##VIDEO ID:f6TcvPm5gt8## good kiry said we're go okay well thank you um I know we always start with introduction so let's go ahead and do that even though we all know each other those watching on the camera may not uh my name is Terry Harmon and I am here as councel to the uh school district for purposes of the bargaining sessions I'm Sherry Richardson the director of Professional Standards and employee relations I'm Julie cessa assistant superintendent of human resources for the district good evening Jeff Raymond director of talent acquisition and HR operations Cara Morrison CFO for the district hi Kathy pendos director of student services Lisa Estes assistant superintendent student Support Services Don Calderone director of risk management and employee benefits Daniel Moore director of curriculum and instruction since Jeff did his whole thing I'm doing mine now Mark K's coordinator art music physical education social studies and World languages pad Holtz MCA Susan REO mcea Gary Simmons Chief negotiator for mcea from FAA Matt theal just president of mcea mcea Kimber Lea of mcea Arian Denine MCA that everybody at the the end of the table there um um well this time I think we we passed out a paper agenda um so that we can all kind of follow along again we just tried to set the agenda from what we understood the last meeting to be but if there's anything you'd like to add by all means um and for those that that again are are may not be able to see it I think I've got on our agenda today at least to start out is um to receive mca's response to the proposed mou uh mca's response if any to a portion of article two uh the board's response to the proposed supplement which was appendix B of the collective bargaining agreement and then um just any closing comments that we may have with each other so again feel free to add to it but I think mou is what we have listed as first yes so thank you so much so the first proposal that we would like to look at is um on as indicated on the agenda is the medical insurance supplement proposal we we've passed a counter around to to everyone and with our counter we're we're just asking oh they don't have it yet all right I'll wait till till they get it Terry you did get it in your email correct all right I did Terry got it before we did so if you have the proposal in front of you MCA has produced a counter proposal and we're asking for the school board to come come up just a little bit more on their propos on their um suggestion for resolving this this fix uh just for for the record purposes uh our initial proposal was asking to resolve the problem in its entirety and we knew that it was a a very very huge cost associated with that uh with the counter proposal that the school board has provided they wanted to take um an opportunity to address it on a year-by-year basis MCA doesn't have an issue with taking that approach on addressing on a year-by-year basis we were just seeing if it was possible for us to to give um a little bit more in that credit purpose and the the specific reason is because if we can move it up to um 100 more the the cost per paycheck for a lot of our bargaining unit members U the the most of will be would be around 44 to$ 45 a paycheck um those who have um that are in the PO plans we wanted to bring their cost down to um under $60 and I think that the district contributing um $100 more um to that credit would accomplish that that goal uh the cost Associated for the $500 credit is $675,000 uh my calculation of the cost for um a $600 credit would be $8 $10,600 and I just also want to State for the record that we're we're attempting to resolve this for um 1,351 employees of all whom are not exclusively mutually exclusive to our bargaining unit um this is a a issue that affects all of the the employees so we're just asking if if we can move move the needle up just a little bit a little bit more um the first go round we were very very far apart and I think that we're we're very very close we're almost almost sharing popcorn like I like to to say we're in the same ballpark in the same section but we're just close enough that we can almost share popcorn so we're asking for that in the consideration that the cost between the difference of the cost between the $500 credit and the $600 credit that MCA is asking for is $135,100 so um that's our our counter proposal for the district's consideration any questions that you may have we'll try our best to answer it I have no questions I'm good great moving right along yes please article two let me get that to Terry real quick Gary I'll let you know as soon as that comes through sure thing thank you the you're got it okay awes I got it all right so I I have this counter proposal and the change you will find on page five and I would like to explain uh this read this proposal uh as it would be intended if it's accepted and then give a brief explanation of it so it reads instructional staff assigned to Indian middle and Warfield elementary schools on or before June 30th 2014 shall for the duration of the assignment have their individual salaries adjusted to reflect a $275 grandfather supplement and shall continue to receive the Western Zone supplement of 3100 described in appendix B2 instructional staff assigned to Indiantown middle and Warfield Elementary School on or after July 1 2014 shall for the duration of their assignment have their salaries adjusted to reflect a $3,100 western Zone supplement as outlined in appendix B2 so I want to briefly explain what we're asking for in this we're drastically reducing uh the 1375 to 275 and that's taken into consideration the the increase over the past few years from a $2,000 Western Zone supplement to a3100 Western Zone supplement um when it was a $2,000 Western Zone supplement and Western Zone grandfathered employees were receiving 1,375 they were receiving a total of 3, uh $375 if if my math is is correct um after this after the um renegotiation of the 3100 we would be losing uh $275 for our grandfathered employees so we would want to take that into consideration so that we're not negotiating any any uh loss of of supplements for any of our our um Western Zone uh grandfathered folks I think that it's also important to mention that we're attempting to address all of the supplements this year and it would seem kind of of um odd to address other supplements and then take the grandfather's supplement away knowing that we have a charter school that's being built in um in the western Zone area and we would like to continue to attract all of our employees um that are are currently there the cost of that $275 grandfather supplement to our 20 grandfathered employees in the western Zone would carry a price tag of $5,500 now the way that we would would ask to finance this 5500 is taken into the consideration that with the money that was left over in the raise pool um on our salary was $28,000 and if you take that cost then you average that out for the life of the contract for the $5,500 that 28,000 that we have left in the raise pool would be more than enough to cover this um 275 grandfather supplement for our Western Zone grandfather employees so with this ask uh with this counter proposal there's not an additional monetary or financial ask that's associated with it we believe that um the fiscal savings that we made in the salary proposal would be able to cover this supplement for the life of this contract through um June 30th of of 2026 and moving forward we would also be fiscally responsible to carve out that 5,500 for as long as we have those 20 Western zone of grandfathered employees employed in the school district so we're asking you to consider that uh 275 a grand a new grandfather supplement just for those 20 grandfathered employees so they won't take a financial loss while updating uh this particular language in our collective bargaining agreement and can I ask a quick clar just one clarifying question maybe the and I think it'll roll into the next thing that we're going to talk about which is the supplements but on the supplement draft that you proposed it had 3,875 with this supplant that yes thank thank you for bringing that up because it slipped it slipped my mind the the Western Zone supplement was one of the only supplements that was adjusted over the past decade U the other supplements weren't so we went from 2 to 3100 which is a gen a generous percentage increase so with this we would um withdraw the the proposed supplement adjustment on the western Zone section of of the supplement and that would maintain uh 3100 okay thank to CL I was going to ask that butk yes okay um so I think that would roll over to uh the third item on the agenda which is a supplement um if you recall at the last session we for everybody we received a proposal I think it was essentially a 25% across the board increase to supplements and I know as I think Mr Simmons just mentioned supplements have been addressed here and there over the over time um we've had an opportunity to review the supplement I know Mr Morrison has been deep in the numbers to try to just kind of first start out by understanding the impact to get a grasp on what the proposal means so that we can respond to it um appropriately as we sit right now I think we're still trying to look at how many supplements have gone out look where the supplements are assigned look at the financial impact so I don't think today we are in a in a real good position to have what we need to be able to formulate a a counter proposal to that but I know as I said Mr Morrison's been been pretty active trying to Crunch the numbers on that proposal okay we expect that at the next session yeah I think I would I would say that's going to be contingent on Mr Morrison he's the he's the one that's been tackling it uh since we received it so I don't want to overpromise on his behalf thank you I appreciate that well so I think that would be ideal of course that we're not trying to delay it out but we've got to make sure we're we get get what we can get done as quick as we can that's that's understandable Terry you know my routine I like a a slow a slow no than a fast [Music] yes it's funny yeah so so um so we'll um we don't have anything else unless you guys have to caucus for um to consider our counter proposals but I think that's all that we have to present to you today yes I think that's probably a good time for us to caucus for see it's about 455 maybe till 5:25 just to give us a good 30 minutes to talk through everything and then come back sounds good okay I'll text with with Carter to make sure that we're on all right what did we say 525 525 525 so Trish do we we're good and do you want me to share my screen um we have copies and you can share your screen for those who have really good we just need a roll okay hold on let me let me fure sh this whole thing BL we're live yeah I'm not gonna see that hey we're live we're live okay okay can you zoom in can I hand zo about just this one doesn't matter okay so is the do document that I am sharing on the screen Julie the same document that you're passing out to everybody yes I'm handing both documents out they're going to take okay the spreadsheet as well the spreadsheet as well gotcha okay so so I'll give a quick explanation while you pass that out um I I think uh as it relates to the mou are if you can hear me okay our position is is is to accept the proposal with some modifications to the language at theou um in terms of the the amount if you'll see what we've indicated in here is it would be a gross onetime lumpsum supplement in the amount of $600 less applicable taxes um if you look at the qualification section in order to be eligible for the supplement what we did was remove the language as it relates to the $60 a or the I think it was $50 a month in the proposal and just said if you're actively employed by the district you are purchasing or enrolled in insurance and it's March 1st 2025 then you would be eligible to receive the $600 supplement uh with the exception of those that are enrolled in the board's High deductible Health Plan and the final qualifier is just that as of March 1st 2021 2025 that the member of the bargaining unit must not have a pending recommendation for separation from employment if all that criteria is met then the $600 supplement would be paid to eligible members um during the first payroll processing period after March 1st 2025 again it's the the amounts I think we're we're in agreement with the amount um with just making sure that the language matches what what we would like to as it t as it's related to it and then I think Mr Morrison may have prepared a spreadsheet that's been passed out I'll try to share this on my screen my suspicion the numbers you don't need to share it Terry it's okay okay okay we've got it got so so before you want me to go ahead Terry yes sir you can go ahead so before you should have an an Excel spreadsheet that shows the count in in the right column that shows n now this is for all members not just mcea this is everybody in the district so on the HMO employee only we have 964 folks that is 71% of the population last year the rates um for that tier is $45.98 per paycheck the new rates for the for the current year are $734 per paycheck an increase of $27 or 42 annualized over the 24 paychecks that we deduct our insurance it's $658 eight we've tentatively agreed to your $600 proposal which is an offset against that 658 so on an annualized basis it's $588 or $242 per paycheck uh I I want to just take note of it in that next column that even your proposal initially was a 90% coverage you're at 91% with the cost just for that tier of $578,500 and the the the same thing would hold true for the rest of the the tiers as I call them which would be your PO and your prior to Etc so the cost that and you are accurate on this Gary was $810,000 thank you um just want to talk a little bit about if I can item number three line 22 on theou is typically when we settle our contracts we always have this debate or nebulous that hey we've got some folks that are on the board agenda they're leaving we don't know whether or not they're really eligible or not so we wanted to make sure that we put that in there once you hit the board agenda or you're you're getting ready to leave that you're not eligible for this payment and I think that's it Terry for that one yep that's it for that one okay um and then I think we are we owe you a response on article two um which was the language proposal um regarding the Western Zone supplement and so I guess I wanted to start maybe asking a clarifying question as it relates to that um that language proposal how would um what would mca's position be if or I guess I is it mca's position that those 22 employees should be kind of have a separate special supplement versus how would mcea um feel about bringing that in that supplement to 3375 for all employees as part of the western Zone and supp instead of just 3100 and then that 275 to go to those grandfathers essentially to treat all employees in that situation the same I I I asked the question but I what I can say is I think it would help inform our decision we we do not have a uh a formal ability to respond to the proposal today I think we need just a a little more time to look at something on it but I think if you can answer that question meaning and I'll rephrase it better how would you feel about bringing all of the employees eligible up to 3375 instead of separating out the grandfathers versus the currents okay so answering that Terry the reason why we presented it with the grandfathers getting the additional 275 and not putting it where everyone is getting that total amount is because we wanted to be fiscally responsible with our our proposal the objective was just to make sure that our 20 grandfathered employees didn't take a financial loss as a result of this settlement if it's within the district's uh capability to pay all of the western Zone employees um that additional 275 then U we we'd be we'd be um remiss to sign on on on that so that's a better deal than than what we have on on the table we were just solely just trying to make sure that our grandfathered employees were made were made whole so the reference would be all instead of I don't want to say bifurcating but separating it out right right okay okay again we need we will probably need to have a a response to that but I think your your information helps like give us a little bit of an idea um would okay that's all I've got to ask on I don't know if anybody else on the team has any questions related to that one we would just respectfully ask for five minutes to um talk and you guys can stay here we'll just go right there in the fo you so you don't have to turn off any of the equipment might not come back up stay here tomorrow trying to okay we're live so we had an opportunity to to look at the counter proposal for um the medical insurance supplement we just have a couple of of questions or or concerns I do think that we're we're um in the same ballpark we're sitting next to each other we just reaching over one person is sitting between us getting this popcorn so I I want to get right right next to each other so the main question that we have is the original version of The District's proposal had a 4167 split over 11 months and then a 12 month of 4163 and I'm not sure if it's because of that there's no line on the original proposal that indicates that um it's going to be less applicable taxes applied to that $600 supplement so the difference between the original supplement with 500 and the response with the 600 with the addition of the um one time payment instead of 12 payments and then the less applicable taxes it seems that we would come out with less than the 500 that we that we agreed upon so we just wanted clarification to make sure that that we're not agreeing the 600 and then it's taxed at like 22% and then there so so it's in literally impossible for me to tell everyone sitting in this room what their applicable tax bracket is MH it varies so if you look at just some pure math and I did it on a piece of paper was you know at least you're going to have 6.2% for social security 1.45% for Medicare so that leaves you with 92.35% of that $600 which is $55 $4 and I believe 10 so again dependent upon your tax rate um that $54 spread um should be able to cover you for your so in other words walk away with that 500 so that's why the the the the 500 um would the 600 rather would lead to a higher probability that you would walk away with 500 whereas as before the 500 less taxes would obviously be less than 500 so that's why it it made sense to us to go with the 600 because then you would have a higher probability because there are three components to your taxes as you know medic Social Security Medicare and the FICA portion but everybody's different in their FICA portion so that's a little bit of a tweak to try to get you there understood so so the 500 was meant to be taxed as well it's wasn't written in there it was correct so we fixed we fixed the proposal to you follow what I'm saying now I do I do I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't um a significant difference as the reason why it wasn't in the first one as opposed to yeah we corrected and yeah and other so just just to clarify the the supplement I mean outside of the dollar amounts is essentially in Apples to Apples comparison they're both less Apple the Apple comparison I don't believe he's saying the 500 would have been less taxes and our our now is instead of 500 it's 600 it's the exact same proposal in our view less taxes it's just going up the $100 that the counter was made on and and then the the caveats down down below yes that's that's correct that was our view okay and it gets you to your 91 can we can we have three more minutes just to take a final vote did you hear R Carter said it gets you to the yeah 91% 90% 90% okay got you we'll be long yep okay okay good good good to go all right thank you so much for the opportunity to take a brief caucus we considered the clarification that was provided by the district team and uh we're happy to to state that we will'll be willing to tent tentatively agree upon this memorandum of understanding okay and you might not believe this but my feed cut out when Gary said we're happy to blank so I didn't actually catch what you said and I'm dead serious what did I miss uh we're gonna we're gonna agree to to the proposal okay that sounds great he was putting on his shorts we caught you Terry right [Laughter] now they got a lid that's a lid all right Terry we got that signed okay and I think then what we'll just have to do is when we come back we've got um our response to you to article to and our response to you to the supplement is what we we owe you for the next one sounds good they're saying we need to address St we need do that we'll do that off record okay so yeah could we do that by any chance off off off camera yes yeah y okay all right and then just Julie you can call me in on my cell phone and put me on speaker and we'll do date yes perfect all right thank Youk thank you thank you