##VIDEO ID:klss-sPaS4k## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e let's pray father thank you for this day and uh all that lies ahead we lord invoke your presence this morning Lord we recognize you're already here but God we want to acknowledge that and welcome you uh where the spirit of the Lord is there's the Bible says there is freedom there's Liber but Lord there's so much more there's peace there's Unity there's blessing and that's my prayer this morning God that you would bless beyond what we can even imagine uh this meeting uh all the decisions and directives that would be made today I also pray for blessing upon these leaders that you've uh allowed to be um here to lead and guide and direct uh this County us residents of Martin County father I ask your blessing upon them I ask your protection upon them I ask you God to guide and direct them and Lord be with them in their families and all the circumstances and situations Lord that we all face in our families the ups and downs and the ins and outs and uh times of trial and Times of blessing Lord I just ask you to be with them so thank you God for this day and again thank you for your blessings on in our lives in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen now please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the un States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice for All Margie would you like to do roll call for us please absolutely commissioner eileene Vargas present commissioner Sarah herd right here commissioner Stacy heatherington here commissioner Blake caps here commissioner Ed campy here commissioner Christopher Collins here commissioner Ka Mayfield here and councilwoman Phyllis Waters Brown here commissioner Reed is coming we have a quorum yes yes and I just wanted to mention that um council person Phyllis Waters Brown is the alter new alternate for Indian town to be represented on the represented on the m board on the mayor um um Carmine yes he is the he's the member but he's unable to be here this morning we're happy to have you new members welcome and I just wanted to mention also that um our election of officers is in February um according to our bylaws and we don't have a chair or a vice chair and so I had asked commissioner herd if she could please chair this meeting um because our bylaws say that a chair of the meeting um needs to be on the no at least 2 years or have been to to the noac training and um there's only three people actually that qualify on the board that could be chair so if that's okay with the other board members of commissioner her um chairs this board meeting yes so we only have one more meeting until we have our election yes then somebody else can or you have this the honor of this so is there a motion to approve the agenda so moved um I'm sorry to interrupt you um fot has contacted us and said at District 4 has contacted us and said that they would be late um unfortunately the district secretary is not going to be here today um his right-hand person John Crane will be presenting the um the the item 8A but if we could just please move 8A to until the time that they come to the meeting that sounds good okay any other messages for us no no I'm AB that's it let the record reflect that commissioner Reed is joining us welcome so there's a motion to approve the agenda is there so we're going to move the agenda items around a bit is there a motion to Second the agenda second there's a motion and a second all those in favor I I opposed that motion passes unanimously is there a motion to approve the minutes of October 21 so moveed second there's a motion in second all those in favor I opposed that motion passes unanimously um are there any was would anyone from the public like to address US seeing none let's move on we're going to move 8A down uh and 8 C down also so can we start with 8B which is Florida Turnpike Enterprise FY 26 through 30 the draft tentative work program good morning everybody I am James Brown I'm the M liaison of Florida's Turnpike Enterprise so I'll be going over our tenative work program for fiscal years 26 through fiscal year 30 and I thank you for having me this morning M I move forward just do the middle the middle of here we go just wanted to point out uh Florida's turnike Enterprise we are one with fdot so we do of the compass uh the part of the FD we consider the Five Pillars and everything revolves around communities so we just wanted to point that out that stakeholder engagement is of the most importance to us when we are considering projects and then going out and doing the engagement would you move your mic up so is that better yes it [Laughter] is turnpikes prioritization process we have various waves of determining how our projects are get funded uh our projects have to demonstrate a true Transportation need and they're prioritized accordingly um each year we look up observe traffic data all of our gantries every time a car passes we collect all of that data and we determine uh future projections across the entire facility uh we also take into account environmental and economic feasibility but at the end of the day it brings us back to stakeholder engagement so that's of most importance you may have traveled down the turnpike Mainline and cenr um advertisement of the uh Turnpike widening infrastructure initiative so we did want to point out that over the next 5 years we're investing over 10 billion doar to widen the turnpike to a minimum of six Lanes uh it's going to add capacity it's going to improve the emergency response times it's going to improve the connectivity with our local roadway networks at are interchanges uh we're going to improve the lighting the markings on the roads for autonomous vehicles so just wanted to point that out what's here in Martin County we have 20 miles of Turnpike facility our Turnpike Mainline and then with regard to this year's work program uh we have two projects one is The Interchange improvements um at Martin Highway and we have some uh remaining expenditures that were not going to be spent in fiscal year 25 it's going to carry over into FIS year 26 for design and then similarity the widening design from Martin Highway up to St Lucy county line that's going to be widened from 4 to eight lanes that wraps up the presentation with regard to the turnpike uh I can speak to the uh PDN study for our direct connection interchange uh that PDN study is going to be wrapping up second quarter so we'll be um advertising when our public hearing is going to be uh but if there's any questions at all I'll be more than happy to answer them commissioner campy thank you thank you sir very much Mr Brown for attending I appreciate the information uh several years ago there was some discussion from Consultants with the turnpike about changing the interchange at Martin Highway and Martin Downs Boulevard uh a discussion was that they would make a on-ramp off-ramp on High Meadows and an onramp offramp on uh Lon Farms Road um very surprising I'm the Palm City Commissioner very surprising to those of us that live in that area um we all felt at the time unnecessary and completely out of character with the community Laton Farms Road is literally like it sounds it's a Farm Road it's very uh residential and and really like a low kind of capacity road to start with I have watched in the recent years the improvements great improvements at The Interchange removed I'm sure where you're doing it everywhere all of the toll booth Lanes repaved it it uh it it's at a perfect Junction of Martin Highway and Martin down sort of ends right there I'm sure you're familiar with it um and that's perfect and what you've done in the recent years is perfect so I understand that some of what is designed into this new plan starts to discuss that again and I just want to reiterate that those of us in Palm City um I know that you said the pillars and the centerpiece of of your mission and mindset is the community well I'm speaking to you on behalf of the community what is there now is perfect uh it wouldn't cost you a penny to change it to these new things and I need to have assurance and I even back then they basically pulled the funding and said it wouldn't happen for decades and everyone's like okay and now it seems like it's starting to show up again and I just wanted to be cautious that if it is going to show up again we need to have a specific item that discusses that where we can announce it to the public your public and let them know that that's something that needs to be done I know that it would you'd have to spend millions of dollars just to design and engineer it never mind build it so I'm telling you to spend multi-millions of dollars to do something that the public would absolutely not want and and my civilian op opinion is not necessary because what you have there is great and no one's asking for anything more than that so I would just hope that it doesn't turn into like oh well you know it's been in the plan for years and now we're doing it so if you could bring that message back to your people certainly will I'll take that back to that project team I know that we had spoke to the this is the friendly version they just ramp up from that um and I know that they were going to go and revisit that Poss we don't need any revisiting but I'll I'll take that back to the team appreciate the comment yeah I mean if if um you know perhaps I know there may be some more discussion but perhaps in the motion um there can be a request for the project manager of the widening project and The Interchange project to come to give not only a presentation for each project but how the two projects fit together I think might be helpful I would make a motion that said just that okay any other questions there's a light on that's staff di that's me commissioner Mayfield um this question might be a little bit more for Beth but when we got here we have a The Five-Year work program sitting and then we also have one in the agenda and it's only like a week apart is there some big difference or anything we need to note what you have in front of you is an updated uh work program for District 4 um Broward County had some changes there were two deferrals for um two PD and studies that we had taken out so that's why you have an updated uh summary in front of you for Martin County there were two little minor decimal spaces for mile poost description that we updated but that was the only thing specific to I noticed that I it was two decimals we went to one to be consistant okay thank you commissioner caps yes my question has to do with Turnpike widening you mentioned six Lanes is that for all of Martin County all we're looking right now from Indiantown Road up to Martin highway to widen to six lanes and from Martin Highway up to St Lucy County Line to Wi to eight Lanes eight Lanes okay it's going to be a minimum of six lanes for the entire facility M that's the plan right now yeah what what would timing look like for something like that we've just complet Ed design phases throughout Martin so we have one the one last section that's a residual with they're going to be finishing that that phase there is no construction funding at this time so I wouldn't have an estimate as to when that it could be put into next year's work program but it's right now if youve look at that entire work program we're really heavy in Palm Beach all that construction funding is in place you're going to see Palm Beach starting to be widened St Lucy Martin it's all going to kind of be pieced together but thank you commissioner campy sorry just one more point about the widening uh there was a lot of talk about sound walls um and I know that the residents were thinking having them done before the construction so that the wall would get to do its job right off the bat and I know that I think it's designed to come in at the end of the construction I just want to make sure that there was a lot of residents reaching out to to the turnpike about the length where it would start where it would end I get the timing we don't have control over but where it would start and where it would end I know the residents are interested in making sure that the sound walls stayed in place as part of the project yeah and if if it's if it's seemed to be part of that segment most certainly it's going to be within the construction of that that that widening part um I'll take that back to the the project team as well if it's at all possible then we'll try to do you know to accommodate that I know said you would some interchanges we've been able to do that prior it's just because of the right yeah so is that part of your motion yes it is commissioner heatherington that was exactly my question on the sound walls there's been residents for years asking for those sound walls on the turnpike copper leaf and some of those neighborhoods so the neighborhood's a butt right onto the turnpike that's it I'm I'll second the the very long motion okay there's a motion to approve the Florida Turnpike Enterprise tenative 5-year work program with the uh suggestions regarding the sound walls and also the entrance at Palm City there uh all those in favor I opposed that motion passes unanimously thank you thank you so much um we do have the consultant for the 2050 longrange Transportation plan that just came in you should see who's here now people so we can take up 8 a no 8 C 8C all right that's the 2050 long range Transportation plan goals objectives and performance measures uh good morning morning everyone good morning all right uh I'm the chain with t Lin uh project manager for the lrtp our agenda here this morning I'll give a quick project status update to to you I'll touch on vision statement discuss goals and objectives evaluation criteria and performance measures and then uh briefly talk about the first Vis visioning session open house we conducted last month and then wrap up with next steps so quick update I was here uh in front of the board back in in October this board approved the PIP public involvement plan we operationalized that plan and uh one of the first things we did was uh launch the project video uh hopefully some of you have seen uh the project video we also conducted the first open house again I'll touch on that um we have uh prepared uh goals objectives evaluation criteria technical memorandum 3 that technical memorandum is incl included in your agenda packet and I'll touch on some of those items in a little bit so before I get into goals and objectives um this is the vision statement that we shared with with this board uh back in October as well as with uh with the public during our open open house uh simply put you know it's a it's a broad uh vision statement touches on National goals uh State goals as well as uh State some local preferences um touches on health sustainability equity and the goals and objectives that I'm going to talk about um uh this provides context and perspective of how these goals and objectives were uh were established uh so real quick here there's a lot of information I won't go through all of this um but the six goals that we put together for uh the for Martin moves 2050 the first one is on maintenance uh congestion management second one touches on safety third one environmental sustainability uh we added an equity goal this is really important uh both at uh state and federal level as well as local but special emphasis with uh environmental justice 40 as well as um uh EJ issues there's an innovation goal and a project delivery goal as well again these goals are consistent with the Florida Transportation plan which is uh the state plan as well as iig infrastructure investment and jobs act uh that has the national goals which were continued from map 21 uh and and so on it also is consistent with uh the local plans here there are 31 objectives in different categories again you can see those categories on the far right on this uh slide and they correspond to the six goals again the technical memoranda memorandum that's in your packet has a lot more detailed discussion about these goals and objectives um these goals object goals and objectives provide us a comprehensive transparent framework to identify improvements that eventually will be uh included in the 2050 long range Transportation plan uh the the goals and objectives tend to be broad so you know to sort of bring them down uh and and make it you know more applicable on projects and um the other technical analysis we be doing through this uh plan we have developed several evaluation criteria and performance measures these performance measures evaluation criteria they tie back to the goals and objectives and eventually uh the vision statement so we have about 57 performance measures 31 evaluation criteria relative to the 31 objectives and six goals um there are certain uh performance measures that are required uh by law uh so we'll be using this uh performance measures for three uh three key items the first one will be to evaluate uh and compare several projects that will be identified through this process uh second is to put together a system performance report so 17 of the 57 performance measures are for that system performance report it is something that's required by uh by law by iig Ja and thirdly we'll be using it for comparing different scenarios that will be evaluating down the road through the lrtp um so and and about 40 of these criteria outside of uh 40 of these performance measures outside of the 17 57 are consistent uh with again things that are important here locally uh to the community if there's any questions on evaluation criteria performance measures we can talk you know after my presentation but I'll switch gears and touch on the visioning uh session that we uh did uh in city of Stewart at City Hall back on uh November 19th so this just shows your a variety of uh uh tools and techniques that we use to get the word out uh for these uh for the openhouse again we used traditional methods some of them are listed here like flyers um you know uh and and social media press release as well as we did a lot of non-traditional Outreach again the idea was to get out to get the word out to you know as many people as we could some of the things we did was yard signs we also had uh electronic uh billboard so we had display uh digital display along US1 uh to get the word out as well we also had a project web page and we had done email blast to a variety of organizations that are shown on year again we'll continue to do this for the next visioning session which is on uh January 16th of uh that would be next next month uh couple of quick U photos from from that visioning session just shows the interactive exercises that we had people participating in those exercises and uh we'll be uh compiling all the input that we got and I'll share that with you uh during our next next meeting I should also mention that we had a couple of folks from fhwa uh Federal Highway uh Administration attend our our Workshop so we were really happy about that uh our web page went live uh middle of of October and this just shows a few key performance measures uh indicators from from that we're going to use this to monitor the web page how folks are using it and uh the intent would be to look at these metrics and try to improve the web page so that we can improve uh the user experience and have more and more folks visit uh the web page take surveys and provide input from next steps stand point we'll uh get into uh technical analysis uh congestion partly the reason why I was a little bit late for the meeting there's a lot of congestion as we know we'll be looking at that uh we'll be doing um travel demand modeling tra uh traffic forecasting as well as continue with our public involvement efforts uh I mentioned we'll have our second open house um this is in Palm City uh middle of next month our survey is uh up and running we also have business cards the business cards have a QR code and and that will take folks to the survey as well we'll be doing key stakeholder interviews we'll be talking to each one of you uh as well as we have uh couple of meetings that'll be coming up once we are done with this technical analysis I'll come back uh in April to share the needs assessment and the needs plan uh with you all with that thank you and and I'll take any questions comments thank you Mr Jane questions commissioner caps yes um my question has to do with uh the policy board meeting agenda item summary and the term performance-based planning effort seems like a sort of a loaded phrase and and I'd like to know just the philosophy behind that and what that means to you all as Transportation planners what does it mean to be performance-based that's that's that's a great question so uh if you look at the narrative in the technical memorandum it ties back there were a couple of uh not only through iiga which is uh the the latest uh surface Transportation law but before that um map 21 there was an emphasis to identify performance measures and those performance measures are are under seven National goals they they relate to infrastructure maintenance project delivery environmental sustainability and those are very specific quantitative measures that you have to evaluate monitor quantify to make sure that the Investments that are being made the and there are targets that are set for those performance measures and National goals those performance measures help you to Monitor and see how you are how your Investments are are performing relative to that National goal so that's what they are if you look at um the other performance measures they are U they they there's a number of them again you'll see them relative to the goals and objectives and they are all most of them are quantitative some of them will be qualitative depending on where we are using them so I was just giving you an example about the 17 performance measures that are part of the system performance report the ones that are uh for scenario planning some of them might be qualitative quantitative so I'll give you an example um we will last time around when we did the RTP we put together um um EMP Transit emphasis scenario and the other one was Asus which is automated uh electric shared use vehicles and we had performance measur me like VMT vehicle miles travel so we would calculate vehicle miles travel from the model and figure out if you know how many vehicle miles travel is in one scenario versus the other scenario so those are some other performance measur that that there are some that are environmental again it'll measure emissions and other things and help compare uh one scenario versus the other scenario and then there are a few others which are very specific and they help us evaluate uh and rank projects that we are uh programming through this through this process so that's just to give you an idea um on the variety of performance measures and what that means in different cases anything else path you want to add yeah I just wanted to add like maybe um probably about like a year and a half two years before covid um us do did this with all of their departments Federal Highway Federal Transit Federal Federal railro um um Federal um airport Administration where they said you know we're giving Federal money to a lot of local areas we want to make sure that Federal money is being spent wisely and so we want it we want some data to show that the project that the money is being spent on a project that is doing what it's supposed to be doing so kind of in a nutshell I mean it's I'm saying just what he said but kind of in a nutshell it was us Do's way to make sure the money is being spent wisely and that um that Federal projects that they have the data to show that it was it's doing what it you know if the project was put in place due to safety Mobility that there's data you know once the project is constructed that shows that reflects that good thank you is that okay any further questions is there a motion to approve the 2050 long range Transportation draft goals objectives and performance measures yes there's a motion a second and a second all in favor I opposed that motion passes unanimously thank you Mr Jane um fortunately the um f do folks are here at from District 4 unfortunately uh the district secretary um Steve Brawn is not able to be here but we um have the opportunity to hear from John Crane and also the head of the work program Jessica Rubio about the um draft tenative work program and just to kind of because we do have some new members um tell you all that um or remind the people that were here that back in June you all approved a list of project priorities and that list of project priorities um for the next work program was submitted to the fot district office where they took that and um came up with the fifth year of their new work program um and I I want to say and I don't want to take any um I know you have a lot to talk about but I just you there's there's a lot of good news here and I you know really want to thank you John and the district secretary um Jessica the head of the work program Ron CA is here who is the S coordinator for the district um State Road 710 we had the Martin County got a lot of funding and State Road 710 got a lot of funding and we're a very small County and to to have gotten this kind of support from the state I just you know is very much appreciated so you know Ron was the one that the sis coordinator that went to central office and and you know talked about our story Martin County story and the the um the unsafe conditions on on 710 and I just um before you even start I wanted to give you a shout out for the um for um what you're going to say that's great I'll ride that wave a little bit thank you very much you're welcome so uh Steve does send his regards late Friday he kind of got called away uh to cover another meeting so uh my name is John Crane uh I'm the director of Transportation development at Florida DOT District 4 uh I oversee everything from planning modal development uh right of-way acquisition work program which is the money uh and design and then construction and maintenance are handled by uh Paul Lampley my counterpart um I've got about 30 years in the industry 30 plus years 20 of those with fdot 10 plus with a consultant firms uh I just wanted to take a moment you know Beth Beth thanked us but I I do want you to see the the contingency of dot folks that we brought with us here today if you'd all stand nice thank so these are the people that work behind the scenes to really make sure that the work program is balanced make sure the roads are running you see Chris Carris in the back Chris he's your man uh on the ground you know if if something's uh going wrong up here he runs the Treasure Coast operations center so he's you know make sure you get his number if you don't have it right but uh I wanted to thank all the folks that are with me here today some from work program some from design uh with everybody kind of spends a lot of hours uh when the work program cycle begins to try and get everything balanced and and to go ahead and fund your priorities so thank you very much thank you thank you so this is the dot Mission uh I do want to take time to read it it's codified in statute uh the Florida Department of transportation's mission is to provide a safe Statewide transportation system that promotes the efficient movement of people and goods supports the state's economic competitiveness prioritizes Florida's environment and natural resources and preserves the quality of life and connectedness of the state's communities and you'll see there uh several words that are highlighted safe movement of people in Goods quality of life and communities we've uh in the last couple years come up with this image which we call the fdot compass you might see it pop up presentations that come before you but this is how we uh basically take the mission statement and make it part of our everyday work uh in the center of that Compass you'll see communities uh because all of us live in communities you all live in communities every Highway Transportation project uh goes through a community and we're not going to be able to get it done successfully without y'all's input and teaming with our communities and then our true north is safety so I just point that out I'll go through briefly you know what that means to us but in terms of safety you know you see there it's not just uh uh Target zero and and designing roads for uh safety it's also the engineering education and enforcement so we adopted Target zero just like you all did we understand that there are no uh uh having Zero fatalities and severe injuries is a goal for all of us and when we uh are designing our projects you know we Empower our project managers to kind of try and make those decisions uh if something comes up somebody asks us to add something look at something when they're out there walking the projects they they look for that and try and incorporate ways to improve that resiliency as part of our compass and uh but some of the things dot does to uh enact resiliency we have a Statewide uh resilience action plan we try to enhance our bridge and drainage designs we have Partnerships and collaboration with our local commun communities to try and build uh projects that will help mitigate uh resiliency on the local roadway network uh and hurricane response efforts uh we had you know obviously some damage up here and the rest of the Treasure Coast from uh Milton uh we had uh all of our operation centers Broward Palm Beach and our Treasure Coast Ops folks were on the ground uh trying to help the community uh get back to uh normal economic prosperity and the supply chain uh you know we've all lived through Co we understand the importance of you know deliveries trucks it's not just the trucks though right it's it's rails it's uh airports it's SE ports so we have a lot of uh our funding goes to those elements of the transportation Network Technology you know we can't just build our way out of uh capacity problems and congestion we need uh Transportation Systems management and operations that's the signals that's the its uh Hardware we have things like adaptive traffic control uh smart work zones is something we've enacted where uh they speak with our 511 system and so hopefully if you're using one of the GPS you know alerts on your phone it will actually speak to you and tell you that there's construction ahead uh wrongway vehicle driving detection systems was a Statewide initiative where we implemented technology on certain ramp locations to try and identify If a driver enters the interstate going the wrong way uh and then for emergency response we created dashboards this year that allowed us to help monitor all our equipment Statewide Workforce Development uh you know that's important to us all you know but we've got a very large uh work program and it's critical you know as we see kind of a shrinking Workforce overall uh to get students uh interested and engaged in not just engineering but we have you know Finance folks we have contract manager so we work uh very hard to try and reach out to the uh students we we participate in stem programs and then these are I listed on the slide some of the things we do actually in the district to help keep our staff engaged and and uh interested in working for DOT you know we have formal training programs mentoring a rotation program where staff get to go around in each of the Departments and understand what everybody else does maybe there's a job that better suits them that gives them a career path within DOT number of other items listed there I'm not going to go through them all so yall just approved your goals and for your long range plan uh the draft tenative work program stems from the longrange plan that was adopted you know prior uh your list of priority projects comes out of that plan feeds the work program so we'd like to at least start this presentation off with some project highlights and and kind of celebrate some of the successes that we've had from the previous efforts so uh recently completed September 23 was uh or this cycle uh caner Highway resurfacing project uh north of 710 this had uh uh some you know it updated the pavement markings replac deficient signing uh widen the shoulders uh for safety extended guard rail in the vicinity of canal hazards and and replace some you know traffic count sites uh US1 resurfacing uh on the from uh north of Jensen Beach Boulevard there started in June completed uh in the fall $12 million project we did some drain AG upgrades ped push buttons markings lighting you know you see little buttons at the top that's how we kind of tie it back into our Compass some safety and communities State Road 714 still under construction but wrapping up uh I was actually the the engineer for the state environmental impact report that was done for this so some of you may remember me from back in those days doing presentations it is coming to a a close we're very happy that we're we're finally getting there but I think it is a a much improved Corridor project so thank you for your patience while we were getting it done uh I think it will make a large difference for the folks uh traveling along the corridor 710 at Tommy Clemens uh we heard you we were able to get this programmed it's under construction that too is is nearing uh completion we're very happy to say we were able to accommodate I believe the uh southbound right turn lane also uh that kind of came up during the process it was originally just the Northbound left turn lane uh hopefully do uh a world of good in that spot location Jensen Beach Causeway uh at Indian River Drive currently under construction you know resurfacing uh the roadway replacing damaged sidewalk upgrading The Pedestrian curbs uh the pavement markings providing buffered bicycle Lanes so again you know responding to the needs of the coridor not just vehicles but pedestrians and bicycles State row 15 resurfacing that's also uh almost done I believe it went county line to county line up along the lake uh taking care of that roadway rumble strips so this was a pretty much uh another Statewide Initiative for us we were looking at all the high speed rural roadways trying to find ways to uh improve safety runoff the road crashes we had identified as being a problem Statewide uh so we uh identified funding Statewide and allocated it across all our districts to try and fix some of those you see the four locations we are addressing in uh Martin County and then emergency response uh just I mentioned earlier right this was a a a tough year for us but we actually don't just uh help this area we sent staff up uh to North Carolina and Tennessee as well uh we sent staff over to the West Coast of Florida so we we have mobilized as a as an agency one fdot uh we so you know if if we're forever needed uh we expect that we'll it won't be just us on the ground we'll have our you know sister and districts being able to help us out as well we understand the importance of it uh with that I'm going to turn it over to Jessica and she's going to walk you through some of the uh current funding for the draft tenative work program click the right good morning board members Jessica Rubio I am the program management administrator for District 4 so this is a quick overview of the general work program cycle it pretty much starts in July where we start preparing the draft tentative war program in coordination with the mo and we balance the draft tentative war program to the allocations we receive from November through December we um take a a a road trip and we present to the various uh committees the technical advisory committees and the uh Metropolitan planning organization boards in December we already conducted our public hearing of the war program um it was um on December 10th from January through February fdot central office compiles the district's um war program information and they create the Statewide tentative war program it is submitted to the governor the legisl the legislature the Florida Transportation Commission and the Department of Economic opportun unity in March uh the Florida Transportation Commission Statewide uh um conduct the Statewide Public hearing of the tentative war program this year the legislature comen on March 4th July 1st after the Appropriations are approved by the state legislature and the governor the fiveyear war program is adopted by the fdot secretary so here is U some information regarding the war program basically every year the do um maintains the cost for construction and rideway this is done every year just to make sure that we maintain a stable war program overall we can report that the Project's cost increased with respect to the prior year some funding allocations were lower than prior cycle and the estimated Revenue distribution is based on percent population of the state our goal goal is to maintain projects that were committed in the common four years related to safety preservation and maintenance and new phases or new projects are generally added in the new fifth year in this case the new fifth year is fiscal year 2030 I am very happy to report that the District 4 war program is balanced to the allocations we received so let's go through your priority projects and um we thought we it was more illustrative if we put a map of your priority number one and number three so your priority number one is ster Road 710 and it's from Southwest B Vian Avenue to Southeast 126 Boulevard in noobi County so we segmented this project if you see in your map um in segments a b c and d for all these segments we have the design ongoing we allocated about $10.7 million for design and we allocated about $33 million for RightWay which is starting fiscal year 27 besides that on segment a which is uh Martin noobi County Line to Southeast 126 uh Boulevard we allocated $2.6 million for construction in 2030 for your segment B we have allocated $20 million for Utilities in fiscal year 29 and construction remains unfunded unfunded 106 million um if we move forward to segment C Construction is unfunded is about $63 million segment D we have fully funded for construction $13.9 million in fiscal year 2030 if you you look at the top um section of the map uh we have zoom out um the 714 realignment project we're very happy to report that we have fully funded right away which starts in 26 800,000 construction it starts in fiscal year 2030 and it's about $17.8 million so let's go back now to your priority number two this is C from Conor highway to US1 we have allocated RightWay fund $6.8 million in fiscal year 27 um construction is unfunded and it is about $ 63.8 million for construction your priority project number four this is monter r road at FC railroad crossing we have allocated about uh 73.8 million for design which starts um next fiscal year in 26 right away construction and CI with construction starting fiscal year 2030 so this is about 73.8 million total for this project we have also funded um Northwest Alisa Street at FC railroad crossing this is sidewalk project it will be a lab with the city of Stewart construction about $1 million starting in fiscal year 27 uh for your priority number six this is sa this Bridge Road uh this is a bridge replacement feasibility study is being finalized on this project um your priority number 7 7 EST Road 710 at Southwest alapata Road um intersection improvements construction is unfunded it's about $10.3 million estimated your priority 8 soueast Commerce Avenue Excuse Me Miss Rubio yes we have a question commissioner heatherington number seven the intersection of alapata and 609 see 60 710 so that is a a signalization of that intersection and turn Lanes why would that not be up in the priorities did we separate that out we did that make that um a separate I shouldn't say wait you all made that a separate priority with the idea that um whatever happened first I mean the signalization of the um of that intersection is actually U um included in the widening as well um but but in case the widening was not funded you all had wanted to have a separate priority in case that would had the opportunity to be funded so it is included with the previous one of the widening of the road this is it included I don't believe it is included however uh fdot project manager is requesting information he will be coordinating this intersection I thought it was up in the priority three or four with the 710 widening to me that's probably one of the most crucial projects that we have as far as safety and Target zero because that intersection can't maintain the the traffic that it has right now so I'm glad we separated it out because but the the purpose of separating that out was to move that forward when we knew that it the the widening was going to take a longer term was a longer term project I feel like this board separated that out to move that along more um expeditiously and it looks like it's falling in the priorities here so this is also an off system Road um probably that's why another reason you separated it however you know again um I will communicate with the project manager I'm sure you know he already requested me information on this project because he needs to look into that to make sure he does need or doesn't need to incorporate it into his project so there is consideration to that for sure and maybe he can because we have a um item on the agenda at every meeting the state road 710 item update maybe he can part of that update can be you know after some analysis what you know he can help with with that situation I I just wanted to interject because I I believe the piece of 710 that you would want it Incorporated in is still unfunded so you know I think it would be up to the board right if yall want to shuffle this cycle where this shows up in your priorities but we're we're trying you know we funded the right of way along that piece but the construction has a pretty hefty price tag so if you put this back into that one and kind of wait it may not happen I I I would just caution you and make sure I think we wanted to separate it so that we could move the the signalization and the Turning lanes that to me should be a separate project and be done as soon as possible and not waiting for the widening of 710 I mean we're certainly can you know take that Direction moving forward but I I I just wanted you to understand the relationship between the project and I wouldn't personally marry it with the other projects I I think the way you all have it is good want it married but we want it expedited but right now your number one priority is 710 widening right so we're allocating money towards that as we can and then we'll try to fund this as well yeah at the at the next meeting in February um you all will be talking about the draft a list of project priorities so maybe at that time and if we have the project manager here there can be a discussion about that there will definitely be an opportunity to look it up again I would like to ask if we widen the 710 as of now coming out of alipa or turning onto alapata 609 it's difficult so if we're widening 710 how do people on 609 or alapata how are they able to get out or get in to on 2609 I'm just asking I don't I don't think we're there yet okay all that's going to be studied in terms of the right now we're just starting the design of that widening but I'm sure we'll make sure that there's access whether it be a median opening or a signal we're not sure right I don't even know if a signal warrant's been done for that location at this time but that would certainly be part of the design uh prior to construction and and we'll be reporting back obviously progress on that thank you and and before you proceed back to number six which is the Bridge Road Bridge um um my understanding is that project is not going to happen for another 20 years uh we just did a maintenance on the mechanics of it on the technology of it so I don't know why this is prioritized as high why it's obviously we are prioritizing I just don't remember why we prior why this board prioritized that bridge at number six because I don't think that it's uh a critical project um originally I think this was a um uh wasn't a replacement it was a a um renovation and fot did a feasibility study as a result of that um you all did have it I know the projects got shuffled around a bit um last year when you all discussed the list of project priorities but at the next meeting in February that'll be your opportunity to kind of change it a bit okay good thank you thanks thank you okay um I think I was going to go through number nine this is us one at pal be at pal City Road is an intersection reconstruction project is unfunded number 10 Southwest Palm City Road from Monteray road to us one project is unfunded number 11 Monteray Road at an East Ocean bulevard from kinswood turce to S Lucy Boulevard project is unfunded project number 12 uh will be Boulevard extension from monter road to US1 PDN is ongoing on this project we allocated $2 million to start up designning fiscal year 2030 with the understanding that additional funding will be needed in fiscal year 2031 uh priority number 13 this is High Meadow Avenue from I 95 to Martin Highway PDN is also ongoing on this project is a widening to from two to four lanes right away um was uh funded um $1.5 million this additional fund we added to this project project number 14 Dixie Highway from C road to Jefferson Street this a resurfacing project complete Street improvements and includes CI also um under scope program we funded construction $2.3 million in fiscal year 27 project number 15 Southwest Citrus Boulevard from Southwest Hemingway Terrace to esto 710 project cost is about 5.1 million it's unfunded number 16 sest alapata Road from 710 to north of minum mate Road Project costs about $6.6 million project is unfunded number 17 sest alala Road from alapata Road sorry from north of Min mate road to s l SE County Line project cost $6.2 million unfunded number 18 North Soul Point Road from East Ocean Boulevard to Palmer Street project unfunded number 19 this is Conor Highway out Southwest South River Drive project deferred outside the 5year war program under priority projects do you have another uh projects this is a scope project again green Way Green River parway from Northeast Jensen Boulevard to Martin County Line we funded construction $1.1 million in fiscali year 30 under the transportation Alternatives program we have Southwest Bulldog way sidewalks we funded construction $1.7 million in fiscal year 28 this will be a lab project with Martin County we have included a map of all projects funded in the 5-year war program give you a minute to review commissioner Collins yes I just wanted to wait till you got through all those before I asked my question if you would toggle back to item number four so this would be the separation of the grade at montere there this would be effectively the tunnel that we were discussing and or Bridge correct yes okay so I had raised some concerns when we were going through this priority prioriti prioritization and uh there were there was at least another commissioner that had voiced some similar concerns I know the nature of this presentation is sort of codifying what we've recommended to you but I wanted to bring this up um because I still have serious concerns about this particular particular project and now that the design and construction is funded I wanted to ask if there is a mechanism when we are in February or if this needs to be a separate item potentially to discuss um if we have a mechanism to either reprioritize or or potentially even remove this kind of a project I wanted to bring this up with a new composition of this board in the future maybe a question for Beth yeah we we can certainly make this an item at the February meeting and ask the um request the project manager to make a presentation on um the status of this project and how um you know he can how you know updates can come to this board about this project um um yeah like you mentioned and like I stated um you the fot took the direction of the board of um you know what what the board's priorities are and then they use that to um develop this draft tentative work program that they're presenting to you right now and and again in simple terms I I believe that if the average resident understood that we were contemplating putting a tunnel at uh Monteray there with the tracks that they would feel like this might undermine the character of this area and that this is something that might belong in a more urban you know maybe down south or somewhere else I I know just to give you a little history because this does this project does have a a long history um the um primary concern was the additional trains on the railroad um not only were there going to be passenger trains um that were what didn't um exist before but also the freight trains are getting longer and there's no great separation in Martin County at the FEC tracks so the no board directed staff to actually do a feasibility study a few years ago and back in 2017 this is the project manager Robert Lopez right here um that we in the feasibility study the no studied all the grade Crossings in the county to see which one was the most feasible to have a grade separation in Monterey Road was the one that was recommended and a big um concern was um fire rescue getting to the hospital um if there's additional trains on the on the tracks or if there's an accident and trains are having to stop on the tracks and people um are not able to cross the railroad um how are the ambulances going to get to the hospital that was a very big concern because there was no way no way to get around um when a train wrecks it's not just the train it's the the the train railroad blue flags the the rail so there's a certain distance on either side of the wreck so that was the big priority another um concern was evacuation there's only one interchange with the turnpike in Martin County at um that's at Monterey Road so during an evacuation Hutchinson Island Souls Point part of Stewart are going to be using Monteray more trains are going to be on the tracks at that time because train companies usually like to save their equipment so they're moving the trains even more during an evacuation process and so that was a concern too so it's it was accessing the hospital as well as um as well as you know evacuation to make sure the area has you know St safe infrastructure to accom date that so I don't know if the project manager wanted to this is Robert Lopez from District 4 that's the project manager of this project yeah yeah uh thank EXC me chair chair yes is it okay if I ask a question first and then maybe he can I'm gonna thank you um I I share that same concern about the over the tunnel or the bridge at that um particular intersection um and I don't again one of my challenges with MO is when I'm supposed to say what or what you know when exactly the information you want from me when you need it um again I'm not sure about rep prioritizing I think it's a very important intersection that needs look I think there are a lot of ways and I wanted to let you guys know as you look into this there are ways to improve that um flow of traffic that don't involve in my opinion I'm not an engineer a tunnel or a bridge um the plazas next to it um getting a right turn lane and the traffic going West on Monteray so I think it's important to look at it holistically as opposed to just fixing that traffic and I think at another meeting we talked about another intersection potentially at the the Monterey cut off road that was brought up if you went um to Dixie Highway I think that's Dixie Highway from that Monteray Cutoff Road so I would just I wanted to make sure I asked to look at it holistically as opposed to just um doing the tunnel or the bridge because I do believe that Beth raises some good points I do believe it's a priority I'm just not necessarily uh to commissioner Colin's point the the tunnel in the bridge would I don't think would go over well and I don't think it fits the character of that area thank you um commissioner Varga yes um I have to agree with both of these Commissioners I have seen I have driven tunnels right off lassus Boulevard Broward County which desperately needed it but this is not in keeping with Martin County the the culture and I think we really need to revisit this and I understand the concerns I have them all written down but I think there is possibly another um more favorable alternative and I would urge you to to really think about this clearly can we discuss this um in another meeting in the future and see if there's another way to alleviate the concerns maybe not at this intersection per se people coming from Hutchinson Island are going to use Jensen Beach Boulevard Causeway also to evacuate you see what I'm saying so I want to make that point I think their their points are very valid and very reasonable also so yeah we we the similar comments have been coming up so we're taking that into into account so um just one more thing if you can bring up the just during our feasibility study when we were looking at different um um and this is obviously we can ask Mr Lopez to come back at February so you can kind of give us a presentation at that time but during the feasibility study yes that they did look at bridges over the railroad they looked at tunnels but they also looked at what they called an open actually it's right there on the cover of our feasibility study an open trench where the roadway would be going under the railroad track but it wouldn't be a tunnel so that's just something else to keep in mind they they when we did the feasibility study we looked at different options not just yeah that's actually two picture that's a walkway I think on is that a railro that's a walkway and then on the the tunnel you can tell the open trench so I just wanted to to kind of keep that in mind before we hear the presentation in February of different things that we looking that commissioner caps yeah she answered my question I was wanting you to differentiate between the concept of open trench and tunnel so uh tunnel would have like walls right and be dark and you have to turn your lights on and okay all right thanks I go through this intersection multiple times a day and this is a a uh you know there are terrible intersections in Martin County this is the worst it definitely needs a solution any other questions any comments not just on this project but on any others yeah um oh do you have a question do I have a question on uh priority number five it looks like it's already set for construction I believe for fiscal year 2728 I remember when this was discussed though it was on Martin County's website about them relocating that intersection light to right Boulevard so are we going to have two signalized intersections right there back to back yeah so I get actually the city and the county are working on the the signal and the dedicated turn lane in that intersection what can be funded through the no access is the Fe is The Pedestrian facilities so this is actually paying for pedestrian facilities over the railroad tracks to make it safer for it's not actually moving the intersection no fot did an analysis on that and that's really not feasible because they would have to raise the railroad I believe was the result of that um feasibility study they did these resulted in a sidewalk project yes so this this is just the sidewalk the pedest the non-motorized facility going over the tracks commissioner caps yes back to number one and three phases of this widening of 710 uh are approved for construction right a d and e right and right right and what is the priority among a d and e you think as far as when we might expect work to be done well they're all con they're funded for construction all in the fifth year of the work program which is fiscal year 30 which starts in July so that would be July 1st 2029 so all of them are at the same in this all of this work would be done at about the same time you think probably probably 20 29 at the earliest some of them have potential to be moved to 29 at the earliest and others maybe 31 so probably within that three threeyear time span okay okay here's a really basic question the word uh s sis Intermodal egic Intermodal system right right and this this road has a special designation that's that's correct um back this years ago when um Jeb Bush was um Governor he started that that's one of his legacies the S program or strategic inter modal System Program and um and that is placing emphasis on facilities in the state that have significance as far as the movement of people and goods throughout the states so they're in the form of roadways so in U Martin County the roadways are State Road 710 I95 the turnpike and us98 around the lake they also come in the form of railroad so the FEC railroad as well as the CSX railroad they're identified on the sis they're sis designated and waterways the inter Coastal is also um a sis facility so I don't know if fot wants to chime in more on that if that's a good summary okay corridors that have specific economic econ right yes yeah emphasis so so at 710 so so that so the state looks at that their priorities so um you know so our our your number one priority State Road 710 is also a high priority clearly from the state as far as um attention and budgeting and another very basic question this is number one be mainly because of accidents AB Public Safety problems absolutely the high number of um uh crashes that result in fatalities and serious injuries on this roadway and and is and it's more recently there has been a a significant increase in truck volume on this that's only going to increase um which is going to cause um a safety concern I have one more very basic question about uh Mo priorities and funding and that kind of thing and I've I've seen it I've heard it referred to in Prior meetings that I've watched and it has to do with the stability of funding during good and bad economic cycles and it seems like fdot has mechanis mechanisms in place where funding is stable even when the econom is going really bad am I reading am I hearing something right in the past uh like there's some structures in place like say we're going through a recession does that mean everything grinds to a stop for five years or or is there a a source of stability there well um obviously the allocations will go down if there is a recession right we will not receive the same amount of funding so we look at the projects we have in the program we will try possibly to maintain what is there and of course maintenance and preservation will be our n number one goal to keep maintaining and um I think that the opportunity to keep the projects that are in the program will be another priority um we may not be adding new projects within the um four years of the work program if anything but everything is a matter of looking at the funding looking at your priorities and uh trying to match the funding to the or or the priorities to the allocations we have okay thank you commissioner Vargas yes I have several questions on some of the items uh number 18 North sus Point Road from East Ocean to Palmer Street says resiliency project could you explain what that means yeah this project actually um there's a resiliency component to our longrange transportation plan and um uh North SS Point Road does have a federal functional classification and that was identified because of the um the flooding on that roadway the county has worked very close CL ly with the town of souls Point um um to to address that I believe the county has gotten a grant an emergency Grant um is it h hem Grant to um put towards that project but it is on the list of project priorities as um a kind of a uh the also an option to receive funding in the future if needed but the county and this town are working very closely on that from what I understand I have a quick note on that sure I just wanted to emphasize that the resiliency it's flooding not just from storm water but we get tidal flooding it comes back up through the outfalls so when The Tide is High north of our or North Souls Point Road gets flooded so right exactly and I'm aware of that um the the other thing is this says unfunded so they're still in the process of trying to determine how much great yes I they're still I the county and the town are still trying to work out you know what the needs are um you know what um what what needs have are El ible for what funding sources the fact that it's on the list shows that it's it's um it's can com compete possibly for tmma funding that we get through the no but there are other funds that this project would be El eligible for as well and that's something that the county and the town are working on okay uh the other thing it's there's no number but it says small County Outreach programs cop yeah could you tell me what what this is it says construction 1.1 sure that's a state grant that the county applies for they're eligible I think they're one of two counties in District 4 that are eligible because there they're a small County as well as um Indian River county is a small County and this looks like the resurfacing of Green River Parkway from Jensen Beach Boulevard to the Martin County Line to the county applied for resurfacing money for um to resurface this roadway and these funds are available in fiscal year 30 which like we've just said that starts July 1st of 2029 so those funds are eligible in the fifth year the work program all right so it's resurfacing not sidewalks nothing to that effect no it would it would include resurfacing it would in resurfacing there is a green there is the part of the green RI um um East Coast Greenway that runs along um um the Green River Parkway right okay thank you any more questions were you finished with your presentation I think the next one is just um to let you know can you move to the next one um there is an opport Unity to still provide comments after the public hearing so we have a QR code to the comment section and you want to move to the next one I don't have the mouse with me um if you would like to contact secretary Brun we have his information here his email address next one please and this is our safety message move over if you see vehicles to stop on the side and that concludes my presentation thank you so much commissioner caps yes the term Federal functional classification I think you told me one time what that means and I have forgotten yes those those are the roadways identified on that map are eligible for funding through the no process um so they um had the they have a um there's a certain criteria you all just actually re um went through this process it goes uh it happens every 10 years and that is to update the map to look at the roadways to see what kind of criteria they fit and if they can have that Federal functional classification and if they can they can be funded through the no so um roads like um um uh US1 um roads you think of our priorities like the county road 714 those have a um functional classification and um so they can get funding through the no a local Road for instance would not be able to get funding through the no process so this is that doesn't have a classification this is eligibility for federal funding for Federal funding correct or be to be funded through the no process and the the main distinguishing feature between those roads and ones that are not eligible would be the word local like if it's a local Road it's probably not going to get anything right there's a lot of criteria that that factors into it for instance um for level of service for instance like um Palm City Road is a local locally owned Road the county owns it but it does have a federal functional classification because of the level of service on that road the appoint the importance of the connection between um US1 and um Monterey Road so that would be a good um example of a locally owned Road road that has a federal fun Federal classification as well as Willoughby Willoughby has a federal classification but um it is a locally owned Road the county owns Willoughby speaking of federal funds um you know much of what we get comes from the state and much of what the state get comes gets comes from the federal government right um it yes I mean but we do get um the um the um TMA funds if you will or they keep changing the acronym for that I think it's the surface stbg funds now they used to be the sa SSU funds that does come directly to the local area we do have a very small local area so we are not eligible for a lot of those kind of funds um but um the state those come directly to our area but a lot of the federal funds actually go to F Dot and then come to our area um through fot um FD do gets and this is kind of the I don't get into the we of the work program that you know the state gets a lot of local funds and they kind of when you look at the um draft tenative work program you see a lot of funding codes the state kind of sprinkles their federal funds into different different funding codes different pots of funding codes and projects are eligible based on what funding code um that fund those funds are associated with and that's why by the time a project is in the work program that comes to you all there have been many hours and work that has taken to get that project put in the work program that Jessica Rubio's team does I mean there there you know you all don't just come have a project that okay we'll put funding I mean it takes a lot of time because there's a lot of um eligibility components to that um that um that will will um result in whether it's in the work program or can't be funded until the following cycle or future cycle so good thank you okay any further discussion is there a motion to approve the draft tenative work program motion to approve second there's a motion in a second all those in favor I opposed that motion passes unanimously thank you Miss Rubio Mr Crane Mr Lopez on to uh 8D US1 congestion management public Outreach study yes this is the final draft report of this study you have heard um about this in um at recent meetings and um been updated on what the public involvement component has been as well as the analysis and Stuart Robertson is here from kimley horn to present that item and Bonnie land from Bonnie Landry Associates was the subcontractor on that project so with that I'll turn it over good morning Madam chair members of the oo policy board my name is steuart Robertson with kimley horn here with Bonnie Landry from Bonnie SE landrian Associates it's been a pleasure working with you and your staffs and uh the general public of Martin County in developing the US1 congestion management study uh since January of this year just a bit of background the study area is the northern part of US1 within Martin County this is from Southwest Joan Jefferson way up to the St Lucy County Line this is the busiest section of US1 anywhere within Martin County a lot of commute trips in the corridor but also a lot of local trips as well accessing businesses schools residences along the corridor so as a brief summary of the project we documented existing conditions and the commuting characteristics of the Corridor we also collected traffic data including counts as well as vehicle speeds through measuring travel time from uh Port St Lucy all the way into downtown Stewart and analyzing that travel time and how it changes at different types of the day and in different directions from this information we developed a series of congestion mitigation strategies as well as safety improvements and consulted stakeholders and residents for their opinions on travel within the study area their ideas for improvements many of which were built into our recommendations and also their input on the uh recommendations themselves public engagement has been a very important component of the study there's been a robust public engagement campaign throughout the study that started way back in the spring we also convened a project advisory committee which met four times throughout the course of the study this included Tech technical experts from not only your staffs but also from the Florida Department of Transportation which owns and maintains US1 law enforcement from the county as well as the city of Stewart and the Treasure Coast Regional planning Council this committee met throughout the project in order to advise us on recommendations and provide their input the stakeholder interviews and public engagement has been a very important component as well and Bonnie is going to speak on that in a moment I'm going to get into the congested mitigation strategies and provide a summary of those recommendations uh first up is the idea of interprop multimodal connectivity this is providing sidewalks and driveways that would connect businesses along the corridor currently many businesses are not connected to each other therefore local trips between those businesses often have to use us one which adds a lot of of really localized congestion to the project Corridor moving to safety uh the audible and vibratory EDG line striping which is a technique that is found within fdot's design manual or fdm we started with this as a recommendation for the Roosevelt bridge to help separate car traffic from bicycle traffic a little more than just a conventional stripe um the long concrete Bridges were an original use case for the development of this Audible and vibratory Edge line striping but then thought perhaps uh it could be used throughout the corridor as well where there's a buffered bicycle lane recently installed by fdot one of the projects that we saw in a previous presentation was that resurfacing project that has been completed it may be possible to extend this recommendation throughout the buffer bicycle Lane section as well uh Oki chobby Boulevard in palmach County West of the turnpike is an example of an Arial roadway that has recently received an AUD Audible and vibratory edgeline striping uh technique moving into the long-term safety recommendation uh a recommendation was developed to reconstruct US1 this is a long-term recommendation so it would have to be prioritized through a process like the long range Transportation plan or lrtp but to reconstruct US1 to move the bicycle Lanes to be adjacent to the sidewalk this is a design strategy called sidewalk level separated bicycle Lanes which is also a new feature of fdot's fdm it also has the side effect of just slightly narrowing the roadway a little bit because the bicycle lane is not part of the asphalt of the road in this case it would be up adjacent to the concrete sidewalk so there may be some ancillary benefit to speed management as part of that recommendation we also developed several technology improvements recommendations and included those in the project including extending the adap traffic signal control uh into this section of US1 we also worked very closely with mmpo staff to incorporate Vision zero plan recommendations into the uh report Vision zero is a plan that was adopted by the board and it includes speed management and safety techniques uh consistent with fdot's fdm for use on a context classification of commercial Suburban commercial which is the um context classification of the roadway and a 45 mph posted speed lane width narrowing horizontal deflections um pedestrian hybrid beacons these are aspects that could be added to that long-term Improvement of reconstructing US1 in a way that may produce um positive safety outcomes so that's a brief summary of the congestion mitigation strategies there's a lot more detail in the report which was in your agenda packet and I'd like to ask Bonnie to give you a summary of the public engagement that was conducted for the project the record again Bonnie Landry I've got a little bit of laryngitis but hopefully I can get through it with a mic it was my pleasure to take the technical information and get the Personal Touch because Who would know more about US1 than the people that drive it every single day so one of the thing one of the uh strategies that we use to get input we used these uh polling devices where when we were in a public meeting people could vote what things such as what do you think is the worst part of the study area what do you think about these strategies just to get that input so we did this polling with the project advisory committee The Joint Mo advisory committee and we use these at the public open houses we also for those who did not attend the live meeting we also had the similar qu same questions on Survey Monkey which is an online polling uh strategy we use the QR code and uh we pass these cards out throughout the community to get more people to participate and I think we had some success with that we had more than 270 people respond to that uh survey and we put that data in with what we got live in the meetings and the most fun uh that I had with this project was actually interviewing people um what we did is we went to many many businesses and we gave them a choice uh do you want to be on camera can we take your picture or can we just take notes we did have um 20 people who agreed to these interviews some of which you'll see in the video diary that is on the N website but the data that we collected was very similar uh into what people's experiences were um the polling that we uh conducted um those that we P pulled thought the intersection that was most congested the worst one was Jensen Beach Boulevard and Joan Jefferson way intersections at us one um we we had some trends that we saw um and I do want to recognize Lucine Martins who attended some of these interviews with me and helped me um some of the trends that she and I heard were um people didn't feel safe on that part of us one um and why did they not feel safe um they felt that there were a lot of speeding uh there's a lot of speeding on the bridge and I think you've probably seen it as as when you're driving the bridge um a lot of people run red lights because they're trying they don't want to miss the next cycle and wait two minutes for the next one to come along but it's very unsafe and it's very unsafe for bicyclers and pedestrians I had a near Miss uh at us one near my house and it it's pretty scary um another thing that we heard is is that they didn't feel comfortable making u-turns on US1 without the arrow um and this was because of the blind spots the higher Vehicles you can't see around them or the traffic is stacked and you can't see and what would happen or what they described was they didn't feel safe they were going to wait till it it was clear and they could see that it was clear and then people behind him were beeping and being rude and it just causes a a bad situation um one of the things that they also said we said well look you know one of the ways to reduce traffic is to get people out of the cars into their onto their bikes or walking and we said is there anything that we could do as a county that would make you feel more safe using a different mode of transportation and they said protected bike Lanes kind of what uh Stuart had just mentioned and I also wanted before I moved on I wanted to say that the interviews had a very good outcome that we didn't quite expect that first one-on-one actually initiated those first discussions with the property owners so that if we go to implement these interconnectivities um we already have some people that were open to that an example Southern cotton which used to be Calico Corners we interviewed the business owner but she also is the property owner so that was a great person to talk to and we told her about you know she talked about how people cut through and they're trying to get over to Target because they buy their gift at her place and then you go to Target to get the wrapping paper you know and the the the greeting cards and she actually said that she would be open to beginning with a pedestrian connection there and then obviously to do a roadway connection is going to be more expensive but those interviews did give us that first opportunity to talk to people and I think that's how you get things done talking to people so we did present this at the no joint advisory committee um they passed a motion to recommend uh approval of the US1 congestion management study at their December meeting and they added in the motion they would request that Martin County and the City of Stewart consider taking the lead with these preliminary engineerings to test the inner property multimodal connections between private properties to implement some of the recommendations in the study and that concludes the presentation and steuart and I are available for any questions you might have thank you questions commissioner Mayfield uh yes hi Bonnie thank you um in this area in particular particular and other areas of us one you talk about um pedestrians and bike Lanes I'm not saying it's not wise to take tra traffic off the road but it also feels kind of like unsafe or not necessarily an area that you want a lot of bikers and pedestrians I don't really have an answer I don't really feel one way or the other but it's kind of a uh which one's worse all the cars but I don't ever feel that people look that safe walking that road or biking on that road so it's we did hear that same thing they don't feel safe even in the car some people I'm just not sure you can make that area super safe cuz there's it seems so trafficked and so many businesses that I'm just not sure that's that's just a thought that's yeah the advisory committee just to chime in the advisory committee did talk about um different um strategies if you would to try to make it safer one was protected intersections and then that was something that you know probably would be kind of looked at in the design that um kind of more emphasized the non-motorized facilities as well as looking at the bridge you know having the um the sidewalks and the bicycle Lanes um be um in um protected areas um so they're not just adjacent to the car so I don't know if you wanted to talk a little bit about what your conversation was with the advisory committees yes but first just to Echo Bonnie's comment that um what you're sharing is a very common concern that we heard during the public engagement Outreach process and also uh I think FD has been hearing that concern about many state highway system roadways around the state in fact they have recently expanded their design manual significantly related to Bicycle facilities to include off-road bicycle facilities such as separated uh bicycle Lanes um now there's a range of options the one you said in your presentation yes that one in particular is called The Sidewalk level separated bicycle Lanes so the the design menu of op has expanded significantly and because of how busy US1 is and the speed of the traffic during much of the day uh we think that that would be appropriate for the section of US1 and just one other thing to add into this discussion as well I think it is important to to remember that um not all of us have a choice as to what mode of transportation that we use and so uh some people um have to walk in bike for transportation or access a public transit so it's important that we provide safe facilities for them as well question commissioner Vargas yes I know that stretch of us went very very well it's my district um most of it um along us one and I've had near misses also I paused before going through intersection constant red light running the bicyclist that choose that mode of transportation lack of a better word Monday morning but they're more of an annoyance to the motorist if I can say that and I have nothing against bicycle riding I I like it but there when you talk about a protected Lane are you talking about something that's elevated or may have uh some sort of I saw I saw your diagram there it wasn't really really clear to me so how how would that work rather than building something out completely so in the sidewalk level separated bicycle lane the bicyclists would ride on a designated facility adjacent to the sidewalk rather than adjacent to car lanes and this facility when we present it to the public we often get really positive comments from people that are not thinking from a bicyclist perspective but are thinking from a motorist perspective because you know that comment that you were sharing comes to mind in that I think many motorists would rather uh bicyclists have their own dedicated space rather than being close to the cars because no one wants toit a bicyclist and so separating them uh from the higher speed motor vehicle traffic uh We've often found to be popular even amongst uh people that are coming at it from a motorist perspective okay so how would you separate them if we're looking at this diagram here I mean there's trap that's flowing both ways so and they have to get across the street yeah so that would happen at intersection so anywhere we have a signalized intersection there would still be the crosswalk Network that cyclists would need to use to be able to cross the street safely is that all commissioner Reed yes uh so I like connecting the properties for private property owners it's amazing to see that it's great suggestion has it been done in other municipalities currently where someone has done a study like this typically it is done during development review whenever a modification is being made to a shopping center or other private parcel many local governments have a policy to require connection to adjacent um those adjacent Parcels with in the case of this study because what we found along US1 is that so many of those Parcels were not connected um we thought it very important to provide this recommendation typically when we do this type of study we're looking for modifications that we could make with in the public right away so this is a little bit unique how do you achieve it because they're private property owners who pays for it I mean it's great to do it it would make sense if it was designed that way originally but now we're fixing it after the fact yeah if it's uh part of some sort of a modification that an owner is making it could be requ come in for a p like an amendment you know the board would look at the project but moving forward obviously there's no way of connecting them currently as they stand right right in in that case it would need to be some level of public investment if there's not any anticipated change to the properties coming up any time soon okay and the example with the southern cotton is an example of how you reach out to them she's not right now she's not required to do it or it didn't happen during the development review process but when she got her business started she recognized that it was a problem now so she's open to that so I do think actually going out and speaking with people would be a good next step to make those things happen can't make them but in her case she was interested she was open to it thank you commissioner campy thank you I'd like to make a motion to accept with our thanks the US One congestion management study second there's a motion in a second all those in favor I I opposed that motion passes unanimously thank you um Madam chair um I think there's um it's time it's past 10:30 so we might want to take a a break before we finish the it's up to you all if you want to take a break before we finish I I think we can finish this in a timely manner don't you yes okay okay let's proceed thank you with 8e which is safe routes to school yes this um safe routes to school program is a federal funding source and the county is applying for um a Grant application for grant money um for a sidewalk in Jensen Beach just north of Jensen Beach Elementary School and we have the capital projects division to present this item hello good morning can you hear me uh my name is Jamie palora I'm under capital projects as a project engineer I'm here today to talk to you about the north Northeast South Street sidewalk project again um as said was for the 2025 fdot uh safe routes to school funding uh Florida safe routes to school in 19 a little background information in 19 69 nearly 50% of all students walked or rode a bike to school by 2009 that number had dropped to fewer than 15% this causes this decline um are varied and the effects are far-reaching fewer students walking or bicycling to school has an adverse effect on traffic air quality and bicycle and pedestrian safety in communities safe routes to school aims to reserve these Effects by making walking and biking to school safer and easier for primary and secondary school students so a little bit about the program itself it is sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation and provides Technical and uh funding support for local communities the primary uh goals are to enable and encourage children including those with disabilities to walk and bicycle to school make walking and bicycling to school safe and appealing facilitating planning developing and implementing of projects to meet the program goals the benefits of this are getting an act for getting an active start which helps the students arrive at School alert refreshed and ready to learn it encourages physical activity and teaches lifelong healthy habits connects bicycles and pedestrian networks providing more active travel and Recreation uh communities for the whole community and encourages the community and students to be more welcoming towards walking and bicycling to schools using the es so what are the five E they are education encouragement enforcement engineering and evaluation so a little bit the holistic approach a little bit on each of the five E first we have education so who is involved with the education uh typically that's the principal and teachers from the school's um the subject school and this they are there to help teach students about bicycle and pedestrian safety through assemblies bicycle rodeos curriculums for students parents and and guard Guardians next we have encouragement who that is made up of PTA members and School staff through this they promote uh the safe routes to school program by building Community buyin Building excitement and rewarding positive habits uh such events include walk Walking School Bus bicycle trange pun Punch Cards stickers and recognition crossing guards and student safety patrols next we have enforcement which is made up of local law enforcement uh school resource officer or adult school crossing guards and that is a plan to deter safe behaviors and encourage safe sharing the road such examples of that are crossing strings speed feedback trailers and signage next we have engineering and that consists of the Martin County transportation engineer and the capital projects team through this they design Implement um an oper operation and maintenance of infrastructure and traffic control devices such examples are influencing drivers to slow down uh through sidewalks bike path signage traffic control devices and pavement markings finally we have evaluation which is which involves Martin County staff as well as school officials through this we assess uh both the successes and the shortcomings of the program and through this we have parent surveys site assessments and case studies so for the project itself that's being proposed we have Jess Jensen Beach Elementary School and that is the Northeast South Street sidewalk connection so this project would address critical safety concerns near the school near Jensen Beach Elementary the hope would be to increase the number of students walking and B bicycling to school and those would be within the 2 m radius um to either walk or bicycle to school instead of Car drop off it would provide sidewalk connections from adjacent neighborhoods to the existing sidewalk connecting along Northeast Savannah Road so Savannah Road already has the sidewalk connection leading to Jensen Beach Elementary and to build on the existing relationship with Jensen Beach Elementary and the Martin County Mo so this map shows the existing conditions we have you can see the green dash line are the areas of no existing sidewalk and the existing sidewalk is shown in the orange solid line so sidewalk does not exist for children walking or bicycling to Jensen Beach Elementary along Northeast South Streets and these connecting streets no sidewalk is a deterrent to walking and bicycling to school and no sidewalk connectivity reduces safety for bicyclists and pedestrians sharing the road with vehicular traffic so the the project scope that is proposed is a new six foot wide side Sidewalk along Northeast South Street and the neighboring streets which include Hickory Ridge Avenue uh Spruce Ridge Avenue Highland Avenue and Northeast Hill Hilltop Street and South Street would go all the way from Savannah Road to the end at Northeast Skyline Drive this would also include along with the sidewalk five new crosswalks that will be needed with these updates and they will include necessarily necessary signing and payment markings and the current drainage system will remain with pipe extensions and minor adjustments to the current sale so these red lines show the proposed project limits so South Street from the beginning of the project to the end just past Skyline Drive and all of the connecting roads including Spruce Spruce Ridge Avenue Hickory Ridge Avenue Highland Avenue and Hilltop Street here's a photo of the existing conditions you can see they have some speed speed management with some um P payment markings and a raised intersection so this would be restriped with this project here you can see pedestrians in the road with no existing sidewalk facilities and this is from South Street to Skyline Drive we have the traffic calming this is also a cut through area uh from Jensen Beach Boulevard and this is showing uh Spruce Ridge at South Street again no connecting sidewalks in this area so we have the existing proposed typical section uh this one was taken from South Street where we would add curbing gutter a sidewalk and uh propose Swale piping where needed um to accommodate new drainage the funding allocation the total project cost estimate is about 1.3 million for construction 134,000 for design 161,000 for CI and the grant requested funds are a little over 1.6 million and safe with safe routes to school the funds cover 100% of construction design and CI local support is very important for safe routes to school projects uh this project has been presented at some of these and public involvement will continue uh it was presented at the no joint committee meetings on December 2nd it was also presented today at the mo policy board meeting a resolution of support Was Heard uh at the December 10th meeting and the safe routes to school task force um we met with the team last week as well um at Jensen Beach Elementary School we met with the assistant principal the neighborhood meeting is scheduled for January 9th and we will also in the future need Mountain Martin County School District letters of support so that's it uh we're here available for any questions you may have questions commissioner caps yes my question has to do with public perception about the safety of this type of thing um you know when I was growing up in the 70s uh we didn't just ride to school on our bikes we rode all over town on our bikes and now it seems like that's almost like parental neglect like you could be you know arrested or something for uh neglecting your children to let them roam around on a bicycle unsupervised and like if this were already in place do we know how how many people would use how many kids would use it and what the popular appeal of this kind of thing would be so for this this particular one South Street we've already heard um from parents that live in the South Street neighborhood their desire to have sidewalks in there and then part of this as um this is farther back so it's about a 5year lag between when construction will start the school uh Jensen Beach Elementary is already heavily involved with the education of the students the parents the PTA um about the importance of bicycling and walking to school not just you know to get cars off the Carline but for the students themselves um so that's going to be within these 5 years it's going to be a lot on education of the students and the parents just to get that mentality back of providing a safe environment for them to walk and bike to school thank you commissioner Reed was there any traffic counts on South Street for vehicles we do do we get all of them yes yeah we have the traffic count so we'll put that cuz I was just curious between like traffic count on South Street and say Skyline because that entire neighborhood only has sidewalks on Skyline so when you have Linda Melba Sun viw that's there yeah there sidewalks on sun viw but do they plan on going to that neighborhood then as well is that the plan so um we when we met with the school Jensen Beach Elementary last week we actually gave them a big long plot of the area so they're going to go back and look at Future projects because if we get this one funded um with them we could work on future years for safe routes to school and other areas that we would like to reason I look at that one is because I see South Street obviously everyone knows South Street's the heavily populated one with travel but then we're getting into Spruce Ridge Hickory Highland and Hilltop that aren't as heavily used do you go to another neighborhood like say South Street and try to focus on that instead of little sub streets that might not be as traveled by children POS possibly in a future year yeah we would look into that so hopefully they get back to us and let us know um we're also going to go to a couple future public meetings with the school with the with the PTA and then with the staff to talk to them and then we'll I'm sure we'll start hearing more from the only new development has been the one in the sand dunes I don't know how many houses were built there the board might know but that's so that's been the only development in my entire life time basically of living in Jensen um that's the biggest development everything else has basically existed yeah and I know there's some HOAs and some areas like that where they already have sidewalks so we focusing on those but okay that's it commissioner varas yes uh question um since you want to involve the parents as everything you've said talked about and of course the school administration I worked in a school so first line is the teachers of the classroom uh when are these meetings held is it convenient for folks that are working to be able to attend yes um I know one of the meetings we have us scheduled after after hours after I think it starts at 5:30 or 6 um we're start we just met with them last week so we're working on our schedule of task team meetings so that'll be the smaller group um they also have an Eco team at Jensen Beach Elementary so we're going to present to them and all the students will be there for that meeting um but yes there are after hours meetings that we'll present out okay I'd like to be notified of that okay of that meeting please thank you any more questions is there a motion to approve the safe routes to schools at Grant application so second yes there's a motion in a second all those in favor I opposed that motion passes unanimously thank you now moving on to uh 8f which is Martin County inner city passenger rail Grant application letter of support um yes um the assistant County Administrator George stokus sent me a letter um or email stating that um the county is applying for um grant money for uh bright Line station and he asked for a letter of support and he attached a template um letter included with the email and that's included in your agenda packet I told that the m board really hasn't talked about a bright Line station so I would have to put this on the agenda and he requested that I do that so that is um for um the no board whether you all want to send a letter to of support for the bright Line Station um for the county to incorporate in their Grant application to be submitted to I think it's to F for grant money for the bright Line station so I that's why this is on the agenda today any questions comments uh commissioner Reed I have a question in the 2050 long range plan I believe it was for a private funded train station um correct yeah we're developing the 2050 longrange Transportation plan now so that doesn't that we're still in the preliminary um stages of that that is actually due to be S um approved by you all in October of 2025 the currently adopted 2045 long range Transportation plan was approved in October of 2020 uh during Co actually we were over in the Blake Library at that time um and in that the 2045 longrange Transportation plan it does say that there's uh that does identify a passenger rail station as privately funded um a lot has happened um since then um with the um passenger Rail and with the bright line discussion so um the the decision for this board today is uh either to not send a letter of support but if you do submit a want to send a letter of support to as part of that motion maybe direct staff to actually reach out to um fot and Federal Highway to see you know if we would need to modify the um 2045 plan or since the 2050 plan is um scheduled to be adopted in um October that it could be included in that so that would be my um suggestion if you all want to send a letter of support then the direct staff to talk to the granting agencies about how to modify the current planner or or to have included in the obviously you know I mean yeah had have included in the 2050 plan so just so it's clear for the record in in the 2045 plan it was supposed to be privately funded it's there's a passenger rail station identified and in the plan it is it's privately it says privately funded when it mentions it between the 2045 and the 20501 it went from private to the 2050 plan hasn't we haven't gotten there yet you all just approved the goals objectives and performance measures today so we're developing the 2050 plan right now and that's the one that's due in October that's due in October commissioner campy all members of the no sit on different boards and this conversation this topic has been very well uh discussed debated and um I think most of us have an opinion for or against the concept of a station in our County so I'll cut to the Chase and make a motion that we ask commissioner herd serving as our uh chair for the meantime to uh sign a letter of support for a grant application process from the npl certainly you wouldn't want to stifle all discussion but not at all that's have at it commissioner Collins yes so I appreciate um commissioner Reed comments I do believe as a result of that that approving this would be antithetical to the no beyond our individual board discussions uh if if what we had planned was for a station to be funded on its own without our help uh to and again this is this is kind of one of those consequences of rushing something through um you know and and I won't beat up too hard on the previous County Commission cuz couple of those individuals aren't here but this is some of the Fallout when you try to do that so for this board to move forward in in approving this kind of a letter even though it's antithetical to our long range plan I think would be inappropriate commissioner Vargas yes um I I don't like to make decisions on the Fly this is something that many people have said would be a detriment to our community and this takes a lot more discussion and possibly the former commission thought it would result in what some of the present Commissioners who were on the previous commission thought would come to pass uh I am not of the mind to sign anything right now nor give direction for our chairwoman to do this I have to agree with commissioner Collins and uh commissioner Reed uh we have to look very carefully at What was decided before and where we are now because it is ever so changing uh Miss Beltran yeah I just wanted to it makes it easier it's very important for me to hear everyone's comments on this it just makes it easier for me if they please don't speak unless they're recognized by the chair commissioner Mayfield uh yes as a commissioner of Soul's point we have been lucky enough to not have to have been involved in this um I I don't have an opinion one way or another I'd go with the majority of the board but I do think that you had mentioned if it passes you needed to or it would be um prudent to alter the 20145 plan is that what you said I I said that if the um board wanted to send a letter of support that you all could direct staff to um do research with you know um ask you know Reach Out to fot Federal Highway to see um if we need to would modify the current plan or just have that included in our 20150 plan because the current plan was adopted back in um October of 2020 um it was during covid it was you almost 5 years ago so obviously there's been a lot of conversation since then so that would require um I think a modification but to to just direct staff to just make sure my my the no's job staff's job is to make sure all the eyes are dotted and T's are crossed in order to be eligible to receive transportation funding that's the the the funding that we got in the draft tenative work program we just have to staff just has to make sure all the rules are followed so that would just I guess I was just clarify that the motion you would do everything you needed to do on your end to make it all work correct right I just would want to make sure you know that um that we had everything in place that we're supposed to have that would that was what that um caveat was if you will commissioner caps I'll second commissioner campy's motion any further discussion all those in favor I opposed no no that motion passes with Commissioners Collins Reed and Bargas to senting now we're pack moving on to 8G which is a development review interactive map update yes I'll have Ricardo Vasquez um talk about this item good morning this item comes before you all uh in the past twice a year now it'll be every quarter we'll be updating this map um let me bring it up real quick so we recently updated the map to uh include the updated projects or developments in Martin County and good news Indian Town apparently now has its own development review map where you guys are tracking your projects and um updating your public as to that so so now we also have updated information for Indian town on our map and um yeah with that I'll be I always offer if you need help navigating this map or learning this map feel free to reach out to me I'll do my best to um teach you guys how to use it um and with that I'll be happy to answer any questions commissioner Reed just want to say I love your map by the way I utilize it on a weekly monthly basis and it helps quite a bit um one thing that might be very beneficial for the public to see though is how many units are in development in the city the county maybe Indian town as well because they have it so it's it's out for the public to see it you'd have a total amount instead of looking at each individual project I know you can do that but maybe if there was a legend that broke it out County City Indian town I think that would be very beneficial um because otherwise I'm using a spreadsheet in a calculator noted just makes it a lot easier but uh it's an awesome map any further comments or questions thank you uh the last item is 8h which is the state road 710 update I think yeah I I don't yeah I don't know if fot has anything this was kind of addressed during the um oh we have Ron CA the um sis coordinator um have anything additional you don't have anything additional okay yeah and but but since you're here while we have them good morning yeah he was the one that I mentioned earlier that that spoke you know gave Indian toown story and Martin County story at central office about how the the safety is a big concern in this area that that really was instrumental in receiving the funding so since you're here I'll yeah thank you very much very much thank you we do have a question from right here right there it's not a question it's actually a comment yes thank you you're welcome any any further comments uh board member comments public comments commissioner Reed who do I turn my handwritten notes into just in case I get public record requested the person who requests your public records I don't turn them into like staff that's what we do at the city and then they scan it and then they your personal my opinion and experience through a lot of our certification process your notes or your work notes I mean you could hang on to them you don't have to turn them in like we have never done that they're not public record they're your personal notes even if you use it to portray any kind of I have no idea I mean you're more than welcome to do that but I would hang on to them if you want but if you jot if you jotted a question something you wanted to remember after a presentation to make ask a question I think that's your personal stuff but I would ask your attorney or our attorneys I was just curious that's you're using your notes to jog your memory or something like that they're not public records anything else just just under notes um we did get a um response from Steve Brun from the from fot um just in response to our comments regarding the road safety audit on East Ocean they are going to move forward with the speed study along that roadway as well as look you know consider looking at are going to look at um having a crosswalk across East Ocean as well also Al included under notes are the proposed meetings for 2025 and after this meeting we can send out um Outlook invites to all of you and as far as the next meeting it has the wrong date on there my apologies it should be February 24th is the is the next meeting see y all on February 24th we're adjourned happy holidays thank you a day