##VIDEO ID:HK0u2UKUC7M## e e e we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Al United States of the rep Mrs Falls will you please call the role Mrs Roberts I'm here Mrs Powers Mrs pritet here Mrs Russell here please let the record reflect Mr Dy was not able to be here today at this time we will have open to the public we do not have any comment cards at this time is there anyone here that would like to speak seeing none that concludes our public comment moving on to our school board policies items number 3.40 and 3.44 which are Pol policies 6330 and 8510 have been pulled from the agenda for this evening we will see them at a later date yes 6330 and then 8510 8510 is the last one 40 and 44 item number 3.01 policy number 101 District organization is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board okay thank you item number 3.02 two policy number 10:30.0 development of administrative procedures is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board so I just had one comment so um this it says that um it says that as long as they're consistent with board policy so I know that on our agenda we normally have that section those will continue to be posted there and for the board and if the policy reflects a procedure it's your job to then initiate that and but it'll still be posted okay thank you great thank you moving on item number 3.03 policy number 1119 3119 and 4119 posting of vacancies the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with this recommendation can I so it comes back um we approve the administrative procedure if it has to do with rule I think it's 120 that's the that's the ad administrative procedures we would be approving so we wouldn't be approving every administrative procedure we'll still be seeing them correct correct we'll still be seeing them in the information piece but the ones that are flagged that have to be from the rule 120 we will see those to approve yeah right okay thanks so I just have one question in general about all the policies that are being resented it only says that we recommend resending it doesn't reference policies where that this is covered so can we get that information on what policies we would refer to on that topic moving forward yes in some cases um there will not be a Neola policy that has um that matches a Martin policy so where there is a Martin policy and no Neola policy we will let you know where in a handbook or in a standard operating procedure that that lies okay so when you say you're uh policy regarding posting vacancies so there is no according to this there is no other policy that exists there is no statute driven policy that niola has therefore it is in the the human resources handbook on how we post vacancies so we can reference the handbook for HR as to where those vacancies lie how long we post a vacancy how long a vacancy for administrators needs to be posted how long a vacancy for an instructional position must be posted so Mrs Paris what I'm looking for is the administrative procedure so if it doesn't have a policy that came from new right that that this is usurping cuz you know I think the problem of us having policies that weren't Neola driven is as the Law changes there is nobody checking to see whether those policies need to be adjusted or changed but I think what I'm looking at is the way I'm planning on dealing with it maybe Mr M could help is looking to the administrative procedure piece that if there is no matching policy looking for the administrative procedure that addresses that piece so that when that's posted for us for information the information piece if we have questions and want to modify it then we would be requesting that that piece Pro the administrative procedure piece be modified does that yeah and so what I would like to see and it doesn't have to be right now but for all of these that are being rescinded that we get the PO the administrative procedure that accompanies that not that it's bunched in on an agenda so that because we're pulling we're resending all of these we probably would want to know I would want to know where they are so they we can look at those sure and if there is a reason for us to have again I haven't looked at all of them I was assuming that they were it was somewhere else but I want to understand where it is and what that procedure says and then I guess our remedy would then be to say come back to a board meeting and say I would like to review the policy on or the procedure bring to the board because I have some changes on whatever posting of vacancies correct any other questions on this one thank you item number 3.04 policy number 1128 employment contracts is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board none we will move for forward item number 3.05 policy number 11280 working days this recommend or the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation and are there any questions changes or comments item number 3.06 policy number 1130 appointment assignment transfer and promotion of Administrators is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent recommendations as follows page two of three select fourth paragraph which should read as follows the superintendent shall inform the board for any temporary reassignment that will exceed 15 school days page three of three select option two are there any change or questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.07 policy number 1210 standards of ethical conduct is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.08 policy number 121.0 3210.946408 good all right thank you item number 3.09 policy number 1244 and 3244 professional leave the recommendation is to also resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recom recommendation item number 310 policy number 1245 principles meetings the recommendation is to resin this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.11 policy number 1422 benefits for non-represented staff the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.12 policy number 2206 lesson plans the recommendation is to resend this policy as well is the board okay with accepting this recommen recommendation item number 3.13 policy number 2271 articulation and access to Florida college system institutions is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations questions changes or comments item number 3.14 policy number 24301 requirements for extracurricular participation the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.15 policy number 2515 school supplies sale the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.16 policy number 31207 co-curricular responsibilities the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.17 policy number 3130 appointment assignment transfer and promotion of instructional staff is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent's recommendations as follows page two4 first paragraph should read as follows the board shall act no later than June 30th on the superintendent nominations of Supervisors principles and members of the instruction staff fourth paragraph should read as follows the superintendent must seek board approval for any temporary assignment that will exceed 30 school days page four of4 select option two are there any questions changes or comments from the board yes Miss Roberts um so on page two I think that we should keep the Neola recommendations instead of the two suggested that are there the first one being the top sentence that talks about the board shall act not later than 3 weeks F the Neola recommendation is the board shall not shall act not later than three weeks following the receipt of State mandate testing scores and data including school grades or June 30th whichever is later on the superintendent's nominations of Supervisors principles and members of the instructional staff and my reasoning is by changing it to just June 30th we're limiting the flexibility the only time that it becomes important is if the test scores are delayed past the June 30th date so imagine if its test scores don't come out until July August or whatever we're pigeon hold it doesn't mean that the superintendent can't make his recommendation before the June 30th date but by adopting a policy that's not the Neola recommendation it doesn't give the flexibility to use the information that came from the test related things comments everyone okay with that and then the the second piece is the one where the Neola is Rec recommendation is the superintendent shall inform the board of any temporary assignment that will exceed and we've inserted 30 school days on policy 11:30 we kept nea's recommendation that the superintendent shall inform the board of any temporary reassignment that will exceed the 15 school days but um I think by changing this to the superintendent seeking board approval for temporary assignment that will exceed 30 days I think that we're making it somewhat cumbersome and we're in interfering he would still need to inform us but now we're interfering with what the statutory duty is that he plays staff Etc so I think that one should stay the way that niola is recommending it where he informs us and he's not looking for our approval does everyone feel about that are you okay I I honestly I just I need to think about that went for a little bit okay so there's three of them and um one is the ad administrative staff one is the teachers and one is the support staff and um the way that this came recommended to us it's keeping the administrative staff with the Neola recommendation that he informed the board the other two the support staff and the um instructional staff it's changing it from the Neola recommendation of informing to look to seek board approval for temporary reassignments and I would think it would just be the opposite that you would that it would be would be more important for us to approve the administrative than it would be for us to then just be informed about other changes butre and I yeah and that's what I thought initially too that if you're going to it struck me as odd that we're changing the ones for instructional and for support but we're not changing the one that's for administrative and I kind of feel like um the process of where he's the one who does the um employee placement Etc we end up improving it but then if this is a temporary assignment I'm okay with being informed it rather than getting our approval to do it I mean I think it it it also depends on how it's used right yes because um what temporary assignment that exceeds 30 days when does temporary end and it become permanent well and I think that's the the piece that when he's informing us that's the question that I would expect him to say that this is a temporary assignment that's exceeding 30 days and I'm expecting this to last for 45 days or 32 days or something and I will come back and let you know if it looks like it needs to be longer Etc so imagine a position whether it's administrative or instructional or support staff where you're utilizing that and you're saying I need a temporary assignment to do this I would expect as you're informing me of that I'm doing it for longer that period of time that it the correct process is for the superintendent at that time to say this is how long I think it's going to be and that we keep updated on that so that it's not a permanent reassignment you know you could do a imagine a temporary reassignment of a teacher the second day after school starts and it's like yeah I'm going to send you to a different School school and it's going to exceed 30 days so I'm notifying you that I'm sending this teacher from this school to this school instructional staff and no intention of making it it's going to be for the whole year but there's you know it's going to exceed the 30 days I would expect Mr M or any superintendent to be telling us because I think that's what as he informs us that would be the question that we would be raising you're informing me that you have a temporary um Martha Washington is being reassigned from um JD Parker to Felix for a term longer than 30 days it's because I have a personal situation where I'm missing a teacher at Felix and I need this one to go cover for that one I expect it to be 60 days and I expect as he would tell us it's going to be more than the 30 days that it would be that the first question I would say as you inform me is if it goes more you're telling me you need 60 days if it goes more than 60 days and it looks like it's going to be that you need to come back and tell us again I don't expect you to use this as a a method to get somebody as a permanent long-term reassignment well and I guess my question would be how how does that work how does that notification work individually are we asking them to notify us at a board meeting um not that I think um I just don't want this policy to be used to circumvent our hiring process and you know if there is a temporary assignment um I don't want it to be used to permanently Place someone to avoid having to advertise properly and open it up to all employees all I'm saying and so I the the solution that I see to that is adding to all three of these all three of these policies at a regular scheduled board meeting so the information would come to us as an agenda item under information Etc that you're informing us at that time and so that gives us a chance to know well it should come to us as an item that is an act item and if the board chooses to take action on it or not or allowing it continue to extend it I I I think that that's going to have to otherwise it's just buried in those reports I I I mean well then what you're looking at is you're looking at to keep the language that's saying that he will seek our approval for temporary reassignments and I'm not saying I I I do think there has to be some flexibility but again just want like what is temporary what does that mean and what if what if a position does come open and there are multiple people in the district that would qualify for it and we're just going to place somewhere someone in there temporary for the rest of the year on the day two of the school year it just I just see a lot of room for not avoiding avoiding hiring people and allowing them to seek advancement when a position comes open because it's I get it where you're when school starts and you're moving and you just want a warm body and you need somebody right away that's one thing but when you say oh I'm going to place someone for the remainder of the year I I just I don't think that's temporary anymore I just that's why I I think we need to think about it this one a little bit more I'd like to have the discussion with the superintendent I just so can we pull those those three then if you want to pull the 11:30 the 3130 and the 4130 to kind of figure out what that would look like and how that would be I think adding that as a a check off was kind of um an easy out on nea's part for not giving not defining temporary not giving a method of notification not giving a and and that's true it's not a if it's notice to us informing us at a regular board meeting it puts us in a position where we can discuss it if you're informing us individually it puts us in a position where we can't discuss it if it's but and I don't want to tie your hands and and make it worse where you've got to seek our approval to do it um because I think you're airing in making those recommendations for support staff and for MCA or instructional staff you're making it so that you're making it more stringent upon you um and I'm thinking that there's some Happy Land in between that isn't doing it like that so you want to take those three then Marsha yeah okay so we're taking 11:30 3130 and 4130 um bring those back at aate yeah and are we okay with the one changing and it's only on 3130 are we okay with changing that from just the June 30th to using nea's language to allowing you to use test scores in the three weeks after I'm fine with that yeah that's good okay so we're are so miss Falls we're okay with that the only piece that we're questioning is that one sentence on page two then thank you all three yeah it's just hard though just because if the test scores don't come until after the 30th and then we have we can't initiate final contracts so just to keep that in mind for you know we would be then well and it gives not finalizing contracts that would be effective July 1 so they would have to have something temporary in that space that we're going to continue paying them outside of a full year contract right so I don't want that to be an administrative burden either so we just need to I mean he's always allowed to use it by the June 30th date it doesn't prevent him for do from doing that but if there's some unforeseen situation that the scores don't come for an extended period of time and and we want to have some flexibility or we want to have the superintendent have some flexibility as to what he's doing um and it's only the in the instructional piece that that's that's there so thank you any other questions item number 3.18 policy number 3245 five faculty meetings the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.19 policy number 4130 appointment assignment transfer and promotion of support staff is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintend pulling that's the one pulling wait a minute sorry yes yep got it yep sorry item number 3.20 policy number 51 11.03 Children and Youth in foster care this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent recommendations as follows page 204 dispute resolution Department of Children and Families should be inserted into first and fourth paragraphs fourth paragraph should read as follows since the Department of Children and Families holds ultimate legal responsibility for making the best interest determination for the foster child in their care if the dispute cannot be resolved D the Department of Children and Families will make the final determination page three of four transportation services select who reside within the district select District's local point of contact select until a plan for providing transportation is developed the district shall provide the necessary Transportation select District's local point of contact select until a plan for providing transportation is developed if necessary the district shall provide the necessary transportation page four of first paragraph transportation department are there any questions changes or comments from the board on this one have select districts it's two different it's in two places it's in two different places so um regarding I want to I um do kind of have some questions about this policy I just want to make sure that we're put putting the best interest of the child first and it's not necessarily about because a lot of times in foster care you can have a foster parent a foster child that resides right now in Martin County and we we' actually had this case a case like this and I um had I went to Children's Services Council through our funding to fund this child being able to remain in for us to pay at the Early Learning Coalition to pay for their after care because their parent the foster parent who resided in in Martin County a custodial relative took the child in their care that lived in St Lucy County so we there was a lot of back and forth we ended up working it out but I just want to be sure that we're not um because when a child is in foster care and experiencing that trauma the change of schools is very traumatic for them as well so I just want to make sure we're limiting that for foster children specifically the moving around and forcing them to change schools um that transportation and things like that should not be a barrier so I just want to make sure that this policy doesn't tie our hands so when we were reviewing this policy Mrs Powers page three of four we made uh efforts to make sure that that was in there so to your point and you're absolutely right uh there is a section for when the student res lives in zone and is of foster care and when there's a termination made for a student that's in foster care that is out of Zone that Transportation would continue to be provided where is that one where is that if you look at page three of four and that will be under the section of Transportation Services transportation services shall be provided in the most costeffective way and then it lists two paragraphs s both give both options for you okay and so it covers all three situations it covers a foster care child who is living in the district it covers a foster care child who is going to one of our schools living in the district and moving out of the district it C covers a foster care child who is going to one of our schools who is living out of the district and moves into the district so it covers all so that if they manage so if they if they're out out of it keeps them in their home school is what the last two sections do the top one keeps them residing in the district and taking care of that one but the bottom too take care of them the piece that you're talking about marshia which I remember that case it's making sure that they can stay in their that as they have all the other trauma in their life they can stay in the school where they know the teacher and where they have friends and where all that is going on so our goal is not to find other ways that we're going to take care of that child until there is another method no no so you're that last section there where we select until a plan for providing transportation is developed if necessary the district shall provide the necessary transportation we do not want to put that burden on the family we will continue to provide that transportation and then if adjacent County doesn't agree we'll continue to do that right and then we and this last page shows that if we keep track of it we get paid back for it anyway so for the transportation piece so well and I know this is very similar to homeless children as well that we um yeah this is the same situation for our homeless population any other questions before we move on okay item number 3.21 policy number 5200 attendance is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent's recommendations as follows page two of five first paragraph B should read as follows upon each unexcused absence or absence for which the reason is unknown the principal or design shall contact the student's parent to determine the reason for the absence E1 should read as follows if a parent refused to participate in the remedial strategies determined by the problemsolving team mtss because she or he believes that the strategies are unnecessary or inappropriate the parent May appeal to the site-based administrator E2 should read as follows the next level of appeal will be heard by a district level hearing officer commmittee who will make recommendations for final action to the superintendent E3 should read as follows if the superintendent's final determination is that the strategies of the problemsolving team/ mtss are appropriate and the parents still refuses to participate or cooperate the superintendent May seek criminal prosecution for non-compliance with compulsory School attendance page 30 of5 F second paragraph should read as follows under the direction of the superintendent the design shall give written notice that requires enrollment or attendance within 3 days after the date of notice in person or by return receip mail to the parent when no valid reason is found for a student's non-enrollment in school fa should read as follows if the notice and requirement are ignored the design shall report the case to the superintendent who may refer the case to the child study team at the school the student would be assigned according to attendance area policies or to the case Staffing committee established pursuant to Florida statute 98412 make up for absences first paragraph should read as follows for excused absences the student shall have a reasonable amount of time up to three school days to complete makeup work principles May Grant extensions to the makeup time limit for extenuating circumstances are there any questions changes or comments from the board on this policy we really need the principal to make that extension if you uh look up the definition of principle we did have this discussion it could be a design as well um it does not have to be the Principal but principal does allow for design okay is it that whole uppercase lower case in that case not necessarily because the principal is starting the sentence and it's so it's starting with a capital letter so you might want to add or designate to that one because since principal is in the beginning of a sentence it has a capital P which would mean that you can't do a designate right Miss Falls we'll change it she's marking it down we did we did check that because we we had the same question we didn't want to put the principal in the position to be the only one at the school that could make that um extension yeah so in that case you need to add or designate just because it's the beginning of a sentence and it's a capital letter yeah well I think the majority of these probably if it were Beyond three days would never make it to the principal because the teacher would make that decision unless it was some sort of weird but I just don't want it to be that the principles have to make the decision item number 3.22 policy number 5200.01 attendance record the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.23 policy number 5330 use of medications is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations there any questions changes or comments item number 3.24 policy number 5340 student accidents and illness is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.25 policy number 5470 graduation recognition program for standard diploma students the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.26 policy number 5500 student conduct is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.27 policy number 5505 gang control the the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.28 policy number 5515 use of Motor Vehicles is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments item number 3.29 policy number 5610 removal out of school suspension and expulsion of students is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent recommendations as follows page three of seven out of school suspension from school or suspension from riding school bus second paragraph select for a period not to exceed then 10 school days second to last paragraph second sentence should read as follows the student shall have a reasonable amount of time up to three school days following suspension to complete the schoolwork missed and shall do so on his or her own initiative page four of seven select appeal and all options select delayed admissions select waiver of suspension school workk assigned during out of school suspension Select First Option page five of seven select first and second paragraphs page six of seven appeal delete all language after first sentence are there any questions changes or comments from the board Miss Roberts go ahead um so I had a couple on page four under appeal you have appeal select appeal in all options I believe in the second paragraph you meant to say select the second option and select superintendent instead of board correct and then on page five let me see five of seven five of seven five of seven um you have the first two options both selected which page are you on no five of seven so hold on I just picked that one up a minute ago as defined by policy first and second paragraphs shall be retained in accordance okay that's okay but further down under disciplinary placement and expulsion hearing um the second paragraph all parties will be given read reasonable notice of the hearing not less than 14 days the 14-day requirement may may be waved by the I think we need to select board on that since we don't have a presiding officer you see what I'm talking about the green area second paragraph under disciplinary placement and expulsion hearing with that yeah I just have um one so on the um let me get back to it um the appeal uh it says prior to a suspension the principal will hold an informal hearing there says nothing about notifying the parent I believe there is something in statute that requires prior to suspension that the parent is not P are you on oh I'm sorry page three of seven it's oh I see halfway down the page yeah so there's nothing about parental notification so I think we need to get the language from the statute I think I thought I saw it somewhere higher hold on and a lot of times it's just this is a whole frustrating thing for me because by the time if if parents aren't notified by the time you initiate the appeal process the suspension is already over because they send the kids home that day it's like what where's an appeal in that I I think parents aren't notified so in the second paragraph it has the principal or design shall make a goodfaith effort to employ parental Assistance or alternative methods of dealing with the student and she'll document such efforts do you see that I see it so I was thinking that that was the notification for the informal hearing piece I don't think that that's what you don't think that covers no uh where the Neola deleted the good faith they just put in the principal will make a good faith effort to contact the students's parent or Guardian by telephoning immediately uh after making the decision to suspend okay yeah but the problem is if the principal's giving in prior to suspending there is no parental so what's happening is you did something bad I try to call the parent I don't reach the parent I have a little informal hearing with the student without the parent present I decide to suspend the student and then I'm sending a notification to the parent saying by the way your kid was suspended and I think that's the piece that's lacking the parental notification prior to suspension you know and we know that typically when an a principal suspends for more than does the 10 days it's pretty serious it's pretty serious violation typically um but it's those one two and three days suspensions because then if you initiate the appeal process you really don't get an appeal you've already served your time and you're back in school and unless a parent and I mean we did have a case that that happened that the parent contined to fight it can we pull that one and ask um niola how they're dealing with the parental notification um prior to the suspension specifically citing the informal hearing so when you're talking about that informal hearing language because that what's ha What's the way it's written is Jennifer does something bad I try to call the parent then I have an informal hearing then I suspend the kid for 3 days then I send a I send a written notice by US mail saying she's out for three days the parent doesn't get it for three days it's already over and it's done with and the parent had nothing to do with anything she's just out and she's suspended and parents getting the notice after the suspension is over with it's not a so if you can check with can we pull that one then and ask Neil pull it have staff look through it and we can contact um neolo there's a few places in here where I'm seeing but we will we'll take a look okay thanks thank you any other questions item number 3.30 policy number 56105 participation in the extracurricular activities is the board okay with accepting all recommendations hang on I think let me make sure I got everything I was hang on page four paragraph 2 superintendent page five paragraph six okay yeah good sorry it's okay any questions about 30 okay item number 3.31 policy number 5722 School sponsored Publications and Productions is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendation and the superintendent's recommendations as follows page 1 of 11 select third paragraph and select postings of social media as defined in bylaw 0100 and newsletters of announcements transmitted by email under term performance paragraph select first paragraph School Community paragraph should read as follows for purposes of this policy School Community is defined to include students board employees I.E administrators and professional and classified staff and parent and family members uh parent and family yes members authorized or otherwise permitted by the superintendent and those who have been issued credentials to access the district's secure portal page two of 11 select option one and see board policy 9160 public attendance at school events page three of 11 select first paragraph under option A page 9 of 11 select option three General prohibitions select paragraph B select paragraph C which should read as follows solicit funds for non-school organizations or institutions when such solicitation has not been approved by the superintendent are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.32 policy number 57 771 search and seizure is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.33 policy number 5830 student fundraising is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and superintendent recommendations as follows page two of five select option two page four of five select option right right above option number one and select superintendent page five of five select option two and select of the superintendent are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.34 policy number 5885 parades the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommendation item number 3.35 policy number 6114 cost principles spending federal funds this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the Neola policy item number 3.36 policy number 6220 budget preparation is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent's recommendations as follows page one of two select option two select at least sufficient to comply with state law and policy 6210 fiscal planning page two of two select second paragraph are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 3.37 policy number 6230 tax budget hearing the recommendation is to resend this policy is the board okay with accepting this recommend ation item number 3.38 policy number 63201 vendor preference is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 3.39 policy number 6325 procurement and federal grants this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent recommendations as follows page one of seven select option one page three of seven delete first paragraph micro purchases first paragraph $10,000 select second paragraph page four of seven small purchases first paragraph $50,000 second sentence should read as follows small purchase procedures require that price or rate quotations shall be obtained from two or more qualified sources sealed bids first paragraph should read as follows sealed competitive bids shall be obtained when the purchase of and contract for single items of supplies materials or equipment which amounts to more than $50,000 and when the board determines to build repair enlarge improve or demolish a school building facility the cost of which will exceed $50,000 paragraph a under sealed bids select an adequate number of page 5 of seven paragraph 2B select adequate number of contract SL price analysis select $250,000 are there any questions changes or comments from the board yes Miss Roberts um on page three where we're deleting the first paragraph about pre-qualified list of persons after the drafting note we need to delete that next paragraph that talks about pre-qualified lists of people it goes with that one above okay everybody okay with that thank you item number 341 policy number 6560 retiree health insurance I'm opening this policy for discussion did I no that one got P that one got pulled um this one is being open for discussion would anyone like to share their thoughts or on changes they feel should be made to this policy are there recommendations no not at this time it was strictly left as a discussion item um yes so I have some comments yes Miss Roberts so um this policy came about at the point in time that we were correcting our health insurance to get people retirees who are over age 65 to do Medicare and Medicare supplements um and it was quite contentious and it was um went on for a bit and one of the things we did was that last page that talks about the district's um actually the last paragraph which talks about a Martin count County health insurance subsidy um I believe that language mirrors the state's language because right now the state gives a insurance subsidy the amount of the State Insurance subsidy has increased to $7.50 we're kind of the only District I know of that's giving a health insurance subsidy for that so but that's okay that's neither here nor there the piece that's um that I think that we overlooked when we did this on the bottom of page the first page where it talks about retiree Insurance under the age of 6 5 and not Medicare eligible the long discussion that was had at the time was that people who were retiring from the district under the age of 65 who had made their retirement plans gone into drop made their retirement plans counting on the district to continue at that point in time to continue to pay 100% of the $6,500 and to continue to give the money so that they would be able to have health insurance benefits um which was something that we decided at the time that we would take care of people that were under the age of 65 because they were not Med Medicare eligible and they were not able to go onto a Supplement Plan and that we would create a situation where okay we'll help you based on your years of experience so that if you've worked with us for you have 30 years of experience we will continue until you so let's say you hire you'd retire at age 60 for the next five years will get you there because you've already retired um I think the piece that we failed to do at that point in time was sunset it at any point in time so that that piece has remained there and for instance if I was an an employee that was deciding right now whether I was going to retire or not um I would look to the policy and say I've got 30 years of experience they're going to pay 100% until I reach age 65 I'm 55 years old I'm going to get my next 10 years of insurance paid because the policy says that I'm going to be doing that whereas I think that if we give some notification whether it's 10 years of notification and say that this is ex this is this provision is sunsetting at a certain point in time that it gives people enough notification before they enter drop before they make their retirement plans to know that okay I if my plan was to retire I'm 50 years old my plan was to retire in six years at age 56 and I'm counting on a policy that's giving me full health insurance I would at least know that no no no I better not do that CU I still have a health insurance issue until I reach that age that's fair so everyone do you remember those discussions yes very well oh yes so yeah in a nutshell in one sentence are you saying we need so so I'm saying I I don't believe it would be fair to just delete it okay delete that section about under 65 because you may have somebody who entered drop two years ago who's under the age of 6 who's 58 years old who's counting on the district paying their insurance okay but I think that for upcoming people who are planning on retiring and what's the drop is it still five years or is it eight years eight years now eight years so so if I'm planning on entering drop like next year I'm getting giving eight years notice of when I'm stopping but let's say I started working for the district when I was 20 years old I have 30 years of experience I'm 50 years old right now I want to retire when I'm 58 years old I enter drop I've got eight years where I I can't back out of it once I've entered it but I also know that when I retire in eight years at age 58 that according to this policy you're going to continue paying my health insurance at1 the 6500 or whatever the number is from age 58 to the age 65 so you're saying we should lower I'm saying I think that we should take that retiree Insurance under the age of 65 and not Medicare eligible and add language that says for retirees under the age of 65 and not Medicare eligible who retire on or before a certain date or add a language that says this sunset's 10 years from now or do something so that it doesn't continue on g into perpetuity that's what I'm saying it was meant at the time we did it as a stop gap for the X number of people at the time I don't even remember it wasn't that many people it was meant for a stop gap for the number of people that were in the system that were retirees or planning on retiring who were under the age of 65 well I think five years is plenty of time to plan for that but what because I I want to understand first of all how many people is this going to impact I know that this was a huge discussion when we did it um I don't think it's a good idea to have this policy I think that I understand that it had been like that forever and ever and when did we do that what 10 years ago maybe a little less than that um I don't know if we start rant changing the percentages now and kind of ramping it down slowly as time goes for depending starting at a certain year because um otherwise I don't think the sunset in 10 years I don't think that really starts to address the issue maybe we just need to ramp it down the percentages um and I know that we're probably one of the very few school districts that even does this anymore I know state employees don't get anything I mean they're eligible to purchase our always buy the insurance that is available whatever the state plan is they're able to buy it at the cost not at not for they don't get it for they don't get anything for free um so I'd like to understand what those numbers look like you want to go ahead and pull this one so that way I mean I think we have to have a lot more information before we yes Miss Pet Don do you think you could do some sort of research what other districts are doing and maybe come into a little bit I I can tell you 99.9% positive that were the only School District that provides our own health insurance subsidy and I went back and rewatched because I was bored one day um the hours and hours of um board meetings and workshops but Mrs Robert's memory is correct it it kind of served as a stop gap for that time in the time period the a the underage 65 piece yeah because you didn't want to the board at that time didn't want to harm those that were under 65 that we're getting close to retirement but it's been a policy of the board since November of 2015 so it's about 9 years old um we can our department we can work with the Garen group and provide you some financial information um to give you some idea of what numbers you're dealing with I have some prepared for the last year or two but we'd be prepared to discuss more detailed well and I'd like like to see a ramp kind of like a down like ramp down so that you know if you're retiring next year you're G to not yes so what I'm thinking is we need information about the people who are UT currently utilizing the under 65 what what their age piece is okay that's number one number two we need to know who's in drop that's planning know we're going to we know like they've already announced they're in drop and when their and how their retirement date lines up with their age So that obviously if I if I start a drop this year and I'm aged 60 means I'm going to retire when I'm 68 which means I'm going to be in the Medicare piece and I'm not going to fall in the under 65 so we need to understand what that Universe looks like that's the first two things I think we need to understand um we understand the health insurance subsidy I know that when we did it part of the reason that we were doing it was to make sure that people would be able to more than afford the Medicare supplement piece was what the goal was um and I know that no I don't know anybody who's doing their own health insurance subsidy and I know that the state ramped up the piece that they're paying so I don't know whether the appropriate thing for us to do is to cut it back so that okay if before you were getting $10 now you're going to get five5 and five five from the state and five from the um it was we matched the state matched the state but now that the state's doing 750 if we lowered ours to 250 and made it back to the 10 right so then the round number is 10 um what that looks like as far as Medicare supplement pieces look like so I mean I look at it as you could like just the health insurance subsidy you can continue the way it is you could pay even more which I don't think we should be doing you could pay less and go to the 250 number so that it it corrects itself back to the $10 piece right or you could eliminate it completely and say the state's giving you 750 and we're not doing it anymore so I think those are kind of your four pieces but I think we need to understand what is a Medicare Supplement Plan cost you know average cost of a Medicare Supplement Plan what does that look like um and I think we already know that other districts aren't doing it so I mean I think and then how much it's actually cost us like what is the cost of our Med our health insurance subsidy right now so the state so the state went up to 750 but we're still just doing five we're doing five so right now they're getting 1250 instead of the 10 that they used to get before so it's you got all those yeah PES I do say something no I was just going to say I do have the numbers prepared um for how much the board contributed for the the subsidies um for the 2023 and 2024 years but yeah yeah but I think it's going to be more helpful for us instead of just giving us a round number it's going to be more helpful for us to understand this is what you contributed and in contributing that this is the ages of the people that you're contri you contributed it for so that if if you retired and you had 30 years um the amount of the the the piece that we're putting in now not necessar the health insurance subsidy but that other piece the under 65 retirement piece um how many more years do I have for her how many more years do I have for this person how many more years so that just to know like if you cut it off right now right and said okay we're we're done right now what's the roll down as to how that goes away if you cut it off for everybody who's in drop the under 65 people that are in drop what does that roll down look like if you said okay if you're already in drop you're planning on retiring you're going to be 62 next year when you actually do retire you've got this many more years what does that piece look like so I think we need it kind of like as a spreadsheet that shows us Year bye but is showing us the people who are already getting it and the people that we know that would be adding to to that number does that understood and then we then we can make some kind of intelligent decision if we have those numbers as to where we're going to go does that Marsha I mean I have a lot more questions but I don't think we're going to get them answered today here today I think that we probably should have some individual meetings and talk about ideas and but I think I think you're right we it's at some point it has to change so yeah I think that would work best we could set up individual meetings and make sure that we're going to present the information that you're looking for and have discussions and well and I think we have to look at age and then we can also do like um decreasing those percentages if someone is already in drop so even if they're in drop and they're not going to retire for eight years like what does that look like over the years by if you're in year one but you're not retiring until year eight well that 100% may be going away but it may be a smaller percentage but I think but that's what I'm saying if we get those numbers so that I know that this is the drop this is the age if I do the this AIS as age and I know that this is the age of the person and this is the one that I'm currently funding and these are the ones that are in drop I know where they are in the drop process how many more years they have to go where they're going to be where they're going to fall off and then I would be able to look at those numbers and be able to tell exactly what and I just want to State and just want to make sure we're clear um it's it for the under 65 it's the percentage of the board contribution so when we say 100% we're not saying that we're paying a 100% of the retirees health insurance they're getting 100% of the board's contribution once they had 30 years and there's you know you have the parameters and as it and it says that but I mean the problem is if that ever changes when we're tied in as a percent instead of a dollar amount it's a it's a percent I mean you know it's a moving Target yeah then it then it's as we're making other decisions we need to also be looking at what that Universe looks like what the retiree Universe for our highly valued teachers right and and that's where the language in that policy states that the percentage or amount of payment toward has varied over the years and may continue to do so in the past and that the school board May contribute none some or all of the C cost toward retiring medical coverage so you've got that right we do but but by it being in policy the way that we change it remember if you went back and listened to that the whole Assurance to the retirees who were here in droves um the whole Assurance to the retirees was that if in order for us to change it we would have to change because it's in a policy you would have the ability to to see it ahead of time as to what it the proposed change you would have the advertis change in the adver in the advertising that we approve you would have the ability to come in and speak on it there would be a final hearing and you would have some um ability to represent or promote your own views as to what it is and it isn't just an arbitrary um yeah the board could decide without the language of saying that you know because we could do that but I mean that's right you would right yesk you so that one's getting pulled too right yes ma'am and 6330 was pulled right yes moving forward item number 3.42 policy number 6605 crowdfunding this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations as follows page one of two select option two select of the superintendent are there any questions Chang or comments from the board I mean is there a reason that we would allow crowdfunding and that we would endorse that I'm just intendent Maine do you so like I I can I see online where teachers are um using some sort of um platform to raise money for their Garden to raise money for their art supplies for a special project is that what you're talking about okay I mean because I I purchased things off teachers Amazon Wish lists there's all kinds of things that are happening now this but not necessarily that we are endorsing that as a school board because um I don't know if we want to be in a position to start monitoring all of that that's crowdfunding that's getting the crowd to pay for your things that you want in your classroom I just don't know we want to get in the business of approving all of that which a lot of things actually get ran to the Ed Foundation I mean my thought would be that we we can say as a district we are pushing all of that through the Ed Foundation um it was brought forward because there's obviously it's a new policy there are some districts absolutely that avoid crowdfunding at all costs but then you also have some districts that did adopt a crowdfunding policy even prior to niola putting something out so it was just a balance of you have teachers that are out there doing it do we want to be protected we certainly can uh move away from it Al together and continue to put push them through the Ed Foundation knowing full well though that if we have teachers or staff out there that are utilizing a form of crowdfunding they're on their they're out on their own completely um there would be at some point potentially something that could come back on them as as an individual should they not use the money in the intent in in which it was received do we as a board want to be monitoring that or as a district be monitoring I I don't know that we want to take on that responsibility and looking at everyone's Amazon wish list and determining if they're spending their money the way that appropriately according to policy I just I think I think that subjects us to more issues than if I haven't seen anything out there inappropriate but who knows I mean we're going to start approving all of or not us but we're going to create a policy that puts that burden on our staff to approve every single list every single thing that they do for sports or whatever it might be a lot and I just don't want to I don't want teachers to feel like we're micromanaging them either so um my question on that was since it's at the discretion of the superintendent to approve it I think in order to have this one go through we need to see nea's administrative procedure for this for what their piece is because I'm sure that there's an accompany administrative procedure for the crowdfunding piece because we have that service now with Neola to see whether it's something we want to venture into or not Venture into so then if we want to venture into it we would at least know but if it looks if when we look at the administrative procedure the administrative procedure looks like this is a nightmare then I think we would pass on this policy but if the administrative procedure says you know you can submit it to the superintendent and as long as it is not violating these things and you're attesting that you're going to use the funds for what you say you're going to use them for you know you're okay um I think I think the issue becomes I mean I don't want to tell a teacher who's used to posting here's my I'm an art teacher and here's my list of things that my the community can buy for me to to supply my art room Etc and I've been doing that for years and it's been working out fine and it's no big deal um I think that's all fine in Dandy I think the problem is going to be when you have somebody who puts out a crowdfunding thing collects the money and then doesn't do what they say they're going to do doesn't and then and then we've had this question before when they're buying something and this was maybe I don't know like eight years ago if you're buying something for a classroom for a teacher are you buying it for the teacher or are you buying it for the classroom so if you are a music teacher and I buy you a XYZ instrument some or something some piece of equipment did I buy it for you individually or did I buy it for your classroom and for the Martin County School District which I think is or the well if I'm if I am responding to an Amazon wish list posted by my teacher friend and I purchase something I assume that it is for the teacher and then if they're teaching if it could be a consumables it could be erasers I doubt if they have any left over they're going to take them with them to use them in their next classroom so that's my assumption that's why I think this is extremely complicated and it really sets us up to to start monitoring things that do we really want to monitor um now I do think that if somebody does a Gund me and they're asking for cash for I don't know uh I'm over I I I need I need a vacation and I want to go on a cruise and on spring break so when but I don't know how we how can you you can't really just because they work for us doesn't doesn't mean that we prevent them from doing that if they were using our name like I work for the Martin County School District and you know I haven't had I don't know at what point are we even allowed to get involved in something like that so so imagine if I'm a um a high school and I put on out there that I want a golf cart it would be really convenient for me I put a funding thing out there help me get my golf cart it's going to cost me $5,000 for this great golf cart I I want Etc and I do it under my personal name I get the money I buy the golf cart and then I leave and go work for another district is the golf cart mine or did did the people who gave you money for the golf cart think they were buying it for a particular high school well I mean I think that can go either way yeah they could think that but if if it's not coming from The Martin County School District I don't am I don't think that we would be in in that kind of position to crowdfund for you know the football team needs a golf cart for the coach I don't think we would we wouldn't do that but but I could see where a parent thinks I'm helping a football team I'm doing something great for my school I'm helping a football team and and the guy was there for three months and then the golf cart left but where is our authority to regulate that what Authority do we have to say Lee you want to buy that golf cart for the coach because it it'll really help the coach and you do that on your own well not you because you're a board member but if you were just a parent and you wanted to do that on your own where where would be the authority I think the only Authority we would have is to allow a personal golf cart being used on our property yeah like there would be a liability in that so we wouldn't but I would be whether they made a donation to the school directly or they let them borrow it for a month or whatever I don't know I I just don't know where our Authority would be to regulate this that's where the polic is coming from yeah option one would say we're not we are not permitting or sanctioning it so we're out of the business altogether option two would specify down at the bottom that all material supplies and equipment that were purchased as a result of the crowdfunding source be left at the district become property of the Martin County School District so there'd be clear delineation now as far as what that teacher does if they leave um we wouldn't be I mean there's probably a lot of things that when a teacher leaves and moves classrooms and things that even inadvertently get you know misplaced or exchange of hands that were purchased so there is no way but there would be a property inventory number that would be assigned to that it would be placed into inventory and it would become property of the school district do you want to like be involved in this what I would like to do is pull it yeah yeah I just allow myself and staff to kind of drill down a little bit further I have fads in a couple of weeks I'd like to talk to some other superintendant and see if they've gone this route how they're navigating this and if it's working or if they're steer steering clear all together we we have time there's nothing that says we need to do this right now so and I would like to make sure that there are not unintended consequences and I don't want because I know it takes years and years for for example for teachers to build up their things that they have in their classroom and then all of a sudden we're going to tell them oh wait you got to leave that behind because the child's parent that was in your class this year they bought it but we're going to tell you you have to leave it even though you go on to you know and that's why I'm thinking that the administrative procedure might have it where it follows the teacher so if you leave if if parents gave you something and you went from one school to another or from one classroom to another or from one grade level to another and and you got those things and they're in this case they're property of the district are they property of the district for the use of the teacher who got you know and I'm thinking those are the pieces that are in the administrative procedure piece that's saying what happens and how do you handle those pieces but yeah if we could pull that yes we'll just go ahead and pull that and bring it back at a later date once we have all of our information okay item number 3.43 policy number 7250 commemoration of school facilities is the board okay with accepting the niola recommendations um I don't think in right in the very beginning when it says Civic educational leader deceased of local national state or national prominence or an elected official who shall have left public office for a period of time not less than five years I think anybody we Nam something a after ought to be dead I mean I think that um when they're still alive whether it's been five years two years three years 10 years um you still run in into the situation where you might end up with they get arrested and then here we are something something I mean I just think that they should all always be dead I agree okay good that was easy um yeah and I think that we need to um we need to think about like what what as a board we're going to have to think about like what types of facilities and how and what and I know that Jen has been working on um you know the ways other District facilities that maybe could could generate Revenue as well um but I do think that the days are gone of you know and it's like any other entity like the hospital I mean or um a college or a state college where you could you could have a you could have literally a lab or um a classroom named after someone but that doesn't that usually comes with a donation um and I I don't know that we want to how we get if we want to or we will ever get into that business but um I just think we're going to have to be very thoughtful about this policy we haven't really named a lot of things after people since at least since I've been on the board um but I number one is that yes they absolutely should be deceased regardless of the position that they hold or who they are yes I think just needs more work and thought we'll pull this one as well sorry are we yes it needs more I mean I can we're this isn't final until we can still make changes at the next meeting okay this so there's enough time in between now and then to get those questions answered and if there's not then we can pull it then let's go ahead and change the deceased part and then guess get the rest of our information for the next one because it won't mean anything until the next meeting make any changes after the next meeting then it's um it has to start over again it'll go to adver yeah all right well that concludes our policies just a rem there's one more no that got pulled that got pulled Wellness those are the two at the beginning that I said that were both I have 113 oh those are ones we P those are yeah those are the extra ones that we pulled during it's okay all right it's okay uh that concludes our policies just a reminder that everyone will see these policies a couple more times as we bring them back to board meetings for approval we will now have open to the board Miss Roberts anything Miss pette no I'm good um just one quick thing uh South Fork is having a bulldog closet um invitation for um Saturday from 12: to 3: so anyone who's interested I just think it's really cool what they're doing and they're um working with um Indian town as well and I just think it's a nice way to uh kind of kick off the year with what they're doing so if anyone is around on Saturday from 12:00 to 3: they will have their Bulldog Closet open you Miss Powers Mr M this Workshop is now adjourned e e attention we are going to call a special meeting of the Martin County School Board to order do I have a motion to approve the agenda am moved I have a motion by Miss Powers and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor opposed motion carries unanimously next we will move on to our action only item item number 3.01 report of financial data to the commissioner of Education ESC 348 and 145 for fiscal year 2324 are there any questions from the board move approval of 3.01 I have a a motion by Miss Powers yes you have a question I question a second for discussion yeah yes in a second this ahead yes ahead 145 it's the sub object I'm noting that our school bus Replacements from cap and did we do the um through the chair yes Mrs Roberts typically we uh advertise in our trim package the replacement of 10 school buses um there are time and the ESC buses do cost a little bit more based on the the additional equipment that's required but um sometimes we don't fulfill all the orders in one year at one time so the 1.3 million would probably be the 10 to 10 buses because on on average they're about 100,000 and then the 9 947 would probably be just maybe nine we got that year um fulfilled in the order but we typically replace about 10 per year right so I'm just asking if you can um go back and look and see if in the prior fiscal year we did do 10 and if the price has gone up 30% average for our buses or if we actually did a different number and the unit cost has not gone up 30% yes ma' we'll do that research for you okay thank you and I'm sure the whole board's interested thank you thank you yeah but 30% in one year is well he said it might have only been yeah but if he can get us that information that would good to know but thank you yeah more like 50 okay I have a motion by Miss Powers and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously we will now have open to the public we do not have any comment cards at this time is there anyone here that would like to speak seeing none that concludes our public comment we will now have open to the board Miss Roberts Miss pritet po Mr main thank you very much this meeting is now adjured for