##VIDEO ID:VboxHf-GO74## e e e e e we are going to call this regular meeting of the Martin County School Board to order we will now have an opening prayer by City Commissioner Chris Collins followed by the Pledge of Allegiance thank you for the honor of praying for you guys before your meeting are you girls ready okay Heavenly Father Heavenly Father we thank you so much for the opportunity to be here and pray for this leadership of our children you yes thank you for everyone not hurt in the storm yeah then everybody was not hurt in the storm yeah okay father thank you so much for this group that you have up here I thank you for the leadership that you have put I just pray that you remind this group every single day that you trust them to lead and protect the children in this County that they trust the people who put them in this seat and that they implement the will of the people father I pray I invoke you to be in these Chambers today I invoke you to be above any uh Personal Agenda or ego or confusion and distraction and I pray that this this group with differing skills and abilities and talents work Caron iously together to do the most good for the kids that live in this county father so we just pray for you to be here I pray for your wisdom to be on every one of these people that are making decisions father bless them give them strength give them courage give them boldness to do what you want done here in Jesus name amen all right guys thank you iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands Nation God indivisible andice for all now please welcome the Bessie Creek steel drum players under the direction of Mrs Carmen AR have to bear with me AR CIA there we go they will be performing instrumental versions of lazy day reggae from the Jamaican reggae Stars followed by Sunshine sooka from the group SOA dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] h right that is Mia McGill kayn Carson Ryan Brown cor cubby Aniston Valentine Abigail McAllister Briel Ricks Kylie rash Marissa waldbauer and Emma Beasley under the direction of Carmen are in civia thank you very much with the PS wait what and to turn around thank you yay thank you all for sharing your beautiful music with us you're so talented at this time we're going to take a brief recess so that the performers can break down their instruments and then we'll resume our meeting shortly e e e e e e e we will now reconvene our regular meeting of the Martin County school board Mrs Falls will you please call the role Mr D lizing here Mrs Roberts here Mrs Powers here Mrs pett here Mrs Russell here thank you do I have a motion to approve the agenda with the following items added item added 7.04 18.10 18.11 items updated 4.01 12 .02 16.01 and items removed 12.01 13.01 and 18.08% agenda so moved I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously we will now move on to our board member discussion item our legislative priorities superintendent M and I met with Greg black last week to discuss and get feedback on the legislative priorities that we decided on as a board here's the Lang language he suggested we use for each Priority One support legislation that allows students to demonstrate Mastery of required state standards in order to continue progression and earn a standard high school diploma two support legislation aimed at reducing regulations for ler for District employees and permit District to provide full day VPK and or other wraparound services for early learning following District passes local referendum three support legislation placing further restrictions on the marketing advertising sale and access of Vape products to minors or support legislation providing administrative efficiency including efforts to address early interv early intervention for absenteeism teacher certification and additional Public School regulatory parity deregulation efforts we also included a fifth one which was for Amendment if Amendment three passes receiving uh the necessary vote for passage support legislation prohibiting both recreational and medicinal marijuana from District property SLS school facilities as well as prohibit employees from utilizing it if possible now he did have a concern on the VPK priority he stated that he me had mentioned the VPK issue to a few others and many think that it's going to be a tough Hill to climb he also feels that many other districts would fight it because they don't want the permission because it once it's out there then it becomes something the community would request and they're not sure that they could afford it it would be tough for them to implement so with that information are there any comments or questions from the board at this time so I I agree that I don't think that um item number two I don't think full day VPK is attainable I think it's we can say it but it doesn't it's not going to mean anything I think there are more more important parts of early learning that we should be advocating for such as allowing school districts to um provide after school care for VPK students outside of the 3 hours that we already have that's that's a big that's a big issue so not necessarily a full day VPK program funded in that way but allow for those wraparound Services meaning wraparound meaning extended day because if you're four years old in the State of Florida it's considered child care beyond VPK so in order for the school district to provide those Services it's an expens expense um they would have to get DCF licensed in order to do that and I think that school district should be exempt that M Roberts so for um Mrs power so do you think for number two it should have something to do with allowing districts to um receive a waiver for the DCF licensing requirement for foury olds or for four year olds I think that's what that language should be instead of the the full day piece if we just changed that to um is Mrs poers would that be the right wording that you would use else get us so it would be a waiver for the DCF licensing for fouryear olds who are attending who are particip who are taking advantage of wraparound services offered by a school district in Junction with attendance at a VPK right right so they would attend VP if they attend VPK at a public school then the parents can choose the same way they choose at a private VPK provider to allow their child to stay the remainder of the day bless you yeah so um yeah so if we can change that number too to that that can be done an agreement as well okay thank you all right we will be moving on to our recognitions we would like to take this time to honor Mr dley 24 years ago he was elected to the board of County Commissioners and has been serving in various roles within local government and Community organizations ever since he has contributed to various Civic projects and has been a business leader in our community we have been blessed to have him as a school board member for the last 12 years tonight is his last meeting and we want to say thank you for your dedication and service to the Martin County School District you will be missed please accept this plaque on our behalf as a token of our appreciation I know jod wasn't able to make it this evening but we would also like to honor your wife with flowers for the sacrifices she has made over the years and for supporting and encouraging you as you served our community thank you so much [Applause] you all very much thank you all very much but I never said I accepted the results of the election so it's not really a done deal but uh no I want to thank you all it's been a great 12 years you know I'm after serving the County commission for eight years it was a totally different job and when doc Anderson asked me to run for his seat because he was retiring I looked at him and said I really don't know anything about education he says don't worry you don't have to know anything about education you've you've done budgeting you've done policy and the rest will come along and and it did it really it really did and I remember the beginning was tough and I just made a couple of notes and I just I'm not going to bore you with this big long two-hour speech maybe an hour and a half but um the um when I took office in the district here in 2012 late 2012 I came into a district Marsha and I were elected at the same time and um we came into a district that was pretty much in financial trouble I mean you know we were paying our bills and all but we had no money to do anything we couldn't even give raises we actually wound up at um at an impass our first labor negotiations because of we had to give two Furlow days to um to our employees and it was very difficult thing to do but we were left with a one and a half% budget Reserve which the state requires a 3% budget Reserve uh quickly we worked our way up to about an 8% 5% budget Reserve I think it even went up a little bit over the 5% but it was it was a very big undertaking and it was a little were painful for some people for most of us it was painful and um but but we all stuck together we all got it going we had um you know we had to change from from elected to appointed superintendent that was another very big change for our district and um and our first appointed superintendent did a great job got us through the covid and it was wonderful and uh then on to Mr main who has been doing a phenomenal job and uh he and his team are cheerleaders for the students and families in this County and you uh I'm blessed to have been able to work with Mr Main and the staff here um but more so the families of Martin County should be truly blessed to know that you're in really good hands here and even with the with the board and incoming Brian moriar who's here um Brian's going to do a great job it took me 20 years to run for office on opposed and Brian came in his first year and ran on opposed but I want to thank um some people um number one one first and foremost my wife jod who sends her regrets but she's basking in the mountain air right now and enjoying it um but and she sends her best and uh and says thank you for putting up with me for 12 years um I want to thank my committee appointees there weren't many but um the ones that that I had served for quite almost a few of them the 12 years on the different committees um I ask you not to Take Your Eye Off the Ball uh continue to improve and do what what will positively benefit the students and families in Martin County as I know you all will you've done a great job and um we have a student here with US Representative that is a prime example of how great Martin County School District is I can tell you that we did what we promised regarding the sales tax initiative and the millage initiative uh and and we're proud to be one of the leading districts in the State uh not only in the area for salaries and benefits but um in in our um in our accomplishments as a district and educating our students um we increased from one to five Schools of Excellence it might even be six now is it six five right now um we remodeled and expanded schools we built two new elementary schools with the with the confidence of the voter of Martin County and um that was a tremendous undertaking to our our our staff who takes care of building and construction to all the people behind the scenes and uh it was it was a I can tell you my granddaughter goes to Palm City Elementary and she's absolutely enamored by it and as most of our children are enamored by our schools and our and our staff and our schools and I thank you all for that um another big one was expanding our Career Technical institutes in Martin County and I'm glad to have been part of that um also bringing in the spam uh robotics team to our facilities here and more and more students getting into the spam program and um and and that's a blessing also uh there'll be these these folks are being watched and recruited for jobs when they get get out of high school and I think that's been great uh welding Plumbing electrical Heating and Cooling entrepreneurship nursing um All About 30 different Career Technical paths and um I I went through a Career Technical path in high school and um I never used it but uh I wound up an entrepreneur and and it was a great thing for me to do to learn how to you know work with people and Banks and things like that and and business vendors and and it worked out great and I hope it'll continue to work for our students as it did for me so with that that's pretty much the end of what I have to say thank you very much I am G to ride off although I'll still live here I'm going to ride off to uh travel the country with my wife in our RV and just see what and visit our grandchildren in North Carolina as often as we can three of our grandchildren uh but we'll spend as much time with we have six grandchildren we'll spend as much time with them as possible but you'll see me around from time to time I love Martin County it's my home of 45 years and um again thank you all very much for everything you've been great and I'll miss you all thank you thank you thank you next up we have a district presentation about our specialty Pathways School branding initiative Miss baros would you like to come forward see okay good evening hi everyone how are you my name's Lana bars I'm the proud director of innovation and choice programs in the Martin County School District good afternoon School Board chair Russell and superintendent Maine and esteemed Stu school board members tonight I'm actually really excited to share an update with you on our Martin County School District specialty pathway initiative as you know our district is committed to ensuring that every student is Future Ready a theme that is Central to our strategic plan the specialty Pathways program is a key part of that effort designed to reflect the diversity of our community while attracting and retaining and growing students in alignment with the individual strengths and interests of each one as you can see from this slide our specialty Pathways span a wide range of interests talents and future career opportunities from acceleration Pathways to Career and Technical education to JC these pathways are designed to meet the needs of our diverse students giving them access to targeted learning experiences that align with their strengths and passions these Pathways also reflect our District's commitment to providing students with choices that allow them to explore and develop the skills needed for success in higher education in careers and in life each pathway is carefully crafted to ensure it's relevant engaging and future focused tonight we're highlighting five schools that have embraced this Vision these are the first elementary schools in our school district where families can apply to be part of a specific specialty pathway offering tailored educational experiences we're particularly proud of how these schools have stepped forward as innovators providing early opportunities for our youngest Learners to explore pathways igned with future goals the high school we're highlighting tonight also reflects this same commitment ensuring that students have opportunities to deepen their academic and career oriented Pursuits as they progress to strengthen their identity we've worked closely with the public information office and the Donovan group to develop a comprehensive branding toolkit for each of the five schools all designed to help these schools present a cohesive professional image both within our our community and Beyond branding is more than just a logo or a Crest it's about creating a sense of Pride and belonging for students and families A visual representation of the unique opportunities each school offers we believe that by giving each of these schools a strong identity we're helping to attract and retain students building a solid foundation for their future success so now I'm excited to introduce our first featured school this afternoon let's give our attention to Bessie Creek Elementary good evening Madam chair members of the board superintendent Maine my esteemed colleagues my name is Stacy Schmidt and I'm the principal of Bessie Creek Elementary and we are a Cambridge International School I'm very honored to be part of the very first cohort of specialty pathway elementary schools on screen you can see the seal and Crest provided by the Donovan group this is Bessie Creek by the Numbers 100% of our students participate in our Cambridge program Bessie Creek has been an a-rated school for 22 consecutive years we like to say at Bessie Creek we are five houses but one school family this year we are rated the number one best public elementary school in Martin County by niche but why would families choose Bessie Creek we're an amazing School family with a focus on supports for students we have a strong commitment to building literacy experts in every kat2 classroom we offer Spanish on our related arts wheel for all grades K to five we have a motor skills class on our related arts wheel for K to2 to build core strength which is highly correlated to reading we have robust after school clubs to help students connect with school we have a house system that promotes ingrade collaboration in camaraderie as well as friendly competition for things like our annual house cup Awards and every year we are among the highest in reading math and science in the district and we are the only Cambridge International Elementary School in Martin County and the only non Charter Cambridge Elementary School on the Treasure Coast and the Cambridge Ace pathway in Martin County goes Bessie to Hidden Oaks then to Martin County and on the right you can see the ace diploma Crest but here it is this is our real promise to families Bessie Creek is a school full of love and support for children and their families and it's created by a network of committed teachers staff PTA sac and school family members we pull together to learn grow overcome challenges and celebrate our successes we aim to level up every year so that we keep increasing the number of students who find success in academics we will support you and your students and help you find your place Among Us Bessie Creek is a small school front School footprint and we have a neighborhood feel the majority of our students live within a two- mile radius of the school and that means that we have lots of bikers and Walkers and only three school buses and that includes an ESC shuttle bus that comes from Citrus and the cool thing about Bessie is that because we're in our 27th year we now have multiple generations of little Gators running around our Alum are bringing their children to experience the same great experiences that they had when they were students and we have such a strong PTA that they are advocating and accounting for 60 to 90,000 worth of extras towards student enrichment each and every year and that is coming in the form of mostly in and out of school field trips that enrich our focus on literacy standards and help grow connections to Benchmark and and Literacy By building connections to background knowledge for students because we understand that the better connected students are with background information before they read about something the better that learning is going to be for them our Capstone though is the connection to Global perspectives and our Cambridge and in kindergarten through second grade Global perspectives looks at community and National and Global challenges through thought-based inquiry and teaching students accountable talk and then in third grade our Cambridge Global perspectives pulls it all together to focus on self community and world and then in fourth and fifth grade there are culminating projects that are happening in the global perspectives class and in fifth grade we're incorporating a Blazer ceremony and that happens with a Capstone Pro projects showcase and that's rolling out for the first time this school year so that's exciting I like it when our our families can imagine a school imagine a school filled with classrooms like Miss padon where on her birthday her husband painted the Spirit Rock at the front of the school for her and every single student in her class family came to the school and signed it for her to help with her surprise or imagine a school where on Transportation day the entire School family including kindergarten parents lines the the interior Courtyard to celebrate Kinder students as they parade around in their homemade vehicle costumes like cars trucks buses and even hot air balloons imagine a school where teachers staff and students celebrate the abilities of all students and where kindness caring and empathy rule the day where special days like red ribbon day Unity day Jump Rope for Heart House Olympics day and autism awareness day all help students and staff walk the talk together as a school family imagine a school where every month there's a school spirit assembly coupled with house time to help students and staff make connections to character traits and then use those connections to build strong ties across grade levels that improve the ways School family members feel seen and heard which is empowering to everyone imagine a school where the PTA is committed to providing in and out of school experiences for students in every grade level aligned to best standards so our students build the background knowledge to better access the curricul ulum when they read and write about it eight experiences per year a total of 48 unique experiences for students who attend Bessie from kindergarten through fifth grade or imagine a school where a class family wants with all of their hearts to be in the picture with their teacher when she is surprised and awarded as the 2024 teacher of the year Mrs Shannon aled fifth grade teacher imagine yourself here Bessie Creek Elementary best choice ever thank [Applause] you it is my pleasure to introduce my colleague and the principal of Jensen Beach Beach Elementary Jen [Applause] Radcliffe good afternoon School Board Madam chair esteemed members of the board superintendent Maine I am Jennifer Radcliffe principal of gensen Beach Elementary School assistant principal law very much wanted to be here today with me but she is sick so I know she's watching Miss law we're wishing you well I am here to celebrate the progress we have made in becoming a center for environmental stewardship we are proud to announce our green flag EOS School certification award from the National Wildlife Federation based upon the work of the faculty staff students and Community during the 23 24 school year over the years over the years Jensen Beach Elementary has developed into a school that embodies a deep commitment to both the local environment and academic Excellence while also proudly upholding our Rich JBE Viking traditions we remains steadfast in our dedication to rigorous academic achievement fostering a learning environment that values diversity supports all types of Learners and prepares all students for College and Career riness our approach Blends a Hands-On project-based learning a focus on stem prep preparation and a strong sense of community that is vital to that Viking spirit that we all cherish we have been diligently working on a seal and a Crest that could accurately represent JBE and that is what you see there choosing the right Elementary School is a significant decision for parents jensa Beach Elementary offers a a unique and enriching environment that sets us apart students staff and families share a unified vision of sustainability and environmental stewardship by choosing to attend JBE children will benefit from engaging in real world data collection laying the groundwork for future stem careers and actively participating in the creation and maintenance of wildlife habitats our strong sense of community is fostered through shared experiences ensuring that every child feels prepared for the future so you may be wondering why JBE chose to become a center for environmental stewardship JBE is situated along Warner Creek which empties into the St Lucy River and eventually read leads to the Indian River Lagoon the Indian River Lagoon occupies 40% of Florida's East Coast its Watershed includes Seven Counties and 39 Incorporated cities the Lagoon is a an economic driver of our regional economy and it generates $7.6 billion dollar annually our actions align with both immediate educational goals and long-term sustainability efforts understanding local impact is vital for our students because it makes them connect the global issues to their mediate surroundings making the need more action need for Action more Tang tangible and more relevant to them some of our program highlights include kindergarten and first grade engaging in nature science journaling second through fifth grade students collecting environmental data reported to scientists around the world through Globe a worldwide science and educational program students are participating in programs to overall benefit their community in short a center for environmental stewardship offers much more than just academic it provides a holistic enriching experience teaching children not only about the environment but also about the community responsibility and the interconnectedness of all living things it is a wonderful choice for families who want their children to grow up with an awareness and respect for the planet while also developing critical life skills JBE students typically transition from the elementary school to Stewart Middle School and Jensen Beach High School the EOS schools program at JBE equips students with essential skills preparing them for success in whatever educational path they pursue through Hands-On research critical analysis and evidencebased writing students develop a abilities that support their growth in Avid courses at Stuart Middle School it also lays the foundation for the signature programs at Jensen Beach High School including the AP Capstone diploma Sports Medicine hospitality and tourism CTE Pathways we have received several Awards and recognitions including being named a Florida school of excellence by the Department of Education the National Wildlife Federation green flag award the keep Martin beautiful environmental stewardship award we continued our work as an Everglades Champion school and received gold level again we have received other recognitions shown here that we are also very proud of we have developed many Community Community Partnerships to make our work possible for example Kei Martin beautiful has supported us in our Jensen Beach Elementary Beach cleanup which you see the picture there the JBE ecoaction team is an opportunity for students to practice leadership skills students plan and lead the monthly meetings students created an ecoaction team logo and an Eco code students choose the focus for our community projects this past year Community projects included community service days reduction of single-use plastics and sustainable Transportation students create informative presentations about the Eco initiatives here you can see students presenting in classrooms presenting at our school advisory Council and at the Jensen Beach Chamber of Commerce about the impact of macro and micro Plastics and how reducing single-use Plastics can help our environment students plan and lead the work in community events such as waterfest the international Coastal cleanup and different community service projects such as visiting a local assisted living facility homes and delivering plants here are some pictures of students using their Tools in action on the bottom you will see fifth graders testing the pH levels of Warner Creek using two different methods they learn that the pH levels significantly impact the health of Aquatic Life within the ecosystem this is determining which organisms can Thrive and survive so by choosing JBE children will benefit from engaging real world data collection laying the groundwork for those future stem careers participating in the creation and maintenance of wildlife habitats and becoming leaders in our community our strong sense of community is fostered through those shared experiences ensuring that every child feels valued and prepared for the future teachers enthusiastically participate in professional learning opportunities to increase their knowledge through Globe teachers are trained to become experts in science content now knowledge this allows them to provide the hands-on experience for students at Jensen Beach element Elementary we promise to provide a safe inclusive and nurturing environment where every child can Thrive academically and socially our dedicated staff is committed to fostering a love of learning we value open communication and collaboration with families we work together to ensure that each child reaches their full potential and is prepared for future success with a foundation built on respect growth and Community we are committed to helping children become confident compassionate lifelong Learners we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the school district and the school board for their generous monetary and Personnel support your commitment to our students and programs makes a significant difference and empowers us to achieve our goals we deeply appreciate your Partnership if you look here you will see what our future will look like we are about to launch our hydroponic classroom Gardens and as you see there is much more to look forward to and we invite you to be part of the process thank you for taking the sh the time to let us share our work and next we have thank you next we I would like to welcome proud principal of Pinewood Elementary Miss Susie [Applause] Deutsch have to lower this just a bit good evening Madame chair esteemed board members superintendent Maine colleagues and guests I am Susanna Deutsch proud principal of the Pinewood Elementary School we are excited and proud to share our Innovative specialty pathway The Pinewood is the first in Martin County Spool in the Martin County School District to focus on empowering and elevating student Voice through our communication Academy our program is being built from the ground up in collaboration with our stakeholders we are we have 670 strong student voices there are 11 different languages spoken on our campus we have 16 bilingual staff members and one to one student technology our PTA is an extraordinary partner and actively involved in our efforts to accomplish our school Improvement goals as as well as developing our specialty pathway there are many amazing Public School options in Martin County however choosing to enroll in our communication Academy means becoming part of a vibrant and diverse community that values every student's unique voice we Foster an inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds come together to learn and grow our curriculum is designed to elevate student expression through various mediums whether it's speaking writing performance or technology this comprehensive approach not only enhances communication skills but also encourages collaboration and empathy among peers preparing students for the complexities of the modern world our Academy goes beyond traditional education by providing ample opportunities for students to Showcase their talents and ideas with dedicated workshops engaging projects and community events we Empower students to take ownership of their Learning Journey by emphasizing the importance of communication in all its forms we equip our students with the skills they need to advocate for themselves and others fostering confidence and creativity that will serve them well into the future enroll with us to help your child thrive in an environment that celebrates individuality and prepares them to become effective communicators and leaders we are innovators and we are setting our own path again Pinewood is the first and only School in Martin County to prioritize elevating and empowering student voice we are growing our program from the ground up we are in the process of um purchasing a new and improved Panther News Network and also new equipment for blogging or vlogging and we offer 12 after school programs to Foster effective communication skills leadership and collaboration student collaboration um is very important to us we have a strong pulse on the importance of student engagement through collaborative practices such as teaming as depicted in these pictures this strategy has made a significant impact in allowing all students an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas by assigning each student a role pinewood's Community is passionate and committed to seeing our students Excel they contribute to our school in many ways these are just a few their VIP guest speakers we have author visits Panther path day better known as Career Day art showcases Panther Golf Classic Panther culture and tradition or Heritage night Junior Achievement for Elevate hope the Education Foundation of Martin County and our parent volunteers run many of our clubs activities family nights and so much more notable attributes and awards include our award of Platinum Status which is the highest award possible for a PBIS model School in The Last 5 Years our pwe staff has written over 2,000 posit positive office referrals our entire staff is stained in rcd responsible centered discipline which promotes a fep approach for students taking responsibility for their own action and also promotes communication with students we have a the district volunteer of the year and we have also been awarded the Cheryl hover sportsmanship award the district pathway is from Pinewood Elementary to Anderson middle school and then finally to Martin County high school and then ready for College and Career our promise to families is to hire and retain highly qualified teachers provide a strong curriculum that follows the best standards to develop a partnership with our families provide varied opportunities for after school and it was pointed out out to us that our families come and stay at Pinewood because we create individual goals for students to be successful parents stated that the people the staff is the brand at Pinewood Elementary here are a few pictures of our amazing pwe Panthers excelling in different activities this is how you can reach us and I want to make mention of my amazing admin staff this is a very proud team at pine wood admin team and uh like our community said we the staff are the brand and here are some of our brand members that came out today this is the dream team [Applause] staff thank you for supporting um our Innovative programs uh we are very fortunate to have you supporting each and every single one of us and I know there are going to be more of us in the future and now I'd like to introduce my colleague Jen Michaels principal of seawind [Applause] Elementary we will need to take a brief pause in about four minutes for public comment because it's time certain but please go ahead and start okay good evening my name is Jen Michael I'm the very proud principal of seawind Elementary Leadership Academy with me this evening we have our amazing assistant principal Mrs Dana Carol she's right behind me our wonderful school counselor Miss Christen Smith right behind Mrs Carol and most importantly we have five members of our student Lighthouse team we could not possibly come and present our Leadership Academy without their voice voices you'll hear from them in just a moment as well at seawind elementary we are a school family cultivating greatness in everyone why to seawind we are the first Leadership Academy in Martin County we teach leadership habits through a ubiquitous approach all throughout the school day we share a core belief that everyone has genius and everyone can be a leader we have a state-of-the-art science lab and outstanding Visual and Performing Arts programs that are simply Second To None we have a beautifully diverse School family with Equitable leadership experiences for all students we are on a mission to learn lead and serve every day we have a beautiful sprawling outdoor campus with student Gardens nature preserves and open a learning spaces we prioritize personalized learning to honor the genius in every child all of our students partic ipate in enrichment clubs and our monthly service projects good evening um I'm going to talk about stepen elementary by the numbers so we have 100% students engaged in the leader andme framework we have eight leadership habits that we follow we have three powerful words that we're on a mission to serve and they are learn lead and serve and we have nine um monthly School uh schoolwide service projects that we complete each year um so here is a picture of our Martin County firefighters um when cards were delivered that our students made and also we were feature featured on the news so I'm just going to play okay okay yeah so we were featured on the news um presenting the cards um to the Martin County school um or the Martin County Fire District let's go ahead and take a pause now because it's 5 PM and then we'll resume in just a minute it is time for public comment citizen input is vital to the Improvement of our district most times your remarks may be listened to without comment from the board members or superintendent this does not mean they are heard with any less intensity or concern where appropriate the superintendent and staff will investigate your comments and report back to you and the board with an answer we thank you for taking the time and having the concern to make our district better your presentation to the board should not exceed 3 minutes letters or statements from others not present can be can be given to our clerk who will be sure that each School Board member and the superintendent receive a copy to keep our record straight and authentic our policy does not permit you to read the the statements of others into the record Elena Beasley good evening um I'm here again to address the issue of the current closure of the Martin County High School pool at the end of last school year the board announced to the public that the pool would remain open for the 2024 2025 school year while concerns were being reviewed and appropriately addressed the swimmers and Community were happily relieved to be given this news I'm saddened and frustrated to see that this promise to the students has not been fulfilled the pool has now been closed for the past nine weeks and as we Clos the first quarter of the school year my daughter keeps asking me why is the pool still closed when the school board said it would stay open I have no answers to give her 9 weeks ago the pool was abruptly closed due to an electrical issue the team was told to be patient and to wait 6 weeks for it to be fixed we have exceeded that time frame it is the swim team's understanding that the electrical issue has been fixed and there are no leaks or other problems why is the pool still closed when will it reopen as it was promised the pool is a unique asset to our students and Community please don't let it fall into a state of disrepair so that you can abandon it please don't let the kids down thank you that concludes our public comment please resume our district presentation good evening um our promise to our families is to build an environment that feels like a family one that believes all children can learn lead and be of service to our community we love our students staff and families and we synergize and work together so everyone can achieve their full potential we nurture an inclusive environment where respect empathy and collaboration Thrive we are a school where leadership environmental stewardship and individual genius flourish together we're shaping Future Leaders committed to a better world we want our families and students to know and feel that they belong at seawind we want to build a school where everybody knows they are loved valued supported inspired and that they are a leader and it is my pleasure to present five members of our student Lighthouse team they are members of a larger 20 student team five of them are able to join us this evening special thanks to their families for making the extra effort to bring them out tonight habit number eight is all about finding your voice and inspiring inspiring others to find Theirs to and certainly that's what these young people are doing so proud of our student leaders hi my name is Elizabeth I'm in fourth grade the eight habits contribute to our school because it helps us be a leader in different ways we use the eight habits when we work we also use the eight habits to achieve our goals for example I am proactive when I focus on my teacher and complete my work I begin with the end in mind when I'm learning division [Applause] my name is reys I'm in fourth grade we have something at our school called wigs this stands for widely important goals we have schoolwide wigs and different academic wig for each grade level they help us develop and accelerate towards our learning goal all students also have personal wigs we have different ways to achieve goals such such as tracking our lead measures and our leadership portfolios so my name is Ean I'm in fourth grade every student has a leadership role in the classroom classroom we all have different roles because we all have our own Geniuses we also have opportunities for leadership roles around campus such as such as leading the morning announce announcements we also have leadership roles on on our SE Lighthouse team for example we have we have photographers at award celebrations we we have gold trackers who track our who track our quarterly wig and weekly Spirit Gear I am I am the affiliator of our SE and L house team meetings and and I am like the teacher and I read the meetings my name is Sawyer and I am in fourth grade we we have monthly student Le schoolwide leader and me morning meetings for example I am the morning meeting leader that helps plan and lead the morning meetings for the whole school our morning meetings are very important to our school because we demonstrate the habits with a leader and me skit showing one habit or multiple habits we also lead the Pledge of Allegiance with everyone in the school we even do a live newscast we come together as a school family to synergize my name is Keegan I am in fourth grade we are a school family that works together as a team to achieve our goals leader and me makes our school special because it makes us better people we include everyone and give everyone a chance to be a leader when it comes to hard math I always put first things things first I finish my math then I get to read good books leader me has helped me find my voice for example I have several several leadership roles like announcing spirit stick winners at are student L assemblies en counting Spirit day participation in each classroom every Friday [Applause] I always say our students can say it so much better than I can please make sure to follow us we are leading the way check out our official School Facebook page where we proudly showcase our excellence in action every day thank you very much good job next it's my pleasure to present my good friend and esteemed colleague the principal of Jensen Beach High School Mrs Lori vogle [Applause] good afternoon Schoolboard chair Miss Russell Schoolboard members and superintendent Maine I'm Lori Vogel I'm the very proud principal at Jensen Beach High School tonight I am here to share with you our te squared Al teal um new programming and logoing that we are branding our school with teal is stands for technology engineering entrepreneurship Arts learning at Jensen Beach High School teal will engage all students in Steam science technology engineering arts and math at Jensen Beach High School steam will drive all the learning that takes place the goal of our te squared Al is to involve every area of our school encouraging student collaboration and creative goal growth in multiple stem disciplines as we celebrate our 20th an iversary this year we are excited to introduce our te squared Al teal program as part of our branding we too have worked with the Donovan group um you can see our new logo up there and um we have maintained our Shield because it's been ours for 20 years we are working with JD Parker Jensen Beach Elementary and Stuart Middle School and we have collaborative programs that will feed into our te squared Al program at Jensen Beach High School we have many programs already but this one will Encompass all of them together um I'm excited to share that we have made the AP honor rooll from college board again this year with a silver award and we also earn the AP diversity award we offer currently 26 AP class classes which can and du lead to the AP Capstone diploma program we're the only School in Martin County with the AP cap Stone diploma we are also the only high school with a PTSA and a PTSA student Le club that supports our PTSA one of the most important things at our school and the heartbeat of everything we do is student voice unfortunately hurricane Milton did something to my students senior nights postpone games all kind of things otherwise they would be here because as many of you know I like to lead student driven presentations so student voice is at the heart of everything that we do our students help make decisions regarding our school activities cultures and sports um our cafeteria redesign was totally done by our students our new Innovation Center design was totally done by our students our students are part of our school advisory Council they are PTSA student members they run our Student Government they are part of student athletic leadership our band leadership programs theater and ubil lat programs they run all of our club clubs School culture and spirit activities and their voices are very important um no um sorry so our teal will activate Steam for all Learners at Jensen Beach High School everyone that comes to Jensen Beach High School will participate in some some for some form of steam at our school so teal will Encompass all areas of our school and encourages collaboration which is the C and wicker so that encompasses our Avid programming where students can work together form ideas and work with outside mentors to grow their ideas teal will become self-sufficient in building theater marching band sets for our Performing Arts programs for band music Ensemble vocal Ensemble and drama teal develops entrepreneurship ideas and creates prototypes in the area of business medical hospitality and Engineering so what's new with teal we've always been teal but now we have an extra e we are expanding our Pathways with Emery Riddle University we have dual enrollment programs and Aerospace technology courses we have integrated programs with Air Force jrtc and Engineering we have opportunities to participate in Vex robotics aerial drone and SE perch underwater drone comp competitions and Industry certification in drone technology up here is a a map of our brand new Innovation Center you will be getting an invite shortly to come and visit it it's not quite finished but almost um we're really proud of this this was a lot of student design they they came several times to meet with the verco Reps and they picked the colors and they picked what they wanted in their Innovation Center so we're excited about that um the other program that's part of our teal program is our incubator program last year we had our first Shark Tank um presentation where the students worked with their mentors they had authentic real learning and they had Hands-On problem solving and they came up with ideas and we they presented them and one one unfortunately we weren't picked to go to Chicago this year but we're going next year and we're continuing to do ongoing professional development for our classroom teachers and our volunteers all through stem so inspiring and action students learning by doing students will use the skills they've learned in the area of our T te squared Al brand to collaborate they will develop business model canvas canvases gain Market input on valuable products and all elements to improve their business plan the program C accumulates with a pitch to investors students pitch their ideas to actual investors to turn their business plans into reality during the summer and the following school year we do have some passion projects at Jenson Beach High School every student that comes to our school will be exposed to team and steam they will participate in critical thinking activities and be prepared for careers colleges University or mil Andor military careers our students will compete in fine and Performing Arts Vex robotics SE perch underwater Robotics and aerial drone competitions at local state and National levels this is a big passion project for our school Jensen Beach will develop create and run a print shop for banners t-shirts and other promotional materials this will be a student driven project which will include our engineering department our Arts marketing entrepreneurship and Technology programs the goal go is to begin a small business to service other schools and district offices and then move into the public SE sector with a business plan and develop our own print shop at Jensen Beach High School thank you and I appreciate everything everyone does to support Jensen Beach High School because without all of you we wouldn't be able to do any of this so thank you so that concludes our school presentations but I'll just wrap up these specialty programs and branding are about more than just programming they're about creating a clear compelling future for our students that begins in elementary school and continues through high school and Beyond this initiative is not only aligned with our strategic plan but it also reinforces our District's commitment to providing every student with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed in a rapidly changing World in closing I want to remind our families that students entering kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to apply for a seat in one of our specialty Pathways students can participate in a pathway at their Zone school or they may choose to attend a program offered at a school outside of their Zone however please note that transportation is not provided for out of Zone placements also admissions not guaranteed and there are limited seats in the schools I'm also excited to share that we're opening an early application period for the specialty Pathways beginning December 1st and running through January 31st this is a great opportunity for families to secure a spot in a pathway of their choice in our schools and we encourage everyone to take advantage of this early window to explore and apply for these exciting programs thank you for your continued support and allowing all of us to present tonight thank you are there any questions from the board on this presentation good okay thank you so much we will now hear from our student representative Jamie Paulson thank you madam chair uh first Jensen Beach High School the jbhs student government Association has off officially kicked off their homecoming festivities with a week of Olympic theme events the parade will be taking place on Thursday October 17th the football game on the 18th and the dance night in Greece will take place on Saturday October 19th the Spanish National Honor Society just recently hosted a very successful Hispanic heritage week many students and staff participated in the dress up days themed events and they even capped the week off with an epic Zumba class in the gym the Air Force jrc at Jensen Beach High School is starting rocketry classes after this school week they are doing an adopt a road cleanup on ER this Wednesday this past weekend 15 cadetes served breakfast and lunch at the Young eagles flying at Stuart airport the senior class at jbhs is busy planning and organizing the annual trunk oret treat event which is scheduled to place on Wednesday October 30th in the gym parking lot all families are encouraged to attend next Martin County High School the class of 2027 is excited to host the homecoming dance this Saturday October 19th at 700 p.m. the dance Once Upon A Homecoming will take place in the MCA or in Martin County high school gym tickets are on sale now Martin County High School is excited to recognize all their Homecoming candidates at the parade on Thursday October 17th at 6 p.m. off East Coast Boulevard ocean East Ocean Boulevard excuse me flow building and parade preparation has already begun their homecoming game will take place on Friday October 18th at 7 p.m. there will be a pregame celebration beginning at 6 p.m. to recognize our Homecoming candidates are they are escorted across the field by fs and family friends and family on Saturday October 5th the Martin County High SCH High School tiger regimen participated in the ffcc outdoor contest at o oo oo excuse me ovetto high school the tiger regiment received best-in-class visual effect best-in-class General effect best-in-class percussion first place in class 3A and named the grand champion for classes 3A 2A and 1A Mar County High School would like to congratulate sophomore Nina Goyle for her recent pres presentation to the United Nations science Summit youth parliament in New York Nina was one of the 25 students from around the world who was chosen to present her research which has been focused on finding new clean and sustainable alternatives to chemical pesticides and herbicides Martin County High School National Honor Society had the pleasure of inducting 193 new students into this prestigious program congratulations to all new members the Martin Bowl was yesterday this past Monday the score was 25 to35 Martin County winning congratulations tigers Southfork High School the green Club completed their first Beach cleanup at Hop Sound Beach on Saturday along with JRA OTC they participated in the keep Martin beautiful the green Club is also adopting Hope Sound Beach and will will be conducting more cleanups in the coming months we had a strong group of 44 members collected 44 members collect and 60 pounds of collect 60 pounds of trash from the beach and Mangrove Dune areas a big congrat congratulations to seven carolon singers who were selected for the Florida American coral Directors Association Honor Choir Mara bran I will list the names Mar Mara bran Nate bilot ree Smith Natalia kabalo sa Sabrina Zano Kaylee Demers and Evan tery we are so proud of you over 9,000 students applied and only 145 were selected way to go Bulldogs Cadet Maria Diaz was selected as an honor flight Guardian for the southeast Florida Honor Flight Network the mission of the Honor Flight Network is to fly local World War II Korean and Vietnam War veterans to Washington DC to visit the memorials built to honor their service and sacrifices each year the Honor Flight Network selects one Jr OTC Cadet from each of the local high schools to serve as Honor Flight Guardians these Cadets receive a once in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to Washington DC and serve as trained traveling companions to an honor to honor um a flight veteran the guardian program is designed to not only assist the veterans physically as needed but to also learn about their veterans service to find out their stories to help continue their legacy and help them feel V honored for serving our country Cadet Diaz accompanied her Marine her Marine veteran Mr Allen Street to Washington DC on September 21st and stated that it was one of the most honorable and memorable trips of her lifetime they spent the entire day in the capital together visiting warm memorials and enjoying lunch thank you very much thank you Jamie next we have our district update with Jennifer disazo or drik glow this time good evening superintendent Maine members of the board board chair Miss Russell uh Derek l coordinator public information and community relations it's my pleasure to bring you this month's District update as election day approaches on November 5th it's essential for Martin County voters to be aware of the opportunity to renew the existing millage referendum that was initially approved back in 2018 and then reauthorized again in 2022 this initiative provides critical operational funding for all Martin County Public Schools ensuring that students can access the programs personnel and resources that help them Thrive funds from the millage referendum contribute to five key areas across the district including increased School Safety and Security the recruiting and retaining of qualified teachers and support staff members mental health programming professional development and academic initiatives if voters choose to approve the millage referendum in November the renewal would go into effect in 2026 after after the current referendum expires in 2025 Martin County Public School students benefit from the millage referendum by 100% uh all of the money and dollars generated by the referendum uh it currently amounts to approximately $900 per student the renewal of the referendum has already garnered support from many Community organizations including the Martin County Education Association the TC Palm newspaper the Chambers of Commerce from Stewart Jensen Beach and Palm City The Economic Council of Martin County and asme Florida to learn more about the millage referendum we encourage Martin County voters and families to visit our website martinschools.org the district is proud to announce it has once again received the certificate of achievement for excellence and financial reporting this year marks the 18th consecutive year that the Martin County school district has received this prestigious award this certificate of excellence recognizes the annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30th of 2023 and this is the highest form of recognition in the realm of financial government reporting the report exemplifies the district's commitment to full disclosure ensuring that its Financial story is communicated effectively and clearly to its constituents it not only highlights the district's dedication to transparency and its Financial spending but also encourages stakeholders to engage with our financial information the district has also been named the sixth best school district in the State of Florida by Niche a leading platform per for providing comprehensive data on schools and communities across the United States the Martin County School District outranked all of it neighboring counties in St Lucy Indian River okobe and in Palm Beach counties rankings are based on a variety of factors including academic performance test scores student and parent reviews teacher quality graduation rates college readiness and access to extracurricular activities everyone please join me in congratulating the Martin County School District with a round of applause the Martin County school district has rescheduled its college fair due to Hurricane Helen not Milton that was back in Molen uh Helen excuse me a couple weeks ago the event will now take place on October 28th uh at Martin County High School from 5: to 7:30 it was originally scheduled to be at Jensen Beach High School a note for our families students and their families will have the opportunity to meet face to face with dozens of colleges universities uh and representatives from every military branch during the college fair and they can also expect to learn more about the respective programs admission requirements and numerous scholarship opportunities that are available bus transportation is being provided for students and their families who live in Indian toown pickup will be at Indian toown Middle School at 5:00 p.m. we ask that families and students planning to ride the bus be sure to pre-register you can do so over on our website martinschools.org and congratulations to Jensen Beach High School we heard Mrs Vogal talk about it earlier this afternoon they have earned a place on the AP School honor rooll for the 2023 2024 school year achieving that silver distinction the AP School honor roll celebrates schools each year that excel in expanding access to AP courses while also delivering strong academic results and maximizing college readiness excuse me 53% of Jensen Beach High School seniors had at least taken one AP exam while in high school 40 of them had scored at least a three on one of those exams and 21% of seniors had taken at least five course exams for advanced placement these accolades are a testament to the schoolwide effort to providing early exposure to college level coursework and supporting students on the path to postsecondary education and success congratulations to Jensen Beach High [Applause] School and last but certainly not least the district would like to recognize three of its food and nutrition service employees who were recently honored with state level Awards Christy Cole from Citrus Grove maryi Ellen Burgess from South Fork High School and Thomas Gallagher from the district all earned awards from the Florida school nutrition Association we are so thankful to have them on our team and have them choose to wake up each day and put the needs of our students before themselves congratulations that concludes this month's District update until next time of course you can find us wherever you choose to scroll we're on every social media Network and we are always putting out positive content showcasing the amazing things that are happening in our school district and we'll see you next month thank you Derek Mr main our superintendent's update yes ma'am we will continue the uh the accolades I I too wanted to just uh take a minute to recognize Laura hamal and her amazing food nutrition team we will get them here once they receive their official Awards to recognize them but I think what's important to note is there were only 10 awards given out throughout the entire State and of those 10 Martin County took home three of those 10 Awards so congratulations Laura I also want to thank um principal schmidtt and your music teacher I know she she stepped out and the wonderful um steel drum players your students they did an incredible job thank you appreciate that the girls have been telling me about that and it was nice to be able to to see it on display so that's excellent and I also want to thank our principles who are here from the five schools and our administrators that are with them for support for your uh wonderful presentations a lot of hard work has gone into uh working to Rebrand your schools really tell your why and get your story out there on what makes you unique as to why students should come to your school uh versus other schools in the district and a little competition goes a long way in Friendly competition in making sure that we're retaining and also attracting students so I appreciate your time and effort in that as well thank you without uh further Ado I do want to take some time to extend uh our thoughts and prayers to everyone in the Martin County community uh that is recovering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Milton as many of you are aware last week one of the tornadoes uh definitely took a huge hit to Murray Middle School the damage was significant especially to the band and chorus rooms as well as the a classroom located in the Southeast corner of the campus once the storm cleared our team quickly assessed the site and documented the extent of the damage and at this time I'd like to share a quick video that captures the true intensity of the storm and the impact that it had on Murray [Music] I um want to take a moment to recognize principal Roth for her leadership during this time with her staff um Mr Beasley and Kristen Carbone her two other administrators uh true leadership comes out in times of of disaster and tragedy principal Roth being in her first year as a principal stepped up to the plate and has shown true true leadership to her staff at that school uh rallied the troops pulled everybody together and was able to have a successful first day back yesterday I know she's not with us uh today but I I do want to recog recognize principal Roth and her leadership I would also like to uh recognize my staff that's in the building today all of our directors our operations team uh Dr Miller our chief of staff Julie cessa and her team Troy La Barbara uh Carter who stepped up to the plate with finances uh Lisa Estes kudos to Brian and Mark Don Calderone for his steadfast leadership at the EOC as well as every step of the way on the radio with all of our principles uh any of our staff that is that's over in on that side our ET Department you all played food and nutrition a pivotal pivotal role in in seamless execution to make sure that we were ready to go we were well prepared we prepare for these things to hope to never have to use them uh and and you know just when it happens you hope okay let's get to work and everybody rolled up their sleeves and got to work Safety and Security with Frank and our school-based administrators who time and time again make sure that their staff is ready communicated with at a at a click of a of a button boom EOC we need we need uh shelters open they all deploy they get their teams together we open up shelters and everybody gets to work so uh this is we couldn't have gotten back yesterday as quickly as we did if everybody didn't come together to pitch in and for the board's support in making sure that we have the resources available to do do our jobs uh I greatly commend everyone so I'm feeling pretty blessed today to have the team that we have that executed at the level that they did and I appre greatly appreciate each and every one of you because I don't always get to tell you so thank you um and also to our First Responders uh thank you you you will represent your your men and women and colleagues uh for being there to support us all of our fire department uh teams that contributed to the safety of our staff and the community and I also want to say thank you to fpl huge shout out to fpl who who very very quickly was on the phone with me and the team every step of the way to constantly give us updates and to prioritize school all of this at the same time that multiple staff members and teachers and families were directly impacted by the tornadoes lost their homes and personally were uh you know had issues that they were dealing with but we knew that students were first at the Forefront of everything that we did and uh we never lost sight of that so I appreciate it I know I went off script a little bit I'm sorry but uh that's all I have to say with my update thank you n thank you are there any other questions from the board for any of the other information only reports Miss Roberts um yes so I have a few my first one is for Carter when I'm looking at the extended day account that runs through August does that I see that we have a deficit for expenses over revenue is that because we haven't moved money to pay for employee kids like we're supposed to I mean is there some transfer pieces that I haven't seen yet at this time Mrs harits I'd have to do a little bit more research but sometimes we do have a log a lag excuse me in recording our revenues but our expenditures um are typically every two weeks those keep going sometimes we do have a a lag in recording our revenues so let me get back to you on okay thank you um I'd like to thank um Julie cessa and the HR people for um the work that's being done with Kelly Services and ask how that's working as far as are we giving them notice ahead of time when we anticipate vacancies happening I mean how is that I know that the fill rate is looking good but I'm just curious good afternoon Julie cessa assistant superintendent of HR with regard to Kelly Services we have two employees on site in the HR department that are Kelly Services employees and we work with a program called smart find Express and that is how all of our jobs are put into a system by the schools and then the schools um put whatever vacancies they might have and then those are filled by our Kelly Services um guest teachers for openings am I asking answering that question I'm specifically looking at I know we had a great deal of um instructional vacancies that the Friday um after Helen came through and I think that the fill rate was quite impressive and I'm just so so did we know did we anticipate that many vacancies and reach out to Kelly Services ahead of time or would they just have that many people standing around in a hallway no yes ma'am that the vacancies end up in that smart find um program but we also know um and um Mr Jeff Raymond our director of talent acquisition and HR operations sits right next to his team to the kellet and they were speaking about knowing that this was going to be a high volume day and they met with Kelly ahead of time we made sure they were pushing out to substitutes to take the job so not only is it in smart find then they email their guest teachers that work for Kelly and say we believe we're going to have a high volume please look please pick up jobs so they work in the background um directly with our HR operations team to make sure we can get the best fill rate available when we know we might have a high volume and so are we getting that information from the schools early like or are we just organically figuring that Friday is going to be a a high call in date or or the school are the are our employees are our teachers letting their principal know so that then HR knows so then we can I mean is that happening or is it just a we're imagining we have't in the background we also will email schools and say please make sure if they are they do want to take and have the time that they put it in early so we have time to get a substitute there so we do that on the back end as well okay thank you very much and the last question I had was um in the charter school Financial reports I noticed we don't have tcca this month so I don't know whether that's a did we not get one for the month or so we did get one we got it after deadline but since they're high performing school they weren't required to provide us the financial report this month but we do have it on filed they did file it just but after deadline and it wasn't a requirement okay so um in next month's agenda can we continue to post those things I mean it isn't whether to me it isn't whether they're required not required to do it if we get a financial from one of the charter schools that we oversee I mean I think that we kind of need to have that transparency to the public to be able to post it on the agenda we'll get it on next month agenda and I'll go ahead and send it to you today as well thank you very much that's all I had thank you are there any further questions from the board okay we will now move on to board member information share um I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge several organizations that have taken the time to write letters of support for the millage referendum in the last couple of weeks we've had the Martin County Education Association the Stuart Martin chamber the Palm City Chamber and The Economic Council of Martin County thank you all for your letters of support the board is humbly asking for the community's support by voting yes on November 5th to continue the millage moving on we will move on to our action items item number 18.01 Schoolboard travel there's none at this time so we will move on to item number 18.02 renewal group Med Care Advantage and supplement insurance for retirees are there any questions from the board move approval I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.03 requests approval to renew St Lucy Public Schools ITB number 2224 charter bus services are there any questions from the board move approval of 1803 I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.04 request approval to renew Palm Beach County School District ITB number 21 c-8a term contract for field trip charter bus service in and out of County are there any questions from the board appr of 18.04 I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.05 approval of term contract with Wells Fargo for banking services in accordance with Florida doe administrative rule 6a-1 .014 at the same terms conditions and pricing as Palm Beach County School District it n number 23 c-031 V are there any questions from the board move approval and thank Palm Beach County School District for um getting that second we could use I have a motion by Miss Roberts in a second by Mr dley all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.06 RFQ number 36-0 2020 South Fork High School project proposal for adding existing Auditorium to the new chiller plant and Ice storage are there any questions from the board move approval of 18.06 I have a motion by Mr dley and a second by miss pritet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.07% 2020 Southfork high school project additional costs are there any questions from the board do I have a motion move approval 1807 I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously just a reminder item number 18.0 8 was removed item number 1809 maximum class size flexibility for students enrolling after October survey period are there any questions from the board move approval of 1809 I have a motion by Mr dley and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.10 requisitions to be approved for purchase orders over 100,000 are there any questions from the board I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.11 request approval to renew Omnia Partners Cooperative contract number R 19165 disaster and non- disaster restoration of operational services with cotton commercial USA Incorporated are there any questions from the board move approval of 18.11 second I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously moving on we are going to our first review of Schoolboard policies and to approve the advertising is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on any of these policies at this time seeing none we will move forward our first policy is item number 03 Children and Youth imposter care this is a new policy are there any questions from the board second I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by Mr dley all those in favor any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.02 policy number 5200 attendance are there any questions from the board move approval I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by miss pritet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries four to zeroy had to step out item number 19.03 policy number 5200.01 attendance records resend are there any questions from the board I I have a motion by Miss pritchet do I have a second I have a second by Miss Powers all those in favor I any opposed motion carries 40 item number 19.04 policy number 5330 use of medications are there any questions from the board do I have a motion I have a motion by Miss pritchet and a second by Miss power all those in favor I any opposed motion carries 40 item number 19.05 policy number 5340 student accidents and illnesses are there any questions from the board see none do I have a motion have a motion by Miss pritet and a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries 4 Z item number 19.06.13 I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries 4 Z Item number 19.8 policy number 5505 gang control resend are there any questions from the board I have a motion I have a motion by Miss prit and a second by Miss Powers all those in favor I any opposed motion carries 40 item number 19.09 policy number 5515 use of Motor Vehicles this is a new policy are there any questions from the board do I have a motion move approval of 1909 I have a motion by Mr dley and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.10 policy number 5610 .05 participation in extracurricular activities are there any questions from the board I have a motion over approv by 19.10 I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19 19.11 policy number 5722 schools sponsored Publications and Productions are there any questions from the board have a motion move approval on 19.12 have a motion by Miss pitchet and a second by Mr derley all those in favor on page n of 11 option three says selected board intends to adver so does that mean student production what is this sorry Mrs Roberts as it's written that's what it says that intent I don't know if that's I don't know if that's really our intent I know that quite frequently when I go to a student production or something there is a a thing that's on the bottom that's saying you know somebody sponsored this I mean Imagine music in our schools imagine any of those other things I don't know whether that's what we really intend to be doing is saying that those Productions can't have any and I know this is an advertisement and I know that this is a substantial change so this is the first reading so it's not the final adoption so you can still make change but that's a substantive change so you would be bringing it back for another first review so I don't know how the rest of you feel about that I know that um Amy made the motion and Mike made the second but I didn't catch that can anyone provide a commentary on why that was chosen I I I think it kind of depends on the context with what we're looking at it I know that when our team reviewed it we were thinking as Miss Roberts described us as in the student media like if they were using an advertisement or doing something in the actual production of a media rather than in like a pamphlet or a handout that would maybe be a play bill or something but I can see Miss Robert's Point we'd be happy to um take that into consideration and look at the other options again and bring that back okay so I'll resend my motion to approve I know in the past there's been some issues many years ago about uh advertisers that may not be appropriate for school age students that might want to advertise and I know a lot of that was if you don't out allow anybody then nobody can advertise if you allow one you have to allow it all no yeah if you add allow one you have to allow it all if an organization a business or somebody want wants to advertise and they pay they can advertise you can't stop them if you stop everybody and say there's no advertising then you don't get any undesirable advertisers we do have other policies that cover advertising which is what we use with like the community flyer approval process and there are standards in that board policy um which I believe is in the 9,000 under community relations under um uh 9700 and 97.1 explains more of those processes like if somebody wanted to do a flyer how that would work and we don't um permit any type of advertising that's something that would be illegal or inappropriate for a minor to use or view or anything like that so it's kind of the same as the dress code where you you can't have clothing that would be advertising beer or something like that it's it's covered in the advertising policies as well I don't know I'd rather air on the side of caution myself but that's up to the majority I guess it Miss Powers how do you feel can can you work on variation of the wording so that it it's it's clear I apologize I think our mindset was just a little bit different when we were looking at the wording than what Mrs Roberts got out of it we will definitely look at all the options again and make sure that it's clear when we bring it back to you okay so we'll bring thank you we'll bring it back thank you okay item number 19.12 policy number 5771 search and seizure are there any questions from the board on this one we've approval have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.13 policy number 5830 student fundraising are there any questions from the board move approval second I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by miss pritchet all those in favor any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.4 policy number 5885 parades resend are there any questions from the board Mo approval of resending 8 5885 item 1914 have a motion by Mr dley and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.15 policy number 6114 cost principles spending federal funds this is a new policy are there any questions from the board of approval of the advertising second have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.16 policy number 6220 budget preparation are there any questions from the board second I have a motion by Miss pritchet and a second by Mr dley all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 1917 policy number 6230 tax budget hearing resend are there any questions from the board approval of 1917 item 6230 tax budget hearing we sending it I have a motion by Mr dley and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.18 policy number 63201 vendor preference this is a new policy are there any questions from the board do I have a motion for approval motion second have a motion by Miss pritchet and the second by Mr dley all those in favor any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.19 policy number 6325 procurement federal grants and funds this is also a new policy are there any questions from the board move approval 19 One n procurement I have a motion by Mr D in a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 19.20 policy number 7250 naming renaming of District owned facilities are there any questions from the board move approval of 19.20 policy 7250 naming renaming District owned facilities I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries un unanimously Madam chair yes and for the board on 1911 the policy that you're asking staff to update it my recommendation is that you move to postpone it so that staff can review the language and come back to the board okay and that way your record will show that you did discuss it and it's not something that just failed for lack of action do we need to vote to do that or my recommendation is that you vote to postpone for staff to address the language discussed I have a motion for item number 19.11 to postpone second have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously thank you next up we have open to the board Mr dley do you have anything I have nothing right now Madam chair thank you than you I'm G to say something I'm going to go stand at the podium and speak for an hour and a half no just thank you very much again for everybody and you do I couldt you might fall asleep um yes so thank you Mike it's been um fun sitting down this end of the table with you and um I appreciate your insights and um holding down this end of the fort um I also let's see I spoke at Stuart middle school regarding the millage sometime before one of the storms or in between the storms Etc I want to thank everybody for all the cleanup effort and everything and especially Mark for the work that's being done out at um marray Middle School really appreciate that um and I also want to thank you thank the staff regarding the Martin County High School pool for making sure that our swimmers have a place to swim and that that's moving forward and thank the staff for their um careful and judicious um evaluations and work that they're doing and I understand why it can't be on the agenda today that we need to have a complete picture of exactly what we're doing and I really appreciate the forbearance and the patience of the community um for allowing us the time and the um basically the time to be able to get all the information that we need so that we can make an intelligent decision and move forward from that I think that that's really important um to be good stewards of our tax dollars and to maintain our facilities and take care of facilities the way they're supposed to be made I do understand that when Mr main said that the pool was going to remain open for this year that was before the safety concern was brought to our attention and obviously I think everyone um can understand that when a safety concern is brought to the attention it needs to be taken care of and needs to be addressed immediately and I I do appreciate that and I think that it isn't saying that you know I mean I I take what you said as far as it the pool would remain um as a pool for the rest of this year it is remaining as a pool for the rest of this year it's just unfortunately because of what we're doing you can't be coming in swimming in it because um what's happening over there but I really do appreciate all the work to be able to get the swimmers a place to swim um and I think we're fortunate in this community that we do have um additional community pools whether it's the YMCA Sailfish Splash Etc that people can use to swim at and I think that um a thanks to the county for being able to work with us and be able to be sure that all of our swim teams have the ability to do that I appreciate that thank you Miss Bridget thank you um I want to thank the entire District my community was hammered In This Storm uh we were fortunate that we were not harmed in any way but the people in my community are so appreciative of the quick meticulous articulate communication that has gone out they're grateful for the meals they're grateful for the fact that their kids can return to school they were very scared and I got lots of texts and phone calls thanking the district for their hard work so I want to thank all of you I won't name you individually but collectively I think you all just outdid yourselves it kind of makes me emotional because we didn't know what was going to happen thank you Powers yes um thank you Mike I just want to say it's been an honor and privilege to serve with you for the last 12 years we started this journey together um now you're going to go on into retirement and I'm a little bit jealous um but I hope enjoy it and thank you so much for all you've done for our community from the school board to your County Commission service um you've always given so much back to your community and I really appreciate that and please give our love to jod for um putting up with everything that you have um had to endure over the last 20 years um she's an amazing support system for you I know so um we hope you enjoy your enre retirement and have a wonderful time in Georgia we're a little bit jealous of that cool weather so um it's cool congratulations so much Mara I'll call Kevin for you and to push along that retirement um and I will just say ditto to what Amy said um I've been just amazed at the amount of work that has been completed in such a short amount of time to get our schools back up and running um after something that we could have never predicted happening um you know when we have a category 5 hurricane barreling toward us we never expect to get tornadoes to the magnitude that we got even a full day before we even got the hurricane so um I just kudos to everyone for um all your effort in getting our schools back open and our kids back in school and you know I think the um fact that I think it was 97% of the kids at Murray Middle School returned um on Monday shows how important our schools are to our community and it's such an important part to getting um back to normal so thank you all very much Mr M yes I just wanted to uh wish Mr deer Ley a phenomenal retirement I can only say I'm sorry we didn't get an opportunity to work together long um but I really appreciate the times that you stop by just to spend time and to tell stories and to talk and to um your positive attitude and and that level of support you you're always coming from a positive place and I think the one thing that impacted me the most was whatever decisions were made were always made in with students in mind and I really appreciate that and and will value that and so I hope that you stay in touch and uh I look forward to working with Dr Mor Ari in in your place and uh but it's been a good short ride but it's for me but it's been a great ride so thank you thank you Michael I'll make sure I called Diane once a week just to say I lost my schedule okay well I had a couple things that I wanted to say um I echo my colleague sentiments I'm so appreciative of all the hard work in leadership everyone has shown you know you really find out who people really are uh during the tough times and you you showed how awesome and compassionate and kind and loving you are I'm so excited for the things that this district is going to do together because we showed how strong we are together and how we support each other and it's great to be a part of um some things some business that we need to attend to um we have the village the city and the county have decided on March 7th and J uh October 3rd for next year's joint meeting dates all of them were in agreement for those two dates we were the only ones that couldn't kind of figure out if that was going to work for us so because all three of them have decided on those dates we kind of have to to go with those but where we do have a say is the month of July so they are open to July 23rd 24th and 31st so is there a time that's better a date that's better the 23rd to 24th and the 31st okay um well with the 31st of July work for everyone Mara you need somebody El do it no I'm only kidding okay so July 31st it is then so we will have um March 7th a Friday July 31st that will turn in then October 3rd which is also a Friday and then um I also wanted to talk to you about our November Workshop in 22 when we came in um the workshop for November was cancelled ahead of our date that we came in I didn't know if you all would be willing to canel our workshop for for next month only because I feel like Brian can't participate and so he I feel like he needs to have a say in what he's going to be voting on um and without that I just feel that that was fair everyone okay with that what was supposed to be on at this time we did not have anything kind of policies if we wanted to bring It Forward it was supposed to be the 12 right not election correct it's the second one yes second okay with that okay so we will cancel our Workshop then all right with no further business this meeting is adjourned for