##VIDEO ID:wmBL9ambIyA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we have yeah all right well let's call this party to order um welcome to the uh put on September yes I saw her push the button uh September 16th um Mo met to PR and planning organization meeting we'll call that to order we're going to have a Prayer by uh Pastor Jim harp and we're going to remain standing for the pledge of Allegient good morning everyone it's a pleasure to be with you this morning to pray let's uh let's go to the Lord in prayer father I thank you for this opportunity once again this morning uh Lord to come together uh with this uh group of people Lord that you have placed in leadership over our County uh making decisions for the future and Welfare of our County Lord we thank you for them and God we we thank you God that you've told us in your word that we are to pray for those in Authority in fact in 1 Timothy Chapter 2 uh the Apostle Paul says I urge then first of all that request prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for everyone for kings and all those in Authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodness and Holiness this is good and it pleases God our savior and so God we thank you for that and uh Lord I pray as they meet as they uh talk about things plans uh situations before us Lord I pray for wisdom I ask God you give direction uh in light of uh what we've seen happen in our area in the last 24 hours Lord I pray for protection for each one for them for their families Lord for those around them uh Lord we just pray for your grace and your peace and your protection to be on each one and and I do pray for that wisdom Lord that you would grant them according to your word wisdom that uh seeks your direction and your guidance and so God I thank you for all these things this morning pray that this meeting today would just be representative Lord of your presence and uh your purpose and your power in each of their lives and uh that our County Lord would benefit from all that you want to do in and through them I ask all these things in Jesus name amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and jusice for all all right if we can do a roll call commissioner Doug Smith is excused commissioner Sarah herd is excused commissioner Stacy Heatherton commissioner Harold Jenkins here commissioner Edward campy here commissioner Christopher Collins is excused commissioner Kaia Mayfield here mayor Susan Gibbs Thomas here commissioner sha Reed and we have a quorum and I I just um wanted to um mention something um for the rest of the board that um we do not have our chair or vice chair here today so that's why I've asked commissioner um Jenkins if he could please chair this meeting so if it's okay with you all if for him to continue because um like I said we don't have our chair or vice chair here this morning I will allow it perfect okay great it's appropriate lucky you yeah and I now that we've uh I just want to introduce sha Reed he's a new member of our board new member of U City Steward commission soome with that I will take a motion to accept the agenda move oh sorry okay I'm going to take that as a we moved by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously now how about we approve the minutes chair I'll approve uh move approval of the minute second okay we have a motion by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner Gibbs uh or councilwoman Gibbs um Thomas sorry um all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously I've only known her for my whole life and I don't okay but anyway um we have one public comment uh Mr Zach Gaza come on that's what it says on my agenda oh you want to talk okay never mind sit down we're good just remind me probably I'll forget okay uh item 8A Mo bylaws amendments okay yes um I just want to um introduce a couple of U people myself um um um uh Margie tamblin is the nopo's new senior planner she's going to focus on not only the bicycle pedestrian facilities but also the transportation Improvement program so you'll hear from her in a few minutes and then also um Britney Trang is our temp and she will be um recording the meeting this morning I know you all are familiar with her because you've been getting emails from her as well um so the first item on the agenda are the um no bylaws um they're very straightforward they reflect the apportionment plan that you all approved last fall that I'm going to be talking about later this meeting um and um also the governor's letter of approval um of adding the fifth County Commissioner on the no board so it's um the bylaws the two changes is to change the board from an eight member voting Having Eight voting members to nine and also have from from having Four County Commissioners to five so I'll be happy to answer any questions this is pending legal review I did talk to um Sarah Woods there's just a couple of things that but um I can't see any problem with it but um just as an FYI so I'll be happy to answer any other questions and um staff is recommending approval of this item Mr campy uh move staff's recommendation of approval pending legals approval okay any comment to that seeing none we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously B um this item is the fiscal year 25 through fisc year 29 Transportation Improvement program or tip roll forward Amendment and I will turn this over to 2% good morning everyone um just to kind of give a standard breakdown of the roll forward report it's basically to make sure that F dots work program matches our transportation Improvement program and it's using all the funds that weren't used in the previous fiscal years it's rolling them forward into this fiscal year um and just to give you an idea of what that amount would be um I'll roll down here so it's about $2 million um and there's a breakdown between highways Transit and Turnpike about 11 million in transit and that's not just to this area to the Port St Lucy metro area in total so it's not all spent in this region about 930 99 128,000 to highways and about 166,000 to Turnpike improvements does anyone have any questions and we're recommending this item for approval any questions for staff oh commissioner Heather I don't have any questions but uh pending I don't know if we have to take public comment but uh pending public comment I will will move staff's recommendation for approval I'll second okay we have a motion do we have any public comment seeing none we have a motion by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner Mayfield all in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously C tip modification um C is the fiscal year 25 through fiscal year 29 tip modification I will let um Margie present this as well essentially the Florida Department of Transportation has updated the Southeastern project limit for the State Route 710 um widening so it was from um southw or from FPL access road to County Road 609 alapata Road and it's being extended a little further to Southwest van Beren Avenue um it just extends the project a little bit longer so the roadway will transition from four lanes to two lanes um it's just a more natural transition there we're recommending this item for approval um any questions on that item and I can show you a map too yes this one makes a lot of sense Yeah so basically this orange line here is yep the orange line is the original project so FPL access road on Southwest Warfield Boulevard to alapata and the green line is the extension to Southwest van Beren Road um um yeah just a little bit further of an extension there BEC if I might add because that little green line it's still two lines yeah that be yeah no doubt all right that one's Easy Motion I will move staff's recommendation for approval and I will second that and do we have any comment seeing none we have a motion by commissioner heatherington seconded by commissioner or councilwoman Thomas all in favor I all opposed uh motion carries unanimously so that was D um item D is fiscal year 26 through fiscal year uh 30 list of project priorities um as you know the Lop or the list of project priorities is the first step in the tip process you all did approve the fiscal year 26 through fiscal year 30 list of project priorities at the last meeting but we do have a modification that Margie will tell you about and this modification is just in reference to the previous item it's updating those project limits for the um State Route 710 Southwest Warfield Boulevard to make sure it includes two Southwest uh van be Boulevard or van Bean Avenue instead of alapata Road any questions in regard to that one no at all and we are asking for approval for that item as well or recommending approval and I will make a motion to approve staff's recommendation I will second it okay any public comment on this item seeing none motion by commissioner or councilwoman Thomas seconded by commissioner campy all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously e functional classification update yes this functional classification update this is actually another um housekeeping issue if you will the the items both approv items before this one were kind of housekeeping issue issues as well this functional classification however is a housekeeping issue that comes up once every 10 years so um we do have fot here with the consultant to present the functional the urban boundary functional classification map and tell you about the process that we've gone through and um how we've got to where we are now so with that oh hi Tony I'll turn it over to F do good morning good morning uh my name is Tony nor I'm the planning supervisor for uh Florida Department of Transportation District 4 and I'll be presenting along with our partners from Caltran the functional classification um so what is the functional classification process uh the functional classification process is a method that's used to Cate categorize roads uh based on how they serve Transportation needs it determines uh whether roads a road is mainly local traffic connecting Regional areas or facilitating long distance travel so why does this matter um fhwa requires roads to be classified uh properly because this classification determines if they can receive federal funding for improvements it's like a classification uh that roads need to meet uh to get financial help this do you want to move forward the presentation forward do you want yeah oh I'm sorry I didn't um okay so um not all roads are eligible uh for federal aid uh the classification helps determine which roads can receive a funding especially those that serve more than just local traffic so what's everyone's role in this process so at first fot uh conducts uh the initial review process and proposes uh classifications alongside our consultant Partners from C Caltran um the cities and County agencies uh then review and either concur with or recommend changes to their proposed classifications within their jurisdictions at that point the mo um approve the classifications by signing the official maps and finalizing the process at the regional level it then comes back to fot and fhwa uh which we provide the final approval by signing off on the maps and ensuring all classif apption aligned with the state and federal standards so now go ahead and pass it off to our partner from Caltran Jan thank you Tony uh good morning board members my name is Jan Leo and I'm here together with Tina mckin we've been assisting the do um and collaborating with the no and all the municipalities to come up with this hopefully final product which is the functional classification which started as Tony mentioned with the urban boundary adjustment oops so what best describes functional classification I think the different types of functionalities or what it starts with your arterials and it goes towards your locals is this graph that you have on your left hand side so pretty much when we talk about arterials we're talk about more Mobility we're talking about um longer lengths High speeds when we're talking about locals we're talking about more access to residential areas we're talking about those residential streets and then in between you have your minor arterial and your collectors so the first step of this process sorry uh want to go back yeah two one more time that one so the first step of this process as you know we were uh in front of you back at the beginning of the year on the urban boundary was approved by the board by the tack and then by the board um so basically what we did was we adjusted or we aligned this roads with the new Urban boundary and as you can see here you had some areas that you gain Urban boundary and there were some areas where the urban boundary was reduced compared to the 2014 um Urban boundary that's what is that just to just to clarify that Port St Lucy on there that that identifies the urbanized area the name of the our urbanized area our TMA is the Port St Lucy that yeah seems to throw some folks off um but that's why that's we were I thought we're hostile take yeah no no no no F anex we've gotten that comment before it's not the first time Hope Sound So based on that first analysis which was the alignment of this um streets with the urban boundary the result was you got more rural um the the net change was 8.7 miles of Rural and this trigger so some of these roads we you kind of lost federal aid because this were not there were either local roads or there were minor collectors so then we're talking about 3.1 39 miles that went from Urban to Rural and that's the reason why you lost this uh eligibility and they were removed from the federal eligibility and you can see those roads on the bottom it's Southwest Farm Road and Southwest Silver Fox Lane and then outs up to the 3139 miles so the second step of this process was to go ahead and analyze the entire roadway Network and pretty much see the possibilities of changing the functionality of this roadways whether we're going from minor collectors to Major collectors it was either an upgrade or some of them could have been a downgrade and uh and then to do that we had to go ahead and and resort to the guidelines which is you require certain purposes to meet certain purposes when you have your principal materials you have to have more than two purposes in the different um it has to be interstate and and Regional uh Commerce you have to have access to Major public facilities you have to have access to minor public facilities so pretty much you have to comply with more than two of those purposes and then your minor materials is one and then so on when you move into your major collectors you have more than one and then your locals is pretty much a one purpose which is has to qualified as a local road so pretty much the evaluation of the second step of the process this is what what the what the results were and you can see here that we have a grand total of changes from one functionality to the other whether it was an upgrade or a a we we went and we went ahead and put in it lower functional classification it was 25 miles that changed functionality based on the second part of the process so the third part of the P process was looking at this local roads and making sure that this local roads did not qualify as local roads anymore so with the possibility of bringing them up to a minor collector but in your uh County we had not only a one-step jump but we have a two-step jump which was from locals all the way to Major collectors and that trigger a result of to minor collectors of 3.5 50 miles and to Urban major collectors to 2.78 oops so these are the roads that were added into the system from local roads to either a minor collector or to a major collector you didn't have any jumps from a local to a to an arterial so pretty much I want to go into what's what's uh so what's next on this process so the process is as you know the urban boundary was already approved at the beginning of the year we had a relate this information to fhwa and luckily they have approved all the changes within your county so what's left right now is to receive your approval and then your signature on the maps and then submit all this to fhwa for final approval if you have any questions any questions for staff well okay thank you so much uh any public comment on this item seeing none back back to the board motion to accept staff's presentation okay um we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I I I all o opposed motion carries unanimously and and I do want to thank fot and their consultant they worked um very they this was a very long process and they were great um we we added a lot of Roads as you could tell by the presentation and they were very helpful and um it took a lot a lot so I really appreciate all your your good work and thoroughness and and helping us not only the M but the county staff and the city staff and um the staff of all your municipalities um worked on this together so um you won't hear about it again for another 10 years so thank you item number f is an informational item Turnpike and 995 uh direct project up um um this is um the turnpike and I95 direct connection project update as you know they were here last spring and gave a presentation and you all asked them to come back with the result of their um public involvement process they've had a couple of workshops and and made some presentation to some local governments in this area so with that I'll turn it over to the CH Pike staff so they can get started good morning Mar m board members um Florida's Turnpike Enterprise appreciates the opportunity to come this morning and present point the Michael sure and present the feedback that we heard on this project the proposed direct connection interchange between turnpike at 995 in Martin County so we're going to not get into the details of the project again we're just going to provide a brief project overview we're here mainly to focus on the stakeholder and Community feedback and then what's next what where are we in the project schedule the graphic on the left the right shows where we are in overall Transportation development process which is a PD study which will then proceed into design so the project is located the study limits are just north and south of Bridge Road and the purpose and need is to enhance safety enhanced emergency response and evacuation um but mainly to improve system linkage between the two facilities these are the two Alternatives that were presented as we went through the community and stakeholder feedback they provideed the same four direct connections that's Northbound to Northbound between the two facilities and southbound to southbound um alternative one would have required some I95 rant modifications and whereas alternative 2 does not and both of them would have provided the same um emergency access roads so before the July 17th and 18th public information meeting where we presented these alternatives public input we had a number of presentations starting in starting in April to the m committees then the board we met with um the county and fire rescue then we went to Palm Beach their Committee just one um and then the board we were asked to go to the Martin County Board of County Commissioners then we um were asked to present to the um Freight Tac and then finally town of Jupiter Island before the public meeting so we did that and the next slides will explain what we heard so at the Martin M committees we heard General support for the project there were some in attendance that favored and did not favor the uh Bridge Road access and when I say that that means Turnpike access local access between um bridge and Turnpike we were asked to accelerate the completion of the emergency access roads when we came to the EMP board again we heard General support for the proposed direct connections there were some discussion as to where the ramps would be located there were additional discussions on alternative that provide Bridge Access Road um and we were asked to reach out to town of Jupiter Island and that's where also Martin County Board of County Commissioners we were asked to do that and which we did fire and rescue General support for the project emergency access right now the Northbound axis is they were we were asked to look at another um option for providing Northbound emergency access to the turnpike which we are accelerated completion of those emergency access road so General support and and accelerated completion of those roads that's the running theme through this um Road Safety on I95 was discussed between Indiantown and Way Station and we were asked to look at Wildlife Crossings which we will the study does include that so Palm Beach um ta and the board again General support for the project it's important for connectivity um and then the impacts within Palm Beach were discussed which there really isn't any so they was just asking for clarification and what are the impacts in Palm Beach County along Indian town which is reduction of traffic really Board of County Commissioners we went to in May May 21st 2024 overall support some um favored alternative to which is the least costly the least impactful um the the majority access not to provide access um between turn bike and Bridge Road um that safety between on I95 between the way station and Indian toown Road was discussed and um we were asked about the timeline of the project RightWay impacts as well Martin M the great support for the project we explained the difference in cost between the two Alternatives when will this project be completed we answered those questions and then in June town of Jupiter Island commission support they asked for no new access um between Bridge Road and Turnpike uh the um the fact that the turnpike widening that is planned for is needed and we explain the difference in cost between the two Alternatives now what did the community have to say we had the we held those meetings one was virtual on July 17th and the inperson was held on July 18th of 2024 22 people attended virtually and 16 in person elected officials in attendance none but we did have an aid Samantha Rosenberg a to Tobin Rogers Toby overol um attended the in person so we had comments some virtual some in person some um emailed me directly so about 1 total comments some were concerned about property impacts noise at The Florida Club Community which we had to explain is north of the study area we had support for alternative two from about four individuals support for alternative one from one and um we had a lot of requests or a lot of discussion even at the in-person meeting that Bridge Road needs to be widened and capacity needs to be added and we explained that that was out of our jurisdiction we also asked um had some requests for that access between Turnpike and Bridge Road that was mainly from large land owners we had about two comments um requesting that local access but the majority which was from more res um residents asked that we never provide access between Turnpike and Bridge Road um so that is what we heard from the community so where are we we are right now about to start what we call Cost risk and value engineering that's where a whole different set of Engineers look at our concept and they come up to see if there's anything that can be changed to add value um so that's going to happen in late September going into October and then we'll select the preferred alternative and that's going to be a result of the environmental and Engineering analysis and also what we heard from your community and then so we'll prep um prepare document um on that preferred alternative and then take that to um public hearing but again just like we did for the Alternatives public information meeting the aim is to present to um um here and to the local agencies before we take it to the public so that will all happen in the first quarter of 2025 and I think that's my last slide it is questions commissioner heatherington so if if I hopefully I understood you properly at the end there this public information these were only stakeholders no it has not gone out to the public the last dot said you're going to go out to public inreach Outreach now or do you consider this information you're presenting as P the public Outreach yeah so we started with our stakeholders which was the board um Palm Beach Martin County and then we ended this is the act an actual public meeting so July 17th we had virtual and then July 18th we had inperson and the attendance is shown there 22 and 16 how many more public meetings are you one that's the public hearing where folks can get up and actually provide their um comment is is more formal so that's going to be held first quarter of 2025 because for a project that affects thousands and thousands and thousands of residents 31 comments doesn't even scratched the surface if you ask me yes definitely so th those who attended we invited hundreds and also we we did social media outreach um we did we um had signs at the service plaza but we can't force people to attend so those are the people who chose to be involved in the project they're going to they're going to be hopping mad when they find out that there's a project and 15 years from now 15 years from now okay that was my question thank you okay you're welcome any other questions commiss campy just thank you very much for your presentation just as a reminder for people that might be watching you and hearing you today but I'm not excuse me have not heard it in the past can you give us an idea of once all of the process is done whatever version you come up with when will the first cars be driving on it we don't know so before this project is done we're looking to fund design and again everything is pending the results of the um PD study because no build is always an option throughout the whole process but we're looking to fund design and a safe if if everything was to proceed and you know what let me say that we're looking to fund design in 2030 okay fun design fund design in the year 2030 so if we start from there then it's about four to five years to construction so this is like 2035 if yes if everything was funded but I heard someone mention priority same with Turnpike everything is funded based in priority so um projects move in and out um so there's always a chance of of timeline being changed so just to reiterate then if everything went perfectly well and everything fell into place we're talking about 2034 20 38 yes so approximately 14 to 15 years from now corre people don't need to get panicked that this is going to happen next year correct thank you okay any more questions need a uh um I need a I have a public comment yes okay okay thank you that's it for me Mr Gaza you are up here we go good morning good morning thank you for hearing me this morning my name is Zach I'm the owner of the hobes sown Farmers Market which is going to be affected by either alternative one or alternative two by a land taking either way um speaking not as a land owner but as someone who uses Bridge Road um and uses the the 95 connection um daily along with my family and extended family um I don't think that people know this is happening um I was at the virtual meeting I was at the public meeting the inperson meeting and there was a very very small community involvement Factor um especially given how people look at like the Jonathan Dickinson golf course that was a huge outpouring and look at the difference that it made like that here we're talking about fdot literally Building Bridges on top of bridges at the southern entrance to Martin County it's going to be a major project a major construction project project over years uh further dot it looks like they've done their traffic study through 2050 uh however no I think the traffic study is currently through 2045 but the traffic study through 2050 is due in October I think is that I don't know anyway it's my understanding the no does a new traffic study every four years so we're close to having the no traffic study line up with the DOT traffic study within a month and I do think that with you know things have changed since 2020 the last no study there's been development in Indian Town development in hob sound where Bridge Road may have a different path moving forward through 2038 or 2035 or whatever yes this isn't going to take place until then but the the community is going to look a lot different then so to make these decisions based on you know 2020 plans that are going to affect through 2050 I really think that the no plan and the dot plan should be aligned I think that would be a benefit for the county for the residents for people who use Bridge Road 95 and the Turnpike just to make sure that everything is is done properly the last thing that I want as a Martin County business owner and and Bridge Road user is to have construction of Turnpike followed by construction 95 followed by construction of rage road we have 15 to 20 years of construction and that intersection will be a disaster and orange cones and loud and it's that's all I have to say thank you good don't disagree with you um with that that was an informational item so I guess you don't need anything other than yeah that was just an informational item okay uh G um item 8 G is the state road um A1A or East Ocean Boulevard roadway safety audit from east of montere road to west of Evans CER senior Bridge um when I found out that the um do was doing a roadway safety audit um we participated as well as the city of Stewart and um the Martin County staff um the roadway safety audits as you will find out are very um um streamlined processes because this is a section of an no priority I did ask fot and their consultant to come and present to all the ad advisory committees and the no board today um as you know your priority is from Kingswood up to East Ocean along Monterey and then along East Ocean from Monterey to the Evans crer Bridge um those are for um safety improvements for bicycle and pedestrian safety um I do have some comments from the um no advisory committees that I can share with you after the presentation but just to be clear that the the audit is um um um you'll find out the process of the roadway safety audit the um audit is completed but the um advisory committees had some ideas of what could be helpful as far as next steps so with that I'll I'll turn it over to Tony and he can tell you a little bit about their process uh thank you uh again my name is Tony nor I'm the planning supervisor um and I I'm just going to get it started with a quick explanation and then I'll pass it off to our our safety administration team um first uh I want to make make sure that everybody understands this is an informational item um this is a new process that fot is conducting um for rsas or road safety audits kind of like a New Concept um as Beth mentioned it's very streamlined this was uh initiated by the department um so although it crosses areas that might um coincide with the the list of priority projects this is something that the department saw in need for and we're implementing a new process where it's kind of streamlined kind of like a rapid study and the point of it is to make recommendations that we can Implement immediately um and and right away so although there might be other concerns that aren't addressed that doesn't mean that the M or the counties can't request other studies to be done as Beth mentioned this study was already completed um and recommendations have been made made um and a lot of the recommendations that you'll hear now are already being implemented um or in the process of being implemented so with that I'll go ahead and pass it over to Tracy us um good morning everyone and so my name is Tracy she I work for the hold the mic down even a little more it's direct okay can you hear me now all right thanks um so good morning everyone and my name is Tracy she I work for Florida Department of Transportation uh Safety Office um I'm the district safety program engineer and glad to be here today and I'm here with our study consultant Mr Shel B Koke we're going to present our road safety audit and so what's the road safety audit uh it's a formal safety performance denomination of a roadway segment or intersections and so um Mr Shel Coke will present the RSA itself and our study findings and um what we recommend and so I just want to talk very briefly for like how we identify locations and what we do with this study so before the RSA we look at crash data we look at roadway conditions to identify proper locations uh to to study and based on resources we decided to do uh one per County we have five counties in District 4 um of for last year and this year we we we try to do one or more Per County so to more roadways um for safety and after RSA um what we do with our fundings we don't let it sit there we find a way to implement we co with our offices or our maintenance uh agencies and based on the nature of the findings um we we according with our maintenance office or um County um traffic operation um office to implement our findings and as you may know Road Safety AUD is is a multi-disciplinary team working along the roadway finding the opportunity for safety Improvement so sometimes it may um uh res in further studies because some of the um recommendations you may need some engineering and judgment so we will perform the further studies recommended from the road safety audit um as Tony mentioned um this is finalized but it's not the end of the um uh our channel to receive the concern we appreciate your great concern and input and welcome and if you have more questions and concern concerns we'll make sure we look into it thank you I'll pass to um our consultant shelo thank you thank you good morning morning so as Tracy was Ling to the word audit is very important in this process okay so in the presentation I'm going to go over very quickly the high level definition of an audit versus a safety study and this has also been an educational experience so we've got a couple slides on what a roadway safety audit is and the origins and then I'm going to talk a few highle details just glimpses into the actual roadway that we studied but basically as Tracy alluded to the road safety audit is an independent multiple disciplinary team and what that means is part of a process is we are coordinating with the mo with the city of Stewart we did have Martin County Traffic engineering involved so we had a group of six eight folks actually walking the corridor at the same time versus a traditional study a traffic calming study or a speed study is by Engineers for engineers and Engineers of the audience that's not the purpose of a roadway safety audit as far as a team perspective but the other thing on the audit is it's broad enough to consider the whole roadway meaning all aspects pedestrians bicyclist now electric scooters we're actually thinking of those electric scooters right because they're traveling 10 15 20 M an hour but they're using pedestrian facilities so we've got to start thinking of the all users and then this is also a proactive approach so do safety office has done a good job saying let's be proactive let's find a list of of identified corridors uh districtwide and every year we have funds for Professional Services to do these Audits and I think we have one already on the board uh discussions are 2025 for Mar come back to Martin County for the next roadway safety audit so this is a newer process but that's why I'm very focusing on the word audit versus a study okay so again back to the word study though it is Rec big heavy recommendations of robust Solutions including feasibility and is on a study typically needs big funding behind it a study needs a longterm plan a longer time Horizon that's what usually outputs a study an audit is immediate that's what we're going for what can we fix today within reason so this is just a quick snapshot and this is from an a f. dissemination document they've developed for all agencies now but this just gives you an idea of who's actually involved in this roadway safety audit okay now this is the goal and we're entally going back to what I'm focusing on the extent what road users and what circumstances what's happening in the real world now this third bullet point is really the key shortterm lowcost recommendations meaning what can we do literally in quarter four of 2024 quarter one of 2025 what contracts are available so that's why this is a very streamlined process so you see down below this is designed from fhwa this process by contract is 6 weeks so this was the consultant got the notice to proceed locations identified we were Off to the Races Engage The no sent out a couple emails set up stakeholder meetings this was a six- week study we said we need immediate short-term lowcost recommendations to come out of this now there's also another lesson learned that's come out of the roadway safety Audits and that is what is the long-term high dollar recommendations that's what's been inspiring because this has started to say wait a minute are there additional studies that could be should be or need to be performed on this Corridor that's what is also spinning out from roadway safety audit so a glimpse of the details and I'm not going to walk through all the details but a glimpse of it as you can see at the very top this was on the 2021 High crash segments list so the mentality is a segment and in this case it's from the base of Evans C Bridge West to Monterey okay along Ocean Boulevard so carries approxim 27,000 Vehicles average daily traffic posted speeds 35 and I'll speak to that a sec in a second and also the functional classification and the context classification we again we just identifi these things what are the facts what are the facts of the roadway so we can understand what we're working with now we were also aware of previous studies that the no had actually funded and also the fot had funded as well so very quickly we had a pre-meeting in June initial feedback from stakeholders MO is our point of contact they know the roadway more than anybody else they're planning um that's why they're planning organizations so we start with the no we scheduled our field review and we did a field review debrief with our notes now as I mentioned we had Martin County Traffic engineering Mo the RSA team city of Stewart in the future we'd like to have and this is an idea of feedback we received we'd like to potentially have the Sheriff's Office potentially from the motorc division or a motorcycle representative okay can we can we hear another perspective of the pavement conditions can we hear another perspective of slick striping from a motorcycle perspective we also have the idea that feedback of potentially inviting other committees other committee members as having more representatives of local stakeholders so for perspective from a data side back to a study typically is very data focused and conditions focused an audit we said well we still need to include the data so for perspective for your knowledge is the data set we looked at was 5 years standard operating procedure and for this Corridor in five years we had 52 rear ends 35 left turns 20 sideswipes this was a higher crash segment but this was not the top of the this was not top of the list District y but it was a top of the list from a segment perspective so these I'm not saying these are they're not normal numbers but these are in the range of the top end of normal now pedestrians a bicyclist in 5 years there were four pedestrian crashes four bicycle crashes now the bottom left this is this is CH life-changing for the citizens there were three incapacitating crashes and what this means is these crashes were affected somebody's lives meaning they probably left the facility in an ambulance and probably had an overnight stay in the hospital okay these are serious and fortunately I mean Unfortunately they happened but fortunately there were various crashes they weren't the same type of incapacitating crash at the same exact location they were different types of crashes there was also one fatality and we read the crash report and this was eastbound justce of montere and there was actually a medical event okay and I bring this up because there was a medical event and and and this person did lose their life and the vehicle went off the road crash into electrical pole and there was a fatality and I bring it up from a perspective of it was not a rear end crash it was not a right angle crash it was not a crash due to normal operation so that is um that is one other perspective now listening to our stakeholders in the field it was brought to our attention that there was another Fatality and we said really this was at Vista Pines on the northwest corner and so we said we did not see that exactly in the data for this time period at this location so so we went back and looked and we noted that and we put that in our study and it was a there was a pedestrian fatality 2016 or 2017 a young man worked at the one of the restaurants on the North side and he was somewhere in the crosswalks and he lost his life and we just it was one of those we didn't want to be so hung up on that 5year data set we said we need to make make sure we look a little bit on the beforehand again it's an audit now very quickly high level the top three type of things we found and documented again we're auditing the system quickly we noticed maintenance of pedestrian facilities this was Corridor wide but we were focused at the signalized intersections and really this is the truncated domes the concrete surface areas at the corners The Pedestrian access example is a wheelchair axis we we actually observed several wheelchair access at Vista Pines Crossing Northbound and southbound and so we said this is an obvious issue again maintenance during an audit process another one we immediately noticed and you can see in the right here in the middle these little circles these are crashes from the data sets and what we noticed was the speed change coming westbound over the bridge we drove the bridge we recognize that the speed will limit on the bridge the speed shifts it downshifts we recognize the speeding coming over the bridge it's a human nature it's um the speeds are elevated coming West bound off the bridge so this was an example that our audit audited this and we have recommendations and I'll speak to that but this audit actually is going to inspire potentially a study a speed study along Monteray I'm sorry along Ocean Boulevard across the bridge and east of the bridge so that's what the audit does is inspires things to look at with additional funding and additional resources and then the last one these are just quick observations was pavment striping corridor raised pavement markings and faded crosswalks and as a traffic engineer this is near and dear to my heart because from my my perspective is we need to educate that driver where should they be stopping clean crisp stop bars where should that pedestrian be Crossing clean Cris painted crosswalks meeting dot standards so these were observations we took I think over 175 pictures on the corridor of various things that could be updated so very quickly these are part of our recommendations okay as you can see these are all fdm forwarded design manual standards we recommended new maintenance of the surfaces with new ra I'm sorry detectable warning surfaces we also recommended potential signage coming across the bridge there was even a case where there were two signs on Ocean Boulevard a street name sign and a speed limit sign could be reversed it sounds Petty but at the same token as we observed that and said these signs are backwards one should be before the other those are kind of quick short-term reactions and actions we're looking for and then also under roadway and pavement striping an upgrade to the pavement striping quarter wide I'm not going to walk through this but this is a snapshot of the details and this is actually in the study on the left is how we look at a system from a quarter perspective and this is the level of detail we give and on the right these are specific at the intersection type of issues we were looking looking through and finding okay all this is in our report and it's documented we just want to share of this is the lens and how we document basically the findings so as I said this is a streamline process started June 6th plus or minus and we wrapped this up I want to say mid August met our timelines dot is looking into various um options but we are right now in Step seven prepare in formal response which is the stamp signed engineering stamp signed report and that is in now this is where it's interesting because incorporate Implement and findings this is the now what okay this is dot looking and saying do we have a pedestrian I'm sorry a push button contract that can go and fix these payment markings do we have a consultant which cons which consultant contract can do a speed study which consultant contract is there a request for a traffic calming study so this is where it starts the process in the do bigger system and this is essentially where we're are on step eight and really one of the things we're learning is that's why this's a difference between an audit and a study is it's inspiring ideas for the bigger picture for the next two years three years but as well as what can we do today and the wheels are in motion in a couple of things and as as uh Tony had mentioned is we're looking at what options can we fix quarter 4 quarter 1 ideally in 2025 so do we want to take questions you had some I think you had com yeah I didn't know if you all wanted to take have questions first or did you all want to hear what the advisory committee discussions were on this first or uh I didn't advisory committees listen to what they got to say first okay okay all three advisory committees the citizens advisory committee technical advisory committee and bicycle pedestrian advisory committee all did accept the report but they did have um a bit of discussion and what they also that they would like to see moving forward with this area or next steps if you will um the citizens advisory committee um very much wanted the speed limit on the um bridge to be slower um with their concern that people when they're coming down the um west side of the bridge they're not going a lot more than 40 m an hour um they also talked about even though this wasn't within the project limits but it is part of the no priority is the intersection of Monterey and East Ocean when people are coming north on Monterey going to make the left or right onto East Ocean even if they have the red light they don't seem to um stop um they just keep keep going and they they make a right and there's a pedestrian crosswalk right there and that that was a big concern for them um they did suggest if there are further studies like a speed study that fot should include or whoever is doing the study should include the surrounding businesses and neighborhoods as far as public involvement they felt that that was very important to hear because um those those populations see and are using the facility all the time um the technical that was from the C the citizens advisory committee from the technical advisory committee they um really recommended fresh striping along the segment they said that would be helpful to raise awareness for the drivers and pedestrians so they know where they need to be and also they did pass a motion that recommending that fot do a future speed study for the entire length of the um project limits of the roadway safety audit and to extend it um along um Evans crer bridge to the east side of the um SS point and um SS Point Road and East Ocean Boulevard intersection um the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee had quite a few comments um they were very concerned um with the um bike pad safety in this area um they suggested cameras and citations for the intersection that I just mentioned the East Ocean um Boulevard and um montere Road um think then the people just don't stop for that red light they if they're turning right they just you know you know it's a continuous motion they keep going right um there there was conversations about a mid block Crossing um across from East Ocean mall going north um across the um East Ocean to like the Dunkin Donut Subway area um the M's um traffic study that was developed in 2014 as well as the master plan that fot developed both um um address midblock Crossing in that area um and how that it would improve safety because right now people are crossing the street just kind of at any point and that would kind of give people a safe facility with a with a hopefully um midblock um um or median Refuge um for safety reasons um you know they talked a lot about near misses even though the crash data may not justify um or warrant certain safety improvements there are a lot of near misses that are not um reported if you will in that area um the the bpack also talked about the concern about the this um speed on the bridge um and they also um mentioned that the uh lanes are very wide in this area that um narrowing the um the lanes um and protecting the bike lane would definitely help the um safety along this segment of roadway um they did say um that that that left turns seem to be just kind of all over the place sometimes when people are making left turns it's very hard to see in all directions and So that obviously is dangerous for the drivers as well as bicycles or pedestrians in the area um and they they talked a little bit about um the segment uh west of the um Monteray East Ocean intersection which is actually owned from the county from Palm Beach Road to to Monteray Road along East Ocean Boulevard um they felt like a traffic study in that area would also be helpful um they don't feel like um that there's there's a safe mid mid block a safe um area to cross the street and um we had a couple couple of public comments actually at the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee with residents saying that they actually sometimes get in their car and drive across the street instead of um walking across the street or letting their children walk across the street um to to their friends houses on the other side um so I did just just did just want to give you all um they like because was so much conversation about this particular study I wanted to pass that on to you all so you all would be aware of it and um um you know after you all have a chance to kind of talk about what sounds good or what were your your concerns um you know um sometimes you direct staff to to write a letter or to give this information in a letter form with the chair's signature to the um um ft to let them know that you know this is still a priority and you know H how off to the board for keeping this on their priority list every year you know this was probably one major reason why fot actually did this roadway safety audit because they knew it was a concern for the community I mean maybe it was a high crash segment but the fact that it's been on your list for 10 years is a good indication that there are some concerns um in this area so um with that I'll I'll turn it over to you all for any questions or um comments that you all have okay okay mayor Gibbs Thomas um just a just a comment on this I'm a very visual person and this the speed limit Paving markets markings to me that's very impactful I am more likely to see that because you're concentrating on the road okay at least I try to and and so I would be more apt to see that than to try to look up and see you know you've got all these signs which ones the the the the speed limit you know and you're just kind of concentrating on what's in front of you to me that's more impactful to have that speed limit on the road so there's no way that you can't say you didn't see it I concur Mr Heatherton yes I would say this this particular area having an audit on this is very worthwhile because it's been a constant concern I've been on this board and the board of County Commissioners for six years and probably my first year we had a couple meeting Town Hall meetings which I will gladly provide you for this audit of several hundred people at a time um attending and it was all about East Ocean uh St Lucy Boulevard and Monteray and the way they interact with each other the left turns from Monterey onto St Lucy the left turns from East Ocean going on to St Lucy and the fact that we've always always tried to push um as more major or more arterial roads the traffic Monterey to East Ocean and not use St Lucy Boulevard as a cut off so we've spent five six years doing traffic calming on St Lucy Boulevard which included many of your recommend actions for the others uh we've had speed feedback signs we've done um speed a speed table we've done um in front of the golf course there I forget what they call it's not a chicane but it's it's some um landscaping and yes some uh we've done pavement markings we've done the painted um speed numbers on there and we have had some good result we're working on doing that now South up by the Banyon trees and Beyond but that this area is a is a constant issue I would also um the comment of no stop being at that red intersection the intersection here of montere and um East Ocean no stop on red um I would say we could we should do something to enforce that because I get that from a lot of constituents that it's a pedestrian Hazard it that's basically what the uh CAC and bpac committee um enforce so and I would agree with many of their comments as well so I would just as we go for forward with this I would include how that this audit impacts St Lucy Boulevard and montere and that whole particular triangle that connects together commissioner Mayfield um yes I just want to say I think it's great you're doing this I travel this road very very often it is it's a little bit of it feels like a little bit of a free-for-all over there um so uh bigger picture which is not what you're doing but I do want to you mentioned this the connectivity of the businesses is terrible so I think that adds to a lot of the problems which leads me to you were talking about the small things you can do if you can make those crosswalks even just more attractive because then people are drawn to them because there is a lot of the jaywalking just completely walking across East Ocean and cars are turning left and right so I think it's great you're doing this and um longer term look at I I know it's harder because that's private property but somehow getting the businesses to and then what was it the B pack that said the crossing by Dunkin Donuts I think that's an interest or a a midblock crosswalk is that what you called it I think it's an interesting idea because people are you know the fresh market Dunkin Donuts and the business is back there but I'm not sure how that would affect everything so that would be interesting to look at but thank you commissioner campy I would make the recommendation that Miss Beltran made that the uh suggestions comments and recommendations from our subcommittees be turned into a letter that the chairman could sign and send off as Miss Belin has recommended can I can I one can I ask you one other question does it you're when you're talking about the crosswalks you're talking about the one by the um um Beth you had mentioned not that the Monteray when you're talking about the crosswalks you're talking about Monterey and East Ocean and the one by the um gas station yes all signalized we signalized Corner that's the only other signalized spot right besides the two endings and Vista Pines yes so Vista Pines correct yes here here's yes yep that one and C correct and that's why when we when we and I didn't mention this but we walked eastbound as a group very focused Eastbound and then looking to the North and then north and south and then we got to St Lucy we crossed and then we walked westbound looked from different perspectives and so when we did that the some of the results were all signalized intersections all Corners all quadrants needed to be evaluated okay so it was a full system back to what you had said attractiveness nice clean paint bright signs bright you know that that intersection um [Music] on Vista Pines is not utilized as much and I think if that was made more attractive and more noticeable people would utilize that more agreed campy I just wanted to pay you a compliment during your presentation I noticed that you did not refer to your notes when you were naming the streets and the bridges and the things so that means you're obviously familiar with our community and the work I'm assuming you're not a local so I wanted to compliment you on making us feel that you knew exactly what you were talking about so thank you appreciate that and give fot credit fot said embrace the mo Embrace Beth and her office embrace the stakeholders in the field and you did and I noticed thank you all right so this is an informational item only also um next item what did you want to make a motion to send for the staff to M my comment was a motion second okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously okay thank you now we can move on to another informational um item item h Beth um this is the apportionment plan um back in June um I mentioned that um the no had received a letter from the um town of jbro Island requesting to be a member on the no board and um and that the as you all know the board makeup the m board makeup is um determined by the apportionment plan and um the no board had approved the pment plan um at their October meeting and it was submitted to EA at the beginning of November and um we did get a um letter from um Governor Des santz approving the aorc plan but anyway at the June meeting because that this is a a long process and it U the a portion plan is updated every 10 years um you all requested that I um come back at this meeting and give a presentation to give you some details about the um aorc plan process and update and kind of where we are um with that like I said we're we're actually finished with it in that we did get a letter from the governor um approving the plan which added the fifth County Commissioner on the no board so this presentation is just to kind of walk you all through the update and the apportionment plan process um there may be people watching or here that are not familiar with the mo um that's kind of what I run into a lot of times when I give presentations to different groups in the community so I just wanted to give you a little history and um information about that um we were formed in 1993 um and we're governed by state and federal law and it's a requirement for pop for urbanized areas with a population of over 50,000 in some way to be governed by the no process and the purpose of the mo is kind of the big picture in transportation planning helping to assist communication and coordination between state and local governments and here's a picture of the no board that includes now five County Commission ERS the two City commissioners City Steward Commissioners one commissioner from the town of souls point and a representatives from the village of Indian toown like I said this is this is usually the first slide I show on all my presentations when I do um um overview M overview presentations to the community um after each denal process with the um census the mpo must review the composition of their membership and their planning area boundaries and that's in accordance to both state and federal law um the membership of the no should ensure that all areas of the um Metropolitan planning area are represented on the no board the boundaries um so just to kind of clarify mpos the those organizations are nationwide like I said any urbanized area that has a population of 50,000 or over in order to get Federal Transportation funds they have to be governed by an no um the boundaries and Florida typically for mpos are the Metropolitan or um the boundaries of the county so our um um boundaries if you will for the Martin and poo are the county boundaries and that's called The Metropolitan planning area in other states it's a little different you think of States like um Colorado with the city of Denver or Arizona with the um City of Phoenix those um land use decisions in those states are not made at a county level like they are in Florida and they're typically big metropolitan areas like Denver or Phoenix that expand from their City Center Florida has been developed um a bit differently and the no um the um bound the um apportionment plan if you will or the MP the Metropolitan um planning area is determined by agreement between the mo and the governor um so this is just a little chart to showing how it all fits together the M with the local governments because I think that's a lot of questions I get when I make presentations to the community um they're kind of concerned of what the role if you will of the no is where no one gets elected to the no you all all get elected to local governments and as part of those local governments you all adopt comprehensive plans and approv capital Improvement programs and the no's work products which the local governments appoint you all to be on this board the no has required work products to get um funding from the federal and state governments um those are required to be consistent what you all have already approved on your local government board so the no doesn't make any decisions about land use um or or or Land Development our our plans are are required plans um um but they but they have to be consistent what you all have already approved at the local government level and um um just also to um um well let me okay so anyway that's what this chart if you will is supposed to um um just identify if you will here's the long range Transportation plan that we approve it must be consistent with the comp plan the comp plan and what what drives if you will the local Capital Improvement program as far as the no is concerned our list of project priorities are identified in the longrange Transportation plan and those need to be consistent with the federal with the with the state work program as well as which um is mirrors the no tip if you will so with this particular board um so you all are making decisions um um about the transportation Network and long-term planning because when I when I talk about Federal funding if if something that I do as far as um to let people know kind of how much funding goes through the no process is I'll show them a page from our tip that shows like in our current tip I think we have about 140 million this the The Five-Year work program is about $140 million and only8 million comes from local sources the rest come from federal or state sources and because of that um there so we get so the Martin County gets a lot of money from the federal and state governments for their transportation project s but because of that we have a lot of eyes to Dot and te's to cross requirements to follow in order to be eligible for those funds and that's what what that's what no staff does that's why the no is put in place to make sure all the that oversight and the requirements are put in or are met in order to position Martin County to be able to receive those funds so um as far as land use goes in the next 10 years which is how often we update the apportionment plan the no is going to be making decisions on our roadways not only with the development that's happened that's you know been determined in Martin County but also what's been happening um in the surrounding carries in particular the county to the north um St Lucy County um St Lucy County has a lot of development north of the County Line kind of in the north central part of the county that are going to impact roads like alipa and County Roads 714 or Martin Highway um and so they may be some improvements needed along those roadways and until recently when um commissioner um The District 5 commissioner got on our board this was one area of the county that was not represented on the board so um so there have been times in the last you know couple years whereas things have come up kind of in this area and a lot of times um the board will say let's ask the district commissioner well the district commissioner was not represented on the board and so we would have to wait till the next meeting to be able to um to get those questions answered um so that's why that was what was the justification if you will for having the fifth commissioner on the board and that's with the no update that's that's kind of exactly what it is it's an update um after the census usually to is to determine is there a reason based on the criteria for the board membership to change um to my knowledge the only time that's changed um with Martin and poo other than than that designated time after the ensus is when the village of Indiantown became Incorporated because before they were Incorporated they were represented on the board by um by the county commissioner because they were unincorporated County but once they became Incorporated there was no representation on the board on the no board from that area of the Metropolitan planning area so we between the 2010 census and the 2020 census this board did request from the governor that the Indian toown representative be a voting member and he approved that so there has to be you know a good reason if you if if you will to have any update um and this is just kind of pointing out that Newfield is also kind of in that North Central Area um that there may be some decisions made on the transportation Network um because of that development um so just to kind of go over the apportionment plan timeline again if you will this process um started back in May of 2023 the npos had 100 in in 180 days to submit their apportionment plan to F do um so the the dead line was actually in November 14th of 2023 you all um approve the apportionment plan to add the fifth commissioner back in October it was submitted to actually was submitted to fot on October 30th and Governor's desantes did approve the M portion plan on August 8th so that's kind of the process if you will of kind of why we do what we do as far as this requirement um this kind of like the functional classification that you talked about earlier in the meeting um does typically come before you all every 10 years um in the apportionment plan like I said that update um does um require a justification of why any changes need to be made to the to the to the apportionment plan and just kind of as an FYI back in 2010 there was a change to the apportionment plan not because of the board makeup be but because of the counties of the boundary back then I don't know if you all remember the county actually had Incorporated the area of Bo revage into Martin County it had previously been part of St Lucy County but the two counties were working on an agreement which they came to to add that area into Martin County and so the boundaries of the Metropolitan planning area changed um right after the 2010 census and so that that was the change or the update if you will after that census and then this this enforcment plan that you all recently approved like I said um was to add the fifth commissioner to the no board so um like I said that was a requ this presentation um hopefully it answered some questions when you all received a letter from the town of Jupiter Island you kind of wanted to say you know ask you know kind of what you go through that process again you know we only do it every 10 years so let's kind of you know talk about the development of the pment plan why the changes were made the way they were in the past and um and um and kind of what what the requirements are so I'll be happy to answer any questions that you all have um and if um and if you all have any directions of of how to respond to Jupiter Island um we can take those steps as well any questions for staff no thanks for the presentation no questions well sort of kind of almost um historically has has the the town of Jupiter Island have they been asked in the past to participate Yes Yes actually when um the um village of Indian Town became uh um uh uh Incorporated and um we there was a need to add them as a voting member um fot was concerned that there would be a um a um uh even number of representativ Representatives on this board and they um asked if um there were any other representations or areas that would be interested and so I did approach the town manager at the time and they were not interested he he went back and and and he said that that they were absolutely not interested in being so so they've had the opportunity in the past uh yes yes that we have asked them in the past um and and that I told um f dot I think they historically this um they they really like this spard they're there and so that they didn't seem that that there was any going to be any kind of like problem with having an even number on the on the on the board even though they did ask the question and that's that's when I I posed the question to the town manager of Jupiter Island thank you okay okay um we have eight minutes till our mandatory um break so uh item I is our 710 update I can't hear you I said uh I is our 710 update okay um did you want me to um answer the uh do we want to answer the letter for Jupiter Island or just um avoiding that subject completely I guess maybe we should probably or if we just want to go on to the 710 update pleasure of the board what do you think would be appropriate or or we can you all can think about it and we can bring it back as you know at the next meeting if you want or updating that outlined the timeline so we don't won't have another opportunity for board member for quite some time well I I think it would be rude not to reply on any just kind of leave it hanging I think yeah I think a reply and and this is my opinion hearing that they had the opportunity before we went through this this plan process um and they will have an opportunity the next time and this n board is aware now that they are interested even though they weren't in the past so it can be taken into consideration and happen on the next one is my opinion okay agree which is that would be after the 20 uh 30 census commissioner campy uh in terms of verbage I would say appreciate their request however in the last several years we've added as you mentioned Indian town and the fifth commissioner uh for very realistic and and far-reaching reasons the new field project what's happening well Indian Town Incorporated and now with everything else that's happening in Indian town uh I think also based on Logistics of how Jupiter Island lays out in the county I don't see that we would ask the governor and whoever else makes those decisions in his administration that we would now ask again less than a year later to add another person I think I think they were already asked so that's the yeah and in the past they have been asked uh I think for all those reasons the makeup of this particular board is set at this time thank in my humble opinion direction for the letter okay got it yes absolutely 710 update um yes um this item is a recurring item um for this board about the M board's number one priority project and um Ron Cara is here from the district office to give you all an update on the improvements of 710 good morning Ron Cara Florida Department of Transportation uh District 4 I'm the Strategic Intermodal system coordinator um in the planning office uh just an update on um all the various projects along 710 that are going on right now um 7 tenant Tommy Clemens is currently under construction that's still ongoing it's um on Pace to be completed in November that's for the left turn widening and as we've talked about before to this board um the immediately after that left turn L widening project starts the right turn line can begin so we'll be prepared to start that up as quickly as possible uh in regards to 714 at 710 design has kicked off on that um as well and this is the intersection relocation project relocating um County Road 714 into okobe County that's ongoing we have design just started and away is funded for that and um a few fiscal years out um the widening projects are basically under the same um update they have a different uh Team working on it but they also are funded for right away in the next few years and they have started off on design nothing holding anything back some news about it um we we have been saying in the past that we've been trying to get the construction funding on a long range plan um central office did finalize their strategic inter modal system cost feasible plan and it is um tentatively funded for the widening for construction in the uh 2035 to 2040 Time band I know that's not the years you want to hear but at least we have it on a long-range plan as of now so what we're doing for now is we're continuing to look for opportunities to advance the Project based on the actual schedule that we have but as of right now construction is not funded um Design's funded and ongoing and and the RightWay process can start soon I don't think I have anything else with those unless there was something particular else with 7 mayor uh quick question the that that rightand turn lanane that will start immediately after yes is there a projection on how long that will take to start or complete or as far as the time that it'll take to complete I I don't know that I can get that for you and update you as far as starting it has to deal with the paperwork of finishing off the other contractor as soon as that is settled they can start pretty much immediately because the plans have already been done they just need to to start construction okay and we've already got we've already got somebody standing by in the wings that's going to to do that yes that that's my understand so if it's completed in November don't really know no I I'm sorry I I can get it I'll verify it I apologize not for having that information but I'll see if we can get a better timeline I just know there's some paperwork process that has to happen to get the other contractor to sign off and then the other contractor can come in perfect thank you thank you thank you thank you anything else thanks comments from do no comments from do okay move on to comments from advisory committee members I don't think so we don't have any committee members okay comments from board members any uh thank you thank you um Sean I got one comment um I would highly recommend you taking the um Mo AC course I did it twice um because dealing with this is like drinking from a fire host and then when you go take the course you're kind of going well I can't so you don't understand how it's applied so I actually did it twice so I did it in the beginning to help me understand the meetings better once I understand the meetings better then I got more out of then I took it again so and then uh uh I still um don't understand a lot of it because it's but uh but I I do if you if you want to get something out of this process glass's fault though right no it's not yeah um so anyway I highly recommend it is that where I get with Beth to sign up for something like that yes yes it's in Orlando um it's kind of cool it's they try to make it they try to make it as fun as they can with the most dry um information you can possibly have people in the audience don't think it's dry at all they think it's okay and then now on to number 12 notes notes that was just a response from Steve braa the district secretary we had sent a letter um regarding um the expedite um Expediting the state road 710 project um especially with the funding of the construction phase and they as um Ron had just mentioned they are looking at DIS dis um different sources of how to um fund that um each segment of the 710 project as best they can can it is an SIS facility so that opens the doors for um extra kinds of um fundings available okay and with that our next uh meeting is October 21st 2024 and we are ajour thank you thank you right