##VIDEO ID:QLDKan0Lpx0## so camera's rolling you all ready to get started you're okay everyone's here on both sides of the table so um start I think again with with introductions I know this um for those that may be new to this this is I believe session 12 now um my name is Terry Harmon uh here as as negotiator for school district and I'll start on my left and then we'll go to my right and uh let everybody here introduce themselves before we get get assant superintend Sher richon director of profession standards employe relations gter Morrison assistant superintendent for finance Lisa Estes assistant superintendent student Support Services Kathy pendos director of student services good evening Jeff Raymond director of talent acquisition and HR Don Calderone director of risk management and employee benefits mark C coordinator Mar County Schools Pat Holtz MCA Susan Rayo mcea Alec McIntyre mcea Gary Simmons Chief negotiator for MCA from Faba Matt theal president mcea Lonnie B mcea Kim love mcea and good evening to everybody else uh in attendance with us this evening I think we'll start as we have with our past sessions um with an agenda I'm not sure if we we'll pass that out give you a chance to look at it um and as always any additions or subtractions you'd like to propose anything you'd like to add to it that we don't that we don't have okay so I guess we we're already past introduction so really the I think one of the biggest items on the agenda is um The District's response to our last session there were three options that were proposed um as a resolution to the discussion regarding supplements and article two and I think because uh in the nature and the way that that was presented what we'd like to do is make our full presentation as to what our response is and then give you an opportunity to look at everything on the table so the first first thing we'll start with um is I guess pass all of it out Trish if you could and I'm just going to go through each item after they're passed out and explain our response thank you sorry sorry Sor so now that they've been passed out obviously you'll need time to review them but I'll just explain them verbally and then give you a chance to look so just to recap I know that the three options that were proposed um at the last session one of them was to treat uh Western's own grandfathered employees um one way and to apply a across the board uh supplement addressing supplements another option was to treat all Western Zone employees the same as it relates to the amount to be paid to those employees and again I'm paraphrasing they were in writing so they say what they say and then the third option that was proposed U was essentially no resolution on the issues and an impass what our counter proposal is I'm going to go through there are three piece three items that I'm going to explain and I'll start with the first item which is at the top titled it's a memorandum of understanding and this is the board's counter proposal to the three options I don't think at this time the board had the has the appetite or our side has the appetite for the three options but we did come up with what we think is a practical approach to kind of where we are overall um in the in the options that were presented by mcea at the last meeting it focused a lot on the raise pool and how to distribute those remaining funds from the raise pool to address Western Zone supplements Andor other supplements and we've obviously had some differing opinions on some of those topics throughout the session the last few sessions but in an effort to try to um reach an agreement as it relates to salary benefit supplements what we have proposed through a memorandum of understanding is a way to distribute all of the remaining raise pool which is$ 28,33 so instead of Distributing it only to Western's own supplement or supplement again because we can't reach an agreement our proposal is to though spread out that 28,33 that remains in the race pool as an across theboard raise to all members of the bargaining unit the effect of that would exhaust the raise pool and leave it as the board covering an additional $155 19 from the raise pool if I understood supplements was an issue that from the last session felt like was a longer term discussion and really from our perspective so as to not hold up bargaining especially as it relates to salary uh our view was that Distributing it evenly amongst the the Remain the entire bargaining unit was a practical approach to that that's item one of three the second item is proposed language as as it relates to article two and the proposed language into article two is is should not be new to to what you've seen in the past from our proposal what we've done is just taken the language straight from the last mou relating to the Western Zone supplement and essentially implemented it here into Article 2 Section 4E and again that's language straight from theou as the Western Zone that's item two and then item three is article 11 which is leave Provisions um and actually I skipped over it there was one issue that we spent a lot of time at the last session talking about and that was about retroactive pay um if you recall the the current language does not really have any end point for retroactive pay and our proposal was to to put an end date of February so that it would motivate the sides to get it done and we had a pretty spirited back and forth about that and at this time we we pulled that from our proposed language um so that is no longer language that we would seek to include in our proposals it is just the Western's own language in article two and then as it relates to article 11 it is the same language pertaining to um presidential leave and the one year of leave in article section 11.2 sub paragraphs F and I our proposed language to those was to strike it and that kind of summarizes our our proposals at this point I I do want to clarify um as you may have seen the board um at its last board meeting took action on the ten the previously tentatively agreed to salary remaining documents and so as so as not to disrupt those the memorandum of understanding that's been presented to you tonight is is a counter to the supplement proposal um and so if if it is accepted that language that is in there as it relates to the dollars and cents is based off of what was previously te um just the only only difference being raising the across the board raise based on the salary proposal and that would conclude our proposals back to your side this evening okay thank you I know with with the um just immediately I I can tell you that that we're rejecting um the recommended language in in article 11 uh we have absolutely no appetite to weaken our collective bargaining agreement by eliminating the opportunity for our um our president to take a leave of of absence um we've had that discussion um I'm not interested in rehashing our positions on that I think that our positions are crystal clear when it comes to that with respect to um Article 2 and the counter proposal on the supplements uh I would like to to take an opportunity to caucus with my team to discuss that okay would you like to take it now yes please how long 10 minutes so how about we come back here at 5:5 just to give you a little little extra that'll work we're on all right first and foremost thanks for the opportunity to have a a caucus to discuss what was what was presented um after the discussion we decided that um we're we're going to um to to move forward to to um begin the impass process uh We've uh contacted perk and we've been assigned a mediator and um I would like the mediator to take a look at um these sessions with respect to our proposals what our proposals were attempting to to address even with respect to the article that you guys currently have on the table with article two um I also want the the mediator to to take a look at the board's decision to move forward with ratification um on a mandatory subject of bargaining knowing that we still have supplements um outstanding that action in and of itself is is an unfair Labor practice because what you're doing is you're bargaining and ratifying the contract in in peace meal this isn't even a full book year this is a a year with salaries and two articles and the board moved forward to ratify without us having any knowledge of of what our status is with respect to um negotiations and um I just want to to invite the med the mediator that we were assigned by the state of Florida just to take a look at at this and and just this entire practice because it it's it doesn't follow chapter 447 I'll just leave it at that I've bought copies of chapter 447 um for you guys to take back to the board um I'll make a I'll make contact to our media mediator second you want pass yes please if you would be so kind uh the mediator that was assigned to us his name is Randy Lawson I'll reach out to Mr Lawson in the morning and let him know that we want to start um the mediation process to um try to avoid um impath furthermore my my my issues with with the board um moving forward with the ratification process prior to us having an agreed understanding that negotiations is over because it invites um things to take place that happened last year and reaching out to the bargaining unit members telling them things that are disingenuous and not factual that's an unfair Labor practice as as well it's um direct dealing with our our bargaining unit members and as I stated I'm not going to dive into all of that I just think that at this time it's it's the opportune um opportunity to just allow um perk to come in and review this this process so I think that that's where we're going to close at tonight just to clarify did you say you reached out to the mediator before this evening no I said we were assigned the mediator on my way here so I didn't even know his name until I sat down in this chair in preparation for this session but it's just perfect timing so I'm call it a coincidence I call it divine intervention so we have um Randy Lawson I'll be reaching out to Mr Lawson in the morning to invite him to come in and review not only the proposals that we have on the table but just to review this process in and of itself because I don't think that the board is going to be too interested in me telling them that they're violating chapter 447 but if it's a representative from the public employee relations commission they might have attend to believe Mr Lawson more so than than myself so I think that that's where we're going to to leave it at so you're you want the mediators to oine to perk about the process employed by the board no not the process employed by the board the proposals that we have on the table with respect to what we're trying to satisfy because impass requires us to answer several specific questions and we believe that the counter proposal that was made today is totally neglecting the issues that we're trying to address and the board isn't trying to to hear us so maybe if someone else is explaining to the board what we're trying to do it'll it'll come across a little bit more more clear and so just just just as I make sure I heard it correctly from you two and this I think my last question it you're saying you believe it's an unfair Labor practice for the board to have taken action on an item before it was ratified by mcea yeah I would just and to answer your question I would just encourage you to research all of the past tentative agreements that MC um SD and mcea has made and find out how many times the school board has ratified before the Union now there was other exceptions that we made to try to meet deadlines but we feel that we could have clearly met the October 1 deadline and not have to agree to a tsia memorandum of understanding like we did in the past years and even when the board went to ratify that we were knowledgeable we had no idea that there were a that there was a ratification on the tentative agreements that we made knowing that we still had subjects that amended subjects of of bargaining still outstanding on on the table and I'd be interested to find examples in which um you're allowed to to ratify in the middle of negotiations knowing that we had a um bargaining session scheduled for the 24th so i' I've never seen it before so I'm not going to pass an opinion on it I just think that it it's the opportune time to bring in somebody from from perk and so as it relates relates to the proposed um expenditure of the raise pool the the response is we'd like to go to end pass the response is that we had a specific sorry I have one more question I apologize I said I was done but I did have that one that's perfectly fine the response to it is we had a specific desire to address a longstanding issue in our contract you guys still have it on the table to address what we wanted to do and what we were fiscally responsible in doing and and making our our salary agreements we saved up enough money to address those particular issues the board has absolutely no appetite to address any of those issues but to give our um Ju Just to continue to put money and across the board raises while all of our neighboring uh school districts are improving their their supplement schedule you guys said that you wanted to be number one we didn't say that you went on the record and said you wanted to be number one when we hold you accountable to being number one then we get told yet again we know what's best for your bargaining unit members instead of you guys so you're not listening to us we clearly um made our our positions we kept our proposals fiscally responsible to the money that they air marked on the first day that we came to this table we never asked the board for any more any less and I think that this is just becoming unnecessarily difficult so with that being said let's have somebody in here with with no no um chips on the table hear both sides and see which um which side he would append to so that that's our our position um and it's not going to impass to the impass process prior to going to impass we into the mediation process should the mediation process not be successful then we move on to the impass process so what I'm going to be doing tomorrow is contacting the assigned mediator to begin the mediation process I've got to end by saying it's a it's a little frustrating that it's ending like this um think about me in a sense that did you see how than can we speak this like we need to be professionals at the table and not laugh that's unprofessional I've not laughed at any of you no matter what you've said how much I've disagreed with you so let's keep it professional all I wanted to say was it's a little bit frustrating that it has to end like this when you've said that the proposals were to address a long-standing issue to be fiscally responsible to spend no more no less than what's in the raise pool but up until last week the only supplement proposal was for a 25% board across the board increase which was all of the raise pool and then a whole lot more of the rais pool and I respect expect that the last proposal that you had was to do in 1% across the board MH which I believe what you said was much like health insurance something we can address on the short term and continue to discuss on the long term and so it's frustrating that when our salary pool um taking the salary pool and spreading it out instead of a 1% supplement raise is a rejected in favor of mediation that's that's the frustrating part and I understand you you no because the you're frustrated with our side as well right because because we don't need an extra $23 for all of our our members that's not that's not the number one priority at this time so what we want to do is have the board respect the fact that we know what our bargaining unit members want instead of constantly have to have the board tell us what our bargaining unit members want so what I'm stating is is that your proposal is adding more money than the money that was in the rais pool correct none of our options are doing that you're adding more money to solve a problem that doesn't exist when we're asking you to use the money that's left over to solve a problem that does exist so why not let perk listen to those arguments and decide who do you think's proposals is more sound and that's our right under chapter 447 we wouldn't ask you to not exercise your rights um through the Florida statute and we'll we'll be respectful to ask you not to to ask us to do it and not to go and make all of these um crazy messages that we're holding up um bargaining unit members from getting their pay etc etc that's not the situation the situation is you guys are not listening to the representatives of the bargaining unit and I think that our option one and our option two is much better than giving 119 something um members an extra $23 in their paycheck it's a nice gesture but it's just not the priority at this moment oh yeah thank you to clarify that thank you Julie um I would assume based on that it's the same is is basically all three items tonight that were presented across the table is what you'd like to go through the separate process well no not necessarily because um the president's leave is is a permissive subject of bargaining and we're not required to take that to impass so our no is no on that what we're looking at is article two and the supplement proposal because article two and supplement proposals are mandatory subjects of Argent okay thank nothing else from RN I don't know if you have anything like that nope you guys have a good evening safe travels yall stay safe thank you