e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e R now all right welcome back um our next item is uh Department quasi judicial number two request plat approval for Cove Royale planned unit development PUD phase one project c165 d008 Mr Brian again boy you're star of the show today 006 w i judicial chair sorry okay by about November he'll have it down just right so do we have any um if I do they're file I don't and they've been filed I don't think I do if I do they've been filed I don't have any I don't have any and they've been filed okay any um no interveners on this interveners okay and has all the appropriate paperwork been turned in and notices I have a copy go ahead of the agenda item and my work history and there's no notices required for this okay great so would everybody stand to be sworn in that's please do you swear or affirm that the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay and with that take it away thank you chairman uh good afternoon Commissioners for the record Brian Elan principal planner with the growth Management Department this is a request by Cotler and hearing on behalf of KH Cove Royale LLC for approval of the Cove Royale plan unit development phase one plat as a result of the review of this plat application minor technical adjustments were required to the previously approved phase one revised final site plan to ensure consistency with the plat in accordance with Section 10.5 f62 land develop Land Development regulations Martin County Code a resolution to approve the revisions to the the coov Royale PUD Phase 1 site plan are part of this agenda item the plat is to be consistent with the coov Royale PUD revised Phase 1 final site plan consisting of 83 single family lots and Associated infrastructure on approximately 70 and a quarter portion of the 97 Acre Site site is generally located on the south side of Southeast Cove Road East of Southeast Grace Lane approximately .14 miles west of Southeast alt Avenue in Stewart included with this application is a request for a certificate of public facilities exemption this is the title page of the plat consists of eight sheets a review of this application is not required by the local planning agency development review staff have found the application to comply with the comprehensive growth management plan is detailed in the attached staff report and staff recommends approval of the coov Royale PUD Phase 1 plat application we move the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report is exhibit one and move the board approved the coov Royale PUD Phase 1 plat the phase one revised final site plan and the contract for construction of required improvements and infrastructure that concludes the presentation any questions for staff nope seeing none applicant please state your name for the record George mismer with Cotler and hearing here today on behalf of Coulter uh for the record and I have been sworn in I don't have anything else to add to Brian's presentation the this is the phase one plat uh consistent with the approved final site plan for phase one it's roughly 83 home or there's are 83 homes and roughly 70 acres for phase one um if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them any questions for the applicant seeing none do we have any public comment seeing none commissioner Smith recomendation second we could have had that before lunch okay we could have had that before lunch anyway um motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously as it turns out we could have easily SC you're going home with a five o so good for you tell them it back at the office thank guys thank you okay next up Transportation disadvantage program and funding update Chris Stevenson hi good afternoon everyone I'm I'm Karen deagle this is Chris Stevenson I'm the CEO of Senior Resource Association and thank you for having us today to uh present to you about the transportation disadvantage uh program in Martin County or what we call the Community Coach um so I just wanted to start do you want to move the yeah thank you Chris okay so um just to kind of review a little bit what is the transportation disadvantage plan uh or uh Rider in U Martin County um this program is for the TD eligible who are the elderly over 65 with no other means of transportation um or disabled with no other means of transportation or at or below 100% of the poverty level with no other means of transportation so this again is our most vulnerable demographic um individuals in in Martin County this is not the Marty and I just want to clarify that because I know sometimes um uh um there's a confusion between the Marty which is your fixed route system and the Community Coach which is your uh Transportation disadvantage pair transit door-to-door system um and two totally separate funding sources of course so and speaking of the funding source is this last year for the 2023 24 funding um we received trip and Equipment Grant from um fdot through the commission for transportation disadvantage and our funding this past year for Martin County was 300,000 from the state um we also received an Innovative service development grant that we is a competitive Grant uh um through the ctd and that was for 750,000 and then local funding um the Stuart city of Stewart provided $12,000 500 Indian Town an additional 12,500 and thank you um to you the board of County Commission you did um provide at 166,000 um so the total amount that we were um able to spend this year on trips for the uh Transportation disadvantage is 1.2 million um what that provided so um this past year we are on track to provide what we had thought we would do at the 28,000 level for the that those um we are at this end of May was 20 27,5 but I wanted to point out over the years how it has because of the funding level how it has improved how many more trips and so we have really shown that the demand is there the need is there and um with the with the funding that we receive every penny is used and um uh for for those vulnerable individuals in the community so a ridership growth that has also been uh something that we have um we're we're not surprised at and we're very pleased about so right now we have unduplicated passengers of 838 persons um when Senior Resource Association took over in 201819 um there were 125 passengers through the marketing that we have accomplished um the awareness that we've raised and the additional funding that we have been able to um acquire uh we have been uh able to increase the number of UND duplic unduplicated passengers uh currently to 838 what that means as a growth um so persons have to apply to ride this uh um this transportation system they have to be deemed eligible as I said at the very beginning who is eligible and what we're finding now is that we are having at least 55 new individuals um contacting us each month um asking for this type of service they do go through an eligibility process there is even for in some cases we do have to get uh notifications from Physicians and um uh to make sure that who they say they are they really are we want to make sure that we are providing the trips to the most vulnerable individuals in the community and that they are eligible for this program so our ride or destinations um obviously medical trips are the first and foremost that we provide and 60% of the trips provided are medical uh 30% are the work and 10% other of that 60% of medical appointments 41% are for a dialysis that is a large part of of the program and as you know if someone is on dialysis they're usually needing trips three times a week three round trips a week which would equate to six total trips because one way trip is considered one trip it's not around but but it's one okay and then of course the other 59% are other appointments medical appointments so what's happening now so the 2024 25 um funding they're starting to come in and the trip and Equipment Grant did increase and um if you remember when we spoke other times um we mentioned that the formula for the trip and Equipment Grant through the state um a lot of it has to do with um the number trips you provid the more trips you provide the heavier weight on the formula and so you get an increase so because of the number of trips that we have provided has increased it has this year gone from 300,000 to 311,000 this year so that's a good thing the ISD Grant not so much so um the ISD Grant Innovative service development Grant again um it is a grant that we apply for compet of Grant um we uh we were awarded this is had been our fourth year this last year and um there's a limitation to an Innovative service development Grant as you're all quite well aware when you have development service grants there's a limitation of time the expectation of a development Grant is see if the need is there and then if it is there then figure out how you're going to sustain it um because those grants will go away what happened this past year is we knew that our four-year was up for what we had applied for previously which was dialysis we changed it up knowing that we didn't want not to apply for anything so we did change it up and Chris is going to speak a little bit about what we changed it to um from that there was a limitation of how much funding at the state level they had it dropped from 4 million down to 3 million so the distribution was shorter and um there was 10 competitive uh grants written um we were one of them and we were able to get 50% um this year not full funding but at least we came out ahead with 50% because I'll tell you at one point we actually we weren't even in one of the options at all so we're very thankful that the um the committee for the commission uh for transportation development or the committee for the ISD Grant recognized um the heart work that we've all put into uh the transportation here in Martin County the fact that you the Commissioners saw the need and increased your um your dollar amount your local match dollars that you gave us and so um they did come back and say hey we need to give Martin County some dollars here and put us back into the into the race and uh receive the 50% the um the other two that are on question of course with yourselves is with the new year coming up is your local match and then of course the additional local match from Stewart in Indian River County all said and done if we were to be funded um at the same level through yourself and through the other two local match Aon yes Indian Town Indian Town what match uh 12 oh jeez we'd love to take oh that's thoughtful Indian town I apologize and thank you for correcting me on that one that's a that's a innate thing I guess I'm doing appreciate it years of connection up I know all said and done and no Indian River is not going to give you any match dollars here pardon me Susan Adams yeah she won't no I know not for here um we will be providing um it'll be dropping it'll be dropping to roughly around 19 just over 19,000 trips from the 28,000 um so in other words we'll be decreasing our funding from um to about $400,000 and uh decreasing trips around roughly just over 9,000 so I'll let Chris talk a little bit about the um well no I'm going to go to the I'll flip to the next one the possible limit the rider limitations so what does this mean with this decrease um so we are directed by the LCB um they're the ones that will make the decision as to how we're going to limit because we will if we come back if we come in at lower funding like it uh like I just explained to you we are going to have to limit the trips this past year we did not if an individual needed a trip to go to shopping to medical appointments dialysis we had no limitations it was wonderful those 800 um over 800 individuals were able to get tripped accordingly this is just one example of what you know we're going to have to come up with a few different um uh options but just this is maybe one example of an option whereas we would be uh limiting uh the use of the TD trips to persons on dialysis and we have right now 79 uh individuals who are who um we are tripping for dialysis out of that um 800 um over 800 passengers or 800 Riders so um we would limit the trips only to dialysis and that would allow non- dialysis Riders to use the trip once one round trip per week so they would get to choose whether it's a medical appointment or shopping or really a tough tough decision to make and that's just one option let me let me stop you for a second sure so so I agree that we should uh prioritize dialysis patients but it because they're dialysis patients they only get to go to dialysis that is correct that's that's wrong that's they need they need to have other trips too no groceries no doctor yeah I mean dialis I I I would would would uh instead prioritize that dialysis patients go first and then everybody else gets to spread the the rest of the trips well that and that's what this option is but the rest of the trips only equate to one trip round trip a week for everyone else so basically we would have 79 riders that would be getting three round trips a week four dialysis only and then the non dialysis which equates like 759 of riders that we have now would only get one other trip and yeah you're right should dialysis take up one of those other trips or not you know and that takes away from the other so there's we're going to have to look at a number of different options and yes for the guidance of yourself and the guidance of the LCB we're going to going to have to make that decision it's it's either that or or ask you for the additional funding and and it that is 400,000 and and I will probably be putting in uh to you for the um this year's um budget um that um that budget for us to be able to have an additional 400,000 to be able to keep this hole um these are the most vulnerable riders or most vulnerable individuals in the community and I don't know how do you say how do you say no when you've been tripping them when will you be submitting that um I could submit that by Thursday of this week yeah I know you have your first Hearing in July so it would be I will be handing it in this week um for the budget request for that amount commissioner campy are you done with your presentation um I was going to explain a little bit about what the ISD but we don't have to yes we can that's the funding part is the most important part it's not what we wrote the ISD grant for um we just wanted to give you an idea of that but it is the funding that's most important Grace do you have portion of your presentation so I was just going to talk about um like Karen said we've been getting this ISD grant for dialysis trips the last few years they put a limit on how often you can apply for the same project so we to create a new project um so we are excited about the new project that we got that 337,000 because otherwise it would have been zero right exactly without that it would have been zero so we had to go and and come up with a new project and uh they are giving us 50% of what we asked for which is that 337 and it is for um it is for an ond Demand app uh where our passengers can use use their phone to book trips and uh on demand though it's day of it's not having to book 72 hours in Advance you can actually do it and get trips the day of so if you wake up in the morning you don't feel well normally you'd have to call us in advance you wouldn't be able to get a trip that day with this program and what we're we're going to be doing with this additional money that we'll be able to trip them day of yeah so uh like Karen said the traditional method you have to call in advance you have to book it you can only call one our call center is open with the app it'll be a lot different so that's just what we wrote it for we just wanted to make sure you were all aware of what that ISD grant that we received um was enabling our passengers to do and we've uh been doing it as a pilot program for the last uh nine months we've had we've had 20 different individuals already using it and that's why we were able to show the commission for transportation disadvantage we've already been doing it as a pilot program it's been very successful we've been very happy with the way it's gone um and so that's why they uh they gave us the green light to to make it bigger so and this is just letting letting you know again of how much um dollars we really really appreciate the fact that you have increased your local match um um to the level to the level we're at at this time at 166,000 and and I would hope that we could have more discussion and I will be putting in for uh for the budget another 400,000 Mr Dawn I I know that this is a difficult subject dealing with uh the transportation disadvantage and the LCB who generally gives us the the direction on how uh through your no board on how these monies have been distributed and and I will say that in the past they have had to go through rule changes to try to equitably spread the money around because there was a time when only dialysis patients and they were there were some companies kind of monopol monopolizing that fund so I just want to remind you that there have been a investments in time both up and down throughout this history and um and in terms of uh I assume this would be a budget option you know the goals that you gave to me was to bring a budget to a reduction uh um and we heard discussion about adding other things and your your messages today also will afflect your other nonprofits who are watching so I just caution that um the the uh the challenges of actually Landing a budget um are are just keep that in mind and I would only request that this be put in as an option just put it in perspective because we had this conversation during our Marty discussion about the and I know the Uber thing probably doesn't necessarily fit this but 79 patients three times a week 52 weeks a year is 12,324 trips the average Uber cost is 15 bucks that's $184,000 so that maybe there's some thinking outside expand on that I understand with the Uber what the the challenge is is when you have you get an Uber um understand the people that are being tripped we are Ada accessible um a lot of times you're not going to receive be able to have an Uber that can transport I understand individuals okay I I'm I would assume that most of them could but anyway commissioner campy um I hear the Uber story quite a bit you know I I know supply and demand but Uber is a is a good option but it's not the solution um I think to Don's to Mr Donaldson's point that we including myself beating the drum hard on lowering our budget and things like that what I would like to see and hopefully my colleagues would agree is that we bring the things like this that we need to factor in and then look at a list of things I'm not necessarily saying I want to increase the budget by $400,000 I'm saying I want to look at a list of uh options and see if in my mind this you know what this means to our citizens in term of not just you know you started the presentation off rightfully so by explaining how we've expanded and how people have had the options and they could go to all of their dialysis appointments they could also go to a grocery store or to another doctor's appointment or what about the folks that have to go for chemo and uh and then just that's on the medical side so in my mind if I was looking at a line item uh budget report I might strike some other things out of the budget and continue to keep this one in I don't know when if you could go back to the slide that showed the uh how we expanded over the years maybe one more that one I mean how do you tell the people the unduplicated 838 people that hey Hope 2024 was a great year for you but next year you're back to being on your own it doesn't create any kind of consistency people hopefully get better uh but more people are added and just the medical side of it so I could in my own mind if given the opportunity put the budget together by myself I might prioritize this over something else not in addition to but instead of something else and so I would like Mr Donaldson I hope my colleagues would agree that if we are giving you a little wish list of things that are important even with the rest of the not for-profits this one in particular you you said it yourself Karen this is the most vulnerable the most at risk the the demographic with the fewest options uh I'm sure if someone had a neighbor or a family member that could take them to the doctor that's most likely the first route that people would try to do um I've mentioned in the past my mother has a little group of older friends some are younger than her some are than older than her and they Drive each other around to doctor's appointments and so that's the first option but for people that don't have that how do we now tell them know to commissioner herd's Point how do you tell a dialysis patient look you can go for your dialysis but you can't do anything else and most likely if you're on dialysis you also have to see a different doctor or your doctor on some occasion and we've just said great program great program great program over I would necessarily put the you know would prioritize an additional 400 to our budget and be able to strike it from somewhere else to make it net budget neutral just as you bring it forward thank you you commissioner Smith turn a couple things um next time you come back uh with or without the budget request um can you do like a DOT matric as to where where the ridership comes from yes absolutely I mean I think that would be where it comes from and where it's going where it's coming going absolutely that would be helpful just to see M sure um and then Statewide or nationally obviously we're not the only ones dealing with this and so what is the conversation at the state level or nationally on what do you do um that's interesting you ask that question because actually um so Chris and I we actually have been in front of the governor's office um the the um the CFO chatting to him about this two different times um the um this is more of a state than a federal um with when it comes to the transportation disadvantage because Florida is very fortunate that we have a uh Transportation disadvantage plan I think that we are probably is it the only state the only state that has a funding bucket specifically for transportation disadvantage others in in the uh uh country have to roll it in with their funding that they receive for their um uh mass transit systems um yeah everybody is going through it I think that it really it goes back um to the local level it depends on how important this is to you know you the county Comm Commissioners um as you saw probably one of the first times that we came before you we had a graph that showed the local match and and how much other counties are providing and um so that's that's really kind of where the rubber meets the road um is to to make sure that your vulnerable constituents are taken care of when the need is there um and that's what's being pushed down so I guess as a thought process you know years and years ago on gas tax um there was kind of a philosophy in the state that if you weren't maxed out at all the pennies that were available to you in your gas tax don't come ask for additional revenue from the state um we were told that a lot in years past and we are maxed out and for that purpose so it' be interesting to know as well um for those communities that at at some ratio like if our contribution is 40% of the total funding at what point does the state say oh you're a good participant we were going to reward you for more funding because you have hit a certain threshold well it you were rewarded this year again for that 11,000 additional if you hadn't increased up to 166,000 we would not have had the additional um ridership and we would not have received those dollars enough but there's still now a $400,000 Gap that's because of the Innovative service development Grant and go back again to when you are um any development Grant whether it's for transportation or whether it's for roads or whatever you're you're um there's a a development time and usually service development grants are three years correct um if you've if you receive them they're usually about three years and it's basically to say hey prove it that you need it um and you know but if you're asking for it know that it's not going to be sustained at that so you're going to so here's the disconnect I think for me okay fair enough you prove it and you have and you've increased the ridership significantly from the state's perspective both the county and that grant were providing access to individuals that have moved to our state or have grown up in our state that need that access right so to be a whole state you you know someone's looking at the greater Pi saying okay we have this population base here that needs assistance well if that's true then on both sides of the equation whether it's state end or local as that Reliance on that system increases which is now where we are I would think that the and I I I I know what the answer is but I mean I would think that the the state would look at that going okay we as a state are achieving a certain level of ridership that is needed by a certain portion of our constituency for the State of Florida we have we have got to figure a stabilized way of funding that into the future versus saying to a county you got three years to prove it and then you're on your own okay well you proved it it works you got your ridership but now we're asking for another 400,000 from a local government that has all sorts of constraints on it from what we can do budget wise passed on by the state to us th those are those like where the disconnects are it's like okay give us the flexibility then State wish to do what we need to do to handle your constituency that you set us up for in the first place and now we have but now we're put in this bind of now how do you move sustainably into the Future Sounds like an opportunity put it in the leg priorities I that's about where I'm going so I I I just you know that yeah all of these all of these sort of temporary grants that are two three four year projects they're great when there's the funding coming in but when it ends somehow magically you're supposed to come up with those funds that you didn't have before but you prove that the system works and the need is there and you're achieving the goals set out by the state in the first place to do what we're doing so I you know I yes I would add it to our legislative program um it should be important to our legislators although a lot of things you would think should be important to our legislators maybe they're not as much but um for what I've heard from some of our board members as to important how important this is to us it absolutely should be a priority of our delegation I I agree 100% And thank you for that and I would be more than happy to come and speak at any time that you'd like me to in front of the delegation to to um bring that story forward right thanks thank you Mr Donson just one question uh you can see the you had other municipalities proportionately putting some funds into that do you want me to request that they equally prepare to uh contribute their portion and share or do you want to just fund it 100% yourself don don ask for the map if 80% of the rides are coming from one part of the county versus another or I think what he's mentioning is that that graph that we showed where how much um other counties are providing from their gr fund um no I was referring the local match the city of Steward and any town oh I'm sorry both contributed funds I would assume you'd us to ask that they equally contribute towards this deficit or proportionally to where the ridership is I mean I you know if 90% of the ridership is unincorporated Martin County then by all means we own 90% of it if 0% of it's a city of Stewart maybe that's a different conversation you have and then does it become the same kind of importance to what the County Commissioners have said here today is it important for the city as well to have a higher level of contribution because it's their residents that are benefiting from the service we'll have that prepared this week that's great thank you abely commissioner heard yeah um so if if the distribution is anything like your pilot program it's going to be really lopsided towards the city of Stewart is in your P pilot program you said that 18 people were in Stewart one in hound and one in Indian town so if that's the true of our true of our countywide distribution then it's going to fall disproportionately upon the city of Stewarts was that how those were chosen it was okay so then you are correct so I don't know I you know I I would just ask for their uh not proportionate share but for at least to duplicate their percentage share of what they're what they're contributing right now that's what I was thinking I know right now they're a smaller portion but they had at least increase in proportion to what you're doing yeah well we actually have the mayor of one of those um this prob you're talking to that would like to speak to us so wonderful um would you like to do that now wish she hadn't turned in that sheet that's her checkbook she has the checkbook Don you still have Taran Chris's phone number get her on the phone think she just deleted mine she blocked you you've been blocked thank you ladies and gentlemen um for the record my name is Susan Gibbs Thomas I am on the council out in the village of Indian town and I'm also the mayor I sit on the Martin County no and I also have the privilege of chairing the Mo's local Coordinating Board for the district a transportation disadvantaged um and I have to commend this commission for stepping up and uh committing more of those matching funds than previously uh being the chair it it puts me in a unique position to find out things that I wouldn't have normally known and finding out how that worked and proportionate how we get uh reimbursed or matched from the state that is where I stepped up and I figured okay if we increase it by 25,000 so Indian town is a recipient of that of that um of those uh trips and so is the city of Stewart so that's how that came about kind of challenged the city of Stewart would you match and they stepped up and they said yes so it was kind of an arbitrary figure I mean it does it's not really based on anything other than both of us came up came up to 25,000 and you guys stepped up so that put us in a um positive good position but as you can see and as has been discussed moving forward depending on those grants and when they um stop or they're not there then those those most vulnerable are the ones that are going to pay for it and I know and in hearing the comments I think that um it's encouraging to see the um commitment to that segment of our community that they will not be forgotten and and talking about thinking outside of the box and maybe with Marty looking at Marty I know the way that that um we have looked at that say we the the no and discussed that whole um model and how it may morph into something else maybe in its morphing into something else there will be a a a crossover a segment that will be able to pick up what the transportation disadvantaged program is leaving behind so maybe those two working hand inand would be able to maybe catch some of those that fall in the crack but thank you all for your commitment to to you to the residents and to the people that that really need it thank you any other so to recap you're going to send us two things one the budget request and two as commissioner Smith wisely requested where are the rides initiating yes I guess it doesn't make a difference where they're going it's where do they start okay and is there a way to I'm not trying to diminish your thing I'm just saying that we with the whole Marty conversation we got to start thinking outside the box so is there any way to come up with a percentage of people that actually are Ada that a what do they call the mini like the Uber and the lft and all that other would not be able to serve um that do you keep that data of who actually is we don't do the Ada trips already actually does the Ada trips we're not a coordinated system yet in Martin County and I know this is kind of um OD you you can explain it very well Chris yeah so I think you're you're you're talking about microtransit right yeah um so there are there are segments of the population that are part of the TD program that could probably work in a microtransit situation um but like Karen has has indicated uh a lot of our a lot of our passengers have Mobility AIDS like Wheelchairs and scooters and things like that that's what I'm saying if you if you have the data of yeah we have all that information yeah okay then you bring that back that would be great commissioner Smith it's probably what you're saying but maybe I'll say it a little bit differently probably better actually no probably not um I think it would be helpful to know out of the 800 whatever it is Riders how many are dependent upon TD transportation and how many are not meaning are there those that fall into the criteria that aren't wheelchair or aren't scooter okay right um even if it's 20% 10% can that 20% 10% be off loaded to a newer different system of Uber or some other so that's interesting um could they and be careful with the Uber situation too because who's paying for it um you know when we the dollars that we're bringing down for transportation disadvantage um we would we as the the CTC would have to um contract with Uber or whatever but we would have to use the same dollars that we're talking about here to pay for that trip because we know that the most vulnerable they're not they can't afford the $15 per trip that's $30 round trip but the difference I think in what we were discussing at at the at the Marty level if a trip is $37 for one trip at Marty and in other parts of the state for Uber lift whoever is 17 16 whatever same dollars but could you can can we allocate them to a different Source versus the traditional source and so in this case there's a cost of the the what the total that we had for last year for this year total dollar or total trips no to Total dollars total dollars 1.2 million 1.2 million so the 890 trips whatever there were whatever that is divided by the 1.2 the 288,000 trips 28,000 by 1.2 by 1.2 comes up to a number whatever that number is around it's around4 $43 per trip and so if 10% % 15% 177% were able to do it for $17 a trip you'd have actually more money to put into those that otherwise may not be able to get a trip that are mobile it's not not capable exactly does it make sense yeah absolutely and there's multiple ways when you have a full integrated transit system between mass transit microtransit which is kind of what you're talking about and then the transportation disadvantage and how you move movement around that's one of the things that um that I'll go back to my experience with Indian River county is that it was very very heavy when I first started very very heavy with the transportation disadvantage those trips the Ada trips and all of that because we expanded our mass transit coverage um throughout the county then what was happening is that the TD Riders were able to and get on the mass transit they can get to it and they can use it so then the number that we were tripping for transportation disadvantage decreased and the numbers of the mass transit increased and we're now at $435 per trip on our mass transit system which is a lot less because our and we don't charger yeah we're Fair free but it's only because of the strategy of the marketing and where we place all of our you know all of that so that's the crossover um and and include micro Transit with it too and you can you could have a phenomenal system here um that is costly as what we're talking about pardon me and you have over a million Riders a year we're going to be hitting 1.3 million this year and we're going to hit trips not Riders Trips Trips yeah yeah 101.3 million trips in a county the same size as ours and so at some point something's got to budge because if we were to say today or in July we hear you we're going to put $400,000 into that process would it be better to put a million dollar into the overall transit system and start forcing us to this crossover that you're talking about that it's really not the 400,000 it's expanding the existing capacity to be able to compensate for that 400,000 or those 28,000 trips that are transportation disadvantaged that what you all did in Indian River County 10 years ago at some point you cut 100 Something's Got a bud and you you and it's not going to happen immediately so yes you could think about it that way don't leave people behind initially while you're making those decisions because you're not going to have that system immediately as we all know but I think if if the if the this isn't going to sound right but if the knee-jerk reaction is to spend the 400,000 to cover the deficit of what's been created because the state funding isn't following right mm strategically the whole system if we were to rethink the whole system is there a scale of economy and do we start getting closer to the crossroad where they start passing by like in time absolutely take a few years but in time absolutely and I I you know I think you'd probably have a different conversation maybe then we'll have a budget time if we knew that that's where we were headed and that's I think why we had this conversation about the micr transit that may maybe there's a much better way to do this with the amount of money we're spending that's all any just Pro For Thought okay apparently the chair of the transportation disadvantage um committee would like another word or the mayor of Indian Town well she was that last time let's get rid of this one kind of speaking as both um thank you so much just a little piece of information I know that United Way has a trip a program and they max out I I believe I heard the other day at five trips in a lifetime however they do the Uber thing or lift thing they cannot find drivers out in Indian town so that may be an issue when you looking at different parts of the county that in this type of a situation it may be a challenge so because there's no demand if there was demand maybe that would true true okay thank you okay where we at with this G her she has marching orders they do and they will thank you thank you thank you very much just a partying conversation do a great job you guys excellent job appreciate you here do thank you thank you next up Office of Management budget items which require board approval Miss Stephanie merley yes she is there I am three items good afternoon commissioner Stephanie merley director of The Office of Management budget here presenting to you three items on OMB today the first item is a permission to apply for the FY 2025 mosquito control Grant the mosquito control division is requesting $61,800 required which is budgeted through the cost of chemicals in the operating budget our second item is a permission to accept funding from the Florida Inland navigation District or fine for derck vessel REM removal funds um this is a grant Award of $755,000 for reimbursement of the removal and destruction of der Lake vessels um which were already taken care of there was 18 vessels um the match has been already spent 25% out of the derl vessel removal program the last item is a permission to accept the fdot supplemental agreement um for the city of Stewart various Riverside Park neighborhood improvements this actually decre decreases the grant contract um by $1,395 and increases the local funds that is provided by the city of Stewart by $ 26,38 again this is a city project and we accept the funds from them they cut us a check with an administrative fee and we just request that the board approve this agreement that reduces the cost motion to accept staff's recommendations second okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed um before we get going do did we miss a speaker on our last um would you like to do that now possible yes ma'am absolutely does she want a microphone she could sit down on does that mic work ma'am would it be easier for you to sit down if we had a cordless mic for you well I'm almost here you don't have to the trth thank you hi hello your choice to stand there or if you'd like to hold us no I don't want to hold but thank you afternoon good afternoon my name is lne Williams thank you Board of Commissioners for agreeing to pay in the $166,000 match to help us with the funding for the transportation I am one of those individuals that make use of the trans Community Coach um no I'm not on dialysis but I do but I am disabled and I have no other means of getting around but this I don't have family here or anybody and it's kind of hard to keep asking people that you know take me here take me there without a little agitation on their part even though they are Christians I'm not saying negative things about anybody that do help me out if you happen to be watching this thank you thank you thank you but um it's nice to feel independent it nice it's very nice sorry I get nervous it's very nice to feel independent and safe on a transportation system that can take you to and from so I have a couple questions if you don't mind has anyone considered and I'm sure they have with the new development that's going on what percentage of those new residents that are coming into the community will need the service can we consider that in in regards to the percentage of where the fund should be taken out whether it's rural whether it's steart I don't know but that will also increase writers ship if I'm not mistaken and based on commissioner Smith statement if we give the 400,000 now what's to say we won't have to give it again next year and so how are we going to plan out our budget within the next two or three years so it can work with the group that's working with Marty how do we do this efficiently quickly so everybody's not left behind we're still using marketing money to ask people to still participate in this Transportation which is kind of crazy for me why are we asking people to join when we won't even have the writers ship for them to participate how are we going to discuss that with them to say that okay we we invited you you're going to join into this program but now the money is not available the rides are not available how how is that going to affect the healthiness of our whole Community our whole com um County at large I don't know but if you can consider that um and the last thing that I would like to say if we give more rights to the the people that have um dialysis and my heart goes out for them because that's tough to sit there three or four hours a day and just only get to do that and not to have the pleasure of being relieved of going somewhere with not I don't know how to I'm getting nervous so I'm running this um it's not fair that the governor or that the State of Florida which is very rich is not considering the ridership of the disadvantage I don't think it's fair I don't think it's fair if you don't mind me saying that they can entice us to do better in our Improvement and then take the money away I don't think it's fair that we are now going to because I went through this the last time and the time before of cutting down to once week travels how do I determine what's more important my time is up no you're you're good don't worry okay how do I determine what's more important in one week to go to the grocery store or maybe to go to the movies just to get the mental relaxation that's needed or to go to law cabin for socialization how do I determine for me I don't know about anyone else what's more important for me to be stable I don't know how to do that and I just pray that you all will reconsider and I don't want anyone else to miss out on the funding you know other um not for profit fundings but how how are you going to do this that's going to be Equitable for the whole County and not just for the few thank you ma'am thank you thank you very much for coming back after lunch sorry we missed you the first time no okay that's the face of the issue right there yes and Christie you follow y so we need a million dollars from you yeah department number two contracts that meet the threshold of the board approval $1 million or greater Christy Brotherton uh good afternoon Christy Brotherton Chief procurement officer wa wait wait before we start just one that's so I will be abstaining from item A1 as a um consultant for Ferrera they have bid on on this um particular item so I have submitted my form AP and I will be uh abstaining from the item okay thank you so we have one contract for your consideration today which is a continuing Services agreement uh this is for infrastructure construction and maintenance contract and the individual work orders are limited to $300,000 per project um the contract maximum not to exceed value is $15 million with a maximum not to exceed term of 5 years and staff is recommending that the board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible biders which are coastal Land Development of Martin County and sunshine land design and move that the board authorize the County administrator or designate to execute all documents related to this request EST and that concludes this item motion to accept staff's recommendation second okay um we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed uh motion passes four to zero with commissioner heatherington abstaining thank you which I don't understand why you have to abstain when they didn't get the CR TR they never get the okay department number three Mar chair can we allow Sebastian the gentleman with the crutches to sit down standing there for a half an hour on crutches why don't you take a seat very well my uh my request is is withdrawn department number three Martin County energy and energy related operational cost savings project Mr Shan Donahue here he is take it away and you save us an additional $566,000 please TR for the bus good afternoon Sean donu uh director of General Services Department I'm here to present the uh contract for a Energy savings project if you remember back in September we presented uh the history of the Energy savings at the county since 2007 very successful projects uh to the effort of of saving about $50 million uh on those five projects with a cost of about $30 million so a $20 million savings across the county very good projects we we mentioned at the time that there was potential for additional Energy savings some of those projects that we did in the past were were fairly old and we can update with LEDs and other technologies that weren't present at the time so we're here to present another project like that uh studying all the county buildings uh for weatherization for LED lighting for specific projects like adding the PSC Public Safety complex to the jails chiller plant uh overhauling the Cummings Library HVAC systems and things like that so so we did an RFP or an RFQ and uh we received some Nationwide firms uh train Honeywell Schneider Electric and FPL so it was a very good selection of candidates we did end up choosing train and a representative train is here Steve corson's in the back if we have any questions in um so oops um so we're here to we're here to present an investment grade audit contract and train as graciously U uh you know agreed to perform this cont contract at no cost uh if the if the project doesn't work out if there's not any any Energy savings we the county can walk away from this project no cost to the county if there are good Energy savings and we can meet an Roi that's sufficient for the county we can continue forward and those costs will be rolled into the energy performance contract and that'll come back with a a new contract uh that you all review uh in a couple months and uh with financing options so right now the uh request is to approve a zeroc cost Energy savings contract where we study all the county buildings it's called an investment grade audit we'll take any questions if you have them commissioner Smith couple Steve good to see you um have we had any discussion either you Steve or us with the school board relative to their ball field just as a starting point ball field lighting like what we did with you years and years ago uh for the record Steve Corson with train commissioner Smith we have not uh when we did Sports lining project in 2012 we had some discussions uh for Hidden Oaks Middle School there was a joint use agreement but that was not included in the project that the county performed at that time we we' be welcomed to uh start a conversation with the district about the possibility to uh work with their joint use of facilities from a Parks perspective we're also do a independent project for the district I I just think you know I always thought when we did this project originally it was a shame that they didn't tag on with us and do all their fields with us cuz you got pineapple up on G speech Boulevard sitting right next to the high school and it's like okay we could have done this all together um that was part of the commentary so don I don't know how best to reach out to the school board and and talk them about this we should have done this at the Joint meeting the other day and I forgot completely all about it um but I think it's a heck of an opportunity and then Steve I think last time you were here maybe six eight months ago a year ago we talked about the savings that we have accomplished thus far doing this work with you all um and how few in the state or how few across the country have actually done this stuff with you can you elaborate on that just to talk about what the county has done how much I mean we know how much it's saved but I mean how much that relates to relative to others that aren't doing it sure um the previous slide if we go back at a of the U completed projects countywide um you've addressed the infrastructure in all your major buildings which is significant um the majority of counties uh 2third of the school districts have done a project uh I don't think anyone has been as comprehensive in scope over time as Martin County or has taken advantage of the leverage available from energy and operational savings to offset and reduce tax burden on your infrastructure so you've shown leadership there um a lot of other projects have been specific buildings uh or Pilot level projects in other counties and other districts uh we certainly are uh encouraging your counterparts uh to uh perform similar projects and there are great incentives available to do that so the the opportunity is growing uh the market opportunity for cities counties school districts in Florida and across the country is also growing so my math isn't really that quick but somewhere we might have saved somewhere as around 20 million over the course of doing this that's correct um you know it's interesting um there's been a lot of commentary lately about um uh where Martin County Falls relative to our our taxable rate and our values and how much um we do or don't do um and things like this get lost I think in in the shuffle which is why I would spend so much time asking you the question of what have we really done what we what have we accomplished um because that's a big number um to me anyway 20 million's a big number and I appreciate all the work that you all have done and helped us to get to um and I very much look forward to the next uh generation of this cuz I think there's still a lot of opportunity left and I think specifically if there was a way that we can bring the school board into this conversation and and take advantage of those savings for the school department even even better thank you for everything thank you very much I thought when we originally did the musco lighting situation Not only was there a Energy savings but there was also you had the equipment to get up on these massive hyp towers and you're responsible for changing out the light bulbs and the heads if they fail was also a remarkable difference with Charlie Leon Park as you came over the Palm City Bridge it used to light up the whole entire neighborhood and now when you come you can look at from a light pollution point of view it is so angled right down there I agree with commissioner Smith about the school district uh our parks and recre uh Department with some private funding from some foundations redid the baseball fields at Hidden Oaks Middle School and the only thing that was still lacking was the fact that they were the lighting was school district lighting and we were spoiled now from what you've created for us and uh so you can mention our names when you call over there and then we'll get the referral appreciate that I think the uh to comment on the impact and also uh comments from commissioner Smith um what's unseen is the impact that we've had on deferred maintenance what's unseen is the increase in service level and safety especially with the parks and the sports line project um what's unseen is the leadership that you have with respect to uh safe and healthy environments in the buildings those are all things that we've been able to address and where you've been able to show your leadership so we appreciate the opportunity to look forward to uh working with uh director Donahue and his team uh which has been a long-standing pleasure and look forward to coming back with uh another successful project F title a motion commission herd yeah I mooved that the board award the contract to train us Inc and move that the board authorized the County administrator or designate to execute all documents related to this second oh she swooped right in there and got a motion about it so can't stop a train Mr Smith is Mar I was going to say nothing runs like a train but that's John Deere right director Don hu Sean just one more note his name is director Donahue now that's correct so on on the on the financing of all this how does this work how much did we borrow to do this I can only be we typically have used a tax exempt Capital lease which is 100% project value financing um by who Steve uh we've used sunrust we used Bank of America uh I'm sorry train is doing that uh train is facilitating financing uh the financing has been secured uh with the help from your financial adviser through your normal uh budget approval process um with um um with input um uh with your with your financial advisor with respect to acceptable rates and terms right thanks okay we have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thanks and we have deare here with our keys to our new TBM County airplane right no oh I'm sorry um department number four approval of the seventh amendment to commercial lease with the hair Aerospace Incorporated Mr Sebastian now please sit down so we can feel better yeah yeah say his last name know last name I've known him his whole life and I still don't know his last name now everyone knows why I go by Sebastian uh it's Pap rosi but Sebastian works good afternoon Commissioners I'm here with uh Mr McBean a director of Witham Airfield good afternoon we're here before you because um as you know deare was the recipient or was awarded a long-term lease comp uh for the RFP that went forward earlier this year uh that is a 10-year lease with two 10-year extensions however their current lease or for as the old lease expires at the end of this month uh the new lease is well over 100 Pages we've gone back and forth numerous times and we we have it finished the only issue is that the FAA would like to take a look at it and the FAA does not abide by our timeline lines necessarily um and I cannot foresee that they will be done by the end of this month they may be they more likely than that will not be uh it will not be ready so this is a simple extension four months um I don't believe we'll need all four months um before we can bring back the long-term lease in front of you commissioner campy motion to accept staff's recommendation all of that make a motion it's like Family Feud up here okay we any other discussion Mr Bean you can't move the FAA process along any faster than that I can try but it doesn't usually doesn't work all right we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner herd all in favor I motion carries unanimous now Mr Donaldson Mr Donaldson has something he would like to discuss yes I have uh uh two things one uh is uh uh the first thing was um we got a letter from uh uh uh the village manager for uh Indiantown uh regarding an uh a letter supporting uh a targeted business um and it is for a letter of support for a grant application which is due the 24th uh was requested to commissioner Jen and I as a chair the actual business itself is recycling uh glass material um into a usable product so it is um uh we did some research on the industry to make sure that it was something that uh was was beneficial it is uh and so the village is asking that we could support a letter um again for their Grant application which is due the 24th and the title of it is urban mining Industries that that will be um converts post consumer recycled glass uh that would otherwise go to a a landfill into ground glass um they call it uh positive uh is their trademark name for the B for the end product see if they want to come to unincorporated Martin County that turn quick ugly quick get they address and contact information so that's the the next one was uh if if you yes what do you need for that you need so it would be uh approval that uh the chair could sign a letter in support of their Grant application head nod uh motion I'd make a motion to support our brothers and sisters in Indian town okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next and the second one was earlier this morning you asked about uh um bathtub Beach I have staff here if you want to talk uh commissioner uh uh about the um that was quick uh the the fundamentally the issue is is that we are doing resiliency project to raise MacArthur Road there is not much room there to do both put in the wall and raise the road uh uh up over I believe 12 in and then um and maintain two-way traffic so the park is both a staging area and a bypass and I think the question has been how the beach is open it's always open it's just whether parking is there and lifeguards are there intermittantly and so staff is going to talk about where we are with the contractor and what could be done they both still smell like sunscreen hold on a minute yes commissioner Smith um so um maybe I should wait until they show us the presentation but yeah um my my goal here is in the conversation when I found out about this and we have had multiple multiple meetings on the elevation and and the rebuilding of MacArthur from basically the Wentworth house which is the yellow house in the corner to the entranceway of Sailfish Point I don't recall ever really hearing the idea that we were going to shut down bathtub for the entire summer and shift the traffic through I mean it's an Innovative idea great idea I we've just got to come up with a better way I I just our our residents visitors wait all winter long for the weather to calm down to get to the summer to um take advantage of some of our better resources and so um I'm I'm looking for any ideas options if if that means there's one way traffic going through the park and one way coming out of MacArthur and vice versa fine um but we I I just can't not support shutting it down for the entire summer if that's the plan okay okay uh we're we're here to present uh I'm George Zama Public Works deputy director with me is Jim Gorton Public Works director um so we just wanted to we put together a brief presentation just to First give an overview of the project the scope um what we've constructed where we're at and hopefully very soon um having the park and Beach open um for the public for the foreseeable future um so just a general overview um this project as Don mentioned is a resilience project it was identified as a resilience project before there was really a formal resilience program in the state and in the county um so the the uh concept of the project um it was a two-phase approach to construct a shoreline barrier wall um along the Dune um and then also raised the roadway um the roadway um at its lowest point is elevation 2.5 um and it's within a FEMA a flood are um FEMA flood plane elevation of area of elevation six so um it's very low uh or I should say five because we're raising the roadway up to Elevation 5 so there's a portion of the road if you look down here there's a profile um this hashed area is the area that we're raising the roadway so most of the roadway we're raising it upwards of two to 2 and 1/2 ft um basically from the curve to the roundabout uh near Sailfish Point the whole goal of the project is to protect the infrastructure um so the wall um protects helps protect both the infrastructure of the park which is the parking lot we the county has invested in a restroom and a station for fire rescue um that's housed here um at this restroom location and um the roadway itself the roadway is uh provides um a connection to the residents of Sailfish Point residents along um the corridor here and as well as our uh the park um so phase one um within uh this project we uh had to First permit the wall and construct the wall before we can even permit the roadway and another wall on the west side so phase one has been constructed as you all are well aware and now we're in phase two of the project which consists of adding a retaining wall on the west side of the roadway uh to support the the the roadway itself as well as uh we were adding an additional uh traffic lane to accommodate for traffic to the park um so uh the the western side of the roadway this here this as you can see there's three residents uh private property owners and then this area is actually County property this area is uh vulnerable uh to sea level rise and and storm surge so um we were successful in adding a retaining wall to protect the Western portion of the roadway to undermining or um erosion um during um extreme events so uh with phase two it incorporates um both raising the roadway adding the retaining wall and Associated drainage um you know we're adding water quality um to uh accommodate for the first flush of storm water and these retention areas and um so with that um within this Phase 2 project we have a drainage portion and then the roadway portion so um like Don mentioned we have several constraints we have um the the ocean here we have the Lagoon um we have tight RightWay through here this roadway is 20 ft wide um so um to construct this wall which is the first um item the scope item for the project um to facilitate um there's going to be heavy machinery out there to drive these these sheet pile there they're 20ft sheet piles you have um a smaller Crane or a heavy or a bigger excavator that's actually going to be out there um they're going to have to Stage a lot of the uh material that's already on site um the sheets um so they need to be able to Stage as well as operate the heavy machinery to actually pick up and swing the material and actually drive it in the ground so they're going to need this this whole area um to perform the sheet pile installation work um and then after that they're going to work on um before they raise the roadway as you could see we have some cross trins here that cross the roadway those are going to go in um basically at the existing roadway elevation so they have to get that in um first before they do the road works so all of that's going to get Incorporated mainly in this area first um and and due to the fact that um this area is under such a tight constraint um The Proposal is to Route traffic through the parking lot and with that uh there is a maintenance of traffic plan that has been proposed um Sailfish Point is over here this is the entrance to Sailfish Point here's the roundabout um this is bathtub Beach parking lot uh this is the old Pavilion here which no longer exists but um so we're going to be routing traffic two-way The Proposal is to utilize the whole roadway section for material and Equipment staging um to drive the sheet pile which is going to run this whole section through this area this green zone um this whole area is the the work area for the sheet pile and the drainage here so traffic will be two-way traffic will be bypassed as you could see these are tight turns and have to travel through the parking lot they're going to have to perform some modifications here at this entrance to the roundabout and they're also going to have to perform modifications at the Northern end of the parking lot to stabilize a temporary roadway um to utilize for temporary traffic control um once the project is complete once this section is complete um which will take approximately 3 months uh per the per the construction schedu schedule um at with this type of closure um it allows them to operate much quicker because they don't have to perform traffic control we we did look at other options to potentially have oneway traffic here oneway traffic through the park but through the parking lot but they would have to perform more traffic control operations and flagging operations to potentially store material somewhere over here if it's possible or even within here it's just really tight time tight constraints and um rather unsafe to be swinging materials and Machinery so um the option that we had for at least this first phase of sheet pile and and most of the drainage work is to perform two-way temporary traffic through the parking lot now once this portion is done if we could go back we still have to perform work some drainage work over here so um we may end up having to go back that's where we're going to look with the contractor for the next temporary traffic control phase to perform single Lane um traffic through the existing roadway um once the drainage is complete and they actually start the road work the road work is actually going to go much quicker um it's probably going to take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks they're actually going to pave the roadway in 3-in lifts so they're going to go one pass North one pass South 3 in at a time and it's going to take you know SE it's and you can only do one per day to allow the asphalt to cool so it's 3 in per day in increments and then they're going to work their way up to the uh designed elevation and then once all that's complete they'll probably end up um completing this retention Pond and and finish grading and Landscaping so um just to give some project parameters um the overall project has started that's technically started yesterday and IT contract is until November they feel that could get the project done before um by November um before season starts and when we get a lot of traffic through this through this Corridor um the drainage as I mentioned uh the scope um to drive the sheet piles and the bulk of the drainage is going to go from is about 3 months from mid June to midt and then the roadway portion will take us to November um the bath to park impacts it's proposed to be closed during construction the bathroom um and um and the the parking lot itself but bathtub Beach itself is is open um folks can can and beachgoers can can travel to the beach through uh Chastain um and I just wanted to highlight our partners with the project uh FEMA hmgp and FD resilience and with that we'll just we can answer specific questions Mr Smith thank you George um so a lot of design questions in terms of the maintenance of traffic um can they do one lane is it impossible or can they not while they're s okay and the Eastern edge of the RightWay Eastern Edge towards the ocean if if that foliage what's ever in there is to be removed can we not squeeze the travel lane or space out of that space on the Eastern Edge to give you that two full Lanes of traffic where they now have a much wider space to work on the wall in there and at the north end where the storm water work is going to happen years and years ago that North End used to be open next to the whiteworth house ultimately it would be great to get that capacity back and so if that can be used as a portion whether it's for staging whether it's anything else at at one time had parking and had an entrance way right up next to the Wentworth house whether that's ultimate or not I don't know and coming around that corner maybe not the safest thing in the world but right there a little bit right no keep going a little bit more right there that was the old entrance exit whatever all that space between there and what you can see to the south of the parking paring lot can we reclaim any of that is there any place for staging for that if the if the storm water is going to be done at the end why can't all of that be cleared out for storing the materials and yeah they're going to have to move it around more than maybe they'd like to I just don't bathtub has been closed for so long and now we're in the summer which should be the best time of the year to use it and we're shutting it down till November there's got there has to be a better answer there has to be something different we can do so the first phase when they're driving sheet pile there really is no safe way to have an ex it's very similar to what we are doing right now what Jupiter Island's doing right now on Bridge Road is we have to close that road because you're you're lifting things with a crane and dangling them from that Crane and spinning them around and getting them into place and the potential for something going wrong is high if you're mixing vehicles with that construction activity on the road road so certainly the sheet pile portion of that project which is just that shorter wall is one that we really can't mix uh traffic on the roadway fair enough so what if you break it in half that where the main entrance is today you do the South End first you have the traffic come down the full length you come in come up to where you're your maintenance of traffic design was and then come back out to your new exit down toward sailfish and you do the North End of the the sheet pile and when you finish the North End of the sheet pile you reverse it you take the travel Lane and you use what has been done with sheet pile use that portion of the road which frees up the parking lot at least a half of the parking lot that you could use a half of it I I just there's got to be a better way than just having both lanes of traffic go through which makes all the sense in the world I appreciate that and the the second piece is just that if we have the bathtub if we have bathtub parking lot open and you have even one lane of traffic running through the parking lot then you have residents who are parking on the other side of that active road crossing the road to get to the other side um or to the bathroom or to whatever um destination they have but that they're actually walking across that active roadway um that gets a ton of traffic it's really kind of surprising how many vehicles actually go through there in a day especially in the morning um but can we talk to the the contractor about it absolutely but um I really from a safety standpoint during the sheet pile operation um mixing the two doesn't go well the only thing I would recall for all of us during Francis and Jean mhm we had this big hole in the road out there and every day they filled it up and they had temporary movement at night and then they dug it up the next day they worked on it they filled it up they dug it they filled it up I there's if there's a will to do it and a want to do it there's a way for them to figure it out or at least give us half of the parking lot and then are they planning are they planning to work through the weekends seven days a week no unless if they um they come up on time constraints because we we're adamant that they finish by November so then at least if for nothing else they cease everything for the weekend and we give access to the parking lot for the weekend so so the problem is you know I've I've had a discussion with the contractor um I think what a lot of it comes down to is the liability they it's the it's a construction site the whole area and it's basically their site that that they assume control over for their work Zone and because just because there's no work activity going on if they have Machinery or materials there and you have a beachgoer that comes over and curious and gets hurt they Li the contractor still liable the count is still liable the problem with that George the beach is open you said there's going to be people on the beach if they're curious they're going to walk over the Dune and they'll hurt themselves it's fenced off I mean it's F the the liability exists no matter what it's up to the contractor and us up to figure out how do we limit that liability turn your mic on well I just want the rest of the board if they didn't know what was going on cuz I certain ly didn't ever see this until last week and then this whole idea with the lifeguards and whether it's guarded it's not guarded we all know what happens when we mess with the beach and we shut things down and what I was going to suggest is that I I agree with you trying to get it open for the weekends we'll continue to work with the contractor and that if the contractor is looking for some shared or release of liability we would bring that to the board for approval if that was up to the you know with concurrent with legal so I think there may be some opportunities to to to kind of open this off and on during the but but it will take some um some shared risk and in order to do that we'll bring that back I just want everybody else to understand when they start getting calls but we didn't just say oh well it's going to be closed for the entire summer being a contractor and having to do work's not necessarily like this but similar to this I understand the position you guys are in I understand the position the contractor's in and it's not that easy I I understand where you're coming from but anyway commissioner her yeah just about the the uh design itself so that you're going to raise the road to 5T from 2 to 5 ft the what what elevations are the offshore uh wall and the Lagoon side wall so the um Shoreline wall is just under 10 it's basically 10 10 ft 9.9 ft and the um uh Lagoon side wall to whatc you're going to back fill it to what it's covered by the Dune it is okay it's covered so then the Lagoon side it's at elevation 6 okay and also the parking lot is at what elevation the parking lot is at elevation it ranges um it's about elevation six okay okay so it's it's it's a it's much higher than the road is yeah and the Dune um when at as restored is elevation for 14 and a half okay I stand corrected and also I agree with commissioner uh Jenkins that I understand that this is going to be a a big and messy and dangerous work site and I don't want to co-mingle Residents and construction Crews and construction equipment I can certainly understand commissioner Smith you know know but but I think that this is is I think that the hazards of this construction job uh outweigh the the inconvenience of the residents for three months it's going to be a messy project before and after send all the calls your way I I have I have a beach this big at Twin Rivers Park that's was never there before it started eroding but now all the residents they they're entitled to that Park you know don't touch it I get it this is this is a way bigger problem thank you we'll continue the dialog with the contractor see if there's a safe you need anything for this no it was just uh as requested are you done with your I am done thank you sir thank you so we have reached the end of our um agenda so it's time for public comment do we have anybody that would like to Mr Pine never does no good morning Commissioners my name's Tom Pine uh yes speaking of the trying to uh open the bathtub Beach parking lot while under construction it reminds me the first time I came and spoke at this County Commission it was putting in pipe on Indian River Drive on a county project people working all their all the things stucking above the top of the ditch with their heads no Shoring a pump in the bottom of the ditch pumping water out and I show pictures County project you too I go back the next day what's changed there's not a Shoring anywhere they're still pumping water out of the bottom they have hard hats on it shows how much safety matters to our leadership here and obviously trying to force this change and force it to have people use bathtub a beach even though it's going to be very dangerous I'd like to see the commissioner put his name on something that he's going to take responsibility when people get hurt because it sure shows loud and clear from past safety doesn't matter very much standing up here watching those people work in a ditch with no Shoring and water in the bottom of it now we're going to put people in Harm's Way with pilings being driven nice job thank you thank you any other public comment okay commissioner comment anything else you're good I'm all set okay I'm all set I'm all set happy Fourth of July oh yeah we're not going to meet before 4th of July July 19th I thought July 9th July 9th yeah wow I'm set okay all right with that we are adjourned for --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e see all right right Welcome to our June 18th 2024 uh Board of County Commission meeting um we're going to begin with a um um with Pastor harp giving us invocation and uh our Pledge of Allegiance will be um by Jeff Norwood our veteran service director we have 9005 uh public comment and 505 public comment additional items are uh consent 11 adopt a proclamation recol recognizing Martin reads in Martin County um quasi Department quasi judicial number three request for approval for the revised Master site plant for the Newfield Crossroads neighborhood p172 d018 Department four approval of the Seventh Amendment to the commercial lease at with dare Aerospace we have two uh conent consent agenda polls both by commissioner herd which we'll take up first once we get uh rolling with our agenda which is uh consent number seven business development Board of Martin County uh annual report and consent number eight request for contracts renewals between uh Martin County and um the solar and energy Loan Fund all right and we will begin if commissioner campy just a question before we go to the vote uh I know that there's a a decent amount of people and some young members of our community that are here to to discuss public hearing quasi judicial number one request for revised Master major final site plan for the Treasure Coast Classical Academy I know that they're pretty deep into the agenda I was wondering if you could uh if it was all possible to move them up so that they don't have to sit sure thank you very much okay wherever it fits but just earlier than that late in the afternoon okay commissioner Smith thank you Mr chairman uh move approval of the agenda with the additional items of consent item number 11 Department quaza judicial number three Department item number four uh with two additional uh polls uh of consent seven and 8 uh and that the chair does what he needs to do to move that item up um and that also uh this morning that we might hear a presentation or some discussion relative to bathtu Beach and life cards and so on okay good I plan to do that first chair I will second approval of the agenda okay okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously okay and if we could all stand for um invocation by Pastor Jim thank you let's uh let's pray father as I've been sitting here this morning uh asking you how I should pray Lord I feel led to uh pronounce a blessing uh not over not only over these that you have placed in leadership uh over our County and given Direction and opportunity to uh lead us Lord and to what you would have for us but Lord I want to pray this morning a blessing over Martin County for all of us who live here for all of us who work here for all of us who call us our home Lord I'm taken back to uh the Old Testament uh centuries ago when in in the uh Book of Numbers it says and the Lord spoke to Moses saying Speak to Aaron and his son saying thus you shall bless the sons of Israel you shall say to them the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace so they shall invoke my name on the sons of Israel and then I will bless them Father that is my prayer that is my invocation this morning over these that I have mentioned over us Lord as we live and serve and uh find our home and peace here in Martin County Lord would you do that for us today and continue on that we might reflect that peace that blessing uh not only in to each one and in this community but Lord throughout this state that this County might be known as the county that God you have blessed in Jesus name I pray amen amen thank you sir good morning guys I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to its Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Commissioners if I may Administration thank you very much guys uh I just actually wanted to take a second and say say thank you I appreciate app your support that you have for my office and the veterans of this community I know we get caught up a lot in our daily 9 to-5 work stuff uh so I just want to take a moment and say thank you guys I really do appreciate your support in the community and for my me and my office so thank you very much Commissioners thank you thank you all right now we are going to do a proclamation for Parks and Recreation month good morning Commissioners Parks and Recreation programs and facilities are an integral part of communities throughout the country and encourage physical activities by providing space for sports hiking trails swimming pools and a myriad of other Pursuits designed to promote active Lifestyles during July recognized as Parks and Recreation month the board acknowledges the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources commends the Department's work and encourages citizens to take advantage of the amenities and programs offered in Martin County and here to accept we have Kevin Abate who's the director of our Parks and Recreation Department here good morning uh Kevin abate uh Parks and Recreation director and to my right is Kevin Kerwin also known as K2 he's the deputy Parks and Recreation director and few folks from the team I will acknowledge um Todd fa who's been with the organization for 17 years or with the parks for 17 Nancy Johnson marketing manager Jessica ballis 12 years with the Department Kevin with 34 years in parks and um let everybody get a chance to take and so everyone's they'll be in the photo today and um I'll be going on my 40th year this year um in August for Park so it's been a great journey were 10 when you started yeah uh I I am proud of this team over the last 14 years with the county um in case to remind the board and the public that we are accredited through the um National recreation parks association's accreditation process there are only I look uh last week There's Only 204 agencies of the 12,000 publicly funded agencies in the United States that are credited so it's uh 0 17% I attended the best of the best ceremony uh last year with Nancy to accept our award and we have 27 years of accreditation and this team is the team that makes it happen but summer is here um the team's doing really well um throughout the county U right now we're employing over 250 summer positions throughout our various assets we have uh this year we have 150 free swim lessons through our grant programs and summer camps the water park should expect to see about 60,000 people attend ending the water park the golf course is on a record Pace they sold 640 summer memberships this is all about summer we're hosting our busy busy beaches with surf camps um our park operations team and the and the Heat of the summer are dealing with more than uh 1400 Acres of active Park land to cut the grass um and they're deal with over $2 million of products that they're actually taking care of I also looked this morning just to see what kind of volume we had we with the team we we produced um over 3,700 requests for service in the last year to date for the county um with our programs this year our last year we had 220 kids that participated in our after school programs with the Children's Services Council and this summer we have 425 youths and teens participating in our summer camps and all those programs are free to the public which is even more astonishing um last year we hosted and produced over 24 community events with close to 16,000 and residents and visitors attending um those are just the things we do and then our lob cabin our lob cabin senior program is also doing great with over 350 annual participants and um and all that all those efforts are being um marketed by um Nancy Johnson um with our 44,000 subscribed emailers she sent out over 72 email campaigns last year managing 12 social media accounts with almost 73,000 followers and she's her social media account has just a normal reach beyond the of about 3.8 million annually Beyond those posts that get a separate million from sharing so overall this team um to my right has done an outstanding job over the past it's my 14 years most of them have been with me and I'm proud uh for all that they done and all that we do to serve this great Community from Martin County so thank you our parks department is astonishing and this is why thank you all right let take a few y that's a lot of years of experience up there yeah right and there's a couple others that could push decades nice job okay to nice job sounds like a great ski company yeah right or a mountain okay now we're going to go a bit off script um before we do public comment um we do have a couple of speakers that want to speak about the Lifeguard situation which was explained to me very well um the other day uh so we have actually the chief here to um give us an update on that so we all understand exactly what we're talking about please good morning Commissioners uh for the record Chad chany fire chief Martin County fire rescue division Chief Christian Monto Martin County fire rescue Matt Rush fire rescue administrator hey hold Don did you want to say no go ahead okay all right so uh first I just want to thank you for allowing us to come here we're really just here we're not asking for anything there's no request it's just an update on the operation of ocean rescue um there's a couple things I want talk about today I want to talk about one recruitment for ocean rescue lifeguards and two I want to talk about the operation as far as the Staffing so first let me start with just the Staffing of the operation as you know um over the past year plus bathtub beach has been shut down and with the abundance of Life cards that we have to cover all of those open beaches I was able to do modifications to their schedule being an employee advocate for Staffing and we typically run 8 hour days our 8 hour days run from 9 to 5: that's in the history of ocean rescue since we did shut a beach down it gave me a little more extra Staffing we're able to switch to 10hour days and I was able to modify on both sides of that that nine and the five so either we would start an hour early close an hour later depending on the summer months and then we would kind of manipulate that schedule a little bit however when we knew bathtub was going to open back up which we did then I had to I had to go back to our original 8 hour schedule so that's with just our staffing if you notice the life cards were out through a little longer it's because we changed the 10-hour days now we have to revert back to the 8 hour days because we have to account now for bathtub Beach that's scheduling side so let me talk about recruitment I'm always here talking about Recruitment and Retention Recruitment and Retention is an extreme Challenge and I don't care what department we're talking about but today obviously it's just going to be ocean rescue ocean rescue our lifeguards are some of the most professional lifeguards that we have in State of Florida we have the most beautiful beaches in the State of Florida and a level of standard that we have here for the care of our residents it's topnotch and that is never going to change but back to the recruitment our lifeguards we're probably one of three agencies in the entire state that are certified as lifeguards and certified as EMTs now with that come some challenges usually when you find somebody that is trained at the level of an EMT typically they're all firefighters so usually when we have an opening for ocean rescue and we post it wide we have maybe two or three candidates that come up to actually take our first swim test so there's a series of testing they have to go through to meet the standard before we bring them on board and start training them now when we have those say three candidates maybe one will actually pass the swim test now that's all I'm working with if I have two openings I'm still short if you do not evolve with the practice of looking at your recruitment intention and change your practices along the way just to account for what's happening out there industrywide this isn't unique to Martin County this is the industry of ocean rescue finding career lifeguards is something of an anomaly you don't really find them so you learn how to operate within that so what we have done now is we take certified lifeguards we put them through the same swim test but they do not have to have the EMT certification so what's that mean to the public we still put them through the same testing the same process the standard has not changed the difference is now we train them to what we call an emergency medical responder which means we train them medically to the level that we want from zero all the way up to when they're functioning on the on on the actual Beach itself they still go through the same arduous testing process they still have the same medical uh needs that are needed on the beach itself when the medical needs arise on the beach that's when 911 is initiated that's when the ALS Advanced life support response comes that's when fire rescue comes with the ambulance and that's when they come with the paramedics that's where the transition happens as far as now recruitment I told you when we did lifeguards that held the certification of EMT I had maybe two or three now after we've been doing this for probably a few months now we have opened it up one position we have at least 20 people that are now applying for the job now I have fixed the recruitment issue but I had to modify how we actually operate but the level of service is the exact same our lifeguards are top-notch and as long as I'm here there will always be top-notch our community will always have that standard that we achieve to keep and always push the limit to the next level so that's just kind of a brief overview um but I'm here to take any questions that you may have in addition to that anybody have any questions it was like usual you're right to the point and we yeah okay yeah thank you all right you're welcome have a good day okay now Don no the the chief took care of it I'm good sir thank you sir I thought you were going to do your oh oh yes it's now for time for public comment yes I'm sorry change hats since we are in election season politicking is prohibited which is defined as advocating the election or defeat of a candidate for public office either partisan or nonpartisan this includes the use of words dates signs props and or wearing apparel that convey a message of support for a person or group of persons thank you okay so we are going to start with um Nathan Ames followed by Mr Tom Pine and you'll have uh you'll have three minutes and that the uh with a buzzer that will alert you you have 15 seconds left War I'm sorry I left that part thank you for come closer to the mic oh sorry can you hear me little better um I'm Nathaniel Ames um admittedly I'm a lay person to the given issue of the approval of uh tcc's expansion but as a parent of their of several Scholars that attend there and just a casual observance of the car line if you will the daily Carline challenge uh which is is well worth it by the way um for the city of Stewart Mar County the surrounding uh cities and communities that tcca serves if it's not already clear I believe it's abundantly clear that tcca needs uh additional additional space as it were uh to accommodate all the scholars that they serve and or future Scholars that they will they will serve so I'm here with my my son Austin to to support that effort and uh and uh appreciate your your time thank you thank you Mr Pine will be followed by Mr Rob [Applause] rer morning morning Commissioners first off it appears the speakers in the back of the room are not working once again my name's Tom P I live in Jenson Beach Florida been a resident of Martin County for over 50 years today in the consent agenda the commissioner will approve 11,7 $1,124 between spent between mate 20th and June 2nd 2024 without identifying the pays or the purpose of the payments with the help of like-minded people here are some of the hidden items in the consent agenda today the annual report of the Martin County Business Development board is most who mostly financed by taxpayers at a cost of $450,000 a year it will be nice if the taxpayers of Martin County were shown how the business development board was spending our tax dollars why is it a secret or the renewal of a contract between the county and solar energy Loan Fund which provides assistance to low and medium income residents unlike the ca property Improvement program which gives grants to some of the Marton County's wealthiest Comm commercial property owners to make everything look prettier a retiring Martin County Sheriff has been working hard to make sure he's remembered as being tough on crime recently the sheriff's department made several arrests at massage paers and now he's is turning his attention to the homeless pop living among us 10 City helpers a local organization volunteer organization started in marchon County Florida December 20 2015 and in June 30th 2016 they became a non for-profit business and with two weeks obtained FAL nonprofit status some local officials are trying to paint the homeless population Martin County as people coming from out of County or out of state or even some immigrants from Outer country according to Tent City helpers 95% of their clients are local they know because some of their volunteers were teachers right here in Martin County once a week volunteers from Tent City helpers goes around to several predesignated spots where they bring snack packs hot meal to go and supplies that one might need to fix a tent now our Martin County Sheriff's Department is in the process of issuing trespass warnings to any authorized authorized camping throughout Martin County a large group of campers by Lowe's and Stewart were recently served this says loud and clear do not get confused the homeless population is exploding throughout the country and here in Martin County we're going to start treating our fellow man worse than most people treat their dogs don't tell me about your Christian values thank you okay Mr reri will be followed by Nikki Campbell morning Commissioners for the record Rob rer CEO for House of Hope uh just wanted to weigh in I see you have an agenda item today on affordable housing with the review of County Properties um first I want to uh give a a tip of the cap to Martin County staff George stokis Michelle Miller and many others U working very hard on the issue of afford housing and certainly their efforts are greatly appreciated um part of what you'll discuss today I guess is what to do with some of the properties that the staff has uh seen fit for use in affordable housing um I'm sure it'll be discussed at the item but we do have a new Martin County Community Land Trust uh thanks in a large part to the uh dedication of of commissioner Jenkins um I have the privilege of sitting on the board of that organization so it's a great opportunity and option to create a pathway to Affordable H to housing for many people in our community that need that support um I'm sure Habitat for Humanity will uh be discussed as well another fantastic organization that's been doing great work for decades um so I just want to keep uh this issue of affordable housing sort of in the front of all your minds uh at House of Hope we're seeing it as um if not the largest certainly one of the top two largest issues that uh our community of of residents are faced with um commissioner campy a while ago at a joint meeting talked about his starfish Theory and all the different tools we need to put in a toolkit to deal with this issue uh that certainly remains true today um there's an uh entity a organization called Green Mills that has submitted a proposal to the city of Stewart um to hopefully partner with them on some property they have to put about 130 truly affordable Apartments where the target audience would be people uh families earning 40 uh 50,000 or or under $50,000 annually so all of these Solutions are starting to present themselves um a lot of it is the dialogue that all of you have had on this uh on this commission certainly we appreciate that effort um I just want to urge you all to kind of keep your foot on the gas on this issue um it's not going to get solved without um support from County staff and from this board uh and we have a lot of work to do ahead of us but I want to thank you for your efforts to this point have a great day thank you rob Miss Campbell will be followed by Sam Mahoney good morning good morning I'm Nikki Campbell I live in the city of Stewart and I've lived there since 1994 good morning I'm Nikki Campbell city of Stewart I've lived here since 19 1994 I'm here this morning to ask you to return the ocean rescue lifeguards to the extended hours they had before the bathtub Beach opened and then it closed 2 days ago that is hours 7:30 in the morning till 5:30 at night I'm a widow who took up daily ocean swimming several years ago at Stewart and Jensen beaches and nearly every morning at 7:30 the swimmers are there in the ocean especially these hot months of the year I and others like me rely heavily on the lifeguards to keep us safe they alert us to dangerous conditions preventing accidents and drownings primarily they also point out Rip Tide areas for the day they're always watching for sharks and every two weeks the lifeguards have inwater training that is very impressive in summary I as well as other swimmers notice that during the bathtub Beach when it was open the lifeguards were not at Jensen or Stewart they came in one and a half hours later for the past year they have been there at 7:30 in the morning until 5:30 at night if it were to continue as they would like to have with shorter hours it means that we then lose an hour and a half of a lifeguard at 7:30 and there are a lot of people swimming because of the hot weather we get out there early in the morning this is creating a dangerous situation every day I sincerely hope that the lifeguard schedule goes back to the way it has been for the past year the past year we've had 7:30 to 5:30 and this morning I heard the chief mention that there are possibly 20 applicants now so that we will have enough Staffing to cover that so that they can do the extended hours that would not be one of the issues about why they could not do it SC I thank you for your attention I appreciate it very much and thank you for the jobs that you do Sam Mahoney is followed by CC scoffield scoffield morning y'all my name is Sam Mahoney I'm a 31 and a half year lifeguard retiree from Martin County 58 year resident in Jensen Beach all the things that Nikki said are true about the 10hour days um 99% of the time something really goes on serious for the day it's at the 4:30 time to 5: there's a large contingent of crowds that come out afterwards in the evening and they tend to need that attention as well I also hear that there's the morning folks that are coming out as well and with all the growth that Martin County's had this is um H has grown as well what I came in today was about the high risk we acquired high risk at the beach in 2005 through a big effort of the union and the county and fire rescue at the same time they all work together and embraced that and um as far as the high-risk what it represents is a wide variety of things from bloodborne pathogens to it's a a job for a young man such as the sheriff's department and fire rescue as well uh at without high risk now they're going to need to be working till they're 60 they want retention it's hard to be a lifeguard at 60 years old and I can tell you this much now because I'm still out there running and swimming and I'm grateful that I don't have to be responsible for what these young guys are doing but um I have so many things that I've seen in this growth of the county and the number of guards that we have now I think might be around 15 to 18 guards in Staffing but I've watched this County grow from engineering Administration uh utilities it's immense how much growth you've seen over 58 years the whole development of all of it but let's remember there's only 18 lifeguards to this day and there's too many when bathtubs closed but bathtub will open back up again and you do want these employees retained you don't want to let them go and then open up bathtub Beach and be looking for more employees also I'll touch base on this new training facility with fire rescue boy what a what a feature and what a budget and the Sheriff's Department's a huge budget too but ocean rescue is a small part of fire rescue and for these responses to take away the high risk from this group that took so much effort for them to get it and let me tell you I worked the day at Stewart when my fellow colleague paddled out and just before he got in the water I said Dan there's sharks around that they're jumping and they're swarming around that kite border but he had set the radio down grabbed that surfboard and went out that paddle board and brought in that victim who passed on the way in from loss of blood all by himself I also have brought in two victims out of the the area at Jensen Beach two grown women one passed and the sister was holding on to the other one who has already passed I went out by myself and brought those in huge shore break really rough day I've lost the body at the the shore break and managed to get the other one in sir your time is up speak with all yall your is up back thank you but this high risk taking it away was just sir your time is up thank you thank you for your time CC followed by Michelle Miller Michelle Miller good morning liquefied natural gas LG has 600 times the energy of natural gas ignited flammable Vapors can travel with the wind cause flash fires pull fires Vapor Cloud explosions and bives Fortress Energy Partners was established in 2014 to build a nationwide smallscale LNG production and distribution business using rail corridors on September 3rd 2014 fecr expressed interest in moving containerized LG from fe's new LG production facility in the higher rail yard in Miami to the Bowden yard in Jacksonville on SE on September 24th AF Holdings applied for 1.75 billion to bond Finance to establish passenger rail service in the company's Transportation Corridor with stations located in Miami Fort laale West Palm Beach and Orlando and on December 31st American LG marketing an F affiliate requested do doe authorization to export lergy transported by rail in the same corridor from Miami to Ports Miami Everglades Palm Beach Jacksonville and Canaveral on March 3rd 2016 the F responded and po that LNG rail transportation presented unique risk no Railroad in the US was transporting LG proposed routs tra Travers congested highly populated areas with frequent Highway grade Crossings and eventually share routs with 110 mile per hour high performance passenger trains so how did F fr's LG team know about all aboard Florida now bright line F held bi-weekly LG conference calls with fecr and asked if LG trains would be sharing tracks with passenger train services and how would they ensure the trains would not interfere with each other's schedules fecr said it was not operating passenger service on the line at the time that Roots would host aaf passenger trains in months and years ahead south of coko and PTC would be implemented prior to starting the service on June 7 2016 FEC revised LG shipments to be limited to Ports of Miami and Everglades as a pilot initiative to gain experience with the rail move an F approved 100,000 gallon day shipments begin May 9 2017 several churches and schools have been designated as potentially sensitive targets along the transportation routes fecr advised that in the event of a leak Crews would stop the train communicate the situation with the Dispatch Center summon emergency responders and position themselves in an upward upwind position in other words run if fcr Freight sh Freight shipments are currently scheduled by groupo Mexico and passenger rail bright line what could go wrong all reference entities except groupo were Affiliates of Fortress Investment Group a New York hedge fund and the two projects are mutually dependent thank you Miss Michelle Miller followed by t- Mark green that should have brought your special guest up with you um there's a good chance he'll come this this way um my name is Michelle Miller and I am not only a parent of a tcca scholar but also a school board member with me is Philip D brard the 5th a future tcca scholar today I'm here to support the expansion of tcca Not only was coov Road supposed to be expanded 10 years ago we have added I think nine neighborhoods within a 2m radius that's solo Reserve that's the one at darling and Willoughby Willoughby and Cove uh Cove Royale there are all sorts of neighborhoods going in and no schools have been added now I'm asking for my son's school to be expanded so we can go K12 without all of the students in one building we are currently in one building which means we have n9th grad or 10th graders with kindergarteners they're sharing bathroom well they're not sharing they're not supposed to be sharing bathrooms but accidents happen right so we want to build a bigger school we do not have any Martin County schools that are currently being proposed to be built right we have added all of these neighborhoods with more students with nowhere for them to go we are asking with our new 15-year Charter that was given by the school district to expand our school and allow and we'll take some of the burden of Martin County Schools right we're going to take these students for free we are a choice school which is great um we do not charge like the Pine School or Redeemer or any of these other private schools and we're giving an excellent education so what I'm asking is yes we might have a car line issue but what school in Martin County doesn't right you pull in front of pinewood Willoughby has a line of cars easily 100 long about 45 minutes before their uh dismissal if you pull in front of Crystal Lake I think that's 96th Avenue out there there's a line of cars that's causing traffic issues so with the expansion of our school we will also have an expanded car line and I think the only right thing to do for our community is allow this school to expand on our dime not on yours so we are here today to support um sorry we've made a little commotion in the back but I greatly appreciate your time and I hope to Jesus you will um approve this today thank you so much okay so our our next three uh speakers are on this particular agenda item so I'm going to give you the option would you prefer to wait until which I can bring the agenda item up now and then speak to the actual agenda item or we can continue on and close out public comment now or would you prefer to do your comment now wait it's up to you sir it's well yeah wait okay let's wait then all right so now um is do we have any other public comment that's not specific to the Treasure Coast um Academy seeing none we'll close out public um comment at this point and I guess we'll do commissioner comments if thank you Mr chair good morning um not 100% sure I I always thought I knew what the protocol was for our voting delegation for na National Association of counties I will not be able to attend this year um and if we don't have another commissioner going I my understanding is we need to from the chair have a letter that goes I think to Florida Association of counties that gives either Sarah Powers if she's going or another staff person the right to vote on our behalf relative to uh the presidential selection so I'm not sure exactly what the Nuance is whether it does go to I'm pretty sure it goes to faac and then faac has the complete package of letters from other counties that can't attend either and then we vote as a block relative to the presidential selection so um I don't know if you need a motion or something toor presidential selection of no not the president of the United so are you asking you need an alternate either a commissioner or staff is it yes to give um the chair the ability to produce a letter that is that meets the needs of no Andor faac to allow our staff member or commissioner other than myself to go and vote if they are there is that a motion yep I'll second it okay any other comment we have a motion and we have a second um by commissioner Smith and commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed okay motion passes unanimously thank you uh next item and um we can either do it at the end of the day probably better to do at the end of the day I would like to have a conversation about bathtubs separate from Ocean rescue um but there are some issues relative to it being open closed how we're going to handle that um that I would like to get some further conversation on with the board um about bathtub itself uh and then I think on and and talking to um the chief I think it would be helpful maybe for Budget or um probably budget would be the best time is to prepare a conversation on is there anything additional we should be doing with ocean rescue Staffing wise TimeWise and and so on so today may not be the day to do that but I think during budget time uh we should be prepared at least to have the conversation what does it look like how many if we were to open up those extra hours what would that look like relative to Staffing and how many employees would we have to deal with and so on so can we do that I would agree yes we could I you know obviously some of these can be suggestions for us to bring for the budget uh presentation which you'll have a hearing in July um and that would be my suggestion uh regarding uh any staffing issues as you have other things that come up that you would like us to consider for your options and when we look at budget and budget reductions and and increases um in addition um uh if you want during the end of the day we can have uh uh uh public works here to talk about I believe the construction sequencing that's going on in MacArthur and how we handle that um um uh if if uh and then we can you can provide direction or not at that time right thank you that's exactly what I'd like to see happen thank you Mr heon I just have a couple quick acknowledgements uh it's a great day you know to sit up here when you are able to solve some resident issues and problems so recently in my distri district about a year or so ago it came to my attention there was a um retired senior citizen 88-year-old female widowed for 20 years who had been living the summer all summer last summer in Tri triple digits with no air conditioning so um Michelle Miller and and Human Services certainly we tried to work to fit that in the Box um this income restricted you know insurance is on the rise so I started reaching out to some nonprofits and businesses in our community and I just wanted to give them some recognition uh we had AC care which is a local Air Conditioning business who really stepped up and you know provided a solution and part of that they provided the funding and Council on Aging provided a significant amount of funding we had a private donor which had just found out to the grape vine that this person needed help and this person is Big de Paving from Palm Beach County even so he provided a significant donation so I wanted to thank him and the firefighter benevolent Association so those three Council on Aging uh big de Paving uh firefighter benevolent and um AC care significant um contributions to help this resident who would have lived another summer in 100 temperatures without air conditioning so I want to just say thank you to them and again it's a great day when you're able to resolve a problem for a resident so I appreciate their help cool commissioner campy I'm okay okay I'm set okay as far as my world um hopefully Bridge Road will be open this afternoon after our little breeze that we had down there and knocked over our precious trees um te did an excellent job of standing those up yeah well unfortunately I think we're going to probably lose a few that we need to come up with a plan of um of what we're going to do in the in the future so just for how many were knocked over how many 22 22 seven explain what you're talking about some people don't know the ficus trees which are not Banyon trees they're not the banion species of Ficus um they're actually um Nida um 22 of those were knocked down during the uh tornado that went down Bridge Road that kind of like went right down Bridge Road unfortunately it also tore up a lot of our foliage that um were planted on our Bridge Road Improvement CR project um those poor silver Buttonwood um were snapped off at the ground um so we've got to address that but 22 of those trees went down um they do go down during hurricanes um I've person been dealing with that for 35 years of my life um every hurricane that comes down uh two or three four of them go down we've never had this many go down and we've never had this much physical breakage and damage to the trees um some of them I was looking at the tree were actually screwed out of the ground you know and there's really no root structure left so you know we're doing as best we can to stand them back up but the survival I'm just concerned that the a few of them aren't going to make it but we're doing the best we can we got it cleaned up but uh it was an amazing path it was dead straight you know and and you know and it was not only the trees the trees is what got everybody's attention but there a block to the north and a block to the south of the path um there were roofs taken off and damaged you know people's personal property were damaged thank God nobody got hurt um but it it wasn't just the trees it was it was well it was a nursery school school that had 150 students in it at the same time so congratulations to and thanks to those staff members and teachers at that Nursery School it's not like they could put all the kids in the basement there are no basement so they had to have 150 students and staff WEA and if you saw the pictures that tornado hit that building smashed their windows and everything else so you can imagine as a parent if you had your your precious child in a nursery school and then you got the call that everybody was safe so it was a lot of blessing things that day I had three of my granddaughters in dance camp it's the little dance studio next to scooters in the wind Dixie shopping center and part of the roof came off with all these little kids in that and that had to be horrific um experience for them so next year they're going to do a show of uh wizard of o yeah no doubt no doubt commissioner Smith and so I I I think carold to to the conclusion of that and from what I've heard um and we heard at the joint meeting that the the the organizational structure that came together instantaneously and responded was really amazing and um I think that just goes to prove that all the training all the work all the effort and energy that goes into dealing with any kind of issue you name it whatever you want to call it um we have great staff we have great coordination effort with all of our various agencies that we work with and Don and your staff and legal and everybody else did a an amazing job doing what they need to do great one little hitch to the get up is um you know hurricane we got a couple of days heads up to uh actually secure some equipment and uh mobilize and get ready this is not that case and so there was a lot of scrambling on a lot of different this was a team effort between a lot of different contractors town and Jupiter Island the County fire rescue the sheriff's department and um everybody came together and got it done so or getting it done so anyway all right gone yeah if you just I have to weigh in just a little bit I was going to bring it up the end of the day but um uh it's important to note that um there there is a a team effort on this the tornado of course ripped through uh Bridge Road as described um we have an agreement that County does with the town of Jupiter Island to allow them to um uh they they even though they're in the public rideway the town really manages those trees cooperatively with us um um you know typically like FEMA events they just want you to come down and and remove it uh that's not the case here so one of the things fire rescue did right away is establish a u a contingent out on the island a rescue and a and a fire equipment our Public Works working with the uh Jupiter Island uh secured a pathway so we could get in and out if we needed to certainly was not safe to have uh Vehicles come through there or pedestrians as our in addition our Bridge uh crossing guard were ripped guards were ripped out so um and it's also important to know just that the the town actually hires all the contractors the is they're all working for Jupiter Island uh and it's fortunate that we have a nice small town landscaper down in hopes sown that came to that was the only one to secure a crane to actually get the work done so uh anyway employed by the county he was employed by the he was employed by by the town of juper Island I just about you know given the some of the stuff we read online that I just want to make sure you understood there was a very Cooperative effort and uh and thank to the contractors uh uh that came in and work closely with both fire rescue Public Works and the town staff really um uh steuart Trent has been really great to work with so thank you no doubt okay and with that we are going to move on to public uh qu U public hearing quasi additional number one um Elizabeth where is she there she is she's coming I see her out there you I see she's actually running which is good X Martin yeah do well I was waiting for everybody to get here Elizabeth we saw you running good for you like that effort okay while we're do we have any experte commissioner Smith do and they're filed sure has I do and they're filed I do and they've been filed commissioner I do and they've been filed I do and they've been filed okay everybody like to stand and be sworn in that's going to give testimony Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm that the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay and all the proper paperwork has been turned in with your resume and all that yes no yes I am turning it in now okay so copy of my work history sorry copy of my work history and agenda item is turned in as exhibit one and the applicant's resume is turned in you're going to have to speak up it's hard to hear you sorry copy of the my work history and agenda items turned in is exhibit one and a copy of the applicant's work history is turned in as exhibit two is there any interveners there are no interveners okay did I miss anything um proof of public notice was turned in at the LPA meeting perfect thank you okay please proceed okay okay good morning Elizabeth noggle development review administrator we're here here this morning to talk about Treasure Coast Classical Academy this is a request for a major final site plan approval by Treasure Coast Classical Academy Inc this is a request for major final site plan approval to construct a 31,700 square foot high school addition and the associated infrastructure the site is 19.48% proximately 0.3 Mi west of Southeast alt Avenue in Stewart the existing future land use is exist uh estate density to UPA and the zoning is re 12a so this say a straight zoning project the existing parcel of the Treasure Coast Classical Academy is outlined on the left picture on the right picture is the extended parcel again this proposal is for 31,700 Ft High School building the proposal also includes expanded internal queuing Lanes internal to the site and expanded right turn deceleration on Southeast Cove Road a new turf field additional parking and a revised pamp for the wetlands on the new parcel that's better that's better um this is the site plan with Southeast Cove Road on the right side I've highlighted the existing school and the existing parking and the existing entrance to the site at the signalized entrance the proposed school is referenced here in the new turf field and new parking and the expanded queuing lanes that circulate around the site with the drop off um for the for the school children development review staff has reviewed the application and does find it in compliance with all applicable regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan is detailed in the attached staff report and does recommend approval public hearing was held before the local planning Agency on June 6th 2024 this um the LPA recommended approval 3 to one and recommended action is to move that the board receive and file the agenda item and all attachments including the staff report as exhibit one move that the board adopt a resolution approving the revised final site plan for Treasure Coast Classical Academy and move that the board approve the amended pamp happy to answer any questions and the applicant is also here with their team any questions for staff not yet seeing none good morning Commissioners for the record my name is Bob Reigns I'm a lus attorney with the gunster law firm here on behalf of Treasure Coast Classical Academy uh we appreciate the opportunity to be here this morning Mr chairman thank you for also accommodating our parents and students this morning by getting us up a little earlier we appreciate that you know there's u a lot of misconceptions that go uh forward with what items that come before you and I don't think a lot of the public realizes a lot of times that there are items that whether you like them or not you have to approve because they're byright property rights and what that means for the for the public is that all we have to do under byte situation is show that we meet the rules and regulations of the of Martin County the comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations and that's the item that's before you today this is a straight zoning we're not asking for a reasoning we're not asking for a future land use Amendment we're not asking for a PUD this is a byright uh request to before this board this morning so our job today is to prove that we meet all the rules and regulations and provide evidence to that fact and that's the only question before you today whether we do that job and I think we'll do that um I'd like to start out to do that by stating for the record that we have received the staff report and we agree with the staff recommendation of approval and I would like to begin by asking Miss Nogle a couple of questions if if it's okay with you Mr chairman so uh miss ngle you gave your work history correct correct uh and and as part of the staff report there's a section called comprehensive plan section F comprehensive plan which states that um let me find it here there has to be a determination of compliance with the comprehensive growth management plan requirements by the growth management department and that's your job to do correct and I'd like to read the recommendation that came forward with respect to section F whether this complies with the comprehensive growth management plan and IT staff has reviewed this application and finds that it complies with the ldrs as detailed within the report staff recommends approval of this development application as consistent with the guidelines and standards of the applicable comprehensive plans goals objectives and policies as implemented in the ldr is that your recommendation correct once we have a compliance findings from all of the development review um reviewers departments that is when that compliance statement is um is inserted into the staff report and that recommendation still stands today correct yes it does okay and then you're also responsible for section g of the staff report which is a determination of compliance with land use site design standards zoning and procedural requirements is that correct correct and the recommendation in the staff report reads staff has reviewed this application and finds that it complies with the ldrs that's the land of development regulations as detailed within this report staff recommends approval of this development application as consistent with the guidelines and standards of the applicable comprehensive goals policies objectives as implemented in the ldrs The Land Development regulations which implement the comprehensive plan correct correct and is that your recommendation yes and does that still stand today yes it does thank you I did have a question is is Lucas Lambert here today yeah he's over there yeah Luke you're not getting off can you one quick question for Mr lamber you was SW in you wor sworn in sir yes and can you just can you uh just briefly tell me what your role in this in the staff report was I'm responsible for reviewing the traffic impact analysis that the developer submits okay and so in the staff report that's section K determination of compliance with the transportation requirements correct yes and and here I'm reading the finest of compliance is that the traffic division of the public works department finds this application in compliance is that your statement yes and is that recommendation still hold today yes okay thank you very much I appreciate it uh I would at this time like to ask uh Jordan Hagerty uh to come up and give you just a short presentation if we if he could on exactly what the school's doing and some of the things that we think are going to be very good for this project out there so Mr hagy if you could come up and I have a couple of questions for him briefly um Mr Hagerty have you been swor in yes I have okay can you state your name and record Jordan Hagerty and can you give us a brief description of your work history and your education background uh yes I'm a licensed the professional civil engineer who works for kimy horon associates okay and can you uh describe the document that I'm handing you a uh work experience resume and is that a current and accurate uh description resume yes uh real quick too by the way I just noticed in the staff recommendation this was part of our exhibit two that uh Miss Nogle put into the record but I did notice that during the recommendation there was an approval to the exhibit one we'd also like for the record to reflect Exhibit 2 which was our resumés and work history also be included in the recommendation of approval if we're if we get that far so at this time uh let me let Mr Hagerty go ahead and do yes thank you good morning Mr chairman and Commissioners U as stated my name is Jordan Hagerty with kimley horn I'm a licensed professional civil engineer and here today to provide a brief uh presentation on the Treasure Coast Classical Academy expansion and a lot of the items you'll hear are um in addition to what Miss Nogle has already presented as stated this is a request for a new 31,700 ft² high school building an addition of turf athletic Recreation field and then the expansion of the on-site circulation lanes and the extension of the existing Cove Road right turn lanes that I'll explain in a little bit more detail uh here's an aerial view of the existing facility you can see the existing School building the existing parking as mentioned with the outline of the proposed uh addition and additional improvements uh with i' like to highlight the green turf field that would be added for recreation and sports uses the yellow building is the actual facility that would house the uh the high school components the Orange is the additional queuing in onsite uh vehicle um storage that would be allowed for pickup and drop off and otherwise known as the car line correct yes sir that's what most people will know yes yes the car line uh as well as the highlighted extension of the existing Cove Road right turn lane so as you can see here with the proposed expansion of the facility there is um substantial more car line um that would be available which includes an additional entire third lane off of the existing Carline facility which allows for multiple stations for pickup and drop off operations with the necessary sidewalk and Fa and safety facilities to accommodate um those operations so the yellow is is a comparison of what would be brand new additional car line queuing and stacking which provides additional space for 67 more vehicles um in the in the existing configuration there's approximately 153 um spaces available for Carline and then this exhibit here the yellow is highlighting the extension of the existing right turn line uh where the highlighting ends is is the limits of the existing right turn lane and you can see we're more than doubling excuse me the the total length that the existing right turnl which will also help with with traffic operations in queuing on Cove Road to minimize uh disruptions to to uh commuters and and other residents and this increased length will be approximately 5115 ft as Mr re has stated this is an excerpt from The Martin County staff report which shows a comply and a recommendation of approval and and just reiterating a few conclusion items this is an existing use that's allowed by wri and we are just requesting an extension or an expansion I'm sorry and then there are no variance or waivers that are being requested as a part of this application and as a part of this development order we will provide the expanded infrastructure to accommodate the uh the additional facilities thank you and Mr Hagerty just a couple quick questions uh you're familiar with the rules and regulations of the comprehensive plan for Martin County and the Land Development regulations I am and in your professional opinion does this project meet those requirements yes thank you uh commissioner I have just one more quick witness Mr K would like to ask a question okay go ahead Mr Hagerty thank you very much your last comment you said that you guys are going to expand the right turning lane 515 ft for Lay people can you give us an idea about approximately how many cars that would mean uh not 10t a car yeah so roughly 18t a car divided by 55 ft would be you know approximate number additional Vehicles now if they are with the current ction being only the gray area on this diagram um all the cars that are trying to turn in currently have to back out into the travel Lanes correct so this would be alleviating cars that are once you fill this right lane before the cars can pull into the property everybody else is stacked behind that which would be the lane that that and commissioner if I could I actually have our traffic consultant here beautiful he might be the right person I was just going to bring him up next and he might be the right question to answer I wasn't sure who was coming next Mr Hager is more in charge of the engineering multiple D he was the one who mentioned it yeah no no well yeah in the presentation no I just want to help you get your the correct answers for you uh I'd like at this time to have Mr Kerr come up uh Mr Kerr have you been sworn in I have can you please state your name for the record sir Adam Kerr and can you please State uh your qualifications and education I'm a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida I've been practicing traffic engineering for over 22 years and I have a Bachelor of Science and civil engineering in uh uh from Clemson University and do you yeah do you s recognize that uh document can you describe that very quickly for me uh that is my most recent CV okay thank you and I would like for the record to reflect this was also was part of our exhibits in Exhibit 2 for the record uh Mr C real quick question and I'll let you answer uh commissioner campy's questions uh in your role was to review the staff or the traffic for this project yes and sir and you're familiar with the rules and regulations for Martin County I am and in your professional opinion does this meet those rules and regulations and comply it does okay and you might want to commissioner I'll turn him over to you all right thank you Mr Kerr same question um the current right turning lane in um deceleration Lane or whatever how many cars does it currently can fit in there approximately so the the current turn lanane is uh just over 300 ft long so at about roughly 20 ft conservatively per um you know per per vehicle you're looking at around 15 or so vehicles in there with now with the new with the extension that would be an additional 20 to 25 vehicles that could queue in that turn lane without blocking the through traffic on Cove Road thank you Commissioners uh that concludes our presentation I think again as I mentioned at the beginning our goal is to show through competent substantial evidence that we meet all the rules and the regulations I think we've done that not only through your staff but with the uh witnesses that we have here today uh therefore we would respectfully request that you approve the item before you today and we'll be glad to answer any questions you might have commissioner herd yeah how many students fit in the 32,000 ft new building highest number want be sure I get you right uh anticipated to be 400 additional students that it that's it okay commissioner campy is there a public comment oh yeah we do have a public comment uh t- Mark green I'm after followed by Carrie botwell thank you so much Commissioners and thank you so much for the work that you do to selfishly self selfish selfishly serve our community every day um I am Mark green on behalf of the Treasure Coast classical Academy every day at tcca We Begin our day at 8:00 with a moment of virtue that virtue by our students uh centers their day we then go into a moment of silence as directed by our governor and then the pledge of allegiance to the flag and then reite our mission together as a school two of our main goals found in our mission is to train the minds and improve the hearts of young people at tcca we believe that learning to become healthy citizens is a large component of Education a healthy citizen contributes to their Community uh through development of healthy relationships within their families and demonstrated Integrity within their employment this healthy citizen respects all people regardless of race regardless of economic status religion or orientation at tcca our goal is to raise good humans who understand that life is bigger than themselves and who seek to serve as a matter of Life philosophy within the mission we call cultivate the following virtues of our students that include courage courtesy honesty perseverance self- government which is basically self-control of your actions and deeds service and responsibility to all that you do as a citizen Commissioners you could greatly assist us in our mission by approving this site plan to uh expand our facilities by doing so you will expand the opportunity uh for these students to become a positive impact in their community and to create the best life possible for them and their families through an education that not only addresses their minds but also addresses their hearts please join us in that effort and again we thank you for your service and all that you do and God bless you and your families thank you thank you sir Carrie botwell followed by Nicole Ferguson good morning Commissioners my name is Carrie butwell our son Ace has attended tcca since August of 2020 he is currently 11 years old and about to Ender sixth grade at the Academy we chose tcca as the educational facility for our son because of its focus on language the Arts and a classical curriculum but also because of the emphasis the school places on character growth responsibility and moral virtues but what we found after we enrolled Ace far exceeded our expectations his love of learning and learning retention skyrocketed his relationships with teachers and administrators were so positive they know him by name and he's excited to see them and sad even to say goodbye on the last day of school the accessibility we have as parents to the faculty and the level of professionalism they demonstrated has blown us away we had two foster girls enrolled their while they were in our care and a team of Staff including speech therapists counselors teachers principals and Deans met with us to support the girls in their struggles and come up with a comprehensive plan to help them succeed on the spot it was beyond helpful and so unexpected we know that our son is safe at tcca with a zero tolerance policy for bullying and aggression here he is not a number shuffled from school to school as he ages with the approval of the expansion he will graduate knowing the same smiling faces who supported him with his entire education and brought out the best in our son thank you you all right and Nicole Ferguson is the last speaker form I have if anybody else would like to speak please fill out a form good morning sorry just a little nervous Nicole Ferguson I moved here in early 2017 we are active duty family um chose uh trees Co Classical Academy because I wanted something different for my last baby um and we are so excited and happy everything that you just heard from Mr Green what you have heard from the other parent is a reason why we chose this school this expansion is something that we are excited about we need we want um I don't know where I would be without this school um it's very passionate to us um it's absolutely amazing uh to watch my daughter's growth um she's in summer school and last week with the tornadoes one of the things that as as the schools during the school shootings and different things like that I would draw a little heart um on her wrist with a a sharp always told her like if you ever got scared you see that heart on your wrist she got in the car last Thursday after the tornadoes she said I said how was your day she said Mommy I was scared look I put her little heart on my wrist I said but you were safe and she says I'm always safe here that is the school that we have at tcca she knows that she is safe that is the environment that they have created and as a mom I am so grateful for my husband's getting ready to deploy and I know I have my Village behind me and that's tcca that is the culture that we have created they have created for our for our Scholars so I pray that you guys approve this for us for our amazing County and one of the things that I am scared of is that knowing that I'm going to be coming my husband's going to be coming up on orders and I'm staying in Martin County because I love this County I've been here since 2017 and I'm not going anywhere and that's because of you guys so thank Youk you all right and with that commissioner campy thank you very much uh excuse me when this agenda item came up I was actually happy and thankful because it shows a natural progression of the exciting and terrific work you've been doing I remember when tcca was first being discussed as a possibility had been to some of the uh Schoolboard meetings we're passionate parents and and I guess administrators were talking about this concept of bringing tcca to Martin County and back then they were only offering promises but you've delivered on the promises and I know that even though my children are long uh out of school age actually out of college age but uh they were in in school when you were getting started and so many families that I'm friends with in Palm City and elsewhere in the county Rave about the tcca I remember first being invited to tour it when you were in the temporary location on 34th Street uh I work on 34th Street so I was uh very aware of what that was like every day and then when we tour it it was really a whole series of Portables that were designed in such a way with an outside walkway that it seemed like it could be permanent that's how well done it was and they opened the doors and allowed us to come in and see some of the classes and the kids all immediately stood up and they acknowledged us and then they went through the mission and then we just sat and and observed for a while and I was thinking how remarkable then you had the opportunity to move on to Cove Road and I also had the honor of being there for the first day and the ribbon cutting and the and the excitement and the kids were so proud of their brand new school and and so were the grown-ups and the parents and the administrators and I'm thinking wow this is perfect so now to get to participate in your expansion to the high school plan is just magical uh at my church there's a young gentleman who's an altar server and I've served with him a couple of times and he's standing in the back of the room before church starts and I said his name is Matthew and he's in sixth grade and I said hey where do you go to school and he goes tcca and now as a sixth grader I knew that you know he's getting into the middle school ages I said to him well on Tuesday I don't think he had any idea what I was talking about but on Tuesday I will be voting and hopefully enough of my colleagues will be voting so that you can go to high school at the tcca and his face just lit up because prior to that everyone as they get to that age to that grade they had to go somewhere else so for the ability to transition and stay there and finish out their education without being disrupted imagine living in your own home but basically having to move schools which is always a A disruption for young people and if not necessary then why do it so with that it is my honor uh to say thank you thank you for giving look my kids were products of the Martin County School District and did very well and I have nothing but praise for our Public School teachers and the public school system now I know this system not ours but public schools in general get pretty beat up on and always blamed if the kids don't turn out perfect uh but we are very fortunate here to have a remarkable Public School System but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have options and I think you know whether it's the Pine School or religious education um but adding tcca to that mix to that opportunities for parents to have makes Martin County as special as it is so it's my honor to definitely make the motion to accept uh to approve your expansion thank you commissioner Heatherton I I would simply Echo just about every single one of your comments commissioner campy and say that I'm I'm glad that you know that this school has been a success my last baby just graduated Martin County high school and had you been around a little bit sooner um the older one probably would have attended tcca so I'm I'm happy for your success I think the additional car line and stacking is going to be immensely um helpful in the area and then we'll move on to you our responsibility of Cove Road and I will say Lord knows we need indoor Recreation facilities for our students so I'm happy to have um you have that for our students hopefully in the future there might be an opportunity for you to even partner with some of the wreck leagues like TC recck ball and um I I think what you're doing and what you've done is exciting and I wish you the best and I will gladly second your motion commissioner Smith it's great when you get to go third because everything's already been said um to the you're the one with the school aged child huh and you're the one with the future school age child I know that seems hard to believe doesn't it does um uh no to the to the to the commissioner's comments and to the parents um specifically uh thank you for coming thank you for sharing your story with us um especially our our veterans family um active duty it's it's super important to have the acknowledgement of of what's going on and and what has happened the success of what's going on uh the the choice that you have all made um to go to tcca um as commissioner campy and heatherington said options are a good thing um there's not one size that fits all uh Ed and I've had the privilege and and Sarah has been here to have seen this since its Inception uh I too got to be at the ribbon cutting that day and the the enthusiasm the excitement was fantastic a name that we should never let uh go too far from the involvement is Steve Barney and and his involvement in the program in the very beginning um you know a lot of things happen in this County that some people don't tie all the dots together but the Barney family um certainly has played a major role in this community and continues uh with what's happening out west and um they're choosing to sell their property to a project that is going to do something really really good and exciting with that property um when when the Barney family could have gone in an completely opposite direction of where it was going um they took the chance to do something different and then they took this chance and and got involved with you all and it's been super super exciting to watch what's happening and this is yet the next phase of it all uh so congratulations to all of you for what you're doing um I do have a three and a half plus um that we're not sure exactly where she's going just yet she will tell us um she already seems to be pretty much in charge and and and I tell everybody that she pretty much talks already like a 10-year-old um so when she tells us what she's going to do I guess that's what we will end up doing um but I more than happy to support the motion that has been made and I wish you all all the very best of luck and hopefully uh sooner than later we will get to the improvements on Cove Road uh that I wished had been done sooner um because that'll make a big difference down there but nonetheless it's in the queue and um it'll make it much better for the future thank you all commissioner herd yeah clearly uh by all accounts Treasure Coast Classical Academy provides a wonderful education uh the education and and character development that the Treasure Coast Classical academ Academy provides is fantastic but education doesn't fall under County Commissioners responsibilities our responsibilities instead focus on uh infrastructure provision adequate infrastructure provision safe infrastructure provision following the rules and Cove Road is currently uh operating at level of service F that means it's failed and Cove Road is not going to be widened for another eight or 10 years and clearly right now a big part of the failure of Cove Road is because of the the car lines at the tcca it's my the residents are at a meltdown Point um when when when in the morning and in the afternoon when the school begins and when it lets out my residents are um as I say they're they're ready they're ready to melt down because the traffic is so congested every single morning so this looks to compound that problem that already exists with no Solutions providing uh 67 interior spaces and 20 more stacking spaces on Cove Road isn't going to solve the problem not when you're going to add up to 400 new students with no additional buses so every one of those children has to be taken to school by someone um when I met with the applicant earlier I said why didn't you consult with Chick-fil-A and figure out how to how to put more capacity on your parcel and there just isn't enough this this spot is inadequate for your goals so I'm not going to be supporting this I I certainly support the uh Treasure Coast Classical Academy support your expansion but man this is not the right spot in order to to uh create that additional capacity it's already over capacity and this is just going to exacerbate the problem with no solution in sight commissioner sure just I actually was just coming up because I just wanted to uh make a make sure of a point of order that our Exhibit 2 uh with our agenda packet was received into evidence I just wanted to make sure with the lease and that that was taken care of so that when we get approved so that was the only reason I was going to come up the only other comment I would make since commissioner her made some comments is that uh you know the traffic issues on Cove Road are not the applicant's fault and that doesn't prohibit them from move moving forward with their property rights and you know my recollection was that you know unfortunately this road should have been forlane previously I don't recall the exact circumstances maybe somebody can refresh my memory as to why it wasn't Forlan previously already but uh anyway that's uh again we do meet the rules and regulations uh so and we are entitled to be approved and that's how I'll leave it thank you Elise aler Deputy County attorney to accomodate Mr rain's request we would need to amend the motion in order to add exhibit to because I do not believe that was in staff's recommendation so motion or agrees second or agrees commissioner campy I understand what my colleague is saying about cobro we've heard people come here and say the same thing uh about that Mr Reigns is not wrong during my absence from the board a decision that was already in the works to move Cove Road towards uh uh improvements and and much more efficient was derailed I wasn't here to witness it firsthand but that's that's what we heard but that being said one of the speakers said the same thing that I was thinking this morning is that anybody that lives near any of our schools especially the elementary schools Palm City Elementary School originally as I mentioned earlier about 34th Street my kids car lined on 34th Street the traffic went the Carline went went from the gate at the Western end of the end of 34th Street all the way to m road and everyone that lived on 34th Street or off of 34th Street off a little dead end had to deal with the Carline for decades then when they redid the school they moved the entrance the uh the drop off and the pickup to Palm City School Avenue which is off of Martin Highway and before they were done with the final Field construction creating the additional Carline Loop the cars would stack on Martin Highway of all places all the way back mat uh Bessie Creek the that's why I was asking about the Turnin Lanes School Board member D tzy and I stood out there with the administration and the parents at the beginning drop off in the morning and at the end pickup in the afternoon and realized there's a problem the cars were stacking and blocking matis in all over the place and the district and our staff we worked to extend Jim Gordon standing right there he was standing out there with us that day and we extended the Turning Lanes in and the center turning Lanes as much as we could Crystal Lake in front of 96 Street Carline willby Carline blocks the road but here's the thing it blocks the road for about a half an hour in the morning 180 days a year that's it and then it doesn't block the carlane for for the afternoon rush hour because kids get out of school at 2 or 3:00 not 5 or 5:30 so from my point of view I don't disagree with what my colleague is saying and it is something that coov road is as commissioner Smith said we are addressing we that's our responsibility not yours that's our our job to make sure that the roads are working as efficiently as possible and they get grades so I don't know if I would blame the tcca and a couple other points just for the record this is going to be a high school expansion many of those kids won't be getting dropped off by Mom or Dad they will be driving their cars if they're like any other high school kid they'll be driving onto the campus and parking and staying there and the expansion of the school also expands dramatically the Carline Loop and the stacking and the road so some of Bessie Creek excuse me some of Cove Road's issues will be addressed by the improvements that you're making on your dollar that will also benefit Cove and so I hear my colleagues concerns I believe that they're valid but in no way would dissuade me from continuing for what you're trying to do there because every year that you're not there is a a group of students that have to pass through without getting the opportunity to be in your educational care so and I think for me that definitely tips the scale to a yes commissioner Smith and just a couple other points um cuz I was here when that happened with Cove my understanding or memory was that 2017 it was to have been under construction which would have had it done well in advance of this and somewhere between 2017 and today the legislature also changed the game relative to concurrency which used to require us to build capacity prior to something being built um all those rules have changed um at the state level which we have no control over and so you know something that's important to remember and and and I think it's worth talking about is that you know sometimes decisions that get made whether it's the no whether it's the County Commission people go okay there's a there there's there's a list with a bunch of PR yesterday we had our no meeting and there's a list of priorities on that list they all mean something they there really is a purpose for doing these things and these projects like for laning of Cove Road take 7 to 10 years to happen and when you pull them off that priority list as if it never existed the state backs away from it they stop planning they stop working on it we had an instance with commissioner heatherington yesterday on a project she's been working on for I don't know four or five years to try to get a neighborhood's capacity problem safety problem dealt with and that neighborhood chose to change Direction fair enough that was their choice but if that decision comes back again removing it from the priority was with where it was sitting and the fact that fot has now stopped working on it sets it back probably five or six years from ever happening and so for residents for all for all you folks that are here today and and those that are watching it's just always important to remember that what may seem kind of like benign decisions that get made actually have real impacts in the long run um I believe with what you all have done with your site plan um I think that third lane I think the stacking capacity the additional capacity going around the southwest corner will in fact add a tremendous amount of capacity to your to your school day um the stacking lane or the the the right-and turn lane out on Cove I think will help a lot um and clearly down the road when we get to the for laning of Cove that'll change the dynamic significantly and if milia end up if a milia does does end up going there um I guess I'll have to figure out if that stacking really worked or not so um we'll see in the future not too far down the road actually well it's a commissioner herd's point you could get the folks from Chick-fil-A to be crossing guards I don't think that's going to okay with that do we have any other comments or whatever so we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Hetherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries 4 to1 commissioner herd dissenting at this point we're going to take our 10:30 Clos captioning break and when we come back we're going to take up the two consent polls you want anything from e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e on okay welcome back to our commission meeting and we are going to uh take up consent poll number seven business development Board of Martin County annual report yeah uh good morning Mr Chair George stokus assant County Administrator um before you today was a uh consent item from the business development Board of Martin County as required by their contract to provide an annual report to the Martin County Board of Commissioners I think you'll find it is attached to the item it is a little bit different than previous uh the bdb uh did not uh they are in an interim director position as well as they've seen some staffing changes in their organization and we felt it would be better to come back at a later date uh to provide some presentation and update but as you know Mr chair you are also the liaison uh for that committee but I am here and more than happy to answer any questions or address any comments or concerns regarding to the business development board commissioner herd how long have we been providing support to the business development board believe the business development board was created at the change of the comp plan or the addition of the economic element to the comp plan I do not not aware of the exact date in which you guys started that I've been employed with Martin County since 2010 and I know it existed previous to that so I don't know the exact date in which it started well we contribute 450,000 bucks a year and if it's been 20 years that means we've contributed $8 million at least and I I want to know what we've gotten for our $8 million and as I ask every year it was always supposed to be that the business development board was going to be working on recruiting funding from the private sector and yet that has been a nemic the entire time it's an nemic this time this uh uh this year also the Count's providing $450,000 and local go investor income is 58,000 it it doesn't seem like the private sector is interested in this it doesn't seem like they're contributing to Business Development board and it also looks like the Lion Share of the uh investment that Martin County is making $350,000 a year is going into salaries and benefits so I once again question the wisdom of continuing to uh fund the business development board when it apparently has absolutely no interest in becoming self-funding and also this isn't a report it's just a a budget there's no no information that's provided about what successes what's been done commissioner Smith so I I think uh with any conversation like this there's always an opportunity to do something or or share some thoughts and ideas otherwise with the five of us we don't ever get to talk to each other um so the years I've been doing this there have been multiple transitions between the bdb um we've gone from years of being it focused on the contributory industry side uh of life here in Mark uh Martin County um to where we really thought from a employment to a uh tax base to um anything that uh job creation would create would be of a benefit to our community both from our residents having a place to work with good uh valuable uh employment opportunities uh but also um on the contributory side that the the the idea behind the contributory piece of it was that the money that was being generated through a business would be coming in from the outside and not going to the outside it wouldn't be leaving what was generated here that it would stay here uh and contribute to our community and and to the prosperity of our community and I think there were a lot of years where uh when Ted ay's involvement um years ago were involved with that uh Ted did a great job back then um keeping it together keeping the idea together of what that really looked like uh his involvement at the state level was uh super back then and we made some Headway and then we went through some Transitions and um we had some great staff and we've had some not so good staff um and then there was a redirection from the County Commission Mission some years back um that they wanted to not focus on contributory industry they wanted to focus on local business uh which really was a significant Divergence from the historical side of where it had come from but um to some extent I I think the bdb tried to to to move in that direction and then there was another change again um and it kind of came back to we should be focusing on Recruitment and and retention uh not just contributory but we also had a list of uh the priority industries that we were to focus on and we going to focus on as a community that we were already good at and and why create recreate the wheel I think George what what I would like to at least share with the bdb U from the board's perspective from my board from my seat's perspective is that I think there's the opportunity for yet another sort of I wouldn't say correction I would say addition to the requirements of what a new executive director would look like um and part of that would be that we have six cras um that I felt for a very long time that it would be very helpful to have an expert in the recruitment in the business development world that could focus on retail um outside of other priorities as well um but the ability to have like a Bob Gibbs and I use Bob Gibbs because he is a renowned expert nationally and we use him at the regional planning Council to advise us and uh communities that we work with at the regional planning Council on looking at our traditional downtowns looking at Redevelopment areas and trying to understand the capacity of the community uh to to add something to the mix uh but also the type of mix and the type of capacity that you would add and I think all of our neighborhoods EDS is starting to you know Bloom out in Palm City with his patio project and other things with the map road redo uh there's some new construction out there um which is exactly what a lot of this was all about to get to us to a point to where um some things that needed some infill would actually start to happen but I think there's another level of expertise that's needed out there and whether it was on our staff here at the county or whether it is at the bdb I would just hope that the B board looks to um when they're looking at resumés when they're calling through people that um might be the next generation of what the bdb looks like um is that we really do add a a major component of their focus to the Redevelopment areas to focus on them as well that we don't just let it be happen sake I can tell you that in downtown Jensen um we go through Cycles a lot um and I can't help but think that sometimes s had we had uh better guidance better advice as to recruiting whether it's restaurants retails whatever it may be um the the longevity and the success of those businesses wouldn't be better if we had recruited better or recruited at all forget even better so um anyway that's it Mr chair thank you commission camping thank you Mr chair um I know that this was originally on the consent agenda and commissioner herd pulled it and she's asking some legitimate questions that uh it's not I don't believe Mr stokes's responsibility on our behalf or the board's excuse me on the board's behalf to to answer beyond the scope of how he is our liaison or you are our representative on the board I think we need to um table this or have it come back with Representatives I don't know if they were told that it was being pulled but it's hard to have this conversation without Representatives uh from the business development board here uh I know that they're going through a transition and that Dan Hudson has been working as their inum uh commissioner Smith is not wrong that when you have an inum uh or a change in leadership it's a good opportunity to for us to re- uh examine our relationship as well as to reaffirm what the expectation from the board is uh that in comes along along with the funding that comes with that uh like I know certain things anecdotally that I have been involved in with the business development board um local businesses in Palm City and elsewhere that have been very um complimentary to the assistance and the services that they've received from the bdb but I can't be here especially since I don't represent the board I can't be here explaining those those folks the bdb needs to put uh a group of business success stories together and bring them here and let the folks from the business development board even if it's Dan Hudson as at the inum to respond to commissioner herd's questions so I think I would make a motion that we um postpone this or reschedule it to a time when the folks from the business development board can come and make a presentation not for us to be up here potentially uh just filling in our own our own experiences with you know Pro or con with the business development board that would be my suggestion I'm sorry old Lan commissioner hert yeah my criticism is in no way directed at Mr stokus or commissioner Jenkins oh I didn't take it that way I didn't take it that way at all commissioner Smith yeah if we're gonna George if we're going to come back with this which is fine um I think it would be helpful if um if Dan and yourself um met with individually with us prior to just to get sort of an understanding for I I I Know Dan very well and and Dan is incredibly capable of doing whatever he's asked to do in in his administrative level um it just would be helpful I think for all of us certainly for me to um get a sense for where Dan is and and where you are um and so that Dan can hear from us one-on-one what we think and what we might be able to craft into an agenda item that would be helpful versus just an open conversation I think that's the only way to do it because to be honest with you I mean i s I have the privilege of sitting through those board meetings I hear the pulse reports I hear you know the the everything that the bdb is involved with and what they're working on and and often times I go you know the it's very hard to measure it's the what they're what we're asking them to do is not a tangible you're not going out pick in five oranges right you're it is um something that if you're not intimately involved with the operations of what's going on it's pretty impossible I would assume to really kind of get a grasp on what the business development board does I got to tell you Dan uh is an amazing Superstar he it's too bad U that we can't keep him permanently because he is um you know I've witnessed two other Cycles with the business development board and um what he's um the footing he's putting it on right now um is sustainable and um I just can't he's just doing a great job I'll just leave it at that thank you all right so you I made a motion to re schedule this agenda item with the suggestions second this motion okay we have any other comments we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you Mr second poll would be um request for contract renewal between Martin County and the solar and energy Loan Fund commissioner hert I pulled this and I pulled it because we should be celebrating this this is a wonderful program and we need to make residents aware of it so that they can uh Avail themselves to the services that we are providing with this program good morning Commissioners I'm Kimberly levie I'm your administrative services manager I'm just going to go through briefly what the program is about in 2010 the State of Florida authorized the property um assess assessed clean energy program which allows through the tax collector's office for you as a homeowner to add things such as energy efficient um renewable energy um solar panels AC's and things of that nature to your property tax in 201 um8 the board of County Commissioners also approved this program the PACE program and the um Martin County um ordinances we as an organization though the PACE program um contractors must have a contract with or an agreement with Martin County those contractors are listed on our website the difference between the price program and the self program which is what you're proving today is that with the PACE program you must have equity in your home to be able to have loan agreement what self does is one step further in Administration in 2019 um at the direction of Mr Donaldson our now County Administrator um self it's what self does is it also gives low energy excuse me lowcost financing options to our citizens but those citizens don't have to have that equity in their home it gives a loan up to 8% for things such as our septic to sewer program and also their AC's whether they need a roof repair those types of things um the program has been very successful in Martin County in The Last 5 Years self has financed 298 homes Improvement programs over $2 million septic to sewer is 175 septic sewer projects and in that is over $1 million terrific this program we're asking right now that you will approve the contract for up to 7 years it's 5 years with two one-year renewals and we'll continue this great program for our Citizens Great thank you motion move approval second have a motion by commissioner herd seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up Donna animal care and control oversight board appointment Gordon for administration um can't hear you for some reason didn't put the sheet up but M uh excuse me Dr Roderick M Wood received five votes for the animal care and control oversight board move approval second motion by commissioner um Smith second by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously public hearing number one proposed transfer of county-owned properties for affordable housing purposes and Adoption of a resolution revising the January 2024 affordable housing list Miss Carla Sagara and Mr George stokus here they are good morning again Mr Chair George Stoke assistant County ministrator joining with me is Miss Carlos AGA real property manager uh together we're going to go through a PowerPoint very similar to what we presented to the public regarding the transfer of county-owned property for affordable housing uh this body saw this item previously at I believe uh earlier in this year in around February if you'll hold on for one second where is it is this it there it is is the only meeting I've ever missed which wonderful thank you Don so for Martin County between Martin County and other government entities and not for profits that uh you have over 5,800 you have over you have 5,880 Parcels they have to be reviewed per floor State statutes as as well as what's put into the live local act bill from that 5,880 you actually individually own 1,097 uh Parcels the majority of them being Palmar at 599 and those number these numbers may have changed as the county continues to buy property or sell property from that 10,097 you have nine remaining Parcels that are with uh that are available for potentially residential structures as well as for affordable housing however three of them are airport noise mitigation properties so they no longer count two are for Park expansion one is a utilities well abandonment is needed and three are owned by utilities and have to be sold at fair market value leading the final out of 5,088 parcels leaves you actually and I apologize there's a mistake with this slide you had four Parcels however um one the first one is 47 Street the next one is Fairmont and then the uh third one is Railway at Gerald deine and then there's a fourth one called Hawthorne in Golden Gate that we had added as staff because it became aware to us 47th Avenue um I don't ni what neighborhood would you say that's in uh new Monrovia I think new Monrovia 47th Avenue it's a single family uh home parcel at the county owns Fairmont is and I apologize Fairmont we're taking off the list because it is now a part of the Camino Trail project however there are still Parcels on Hawthorne which is in Golden Gate and then Railway and Geraldine this was a parcel that was previously put out for RFQ and RFP for affordable housing however uh it actually was the parcel that precipitated this conversation because the contractor in question couldn't bring the home price below I believe $350 or $400,000 so that's kind of the breakdown of the um the parcels I'll go back to the borom here in a moment but I did want to show you this slide uh we did hold a public meeting with all the na for-profit Partners we did reach actively reach out and communicate to them both email social media as well we we did have an advertised public meeting it was very well attended um I don't remember if your when any of you were there perhaps commissioner campy I don't remember um did a nice job thank you very much and then I would say there was probably about 50 50 to 60 people here in this Chambers chamber Prett full so it was very well attended we did get some um very good feedback uh the public is very interested that any parcel that we put forward uh that it kind of fit the Dynamics of the community if it's in an NAC the public wanted to go back to the sorry the CRA they wanted to go back to the NAC so that the NAC could comment as well as uh the public was very concerned that um if we were going to hand properties over that there wouldn't be land banking that there would be some performance measure uh performance requirements in a uh rental or excuse me a lease transfer agreement so with that I would like Don if you could help me and go back to the board item I'd like to walk you through thank thank you Donna so the fir again the first parcel is 573 Southeast 47th Avenue Stewart Port Sero new Monrovia it is a0 218 part uh parcel it is the one that staff is suggesting goes through the first RFP process for affordable housing we're requesting RFP process because we have multiple interested not for part not for-profit housing partners that are interested in possibly building a single family home on the slot um the next one is uh we were going to delete uh this was the 10 county-owned planted Lots across from Lamar Howard Park this is because they have now been incorporated into Camino Trails design and those numbers by the way have come in it looks like they're going to be good but I don't want to spoil the surprise there uh the third one is Gerald Dean Street and 5358 Southeast Railway Avenue I show you those earlier and then the fourth one which was not in the slide presentation is Hawthorne Street which is I would say what about block south of the other one that we showed you in Golden Gate it's pretty much parallel to uh parallel to the Camino Trail uh this was uh originally thought of by the NAC and the CRA for multif family housing however we uh we would like we're going to be asking that the BCC authorized the lot split for Lots five and six the creation of a drainage easement along the southern 7 1/2 ft of lot 5 and Northern 7 and2 ft of lot six uh presentation to the NAC and then possible multif family use and get their opinion come back to you needless to say to keep it brief and try and keep it Consolidated um I do need to make some corrections to the recommended action so I'd like to walk through with you but we would like to ask the board to authorize staff to present parcel four to the Goldengate neighborhood advisory committee and CRA agency board for their Direction and concurrence as to the type of housing we we would also like to ask the board to authorize staff to craft an RFP for Parcels one and four being the process to transfer or donate to a not for-profit Housing Organization Community Land Trust or developer with reverter Clause uh the third is to authorize staff to start a lot split with drainage easements as we've explained before uh and sidewalk easements between Lots 5 and six 1 and four with and to initiate a zoning change process and number four is to move that the uh we ask the board to adopt a revised resolution authorizing staff to place Parcels 1 and four as listed able and designate properties for affordable housing to be recorded and placed on the County website and that would be in in concurrence with the live local act by the way and then number five react asking the board to authorize the chairman to execute any and all documents necessary to complete transaction with that all being said um 40 uh 40 47 Avenue is probably the first one that'll be out the gate the rest of them require some rezoning and some work to be done before we can move forward with the process it will be a long process it's not something that's going to happen over 30 days and we will be back before this body with the RFP and then the the actual proposals we receive from the RFP if I'm not mistaken and I also want to just take this time to thank public works as well as legal lot there's even though I get the pleasure of presenting you this very interesting item there are probably 50 people people behind me that are putting this all together so and I now have memorized Miss seaga's extension just from this board item alone so and she's done she's tired of talking to me every morning so with that we're more than happy to answer any questions I know it's a bit confusing or address any comments or concerns commiss her yeah the Hawthorne Street project is um you're suggesting that there's a Unity of title created on 10 platted Lots it's 6 uh yes so that means that there the lots are not buildable Lots right and is there any any uh indication of what the adjacent uses are so the adjacent uses are residential and then it would be institutional because you're going to have the trail the parks trail that I believe goes in front of it if not currently under the Chino project but at some future phase um I could look on the map I'm not do you know the exact res uh the is it multif family is it single family is it it's if it at least amount of impact at single family if uh adjacent would be at worst probably the duplexes of the quads that we typically see in the Golden Gate neighborhood what I can tell you is that the NAC and the CRA uh when we put this when we had discussions about putting this out for RFP um the two biggest issues were number one there was no water or sewer to the lot that has now been change you now have sewer there and then secondly um the NAC at that time wanted to have multi family but is Staff recognizing it's been a number of years since we've gone back and kind of asked that question maybe the public opinion has changed or maybe the need is changed so we would like to go back to the NAC and get what do they suggest for their neighborhood if that the board would like us to do so okay and we're more than happy commissioner to come back with those results I mean that that was kind of the plan commissioner Smith um a public hearing on do we have to take oh do we have any public that would like to talk on this item seeing none commissioner Smith move approval of staff's recommendation and the bringing back of the various options after they've gone to the nacc and so on second okay I kind of wanted to talk about our land trust a little bit but I go ahead don't know that I've and Mike uh redlings here from from habitat and he actually is sitting on our inaugural board but this is exactly what the land trust was formed for um we are not necessarily have evolved to be in a position we should be within the next few months of actually receiving properties but I wanted to take this opportunity because there's been some confusion and Mike and I have had this conversation a couple of times but I just had a recent that uh somehow the land trust is in competition with uh habitat that could not be further from the truth um the whole concept of the land trust is to actually complement um habitat's efforts and habitat complement ours there's appropriate properties that habitat's model and what they're good at um is is obviously and I can't tell out of everything you just said what is appropriate for them and what's appropriate for somebody else but um that is something that that um we design the land trust to actually work hand in hand with habitat and any other um not for-profit that is uh focused on affordable housing um so um and this is something that's U passionate for me that I intend on being full up to my neck in after I depart this dasas um and um I am remember who you are yeah probably that's true um but um this this is something that um people can actually build wealth um and that's really these days the only way a young family can build wealth is through real estate and this gives them that opportunity so I just kind of wanted to if not wealth at least Equity at least have that they can call it wrong wealth sounds like too Grand wealth it Equity okay I get it yeah it's all say some people but thanks for clarifying that I'm here for you but anyway um so I just kind of wanted to do that and the and we are working the county I hope still is working on the 30ish Acres that are in Banner lake with the mutton or whatever you call it little thing for and that is something that we're envisioning as being a potential 14 unit multif family affordable housing um simple free title project in the future and um anyway so Mr chair thank you and I apologize we kind of did this item as more specific to the but we will be coming back to as staff at a later date with another affordable housing update we you know as the session closed up in Tallahassee we have some changes and stuff that we'll be discussing with you both individually and as a group and then I will say this this project has really pushed us as staff we've gotten really into the community we're we're creating we'll say collaborating with a lot not for-profits it's a big problem there's plenty of opportunity for a lot more players to come and help try and solve this issue good cool commissioner Smith yeah commissioner Jenkins maybe you can help uh because I think I understand but I'm not clearly been intimately involved like you have uh in the land trust world of affordable housing does the land trust always keep the land in the trust yes and I think that's an important note because the concern on a lot of these projects is that somewhere out in the future 20 years 25 years from some point that some how a project reverts out of affordable out of the affordable capacity into something else and I think the Brilliance behind what you've done and what you're going to do and what the land trust can do is it keeps that property that piece in um the affordable category well well well into the future and so I I think when people hear about this or think about this that that always is I for me the most important part um I remember years ago in Georgia and I talked about this years ago up in I think it was either Winter Garden or Winter Park Winter Park um there was a really amazing project that they put a a land trust together up there for and went into some older neighborhoods and really put together some amazing architecture amazing homes that the goal of all that was not only to have it stay in that way well into the future but was to blend in the architecture of the neighborhood with the old neighborhood they were going into and it was a fantastic thing so um look for to your success and I just think that's for me that's the most important piece of all of this from that perspective from the the land trust is that it protects that land into the future there's a whole contractual we went through a paid a lot of legal fees to get those documents um exactly right for what we are trying to accomplish so um it's very well spelled out of uh exactly what everybody's agreeing to and understanding but uh anyway um with that we had a motion by Doug Smith Doug and seconded by commissioner Heatherton all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you oh public hearing number two public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance amending section 71. 73. A General ordinances Martin County Code to amend the legal description of the boundaries of the of districts one two and three Municipal servicing taxing units Samantha love lady good morning Commissioners Mr chair Samantha Lov lady for the record I'm with growth management and um this is a revision to the MST districts um 1 2 3 and four as you know after each decennial census we do commission District redistricting to equalize the population throughout the districts after that is completed we do the mstu districts to match the commission districts when we did that back in 2022 the legal descriptions um for the municipalities were included into the each into the three mstu districts and this is a um um an ordinance to just remove the municipalities from the chapter section 71.7 3.a for the mstu districts um and it's just um lesses and accepts out the municipal boundaries of your MST districts and with that staff would recommend a motion move that the board adopt the ordinance amending section 71. 73. a general ordinances Martin County Code which sets forth re Vis commission mstu boundaries removing the Incorporated municipalities after public comments so moved second do we have any public comment seeing none a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you have nice day you public hearing quasi judicial number two public hearing to consider a request for a rezoning and approval of the Second Amendment to the South Florida Gateway planned unit development PUD zoning agreement to add approximately okay do we have any um quasi commissioner Smith uh if I do they're F if any they been filed if any they've been filed if I have any they've been filed if I have any they've been filed okay do we have the appropriate amount of paperwork transferred to the yes with your resume and such copy of my resume and the agenda items do we have any interveners no interveners no interveners would everybody stand and be sworn in that is going to testify Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth notices okay the notices just mention the notices uh notices were turned in at the elating okay perfect thank you all right morning chairman Commissioners for the record Brian elim principal planner with the growth Management Department um this is a request by South Florida Gateway industrial LLC for the approval of the Second Amendment to the South Florida Gateway PUD including a revised Master site plan included with this application is an affidavit deferring public facilities reservation this application proposes resoning approximately 32 and A4 Acres from the existing A2 agricultural District zoning to PUD by way of resolution and to incorporate the 32 and a quar acres into the existing 184 acre uh existing PUD South Florida Gateway P by way of the proposed Second Amendment no development is associated with this application the subject site is located west of Southwest caner Highway approximately 6/10 of a mile south of the Southwest caner Highway in Southwest 96 Street intersection these pictures show the present state of the land the subject site proposed to be added to the South Florida Gateway PUD consisting of approximately 32 and a qu acres is part of the freestanding Urban Services district and has an industrial future land use presently at zoning is A2 agricultural District which is inconsistent with the industrial future land use last December several comp plan amendments effectively completed a land swap between the two 32 and a/4 acre Parcels on the north and west sides this parcel here this parcel here the parcel abing ped to the West was removed from the freestanding Urban Services district and its future land use was changed to Industrial and it was rezoned to agricultural ag28 the parcel budding the Pud to the north which is part of which is the subject of this application had its future land use change to indust Ral and was added to the freestanding Urban Services District the result of the comp plan amendments was a non net change in the approved freestanding Urban Services District area and a no net change in the urban and agricultural acreage uh the application was heard before the local planning Agency on June 6th and it was recommended the lpa's recommendation uh was 4 to Zer I believe all in favor of uh staff's recommendation development review staff have reviewed the application for South Florida Gateway industrial LLC and we find that it complies with the comprehensive growth management plan as detailed in the staff report staff recommends approval of this application we move the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report is exhibit one and move the board adopt the resolution approving the rezoning from A2 agricultural District to planned unit development and approve the Second Amendment of the South Flor Gateway PUD zoning agreement including the revised Master site plan that ends the presentation I'll take any questions any questions for staff seeing none Mr Cady good morning for the record my name is Morris Kady here on behalf of the applicant and we did provide the the proof of notice to surrounding Property Owners at the LPA meeting I do have a brief presentation just to give you an update on some of the site work that been that's been going on out there thank you and I do agree with everything that Brian said and support the um the the staff recommendations and conditions of approval but this has been a several steps in this process the first step was the land Swap and that's where I have the uh the area before you this is the the agricultural land that was used to be industrial this is the uh the in in in industrial land that's now uh within the freestanding urban service district and as was mentioned this is no longer in the freestanding urban service district and it was done primarily because of the existing infrastructure on the site uh particularly Gate Southwest Gateway place which is an existing road but this is the existing approved land use map that shows the industrial so here today we're adding it to the Pud we'll be back before you again to do a plat of this parcel so that it can be conveyed and then uh the the ultimate use will be a final site plan on the property um in the in in the future but this is the existing uh site as depicted on a aerial from last year um Southwest Gateway place has now been completely constructed um with a existing signal uh we've completed uh several of the buildings out there that's one of the reasons where why we need this additional vacant land because there is a demand for for for more uh buildings and we've completed most of the infrastructure on the site this is the uh a a landscape buffer that we committed to as part of the Pud agreement U it consists all of native vegetation intended to screen the buildings by approximately 75% um and the buildings nonetheless still meet the County's architectural requirements but we committed to doing a 30ft buffer there just to to maintain a a nice scenic drive along caner highway so this is Southwest Gateway place looking uh West where the future building was going this is a completed uh Distribution Center so this the new building will be on the opposite side of the street you can see we've constructed not only the road improvements um also Water and Sewer lines will go right directly to the site and Southwest Gateway place by the way is a road that was constructed by the developer it's maintained by the industrial park it's not a County Road um but it has been completed to County standards as as well as all of the uh the the uh landscaping and infrastructure this is the end of the road um if you look on the the aerial that particular location is right about here this is the building that you just saw completed so we'll have direct access to utilities and uh and and access to Southwest Gateway play signal at caner Highway um which was a much better use of the industrial property than in its previous location because it was it was not not uh geometrically usable because of its um its configuration and based on the way the the rest of the property was developed but there's a building here now there's a building behind that building on the on on the Frontage uh this is the large building and then Caris cold is completing two two buildings in this location um that should be completed by the end of this year so there's a lot of activity going on the county um purchased 30 Acres right in this location which is in in industrial land and uh they'll be working on Southwest waterers side place which is a public road to the Count's parcel so that's the only Public Road the rest of the roads are are private roads that will be maintained by the industrial park and this is just a finished look of of What's um you know behind the Distribution Center this is not your grandfather's Industrial Park you know the the developer had to meet the County's strict standards of water quality uh treatment so before any of this water comes off the payment has to go into these water quality treatment swells that that then gets discharged into the lake system and there's several lakes on the property that all act towards water quality treatment um that have now been planted there's thousands of native trees Oaks and pine trees and shrubs that have now been installed loral zones to improve water quality and um this is the current approved uh master plan and and what happens this this is the lake that you saw being constructed and prior to discharge the the the runoff from the from the pavement goes through a series of treatment ponds eventually ending in this Pond here and then going through a a uh a drainage swell that eventually discharges in the St Lucy County or the St Lucy Canal um so this is one of the few projects that have been built to meet the County's strict order quality standards uh as far as industrial parks are concerned and this is is the revised um master plan all we're doing is adding this parcel um to the existing PUD uh the uses are all specifically described in the Pud and they're are Target or they all geared towards targeted business Industries and um a lot of employment opportunity as a result so with that understanding we're we're asking you to to uh support staff recommendation approval as mentioned we had a unanimous support from the local planning agency and uh have had no public opposition to this project whatsoever since day one any questions for the applicant commissioner herd yeah Martin County's property is not within the freestanding urban service boundary no it is it's not in the Pud but it is in the freestanding urban service district and it's Zone General industrial I was looking at the red outline that was just the that was just the outline of the Pud okay thank you yeah okay okay with that do we have any public comment seeing none commissioner campy uh thanks to staff for putting that together Mr Kady thank you for that update I think a lot of folks that don't necessarily go driving past this are not familiar with this project uh I'll make a motion to accept staff's recommendation uh based on the fact that as a county and as a tax base we are uh sort of disjointed in terms of having a lot of the burden on residential and not enough on Industrial so uh I know the folks that have been working hard on this uh to sort of even up that balance these projects bring in tax base without putting a burden on schools and beaches and libraries so uh Business Development board helps that yes and the we just heard the business development board helped with this which is excellent and so um these are the kind of projects that I think will help balance bance us out and even us out in uh taking some of the burden of level of services that our residents require from them to Industrial properties thank you an I'll second okay any other comments no public comment so we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries 4 to one commissioner herd dissenting moving on on to Department quasi digial number three request for approval of the revised Master site plan for the Newfield Crossroads Neighborhood p172 d018 Mr Walden I don't even see the applicant here uh oh yeah they're here okay we okay good well you are next on the agenda that's how it works oh sorry on who's counting that's okay we got it unless you don't want to be next we can do something different it's all good get down to you got it okay take a moment to just there we go thank you commissioner this is a quasi judicial no yes it is again okay we have any um we do and they've been filed and they have been filed I do and they've been filed I do and they've been filed yes I have them and they hav't been filed I don't and they've been filed okay has the appropriate amount of paperwork including your resume been turned in is now with um any interveners no interveners no interveners and no notices required okay good so everybody stand that would like to be sworn in please raise your right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth you have the floor thank you sir good morning uh members of the commission uh Peter Walden Deputy growth management director uh this is a request by for Newfield for a revised Master site plan for the crossroads neighborhood and it is requested by Madame Palm Beach LLC represented by James Fitzgerald this is a location map it shows the crossroads neighborhood uh it is in basically the middle of the uh Newfield development you see the c23 canal to the north which is provides the boundary between St Lucy County and Martin Martin Downs to the east of the Florida Turnpike the landfill and 7js are to the west of the project and uh Palm City farms and canopy creeker to the South this is an Areo of the section of uh that we're dealing with today for the master plan for Crossroads you can see most of it is uh existing agricultural uses and this is the revised uh master plan uh it shows the development committed to the crossroads neighborhood the plan shows the street Network the block structure and the transex zones by identifying the transex zones you can extrapolate the unique characteristics of each area such as density build to Frontage parking placement permitted uses and building types so you can get a good picture of what the development could look like once you dive into the code the m plan plan provides the parameters of development available it does not provide the exact building types building placement of the site plans so this is a side by-side comparison this is the approved Master site plan that was approved four years ago now and this is the revised Master site plan before you today I'll point out a couple of the minor changes there's some block structure up in this corner here that has been changed the alleys the street network is made minor modifications and there's uh a little bit different allocations of some of the transacts but they're very minor the development uh criteria the amount of homes the amount of square footage everything is the same so some of the things that are going on currently in uh Newfield are uh we have the master plan for this being revised we also are looking at a master plan for the workplace District there's several infrastructure plans already under review where we're looking at vertical site plans so all of these things are coming together and that's why we're trying to get some consistency with the master there's Trail heads under review and approved as you know we came in recently with the parks master and conservation easements and we will be looking at a few code revisions for procedures and some of the things we've identified as we're getting into the development we've noticed a few things that need updated so development review staff have found the application to be in compliance with all applicable Land Development regulations and the comprehensive growth management plan and recommends approval and we move that the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report as exhibit one and move that the board approve the revised Master site plan for the new field Crossroads neighborhood i' be glad to answer any questions you might have any questions for staff say none comment would you like to hear from the applicant applicant would be great there he is good morning uh Mr chairman Commissioners thank you for your time and your leadership appreciate the opportunity uh to kind of present this item first I wanted to to uh thank staff uh for having a great working relationship with us for your professionalism and your attention to detail and Swift action in putting this item before you today do you mind stating your name for the record sorry I got ahead of myself my name is James Fitzgerald I work with uh Madame holes I'm representing uh the applicant and owner over at Newfield uh so after consultation with Marcel camblor and do Cole who's been working on the project since its Inception and helped night Kiplinger uh you know deliver and actualize kind of the vision onto paper uh we decided that we wanted to bring forth a small uh improvement in our mind to the plan and so what this does is uh it increases connectivity and walkability we are essentially moving and combining just uh two blocks and we're creating a green belt uh that provides some really good axial relationships between a future 50 acre uh natural public park in the downtown uh we believe that you know this is really an improvement and you know Newfield in our mind is really about the integration of the built environment with with nature you know we're very proud of the fact that we've had uh 70% preservation of open space and now we have those deed restricting easements to ensure that you know this area has development rights severed uh it's going to be used for public benefit and preservation and it'll be open to the public and funded by private dollars so we're we're uh really excited about that and um you know we think that this is an improvement to the plan again and we you know hope for your consideration of it thank you sir any questions uh commissioner heatherington I don't have any questions but I I think that it is an improvement based on what I've seen and been described and pending any public comment I would gladly support and motion for uh staff's recommendation of approval second Comm heard yeah correct me if I'm wrong so this is 139 Acres which is going to support uh 1,251 units residential units and 211,000 ft of commercial uh that was the maximum that was in the approved master plan from 2020 we didn't make any changes to the the density that was approved then those are still the the numbers that we're working with yeah that's the maximum and then the small minor deviations that we did make uh actually added Civic open and reduced uh some of the building coverage from what was approved in 2020 thank you commissioner Smith James thank you um thanks for the presentation I I and I appreciate your comments this morning I think something that we should never lose sight on with this project um from the Inception of the project to today um detail and and what was on paper mattered um night Kiplinger spent an inordinate amount of time personally um committing to our community committing to us as the County Commission uh the amount and the level of detail um that this project would produce over decades um because it'll take that long um one thing that can't get lost in this process and one of the reasons why we put it into its own comprehensive plan Amendment and all of the detail was excruciating laid laid out is so that that Vision didn't die somewhere along the line and and whether it's Madam or someone else subsequently um doesn't come in and nip away at the detail um that everybody works so hard on to get to and so I appreciate um the willingness and the want to to commit to that um you have an amazing opportunity to create something um equally special if not more so than when I envisioned um and sticking to that um that vision and that idea of what this place could be uh is the single most important the detail um more so than any other development I think that's ever happened in Martin County uh is the most important and and when I mean detail I mean down to where things come like moving this building from the lot that you're proposing it to the other and how that interfaces with the natural land um the detail of what that looks like and how that acts for that Community to be for the next 50 hundred years um should be the same kind of reaction that people have when they go to the downtown portion of downtown Stewart um it is a special place people love downtown Stewart and the reason they love it is because 100 years ago people put a lot of thought and energy into where things went how they went and I think the city has done a great job of protecting that core and the those important elements of what make it so special and so um just please be mindful um as as the project out there evolves um that before it gets too far out of the box come check with us talk to us um and let us know what's happening why it's happening so that we don't lose that Vision whether you're there whether we're here the idea of how this thing was laid out is that that Vision will move on through time uh and won't lose focus and and it so easily can if it's allowed to so thanks again for your your thoughts your comments and we look forward to the next Generation thank you Comm campy you're right it is weird to go third um some of the comments so I'll just uh elaborate on some of what my colleagues had already said I had the opportunity recently to sit down with Mr Fitzpatrick and um and go through some of the pictures and the plans you know most of us if not all of us were here when Knight originally came forward to discuss what I call night vision his night vision and then I know that he carefully worked for a long time with Marcela and the team to find the perfect partner because I had always said to him it's one thing to have the vision but when the when the partner shows up with all the money and has to physically do it sometime the vision can get lost and I think he did a very remarkable job of finding Madam um who has proven itself elsewhere in the region but I know that the level of detail and quality and thoughtfulness for this particular project especially it since it's in Martin County was even operating at a higher level for you all and I know you came in to be part of it uh I think the most exciting thing is is that as you start to really move these things from designs to reality I think our residents will be thrilled and I had mentioned to you the other day the only time I ever hear real criticism is that it's taking too long and they want to already start to you know people that are thinking about where will I live and you know younger people especially the beautiful part of young people that either want to return here where they grew up or stay here will have the opportunity to do it with you all so they're just waiting um I appreciate staff's also having to go through a a level of review and detail that is different than what we have to done have done in the past as commissioner Smith said this whole project is operating at a very specific level and some of it is new to how we would incorporate the relationship between our staff and you all as the applicant I know with Mr Donaldson's leadership we can continue to streamline that uh I appreciate that you came today uh appreciate that uh the way Mr Walden laid out exactly why we here and what we're doing uh in the in the 50,000 foot view you say well it's no big deal these are these are minor changes but they still have to be very carefully reviewed uh and they were I would hope in the future that some of these kind of details although I'm happy to have you come and and give us a little you know uh update that they don't always have to come for an update unless you're specifically coming to say hey we got some great news I would love the public to have an opportunity in this venue for you to show some of the some of the visions that you guys have especially for you know you set it in passing you said public park mhm this is genuinely a public park it'll be I mean we just celebrated in Palm City a very small project that our staff worked hard on and you are working on multiple sites like that and the the big site the 50 Acre Site will be remarkable and you know and it's not just going to be for the residents of Newfield obviously primarily it will be for them but it'll be an opportunity for people all over Martin County to to come and enjoy retail and and farming and nature trails you've already done it um the the Green Market was available and open to everybody and every time my wife and I had happened to stop by to do it it was packed and people pushing baby strollers and it was exactly what I think madame's vision is and I think it is I mean night I can't imagine how he and an could be more pleased with how this is going so uh thank you thank you Mr Smith and just one last little piece um it is so important that what Ed just said what others have said [Music] um you know night Knight has been part of this community for Generations um and for me personally to make sure that his night vision head thank you for that that was great um carries on as super important um to the level of which um you know I I feel a significant obligation tonight to make sure that what he envisioned happens and so keeping Marcel involved I I I hope that that helps um you've got a great team of people you've got some of the most amazing talent working with you um that exist um let's hopefully we keep it all together and keep it moving forward absolutely thank you okay do we have any public comment seeing none we have a motion by commissioner heatherington second it by Me seconded by you okay because it's been a while I'm seconded by commissioner campy uh all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries four to one with commissioner herd dissenting thank you uh Mr elim I suspect that your next item can't be done in 6 minutes or can it I can do it okay I can name that tune in four notes Department quasi judicial number one request of an approval of Three Lakes Golf Club plan unit development PUD Phase 2 final site plan b11 15-4 2 minutes per Lake and with that um do we have any um what you call them um expart exp parte geez any expert when they are filed if any might have been filed if any mine been filed I don't believe I have any but if they have they've been filed I don't have any and they've been filed okay would you turn in all the paperwork including your um resume and uh all notices are turned down no notice for this no notices any interveners there's no interveners left okay would we like to be sworn in now Raise Your Right hands do you swear or affirm the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth to nothing but the truth thank you chairman good morning Commissioners uh for the record Brian elim principal planner with the growth Management Department I've turned in a copy of the agenda item in my work history this is a request by lucdo and Associates on behalf of Three Lakes Golf Club LLC for approval of the Three Lakes Golf Club PUD Phase 2 final site plan the proposed Phase 2 development is on approximately 282.30 1 acre property the phase two development includes the 18 hole golf course also known as the North Course Performance Center Eight golf Cottages East Golf Maintenance building golf training center and Associated infrastructure included with this application is a request for certificate of public facilities reservation property is located at 10980 Southwest apogee Drive generally West and East of canor Highway North of Southwest Bridge Road approximately 1.3 miles Southwest of Southwest 96 Street in Stewart earlier this year in February the future land use for the Three Lakes Golf Club was changed to rural lifestyle with the adoption of the comprehensive growth management plan CPA 2211 and the zoning District classification was changed to PUD pursuant to the Three Lakes Golf Club plan unit development zoning agreement at the same time the previously approved revised final site plan for the Three Lakes Golf Club was incorporated into the Three Lakes Golf Club PUD as phase one final site plan phase two funnel site plan as previously stated this application is for the approval of the phase 2 funnel site plan for the Three Lakes Golf Club PUD consisting of 11 18 whole Golf Course eight golf Cottages the performance center East Golf Maintenance building and the golf training center pursuant to the Pud agreement connection of water and wastewater services for all buildings in the phase one except the West maintenance facility and golf shelter are also part of this phase two development there's a look at the first page of the site plan the highlighted areas show the locations of the phase 2 development view of this application was not required by the local planning agency development review staff has found the application to comply with all applicable regulations in the comprehensive growth management plan is detailed in the attached staff report staff recommends approv of the Three Lakes Golf Club PUD Phase 2 final sight plan we move the board receive and file the agenda item and its attachments including the staff report is exhibit one we move the board receive and follow oh I also needed to turn in as exhibit two the applicants work history I apologize don't let it happen again sorry let me let me rewind time uh move the board receive and follow the applicants work history is exhibit to and move the board approve the Three Lakes Golf Club PUD Phase 2 final sight plan and that concludes the presentation okay any questions for staff seeing none Mr Reigns good morning again commissioner for the record Bob Reigns uh ly attorney with the guner law firm here on behalf of the applicant I appreciate you moving this forward before lunch uh with that in mind uh this is a straightforward uh approval for final as Mr elim well pointed out Phase 2 final site plan is consistent with the land use the zoning the Pud agreement the master sight plan and therefore pretty straightforward we have Mr Cat here if you have any questions but other than that uh I'll reserve the right if I need to come back up but we would just ask for you to appr make the uh accept staff's recommendation as laid out by Mr elim thank you commissioner campy have to public comment do we have any public comment on this item seeing none Mr campy thank you um I've been an early adopter of this project I think it's a great uh project for Martin County I know that some people disagree with that but I think a majority of our public uh will benefit in one way or another if not directly indirectly uh it it's 1,217 Acres it'll be used um primarily as a golf course and the golf related um activities that go along with that but it is a First Rate project I've had the opportunity to tour it not play golf but to tour it they've protected as many natural trees as they could in their original locations the ones that they couldn't leave in their original locations many of them were relocated and saved it's uh going to draw water from the canal that won't find its way uh into our estuaries or uh at a at a tremendous volume that will be used to irrigate the course uh they will be a large employer they will be a large uh donator to local charities um I'm very pleased with this project proud to make the motion to accept this next phase it is an amazing project commissioner Smith second okay with that so I asked for public already you did so we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries 4 to one commissioner herd dissenting and we are 2 minutes late for lunch so we're going to break for lunch good job by the way time we coming back uh 1:30