e e e e e just a minute so patience is a virtue thank you very app you ready you good okay cool all right we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al FL of the United States of America to theice miss Falls will you please call the role Mr D lizy here Mrs Roberts yes ma'am Mrs Powers here Mrs Bret here Mrs Russell here thank you the Strategic plan has been pulled for this evening and will be brought back at a later work shop for discussion at this time we will have open to the public citizen input is vital to the Improvement of our district most times your remarks may be listened to without comment from the board members or superintendent this does not mean they are heard with any less intensity or concern where appropriate the superintendent and staff will investigate your comments and report back to you in the board with an answer we thank you for taking the time and having the concern to make our district better your presid presentation to the board should not exceed 3 minutes letters or statements from others not present can be given to our clerk we will be sure that each School Board member and the superintendent receive a copy to keep our records straight and authentic our policy does not permit you to read the statements of others into the record Julie Marshall hold on sorry there it goes it just kicked in go ahead um okay you are now probably aware that I've recently filed additional book challenges I would like to update you as to how this came to be I've been trying to work with the school district since last October regarding the FLD Doe's 2022 2023 list of books challenged and removed from other school districts pursuant to Florida statute 10628 sub section two many of these books are still in the Martin County School District Libraries after months of patiently waiting with zero outcome I was left with no other choice but to file the challenges because several principles and Librarians refused to properly follow the law my goal has always and has only been to have books removed that violate the various Florida Statutes I have always hoped that the Martin County School District Libraries would be the gold standard in the state with the way things are going I can promise you that will never happen I presented a list of 100 books from the FLD fldoe list to The District in October it was requested that I wait for the weeding process to take place which from what I understood was to remove books that violated the new Florida statutes for inappropriate material so that the libraries were in compliance with the law I waited for that waiting process to be done and once completed I checked the books from the list I had and only one book out of the hundred had been removed obviously some of the Martin County School District principls and Librarians do not conduct their jobs properly they continue to let their biases and personal opinion to lead their decision making versus following the guidelines and state statutes on appropriate material for school libraries I would like to point out that this does not include all principles there is a small minority who are following the law which that should be commended the district's current weeding policy follows the Florida statute for removal of library books however that policy is very basic and was only set as the bare minimum standard for school libraries the district needs to implement a more detailed weeding policy regarding the expectations of the librarian the weeding and book removal guidelines the approval process for new material regular reporting of removals in additions to the sky uh School libraries on and on in a quick search I have found fiction books dating back to the 1980s which I highly doubt are being checked out by students also many of these books are adult level fiction and should not have been in the school libraries in the first place if is easy for me to do these searches a Librarians can do it too so please tell me why there is such an overabundance of outdated material much less inappro materials still in the libraries after the weeding process was completed and why are they being allowed to continue to purchase more materials and where are they putting all the these new books when the libraries are already overcrowded as it is another quick point I would like to make is that recently other District administrators have been brought into this matter and I want you the school board to know that they also do not seem to have any desire to resolve this matter they're just the same as the principles and Librarians thank you that concludes public comment we will be moving on to our district recognitions Dr McMahon would you like to come forward to present our Odyssey of the Mind recognitions good evening Madam chair superintendent Maine and members of the board my name is Paige McMahon I'm the coordinator of math I am honored to recognize three teams who have recently exhibited excellence in the areas of stem and Mathematics first I'd like to honor our two Odyssey of the Mind teams who received special recognition at both the regional level and the state tournament The Odyssey of the Mind program also known as om was recently expanded across our ele our District's 12 elementary schools this past year this wonderful program teaches students how to develop and use their natural creativity to become problem solvers om brings the classroom to life as students apply what they learn and combine it with their interests and passions to solve unique and open-ended problems om Al also emphasizes teamwork budgeting time management public speaking and so much more om helps our students at all learning levels grow as individual Learners and as team members to reach their full potential tonight I would like to recognize our two teams as well as their dedicated coaches who did an outstanding job representing our district at the state Odyssey of the M tournament the Jensen Beach Elementary team coached by Bridget Austin achieved a third place finish in their category at the regional competition before advancing to compete at the state tournament team members include Kaden fille Dean frell Scarlet tier Rocco as woan Nia McCurry and Scarlet lafaver please give a round of applause to our state competitors from Jensen Beach [Applause] Elementary e good job congratulations congratulations and thank you for all your hard work advancing to the state level is no small feat you should be very proud of yourselves it's quite an accomplishment the Palm City Elementary team coached by Amanda Moore and parent Amy friedricks achieved a second place finish in their category at the regional level and an amazing third place finish at the state tournament team members include Jackson Fredericks Eevee Walker Emerson Beasley Zoe kapler Alexa Sanders Preston espacito and Kaden berer please give a round of applause to our state competitors from Palm City Elementary [Applause] [Applause] con we are very excited to continue the Odyssey of the Mind program in our district next year with the addition of our middle schools so we hope to see some of these students again next year one more time let's give a round of applause to all of our Odyssey of the Mind competitors it is also my pleasure to award the champions of our second annual Martin County School District fifth grade math Olympics Crystal Lake Elementary this team led by coach Kimberly Anderson battled against the 11 other elementary schools in our district in a variety of individual team and speed math rounds the competition was fierce but the Crystal Lake team emerged Victorious team members CJ O'Brien Lexi vanderwalker Sonia Chen abne VC Jade Dolby and Emily mipel are here this evening to accept the Champions Cup which will reside at their school until next year's competition please join me in congratulating our 2024 fifth grade math Olympics Champions Crystal Lake Elementary [Applause] by conratulations [Applause] all right we will now move on to our first discussion item Mr Morrison would you like to come forward to present information on our investment policy good afternoon Madam chair super superintendent board members members of the community um as we had last month I have with here a special guest Mr Richard penelli from pfm um asset managers who will be conducting this Workshop review for you Richard turn it over to you um so uh this is a continuation of the discussion that uh we began at uh the prior Workshop uh reviewing the investment policy recommendations um uh at that time we reviewed that uh we went through several Frameworks in in uh reviewing the investment policy uh one was comparing against uh State Statute which has certain requirements for what goes into the investment policy uh we also looked at uh some uh other kind of industry standard Frameworks the association of Public public Treasures uh of the US and Canada's uh model policy framework uh and also the uh gfoa government Finance Officers Association um we also uh compared the policy and looked at uh your peers uh a sampling uh of school districts across uh the State of Florida um what we identified were some where uh some areas where you could expand uh the policy to uh include uh some additional high quality uh sectors uh those included uh expanding um your ability to invest in corporate Securities um adding uh asset back Securities uh which uh we talked about before is a type of uh basically collateralized type of credit obligation um uh and also expanding uh the maturity uh ranges that you uh can invest in uh in uh in in the policy um so um putting all those things together it allows for you to have a more Diversified uh portfolio folio overall um uh historically the school district has kept all of its funds uh invested essentially as if everything was going to be spent tomorrow um and uh starting a few years ago we started increasing um uh what you're allowed to do in the policy and increasing the diversification and in particular investing some funds out longer to create better uh purchasing power uh protection for some of your assets that persist from year year to year um so this is a continuation of that is to continue to diversify and to continue to put some portion of the assets out uh into longer Investments and then provide uh the policy parameters that allow you to do that in a uh Safe Way um in a prudent way um so with that in mind uh in your packet uh there's a uh markup uh there's a uh Redline version of the uh changes that we've made uh to the policy based on the discussion uh last time uh as well as a uh revised uh presentation uh book that kind of summarizes what we uh what we had discussed here um uh I will note uh a couple uh changes that uh sort of didn't come through in the red line uh one was in the prior discussion we talked about taking out uh any of the mortgage back uh Securities so uh that language did not make it into the version that you have there but uh that would would be uh another uh sort of update to the policy along with that the asset back Securities language uh was not included so we will uh include that uh in the uh final uh version of it uh and then finally uh the uh Benchmark that was written in there is the uh one to threee Benchmark and we had discussed uh that uh given the expansion of the policy to have a one to fiveyear uh Benchmark uh in there as well so uh that change would need to be made into uh into the text as well um so uh I'll I'll pause there um uh am I able to actually bring up the presentation can I drive oh we just yeah oh okay I see they have to change it um well if you reference page um yeah if you reference Pages uh eight and nine uh in the presentation uh that's uh included in the packet there um it basically shows how the portfolio would change uh perfect um how we would uh uh look to implement uh the new uh policy requirements um once this new policy is approved on page eight uh it shows how the allocation would shift uh among uh the different sectors so uh right now the portfolio the longer term portfolio is primarily uh US government securities so we would uh start allocating to some of the um uh new uh corporate sectors and increasing the um uh or or allocating to the corporate credit sectors uh and then in terms of maturity distribution um the district has a a you know a lot of assets that are um overnight in shortterm uh Investments um so uh we'd use that as a balance uh and allow the longer term portfolio to actually go out and extend out uh up to um uh to be in line with the new uh one to fiveyear Benchmark so creating more diversification across the curve um and that will position the overall portfolio uh for what we expect over the next couple years to be a declining interest rate environment um as you know rates uh have increased a lot you've seen higher interest earnings on uh your short-term assets your bank accounts Etc um but the FED is uh actively trying to uh drive into interest rates back to what it thinks is normal uh which is probably you know 3% lower uh or so 3% or so lower than where interest rates are now so this sort of puts you and sets you up into a position to keep some of those longer term reserves uh again earning at a rate above inflation even in those uh interest rate environments um pause there for questions questions from the board at this time you can proceed okay thank you thank you thank you madam chair um that concludes today's update on the investment policy uh we will be bringing forward that back to the school board for official approval at the next board meeting thank you our next discussion item is our 2425 School Staffing plan Dr Miller would you like to come forward good afternoon Madame chair Mr superintendent members of the board Tracy Miller Deputy superintendent and it's my pleasure to bring before you for discussion the revisions that the team has put together for the 2425 school year Staffing plan so the team was fortunate to be able to work with a representative that we were connected with through fads and we had represent presentation from the ESC and student services department from Finance from HR and from my department as well working together to put this plan together and you can see that on the redline version we have changes made to make updates based on statute to connect to what is happening in real time here in the Martin County School District and then also to really make clear the way that we are making allocations for or personnel and they're really based upon three four principles these instructional Services required of our students at each of our schools the ability to recruit and retain staff to support District initiatives and also based of course on our generated and allocated funds and so that's the part where Finance comes in and we ensure that the positions that we are allocating and filling are within our budget and so I'd like to to open to the board for any questions comments feedback or Direction ahead Miss Roberts sh I have a few things um on page seven of 17 where you talk about the additional school counselors one per high school and you talk about those are funded through the voter appro approved millage referendum um I think that I personally think that that language should have some um latitude in it since that's something that we would determine as a board from year to year as we determine what we're going to be doing with that millage money I think if by saying our funded addition by using the sentence additional school counselors one per High School are funded through the voter approved millage referendum it gives the impression that that is a um that is a guarantee that that's happening and I I think that we need that um I don't know what you guys think but I think that that's anybody the question is how have they been so we have increased the number of school counselors in the high schools based upon board input and feedback and so the funding source for those counselors that are currently in the schools are through the voter approved millage and I believe Mrs Roberts might be asking to change the word are to maybe funded so that in the future just because they're funded like that today doesn't guarantee that in the past we don't want the Staffing plan the purpose of the plan is to really show how we are using funds and to show the flexibility based upon needs and so if that no longer becomes a need and a different need Rises to the surface and becomes more apparent and critical we would need the ability want the ability to be flexible with that so I would recommend if we change the word r to maybe does that meet the need do we even need the language in there why would do we need it so there are not six allocated I could change the enrollment of um 2100 or higher to five school counselors and then just leave off anything having to do with the millage because that could change from year to year so only one is allocated additional is this so it would normally this would normally have five and so the the mill is only funding one it the way this is written it appears that it it almost appears that there's an additional one beyond the six so I mean and even for the other enrollment of a school for 1500 to 2099 with that Aster there it looks like there's five plus another one so it looks like that would be getting six and the 2100 and higher would be getting seven and I I guess I'm if you just correct it to what it should be without that language in there um I just don't want to give anybody the wrong impression that we have that there you know I mean I know that there have been discussions in the past that go to what exactly are their duties hap that are going forward Etc and you might want the flexibility to whether it's a graduation coach whether it's you know something else to not be locked into that but I mean I think that using that sentence in there makes it appear that it's locked in and I agree with Mrs powers that if you take out the sentence completely and correct the five counselors and the six counselors down one then I think that you've solved that issue because that's correct agreed corre understood yes okay that was one um I noticed on page 8 of 17 and correct me if I'm wrong but I think all Health assistants are CNAs now correct that's part of their is that correct or do we still have the one that is not I believe we still have one that is not uh CNA i' have to provide you with a list of of the names of the staff that so um and then my question is I notice on elementary schools you've completely gotten rid of Health assistance so does that mean there is nobody in elementary schools that are Health assistants anymore so at the elementary schools they're licensed practical nurses they're LPNs and they are under the title of school health professionals so if that's true I think that you need to add that language in there that if you staff each Elementary School with one whatever she said um we need to have that in there so we so that any parent looking at this would understand that there is someone there so otherwise you get the impression that if you get to Middle School you have a health assistant if you get to high school you have a health assistant but if you're in elementary school there is nothing by eliminating that um health assistant line and not adding the correct whatever she said so Miss Roberts the reason why it's called school health professional is because you can be a licensed practical nurse but you also can be hired as a registered nurse within the bands of the financial structure of an LPN so to make it broad it was school health professional yeah I don't care what it's called it's not listed at all on here is my point so I think that in order to be sure that people know that there is somebody there um I think that's helpful um listed on there yeah I mean I think we should say school he whatever she said you know I think it just needs to show that there is somebody dealing with that function at an elementary school and that isn't just something that went away page 10 of 17 um and this probably requires input from the superintendent in a larger discussion so um under basic program categories and I want to focus mainly on middle schools so it shows that our allocation factor is one teacher for every 22 students in middle school and we know of course that um let's say elll allocations or ese allocations are a more intense allocation which creates a situation where you can have more than 22 students in a regular teachers classroom in middle school because we're using an average um I personally think that that is a disservice to what we're doing I mean I personally think that whether that comes down to a scheduling issue or whatever that means I think that that's I think a parent who knows that they voted for class siiz Amendment thinks that their child is in a class that in elementary school say has 18 in middle school has 22 students per one and I think it is disingenuous when you walk into the classroom and you see 26 desks or 30 desks or whatever it is and we are falling back on the oh yeah yeah that's an average kind of thing and so therefore you're ending up with more people I mean I think if the intention is that we are going to try to stay to 22 we should really stay at 22 and not be at a we made the number when we have the um survey done and from here on out we're you know we're we're free we're good to go you know let's just throw a couple more kids in that classroom I don't know how anybody else feels about that but so um I actually had some concern about this as well because we went to a finance uh seminar several weeks ago and what we were told was that the 22 can go up but not until after October and if you're putting more than 22 in the classroom at the beginning of the year you're violating what the statute says so my understanding I do understand there are cases where more students have to be put into those classrooms but they need to start at the beginning of the year with the 22 and I know in some cases throughout the district that wasn't the case at the beginning of the year so I do share the concern I know now that we are backed by that by Statute that can't happen till after October so I I just want to put my two cents in for that as well I think 22 is the number that we should stick with if we do have exceptions they should be on a Case by case and not just throw them to whoever that's just my feeling so thank you uh Madam chair if I if I may have Dr Miller explain our process that we used we we made sure that even though we are a district of excellence and we have Schools of Excellence within the district that allow for there to be class- siiz flexibility we made a commitment that we would continue to abide by class size rule in all schools as much as possible um and so she can let you know what we allocated based on those 22 and the 18 number uh there might have been times where we had to collapse a class because we lost a teacher and those numbers artificially inflated until we were able to adjust The rosters and get those students displaced to the other uh teachers rooms to bring those numbers down on both occasions when we do the FTE counts we are within class size per the state and we have to sign off on that and submit it to the doe and both times we were within class size so I do want Dr Miller to just address that sure so the you've heard the term class average or or School average so you can look at the allocation ctor based on individual classes so in other words Miller's class versus Main's class there wouldn't be more than 18 in each room or the language in the statute allows for school average so in other words if they're just Miller and Maine as the two teachers in the school as long as we didn't exceed the average of 22 I could have way more kids in my class he could have way fewer based upon the service needs of the students so I could have 30 and he would have way fewer as long as the average among the two of us equal 18 in this example so think about middle and high school when you have honors classes advanced classes and then you have intensive classes so typically principles will run intensive classes with fewer than the number and they will run advanced classes with more than the number based upon the needs of the students in the classes and so the statute reads it's for core courses it's your reading math science and social studies so it does not include other courses those courses don't fall under the class size average or the class size allocation factors that you see listed here so we're looking just at core courses for these numbers and we do follow the schoolwide average if I'm hearing from the board that you would like us to follow something else it would be more expensive we would have to hire additional teachers in order to abide by the average per class so in other words if we each have 18 in our room and one new student moves to the school we would literally then have to post interview hire in order to maintain that so that's where I hear heard the caseby casee basis I don't I'm not hearing the board saying you would hire a teacher for one so so that's not necessarily what I'm saying what I'm saying is for example um let's say calculus right if so let's say you're teaching Algebra 1 and I'm teaching calculus and those are the only two math classes right um obviously you probably don't have 22 students wanting to take calculus so what would happen is if I have 10 students taking calculus and if the number is 22 her 22 can take 12 more in that class and our average Still Remains 22 but my Advanced students have the privilege and the ability to have a less in tense size of class whereas the other class which let's say is a more core normal um Etc class ends up with a larger number of students in it and I think that's the diservice that ends up happening I mean I don't really see it happening so much as elementary schools but I see it happening at middle schools and I really think that at middle schools what my personal opinion of what's happened is is that it's a scheduling issue that when we're putting kids into classes whoever is doing the scheduling it's like I got to put them somewhere for the third class of the day so hey this one's going to band or this one's going you know and so we're just like flipping kids around here and there and as a result of that we're falling back on this average class size saying if I look at it that I've got you know 220 for every 220 students I have 10 teachers so I'm good I'm good to go you know but it isn't right if one of those teachers has 32 in their classroom and the other teacher has 12 in their classroom I mean I think that's the um issue that I'm looking at and I'm not I'm not so much saying and I I can appreciate that if you end up with one additional student or something I don't think that's as big a deal I mean obviously I would rather have a rockar teacher with higher than a class size um what the class size number is than a struggling teacher or a teacher that's you know like trying to find her way or the first time teaching or that type of thing I mean I think there's a a difference in delivery methods but I mean I just think that as far as using that that average class size as a a reason I I still think is disingenuous to a parent who comes in and sees what's going on in the classroom so so I think it's a bigger issue it's that's very simplified because I get it with one student but what if 10 come and now you're not just you're just not creating a new classroom for 10 kids now you're pulling kids from those other established classes because you can't just have one class with 10 and one with 22 so now you're pulling kids from their established teacher that they've been taught by and they're doing well and we're putting into another classroom with another teacher in the middle of the year so it's pretty complex I just don't I don't know that it's as simple as um we want I do believe we should start the year meeting class size I mean I know that and I don't know I haven't heard as many as many complaints I know that there was a lot of moving kids around before the October count moving kids out of classrooms into another and I believe that practice has been halted there was some change in our staff and that kind of went away so I'm happy about that but I do I do think we have to be cognizant of the one or two or three or 10 however many kids because we're going to be disrupting a whole group of children not just the new kids are coming in so I think we have to be careful and I I'm going to trust that when that happens that we're doing the right thing for kids and that you know if we're adding we have five classrooms and we're adding two kids to each class as opposed to saying well that teacher is going to get now get 32 children and everybody else is going to have 22 it's going to be equally spread over the group based on their needs and and I agree with you 100% I'd rather have my child in a math class with a rockstar teacher and 40 kids that have a teacher that maybe that is not their certification but they're we have to have them that day because kids need a teacher so and I mean it's the reality in higher education as well the algebra one class or you know college algebra are you can have 800 kids in your class and you know the advanced math you're in a class with 20 so it's I understand it and I hope that we but we it's more complicated than just sure and I do believe I think you're right about starting the year meeting class size well and and I guess I go back to so imagine if you had if it was 22 and you filled four classes with 22 and then you have 20 more students that you theoretically could put five of those students into each of those four classes right and move that number up to 27 in four classes and and make up your average in another class somewhere else right and and that's the part that I'm saying I don't think is correct if you're starting the beginning of the year with four full classes and you've got 20 kids two of those classes probably should have 21 kids and you should have five classes instead of four that's you know instead of trying to say but yeah I'm legal because you know technically you're legal but I I go back to the if you're the parent walking in and you see 27 desks sitting in the room I mean it's it's a pretty easy addition to figure out that this isn't a number that's 22 well we should be able and Dr Miller you probably know we can we estimate how many kids are coming into our school's mid year is it some years I guess it's the role of a dice especially in middle and high because our schools are so much bigger and we never know are they coming in as an honors student are they coming in on level are they going to be you know in band or they're going to be have to take PE I don't even know like there's so many different um it's just very complicated it's not as but I do agree we should be starting the school year maybe it's not the max maybe we start if we have every class full at 22 we say well you know what we're going to go with somewhere in the middle between 18 and 22 of the same course not not um you know calculus is has the 15 kids and that we start out below the max so that we don't face that problem throughout the year and I I don't think anybody will complain if we have 20 students in a class versus 22 kind of start somewhere in the middle MH but it would be less than that if you had five classes I mean you're still taking five classes of 22 and you're still not going to fill a whole class so now we're going to be even starting probably below the 18 I wouldn't complain about it but it is expensive and it goes back to our plan there are four components that we look at the needs the service needs of the student what do the individual students in those programs need and then probably the most next most important is the budget what can we we have to earn the FTE to be able to support those students those teachers those materials everything that comes with educating a child must be paid for out of the FTE that we earn so it does become a very delicate Balancing Act and every grade level is unique if you talk about the complexities of students we have students who come in at all times during the year if you have a student who comes in in a CTE program you have a student who comes in needing Calculus AB there might be 25 kids already in the class you're going to put the child in the Calculus class that he needs as opposed to telling them that he can't take the class we can't start another class for one so there are definite situations I can promise that when we look at allocations we look at students we apply the formulas equitably across all schools there's checks and balances with the finance department there's checks and balances with the principles we hold each other accountable and we certainly hold each other accountable to the bottom line to make sure that we're not putting out there allocations that we can't afford so um I'm just thinking about this a little bit like if we have certain schools that you know especially in our core classes like Ela math algebra um those really foundational classes especially in middle school that students are going to need moving on and we see that we have a lot of students students in like say algebra uh you know the high school algebra class Algebra 1 um or geometry or whatever it is um can we let parents know hey these classes are full but hey over at this other school they're not full like do you want maybe make it a priority for school choice if parents want their student in a smaller class there could be a smaller class size available I another Middle School I'm just thinking of ways that we could offer parents that smaller setting um if that's something that is really important to them or that their student would thrive in that setting I mean it's just always an option or um I think I'm reminded of Dr malham he always told us the truth has a date and time stamp so at the time we speak to the parent it may be true that the class sizes are smaller at a particular school or in a particular program and then enrollments change new students students move in students move out and that may no longer be the case we might have told a parent there are low lower class sizes at a different school they transfer there and then all of a sudden more students enroll and now they don't have a smaller class size so it is so flexible it is so everchanging literally dayto day when I'm talking to principles I talked to one today her numers changed since yesterday I pulled yesterday she pulled numbers today they change that frequently and so when you have students who are in all of these specialized programs which we love there are CTE programs there are jrc programs there are advanced math there are intensive programs there are specialized um Arts programs we need to have enough students to fill a class and be able to make a roster and we also need to be able to manage schedules for students because if we put kids in classes that they're not interested in because we have a seat there and maybe not a seat in the place that they wanted to go now we have a student who's has a severe lack of Engagement in a class that they don't want to be in while they really want to be in another place that might have been one or two over if they had moved and and I guess I should clarify the thing I'm more concerned with is middle school because of that transition from elementary to middle school and I'm more concerned with the core type classes that we know that they have to do something with and then that moves into the high school the algebra one thing so I'm looking at so for instance if you had four classes of 22 which is 88 students and you were thinking okay I'm full and I've got five more kids walking in the door well obviously you don't you know and starting the year with five more kids so instead of starting the year with 88 I'm starting the kid the year with 93 well if you made five classes instead of the four classes it means you would have 18 or 19 kids in each class which I don't think is unreasonable I mean I think that puts you in a position where you can manage through the year that if you had more kids coming in you could work yourself up to the 22 if you had kids that were leaving that's you know that's not going to be that big of a deal either so I don't so I mean when I look at the number of five I don't think that that's a really hard number to do and I think when you're looking more at um obviously if you're looking at electives or you're looking at things that aren't those core classes there would be a better understanding that oh well this is banded and my kid really wants to be in band so the parent is G you know if your option is you need to know that this band class has 35 kids in it you know I know that you know if your expectation is the class has 22 kids it's not happening in that band class you know so and I think parents can then kind of feel assured that they kind of know that but I think as far as the core Ela and those those type of things I and math I think it's important to kind of know that you're you're trying to be conservative on the the better side you know the the side that is more rewarding to the students and the parents and is doing what's right for kids so I would agree with that yeah and I I think it's very easy for us to make sure that we are balancing classes to the board's um recommendation or or expectation uh and moving forward I also think that it would be uh prudent of us and easy for us to give the board Reg updates as we're in that beginning of the year scheduling to be able to show you where we're at with class sizes um at the middle school level or at all levels for that matter as we're as we're proceeding forward so I think that would help you too having that data and being able to see what the numbers are in each of the classes thank you um the one last thing I had was on page 17 which is talking about the school safety officers your last sentence isn't really a sentence um but it's the one that talks about additional school resource officers from The Martin County Sheriff's Department are assigned to the district's three traditional high schools Head Start voluntary prek program are funded I guess you would say and are funded through the voter approved millage referendum currently funding sunsets at the end of the I guess that's the 2526 school year is that correct Mr Morrison is that correct 2526 school year I think that sentence needs a little bit of reworking I think that sentence needs to say that you know that here we have we have a I mean I I I think when I read that um I do understand that a school safety officer SRO um coming from The Martin County Sheriff's Department is currently at each one of our schools um I think the second sentence that says should say something that's more along the lines of you know through the voter approv millage or something along those lines um an additional safety officer has been put into these programs you know and then have some language in there that that um is separate funding and isn't included in the Staffing plan you know that kind of gives us that flexibility so that if we need to do something different we would be able to do it so why wouldn't we just do the same thing we do with guidance counselors and just take it out there out of there completely yeah that would work for me too and that's all I had thank you so if I heard that correctly page 17 of 17 this paragraph would end after these positions are funded by a combination of districts and Sheriff's Department's funds period or do you even want that in there I would just take I would just take out the whole sentence that says additional school resource officers um and I'm not sure you know when you're saying it's a combination of district and Sheriff Department funds I know that the sheriff's budget comes from The Martin County Commission so I'm not sure that's really the language that you would want to use that it's coming from the sheriff because commission approves that every year that $600,000 that we get from them that's approved by the County Commission that is they allocate it to embedded in there so I would um I think that language where it's saying a combination of district and and it should say the Martin County commission's allocation to the Sheriff's Department or something along those lines so that we're giving credit what where credit is due because it's not something that the sheriff himself is deciding this is what I want to do it's it's correct Marsha it's it is the I mean he supports it but he supports it but the Martin County Commission is putting it into his budget and ear marking it for us exclusively for us yes so it's it's it's incorrect I mean I just think it's not really necessarily technically correct when we're saying it's coming from the sheriff because it is coming from The Martin County Commission I think we should give them the credit for that understood would you like me to take that out because there is the combined then there's also the millage there that could change from year to year we don't mention how other funds are secured in other areas would you like the sentence out I would just say these positions are currently funded by a combination of District funds and an allocation from The Martin County Board of County Commissioners thank you why is R why is um Frank waving at us I may I'd like to add something the Sheriff's Office does kick in also so 600 coming from the county but also they kick in a share of of what the overall number is so it's a combination of all three they use the 600 to offset what they're charging us but they also kick in a part of it they don't collect any money the County Commission collects money so where are they getting where are they getting their money from B sale County Commission County Commission so I think their money is coming from the County Commission the six all of it all of it anything that the sheriff gives us comes from the County Commission the sheriff has no ability short of a bake sale to come up with money on his own I mean he doesn't I apologize I thought you were saying that the Sheriff's Office charges us the full amount for the SRO and they weren't kicking in anything towards what we are charged at the district so they're not charging us the full amount of what if it would cost for all the SRO to be on our campus they do kick in some but I could be I would just say the Martin County Commission because that's they don't have bake sales so are there any other questions from the board thank you so much thank you all right our last discussion item is our student code of conduct Dr Estes would you like to come forward please okay I'm gonna try to get this right this time good evening Madame chair members of the board Mr Maine superintendent I'm Lisa Estes the assistant superintendent of student support services and this evening we also have Dr Vanessa mudo here with us our coordinator of student services and our mental health manager Miss quintina Harris so before you I believe you have the code of conduct the changes the change sheet we're calling it a chart of changes in front of you gave you a print out in case it's easier for you to navigate and we're going to be running through based upon well we're going to say we're going to go through like sections the way it's broken up because there's about 26 items that we'll be going through this evening so thank you so the first one that that we'd like to move ahead and discuss is an addition of board member and committee recognition which is going to be found now on page one and we wanted to make sure that it was recognized the integral part of the development of this plan to make sure that we have the foundations for safety and of course for an academic Focus for the the students of Martin County School District so the source of which was in our meeting when we discussed it as a group along with Dr peroy Who is not able to be with us this evening was that that would be a good way a good addition to the student code of conduct the second addition is to add a letter from the superintendent we have found that the majority of the student code of conducts that we have seen across the state always have a piece or letter written into the student codee conduct that the superintendent sends out and so those are the first two things that are new additions to the student code of conduct so I'd like to stop there and ask if there's any questions about those first two [Music] changes okay so we're going to move on to um the section that's title chapter five and what you're going to see is that on chapter five on page 17 there was the title of the chapter was infractions and consequences and so what we wanted to do was to change that to state that there would be it would be changed to corrective actions and interventions making it giving it a more positive uh flow to it as opposed to being more negative and having a negative connotation so that would be more in line with language alignment and what we're seeing also across the state with other codes of conduct would be very very similar what you're going to notice is anything is that we have put in green would be some of the proposed new changes anything that was in red that had a strike through with it was language that was there that we were looking to amend and to change still continuing on page 17 there was the section that had student disciplinary infractions responses and all that language that was there and we were looking for language alignment influency to change that to add corrective intervention throughout putting four levels um and progressing based on intensity and frequency of the infraction okay are there any questions about those changes Roberts you're looking at the changes on page 18 is that correct 17 oh no I'll wait thanks okay so now on to level one infractions and we're going to look at page 18 the first change is a an addition of the word minor so we see level one infractions as to be minor behaviors very much in line with the positive behavior intervention support language that um we model our core discipline um using so that was one of those so you'll see that at the on the first line and then you'll see it in the header that says level one minor infractions there's also there's been some language change under number three for disrespect and what was the it was actually changed to detail and align with what a level one would be the previous the previous language that was there that stated conduct or behavior which demeans shames irritates humiliates or embarrasses a person or group of persons kind of felt like that was pretty significant for a level one and so we wanted to align that verbage more in line with what would be a level one and change that language to be in sorry engages in actions that are not deemed respect such as the eye rolling sucking teeth looking away mumbling under the breath Etc some of those primary behaviors that may happen in a classroom that really don't rise to a level of we're going to have to give you an very significant consequence for that any questions on that one okay the next one we're going to be looking at is still on page 18 and it is the technology infraction and what was added was the addition of the word minor what would be a minor technology infraction and the there was language that was written in there that actually can you scroll down a little bit this not there okay so what was yeah and the chart of changes what you see was it had per the house bill 37 that a student may possess the wireless communication device and the new language was that we added in the house bill and the policy to minimize redundancy and to make it flow where you can is that hopefully hyperlink that they're able to click onto it and take them right to the the house bill and the policy okay now page anything else for page 18 Miss Roberts yes I do um so your new language that you want to use does not include the perous bill or does include the perh house bill when I'm looking on your it should have we are saying yes to include House Bill 379 as the new language and be hyperlink in there so not include the written out per House Bill 379 a student may possess a do you want that in or not in that's what I'm asking you just to have it linked to the you just want it linked so technology infraction would say unauthorized use of wireless communication device so on my page 18 it's not read with a line through it you are correct M Roberts we so that would be read with a line through it and the only thing it would say it would end with the unauthorized websites and then have the hyperlink is that what we're doing here you are correct Miss Roberts okay um so do we want to put a link to a house bill with no implementing the the language implemented into statute because the house bill language may not be the same as what goes into the statute or Rule and so they think I was thinking with this one you'll see technology infraction at a later time we have the policy this is more in line with an A Minor infraction for technology um unauthorized use of not something more significant that requires we have it in one of our other charts of changes to add the technology with the policy that is that would be opened up and looked at for that I mean we can leave that out if needed I don't think we should reference a house bill is what I'm saying is because a house bill is going we're going to have another H we could have another house bill 379 next year and it's not going to be referencing technology okay so we'll remove we'll remove that house spill information from there we won't link that in so I still had um we can add the Miss Mrs pow how about adding in here also the policy for that but any adding in the policy the technology policy because we can do that instead of just leaving it as a as a standalone with nothing there so I have a comment for my board members to consider so in our code of conduct we have three chapters one seven is transportation eight is technology and nine is dress code so those are three chapters that have specific language in those chapters and I think it's important that the language in those chapters corresponds and is consistent with what is in whether it's level one level two level three I also think that in any level one level two level three or level four we that has to do with those three topics we should be referencing those three chapters and we should be calling those things out to say because I and I talked to Miss esz earlier today I don't want to be in a position where we have two pages in a code of conduct that give two pieces of two conflicting pieces of information you know and when I look particularly on page 47 7 and 48 for technology the first part of it the First full page and the half page on page 48 look like Mr Adrien had some hand in because it looks like that has to do with laptop computers but then I get to the student use of wireless communication devices which is now talking about cell phones which page are you on on page 48 student use of wireless communication devices goes on and talks about um the very last sentence use of wireless communication devices at any other time is prohibited devices must be powered off not just placed in vibrator silent mode and stored out of sight I don't think we're talking at that point about Mr adrianne's laptops I think we're talking about cell phones at that point even though all the stuff ahead of that the student use guidelines the account security and safety the all that other stuff that came on page 47 I think is more like what we're talking about with ET and we're talking about the laptops but I think we've morphed into adding an additional thing on there that has to do with the cell phones um so that's one I think that those type things that are between um the levels and those three chapters need to have some consistency I also think and I'll bring up at this time I think that the most um significant thing things that in my mind we want parents to know for this year's code of conduct have to do with vaping and cell phones and I think regardless of what those things look like I almost feel like early on maybe after Mr Main's letter or something there should be a dedicated page that says hey pay attention to this this is something we really want you to know that this is our policy for Vaping for Vaping pens you you bring a vaping pen in we don't care if it has alcohol or has tobacco in it has THC we don't care what it is this is what's going to happen with that and as far as cell phones go this is the rule for cell phones you don't have to dig through and try to find it you don't have to do anything else this is what you need to know you if you're going to bring a cell phone on campus it's at your own risk it needs to be powered off except when it's except during these situations what it can be on and that if you don't do this this is what's going to happen to you and I think by doing that we're not creating unrealistic expectations for people to try to like figure out do I look at the technology do I you know where do I go to figure out what's happening I think it's yeah I don't think this language on student use of commun wireless communication devices is strong enough I think that it's there lead us a lot of room for interpretation of what our expectation is because I don't think that they should be able to use their cell phone anytime during the day just because of everything that we have unless they had the permission of an adult um to call their parents or whatever that might be or in the event of an emergency but this kind of leaves it open like they they can may not use it the device during instructional time well that's not true they cannot use it anytime without the permission of an adult so we need to we need to correct that and make it very clear to everyone I'm hoping that now they'll be sneaking off to the bathroom to use their cell phone instead of vaping yes and I think not only there I also think on page 18 where we're saying a technology infraction right unauthorized use of wireless communication device to include cell phon SmartWatches Etc or Tech technology I.E games unauthorized websites needs to have language in there that says very clearly you're not allowed to use your cell phone I mean unless you're directed by a teacher to use it that's considered a violation and you can't do it I mean and it's I think that's you can't wear your Apple watch during a test and you you can't I mean I think if you don't if you don't spit it out and just tell people and if you try to kind of dance around it I don't think we're going to get anywhere I mean I think we have to be as kind of if we're serious about it we need to show the rest of the world we're serious about it so may I add that on page 18 number 12 where it talks about the technology infraction there is a after the word however in the middle of the paragraph it says a student may not use a wireless device during instructional time except when expressly directed by the teacher solely for the educational purposes and so and and that the teacher has a designated area for that so also right but I also point out from your um spreadsheet that you're you were wanting to Omit that language that language is in read in original language and is not in your new language so my point being that when you write new language if you're omitting that language I think you need to add language that is clear and concise as to what exactly you mean so do you see when I'm looking on the flowchart it page three at the top when you you're taking out that language and you're taking all that P out well if you want to take it out put something in that's really strong that everybody understands what it is you're talking about right well I think this is extremely unclear because it says a student may not use a wireless device during instructional time okay except when expressly directed by a teacher so we're saying you can't use it during instructional time but if you don't say they can can't use it every other time then that's the way it's going to be interpreted and then it says a teacher teacher shall designate and area for w wireless communication devices well they should be in their backpack put away and turned off unless the teacher is using it for instructional time so there's no gray area it's either in your backpack turned off or put away turned off or you have it out because the teacher gave you permission to have it out or you go to the uh office because you need to call your parent and you turn it on and you can call your parent or the teacher say as you can um it needs to be very clear because the way this is written it makes it sound like the only time they can't use it is during an instructional time and I don't think that the teacher should be you know I don't know that we want to become responsible for everybody's $1,500 cell phone and designating a basket to drop it in before you get there and then a screen gets cracked or something happens no it's their responsibility to have their cell phone put away way powered off unless their teacher gives them permission to have their cell phone out for instructional purposes not the teacher gives them permission to have their cell phone out because they have free time and they get to play games no I mean we have to be very clear with students and with our staff because otherwise when we start having that leeway it's going to be taken advantage of right and I go back to the page right after Mr Main's letter if we say it is not NE we do not deem it necessary for instructional purposes for you to have a cell phone at school if you want to bring one you're bringing one at your own risk it will be turned off powered off not on vibrate put away unless you're asked by a teacher to take it out and if you do take it out before you know if you do if you violate this this is what will happen to you somebody will take it away from you you'll have to come into the office and pick you know whatever the thing is this is what's going to happen so it's very clear to some Millennial parent that if you want to send your $1,500 cell phone to school with your kid this is what's going to happen and you need to understand that this is what our expectation is and if you're going to try to get a hold of them you know with the thing that if you want to get a hold of your kid call the office and we'll we'll get a message to them you know and it's kind of like you don't need to be texting your kid in the middle of the day did you want spaghetti or tacos for dinner you know I mean if you want to ask that question call the principal and tell them you need to know from your kid what they want to eat for dinner you know but it it it doesn't need to be something that's we're in the business of educating children we're not in the business of making being responsible for people's expensive devices and dealing with that so I mean I think that's a well and I think I think we have to you know uh parents have to understand what kids are doing with their cell phones and the inappropriate things that are happening at our schools they are videotaping each other they're taking pictures of each other they're videotaping teachers it's all it's inappropriate it should not be happening and they just need to have their cell phones put away I I mean honestly it's just we have to draw the line and I don't see an area where we can say oh well maybe when you're at lunch or when you have study hall or we just because it's gotten so bad the bullying that's happening during school hours is appalling Miss pette did you have something I'm wrestling with the word minor well because in in on page 23 our level two there's another technology infraction that's a major so this is unauthorized use of the wireless communication device you know I took my phone out I shouldn't have had my phone out my teacher said me put your phone away you need to have it in your backpack it's not instructional time I didn't give you direction to use it and so that that is what like a minor violation is like the first time a kid takes out a phone you're gonna you're gonna have a conversation with them about it you you're not just going to automatically go to a level two and give them five days out of school suspension because they took the phone out of their backpack I mean from the from the sense of we're trying trying desperately to curb phone usage so the first time yes I get that it's minor but we're padding these things in a way that's giving them another opportunity and I think the language needs to represent what you're saying we don't want phones so I so I get the word I I I'm just saying it seems in in some cases it's a mixed message so I think one way that we may be able to combat that is that last sentence that talks about a teacher shall designate an area and we will we can strike that and we can put what I what I heard some of you saying is that the the cell phone money must be turned off in your in a in backpack some maybe some students don't carry a backpack maybe they carry a purse I don't know but we can craft some language to say that so that it's not in use let me try to be really clear here since if I do a level two violation it doesn't mean I'm going to get an out of school suspension for 5 days or less you have the ability to give me up to that you have the ability to do other things you can pair me with a mentor you can have me have a little sit down and talk to me you can call my parent Etc my feeling is that that technology violation should not be anywhere in level one it should come completely out of level one and move up to level two and that we should say we view technology violations as a level two quit trying to make it into oh well yeah but it's their first time they took it out it's the first time if it's the first first time they took it out it can still be a level two and you can still have the talking to and the shaking the finger at them and all that other kind of stuff you still have the ability to do that but if you're going to be serious about something my feeling is to be serious about it and to say okay we view this as a level two we're not going to find yeah but if it's the first time you happen to do this they can still end up with those consequences my concern with that is we practice Progressive discipline where we have to have an opportunity to have a conversation the first time when something happens with the student when you look at the technology infraction major definition it is it's Stronger by using some of the words as malicious intent so if a kid is taking out their phone and we all know how students are attached to their phones you're right we have to make a stand because of the things that happen in between classes during class taking pictures and so the language in the minor section making it a designated that they keep it where they're supposed to keep it as opposed to keeping it on the desk in a place where the teacher told them keeping it out on the desk or in their pocket and doing that they'll still be able to issue a consequence for that first time and moving into now it's systemic we're working we're talking about disrespect at this level if we've had a conversation about it once and now we are having conversation again now you're looking at yes we can so we're not going to give a counseling for a student who's defiant and consistently takes out the cell phone in the middle of the class so I think taking it out of level one that doesn't give an opportunity for well practic why doesn't it if you're allowed to use for a level two if you're allowed to use the consequences for level one why doesn't it explain that one to me so I'm not see most of the times what we are recognizing when staff are giving an infraction for a tech a technology infraction for a level two they are not adhering or giving they're not administering a level one consequence for it because it has gone to the level that it is far more significant than me just giving you a slap on your wrist and saying that's it you took out your phone you're getting one day of um out of school suspension we see when it rises to that level of so isn't that a training issue rather than a rather than where I put it issue but I would I would say part of it is training and anything that we put in here has to be trained because anything in here that's going to be a change but what about the fact that we we're again a PBIS District where we're talking about positive behavior intervention support and we are trying to model and shape behaviors and teach expectations and by teaching expectations we're giving an opportunity we know that sometimes the students they know better but they take it out anyway okay you took it out the first time then the next time we're going to issue a consequence for that I mean that that's up to so it's up to you all if you think that you want to remove a technology minor violation from a level one so I think that they get their first warning on the first day of school there are two things that we are going to have zero tolerance about cell phones and vaping we know that 100% right now those are two prolific problems in our schools we are not going to tolerate it this is your warning this is your first this is your level one warning and it's going to get progressively worse from here so the next time it happens because they have we have spent five minutes talking about cell phone use and what the consequences are going to be and we've talked about the consequences of vaping getting caught vaping getting caught with I don't care if you're vaping and you're holding someone else's Vape you're there are going to be very specific very Swift consequences it is not going to be oh you got caught you know we're it's a level one no we can't have that the level one consequence is because they were warned at the beginning of the year and the parents like Miss Robert said the first time they have their cell phone out it should be taken and the parents have to come to the school and pick up because I don't know any other way to have parents help us enforce these rules and the same with vaping I don't if if my child was caught with a vape pin I would be searching their backpack every single day and if they were hiding it in their car they wouldn't be driving their car to school it's just something's got to we've got to have the support of parents because this is getting worse and worse so I'm taking recommendations for the board are you requiring me to remove I'm just saying that everybody needs to have that warning that conversation needs to happen and that this is their level one conversation everything else we we're this is going to get progressively more severe in the consequences or whatever we're calling the interventions with what Mrs Roberts what you were speaking to about the technology um page that was in here maybe taking that and moving that up to the front with some other clear and explicit information so that that is in the front after Mr Main's message okay let me try to be as as um succinct as I possibly can so my wish if my board members would agree with me I don't know is on page 18 where it says technology infraction number 12 would come out completely and would not be appear there technology infraction would appear as a level two violation with some stronger language that said whether it has to do with the the things that Mr Adrian deals with with what people are doing with their laptops that's on one hand but on the other hand some strong language that says it is the it is the expectation of the Martin County School District that phones are turned off and put away during school unless you're told by a teacher to take it out if you violate this you will have to come and pick up your F your students phone from the office that's what's going to happen then I think after Mr Main's letter it needs to say major changes parents students please look at this cell phones this is the expectation for cell phones your cell phone needs to be put away powered off not on vibrate unless a teacher tells you to take it out and turn it on if that doesn't happen we will be taking your cell phone away and you will have to come to the office to get your child's cell phone and if it continues to happen after that there will be additional consequences but something along those lines so it's very clear this is what we're doing as far as cell phones go I I would also add um and I I that's well taken I you if if it is the pleasure of the board with a consensus uh we will we will move forward with that I I would also add that we would do a an extensive campaign uh over the summer to make sure that with the adopted uh once the board approves the final student code of conduct this would be blasted everywhere possible including a video from myself along with the director of student services and maybe even a principal or two where we are campaigning this all summer to let them know upon their return in August these are the changes reflected in the student code of conduct up to an including maybe that page that you're suggesting come after my letter uh being put on a one a one pager that that is pushed out as well uh of the major changes to the student code of conduct I I I believe you've all articulated uh your expectation clearly and if as long as it's consensus of all all of you I think that is the direction we will move forward I'm okay with that but I don't want to minimize anything else in there so you could you know somehow when you're spelling that out that these are very important to us without minimizing anything else because every rule in here it's sure I just think it needs to be these are the major changes that you need to be aware of for this year and some areas bullying tends to run rampid and that should be probably the worst in get we haven't got there yet I know I I think we have to change the culture of cell phone usage it's not an opportunity for students to use them during the school day they're supposed to be learning and if we make it that's why I wrestled with the word minor because it makes it sound like it's okay like a minor cutter bruise it's okay you'll be okay I like the idea that it comes out of level one completely and I I I agree with my fellow board members that have said that so okay all right so see the chart changes so there's a hyperlink we can click on that SOA can you speak into the M yeah sure hear you so what we're going to look at right now is the level one responses and the that are called now corrective interventions and it's something that we've had in there for for a long time and so the way you'll see there's red and there's green all over it but how it was figured we would put them in is kind of by using a hierarchy on certain things that would happen it's not necessarily in an explicit order but as you can see going from say secondary has Behavior plan contract crossed out and it has maybe bus suspension first then conf isation of an item then detention and so like you can see like these would progressively be more involved these corrective interventions than the way that that they were initially and so that's what that chart is showing you there was the reason why we decided to look at that is because we were having some administrators thinking that or when they were giving the discipline that it had to go in maybe the order that we originally had it in and it wasn't ordered that way it was just it was alphabetical so now we kind of did it in a hierarchy so that was the change for there any questions on that where is the hierarchy so like if you're looking where is the hierarchy so you can you can confiscate an item would be something that you would probably do first you might not right away go towards counseling and and Direction with the student you may give a detention if they have put it in I'm on page 19 you did it alphabetically and not hierarchy apologize for that they decided put it into the hierarchy here it's still alphabetical okay it's alphabetical yes my apologies on my apologies they when so what happened is is that we there was some work that was done on it outside of of my involvement and we had discussed doing the hierarchy and it turned out to be that they chose to stay with it in alphabetical order okay so that's what you see there and the next page which was let's see page so it's going to stay in alphabetical order stay that way okay all right yeah if yeah it's going to stay that way those are the the options that would be available for a level one corrective intervention okay okay we are on now here we go now we're going to be moving into actually no we have on page 20 we're still we have pursuant to Florida statue 13.05 and that was taken out because it was defined in in school suspension not relating directly to dress code it was going to be in the glossery in the future so for the third or subsequent offense a student shall receive an in school suspension for a period of three days so I think you guys just remove the language pursuant to Florida statute one Z because we do have dress code in here later on with the statute in there and the x that you see in the box is because looking at where it said Transportation dress code and Technology violations are find found in following chapters we didn't think that it really needed to to be there it didn't have or serve any value by by sitting there in a box so there's lots of cleaning and Alignment that needs to be done or needed to be worked on so now moving on to level two and in level two we have number 27 and it used to be number four and number four is the Defiance and subordination in fraction and it used to be right it was out of alphabetical order so it was placed in ABC order okay and let's see so now the next one we're going to move to page 21 yeah page 21 and this is the one that talked about Defiance and insubordination and failing to comply with a directive over here is where we added the policy School Board policy 7412 which we added such as but not limited to refusing to depart a room or a changing facility designated for the opposite sex so we added that in there under Defiance and subordination to meet that that language under the school bar policy 74124 and we there is a misprint on yes on your paper it says 7421 and in the code of conduct it's 7412 we'll make sure that it aligns properly with the appropriate School Board policy there Madam chair can we can I can we take a five minute recess yes thank you we will now take a five minute recess e e e e e e e e e we will now resume this Workshop of the Martin County School Board we are going to um move our we're going to end this meeting now we're going to um thank you Dr sfz for your time I really appreciate you but we are going to move that to a workshop where it's so devoted to that so that we we can take our time and really discuss this thoroughly um we will now have open to the board anyone have anything they would like to say tonight Mr Dy no thanks I said what I had to say recently okay Miss Roberts I'm good thanks okay good Ming all right well this Workshop is now adjourned e