##VIDEO ID:2bsXdqah8x0## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right you should be good now call the meeting to order uh motion for approval of minutes I'd move to approve the minutes I second all all in favor I I I minutes approved thank thank you um this is not quasa we have two sets to approve yes we're going to approve a motion to approve the September 19th minutes okay we have a motion to approve the 12th and the 19th minutes um a motion to approve the 19th minutes all second all in favor say I I I we're done with that cla a Judicial procedures agenda item 25147 uh any expart I have no exper Communications let see who it is all right me either and staff is presenting Brian we have to check we have to swear in the witnesses first excuse me that's okay we got the right hand up okay do you swear or affirm that the evidence you about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth go ahead thank you uh thank you members of the LPA for the record Brian elim principal planner with the growth Management Department copy of my work history is on file with the clerk this is a request by Cotler and hearing on behalf of py Home company LLC for approval of the Third Amendment to the high point plann unit development zoning agreement to remove an approximate 19.54% subject property is located at 10205 Pratt Whitney Road in Stewart the existing zoning District on the property is PUD by way of the highp point PUD zoning agreement which is consistent with the estate density one unit per acre future land use designation this third amendment to the high point PUD zoning agreement will remove the Operation 300 parcel from the Pud and Revis the master site plan to show the new boundaries between the institution and residential areas resulting from an additional approximate 5.7 acres of land acquired by py from Christ Fellowship Church six lots have been added to an open to an open space tract in the phase 2 development you can see they're labeled here the this is where the camp Valor Operation 300 parcel was in the Pud uh the boundary lines have moved between the institutional and the py owned properties and this is where the additional lots have been added from the previous uh approval and this is just a nice view of the uh revised Master site plan in in full here's the first sheet of the revised Master site plan the total site area has been reduced to be consistent with the removal of the Operation 300 parcel and the institutional area has been reduced to be consistent with the acquired 5.7 Acres acquired by py from Christ Fellowship Church the site now consists of 290 units on approximately 30 1.46 acres for a density of less than one unit per acre Allowed by the future land use other site data have been adjusted to be consistent with the removal of the Operation 300 parcel development reie review staff have found the py group application to comply with all applicable regulations in the comprehens Ive growth management plan is detailed in the staff report and staff recommends approval of the py group application for the Third Amendment to the Highpoint PUD zoning agreement and that concludes the presentation any questions from the board um not really I I am a little curious I mean the the site plan was altered to change the institutional um area for residential were there any other changes made to either drainage or where the wetlands or the the dry detention areas are no the the site data was just adjusted to because of the acquisition of the additional acreage but none of that has changed but none of the internal sort of functionings of the drainage or or the storm water has been altered no okay thank you go ahead I'm just curious why it was removed from Operation 300 well I can explain it now we're in the next one um it's so that Operation 300 can operate the way that they need to to run their programs in a better way they're going to have their own PUD which is the next public hearing so operation 300 will have their own separate PUD from High Point I believe the applicant has a presentation if you want yeah go ahead thank you chairman um can you pull up the application do you have a slide ADV answer Brian uh I have a clicker while he's doing that do you have notices that you need to turn in do the record I I do have the uh mailer notices that have been sent out to everyone within a th000 feet residents I'll give this would you would you introduce yourself I sure will my name is Daniel Soro with the land planning firm of Cotler and hearing uh we've been working on this project uh for you really since 2012 when the church first came before the commission and got approval to construct the uh con construct the uh the church at Christ Fellowship and uh this agenda item and the next agenda item are link linked together they are uh really uh of the same uh project and the purpose for uh this project is really the the purpose for the following agenda item uh Christ Fellowship and uh P homes operate under the existing PUD agreement that's in place today it governs the residential area as well as the uh Church uh we do have uh Leo abdella uh from Christ Fellowship Church and Garrett denmore from py homes and uh in the council chambers as well as our legal council uh Mr Tyson Waters the church did receive site plan approval and has been operating in their current facility since 2012 they operate on a 50,000 SQ foot facility on 28 Acres uh so over uh the course of time since 2012 they have sold uh portions of their uh property to py homes to develop a highquality highly aesthetic resid iial Community uh that py builds uh they have all of phase one sold out I don't know if many of you have uh been by the uh High Point Community but all the phase one lots have sold out they're under construction uh with phase two it's been an amazing partnership the church High Point uh and Operation 300 uh so with this Phase 2 uh being under constructed uh we have an area for six additional acres for six additional lots that that was going to be used for amenity Center sport courts or something like that but uh really given the need in this part of Martin County right next to South Fork High School uh the the residential six residential homes uh is what uh is what is being proposed so uh tonight what's before you is the zoning amendment to remove the Operation 300 parcel out of the Highpoint PUD so it's about 20 acres uh as well as to approve the six additional residential lots uh I did like to point out that growth management staff does recommend approval it's gone through all the departments in growth management staff uh and uh it's found consistent with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan Amendment most of you know where the site is you've probably uh been to uh been to South Fork High School or maybe attended the church or driven by on Pratt and Whitney uh but it's located right off Pratt and Whitney uh most of the folks come uh from 95 good on caner to 96 uh to come and go from church or to come and go from uh their house uh this is an example or this is the picture and the photo of the Christ Fellowship main sanctuary building um again been an operation since 2012 not a new project they've been operating there very efficiently very effectively uh for you know the last uh 12 years or so this is an example of the or this is a the photo of the uh signage off of caner Highway for the High Point Community uh worked really hard to design a landscape plan that was native and that fit in with the uh with the feel and look of the new community uh so really uh this is existing one of you know one of the the nicer uh communities within Martin County at least South Martin County it's tucked away from uh most of the public realm you really don't even see it until you uh get up close to the signage the houses are you know pretty far back away from the buffer uh the amenity Center design is where uh these six lots are going right across the street from the uh amenity Center that's also uh under construction uh as shown on this master plan so this is the master plan uh that's been in operation for uh many many years now uh but uh with this uh request before you and the next agenda item um the Operation 300 parcel uh wants to be a aous they want to uh really have their own PUD regulations in place for their zoning uh and not be under the Highpoint PUD uh that's really the main request for this project and and the emphasis of this project uh but I did want to point out where the six acres is coming from uh from the church uh selling to py so those additional six acres uh are highlighted in yellow and they're going to provide the opportunity to have the six additional Lots uh right across from the amenity Center uh that concludes my presentation thank you for your time this evening and be happy to answer any questions you may have thank you pretty clear any questions no have a motion uh public I don't have anything oh okay well um any public comment not it this no okay yep so I I I have to say that I wasn't really in favor of this project 12 years ago but I don't see an issue with this so I'll make a motion to approve staff's recommendation I'll second it all in favor I I passes there we go uh next agenda item is nph1 High Point Z High Point P zoning agreement any xte I have none me either yeah it's actually K Bor PUD H it's the camp Valor PUD oh I'm sorry mph2 Camp Valor PUD zoning agreement any export take no okay we need to SAR the witnesses do you swear or affirm that the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth go ahead thank you uh for the record Brian elim principal planner with the growth Management Department a copy of my work history is on file with the clerk this is a request by Cotler and hearing on behalf of Camp Valor LLC for approval of a zoning District change from the current Highpoint PUD zoning agreement to planned unit development PUD included including a request for approval of the camp Valor PUD zoning agreement with the master final site plan the project consists of a rustic campground on approximately 19.54% loated at 9405 southwest Kansas Avenue approximately a/4 mile Northeast of the intersection of Southwest Pratt Whitney Road and Southwest High Point Drive in Stewart Florida the existing zoning District on the property is PUD by way of the high point PUD zoning agreement which is consistent with the estate density one unit per acre future land use designation Camp Balor is the name of the Operation 300 Incorporated rustic Campground site established as a public benefit for the higho Pud zoning agreement on April 27th 2021 Operation 300 Incorporated is a Florida not for-profit organization providing support to Gold Star family members to ensure Camp Valor has the flexibility to create the best camp for their programs they are being removed from the high point PUD and require a valid zoning designation which this application seeks to provide through the approval of the camp b or PUD zoning agreement with master final site plan here is the proposed Camp Valor ped master final site plan documenting the existing developments on the property and some proposed future structures access to the site is from southwest Kansas Avenue and this proposal includes over 81% open space development review staff have found the camp Valor LLC resoning application to comply with all applicable regulations in the comprehensive growth management plan is detailed in the staff report the staff recommends approval of the camp Valor LLC request for zoning District change from High Point PUD zoning agreement to the plan unit development through the camp Valor PUD zoning agreement including master final site plan that includes the presentation happy to answer any questions uh when when you were showing us the master site plan um it didn't really appear very clear to me anyway what was new and what what currently existed uh the things that are existing are labeled um as existing and then there are some things some buildings on there which are labeled as proposed okay I see the proposed all right and so the uh public benefit Remains the Same as it would underneath the highp point uh PUD agreement yes this this is the public benefit right but that would that it been sold as a public benefit for higho and now it is its own freestanding public benefit correct it is yes it's still a public benefit yes if I can uh Pete Walden Deputy growth management director uh the request for public benefits is usually commensurate with the uh the things that the the benefits that the uh applicant gets with the code and this being a rustic Camp there really is no real uh bending of the ldrs no requests in that regard so and the operation of the uh Camp as a nonprofit benefits the public in a in a very good manner so we did not request any applicant applicant for the record Dan SAR with the land planning firm of Cotler and hearing I have uh in my hand here a copy of the mailer Affidavit of all the notices that were sent out to everyone within a th000 feet in just a moment we're going to hear from Tara Baldwin the uh president of uh Operation 300 in Camp Valley um but uh wanted to just go ahead and and you know State again for for uh the record that it's my privilege and honor to be here tonight representing this project I really uh want to thank uh the nonprofit and and Billy vaugh and Operation 300 for all that they do for the gold star families and uh Martin County and the volunteers that spend countless hours of their own personal time uh on these camps and on these weekends and uh really really AG great uh great service that they uh that they do um again my name is Dan Soro with the land planning firm of Cotler and hearing and uh our legal councel is Miss Kristen spake with McCarthy Summers both in the audience should you have any questions for them uh this evening the request before you uh is like I said on the previous agenda item is linked uh to the um uh High Point PUD that you just approved thank you this was actually uh separating the 28 or parcel from the Highpoint PUD and creating their own PUD their own zoning District uh so that they could be autonomous and continue uh what they're doing uh within their own zoning district and to approve the uh the final master plan do want to thank staff we've worked uh really diligently together over the last uh year or so on this application and on the high point application uh really a great group of professionals that we've been uh able to collaborate with and and come up with the best project I think for uh for the entire County most of you are familiar with where this 20 acre parcel is located within uh within the um you know South County area but it's highlighted in yellow on the screen uh and unlike the uh Highpoint PUD anyone coming to the camp Valor 20 acre parcel uh would come off of caner down to Kansas so that is the main access for uh for this project uh and and if you could uh give us a few minutes I would like to introduce uh Tara Baldwin to kind of give you an overview and a uh a presentation of what camp Valor is all about and to uh share with you how they've been currently using the the the the piece of property on the weekends and some of the success that they've had the wonderful things that they've done uh for Martin County thank you Dan Tera Baldwin um president of operation 300 thank you for having us tonight and hearing what we have to say um you may or may not know that Operation 300 has actually been um operating in Martin County since 2012 and we have actually been on this property in some capacity since uh 2019 end of 2019 um we have been hosting Adventure camps for gold star children on the property we are up to about six a year we're also hosting um Retreats for widows and we are also hosting ing this year we will host four Retreats for gold star fathers so men who have lost a child serving in the military um everything we are doing currently and we have been able to do up to this point has been in kind of a temporary status we don't have any permanent buildings even the things that you see that are currently on the site plan are not actually permanent structures um we've outgrown a lot of our spaces um every time we have a camp our small po pole barn we've outgrown so having the ability to be separated and be our own entity will give us the ability to move forward in the construction of some more permanent buildings um and that would then allow us to give more to the community um currently we do try to work together with several nonprofits and other organizations in our community locally we've had you know a 100 Boy Scouts camp out at our property we've had the fellowship of Christian athletes host their leadership camps two summers now in a row we have another um men's group that has hosted two of their Retreats uh at our property and wants to do two more in uh 2025 and that really has been our goal since the beginning is to make this a property that really is a benefit to everyone in our community not just ourselves um so having the ability to move forward on our own without being tied to two other entities is really what we're asking tonight from you guys and I also want to make it clear that while our main program is bringing in um Children and Families from all the United States every time we host a camp at Camp Valor it takes between 100 and 150 local residents from Martin St Lucy Palm Beach County to make that happen people who volunteer so it really brings our community together every time we have one of these events so it really is a benefit to Martin County St Lucy County and palach County every time we do this so that is what what we're asking for tonight and that is the why so I'm happy to answer any questions questions appreciate it thank you any questions no I don't have any questions stay up here okay as mentioned in the earlier presentation this is the 20 acre parcel that's coming out of the high point PUD and going into the operation uh 300 PUD and and as Miss Baldwin mentioned this is the proposed site plan that uh we have submitted to staff whenever we get a fundraising campaign or we have donors that want to uh you know site specific or fund specific projects we need an approved site plan to be able to uh construct building permits and and and go to the next stage of that process so this application before you allows uh allows Camp Valor allows Operation 300 to uh be able to accelerate their uh their program of assisting these gold star families and uh doing great work within the area uh most of these uses are what you would see at a typical summer camp and uh you know I I think that uh some of the bunk houses the admin The Pavilion all of these uh different features are are really what uh the mission is all about and bringing you know happiness and joy and and love to these children who uh who who desperately need the mentorship and and everything that that they don't uh have any longer so uh that concludes uh our presentation again thank you for your time this evening happy to answer any questions you have appreciate it thank you any questions no public comment I motion to approve I'll second that motion all in favor I [Music] oh this to you before oh okay no problem just wait about I got it there okay go ahead Pete uh good evening uh Peter wden with the growth Management Department uh this is a presentation for uh plan mixed use V wait wait wait any expart this is a legislative so you don't have to ask that anyway you're good well I did actually speak with Marcelo before the meeting I did I did as well okay so this is a proposal to make some minor changes to article 11 which is the code in the Land Development regulations for the plan mixed use Village which is also known as the new field project and is requested by Madame of Palm Beach one go over some of the history because it's been about four years since uh Newfield or what used to be Pineland Prairie was before the LPA uh that's when we brought the first master plan the development agreement and and the ldr code to to the LPA uh this is language in the comprehensive plan in chapter 4 I just want to show you this because of um you know the minor revisions we're making tonight don't have any real effect on the uh the entitlements of this property so all of that is baked into the comprehensive plan it's uh also followed through with a development agreement that was approved that makes sure that all the levels of service are met as the project unfolds and uh it is also U there's also conservation easements and preserve area management plans on all the open space that's outside of the urban Services District that's associated with the project as well which is uh has several layers of Protections in itself so the project itself is approved for 4,200 residential units 290,000 Square ft of commercial space 2 million square fet of industrial space and uh one of the requirements is that 5% of the area within all the neighborhoods has to be with for civic open space or Civic uses sorry so so this is right out of the uh article 11 code this is called the regulating plan for the Mixed use Village we're not proposing any changes to this tonight this uh this kind of lays out the U project this Crossroads neighborhood in the middle was the first master plan that was approved by the project the uh Board of County Commissioners will see a master plan for half of the workplace area in November and uh this lays out some of the areas and you can see the large amount of preserve and open space that's associated with this project this green area is the uh main preserve area that meets the comprehensive plan requirements for a pamp uh has very limited uses associated with it all of this other open space is outside of the urban Services boundary and will not be developed as as the rest of the project is able to and and I want to show you this is that table that was associated with this and this goes to show that uh also with the comprehensive plan the the entitlements are all and the restrictions are baked right into the Land Development regulations and we're not touching any of this tonight they're required to have 70% minimum open space uh 5% of the uh site will be in agriculture there's native Upland preserves School site All of That Remains the Same none of that is uh under uh scrutiny tonight so this is the first master plan that was approved and this is the crossroads neighborhood and there's a lot of detail in these plans it's form-based code and this these different grids are different transacts that allow different levels of uh development and there's also a bunch of residential data outlined and Commercial data all of this uh gets to be very complicated this plan was approved four years ago recently I went to the board and we made minor changes to it and that's one of the reasons that spurred some of this um changes that we're requesting tonight because as you could see with all the detail and the street layout and the blocks and the alleys it's very easy to make minor changes that really don't don't affect the plan don't affect the density don't affect the open space but they reflect just on the drawing itself uh minor changes so the way the code's written now is that requires us to go back to the board and get everything to be consistent so some of the things we're asking tonight is to be able to make very minor changes to the transact allocations and to some of the block networks and sizes as long as they all stay within the the um uh meaning of the code so I I wanted to give a little bit of background and I'm going to turn it over to uh the applicant to explain the specific changes of the code unless you have any questions about the actual entire project I can answer prior to that appreciate the maps um members of the LPA uh thank you for for your time this evening my name is James Fitzgerald I'm uh the director of Community Development for Madame homes and we're uh developing the new field project and so I wanted to just kind of start by kind of giving you an update as to where we're at today and so and Pete touched on a few of these items as well so we've we've first and foremost uh started by building little small portions of the farm to activate the site we were able to have some really great uh events with the Boys and Girls Clubs and other organizations and we did that kind of as a temporary measure while we were navigating the approvals process in addition to that we felt like it would be a good idea to also activate the site from kind of a Trails perspective too and so we brought forth uh you know an approval for a trail head that we're completing construction on now um and in that you know in kind of these preserved areas uh we've got just over 12 mies of trails and we established the Kiplinger Conservancy which is the vast amount of land that's preserved and conserved as a part of this project so those are the kind of the first items that we LED with uh we've just started to come out of the ground in the last few months with the model block um and then the final iteration of the first portion of the farm that really is kind of a a central amenity as the community uh gets on its feet and it's U to the benefit of not only the residents future residents of Newfield but the public as well so we've got uh two buildings there that are really kind of the central Hub of programming initially uh and we're going to offer you know uh cooking and and gardening demonstrations there uh like I said to to beyond the residents of Newfield so you know we've really felt like we've had a tremendous opportunity to uh take Knight's Vision that uh he was worked with Marcel camper on who's going to speak in a moment here as well as do Cole and others and help try to execute on that and bring that to fruition so I know we haven't had an opportunity to uh present that to you all but I wanted to again thank you for your time uh and thank you for the consideration thank you James thank you good evening board members and staff um do is this my quicker so um as mentioned by staff this um this is an opportunity to make some very minor adjustments and claric ations to the the code that what is known as the plan mixed use Village form based code that implements The Vision by um newfields Town founder who is Knight Kiplinger um as staff mentioned the overall master plan and the form base code were approved by you all um back in 2018 um this is not a conventional PUD this is an as of right process we worked with you especially Mr de Moyer um it was quite lengthy but everything that you can and cannot do inside of Newfield has its own section of the comprehensive plan and its own form base code which is quite detailed as staff mentioned there is a regulating plan the regulating plan has 11 either neighborhoods or districts neighborhoods are really for commercial and residential districts are more specialized used uh Knight approved the first the one that you see here as number one which is the downtown district it's also known as the crossroads district and um interestingly enough uh madame's approach to moving forward in this development as they start implementing the downtown is not just to open maybe number two or three or four and put more houses there but to start with number eight and nine specifically number nine which is what is known as the workplace District they have worked as staff and Mr fitzgeral set in establishing the pamp and the open space and all the assurances to make sure that that open space is Preserve in perpetuity they have established the Kiplinger Conservancy they had inaugurated the trails the public Trails for people to there's a lot of events that have already if you haven't been you have to go um pretty amazing they started with um the community Farm all that before any building came out of the ground then they did all the horizontal infrastructure for that first neighborhood um I believe construction is in Pro progress right now for the first 15 model homes and we'll get into that 15 Model Homes they're all very different um because this plan requires diversity and um Newfield Parkway is under construction and as I mentioned they're now going to come forward with the first master plan for the workplace District now in all fairness when we were going through all this we were very focused on the downtown and on the neighborhoods and on the walkability and this workplace while it was very specific in the code we hadn't got into the same amount of detail that we did for the neighborhoods as they're coming in with it we've noticed a few things that we could do to improve it and that's um that's what we can do now right now now um the the code has allows Madame allows the applicant the ability to make these changes through warrants or requests to the commission we felt it would be cleaner to just come in and and adjust those little things in the code make it very transparent uh so that it's very clear as we move forward what those changes are as I mentioned this was the first thing they did the the um the CSA Farm which which is directly attached to the downtown and you see construction of Newfield Parkway right behind it immediately after that the trail heads and the access to all the trails that go into I don't know at least 2,000 acres of of pristine uh preserve uh after doing that they started with these Community buildings that uh Mr fitzal just mentioned uh a barn and uh market for the community and as you can see these are the incredibly fast coming out of the ground models um you can see there different building types pretty diverse traditional architecture um I think also soon to be available to tour and purchase so the the extent of this request I think can be divided into four categories there's some update of the of of the definitions of the glossery of terms there are some clarifications we had some language that we all knew what the intent was but it wasn't very clear in the language uh there's some permitted uses and um and percentage of open space that we have moved around and we'll talk to you about it in a second and then we wanted to correct some scrivener's errors so let me go through those um so the first clarification is the fact that we had a definition you will see the language that exists in the code today in white and what we are proposing to add or amend either strike through an underline or just um underlined and in a different color right now it states that the block because for walkability reasons we have a certain Dimension yes you're nodding you remember all of this um um we have certain dimensions of blocks and um and so it says that the lots have to be a certain Dimension and it defined how you measure a block but if you look at this corner right here on the turnpike um on the southernmost Corner we have some blocks that we drew originally that are directly adjacent to the turnpike or that are directly adjacent to um preserve areas that don't have the borders they're not circumscribed by streets nevertheless they are blocks so we felt we had to clarify that including where you're abing the Florida uh Turnpike in the workplace District that does constitute a block again the nature of a lot of these changes is this minor it's it's um it's just to show that yes we drew it that way yes this was intended to be a block yes that qualifies as the size or or the increment of development that can come in as um projects are proposed the second one we we get even more picky on this um if you zoom into the drawings you can see that the porch is just a tiny bit below the finished floor elevation and it was unclear in our definition whether your porch had to be elevated 24 in or your finished floor elevation had to be elevated 24 in the drawing said your finished floor elevation and the language used to say the porch so what we're clarifying is that it is the finished floor elevation that is at 24 in and your porch can be about 4 in lower which is normally how you build so that the water doesn't come all the way in um the um we had an inconsistency in the between the def itions in section 11 uh. 5.2 this got uh shifted but this should have been Crossing out section 1152 if you if you read this language it states that um the lot line dividing a lot from a street or RightWay is what this refers to that's the definition of a of a the front lot line corner lots are special in Newfield We Believe Corner Lots need to house home homes that behave properly on both sides so on a corner lot only one lot line needs to be considered the front and that is in the plan the street that has the highest priority the code is very specific about how the side needs to behave it still needs to behave within a pretty high standard but it was clear that one of them is your front door and your high your Main Street and the other one is your side and we'll will'll um have to follow different rules and then in section 1152 we essentially had a definition that said if you had two if you are a corner lot then essentially you have two frontages and it had to behave the same way on both front edges so we're we're eliminating the one that we believe is contradictory in that sense and again it's not that the side is going to be blank as you can see I can go back to some of the pictures of the houses they're building the side still have porches and um it's it's just a little bit different Frontage coverage um we are asking for the ability to clarify how transic zones um are how the percentage of transic zone is calculated right now the definition says that the allocation of transic zones are required and required Civic open space by percentage are based on Gross area allocated transic zones within each neighborhood and I'll I'll read all this and then I'll explain what this means gross area transic zone allocations within neighborhoods does not include Wetlands or areas designated within the T1 Transit this is a code that has these transic zones as we were talking uh before because the transacts ensure diversity the trans X tell um a a developer that you need to do a percentage of each transic zone so that we ensure that there will be a healthy mix of single family homes and town homes and duplexes and apartments and Retail and workplace within a neighborhood and it's it's very carefully uh outlined in the code it's also flexible because you have a percentage of that now we were having a back and forth with staff as to well if your percentage says it has to be between 10 and 30% how are we calculating this if a neighborhood has a wetland inside of it and we have to use that Wetland area to calculate to throw it into the calculation our densities and everything was going to get you thrown off and so essentially what this is saying is that when we are doing calculations gross Area Transit calculations uh we are not in including we're not counting um this doesn't change our ability our density or our intensity it just helps us allocate properly units within the built transic zones and not have to be calculating Wetland areas as if they were part of the built environment back into this whole um sort of a little more convoluted situation of of the transacts within the five transic zones that you have uh to build within Newfield two of those transic zones are green natural space T1 is all natural you really can't put any buildings there pretty much it's all outside the urban service foundary so there will be no buildings with any type of services there T2 is rural areas pretty much where the farm is it's still a farm it's still green but you may have a market or a building that has water facilities it's there's a lot of T2 inside the urban service area T3 is the least dense of all of our um transic zones and that's usually on the edge of the neighborhoods that's where the larger homes are and larger for Newfield means homes that are on 50 60 70 foot Lots they're not also not very very large lots and then there's T4 and T4 is pretty specific because T4 has two subcategories if you will t4o and t4r T4 o meaning this percentage allows you to have office or commercial and t4r doesn't allow you it just requires for you to have residential and as you can see um there was um a requirement of having in some of the uh neighborhoods we were able to mix T4 and t4r and in some of the neighborhoods it was keeping it separated what we are trying to do right now is consider T4 as a single category uh just for the purpose of how much of T4 needs to be in a neighborhood now it's important to note that t4r and T4 o don't have the same density associated with it and that's not going to change let's say you have to do 50 acres of T4 and you decide to do 30 Acres at t4r which has a density of 20 units to the acre and you do 20 acres I don't remember what number I used and and you do the remainder and t4r that's going to have 12 units to the acre it's it's it's um and by the way these are net densities they're not grows we're not going over the comprehensive plan they're super compressed to the actual lot I just want to clarify that I don't want anyone to get very nervous and I know this is like trying to teach FR in two hours you as an LPA board um are following I'm sure it's probably hard to follow for someone that hasn't been in this process for a long time but again it's facilitating the combination of just this subcategory to treat it the same manner as the other four categories um could ask a question yes absolutely otherwise I'll forget um if a person wanted to have a home office in the TR District would that be a problem uh no and right now um we well home office forgive me I think right now it's regulated at the state level too home office I I believe can happen anywhere ever since I think we did this statutes have changed and um a lot can happen in residential neighborhoods that couldn't happen before but right now a home home office including advertising t40 T4 the difference between t40 and t4r t4r normally would have building types like town homes or what we call Mansion Apartments which are larger um buildings like that look like a large house but maybe have four apartments in it um downtown Stewart has a lot of those T4 would have probably had a small mixed use building uh would have had a live work unit would have had something that just brings an element that is a lot more commercial than just a home office it would be like glass front doors and exactly yes it allows you to start doing that okay how about advertising have you got in there yet um advertising for what so if a business wanted to have advertisement in the distri so there is there is um a section a division in the form base code that is about signage it is a lot more restrictive than signage anywhere else in the county for the most part it's a little blade signs that are attached perpendicularly to uh to the facade and the percentage the size of signs is very small um this just shows us a clarification and a correction um as you can see on on this table 32 all of the residential that is contemplated in T3 and T4 and the workplace District had a minimum ceiling height of 9 ft for residential uses on the ground floor um and when we came to the mixed use Center we had we had just put 14 ft and it didn't specify if you know if you had a resident you you you can have a a multif family building in the downtown that doesn't mean that the ground floor units need to have a ceiling height of a restaurant so that was one clarification uh the second clarification I don't know why mine is not showing this in strike to an an underline but in in your version it's going to show that the second thing is we're adding two more notes to this table one that clarifies that side setbacks for accessory uses and by accessory uses we mean a swimming pool or something that you're doing in your rear yard can be 3 feet it 5et is for buildings but your pool could be at 3 feet again it's I think it's consistent with um other um parts of your your ldrs as well and then this was a mistake um we had a very low low lot coverage maximum for town homes and multifam buildings now keep in mind Newfield is already setting aside 70% of the land before we even go in to develop Lots 70% of the 3,400 acres are open in perpetuity so we've left 2400 Acres aside of openness then when you go into to develop the neighborhood 5% a minimum of 5% of that has to be open as well and then when you go to your Lots you have another additional requirement of how much needs to be open and we realized the town homes had a lot coverage that was the same as a single family home or pretty close and we so we couldn't put a town home on an urban area and we couldn't put a multif family building so that number um is being modified to say that lot coverage for a town home or a multif family building can be up to 90% I'm almost done with these clarifications and Corrections and jumping anytime Pete um there are um the way uses are regulated in Newfield is by building type the the different type of buildings that you can put um um and so within the residential you can see for example in your T3 Zone you can have Mansion Apartments duplexes side your house Cottages Etc we are proposing to add a couple of build Residential Building types into the workplace District the workplace district is going to have offices and flex space and some industrial space closely net with uh residential we believe that that residential is going to be um very accessible and and and a big supply of Workforce housing there and so we do believe that clarifying that uh duplexes are also um an acceptable building type within the workplace district and consistent with the definition any single family or townhouse type can have an accessory dwelling unit so long as it is a single family type um in that workplace District um we are proposing to add the ability to do an inn up to 12 rooms we had the ability to do a hotel and I think this was an oversight if we can do the bigger Hotel doing a smaller in in the workplace District um I think it's a it's a it's a better increment for the type of residential that Madame is trying to propose there and transition to the um to the workplace areas um to answer your question allowing live work units in the t4r since we're going to combine t4r and t4o for our calculation we actually forgot to say that you could have a playground um in your green areas so we are saying yes it's okay to have a playground in your in your green areas um there's a whole section I'm not going to go through any of through all of them in particular but we wrote the word Four Courts wrong multiple times there's an entire paragraph that when it got translated by Mooney code it's the paragraph that talks about Stoops and porches they repeated the same paragraph twice and all the documents that were originally approved it was correct but when it got posted online it was wrong and so we're just going back to make sure that gets clarified there are two maps in the code the street Atlas and the the trail Atlas that are um illustrative they're just examples to say this is how you create this map and we're just clarifying we're clarifying that town homes are single family homes and they can have accessory dwelling units you know it's an attached single uh uh single family home it's not an apartment or it's not a multif family and uh I think I'm almost done we also said that it was okay to have parks in the workplace District again this was an an oversight and a correction and I think this is my final one before going to um a list of procedural Amendment the way the the way the form based code is written it has all the street types that can be used in all of the neighborhoods already embedded in the code and there's a line item there that says if the applicant wishes to create new Street sections it is possible we don't really have to go through any process it just has has to be approved by the County engineer I think Madam wants to just establish this in the code and um and make sure that again there's no surprises and so there's a the first chart just says that a street type that is already existing in the code which is the urban drive you can see it's the one in the top it's 6 60 um 2T wide can also be used in T5 or sdw um it can be used in other transics this is essentially a road that would is like a Ring Road because you can see it has homes on one side and doesn't have anything on the other side we realized we hadn't added that for the workplace District um the other two streets we are modifying um existing and one existing and one new proposed Street uh where the only change is to improve it for the better it's just simply saying that sidewalks are required on both sides not just one um and clarification as to how traffic Lanes two lanes really putting the language on the right location as you can see um none of these changes are really uh substantive if anything they're just making the the street sections a little better now these are procedural um I'm happy to go through um through each one of them I know some people need to get out of here quickly um but um I think some most of these were really proposed by staff because they they really know what things have changed within the code some of it is references Pete if you want to talk about these yeah basically gives us a little bit of flexibility in some of the applications and um like we said before we had to go back to the board with very minor modifications to a Master Plan uh this allows Master plans to be augmented a little bit during the final site plan process to make sure everything's consistent um and a lot of these sections are just clarification where they refer back to article 10 to because article 10 was revised so now they have the proper uh code references and uh there really isn't too much else to it it's it's just basically housekeeping um so I'd be glad to answer any questions I know Marcela did a great job going through everything painful to go through these little details again it's it's really Technical and for the most part all of these things that are here except the ones where we're referencing different sections um again the applicant could have done with staff either administratively or going and asking for a variance to the commission what Madame would prefer to do is let's make sure it's all in the code it's all very clear our Master plans were coming in with a note that said if you're 10% up or down but you're still meeting code you can change it without telling anyone but staff I think this takes that pressure off of staff and it's in the code it's clear what they can and cannot do without coming back to a board and um you know ensure that the vision is still metad I think we knew when we first started out on this endeavor for five years ago that we would be having to make some changes to the code as we uh worked on the development and um I'm kind of surprised at how minor the changes less than the CRA yeah that that's very true so uh the the changes are very minor and like I said they don't affect any of the uh entitlements or open space or any of the the major components of the development any questions from the LPA no I app I really appreciate the the presentation and I also think that it this is bound to have to be adjusted as we go forward is there an upper limit is there a limit at which if there was going to be a change you would feel motivated or required to come back to the county for approval well absolutely I I so it depends on what kind of change you're talking about right if if the change is still still in keeping with the vision and all the principles and the and the character this new language that staff is adding is saying how much of it can the applicant do without coming to the commission which is pretty limited anything above that would require going back to the commission anything that would deviate manami from following the actual vision would require a complete um you know set of LPA and commission and and the founder being supportive who is very engaged and um it's it's actually a good thing excellent any questions any public comment uh Sharon mcginness so I've I've listened to the presentation it all says it's very minor changes but what strikes me is not being minor is allowing the addition of accessory dwelling units into this plan that weren't there before in town homes so does that not increase the amount of people that or units that are there and the population I don't I don't understand what the benefit is of allowing the accessory dwelling units if they weren't initially a part of the plan is that not adding more housing that's my point I can answer that but if you'd like to finish that was it that's it want me go ahead go ahead yeah accessory units are allowed throughout the county uh that's that's something that's been uh added to the CRA and the rest of the count and we're making changes to the rest of the uh county code to make sure that is clear um accessory units are already allowed throughout Newfield this was just to make sure that we identify Town Homes as single family fee simple products that are also uh as being a single family product they are allowed to have a single uh accessory dwelling unit just like the rest of the county so you're saying the town homes is just a style of housing yes it's a but it's a single family home it is a single family home yes they are sold fee simple they normally platted and um it's it's just like a detached home in that regard and we do have throughout the county and the C especially town homes with accessory dwelling units all over well I know the fact of adding accessory dwelling units has become a popular process to allow multi-generational families to be supported on one property and it's it's a wave right I mean we yes we need to make better use of our space and allow people to live together whether older or younger people but I was stuck on the of the point of a town home to me a town home didn't seem like a a place for an accessory dwelling unit I mean there's like no room left now you have like no nothing left there's 90% of the lot is taken up it actually works quite well you have uh town homes in a row and often they have detached garages in the back with uh accessory dwelling units above them and uh it does work out pretty well thank you she had same question I had how do you do that how do you add I mean you got Town Homes all lined up so you're telling me that there's a garage in the back and they put a put an apartment above the garage yeah that's one scenario tell me another one cuz I don't I'm I'm lost on that as well well um we can we can show you examples too I didn't mean go ahead finish okay I mean you don't have to have a detached garage the garage can be incorporated into the town home and you still have a separate accessory dwelling behind the unit yeah town home lots are usually very narrow but they can be deep enough to accommodate that use and sometimes they have gate houses as well sure they're they're set back yeah yeah I've just never seen that so so there's examples of town homes with garages in the rear with um accessory dwelling units in downtown Stewart If you go Camden Avenue and California all of those Town Homes the alley in the rear has the garages with the adus I think part of this was the clarification again because we had definitions that stated what is a single family home right and a town home is a single family home and it said single family homes have adus and we're just triple clarifying that a town hose is a single family home um I mean I'm I'm happy to pop on Google Earth and show you but um again the pot stem area which is the the closest in development style to what Newfield is going to be has a significant amount of them right there it's actually incentivized through out our code to provide these as affordable yes yeah it's one of the few acceptable uh forms of affordable housing that we've been able to add to the county thank you and that concludes my um very detailed presentation I appreciate your patience thank you um and so you staff wants to have approval of this yes sir we are asking for your recommendation of approval yes okay for staff's recommendation okay yes I would move for staff's recommendation of approval of the uh land and use development regulations for plan mixed use Village I'll second it second it all in favor I thank you gentlemen may I while Shilling management director may I have we have a few items for the November 7 meeting 7 I plan to be here a thank you when it November 7 thank you when is Harold done you been handy for me did I say that too loud it was obvious sorry friend it's nothing to do with you be here two more M I'll be here if you get invest 95 you'll be really happy right I'll be here thank you motion to adjourn I