##VIDEO ID:DAfOHaRKbrk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e mics are on okay going to call the meeting to order of the LPA uh we have quorum two members are absent uh can I get an approval of the minutes i' move to approve the minutes from a first okay we have we have a motion to approve August 1st make a motion sorry I all in favor um I'd make a motion to approve the minutes of August 15th as well August 15th I'll second that okay all in favor I I unanimous okay new business nph1 comprehensive plan Amendment Martin Comm 2309 Martin Commerce Park LLC CPA 2309 Martin Commerce Park LLC formerly known as Martin Gale estates this is a request by Martin karmas Park LLC for a site specific text amendment to chapter 4 future land news element chapter 10 sanitary sewer services and chapter 11 portable water service element 10-year water supply facilities work plan of the Martin County comprehensive growth plan the applicant is requesting to add 167 acres to the list of exceptions to receive Water and Sewer services and to be designated as a freestanding urban service District the application amends plan policies figure 4.2 urban service District figure 11.1 areas currently served by Regional utilities and figure 11.2 11-2 rather potential service areas the property is located east of Interstate 95 and south of Martin Highway Samantha good evening for the record Samantha love lady I'm with growth Management Department as you said this is CPA 2309 Martin Commerce Park it's a site site specific text Amendment and it is a request to add the property to the list of exceptions for water and sewer services and to create a freestanding urban service District it's also a request to change figures in the comp plan 4-2 11-1 and 11-2 is this echoing yes yes it sounds kind of cool though p is that better yeah it's good okay pull it back a little bit okay it's the policies are 4.1 B2 4.13 A10 4.7 a. 3.1 4.7 A14 10.1 18.8 and 10.1 a12 we'll start with 4.1 B2 and this is a list of restrictions that would be placed within the text Amendment for the property says the following restrictions shall be applied to the trative real property known as Martin Commerce Park designated as industria on the future land use map and described an ordinance number and that ordinance number would be filled in if the futural L use map Amendment goes through um residential uses will be prohibited the maximum nonr Residential Building square footage on the entire project is a cumulative total of 1.1 million square fet and prior to the issuance of the first certificate of op occupancy the developer of Martin Commerce shall construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Martin Highway and Stuart West Boulevard and the OWN owner and developers shall plan and appropriately fund public facilities consistent with policy 4.1 B2 which requires that future development pay the full cost of capital facilities needed to address the impacts of such development this shall include an amendment to the capital Improvement element if needed in a PUD agreement that addresses public facilities infrastructure and timing now the rest of the proposed Tech changes are lot more simple they just add to um the policies that have um exceptions for instance um I'm 4.7a 3.1 you would add number four the tract of real property known as Martin Commerce designated as industri on the food or land use map and described in whatever ordinance if it passes same goes for 4.7 A14 same language in 10.1 188 this is an excerpt where the same language is used and then 10.1 a12 is um that was an a policy that allowed um 7js and Martingale Commons um to have package plants but they're not doing doing that because um they have services that are being run out there and so this just States package treatment package treatment plans shall be prohibited and this is the existing 4-2 you'll notice the only free Ser standing urban service district is down here with the Gateway property and this is the proposed figure 4-2 where you still see the Gateway property but this shows the 7js the ACT Tech and the proposed freestanding urban service district for Martin Commerce Park and I just wanted to show you this graphic it's um the subject Parcels in relationship to the other freestanding urban service districts the secondary and the primary urban service District existing figure 11-1 which is areas currently served by Regional utilities you see that the Gateway property is only is shown on that but this one also shows 7js in this in the Martin go the Martin Commerce Park Park freestanding urban service district 11-2 is potential service areas and this is the existing figure same issue and this shows the two other freestanding urban service districts now I want to point out that although 4-2 shows the ACTC property as a freestanding urban service District it is not in this map because this shows the Martin County um utility service area and the attec property would not be served by Martin County utilities so that's why it's not on this map or the 11-1 staff recommendation is for a motion to recommend approval of CP CPA 2309 Martin Commerce Park and do you have any questions Jim I do I thought you would um I I have some questions about previous extensions of urban Services uh outside of the primary urban service district for instance Jonathan Dickinson State Park and several others there was no need to create freestanding urban service districts for those we simply extended those services and had an exemption much as the same with Martingale and 7js 7js is currently a freestanding urban service district is the proposal to actually move water and sewer from the primary urban service District into the new Commerce Park or would it be coming from the freestanding urban service boundary District of 7js it would be coming from the extension that they are currently working on okay so I guess my question is we've we've we've asked to create a new prime a new freestanding urban service District out of 7js and commerce 7js is currently a fre standing urban service District it just was not shown on the map that way okay why are we calling the agtech a freestanding urban service District if it's not getting urban service from Martin County because it is it allowed to have those Services we're just not providing them what what is the reason for having an urban a freestanding urban service District if it's getting Urban services from someplace else uh growth management director Paul Schilling for the record um Clyde can take a shot at that um it's more than a shot yeah but the the in the interest of discussion this evening I would add that the property known as agtech is uh has commitments from the city of Port St Lucy to provide water and sewer service and then the efficiency I believe during the application review and that and and so forth um that was the manner in which it was going to be delivered to the property from the North End yeah yes that doesn't answer my question um sorry let me take a uh shot um the industrial future land use designation in the comprehensive growth management plan contains language that permits the creation of and establishment of a freestanding urban service district for industrial purposes and Industrial uses the agtech future land use designation was created and when it was written that language also ex included the creation of a freestanding urban service District for it and it is intended to be used as primarily Industrial and Commercial uses uh the AAC property does not permit residential uses either so it is not a part of the primary or the secondary the both um 7js and agtech are existing freestanding industrial urban service districts that permit Industrial Development and have been permitted by the ga plan for a number of years that way I think the distinction that we that was just being discussed here is the fact that uh certain Services specifically Water and Sewer are only permitted to the agtec property from Port St Lucy all other Urban Services roads so on uh police fire Etc would be provided by Martin County thank you for that sure thank you CL anything else Jim um now for well we'll we'll have the applicant speak a little bit about it too okay uh not not yet right you have some questions I not right this second I'll go last if you're done I am Bob so just to clarify what Jim was getting at even Port St Lucy could not provide water and sewer under our code or the comp plan unless this was a free standing urban service district is that correct for for agtech for agtech no one could provide it unless it's a free staining urban service okay so I so that's why you had to have this even though Martin County is not providing those Services also to allow the industrial future land use designation to be located outside the primary urban service District that's the reason for the freestanding industrial urban service District because industrial like General commercial and other others are intended for the primary but industrial has this exception allowing the industrial land use designation to go outside this land this text amendment is necessary in order for the next step and that is the future land use map amendment to assign the industrial designation outside anything else if not Morris you're up good evening for the record my name is Morris Kady senior partner with theone Associates and I I do have return receipts from the notice of we actually this was a site specific text Amendment so we notified uh for that and the uh luse Amendment and that includes the uh the meeting on Tuesday September 24th at the County Commission um before I get into the technical merits and justification for the application I'd like to introduce Jill morasa who's going to speak a little bit about the applicant Ashley Capital who I'm here to represent just to give you some background on on that company thank you you give them the mouse good evening everyone thank you all for uh joining us this evening thank you to staff for all your hard work my name is Jill morasa for the record I serve as director of development um for the Treasure Coast for Ashley Capital I'd like to take a moment just to give you a little background on Ashley Capital but before I do I just want to acknowledge my colleague Ryan Bloss who is here this evening as well as our principal of Ashley Capital Rick Morton so they're joining us this evening so Ashley Capital just a little bit about us um we've been around for 40 years company was founded 40 years ago by two principles one of those principles as I acknowledged here today the company is an industrial development real estate firm that's what we do we only build Industrial Development we don't step out of our lane and we've been doing that for over 40 years two types of properties that we're involved in one is Green Field development um in the sense of we look at properties for long-term Vision properties that we see a vision that have not been developed or we may find properties that have been entitled and are Antiquated subdivisions and have been laying dormant and we see a long-term Vision on that as well um and another property that we also look at our Brownfield developments and those are sites like landfills or contaminated sites and our company is an expert in that area and we have developed um over our history probably over 400 Acres of of Brownfield development so um we've been in this business a long time as a firm we uh are across five states for properties Six States including land which is Florida so we're in uh Michigan Atlanta Georgia um Wisconsin Tennessee and Virginia we have over 60 buildings on 40 properties and we have over 32 million square feet of space our firm is nationally ranked across the United States we are a top developer a top owner a top operator and a top property manager so something that different differentiates oursel from some other developers is that when we buy a property we buy the property and we're in it for the Legacy so we buy properties um we take that property we look at its potential it's highest and best use we'll take that property through the entitlement process as we're doing today we will then take that property through the site planning process and work with the local government whether it's a county or municipality and make sure that we're meeting the longterm goals of of what they see and and what works for us as well we will then build spec most of the projects that we do we'll build a spec building or two um and we will lease them up and then we will continue on with our our site plan as intended then we also own and manage them so we we don't go outside and get different managers we manage them in-house um and we have been recognized for our property management skills and so this property here um we see this as a long-term Legacy project and that is what we'd like to do and so we appreciate your time this evening and learning about the project and if you have any questions please feel free to ask our team thank you thank you J um and again um U my name is Morris Cady and I'm a certified planner for the past 30 years and been doing land planning in Martin County since 1982 um and I'm honored to be here on behalf of Ashley Capital they are reputable and uh very distinguished company so just to give you some some some Geographic uh orientation uh you know the the property is out here at I95 and 714 this is the uh primary urban service District that was uh extended by way of the um Newfield property or the the uh yeah um which was previously known as piland Prairie uh so I wanted to just to give you an idea of the land uses in the area again this is this is the intersection of I95 and Martin Highway and although it shows up at agricultural this this 32 acres here is actually a commercial land use um this property is composed of of agranet and agricultural land use and we'll get into that more detail but this is the industrial site that was referenced to 7js there's also the County's um landfill site up here and the in the sheriff's department shooting range um but this is a closer look and this is the zoning map showing the commercial PUD known as Martin Gale Commons and again the zoning on the um subject properties ar5 ag28 and A2 and across the street is the Stewart West Property which is also a PUD so Ashley purchased um more than the property that we're developing or proposing this application on uh it's it's actually the 167 acres is shown here in pink and and blue and of the 167 Acres that are in included in the application about 65 acres is part of a conservation easement and preserve area management plan um that that actually Capital spent a lot of time as they once they acquired the property to bring the the entire property including Martin gel uh Commons into compliance with the conservation easement requirements of the South Florida Water Management District and the uh preserve area management plan requirements of Martin County so there's 21 platted agricultural Lots on here and and and we want to make clear that you know the agricultural land use is more than just uh allows for single family homes there is a number of of non-residential uses allowed on this property under the County's ar5a ag28 and A2 zoning code so all of these types of uses from uh animal services to administrative and nonprofits to agricultural crops uh Nursery processing dairies uh community centers Kennels mining all of these uses are allowed in addition to single family uses on these platted lots and uh they also own a strip of about 19 Acres right here that's all Upland property that's not part of any conservation evenement but to dig a little bit deeper into the commercial track this is the approved uh site plan for the 32 Acres on the corner that's called Martin Gil commin it was approved uh for commercial development under the the expressway oriented transi commercial allowances and the comprehensive plan which allows for hotels Motel gas stations anything associated with the traveling public on 1995 and this has a long history prior to acquisition by Ashley Capital um they were entitled to build a package treatment plant to serve this project and some of the other uh Corners um as part of their original approval um then they ran into some problems with with a a previous commission and they ended up going through a lawsuit process and that led to um the county look well let me before I get to that uh that led to the county finding another means other than a package plant to serve this property um so that property's located here you know I want to make clear that that that the property that we're talking about and outlined in red here is a developed subdivision it does have paved roads this is an existing road and these two roads here it's it's again um approximately 67 acres is under a preserve area management plan that has been uh uh complied with um and in 2017 in order to address the the issue with water and sewer services to Martin Gil commin which is located on the corner here the County Commission initiated a comprehensive plan of amendment to extend Water and Sewer Services uh along uh Martin highway to serve the sheriff's shooting range the 7js industrial area the landfill and Martin Gil commins and um when Ashley acquired the property they contributed um $3 million towards that extension to accommodate Martin Gil commins so this is the a copy of one of the construction drawings it shows the extension of water and sewer all the way out to Martin gaale commin up to the shooting rrange this is this project has been funded it's under construction and due to be completed I believe next year um so that that will bring water and sewer out to the site the county um because of that is updated this is from the the County's uh Martin utilities website it shows in blue here the the service areas uh that are going to be served by that water and sewer extension and these are in effect um uh freestanding urban service districts they're entitled to all the the the services that these types of non-residential uses require mainly in in industrial but also commercial in the case of Martin Gale Commons so what what we're looking to do is is expand uh that that service area to include uh uh the 167 Acres that are before you tonight and that's that's not something that you know is arbit arbitary or or um um unique it the the the existing comprehensive plan uh policies for Industrial Development uh allow freestanding urban service districts to be established for industrial use and for the purposes of of creating um labor markets and and um trying to open up um economic development of Martin County so so areas of the county where freestanding Urban Services can be provided by a group of industrial uses users may be considered as independent or freestanding urban service districts and they can be Illustrated on figure 42 which is this figure so um after consultation with the county you know they recognize that these other areas are freestanding urban service districts and so we didn't want to come in here and just show you our site we wanted to make it clear that we're not the only freestanding urban service District out here um there you know again what we'll be doing is expanding the freestanding urban service District that already exist for Martin Gail Comm so that's our that's our proposal so we'll be part of these freestanding urban service District that already exists at this interchange and and and as part of that they'll be having to pay uh a large chunk of money to to provide water and sewer service uh to the proposed property and and these these Maps were which Samantha talked about are the uh maps in uh chapter 11 or chapter 10 I believe that shows the service areas of Martin County so we we simply updated the service areas to show what Martin County is currently providing the the this is the 7js piece again we're adding our property to this map for consistency but it it it shows you know it it has been updated to include these other Parcels as well not I'm going to just interrupt you for a minute so what you're doing is giving us a presentation on nph1 mph2 and nph3 at this point or right now just talking about the text am I'm trying I'm justifying the the ex the extension the freestanding urban service District so should we even be talking about the other two at this point I'm not it it's a legislative public hearing and it's the applicant but I don't think he's specifically talking about the those two well if you're if you're fine yeah I'm okay with it I mean I think you're I'm trying to context really on how how we got here the maps that he's showing are actually text amendments they are oh they're not right it's not the future land use map while we have while we have you on the map though can I ask a question about um Pand prair or new Fields that's part of the primary urban service District right right here is yeah so but on the previous map it's not shown as part of the primary urban service District which one if you go back one page or another the it's one more where where we have the blue outlines for oh actually let see where did I have that yeah is right there that's their that's the uh Martin County service area for pil and Prairie which is also the limits of the primary urban service District yeah so it almost touches sjs okay go ahead marris I'm sorry so again we went through that um so so we're we're we're updating the the uh these Maps which are part of the text amendment to identify what currently exists and what we're proposing which is the this piece right here so and and you know the other things to consider there are many policies in the comprehensive plan for allocating um industrial uh uses and and and these all should be considered in the context of of this text Amendment um but but all of them have to do with specific locational criteria that deal with uh uh the availability of water and sewer uh the proximity to major transportation corridors um they should be compatible with surrounding uses and and and so you know the the uh the comp plan has a lot of guidelines that that that that support making this area an industrial freestanding urban service District um they generate high levels of employment that they complement the needs of existing industry in Martin County um you know all of these and and probably the most important is is is number four is it contributes net revenue does the project contribute net revenue to Martin County thus enhancing the County's fiscal capability and the county is is is notoriously high on residential taxes and low on Industrial uh tax revenue so so all of these are important to consider as you look at this expansion of the freestanding urban service District the trip generation characteristics the impact on existing and plan transportation system empy ENT generation uh you know this site is is is is is located an area where we can minimize impact to surrounding properties there's no adjoining residential uses it's it's it has a preserve area management plan we know where the wetlands are where the El habitat is there's planned Public Services coming out to the site and most importantly there's an ability to connect to Regional water and wastewater treatment system and in the economic area there's several um requirement ments I mean that these are not just suggestions it says the Martin County shall encourage the retention expansion and attraction of targeted businesses which is the the focus of this application they shall reduce out commuting by supporting the creation of quality jobs with within its boundaries to serve its Workforce it shall develop maintain and Implement programs to retain expand and attract targeted businesses to the county again in the economic element it shall place a high priority on coordinating public infrastructure improvements that facilitate future Economic Development this site was actually identified by the business development board as one of those sites um that that can provide and and Implement these these particular policies uh the county Shai P prioritize land planning of sites with high visibility and close access to major transportation corridors I mean right on the I95 Corridor um you know when this site was originally designated for AG cultural use there was no I95 Corridor at that time um and it and it and it directs the county to that it will consider this priority during the review of plan amendments um and and so you know there there's there's several economic policies that will be um implemented by virtue of this application um that will in fact um create Economic Opportunity and offset uh some of the tax revenue but another thing this application does that that no other land use application does is it's amending the uh the text specific to this site to uh prohibit any type of residential use not only by this policy but also by a deed restriction that will be recorded so they're not in it to change it to Industrial and then try to you know shove in live local or some other type of residential use on the property that they are committed to developing uh Class A industrial site here um we are committing to a maximum uh non-residential building square footage uh on the entire site to no more than 1.1 million and and another requirement is that any future development of this property will be done by a a planned unit development which means you'll have a say and the county will have a say in the types of uses now we know what they want to develop but and it's nothing towards any type of General industrial it's light industrial um it's not distribu and Warehouse so but you can control that by virtue of a a PUD application that's required before any development and probably the most important thing that I think the most important benefit and it's not even a PUD benefit it they're committing to this as part of the text amendment is their intent to uh put a traffic light at Stuart West Boulevard in Martin Highway and you know as you if you've been out there you know there's there's a high volume of truck traffic that that that that go down the road well you know this is something that may not be warranted but the developer is willing to pay for it um prior to any certificates of occupancy on the on on the property which will improve Public Safety for the residents of Stuart West and the traveling public on Martin Highway and the last item the bullet point is is just a coverall to make sure everyone understands that the county taxpayers or the County government is not required to fund any of the Public Services or facilities to support this project all of the capital facilities needed to address the impacts of this development are required to be paid and and and uh completed by the owner developer and that's again in the text Amendment it's not just a PUD special Condition it's something that will that that will have to be met um by virtue of the um application and and the other changes that we were making that that Samantha mentioned were really for internal consistency there are several exceptions and and you know these other things where we're adding this particular site is really to maintain um internal consistency with the comprehensive plan um and and we're putting a period uh after prohibited um you know we're we're making it very clear package treatment plant shall be prohibited period in Martin County and that's because of the extension of water and sewer out to these sites they no longer have that right they know will no longer have that right to develop a package treatment plant under this exception so I I'll get into the land use next but we really can't get to the land use until we get the text Amendment so I just want to reiterate that that you know we have an opportunity here with Ashley capital and it doesn't come around very often um you know to to develop this property in a sensitive manner um consistent with the County's um uh uh environmental requirements they they've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars cleaning up the site that was left by the previous owner um with full of exotic vegetation and and debris that has been cleaned up um you know they're they want to create a Premier light industrial park that will enhance the neighborhood with Investments um uh traffic Water and Sewer they're going to bring High wage jobs and capital investment to Martin County and by virtue of the of maintaining compliance with the pamp and the conservation easements I think they're going to enhance and maintain Martin County's green infrastructure um so that we'll be glad to answer any questions um like I said we have we have our team here okay Jim go for it with the whole team at once now well no I think we got to keep individual items separately no no no on this item but if you want anyone else to come up um I I have to I have to preface this by saying that I I did meet with um Jill Moresco and Ryan and uh Stacy rer um about this about a week ago and I'll have to tell you also that I've had many sleepless night because of it um are you willing to put into this ex this uh freestanding urban service District that no urban service District services will be provided Beyond this I don't know what I don't know how we do that I don't think we can control that well you can you can write that in if you want to to add add additional safety but it's already if there's not if there isn't a specific exception written into the plan that's that's a given you can't extend to other areas well I mean we are we've extended Water and Sewer from another freestanding urban service District out to the ranch no we aren't that's that's not a free the ranch is not a freestanding urban service no but we are extending Water and Sewer from a freestanding urban service District to them it's an exception it's it's part of the rural lifestyle future land use designation it's not related to this this is my problem we've we've we now have a very permeable rule about our urban service district and we've come up with exceptions that that frankly indicate to me sprawl and this is a this is a real concern each and every property that has water and sewer is getting it via specific text placed into the comprehensive plan um uh you want to you want you want to cross-examine him after you do moris um well you know what we're doing is we're creating new exceptions annually um so so that's I mean that's that's one of my my primary issues um the other you know this makes more sense when we start talking about how to hook up Stuart West and Cobblestone but that's not part of the plan that's not part of the proposal that's not they're left out of this and and I'm not sure that that's right I'm not sure that it's the way we should be planning I think that you know before rural L use Amendment started to move forward at a accelerating rate we had proposals to do some actual workshopping about what the future of these places is and it really bothers me that we're not doing that um and and that's you know I do see Merit in having light industrial out on I95 I do see Merit in this proposal I'm just really worried that that we're not planning in a unified way and that we are backing into proposals that are going to have massive impact and I'm I'm not sure that that the infrastructure that we have is really up to this well the water and sewer wouldn't be in front of Stuart West if not for this project this well Mar it was going to be extended to Martin Gale regard yeah but they had to pay for it Martin Gale commins had to pay for for you know and Ashley Capital do a lawsuit but the put the bill no that was before Ashley Capital all that no I understand but Martin Gale was was going to be provided Water and Sewer because of a lawsuit right well because they had an entitled they were entitled to build a package plant and then that went away somehow I don't I don't know the deta I wasn't involved with that all that but I that's not really pertinent yeah I don't know yeah but I there know Ashley Capital came in later and cleaned up that mess and uh and and made it happen actually made the extension happen so it is in front of Stuart West now and and you know it's it's a it's a it's a big project to you know serve that that that project and you know I don't know it's up to them if they want the service it's really not up up to us you know they there's a capital expense there you know and and it's really part of the County's plan I think in the future should be to service that but they got to find the funds to do it okay is that it you yeah Bob I just I think that we really need some uh industrial we need industrial tax roll we don't have it here I'm not looking for us to become bokeh we never will be we have 48% of our land here is already held by conservation but that land I went out there twice this week and looked at it and gas stations belong along 95 cuz cars are driving by there and have you has anyone talked to the residents near there to see how they feel oh yeah we we've had uh two Community workshops with um with Stuart West and and C at their Clubhouse so so each time we we had over 125 people in attendance so Ashley capit did a great job of making themselves known to that community and um and and they you know for the most part they've been supportive I'm sure there's some people here that will speak against it but you know we see this it's not in their backyard it's across the highway and you know one of the one of the benefits is this traffic signal that's going to help them get out of their project and slow traffic down in front of their project so thank you it uh could you pull up again what can be done on this property right now the list of use uses let me see if I can get back there well I'm going to have to hit here I'm slow let me help can you do it okay there you go it was at the beginning it's easier to go back when your arrow up but you don't have that there we go here we go so going to have as strips we could have crops nursery and storage we could have animal services hunting and sanctuaries we can have administrative and nonprofit agriculture bed in breakfast daycare Family Care cemeteries crematoriums columbariums I don't even know what that is community centers golf courses Park par s dairies feed Lots kennels commercial mining places of worship recycling drop off centers yard TR trash processing residential single family homes modular homes and mobile homes shooting ranges outdoor shooting clay courses solar farms and utilities that's what could be used right now is that correct Morris yes sir and you're proposing what again uh light industrial uh buildings that are specifically going to be developed by Ashley operated by Ashley and managed by Ashley well under light industrial right what are the uses I I we don't have a slide I understand that well yeah but the you know the light industrial we can't really access those uses because we're committing to doing a PUD as part of the text Amendment so so we are going to reone as on an interim basis to limited industrial but to develop the site we have to do a PUD so you're going to come back here with a site plan a specific site plan not to the commission actually I guess yeah uh with a specific site plan with what you want to put on this property and use this property for correct yeah I agree with my colleagues we don't plan in this County I don't know why we don't plan in this County but individual projects on IND on individual pieces of property without anyone knowing what's going to be there tomorrow is not a good way to run a county and the commission has continuously not wanted to have real comprehensive planning and it's not staff's fault and it's not the not the resident's fault the commission just refuses to do that and that's not right and I you know I I just think it's lousy way to go about doing things and I hope that sometime soon they will take a larger view of what's left and plan appropriately so that we don't have to fight every time somebody wants to do something because it will be known what can be done uh I'm going to call a public unless you have anything else no I agree with you 100% okay now I have people who want to speak on one two and three if you want to speak on anything else I have you listed I'm going to need another card at some point okay okay first one Jesse J Griffin just a reminder members of the public you have 3 minutes um when you hear the beep your time will be up thank you my name is Jess Griffin I've been a resident of Stewart West in Martin County for almost 17 years um there's a lot of talk about infrastructure about water and by the way I think um Mr Morton and his most of his group are a class act so I you know I want to go on the record on that even though I peacefully disagree with how this whole process is been is being fast-tracked um you talk about Public Safety but the the simple fact is the critical infrastructure if you're building stuff for Martin County to go on a two-lane road okay there's we're already a we've been a gridlock many hours of the day for a long time already and to build this type of Center when you don't have four lanes on both ways the full access just seems quite frankly nonsensical to me um not too many months ago the staff wrote a detailed report which I read that was against this one of the primary takeaways I took was that it was urban sprawl I don't see this being addressed at this at all and I you know there is a change of government coming very quickly and I don't understand why why this has to be fast-tracked as a resident who lives here and I will add the the tax base people like to talk about industrial but the tax base coming out of Stuart West and Cobblestone is pretty significant to this community and I don't think that Mr mure and I I can't say your name I can't see that well sir but I appreciate your comments because I feel like you're looking out for the public interest thank you thank you one trouba if I say your name wrong good evening my name is Wanda trouin I'm a Stuart West resident I've gotten a lot of my questions answered already tonight and um had several of them answered when Ashley Capitol came out and spoke at our clubhouse onto different occasions but since then we've had a house of worship by the property uh on and then I'm I'm really bad in directions but I'm going to say the north side of the property of which Ashley is proposing tonight um it is uh a complete sale and construction on this house of worship will probably go underway in the next couple of years that being said in this red light obviously is an enhancement for everyone involved they are already having issues with entering their property from Martin Highway uh and exiting their property back to Martin Highway through land that we enter as Neighbors in Stuart West and Cobblestone so having them already with this issue and working through that process um I would ask if we've considered that in addition because um as Jess Griffin said this two-lane Highway you know it's going to get super crowded uh there are school buses you know um obviously Emergency Equipment that needs to get through there and it's a big concern so I'd like to go on record as asking um Council to see if you've considered number one um the new house of worship that has come in since they've last spoken to us thank you thank you here's a name I you Dan Hudson your writing is almost as bad as mine I was going to call you Clon until I saw where you are from well thank you I'll take that as a compliment I wouldn't um I'm Dan Hudson I'm here tonight representing the business development board um I have a long involvement with business development from my days in County Government also as Stuart city manager and most recently they called me out of retirement to serve as interim executive director um I don't need to recite the economic element of the comprehensive plan that was reviewed with you earlier but I did there is one quote in it that I that I I I love it says a strong economy naturally supports quality communities and in turn quality communities help maintain a strong economy and so that's really you know we're about quality of life here in Martin County we believe this this project supports quality of life so if you're not familiar with the bdb it's a public private partnership that's kind of a that in its purpose is to guide and and direct Economic Development within Martin County and we're kind of a boots on the ground operation we work directly with businesses to to help facilitate their transactions um what I'm here for is to really just kind of reiterate the fact that the application has gone through a wellth thought through planning process process um probably about three years ago the business development board developed um a set of what we call Hubs of Excellence the word Hub is used in Economic Development because businesses tend to congregate together in close proximity to each other and this is one this intersection of 714 and 995 is one of those hubs of Excellence that was presented to the board of County Commissioners and you have in your packet a letter from County government reiterating that those are the priorities and this particular project was specifically named in that set of priorities and so what you see here is the outcome of that that kind of Direction that's been moving along so um just let me give you a quick conclusion again we're here to support the recommendation to approve the project um one of the most important things that government can do is assure that there's adequate supply of commercial industrial properties available government can't go out and create businesses but what you can do is make sure that the the land is available there to meet the demand that exist and so um again this is just a result of a carefully thought through planning it's not being rushed through it's been thought about for years so thank you very much you miss toson Rory Mars hi staff thank you for having us tonight uh my name is Rory Mah I live in Stewart West um the bottom of my driveway is about 800 yards as the crow flies from the entrance to this uh this proposed project um so like many from the you know nearly 500 homes in Stewart West and Cobblestone combined um I've had many conversations with neighbors and there is a lot of concern um just about this overall proposal and the impacts that it would have both on our property values and just our quality of life um we've lived in this neighborhood for close to 10 years we chose it because of the more rural nature U being in the more western part of Martin County um and the fact that much of the surrounding land was zoned either a or a ranet um and we we thought that the Martin County comprehensive growth management plan would preserve that that was a huge reason of the reason that we bought where we bought um you know I understand that growth is inevitable right but I also believe that residents should have a voice in how property that is directly right next to us should be developed right um I personally don't believe that an industrial park with over a million square feet of floor space is compatible for property that's currently zoned for you know residential homes on 5 acre lots um our neighborhoods you know seart West it's very unique um it's sought after by people looking for those larger Lots while life open spaces and privacy um it's one of the few larger equestrian communities in Martin County um right now property values are strong in the neighborhood um you know we have 500 homes recent sales are averaging over a million dollars and you know our stance is that this project will forever change the character of the area um with is constant commercial vehicle traffic um you know and be a significant deterrent to people who might want to purchase property in in our neighborhood um I can tell you personally if my wife and I were shopping 10 years ago and there was this industrial park across the street there's zero 0% chance we would have bought here um so again I just want to thank you for your time please keep uh the local residents and neighbors uh in your consideration as well thanks thank you Donna calibra good evening I appreciate the opportunity to address you folks tonight I have some comments and I have some questions uh if any of my questions can can't be answered tonight I respectfully request that I receive an answer prior to these items going to the board of County Commissioners my name is Donna calibri I live at 9802 Southwest Santa Monica I'm a Stuart West resident I am also a member of the board of the Property Owners Association I spent some time reading the March 5th report and the current reports dat in September and spent a lot of time looking at the differences so um we got the notice uh about the bccc meeting on third on 9:12 for a meeting on 924 this planning meeting is happening today on the 19th and we going to the board of County Commissioners next Tuesday it appears to me that that's an accelerated schedule and I'm concerned Why is it happening what the sense of urgency is I think we all deserve an opportunity to digest everything that's discussed tonight before we go before the board of County Commissioners so that we are as well informed as possible to make our case um so I I'm going to go on the record to say I respectfully request that this first item uh 2309 text Amendment be moved to from the September 24th bccc meeting to a date certain that is after the new board is seated Mr campenni I appreciate your comments about how we plan in Martin County I think we all know that Community sentiment has changed over time I've been a member of the treasur coast since 1985 and what we've seen recently is we've seen um the Danforth uh folks not happy with having a multi Family Properties across the street from them so we had a lot of interest there we've had um elections that recently happened and we're going to change out the board some of the members of the board and I think what we've seen is that people are looking for folks that are a little more thoughtful about development so for those reasons I think we need to wait until the new board is seated um let me just check one thing here because I've got lots of sticky notes I heard two different or I've read and heard different things I read that uh the traffic light was going to go in prior to occupancy then tonight I heard it was going to go in prior to construction so I kind of want to know which one we're picking personally I think it should go in prior to construction if we move forward um also right now we're at 1.1 million square feet of of uh warehouses or light industrial uh when we have a PUD they can come back in and request additional feet square footage okay so we want that on the record we need to yes or no uh your time is up ma'am thank you very much uh I'm going to ask we we don't answer questions but I'm going to ask that uh Mr Schilling get with you m or contact or have someone from your staff contact and answer whatever question she had appr thank you but those questions you already asked we can certainly ask the applicant to answer we can do that afterwards but please take your seat now tell stalie said it exactly right good evening my name is Ted stal I'm here on behalf of the Economic Council of Martin County uh I usually don't do this but I'm read this to keep in my three minutes so uh there's many different Christian religions that follow the scriptures of the Bible each using its own interpretations in Martin County the comprehensive growth management plan is often referred to as the Bible of development in our community in similar fashion as as with religions the Martin County Bible is interpretated by many groups each in its own way so today as you decide which interpretation of our Martin keny Bible you're going to follow consider the many ways in which you can read the words and teachings within the comprehensive plan support for different religions and their beliefs fall in and out of favor among populations in similar fashion the politics of Martin County appear to be changing with the new interpretation of our Bible leaning towards what I refer to is 20 in 24 taxes shall not be added or increased saith the people the question that must be answered now is how do we interpret this and how can we how can this be achieved while maintaining the paradise we call Martin County should we allow ourselves to be taxed for a just cause preservation of Green Pastures for example how can we achieve such a Heavenly objective with ever increasing cost of government by way of higher cost of living inflation and increased wages not to mention lifetime pensions for those government employees that retire I would submit to you today that the only solution is to follow the writings of chapter 15 in our Bible the comprehensive plan note the passage the talk of Economic Development diversifying the tax base the addition of non-residential properties that will insulate the homeowner from the burden of increased taxes I direct you to the following verses some of which Morrison mentioned in chapter 15 policy 15.3 a.3 Martin County shall prioritize a land planning of sites with high visibility and close access to major transportation quarters for development of employment uses including targeted businesses office and Industrial developments it will consider this priority during the review of plan amendments resoning requests site plan approvals and permitting processes policy 15.3 a.4 Martin County should consider the high priority of retaining employment generating land uses in appropriate and compatible locations in the county and she'll consider this priority during the review of plan amendments resoning request site plan reviews and permitting processes policy 15.3 .5 Martin County shall ensure that adequate land and transportation capacity is available for present and future land uses that generate high-paying jobs such as office industrial research and development employment center uses policy 15.3 b45 Martin County should work to increase job opportunities within the county and support the existing Workforce and Industry sectors this effort is aimed at addressing the reduction of employment opportunities in the county which contributes to economic leeches leaking as residents are forced to work work outside the county so I ask you to consider these existing policies in our sacred comprehensive plan and support these policies uh as they're written thank you Father stalie thank you very clever uh Jeff Chamberlain please hello board members uh Jeff Chamberlain from uh commercial local commercial real estate broker here uh resident in Martin County since 1989 uh I've been assist assisting businesses uh in Martin County for the last 35 years and I I can tell you that supply has always been the issue in Martin County uh we we never have enough Supply to meet the demand of the business Community here uh and businesses have had to continuously look elsewhere uh for space even though they'd really rather be here um we helped company a few years ago called sunlast metals that was located in Palm City that was looking for additional space uh we ended up locating them in St Lucy West uh because we couldn't find the suitable space for them uh there's a number of uh existing Parks uh many of which are prime are primarily built out at this time the US One Commerce Avenue Corridor the uh Treasure Coast Commerce Center Jack James Corridor is built out uh Indian Town offers solutions for some uh but don't work for many due primarily to mileage and distance you know from interstates uh sans's Commerce Center in Palm City's kind of been the only game in town but they're constantly full uh every time they build a new phase they fill up so they really uh don't don't have any current Supply you know in place so and the Gateway project off of caner those are very large buildings uh they not really catering to the the small business that that tends to operate in Martin County anywhere from 5,000 to 150,000 square feet um and so this is a project that we really need uh here in the county um you know we need a Commerce Park that will provide businesses with other an alternative uh in in that size range you know we need a a professional campus that will appeal to the corporate tenant we really don't have that that type of Park here in Martin County currently and uh we need a a camp a Corporate Park that'll be near a 995 interchange so as to not uh impact the local roads keep keep the trucks and trailers off the local roads um Commerce Parks do pay their way uh and that's been stated tonight uh they pay significant impact fees they pay for off-site improvements like traffic lights they pay lots of real estate taxes they pay lots of in uh tangible personal property taxes on their equipment and their Machinery uh they fund the schools and guess what they don't send kids to school uh but they do pay taxes uh that go to the schools so that's kind of a nice deal for the schools uh they do provide jobs for Martin County residents they provide Min minimal impact on law enforcement Parks libraries beaches and boat ramps um only residents can do that so do we really need another your time is up thank you does anyone want else want to speak on nph1 okay back to the board Morris you want to add something yeah I just want to yeah again for the record Morris CRA just a couple of um comments I want to make in response to the public comment um we've been in the process for over two years now so it's not something that's been rushed and and the March report that the county initially issued um we spent a lot of time responding to those comments and you know provided um additional information that that got us to this point today we voluntarily sent a letter to the uh to the Cobblestone and Stewart West paa they're they're not within the the radius of the project that requires notification so the letter that that they got was a voluntary letter from Ashley Capital that put them on notice that we're going to these meetings but we did advertised and the county advertised in accordance with their code requirement which is 14 days prior to this hearing um and and and I want to make very clear that this church that they're speaking of this revived church is on the Stewart West PUD property on the other side of the road it's not within our property or adjacent to our property and you know that's I think one of the one of the benefits of having a traffic like there is that you know that's going to take care of some issues um with with the if that project gets developed I'm not sure if it's going to get developed I'm not working on it um but but I do think the traffic light will help and and and and there is no current capacity um issue for Martin Highway although it is in a plan for for laning under the do's uh uh long range plan so there is a a future development when it's warranted but we're going to do the traffic light even though it's not warranted by traffic capacity okay thank you Morris Jim do you want to yeah well I have another question for staff there was a comment um in the the package from staff uh about Transportation issues and it was a negative comment and um I don't have it with me because want to pull up is that in the other I think it's in the third package but it's it it's in reference to the Future yeah that me it's a future luse element there yeah that if we're going to look at that we have to look at at the next public hearing not this public hearing because it's not part of this public hearing but it's Germain and that's that's that's the problem it's about planning I don't think we should have talked about F The Flume throughout this thing but we haven't the maps weren't The Flume Maps so I think we're we're fine on that but we can't bring it in now all right so anything else Jim no sorry uh okay um here's the thing we can't look at the church we're not even supposed to know there is such a thing we only know because we're part of the community too we can't mix apples and oranges as far as road is concerned we can't look at capacity whether this project or three other projects are coming down the road coming down the road and whether we will have a problem with that that's up that's a completely separate thing than this um we have no control over when things come to us nor when they go to the commission so when we see them we act on them we don't make the agenda yeah I think it's I would have liked to see like two weeks pass between when we see something and the commission sees something but but once again we don't control that we just move on uh and I want to applaud Ashley capital for notifying groups outside of the area outside of what they have to do by law I think we should expand the notification part so that more people would know about projects before so that they could also comment with that said and no one else has anything I'll entertain any motions staff like please Mr chair oh I'm sorry um if you permit uh staff would like to reiterate a couple of things from our presentation and perhaps address a couple of the comments that were raised here tonight thank you um on the screen you see proposed text we call this a a um sub area policy uh under B the proposed text of the plan would say the maximum non-residential building square footage in the entire project shall be limited to a cumulative total of 1.1 million square feet and a planned unit development if one were approved following all of the hearings consider consider being considered tonight and by the board in the future a planned unit development could not exceed that this is a restriction applied in the comp plan and the Pud would have to be consistent with that so that was one of the questions issue raised during the public comment another one I believe is uh D prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy the owner developer of the Martin Commerce Park shall construct a traffic signal at the intersection of Martin Highway and steart West Boulevard so to give everyone an understanding if you get site plan approval and I'm talking about after a number of other steps that we haven't even gotten to yet the site would have to be developed in terms of the horizontal construction of infrastructure for things like storm water and and utilities and uh Paving and Grading and so on like that and then be then you have individual structures that get permitted on individual portions of the site and before the certificate of occupancy for the first one is issued I believe it does say that right before the issuance of the first certificate so you'd have construction of the site horizontal construction but you wouldn't get your first building permit issued without the traffic signal so uh hopefully that clarifies those at least two of those questions certificate of occup I I apologize thank you for correcting me before the certificate of occupancy so a building permit could be issued but the certificate of occupancy on the building perit could not be which means nobody could occupy anything until the traffic like is there okay if there's nothing else I will entertain a motion I'll motion to accept mph1 J will you second I'm not going to Second it I'm I'm I I really want to have more review and public input into planning in this in this node um I'm I'm I'm concerned about a lot of things but I'm mostly concerned about the the fast tracking of this uh from a and not not that Ashley is moving too quickly or or Morris is moving too quickly but but you know I I got this package last week late um I think probably Friday and and it's a big issue um and I I just don't I don't think that that this County at this point should be barreling headlong into changing the the gateways of Martin County uh changing the way we we do our our urban planning um and and I think this is you know this the idea of restricting live local here is concernful to me I think that there are are issues um CH let's go to Mo motion I'll going to pass the gav to you and then you okay I the gav has been passed okay I'll second okay the motion so we have a motion and a second and we will dis uh you can go on with your discussion I think Elise wanted to say something Le you want to say just going to say if you want a second you or have a new motion you have to pass the Gap yeah so we've done that you're good um and is there any discussion any further discussion I just not that you're looking for my suggestions but maybe push that traffic light up sooner rather than later to help the residents there it's the lane that the problem and again you're absolutely right Jim this has not been rushed because I didn't I didn't disclose it because that comes under nph3 but I met with uh Jill morasa I'm going to say six months ago on this project so it's not like it's something new it's been bubbling up for a long time um again it may seem like it's rushed it isn't I wish we had gotten the packet earlier uh I don't know why everything's got to be so jumbled because it takes a while to read these damn things and so and I'm also going to say if I had questions since I I read it on on on on I think Monday and I spoke to a few people but I just would like to have more time to think about things and if you could get it to us sooner and the comments if you can get us comments sooner I mean I'm reading them five minutes before the meeting um may I try to address some of your sure uh a couple things one is we get comments Pro we probably getting comments right now so we do our best to print those out to get them to you on the dis the evening so we Encompass everything we're getting them non-stop on on multiple projects I know so let me ask you a question for from from the perspective of getting the application materials to you we do our very best you know Joan in my office and Rebecca here uh the team works very very hard we at times also have people out of the office or whatever the cases and life happens but we do our best with that and and I think you do I'm not I'm not knocking I'm knocking this is going to go people have said it's going to go to the commission on Tuesday and you're asking us to to discuss it tonight so everyone's under a bigger time time squeeze than maybe we need to be as far as comment we have we all have emails from the county why can't they just be passed through as they come through our emails to us that's what that's why we got the emails I thought so I again I'm going to I'm going to say we we have the tools we just need to use the tools so that we could have these comments as they come in to you and and and make everyone's life easier because then you wouldn't have to print them to to bring them again this is all you staff's problem I agree with that so so we'll figure it out we'll we'll discuss your suggestions and figure out what we can and can't do okay that uh I have nothing else J okay so we have a motion we've had a few comments I agree with you 100% Tom but also think that the community needs to be more engaged in this because this affects us all um we have a motion we have a second all in favor please signify by saying I I I am opposed motion carries two to one okay back over you can have your Hammer back okay thank you all right comprehensive n PH2 comprehensive plan Amendment 2310 Martin commer Park LLC Flume request to consider a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map changing the future land use from Agriculture and agricultural ran chest to Industrial the subject property is 167 acre property located east of Interstate 95 and south of Southwest Martin Highway it is adjacent to the Martin Gale Commons plan unit development the 167 Acres previously receive site plan approval and plat approval as a subdivision of agricultural and agricultural ranet Lots call Martingale Estates staff good evening members of the LPA for the record this is Samantha Lov lady with growth management as you said this is a request by Martin Commerce Park LLC it's a proposed future Lage map amendment to change6 67 Acres from Agricultural and agricultural ranette to Industrial this is the existing future land use you see agranet here and agricultural here this is the proposed industrial future land use shown here and as you stated it's east of 95 south of Martin Highway you just read about you just heard the item for the separate text Amendment CPA 2309 and there's three sets of criteria for um changing the future Lan use map and in section 2.1 um if staff cannot find one of these four criteria that is a met then they can't recommend approval at all but two of the four criteria um have been met for those and there are 13 criteria for urban sprawl and they meet eight out of the 133 section 2.2.1 proliferation of spraw four out of eight criteria have been met stack recommend approval of CPA 2310 Martin Commerce Park Okay can Jim can I ask a question about why Martin Gale the the piece between 714 and 95 is not included in the future land Amendment it's already a free St it's already got commercial on it but it stays agricultural on the future land use right but it is part of a freestanding urban service District I'm just curious why it's not included in the future land use change Paul do you want to add something yes sir so that's the mar that's the parcel that has the existing commercial PUD that's vested if you will that has been there for decades so there's no requirement to change that that is acknowledged in uh um I thought that the part of the plan on the on the the um the comp plan Amendment at the uh what was it the Land Development regulations was to actually comply or to bring all of these these uh land uses up to compliance with with category C is it PA do you want to just introduce yourself you you neglected to Paul Shilling growth management director for the record thank you Mr K peny Clyde duelan comprehensive planning administrator for the record what we're talking about on that one parcel of 32 Acres that you're referring to Mr Moore is a is a remnant of the Old Expressway oriented transient commercial service center it was a lan use designation listed in the comprehensive plan when it was in the comprehensive plan and but it was it it always functioned that more as an overlay than as anything else that language that was in the plan did not require the underlying future land use to be changed it just acted as an overlay it was a hatching actually um or a diamond that was actually shown on the future land use map to identify all four corners of the intersection that's gone away that text has been removed from the plan that PUD is the is the remnant of that uh past uh circumstance if you go to caner Highway and State Road 70 yeah same thing uh I95 and caner Highway there is a I believe it's the Duncan Donuts and the gas station of Transportation they too have a residential estate density future land use but they that part of it is in an expressway ored Transit commercial center that was that earlier Remnant you have that same circumstance this would become part of the Pud anyway so it would be its future land use would be controlled by the Pud that we have yet to see no there are two separate puds there would be two separate puds there's a PUD already on the part 32 acres and there would be a future PUD if all of this is approved for the industrial freestanding urban service would there be a Unity of those puds at some point are we going to cancel the Pud that exists on that property they would be Standalone unless the applicant sought to do otherwise yeah yeah for clarity again Morris C for Ash the capital um yeah there's no intention of of that of developing that site under this Martin Commerce Park that's going to stand loone as a Expressway oriented Transit commercial under its existing PUD allowances and it will probably be sold to a third party cuz Ashley Capital doesn't build that type ofas station yeah right so anything else CH no okay Bob no sir okay I mean I think we've gone through this previously so I don't know if I have any other questions just want to make sure the applicant doesn't have a presentation public yeah okay I have two cards for n PH2 Wanda troba on the left Donna C thank you again for the opportunities Donna calib I'm a resident of Stuart West I'm I need to make a statement um that the presidents of the two home associations were supposed to get letters about this meeting that did not happen Okay I asked the president of Stuart West if he got a letter it did not happen we got copies from our residents that are within the distance required for notification um in discussion earlier when I talked about FASTT tracking what I'm talking about is the time between this meeting and the board of County Commissioners meeting not what Ashley's doing okay I want to make sure that the community and those of us that are interested get to hear everything that's said digest it and get our questions answered and I look forward to hearing from staff prior to the BCC meeting should it happen next week in that in light of that I respectfully request that this agenda item be moved from the September 24th bccc meeting to a date certain that is after the new board of County Commissioners is seated okay uh as regards The Flume 23-10 so I looked at the the one that came out in March and the one that came out in September and Samantha and I had a discussion the other day um the Criterion are objective and measurable right so when you have a March report and it says we do not recommend approval then you have a September report that says we recommend approval there are changes things changed I'm not sure what they are so these are some things that maybe you can answer for me in section 2.2 under urban sprawl uh Roman numerals 23 and six have changed and in 2.21 there were two changes Roman numeral 2 and Roman numeral six so I'm hoping that I can get an answer as to you know what caused the you know encouraged sprl discouraged spwl what you know what caused those to change um also there's a March 5th traffic engineering memorandum that had a worst case of 1440 peak hour trips and then later he says based on 1 million square footage we're going to have 479 peak hour trips so I'm not sure how that's calculated so I really don't understand how many peak hour trips we're going to have in and out of this parcel and I would like somebody to help me understand that and I will again ask about the traffic light before construction begins or before occupancy and I would like to note that the two-lane Highway Martin Highway when we have an accident on I95 traffic is rerouted to the turnpike they are all on Martin Highway it takes me 40 minutes best scenario to get from Stuart West to the Publix's on um Martin Downs Boulevard so we do have some capacity issues now and I'm sorry that we can't deal with it here but I wanted to be on record your time is up thank you um is there anybody else that wants to speak on N PH2 seeing none comes back to the board Jim I'm I'm curious about the the difference in staff reports between March and and the most recent one um excuse me staff made a recommendation of denial and then with um the um applicant that's when they brought forward the traffic light and the um condition for the capital facilities that they would have to pay for and that satisfies St staff's concerns okay so it was it was the the paying for the water and sewer Extinction and the traffic light that is that we've agreed is going to be um before the first certificate of occupancy cor anything else toim uh no I'm I'm still concerned about separating the two uses and when when things like that happen Bob I'm good can I hear from Susan on that traffic count Susan aor aor engineering and planning at TMC company for the record um so the the issue was that staff had calculated the maximum but they didn't consider that we had a cap on it so we had a cap of 1.1 million so what's in the traffic study is I think the number 203 peak hour Peak Direction so it's in that 400 range as opposed to staff had originally you know done the math on number of Acres times 43,560 ft came up with a big number so we talked that through and but that's that's based on a limited industrial is there also a large scale gas facility included in those traffic counts we we've got um right now it'll be a PUD so we what we've got is um the maximum under limited industrial and what would be typical and then when it gets to the Pud we'll drill down on any specific uses and concurrency will have to be met on those specific uses but that's after has already been approved mhm yeah uh that's just is the way it works unfortunately um just for the record you didn't this is you're a traffic engineer correct yes sir thank you that way the public knows yes I'm a registered professional engineer in the specialty of traffic engineering thank you Susan thank you any other questions for anyone I'll take a motion are we passing the gabble okay right now you'll take the motion I'll motion to accept mph2 I'll second we have a motion and a second do we have any discussion uh we have a motion in a second all in favor please signify by saying I I I I'm opposed motion passes three uh two to one okay uh next comprehensive plan Amendment Martin Commerce Park resoning quasi judicial do I have a cheat she somewhere yeah uh resoning this is a request by Martin Commerce Park LLC to change the zoning district from AG 202a to AR and ar5a to limited industrial district or the most appropriate zoning District on 167 Acres the property is located east of Interstate 95 and south of Martin Highway do do any of my colleagues have expart I need to divulge in expart communication I met with Jill morasco Ryan and um uh Stacy rer last week about this as did I I met with Jill morasa earlier this year uh are there any interveners there are no interveners and all parties testifying stand and be sworn in do you swear or affirm that the evidence you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do okay staff presents okay again for the record Samantha love lady with Martin County growth management this is a resoning for Martin commer Park um along with the CPA 23-10 it's a request by Martin Commerce Park LLC it's a request to change the zoning Atlas on 167 Acres from A2 a20a and a5a to Li limited industrial this is the existing zoning this is the proposed zoning with the indust light industrial and I wanted to show you the table of um permitted uses that are attached with the zoning you can tell me to go down when you're ready I'm ready one second yep Ready guys mhm see there if you note there's no extensive impact Industries there and there's also no mining or salvage yards or yard trash processing which was allowed on the agricultural use and here's our targeted industry uses let me know if I'm going too fast okay so um with that staff recommends approval of the resoning from A2 ag28 and ar58 to lot limited industrial okay Jim any before Morris Jim any questions for staff no I have no questions either applicant yeah uh again for the record Morris Kady on behalf Ashley capital and it's just really an interim zoning District that we're you know we chose the limited industrial to be consistent with the industrial land use but we can't develop anything under the limited industrial we have to when we go to the to actual development plan we have to rezone to PUD in order to develop anything because of the text uh restriction okay uh Mr chairman yes sir Paul Schilling growth management director so uh we need to acknowledge that the applicant turned into the receipts of the mailing they did that first they were turned in with the the with the notice okay thank you thank you uh any questions for none Jim go ahead Jim ask one question it wouldn't be it wouldn't be you without at least one question well I mean I think that that that the Pud is going to have a lot of those restrictions included in it and we've we've sort of moved forward with a zoning conditional on the changes already granted by those and that's concernful to me I'd rather see it unified uh I'm I'm I'm going to say I agree with you I I wish there were a different way that we do things than we do but this is the way we do them unfortunately uh public comment but a PUD is is is a zoning category and we could actually approve it as a PUD uh we could but then we would have a problem for it to go up to the commission wouldn't we well I mean that's that's the thing I mean if we actually had a PUD and we discussed it and we planned it the way it can be done we wouldn't have this issue I don't disagree with you but that's not the way it's presented to us here I get it but that's why I'm yeah that's why that's why I wish we would have a different system Mr chairman may I uh you may you will re this board will be reviewing a future PUD on this very site should it be successful at the board of County Commissioners on Tuesday there will be a full PUD application with a master plan conditions and so forth and so on thank you okay I have two for nph3 Donna calib thank you for the opportunity to speak I respectfully request that this agenda item be moved from the September 24th Board of County Commission meeting to a date certain that is after the new board de seeded uh I do want to follow up on um an item from The Flume I'm not sure I understand how uh a traffic light impacts the criteria for urban sprawl or proliferation of urban sprawl so I'm hoping to get an answer for that because Samantha I know you told me that the other day but I don't know how it impacts those Criterion um I have this resoning package that I got a while back it's dated March 5th is there one from September because I was not able to find it and I would like to get a copy of I wasn't able to find it on the website maybe you know maybe I'm not expert enough at finding it but I would like to get an updated one if there is one I've got you board County Commission meeting yes and and for the record it is published on our website under agendas uh I can show you how to if if you'd like I can show you how to navigate that we I got to the agenda but I couldn't find but we're in public comment so we need to keep talking because you're you have 3 minutes well I mean I I could not find a September version of the resoning I did go to the I clicked the link to the agenda and I couldn't find it and it could be my fault but I would like to make sure that I have a copy before the board of County Commission meeting that's all I have thank you thank you uh Wanda Treva she left does anybody else want to speak on nph3 seeing none back to the board much yet let's have our final questions and deliberations I didn't say motion does anyone have does anybody have anything else they would like to add to this yeah again we don't have control over setting the agenda when it goes to anybody including to us so requesting that it be moved is not something that this board has any power whatsoever please you already spoke um seeing that I'll I'll take a motion I'll motion to accept N ph3 I pass the Gava let it show and I will second that motion we have a motion and a second to approve staff's recommendation for approval all in favor please signify by saying I I I all opposed I motion passes to to one you thank you thank you okay stick around it's up to you sir Pete what' you say while excuse me Mr chairman while we're transitioning I just wanted to clarify cuz um the public speaker mentioned her comments that she said here today being given to the board the comments that you make at this meeting are not given to the board at their board meeting on Tuesday you have to make your public comment on Tuesday if you provide written comment that would be RI given to the board just to clarify that okay moving on nph4 Land Development regulation 243 article 3 zoning districts this is a request for an amendment to article 3 zoning districts Land Development regulations Martin County Code the proposed changes effective to division one section 3.3 glossery of terms division 2 Section 3.10 uh District purposes 3.11 permitted uses 3.12 development standards division three standards for specific uses and division 7 category Z zoning standard sir thank you sir uh Peter Walden Deputy growth management director this is a uh request for a zoning um ldr change it has been properly noticed and uh my goal tonight is to explain what category C districts are how they came about and to explain why we need to consolidate them into the rest of article 3 chapter 33 was the County's first zoning code it was adopted in 1967 uh to give some context at the time Martin County did not have a comp comprehensive plan there was only about 25,000 people in the county I95 was still 20 years away and the Roosevelt Bridge was a brand new bridge but it was the old draw bridge but the railroad bridge was still old yes yes that's true and Counting yes okay so a little brief history on how the codes changed and how we got to getting uh categories uh a b and c and um so I explained that chapter 33 was the first code it was adopted in ' 67 in 1974 PUD zoning was introduced in 1986 chapter 35 was the first code adopted that had Cate and then had category a zoning districts in it and those were intended to implement the comprehensive plan that was adopted in 1982 at when it was adopted it was uh intended to do away with the uh uh existing code the existing 33 code but uh there was no um um no impetus to get that done so they ended up just carrying through with that code in um 1995 the first article 3 code was adopted and it combined category A's zoning districts with the chapter 35 but and again the uh um County was going to rezone through countywide but it it did not happen and then we ended up with the article three that we currently have in 2002 so it's been adopted for about 20 2 23 years now and uh with that they again did not reone so what happened was that uh the existing single family uh zoning districts that were developed under the 67 code were set aside as category B districts all of the other existing category C uh 67 code districts were set aside all the commercial industrial uh and uh ultural districts were set aside as category C districts so basically you ended up with our modern code of 2002 with category a districts that are intended to implement the comprehensive plan and these other ones uh category B's don't really have a land use uh applicable to them and they assigned applicable land uses to the old article 3 um to the old uh category C zoning districts so that leaves us today today we have 75 plus zoning districts included with that and in addition to that we have six CRA districts under article 12 we also have an article of Zoning for uh 11 which is for the Newfield project we have about 150 puds in the county to add to that and along with that we have these uh items that were done in the 9s uh called covenants and throughout the 9s because of the fact that they did not res Zone anything uh when they did these new zoning uh codes uh they allowed people to develop with a category a zoning District without rezoning with the fact that someday that the county might issue do a uh countywide rezoning so there's about 500 properties Parcels out there that were developed as category A's but still have category C zoning districts on them so the challenges are uh it gets pretty complicated trying to navigate all of that staff time is spent trying to go back through uh category C zoning districts covenants trying to determine what applies what doesn't apply what applies to article three what applies to the old category C zoning districts there's a lot of gray areas in all of that because the 1967 code is all written out in sentence form so sometimes the words get in the way it's not the charts of permitted uses and uh development standards that are in article 3 so there's a lot of mistakes that can happen there's a lot of confusion uh people uh when we first tell them you have a category C zoning District they're like well that still passes right they they don't even understand really what we're trying to say to them so uh there is a lot of uh work that has to be done every day through our staff to answer these questions just because of the Myriad of zoning districts that we have so category C zoning districts uh still have the same terms and definitions from 1967 and they have what was assigned to them as consistent land uses but that was only after the comprehensive plan came along and we created a future land use map so they may or may not have those consistent they may not be consistent with the land use that was assigned to them so you see a lot of mandatory rezonings coming before the board those are the ones where you have a category C it was given to land use but it's not consistent somebody wanted to develop the property they have to reone so and all of their uh development standards and setbacks are all just with the category C and they do not relate to the article 3 zoning districts so to try try to kind of help the situation a little bit we decided to try and in incorporate it into the article three and to do that we had to open up division one General Provisions division two the standard zoning districts and division three standards for specific uses of the article 3 code and to go into that I'm going to show what we did with the actual code itself basically to do that we started out with uh eliminating division 7 which is about 60 pages of code it's all written out it all has its own applicability as you can see in these charts the old art uh category C zoning districts were given a future land use designations like I said they may or may not be consistent with that this column over here is just uh basically list of prohibited uses that go along with that zoning code which is kind of a redundant thing we if we now we have permitted use charts if it's not listed as a permitted use obviously it's not allowed so this is that section this will all get crossed out because we've devised a way to incorporate all of that into the rest of the code the next part of it to cross out was the uh the terms and definitions there's a lot of 1967 terms that that are very specific uh our code today has terms that are more broad-based and more towards our permitted uses um so we're going to get rid of some of these old things like barbecue pit and barbecue stand that seemed to be very important at the time it is the South yes so but uh you know now we have convenience restaurant and restaurant General those types of things and um you know boarding house a rooming house where meals are served I mean it goes back in time so we may get back to that well let's hope not so um a lot of these uh a lot of the relative uh terms that have been adopted in the last 20 years are already they were already copied to the category C so they would be across all the zoning districts so a lot of them are redundant and we didn't have to do anything with them so um just wanted to make that clear and we didn't uh take any terms or definitions out there that would be relative to any permitted uses so let me move on down through here okay so the next part of it it actually goes into some of the um actual districts themselves and unlike the article three where you have charts and graphs to show what's permitted and what isn't these actually write out everything that um is specific to the these districts and again that gets to be problematic because these are very specific I mean you see an r3a liberal it's uh it's got beauty parlor and barber shops and dry cleaning and laundry instead of just retail commercial or limited commercial those types of broader things um you know so but it does list retail stores the other thing that the old code does is has a tearing of the permitted uses so you can look at this and it says any permitted uses in the R3 multiple family residential district okay so to check to make sure that something is permitted in the r3a now you have to go back to the R3 and look at that so when you get back to the R3 oh okay so any uses permitted in the hr1 R1 R1 a r1b R2 r2b r2a you get you get what I'm saying so then staff has to basically go back and decipher every read through all of these to see if a permitted use is allowed in any of those and the other problem is that a lot of these tear back to a category B zoning District which is linked to article 3 so therefore is the the gray area is now do you apply article 3 zoning zoning criteria to this or not because the permitted use tiar back to that but it's in category C so that is one of the uh headaches that we're going that then I'll show you what we did to uh try to alleviate some of those issues so that's a long section of code and it also writes out all of the uh development standards as well instead of just having those in the chart you can see how the the words are out for a rear yard side yard setbacks instead of just having them in a chart form you have to read through it not all the words are consistent through the code sometimes they write different things for yards and setbacks that have different meetings that get a little gray in areas so it gets confusing with that as well I'll try and Skip through this to get down to the next section see you're just trying to put people like Bob Reigns out of business aren't you well I'm trying to it's been a long time coming we've talked about this for years as far as a way to uh incorporate these so the first thing we did is we went into part two of the uh of the ordinances section 3.3 of division 1 and that's the current glossery of terms we did add a few things that were in the category C's that we felt were appropriate um but most of these since they're broader terms already capture the uh specific terms that were in the category C's so there was uh one change that we did make for consistency throughout the the ldrs and the comp plan was to eliminate guest house as a use because the comprehensive plan calls it an accessory dwelling unit and so does the CRA and so does most of everything in the uh codes and the guest house has a very antiquated um use where it basically relates that you can only use it for family and ex extended for short periods of time which can't be regulated as opposed to a boarding house right um or a golf course so excuse me so so are do any of the ldrs change though I mean no no the per we're not adding or deleting any permitted uses all the development standards are staying the same we're just reincorporating them in into article 3 to make it an easier uh system to use and the only changes that we're making are I I'll explain to you and the biggest one is just the eliminating guest house and calling it an Adu so this is where that takes place right here this is the exact definition that comes out of chapter 2 and is used throughout chapter 4 in all the residential districts so that's your big change there's a couple other little things in here um there's getting rid of the guest house but the rest of it is minor things and updating things to where they're found in the code I didn't have any other changes for that so that gets through division one the next part is uh part three is the district purposes you'll see that this was developed when article 3 was adopted because those zoning districts were had a district purpose of uh applying the implement the policies of the future land use map so a20a is the A is for General Agricultural and so on through agricultural ranett is ar5a it's pretty straightforward and that goes throughout all the category A's and then explains where they are in the future land use now category B's like I said they don't really have a future land use but fortunately they're all old single family subdivisions that are built out in multiple ownership probably will never be redeveloped so uh we don't see any site plan applications or anything so it's it's never really been a big issue that the all the category B districts out there don't have a future land use that's consistent with them so what we're doing is we've taken that chart from category C's and just adding to this area for of the chart and here's your category C districts these are the consistent future land uses that were assigned to it when this was originally adopted like I said it's not always consistent with what's out there on the zoning Atlas and the future land use map but that's that we're not changing anything for anybody at this point the one change we are going to make or requesting to make is that currently if you have a covenant on a piece of property and you developed as a category a you have to rezone if you want a site plan we'd like to make it so if you have a category C district and you want to do a site plan application you need to rezone to a category a so we can start cleaning up the zoning Atlas so maybe in 20 or 30 years from now we'll have a couple hundred of the category sees off the map and uh we won't be talking about this so much so so if you have a covenant I'm just not clear what you're what you're going to do with the covenanted houses or properties right most of them are commercial and Industrial properties so the US One Corridor is full of them everywhere from Jensen Beach All the Way South so anything done in the 90s right right so if you had a B1 say a business district category C you could develop as a general commercial uh category a district just by filing that uh Covenant and getting that recorded nothing else took place nothing else happened but your site plan was developed with The General commercial criteria there's about 500 of those out there in existence right now which you you wouldn't do that automatically they'd have to ask for it correct right that would be what we consider the mandatory resoning it's a reduced price it's just something you would do to get follow through with your site plan application and it's only for site plan applications if somebody wants to do a single family home something that's exempt from article 10 building permits that type of thing that's that's not the case so it's only if you want to redevelop so is it consistent enough that you could actually put an overlay over that and redesignated um if there's some appetite for that in the future that the board wanted to start looking at some of the Covenant projects and actually reone them that there is a possibility of that um but it would have to be in conjunction with the uh the owners of the property otherwise you you run into a problem with uh rights right and and there never really has been an appetite for that that's why we've had three different zoning codes and nothing has ever done with the zoning Atlas it would be planning base so so the next section I only got a couple more is section 3.11 that's permitted uses this is a typical permitted use table it's the exact same permitted uses in the rest of article 3 code for residential commercial agricultural these are all the category C zoning districts available so that goes from from residential to agricultural to business to Industrial and you can see how we basically took went through all the category C's all the tearing down and everything else and qualified it over here into this permitted use table so we didn't change any permitted uses we tried not to change any we didn't add any to any of the districts uh we tried to keep it as consistent with the old code as possible um there was some ambiguity on sometimes because some of these old permitted uses we had to determine how they fell into the common uses today but I think we did a pretty good job so that is basically all that is is there's your permitted use table the next part of it is the development standards here's table 3.12 you have your category a zoning districts you have your minimum lot area lot width density building coverage open space all of that is in a table form it's very straightforward very easy to read here's your category B districts they've always been part of article three same criteria now we just added category C's we went went through and got all the development standards out of the old code and added them to 3.12 so it's it's all in one place no longer do you have to decipher through the words we've kind of did that homework for everybody and we got it all all incorporated into the uh code so uh and we had to add a couple footnotes there because some of the words uh stretched beyond what a simple um graph would do for us so same thing with structure setbacks you got the uh front rear side setback for the category A's category B's and now you got the category C's so now the public or anybody looking at their zoning District knows that they just go to one area for their development criteria so that's basically it that's uh what we're asking for tonight and um uh we'd like to lpa's a stamp of approval so we can go to the board next week and explain it to them it's going to be a hell of a [Laughter] meeting so I i' I'd be glad to answer any questions there aren't any members of the public here left anymore I don't have any observations that I haven't already made I'd move for staff's approval I guess second I all in favor I I pass you could have titled that less is more okay I'll remember that thank you all so are are all setbacks measured from the same place as they were in category a yes you have front rear and side setbacks yep and there's also some some areas that were platted after 1986 still have the center line of the road setbacks as well yep Mr chair may I uh Paul Shing growth management director for the record so I just want to acknowledge Peter's efforts in this this is one of our objectives has been uh to to refine our zoning code and identify uh issues that we can address um with respect to efficiencies and providing more um efficient information to the public and not only this benefits our staff we spent an enor amount of time uh discussing at times the category C districts and I think a lot of people acknowledge that but this was a huge undertaking and I just want to knowledge Peter's efforts in this he's he's done a great job with it and U I just wanted to point that out that it provides and also Mr Duan uh the efficiencies with both staff and the public so and Peter must have a great team behind him because I think peters's like me we not sitting behind the computer punching all that paperwork out that's right I have a great development review team behind me and that allows me to spend some time on these things to help help everything out so all right now we finish the mutual liberation societ I'm good thank you do do you want to say anything Paul like dates um yes so we have several applications for October 3rd which will be our next meeting and I also wanted to take an opportunity if I may uh with respect to application materials getting to you I take responsibility that we're going to do better um I'll see to that but we did have two meetings back to back so that no complicated things and I mean I I guess part of my problem was I wasn't aware that the early September meeting was being kicked you know forward and that jammed you up obviously but you know it really it's getting harder to read more things in less than a week um sure and and this is you know this is the kind of thing that really needs as much attention as possible understood and you want us to say whether we're going to be here on October 3rd that would be fantastic I will be here on October you will I I intend to be you and I don't know about anyone else thank you very much all right if there's nothing else this meeting is adjurned yes it would be