##VIDEO ID:pLtqPNdqEIE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good morning everyone I'm going to call to uh order the uh Martin County Magistrate hearing for uh December 18th 2024 at 9:00 a.m. if you'll please rise join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge flag of the United States of America to the stands na indivisible and justice for all okay please be seated uh the first case I'm going to take is the top of the second page on the docket it's uh case number GMD uh 2021 0798 and probably going to struggle with these names but enimal Perez but and Maria Maria Perez looks okay and um Mr Mitchell you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm testimony about to give will be the truth all truth and nothing but the truth so I hope you got I do all right and we're joined by Miss Elder on behalf of your department correct okay and and of course Mr tuy on behalf of the The Code Department all right so um what have we got it's a stipulation it is a stipulation agreement we entered into that yesterday afternoon about um just afternoon we had a signed stipulation agreement that's the one before you there okay I can run through the exhibits real quick to kind give you a rundown of the proper first of all my name is Jerry Mitchell I've been sworn and I am a senior psych Appliance officer for Martin County the respondents are not present um but we do have a signed stipulation uh the property appraisers record of ownership is going to show the property ownership of Mr um and Mrs per uh Mr but and Mr Perez that's going to be counties exhibit one okay aerial view of the subject property is going to be count exhibit to this is a 2021 aerial view showing the location of the property off MacArthur Boulevard on Hutchinson Island it's also depicting a vegetated lot on July 8th 2021 uh we did receive a complaint that there were clearing activities occurring on the property also that fil material was depos uh delivered to the property at that time U GMD staff conducted a site inspection and they photographed what the saw in these photographs were taken by um Maddie gearak our one of our planners in the growth Management Department County exhibit three is showing the fill that was deposited on the property at the time and County exhibit 4 is showing the clearing activity based on that and uh a notice of violation was issued to the respondent on uh July 12th 21 that's going to be County's exhibit 5 in that notice of violation we cited the section code 4.37 land clearing and also that it's uh has natural resources on a property so we cited section code 4.1b um uh Wetland applicability the respondents uh did apply for their applications um immediately once the violation was issued and because of it in having D being involved and everything we kind of gave them a little bit of time to uh try and bring the property into compliance okay quick question um the determination that the land was Wetland how did you arrive at that well we there were there were mangroves there were mangroves on site on the property and um that's and we knew that mangroves had been impacted okay yeah yes sir again the um the the respondents were working with us they did apply for their proper permits they did apply for the land clearing application which in the process required them to actually have F Florida Department of protection come out and actually do a wetland determination on the property which it was identified and also they had also had applied for their uh ex and Phill permit as well however none of these could be issued until all the approvals had passed and they or had been approved so we were kind of and limbo here while they were working with their Consultants to u to achieve compliance with the documents and basically no other activity was to occur on a property however um on July 24th the public work of this year July 24th 24 the public works department brought to the growth management Department's attention that there were more clearing activity occurring on the property that a driveway access was installed on the property and that there was some RightWay work being done on the property and So based on that um uh matd gearak went to the property and advised the people on site the crew on site that were doing the work to cease and assist and they did but also the same day she also flew the property with the Martin County Sheriff's Office and this is a markup rendition of a photos that she took which is showing the um driveway access that I'm mentioning the clearing that occurred as well and just to give you an aerial view of what the property look like before the driveway access was put in it's going to be County exhibit 7 so obviously that was County exhibit six this is County exhibit 7 so you can see this at this County ex 7 in 2024 AAL is just showing how the property was starting to revegetate on its own and they impacted again prior to getting any approvals for any permits ah okay so based on that um I issued a notice of uh amended notice of violation and a notice of hearing combined I actually that one was issued on uh September 5th 2024 now in this notice of violation I cited 4.37 land clearing and procedures get to the right page here uh also section 4.1b Wetland applicability because they still haven't complied with that also we added uh section 4. 341b which is the applicability for excavation and fill requiring a permit and also we added section 1.55 point3 Tob which is uh Road RightWay use permits requirements so in that we gave them um actually we gave until December 13th of 2024 to comply however we were working with uh the respondents the respondents also hired an attorney by the name of Jeremy B Bowman who help facilitate a stipulation agreement that you have before you so what we do what the county request is that you accept these exhibits into evidence and we request that um they comply within the time limits that are shown on that stipulation agreement and they did pay their 575 magistrate fee so that has been paid and that concludes my testimony at this time okay and let me just quickly read through the step okay and do the the owners clearly understand that that they can't do more work on the property until they get the necessary permits they we have have stressed that to them very strictly yes sir and they are well aware of where we are on this process right now all right and and again they did sign that stipulation and I did sign it as well all right so uh let's see they're going to re obtain basically obtain the permits that they need prior to June 1st 2025 uh failing which just looking for the fine component yeah we're asking for $100 a day for every day of non-compliance yes um be in here yeah I know I'm just I'm sorry I'm probably I'm skimming over some of this stuff so maybe I'm missing it Miss Elder do you know where that is or where we both looking oh there it is bottom of the second page okay yeah uh so $100 per day for non-compliance okay plus a additional administrative cost all right and uh the $575 has been paid to the county yes sir it has note for the record that um U Mr but and Miss Perez have signed the agreement uh without objection I'm going to accept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through eight in this case and I'm going to find that the stipulation is acceptable and I'm going to approve it and uh uh execute the agreed order okay thank you very much all righty thank you your honor thank you both you want to grab this ch he GNA go to number four here okay so so we're gonna go one two and three rather so two three three four and four okay good yeah we're just um we're talking about um folks who are here who have come in we want to make sure we take you all first so that uh you're not sitting around all morning waiting um all right yeah let's see okay uh next case is uh top of the first page it's the Handley case it's enf 20247 561 um Paul and Lynn Hanley are the respondents this is a a um permit case and um officer ambered you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about the give will be the truth old truth and nothing but the truth so help you go yes sir okay and are you the Handley yes all right what I'm going to do is we're this is a violation case so we're going to hear from the county first I've sworn in the officer he's going to testify present evidence if at the conclusion of the evidence uh the county has made what the law calls a primacia case meaning everything they've presented is is correct and leads me to believe that a violation exist then the burden flips to you um and then I'm going to swear you in and you can make whatever presentation you want ask questions present your own evidence and then we'll go from there uh sometimes it's really simple folks just need additional time that's fine um you know you can you can ask for that this is looks like it was a permit case if typically folks just need to get the permit so we're going to hear from Mr ambretti and um and then we'll go from there okay and you can you're welcome to stand where you are you can actually sit in that front row over there and watch the evidence present it as well rather than on that monitor then I'll call you back up and then we'll go from there all right okay Mr ambretti thank you your honor my name is Charles ambretti and I've been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Paul D Hanley and Lynn f Hanley are present this case concerns the property at 1540 Southwest Sunset Trail Palm City Florida 34990 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are Paul D Hanley and Lyn F Hanley a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one okay on July 22nd 2024 an expired permit application letter was emailed to Paul D Hanley a copy of that letter is marked as County's Exhibit 2 on July 26 2024 I inspected the property at that time I observed a completed paer driveway without an issued permit at that time I photographed the property and left the door tag the photographs accurately show what I saw then and are marked as County's exhibits 3 4 five and six exhibit three is a front-facing shot of the completed P driveway exhibit four is a backf facing shot of the completed paer driveway exhibit five is the pavers winding around the side of the home exhibit six is the door tag I left on the door based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Paul D Hanley and Lyn F Hanley on August 16 2024 that is marked as County's exhibit 7 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code for completed P driveway without an issued permit in the notice of violation the respondent was given until September 30th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so on October 15th 2024 I checked the permit status and the per had not been issued since compliance was not achieved a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on October 22nd 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 8 the return receipt was not received so on December 2nd 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting and the Affidavit of posting are marked as County's exhibits 9 and 10 okay no call or letter from the property owner was received within the time allowed therefore I checked the permit status again on December 17th 2024 and saw that the cited violation had not been corrected a screenshot of the permit status is marked as County's exhibit 11 okay and just describe if you will what that yes sir this is a screenshot of our case management system showing that they applied for the residential driveway the application had expired on 124 of 2023 okay or rather it was opened on 124 of 2023 but it's in uh the application's in expired status I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondents Paul Hanley and Lyn F Hanley be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by January 31st 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and requests that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay um Mr Miss Handley come on up I'm going to find that U the primate fa case does exist so we're going to hear from you if you'll raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes and your full name sir all Duncan Handley and ma'am F Handley and um your address on the well just tell us your address 1540 Southwest Sunset Trail Palm City Florida okay so it's the same that's on the finding all right um what do we got so I I mean I don't dispute any of anything that was given um I thought by I I'm looking at the comments on the um Aila site I guess it's called asella yeah uh cell and I thought comp complying was going to be there was a couple other comments before the comment of the expired permit um came up or the not not the expired permit the um doing the work before I got the permit um it was a one inspection final inspection job so I I the Assumption I made and probably where I made a mistake was to go ahead and don't go past my first inspection that's kind of being in the business what I assumed I could do so once I got I stopped the guy it's not 100% completed I still have some work that needs to be done to finish it but when I saw that notice on there I assumed I had to come to this hearing I didn't and and I I didn't reach out to um the individual that it says to do on here um I went forward with it because I had an opportunity with the material that I was going to lose so I said to him you know it's a final inspection deal um go ahead and put it in and then when I got that I stopped one of the comments on there uh which I sent in through the Asel site with my survey was that I needed to address the Culvert um the county took the Culvert out I don't know 8 10 years ago so there was no C it so I took the survey that I had sent in with the permit and and put the the yard drain and sent a picture in with it showing that there was no covert thinking that I was satisfying uh what was being asked mhm and then when we got the the letter um I knew we had a hearing to go to to resolve it okay um well unfortunately hearings are a little expensive and um that's it sounds like you made some sort of a business decision regarding the materials and obtaining them um I obviously you got to get your permit and then close it out correct I mean that's how the game is played if you're in the business somewhere are you a contractor um yeah I work for a contractor okay so you you know how that's done and that's not what we got we've got an expired uh application so all right um and let me just ask the county do you believe that the Handley can get the permit closed out by January 31st I would have no problem with giving them additional time okay you mean maybe like another month if you're hon or so I I guess my question is and and maybe it's to the county staff as well but I they're not sworn in can can that the permit actually be closed out you're if I might just there is no permit this is just an application I know there was never a permit issue so there couldn't actually be inspections or anything on something that wasn't even issued yet absolutely so so is the time frame optimistic without knowing what the building department required I couldn't possibly give you an opinion on that okay all right your honor if I could and and and I'm I'm informed it's actually Public Works that um had the objections to this so so probably February wouldn't be a bed okay even holidays nothing's going to happen between now and the end of the year anyhow so okay all right so let me let me just look because I don't want you to fail I want you to be able to get the permit get it inspected and be done so may I yes um as of this morning when I looked at it the Culver comment I believe is still there and and I thought that was the holdup I I know I need to reapply for it and pay pay you know for a reapplication fee I'm prepared to do that right now today I just didn't I don't know how to resolve that comment it's that comment still says not met I believe well I I mean obviously you're going to have to talk to the building department to do that and so that was that that's been my holdup right there because I can't solve that I could solve every other comment that they asked for but I can't solve that one I'll tell you what I'm going to give you until uh February 28th okay to to get the permit closed out get it all done okay I appreciate it all right um anything else you need to tell me no sir no all right and um if there if you don't have any objection I'm going to enter into evidence the Count's exhibits 1 through 11 in this case uh so ordered and um based upon that evidence and your testimony and and uh officer am bedes I'm going to find that a violation as charge does exist on the property I'm going to order compliance on or before February 28 2025 failing which there'll be a fine in the amount of $100 per day um and I am going to award cost in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of the hearing all right um you can actually take a copy of this with you and um and you could probably show it to the building department and um when as you approached that issue thank you and Miss Bradley will take care of that for you and get it to you you just wait for her thank you all right good luck okay uh the next case is the next case on the docket the second case it's enf 2024 80068 and uh let's see the respondents are Lis Mariano Castro um and I'm not sure exactly the order of the names here it says cono Perez Florida Mala Ortiz so and officer andet you've got this case as well uh whenever you're ready you can be good yes sir is there anybody here on behalf of okay all right um I you heard what happened the last case I'll call you up when uh when it's your turn I've explained it to them I'm translating for them okay all right so you going to translate um Mr Amber said's testimony correct to them okay let me swear you in too if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth old truth or nothing but the truth so be God I do and your full name and your position Maria espat and Martin County Code investigator and fluent Spanish speaker yes perfect that's what I needed to know and and you're going to translate for um for the owners of the property correct and I've explained to them so far everything he will be explaining to you now they they're very aware of what's going on okay okay all right thank you Mr ametti thank you your honor my name is Charles ambretti and I've been sworn in I am a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Luis Mariano cono Castro and flma Ortiz Perez are present this case concerns the property at 2957 Southeast Golden Gate Avenue stort Florida 34997 this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners are Luis Mariano cono Castro and Floyd Alma Ortiz Perez a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on August 8th 2024 an expired permit application letter was emailed to Luis Mariano Cano Castro and falma Ortiz Perez a copy of the letter is marked as County's Exhibit 2 okay on August 8th 2024 I inspected the property at that time I observed a shed on the property without an issued permit at that time I photographed the property and left a door tag the photographs accurately show what I saw then and are marked as Cy's exhibits 3 4 and five uh your honor this is a front-facing sh of the property the door tag that I left and the installed shed based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Luis Mariano cono Castro and Floyd Alama Ortiz Perez on September 17th 20124 marked as County's exhibit 6 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code for a shed on the property without an issued permit in the notice of violation the respondent was given until November 1st 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so on November 12th 2024 I checked the permit status and the permit had not been issued since compliance was not achieved a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on November 19th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received so on December 2nd 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting and the Affidavit of posting are marked as County's exhibits 8 and N no call or letter from the property owner was ever received within the time allowed therefore I check the permit status again on December 17th 2024 and saw that the cited violation had not been corrected a screenshot of the permit status is marked as County's exhibit 10 it's a screenshot of our case management system showing the shed was in application Phase and that application has since expired with that I request that all the County's exhibits be received in evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondents Luis Mariano canoc Castro and flama Ortiz Perez be ordered to comply with de cited provisions of the Martin County Code by January 31st 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimburse this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay um on up good morning if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you go yes okay see okay gracias um I guess this is somewhat similar to the the prior case application had been made for a permit but never um paid for and received correct and I I have spoken with them and they did come to the building department several times they brought several conditions however they she said she came uh not too long ago and they said they couldn't find her permit in the system did speak with someone and they said that she had just uh some conditions where she has to turn in a survey and show where it's located um and I told her I could help her with that if she brings in the survey of course okay all right um wow um do they have anything they want to tell me um what they are asking for is a little bit more time uh because I believe they're in a CRA so they might need a little bit more time than 30 days all right and and uh I think like the prior case I'm going to extend compliance to February 28th yes they're good with that okay all right um anything else they want to yeah they're they're explaining that they're new to this um they really didn't know what they needed to to bring or provide okay um had they been in touch with Mr embet did they contact you no your honor um I when you were out there did you have any contact with them no you're honor I knocked on the door and no one answered okay all right so um I I'm just looking for some sort of mitigation I I didn't see it in the other case I'm not sure I see it here either okay um uh I think unless there's an objection I'm going to accept into evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 10 no objection so ordered um based upon that evidence and testimony from both parties I'm going to find that a violation does exist on the property and I'm going to order uh you to comply by February 28th 2025 that means to obtain the the permit in this case and um have it inspected um if you don't do that by uh the end of February then beginning March 1st there'll be a fine in the amount of $100 per day okay and um and I'm unfortunately I think I'm going to have to also award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county uh at the conclusion of the hearing and um let's see I'm going to just change the date I did not incidentally on that prior order um Miss Bradley I did not change the date so we need to do that and and let the Hadley's know that all right thank you okay here's that one okay um Miss Bradley has the order and she'll get you a copy to take with you okay all righty good luck okay uh one more case I guess officer counselor you've got a case right with folks here let me grab that one see the one for 1322 Sunshine it is um 0626 626 626 all right this is uh case number enf 2024 50626 and uh respondents are um Carlos Carlos Roz Baro and Maxima bero Lopez and um officer counselor I'm going to swear you in first if you do you swear from testimony about to give will be the truth old truth and nothing but the truth so help you gu I do all right and um you heard the last case we're going to from the county first then I'll call you up swear you in and and we'll go from there okay all right my name is Chris councelor I've been sworn in I am a code compliance investigator from Martin County the respondents Carlos Ur Robos burito and maximina burrito Lopez are present this case concerns the property at 1322 Southwest Sunshine Street located in Stewart located in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of the Martin County the property owners are Carlos Robos burito and maximina beretto Lopez a copy of the property appra record of ownership is County's exhibit one on May 24th 2024 officer Frank Marcos inspected the property at the time he observed a carport covered porch area built without a permit at the time he photographed the property the photographs accurately show what he saw then and it's marked this count exhibits two three and exhibit four is a Google Street View showing that there was no pre-existing structure okay do we know the date of the street view I do not okay doesn't matter go ahead okay you honor the uh on the sidebar it indicates June 2022 okay yeah um no on the evidence so exhibit four oh oh oh yeah sorry on the no yeah yeah June June 2022 was when the photograph was taken by Google okay go ahead uh based upon the investigation uh officer Marcos issued a notice of violation to Carlos Ur Robos beretto maximia bero Lopez on June 4th 2024 Markus County exhibit 5 in the notice he cited the fil Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code with section 21 General ordinances as adopted by General ordinances 21.1 noce a violation respondent was given until July 5th 2024 to correct the violation I took over the case in November of 2024 after reviewing the case I saw that no permit had been issued for the work that was done a screenshot of the property of the property's permit history is County exhibit 6 there's been no permits pulled for this property since compliance was not achieved a s I sent a notice of hearing by certified mail on November 6 2024 and is marked as County exhibit 7 the return receipt was not received so on December 4th 2024 I posted the property a photo of the posting in the affidavit posting or Mark discount exhibits 8 and nine eight is my posting and nine is my Affidavit of posting no car letter has been received from the property owners therefore I went to the property again on December 17th 2024 and saw that decided violation had not been corrected at the time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then as Mar County exhibit 10 with another shot of the permit history as exhibit 11 so 10 the structure still exists and no permit has been pulled I request that all the County's exhibits be received in the evidence based upon the testimony in the evidence I request that the property owners be ordered to comply with the seted provisions of the Martin County Code by January 31st 2025 and if not compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day until the violation is corrected the count has incude the cost of 500 25 hours conducting this investigation and that concludes my testimony okay all right um come on up to the podium and if you'll both raise your right hand you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so I hope you got yes we ma'am okay all right so um yeah your full name sir my name is Carlos robas Barto and ma'am your full name is maximina VTO Lopez okay good and um you've heard what the county has to say do you have anything you want to tell me um so unfortunately I was not aare made aware of the situation till last week um I just found this out and want an extension to receive the permits that do you all reside on the property she does resite on the property I do not recite on the proper okay so all right so you're the one that actually lives there and ma'am did what did you do with these notices did is this the just talk the mic yeah you have to talk into the microphone so she says she says she only realized this notice um I did not see the other notices either was made aware of the ones that were left behind beforehand um I guess she just didn't mention mention it to me or notice the notices there okay um well unfortunately that can be a costly mistake um in this case do you know when the the actual structure the the um carport structure was constructed about nine or 10 months ago okay and um did you hire a contractor to do it um she said she had done the work with her and some family friends um just to construct the carport looking at it it does look like it's connected to the property as well um I guess she did not think she needed the permits to receive them and did not mention to me that the permits were not applied for okay all right so family friends now as we all know no good deed goes unpunished you know um they should have pulled a permit then and uh the fact that they didn't is is really the the issue okay all right and I I think um unless you all have anything else you need to tell me um no okay I think what I'm going to do is um is give until February 28th in this case just like I did in the other uh two cases so without objection I'm going to um I'm going to uh find that the evidence submitted by the county should be entered into evidence 1 through 11 in this case um and based upon that evidence your testimony and the counties I'm going to find that a violation does exist on the property I'm going to order compliance onor before February 28th 2025 failing which a find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and a further award cost in the amount of $575 uh to be paid to the county at the conclusion of the hearing which means that upon entry the order it's it's payable all right any questions for me um so either we have to take down the structure or apply for the permits to get this situated yeah I I can't really tell you which way to comply but but essentially that's true and um I mean it looks like it's perfectly good structure so you again I'm not going to tell you how to comply but but that's essentially it okay and um you can take a copy of the order with you if you like that would probably be best because you got to go to the building department uh to apply for it you're going to need all the things that that everybody has talked about as far as survey and deed and that sort of thing so go thank you you can email contact all right um app than thank okay uh let's see officer counselor yes we go back up to the Lewis case Scott Lewis and Kelsey Lewis znf 20231 03000 uh the respondents are Scott Lewis and Kelsey Lewis and this is a stipulated case correct okay my name my name is Chris CER I've been sworn in I am go compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Scot W Scott W Lewis and Kelsey W Lewis are not present this case is a stipulation agreement the property in question is 6670 Southwest 54th Avenue located within Palm City located with Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anal complaint according to the official records the property appraiser of Martin County the property owners Scott W Lewis and Kelsey W Lewis the property raor records count exhibit one uh so basically like I stated it's a stipulation agreement on November 14th 2023 officer Ben Norman inspected the property he observed a p iron that had been modified and built with an additional lean to without a permit this is the structure in question uh they were issued a notice of violation on December 15 2023 with the compliance date of June 27th uh he um I took over the case in November and issued a well he did he did a notice he did a um so then I took over the case in November of which year November of 2024 okay because the the original notice was was dated November 1523 yes I'm sorry November 2023 so a year lapsed correct okay I took over the case in November issued a amended inti of violation on November 14th with a signed NTA uh the property owners at that point um tried to update the permit but the per there were still conditions in the permit that kept it from being issued and they entered into a stipulation agreement to get the additional time till April 1st so based upon the testimony and evidence I requested the respondents Scott W Lewis and Kelsey Lewis be ordered to comply with the S Vision seted provisions of the stipulation agreement to be in complied by April 1st 2025 and the $350 to enter into the stipulation agreement has been paid okay 350 or $250 $350 350 and all right and if they fail to comply then the fine is $100 a day correct all right all right so let's see there are 10 10 exhibits in this case I've actually gone through each of those okay as you were testifying so I'm satisfied that the 10 exhibits in the file are um fine and I'm going to accept them into evidence note for the record that um the lewises um Scott and Kelsey Lewis executed the agreement on uh December 13th and um officer counselor you have as well on behalf of the county and does require compliance owner before April 1st 2025 failing which a fine in the amount of $100 per day will acrew and note also for the record that uh $350 in costs have been paid to the county so I'm going to find that it's appropriate to uh approve the stipulation and enter into the agreed order as uh submitted okay all righty uh let's see you've got a couple more it's uh the next case is the mccusker case it's enf 2024 046 One n the respondent is Marina Elm cuser yeah just for a correction we found out that it's El Marina mccusker El Marina mcus mccusker okay um my name is Chris Ganser I've been SW in the respondent uh El Marina M Kuser is not present she has entered into a stipulation agreement uh the property involves the property in of the case is 1253 Southwest Pine Tree trail located within store located with in Martin County Florida according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is El Marina mccusker uh County zit one is the property appraiser report on April 18th 20 24 officer Frank Marcos inspected the property at the time he observed a driveway installed without a permit at the time he photographed the property the phot actually show what he saw then which is kind of exhibits two three and four uh based upon the investigation officer Marcos issued a notice of violation to El Marina mccusker on May 10 2024 mark his County exhibit five and he was uh they were cited for Section 105.1 Florida building code AS adopted by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County in the notice violation and response were given until June 10th 2024 to comply I took over the case in November of 2024 I reviewed the case and so that a permit application had been started which is permit number BLD 2024 06492 that permit was applied for on June 10th 2024 and exhibit six since compliance was not achieved I issued a I set an amended notice of violation with a notice of hearing by certified mail on November 13 2024 which is Count exibit 7 and 8 it's the amended notice of violation with the notice of hearing I have spoken with the property owner and on December 13th she entered into a stipulation agreement so based off the testimony and the evidence of request that the respondent elm Marina mccusker be ordered to comply with the subed provisions of the Martin County Code by April 1st 2025 if not compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day for every day the violation continues thereafter the cost of $350 has been paid to enter into the stipulation agreement okay so without objection I'll accept in evidence the County's exhibits one through eight in this case based upon the stipulation and the evidence I'm going to find that it is appropriate to enter into the agreed order ordering compliance honor before April 1st 2025 I see where it was typed 2024 on the front page but I've initialed that obviously we're well past April 1st 2024 um and um not also that the stipulation does require $100 per day fine after that and U and that $350 in administrative costs have been paid to the county and the El Marina mccusker has executed the agreement on behalf of herself and officer counselor on behalf of the county so I'm going to go ahead and enter the agreed order as as presented with the exception of the date of April 1st uh 2025 is really what it should be for compliance okay and let's see got one more case it's um the Len case it's enf 2024 04694 uh Christina Lon is the respondent and whenever you're ready okay okay my name is Chris CER I've been sworn in I am co- compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent Christina Lutton is not present she has entered into a stipulation agreement this case concerns the property at 4093 Southwest 66 Avenue with located within Palm City located within Martin County according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner Christina Lon County Z one is a copy of the property appraiser report on April 23rd 2024 officer Frank Marcos inspected property at the time he was a pole barn built without a permit at the time he fure at the property the F accurately show what he saw then has marked his County exhibits two and three that's his his door hanger posting and and that's the structuring question in the back based upon his investigation officer Marcos issued a notice of violation to Christina leton on May 10th 2024 Markus County exhibit 4 and the notice of violation the property ear were cited for Section 105.1 Florida building code to as adopted by section 21.1 to obtain a permit for the UN permanent structure and notice violation respondent was given until June 10th 2024 to correct the violation I took over this case in November of 2024 after a review of the case I saw that no permit had been issued for the structure so since comp compliance was not achieved I sent a notice of hearing by certified mail on November 13 2024 and marked as count exhibit 5 that's us that's the permit status County exhibit six sorry um five yeah I have it as exhibit five yes um and actually it's clearer on my screen than it is on the on the one I'm looking at on over here let me just a permit was applied for on December 4th 2024 a screenshot of the permit status is count exibit six no five I have them okay permit status is five signed noov is four signed NTA is six yeah I got it yeah all right as long as we're talking about the same stuff uh the return receipt was not received so on December 4th 2024 I posted the property photo of the posting the Affidavit of Post county exhibit 7 and8 posting on the front door and my Affidavit of posting name on December 17th we had a meeting with the property owners they agreed to enter into a stipulation agreement based upon the testimony evidence I request that the respondents Christina Lon be ordered to comply with the set of provisions of the Martin County Code by April 1st 2025 if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day until the violation is corrected the fee for of $350 has been paid to enter into the stipulation agreement okay and I'm going to note too that there are additional exhibits um uh 9 10 11 and 12 13 13 is the permit us um yeah basically um because they entered in stipulation agreement until yesterday I did I had gone out and inspected the property and Tak an additional so exhibit nine are pictures from December 17th which is exhibit 9 through 12 and then exhibit 13 is the permit status as of yesterday okay so without objection I'm going to accept and evidence the Count's exhibits 1 through 13 in this case and reading the stipulation it um does recite the compliance requirement on or before April 1st 2025 failing what to find in the amount of $100 per day will acre and that the respondant has paid $350 in administrative costs uh to the county and it's executed by Christina Lutton Luton on of herself and officer counselor on behalf of the county to obtain a permit for the pole barn with slab and so I'm going to find that it's appropriate tener the agreed order in this case and so ordered thank you thank you that's yeah that is correct you read okay okay let's see what we got we got a tag team um officer Carrasco you're gonna testify on the Gallen case is there yes sir what we're looking at next okay all right so um if this is case number 2 20241 0358 and respondent is Marie Carmel Gallen and officer Carrasco if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so hope you come I do okay whenever you're ready my name is Deborah crosco and I have been sworn in I am a code compliance investigator for Morton County the respondent Marie Carmen Gellen is not present this case concerns the property at 3920 Southwest Brier Brook Way Palm City Florida in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Marie carmell Gellen a copy of the property appraises record of ownership is County's exhibit one on October 18th 2024 I inspected the property and at that time I observed observed High Grass at the time at that time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and is marked as County's exhibits two which is the high grass and three which is also another angle of the high grass based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Marie Carmen Gellen on November 8th 2024 marked as County's exhibit 4 in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 76. 20101 n declared weeds undergrowth General ordinance of Martin County code 67 I'm sorry you said 76 oh I'm sorry 67. 20101 a in the notice of violation the respondent was given until November 22nd 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and notice to have appear was issued by certified mail on November 26th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 the return receipt was was not received no call or letter from the property owner was received within the allowed time I went to the property again on December 2nd 2024 and posted the property as well as the county admin building and that is exhibits oh the property hadot the property cited violations had not been corrected and their counties exhibit six and seven I also photographed the property on December 17th the photographs accurately show what I saw then and is marked as County's exhibits 8 and N it's also the tall grass from the two different angles of the that's a lot of Tall Grass it is I request all of the County's exhibits be received into evidence based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Marie caral gellan be ordered to comply with the cited provision of the Martin County Code by December 31st 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay um I this occurs to me is this your first presentation here here yes that's what I thought you know I forget that I've known you for for many years so I I um in another context uh with the city okay great well good job let's see um and nobody's here on behalf of mar Carmel G Gellen right looking out seeing no one um I'm without objection then I'll accept into evidence the C's exhibits 1 through n in this case based upon that evidence and your testimony I will find that uh violation as charged uh 6720a does exist on the property in order compliance honor before January 31st 2025 failing which uh finding the amount of $100 per day will ACR and I'll further reward costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing and is so ordered okay good thank you okay Miss Switzer morning good morning if you raise your right hand do SAR or firm testimony about to give will be the truth all truth or nothing but the truth so hope you got okay let's see we got case number enf 2024 03207 d01 and the respondents are if I can find them looks like evanita IET Kevin I can't tell who's Kevin where where that starts and where it's yeah and and then IET Gomez conino castellino okay all right apologize for that there must be a better way to be doing this but all right so first name Kevin avalina correct and IET Gomez celestino yes all right looks like the application for certificate of title attach has it Hey whenever you're ready okay my name is Kelly Switzer and I have been sworn in I'm a code compliance investigator for Martin County the respondents Kevin a avalia and IET Gomez cellino are not present the owners have entered into a stipulated agreement this case concerns the property at 5545 South caner Highway lot 44 Stewart Florida 34997 this case was not generated from from an anonymous complaint according to the official records oh I'm sorry the uh certificate of title of Martin County the pro the property owner is Kevin avalia and IET Gomez conino a copy of the certificate of title is County's exhibit one okay on March 13th 2024 I inspected the property and found a mobile home with a new air conditioning unit and a covered patio installed without a permit at the time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and is marked as counties exhibits two and three that's the covered patio and then that's the new AC unit okay based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to the owners on August 6 2024 and as marked as County's exhibit 4 in the notice I cited the the following Martin County code violation section 105.1 Florida building code permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code a notice a hearing was issued by certified mail on November 15th 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 5 the owners have entered into a stipulated agreement on December 17 2024 to be in compliance by February 28th 2025 and the agreed F uh fees in the amount of 350 have been paid in full and this concludes my testimony okay you all right so looking at the stipulation does require compliance H for February 28 2024 um along with a fine of $100 per day thereafter if not in compliance and we've heard testimony that the $350 in administrative cost have already been paid note that the tribulation is signed by Kevin avalan and uh Miss Switzer you you signed on behalf of the county yes all right okay very good um all right so I'm going to find that the uh St ulation is in order and I'm going to uh did I accept into evidence the C exib 135 if I didn't I I intend to um without objection it's so ordered that those exhibits are in the case and based upon that I'm going to find that it is appropriate to enter the agreed order okay all right um obviously you had some contact with them correct did they just uh it's just waiting on it they submitted a permit but it was waiting on applicant so they they they had some issues on it to that they needed to address all right okay so that should give them plenty of time yes okay all right thank you let's see all right and the next case is the Keller case it's um enf 2024 076940 the property at 7739 Southeast Fork River Drive Stewart Florida 34997 this case was not generated from anonymous complaint according to the official records of the property appraiser Martin County the property owners owner is Arlene Keller a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on July 29th 2024 I inspected the property and at the time I observed uh overgrowth trash and debris and along with what appeared to be an inoperable vehicle at the time I photographed the property the photographs accurately show what I saw then and is marked as coun as exhibits 2 through four so this is along the side of the home over here is the tall grass on the right of the photo correct okay uh this is what I thought to be the inoperable vehicle along with trash overgrowth and then this is just the overall there's stuff under the carport more tall the tall grass here four okay okay a f a follow-up in inspection was conducted on August 14th 2024 and found the violations still remain the exhibits from my follow-up are marked as County's exhibits 5 through 7 it's just more Tall Grass um trash and debris laying around the in inoperable vehicle and seven would be just another one of the carport based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Arlene Keller on August 15 2024 the notice of violation is marked as County's exhibit 8 in the notice in the notice I cited the following Martin County code violations section 67. 20101 B nuisance declared trash Etc General ordinances Martin County Code and section 91.3 for a generally inoperable Vehicles Martin County Code and section 67. 20101 a nuisance declared weeds undergrowth which are now both in compliance which which the last two the first um the only one I have is for the trash okay in the notice of violation the respondent was given until September 5th 2024 to correct the violations and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on October 23rd 2024 and is marked as County's exhibit 6 the return receipt was not received therefore I posted the property and at the Martin County Administrative Building my post my posting and the Affidavit of posting are marked as County's exhibits 10 and 11 there's the posting in my affidavit made contact with the owners on the day of posting and they stated they were working on getting it cleaned up therefore I went to the property again on December 17th 2024 and saw the cited violations had not been corrected at that time I photographed the property the photograph accurately shows what I saw then and as marked as County's exhibits 2 through 14 or I'm sorry 12 12 through 14 so there's more trash there's just another angle there's more trash behind the the truck and then underneath the carport as well okay yeah looks like they're making some effort they they yes but not all the way right um I'm sorry do the exhibit 13 the SUV yes is that now determined to be operable correct when I was out there uh yesterday okay he uh started the vehicle for me I request that all the Cy's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that the respondant Arlene Keller be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of Martin County Code by January 31st 2024 and if not in compliance by then I'm sorry 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a cost of an amount of 500 $175 conduct dollar conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing that's concludes my testment all right I were you you were out there talking to them yes you not able to get a stipulation uh finances were an issue for them well we're about to make it worse I I I explain that okay all right so nobody here on behalf of um arleene Keller and this is a violation case so without objection I'm going to accept into evidence that Ken's exhibits 1 through 14 in this case and Order compliance find that it's uh the violation as charge does exist on the property order compliance on or before January 31st 2025 failing which a f in the amount of $100 per day will acrew and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing okay thank you yes ma'am thank you all right I've got um I have let's see a couple of other orders here we're removing the next two cases and then um the calber case is that that's yours Miss Bradley yes all right philis Comack it's under Phyllis oh it is yes sir all right okay I'll make it make sense here in a second for you sorry I just got confused when I saw an entirely different name okay hang on just a second I'm right there all right Miss Bradley if few ra your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help be G I do all right whenever you are ready my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the newsance abatement coordinator for Martin County this case concerns the property located at 4211 Northeast Cherry Drive Jensen Beach in Martin County Florida on October 21st 2009 a stipulation and agreed final order was issued by the code enforcement magistrate toyis M calac for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code and exhibit one is the property appraiser showing that Janet uh calber is actually now the new property owner exhibit two is the stipulation agreement that was put in place back in 2009 okay compliance was required by April 21st 2010 on December 2nd 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of uh oh no three oh exhibit three is missing hang on I'll get it for you it's cuz it was at recording at the time oh so there's the recorded Affidavit of compliance with acred fines reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $532,000 wow and I will put that in for you so it will be exhibit three I'll get it put in the case Okay jenet Calbert is the current owner of the property pursuant to a trustees deed recorded in official records book 3432 page 211 10 Martin County Florida public records the respondent has no remaining interest in the property staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the current owners were not responsible for the violation however they have brought the property into compliance and an offered to pay $2,798 to resolve the outstanding fines which have ured in addition staff has considered the $257,900 assessed property value so for this one we went 10% off of the property value okay and this is their request for the reduction all right okay and um stipulation does reflect that in this case compliance was required by January 20 or 21st 2010 and then on December 2nd 2024 an Affidavit of compliance with acud fines uh as earlier stated does exist and that uh Miss coward took ownership pursuant to a trustees deed and that the assessed value is $257,900 okay I'm going to find that it's appropriate to um agree to a recommended order in the amount of $2,798 to resolve the outstanding fines um particularly now that the property is in compliance note for the that uh Janet calber has executed this electronically on December 5th 2024 and Miss Bradley that you have also signed on behalf of the county yes sir Co so let's see without objection I'm going to accept in evidence the C's exhibits one through four in this case and um and then I am going to execute the agreed recommended order which goes to the County Commissioner for approval okay all right next case is the Landis case it's case number7 011 6085 and um the respondent is Mitchell Landis this is also a stipulation yes sir and okay whenever you're ready my name is Rachel Spradley and I've been sworn in I'm the Nuance abatement coordinator from Martin County this case concerns the property located at 4966 Southeast Primrose Way Stewart in Martin County Florida on January 17th 2018 a stipulation order was issued by the code enforcement magistrate to Mitchell Landis for Section 105.1 FBC permits when required Incorporated by section 21.1 General ordinances Martin County Code Compliance was required by July 17th 2018 on November 25th 201 24 an Affidavit of compliance with acred fines was issued reflecting an outstanding fine in the amount of $229,600 so exhibit one is the property appraiser showing that Mitchell Landis is the property owner exhibit two is the original recorded order that was put in place um staff has determined that a lean reduction is warranted the respondent were was responsible for the violation however the property has not been placed into compliance but has been seized in a forfeiture by the Martin County Sheriff's Office filed in court case 2018-25 3ca the respondant has offered to pay $229 to resolve the outstanding fines which have accured and exhibit four is a cop of the request for the reduction that came from Colton Landis who is Mitchell's son he does have power of attorney for the properties okay what happened to the seizure case the sheriff's department took possession of the property no in November okay and they're not seeking forfeiture they they've already claimed it well I guess I'm not understanding then if if the C department is seeking forfeiture it it was to my understanding it was it is a forfeit your case yes pursuant to I believe numerous drug violations Okay so let me just see what we're stipulating too so Colton is paying the fines up to the date that the sheriff's department sees the property we stop the fines as of that date because Martin County Sheriff's Office is obviously a Martin County entity we're not going to keep running fines on something that's ours against yourself yes so we stop the fines as of the date that the Sheriff's Office sees the property through the forfeiture that's really what I was trying to puz and Colton is paying cuz he's got other property that he's trying to sell so this was a cross lean that he's trying to rectify all right so basically this just clears that dat yes got it okay um I'm going to take notice of this final order uh Judgment of for forer executed by judge meter in case number uh 2 18253 CA William Snider Sheriff of Martin Kenedy versus uh Mitchell Robert landz and it does recite uh that the following property is forfeited to the Mart Kai Sheriff's Office and uh shows the uh Primrose Way property although it does it's a duplex it's a duplex so they listed only the main address if I pull up the property appraiser it'll show okay all right okay I'm it's okay I'm going to accept your testimony in that matter and I am going to uh find that um it is appropriate let's see you've got exhibits one through four plus the final order so six exhibits if you will or five exhibits rather I'm sorry and um based upon the fine reduction stipulation I'm going to find it is appropriate to recommend an agreed order to the County commission for payment of $2 22,90567 I and I'm sorry I can't tell whether this is a photocopy or the original that's the original sir all right and Miss Bradley you want to execute I can do that for you all right and I've marked the um the final order Judgment of forfeiture as exhibit five in the case all right so note for the record that Colton Landis attorney um in fact for Mitchell Landis has executed and M Bradley you've also execut I'm going to go ahead and approve this to go to the County Commission thank you sir okay uh next is the scudo case and Miss Bush good morning good morning this is case number enf 20240 60295 d01 and the respondent is John scudo um Miss Bush you're going to testify if you raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so hope you go yes sir I do all right and nobody here on behalf of Mr scudo seeing no one okay all right um whenever you're ready Miss Bush my name is Tama bushan I have been sworn in I'm a co-compliance investigator for Martin County the respondent John scaduto is not present this case concerns the property at 2188 Northeast Ginger Terrace and Jensen Beach Florida 34957 in Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint and according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is John scaduto a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one okay on June 25th 2024 and an inspection was completed by code inspector at the time of the inspection the code inspector observed High Grass accessory structured damaged um where the pool equipment is and a green pool the code inspector photographed the property the photograph actually shows what the code inspector saw then and is Mark discount as exhibits 2 through 5 exhibit two is the front of the property showing the high grass exhibit three um an additional photo of the high grass exhibit four is the structure in question or the structure that's damaged exhibit five is the pool okay based on based upon the investigation a notice of violation to John scaduto on J June 27 24 was issued marked this County's exhibit 6 and the notice the following Martin County code violations was cited section 67. 2011a nuisance declared weeds undergrowth ordinances of Martin County Florida sections 21105 pools swimming pools General ordinances of Martin County uh C sections 21110 General exterior General IAL structure General ordinances of Martin County Florida and the notice of violation the respondent was given until July 11 2024 to correct the violation it was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so a photo of compliance of the overgrowth is marked as count as exhibit 7 so that was not um the overgrowth is not on the NTA as they compli that and the remaining violations had not been in compliance a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on August 14th 2024 and it's marked this counties exhibit 8 additional time was allotted and an amended notice of hearing was issued by certifi Mel on November 27th 2024 and it's marked as County's exhibit 9 the return receipt was not received and the property and County Administration was posted on December 2nd 202 4 and it's marked this County's exhibit 10 I went to the property again on December 17th 2024 and saw that the sided violations had not been corrected at that time I photographed the property the photographs actually shows what I saw then and it's Mark this County's exhibits 11 through 12 11 is the pool and the structure still in violation the property owner called this morning and indicated um that he understands that he's not in compliance he was not able to make the hearing today and I did advise um of what the county would be seeking at the hearing so at this time I request that all the County's exhibits be received into evidence and based upon the testimony and evidence I request that respondent John scaduto be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by January 31st 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $10000 per day for every day the violations exist per violation the county has incurred a cost in the amount of $575 conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay all right again um anybody here on behalf of John scudo seeing no one without objection I'll accept in evidence the County's exhibits one through 12 in this case yes sir based upon that evidence and your testimony you'll find that violations as charge 21105 pool and 21.11 um exterior structure do exist on the property in order compliance honor before January 31st 2021 or 2021 but we all wish January 31st 2025 uh failing which of find in the amount of $100 per day will acrew and I'll further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county at the conclusion of this hearing thank you special magistrate ma'am one more okay all right this is um enf 2024 0703 28-1 and the respondents are Amy Patterson and Bill Harbor Properties LLC as owners of the subject property and anybody here on behalf of Amy Patterson or Bell Harbor properties seeing no one go ahead thank you sir my name is tamaa Bush and I have been sworn in I am a code compliance investigator from Martin County the respondent Amy Patterson and Bell Harbor Properties LLC is not present this case concerns the property at 8 658 Southeast antheon way in hopes down Florida 33455 and Martin County Florida this case was not generated from an anonymous complaint and according to the official records of the property appraiser of Martin County the property owner is Amy Patterson and Bell Harbor Properties LLC a copy a copy of the Property Appraiser's record of ownership is County's exhibit one on July 31st 2024 I inspected the property and at that time I observed work being completed with no permits at that time I photograph the property the photograph acally shows what I saw then and is marked this Count's exhibits 2 through 3 this is a front photo of the property exhibit 3 is a permit screenshot which is not very clear but they did not have a permit for um the work that they were completing there at that time there were multiple um permits required all the permits have been resolved with the exception of the AC splint unit which I would show in um upcoming photos Okay so based upon the investigation I issued a notice of violation to Amy Patterson in Bell Harbor Properties LLC on August 1st 2024 marked as County's exhibit 4 in the notice I cited the following Martin County violation sections 105.1 FBC permit when required Incorporated by sections 21.1 General ordinances of Martin County Code an issue permit for the split unit ac is the only permit outstanding and required to comply or remove the unit in order to comply I'm sorry and in a notice of violation the respondent was given until SE September 30th 2024 to correct the violation and was informed of the need to contact Martin County Code Enforcement upon doing so compliance was not achieved and a notice of hearing was issued by certified Mel on September 20th 2024 and is marked this count as exhibit 5 an amended notice of hearing was issued by certified mail on November 7 2024 allowing additional time to comply and as Mark this count is exhibit 6 the the return receipt was not received and the property and County's Administration was posted on November 25th 2024 and it's marked as County's exhibit 7 on December 16 2024 uh the owner represent owner and or represent representative was offered a stipulation of agreement a stipulation of agreement and final order was uh emailed to James McMahon and he was advised of the ways to make the payment the stipulation of agreement was not returned and the payment was not made as of this morning I went to the property on December 17th 2024 and saw that decided violations had not been corrected and at that time I photographed the property the photographs actually shows what I saw then and as smart as Count's exhibits 8 through 10 it is a screenshot right yes exhibit 8 being the screenshot showing that there is a um residential trade electrical permit which is uh awaiting applicant that status on exhibit 8 has been awaiting applicant as of August 19th 2024 the revisions had not been submitted that's for the split unit yes sir all right and then exhibit nine is a a photo of the front of the property exhibit 10 showing the split unit ac I request that all of the Count's exhibits be received into evidence and based on the testimony and evidence I request that the respondent Amy Patterson and Bell Harbor Properties LLC be ordered to comply with the cited provisions of the Martin County Code by January 31st 2025 and if not in compliance by then be required to pay a fine in the amount of $100 per day for every day the violation continues thereafter the county has incurred a a cost in the amount of $575 is conducting this investigation and request that the county be reimbursed this amount at the conclusion of today's hearing okay let's see no one here on behalf of Amy B Patterson and harbor Properties LLC still no one okay without objection I'll accept end evidence the County's exhibits 1 through 10 in this case based upon that evidence in your testimony I'll find that violation of Section 105 .1 Florida building code does exist on the property and Order compliance honor before January 31st 2025 failing which a f in the amount of $100 per day will acre and further award costs in the amount of $575 to be paid to the county uh at the conclusion of this hearing thank you special magistrate yes ma'am thank you okay all right um let's see that's the docket the uh there is a set of uh magistrate minutes for the August 21st 2024 hearing um seems like I went through these a long time ago but um ah okay I'm going to go ahead and approve those and execute them note that um Rachel Spradley has a uh signed them on behalf of Jillian Cain staff reporter and that John colando as code administrator has also executed them okay all right anything else to come before us today no sir nope all right next hearing is happy holidays to each of you our next hearing is January 15 15th 2025 and we will see you all then um and with that we stand adjourn thank you thank you