##VIDEO ID:HmMZ2Oog6po## e e e e e ahead and get started have to wait for them to give me the green light we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you will all please ride for the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of americais Miss Falls will you please call the role Mrs Roberts yes Mrs Pritchett yes Mrs Russell here please let the record show that Mr Dy and Miss Powers were unable to be here today thank you at this time we will have open to the public we do not have any comment cards at this time is there anyone here that would like to speak seeing none that concludes public comment we will be moving on to our discussion items our first item is our legislative priorities for this year I would like to share a list of suggestions I received for consideration from superintendent Maine and our District staff person we have is to provide 100% full day funding allocations for pre kindergarten staff salaries to ensure every family can access a free public highquality full-time program allow school districts to re-employ Personnel after one month of retirement without penalty to the employees pension to address labor shortage issues next one is provide incentives or funding to facilitate the development of Workforce housing specifically for public school Personnel revised legislation to restrict miners access to purchase vape pens and vaping materials both online and in stores by reinstating home rule and the authority given to local government agencies next one is support additional flexible funding to offer all students an extended school day and the year beyond the 180 days expand funding for the supplemental instructional academic allocation to pay for additional learning time for students through increased access to Summer before school and after school learning opportunities District staff's legislative suggestions first one is innovative and sustainable education model providing the same spending flexibility as other recipients of ffp funding to Foster the flexibility and autonomy for districts to complete with other school options a example attached let's see hold on um we do have let me see here we'll just move on to the next one uh safe schools sufficiently funding District's law enforcement security related staffing needs as well as campus hardening and background check maintenance requirements three recruiting and retaining High performing teachers and staff reducing burdensome certification and endorsement requirements placed on new teachers incentivizing path to educator status for career Changers who are content area experts content area experts and financially recognizing all of Florida's High performing teachers then my legislative priorities are to I've got my top three which is fully fund V VPK for all students continue to expand CTE programs and funding and then full funding to reduce the minimum distance required for elementary students to be provided Transportation I believe this will help with absenteeism as Transportation seems to be a barrier so often especially with our Title One schools superintendent Maine did you have any additional info this evening uh yes I'm chair I did uh have an opportunity to meet one-on-one with um board member powers and I wanted to make sure that the um other board members were aware she does have two priorities that she would like uh on the record as we consider where we would like to go as a as a board uh the first is to continue the pathways to graduation through CTE programming for students who cannot pass the ELA portion of the uh state test with appropriate concordance score and that is something that as a board you all adopted last year she would like to continue moving that forward if possible uh I did do some research uh over the last couple of days and provided Three Links that I I will I can forward separately to you all that provide some additional legislation both in Colorado as well as um in one other state Indiana that have gone in that direction that we can work with Greg black on if that is something that you all should choose uh and then the other would be the for the state to offer an exception through a waiver for school districts to provide wraparound services for students ages four and Below meaning the waiver from the state would allow school districts to exe be exempt from all the state licensing requirements needed to run daycare services and this would be for students particularly uh ages three and four we would not get into zero to two uh infant but but uh ages three and four and that would be an alignment uh potentially with what we would want to do within the 5-year strategic plan for the steuart Learning Center for that early learning um area for some possible funding thank you Mrs Roberts do you have further suggestions um so I have a few comments so in bringing up the thing about the steuart Learning Center when can we expect to see what that is going to look look at I know that we have 1.8 million from last year we have another 200,000 from this year and that the board is designated and that's been the capital plan for um Early Learning Center I know I've talked to you about it I don't know if the rest of the board is aware of that but um I think that needs to move forward and I don't see Mark here but I mean I think that's something that we need to probably get get on to because if we're going to try to open that up otherwise we're going to miss the next um next fall when it comes I mean fall will be here before we know it so anything that needs to be done to that space I think needs to be done in a rather short order rather than waiting until spring and then not being able to get there and you know Etc so I didn't know Dr Miller and I have had some conversations um they have some previous plans that we can pull out and staff can get moving forward on that as far as that's concerned so okay okay um as far as these priorities that we're seeing here um so I want to talk specifically to the while I can go through let me go through the District staff legislative suggestions and it maybe their staff here that can speak to some of these the Innovative and sustainable education model um I'm not interested in poking the charter school bear I'm not interested in being in a position where we're a district that's saying um we want to be that public schools need to be treated the same as charter schools and trying to make that distinction I think we've gained some mileage in Tallahassee by not being that District by being welcoming opening and accepting of our charter schools and understanding that and I believe that it's my belief that other school board members and other people from around the state that have um tried to make that distinction of Charters are bad you know it's not the same rules it's not the same game you know they're they're taking our money you know that type of thing doesn't get much mileage doesn't get I mean we are a full Choice State um so I don't know where I mean I'm particular concerned with that example that's sitting there um so I don't know who brought that who in staff brought that forward but I don't know what the rest of you think about that but no unless there's somebody in staff that wants to speak to it Amy just generally speaking I agree with you we're a we're a full full Choice State and until we're told otherwise I think we need to align ourselves to that way of thinking what we can do is make our schools more attractive by offering some of the things that these Charter Schools offer so people won't make that distinction and they'll just come to us that's the path that I think we should be on not trying to fight with the charter schools just be competitive yeah and and it doesn't really irritate me that their rules are different than ours because if their roles are different than ours then our standpoint is if our rules are more stringent then we have a higher quality product you know so I and I think that's a distinction that maybe our public information people or whoever should be latching on to and pushing out that you know those distinctions make us a higher quality product and make us stand to a higher level instead of trying to say no no no we all want to be at the same low level or we want them to be at our high level it's like no if you have an advantage of doing that I kind of feel like that's the the stand we should be taking with with that instead of going down that road um the second one the safe school sufficiently funding that that sounds very reminiscent of what fsba often comes up with sufficiently funding um that's a I look at that as a double-edged sword on one hand are we telling people that we don't have sufficient funding for law enforcement security related Staffing campus hardening and background checks I mean are we trying so it's a are we creating that message that we don't have enough funding or I mean I don't that's that's a mixed bag of I don't know where I really want to go with that do I really want to tell people my legislative priority is I want sufficient funding so I can safely Harden My schools and the immediate question that somebody's going to ask me is well what do you not what what can you not do that you need money to do right I to answer your question about where these District staff leg recommendations came from I did not see these ahead of time uh just I I did when they were submitted to the board chair but I would have to ask the specific uh District staff members that placed those on that email that was sent to the board chair what I can tell you is that the safe schools is something that the superintendent will continue to ask for because we believe that we are not uh adequately funded for all the new safety rules and regulations that we are being asked to address as a district and districts throughout the state of Florida so that will continue to be an Ask through superintendent and our lobbyist through fads so I can completely understand that we would we would not go in that direction as a individual board yeah so which I can understand that I think I if fads wants to pick that up on behalf of all the districts I think that's one thing but I think a public face to talking to a taxpayer homeowner Etc that's a when we publish that and we say that this is our initiatives I I think it's I don't know what you guys I mean I just think that's kind of um um I do agree with the recruiting and retaining High performing teachers and staff reducing the certificate you know certifications endorsement requirements those type of things um I know that you know that alternative endorsement path Etc I think we need to be prepared if we pick that up as a priority which I don't mind doing is to be able to articulate what exactly we're looking for are we looking for an extension of the alternative certification process are we looking for you know so we need to be able to answer that question instead of just you know help us do this I I think we need to and maybe uh Mr Raymond could say something please say something good evening or good afternoon um I would just need more clarification too as the one who would have to deliver as well I think if we're asking the board for the support I'm not exactly clear on the request I'm very clear on the rules of certification and anything within our power to expedite reviews we do that currently so I would just need a little more information as to what exactly we're looking for from an alternate route approval we have um Lana seated to the right of me where we offer CTE District certification option honoring years of career experience to become a teacher so that is one way we are um creating an Al alate path aside from that I'm I would just need more information so that came from a District staff suggestion yes I would need to uh find out who made that suggestion I'm not sure Mr main where that came from but yes to answer your question I believe I I I I'm feeling your frustration uh these District staff legislation legislative suggestions were submitted to the board Chair by the chief of staff so I would need to defer to the chief of staff to ask where specifically those came from and which staff members now so that particular um suggestion as the superintendent shared for the previous one was one that was an overarching goal of the uh district superintendent the fads organization um that one spoke about uh Pathways particularly for career Changers and content area experts um to have you know more expedited Pathways to being able to be placed in classrooms and also recognition for teachers that um are financially compensated that are on the middle and higher end of their careers rather than just what the governor's typically placing for those on the lower end I don't have the sheet in front of me and it's not on board do so I can't read word for word what it says but that's thank you um then and I don't mind something because I do think that would have some assistance but I would like perhaps Jeff Mr Raymond if he could drill down a little bit harder on that to see exactly what it is that we're looking for you know so for examp example if you're looking for a longer term to complete your alternative certification you know changing the number of years and extending that so that somebody doesn't come in stay the minimum number of years and then leave because they don't want to be certified but they are somebody that we would want to keep if that's one of the things that you're looking at Etc but I mean I think that um when you give language and we whether it's through Greg black or whether it's through us talking to legislators when we give language and we don't have a clear path of what it is we're asking for we're asking for a category that has no doesn't get anywhere doesn't get any but but I don't have any problem with that one okay so um as far as the other uh superintendent Main's suggestions I do agree that Marsha's 2 first of all should continue on I mean I think those are things that we really do need to do um I do agree with that full funding allocation for the pre kindergarten staff salaries um I don't think and and this is probably something that um superintendent main you need that I think needs a little bit more exploring before we adopt it as a as a legislative priority the um requirement about re-employing after a month of require month of retirement instead of the one year of retirement I think has huge e RS implications I know that several years ago when um fsba was looking at it it was um the state pushed back mainly from an F FRS standpoint as to what does that do for f FRS knowing that they're very sensitive about double dipping about the rules for drop about all these other things and I I I I don't want to get into asking for something that we don't understand what it is we're asking for and then we're asking for it we find out that this is like a complete nonstarter because it requires way too many other departments to do um I do I do agree with the incentive and funding to facilitate the development of Workforce housing um and I do agree with the um vape pens and vaping materials piece um and the same way that I'm questioning the one with the F FRS piece I'm questioning the additional flexible funding um and I'm thinking perhaps that needs to be because we know that um the requirement to get full FTE funding has to do with the number of hours Etc I think that has to be spelled out a little bit clearer so you know exactly what you're whether you're it's almost like if I'm asking for a categorical to address that or how I'm looking at doing that instead of just saying give me more money because then their way of giving more money is just the we've increased the base student allocation by $150 there's your more money and and it doesn't go anywhere so um and then um Jennifer you the fully funding the bpk I think is good the continue to expand CET programs and funding um in theory I agree with that but I think we need to kind of it's the same thing that I'm saying to him is that I think we need to figure out how we're asking for that because I think otherwise it's just a you want more based student allocation here's more based student allocation you want more you know like what is it exactly and how do we get get from point A to point B and I think then the question is going to be well what have you done with the funding that you've had in the past what does that look like and what particularly are you looking to expand and I almost feel like based on past conversations with Greg black we're almost in a position where let's say it was Marine technology or let's say it was Aerospace or let's say it was you know something else that we're in a position where we should maybe be asking for a line item for a special Academy or doing something else so instead of trying to to to to solve the whole State's problem I would be more interested in a Martin County solution for what we're looking for to take care of our issues you know what I mean I mean because I think that's because when you when you expand it to the whole state then it becomes a huge costly item whereas if you're just limiting it to the look we're special um and we've done this so therefore we deserve this I think we're in a much better position to actually get some to actually get some action because we really haven't asked for a whole lot of anything in the years we've just been the nice quiet you know people that have been friendly and slapping you um as far as the transportation piece um and that's another piece that I think that when you look at changing that the two mile limit and when we look at that that's a huge cost for the state which is why I think it gets kicked away every time but I mean I think maybe if we look at um our absentee rates for title one and say it's Title One you know like if we compare Title One to regular school to non-title and say that this is where we we see a problem so if if we can start a reduction and see if it helps so even if you did a reduction instead of it being two miles if we could get and even if we asked to be a p a pilot program where we'll reduce the title one busing to one and a half miles and see whether that improves attendance I think that some something like that we might be able to get some mileage with okay so that's my thoughts thank you that's great this P transport of a nonstarter for that it's somewhat of a nonstarter for fsba at this time however I think if we asked for K through six and employ the title one piece we'd have a better shot we'd narrow it down mine was everyone who full funding like what I forgot what it's called it's called um Universal busing that's what I was was looking for but I could live with K through six title one I think that would that would now what do you think about asking for a pilot program in well a pilot program would be a great way to start and and I have a feeling that we'd have good success I just do in talking to people they're two people working they can't get there if the bus could pick up their kids I they'd be more they'd be in school more yeah yes um always CTE I I'm very much a proponent of the CTE programs um you know continuing and growing as as we're able to and then I really I didn't think of this but I really like the vape pen legislation I really like that so I think um restricting miners access is is a a good idea if we can do it that's what I have thank you welcome um I feel like it would be in the board's best interest to choose our top three priorities that we can go after and then maybe there's others that we can piggyback on you know someone else in other districts going after something but like what would be our top three I mean are you well we all agreed on funding yes we all agreed on yeah and I mean I'm 100% behind that um and then the concordance scores yes we need to continue with that yes um and then you know I feel like and superintendent M you can tell me if I'm wrong but is it possible that we kind of included the wraparound services in our ask with the VPK so it would be 100% full day funding with wraparound services that way we kind of had this two asks as one yes I think we could work with great black on coming up with with language that would uh Encompass both in a way that we can kind of tackle both at the same time because essentially what we're wanting to do is expand those wraparound Services get them in early as a three and four year old roll them into our VPK programming and then right into our kindergarten with us controlling that so we know exactly what those students are learning what they're exposed to and I believe we could provide it better as a as an educational institution versus some of the it's not a knock on some of our outside providers but but I just think that that's what we're what we do that's what we're in the business of doing and so if we can provide that that before and after and um yeah we could we could pull that off I think ask instead of too um and then everyone seems to be on board for The Vaping ask um so if we made that our third one and then see what we could get with Dr to Greg and see what we could do about possibly a pilot program for the k36 title one Lessing is everyone okay with yeah and and I I'd like um I would like Mr Raymond to look though and see because if there's if there is a simple fix of changing that like changing that alternative certification by just changing the number of years you know I mean if there's something that's that so when they come up with their education train Bill if it just becomes an add-on piece of the yeah just change this to this I mean just change a five year to a seven year just change it you know and I think it's something that's not too far off and I think it's something that we have and I defer to I defer to Mr Raymond but I mean I think so that's just an example but for instance if we had examples of people that we lost good teachers that we lost because they didn't weren't interested in getting fully certified but they were qualified um field professionals Etc that we would have value for in our school district so if we could just have had them two more years if we just could have had them a little bit longer or whatever that piece looks like I think there's some some value to that and I think it's the timing too of some some of these certification requirements when you're a new zeroe first year teacher the the state is requiring that you have so certain endorsements by said period of time right and so working Mr Raymond working in conjunction to Heather plat on that side of the house with professional learning because they work together closely on what are those requirements and can we spread those requirements out by an Ask of the state to say hey instead of two years let's give them three years or let's give them four with the data that you have asked uh it may or may not support I'm not sure but I know between reading endorsement esol requirements uh whether you're a PEC teacher or a non-pe teacher there's all different types of tight deadline requirements and I think it could give us some breathing room and allow for some of these teachers to to have some additional time that's where I think we could and maybe the maybe the answer is okay well if you want to prioritize the reading endorsement you know that if you reach the reading endorsement by a certain day if if you quickly get FastTrack the reading endorsement that then you're given Grace on other endorsements that you need with an extended schedule because we you know you can only do so much at one time but we have found that you know and we support the fully the reading endorsement and understand the importance of that so if we support that piece of it here's our data that's showing that this would be something that would be of true benefit for us and so that might not end up being added until they look and see exactly what that looks like and it doesn't work out then of course it wouldn't be but I think that would be no that's fine all right well I feel like we have direction thank you we will continue on and we will next we will have a presentation on naming rights Mr shaza would you like to come forward good evening Madam chair members of the board superintendent Maine joining me this evening is Mr Brian Sakowski um we're here to do a presentation for you that kind of touches on a conversation that's been ongoing throughout the district um over the last couple of years really um about um reduction in funding and different ways that we can get creative and and come up with ideas to kind of supplement what we may be losing through FTE so Brian represents TBO partners ships um they are an organization that specializes in non-traditional Revenue generating strategies for school districts and he's going to provide a presentation on how our district could potentially maximize Financial Resources by implementing a facility naming rights program um and this would help us explore opportunities for corporate and Community engagement in naming District buildings athletic complexes and other facilities to enhance our revenue streams so I will turn it over to Brian good afternoon thank you for having me uh appreciate the time uh my name is Brian stalsky and we've been doing this since 2014 U we've worked with school districts across Florida and across the us we worked all the way out to Albuquerque New Mexico U Memphis and then Lee County Palm Beach Orange County and across Florida um so our our programs really emphasize U finding those non-traditional revenues that can be reoccurring uh and help you know several uh in several ways across the school district um but the one Focus that we were talking about today is naming rights uh our group also works in digital advertising uh and then uh League style sport sponsorship so every school has their sports teams they go out and find their sponsors uh we do a league based where we would sell all the high schools as one group um and it adds another layer to the sponsorships it also adds another opportunity for larger companies it might need a a bigger Market reach uh that wouldn't normally uh sponsor a single school so there are some areas but normally what we start off with is uh we come in and we uh do an audit we look over the programs that are currently there U we identify the strengths and weaknesses that we see from our view on the outside and then we try to make recommendations on maybe how to work those programs to be more efficiently uh and that could be in the digital or the Athletics base but for the naming rights we also go out and we do the valuations up front uh and that's very important to have a solid valuation uh that gives the uh validity to the partners it it lets them understand that this is a serious program we're not looking for and um donations it's not a philanthropic base program uh this most of the partners that come to the table are leadership from companies that can be either their marketing teams or ad agencies uh and they're coming in here to you know do two things there's a big Trend right now from larger companies they want to do more cause-based they want to do more Community they want their funds that traditionally we've went to Billboards television radio to to be use to be used and at the same time still get their reach and engagement that they're looking to do within the community so we've found this to be effective we've had Success With It uh and we've brought in some great revenues to school districts over that um so um I talked about us already I I think here's an important stat I just want to share is brand manag and advertising agencies know the value of brand loyalty 75% of parents want Brands to support schools and 64% of parents will switch to Brands to do so and Brands know this we're actually every year we go to advertising week that's actually next week in New York City uh and I did put a a little business card on your desk right now a current project we have that we're taking there next week is bethon cookman University is a current client of ours uh and on that we do a QR code just on a business card to hand out um and talk to them you know they really quick conversations normally in these environments but you know we want to go out we want to spread the story of Martin County and why it's important for these um businesses that maybe are on a national level to come in here and support locally and also the uh partners that are out in this local community to to give them a tangible way sometimes we hear hey we want to be a part of this we want to work with schoolers we don't know how right so we try to help them walk them to the table and show them how these can be valuable marketing um strategies for their company so's some Partners I mentioned at the beginning uh that we've worked with over the years uh here's some examples I just want to kind of give a quick overview these are actually all real examples that we've worked with um the left side there you'll see uh Flores Blood Centers this is outdated they're not no longer here but in brigh House Sports uh but those are examples of um areas that normally when you do a league style sport sponsorship those are areas that the single schools aren't doing they're not selling these sponsorships they're not selling halftime shows they're not selling PA packages these are things that we've gone on and we kind of support um what's already happening and we you know it's not something where uh and this is very important that you'll see a lot of is you don't want to just move uh revenue or support from the left hand to the right hand right and then call it new Revenue so we work uh directly with the the schools on the school level to make sure that we're not um stepping on anything currently already in place um but at the top um this is another one this is actually Deval County Schools uh they had an anti-bullying hotline uh so we reached out to the partners that made sense uh because revenue is great and revenue is helpful for the district to help fund programs like this this was a hotline that they were getting ready to shut down uh and so we we went out cuz what a great story that is right hey go to Sprint go to T-Mobile go to um ATT and say Hey you know there's an opportunity here they didn't know about it uh we talked about the value they moved some money in the market and and supported that uh program SeaWorld's another one uh the school district this was in was still using the 1980s pixel art uh for their School menus um we said hey let's why don't you provide some graphic designs you can also promote your new educational uh program there uh and they also provide funding there's still funding on all these but but we also try to be smart right if there's other resources that make sense if there's opportunities um NASA Kenny Space Center we've done huge uh districtwide stem programs with them to provide funding and these things can go to areas in non well I don't want to recommend where to put them but an example in the past and non-discretionary funding has gone to help maybe fund lunches for teachers coming back to school in areas where maybe there's not that current funding available to do these types of um events so these are just some examples of partners that we've worked with in the past uh here's some School uh District stadiums across the state here Baptist or adonic out of or Orlando uh neore stadium in Lake Nona Lee Health in Bonita Springs and North law firm uh in Dunbar High School in Lee County so these are just several examples of of what they look like um people assume sometimes that you have to have a a iconic team in a in in on the field or you have to have a state-ofthe-art stadium or you have to be on a major highway um although those things help that's not always the motivating factor for a lot of these Partnerships coming in and what we really like to see and what we really enjoy is on top of the revenue that can help the school district is really aligning uh your brand right because it's an important brand to have is with the partners that make sense bringing people to the table that help with that brand equity for the school district and a lot of times what we actually see on top of this uh for example um NE more stadium in Lake Nona uh from that they built out a CTE program for nursing for the students they've worked a program where the band comes in uh and helps the um they do visits now to the hospital and they it's really changed the partnership it's not just a transaction relationship it's a it's a full relationship with these Brands so there's other um values that I I like to point out as well but um our our keys to success are uh like I mentioned is is just creating you got to start with accurate valuations you have to be able to show them that you're knowledgeable and you understand the market and you understand their advertising marketing options and make this a viable one again because in the past a lot of brands are only used to working with school districts on a donation basis or hey here's a banner in the Outfield which are all still great and wonderful ways to support the district but maybe doesn't come from the same pocket of money right they might come from their Community engagement money their Outreach they want to support school but now if you can really say hey this is a viable option in our market now you actually open up a whole new pocket uh of of of Revenue that they want to spend and so to do that the accurate valuation or valuations are very important uh building our our our reputation with marketers and advertisers um that we've built up over the last 10 years is very valuable to us because now we we have the trust built up we don't have to start from from scratch um but we have that relationship with those uh buyers and the opportunities out there and then to make sure that we're identifying those Partnerships that makes sense and then the other important part of this is to make sure that the deliverables that we promise are delivered on uh because we have a very high renewal rate of stadiums uh and and that's important to us and it also shows that our valuations are strong and the relationships are good and that we're following through on what we promis so uh we're big on transparency and accuracy in our reporting uh and then also in these Partnerships is being very detail oriented upfront making sure they understand right like if you support this um if you engage in this partnership with the stadium am rights that doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to um get other pieces uh that you may want throughout the district everything is itemized and and put out so people understand exactly up front what they're getting and at the end they can look back and say hey that's that's what we were promised that's what we received um it just just talking about uh the market valuations the go to market sales kit something that we put together uh again there's a a small digitalized one for Bon cookman um on on that business card but we also put uh print versions and digital versions I can I can also provide some extra examples uh after this meeting as well if you'd like to see some but there are very important to have to be able to put out because you want to when you get someone's attention you want to make it look as professional as possible and clear to understand so um so really that's a quick overview of of what we do again um we're also really big on making sure that if I if I reach out to somebody and and this is in a good fit especially like naming rights right like it doesn't have to be a stadium it can be a gym it can be the art right the theaters out there um all good opportunities for Partnerships depending on who you're talking to uh and how they want to get involved but um just making sure that you know that we are helping out as a true partner not a vendor and understanding we a vendor but that we act as a partner that we look out in the best interest of the school district so if I don't have somebody and I call and I say hey there's a stadium nameing rights opportunity available and they're like oh that doesn't meet our budget I don't just say okay thanks to hang up I say hey maybe you should reach out to the you know the the middle school they have a fundraising arm or the the foundation or the school sports team if you don't want to do the whole District I don't want you to just walk away let me help you out let me get you on the phone with the right person and we'll pass them along um so that's that's all I have today but if if there's any questions I enjoy talking about the stuff obviously thank you are there any questions from the board Miss Roberts thank you um so I've been doing some research before um you got here and I think this is a um really great opportunity to kind of move into a more um professional level than what the Grassroots type of say call just call it Sports fundraising let's just look at that for a piece the Grassroots effort that we have I mean I think right now um and correct me if any of these things are incorrect that there would be hard asset standards so for example if I'm going to name a um a ticket booth if I'm going to be ABC whatever it is right ticket booth that there is it's very clear standards as to what that needs to be so I know what that's going to look like there's a set time frame that that's going to be for ETC so that I don't have somebody who thinks they're going to come out with a can of spray paint and spray paint a stencil on the thing and go the cheap way I kind of know what that is is that yes correct that that that's a correct um I also think there's um that what we suffer from now is a schoolto school consistency where I think that a lot of these um things and I Look to Dr Miller that you know you show up out at a school and you find out that somehow or other the scoreboard is now being sponsored by some company and nobody even knew about it I mean and it's kind of like like it just happened and and what they were paying there is no consistency from school to school as to who's paying how much and what the what that value is which creates another issue of creating a Level Playing Field of opportunity so for example if your company wanted to do it that you would have done it for $500 more if you had known about it but you didn't know about it because I got there first because I knew so and so and therefore I was able to um get my name on something and do that so I do think that there's some um I had a question about um is there a bid process or how would you you know so how do you make sure that if if you're reaching out to Sprint or nexttel or something at the same time how do you make sure that a local um firm has the ability to compete at the same for the same opportunity yeah that's that's a great question and there's there's actually two different ways to go about it one is on the front end when we do the valuation we do identify the areas of signage that we would like we we normally walk out with the facilities group and we handle that but when we're putting them up when we finally have that valuation done and we have the promotional sheets and we're getting ready to go to market with this that's exactly right like you don't want to overlook someone especially someone that's been a good partner of the district and then accidentally don't reach out to them and miss them so the two ways to go about is one is to get that final amount and then start calling and what we normally do is go by category so if I'm calling help Healthcare I'm calling every Healthcare partner in this in this in this market here we'll call some national brands that we know then we'll go to Telecom which normally is is going to be National Brands but then there's other areas right there's there's banking is another strong partner in this these types of Industries and you can have local credit unions you can have credit unions that work with the school district already and to make sure that each one of them have it and what we do is we log it and we report every month who we've talked to and when something sold we'd let you know who was uh spoken with and we don't uh go off script and negotiate because of the dangers that come with that so I can't offer Disney a package for $660,000 and then because Universal gave my family some tickets or something you know what I mean and then give them 45,000 that can be uh that that's that's an amateur thing that I've seen done we understand that you're consistent you're going out and you're reaching as many people as possible that's the first route the second route is something new that I'd like to propose I'd love to see is a bid style there's a bid software that's already uh modeled out in in Phil philanthropic areas if you've ever worked in those um where they do silent bids or whatever but put it out and you can get some earned media in the market sometimes from that and then put it out to bid and and just put an end date on it October 30th whoever's who whatever the highest bid is at that time but then just work the rest of the month to make sure again that we're accountable and that we've done our work and that that's why I think like like you mentioned saying you want to professionalize this this op these opportunities in this um for the school district and I think that's important but um that's another way to do it I it's not common I think it's actually probably a a smart way because two reasons one is I think it drives up your your um valuation higher it can if you get people that are bidding on it you can go up higher and then also too is because of the media and the way we pass information on with social media uh you get a lot a lot of banging for your buck with that that style and I had a couple other questions so um how do you handle which is something that I don't think we handle very well um how do you handle firms that want to advertise with us but on the other hand they're suing us um I mean is there a so so obviously any partner that we bring to the table uh you would want to uh have the conversations to make sure that that with the leadership and the board that they're a good partner um we have worked with the The Joe Joe North Stadium in Lee County actually I think that was an actual uh situation at the time and uh you know it's up to the district but if for me A lot of times it's not a personal thing or or somebody wants to give back he actually went to that high school and wanted to um partner up at the same time he has clients that sure but you know so we have some personal injury attorneys that if you've been hurt or injured in an accident call 1 1800 something or other and I think the last thing you would want to see is a stadium with a sign that it's sponsored by that personal injury attorney and by the way if you've been hurt or injured in an accident and you fall down the stairs here call this number you know it's like right what are we doing right yeah that's a I mean that that's good to be out in front of that right is to what are the policies what are our intentions who's going out there and proactively reaching out to these Partners again trying to find the best partners for the district um and and a lot of that's in policy up front you want to make sure that you have coverage areas uh and then normally the coverage at the end of that is um it'll be voted on in in the best interest of the district to make sure that they're good partners thank you very much that's all I have thank you just so my mind is racing because one of the things that our schools do on a regular basis at the school level is fundraising for their school with local businesses if you go to Blaze Pizza if you go to Cafe marer what whatever it is you will get a percentage off of your meal and that will go to is there any benefit in going to those places for a bigger piece of the pie yeah that another it's a great question and a lot of times um early on when we started this there was some push back sometimes where um somebody at the school or or District level already had some people they do the same thing every year right they do the book the coupon book right and they're like don't touch these right these are these are partners that we have uh but what we really found is one is they it's it's normally not like oh I'm going here and I'm leaving this normally it's just an add-on um a lot of times it's a different um budget there but you we've actually found that they get more upset if they work with you already and they're like hey I I I do this program every year you have a new program you didn't tell me about it so what we try to do though is be mindful of other people's effort and making sure that we're not um again you don't want to just move money from the right to the left hand and call it new so is to try to build on them and that's something I think we're really good at and we've done and we get a lot of great responses from clients on that is we try to do packaging if you decide to do digital and allow a couple web ads on your homepage um in in naming rights and sports we'll go out and we're pitching the whole package to them we'd like them to be in different areas and continue to add on and continue to do the coupon book as well because Chick-fil-A comes to mind I mean they are a brand they are here and they are always sponsoring our schools for you know for this week or whatever it is I think the High School South Fork High School um works with them so those are things that just kind of come to my mind as opportunities that we should try to try to match if we can yeah that's a great point and and you know it also there's other tertiary benefits as well where you know we're calling we're being proactive and we're reporting back to you we can catch maybe Partnerships that went South somewhere right went went went sour somehow uh and then talk them back to the table and and and you know identify their their their problems whatever issue that was that had them decide that they didn't want to partner with the district anymore because we're proactively going out there uh and calling us and I think that can be um helpful as well yeah thank you yes I would like to make sure that locals had the opportunity first Martin County is small County everybody's like a family and I want to make sure that they're taking care of first before we go to larger outside entities yeah would be my only concern definitely and that can be a priority we can make sure that that you know our list that we hand and show CU all the prospect listing we're sharing in advance and then we're showing the responses that we got from the partners out there uh we can put a focus on that okay thank you so this is something that you would like additional information on and you're interested in um yeah I'm interested in moving forward I mean I think it's something I do have a question um chair Russell when you say you want to be sure that local businesses are given an opportunity first so so let's say it's a naming right for a ticket booth at Martin County high school then you wouldn't be using a bidding process you would be reaching out you would be using evaluation and reaching out to the locals first or you would just be ensuring that they have access and they're notified of the bidding process making yes and I'm fine with that I just want to make sure that they're aware have the opportunity okay they have the opportunity to participate we have so many that give to us already and I wouldn't want to say oh no yeah we're not worried about you right now we're going to go ahead and we're going to move on to the larger companies no I want to make sure that they are included they have all the information that they need so yeah you know if it's $30,000 and they can't do that that's fine and you know Sprint picks it up but if they do and they do have that money and they do want to right so just so be sure that they're included in the process that yeah okay I got that thank you these These are so questions are so good can I add one more thing because I I just think it's it's really important that that I didn't really talk about is we do practice leveling with with uh Partners so we may pitch out there a $50,000 your Stadium but at the same time we're also offering them maybe a $115,000 sports package or uh several hundred5 $600 digital package if you know what I mean so that that you're right certain partners are going to be priced out uh it's just a fact you other budget certain people have certain budget numbers they just can't hit so we try to let them know and and try to be smart and intentional with who we're talking to and what we're presenting to them because we really do I think it's the best interest of the school district when you're you're using somebody to be proactive is that they're also looking out for the best interest of your business partners in the community so we try to we try to do that on both ends make sure that because we want them to get the result because then that's an easier um renewal and then if you're not spending time on renewals you can constantly keep going after new business so thank you I also want to always support local so the more they see their ads you know we're going back people are buying from them so we want to make sure that we're we're partnering well with them well thank you very much thank you for your time appreciate it we are moving on to our Schoolboard policies items number 4.08 4.14 and 4.21 have been pulled from this afternoon agenda this will be coming back later at a a date for review item number 4.01 policy number 0131 legislative policymaking is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations are there any questions changes or comments item number 4.02 policy number 0165 meetings what is the board's preference on allowing virtual attendance at our meetings are you okay with that as long as we have a majority in the building okay we would have to have Quorum Roberts you AG yeah that's fine okay thank you item number 4.03 policy number 1010 superintendent relationship this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendation and the superintendent's recommendation to select the option any questions or changes item number 4.04 policy number 11 29.11 29.01.2012 41 29.01.2012 50 3150 and 4150 resignation procedure is the board okay with accepting the staff's recommendations no questions changes would you like to um yeah so for all three of these um so let me start with 3150 and 4150 where you're putting a strike through where the employee goes straight to the Department of Human Resources and doesn't go through their supervisor or principal um I think it should go through the supervisor or principle because I think that you know if it's a matter of I I would want I would not want to just have people resigning which is the way it was before I I don't want them to just resign without going through somebody to be able to express it because I don't think HR necessarily would know exactly what the situation is and exactly if anything can be rectified Etc I I think when it does to get to HR after that that then HR can kind of work their magic to see whether well is it the school is it the you know I mean is it too long of a drive that type of thing but I mean I think that that's a we're hoping the hope is that our employees are developing relationships with their supervisors or their principles and in developing that relationship with the supervisor or principal I think that that is the method that it should go at the same time which would mean unrik86 um the first line in 3150 un striking the first line in 4150 I also believe that in 1150 which is Administrative people this has it the administrative people going straight to the Department of Human Resources I also think they should be going through their supervisor I mean I think that if we're trying to build a culture where people are accountable to their supervisor or to their principal that you need to include the principal or the supervisor in that Loop you don't just have people going straight to a an outside source so I don't know Mr main if you had any comment about that no I I agree with you um this the only concern excuse me that I would have uh based on nea's recommendation to do that and I think we should revert back to it going to the immediate supervisor first to your point would be in the event that an employee is resigning because of their immediate supervisor uh so I'm they just need an alternative person to go to so at that point maybe the language could say it is you go to your immediate supervisor but if I'm resigning because of my immediate supervisor and I don't feel comfortable providing them the letter of recommendation or the letter of of resignation excuse me then I then I have the option to go to HR or or a design another assistant principal or someone else as long as I am notifying so if we could just add preferably or preferably through your and so then you have the ability to go straight to HR because I would imagine that if HR is talking to a disgruntled employee who doesn't like their principle that instead of saying well you've got to submit it through your principal it's like well that it's preferable but you can send it straight to me so we can change that language to that does that work yes I like the flexibility uh I guess I'm asking the obvious question if you're leaving why do you care who you're telling if you don't feel comfortable telling your principal that's why you're leaving what's it going to matter is is there so I don't mean to be I I just if I'm leaving because I don't like my principal or my immediate supervisor whatever that may be why wouldn't you want to tell them so I believe if we're following proper labor protocol or creating a culture or an environment where we're giving that ability for that employee to feel safe and being able to communicate just kind of follow me for a second if I'm an employee to your point that is upset or disgruntled with my supervisor therefore I'm quitting but I have the Avenue and mechanism to resign to an Al to someone else or go right to HR HR then to Mrs Robert's Point could mediate and say well listen don't leave the organization if this is a supervisor issue let us go through the proper protocols to investigate or to to look into what is happening and maybe it's a transfer to another site location or another department to which that employee would feel comfortable working and we held on to the employee versus just an outright there there has to be a mechanism for an employee to feel like they could at least speak to someone that then would say listen okay we have options we can work we can work this out with you I I or or you just let the employee go altogether I I don't think I think we're trying to create a a culture by which we could try to attempt to save that employee right and move them somewhere else or do something else different with them if there is a personality conflict or some issue that has arose between the supervisor so maybe it means adding a paragraph in here of some type of mediation process where they could go directly to above who they're reporting to and be able to talk it out before resigning because that's the culture that they don't feel they have to resign they have another mechanism before that happens if that makes sense true the culture that we're trying to create is one where a person that feels that they have to resign give them something that they can do before they resign okay I don't mean to I understand what you're saying I think it's our resignation procedure maybe we need to that so maybe we can develop something in our policy and procedure where a person before they get to that resignation level they do something else they talk to someone or have someone that they can lean on before they make that ultimate decision I understand completely what you're saying I think go ahead yeah I think between sentence one and two you could craft language um that says you know just the that feel-good language of the we value High We highly value hardworking and dedicated employees you know um and if there's a method to you know some something about about salvaging the relationship without using the word Salvage you know if there's um some method some addition some different placement of where you could be something else Etc that we are interested in trying to maintain the relationship before a letter of resignation is done you know a letter of resignation should be submitted by the individual employee to the Department of Human Resources preferably through his or her supervisor or principal in the Martin County School District we value um our employees our hardworking dedicated employ employees and and believe that it it is it is a value to work with them to find a position or position or location which they are comfortable and feel that they want to continue working with to this end um a discussion either with the supervisor principal or the human resources department can assist in this before a formal resignation is presented and then go on to the resignation shall be go in the the form of blah blah blah Etc does that make sense it does and um there just because there are there are times where employee is just acting out of pure frustration and then regret submitting the letter of resignation and and obviously nothing is set in stone until the board takes action on that resignation so it can be rescinded up until that point but I I just want to make sure that we are um clear in that I could be totally wrong I don't know I'll look to my HR people that maybe that doesn't even need to be the case and we can go directly to the supervisor I'm just there's a there's something kind of triggering me to think that we need to give them an alternative option if they are having an issue with their direct supervisor and I think that is covered where it says to send it to human resources and that is our normal process Mr Raymond and myself receive that or a call or talk with someone about going to resign then we can go through what are the steps and what we might have open that um is a transfer window open if it's a teacher or if there's another position that someone may feel more comfortable in a lot of times people leave jobs for supervisors so I think the dialogue is absolutely correct but knowing that we are already doing that in the background in HR um whenever we have the opportunity now that's happening there is also an administrative procedure that has come from Neola associated with this policy that our team is working with and we did create a resignation form um that will collect some more information than someone just emailing their boss I'm resigning effective blank so we're utilizing that form as much as we can to gain more information um from the resignation procedure as well so if you'd like us to add some more language on there with regard to you know looking into the reason for leaving we're happy to do that um I I kind of thought just the one wording that Mrs Robert said between a the words HR and the first struck through sentence preferably through the supervisor would then lend itself to they're going to go to HR it's preferably through through the supervisor but there's an alternative method the form now is in the district forms on their desktop I mean if they'd like to just fill it out and bring it to HR send it to HR they have that Avenue as well at this time um and and recognizing also that this is the way this policy is changing the resignation is not for the approval of the school board it now is the approval of the superintendent where it becomes final and then we shall or must approve your res your recommendation so which does help significantly when we have employees that we do not want to wait for the next board me board meeting and it's it's our benefit So yeah thank you thank you okay moving on to item number 4.06 policy number 1281 3281 and 4281 use of employees personal or personal property at school is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations thank you item number 4.07 policy number 2121 waiver modification of rules School improvement process recommendation is to resend this policy are there any questions changes or comments from the board just a reminder item number 4.08 was removed so we'll be moving on to 4.09 policy number 2440 summer programs is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and superintendent recommendation to include cting the FEA option good item number 4.10 policy number 2455 Dropout prevention and academic intervention programs is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations and the superintendent recommendation as follows third paragraph select or other method agreed to by the parent are there any questions changes or comments from the board item number 4.11 policy number 2460 exceptional student education is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations thank you item number 4.12 policy number 2520 selection and Adoption of instructional materials is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 4.13 policy number 2521 one instructional materials program is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations just a reminder item 4.14 has also been removed item number 4.15 policy number 2700 academically High performing school districts this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting this new policy item number 4.16 Paul number 31203 and 41203 athletic coaches the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 4.17 policy number 3120.4 and 41 20.08 part-time extracurricular Personnel is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 4.18 policy number number 4128 contracts for confidential positions this is a new policy is the board okay with accepting the new policy item number 4.19 policy number 5130 withdrawal from school is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 4.20 policy number 53301 self administered medication and epinephrine is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations very good just a reminder item number 4.21 has been removed item number 4.22 policy number 5410 student progression is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number 4.23 policy number 5420 reporting student progress is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations Roberts so back in the old days in elementary school when we first accepted um standard-based report cards parents were a parents of elementary school students were able to go online and look at the individual standards and see where their child was in each individual standard let's say in fourth grade I could see the fourth grade ELA standards I I wasn't particularly a fan of standard-based reports cards but it either told me I'm on track I've already mastered it or I'm behind and I stand to not master it which gave parents an opportunity to see that oh my kid isn't on track for anything and I could see it on an ongoing basis that oh this is like a problem I need to do something so interim report cards came out a couple weeks ago and in my neighborhood there were parents that were saying of elementary school kids that were saying they have nothing they're halfway into the first semester they don't have any information on where their kid is they don't know and one of them showed me I had to go into somebody's house it was clean and they showed me on their computer here's what it looks like Etc and they went in into their child and they said you know here's my kid and I have nothing here's my high schooler I can see where my high schooler is here's my high schoolers work I can see they've turned in these page pages I see they they didn't turn in this they did turn in that Etc um I talked to Mr laws about it Mr laws said yeah we're going to have to do something about that I believe I talked to somebody I don't remember who it was that was kind of like yeah I'm not sure we really want to continue with standard-based report card s but I'm I'm concerned that if we have Elementary as we're trying to reach a higher standard and get to a higher level of proficiency and higher rigor Etc that if we have parents that don't have that information we're we're kind of shooting ourselves in the foot because especially the people up in North River Shores that are very keen on hiring tutors and hiring people to come help them and getting all this additional help they don't even know that they whether they need help or not I mean in some cases I can look at their kid and tell that their kid needs help even not being particularly an educator but um but I don't say anything about that I just kind of let that go so I did I didn't know as we're doing this um reporting student progress and we're doing that I mean I think that's something we really need to figure out how we're doing and I think we need to figure that out sooner rather than later I don't know how long it's been like that um I admit that I didn't check last year to see whether any of the standards were being reported that way maybe it's been a few years that we've been doing that but I mean I think that's a problem if we're doing it that way so I guess I'm I'm seeking clarification because it's been it's three years now for me in the district uh when I first arrived as executive director we were on a standards based report card and I guess I would look to Dr Miller how long have we been or or how long have we been on a standards based report card in Martin County in elementary school we've used a standards based report card at over a decade I would say is a pretty good estimate so my point of clarification just so that I'm I'm act I'm uh right so I could direct staff is it your uh concern that because we're on a standards-based report card when Elementary parents are logging in to their interm report card they're not seeing the status of grades okay on those things Mr M they're not seeing anything like Zip Nat like you have elementary school kids so go home and log into their thing and maybe it's an anomaly for kids that are up in North County but when when these parent this parent that showed it to me there was nothing there was the name of the kid the name of their teacher Etc but there was nothing you had no indication whatsoever of whether their kid was brilliant On Target it or had a deficit and I think that's something that um I will check tonight when I get home my three kiddos all right thank you but other than that I have nothing on this did you have anything item number 4.24 policy number 5460 graduation requirements is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations item number number 4.25 policy number 5463 credits from other schools is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations for the item number 4.26 policy number 5465 general education development GED test is the board okay with accepting the Neola recommendations that concludes our policies for this evening uh just a reminder that everyone will see these policies a couple more times as we bring them back to board meetings for for approval you will now have open to the board Miss Roberts do you have anything Miss pritchet no Mr main okay with no further business this Workshop is now adjourned for