those who appi who applied for the grant utilities utilities yes so those um those go to the uh actual final step of connection uh and Sam's here if he wants to time in um where the the actual final step is to abandon the tank and get everything hooked up so they already had the grants for that this actually extends an existing Grant to add more funds to it to continue um I think you had almost like uh almost 2,000 uh properties that were eligible for this a total or 1,700 something like that fantastic I'm glad to see that DP still has confidence in US yes they do that was good to see thank you commissioner I was I was glad to see that thanks thank you I have one more item um the very last item is a budget resolution to allocate additional revenues and expenditures for the the sailfish stands Golf Course hitting Bays bar and restaurant at the time of the fiscal year 2024 budget development the operation of the restaurant and hitting Baye um was new to us so we didn't know exactly how much it was going to cost or how much we were collecting so after some reflection on how the the golf course is doing we have now decided to increase the budget for that operation within the golf course by approximately $1.1 million and I'm happy to say um the golf course has of today has has seen a net profit of approximately $820,000 to the good um so it's self-sustaining and we would really love to get this budget in there so they can continue to rock and roll excellent okay and that's it all right any other questions seeing none approval he when he grits his lips like that it's like no further said oh did somebody approval okay um we have a motion by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously department number two contracts that meet the threshold of the board of approval of 1 million or greater Christy Brotherton good afternoon Christy Brotherton Chief procurement officer I have three items for your consideration today uh the first item is a contract award for the harbor Estates gains Avenue area water main extension project um staff is recommending that the board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder which is Jamie underground in the amount of 1, 14447 se8 and move that the board authorized the County administrator or design to execute all documents related to this request um do we not have a mouse up hold a pause there for just a sec please I closed my iPad but there was a bitter that was lower so do we apply a local preference to that particular um we do not curious we have um grant funding tied to it so we do not um apply local preference programs we're not allowed to because they were technically the second at least on the bid tab um for this one no the reason we didn't go to number one is the low bidder was um non-responsive okay sorry um Donna can you scroll down I don't have a mouse up here thank thank you um number two We have tree pruning removal and installation this is a continuing Services agreement uh with an maximum not to exceed value of $1 million and a maximum not to exceed term of 5 years and staff is recommending that the board uh W the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible biders which are all Florida tree and Landscape Sherlock tree company and tri Brothers Tree and Landscaping and move that the board authorized the County administrator or design to execute all documents related to this request and the last one we have is a contract change order for our bathtub Beach Sailfish Point nourishment project um the purpose of the change order can you go up a little bit Donna thank you um there was some unforeseen wind and wave events that occurred after the project contract award which has been a significant increase in sand loss within the project area um this necessitated an increase in the Project's dredge quantities from 215 ,000 cubic yards to 275,000 cubic yards um the amount of the increase is 1, 95,000 87952 and staff is recommending that the board approve change order number one to Atlantic engulf drudging and Marine LLC in the amount of 1,958 7952 and move that the board authorized the County administrator or designed to execute any and all documents related to this request and that concludes this item Mo staff's recommendation have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously excuse me um now our last item is uh Department 4 discussion on Martin County Wellness Clinic location Mr Matt Graham good afternoon Commissioners M gram assistant County Administrator uh with me today is George zad deputy director of Public Works and I'm just here to give you a quick update on the clinic as well as get your direction on which county property uh you would like us to build the the clinic on so just a recap this here is a timeline in November of 2022 the board AU authorized us to design and construct a clinic on uh one of two County Properties so um if you look here at the map site option number one is the parcel or the property located next to the building department and then side option number two is located right out in front of the fire rescue Fleet Maintenance facility and um just east of Sailfish Splash so just going back to the timeline we did an RFQ for the design in May and that was awarded to saltz Mickelson in December of 2023 and then they most recently gave us their recommendation on which location uh to build on so this is another view of site option number one um this is the one next to the building department and then site option number two again next to the fire rescue Fleet Maintenance facility so in their um site evaluation report there was there's uh really three things that identified um and where they came what they came to their conclusion with was the site preparation um the open cut so on option number one that's the one next to the building department there's about 400t of open cut whereas in option number two there was only 40 ft of open cut um for the utility connections there was longer pipe runs required on option number one and then um for environmental um option number one did have some Wetland impacts and on option number two there was only um surface water and that wouldn't be impacted um based on where they plan on um constructing the facility so um their recommendation is site option number two and really just the three reasons are reduced material and installation cost lower maintenance costs and there were no identified LS so staff recommendation is moved that the board authorized staff to construct the County Wellness Clinic on site option two located at 951 Southeast Ry street that concludes my presentation I also have um the architect and engineer here if there's any questions as well as Public Works who's taking the lead on this project U I'll only add that U the consultant was contract was contracted this was uh this was publicly advertised indivi as an individual project um the consultant was tasked uh first with the site assessment to review the constraints perform an environmental uh assessment and Analysis as well as constructability so um the basis of this recommendation is on task one um upon approval and direction we will move forward with um design development of both the building and preparation of a site plan uh and lastly um site opt the site option selected is actually within the county jurisdiction uh the other site adjacent to the building department is actually within the city of Stewart and um does lie within an existing um uh uh dry detention area and it does have a flow through easement so those were just some of the other uh constraints that were involved yes sir uh just as a quick reminder that in the uh the clinic uh having our own Clinic does save the county quite a bit of money but uh the other thing is is that in this particular operation uh we're continuing conversations with our sheriff's department and at this point in time we were looking that this would be a shared Facility by both Martin County employees and Sheriff's employees including all of our fire rescue staff so that's uh obviously gives us a a scale um of um a greater scale fa to save funds in the future for the for our County Commissioner Smith can you go back to the first slide that showed the overall aerial so your choice your your Preferred Choice is site option one no site option two site option two and that's adjacent to the fire rescue maintenance facility yes sir so I I just I've not been a fan of either one of these sites for a bunch of reasons but nonetheless I I for expansion purposes for where that's built you know that I'd be putting this right adjacent to that if we ever had the reason to expand fire rescue site regardless of what the constraints are on the on on the secondary site I just I I wouldn't want to box in the ability of fire rescue to expand if we were to do that because I can see that'll be the next conversation oops we didn't plan right we got to expand but now we got to move off this site to a whole new site because we don't have enough room uh understood U this this site is uh three a little over three acres and we really only need two uh so we do have potentially capacity for expansion we don't know what what the needs are of fire rescue there are also other dry detention areas um to in the northern Northeastern section of that parcel uh which would be to the west of the existing maintenance facility um that we could potentially relocate um there's that triangular piece to the north we also understand that there could be the potential for expansion of the water park but we do have options yeah I but for those obvious reasons that's why I wouldn't go there I I like another one if you if you had if we expand if we ever expanded the water park and then you got to look at parking if you've got an expansion to Fire Rescue you're Heming yourself in even if you leave yourself an acre I mean it's like okay I don't know that I'd do that but that's just my opinion i' i' count choose the other side if that was my Comm yeah move sta recommendation for site option two campy uh for similar and additional reasons with all due respect to the folks that did the work I would have chosen site number one uh as Mr Zama said you only need two acres for the building site one is two acres you basically diminishing the 1.5 Acres that are left on three um I think having it over there by the building department the health department the property appraiser utilities feels like a little more of a campus than putting it up there um either way would be fine but I was going to not say anything but if there is an expansion either of the park in the future or of of our fire rescue which even when they built that it doesn't have a tremendous amount of um not building wise but propertywise for facilities either way I'm okay but if you were asking me my opinion I would have picked one Commissioners we can certainly go with site option one there there's benefits with both properties um so whatever the board desires we're willing to make it happen what does George Z want well I you know there there are some some constraints um we would have to work around um there is that is an existing dry detention there is only certain amount of capacity um we do have our our civil engineering consultant here that can further expound on that um uh the building department is also looking to expand a facility and um that would reach the capacity for the ention area so we would have to you know you know not to say that it can't be done you know we can engineer our way out of anything it just takes money and we can introduce um WGI the subc consultant and civil engineer Adam SCH with WGI um yeah again we did the analysis for uh the environmental the civil engineering the public works yeah coming closer to the microphone yep C standing Too Tall over this uh and again uh as staff has eloquently put it uh again side option two did make more sense side option one you're in a uh you're reducing the capacity of the existing dry detention area by filling that in um as Mr Z pointed out the the flow ad easement does go through that same kind of area and the back of that existing detention area uh and our environmental team when they went out they looked at that detention area and there was some Wetland species that were growing up in the detention area cuz it's kind of cut a little low second commission herd's motion um so credit side option two seems to be a little more uh there's there's less hurdles that it does appear when go back and tell your bosses you you twisted our arm Mr Donaldson did you have that's an old lighton I'm was going to say at face value I like site option one too because of the proximity to the building department and some of the other departments but I understand your logic behind to commissioner Smith yeah how far does our property go to the east in back of option one in the back of option one uh is that that whole wooded area in back that whole wooded area which would be behind if you um okay so for cursor oh we have a cursor it go back so all of would be right here that area that line right all that area is ours correct so for storm water and whatnot you got another 3 acres 3 and a half acres in there to work with well that storm water area is treatment for this property this entire impervious area if I'm not mistaken uh there's a flow through for these areas so that it's shared storage really in this whole area wooded area to the east right that's there's no storm water anywhere where your glove is right there is this is the part of the dry detention area storage this whole area there's no depression there that's all just natural land oh there's three it's a 3ot depression okay bu what you want yeah I I only say that having worked with the previous owners around the drainage in there that dry detention area was a lot more complicated than staff kind of brought up in terms of how it serves the other area and with the flow ad eement so it could be done but it just requires worth working with other property owners and relocating that equivalent storage so it is a it is a much more complicated arrangement for which is relatively a small facility that we're trying to build okay any other comments huh you thank you we have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion passes 3 to2 which is an odity um with commissioner Smith and commissioner heatherington toen and something you thought was just going to be so thought this was so nothing so thank you Commissioners so with that we have reached the end of our agenda because we've pushed CIP till next meeting that I'm hoping our agenda is a little lighter than what we've experienced today Mr Donaldson I'll stress that again I'll do my best sir okay and uh so we do have a public comment John Dr John hips I don't know about you guys I'm exhausted I've been here all day listening to everyone it's it's been very enlightening thank you very much um it's been really helpful yeah when I came up here this morning to talk to you if you recall I I recommended a a moratorium on all new pews and I knew that was going to be unrealistic but my point of of saying that was that we have so many projects on the book and so many of them have not been implemented yet and I fear what the county is going to look like once it's all implemented I have been a resident of Martin County since 1973 and I really I'm concerned about the quality of life here um so today when I heard about kaloa and the ranch these were projects that I didn't know anything about and I listen listen to the project the People speaking and I heard you all your comments and actually they sounded really good to me and uh talking about re preserving some of the the wetlands and I I'm all for that I I guess my concern is are they developers really going to do what they said they're going to do and I'm going to give you an example I live in South Stewart and when I drive down Cove Road I see tighter ecosystems trees ripped up and and the Pavements of of concrete that just has changed the place of Cove Road one project in parure is the co Cove Road intersection of Willoughby and that is a crime against humanity they ripped out all those trees there and the ecosystem I I don't think that I didn't think they could fill in W Wetlands but it looks like they did over there and it's frightening it's it's just disheartening to see that and so I I'm just asking that we just try to be careful and and make sure that the staff is on top of this that we we just be careful with our development now I'm a real estate investor too and I I believe in property rights but we also have the rights of the community as a whole and the that we have a responsibility to their well-being as well and so I just want us to be careful with our future going forward and I know you are I listen to you and I I I know you guys all work really hard just asking to really be mindful of what's going on there's so much of it thank you and have a good evening I'm done you guys should be done too cuz it's really been a long day on the 14th commissioner Smith yeah Don I I I just I think we have to be better at responding sometimes to things does Martin County allow any damage fill in whatsoever to Wetlands uh no uh we we do not allow impacts to Wetland there's are rare circumstances where they have a proclus of reasonable use where you can where you have to gain access to the Upland portion but otherwise there are wetlands are are protected by Martin County um uh um to much different than than most other communities which allow mitigation the county does not allow mitigation I just sometimes and and and just for the gentleman who was speaking I just think it's important that we don't leave with the impression that we do on things like that because we don't thank you our next speaker is Gary Eller okay thank you Mr chairman Gary earler at the last County Commission meeting D date April 9th I mentioned that the Sero community and the NAC were not being heard we had zero input on the Upland facility we didn't even know about it until fairly recently actually it was the October 2020 3 NAC meeting commissioner herd had said that NAC had had six presentations which were prior to the commission's approval Susan Kors had said that the NAC had three or four presentations over the last year as well as numerous updates to since 2017 I guess it all depends on your definition of a presentation my definition says it would be listed on the agenda and open for discussion that a discussion actually takes place Place questions are allowed and answered residents have an opportunity to express your opinions give feedback and have input into the final plan none of that has happened since November 2017 the Salo NAC had one presentation on the moing field that was at June 8th by the deputy director it did not include the Upland facility because it was in the cone of silence we were kept in the dark the Upland and the moing fields were always lump together with updates on four or five other projects like Castell Williams Park's bathrooms and they went like this anchor balls anchors for 42 morning balls have been placed dock constructed contracts been awarded an RFP for the uplift facility was posted all in the cone is silence when we were first told in October it was not going to be at Pirates Co but at Manatee Park whenever we ask questions we were told it's not a CRA project contact Jesse Garland in the public works department commissioner Smith if you truly consider these presentations you told me that if if it had happened in a vacuum that you'd call for an immediate pause on the project we were kept on the outside of the decision making and it certainly feels that it was in a vacuum I'm asking you for to take that pause that you promised also the updates were given because because the NAC had been asked and I raised a question with them at the last meeting again not on the agenda thank you for your time commissioner thank you and with that um is there any other public comment seeing none um our next meeting is May 14th 2024 and with yes sir I do have I know you all want to get out of here but I have a couple St I just there's three things I just need to to highlight since our last meeting and and that one is please it's regarding to some of your staff's accomplishments and uh so it's positive note I think it's it's worthy to to pause even in in this moment so first of all Jen Salis and the library Department got a taxpayers Association award that was uh and they were celebrated the other night for their fiscal responsibility and delivering high quality services um and then there is a regional um awards for um uh um safety awards and we had several departments and I thought compared to Palm Beach County and uh our surrounding Treasure Coast counties that were there um we did very well Martin County Health and Human Services uh got an overdose Action Program the uh fire rescue had with their training with the sheriff's on an active shooter uh simulation training our Fire Marshall had a new program for uh uh safety that they were uh highlighted on and then our traffic uh department has a new preemption program for fire rescue and how they deliver when they have an emergency call and how our new system implements and then uh finally we had um uh Yuri paraga uh who got a uh from the rotary uh service above self award um which was awarded at their lunch in this last couple of weeks ago also for for excellence and singled out amongst other uh Public Safety representatives for doing again service above self and and there was a lot all to all of these which I only mentioned their names and the titles and what happened but uh when you peel back it it was all of the all the accomplishments from these employees was very impressive and uh was proud to uh participate in in some of these events to celebrate our your great staff so thank you for that anything else no that was it control can we adjourn now yes sir uh okay once again we'll see you May 14th 2024 and with that Happ Mother's Day we are adjourned yes e --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e back all right so I understand we need to untangle the web we weaved before we wo wo before we broke so M Woods Mr chair members of the board um Sarah Woods County attorney so the Last Action that occurred before you broke for lunch was that you took a vote on a motion to reconsider the matter of the sales tax ordinance from the previous Mee meeting um as I explained that has the effect of ending the sales tax uh referendum because it's not possible to meet the statutorily required deadlines it's there's a system and certain things that have to be done by a date certain the board then responded when I at least I heard some expression of wanting to not have that happen um and so in order for for the uh referendum to stay valid what would need to be done is there would need to be a motion to reconsider the previous motion to reconsider complicated um it needs to be made by someone on the prevailing side and were that to pass by three Commissioners that would have the effect of suspending the reconsideration and would allow the referendum to go forward as was true prior to the previous batter I hope that's clear commissioner campy I would make a motion to reconsider my vote to reconsider the other vote if you would the sales tax to reconsider the sales tax I would make a motion to reconsider my vote to reconsider the sales tax reconsideration yes sir second okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner herd all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you I appreciate it are we done with that issue for the moment the the only thing I was going to say is that to explain to the public is the reason why it causes the delay is because we'd have to re-advertise the hearing you can't you would not have the opportunity to reconsider it today we'd have to adver I a new ordinance hearing and that is what causes the time delay that toits the statutory requirements to meet the deadlines for the referendum not only the advertising requirements but the submission to the state for the fiscal analysis it's kind of like um a game of dominoes one affects the other okay our next item up to bat is uh public hearing number four legislative public hearing to consider adoption of comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 23-12 the ranch PUD uh future land use Amendment Miss W oh M anyway go ahead you too you too good afternoon members of the board my name is Clyde duelan for the record and with me is Daphne Schwab Schwab uh we have a public hearing uh for you to consider the future LS map Amendment on 3900 Acres from agricultural at one unit per 20 acres to rural lifestyle allowing one unit per 20 acres uh I think you're familiar with the project and the property um this was presented to the local planning Agency on November 16 and presented to the board of County Commissioners on December 5 uh it's been considered by state agencies this is the location of the site uh as you can see here's Bridge Road and here's caner Highway bisecting a portion of the property um it is uh there is rural lifestyle to the north uh of this property here and um there is a golf course under construction here to the West between um the canal and scanner Highway uh to the South is the Trailside subdivision and the sunlight ranches subdivision they are both subdivisions with 20 acre lots on them um to the east is land owned by the south Flor Water Management District uh so we consider this proposed change generally compatible to the surrounding lands there are four criteria that staff must review when making a recommendation on a proposed future land use map Amendment staff finds that the first two of the four criteria have been met uh there have been land use changes in the surrounding area and there is development in the surrounding area that makes this a logical uh for this proposed future land use map Amendment uh the sprawl criteria were evaluated and found favorable um the public faciliity side of things um there's the same density so your your uh Road impacts your your your police your fire your um Etc are all pretty much a wash the same impact with the existing land use and the proposed land use designation um I'm going to go to the map to show you this is the same map we had on the screen previously at the last public hearing but it gives you some content this is the proposed Ranch property in context with the surrounding area here's the Three Lakes already assigned the rural lifestyle here's the discovery uh our Atlantic Fields already disc already assigned the rural lifestyle fature L use designation and uh with that I will uh end the staff's presentation and recommend approval uh if you have any questions we'll be happy to try to answer them any questions for staff seeing none Mr Waters good afternoon Tyson waters on behalf of the applicant and we have our Affidavit of mailings well thank you can you set up oh sure thank you so we are here in front of you today for this this portion of the hearing process is for the future anus Amendment map again as staff mentioned on November 16th we were in front of the LPA who made a recommendation of approval and on November 5th we were in front of this board that made a recommendation to of approval to transmit it to the state as staff me mentioned in their presentation and their staff report they found two criteria to um move this future land use Amendment forward as well as confirming that in regards to to the prolifer proliferation of urban sprawl 13 of the 13 uh categories were satisfied and four of the eight and the other list of criterias and again we're going to beat this home because I think it's really necessary to appreciate what can be done in agricultural today and what can be done in the rural lifestyle um land use designation once that's approved you can see no density increase and now we're finally also able to talk about this piece of property the text amendment was about the county as a whole with this land use Amendment now we're looking specifically at these 3900 acres and we can all agree and we all understand these are environmentally sensitive lands 650 Acres of wetlands right next to the St Lucy canal and I think it would be devastating to develop this under the the agricultural land use where you'd have potentially 195 units spread out over 3,900 Acres also I think we can all agree putting 10095 septic systems would be a terrible thing for the environment so what this land use designation does it allows the property owner and you'll see this in the next hearing to work with the county to come up with a project that is suitable and appropriate for an environmentally sensitive piece of property like this that's 3900 acres in size I know there's been comments previously during the prior hearing about the south Florida Water Management District's comments um those comments were received were responded to the project team met with District staff on multiple occasions the district has confirmed that comments have been addressed and I believe in your packet you've got a letter from from uh Drew Bartlett the executive director of The District addressing that fact and I want to call your attention to two quotes that I thought were really about this and the first one is the district appreciates that the private land owner is using their project to improve ground and surface water hydrology on the site and in the wetlands increase water retention on site and create natural managed areas around the southern bounties of the project and adjacent to the districts again the district owns that land to the east of this property it goes on to end their email by saying the district appreciate appreciates the County's consideration of the Improvement in hydrology and Wetland habitat associated with this project and how that affects the larger surrounding ecosystems I think right there tells you this is a good land use this is a good project and we'd ask for your support and we're here for any questions you may have thank you very much any questions for the applicant commissioner herd yeah do you acknowledge that this project is entirely within the Indian River Lagoon natural lands component um I I believe I haven't we haven't confirmed that with the district but some of the maps certainly show it's part of ser and the IRL South and I think the district addresses that fact in their confirmation that this is a good project that they support it it absolutely precludes us from from uh using this land for Indian River Lagoon South 3900 Acres that's in the footprint that can be used for Indian River Lagoon South but but I think this project is approved I'll defer to some of the other Consultants here but there's this has never been on the district's radar to acquisition certainly not on the County's acquisition radar the only way this land is going to preser preserved and protected in furtherance of that those goals of water quality water storage is through a private partner a public private partnership such as this that's done through a plan unit development agreement that we all come to terms on and agree to how this is going to be maintained and and and preserved in the future do you acknowledge that chapter 4 requires that water and sewer be extended first into the primary urban service boundary I think this under this land use designation that's an exception to it and it's a This Land Is there is there an acknowledgement that the that chapter 4 requires that all extensions of Public Utilities be inside the urban service boundary I am not aware of that no then why do you have have a a uh uh a comp plan Amendment that's necessary to make an exception to that if there if the rule doesn't exist but there's an exist there's an exist existence of having it in the urban service District but there's a Code today this land use allows that outside so I wouldn't I would disagree with you that it's only allowed within the urban service district and I haven't seen any evidence that the private land owner is using their project to improve ground and surface water hydrology on the site and in the wetlands there's absolutely nothing in this project that that shows that there's going to be an improvement well I I appreciate that and when we come back forward the next hearing with the plan unit development agreement I think we'll have the Consultants up here to discuss that in more detail is that it oh that's it commissioner Smith yeah it's sort of a a a follow on to the commentary um somehow it gets lost on all this and what was lost I think even with some of our public speakers this morning there were there was discussion about the love of hunting and fishing out on Western lands well last time I checked this is private property and I suspect that if anybody were on those lands doing anything without approval from the private property owner um they would be asked to perhaps leave um the second part of that is that whether it is or isn't in the IRL South footprint um it's still private property we don't we we local government nor the state have the ability to go onto this property and mandate that someone does something with their property until it's Acquired and last time I checked um that wasn't happening um the the last part I I would say and this was part of the I think Tyson's a little bit of Tyson's presentation or it was part of Clyde's presentation the fact that 10 years ago when this was changed and all the density was shifted to the north side of 76 there were 600 units that were going to be built on the North side total I mean we're we're talking 200 units on the whole 34 3900 Acres whatever the total is and I and I just I I hope those that kind of doesn't get lost now the Barney absolutely stepped forward and said we're removing that because because they didn't think that was the right process for what they had got gotten done years before that but this could have looked a whole lot different than it's going to look today and and I think we have ended up in a much better place uh with where this applicant has taken us thus far thank you Mr chair okay with that we have some public comment uh GG dubet followed by Mr Greg bra thank you again for listening to me I do appreciate it um again I go back to the concept of rural lifestyle ranchetts don't have golf courses they don't have convenience stores they don't have golf cottages they don't have dormatory housing I don't know how you do math but in my book that increases population that also increases the need that that group of population would need such as the services that we have that have been identified in the comprehensive plan a PUD by itself is a very reasonable approach to land planning but you have to consider the acceleration of development that is caused by making this change uh versus what we have already done 10 years ago was when we really did an in-depth comprehensive plan change that evaluated all of the services that are needed and provided in the urban Services District those are the things like the hospitals the schools the sewers it's not just saying yes physically we can provide the service but how are you going to plan to build the infrastructure an amendment for the comprehensive plan is needed that's what gives the transparency that what is what gives us the trust and it gives us the confidence in what you vote to do we're not getting that everybody here is asking for it you just can't keep increasing the number of Rural lifestyle developments without evaluating those needs we're going to be like Boer aone this isn't what the people here want you have Williams and cattle that is said and they're a large Ranch holder that we need to identify conservation areas they're willing to work with us the people in the agricultural Community why isn't the commission looking at this and working with them we're asking you we're begging you why aren't you listening to us I I mean I've been in land planning I started in 19 1976 with the area planning board I work with South Florida Water Management District I've been an elected official I understand what you're going through but your failing us thank you Mr Braun followed by Tammy Simone I don't think she's here anymore Simo sorry good afternoon Greg Braun executive director of the Guardians of Martin County and I want to assure you that when I speak before the commission it is at the direction of the board of directors of the Guardians of Martin County I don't take these positions lightly I do so at the direction of the board to implement the policies and the procedures that they adopt the Guardians board is not influenced by development the positions that they take are shared by the community as you heard from at least half of the speakers this morning who Express their concerns about water quality and growth management yes we do rely on the expertise of thousand friends of Florida for growth management things that are beyond our capabilities it was failed to mention that the recommendation from the LPA on this project was that there be a water quality monitoring program as a condition of approval of this project the Guardians feel that it is inappropriate for this project to be able to commit over $800,000 in various Community benefit projects and not dedicate even a single dollar to doing water quality monitoring that would assure our residents and your constituents that the discharges off of their property are not going to exacerbate the quality in the receiving body it's nuts the vast majority of the people who spoke this morning have nothing to gain by this project nothing to financially gain for it they're in it because they care about the county and they care about water quality Tammy Simone she's here simel Simo Terry Gibson followed by Brandon Tucker waving you off oh you're done Mr Tucker thank you Mr chairman again for the opportunity to speak Brandon Tucker executive director of Florida land Owners Association commissioner heatherington thank you for defining sprawl for us earlier uh that is a correct definition of spraw I had the opportunity some years ago I won't tell you how long ago it was but I graduated from the Florida State University with a degree in real estate and they taught us what spraw was back then yeah yeah and I I I want to congratulate uh the staff of Martin County uh the LPA this board of County Commissioners if there's ever been thoughtful diligent planning that has ever been done on a project a project when I first heard about it I said this is a project that everybody's going to embrace but here we are um but this is a tremendous project that Pro provides tremendous benefit to Martin County to the environment uh FL fully supports this project once again I want to congratulate and thank our our great County staff here in Martin County that is probably one of the most tried and tested County staffs anywhere in the State of Florida once again Martin County we talk about the Martin County difference this is the Martin County difference this is that Platinum standard that you can go anywhere in the State and say we're from Martin County this is how we do it we do it with Excellence we do it right so I would congratulate our staff on their hard work the applicant as well thank you for your time thank you sir that was our last speaker form so back to the board one more carolan Leonard oh um yes I do agree with uh ggn Greg I think we need water monitoring um the issue is uh by passing ph3 and ph4 you're opening the door for continual continual requests by developers to build these large multiple structured developments more golf courses more strain on infrastructure and Services I do I don't want to see this expansion of the rural lifestyle I think it's a terrible idea thank you commissioner heatherington um pending any further public comment I'll move staff's recommendation second okay we have a motion oh commissioner herd yeah I'm not going to support the motion chapter two of the comprehensive plan Details four criteria that must be met in order to make a recommendation of approval for a comprehensive plan Amendment first is past changes and land use designations in the general area make the proposed use logical and consistent with these uses and adequate public services are available no the second one is growth in the area in terms of development of vacant land Redevelopment and availability of Public Services has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics it does not meet that either third the proposed change would correct what would otherwise appear to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation certainly doesn't meet that one and finally the proposed change would fulfill a public service that need that enhances the health safety or general welfare of County residents it doesn't meet any of their requirements for approval of a comprehensive plan Amendment it is the definition of urban sprawl I will read you the definition of urban sprawl from the comprehensive plan urban sprawl is defined as a development pattern characterized by low density automobile dependent development with either a single use or multiple uses that are not functionally related requiring the extension of public services and facilities in an inefficient manner 6,000 ft from the urban service boundary in failing to provide a clear separation between urban and rural uses man this is textbook urban sprawl commissioner Smith I'm not finished oh sorry so this is what um the uh proposed uses are there on this on the uh uh the Southern and the northern Parcels the first is it will consist of golf courses golf Cottages Pro Shops administrative offices clubs and range houses event facilities residential multi-slip docking facilities food and beverage service maintenance utility facilities storage areas restrooms practice holes and driving ranges spa and recreational facilities and similar amenities the other is two 18-hole championship golf courses Clubhouse range house cart Barn Pro Shops long and short game practice facilities Championship length practice holes par three course 24 golf cottages and other amenities plus 175 homes 175 guest houses 54 golf Cottages 234 employee dormant dormatory beds does that sound like agricultural land use to anyone in this room of course it doesn't it is so incompatible with the agricultural land use and all of the uses around it this is destroying the destroying the comprehensive plan one harmful Amendment after another it's inconsistent with the state and federal mandates for for Everglades restoration a resounding no from me and from the vast majority of Martin County residents commissioner Smith uh Clyde just for the record and just hear us all say it how many years have you been doing this uh from growth management about 25 and what is your background I have a bachelor's degree uh from Florida Atlantic University uh have studied and and um been examined by the American Institute of certified planners and have the aicp designation and so it is your professional opinion that the information that you have given us today and opined on and said that staff recommends approval is accurate yes um that was one thing I wanted to get on the record number two uh I think it was stated earlier that ranch didn't allow this to happen was this ranchets um the the this part proposed land use designation does not provide for ranchetts the existing land use designation does provide for 20 acre ranchetts but it's not the ranchets that we think of as Palm City uh uh Palm City Farms Farms it's it's similar in nature just they're they would be larger but not subdivided into or platted in the 1920s into ranchetts that we refer to as I that I think we refer to as ranchets no they're not the same as the Palm City Farms 5 acre ranchets that were platted in the early 1900s thank you very much okay any other comments we have a motion by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed opposed motion passes for 4 to one commissioner heard dissenting moving on to public hearing quasi judicial number one public hearing to consider the request for rezoning approval to plan unit development through a plan unit development zoning agreement for the ranch project including a master plan and phasing plan Mr Peter Walden is there any interveners no sir no okay um did you turn in all of your all of the notices and receipts were turned in at the LPA um do we have any experte commissioner Smith I do and they're filed I do and they're filed I do and they've been filed commissioner campy yes I do and I've been filed commission her if I have any they've been filed swear swear in the witness okay everybody that is uh going to um give some testimony please stand up and be sworn at do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth Mr Walden thank you sir I'd like to start by turning in a copy of the agenda item in my work history is exhibit one and good afternoon uh Commissioners uh Peter Walden deputy growth management director uh now that there is a future land use designation of Royal Lifestyle on the kaloa ranch property all development pertaining to any rural lifestyle land use has to be done with a PUD zoning agreement and this is that application this is a request for a PUD zoning agreement and master phasing site plan it is requested by jwa Ranch LLC and is requested by Urban Design Studios and Tyson J Waters this is a location map of the property uh you've seen this a couple times today already I won't spend too much time on it but it's a couple miles west of 95 in the turnpike adjacent to the c44 canal and it straddles both sides of the caner highway in Stewart this is a closer aial of the project um it has been used for agricultural purposes for many years uh there have been ornamental tree farms on the property and mostly used for cattle grazing uh one thing to notice about this property that's a little unique is that a lot of the wetlands that dot the uh property are surrounded by up native habitat uh this is a good thing for development because it makes for uh special preserve areas that are especially good for Habitat this is the the title page of a 10-page master plan the uh data will show you that all of the residential development on the property is on 5% of the property the property itself is just a quarter uh quarter of a square mile less than the city of Stewart to give you some scale as to how big it is and um there is um so the residential development takes up about 5% of the property all of the golf courses and amenities take up another 10 10% of the property so that leaves roughly 85% of the property undeveloped or as lakes and most of that is in preserves and agricultural uses this is a better view of the master plan you can see all of the hatching this diagonal hatching here is all agricultural use which will remain and uh basically is all that you will see from caner Highway and Bridge Road of the project these dark shaded areas are the preserves and you can see they incorporate a lot of the Wetland areas uh another thing to note on the plan is that all of the wetlands incorporated into the golf areas have an additional 25 foot buffer that is unique to golf anywhere else in the county you can put a uh principal building or structure within 10t of a wetland you can build a road within 5T of a wetland but golf you have to have no irrigated turf or uh anything that requ requires irrigation or turf or any kind of pesticides or anything like that within 25 ft of the wetlands so that's another safu that is inherited to golf this is a phasing plan of the property you can see that most of the property is going to be incorporated into phase one therefore the pamp The Preserve area management plan will be mostly incorporated into that Phase 1 final sight plan uh phase one ENT entails mostly just golf and amenities and the restoration of the Agricultural lands and preserves uh phase two will have a couple PODS of residential inherit to it and phase three will have the residential docking facility and some more lots to the north northwest of the property talk a little bit about The Preserve areas there is a preserve area management plan that will be implemented with phase one uh all of the Upland and Wetland preserve areas are demarcated on the master plan so even though the pamp isn't in place we we have the environmental Assessments in all of the areas already site planned for those preserves and also we are going to implement the the applicant is going to implement a tree clearing and mitigation program to ensure that uh as much of the Native material that is useful can be either relocated or saved on site talk a little bit about the public benefits for the project um when staff analys analyzes public benefits we look at what the developer is getting and kind of do request benefits commensurate with that so in this case the developer is able to Cluster the development out there which in is both a benefit to them and what we consider a benefit to the site because if you didn't cluster development you pose the possibility of fragmenting all of those great preserves that are going to be available out there and the other thing is uh the extension of Water and Sewer Service to the property is the other benefit to the developer and again that's a two-edged thing because of all of the talk about water quality in the area it would be a shame not to have anybody hooked up to Water and Sewer in that area so uh we think that the the benefits that the developer are asking are commensurate with the public benefits of those already but um in addition to that they are proposing to spend 100 up to $750,000 uh redesigning and reconstructing the South Fork High School short course they're also going to provide educational and mentoring opportunities uh as far as turf grass management goes on their property they're also going to extend $50,000 contribution to the banner Lake restoration project and cleanup and they're also going to provide 20 acres of land for the University of Florida Institute of food and agricultural sciences and also contribute another $50,000 towards the engineering and planning costs of uh that facility so this was before the local planning Agency on April 18th uh the board did recommend approval of the app application they also with that recommendation came a ask that water monitoring water quality monitoring would be put in place uh additional documentation of water quality is a good thing perhaps it' be better implemented at the final site plan when the storm water uh Dynamics and mechanics are in place so we can better understand the uh the in the nuances of the storm water project but that is up to the board's consideration development review staff have found the application to be to comply with all applicable regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in the staff report therefore staff recommends approval of the puds owning agreement and we would move that the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report as exhibit one and move that the board adopt the resolution approving the resoning from A2 agricultural District to plan unit development and approve the branch PUD zoning agreement including the master site plan and phasing plan that concludes my presentation be glad to answer any questions M Smith W I know you also submitted your work history but can you tell it to us for the public to hear yeah I'm a development uh uh growth man growth management uh development director I oversee most of the development process in the in for the county as far as growth management is concerned I've been with the county for about 8 years now I'm an aicp certified planner um got my education at FAU like Clyde did so we don't have to hear about the other two that's great excuse me to hear about the other two no the other two I'm sorry that's up towards Gainesville and the one that's up north oh no no just FAU this guy yeah yeah so again in your professional opinion and I know that you just stated your recommendation but you agree with a recommendation that your staff's work on this is accurate and um and you agree I do thank you sir Mr Waters [Applause] oh here I'm sorry I'll te you up there got it yep good afternoon again Tyson waters on behalf of the applicant and is with great excitement that we're finally here in front of you with this plan unit development agreement and master site plan again as staff noted what our request is is to rezone the property from A2 to PUD agreement and then approval of Master site plan and phasing plan this has been a lengthy process um it's been about a year and a half since the date we finished we submitted the the first draft of this proposal to the date we're here now so it's a lot of back and forth with staff to work out both a site plan and agreement that's best suited for this piece of property as you know current zoning on the property is A2 and again stressing the fact of what we can do on this property we can do single family homes we can do golf courses golf Cottages all those amend amenities plus a whole lot of other things including a couple of industrial uses you see there at the bottom what we're asking today is to rezone this to a plan unit development agreement and this is the site plan 175 residential lots over approximately 195 acres two golf courses Clubhouse and amenities golf Cottages over 12200 Acres of agricultural land wetlands of almost 650 Acres that will be preserved and restored 324 Acres of Upland preserves and 91% over 3,500 Acres of open space and I think these next few slides are interesting to see exactly where those specific uses are located the agricultural uses are all lined up adjacent to and around both Bridge Road and caner Highway so as you continue to drive down those roads you're going to see the same thing you today that that Agriculture and Rural f our wetlands and Uplands 1,00 Acres of preserve areas comprise as you can see here 650 Acres of wetlands 250 Acres of wetland buffers and over 320 Acres of Upland preserves the golf courses we have two golf courses and and Associated amenities and the residential lots three three PODS of residential lots over a very small footprint again less than 200 acres and what's also unique about this development and where these residential lots are located they're actually away from the golf courses you know typically when you see a golf course the houses are right up on the golf course these are pushed away with large buffers so even those residential lots are going to get that rural feel where they're adjacent to Wetlands they're adjacent to Uplands they're adjacent to this agricultural use and again we've got Clubhouse and other recreational amenities that are going to be limited to Residents and club members another thing that we're proposing as part of the site plan large buffer areas 50ft buffers along both Bridge Road and caner Highway keeping with natural grade again so you have that that rural feel as you drive down both caner Highway and Bridge Road and then internally 100 foot buffers to separate some of those internal uses and at this point I'd like to introduce and ask Toby overdorf to come up here to talk about some of the the environmental public benefits thank you Tyson for the record Toby overdorf engineering design and construction vice president and charge of the environmental division up there uh just wanted to run through some of the environmental benefits associated with the project um as you look at your slide here first of all looking at water quality that's been a major discussion um over and over again today as we look at uh some different items here number one you're taking water right out of the c44 you're filtering it on the on the property you're running it through these uh enhanced and renewed Wetlands if you will and then right now when water goes off the property it's According to some old storm water standards now we're going to be on the new storm water standards we are working through this process so that you're actually reducing phosphorus and nitrogen within the c44 you're reducing uh that overall so that you're now in compliance with uh some future regulations that are happening and uh if you look at the bottom left pullet point where you're looking at the St Lucy B map you're actually going to be you are now required um in Martin County to address the total maximum daily loads associated with that particular Bap and part of that is also going to be looking at the nutrient loads with septic and Sewer uh conversions if you will throughout the area and here we're going right to sewer so that you have that nutrient will never actually be introduced there um and that's with some uh some legislation was recently passed that well I actually wrote um so moving on to that um we're looking at Water quantity as well for the next side here in this we're taking again water out of the c44 literally if you look um at this slide almost three billion gallons this is a permitted water withdrawal this is water that's coming out we have we have the permits associated with using the irrigation and this water will never go Downstream in that same quantity is there going to be some discharge certainly but it's not going to be that three billion gallons that water is going to be utilized on the property and therefore we're going to rehy rehydrate Wetlands with that we're looking at ways we can uh reduce overall discharge that's uh coming out of this property and therefore taking some water from the c44 and almost acting uh similar to an sta if you will then we look at Wetland restoration um I have to I have to be honest uh this is a project that I don't have to do I get to do it it's how I look at this project this is a really interesting incredible project for me because now I'm working with the landowner working with other people that are that are on this particular project I I really get to work in some areas that I haven't done since my graduate work and doing some restoration stuff we're restoring entire sways we're restoring these Wetlands that have been uh hindered uh by basically some some overd drainage if you will in the past where these uh agricultural canals did exactly as they were permitted to do exactly as they should do in these uh in the in the grazing areas but now we're rehydrating we're bringing back these wetlands and some of the plants that have that have been dormant for years are going to be popping and I'm I'm really excited about about that opportunity and also being able to bring in some uh some other uh some native plants that haven't necessarily been in some of these areas before and restoring these buffers and finally uh really working with uh the surrounding area where we're going to be rehydrating and and as you saw with a letter from uh from executive director Bartlett U who looked at the fact that we're rehydrating these Wetlands is actually going to serve as a benefit to these offsite areas as well and then finally um again as we look at the the habitat preservation um 39% of the Upland habitat is going to be preserved this is well above the 25% we're looking at uh Community farming we're looking at other ways that we're conserving uh looking at energy and Water Conservation um on the site and frankly the the other part in the comprehensive exotic removal that we're going to be doing on this site it eliminates the seed source for the surrounding properties and that also means the properties is owned by the state owned by others so that you no longer have that Brazilian pepper being carried by birds off and planting somewhere else or you have uh the overal climbing Fern that is being distributed throughout our region which is uh which decimates um all kinds of uh other lands that are out there so that being said I I really excited to be um a part of this project working on this project and I think we're going to see some incredible benefits as we move forward and I'll turn it back over to Tyson for some economics yes sir yeah oh yeah please Mr over thank you very much just kind of curious your work around the state and your knowledge of these kind of systems um have you ever got to work on a project of this scale of this type of this scale no um worked on some other pretty exciting projects whether it be the restoration of CMI River or looking at some some private areas um Wetland restoration with mitigation Banks or things along those lines but primarily this has been uh a really exciting opportunity for me so um in your professional experience again would you say that this sort of does set a standard of if you were to do something to benefit large tracks of land that otherwise either would stay fow or would stay in the former agricultural use that they were and through no fault of the land owner designed probably 100 years ago at this point to drain the land and make it Ranch Land does there come anything anything close to this so there there are things that that may come close to this um commissioner but the commitment by the certainly not in Martin County number one the commitment by the landowner and and their team I I I've never seen that before from the transformation of land and so I think I hope that answers your question just just Caris thank you I think commissioner herd has something yeah where are the methodologies assumptions data sources and analyses that will be used to assess whether this development program will have adverse impacts to Indian River Lagoon South yes ma'am thank you for the question that actually will be coming through um as we go through the process of the the environmental resource permit all of that information is going to be available not only to yourself but also the general public so we're approving that without having that knowledge um according to state law you do not have to um move ahead uh with a Erp in order to get a uh this approval here so we don't know whether it's going to have a deleterious impact upon Indian River Lagoon South and there for Everglades restor I apologize ma'am I'm sorry uh I think the staff has done a a a great uh review of the entire project thus far we're going to be going through the final site plan approval as well and also there'll be coordination back and forth between uh whether it be the Water Management District D and other agencies um I'm sure with with Martin County as they normally do and has there been an an analysis of stormm water management needs and potential flooding issues that will also be comprehensively done under the environmental resource um program which is or environmental resource permitting which is through the Water Management District so Martin County doesn't have any say in that they certainly have some say in it and that coordination is going back and forth and in fact part of the review that we had to do for this um is uh within your staff report that I believe is on your computer in front of you and will th those things come back to us for approval or for consideration and final site plan you're going to be seeing some items that are be coming back to you as well so all these things will be addressed at that time in detail I did not say all these things I said there'll be some items that come back depending on the phase of that final site plan okay thank you thank you Tyson Waters again for the record and before I get to the the economic analysis and the fiscal impact because there's been so much discussion today and in Prior hearings about the South floral Water Management District's comments I do want to reiterate and read into the record what Drew Bartlett said in his email from last Friday as the county considers the future of the parcel the important part of the natural lands footprint is captured in Wetland restoration which serves to retain water on the property instead of draining that water to the Central and South Florida flood control system the district as an adjacent land owner is also interested in how this comp plan Amendment again we were talking about the future land use with this but it's certainly relevant as part of this plan unit development agreement affects the larger Palmar hydrology as the headquarters to the lockah hatchee the district appreciates that the private land owner is using their project to improve ground and surface water hydrology on the site and in the wetlands increase water retention on site and create natural managed areas around the southern bounding of the property and adjacent to the districts the comprehensive everglaze restoration plan does not impose restrictions on private property rights or in the local zoning and comprehensive plan decisions therefore the county is not legally constrained by Ser plans for making decisions regarding private property using their comprehensive planning process the district appreciates the County's consideration of the important in hydrology and Wetland habitat associated with this project and how that affects the surrounding ecosystem so moving to the fiscal benefits as part of our PUD application we had to provide an economic analysis and this is just one snippet of that analysis and today it's agricultural land so tax that Pennies on the dollar well you can see in just a few years that estimated tax taxable property value is at $230 million and in 30 years estimated to be over $3 billion so certainly that Financial impact from the proposed use of this property so we've talked about the environmental public benefits and the fiscal public benefits and now I'd like to ask Tom MC Nicholas to come up here here to talk about the some of the community public benefits the applicant is proposing thank you chairman Commissioners I appreciate your words earlier saying that this is one of the best projects that you've seen and come in front of Martin County because that was the goal of the backx family before they purchase this land it's always been the goal of the Barney family that's owned this land for 25 years the ranch PUD public benefits first first focusing on on uh the Pine School and the applicant will provide a kind services up to $50,000 towards the environmental restoration and clean up of banner Lake I think we all know Banner Lake this property is not even located anywhere near the ranch so what Our intention was is how how do we help other communities and other goals whether it's Environmental Education and we're trying to check all those boxes and I think we're doing a great job doing so that restoration is going to help the natural flow of groundwater in the area and also help the Locka Lucy project which is big for hob sound Bridge Road in that entire area so we we thank them for that contribution Benny Caffrey head of school spoke to you earlier today we're hitting the high schools as the crow flies South Fork High School that has been sometimes referred to as the redheaded stepchild of a of a Martin County with the schools um has a a lot of property out there they've had a lot of problems with properties flooding and uh with the golf course this is why we're connecting with them it's a natural fit with southw being right there next to the Ranch so obviously what we're doing is the Reconstruction of the South Fork High School short course and oversee that project all in kind by some of the best golf course designers in the world more importantly the mentoring opportunities for turf grass maintenance and the classes for ranch while the ranch is being built these kids from South Fork will be zooming live and going to the property to help actually build these worldclass golf courses a first in the opportunity maybe a first in the country then we have the on job training opportunities for enrolled students at South Fork this isn't something we're doing just to gain approvals this is something the Bax family has been doing for 22 years in New York at friers head proof of that is Meg kios who's here in the audience I think she's in the third row she is a 24 year-old employee who's now here working in Martin County she started mentoring at Fri head at the age of 15 she just moved to Martin County and Palm Beach County about a year and a half ago from the University of Florida so this is a program that they're going to implement at South Fork and maybe some of the other high schools upon its success because they've been doing it successfully other places we're also going to develop an inde the youth caddy program in partnership with Western Golf Association Evans Scholars Program currently Friar's head and the backs family has four Evans Scholars that are coming through uh Friar's head now that will be the first kind of its program here in Martin County the closest of other one is in Palm Beach County those kids are all on full scholarships to colleges around the countries in in the Northeast so we're looking forward to that partnership with South Fork High School and some of the other high schools then we went to the higher level we've we've had a problem in the county forever with University of Florida and eus that they haven't had a proper home where they can grow with Martin County's Agriculture and the farming programs that we have here in Martin County I think we could all agree that that could be done better we stumbled upon this opportunity when having lunch with them with the Farm Bureau and we discovered that they were looking for and trying to figure out where to take maybe three acres in Indian town so yeah when you work hard you get lucky we got lucky on this and we discovered this issue so we invited them to take at least 20 acres that obviously is going to be a lease of more than 20 20 to 20 plus acres of land for at least 40 years at $1 a year we're also going to give them $40 at the end of the day so their lease is paid for the next 40 years so so University of fight Florida we all know what they do we're going to contribute also the in kind Services up to $50,000 for their soft cost so they can actually make that dream come to fruition with the engineering and the design cost to move right in as soon as possible all of these programs are not starting next year these programs are starting tomorrow there are also some other off-site projects that are not in this PUD that we're not going to go into in detail today but I think the back family has been known in this County already for two years on their contributions with the chambers and when I mean contributions I mean they show up in person they know our constituents they know our residents even in Rocky Point and cero and hob sound and Jensen Beach because they've done that work for the last 36 months I want to quickly introduce Ken Bax who just has a couple words to say with you all and appreciate your consideration thank you thank you Mr chairman Commissioners thank you for giving us this opportunity to speak I'm Ken Bax and like everyone who's come here to speak today I and my family appreciate how special Martin County is and we are 100% committed to preserving its beauty we've now been working on the ranch for over three almost three years and conservation and preservation have been critical and at the for front of our minds throughout um our planning process um we're really excited about the Community Partnerships that we've made to date and we look forward to forging many more in the years to come for the benefit of Martin County and its residents my wife Suzanne and I and our three children love it here and we look forward to making this our home thank you it's been said a couple times today but it's true Martin County is different I have a bumper sticker in my office that says Martin County it's just different here we've had multiple hearings over a number of hours this project is 3900 Acres 175 units over 1200 Acres of preserve area over 3500 Acres of open space a list of public benefit benefits second to none this is an opportunity I think when you talk to the people behind me there's a level of excite excitement that many of us haven't seen with other projects but this is it this is an opportunity and we'd ask for your support and we'd ask for your approval thank you very much you any questions for the applicant public comment yeah yeah all right uh Miss dub followed by Terry Gibson again thank you again for listening to me um my understanding is this is the second of three parts of a quasi judicial hearing and that the LPA has heard the first part no okay well my question then is the LPA did look at this development and they did talk about making a recommendation for water quality monitoring um I don't know if that should be part of your consideration um on the fiscal analysis that is in the application process I find that from a county perspective that it's dramatically lacking because all it really does is do a PR spreadsheet allocation of what the revenues generated by this project are versus the current millage rate um so that leaves out a huge part for the county to do and that has to do with the comprehensive planning elements and again that has to do with infrastructure and services that we now have and have planned for in the urban service district and as we know this development is going to have people living there who are going to need those services and it you know people have talked about hospitals six Monon weights to get in to see a doctor um you need to get a pool service company you need to get all the small businesses that's part of the thing that you do when you're evaluating your comprehensive plan we feel that the county is letting us down by not doing that it's certainly not transparent from these hearings on Rural Life Style on any of that being addressed by the county I do think that this project has promise some really wonderful public benefit um the donations that they've made I think are are fabulous I think that there's going to be a lot of use and that's going to be a long-term Legacy that this family is going to be giving the county but your legacy is preserving the mount Martin County difference and that difference is the conservation areas are those going to be actually set aside permanently as conservation areas and how is our infrastructure going to be planned for for all of the residents of the county not just this development for the future so that we know that we have the things that we need for our day-to-day life thank you Terry Gibson followed by Caroline Leonard thank you for the time you know what the most powerful word in the English language is or in any language yes it's not no it's yes and one of the things I appreciate most about this project is that it has the opportunity to to smooth over a lot of the divisiveness in our community it Weds the past of the Agriculture and keeps it present with with a ranch all these things that my family knows so much about and with a place that people want to be but in a in a rural setting in an setting where they're they're close to Nature um uh the lady that spoke before me I'm sorry I didn't catch her name you she she asked why the agricultural Community doesn't appear to be wanting to work that much with the county I I would say that I don't I don't own property in agriculture in Martin County but I would say there is a willingness except that there's a there's a hesitance because all we do is get attacked it's all we do I mean granted the attacks land about as hard as spitballs but it takes time and it's it's annoying and it's divisive um so what I really see in this project um I'm saying yes to this project as a citizen because it it does that it brings it's putting people back together in a natural environment when we aren't so so separated from where our food comes from the ground that we actually should be walking on instead of concrete um and and we've heard of all the benefits and everything else earlier but I I just urge you to go ahead and say yes to this project today and and and um I really would encourage the folks that are the applicant and their and their team to keep telling the story too because we we need to to show that that it's it's the really great things like this are possible farton County if we work together instead of hurl and insult at each other thank you when he's done when everyone's done Mr lonard is followed by Tammy Sim Simo Simo I don't know why despite some good things uh too much as is just being built on this land not just 157 or possibly 195 homes the pl say both ground and surface water will be used for irrigation now per overdo 33 billion gallons of c44 water I don't know but could this be too much use of natural Waters what about nitrogen phosphorus maybe blue green algae as I understand uh some of the agriculture areas empty into the c44 and that would be going into wetlands and other areas on the ranch there was blue green algae in another water area I think it was the blue Cypress lake and that didn't even come from Lake o could those things be problematic I'm especially concerned about the boat slips on the c44 are all the other Water Management options to be implemented as safe as they can be I am wanting water quality management mandated I'm glad the ranch is open to considering that thank you Miss Simo good afternoon Commissioners I'll be brief I but I felt it needed to be said um I'm a resident of Martin County for over 28 years own a restaurant live kids raised them grandkids on the way enjoy every single aspect of Martin County and we had a previous person speak this morning and say that you need to have your voter registration you need to this that is just so ridiculous to me because they moved here because they liked it too because of the decisions and the vision and the power and the passion that your staff you guys all have as well as the residents of Martin County but I think it's a little iffy because they throw these words around as if they're the end the world the urban service boundary is a boundary it's not a piece of uh magical things that you walk through and all of a sudden you lose gravity it's an urban surface boundary it's a boundary the comp plant is dictated by the state to be looked at every seven years because you have to grow with your community it it it's not that everything is carved in stone and can never be done we have an obligation to you to let you know what we need food Clean Water jobs um we have so many wonderful things that have come the Customs the Indian Street Bridge you ask all the residents that were against that how many of them go back and forth across that bridge today it's easy to say no it is harder to say yes and I just want to thank you for taking the time in your legacy is going to be your vision the way that you have brought Martin County along and with your decision to pass this the future is is endless I also think one thing in close cling it's really unfair because you hear all the people complaining about the traffic and all that you guys get a bad rap communities are being annexed almost every single day but then when they think of what this traffic and all these housing units and stuff going on it's not Martin County we do it differently but you're getting the wrap I just thought that needed to be put on record thank you thank you ma'am commissioner campy well we're coming to the end the third agenda item of a long day I appreciate the folks that came out to participate in the process both for and against that's how we do it here um every speaker brings something to the table that requires the five of us to take it into consideration some of the things I agree with some I don't uh I don't think bringing golf courses to the community is is a Bad Thing obviously I have a a bias towards golf people have heard me say my father was a is a professional golfer 87 years old but uh golf in communities is not a bad thing now some people say well it won't benefit me I won't ever get an opportunity to play there well that's not how it necessarily Works um but if we're going to create and protect green spaces whether you think this is a valid uh protection of a green space or not it is a green space and I'm so thankful that uh the residents will have an opportunity once again to decide if they want to tax themselves as they have in the past you saw those maps that were shown earlier that had large large pink boxes across from north to south on the Martin County map um through the work of commissioner Smith and commissioner herd many years ago and other Commissioners that came before the three of us here in the middle those lands are protected forever they are protected from um decisions that Tallahassee might make you know no disrespect decisions that Tallahassee might make on what our future developments should look like uh because they're protected and purchased but short of the County uh through taxing itself or other clever financial means purchasing these properties someone like The Basque family in the ranch project come forward and put 4,000 Acres aside yeah it'll have Golf Course amenities and the and the buildings and the things that you mentioned in the laundry list on 4,000 Acres it's not like you're building you know uh the Treasure Coast Mall so I'm pleased that you've picked Martin County to do this you could have done it anywhere um and probably in other counties it might have been an easier process um I'm glad that you put a team together that is made up of a majority if not nearly all of local talent and representation from the community they live here and know us the best I appreciate our staff that once again uh delivers a product that they professionally believe in under some very difficult circumstances um and I think that this project will go along with the other projects that have been approved uh and not only creating a wonderful reput ation for Martin County as an really a premier location for golf and people say well I don't play golf well they will employ hundreds and hundreds of people most likely locals but not all from every level from the person that's going to maintain the golf course and the golf carts and serve inside the clubhouse and the other amenities to Executives and and high level management will'll all have an opportunity to have a new place of employment and the 175 homes on 4,000 Acres I think potentially as as residents of Martin County we stopped realizing what's happening just to the north of us or just as quickly to the south of us where they're putting up 10,000 houses at a time and we're talking about 175 homes here and then I know for whatever reason people don't want to attribute the the benefit of a tax base but it has to count and when we go through the difficult process of creating and preparing budgets and try to protect our residents from increases that are difficult for anyone to absorb especially currently this will be another opportunity in the future for us to enhance our tax base with not a tremendous amount of draw on systems not none but 175 homes compared to what could have been 200 or if it was 600 that it was going to be originally I do remember that uh 2010 I was here then I remember that project so in my mind this is a nice project I get that some people will disagree with it because they don't want anything to happen here but as one of the people that gets to sit up here and have the privilege of representing not just the people in this room from the morning to now or that spoke we represent every resident of the county and I don't believe in my heart that when people come here or my colleagues say that you know all 160,000 residents in Martin County are Furious that this is happening I would personally disagree and I think that many people that don't have the opportunity to speak out either in public or in emails or any other notification social media they're very happy that this is going to happen here it'll take a burden off of some of our taxes that people still want the services and it'll be another uh line in the sand if you will for buffering uh future development demands that will come inevitably so I'm pleased uh to make the motion to accept the staff's recommendation Comm heatherington I'll just keep it short and Echo some of those now I want to thank the back family for uh choosing Martin County and and staying with this long process and you put together a great team and all staff for working so diligent ly and even all the community input on this project that this is the way the process is supposed to work and it I think the process has worked really well it's going to be an asset for Martin County um Mr overdorf made a really good point that I had not thought of early earlier when he talked about the south Florida water management and the seeds for the Exotics you know we we'd like to preserve and acquire land but it is very difficult to M maintain and I don't think that the County and the in the state you know we just have limited resources and it's hard for us to maintain it at a level that a private entity can and I had not thought about it would contain some of the Exotics even on the neighboring property of South Florida Water Management which I think is is a great benefit and if you look at some of the um the the development near there I I'm completely dead set again 20 acre ranchetts that are ditched and dyed and burned and it it's environmentally I think the most unsustainable thing that you can put we've spent millions of since I remember since I've been up here in the five year we've spent millions of dollars retrofitting some of the areas around Trailside and some of that neighborhood it's a beautiful beautiful Community but it's not something that I think we want for the vision of Martin County this is as close as I can possibly imagine to the Martin County that I know that I grew up in and I'm I'm really proud to be supporting it and a part of the project and I love everything about it including South Fork's um ability to have that Golf Course uh amenity come back and teach some of the young kids so um I will gladly second it okay any other comments we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries 4 to one commissioner heard um um opposing just thank you I was actually going to do the school board next I just because I know they had a window and I saw them just walk out no I know they just walked out though oh so let's while they're transferring yeah Mr mcnicholas Mr mcnicholas oh may may I make a comment yeah so um I'm going to put a plugin for my son and I I was at Hidden Oaks Middle School on Saturday for the Treasure Coast basketball championship game which by the way my son and his last High School game they won the championship so kudos to him so at Hidden o I was able Martin County Little League was leaving the field so it was able to pop over there and see the mcnicholas foundation work on the Hidden Oaks um Park recreation ball field it was phenomenal it's probably one of the most beautiful fields that I have ever seen so thank you for your participation in that congratulations and bring some to District 2 please never mind that thank you to commissioner campy and all the Commissioners for allowing us to do that especially the school board as well so that partnership is going very well and your parks and wck Department the mic thank you good okay where' Doug go I've lost control okay let's do um department Five since least stand an up um department number five approval approve the request by the Martin County School Board to place a referendum considering a 1 half M Ador tax increase on the November 5th 2024 ballot Miss Woods yes Mr chair thank you and members of the board Sarah Woods Martin County attorney um the County Administrator received correspondence from The Martin County School Board recently that contained a resolution requesting action by the Martin County Board of County Commissioners to direct the supervisor of elections to place on the November 5th 2024 general election ballot a referendum on the question of renewing the current adval millage by up to half m per year for four years uh this is this uh request is governed by section 1011 71 peren 9 of the uh concerning District school tax uh the school board resolution is attached to your item um and um our recommendation is that the board uh authorize placement of the Martin County School board ballot language contained on Schoolboard resolution 24-02 containing the increase in adval or millage by 1 half M for four years on November 5th 2024 general election ballot which will be provided to the supervisor of elections for formal actions I'm happy to answer any questions Miss Roberts thank you um chish Lee Roberts with the Martin County School Board and we thank you for this you you know our first time to have this on the ballot was in 2018 and that provided some money that was for primarily for teachers to help increase our pay that we gave to teachers to make us competitive in our regional labor market we re and we collected in 2018 1920 and 21 we reauthorized in 2022 for four years which authorizes our collections for 22 23 24 and 25 our issue mainly is that if we don't ask for reauthorization on this ballot we will end up having because the rule now is that it has to be on a general election ballot we wouldn't be able to be on the ballot until 2026 and we would miss a year of collections because we can't be putting it on the ballot and collecting in the same month so that would be the issue that we have we have changed the language slightly so that we're now um looking for up to 1 half M instead of collecting the full half Mill so every year when we go through our budget cycle we're very diligent to deciding exact what the number is that we need plugging that number in backwards and coming up with what we have to collect so appreciate that the other thing that I should bring to your attention is that our last board meeting the board also voted to allow the half cent sales tax that was approved in 2018 for seven years to go ahead and sunset on December 31st of next year of 2025 so that will be over and done with too appreciate it though good commissioner campy Miss Robert thank you um having the being the proud dad of three um Martin County School District graduates and I think they are as uh as successful as they are based on the education that they received at Palm City Elementary School Hidden Oaks Middle School and Martin County High School um my pleasure to make the motion to accept what you're looking to do second thank you okay any other comments we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner herd all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you very much have a nice day our regards to your board I will thank you all right now I'd like to go to um Department quasi additional number one if we can it's okay request plat approval for pentalago Phase 2 project P1 47-01 four John did that last senate senate yeah oh that's right Senate there you go like the Senate right or sin not there you go thank you Mr chairman good afternoon Commissioners I'm John Senate senior planner with growth management I'm here to present the plat application excuse me commissioner this is a quasa Judicial I'm sorry I'm not yeah come on now so anybody that's going to give um whatever um get torn in please raise your right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do are there any interveners there are no interveners have you turned in all of your paperwork no mailers were required I'm filing a copy of my work history in the agenda item as exhibit one do you have any experte I do they're filed if any of they' been filed if any of them have been filed I don't have any I don't have any and they've been filed okay moving on take it away all right John Senate senior planner with growth management I'm here to present the pentalago phase 2 plat application this is a request by velcon engineering and surveying on behalf of the property owner tightline Lakes for approval of the pentalago phase 2 plat Phase 2 contains 16 of the 4 2 Lots in the pental Lago single family subdivision minor technical changes were required to the phase 2 final site plan to achieve consistency with the plat these minor changes were approved on February 26 2024 pelago Phase 1 has already received final site plan and plat approval the site is located in Western Palm City north of I95 and east of Southwest citrus boulev Ard this is an example sheet from the plat the site consists of 5 acre lots consistent with the agricultural ranchette future land use designation all required imp improvements and infrastructure have been constructed and approved by the County engineer therefore security and contract are not required as part of this plat application review of plats is not required by the local planning agency final action on the application is required by the BCC in a public meeting development review staff have found the application to comply with all applicable regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in our staff report staff recommends approval of the pentalago phase 2 plat staff recommendation is that the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report as exhibit one we move to the board approve the logo Phase 2 plat happy to answer any questions any questions for staff does the applicant have a presentation it does not back to the board public comment commission public comment commissioner yes do we have any public comment on this seeing none commissioner C thank you um pental Lago has had a long history uh it was approved and then it set for a little bit and then it came back to life and I remember it was one of the first things uh that I had voted on and it was a unique kind of a project because the lots have lakes in them and we were deciding back then if the lot lines could have the lake and we approved that it would uh I've had the opportunity to be past the project it is beautifully done uh it's uh high quality the homes are very pretty uh it's a first class class quality project so for people that are moving into it they'll have a beautiful neighborhood and from our perspective it's a nice uh addition to Martin County so I my pleasure to accept staff's recommend make a motion to accept staff's recommendation I appreciate that they are here he's been here from the very beginning and uh he's a great guy thank you okay and we did ask for public comment already right okay so we have a motion by commissioner camp be seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you Commissioners back to work yeah nice job Johnson work now we're down to Department quaza judicial number two request plat approval for Discovery plan unit development PUD project h123 d027 Brian enam this a Jud got a stand and anybody going to give testimony please stand and be sworn in Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do is there any interveners no have you turned in all of your thousands of pages of I have my work history in the agenda item for exhibit one and I'd like to turn in the applicants work history uh into evidence for Exhibit 2 okay thank you and do we have any experte commissioner Smith uh yes I do in their filed if anyone have been filed I'm sure I do and then been filed I've had a few and they're filed if I have any they've been filed all right with that it's all yours thank you chairman Commissioners uh for the record Brian Neen principal planner with the growth Management Department um this is a request by Lan Associates on behalf of Discovery H sound investors LLC for approval of the discovery PUD plat consistent with the approved Discovery PUD phase 2A final site plan included with this application is a request for a certificate of public facilities exemption there were minor technical changes required to the phase 2A final site plan to achieve consistency with the plat the discovery PUD project consists of 3177 single family residential lots in the associated imp structure on approximately 1530 Acres located north of an adjacent to Southwest Bridge Road approximately one one mile east of I95 interchange in hob sound the discovery PD plat consists of a replat of all of hob sound Polo Club and tracks A and D of the Grove Golf Club uh if the board desires we can go through the 79 page plat if not I will continue with the to the end of the presentation um review of plats is not um required by the local planning agency development review staff has found the application to comply with all applicable regulations in the comprehensive growth management plan is detailed in the staff report staff recommends approval of the discovery PUD plat application and we move the board received and filed the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report is exhibit one and move the board approv the discovery PUD plat the phase 2A revised final site plan in the contract for construction of required improvements in infrastructure contingent upon the release or termination of all easements contained in the summary of easements to be terminated and that ends the presentation Comm herd yeah I haven't reviewed the plat because it wasn't available uh it wasn't available to to me until after 5:00 yesterday afternoon so the public hasn't had an opportunity to review this plat either don't we have deadlines for submitt of materials that are due a certain period of time before the uh uh board meeting um if I may so we do have some deadlines that requires the agenda to be uh uh published 5 days before there's no requirement for the specific sections of the agenda items to be published we did publish it yesterday after the County Surveyor reviewed it the board's approval in this action is ministerial after the County Surveyor confirms that all the Land Development regulations all the ordinances and all the statutes have been met so we are in compliance with Florida law with our regulations with publishing the plat yesterday afternoon if not not if the requirement is that it be submitted to us to for review 5 days before the agenda that's only the agenda that needs to be submitted 5 days prior I I think this is we're bending and breaking so many rules today I don't recognize my County I no one has had an opportunity to review this and I don't think that staff has had an adequate opportunity to review it staff has reviewed it I said I don't think the staff has had an adequate time to review it I understand that there's pressure to move an item because the uh uh applicant desires to move it but that's not a requirement of us we need to do thorough review for the benefit of Martin County residents not for the benefit of the developer I just simply say that uh there's it is a large plat there were some issues that uh they were reviewing that were purely technical in nature that were on the level of the County Surveyor and not on uh any of the other staff um that they were um completely review we certainly appreciate the applicant coming in and our staff uh to get those final details on there 70 Pages they it was submitted in adequate time for the staff to review initially uh but as I said there were some things that were discovered that needed to be um rectified and we continued it on this agenda uh with the belief that the technical items uh would be the only things that would uh need to be reviewed not the the plat in relationship to the final site plan um did not change anything why didn't why wasn't it continued in that case we did not we did not continue it it was at the request of the applicant and we felt that it was uh and it's the pleasure of the board to uh to continue to hear this item but uh we felt that um uh we could we could present it to the board uh with the item that it did not change any of the site plan uh items of any material change it's it simply follows through the plat allows the the land to be sold the plat the Lots themselves it's the final action to allow the individual lots to be sold so the the zoning was done some time ago the uh the land use and the final development plan this simply um codifies the final piece of it to allow the transaction of individ ual Lots uh which is a requirement by state law uh and it is largely The Plaid itself is an instrument of uh uh of surveyors engineers and lawyers on the technical details of how land can be sold that we we included it on today's agenda item because um it dides not change the original approval of the board in any way you have other things to do public comment oh wait wait I haven't even called Mr do you think are you I'll wait Mr re thank you uh good afternoon for the record Bob reigns with the guner law firm here on behalf of the applicant and um I appreciate the opportunity to be here today uh we do have a staff recommendation of approval and we have met all the technical requirements as proven by your staff recommendation I can tell you that uh I've been doing this for 27 years I can't think of a plat that's been reviewed and scrutinized as much as this one has with continuing comments coming back to an extent that I've never seen so the fact that it was given and again as was pointed out by Miss Elder this is a ministerial thing this is this is not a site plan approval changing anything this is strictly technical in nature so for a public to review it you can but at the same time you have no right to vote no against this if we meet all the technical requirements because it's ministerial that's all that matters so this isn't a thing up for public debate so with that I'd like to ask Mr Frank getler to come up Mr getler let me just can you uh can you please state your name for the record sir Frank getler and can you describe uh a little bit about your work history your education work history please background yeah I have about eight years experience surveying uh graduated from Everglade University and I am with velcon engineering surveying and can you describe the paper I'm handing you sir this is my resume okay and is that accurate resume as it stands today yes sir sir okay and I would like for the record to reflect that that resume is included in the packet that Mr elim submitted into the record for us so we do have that uh a few questions for you so did you prepare the plat sir that's before the commission today yes sir and are you familiar with all the rules and the regulations and the technical requirements of Martin County and Florida statute 177 yes sir and in your professional opinion does this plat meet those requirements yes sir thank you that's it thank you Frank so again this is a technical ministerial deal and uh we have a staff recommendation of approval it has been thoroughly approved we have a witness with qualifications who prepared it the states in his professional opinion it meets all those requirements so we would respectfully request that you follow the state law and approve this plat thank you any other questions for the applicant seeing none uh any public comment seeing jeez almost scared me commissioner Smith that a any feeling you were going to do that yeah if there's no more public comment um no more staff comment I would move staff's recommendation second is that what your light was for mhm okay it's like we're playing Family Feud um so we have a um motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries 4 to one commissioner herd dissenting thank you thank you and with that we are going to take our Clos captioning 10minute um break please come back in 10 minutes so we can view this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e prove it all right welcome back we are now going to skip we have not been following anything here down to uh public hearing quation number two because Mr Tom has to do something with his daughter public hearing to consider an abandonment of the portion of the platted RightWay lying within the Olympia plat this is for our train station in hoop sound so it's not an actual train station no it's train station yes thank you for clarifying that or I would have yes all right can we move that one to the city of Stewart Mr Walker commissioner Elise Elder Deputy County attorney this is a quasi judicial okay so anybody giving testimony please stand up and uh be sworn in Raise Your Right hands do you swear affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth do we have any interveners no have you turned in all of the multitude of pages to I do have a copy of the agenda item summary Affidavit of publication and my work history to submit for the record is exhibit one okay and then do we have quasi exp parte communte yes commissioner I don't believe that I do if I do they're filed if any they've been filed I have a whole bunch they've been filed none if I have any they have been filed okay all right thank you good afternoon Commissioners Tom Walker County Surveyor for the record today we have a request from public works department in accordance with Florida statutes section 336.00 n that the board considered the abandonment of 5,465 square ft of platted RightWay lying between blocks 8 and N Olympic plat number one uh if I can go to page 1930 I can show a map of where that's located outlined in red right there uh the easterly portion of the abandoned RightWay will adjoin to the county owned property to the East and the Westerly portion will be granted to the county by quick claim deed from the Westerly property owners who are Patrick Jay and Elizabeth T Martin the quick claim deed will be executed by the property owners once the board approves the abandonment of RightWay section 13931 and 139 32 General ordinances Martin County code require that any conveyance of an interest in land to Martin County for any public purpose shall be accepted and approved by resolution from the board of County commissioners of Martin County and staff is also requesting permission to initiate a zone change request on the property once these transactions are completed the abandoned area will accommodate installation of the historic hob sound train station that was donated by to the county by the Atlantic Fields developer the intent is to implement phase one of the hob sound CRA Dixie Highway streetcape project to include the train station and parking improvements staff's recommendation is one move that the board receive and file the AG agenda item summary and all of its attachments for the record as exhibit one two moved at the board adopt the resolution abandoning portions and of platted RightWay lying within Olympia plat number one as described in exhibit a subject with the following conditions president which is proper publication of a notice of adoption of this resolution three move that the board adopt the resolution approving and accepting a quick claim deed conveyed by Patrick J and Elizabeth T Martin for move that the board authorized staff to initiating initiate a Zone zoning change request on the property and five move that the board authorized the chairman to execute all documents necessary to complete this transaction with that I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions for staff commissioner Smith I do not and pending public comment um I would request respectively that the chair pass the Gabel to the vice chair so that he might be able to make the motion I'd like to do that ask for public got to ask for public comment um is there any P public comment for this item seeing none it goes back to the board motion I would like to make the motion um to accept staff's recommendation this is the a wonderful step in a process that there is a lot of folks in the hopes Sound area that's been working on this for decades so uh thank you great so we have a motion by commissioner Jenkins and a second by commissioner campy yes any other comment all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries unanimously congratulations that's great thank you all right good thank you all right consent poll um Mr Mr Zama um consent number five adoption adopt a resolution approving and accepting Southwest Earl Avenue into the county road inventory for ownership and maintenance Mr Z good afternoon board uh this is a request for the bard of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution for the acceptance of Southwest Earl Avenue into the county road inventory to allow roadway Improvement projects within the plat of Henderson's Edition in Palm City uh Earl Avenue is lies um between Southwest elma's place and Southwest Sunset Trail uh as I mentioned in Palm City uh it was originally dedic ated as a 50 foot uh public RightWay within the H the plat of Henderson's Edition in 1925 uh the roadway was not accepted into the county road inventory for operation and maintenance uh at the time of construction however all other roadways within the plat were accepted in the county road inventory um the county currently does not have legal obligation to maintain it however the roadway is um in poor condition and uh based by the county staff standards for within our roadway resurfacing program the roadway is in need of a full depth Reclamation which is the uh most costly repair method of construction um so the roadway um also has currently has a single Frontage property owner there was only one property address on this roadway um and the typical process uh for the county to accept this roadway into County inventory would be through our roadway msbu program uh or roadway Assessment program if you will and uh typically uh that requires an assessment to the frontage property owners in this case it would be one property owner um there has been a a cost estimate uh for the repair of the roadway uh upwards of $83,000 um one uating circumstance uh for this condition is uh we have a private maintained roadway that uh is the only Ingress and egress to a county maintained Road uh I do have a map uh that was not unfortunately not included in the agenda item that shows um maintenance responsibility uh if you could see I'll turn it the right side up we have Sunset Trail up here which is a county maintained roadway uh Earl Avenue ex uh runs north and south and that's the privately maintained portion um the the parcel that fronts legally fronts the property is right here and that is in the uh agenda packet and the roadway uh is the Ingress and egress for Southwest MMA place which um is a county maintained roadway so uh staff has considered this and due to the um extenuating circumstances and the condition of the roadway uh it serves uh 16 properties along M Miss upwards of 45 properties within the Henderson addition um uh and uh due you know for the interest in the health safety and Welfare of the public um staff has proposed accepting this roadway in the county inventory um it is you know a lot of the uh parameters have been listed in the agenda item it's a 600 approximately it's a little over 600 ft Road foot roadway it's 20 ft wide which is um uh meets the uh minimum par uh characteristics for a local residential roadway there is 50t a RightWay there are roadside swes and um the county uh is St sta is recommending that the board adopt a resolution to accept Southwest Earl Avenue from Southwest place to Southwest Sunset Trail into the County's Road inventory and with that the county would proceed with the necessary roadway improvements and with that I'll answer any questions Mr D I I just wanted to add one other uh fact in that's important to note is that from the exhibit you can see that in order for the county to maintain those other roads they've been utilizing our own equipment to to gain access to the other Road for maintenance the other thing is Mr Gordon if you can point out that we did in recently in an sta construction use that road for construction access and uh our uh uh the contractor's equipment and stuff help to um deteriorate the road a little bit more or perhaps a lot more and so that's the extenda circumstances I think it's important to put on the record is that our our own use of the road has contributed significantly to the deterioration of the road and that's why it does not we're not requesting the normal mspu route commissioner herd well we all we all have these um conundrums on streets we all have roads that are dedicated to to the public right of way but that are privately maintained and when the residents ask us how how do we get accepted into the County's inventory we tell them well you can be assessed and do the construction yourself and and build it up to County standards and then we'll take over the maintenance of it or you could will do the estimate we'll do it and then you'll pay us back and it's a matter of of equitability for me I just I'm I'm still undecided about this because just because I know that I have so many so many streets in my own District that are in the same situation and I know we're not going to bail them out you know when we do the neighborhood Restoration in Rocky Point they're going to be a whole bunch of people who are going to be disappointed because they're not going to be getting the water and sewer that some of the some of the rest of us are for this fairy reason so I have I have difficulty uh picking winners and losers here and it looks like we're picking a winner commiss camping is that a sorry Jim Gorton Public Works director for the record um we have 46 miles of publicly dedicated privately maintained roads in Martin County and we've done previous um presentations to the board on the conditions of those roads this is the only Road this 800 ft of this road is the only road that solely serves access to a public road so we we did look at it from that standpoint that this one is unique um in as much as we accepted Al Miss and should have accepted Earl at the same time we we shouldn't have accepted a road that has no um Public Access um with a publicly maintained Road they should have come as a pair so for whatever happened back in the 20s uh that roadway didn't get accepted but it should have been accepted Don were you here then I know you've been here a long time if Patrick hay was here I would have put that on him commissioner campy thank you there's a couple other things to take into consideration um a lot of people on Thelma don't go east on Thelma to map they go West on Thelma to Earl and then come into the Western portion of Palm City so a lot of those public roadway residents also use Earl uh the staff has helped me in the past at the sort of at the Terminus of Sunset and Earl has been chewed up quite a bit there and the other thing to take into consideration is it's just out of the picture you see the large structure at the end of Earl is a church but then to the right of it you see there's one of our storm water treatment Lakes but that little white line is a sidewalk that leads you to our most recently constructed uh fishing pier as part of this whole Palm City Place and so I would expect and the times that I have been there to visit it that is the way that folks that are using our new County amenity fishing pier are driving down Earl and onto mmus and parking there so it's it's another thing as well as the fact there only one house uh that would have to eat the whole expense and commissioner heard if you have streets that you have raided in a system of like really catastrophic down bring them forward so that we can have these same conversations because these are Martin County residents Mar County taxpayers and yes we can't just pave everybody's road but if there's a set of circumstances similar to this one I would be in favor of assisting you in getting those roads roads done for your our residents as well thank you I'd make a motion to accept staff's recommendation commissioner Smith yeah we have we've had I wouldn't say similar issues but like IM uh issues in in Rio and and some other parts of my district um one of the things that I would think if we were ever to discuss the policy again with our neighborhood restoration is that if we're putting water in sewer in and we're getting access I mean we have we literally have roads in riy that there there is no public right away the the property lines go to the center line of the road and you can't there's no way to get an easement without them giving up the land but I think if there's a consideration for giving services to those neighborhoods that otherwise wouldn't be able to get them or wouldn't be able to fund them because we don't have access sort of an almost obvious criteria that we would build into if we ever want to talk about that as a as a more comprehensive policy to doing it because at some point and and I've I've used this argument with staff before whether it's a privately maintained Road or not they're still taxpayers they they're they're still paying taxes to the county whether they have a private road or not and I think therefore uh if they want to do it they want to bring it into the county system I think we should allig that and do it and um use our our neighborhood restoration strategy or just our resurfacing program the do is that a second second sorry okay this is a public hearing so do we have any public comment with that we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you moving on to public hearing number that wasn't a public that was a anyway um public hearing number two Mr Ash uh public hearing for the Federal Transit uh Administration FTA fy21 section 530 urbanized formula funding have no idea what that means I guess you're going to explain that to it good afternoon uh Commissioners Ash beer for the record Transit ad