e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sorry so first order on the is the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I have to say it's a very patriotic County appreciate it um you know I didn't do this last meeting so maybe this will cover both meetings anybody have any conflict of interest either last meeting or this meeting does it work that that way Elise can can can it be [Laughter] retro okay anyone from the public like to make any comments at this point no okay new business moring field up plan facility art project Port Sal what's that so this is a project that uh is a new possibility for art in public places so I wanted to bring it to you and explain a little bit about it I think I did put the yeah so this is um a rendering uh elevation if you will of the Upland facility that's going to be going down near the moing field in Sero on Park Drive this project is being done by public works and Eco you know they've done the and Coastal I mean they've done the dinghy dock uh they've put in the moing two small moing Fields there and they are required to have an Upland facility for the moers to have uh bathroom facility and laundry facility and it will also serve as a small office for the uh parks and rack employee who takes care of the Jensen moing field and will will also administer this one so one of the things that we had thought of for this building which is on a residential street although the street is Zone General so it can be commercial and or residential right now it is mainly residential except for the uh commercial docks which are right there we wanted the building to look like a residential building and to make sure that we looked at code and that it um met the CRA code as best it could like any building in the CRA like any residents in the CRA uh and we wanted it to be attractive for the community so we did add a few things to the building itself and one of the things that the community had requested was uh to have some type of public art there so as you can see instead of a front door we will have some front artwork because the main portion of the building that will be used by the moas really they come in through the back so the front is really kind of a faux front if you will that's what faces the street the back of the building is where and the two sides is where people will go in and out uh to utilize the laundry uh facility and the bathroom facility so it's it's about a 7t high 6t wide space uh that is being put aside for some public art I thought it might be a nice small project for us to undertake last week at the ports sleno Civic Center we did have a little bit of a community engagement um to talk to the community about the color of the building what kind of art they might like to see on the building um what are some of the amenities that they'd like to see in the little Park area there right now there are I think there's a picnic table and a bench or two um so we kind of had some boards and I'll show you what that looked like did you take down my huh so this uh I don't know how to make that a full so this is what I showed them I was there at the uh engagement meeting represent presenting art in public places and we showed them the mediums that we felt would work on the building so the mediums that we showed them were Mosaic um we can put that on we can do a mural um the ceramic relief like the one at Stewart Beach and then there's some clay relief uh work that's up on the wall in uh hul Library so those were the things that we thought would be able to go on the building um then we could put a call out to local artists to look at doing that as you can see Mosaic was the big winner so it seems the community would like to have a mosaic or the majority of the folks that were there would like to have a mosaic so I would suggest that perhaps we put out um a call to artists to do that and use some art and public places funding the little twist to this which is a good one is that this is a building that is being uh built by the county which means we get a little piece of that so we'll get our 1% however our 1% I don't know would cover it and we don't get anything until it goes out to bid because we won't know so what this what our ordinance says is that anything the county builds vertical that's not on the airport or um funded by bomb bonds we get 1% minus the first $5,000 I don't know why it says that it's kind of crazy so let's say the building costs $500,000 we would get 1% of $495,000 so um you can see that that's not a heck of a lot of money so so maybe we'll get five grand maybe we'll get four grand whatever it is I suggested that we do a not to exceed um just to move the project forward of 15 I don't think it would probably cost that but just so that we had um some idea when we did our call to artists so saying a not to exceed a 15,000 from us would at least let us kick off the project and I could start working on the call and um seeing what we get back I also had our what did I do with that now um our budget so that you could see so here's our Capital Construction budget that uh you guys approved for fy4 and you can see we kept our roundabout money this is where we are we put aside money is you recall for um the hob Sound Library we took it out of the murals because there will be a mural there including those Library Ben the book benches um but we still have a pretty healthy balance so we could do a not to exceed if you guys wanted to I mean and again up to you whatever motion you'd like to bring uh to add to doing this project and I know assuming you want to do the project I know pelo is emphasizing sewers but uh was there any discussion of them using Tiff funding to um there was not I have not brought it to their um NAC I I don't know that the project is really big enough yeah yeah and when is this building supposed to be built because it is it even going to be built this year it is yeah yeah yeah is this if I remember right is this next to Pirates Cove right in that little yes angle there yeah it seems reasonable to me I just you know I had a lot of people to come to me with concerns Susan so if you could just clarify um TR thank you because you've definitely G you gave us the presentation at the NAC meeting as well but um how was the site chosen I'm not a Boer so I I really have to listen to other people regarding this the site meaning the building site and I guess there's 30 some odd boats near sandsprit and they were wondering why the site to build wasn't an option over there um as opposed to where we have it currently drafted so some of the reasoning um and again I know everybody hates to hear this but it's not a CRA project so I'm I'm G to tell you what I do know but again this project was decided by public works and Parks well I don't even think parks and the board of County Commissioners um part of it is that you want to have something close enough to the Moors and I believe there's 42 buoys out there or Moors out there I'm not exactly sure what you call them um and they also Waring there you go and they also um built a dingy dock that will address the needs of those boers to come in to Shore and and then come to the facility as well um there was the hope that a private company would be doing that that did not come to fruition there was no contract signed um although they they put it out for proposal we had only one um person who responded one company who responded wanted that didn't work out so they had to go to plan B which is find a site to build it the county had to build it themselves it's a apparently a a requirement via statute to have a moing field you must have an Upland facility um and they did not feel that there was any other place I guess that fit the bill as this one did that's why it's there that's really pretty much what I know um the building is built on a lot of RightWay so the park is certainly a piece of it and is certainly affected but not as affected not affected as much as you might think because we did take ride of way to to put part of the building on so what was roadway will now be part of that building so it wasn't all the park and we're going to do our best I mean as the CRA it wasn't optimal certainly um but it's that's where it's going and that's what the board decided so we're trying to mitigate whatever we can by making the building look nice by putting art on the building um getting art in public places involved and putting in some new amenities in the park itself so I think there was a picnic table out there it's probably pretty ratty you know we'll buy a new one we'll we'll do things that will make the place place look a little better that's the best we can do thank you I I mean I guess that's where the the concern was is that there were more boats near sandsprit not as many near where this was but I don't I don't know Jamie to be honest with you I'm not that conversant with sandsprit and what's there and the distances and how that works and who uses what I I I'm I'm in the same boat as you yeah um intend but even though it's not you know a project that the CRA necessarily you know NAC or C would be involved in because it is within the boundaries I think I get it and and we bring as much information as we can but at a CRA meeting we generally try to do CRA business right that's my mission so I I'm happy to bring information when I can bring it and that's what we do but we also give uh the public the information of who to go to to get further details that's the key I think okay Susan from what I'm understanding this is not a project from our CRA money like no no the C isn't funding this C is not doing anything for it is public art public art and the C did two different things yes well that's because a lot of times they keep mixing them up we have our own fundings for public art well the the in this case uh it probably will just be art and public places doing this particular project but you know I mean I think even in Sera you can see the lovely partnership that the CRA and art in public places can have um we we've done it in Rio uh we've done it in in Sno pretty successfully um so I think that does work when it's appropriate you know it's it's a nice way to go so being a boater and looking at a map maybe maybe you can educate us sandsprit is a way off from the two main moing fields in the manate pocket and this is sort of not quite in the middle but close to the middle of the two main moing fields in the manatee pocket and I've seen that myself by boating down through there so I think it's with the on land it's a good place to put it as far as I know as far as between the two Fields but anyhow so I guess we need to so what I'm looking for for from you is a motion that says yes you would like to do the project and that you would approve of a not to exceed 15,000 until we get better numbers and this way we can kind of start um the project moving forward so move I like the idea that's for the artwork correct did I get a second I'll second that okay all in favor I passed thank you very much I think it'll be a great project it's going yeah I I mean I think it'd be great addition to our inventory you know hopefully we can um entice a local artist to do it knew someone who worked in mosaics if only yeah a lot of the projects in Rio have been or mosaic yeah yeah gee who Could That Be anyway you know to me the way this is designed I think it will add to Salerno community in the area it's in as far as the way it looks I think we're going to get a nice a nice looking product out of it um you know whether that that fits into the everything else that's going on I guess that that will be uh we'll see how that works so we're we're just trying to do the best we can for the neighborhood it's all we can do when is Golden Gate next when is what Golden Gate when is when is what we don't have no art so move it get something well once we get a trail oh that's speaking of the art the sign and you you guys put a lot of flow in front of it and nobody sees the year where you know the Golden Gate was established so that covered is any way they could shave that area let it it's not completely finished so I'll bring that up to Carly yeah because it seemed like those plants cover everything deceive the purpose why we did it well they you can see your name now what it was more than a name I mean no no no I get it I get it I I will absolutely bring that up to her sure yeah so I might need as chairman some um uh training because rich brought it up that I didn't have the amendment approved from uh last time not you me he needs to go back to training okay he's on time but everything else is just going downhill I don't know Rex I have any discussion about last uh meeting's minutes move last meeting it's this yeah oh Oh you mean okay yeah we need to approve them yeah so I can sign them well this why I mention it so you can sign them don't move minut it's not okay I can't vote all in favor okay I'm going sign it sorry about that um moving on to Old business request for qualifications art for R so the last meeting uh that we had we talked about how we're going to um move forward on the r roundabouts how to set up the project this is probably the well it it is for sure the largest art project that we will have undertaken um up to this moment so we wanted to be sure that we were doing it correctly we did get advice from um folks in the community uh that know a lot about this we decided at the last minute at the last meeting that we would go with the request for qualifications and what that means is that that RFQ will go out we will hopefully get lots of proposals um and then we will have a committee that looks at all of those and we'll select three finalists at that point those three finalists will get us stipended to bring us back their designs uh and they will come in person to present that to us um hopefully we'll you know we'll probably have um them make models or we can figure that out at the time that those three would be selected we would give them another set of like request for proposal what we're looking for them to bring back to us and then that committee again would choose choose um the winner so it's it's a a little bit of a process I think it's a really good way to do this it's a lot of money and I think we're going to get but I think it's completely appropriate for the location and for the work that we're asking for I mean this is big this is going to be big these are two roundabouts brand new in an area that is seeing some serious Redevelopment happening so I think if we want to really and truly put Rio on the map um which I think all of this will do uh pretty pretty easily um that this is what we'll go to and I and I have questions and I I know that Nancy Turell is in the um in the house today to kind of help us maybe answer some of those questions I had questions um I did send this to the developer so he's looking at it as well because one of the things that I need from them would be I suggested a timeline I need to find out from them what's really the timeline that they're going to think they're going to be constructing um I also needed to get from them you know if the folks come back with hey we need uh access to water or access to electric or you know those things need to be built into the do you know the engineering like all the engineer part of it I need them to come back with some information we probably have to supply plans actual plans to uh with the RFQ to go out to the artists and the teams that uh May respond so those are the types of things that I'm going to wait for from them um I wanted some feedback from you in terms of the overview that I wrote which is what I got from talking to people and I Know Rich you were part of a committee we put together to talk about it um I've talked about it with artists and with staff and community members um those were the types of things that we came up with it's fairly open which I kind of like because I think we could get some interesting ideas and and you know we are looking to the creative Community to give us those ideas I certainly don't have them um or I would not be sitting here so this is the information that I'm giving out again I'm looking for uh you guys to give me some feedback I suggest that we do a nationwide call on this I did talk a little bit to Nancy about the the fact that we're going to have to up our game a little bit in terms of we probably need to use some kind of a platform that um larger art projects do it's so it's something that we would put it's a it's a computer platform you would put out the RFQ and the RFP on this and then that's how people respond to you and I would ask Nancy if maybe she could talk a little bit more about that um the other thing I would ask from Nancy is if you had Nance any other um guidelines for us I I know you've looked at this but anything else that you are looking at that that maybe we can change or make better in our RFQ um that would be helpful as well so again my timeline was just my timeline that doesn't mean it's going to go out when this timeline says it will because I want to make sure that it really is the best that we can make it did you want to look at it I got you got it what can't you try the local ARS first we have really Sadia this is a $500,000 project we are going out we are going out we cannot we can't make another with this that's exactly what I'm afraid of and but you can't limit your Nancy no I agree executive director of Martin arts for the record um but you also can't limit yourself I mean I would like nothing better than a local Regional I think is probably your best case scenario Regional artist responds and be the selected Choice which is very possible um would even love to think that you know there were points associated with them being local SL Regional over the a national candidate but um I agree with Rich that was my first thought reading through this was we just can't let the same mistake happen that that happened before um and I think I don't know Susan one of the thoughts that occurred to me after reading this um last week was whether or not there was a small stipend I don't know if some of the uh Americans for the Arts and some of those kind of places where we may want to post these calls there might be some fees associated with those okay small amount of money it's almost marketing yeah we read through I read through a lot of different rfqs and we would have um that money could come out of art in public places to pay those fees but also what I did read in pretty much all of them uh examples that I looked at samples and stuff stuff that's gone out um is that those three finalist would receive say a $1,500 stien each to prepare their proposed and that would include travel expenses or whatever they needed to get here uh stay here talk with the community talk with us talk with the selection committee make their presentation um and that generally seems to be the way these things work yeah and it worked pretty well with our um kaleidoscope out out at Palm City Library so yeah Library yeah we didn't do a we didn't give anyone a stien for that but that was a lot less mhm yeah that was a much much smaller project so yeah um this is half million dollars yeah I mean I I think in general I I I like how you left it open-ended and described it I part of me I don't know if we have a height restriction um by code for artwork also but if we do we I don't know if we should include that um and the second thing I thought maybe could be in there is is identifying um uh the area is also an Economic Opportunity Zone since it's both a CRA and an Economic Opportunity Zone which maybe will trigger creativity or just some who who knows right I totally forgot about that yeah a couple of comments and questions um of course you would want this there's going to be a lot of construction equipment large Trucks and Things bringing things in and you want to make sure that it's not done before it could be damaged by some of that equipment to spend this kind of money and then have somebody come in and cause a problem I mean you have the basic form of it but yeah this would be the last yeah last thing the other is what are going to be the funding uh sources of this so the developer is has promised 150,000 and we're going to use the Roc creative placem for the rest how about where do we come involved we are going to manage and maintain the project so we'll it will come into our inventory and maintenance will then follow art in public places from there on maybe we could ask a developer to throw in a little bit more money I've asked I know you have doesn't mean I'm done asking look for to P for benefit to who's paying for it when he presented to us he said he will pay for it look for that tape maybe you can get him seriously he didn't know he was going to have to that's when it was one roundabout he didn't know he was doing that was way early in the project I know but don't promise something you're not going to fulfill and he did so I may go look for it to myself and get it you that sounds like a plan were you finished I'm finished okay just want to make sure I didn't interrupt you um so when you initially put this out since it's going to be nationally you know presented will they have like a little blurb as to you know the history of Jensen Beach things like that so that they know whether or not they want to take on this project or I have just a small little little brief thing about um uh Martin County so I'm not sure that's not a bad idea that would they would whether or not they'd be interested and then you don't have like this huge influx and you're going through so much and they're not even really giving you what the project should represent it it lends to the character of the project which is what the art should speak to so connect set that right out in the beginning we can do a little history um of Rio I think that that would be a nice addition what I don't want to do is say it has to right just a history just here it is here's the yeah okay we can do that good idea Coastal area yeah so as you can see this is a work in progress yes um I did have another question though excuse me cor um where is the um the artist depiction of the two roundabouts where you have the um red arrows showing roundabouts on Dixie Highway is that part of the project um plan online and I'm one yes so this I took from a PowerPoint that they did okay uh where it showed this was a more recent one where it actually showed the two roundabouts right yeah I've been trying to figure out where that uh Western roundabout is going um for quite some time and I can't figure out where um yeah I can't figure out how far the median continues after that roundabout going west um and whether that because I see another there's two entrances to to the northern Community there's the one at the roundabout and it appears there's another entrance just west of that um and that I so I just didn't know whether that was going to be open or not oh that's not an entrance I don't think so ah okay okay I'll uh I'm not positive but I how about the one in the middle don't think so see I see that one in the middle over here between the two it's not because it goes yeah but I don't think it I don't think it does it doesn't okay I don't think so I think there's a sidewalk in front of that okay yeah that's what it is yeah I mean there's a driveway there now but maybe they're going to build a curb and a sidewalk over it for sure I don't think that they would have an entrance that close to the roundabout yeah I guess it's too close to safe right that makes sense okay thank you so I guess the next step would be um that I would continue to work on this get some response back from uh the developer um do some of the things that you the things that you guys have suggested uh and figure out what might be a better time you know his timeline may be very different from mine U the one that I put down here and these things do take a really long time so I don't want to get behind either um so I guess what we'll do maybe is uh move forward with him see what is going on with them and I I can report back to you um if we don't wait the two months um I might just be able to send you all an email or something just giving you an update to say we'll go over it the next month or whatever whatever I find out yeah how how much notice do you have to give for uh uh an art in public places meeting that's not scheduled ahead of time because I mean theoretically you could just tack it on the end of our next CRA meeting just have one item reasonable couple three four five days okay right and then we could just discuss that as in a new if I have single agenda item before the next uh we could do that yep see how goes along yeah I did yeah that would work in the meantime I can work on the rest of this continue it sounds good I would say trying to emphasize the idea because it did seem like everyone did not want to limit the artist to something that uh had to do with the community or the history of Rio there was a strong urge to make it a real signature art Pro right rather than something that reflects the the area in the community directly and so some emphasis that it's pretty wide open what they do yeah that's what I tried to write yeah I saw that I saw I don't know if there's another way to trying hard to do that I didn't want to box anybody in but yeah okay we'll look at that again look at that again you have anything else no you good on this topic sure all right thank you oh Naomi is next I'm so sorry I miss this the recap of artfest yeah all right Naomi Lopez Community Development specialist I'm here to present the Arts Fest recap for 2024 all right just just I have a few pictures through this PowerPoint but first one here is our team on the left we had Susan corz Joy puera um Jan Cox and myself we had our setup there we had a bunch of goodies merch we had tissues fans that were the fan favorite and we had everybody just flapping it everywhere um and the right just have we have some pictures of um just a setup of the booth too so you can see we had our voting station there that I'll bring up a little bit more later on here looks great so this is just a mural chalk our um just to bring back what we had during our during our uh during the Arts Fest so these are the schools I took some of the pictures of the kids that um did the mural so on the left you have the Indian Middle School on the right we have the stort middle school team so we did have over 566 votes that means we had a lot of people coming by we had a lot of people oh so from our People's Choice our first winner is the Fishbowl our second in the middle is team Jake um and the third we had team SMS so here are some more pictures and I think and then we were invited with the Martin Arts Council to join them for the school board um meeting to give out the giveaway prize is that our People's Choice winners won so we didn't have all the kids win yeah a couple of our winners cuz some of them weren't able to make it out so yeah that was on March 19th and with that does anyone have any questions was a beautiful weekend we met lots of folks we were next to the tourism Booth so that was [Laughter] fun very nice yeah it was good was a good time thank you I guess we move on to the U comment section now anyone from the public like to make any comments did I skip anything I would I have a few comments sorry yes um just a couple of announcements and updates um RI Ripple ribbon cutting I'm getting this back on the record here I know I already told you this but uh Friday 10:00 a.m. at site 2 uh we will be doing that uh we will have our little Pelican celebration Wednesday this Wednesday at 5:30 on the manatee Gateway Bridge right in front of manga restaurant um they really look amazing and it was a lot of fun to watch them being installed it was was a little nerve-wracking but well they weigh 250 lbs each and they were three guys picking them up and I kept doing this and then they bolted them all down and cleaned them all up it was fun um just wanted to let you know that we are uh actively interviewing this weekend next for our uh new art and public places marketing historic preservation person that person will wear many hats um and I think just in time because I know for art in public places anyway we certainly have a ton of things going on one of the things we really would like to see done for next year for our Centennial is a change in the um artwork down at at gazebo Park and that's a very big that's a big thing to and I have an idea on that oh fantastic yeah yay I was going to call you about that it's been on my mind okay good uh we'd really love to get something new in there it's you know those sculptures have been there for a while um and we can relocate uh I think all of those if not at least four of them uh around the county and then put some some new temporary exhibit there that might have a little bit more something to do with uh Martin County Centennial that would be fun uh for us to be able to do that so lots of big things to do so we're uh interviewing and we're hoping to have that new person on board um around April 15th something like that so um hopefully you'll get to meet them the next time that we meet uh and just wanted to tell you that we did not forget about the virtual tour um of the art but I thought uh that it would be probably more meaningful to wait for the new person and they could learn it as well so we we we will get to that we haven't just wanted you to know we haven't forgotten that's it all I did have one more question yes um go Susan I saw I think was probably three to five weeks ago some signs up about an artist's um Studio Tour did you see those around yes and I wonder if it would make sense for us to be partner with them and get both ourselves some publicity and help the artists get publicity and whether is any I don't know Guild is it the yeah so it's the Art Guild here in uh Martin County that does that and I don't know they don't seem to use anybody else I mean I'm I'm not I mean self-sufficient and everything else here I don't know a lot about it tell you the truth yeah so Nancy turle again for the record um the Martin Artisans Guild has been around for about seven or eight years now it's all professional working artists and they have a gallery space in the Har Harbor Bay Plaza in SS point right next to um that swich out yeah down by stringers yeah it's really nice they do I've been there two exhibit or every two months they switch out exhibitions there all member artists and then annually they do the studio tour um and the idea is it's a free being open to the public and you can go into all these different artist Studios throughout the community and see what work is being created here in Martin County a lot of them are painters there's not a lot of artists that are in the guild there's a handful of them that would be potential public artists because most of them are more smallscale um artwork but they're a great group of people um and if you wanted to get on like an agenda they meet monthly and they they use our gallery for their meetings if you wanted to get on their agenda and talk I certainly can help arrange that maybe that's not a bad idea just introduce ourselves make sure they know what we do see if there's any connection point one of them does public art they got someone Eduardo Gomez is one of them he does sculpture you know so and there's a couple other Mosaic artists Mia has been a member so she's part of the I I know I know a lot of the folks that are in it but I just haven't connected with the group in terms of our group their group thing sure yeah just thought thank you that'd be great thank you my pleasure anything else so again I go back any public comments at this time any other comments by the members it's C I'm going to go any last staff comments 504 I'm done okay I'd like to adjourn this meeting thank you all excellent --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'd like to go ahead and call this a meeting to order of the CRA of Martin County and the first thing on the agenda is a pledge of allegiance PL to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Liber and justice for off uh the next thing is to U approval of minutes I just um I don't have a correction I just have an an addition um in the comment section at the end um on Jamie Royal Tailor where it says I don't think people want to hinder any progress on the Innovative Hub project which is true um they just want to be involved and we did get an answer as to how they could do that on the last meeting so thank you great anything else so move and I'll second it all in favor I I okay thank you all next thing um is in any uh comments from the public if you have any comments uh you need to come to the podium state your name face us and you'd have three minutes anyone okay very good we'll go on to presentation a capital project review Susan cor is manager Office of Community Development good afternoon Mr chair and committee and board members uh um we'll go through a few of the projects I'll give you a little update show you a couple of pictures and if you have questions on any that I don't talk about please feel free to ask so we're going to hop right through these which are pretty status quo right to the BIOS swell project and I thought I would show a couple of pictures just to give you a clue what's going on as you can see there's the BIOS swell being constructed on this side of the uh slide and you can see some of the new plants that are going in and here's just another picture of it different view so the project is going along really really well they're completing the planting and um according to Jordan they should be done sometime next month yeah looks nice yeah it's going to look real nice uh Palm City Place and Patio is the next one I wanted to show you so these are some interesting uh drone pictures that our contractor takes maybe every month and then sends some to us and and they really give you an excellent Viewpoint of what's happening there the project is moving along if anyone's been driving up and down map road you have now seen the Pavilion and all of its Glory which is way higher than the fence so it's one of the things you actually can see but this is the back of the property and I just thought it was a really nice photo of the completed Pier with benches and this is a shot of the patio and there you can see the Pavilion right here um we've got some uh pingpong tables over on this side you can see the trees are in the pavers are going in um the fountain guy was there recently so the fountain is going in very exciting this really gives you a good view of what's Happening behind the fence and this is just a view um to give you a feel of the whole thing and and how the whole thing kind of goes together you can see the whole pathway that's been built the pier coming all around the patio the fountain will go here and this is map road here fire station this is great thank you is it amazing yeah it's been it's been really fun watching it I don't know that Jordan agrees 100% with that but since he's the guy in the mud over there I just get to see the pretty pictures which is kind of fun only took thousand it is exciting um and the only other uh updates I have for you capital project wise is that we will have our Ripple ribbon cutting uh this Friday at 10:00 a.m. um at site 2 so I'm hoping that you'll all be able to make it we're going to have [Music] [Laughter] a we'll have a few speeches chair oh turn can you turn that one off Rex all I do is press the light yeah there's no button on these now huh who controls it we're fixing it right now okay so we'll have a couple of speeches and then um we have a uh little art project that we're actually going to do that day which is make what Lucy kar's our artist calls native impressions which is a clay a type of thing that you do with um a native plant and the best part about it is you get to make one to bring home and then you get to make one that will actually be a permanent part of the Ripple project so she'll place them along uh on all four of the uh of the sites so that'll be Friday it's um site two the G the the structure there um the art panels are in and they're awesome site two and site three now have the ceilings of both structures are done so it's something to say and that's all for capital projects for me unless anybody has any other question yes Susan yes why is the people who's doing the the streets they're not working I I didn't know that they weren't and I can certainly ask capital projects yeah they seem like they just did the Golden Gate Avenue they didn't finish it and stopped yeah I don't know why the project is halted but I can find out and email you that's helpful okay Susan yeah just wanted to announce about Wednesday March this evening uh on Wednesday 5:30 sure is that the pelican that is Pelicans they have landed if you live in Port solo you already know [Laughter] that so at 5:30 Wednesday right there on the manatee Gateway Bridge um we're just going to have a little Pelican celebration um you'll get to meet the artists hear a little bit about the project and uh you can go home with your own Pelican souvenir they cute so that's from 5:30 to 6:30 anything else okay thank you moving on the um Urban Tree canopy Martin County was quick I got pens and pencils can you introduce yourself I will introduce myself just a second okay there this one on afterno well we just had it turned off I'm teasing no well it's on I think it's on good afternoon chair and board members my name is Todd Warren I am the urban uh forestry manager here in Martin County I work out of Public Works field oper ations near the airport and I'm going to talk to you today just briefly about uh the Urban Tree canopy and we have a grant that we are awarded for H sound um this presentation is part of that requirement for the grant that we discussed the Urban Tree canopy and a few of the benefits and uh some tree care and that sort of thing part of the of the requirement is to do a survey so I just Naomi is handing out a survey and I'm glad I have a copy here because I handed her all my survey so one of the things I'm going to ask for the audience to do is I will go through the survey with you and if you don't have a Pender a pencil I can give you one it's going to be a really quick 10 question survey anybody need a pencil or anything yeah mine's not working okay I think my lead's ready to get out thank you everybody else was prepared wow that's amazing I brought 20 that nobody would bring that's shocking it took me 10 minutes to sharpen all these too I wish somebody would take appreciate the effort yeah well we do Todd we do do you appreciate the effort all right let me can I help you with something oh yes perfect thank you I just want to make sure I read the right survey because we had two different we give some to the board members yeah how many that is well today we only have one two three four okay all right so we're going to take a quick survey and the idea is to evaluate your attitudes towards the importance uh you place on Martin counties Urban Tree canopy the survey is a requirement of the tree Grant like I uh mentioned and it should only take a couple minutes to complete so I'll read through these just to kind of help facilitate um so the Urban Tree canopy UTC is a leafy green overhead cover from trees that uh Community groups residents local governments maintain in the landscape for beauty shade fruit production wildlife habitat energy conservation storm water mitigation and a host of Public Health and educational benefits that's uh from the US Forest Service so the following questions will uh be about your attitude towards Martin County's uh UTC other Urban Tree canopy otherwise called UTC so our first question is how much monetary value does the Urban Tree canop add to your property so one being hardly any value and five being the most just go and circle CC for me you don't have to put your name on these or anything it's synonymous uh how much shade does the Urban Tree canopy provide your home one being basically none and five being a lot of shade in your opinion how much of a positive impact does the Urban Tree canopy have on storm water attenuation one being basically no impact and fine being the most next question is generally how much carbon capture does the urban tree canopy currently contribute so how much carbon does Urban Tre canopy sequester no IDE one being very little five being most there's a typo there uh when was the last time you planted a tree on a property in Martin County and you can see the different years there then we'll flip over on the other side and the following questions will be about the importance you place on attributes uh for Martin County's Urban Tree canopy first question is how important is the Urban Tree canopy to be valued as an asset one being not important at all and five being the most how important is the Urban Tree canopy to shade your home one being not at all and five being the most important how important is it for the Urban Tree canopy to have an impact on storm water attenuation one being none five being the most important how important is it for the urban tree canopy to be enhanced for carbon capture purposes the following question will be about how you feel towards the protection of our Urban Tree canopy how important is it to protect our Urban Tree canopy one being it's not very important and five being the most then just one last quick question is overall what would you like to learn from this presentation Tree Care tree impacts or project information the grant project and we will collect those if you will help me do that so I don't forget to do that me do it didn't me do it okay so now that we got that done so I can go through just a quick presentation so what is an urban Forest so an urban Forest is essentially the vegetation found in and around human development so all the things you would normally consider in an urban setting Parks industrial Landscapes Residential Properties Wetlands riparian corridors uh Coastal ecosystems Greenways and nature preserves so this is kind of an overview map um and I forget the source of this one but this is essentially just kind of a generic map of uh the tree canopy coverage in in uh the State of Florida or in the 18 to 34% range uh you can see Port St Lucy is about almost 30% Martin County wasn't or Stewart wasn't in here so the closest we could find was Port St luy thank you Miami day being about 25% um one of the main benefits an urban Forest is air pollution removal and in Florida per annual 600 tons of air pollution is removed um and that equates to about $65 million in healthcare cost um storm water attenuation of storm water um runoff capture approximately 50 billion gallons of storm water per year in the State of Florida which is about 75,000 Olympic sit swimming pools um and carbon sequestration and storage is basically just capturing carbon out of the atmosphere which is a greenhouse gas as you probably know um approximately 65 million tons um of CO2 is removed from the air and that's equivalent to about 15 Coal Fired plants uh pollution in one year 6.8 million homes energy for one year or 6.7 billion gallons of gasoline consumed so this this slide here is just to remind me or show you kind of essentially what an urban tree map would look like um this is not from our County but it's just a kind of a generic thing and I'll mention that the board graciously approved um some monies this year to do a tree canopy evaluation we're going to focus on the urban Services District boundary and the secondary primary and secondary uh to get an idea of where our trees are where maybe uh those tree Necessities are um so right now we're kind of we anecdotally know where our treq anti be is but it would be good to have it on a map a GIS map and then we can actually do some analysis and and make some better planning choices when it comes to installation of trees um so the a little bit about the grant so the department of a and consumer services Urban and Community forestry grant that is a mouthful uh provides money for tree planting efforts um we applied for a planting um project within a 2m radius of Hope Sound element Tre uh the count is going to install approximately 120 shade trees we just got the bids back uh this last week and they came in of course that you would expect a little higher than um we thought so we probably will get a few less trees than that uh unless we can come up with our own Monies to uh to bolster that a little bit the idea is to enhance the walkability for neighborhood residents and school aged children uh commissioner Jenkins matched the grant with $50,000 so we have $100,000 to plant trees these trees along the bottom uh just kind of give you an idea of what we're planting we're going to do slash pine Live Oak Gumbo Limbo some trees that maybe you're not real familiar with are Satin Leaf and Spanish Stopper those are trees that have a nice canopy but they tend to be a little bit lower so if we have potentially you know an overhead power line or some light situation we we have some options to uh put some smaller trees in um so here's a map hopes down Elementary is kind of at the base of where that yellow 2 m radius line is um those are the travel routes basically to and from hopes down Elementary uh we're going to plant where the tree coverage is sparse obviously and those areas where power lines and underground utilities don't conflict with the trees uh roots and uh branches um so ignore this slide this I give this presentation to high school students or elementary students and we say we need more industry professionals this is where we kind of sing our praises and recruit recruit this is our recruiting slide yeah so we talk about that so Carly was going to be here and give this presentation she's our County horticulturist but unfortunately could not be here so you guys get me and I'm the urban forer manager like I mentioned so um I basically specialize in the care of management of the populations uh of the Urban Tree populations uh I am a certified Arborist and under that arborist certification there's a ton of different qualif qualifications you can get um my tree risk assessment and prescriptive pruning and all this fancy stuff you can spend your whole life getting certifications um so part of the grant requires us to give us a little um background on basic Tree Care like planting trees in the right place um right in the right trees in the right place I guess just it say um and the reason you do that is to reduce maintenance essentially pardon me you could put pretty much any tree anywhere and make it work but it would take a lot of effort so you could put a wetland Tree in an Upland you just have to water it every day all day long why would you want to do that right it's kind of the same thing like put native trees in the correct location and it reduces your maintenance cost it's kind of seems like a no-brainer but we don't do that an awful lot we try to force ornamentals in places that don't you know it takes a lot of effort and pests pressure and soil pressure and nutrient pressure um so basically what we do is we ter determine the site conditions and the climate the maximum size the growth rate of the particular tree do we want something that's evergreen or deciduous flowering the shape and then the quality of the tree the hardiness of it um essentially what do you want for the tree aesthetically do you want the tree to look like a particular way a cone or or big round balloon um environmentally what conditions uh does the tree need to grow in so pretty much in Florida you can plant a tree any time of the year uh the idea is to dig it twice the root ball diameter so you have a big nice open area to to plant a tree um it's very important that we don't plant trees too deep we see this all the time uh people think oh there's Roots right at the surface we got to get those covered up but that's not really true they need to be able to breathe so um always want to mention that uh thoroughly water while planting so you don't have air pockets um and you want to form the saucer like Basin um as you can see in this picture with the blue arrow you can kind of see it looks like a little bit of a saucer with a uh a curb is around it um and then you want to mulch about 3 to 4 in deep but not over the root ball and then if it's a Tall Tree you want to stake it I don't know how well you can see this picture probably not very well uh on there looks great up here yeah um I won't get into this because it's it's really hard to see but it's it's essentially what I just said how you plant it how big the the hole needs to be um and I could you know get into a lot of details but you guys can't see it that well so I will skip through that so just basically Tree Care establishment or how long a tree a particular size takes to establish a 2-in caliber tree um you you want to plan for daily irrigation for about two months and then about three times per week for three months and then weekly until it's established a larger tree as you can imagine takes a little more water so daily for 3 months versus uh two months on the smaller tree then three times per week week for about four to five months and then weekly after that and then anything larger than a 4 in um daily for four to five months three times per week uh for five to seven months and then weekly and this is this is something I can spend all day talking about because we we have a lot of of of poor tree pruning examples in Martin County both on residential and in our rights of way um we have not been the best but we are getting better and I think the board um has recognized this by you know putting forth the effort to hire an urban Forester an horticulturist and horiculture technician um there's there's I think they've seen that um this is where I think Martin County should be going proper Tree Care uh increasing our Urban canopy so again I'm not sure you guys you can see this one okay if you look right where it says thinning the canopy straight down the middle there where it says start here that's where you start so if you go to the left that's proper improp proper pruning if you go to the right that's proper pruning the idea is and we see this all the time um something called horse whipping or Lion's tailing where at the top left Picture People trim out all the branches and all the small leav branches in from the trunk and just leave the outside that's a it's a bad idea because it gets the weight on the outside of the trees way out at the ends right you can actually sunburn the inside of the trees um it's just not good um proper pruning for like I said I could talk about it all day but I have to stop myself there so the top right is a little bit better A lot better actually um there's plenty of air and light that can move through it the tree has the ability to sway in the breeze um the weight isn't all on the ends um and at the bottom you can see the left and the right pictures um what horse whipping or lines tailing looks like on the on the bottom left um and a good proper pruning good structure on the bottom right and then over on the right hand side underneath you know prune trees for proper structure young trees annually uh and mature trees every 3 to 5 years that may be a little uh optimistic in a government stat situation because we have a lot of trees to maintain but I think it might be obvious it may not be obvious to some people but the good structure trees on the left hand side and the poor structur trees on the right and what a lot of times what happens is we'll have trees uh installed that perhaps a project manager isn't a landscape architect or isn't an urban tree Urban Forester and they see a tree and they say looks good it's it's the Halls it needs to be but there's a lot that goes into a proper tree or an acceptable tree so the tree on the left i' take all day long the tree on the right we have a lot of those that were installed and that would take a long time to fix that tree um in fact we have to remove trees because this is structurally unstable all those branches if you notice are coming out from basically the same spot um that's that's not a very good Urban Tree uh it's it's weak and and really doesn't have great structure it I could fix that tree but it would take years and years and years so why why accept a tree like that I guess is my point um where are we now and I am on my last slide so here's some resources if you're interested in tree care or Urban Tree uh canopies you can U take a screenshot of this or just shoot it with your phone but that's all I have right now so I appreciate everybody doing your surveys and the board for for humoring me up here and checking some boxes on my grant that I need to that I need to check so if you have any questions I'm happy to to answer any right now any questions I guess I have a could you just tell us a little bit about the Hope Sound project yeah just essentially we're going to be planting those trees that I mentioned along Gomez um we were going to try to get some out Bridge Road uh that way I think we're going to get some out that way but primarily it's going to be uh Gomez Avenue within two two miles radius around the sidewalk so we end up with a tree canopy it it's going to take a while to get there because we don't have a ton of money to put huge trees in so it's a kind of a longterm uh goal baby steps I just have are you finished yes thank you I think it's a great project I think we need to expand this you know to many places but um I'm in the portelo area of course our priority right now is sewer but I'd love to see this come up we do actually have monies the board also approved um tree replacement monies so you're going to see a project that happens down Dixie actually in every CRA there's going to be uh a certain percentage of monies allocated for tree installations or tree Replacements a lot of times accidents will happen a tree will die for whatever reason we don't have the money to replace those so we do have money now um a continuing source of money for that we're going to start removing some category one invasive trees um so we're going to have to do a little bit Outreach because you're going to see some trees disappear and some get replanted yeah just let us know yeah definitely we're going to definitely let you know I've been talking to Joy well yeah and joy I do have to give a shout out to Joy she she definitely was helpful because the biggest concern that I had was the maintenance yes cuz we were losing a lot because we're not maintaining them well so right okay and that leads me to a question so if if um any of the neighborhood advisory committees wanted to uh increase the tree canopy or use part of their budget for trees uh do you have the ability to maintain them and make sure they get water so if we buy the trees you guys can plant them and water them it should any of the neighborhood advisory committees want to do that I would love to say absolutely yes of course I'd have to take a look at it but my inclination is yes we can handle that if we put the right trees in the right place and a lot of times there's already irrigation there that just takes a little retro it or not we'll just put tree bags on them so yeah I think that's something we can absorb tree maintenance is not terribly expensive if you do it right and you do it right from the beginning what happens it gets really expensive if you just plant a tree and walk away for years and then you got to come back and start to structurally rehab the tree and do a lot of pruning so it's a little incremental amount that if we invest and do it properly up front it's it'll it'll definitely pay off and not be a big bulk at you know five or 10 or 15 years into it sure if you guys want to give money absolutely we'll take it for trees i' say that well that's what I heard you kind of did yeah I kind of heard that's what I heard I don't know but but just to add we we've done a lot of um partnership stuff with uh field Ops and and Carly and Todd and and it always works out really well so I mean it seems like most of happy to continue that partnership yeah yeah yeah absolutely very good thanks for the presentation thanks for the time thank you Todd next one is hey no problem seems like every week or every meeting we're having a investment program application which is great good means the areas are being brought up so yeah people are really really interested the the response has been amazing and just actually before you get started did is that because we're shaking the trees and trying to see who is interested in doing projects or they're actually hearing about the program and they're coming to us to be honest Rich we haven't even done the Outreach that we had planned yet this is just Word of Mouth the fact that we've gone to all the nac's and and and introduce the program and people are just responding left and right yeah yeah but we do also plan to go out and do a a little bit of a push as well yeah yeah okay can you hear me yes pull that over to you yeah you all right Naomi Lopez with the Community Development I'm here to present the SI investment program for applicant number 010 so here we have a business over overview of the applicant we have Lulu who's here with us if you have any other questions at the end I'll bring her over um she's here for the property Improvement app program she's located in the Jenson Beach CRA right next to the Jensen Beach Community Center so that's 1930 Northeast Jensen Beach Boulevard um the business and the business overview of she what she has on property is a dental office on the second floor she has an apartment so this is the frontage of that here's a aerial view so you can see where that red arrows is the property right next to it right here is the Jensen Beach Community Center and that's jensa Beach Boulevard and right in front of okay so what she's looking to propose is to paint the main body of the building what she has done in the past is replace the front porch deck and post what she's looking to do in the future is to do some Landscaping so she's done something before this is something in the middle and what she's looking to do in the future is some landscape work so this is just a piece of the big picture so here's a current condition of that building um it's looks a little outdated so we got some front views some side views she is right in the hot spot of the the Jenza Beach Boulevard so here are some pictures of the jam jam and Jensen I think that's what it's called jam and Jensen and so she's looking to get it a little shushed up so she's not left behind so these are the proposed concept paint colors that she's looking into some additional information she's been operating there for over 20 years she's part of the G Beach c um like I said she's done some previous work um she has future work coming up and she these improvements will positively affect the streetcape along jensa Beach Boulevard so this is the proposed project cost an overview of it the total proposed amount is 9,500 as part of the property Improvement program uh the investment program will contribute 80% up to 20,000 so that leaves 7,600 for the investment program and the business owner contribution would be 1,900 she this is the program type that follows for property Improvement um in red you can see that's where she qualifies for exterior paint painting Soo or sighting she is in the Target area um Jensen Beach is would be all properties in the Jensen Beach Series so she qualifies this is just the program selection criteria and do you have any questions for me or our applicant Lulu do we know how many square feet the building is I'll give Lulu do you want to let's bring Lulu up yeah we'll bring Lulu up right here and just state your name for the record hi Linda Kian uh the square footage downstairs is about, 1300 and the apartment upstairs is about 800 square ft and the colors that you have here I love them how how do you how do you go about choosing it like are these what well I want to do the light lavender on the body of the house the deck and the porch boards would all be the dark blue the Second Story there's a small if you look at the front view of the house there's a smaller uh upper story I'd like for the yeah the the portion with the window up at the top to be the darker purple and all the little trims and gingerbread and all that in the yellows and dark purples I haven't decided completely which colors go where but that's where I'm leaning okay oh they're pretty thank you really nice I want it to be a showstopper because people already talk about the building and take pictures and I would love for them to walk by and and just be wowed I want it to be the place on Jensen Beach Boulevard that people say you know that house with all the wonderful colors so um definitely is a unique building yeah yeah it's 1908 it goes back aways and it's a beautiful little girl she just needs some lipstick a New Dress yeah any other questions that it thank you thank you um first I'd like to say neomi this was a great presentation I enjoyed reading it at home um and I'd also like to move chair that we accept this proposal astion a second that a second all in favor I I all right thank you fantastic thanks na get into an exciting presentation and very exciting uh Susan cores and I am going to present the draft of our 2023 annual report um I'm going to go through it uh Page by page but it will go fairly quickly um but up front I will say that we were looking at as you know we kind of look at a theme each year or or some way to organize uh the report so that it's easy to read and gives as much information as we can and uh this year we were really interested in looking at the private investment uh that's been or is being made in all of the CRA areas and I think it's important to do that now and then especially since it's been you know 20 years and it's happening so it might be fun to point that out and I think it's um also encouraging for the community to see that we are looking at that and celebrating that so we're calling this one open for business and I'm going to try to get this on here so that we can okay so we have our usual uh first few pages which are our mission our vision uh we have a very nice letter um kind of a message from Miss Mr redling and in that message he does talk about the private investment and what does that mean and how did that come about so he he kind of goes through since 2017 what's happened in the CRA areas that has kind of kicked this off and made it uh really apparent that it's going on and there's a staff picture with our names and our vision our mission and our values and then we talk a little bit about what we do so how how is a CRA formed those types of that type of information um how we do what we do and we do that through the NAC and the CRA board and the uh Board of County Commissioners and through our community redevelopment plans and then we say thank you to all of our NAC members and list them as an integral part of our team and this is where we do it so we kind of give a little overview to anybody who may not be as familiar with Martin County um where our CRA areas are and what they look like this page will be pictures or it will be something else depending on how the pages fall out by the end and and our design person will will probably make that decision so this year a little bit different than we've been doing in past years uh we've gone back to organizing it by CRA so each double page that comes along will be one CRA area and we've also done a couple of different things uh we have hired a photographer this year so there's some of the pictures in here will be changed out we just got a whole batch of new ones from them uh this morning so some of them in here are the new pictures and some of them will be the new pictures so there will be differences uh that you will see in the final product of pictures more than likely and the way we've organized it is we have come upon each crra area and the picture of each you'll see will be changed out for some of them but we're going to use a sign that is a sign in the neighborhood for each sort of um picture of that CRA we give some Vital Statistics over here I like to say little description and then the way we organize the pages is by CRA project and private investment project so we are showing what we're doing and what the community is doing and then for each one and I didn't have this one ready yet for each one will have a quote and that quote will be from either a private property owner who's building uh someone who's invested in the community in a residential way a commercial way our partner that we work with so that we really do bring in uh lots of the community you can see in Hope Sound there will be more pictures of the wind Dixie because they have just done a superb job and and we've you know we looked at that we've looked at that uh shopping center for so many years and thought oh well when we do Bridge Road you know and it really happened they really did spend a ton of money fixing up everything they've got all kinds of new businesses in there it's very exciting and here's a couple of our projects and our new project sound Brewing we have a quote from Mr Withers who's the property owner and developer of that project and that's going to be very exciting that is being built as we speak Jensen same thing Vital Statistics sign uh Jensen does not have a larger CRA project happening now so what I did was talked about the CRA projects that have happened to bring us to this point but the private investment in Jensen is over the top so we really focused on that lots of new businesses um here here and riverlite being the residential and we got a a really nice quote from um part of the the Jensen Beach Tech Center Center Old Palm City this will be replaced uh these pictures will probably be replaced lots of private investment going on there after map road was complete so you can see a couple of those things happening and a very nice quote from our very own Dr Rex sentel who talked a little bit about private investment and uh is a person who knows all about that firsthand in Old Palm City uh Port Sala we will have the sign picture here uh they have also got CRA projects going on and they also have uh private investment happening and we've got a quote from our uh commercial fishing dock Authority Rio has here's their sign looks great and this one is a little bit different um and I think that some of the pictures here might change I I want these to be a little bit bigger uh and that is because the quote that we have is from Ed and Julie priest and the difference between the priests and some of our others is that they are the residential builders and it it's a you know they have an interesting story they've been there a long long time and uh really are people who have put their Redevelopment money where their Redevelopment mouths are you know they've been huge supporters for many years and not just support in terms of supporting the C's Mission but they actually are building homes um so that's kind of a fun thing a new restaurant new businesses really and then we talked a little bit about new programs in the C we had two in 2023 uh spark was brought about or I should say kind of reinvented if you will in 2023 and the investment program as well so we talk a little bit about those programs and what the response from the community has been I think these boxes will probably change um and come down in the investment area a little bit and just pointing it out uh you can see where our total reinvestment dollars that the CRA has spent is 7571 in 2023 and the total private investment for those projects is 69591 um it's pretty close and I would say my prediction will be that as the years go on that those numbers will start reversing and you'll see the private investment uh dollars hopefully increase Ing and that will have something to do with the the folks that we'll uh be marketing to uh that's generally how that happened so I just thought that that was an interesting to see that we're almost we're almost even there then we just have a little fun stuff community business and talked about uh what we're doing in the community our community cares program um things that staff have done things that we're out there kind of doing with everybody else and then we go into our finances these are things that are um required by Statute most of the stuff in here is required by Statute to be in here but these Pages especially so this I always found to be a really interesting table it tells you your base year and it tells you what our taxable value was in that year and then what our taxable value is in the year where reporting on and what percentage increase that is and you can see some of those are large this was our total budget for 2023 and here's our expenditures some of these pictures will probably change when we find when we get our new ones and then we're also statutorily required to talk about what projects were started in 23 and which were completed and what the budgets and the total cost on those were and that is the end we'll have a a CO you know a back cover page which I don't think will is designed yet so we have until um the 30th of the month or actually the 31st 31st um to have this on the website and then as soon as we get our new financials those will go on the website as well right now we we have a link to what we have now and we're just waiting on uh the new ones to be completed and then those will go on the website as well so we're going to this is uh just about done but a little bit still of work in progress we're going to change out the pictures and just um add a couple of things that we were missing and uh it will go on the website on the 31st so I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you have any um additions deletions considerations question yes are we going to have the print of course yes that is very helpful yeah and people like to see that you know something tangible yeah I do like the highlighting of the private investment I think that's great yeah you know we could have really probably added another five or 10 pages but at some point you really have to yeah yeah that would have been very helpful long time ago but I'm glad is this here yeah I was thinking maybe do we have anywhere in there about the investment program yeah under the new programs okay perfect yeah I think that's that would be a great highlight vot from the first project right Yeah we actually have three quotes there um yeah one from the very first uh project in hob sound and she's doing another one now she's in the middle of it and both of those properties are on Bridge Road and then um from also from Mr Pitman who did property in Jensen and property in Rio when do you say the final copy of this will be it will be on the website on the 31st of by the 31st of March uh but then we'll probably have it printed at the we might have it printed by the April uh CRA meeting you'll have one at your chair did you add because a lot of people think we only spend taxpayers money but we do grants too to help you know the project is any way you could every year we have highlighted the grants that we received we didn't receive any new ones in 2023 so we're still working on the same ones that we had from 21 and 22 I always put that on the financial page absolutely is there something on the financial page that tells the people of the community that we're not increasing their taxes we're just using a part of what they already pay it doesn't actually say that uh wait this way it says where we get our funding from it talks about the taxable value and our expenditures um the statute doesn't ask us to do that but if there's some I mean if there's still a page that we have I mean I could I don't know if it says anything about that I'm not sure if you all have come in contact can't remember think we're increasing their taxes I know a lot of them all the time yes or maybe there's a link you can add on there um I don't think it does say here maybe there's a place we can add um let me think about that Rex because maybe there's a place here that we can add something to that effect yeah wouldn't with a very Layman it might be an opportunity also just even to discuss um to be able to talk about grants even though we didn't get any this year and just talk about where the funding for the CRA come from and it comes from um the increase in the value of property right that that results in uh added property tax revenue and it comes from the hard work you guys put in to get us grants from various organizations and so you kind of yeah we did we had a lot of that if you remember I had that little stamp on each page that said how many grants because we just for some reason yeah now we're overloaded reminding them is good right right doesn't hurt because that's what I'm trying the grants are important but also realizing that the new development in the areas are bringing in more tax money and if businesses pay more so they're actually possibly decreasing the taxes that the people are having to pay that residents I will try to um figure out a nice succinct way of putting that on that page yes tired of hearing accusation spinning somebody else L with that information we could do that um that's a possibility yeah that way you just have a little summary and then yeah if because it's hard to it is hard to to put everything in there and then I think well no one's going to read all that so that might be the give them just a little taste and then yeah yeah that could be the the answer you need a motion for us to approve this I do I'll move and I'll second it okay got a motion in a second all in favor I I pass thank you all thank you a lot of work yeah okay now going to um old business legislative session report uh can we just get to that so I just wanted to give you all um an update of some of the legislation that we talked about earlier in session session is over now um stuff is on the governor's desk and the one bill that affected C was HB 713 um it did have a Senate bill that went along with it both got passed so really what that does for us I is not a heck of a lot it just requires us to um do another report so they they love for us to just do things in different forms and keep sending them the same information in a different form so now by October 1st every year uh we have to do our performance measures so what are our goals and objectives and and how do we measure that um and what are the standards that determine that Etc um it will be a little bit timec consuming but you know we have all the information because we have a community redevelopment plan so our goals and objectives are pretty much stated in our plan and then we have a CIP that you know goes along with that to say how we're fulfilling our goals and objectives um and the performance measures would be you know where the projects are uh in their life done completed not done not so I I will put that together each year for that October 1st deadline um if the governor signs it and I expect he will really no reason why it wouldn't there's a few other things that go along with uh that bill that's the only thing that really affects the CRA so there's other things that affect dependent and independent Special Districts which is what the bill was all about and we are a dependent special district so that's how it affects us the other thing that I wanted you to know is that uh we did get today our legislative update from our coordinator legislative coordinator Sarah P Sarah Powers and she did a fantastic job so I am going to send that to each of you um I think you'll find it really interesting it goes through uh what are the projects that Martin County um looked to get how much appropriation we looked to get what we did get what we didn't get um and things that affect us one of them for example is the live local that went through a little bit of change um it seems to me some of it in our favor some of it maybe not depending on how you look at it but it did give the local government a little bit more um ability to address height uh so if somebody wanted to build affordable housing in a residential neighborhood and there were x amount of uh one story single family residences now we can use a formula so that we don't go above say three stories or something like that they give you a little bit of leeway with that they do talk a little bit about parking I'm not sure that that was so helpful um they reduced parking requirements if the residential uh development was within a half mile of a major Transportation Hub I don't think that affects us we don't have any major transportation hubs really here so I'm not sure that that would affect us greatly I don't think so uh we don't have any Transit oriented development yet in Martin County so we don't need to kind of worry about those uh types of things so that one took that one got a little little bit of a a you know a look again and in the packet that I send you um which does seem it seems really big it's something like 30 pages but it's actually pretty interesting um so I I'll get that out to all of you and if you have any questions that I can answer or uh that if you you'd like me to ask uh Miss Powers we can certainly do that too and that is the update on that any questions or comments on that no okay um moving along we're to comments you have anything else before we get to there um I do not thank you Mr chair okay so right now it's time uh for public comment if anyone has any if you can come forward state your name and you have 3 minutes hello Casey Cass uh also known for my involvement in SOS there's a I've got a couple issues one of them is personal so I'll hedge that up first and Fe February we visited the um one of my cohorts and I visited the Golden Gate NAC uh meeting and we were we saw a presentation by a builder and uh he wasn't required to do it he was given it I know him personally he's actually a friend but at that time he had already cleared his lot and all that material went out on the road and now it's two months later and all that material is still out on the road and I want to remind everybody that part of the CRA besides all its other goals is about quality of life you know and putting all that out for two months in the road harboring rats and everything else is not a great way to prove that you want to do something good for the community understand that that may or may not be in your jurisdiction but if we convey that as a community when people are doing things and and impress upon people that it really is about our quality of life our community's quality of life and uh what we're trying to do in general in Martin County my other one is a question is that would I be able to ask you a question now or do we have to do it later you can ask so I'm trying to understand the process because we've done some reallocating of where we'd like money to go in Port serno uh with the new Monrovia stuff and when people present these uh their goals for for uh improving the area which is part of what the CRA is for does that go before the NEC or is that strictly a staff thing that's a two-part question and the second part of that would be what part of our budget does that come out of so to answer your question clock is running um to answer your question any CRA project is done with CRA dollars by CRA staff so uh as a dependent special district the agency the CRA you know the community redevelopment agency has we have our own budget and that budget covers our projects it covers do I need to stop covers our projects it covers our staff it covers our office B everything so that's coming out of a specific budget not necessarily the funds that we were allocating that's correct the the funds that so there's two things that we have Casey one is an operating budget and one is a capital Improvement program so all of the administrative stuff comes off and everything that's left is our Capital Improvements and that's what you allocate perfect thank you you're welcome thank you for everything you do thank you and I think if I'm correct the first part of that uh statement needs to go qu a code enforcement is that correct I I believe that's probably correct I'm not exactly sure why that happened I have I you know I did call them yeah usually when you clear something you have to take it yeah I don't know why that would have yeah also you know just to follow with that is the county I remember stand up from the the commission and we decide no chickens period in the county right well someone on urst is building cages and have a chickens and all kind of stuff and and they don't only stay on mher believe it or not they come all the way to us and we hear like rooster going on and all kind of stuff so really we got to either send a letter to the property owners and tell them is no chicken and this is not a form so the best that's probably code to the best thing to do and I and I'm going to direct this to uh the audience as well um the best thing to do for example uh Mr Cass saw that out there is put an RFS in because you don't have to wait for a meeting to happen you can actually just go right on the website put in the RFS and it and it happens it goes to code enforcement you know so if you guys do see something and and you feel that you can you know go and do the request for service it's a great it's a great way to get things done well marann called you know Pat and talked to her so it's been working on it but okay good we should set up something that way people get the idea we not the farm if they want to become you know the farmers they can go to the others I mean to the then they have to have a property yeah yeah we'll we'll make sure code knows about that too yeah I don't like chicken anything else uh anyone anyone else from the [Music] public hey Justin hey good afternoon everybody uh my name is Justin I'm just here uh this afternoon to introduce myself and my company to the board here because I'm uh bringing a pretty cutting Ed Cutting Edge business to Martin County um and it has applications in CRA and art and public places and everything so I just wanted to make everyone aware of what I'm doing so we are leveraging concrete 3D printing um for all applications from affordable housing all the way through to Art uh functional art applications whether it's benches or Planters or fountains or public use um items so I've I've already coordinated with multiple people in the uh the County Commission as well as Susan and Mike redling and a couple different folks so I just know I have a couple gaps in um in the awareness and I just wanted to bring the awareness of this technology and especially because we're we're building it right here in Martin County um so hopefully you all be hearing from me in the future but I just wanted to take a moment to come up and say hello and introduce the technology and where are you located so we're back on Jack James um and the commercial district there Y and of course it's an open invitation to anyone who's interested to come to our facility and see how concrete is 3D printed into those items my question Naomi and I'm telling you Naomi and I went it is fascinating yeah it's very cool so that's it thank you very much thank you Justin nice to see you anyone else from the public if not then um we'll move on to uh members any comments yes I already talked about the chickens sorry I inserve myself thank you no that's about it uh I I do have a question um I wanted to find out who do we need to contact to assist in any way we can about grants for the sewer project in Port Sno so that's a utilities project they would be handling that yeah I did send an email over there and just so that you know Jamie they're coming to the um Port Sero NAC so that's a great question for them um because I'm not sure who they you know a doubt it's all the project managers that are are doing or the engineers it it probably is somebody else in the office that looks for those and and you know puts those together because the community is already ready to do whatever they need to do we're going to do letter writing and all of that so great okay great and thank you anybody else one thing I'd like to do is thank the staff for all the time and effort they put into these different areas and all so coming up with their annual reports you know we take our ideas and everything but it's a staff that really conel us them into organized things in our each of our communities so thank you all well said okay next staff um no thank you for being here and attending and that's it it's all I got where is Mr George doing here he had to say something he's emailing he's watching ESPN on his phone gotta pick on me picks on me all the time so okay if there's nothing else I'd like to adjourn this meeting and we'll meet back again 420 420 all right for