not ready like that um I that was my PL Eastwood directorial and take well good I say good evening but guess it's late afternoon to to everybody I know I recognize faces on the other side of the table um but I think it's always good especially since you don't have name tags yet uh if everybody goes through and introdu es themselves and um that way we can kind of get to know who each other are for those that don't and then we can jump in uh for those I have not met my name is Terry Harmon I am an attorney with sniffin and Spellman and uh serving as Council to the school district for a number of years as I said I've been at a number of these sessions in the past and I've had the opportunity privilege to get to know some of you so I'll turn to my left first we'll go down and then we'd love to hear an introduction from yall to hi I'm Julie cessa assistant superintendent of HR for the district I'm Sher Richardson the director of Professional Standards and employee relations I am Jeff Raymond the director of talent acquisition and HR operations to introduce yourself even though you're not at the table no I know who I am Carter Morrison assistant superintendent for finance for the district hi good evening Kathy paros director of student services hi Lisa estos assistant superintendent of student Support Services hi I'm Don Cal drone I'm the director of risk management and employee benefits hello Mark K's one of the content coordinators from our County School District hi I'm Dan Mo director of Cur instruction Pat Holz mcea Susan REO with mcea Alec McIntyre mcea I'm Gary Simmons Chief negotiator for MCA from FAA Matt theal president mcea Lonnie B MCA Kimberly love mcea Arian Denine mcea I'll try my best to remember there's a quiz later yeah name I stopped taking tests um long time ago so I've got a few just kind of opening words and then I obviously would love to hear from you all too I know it's our first session um well first session with the full group I think it's session number seven technically for this for this goar around of the bargaining season um I know just to kind of give you a perspective of what we're hoping to accomplish just overall I know last go around I jumped in with with the group at session 14 there had been a lot of sessions in advance of that and I believe there was one or two more after me as well um I recognize that that was an open book year a lot more to talk about a lot of times during open book but I know for our side of the table heading in we're about to start off another school year which I know is an exciting time to be a teacher uh for sure in the district when students come through um so we know you'll be busy and I think what we're hoping on on our side this year with it not being an open book is to try to be diligent in moving through our sessions and trying to hopefully accomplish and reach compromise quicker than maybe in years past um um that's really kind of our focus on our hope this year is that we can do that um and so we pledge we'll we'll we'll put our best fate best feat forward uh to try to have this be a successful and and quicker moving bargaining session this year Terry I appreciate you starting off um well I appreciate you in general but I appreciate you starting off the bargaining session um with that climate it is um very great to hear that uh that's the district's intention It's Our intention It's Our intention as as well and um we look forward to a a nice collaborative effort and in reaching our our Collective goals this year so I thank you for that anything else from your side we good we just have a couple of of things things to to address and um I think that we'd be able to to get through this swiftly as as well well in terms of I know again first group meeting with the whole um terms of agendas it's it's pretty pretty light right now I think where we'd like to go with today's session um is really starting with finances and to make a financial presentation to you since we're not open book after the financial presentation if there's any discussion of Articles we may have that um but I know that's where we'd like to go is at least get that out of the way Forefront because I know that's something of a lot of members interest and with that it'll be Carter Morrison uh who who who can explain this stuff much better than myself so Mr morison okay thank you gear I'm going to email you the spreadsheet in a moment after I finish um presenting much appreciated yes okay so let's start off with I hope you can see that so this year obviously as with every year and let me kind of set the the climate if if I can also um um last year or last sessions that we had mcea kind of signaled to us that the model that we used um which gives gives more um Credence if you will to years of experience as supposed to Performance pay uh was something that the the union had appetite for and would probably get us through our discussions quicker so we we took that into heart we listened and what you're going to see today has some component of performance pay because we kind of have to check that statutory box um the numbers that you will see again our just preliminary and as as protocol we always say okay if you're going to make a proposal change this cell change that cell so I'll walk you through that as well so today we're going to show the first piece of um The Proposal which is coming from the T what we used to call tsia but so right now you can see the 25 2425 conference report base funding is 118 million approximately 6.6 of that is to maintain prior year increases and so our allocation for 2425 coming from that base funding number is 1,272 531 okay now on here you will see an adjustment because what I have to do is to take take out of that base funding the charter schools portion we have to give them their P portion of Base funding and then they take their one 1% and give to their teachers so with that adjustment you lose about $100,000 from that 1.2 million so that's where that 1.61 million comes from so what we've done so far is we've downloaded from our skyriad system everybody who has an active assignment at this point we know we have 55 vacancies for teachers at this point so you'll see some reserve for those folks once they come on board as well and what we've done this year is last year in comparison uh we started out of the gate of the million dollars you may remember that so what we've done this year we've gone up to about 1.3 million in in the starting so of course we talked about that yes we want to get to get to yes quicker so that's where were starting from 1.3 million so what we've done on the performance Pace side and again you you as this protocol you can change the the numbers as you see fit we've just put in some numbers at 450 for highly effective and the usual spread to 75% and 50% now these numbers that you see over here on the right hand side is a pivot table from coming from that download of all employees so the data that's in there for their performance pay score are from 2223 um in discussion with uh Mr Moore he's let me know inform um informed me reliably that these the final scores don't come out till September so what you're seeing is just okay let's take a look at what the population we're dealing with and they're kind of close to last year to be honest with you when you look at last year's number versus this year's numbers so just for a budgetary perspective that's why I'm giving you those numbers so using these numbers it would it would theoretically hypothetically cost $497,000 so you go back to the summary and you can see of that 1.1 million you'll be using 1. 1497 plus the benefit cost on top of that which would then leave about $547,000 to give an across theboard raise um at that point so the combined amount that's remaining from the TSI would be $547,000 plus the district's contribution of 1.3 would get you to $1.8 million available to spread okay so right now we've built in just to make the math work 1 Point 2 and a half% across the board increase for all mbus and what that kind of would look like if I go to the extreme right here over here so you would see for examp example this this member would receive $225 from uh pay for performance and Across The Bard raise would be $1,353 for a total of 15 78.6 3 or the new base of 55723 see how that works mhm and then the increase you can see it there's a low of 2 and a half% all the way up to 3.41% so that's the range that's kind of like our first iteration and you're familiar with spreadsheets and how they work so uh you guys can um work on that but I wanted you to see that we've taken a proactive approach to continue with the same framework that we established last year that we can still do some component of performance pay as well as and across the W Rays or you know whatever you guys counter with and then what I've also done which is should be very I'm sorry go ahead please was that it's based per teacher is that once again years of service as we as you had done last year or no this one this one again we can you know do whatever you guys counter with but this way we just did across the board theard but we could again it depends upon your counter what you want to do so I I missed that I'm sorry so across the board a flat amount per teacher or yeah in this in this in this model yes what we did okay can you repeat what that was again if you can see here again just to make the math work just to make the math work was 2 half% and what that looks like here over here when you when you go all the way to the right and I'm going to send this to to Gary is dollars from your performance pay would be that and your across theboard rise would be that number and so the total increase would be $1,578 63 for for this person and so you can see that the range of increases for example let me just pick one at the 3.41% which would be this so you could see across the board raises and you can see the percentages and again the way I built my spreadsheets as Gary well knows is that they're changeable you can updated as you see fit so it would be across the board 2 and a half % and then to get to 3.41% they would have to be at the $450 um yeah it it varies because there is some component of performance Bay in there okay right and then the final piece is everything kind of flows over to this that shows your mbus how much they're making that well it shows the new base so like kind of like what we did last year we went through to make sure that nobody got jumped you know because okay let's let's make sure so we tiered it we looked for example at year zero um 507381 year 2 50, 825 Etc and we went down by years of experience oops so I email that to you you'll have that oh what I forgot to show you was on the paper performance I have a line here you'll see that it's plus the 55 people we have in vacancies right now uh share oh you know what I didn't I didn't boot up my emails yet so Terry feel free to take it from there I've got to ask you a quick clarifying question yes when you sit down okay see all right it's on its way Carter are are there any um uh provisos for uh the distribution of tsia this year I think we have full flexibility with those dollars yeah because what the state told me was that most districts if not all have met the 475 Benchmark so they've given flexibility as far as I'm I'm aware okay we still have a deadline know of October 1st M that's good we have we had we have hard copies also the pass appreciate thank you Julie could you clarify is that a a deadline of October 1st for agreement on the funds distribution or actual dispersement yes dispersement and last year I think it was dispersed in late September I'm just going to grab Carter the years of employment on the list don't actually match up the records years of employment yeah um proposed oh that okay this is the EXP the placement coming in Sue did you just ask that last question I'm sorry what was your last question Sue it it was unnecessary I was I was confused was the placement schedule and the years of employment is that is it just did you ask if it's just for new hires or is it everyone just for new hires okay [Music] so bizar oh yeah I'm sorry yeah little typo on the experience placement schedule right beside 2224 you should say 2425 you see I have 22 24 in both slot spots okay can you confirm yes I sent a a conf email so so um Terry what how we want to proceed is we definitely want to have an opportunity to go into a caucus to discuss what was just presented with us um and and staying with a a commitment to what we discussed at the opening of the session to try to get to a um expeditious resolution we're going to present the two articles that uh we want the school board to consider um this is going to be from article three and Article 13 we're going to um distribute that at the moment give a pre a brief um explanation of these so that you can at least have something to have in discussion and be productive while we're contemplating your your proposal so um the first one is article three gu and I apologize in advance if we don't have enough copies for everybody I think there's a few new new members of your team that we weren't anticipating so um I thought I made a few extra but I I often say for the record I'm a social studies teacher not a m teacher is there one two docents take one of that we can share [Music] one extra if there's an extra one I'll take it there is is there yeah there I all right so we'll begin with article 3 um in the section that we want to have want to present for consideration for the district is the arbitration portion there's a there's an ad that we we uh wanted to place in there and it would be that the expenses of arbitration including the arbitrator's fees costs and expenses and the cost of the arbitrator transcript shall be borne by the employer if the grievance is granted in F if the grievance is partially granted the cost shall be shared equally by the employer and the association all other language in this article would remain the same uh the explanation for for this request I think uh well first and foremost for for the record when we go to arbitration the arbitrator usually grants the grievance that uh we that we submit or he denies the grievance and then in some instances it would be partially granted he partially agrees with uh the union partially agrees with the employer so what we're stating in for this change is that if the if the decision of um the arbitrator is to grant grant us um our our grievance then we would be looking for the employer to pay for that grievance cost in entirety and if it's partial if it's partially granted then those costs shall be um split evenly between the union and the employer and the reason why we're asking to do this is because number one it incentivizes both parties to come to a resolution in the first um few steps of this of this process um it also requires us to be fiscally responsible with um on the district side the taxpayers dollars and our side are union members members hardworking does dollars and um if there is a lack of of agreement between both parties then we can ultimately push it to arbitration as the collective bargaining agreement allowed us to do so in the past but um I think that it gives both parties serious consideration of whether they would like to move it to arbitration because it it increases their fiscal responsibility for the cost if they're not successful and presenting their case so it's um loser pays all for a lack of a better explanation yeah that was kind of my question if if the arbitrator denied the grievance would you want to spell that out to see the the loser will pay yes and and I'm I'm totally open to to that inter to to that addition for um clarification purposes okay CU it's silent without it right essentially prevailing party right provision [Music] that's any other questions with respect to that I'll let Matt um present the second article for consideration thank you all um and thank you Gary the the second article that MCA intends to to open up um this year is Article 13 um related to Insurance um specifically we're addressing sections b um um the first paragraph in section B and then uh section two below it and um to to give you before we we read The Proposal into the record uh just to give you a little background um mcea has has four seats on the insurance committee uh that committee makes recommendations to to the board um and then the board ultimately has the final say um in the insurance plans that that are that are chosen for for all um is it 2200 members of the employees of the district give or take um and so sitting on that committee and and hearing from our members um we've we've seen uh Euro over a year um medical costs go up across the board um that's not a unique situation here in Martin County by by any stretch um and when we sit in those Insurance committee meetings um a lot of times the the premium increases are often discussed um as you know an offer not to exceed maybe 10.9% or there may be an increase of 2% to to the premium etc etc um what we found is that the the school board's contribution to the insurance uh plan um hasn't increased in in over a decade um which means that for all of those years those 2% increases those 5% increases those 8% increases are borne almost entirely by the employee um and to to give you a little bit more background on that as I Was preparing for for this presentation um I I inadvertently found um I was looking at the rate sheet for insurance and I happened to notice that I was looking at 2023 I was like $45.98 I don't remember that being discussed that was last year's um monthly uh premium or paycheck per pay uh contribution for for employees that are on the HMO um this year that individual employee contribution to the HMO is $734 um that's a 62% increase um and that's that's what our members are telling us when when we try to explain to them um what is happening in in the world of in insurance and so our proposal tonight um essentially uh raises the the amount not to exceed from $6,500 by the board uh to $8,000 um and any future premium increases um will be split between the employer and the employee with the employer covering 90% of the increase and the employee covering 10% um subsequently um to to adjust for um employees that are that are uh maybe a two- District family or um those individuals who who have been covered previously by the subsidies from the board um and we acknowledge the fact that the board has very generously provided subsidies to to alleviate um some of the most extreme increases that were born when we switched from a two-tier system to to a four-tier system um and they acknowledged that there was a hardship there on behalf of our employees um and they've been covering that with a subsidy that subsid is necessary because their fixed contribution or their contribution is fixed at $113,000 and has remained that way for over a decade so what we're asking for is to change that amount from 13,000 to $188,000 um and that would that would cover um or eliminate the need for any subsidies moving forward um to those employees those two District employee families um hired prior to 71 2020 um and the employee and family hired prior to to 71 2020 um and that's that's the that's there's two pages here just because the whole entire article didn't fit on one um but the only changes we're asking for are on the first page and Terry I just wanted to to point out because I know we we've we've met um as you mentioned before uh with theou discussions um we've we've identified all of our proposals with this being the first session of the collective bargaining agreement so just wanted to let you know in case you're talking six and seven and we're talking one and two um that's that's why so we're we're kind of starting over for that I saw that yeah I think we understand that okay cool Matt I I just wanted to just um just correct something the um employee plus family prior to 71 2020 um it's not um afforded to those hired before that date it's those that were enrolled and employee plus family coverage at that time and the board each year votes to um allow a subsidy to be afforded to those so it's those that are enrolled you're you're absolutely correct I I I did know that I misspoke B distinction I just make I apologize that's that's why you're the expert Don yeah and um Matt just another thing I totally agree with what the um statements that you used and everything um just one thing that um the increase that we are incurring this year um the previous three years um the board along with Carter and the insurance committee um utilize covid relief funds that were available to keep those per paycheck deductions the same for three consecutive um plan years so this is the first year that yes we are increasing uh we're facing an increase in rates in the medical insurance only so any other questions from anybody else okay um before caucus I think um we probably moved a little quicker than we were anticipating through the salary portion of our presentation today so um don't have proposed language to hand across the table but in the spirit of trying to again Advance um Can can tell you what we anticipate for the next session presenting language um which we're working through right now is is going to be related to articles two and articles 11 um and again we'll have that language so I think for at least now the caucus will give us a good chance to look at this proposal that you've got give you a chance to break down the salary numbers and then we can come back and maybe talk through some of that would now be a good time for you all to be able to discuss caucus separately on your salary side or any other questions before we do so yes and I'm in preparation of sending you are proposals the phys the digital copies of our proposals and the proposal for article 3 for um arbitration is going to include the original language with the strike through I made notes that there's no strike through on it yeah no I I just for presentation purposes so I'm sending you the one with the with the um strike through thank you uhhuh would you anticipate me because I think you got a lot more discussion with the numbers to look at m 30 minutes that's fine whatever's whatever you think do we have any questions on our side before we go into caucus clarifying chy you have ability to turn the mics off right to stop recoring felt like they were ho up time yeah you're good yeah we're on we're on yeah all right so we had opportunity to discuss um to discuss the district's initial salary proposal and um we want to thank you for for the proposal that that you made and and um the explanations for it um it's it's real good to say that um at the the first bargaining session with all of all of us here today that we're we're in the same ballparking we're in the same like I think we sitting we can share popcorn so we wanted to to um continue what we started last year and not put a heavy Focus financially on the pay for performance so we shifted those numbers back down to what they were that we agreed upon last year right and then that freed up a little bit more money for us to add to Across the B across the board raises so if you go to the across the board summary tab we were able to counter the district's 2.5 under across the board raises to 3.1% and if you look at it that increased to 3.1% and the decrease in the pay for performance left us with about with $28,000 left over in in that um pool so our counter proposal that we want to present to you today is just decreasing pay for performance using that money to increase the the um across the board raise now with the increase to the across the board raise at 3.1 our bargaining unit members will see an increase that ranges from 3.1 to 3.30 and no one in our bargaining unit will be getting an increase of anything less than $1,500 and we think that that would be very easy to sell to our bargaining unit members when you add the across the board raises the money for them to take their significant others to dinner as a celebration for being highly effective that year and then the money that you have for for our um millage and we think that when you do total compensation and look at it from that broad scope that's a very very impressive um salary package that we' came to on the first day of of um bargaining together so with that uh that's mca's counter proposal uh we stayed within the confines of of what the school board has allocated for the rais pool and any left over money can be added to um other Financial proposals such as the insure the money for our insurance proposal and we do have a plan to to um our only other proposal is to take a look at some of our supplements so we are working with uh $28,000 in the in the coffers saved from from this proposal my only question did you hit data refresh yes I multiple times okay all right there we go okay it Remains the Same all right okay thank you file save as so Gary did I hear you say your only other proposal would be to look at the leftover money for supplements yeah we we have a supplement proposal we didn't come into discussing supplements with an expectation that our salary proposal would leave a little bit of money on the table that they allocated so it's just that's the only outside of what we've presented today with the arbitration language proposal and the health in the Insurance proposal the only other thing that we can anticipate seeing in this bargaining session is an opportunity to take a look at the the um the supplements okay so while we were in caucus we had an opportunity to look at your sound like but an opportunity to look at the um Insurance proposal and just to kind of give you a a frame of reference or a scope of what the ask is um current data suggests that an article B that going from 6500 to 8,000 um that $1,500 increase would impact about $1,724 employees and now this is districtwide not just MC it's everybody and that that would be $2,586 th000 on a recurring basis um in um item section two going from that 13,000 to the 18,000 we had over 117 folks in the prior to 7120 times that 5,000 gives you $585,000 and 84 people in subsequent to 7120 uh would give you $420,000 so that ask would be 1,5 5,000 so combined together would be 3,591 th000 on a recurring basis so clearly we did not come here with that kind of authority um didn't bring $35 million in my back pocket so we'll have to take this one back to the board for sure for all employees not this where we're looking at all the total that's match y completely understandable okay and I think that what we done we talked through the two proposals we've got still some more time and obviously especially on the finances we've got some more um discussions that we need to have on our side of the table a little bit but I do think it does make sense for us to talk about salary proposal that you had made allow us to go in the caucus to have some discussions about that and I if you you did email the spreadsheet so we can take a look at it yes but the supplements part and I'm not asking you to preview anything but is it I assume what we're going to do is we're going to are you anticipating wanting to look at the supplement sheet entirety or is that expectation again I'm not asking you to pre but that's something you'd like to examine this session I I appreciate the question because I know we want to continue on a positive trajectory leave an out of so um if if you're having an executive session with the board I know that they watch um these these um proceedings but the supplements haven't been adjusted in in about a decade so it's it's neck and neck with the last adjustment for the insurance so what we want to do is is take a look at the the supplements and start having a discussion whether we can do it all at one time that's that's to be discussed but it just all needs to be looked at and then we can have our discussions with respect to that organically so I I just yeah I don't have my penc oh here it is so so just for clarification I don't have my contract with me but you're talking about the the supplements in the appendix append correct B2 and yeah I think we probably need 20 minutes maybe sure have a conversation take a look at what you done um unless Mr theold that's not a good round number and4 uh again I'm a social studies teacher not a math teacher my we're dealing with odd numbers here so we'll do we'll call it 20 minutes if we'll be back at 6:40 good solid round number thank you all right thank you very much okay we're back thank you I know we were we uh said 6:40 but it took us a little time to make some copies uh I think after we had an opportunity to CAU this and discuss it uh we're willing to TA and accept the nca's proposal awesome yeah it's very nice look right [Applause] yeah I was saying that it's such a big miracle we need to be calling the Vatican yeah it's that Holy One the I sprinkled it in my class what yeah I know right two put it on us I'll I'll sprinkle you before you go okay I need it so what we did we printed up I think what you presented I think we redid um part of the the salary schedule placement schedule right based on numers because some more dollars are placed on the raise portion of it so so I believe the the the bottom or the base starting C is now 51034 as it was like 5 y 9 something previously I think what we need to do um obviously we've got a little bit of homework for our next session I know we've got your articles 3 and 13 and I mentioned that we would have some proposed language from you our expectation uh well we will have proposed language as relat articles 2 and articles 11 we're just still working through some different things um I think those are the two issues and I know you mentioned supplement possible so we'll just see how that goes as all right um You Want to draw lines on that and have everybody sign it while we're here yeah of course great so I think then other than that we just confirm I think our next session is theight at 4:30 yep and it's Friday we we also got an email from you guys well maybe we can we can we can talk about it off the Record um about the session on the 29th I think there was some confusion on on that date we can we'll we'll ask you that after yeah okay I think that's anything else for the record no that's I think we off