##VIDEO ID:yky7DSMEk64## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e get up there what's your estimate I feel like I'm interrupting conversations I hate that I don't know we have to be back 505d e e e e you're on all right all right welcome to um September 24th 2024 uh bo um Board of County Commission meeting we're going to begin with an uh invocation by Pastor Blaine Albright of uh Christ Fellowship of Stewart pledge allegiance is followed by Diane d she just told me and she'll tell you when she gets to the mic dup nope no what was it D dof God uh uh the US Air Force veteran so if we could all please stand or remain standing for the pledge morning Commissioners let's pray uh father thank you so much for the opportunity to come to you in prayer um we can turn on the Weather Channel and see the possibility of hurricanes we can turn on any given news station and hear them tell us how bad things could be getting how we should put our hope in this person or that person or this party or that party but we can look to your word and it tells us very clearly that we do not have to be anxious about anything that in everything we can come to you with prayer petition with Thanksgiving and we can present our request to you and so that's what we do we come to you now just like your word tells us to do uh we start our day with it we start this meeting with it and we acknowledge your place over all of it God we need you we need your leading uh we need your wisdom and again your word it tells us that if we need wisdom that that's something that you will give us when we ask for it you'll give it to us generously and so I need your wisdom today I need your wisdom to be a better husband and Dad and Pastor um God I pray that that's all of our our prayers today that that we would be seeking you and your guidance um in this room and beyond that we would uh let our our words be filled with grace um we can realize that that every person even those with whom we disagree uh that's a person who uh you've called us to love it's a person who you love so thank you for this beautiful Martin County um all of these leaders Commissioners citizens that are doing holy work striving to be good stewards of this blessing um again God I just pray that you'd lead us today um that we could see uh Jesus's prayer uh come uh to to life uh in this place that your will uh would be done your kingdom would come on Earth as it is in heaven and we PR pray this in Jesus name amen am now for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all well as you heard I am a UM Vet and it's it's it's been a long road and a wonderful Road um a little background check is that um I'm from Green Bay Wisconsin and I didn't know yeah there are people there too and um I didn't know what I wanted to do and I was working part-time um after I got out of high school the man in the other building was a recruiter and so we used to have lunch together and now I could say no more about that I luckily he um put my paperwork in and I was accepted um I went in in 1969 and um I learned a lot a real lot discipline you know it's hard to teach kids a discipline at that age so that came very quickly to me um respect we definitely definitely learn to respect authority um so then I um got my first um base to go to and that was in New York so from New York to I was Steward in New York I'm sorry then on to California then I spent um a wonderful year in Thailand and I went to Japan okanawa um The Traveling was just absolutely amazing and um from there um I came back to the United States to Travis Air Force Space um to me I can express to you how wonderful the military was for me um in hindsight I should have stayed in but I didn't and you'll find a lot of vets who say the same thing um it it's just a safe family it's just it's wonderful and um I'll be ever grateful to them another thing is that the benefits I was able to receive I got my education through the VA and um I also have um medical through the VA so uh which is absolutely wonderful here so um I guess that's that's all I have but um I hope you and um talk to people about coming into the military it's a really good experience thank thank you so much thank you for your [Applause] service okay we have a very long agenda today we have 9005 uh public comment 505 public comment and we have a 505 preset for our 2425 uh public hearing uh which is public hearing number 14 we have uh consent 18 additional item uh for our agenda which is request uh approval for an adoption of a resolution accepting 21 utility easements in the Rio for the uh Banyon tree water and sewer project in Jensen Beach uh consent 19 request approval for the adoption of the of a resolution accepting eight utility easements for the Rio exora water and Sewer project in Jensen Beach we have one consent poll by commissioner herd request and approval to terminate the lease between the Boys and Girls Club of Martin County Incorporated and the board of Martin County Commissioners um I assume that's probably a clarification thing um we have two withdrawals one is public hearing number 11 public hearing to consider adoption of ordinance amending divisions one two and seven of article three Land Development regulations Martin County code regarding category C zoning districts that was requested by staff we're also withdrawing uh public hearing number 12 public hearing to consider a request for the RightWay width variance for mango Terrace and I did see a um public speaker form for that so that item is being withdrawn um and we'll be dealt with uh at a later date and with that um commissioner Smith Mr chairman good morning thank you uh move approval of the agenda uh with the additional items consent 18 consent 19 uh with the uh poll of consent 13 with the withdrawal of uh public hearing 11 and public hearing 12 and when and if it is seconded if I could just make an additional comment um about the motion I will second your motion yes sir sorry to interrupt sorry to interrupt Commissioners but we did get notice from the sheriff's department that they have a negotiated settlement so I'd like to add under OMB uh Department of number one just a discussion uh on um uh at a settlement agreement for the sheriff's if that if you would permit that absolutely can you add that to your motion add that to my motion seconder agrees okay with that um just a quick comment oh go uh just just so that it's not passed by uh on our consent today we have these two items consent 18 and 19 uh with the utility easements over in Rio um and Jensen um just a a huge thanks to our residents for holding on to the effort and making it happen after all these years it's been a lot of work and a lot of effort on a lot of residents behalf so thank you very much for that okay with that we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner Heatherton all in favor I I opposed motion carries unanimously we have one Proclamation this morning and uh Laura will be up um reading it it's um for Treasure Coast uh Day of Prayer good morning Commissioners a National Day of Prayer has been part of our heritage since it was declared by the First Continental Congress in 1775 and approved by the US Congress in 1952 as a joint resolution the Treasure Coast Day of Prayer was established by the Treasure Coast Christian Alliance and is oberved on the 4th Thursday in September the alliance encourages residents of all faiths to celebrate the Day in the way they find most meaningful and here to accept we have Sher way who is with the Treasure Coast Christian Alliance good morning good morning good morning I appreciate all of you on the board of County Commissioners and uh I thank thank you for this opportunity to receive this Proclamation from you again this year um the Treasure Coast Day of Prayer was brought in three years ago it is for the entire Treasure Coast it is a day when we bring in uh sometimes guest speakers and sometimes not this year we actually have two people coming in one is uh Paul Wilbur he's a Messianic uh song psalmist and song writer who is bringing in his team and they will be leading us in praise and worship for the night this is uh they were our original guests and then joining us later on in this is Rabbi Jonathan Khan author and Messianic Rabbi who is going to be uh a guest speaker as well so it's turned out to be a really wonderful uh conference for anyone who wants to attend um everyone is invited and it's being held at the fen Center in Fort Pierce Florida this year it's big enough to hold our group of people who have who have gotten their tickets the tickets are available and they are for donations so even if people can't afford to come they are still welcome and um they're only $20 for those who do want to come and we appreciate everybody who is hearing this that may want to uh continue to pursue this this event and I want to thank you once again for this opportunity to receive this Proclamation it's extremely important to us that our our um communities our counties our cities stand up behind us as we do this thank you thank [Applause] you it always works make you laugh that'll work you're laughing I when I piure thank you so much God bless God bless you okay with that we're going to work go to public comment which Mr Donaldson has a Spiel for you before we start that yes since we are in an election season politicking is prohibited which is defined as a ating the election or defeat of a candidate for public office either partisan or nonpartisan this includes the use of words dates signs props and or wearing appar apparel that convey a message of support for a person or group of persons thank you okay so um what we have is this is general public uh comment um a number of of these have little comments of maybe a specific agenda genda item you want to speak to so you have two options one is you speak uh in our general um this morning or you wait uh until um the agenda item comes up and then you can speak you can't get two bites of the Apple so if I call your name and you want to wait till the actual agenda item please let me know and I will set your card to the side and uh and we'll go from there uh secondly after I get done butchering um your name um if you would please come pronounce it correctly when you get to the podium that would be uh good because I'm looking at the first one and I'm going to really do it but uh anyway so we have Ann lemono followed by Gerald Kei good morning Commissioners how are you okay and you have three minutes and in uh uh two minutes 45 seconds you'll hear a tone and that just means you have 15 seconds to wrap it up so I'm here to um actually represent a group of people we are all from revived Church in Stuart Florida and I have a good group of them with me is it possible sir if they could just stand behind me symbolically I would love that sure absolutely okay so I'm goingon to we have a pastor here as well from the church and then an Elders wife and a staffer so this means a lot to me that they can come up okay and again if you would actually pronounce your name correctly Lim hoko yeah really the J is like an H Lim hoko and Lim hoko I'll go with that you got it thank you sir please go ahead okay okay good morning Commissioners my name is an Lam hoko and I'm here today with those all alongside me including a pastor we have a staff member Elders wife and Martin County Schoolboard member and we are all from revived Church which is in Stuart Florida we have about 700 people who are part of that church and growing and just a matter of background I have worked for United States Congress a member of Congress for 20 years so I am not a stranger to advocacy I've traveled to China and Kosovo representing the United States government and I've worked with countless elected officials nonprofits Community groups and local leaders and I am here today to advocate for life and so are all those behind me we are all here to stand for Life there have been groups from outside Florida that have spent millions of dollars on a deceptive campaign to place an extreme pro-abortion Amendment on Florida's November ballot Amendment four would dramatically expand the killing of unborn babies in the State of Florida it allows unlimited abortion before viability eliminates the sonogram requirement but also includes a loophole that would allow abortion to the moment of birth even if when the baby's in the birth canal this is what that will do if this is passed it would repeal Florida's heartbeat protection act which does include exceptions for rape and incest resin the 24-hour waiting period eliminate parental consent for minors so your children or grandchildren can have an abortion that they don't even have to tell you and then do away with Clinic safety regulations for women by abolishing the legislator's power to regulate the industry the abortion industry under Amendment four abortion would only be the only medical procedure that is not subject to parental consent requirements for minors if approved it will also significantly drive up State litigation costs as groups will come in and Sue the state to repeal any Florida laws regulating abortion and force the state taxpayers to subsidize abortions through Medicaid and we seen we have seen this being done in Michigan which just passed it the Declaration of Independence declares it to be a self evident truth that all men are created equal that we are endowed by God our creator with certain unalienable rights beginning with the right to life so I don't know if the board has known this but there are County commissions and city councils across the State of Florida that have actually been adopting resolutions opposing Amendment four there's nine County commissions and two City councils Gilcrest County Commission ker County Commission Bradford County Commission Liberty County Commission Okala Okaloosa County Commission Lee County Commission Sarasota County commission doto County Commission Jefferson County Commission Trenton City commission and the homestead city council have all passed resolutions opposing Amendment 4 and we are all here today asking to please join us in doing the same thank you for your time God bless you thank you ma'am I have the resolution here so is this something I could leave with you give it to the Baya there yeah thank you God bless you have a good day what about free choice all politic allow wrong okay Gerald ke excuse me say it again please here to talk about the change of proposed the land change out in I'd like to wait until okay you got it all right uh Wayne it's not my fault cuz I can't read it sorry and this is Skyline Drive that I think this item has been pulled you realize that right okay thank you my name is Wayne witson a longtime second generation owner of 3696 Northeast Skyland Drive I do see mango Terrors has been pulled from the agenda but I also like to address the council about a need for a little bit improved Road Safety Speeders going past our house are just unbearable at times morning Rush Hour especially and weekend nights late nights uh I'm in a little hilly section just south of the church South of the Sandra Drive intersection I can count about four or five maybe even eight instances a month where cars are overtaking other cars in the same direction and at one point we did find out when the round roundabout at the Boulevard was under construction for bright line and Skyline Drive was the default detour we did find out from a friendly sheriff's deputy that they did clock somebody going to work one day doing 49 miles an hour in a posted 25 we need some results up here uh can't seem to get uh sheriffs up here on a regular basis but I'd like to propose a lot of speed bumps rumble strips my personal choice put one in in front of every house but that's going to be unreasonable I would say every 18 to 2,000 square feet or even 2500 feet you know just get these people to slow down because it is a residential area and there are a lot of retirees up there uh we don't move that fast so anyway thank you have a great day hey Charles Marshall followed by Jesse Griffin jior Charles has a Skyline Drive address so I suspect that once he heard it was yeah okay Jesse Griffin coming up huh morning thank you hi uh my name is uh Jesse Griffin I'm a resident uh 1503 Southwest Laredo Street in Palm City here to speak generally about the text Amendment changes to Martin Commerce Park um the staff report in March relating to all the a changes to limited industrial basically everything but one item the staff recommended and not happen um there have been no public meetings except for the LPA meeting last week staff did not recommend approval in March criteria um they specifically addressed the criteria for future land use um and and it and it deemed it did not meet the um County comp plan the the use they also addressed the use of the freestanding Urban District um again only one of four U criteria were met the traffic engineering report in March reported a rather alarming increase in the number of vehicles on on Martin Highway way during Peak periods going anywhere from eight additional Vehicles a minute from 95 to uh Citrus on Martin Highway up to as high as 24 and I just don't know where these people are going um these these numbers are not even remotely possible with the infrastructure to handle what is already in place and it would the area would become an inv voluntary parking lot I would also like to direct the County Commission to the letter that Paul Schilling received from the Guardians of Martin County that when you guys approve the Royal Land um lifestyle zoning that there was supposed to be a study of the Western lands and that would be done that if that's been done it's not in public knowledge and I would ask that you consider until those reports are done and made a public before you start changing the area lastly the the freestanding service agreements when there's only a two-lane road with no turnouts and limited shoulders at this point is just it is the definition of urban spraw we did not move up here for that I would ask you guys to do the right thing and make sure that the infrastructure is in place before you keep approving all these items thank you thank you SC SC McCracken cool name if that's actually the right name um followed by Renee mors head good morning uh my name is Scott McCracken I'm a resident of Palm City I live in Cobblestone so you can imagine why I'm here um back to what the previous speaker was speaking of the traffic study I think is terribly skewed when it came out and it was at 1,400 per whatever at peak hours and then all of a sudden got revised to 400 I mean we're not even taking into account the church the 32 Acres out front that you want to put a gas station in with constant traffic and possibly a hotel or some other thing you know to to take that out is like saying crimes down because we're not reporting robberies anymore you know it's just ridiculous you have to look at the big picture we look at the big picture because we pull out of that every day and it's a mess already um so uh the only other thing that I wanted to say is I asked that we could delay this vote until we see a new Council I know you're probably going to say no to that but um as I reviewed the donations to everybody's account it's a sickening amount of money that Ashley Capital has poured into your all accounts sickening 10 15% of your accounts are from Ashley capital and their surrogates and it's absolutely sickening so listen listen to the people that voted for you because if all it takes is money to get a vote then let's negotiate that's all I have to say thank you Renee morshead followed by Matt ruko good morning Rene lard Morad from Jon Beach Skyline Drive um I looked on the uh agenda this morning because this has been pulled for the second time second time no warning we were not even notified this was getting on the agenda and we are neighbors on this project I don't know why it keeps getting pulled and I don't know why we're not getting noticed that it's on the agenda or off the agenda the day it's in the morning it's not fair to us to keep watching and are what are they trying to play game what is it cuz it's not fair to the residents of Skyline Drive who are not being being notified they have to go searching through the newspaper into the local section and read it every day to make sure they're not going to get uh taken under it's not fair you need to address that issue one way or another it doesn't belong there it makes no sense and it shouldn't even be coming up so it needs to be addressed taken off and we shouldn't be played with anymore it's not fair thank you Matt ruko I don't know why both was gonna talk is okay if one of my colleagues is with me yeah speaking the same same topic three minutes still only have three minutes absolutely well good morning everybody good morning um County Commissioners Matt Rocco uh Rocko's last name president of South Florida manufacturers Association follow with my colleague Mikel Jordi who's one of our business advisors we wanted to make some public comments on agenda 8- n regarding the uh Ashley Capital project the a million square fet um industrial project out there what we wanted to really share is you know with project like this manufacturing is huge to our economy right now Florida is number 10 in the state in manufacturing manufacturing over the last 10 years from a GDP perspective grew the largest of any state in the nation manufacturing is one of the highest wages so wages really matter it's over $68,000 the average wage these types of projects can be really good jobs for the residents and the communities where these projects are located and I wanted um my colleague Micah to share a little bit about uh a story on a manufacturer where it really impacts them impacts their employees and impacts the community in a positive way yeah man manufacturing especially here in the Treasure Coast is really uh you know starting to take ground uh I've had several clients actually that have had a lot of success here in Martin County as well as in St Lucy County and uh their expansion has created uh really several 100 jobs uh not to mention you know how that impacts the economy of this area and continues to bring those tax dollars in um it's as a resident um I like to see it uh I think it's really important to me obviously you know to see this growth and it gives Florida a very uh Diversified industry outside of the the norm of you know travel and tourism which is all near and dear to everybody's heart but manufacturing is really the backbone of the United States and of America so you know just uh thank you for your support on uh you know on Dawkins 8 and N Amy pritet good morning Commissioners I just want to um throw in my support for voting no on proc for uh the right to life is not a political issue the right to life is God given and children in the womb and out of the womb deserve life that's all I want to say thank you Jesse Griffin maybe Jr oh that okay I'm sorry I didn't flip my on the general part I've already SP okay uh Donna caly I would like to hold my comments until items p ph8 and ph9 are on the agenda okay uh oh you've got two of them here she's going to speak on each of the items separately okay actually she got three of them here speak iar hold on a minute okay Andrew Treadwell followed by Mr Tom Pine well good morning Commissioners it's a pleasure to be here today I feel like it's been a long time since anyone from Indian River State College stood before you and uh I'd like to start by saying let's change that so if there's another more appropriate time we can come back and give you a full update about what the college is doing particularly here in Martin County I'd like to do that I am here today on behalf of items pH 8 and N in the Ashley Capital project this is not a formal endorsement our our Board of Trustees does not do those but our president Dr Tim Moore is very interested in the reshoring of manufacturing in this nation and he sent me down here just because of that interest and because it align so well with what we're doing at Indian River State College uh just so you all are aware over the past year and a half we've been awarded two different job growth grants at IRSC to the tune of $7 million to re-up Manufacturing and training quick training inside of our communities we're working on another project right now that's going to benefit everywhere from Port St Lucy down into Martin County and we believe that we're going to get those funds so just know that that our training is moving forward in that direction the State of Florida is moving forward in that direction I was at the Florida Broadband Summit just two weeks ago and had a conversation with secretary Alex Kelly your secretary of Commerce in the State of Florida and he pulled out a map and he goes the Florida's Treasure Coast is aligned right now for some incredible opportunities and we have to be ready to Capital I on those so when you layer in our promise program and I hope all all all of this uh this Das knows what our promise program is doing in our community it's helped our enrollment we are now 51% first generation that's more than one of every two students are coming for the first time for training and education at IRSC we can do some incredible things we're building that ecosystem to support U reshoring of manufacturing so with that I know that after 20 years of living on Florida's Treasure Coast you guys will be very judicious in your decisions and I thank you for your time thank you sir Mr Pine is followed by Shirley Walker good morning Commissioners my name is Tom Pine I've been a resident of Martin County for over 50 years it appears a major upgrade to the morning field Indian River Glon at Jensen Beach has recently being completed of course we didn't hear a word about it at a County Commission meeting it's just another little secret why are major projects either by the parks department or the county Redevelopment agency often done in darkness why the secrets this is how democracy dies one Secret at a time at the morning field it appears the number of anchor balls has increased substantially were there any other upgrades inquiring minds want to know speaking of moing fields why are the taxpayers of Martin County being forced to pay for morning fields in the first place morning Fields have absolutely nothing nothing to do with the operation of local government we get nothing from them except for the potential of a sewer spill who benefits from morning Fields business community of course also known as the Martin County Chamber of Commerce so again I ask why are the taxpayers in Martin County being forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to build morning Fields then spend unknown thousands of dollars more maintaining them and then yes we spend thousands more of our tax dollars paying County Employees to operate the mo Fields this is not how democracy works this is how our County Commissioners ensure that more Martin County residents go to bed hungry we have totally lost our moral compass the only thing that matters anymore in Martin County is how much money you have morals is a thing of the past as far as our local government goes another leech holding on to the taxpayers Martin County the business development Board gets close to $500,000 a year from the taxpayer of Martin County to run their operation which my from my perspective is just another arm of the Martin County Chamber of Commerce our backs and legs are starting to bend and break carrying all these large organizations we are the working class and we can't do it anymore stop bleeding us to death as we get ready to celebrate our 100th anniversary it should be noted that our local government has now entered into more private sector jobs in the last decade than it did the total First Years of our County existence this is how democracy dies one step at a time check your history books if they haven't been banned yet thank you for your time Shirley Walker followed by um Venza Jackson hi my name is Shirley Walker good morning um I am a resident in Martin County in stuent Florida and I'm standing here today because I support wholeheartedly strongly what anal Moko spoke about the resolution against amendment 4 and I want to remind everybody here um everyone who's under the sound of my voice every single one of you sitting here in this office and in this position that it is because your biological mother gave you the right to life and she was carried through her pregnancy and she allowed you to come into this world the way God intended it that you have the position you have today to stand here and to be able to make a difference and make a change in this world and also to be able to stand up here and be able to stand here and say the things that you want to say for change to happen to make this place a better place so I stand against amendment 4 and I'm asking you to also um have this resolution against amendment four thank you [Applause] hi I'm Vincent Zena Jackson um I am a resident in Palm City Florida and I would like you to support the resolution against amendment 4 like me I stand on God's Living Word and with many people in our community like Anne and revive church thank you all and God bless [Applause] you Robert reneer is that yes oh there he is I didn't see Robert reneer sitting in the back there followed by Jenny Yingling happy birthday sir thank you morning Commissioners uh for the record Rob reary with House of Hope also a steuart resident um first I want to I don't know if I'll be here again before your Changing of the Guard so I just want to thank Commissioners Jenkins and Smith for all their years of service to our community um today I want to talk to you about Martin Commerce Park I know it's on your agenda for later um certainly not here to speak about the nuts and bolts of the project rather I want to talk about the leadership um since arrival they have um dove into Martin County's nonprofit Community um been extremely supportive to help us uh accomplish the goals and uh create the resources necessary to help move our community forward um no expectation from them of anything except to do good in the community that they hope to be a part of for the Long Haul um and it's not just checkw writing uh their leadership is involved in strategic planning and um utilizing some of their other resources to help the greater good um House of hopes had discussions with them about how to as you know we grow food for the people that we serve uh we've had discussions with them about finding ways to do that on a larger scale um House of hopes exploring the creation of a food Hub to bring more food into our area to feed those in need uh and they've been involved in those discussions and again bringing resources to bear for that opportunity so uh that's the kind of Business Partnership that nonprofits really need to have lasting long-term impact on the community to really generate positive uh resources and opportunity for the Long Haul to do things that will um do uh hopefully help us break generational poverty and create more resources and opportunities for those in our community that need that helping hand um I think that says a lot about the character of the people involved about the desire of the people involved to be here and be a part of Solutions in our community uh we need more Business Leaders like that in Martin County and I hope you'll support them today thank you Miss Yingling will be followed by Mr Rick Hartman good morning Commissioners and staff um I'm here speaking on the consent item ph8 and ph9 I've lived in Palm City Farms off 714 since 1989 I was happy to hear the plans for Mar Martin Commerce Park too often I have seen local business owners look to our North and our South South in order to expand their business and grow there is a need in our County for light industrial space to not only maintain local business but to attract new companies we need this for our tax base this project provides a long-term strategic location for small to midsize companies and as a taxpayer in Martin County since 1980 I appreciate your thoughtful consideration for this land use change thank you you Mr Hartman will be followed by Terry Hogle maybe good morning commissioner for the record Rec Harman and i' like Rob berer I want to thank commissioner heard I mean excuse me you're welcome always a pleasure Harold Jenkins and commissioner Smith for your service the last number of years and I think you've done a good job and I wish you were still here going to be here in January but thank you for your service I'm here to talk about the Ashley Capital project I live in stur West have lived in St West I don't remember 15 16 years long time and traffic is a problem but Ashley capital is going to put a stop light up which will really help the other thing that I've heard in our community is going to detract from our property values if you look at that project when they put the map up we'll never see this project it'll be buffered by a gas station a hotel a motel whatever whatever else can go there so the people in St West will never see this project it will be off the road I would guess about a half a mile like other speakers have said we need a tax base and I think this is this is a really good opportunity to take advantage of that on Ashley Capital we started meeting with them I don't know 2 3 years ago and they've been completely transparent we had the first me meeting at a restaurant in town with about four four other couples and then we had another one with about 10 or 12 couples and then we had another one with about oh I don't know another 10 or 12 couples there's been two big meetings inside at the clubhouse so they've been completely transparent that's what I like about them they really are transparent I I do want to disclose I do lease pasture from them west of there on ground they own and we run cows on it but I want just full disclosure whether I had that land or not I'd still support this project and I hope you support the project thank you thank you Terry kogal you had it right the first time did I wow followed by my last speaker form then this one is U get another good one yeah so we'll wait till vicory yeah okay I know good morning I'm Terry kogal good morning commissioners uh I seem to have lost uh most of my audience and since this isn't political but it seems to be I vote for Amendment four only due to the fact if you've ever had a friend who had been beaten and raped and then she does not have the choice to to eliminate that pregnancy is wrong and I do believe you need to look totally at that Amendment and read it carefully thank you thank God that's not coming before us was it Mr vicory yeah hi I'm hu vicory I've talked to some of you about this issue already but I thought I'd re reiterate it for the record um personally uh I lived in Washington DC all my life I covered Congress as a reporter I worked for a congressional staff for a while I ended up working uh as a uh senior person and a and a for a cabinet secretary so I know how politics work and this thing from my perspective with the Ashley Corporation just stinks I mean they came in they held a big meeting with us they blew smoke at us they brought in all these high-powered uh lobbyists then when they put their proposal out they had their yellow sign they actually hid it behind a for sale sign which I'm trying to figure out why are they trying to sell the land at the same time they're trying to get it rezoned um it's on our doorstep it it's light industrial whatever that means uh it's going to be an uh noise trucks it's just not a good project for our area and I don't understand why we uh when this thing has been uh planned out in the comprehensive plan uh for what it should be why suddenly we're coming along saying oh let's change it uh I I completely oppose it I I think that uh uh you know and I especially oppose the fact that you know everybody was running on no growth I kept getting these flyers no growth no growth no growth and the second the election the primary is over Suddenly It's dropped in our doorstep that we have this hearing and this vote right now suddenly and I'm going well what's going on with that it just doesn't pass the the red face test so I strongly encourage you to at least delay the vote until the new commission takes office thank you that is our last uh public speak form um we do have a few for specific items and with that we'll move on to commissioner comments commissioner Smith sure thank you good morning uh a couple things this morning um last week at our tourism development council meeting um we had a presentation on depi uh Management Area out west of Indian Town out Southwest of Indiantown if you will um and I don't know how many of you even know where dep is but uh it's a really nice special part of our County Way Out West and there a lot of groups who used to use it when we had Staffing from the south Florida Water Management District out there fulltime and apparently that necessarily that Arrangement doesn't exist anymore um the way it used to and so I guess I'm asking us uh to communicate uh with a letter to the Water Management District on behalf of of a couple different organizations in town but also as our parks department and our tourism Development Council um that we work with them to see if we can't create a dark sky designation with uh the Water Management District uh for dup and again for those of you who don't know where it is um that's probably a good thing uh because if you don't know where it is then it's still pretty neat and pretty untouched and and a pretty cool place to go um so that's the first thing uh second thing for those that came in and spoke on Skyline Drive this morning uh there are some platted lots that have been there since the 20s um and they fall down below Skyline Drive between the railroad tracks and um Skyline Drive there uh is an individual in our community that is in the process of purchasing those lots and there is a easement or there is a rightaway maybe not so much in easement that's what they're asking for uh from those six platted lots to Skyline Drive and I have been working with a property owner to the east of them which connects to Candace Boulevard or uh Candace Drive which runs along the railroad tracks uh South down to Jensen Beach Boulevard and the idea is to get the other property owner to agree to uh creating an easement for those six Lots so that they don't have to go up onto Skyline Drive and add uh more complexity to what already exists on Skyline Drive and so uh Renee was in talking this morning and and and is not happy with the idea that this thing keeps popping up the property owner has the right to come to us and ask for an easement to those properties I am working really hard with the other property owner to see if we can't circumvent that idea and create another alternative for them to access those lots so as not to dump it up onto Skyline um which I would think that um the folks that are immediately adjacent to where this thing would occur would be happy with that so um that's what we're working on and and I'm sorry that we don't get the best of notice out into the community but these things happen in a very last minute and at lightening speed sometimes but I would hope that the message would be um that we are working with the other property to see if we can't um alleviate um otherwise what might make people really unhappy on Skyline lastly on the third issue um Kevin Powers invited me to come out to Indian town to take a tour of of what's going on in Indian town if you all haven't been out there lately um there is some really neat things going on in Indian Town um it's amazing quietly what's going on out there um there are some fantastic companies that have already built their businesses uh one of the parks that we did as a permit ready Park probably 12 years ago or so is starting to actually happen uh and they're getting some incredible companies and businesses out there creating some amazing jobs for Indian toown and for Martin County and tax base uh and then the old uh Louis drus facility um uh is being completely revisioned and repurposed uh and and reworked which is incredible for us it it was um certainly an old industrial site that had seen its time um but there are businesses in there today that will completely transform it and turn it into something that all of us will be very happy about in Martin County relative to uh taking an old site and turning it into something very special so uh kudos to uh Indiantown um their new residential project out there is coming along amazingly I got to drive into there with Kevin as well to see that um so Indian town is happening and good for them thank you Mr chair Comm hington thank you um I would just just let my colleagues know that uh on Jefferson between Dixie Highway and St Lucy it's been a the residents have complained for many years on speeding and we have looked at traffic calming um we we're waiting till the resurfacing was done on Jefferson it is sort of a straight shot from Dixie Highway to St Lucy Boulevard no stops no and and right now it it hasn't been striped since they're resurfacing so it sort of looks like a a Runway strip so but we are working on that resurfacing um the the striping and we're going to be doing some traffic calming measures on that road um that I think that will help um we've discussed it with engineering staff and um I think it the residents will see a difference but we had been waiting for the resurfacing to occur and there will not be a bunch of speed tables but there will be some other measures that I think that the residents will be happy with um I had the pleasure and the honor of uh attending a ribbon cutting at the place of hope facility um off of um Co COV right cat um it was a ribbon cutting for one of the uh Cottages um and we were um as the board of County Commissioners in the county um acknowledged for um the help that has been provided uh for those of you that don't know um that facility used to be the smaran boy h smaran house for boys um it was uh turned over to the place of hope which is one of the most amazing uh not for-profits in the state uh they deal with um foster children and the transition from a unhealthy situation into foster care uh they train foster parents they are just an absolutely amazing um thing and and a huge asset for our community um anyway um they they had a um facility in hop sound that they built brand new um I took some of my district funds to help that that that was prior to the um prior to the um um acquisition of of the uh Spar house uh so they've actually sold that so they parlayed that into into um something out of my district but that's the way it worked out but anyway it is uh an amazing thing if if everybody could please go to their website and see what they do they are absolutely amazing but anyway they Nam the foyer um after they dedicated the foure to uh Martin County Bo Board of County Commissioners and you know with the help of growth management it has been a huge challenge to take that old site and to modernize it and um and they were just very appreciative of the staff and the support from the from the U commission so just wanted and they gave this this cool plaque I don't know where all our plaques go but U anyway wall the plaque wall okay with that Mr campy I'm almost set i'm set Mr donalson uh just a really quick one uh uh s Wade our Emergency Management director and our staff have been monitoring the potential tropical storm which is likely to turn into a major hurricane later this week just uh our our expectation is only tropical storm winds here on Thursday but just as a reminder for everybody to always be prepared this time of year these storms come up really quick and our staff are still taking it seriously to make sure that we're prepped for whatever changes should they occur but we don't expect them to be so um we're just still continuing to monitor so thank you okay commissioner Smith I'm sorry Mr and uh thank you Mr chair Don maybe at some point today whether it's at the end or after an appropriate time if if there is an update from what occurred last night with bright line with the city I think that would be helpful for us to understand where we are uh and what is next for us sure well we can do that at the end of the meeting thank you okay now we will be begin our meeting commissioner herd would you like to do the poll first sure okay we're going to do consent 13 poll uh request uh an approval to terminate the lease between the Boys and Girls Club of Martin County and Martin County Board of County Commissioners Carla good morning Carla sigura real property manager um this item is a request for the acceptance and approval of a mutual termination of lease between the boys and Girls Club in Martin County um for the lease of property at 1150 Southwest Martin Downs Boulevard in Palm City the Boys and Girls Club is relocating their services to their new facility and storeart rendering the current location unnecessary the termination request is dated effective September 30th and our general service department is going to uh has a scheduled walkth through and key collection at that time um staff is recommending that the board approved the mitual termination of lease for the boys and girls club in Palm City and authorized the County administrator or design to execute any and all documents necessary to complete this transaction if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer I pulled this because this is an a valuable asset that the county owns um I was here when we uh did the original lease with the boys and girls club and it's you know it's makes perfect sense that they're going to be moving into their beautiful new facility on Martin Luther King Boulevard but before we commit to another use I wanted to know what kind of uses are uh contemplated for this property so right now we were just working on the termination like we did a week ago with the IRSC and there's a couple of people that are interested in the one in andian town so after we did this termination I was planning on doing an agenda item with those two to see uh get suggestions on future uses okay thanks Comm campy thank you I had been aware that the boys and girls club would be vacating that property that property I did not come into office until after that was already existing as the Boys and Girls Club it was an old Martin County fire rescue station small and then they moved further south on map Road uh the Commissioners at the time led by commissioner D Lizzy thought to create an opportunity for the boys and girls club to take that space But it was always sort of a difficult space for the boys and girls club it is directly on Martin Downs Boulevard it has a long piece of property that was used primarily as an outdoor open space for the kids to play in however very dangerous right along like literally on the sidewalk of Martin Downs Boulevard and the intersection of Mt and Martin Downs uh next to it in a small parcel is a local insurance agent who has also reached out to me other not for-profits had reached out to me to say hey we heard that that is going to be vacant I like commissioner her just said I would say it's one of the more valuable pieces of property that the county would own and I know you're going to come forward with an agenda item but to stop every other not for-profit from contacting us to say we would like to have it now I think it's best use would be to be sold back to the private sector and used along Martin Downs Boulevard uh as some type of commercial space it's a valuable piece of property which will mean it'll bring a number it was never ideally um a great location for children to be that close to the road um the other non for-profits that have reached out to me are all um children based or oriented not for-profits so I look forward to you bringing it forward uh but I don't see us necessarily keeping it it's just it's along that Corridor that's had some new uh revitalization in my personal opinion as the district commissioner it would be an opportunity for us to offload it thank you thanks for bringing it up commissioner Comm just another little piece of nugget history with that um I was on the board when we made that um decision and that was a at the time uh it was a um a great decision for them um and I think Mike made the motion but I'm not sure if I did or he did to do it um but at the time it was a good idea and and apparently it has outlived its its usefulness uh which is fine um but it was a great opportunity to take a building that was otherwise um going to kind of fall apart on us and do something with it for 20 years or so and do something good so oh I'm not criticizing I think it was great like you said it's usil it's functional usefulness expired okay we need a motion I guess we need a motion motion to accept staff's recommendation for the termination of the a mutual termination of the lease agreement okay we have a motion by commissioner campy seconded by commissioner Smith all in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously now we're off to public hearing number one something that's brand new is open this item for public comment first it says in red on my agenda thing why is that request to continue good morning members of the board my name is Clyde Dulan I'm the comprehensive planning administrator with me is jeni uh senior planner um we're asking that the board open this uh public hearing and continue it to October 22 uh we have some additional changes we'd like to make to it so that it's internally consistent with items we'll be bringing forward to you uh on October 22 so it doesn't say that I'm just for mind that's thank you okay that's why he's there okay good to say that okay could we have a motion to do that we need to oh we need to open it to public comment uh do we have any public comment on public hearing number one that is being proposed to be um pushed back till October 22nd seeing none move that we continue item public hearing item uh number one to October 22nd second okay we have motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor wait a minute hold on can we just add a time Alise Elder Deputy County Attorney at a time to 9:00 or thereafter then can be heard sure maker agrees to that I didn't get it say it again after 9 o' 9 o' or after on October 22nd okay that's the motion and everybody agrees to that okay we have motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously public hearing number two Let Us l a public hearing to consider transmittal of evaluation and Appraisal report-based comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 24-8 Coastal management element a text Amendment Mr Clyde Dulan darl deloo good morning members of the board um this Pro this element was considered by the local planning Agency on August 15 and they voted 50 to recommend approval this is a work product um Amy e did The Lion Share of it to uh to improve its the vulnerability uh protections built into it Daryl Duo also worked on this element um and I believe Amy also coordinated with our Emergency Management staff on it so uh we are um very comfortable with the changes and we're very happy with the the coordination internally this is an internal work product so uh with that I will turn it over to Amy to hit the high spots on the changes to chapter8 good morning thank you my name is Amy e I'm the environmental resource engineer for the environmental resource division ision within Public Works um here today to share with you the changes to chapter 8 as part of the ear Amendment uh this chapter has been changed mainly for housekeeping reasons such as updating the evacuation information for hurricanes to be consistent with the Statewide Regional evacuation study program prepared by the Florida Division of environmental Emergency Management and Treasure Coast Regional planning Council there's also clarifying language in there that has some references that needed to be updated because documents have been updated through the throughout the years and there's clarifying language in there um per the state statute of 163 3178 which is the coastal management element as a requirement by State Statute and also we we updated the ear uh the chapter 8 because of resolution 21- 3.32 which developed a new goal for resiliency uh this goal is 8.3 and it's to provide space in there for the approved 2021 sea level rise report that the commission had approved and also to address State Statute Peril of flood language which is uh State Statute 163 3178 F1 so those were the updates um do we want to go through some of the changes also I should note that the figures that are attached to this chapter our maps that show items like the um moing fields and so on like that have been updated to the most recent data uh which is a standard requirement as part of these ear-based amendments thank you any questions for staff seeing none do we have any public comment on this public hearing seeing none back to the board commissioner Smith um just so I'm doing this right or we're continuing these to October 22nd at 9:00 or there after as can be heard so my motion would be to uh attentively approve and and continue or to just to just to continue um public hearing item number two uh to October 22nd at a time uh at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter second okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner herd all in favor motion passes unanimously public hearing number three legislative public hearing to consider transmittal of evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive plan Amendment 24- 09 conservation and open space element a text Amendment again good morning members of the board with me is Daryl duoo the environmental planning administrator um Daryl and his staff did The Lion Share of the work on chapter nine and so we're just going to hit a few of the high spots uh this also was recommended for approval by the local planning Agency on August 15 good morning darl Duo um so what you're looking at is the table of issues and description of changes uh this is a very minor changes uh fundamentally there's three changes proposed here uh one involves a map change right here so we're proposing to strike reference to a dated Wetland composite map and figure in chapter nine of the comp plan second item involves a consistency change so we have a definition of special Upland habitats so we're proposing some minor text changes to use that definition consistent consistently throughout the comp plan um in the different sections where it's referenced and then lastly we have a state preemption so we're proposing to strike some language here that you can see on the left um because we're preempted from using that list in uh Florida statutes section 581 is noted in the right column so with that I I'll pause for any questions you may have and we can dive into this deeper if You' like to or look at any specific text commissioner her so we're eliminating the Martin County composite Wetland map figure 91 replacing it with what um so Clyde can you go to page 377 sure so this is the existing Wetland composite map that's been figure in the comp plan for many years and if we can slide down to the bottom so we have concerns about having a map published that's titled the Wetland composite map of Martin County because that's not what this is what you're looking at is data of areas that have the potential to be Wetlands they haven't been delineated so people look have misinterpreted this map over the years uh private property is indicated on this map where they say oh there's Wetlands on this property not necessarily so so we're proposing to strike that and then Clyde if you can go to page 358 sure we'll show you so we're not getting rid of the concept so we're still using the concept of composite data sets to predict Wetlands um and those data sets have evolved over the years so the Wetland composite map if you look at the stricken language here is comprised of 1981 data on hydric soils which is still useful um 1985 Wetland inventory National Wetland inventory data that data has been updated over the years and now we have data from 2022 and then lastly there was a a satellite data layer from the 1990s that we don't even use today anymore because uh it it's not very good in a nutshell so what data do we require to identify Wetland delineation and where is it in chapter 8 so so if you continue to the next paragraph here um this is where we describe what we do today so an analysis of composite Digital Data sources can be a useful guide or tool for environmental professionals to identify the presence or potential location of wetlands however Florida Statutes require the delineation of wetland boundaries in the field according with the Florida unified Wetland delineation methodology so these are tools these aren't telling you where wetlands are they're just uh tools that we use to give us an idea of what we could potentially find when we go out in the field to to formally delineate Wetlands um and who performs who performs the formal delineation of wetlands so the formal delineation of wetlands is is typically done by the state agencies that where does it say that in chapter 8 that there's a requirement that the state delineate Wetlands right there right right here so Florida Statutes require the delineation of wetland boundaries in the field according to the Florida's unified wetlands deline ation methodology which is found in State Statute so we're required to go with the the delineation methodology that the state has there was a time when we first adopted the comp plan in the 80s where the county did its own delineations and then again the state now requires us to go with the unified methodology for consistency throughout the state members of the board if I may add a little uh background um back when the wet composite map was first created by Gary rodri and the environmental staff there was not data on the web that is out there today on our own website today on our um MC Navigator you can access the data that's listed in this document readily and available 247 on the web likewise the south Florida Water Management District has soils data and other Wetland data available none of this data gives you the actual specific location it just gives you the potential location and so the this static map which has been in the referenced and been a part of the plan for 20 plus years is a vestage of the past when you didn't have this readily available on the internet but now it's readily available on the internet and what we're referring to is something static and has not changed in over 20 years who performs the delineation so that would either be uh the Department of Environmental Protection or South Florida Water Management District Mr Donaldson I was just going to reiterate this was an example where the state preempted all local governments performing their creating their own Wetland boundary line the other piece of the I think to add a little bit to that delineation is typically what happens is a environmental professional will do the actual marking of the boundary and then the state verifies whether or not they agree with It ultimately this only the state agencies can um provide a jurisdictional boundary uh that we all follow so there's a that that's just the um um so we it's either the south Florida Water Management District uh or the Department of Environmental Protection are the only ones allowed to actually certify the boundary thanks thank you any other questions for staff any public comment on public hearing number three seeing none back to the board commissioner Smith move item public hearing number three to uh October 22nd at 900 a.m. or the appropriate time following 9:00 a.m second okay we have motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed opposed opposed to moveing it MH okay motion carries 4 to one with commissioner herd dissenting um thank you thank you public hearing number four um legislative public hearing to consider transmittal of evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive plan Amendment 24-10 chapter 10 sanitary sewer service element a text Amendment Miss Samantha love lady good morning Commissioners for the record Samantha love lady growth management and we are here today to um consider transmittal of comprehensive plan Amendment 24-10 and this is for chapter 10 sanitary sewer Services of the Martin County growth management plan and much of what we have to present today is um housekeeping and um I'll let Leo go over the major changes one thing that I do want to point out is that we have a new goal in chapter 10 and um yeah take it away okay great Sam um uh Leo retti uh technical service administrator for Mar County Utilities uh for the most part there there are uh several housekeeping language uh uh updates in here things like Indian toown is no longer a private utility it's uh now Municipal utility we eliminated a reference to uh some language in the CRA prior to making these changes we didn't have any septic sewer programs within the cras we now have 100% design or construction for 3,400 properties that were served by septic systems within the cras uh we've got availability uh construction completed for about 1,400 of those homes uh we changed the waste water flows from 100 gallons per day per capita to 1095 gallons per day per ERC makes it a whole lot easier to look at flows and capacities for properties that are other than single family residential uh that's also how we uh calculate our flows from our master plan uh finally the last section is the new language to address uh house build 1379 and Senate Bill 1632 uh that discusses uh the utilities uh requirement to look at septic to sewer conversions in the future for pro projects that would have 50 or more Lots on septic tanks large larger than lot size larger than one acre so we've uh and and the ability to connect in the future our tables up updated through 2045 that address the capacity for uh future projects including those that might fit into that that criteria and as a followup to Leo um you see in language go 10.4 where IT addresses um House Bill 1379 Senate Bill 1632 when this comes back to you October 22nd um that language will be replaced by um Florida statute 163 31776 and where it says utility element that will have changed to the name of the actual element another thing I want to add is the um we have some exceptions so I can find them um there's a 9 and 1/2 acre parcel out by the landfill and on page 409 409 thank you 4099 sorry about that is that what you're referring to this is exactly what I'm referring to um there it's a 9x 9 and 1/2 acre a parcel and the utilities it's owned by Martin County and the utilities department has asked that we add that to the landfill um exception for Water and Sewer Service why uh at this point it's a property formally owned by waste management and we're looking to uh move some of our operations over there which would have a restroom uh uh for employees there uh we're already bringing the water and Sewer out to the landfill the line runs right past it and we'd like to be able to serve uh that property so that employees uh we wouldn't have to put a a septic tank uh for employee restrooms what's contemplated on this 9 and a half acre site U I believe it is our vegetative uh uh uh vegetative uh processing facility that's the one we got from Waste Management we bought like a year ago yeah I I would uh prefer that when those those um plans are disclosed then we can contemplate putting water and sewer on the parcel one right if we don't have plans for it yet then why are we moving water and sewer there uh uh we're just preparing uh for for those uh changes to streamline the process later on once we do have plans and the utilities are already being run out there uh that's correct and I've pulled up the parcel here to show you and this is the land transfer station property and the the the water main forc M are running right to the front Gates of the uh the transfer station facility running right past the the project okay with that any other questions do we have any public hearing or public uh comment on this public hearing if not commissioner Smith Mr chairman thank you uh move that we continue item public hearing number four to October 22nd to a time at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter when it is appropriate second it motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed opposed um public hearing number five legislative public oh didn't we just do that say it oh I'm sorry excuse me brain fade um motion carries 4 to one commissioner herd dissenting thank you okay can we do this in8 minutes public hearing number five legislative public hearing to consider transmitt of evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive plan Amendment 24-11 11 pable Water Service element 10-year water supply facilities work plan and text amend a text Amendment good morning Commissioners again Samantha Lov lady Martin County growth management and I have with me Ann Murray from the utilities department she's the county Hydro geologist and um a lot of the issues are um pretty uh housekeeping um such as updated references to the Village of Indian Town um we revised some planning periods in in accordance with State Statute and when I say some I don't mean all because the Upper East Coast water supply plan is updated every 5 years and we just um updated it in 2022 correct and then we'll be doing it again in a couple years so um that does cover a 25 year planning period so um with that I'm going to hand it over to Ann and she can discuss with you any um I did provide revisions to 11 11-1 and 11-2 as supplemental memo uh thank you Ann Murray um County hydrog geologist um so the issues that are presented uh before you are just uh housekeeping issues for the most part updated references to the Village to not on it's on you just got to speak louder okay that's usually not a problem for me so I just scooted up a little bit um as uh Samantha has uh mentioned uh the this this chapter follows closely the south Florida Water Management District um upper east coast water supply plan has recently been updated will be updated in a couple of years um so that's where it draws its information is from that um that uh planning document um as we just discussed the 9 and a half parcel owned by Martin County has been added and is acknowledged in this chapter there are revisions to figures 11.1 and 11.2 which is service area as to my understanding we have a a service area inter local with the um with um South Martin Regional U ilities that is due to expire at the beginning of next year and that that is in process for developing new um Maps lastly there's minor revisions to policy 11.4 B which is the proposed modifications to the Consolidated water system to recognize changes in um in in current plan conditions are there any questions any questions for staff any public comment on this item seeing none when commissioner campy gets back to the Das we'll take the vote oh Commissioners it was a speaker that had Kem to speak on a item that was pulled and we didn't didn't want him to sit here all day if he didn't have to so anyway commissioner Smith I would move um we continue item public hearing item number five to October 22nd at 9:00 a.m. or as soon as after is applicable I'll second it okay we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor all right all opposed opposed um okay we um motion passes with commission heard dissenting um public hearing number six legislative public oh wait a minute we're going to take our uh close captioning break now it's almost 10:30 and we will be back in 10 or 12 minutes how about that e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back where were we public hearing number six legislative public hearing to consider transmittal of evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive plan Amendment 24-12 chapter 12 solid and hazardous waste a text Amendment M love lady good morning Commissioners it's yes is that better no what is going on with that hello that's is that better yeah okay good loud all right for the record this is Samantha love lady with Martin County growth management and this is a um request to consider transmittal of CPA 2412 which is the solid and hazardous waste element excuse me and I have um Sam Amerson from the director of utilities for Martin County and we'll go over the changes in chapter 12 which are very minimal yeah good morning Commissioners uh as Samantha said Sam Amerson utilities and Solid Waste Department director the changes are minimal um primarily we updated references to the Village of Indiantown we updated dates terms and some statistics included in the chapter and there were no changes to goals objectives or policies that are proposed um for example one of the changes where am I at 512 um on page 512 of the agenda you'll see at the top we've uh made some changes in dates from 2008 to 2022 uh related to the percent of recycle of um waste that's processed at our facilities we've also um updated um uh couple paragraphs below the population uh to uh reflect our current population of one 61,63 residents and then under 12.2b we've added item six which is established a construction and demolition recycling facility so most of these are just updates uh based on current current processes and current management of our solid waste facility and I believe that was all the major changes 519 page 59 19 we yeah just under policy the objective 12.1 Point P we um identified the village of Indiantown and Town of Ocean Breeze stating that Martin County shall work with the city of Stewart sus Point town of Jupiter Island the village of Indiantown and the Town of Ocean Breeze to support All Recycling programs and those were basically the changes in the text for this chapter if you have any questions I'll be glad to try to answer them questions for staff commissioner Smith no just make a motion when okay no public comment on this item seeing none commissioner Smith Mr chairman I move uh that we continue item public hearing item six uh to October 22nd at 9: a.m. or a Time thereafter when it is appropriate I will second that MO motion okay motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you thank you Sam public hearing number seven legislative public hearing to consider transmittal of evaluation and appraisal report based comprehensive Amendment 24-13 chapter 13 drainage and natural groundwater Aqua for recharge element a text Amendment Samantha love lady good morning Commissioners morning Samantha love lady with Martin County growth management and this is a request to consider transmittal of CPA 2413 um a text Amendment to the chapter 13 drainage and natural groundwater aquafer recharge element and I have Amy een over here to help me um go over the changes for the chapter thank you again Amy e environmental resource engineer with the environmental resource division of Public Works I'm here to present you an overview of the changes done in Chapter 13 uh this chapter was updated mostly with housekeeping items um including removing and updating outdated references removing IND uh Indian town and adding statutory requirements um we also added um information concerning resiliency with sea level rise uh updated information uh with water quality we also revised uh the historical and projected average gross water demands uh as part of the aquafer portion of the chapter uh we also updated the references to the most latest and greatest upper east coast water supply plan uh produced by South Florida Water Management District so that that gives the information for the aquafer and our water supply system updated information concerning our national pollutant discharge elimination system there's some reference in there that was inconsistent we also updated information in there to add green infrastructure uh to protective initiatives under Section 13- um. 5.a we also added in there um the County Wastewater treatment and on-site sewage treatment and Disposal system plan which is a requirement by uh the Florida Statutes um we also deleted references to the lands for health Rivers initiatives because that plan does not exist um we also added best management practices into the chapter and then lastly uh to be in compliance with State Statute chapter 163 the Environmental Protection uh it's chapter 20 23-1 169 uh we put a priority to septics septic tank problem areas um and that we should prioritize those problem areas uh for connection and um and lastly we deleted three figures um because they weren't referenced in the document and they were um really not needed figure 135 um was needed right away for drainage um 136 was groundwater drainage basins uh again that reference it's a it's a figure that was dated 1974 uh need to be referenced out uh because South Florida Water Management District does that and then um figure 13.7 uh potential well filled development areas and I'll answer any questions any questions for staff seeing none any public comment on this public hearing seeing none back to the board don't push that line I got to reach all the way over there and push it off go ahead Mr chairman move uh that we continue item public hearings 7 to October 22nd at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it follows second motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner heatherington all in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously public hearing number eight legislative public hearing to consider transmitt of comprehensive plan Amendment 23- 09 Martin Commerce Park LLC a site specific text Amendment Miss Samantha Lov lady good morning morning commissioner Samantha Lov lady with growth management this is CPA 2309 Martin Commerce Park a site specific text Amendment it is requested by Martin Commerce Park LLC and it is a request to add the property to the list of exceptions for water and sewer services and to create a freestanding urban service District it's also a request to change figures in in the comprehensive plan figure 4 4-2 urban service districts figure 11-1 areas currently served by Regional utilities and figure 11-2 potential service areas and there's a number of policies that will go over um that are um requested to and all of these policies are for consistency throughout the chapter 4 and 10 and um for instance policy 4 1 B2 provides for restrictions um residential uses will be prohibited in a deed restriction recorded um the maximum non-residential building square footage on the entire project site will be limited to 1.1 million square ft all future applications for development um will be process as a PUD a planned unit development and the owner of Martin Commerce Park shall construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Martin Highway in Stuart West Boulevard and the owner developer shall plan and appropriately fund public facilities consistent with policy 1B 2 which requires future development to pay the full cost of capital capital facilities needed to address the impacts of such development and the proposed other proposed text changes are just for consistency the tract of real property known as Martin Commerce designated as industrial on the future land use map and described an ordinance number and that ordinance number would be filled in if the amendment is adopted again the same language in policy 14 4714 the exact same language and 10.1 188 is another exception with the same language now policy 4.1 a12 is um is allowed for package treatment plants for Martin Gale Commons and for 7js and um those package plants are not needed anymore because Water and Sewer services are available so we are just um eliminating those exceptions for 7js and Martin Commons and just saying that package treatment plants shall be prohibited and we do have notification by the 7js property owner that they um are in agreement with this amendment and here is the existing 4-2 and this is the proposed 4 -2 and you'll see the previous one the only freestanding Service District was the um Gateway and this one will show the this will add a freestanding here and then it shows sjs and act Tech on the map and those are that we have that would be a total of four freestanding urban service districts so they'll all show on the map at that point and I just wanted to show you a map of um of the prop subject property in proximity to other service districts and this is the existing figure 11-1 which is areas currently served by Regional utilities and the proposed which shows these two service districts on the map 11-2 this is the existing and again they proposed with the two added and with that I'll take any questions on the text Amendment any commiss U questions for staff not at this time seeing none um the applicant morning for the record my name is Morris crady senior partner with lto Associates um and I do have a brief presentation to go over the technical merits and justification for the property I do agree with the staff report by the way and but I want to introduce um Jill morasa to talk a little bit about uh my client which is Martin Commerce Park L LLC but also uh Ashley Capitol good morning Commissioners good morning staff um thank you for having us today we appreciate your time uh I first want to take a moment to recognize a couple of folks in the audience with me today my colleague Ryan Bloss who serves as our director of Leasing and our principal and founder Rick Morton of Ashley Capitol I would also like to take a moment to thank staff this has uh been a very uh long process and a lot of work involved and I I do thank them for all their time and effort and to our entire Professional Service team that's been working on this for two years we appreciate them and all their time time and effort to get us here today um I wanted to take a moment on behalf of our team to introduce Ashley Capital some folks may know us some folks may not but we thought this would be a good uh time to just share a little bit about us so our company uh was founded 40 years ago by two principles and one of those principles is here today and those two principles remain the same owners um we are one of the largest privately held industrial real EST St firms in the nation we only develop industrial property um so we don't get dabble into residential or multifam or commercial of any of that we stay in our Lane in Industrial Development um two types of projects that we focus on are Green Field development and brown field development and just to clarify for anyone that may need to know that here or at home when we do a green field development that's a property that basically we have identif IED Visionary um for long-term development that doesn't have any activity it might be part of a community that we can uh reposition that property into its highest and best use um we also identify properties that are green field sites that may have entitlements that have been sitting around for years and AR aren't modernized they may have Antiquated subdivisions um and we look at those properties also uh for long-term development uh another expertise that we have is Brownfield development our company um I wish I could take part credit for some of this but I cannot um but as a company we have developed millions of square feet on contaminated sites hundreds of Acres um in over the years what separates us from a a development when you hear the term developer um we are Legacy developers so when we identify a site in a community we're here for the Long Haul we really take great care and time and effort in looking at properties and looking at sites and looking at the community because what we do is we'll take a property we'll buy the property we'll look at those entitlements um we will re entitle and seek that as needed we will then site plan um after we site plan we will then develop the property um and then after we develop it we lease it and we property manage it for the long haul we don't flip it we don't sell land to other users um and and so we're here long term and and we've been recognized um you know nationally by awards for our work in this industry um as a company today we are uh have properties in five states and our land portfolio is um 60 buildings we have over 60 buildings across 40 properties and 32 million square feet so I just wanted to give a little glimpse into the Ashley Capital um company and uh appreciate your time today so thank you Samantha your light's on is that my light is on I just wanted to make note that um the county has um advertised this public hearing it was in TC Palm on September 6th and certificates have been yes in that regard again for the record Morris C I did turn in the um notice to surrounding Property Owners at the LPA meeting for this meeting as well and that's for this text amendment in the The Flume that comes after or the future land Amendment map amendment can I borrow your and um I'm very honored to be here on behalf of Ashley Capital because I have done the research and they are a very reputable company and I'm very fortunate to have them in Martin County a little bit about myself I'm been doing land planning professionally in Martin County since April 1st 1982 um and uh I am also a 35 year member of the American Institute of certified planners uh but I want to give give you some some the technical merits and justification for the application and also some geographical and historical context so uh the property is located as as as was mentioned in this area this is the urban boundary that was expanded by the piland Prairie application almost six years ago now um and this is Stuart West and Cobblestone here which was built uh before I95 was constructed I believe and and in and uh uh in the 1980 I believe um so here's the surrounding land use designation we have um this is the the the landfill site and the shooting range and the 7js industrial area in this location um ACTC is over here on the West side and they're not really um it's not applicable to this application because they're getting all their Ser or their water and sewer services from the city of Port St Lucy um there's also a commercial node here and which shows up as agricultural um but it's actually the commercial PUD of Martin Gil's Commons and that has a long history I wasn't involved with that project but I do know uh that that it's it's uh does have an approved final site plan it is active invested in and Ashley capital Did purchase that but it's not part of this application it's a standalone commercial PUD that's will be sold that's why the the the the sign is out there because Ashley Capital do doesn't develop Expressway oriented Transit commercial type of projects so that was approved under a uh section of the comprehensive plan um as an expressway oriented commercial project that allows for gas stations hotels restaurants and to to service the traveling public but the site is uh the the the actual site that we're looking at is composed of ag20 A2 and ar5a uh zoning districts and Ashley Capital purchase a lot more than in that property this shows the actual Holdings that they have there's a 19 Acre Site here of Upland property this is a conservation easement that's dedicated to South Florida Water Management District that they've worked uh for the last couple years cleaning up and bringing it into compliance there's also about 67 Acres of Upland preserve and Wetland property on the Martin uh on the subject property that that that's been managed in accordance with the pamp again this this property laid phow for several years and they have spent the last couple years removing exotic vegetation and and and uh making it comply with the preserv are management plan and this is the commercial uh node that we talked about so there's 21 planted agricultural Lots in the in the pink and it's not just approved for residential uh development these are all the various permitted uses uh within the the various zoning districts that are allowed and and just to name a few um they can do agricultural crops Nursery processing Services storage Animal Services hunting sanctuaries administrative and nonprofit bed and breakfast crematories cemeteries uh community centers Dairy feed Lots kennels commercial kennels places of worship so all of these uses are currently allowed on the subject property um and on the commercial node which is called Martin Gail commins that again that's been develop that is approved for development have a has a final sight plan and these are the the uh 10 lots that all allow for various commercial uses as I said that are oriented toward the expressway um needs gas stations restaurants hotels this is the physical shape of the property uh as of 2023 in this area um this is the conservation easement that runs along just outside the property boundaries there's also tied to a uh preserve areas that within the property um all managed in accordance with the conservation easement and preserve area management plan and this is the commercial site and again the intersection of Martin Highway and Stuart West Boulevard were this is all constructed paved Road there's also two roads um here that provide access to the existing Lots but the uh the the the history I guess starts even before 2017 when the county um initiated a comprehensive plan amendment to extend Water and Sewer Services out to these Urban uses uh 7js Industrial Park uh the sheriff suiting range the landfill site in Martingale Commons and that was because a previous commission majority as I understand and again I wasn't involved I believe they denied him the right to build a package plan out here or they changed something in the in the comprehensive plan and they ended up going to court and and and in order to uh address that issue the county initiated an amendment to bring water and sewer out to out to the property uh then uh and later a couple years later the county authorized construction plans to actually build the water and sewer facilities out to these sites again 7js the shooting range the Martin County waste transfer station and Martin Gale Commons uh so this project has been funded it's under construction and and should be completed I Believe by the end of next year so there is water and sewer to the property or at least adjacent to the property and the county Martin County utilities is the service provider this is a map from their GIS um uh system that shows the service areas in blue that are are are operated and controlled by Martin County utilities and you can see this blue line here is the limits of the pilum Prairie uh Urban primary urban service area this is the landfill and the um and the 7js and this is Martin Gale commins and these are by um uh in effect free-standing urban service areas because they allow Urban uses and they have water and sewer uh that that provides um service but there are no residential uses in any of these projects these are except for pil and Prairie but that's part of the uh primary urban service district and and the reason I mentioned that is because the county recognizes freest standing urban service areas in their comprehensive growth management plan in policy 4.1 3810 uh it it specifically gives a high priority for one to to projects located on major arterials or interchanges as we are and and it specifically says the county can provide um areas of the county where freestanding Urban Services can be provided by a group of industrial users may be considered as independent or freestanding urban service District so we're we're here today based on the allowance within the comprehensive plan that permits freestanding urban service districts and again that's only for non-residential uses not it's and it's really to in our case to support Economic Development so so what the county asked us to do because the map didn't show all of the existing freestanding urban service districts when they added the seven JS and brought Water and Sewer out there this map was not updated nor when they added agtec with this map updated so we're updating the existing figure 4-2 to show the existing Urban um freestanding urban service districts in a little closer view you can see that one of them is marale Commons and and our goal here today is to not really add a new one it's really to expand the existing one adjacent to Martin Gil common so that all this becomes a freestanding urban service District along with the 7js property and again this down here is the other one which is South Florida Gateway PUD and you'll notice they're all within close very close proximity to the primary urban service District the distinction is they don't allow residential uses the it's there these projects are there for economic development purposes and the county also asked us to update these Maps um that shows the service areas currently served by Martin County Utility so we we updated the map to to show our proposal but it also updated to show the existing um service areas that are operated and maintained by Martin County utilities so that's these are all part of the text Amendment uh within the various chapters that create internal consistency but if you look for if you if you look for guidance in the in uh the comprehensive plan these are the policies that guide um the industrial land use designation uh and and are intended to create economic opportunities and and just about all of these um you know are are met by the proposed project uh it's it's it's compatible with surrounding land uses we have I95 to the west of us we have a commercial um 32 acre commercial site to the north of us and we have um a a nice Corridor of conservation easement to the uh east of us that provides separation from the active agricultural uses which are further east so we're compatible uh there's essential Services now with the with the uh extension of water and sewer and you can see this this is all consistent with these um these policies in the future land use element and and the the the plan encourages industries that create and generate high levels of employment offering higher than wage services and and again this is Ashley capital's expertise so again you I'm very happy to have Ashley Capital behind this because I think they have the wherewithal and the experience to to to uh further these comprehensive plan policies um so in the there's several policies in the future land use that talks about having sufficient industrial land uh for the various activities trip generation employment generation uh you know the the ability to meet performance standards for preventing or minimizing nuisance impacts uh plan public services and most importantly the ability to connect to a regional water and wastewater treatment system there's also several policies and goals and objectives in the economic element of the comprehensive plan and these are not just shs these are Martin County shall encourage the retention expansion and attraction of targeted businesses what is what we're doing today Martin County shall reduce outc commuting by supporting the creation of quality jobs with within its boundaries Martin County shall develop maintain and Implement programs to retain expand and attract targeted businesses to the county uh again in the um in goal 153 in Po and the policies under that section the county shall place a high priority on coordinating public infrastructure improvements that facilitate future Economic Development and that's exactly what the county did when they expanded the water and sewer to these Parcels um the county shall prioritize the land planning of sites with high visibility and close access to major transportation corridors for development there's not many uh interchanges in Martin County that that can support economic development but this is one of them uh I don't think well I won't talk about the others um but but it goes on to say that that the county will consider this priority during the review of plan amendments which is what we're doing today the county shall consider a high priority of retaining employment generating land uses in appropriate and compatible locations in the county and the county shall consider this priority during the review of plan amendments and the county shall ensure the adequate land and transportation capacity is available for present and future land use so there's several policies that support this um several policies in the comprehensive plan the County's guide for future development that support the uh the the application that we're proposing today but in addition to that uh the county recognized in 2022 that that these these properties on The Interchange are are should be targeted for employment opportunities and they specifically mentioned in uh 7js in Martin Commerce Park and and Martin Gale Commons as part of that direction to the county staff um and and one of the things that we're doing as part of a text amendment that that is really unique and and not typical but very much a benefit to Martin County is that this applicant is willing to restrict the land use Amendment and and the intensity of development on the property and and discourage any confusion about trying to put residential on this property because there's no intent ever to do that but we are actually committing to a text with in the comprehensive plan not just in a PUD agreement this is Tex within the comprehensive plan that will be very difficult to change once it's added um but residential uses shall be prohibited by this policy and they're also willing to record a deed restriction in the county of official records um they're limiting the maximum non-residential building square footage to 1.1 million square feet I heard other people talk about the analysis that was done by staff uh on traffic um prior to the March uh staff report and that assumed maximum worst case scenario over four million square feet were the the county staff assume because um they weren't considering the fact that they could restrict the intensity of the project by committing to a maximum square footage within the comprehensive plan so that's how that number got down to a reasonable number because we've done design and the type of development they want to do um is not going to exceed this this this square footage and this and we're not talking about warehouse and distribution we're not talking about a bunch of trucks you know like like down in South Florida Gateway this is this is geared towards local needs and local businesses and the other the other thing they're committing to is that any future applications or will be um only processed through a plan unit development which gives the county the ability to say no to particular uses that you feel are not appropriate for this site it gives the county the ability to impose additional conditions and and it requires that we bring forth additional public benefits when we do a PUD application um so that's a requirement in the comprehensive plan if this is adopted and then probably the biggest and most beneficial of all of them is the is the fact that prior to any certificate of occupancy Ashley capital and Martin um is is willing to construct to to design permit and construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Southwest Martin Highway in Stuart West Boulevard and as you all know there's a lot of traffic that runs by there going 60 70 M hour a lot of truck traffic um there's talk of a future Church on the Stewart West PUD not on our property but all but a traffic signal will go a long way and and and and and calming traffic and providing them safe Ingress and egress out of Stuart West and Cobblestone and and then again one of the things that staff mandated that we add is that they want to make sure that the county pays no cost towards this development and so we added the last uh requirement that says the full that any de any kind of impact or any type of service that we need will be paid by the developer not by the county not by the taxpayers so the the just I know um that Samantha went over these but the other changes that we're making to the to the comprehensive plan are really for internal consistency we have to add this property to the various exceptions to for consistency and then you know the biggest one that and I've been around for 40 years I've been looking for a period to come after prohibited for for that long and it's been probably taken the county at least the first 20 years I was here there was there was dozens and dozens of package plants throughout the entire County and now we can finally put a period behind prohibited without any exceptions so again I just want to again thank Ashley capital for bringing this forward and and utilizing me as their consultant uh they have a great reputation is one of the top privately held investment companies you heard Jill what what their expertise is um and I'm certain that this project will go a long way to enhance the County's uh um economic base provide highways jobs um and and to enhance and maintain Martin County's green infrastructure it takes a lot of money to maintain these preserve areas and there's over 67 Acres that that that that that Ashley Capital has already started that process and and through this application that's a that's a that's a Perpetual commitment that that land has to be maintained and preserved in perpetuity so with that I'll I'll I'll stop right there and be glad to answer any questions any questions for staff I'll have questions I'll wait till public comment okay so we do have public minut M duay um public hearing number 11 has been pulled so that I'm just going to set that aside that one is uh she's not hearing she's not paying attention anyway okay well let's go with you um Geraldine Dubai followed by Donna calzy good morning morning uh Geraldine jenko Dubay um I live in taquesta Florida um on this item I am speaking for the loaly headquarters um agenda number ph8 which is this current one is one of multiple text amendments that you have adopted today um as a former council person who has had to address issues like you have I am overwhelmed that you were even able to address all of the pages thousands and thousands of pages of backup documentation for what you adopted and that you were able to accurately let me stop you there we we didn't adopt anything we actually voted to push it back till October 22nd I'm sorry it's all of those items have been pushed back till October 22nd so each one of those was a God bless thank you I I do AP apologize then and and then you have done the right thing you recognized it and that restores a lot of my faith so but agenda this agenda is a site specific text amendment that gives special favor to the 168 acre Martin Commerce Park which we formally know as the Martin Gale estat sou Southwest Martin Highway near Stuart West and Cobblestone um this is going to be authorizing a new freestanding urban service district and it's going to provide utilities to the development which is outside the urban service boundary and as you recall this was very similar to a highly unpopular rural lifestyle land use designation that was permitted on property more than a mile from an urban service District boundary and approval of this particular Park Amendment will open up still more property for Rural lifestyle developments and to deliver on your promises and we would like that done before you adopt any further changes to Urban service districts or rural lifestyle or the other things so thank you very much for considering that and doing the right thing Donna calabri followed by by Hugh vicory maybe good morning Commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak my name is Donna calibri I live at 9802 Southwest Santa Monica Drive in the Stewart West development I am the vice president of the Stuart West Property Owners Association with me today is Wanda trouba our Treasurer I'd like to start my comments the way I started them at the LPA meeting on Thursday I respectfully request that we move this item to a time after the new commission has been seated that being said I would like to share my observations from the LPA meeting I was disappointed there were only three members present and I think those of us that were in attendance felt the frustration from the chair and the vice chair with the way we do planning it was evident in their comments and I suggest well based on the fact that I served on the Planning Commission in a neighboring Community I understand it's a thankless job but they're feeling frustration so maybe there's an opportunity to work with them and maybe do things differently uh as we move forward I've been a resident of the Treasure Coast for 38 years 24 of them in Martin County I think we have seen sentiment in this county has shifted to a desire to slowly and thoughtfully develop we all know that growth is coming I've been here like I said some of you have been here longer than me we know growth is coming but we want a good vision and we want it to be slow and we want to make sure the infrastructure is in place you will hear people you have heard people already talk about the level of service of the roads I think it's important this um this project is looking at applying space for local businesses so local businesses are going to be going back into town they're not all just jumping back on I95 so I'm not sure that we've got the road capacity on Martin highway to support that but there's another concern the resed homeowners in Stuart West and Cobblestone pay extremely high property insurance and it is not the wind mitigation part of it that I want to talk about I want to talk about the fact that fire response time is slow and over the last year and a half we had two fires in Cobblestone that caused tremendous damage property damage and then we had the brush fire out front so what I'd like to propose is that we think of things a little bit differently we have all these um freestanding uh service districts in place uh agtech 7js I'm looking that we look at the big picture and look at the residents and I don't know what that is um I'd suggest that we look since we brought up the topic of Martingale Commons I suggest that we get creative and look at that piece of property as something that the county could buy you were very creative when the folks from Danforth came forward with their concerns about multif family housing if we were to buy that we could put in a firehouse ma'am your time is up and I will finish on the next agenda okay uh Hugh vicory chairman excuse me I think this gentleman already commented yeah actually you did I'm sorry we have multiple agenda items okay followed by Jeff come on Jeff uh Chamberlain yes please sir the differentiation here if I may jump in Mr chair sir please sit down please for a second let me explain I'm not the chair but I just wanted to make my opinion clear to the chair this is a multiple agenda item which is different than a single agenda item where if you spoke and I don't believe Mr vicory was here in the morning when the chair said if you speak during public comment you do not get to speak during the agenda item the only thing in my opinion that would make this different is if it's multiple agenda items then if he spoke for one agenda item this morning and you have two agenda items he would get to speak for the other agenda item my suggestion to the chair and when in doubt let the people speak there's nothing wrong with that the decisions the Pres the applicant make as much time in presentation as possible giving an additional citizen three extra minutes I don't think hurts us that's my opinion okay come up please followed by Jeff Chamberlain thank you I actually had a question to ask about the previous uh speaker and that is he talked about not having warehouses on that property which you know one of our concerns is a lot of truck traffic what I was wondering is and that's a question for them is that's going to be written somewhere where it's enforcable or are we just taking your word for it that you're not going to put warehouses in there or other things that are going to increase uh truck traffic so that's what I wanted to ask you guys okay this is they'll after the hearing anyway okay Jeff no Chamberlain I was gonna say Jeff probably followed byber lot lately Commissioners Jeff Chamberlain uh Martin County resident since uh 1989 um been helping uh businesses locate and re and expand in Martin County for 35 years supply has always been the issue in Martin County for BS for location of businesses and businesses have had to look in St Lucy County even when they'd rather be in Martin County I'll give you an example uh Sun last metal which a company in Palm City that was looking to expand uh we couldn't find suitable location for them and we had to move them to St Lucy West so that's a a business loss from from Martin County we really need a new Commerce Park that will provide businesses with more Alternatives uh and especially in the 5,000 to 100,000 foot range we have some parks that have been improved or developed that are offering much bigger product uh we've had some parks approved that are offering much smaller product but we're really missing something in the middle that this will provide we need a professional campus that will appeal to the corporate tenant uh we we don't really have that uh in Martin County now and so we that's something that would be a good tool to have and we really want to be need a park that would be near an interstate and not driving miles off the interstate to through neighborhoods and so forth to you know to get to the park so this one would allow businesses to stay primarily off the local roads um Commerce Parks do pay their way they pay their way through impact fees they pay their way through offsite improvements as you've heard about today they pay lots of real estate taxes they pay lots of tangible personal property taxes on their machinery and their equipment they have a minimal impact on law enforcement Parks libraries beaches and boat ramps they don't they don't have kids that go to school so they have really no impact on schools but they do provide taxes uh to the school systems as well and they provide jobs for Martin County residents I'll leave you with this do we really need more 5 acre residential or agricultural lots that are on well and septic facing 95 where no one really wants to live thank you thank you sir Gerald uh K ke followed by Dan Hudson good morning Commissioners and thank you for for the opportunity to speak today regarding ph8 and it's also kind of applicable to ph9 uh my name again is Gerald ke I live at 9709 Southwest blbl Terrace in Palm City it's uh in the Stuart West Development I've been a Martin County resident and taxpayer since 1992 and I've lived in Stuart West since 2003 I love living in this area and I believe the comprehensive plan has helped preserve our quality of life while I'm not against progress I'm concerned about the exemption to this plan particularly the free standing urban service districts with that said I don't have any specific issues with ASE capital or the zone changes to light industrial but I am very concerned about the traffic implications to these changes the traffic study data 3524 by Luke Lambert supports these concerns since the completion of the new bridge the traffic on Martin Highway has just gotten worse and worse the peace meal construction projects have increased to to increase the capacity have have caused additional problems and all the traffic studies I've seen look at projects in isolation they talk about this project they but they don't mention the traffic that's going to come from the the approved commercial piece on the other side there's a lot more projects that are approved along that Highway um I ask the commission consider these traffic implications on Martin Highway before any new projects or freestanding urban service districts are approved a particular concern is the response from fire and safety uh to our communities let's just put the infrastructure in place first that's all we got to say thank you sir Dan Hudson followed by Dan romance good morning Commissioners I'm Dan Hudson I'm here representing the business development board uh in support of the staff recommendation on this particular item um everything starts with a comprehensive plan you've had a review of the comprehensive plan already so I don't need to go over that but I there is a quote in it that I have just really learned to love um a strong economy naturally supports quality communities and in turn quality communities help maintain a strong economy so that's that's uh what we're coming from uh as you know Business Development board is a public private partnership which seeks to uh guide and expand the overall economy um so what I'm here for is to just reiterate the fact that this plan that you have in front of you today is just a wellth thought out plan it's not something that's come up in the last you know since March uh really uh the business development board's involvement began about three years ago when we identified six or seven what what we call Hubs of excellence and the word Hub in economic development is used to represent the fact that businesses tend to congregate together in a geographic area and so so this is one of those areas the intersection of 714 and Interstate 995 that was identified those were later presented to the board of County Commissioners and and in fact endorsed by the board of County Commissioners which is the letter in your packet so we appreciate that so um so just quickly um let me just just a quick conclusion the most important thing that government can do to support a strong economy is to assure that there's adequate supply of land okay and so a couple of people have mentioned Supply already don't need to Bel labor it but it's one of the things that you can do to support the economy um what you have in front of you is the product of a carefully thought out plan that's uh now come to fruition through the board's encouragement and support and so we support the staff recommendation so thank you sir Mr romance followed by Jess Griffin good day my name is Dan Romance I'm the president of the Marine industry Association of the Treasure Coast I've been asked to give a snapshot of the Marine industry in relation to the Martin Commerce Park uh there are a lot of exciting things happening at the mitc and our association continues to develop grow and evolve to meet the needs of the many Marine related businesses and the recreational boating interests here in the Treasure Coast Area while already having a major impact on the local economy the Marine industry is undergoing significant expansion in the Treasure Coast area and I'm blow my own horn a little bit Indian Town Marine Center is a new facility obviously in Indian Town 38 acres we have a 250 ton and 100 ton capacity recently uh director Fort Pierce began operations they have 1500 ton capacity that's not even seen really in South Florida um Willis Customs Yachts is a local Builder and service facility here and also a large employer and that's really what we're talking about here is the issue with the Marine industry is twofold employment and also available space for businesses to be able to grow in our area there's quite a number of existing Marine suppliers and when I talk about existing Marine suppliers I'm talking about guys that may have started in one type of the Marine industry but as it's starting to evolve here they're starting to grow and expand so our contractor base at Indiantown Marine Center even though I have a small number of people that work for me our contractor base is approaching 300 companies now potentially another hundred by the end of the year and uh there's also quite a number of marine companies Marine contractor companies that are coming up from the south Florida Market that want to expand up here as well the Marine industry supports 6,750 jobs and 1.35 billion in annual output across the Treasure Coast that's 4.3% of the regional GDP these are good jobs at contributory companies and these companies need contractor shop space boat Builders and Marine manufacturers they have a clear need for more space um one of our biggest funding mechanisms is the steuart boat show and the and the boat show coming up the beginning of this year is already sold out boating in this area is Big Business and growing um large yacht Services generate exponential income over that of recreational boating this is the type of program that's started type of businesses that are starting to come up here are now larger yacht Services um there are four 43734 registered boats in 2022 in the Treasure Coast sir your time is up thank you Jeff or I'm sorry Jess Griffin which may or may not be correct followed by Bill West if you could actually say your name correctly that'd be wonderful thank thank you for letting me to speak again because there was some confusion on the front end when before he registered from the staff report on March 5th Rel you state your name please Jess Griffin oh I got it right okay yeah you got it right um from the staff report on March 5th 2004 I'm going to read you guys one paragraph staff finds that the proposed future land use designation worst case scenario could result in a net increase of 1440 peak hours applicant proposes to limit the space and then the last line of the of that paragraph says staff finds that the this would result in a net increase of 479 peak hours after the adjustment so I wasn't just specifying a worst case scenario there are four I and I don't have any issues with Ashley Capital so we're clear I may not like what they're doing but I don't have any issues with them they've been absolutely Rock Solid and I don't wh and dying they've been very Rock Solid on their presentations there are 48 entry points from Martin County from I95 to to to Citrus folks it's going to be a complete disaster with a two-lane road I support business but I don't support chaos and and gridlock there's been some talk about the agtech property which they already have so we're not hindering a developer from building businesses but but there's been no discussion about what that impact is going to be on the roads and the transportation into Martin County and you know please consider the quality of life and consider the impact because from a service you do not want to die have a car accident have a heart attack or a fire on highway right now for many hours of the day during the week so please consider this thank you okay Mr West is followed by Angela Hoffman morning Commissioners morning Bill West I'm a 20year resident of Martin County a a strong proponent for locally owned um locally grown businesses and I'd like to speak to the need for industrial property in Martin County um since Co I've spoken with 1500 2,000 business owners U many of those are manufacturers uh manufacturers have three top needs that they tell me almost consistently uh top top need is Workforce second need is available space and the third needs access to Capital uh the available space I have uh worked with again for 20 years the the manufacturers um you watch them tough it out in SPS Commerce Park you watch them work uh to grow their businesses within the confines of of inadequate space um South Florida manufacturers was here earlier I missed the beginning of the presentation I hope that they told you um hog machine hog Manufacturing is the south Florida manufacturer of the Year 20 years ago they were in a small space um it was a pretty good size about 5,000 ft trying to make it work um watch them move watch them move through various spaces uh the current occupant of that space is a marine manufacturer uh they purchased the building next to them and they are making it work within that space we need as Mr Chamberlain said desperately need 5,000 8,000 10,000 square ft of expansion face space for our existing businesses thank you thank you Angela is f followed by what appears to be Lawrence Williams could be wrong good Morning Commissioners I'll be brief just echoing what Mr Wes said uh my name is Angela Hoffman I'm the vice president of Workforce Development and operations at the Stuart Martin County Chamber of Commerce the Stuart Martin County chamber's mission is to assist our local business Community with the tools and resources they need for success and to help them Thrive we see time and time again local businesses struggling to find uh space to grow and expand due to the limited amount of commercial industrial space inventory here in Martin County the opportunity for additional space options will help ensure our existing businesses can grow and expand here and provide startups the ability to jump start their business Endeavors we support Martin Commerce Park uh as we know it will provide critical industrial space for local entrepreneurs thank you thanks Angel Mr Williams may be Miss oh Mi okay I have a feeling I messed up on both ends of this name thank you Commissioners for today thank you for all the visitors and and companies that have come up here could you state your name my name is lne Williams and I'm just a resident I don't own a business or any part of any board or anything but I just wanted to say I'm excited to hear about all the growth in Martin County but the concern that I have and I don't know if this is applicable or not but what about people who don't have transportation with all of this development of the commercial um Corporate Park the urban service District do we have are we considering in the comprehensive plan transportation that will take people to that area to supply the needs of the residents here in Martin County just consider that I don't know if this was appropriate this time or not but if it could work with the transportation the development of the 10-year plan of public Transportation thank you that conversation is always appropriate for almost everything that we do and and we are I can say working on it amen that's thank you um Mr Ted staly is my last speaker form if anybody else has got oh this gu guess it's still good morning uh for the record I'm Ted a stalie with the Economic Council I don't usually like to do this but I'm going to read this because I'm going to get in my three minutes so um so as we saw this morning there are many different Christian religions that follow the scriptures of the Bible each using its own interpretations in Martin County the comprehensive growth management plan is often referred to as the Bible of development in our community in similar fashion as with as with religions the Martin County Bible is interpreted by many different groups in in their own way so today as you decide which interpretation of our Martin County Bible you are going to follow consider the many ways in which you can read the words and teachings within the comprehensive plan support for different religions and their beliefs fallen in a favor among populations over time in similar fashion the politics of Martin County to be appear to be changing with the new interpretation of our Bible leaning towards what I refer to as Psalm 2024 taxes shall not be added or increased saith the people uh the question that must be answered now is how do we interpret this how can this be achieved while maintaining the paradise we call Martin County should we allow ourselves to be taxed for a just cause preservation of Green Pastures for example how can we achieve such a Heavenly objective with ever increase in cost of government by way of higher cost of living inflation increase wages not to mention lifetime pensions for those government employees that retire I would submit to you today the only solution is to follow the writings of chapter 15 in our Bible the comprehensive growth management plan note those passages that talk of Economic Development diversifying the tax base and the addition of non-residential properties that will insulate the homeowner from the burden of increased taxes I direct you to the following verses of chapter 15 you've heard some of them mentioned today policy 15.3 a.3 Martin County Shel prioritize the land planning of sites with high visibility and close access to major transportation quarters for development as employment uses including targeted businesses office and Industrial developments it will consider this priority during the review of plan amendments resoning requests site plan approvals and permitting processes policy 15.3 a.4 Martin County shall consider the high priority of retaining employment generating land uses in appropriate and compatible locations in the county and shall consider this priority during the review of plan M Ms resoning requests site plan reviews and permitting processes policy excuse me policy 15.3 .5 Martin County shall ensure that adequate land and transportation capacity is available for present and future land uses that generate high-paying jobs such as office industrial research and development and employment center uses lastly policy 15.3 b. five Martin County shall work to increase job opportunities within the county and support the existing Workforce and Industry sectors this effort is aimed at addressing the reduction of employment opportunities in the county which contribute to leakage as residents work in other counties I thank you for your support of this these amendments um follow that Harold yeah uh Morris there was a question um one of the speakers had and I don't remember uh which one it was uh regarding the and I believe you actually had approached it uh somewh in your presentation about the warehouse question yeah yeah I was distinguishing what we're doing with the south Florida Gateway for instance which is warehouse and distribution um you know there there will be no 500,000 square foot buildings or million square foot buildings in this property um they're all uh for smaller buildings less than 100,000 square ft so that's so there will be some Warehouse component but it won't be warehouse and distribution like Amazon or UPS or any of that type of stuff okay yeah all right thank you commissioner campy commissioner would you like to go first or you can go first thank you um this has been an issue that's been pending for quite some time uh so the concept that it's somehow rushed is not true in this particular case it's the our staff the applicant the community both for and against has been at this for a while um I wanted to give a brief uh very brief history of things that have happening out at Stuart West and Cobblestone for quite some time some people are very familiar with Stuart West and Cobblestone Stone especially people that live in Palm City Palm City Farms Western Martin County it started originally uh even prior to me living here when the landfill that was their nextdoor neighbor they call it Mount Martin was there active landfill trucks coming and going and stacking trash it was closed to the benefit obviously of every environmentalist but especially the folks that lived in Stewart West and Cobblestone the second issue which is one of the first things that I had complished uh worked on in 2008 was the county had a contract for vegetative waste that was collected all throughout the county and was brought over to the now closed landfill but still an active transfer station of vegetative waste and our contract contractor at the time was supposed to process process that waste while it was still green so that it would knock down a lot of the dust and the and particulates that would come off of grinding up vegetative waste but our contractor at the time didn't do that it's much less expensive and lighter and easier to process if it's dry but then it would create a a dust storm of of debris that blew into the neighborhood and I was invited many times to many different houses and their cars their pools their homes would be completely covered in a particulate the county then fired the contractor and then not only did we do that we built a massive structure with the uh advice of the neighbors and and residents and Steward Western cobblestone on even how we we orientated it so that it the breeze that would blow through the building where now all of that vegetative waste would be grinded inside wouldn't continue to blow and then the third thing was the sound wall there was a point when the state decided that they were going to put a way station on 95 South it was probably approved a decade before it was ever constructed that's how it works but the residents of steuart West and Cobblestone were rightfully concerned about the noise coming off of that the trucks that would come and go and Martin County with some extra folks and folks in Tallahassee we were able to get the steuart West folks sound wall along the uh Western perimeter of their property uh to knock down obviously some of the Sound Florida Tax watch that year listed that sound wall as one of the biggest tax boondoggles in in the state but we still got it done now I was out I've been out there many times I have lots of friends that live there obviously it's in my district residents have always called me out for concerns about neighbors with excessive pigeons in a pigeon Coupe um residents that felt um threatened by someone who was basically um policing the neighborhood for Speeders and people that were driving inappropriately and would pull them over with no Authority not a sheriff's deputy just someone that felt it was his responsibility to police the neighborhood that was a big issue uh the club itself the golf course itself has gone through a multitude of owners so but recently on the campaign Trail if you will the steuart West Cobblestone associations threw a very nice candidate form and invited everybody that was running for commissioner to come out it was very early in the morning outside it was 150 de outside but we were all there and there was a you know not a ton of residents but a handful of residents and their concerns were as follows and some of them are conflicting with each other lower our taxes make Martin Highway four lanes outside in front of our neighborhood we want a traffic signal and we want a fire station but don't forget lower our taxes I was paying attention because those are the the signal and the fire station has been something that not just Stuart West and Cobblestone need but even your neighbors further west out onto the Martin grade have been asking about forever then the other big issue is of course the church now so far that process has happened really not even within our building it hasn't come through the process hasn't begun with the county staff yet it's been handled out there two separate homeowners associations sometimes they're in collaboration sometimes they're not the neighborhood even the folks that are here from the neighborhood you have to admit it's a split neighborhood from my perspective I get just as many calls for something as I do against something and then it's hard to differentiate really what is the pulse of the neighborhood because there's very distinct differences some people are perfectly in favor of the church have no problem with it actually the board at the time wrote a letter because if you know you can't be Grudge the the leadership at the church they did their due diligence prior to purchasing the property and asked the HOA that was affiliated with that you know what do you think of this and they got a letter correct me if I'm wrong they got a letter saying yeah we we're not opposed to this and then once the rest of the neighborhood either their same HOA members or the other HOA were Furious there's been several meetings with the church I was invited to one at their location and I went and the the opinions were varied some people thought it was terrific some people thought it was a terrible idea the most difficult part of that concept which now of course the church has purchased that property right on the same side as steart at West and cobblestone on their like basically on their front doorstep is that those members that are going to participate in those church services will have to enter off of Martin Highway basically into the Stuart Western Cobblestone entrance way and then make a left onto the property I worked with them uh to see if fot would be interested in letting them have an an entrance and exit out directly onto the road so that they didn't have to come through steuart West Martin uh Stewart West and Cobblestone entranceway outside of the guard gate but fot said no because if if you're not familiar it's literally just as you'd be getting on the on-ramp to 95 it would be very challenging to do that uh imagine you leave church and you have no choice but to get on 95 and head north so that's where we stand now oh the last thing was this traffic signal which I agree and I'll tell you I've been working for quite a while with the folks at canopy Creek because they are desperate for a traffic signal in front of their neighborhood as well and um just to be clear State Road 714 that runs in front of your neighborhood and from the turnpike towards 95 is exactly that it's State Road not a county road that project that all of us are frustrated by at the widening of the turnpike Bridge and the reignment of uh Leighton Farms Road into armini not armini degler has taken shockingly long absolutely I mean I always use the example that they built the Empire State Building in a year the Empire State Building this has been years now some people say why is it taking so long and they're mad at us I have co-workers friends family members that live out by you and I get it it's a horror show some people leave work they get out of work at 5:00 but they leave at 6:00 because they would rather wait an hour at work than wait an hour on the road but I I I don't know for sure but I would tell you thankfully I think we're getting close to the end of that and people say well why didn't it go all the way out to 95 I asked that question and I'm not telling you that I that I this is my information I'm sharing with you the information that I heard from fots Personnel that a majority of the traffic that is coming from the East heading west when they get to the Citrus Boulevard and now Newfield Parkway ex uh intersection majority of the traffic goes either left South towards Indiantown or North up towards Port St Lucy not saying that no one continues to go straight but they're saying and if don't be mad at me ask fot what are those actual numbers what's this that's why they didn't continue it and you can imagine if it took them that long to do the section from the turn Pike entrance to Citrus it'll take 25 years for them to get to 95 so that being said I'm not saying that I disagree that it should be two lanes in both directions it's a main drag into Martin County I've always told people that if you are going to Jensen Beach Stewart sus point you basically got to come that way you're coming that way or High Meadows or caner or Bridge that's just that's all there is fire station there's been talk about a fire station for a long time fire stations we just built some I think on average they cost about what $30 million 10 10 10 oh we did 330 10 million dollar each and remember the expensive part is not necessarily just building it it's Staffing it but I can imagine like when one of the speaker said you know you wouldn't want to have a heart attack uh out west even if the construction before the construction during the construction of course and after the construction because the fire station Station 21 or tropical Farms is far so those are the things that I've been hearing a lot of people today even said who came here basically to say we don't want this they said but what we do want is a fire station we do want a signal so I've been asking our staff what's the likelihood if if this project doesn't happen what's the likelihood of a traffic signal going to be put in front of Stuart West and Cobblestone anytime soon it's called a warrant study it's does it warrant it the answer that I heard from our staff was no it doesn't now in real life in what you're going through and I remember there was a woman that spoke at the church meeting that she was there was just a horrific accident outside the entrance there now people drive like crazy all the time I don't know but the only thing I think that has any way of regulating anyone's good driving habits is a traffic signal now people still go through red lights but that's the the last thing that they're going to go through and you can imagine the ticket of going through a red light so the applicant says I'll build a traffic signal and I'll put it in before the project is even before we get our first Co which obviously would be one of the first thing they'll have to do we we've been asking for traffic signals in front of Heritage Ridge in front of River South what is it called South River South River I got one built on on on Murphy this particular one based on the width of the road would be up to a million dollar probably between 750,000 and a million dollar that one's not coming from us anytime soon or from or from fot because when the canopy Creek people reached out to fot and they're pretty well organized and they have one Mission traffic signal in front of their neighborhood uh f said absolutely not so we're working on it you know how fots would agree to putting a traffic signal when someone else pays for it so that's first and that's on the list of things that the applicant would give now I want to run I only have a couple more minutes and I this is a very important issue for District 5 and for my constituents out there as well as the whole County some of the things that we heard about today about Economic Development about our lopsided um tax base you can ask anybody our our tax base in Martin County is lopsided it is skewed very heavily to the residential resident to us the taxpayers we don't have enough um balance in terms of industrial and things like that so the the absolute immediate and direct benefit for the folks that would be impacted at Stuart West and Cobblestone would be imagine having a fire station the applicant has agreed to there was a there was talk of hey buy the property up on the road well and you asked about the Dan for thing and how come I did that for Danforth that was 6 acres for $4 million on Martin Highway and we worked something out to do that so the applicant in this particular case is willing to donate a parcel of property to help construct the fire station our fire department is in the process of doing a study right now we've hired a consultant staff's light whose staff Elise Elder deput we're not talking about that part of it I just want to be clear we do don't have any agreement with them and there's no requirement for them to provide that property so I don't want that to be considered by the board when you're making a decision because a fire station right now is not on the table until we enter into PD negotiations and then possibly it's on my table as your newly elected County Commissioner for the next four years it's on my table having had many conversations with the applicant I appreciate what our attorney just said but I'm telling you if this thing starts to move forward I don't think that that's a heavy lift for that particular situation we also know as I was mentioning that our staff has been in the process of doing consulting we've hired a consultant correct Mr Donson to review where our next fire station should be and it's right out by you there would have to be some kind of a situation by Newfield but the obvious spot as you have well known for quite some time would would be out in front of your neighborhood that changes your and I wherever we get the land from because I know she's getting panicked over here now uh wherever we get the land from it's very important that we put a fire station out west not just specifically for you all but for everyone that lives west of you that's coming um the applicant also I always ask my applicants to reach out to the to the affected parties and they have uh I know some people have called it a dog and pony show or that you know professional uh Consultants came well what did you want it to be that's what the public meeting is they have done it several times reached out to the neighbors and again the frustration I can imagine for the applicant is some people say we want this over our dead bodies and some people say we welcome you but they have done that so from my decision-making process they have done that um they even offered to purchase that property out front before the church purchased it and then it could have been something that the community would have been a little more in tuned with that that came off the table because that ship has sailed they have also and I can ask the applicant to come forward if need be they offered uh a 10 cents per leas square footage uh as a collection of money that could have been utilized with the residents or the HOAs of both HOAs to be maybe the start the infrastructure for your own water in sewer which every other neighborhood will tell you is very expensive so in regards to have they been a listening understanding applicants trying to work with the neighbors in my opinion they have some of you have even said the same thing I don't have a problem with Ashley Capital now let's talk about Ashley capital in general it's not some weird company that we've never heard of some weird Fly by Night company we have all can tell stories and so can our e Economic Development leaders in the community where people have come from out of town we got a great idea we're going to build the blades of massive wind turbines we get the governor to come out and we do a whole presentation because a company is going to come and build wind turbine blades here in Martin County never happened lots of other companies come for we're going to do this we do these whole meetings we set it all up we let them take tools out of the economic development toolbox and then for whatever reason they never do it we just practiced Ashley Capital don't take my word for it simply Google it I did I just Googled it when they first came to town and I had an opportunity to meet Mr Morton I went home and I googled Ashley Capital it's the type of company that we would be very happy to have in our community it's the type of company that has a proven track record and the most important part of that track record is they keep it themselves it's not a situation where they're going to go through this uh entitlement process Even build the buildings and then sell it off to somebody who's going to run trucks day in day out of your place the person who started this company 40 years ago and is basically putting his own personal reputation on the line one more time they have 60 buildings in five states is sitting right behind you it's not some conglomerate with the portfolio of businesses it's a guy who and his team for the last several years have been everywhere that's why these not for profits are coming forward this group has done exactly what you would hope a business would do that would come forward listen to the neighbors understand what they're trying to do develop something that we could all work for as well as the fact we need it we need it because even if this new board comes in and slashes our budget by half gas is expensive inflation is expensive interest is expensive labor is expensive it's not going to get less expensive so we need to diversify our our tax base and it can't just be on us how much more can we pay they you've already heard people say they're not going to go to school they're not going to go to the beach they're not going to go to the library and in terms of the roads and the things like that that road currently is operating not with the construction it's operating at a level C and it will be continuing to operate at a level C for the next at least 12 years so the concept of fott saying oh we'll Forlan it from there to there it'll be $40 million which they won't want to do the other last thing and then I'll stop which I know commissioner herd will want to challenge most of the things that I've said two more points if it was I remember when it was supposed to be Martingale it was supposed to be 5 acre Mansions uh along the term along 95 which I think would be crazy but it's happened south of there they build fancy houses along 95 but those would be million dooll homes and I'll tell you I don't think Martin County needs any more multi-million doll homes what we do need is the jobs and what would imagine how many people live in your neighborhood and the ability for them to work directly across I I have a regular job and I do uh industrial pressure and temperature gauges I travel to these kind of industrial higher-end industrial parks all over the United States all over the world they're fine what Mr Kady said that it's not going to be a distribution center it's not Amazon it's not Walmart it's not tract the trailer trucks coming and going all day long my thing for you all is this and then the last part about the existing the freestanding urban service District I asked that question when I heard about it there already is an existing freestanding urban service district there that already exists so if your concern is that we're creating too many of them there is one it was it was settled in a lawsuit when the last commission majority tried to dictate specifically what should or should not happen on that property the the the court case decided that it'll be an existing Urban a freestanding urban service District so extending it to give you this opportunity in my opinion as your representative this the ways the pros and the cons for me it works and I think that the benefits of the traffic signal a local fire station and some of these other things that I understand have not been I'm allowed it's my opinion okay thank you my opinion is that we will work very hard to get you those things and I appreciate your time thank you commissioner her yeah this proposal uh would if approved is completely out of character for Martin County particularly for this section of Western Martin County all of the surrounding uses if you look at an aerial are all Ag and this is an extremely Urban dense industrial proposal that is completely out of character it would change Martin count County forever because these uses would proliferate on all four corners of this intersection it's 167 Acres it's a huge proposal all throughout the comprehensive plan especially in chapter 7 chapter 7 makes certain that all industrial land uses are required to be inside the primary urban service boundary no exceptions all of them must be inside the urban service boundary because that's where Urban services are available it's the only place they're available and Miss Williams made a very good point will will there be Transit so this is so far from our Urban core that no one will be able to work there unless they have a car as far as the uh freestanding urban service boundary goes that's a disastrous poster child for a lack of planning and now uh and it's also it leads to the prolif proliferation of urban sprawl undoubtedly um and also now it can be used in order to expand rural lifestyle which seems to know no limits to its expansion so this would create another uh way for people to uh ruin our rural rural areas and instead turn them into urban areas um we just completed a commercial and Industrial land analysis and it says it concluded that this proposed 167 acre freestanding urban service boundary would add a fourth freestanding urban service boundary one of those is 17 1717 Acres agtech freestanding urban service boundary which I think was approved in 2010 because there was some urgency to create this freestanding urban service boundary it's still vacant it's been there for 20 or for 13 years still vacant 1700 acres and this the 240 SE 240 acre 7js freestanding urban service District still vacant after all these years even though we've made all kinds of exceptions for urban services to be provided for this still vacant Water and Sewer Services is permitted on the adjacent 32 acre Martingale Commons PUD still vacant so this talk about needing in uh indust additional industrial is just wrong our our uh industrial study said that the acreage of vacant industrial land in Martin County the vacant industrial land is more than twice the acreage of the industrial land that's already developed on a national level e-commerce is evolving and has impacted the Way businesses done and how cons consumer shop and how businesses will continue to be to be built and evolved in in in the United States all over the world since 2011 on average nine acres of industrial land are developed every year and this is proposing to add 167 more when 1717 of agtech and 240 of 7js is already undeveloped this is is is a disastrous idea that would change the character of Martin County forever I am commissioner Cy we're all entitled to our own opinions facts are different get in your car and drive out to 7js it's not vac plenty of people out there it's a much smaller scale operation I get the comp's concept of e-commerce but if you order something online it doesn't magically appear it comes from a place where it was made and then it goes to probably a place where it's stored and then it's mailed to you so the concept of e-commerce is not going to kill brick and mortar and if I was going to guess on the future uh or you know the proper um Forward Thinking of how if this would work or not I'm pretty sure I would take Rick Morton's 40 years of experience as one of the nation's Premier uh industrial land owners and Property Owners than one of my colleagues if it wasn't going to work I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be doing it they have success build within the urban service boundary and I get that that's a thing whether it's residential commercial detail or in this case like limited industrial the room would be packed and the lobby would be packed with people that would be furious that it's happening next to them the concept of build within the urban service boundary where it's much more Compact and you're much more going to affect uh residents and I get it we have differences of opinions and I respect my colleague I do we've been up here together for quite a long time but it's a little in my opinion crazy to say that this will destroy Martin County you know what else was going to destroy Martin County Martin DS the Roosevelt Bridge the Treasure Coast Mall the new Veterans Memorial Bridge was going to be the death Nell Martin DS and all of the the Martin Downs which is Bessie Creek Elementary School Hidden Oaks Middle School the library the shops everything along everything that people in Palm City realize is is the thing things that they liked the most about Palm City In This Very Room when that project was being decided folks carried in an actual coffin and laid it right down in the floor here and said Martin DS will be the death of Martin County so will the new rose the high Roosevelt bridge that you drive over that would kill Martin County and so I after a while you know I get that we could have a diff difference of opinion not just up here you and I could have a difference of opinion but when I hear people say that we moved here for a reason we moved here because it's different and it's slower and it's thoughtful commissioner Smith's been up here doing this for a quarter Century commissioner herd has been balancing him out for almost a quarter Century it's this is not Del re this is not Boon and I don't want to speak as much as I am but it blows my mind when I hear someone say that 168 acre project that you barely will see if at all see from Martin Highway at all that is offering much more than any applicant that I've ever had a conversation with is willing to offer specifically to the residents that would be most impacted directly across the intersection from them I would recommend the neighborhood organized and take advantage of some of these opportunities that were offered very few developers or U people that are going to impact existing residents are offering what this is offering specifically for you never mind the jobs and the tax base with all due respect to my esteemed colleague commissioner heatherington oh what more needs to be said so I just want to share a couple of the notes I wrote down and some of the conversations I've had with residents and many that are not um supportive of this proposal have said we want to keep it EG we want there to be cows in Green Space and I I looked at that slide earlier and you know with all due respect to the residents it could be a mining operation it could be a shooting range it could be so many more things that I think would not have the benefits of what this particular um proposal would allow so this um you said in one of the um presentations that the deed restriction would go directly into the text Amendment the the reference to it okay so it's a requirement in the text amendment that was proposed by the applicant so they put in the text amendment that they would have to have a deed restriction in their deed so to me that's a benefit because that that particular text um or that deed restriction would prevent future you know potential mandates by the state to allow um development that we wouldn't even get to see up here the traffic signal I've been commissioner campy mentioned I've been fighting with for some of my residents for six years now with Department of Transportation to get them a traffic signal and we still haven't gotten it and the fact that an applicant would put that in and that do they've worked with to Warrant that that to me is a benefit and as far as the undevelopment the other um freestanding urban service I had the same question to the applicant when we met uh why why haven't they there happened to be the same owner of a different freestanding urban service boundary property and there was they have done so much to further that um particular property I Tech and I sit on a a transportation planning committee and I've had to sit and represent Martin County regionally where there should have been a connection from St Lucy County to Martin County um on that property and there was um St Lucia County allowed a developer to block that access so um this particular applicant has been fighting for that connection and the explanation that I had for all of the things they've done for some of the other properties they've own own as far as to get a water connection and and some of the hurdles any other um land owner and I I work with people that are in real estate any other would have said I'm putting this back on the market and I'm jumping ship so they've spent years and I don't countless amount of dollars I have faith that they're going to do this particular project in the right way and this is the area I grew up in too I down I 7 14 to 609 my parents live in little Ranch Estate still to this day years and years ago I remember my parents practically begging that the airport be moved out to that area so that they would have you know some kind of job opportunities and these are the kind of job opportunities that some of the community has been begging for for as long as I can remember so I I think there's the the benefit certainly outweigh um anything that um is a negative so I I appreciate all of the work that went in to this commissioner Smith Sam I don't know if you're the right person to answer not um agtech is a freestanding urban service boundary that's correct so the reference made earlier relative to rural lifestyle being expanded or having the ability to expand already exist Rel to what ACH is I'll let clein I believe a lot of that is conservation on the other side no I I I know I'm just the the relevancy as to whether or not you could expand based upon this somehow expanding the capacity uh the rural lifestyle future land use designation may be located adjacent to a freestanding urban service district and agtech is a freestanding urban service District so you could have rural lifestyle extend in south of Martin Highway adjacent to the uh agtech property so it's already available and already potential on the south side of Martin highway west of 95 and so and not that this is a quiz relative to how everybody's memory is but the minimum requirements for that is a th000 Acres that's correct um thank you Clyde and Sam um I thought I thought you know I think one of the more interesting parts of the entire presentation is that I can remember years of arguing this board and Boards even before me arguing over two words in the comp plan shall and should and and the debates that went on forever as to whether or not those two words ought to Interchange or did one really mean something and the other one didn't mean something and what I always find interesting is that when when someone wants to use the comp plan in one way that word takes on a different connotation than today the reason why shall I think is in the comp plan relative to the industrial um components that were brought up in the presentation is that there was some thought put into where we should and how we should plan for industrial um the idea that somehow it's it's not well thought through that conversation gone on in Martin County for 40 years the idea that it sometimes takes this long or that long for something to actually turn into something um is just a fact of life relative to the economy I mean I can I can remember being on this board when we were in the midst of a recession and people were begging us to do anything anything humanly possible to stve off what the what the recession was doing and could we get people back to work we're not in a recession right now you know inflation's a little bit of an issue these days but we're not in a recession and so people look at things differently they view conversations differently depending upon that conversation or that time so um I I agree with most if not almost all the comments that my um other board members have made uh and with that I would move um staff's recommendation for approval although I'm getting am I getting something no do we need to do something at no this is just a regular move for approval thank you second okay my comments are um I recognize some faces in the room today that were here two years ago when we were having our budget hearings and we had a room full of people with their hair on fire and it was very apparent that one of the reasons why um was that we in Martin County have a very vulnerable undiversified tax base ADV valorum tax base it was mentioned that um after the fact um that the perfect model for an ad vorum tax is 25% commercial 25% industrial 50% um residential Martin County commercial the way I understand it correct me if I'm wrong I was told by a numerous staff people in Martin County combined industrial and commercial is 1.9% we are reliant the 98% of our adorm tax base is relied on residential the most vulnerable to the market um fluctuation and we are expected to to keep a consistent budget to keep this government run running so we obviously have to diversify our tax basee more um so anyway with that we have a motion by commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner campy all in favor I all opposed opposed motion carries with uh commissioner herd dissenting thank you and beings that it's 12:30 I was really trying to power through both these items but we're going to take a break and be back by when when you want to come back 13 or two two okay we'll be back by two two e e