we are going to call a special meeting of the Martin County School Board to order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mrs Falls will you please call the role Mr derer Lizzy here Mrs Roberts here Mrs pitchet here Mrs Russell here please let the record show that Marsha Powers was not able to make it today hey do I have a motion to approve the agenda all second thanks I have a motion by Miss pritchet and second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously superintendent M yes Madam chair the purpose of today's meeting is for the board to adopt the tentative millage rates and budget for the 2425 fiscal year after receiving public input trim or truth and millage advertisements have been placed according to the specifications of the law trim requires that the first issue we discuss at the public hearing is for the proposed millage rates for the fiscal year by law the budget is required to be adopted after the adoption of the millage rates and after public input Madam chair I will ask Mr Morrison to review the 2425 proposed millage rates followed by any public input then the board will adopt the tentative millage rates contained in the accompanying resolution for 25 uh public then the board will adopt the tenative budget contained in the accompanying resolution [Music] back rates thank you thank you madam chair superintendent members of the board and welcome to this afternoon's um public hearing on the adoption of the 202 2425 proposed tenative millage rates and budget so as we customarily do and is required by law we can do a comparison of the last year's 2224 adopted millage versus the proposed 2425 millage the required local effort for 2324 was 3195 Mills and the proposed millage for 2425 is 3.77 Ms or a decrease of18 Ms the local board Levy millage Levy discretionary operating Remains the Same at 748 the additional um voted millage is reduced to 0.425 as opposed to Prior was 050 or a decrease of 750 and the capital outlay millage is 1.5 which remains is the same as last year so Millo millage comparison 5.93 5.9 430 last year versus 5.75 Mill decrease of1 1930 the 2425 milles 3.5% lower than the 2324 adopted millage as required by the Florida Department of Revenue and the trim law contain in Florida statute 200 we have to compare the current proposed rate versus the roll back M the millage roll back rate the required local effort uh rolled back would be 3.01 85 and just for those who might be watching the roll back rate is the the millage rate that you would have to apply against this year's tax roll to raise the same amount of money that you raised last year so the point the 3.77 mills for the current proposed rate is higher by 0.585 the board discre frary at 748 is 0410 higher than the prior than the roll back rate the additional voted millage actually beats the roll back rate um at 0425 beats it by 0470 and the capital outlay millage is a little higher at 0.830 so in comparison to the roll back rate the proposed rate of 5.75 is 2.41% higher than the roll back rate are a requirement under law to advertise a notice of tax increases um as we typically also do just to try to get a sense of what this means for taxpayers um scenario one assumes no increase in your assessed valuation of your home on the average is about $696,000 of course under law you also receive a $25,000 exemption for 2324 taxes paid by this homeowner would be about $3 3,992 59 and 2425 taxes would be about 3, 866293291 12966 or 3.25% less U the same scenario can be found on page 13 of your budget books however on the average um property values in Martin County School dist in the Martin County School District have increased about 8.01% % in the in the assess valuation on the home so to get to 696 you would have an increase of about $55,000 you save your homes Constitutional Amendment caps that at 3% so you only get taxed on the1 19,000 33 $1,231 off that increase so the 2324 taxes would be about 36617 and for 2425 would be 36527 6 or a tax decrease of about $8.32 or 0.23% less Madame chair at this time it would be appropriate to sound the halls for any public input on the proposed 2425 um tentative budget rates thank you Mr Maine have you documented that this public hearing was properly advertised in according with state law yes Madam chair Mr main are there any written responses to the advertised public hearing to be read at this time uh no we did not receive any written resp responses thank you the public is now invited to address the board regarding the proposed 20242 millage rates at this time is there any individual organization or anyone with a personal public interest who wishes to speak seeing none this concludes that the public hearing on July 31st 2024 has been conducted pursuant to notice and that ample opportunity to address these issues have been provided to all is there a motion to approve resolution 2025-the I value you can't hear Mrs Roberts okay you're it's off matter say and turn it on okay um Miss pritchet you've made so I'll second that motion thank you thank you I have a motion by Miss pritchet a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously Mr Morrison thank you again Madam chair um at this time we would like to propose the summary of the 2425 proposed tentative budget board members in front of you you have a budget book that details all the proposed um budgets for 2425 um we have included on pages two and three also a highlight of a Statewide um increases budgetary process that we did um just of note under the budgetary process that the work began in March of this year and we will continue to make refinements the budget and corrections as we need to go along for the final hearing on September 17th so we we still are again before what you have is tenative which we will then also have to refine but looking at the general um operating fund um last year the beginning budget was 249 million 249.50 million this year it went up to 23.5 million as primarily driver of that is the increase in local property taxes The Debt Service fund was 15.9 Million last year the current proposed rate the proposed budget is 15 million about a decrease of $897,000 which um is partially the refunding of the series 2014 a refunding cop so you see the the principal and interest amounts falling um capital projects 2478 million um tentatively is coming in at$ 25.8 million or an $8 million increase pretty much some of the projects that were approved in the 2224 uh 5year Capital plan are now coming online so those those um expenditures have hit the budget this year Food Service n last year was 19.26% a little bit up to $20 million that they do have a in slight increase in their fund balance um federal funds went from 31.2 Million last year to 12.7 million this year a increase of 18 roughly $8.5 million primarily due to the spend down of all of our covid um ARP and sr2 funds over last year and the Enterprise fund pretty much remained status quo at 4,3 4.3 Million last year and about the same for this year so total all together is 568 [Music] m269 364 last year with five 561 mil 6562 35 this year or a decrease of 6,613 $128 um primarily driven by the decrease in the federal dollars um Madame chair I believe at this time it would be appropriate to sound a halls for any public input on the proposed tenative budget thank you Mr Morrison the public is now invited to address the board regarding the proposed 2024 25 tentative budget at this time is there any individual organization or anyone with a personal public interest who wishes to speak seeing none this concludes that this public hearing on July 31st 2024 has been conducted pursuant to notice and that ample opportunity to address their issues has been provided to all is there a motion to approve resolution 2025-the by Miss pritchet a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously this concludes the first public hearing on the 2024 2025 tentative millage rates and budget the public hearing actually public hearing is now adjourned Mr Morrison I did want to let you know I am very thankful for all the work that you've done you and your team I really appre appreciate it thank you madam chair if I may take the opportunity um as you see before you on the screen to thank the superintendent's executive team and all the staff members everyone who participated in the development of the 2024 2425 I also included millage because that was very important for us to have those workshops to discuss some of the flexibility that those funds allow us to address some of the mandates that we have coming forward and the budget presentation thank you very much I appreciate it next we will have open to the public I have anyone that would like to speak seeing none we will move on that will conclude public comment for today we will now have open to the board Mr Roberts do you have anything not right Mr Maine no ma'am okay this meeting is now adjourn wait oh that's Mr Dy are you still there Mike well he's typing Mike can you hear me I think we will go ahead and adjourn this meeting no well