e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e what I did to your old friend ready ready thank you we are going to call this Workshop of the Martin County School Board to order if you would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance the United States of America the rep for IT stand na Miss Falls will you please call the role Mr derer Lizzy here Mrs Roberts present Mrs Powers here Mrs pitet here Mrs Russell here thank you at this time we will have open to the public citizen input is vital to the Improvement of our district most times your remarks may be listened to without comment from the board members or superintendent this does not mean they are heard with any less intensity or concern where appropriate the superintendent and staff will investigate your comments and report back to you and the board with an answer we thank you for taking the time and having the concern to make our district better your presentation to the board should not exceed 3 minutes letters or statements from others not present can be given to our clerk who will be sure that each School Board member and the superintendent receive a copy to keep our record straight and authentic our policy does not permit you to read the statements of others into the record first up Dr hus including a survey instrument in 14 languages I'm also a gold star father of my only child an eagle scout who died in the Coast Guard 31 years ago in his cutter he was an Avid Reader like his parents we did not restrict his reading in any way and look how he turned out giving the ultimate sacrifice to prevent protect our freedom and I guess in a way protecting the school board's greater freedom to arbitrarily ban books euphemistically referred to as restricting books with no way to release them from bondage not sure but the effect is clear you're trying to create some kind of Stepford students by keeping them from broadening their knowledge and funneling their learning through some sort of bland blend of books that will keep them from critically thinking on their own nice try board members by the way as a Martin County voter I'm furious this is my third time advocating for a single book change of heart by jod Pico from whom I've had exchange of emails in her book there's no overt sexual or even political content but it does question the care the core document of Western Christianity the New Testament of the Bible a narrative in change of heart outlines the history of that document and how it was created from thousands of manuscript fragments and some complete text but certainly a dynamic document that has changed over the ages maybe this shakes some of the American fundamentalists as a credential student of religion I can see where some parents might not like children to be thinking from about man's participation in the creation of God's holy book from my point of view this book change of heart has important language uh lessons for high school students on moral ambiguity as they develop their own moral compasses Christian morality is derived from the teachings of the Bible addressing how you conduct yourself what God condemns as sinful and how to treat your fellow community members but morality is a moving Target ins sconed in many versions of many books some religious but others vernacular the message here is clear the school board condones the Banning of books through policy while providing no recourse for bad decisions they've made about which books are banned but let me dumb it down for everyone Banning books is bad allowing access to lots of books is good so maybe we can do better here I've given superintendent uh a formal letter requesting that this book be returned thank you thank you that concludes public comment we will be moving on to the budget Workshop number three Mr Morrison would you like to come forward thank you madam chair good afternoon board members superintendent um members of the community um welcome to budget Workshop number three this is in the in the series of budget of workshops that we take a look at the at the budget um today's budget Workshop has a little bit of a different Focus if you look at our at our agenda um we're going to be doing some updates tell you kind of where we are in the unweighted FTE as it as I've been before you we've talked a little bit about um what had happened in the October survey when we have lost some of our FTE uh we're going to kind of talk a little bit about the 2425 uh millage um we do have a proposed um number for the millage because the next time I stand before you uh we'll be asking for approval to advertise the budget within certain um parameters uh we do have about seven initiatives that we would be asking for some board consensus um to move forward as well as some discussions on some placeholder items that we have uh on particular issues um some update on the district's property insurance renewal that is a big part of our budget almost 5 A5 million and talk a little bit about um a potential um tax anticipation note timeline um we have as we've seen in the budget the state ffp has been reduced and sort of shifted that burden to the local um portion of the ffb formula which then has some implications for the timing of our cash flows that um come into the district as opposed to um relying on getting that um um one12th of the ffp on a monthly basis so that does create some challenges there and then we want to talk a little bit about some um updated updates on on some positions that are funded from the ARP going into the new year and kind of give you an update on the ARP and where we are with that so to kick it off uh where we are in the 20 in the that should say 2425 my apology budget cycle is that we're currently loading um the Departments that have been approved and the school discretionary um on other budgets into the skyd system um those are happening as we speak and we're also locking down the allocations as you will um for um our school sites dealing with what what we um we will need for Staffing for next year um so that is in process right now this next chart shows the history if you will we've been tracking our FTE since February of 2021 in this manner um to show that the traditional um Public Schools including the virtual schools we've added just a little bit of FTE in there in February of 2021 we were at 164 16455 point2 3 FTE and we Rose to uh Peak if you will in February of 2023 at 16502 which is highlighted in that purple color in October of 2023 our survey to actuals we went down to 16,4 and we have added about 25 FTE and we are currently at 16,1716 um the charters have remained pretty much stable at grown from 13966 7 in February of 2021 to 14846 in October of 2023 at 1485 been folded into the scholarship program and currently sits at um 14 61.2 as of the February survey this next slide is not drawn to scale so it looks a little bit more dramatic than it actually is so we start off if you look on the Y AIS you'll see that I don't start off zero I start at 15,900 but this is just to demonstrate to you in a graphical terms um what the um droing the FTE looks like now we do have some statistics on the previous slide on slide three that show that we haven't really fully recovered uh we did have to do a a budget adjustment um in the um May um board agenda you approve those amendments to the budget to reduce offset the loss in funding but we do estimate based on the control open enrollment that we will get about get back about 165 um FTE e so that will not show up unfortunately in this fiscal year it will show up in the that will show up in the first um ffp count when we get into 2425 is there a question ory yeah on this um on on this spreadsheet that uh the survey as of February 3rd yes sir the column that says Inc in Pen's Den December or DEC yes sir is that increase increase or decrease I probably should spell that out increase decrease it's showing a 25.4% in oh what is that oh 25.4 four students F yes sir thank you never mind appreciate it yes sir not a problem so um just talking a little bit about um the Strategic moves that we've made um through the control open enrollment um of course Martin County School District is a still a very desirable place for parents to send send their students and we have seen um through the control open enrollment process um a recovery if you will or potential recovery of about 165 FTE that we're we're um anticipating getting back in the fall and those are actually what we believe to be enrolled at this time um we created a separate graph if you will or a separate slide I should say um that tries to show that a little bit so Mr Morrison the 165 ma um that doesn't include the shuffling of deck chairs that doesn't include people moving that are currently here the 165 um is represents absolutely new to the district that we were not collecting I just want to clarify that we were not collecting money for before that is correct yes ma'am through the control open enrollment process you know you have movement in between which really doesn't increase from a perspective of funding but from the perspective of funding the 165 are new to the to the district that we have not been collecting FTE on previously thank you and do we expect to add any more to our controlled open enrollment numbers uh because I'm assuming that the majority of the movement should take place within our County obviously that's our number one priority is yes and then these are probably people that don't kids that do not live in Martin County right now yes I believe through the control open enrollment process process that you do give priority to those in County first and then the out of County will come second which is the 165 that we're expecting growth to see that we expect to see next year but not all of the 165 are from out of County so some of the 165 are in county that we're going either to a private school home school Etc so the 165 is a number of people who were not currently registered at one of our schools yes well if they live in Martin County though and they wouldn't fall in the controlled open enrollment number because they only if they go to their Zone school right so so the way that controlled open enrollment works is that once you designate the school as controlled open enrollment that then the the controlled open enrollment of the state policy takes over and so we have remember we take the first big thing is that the month of March is considered one day so everybody who applied in March is considered on one day like they all applied on that day right and then we put those people into buckets meaning that um veteran children go first Etc and then the Martin County children go and then the non- Martin County kids go after that so that's how you you do March right and then anybody who's left over from March based on the those lists and those lotteries goes onto a weight list so for example imagine if you took everybody who was in Martin County and you had a hundred people that were from out of County but you only had five seats those first five seats would go to the first five of the hundred the other 95 have a priority number that comes after that then once you have that 95 the next issue becomes on April 1st if the next person who applies for controlled open enrollment at that school goes to 96 even if that person is a Martin County resident because that school has been designated controlled open enrollment the weight list has started so the first 95 or sitting there Number 96 becomes whoever comes after that and then you have the timestamp that goes beyond that does that well I'm just confused why any student from Martin County should be in a controlled open enrollment status because they are in they should be in the school choice and even if they're on a wait list for after on April 1 they should go to the top and the and here's the fallacy which I think we need to pay attention to next year um the fallacy is that once you designate the school controlled open enrollment it the policy takes over and the weight list piece comes in if we had designated controlled open enrollment with a different number like for instance what we did with um Jensen Beach high school or something and we hold back some seats then you can hold back those seats and do something different with those seats then and make it so that Martin County students would then go to the top of would be in a different process than the ones that are in controlled open enrollment and I think it's something that next year we need to look at that to be sure that as we open schools for controlled open enrollment that we open them with a number or a percent or something so that we are holding some seats back for Martin County students so that they don't end up at the bottom of a wait list I know that we got we all got a letter from somebody who um came in late Etc and now she she lives in Martin County and she's further down on the wait list and there's people above her on the wait list and her concern was I may Martin County resident why is my child on this weight list but the reality is that once you designate the school controlled open enrollment the policy takes over as to how controlled open enrollment is implemented and I also understand that we once they get the once that happens they get a letter they have 10 days to register if they don't register within those 10 days they get thrown out of the system and the next person on the wait list comes up to fill them or or of a student that's currently there leaves and opens up a seat a student comes up to fill them so you fill them off of the wait list which then gets further complicated because supposedly kindergartens to second graders can't ride an elevator so their seats are only in the bottom floor of a building in a two-story elementary school and they can't go upstairs yeah we need to look at that thank you sorry that's okay Mr thank you very much for that very articulate um discussion on controlled open enrollment certainly learned a lot um the next slide um as pointed out in the agenda item is an update on the millage referendum as you're aware that language passed um in 2022 and the language currently before the voters allows the school district um some flexibility up to a maximum of 0.50 in terms of the millage what we wanted to show you was um looking at the tax roll for example um and this is the tax roll um information that we recently received from the property appraisers office at $ 38.1 billion for the school school district um at 04 we would raise about 14.6 million and added to interest earnings about $300,000 so the total projected revenues are about 14.9 million um based on current um expenditures and projections um we're projected to spend about $4 million of that which would leave about $859,000 um at0 425 Mills um it would raise um a little bit more at $15.8 million with projected expenses about 14.1 the same thing at about 1.6 million left over so I wanted to share with you some initiatives and just get some consensus from you going forward um on how uh we would like to talk about some of the expenditures throughout the millage so the first initiative is the critical shortage millage for Indiantown Middle School um in 2324 the board passed uh at a Bo at a regular board meeting on September 20th in 2022 um Indian Town um at that time and still is on the state's list of identification of high demand teacher needs for for the for the fiscal year and at that time the board approved a 2-year $200,000 allocation from the millage and going into 2425 that has expired uh we just need some consensus whether or not to build that into and continue um that item in the Budget moving forward and paying that out of the millage so with that if you would have some discussion on that or you just like me to move on in terms of um just getting some consensus on how to move forward with this Dy so there's currently a a um an IND a western Zone supplement no that isn't what is no no that is a critical shortage I no I understand that but this is about Indian Town yes so are we are we proposing to do away with the Western Zone supplement and change it for this or are they going to be what about teachers that are out there in the western zone are they going to be able to double dip into the supplements so this is currently existing on top of the western Zone um this $200,000 was uh approved by the board and there are parameters that they they have to finish out the school year and it is based on their on their vam scores so we're kind of waiting right now to pay that out but we don't have authority from the board for next year 2425 or even another two years in 2526 so the ask is to whether or not do you want to continue what you've already approved well I remember when we approved this but we approved it for two years right but there was some teachers that were able to get both supplements this and the critical shortage and that and I thought there was a little controversy regarding that and it was question of whether it was intended for them to be able to get two or the higher of the two that I think that's a different discussion so everybody out west gets a western Zone supplement whether you're in Indian town or whether you're in um Warfield but remember at the time we did this a couple years ago um even though we didn't have a very high number of vacancies the the bulk of the B vacancies were at Indian toown middle school and they were pretty much in a position Mr Raymond was the principal they were pretty much in a position so that anybody who applied they they weren't really getting any choice of applicants it was like Hey if you're applying for a job you kind of you're guaranteed a job which is kind of affecting um performance in that school and then if you looked at the state list which I think he Carter has included in this the identification of high demand teacher leads and the critical shortage list that's created by the state the only school that we have in Martin County that's listed on that list is the Indiantown one okay so we did that thing where you could get um there were three different levels depending on what your what your qualifications were we did it for a two-year period and it really helped um fill those vacancies and put them in a position where they weren't suffering with a revolving door out there but remember that expires at the end of this year so I think at this point we're looking at whether we're going to consensus for continuation yeah but I'd rather hear all of them first before we you know we can discuss them but I mean before we um give you a cons okay absolutely yes go ahead so I would like to share some feedback that I've received regarding this critical shortage payment at the different levels um seasoned veteran teachers are getting the harder students and when test time comes the growth isn't as substantial with those teachers they're not getting they're not getting level four because they're they have the harder students I think there should be something done to mitigate that so if you're if you're a teacher with six or seven years experience and you get um some students in your class that that English is a second language those students are not going to grow at the same rate as a teacher who has a classroom that's mostly english- speaking it's a disadvantage so giving giving them less money for more challenges doesn't sit well with me after after comprehensively listening so I don't know that it should depend upon the growth score I think there should be other areas that are looked at in a in a like a in a su level so the students the ese students that these teachers have so what if they move up one point or two points but they don't move up four points they're at a disadvantage because they are not getting the maximum amount that they should so all I'm asking is that we rethink how this money is doled out in the same in a in a more equal fashion so that the good teach teachers who are getting the struggling students are getting paid what they should be getting paid there it isn't their responsibility to constantly be given the harder students that's what I want to say I hope I articulated it properly did you I thought I saw Marsh should turn her on no um so I I believe that putting that additional identifying Indiantown middle school as a critical shortage has helped alleviate vacancies at that school so I I believe that it's it has some value and should continue how that exactly looks you know I mean I think that at the time this is what somebody came up with but I mean I think how how it ends up looking could be different it could be even across the board it could be you know whatever it is but I mean I think that um it did make a difference is what I'm well I think the 5,000 I'm sorry I apologize your mic your mic it's on okay um there's two components here there's 5,000 as a one-time bonus and then there's level four level three all others for additional so that was so the one-time bonus thing that isn't here so that's not so that's the language that came from the if my understanding is correct that's the language that was in the um bargaining unit that gives us the ability to do a critical shortage and I believe that at the time Julie can correct me I believe at the time we did do something that was for not just Indian town but it was to take care of some vacancies and if you were hired and processed by a certain date you were able to get a $5,000 bonus but that isn't that doesn't have anything to do with okay but it's in here yeah so that's just showing you the detail of what that's the italic information is what critical shortage is called in the CPU okay my my comment is specific to the levels that are paid out right the level according to the growth of the students thank you Miss Powers did you have anything okay you want to go ahead and address all the rest of the initi go ahead what what I uh what staff can easily do Mrs Pritchard has pulled data on those vam scores for those staff members uh there are times where it sometimes it's it's easier for easier may not be the right word but students that are lower performing that historically struggle show a higher amount of growth in a shorter period of time because they were so low at times right below grade level so what I would like to do is just have staff be able to pull data for the board to be able to review prior to making this decision this is just to give consensus to move forward but I absolutely understand where you're coming from and we would be able to pull data to show which student which teachers qualified and how many of them qualified for the for the bonus based on the data would the board like to go individually and give consensus or not for each one or would you like to hear them all first and then we go from there good okay so if you can present them all to us that would be great yes ma'am thank you thank you so much uh the next potential initiative is what we refer to as an unfunded mandate um chapter 4 35.1 to Florida Statutes changed um establishing what we call a clearing house and I put in red for you and down at the bottom where it says when a person is applied to volunteer be employed be licensed enter into a contract or as affiliation that allows or requires a state and National fingerprint based criminal history check so that is the change in the statute the next slide on slide 10 sets out a schedule under which these um employees and potentially volunteers and we'll talk about that in a moment need to be fingerprinted so in red you'll see item number one that um employees of dis each district unit under 101.3 and it jumps down to the schedule it says must be rescreened in compliance with the following schedule and it lays out employees with For Whom the last screening was conducted on our before June 30 2021 they must be rescreened by 2025 and their information put into the Clearing House um item number two for those whose conduct whose screening was conducted between 20 2021 July 1 2021 and June 30 2022 they got to be done by June 30 2026 and employees For Whom the last screening was conducted between July 1 2022 and December of 2020 December 31st of 2023 those have to be done by June 30th of 2027 and a person who's not required to be rescreened before January a person is not required to be rescreened before January 1 2023 solely for the purpose of attention under this section if a person was screened before participation by the specified agency named in paragraph a of the Clearing House so what we did is I worked with the chief of security uh Mr franel on this and we pulled and pulled some data from our systems and we pretty much um did a a census so for item number one the category number one uh we found about 1539 um employees these are just strictly employees we're talking about now and in discussions that Mr fangel has had with the state there said budget an average of about $75 per fingerprint fingerprint per person and so that works out to be at4 $5,427 Category 2 employees there was about1 187 of them at $75 would be about $4,025 and category three which is um the employees that their last cre scating was conducted between July 1 2022 and December 31st of 2023 the census was about 592 um employees which would cost us about $44,500 and the current year that will need to be reinger printed would not would need to be ref fingerprinted is about 65 or 4,875 now the fees for the capturing of the fingerprint on the machines is about $18 per person so that's about 42,000 $894,000 not have to take that from the um from the millage in order to fund that initiative on the next slide um just in conversations with Mr franel as well uh we're proposing that volunteers that we only do a name check for level one as they've already been cleared in level two um level one does not have to be in the Clearing House per our understanding with the permission of the principal if you're at a level one and you want to go to a level two such as a chaperone or your driving Vehicles Etc then the volunteer would pay the $75 to go to level two if a volunteer wants to remain at the level two and they've already paid then the district would obviously we would want to pay for them to stay at the level two extended day extended day and prek we're always using the Clearing House so that's pretty much not an issue and they're good um all the fingerprinting fees of $75 are good for five years um I'll move on to the next one but Mr Fela is here if you have any questions further information that you need on this on this item the third potential is cell phone storage um I know the board has been discussion about cell phones and discussions in changing the policy with respect to cell phones and this item regarding cell phone storage this is just to put a placeholder in front of you um that we do have some cell phone Storage Solutions uh we just took a census at the middle and high schools and the middle schools come out to be about $84,000 at $30 per one of these cell phone storage uh devices at high school it's about 4,000 excuse me at at high school it's about $134,000 for an estimated cost of about $218,100 again if the board were to move in this direction we would ask that this be funded from the millage the next potential um is really more of an investment than an expense in my mind um you can see the history of our Medicaid reimbursements um this comes right off off of our fin financials and in the budget book in 2122 we we um collected about $680,000 2223 537,500 is our budget um ESC staff they recently attended a Medicaid conference and in discussions with the consultants and some other districts that were there discovered that we're El eligible to build Medicaid for transportation and Outreach Services provided to the is Medicaid eligible students so we are leaving money on the table so currently uh we're eligible to uh bill for Medicaid transportation reimbursement our rate is $47 per eligible student um of course we are also transitioning from a paper based billing to what we call MTS 3.0 which is a direct software uh that all the information can be input so we would get there's a lot of efficiencies and accuracies from that um in then the staff is projecting that even with the MTS uh 3.0 that we could get not only our reimbursements quicker but we could also have a direct input into the Medicaid Billing System um what we're proposing for one year only is that um the district through the millage would fund a Medicaid manager because there's a lot involved uh with the uh billing the training the audit requirements particularly are very heav heavy um this is a heavily audited program because in the past we've um Nationwide there's been some issues so we want to make sure that we dot our eyes and cross our teas properly and for the required rate study now there's a rate study that would have to be conducted we've seen districts that are in the $4 range I believe it was St Lucy County I believe went from like four to like 16 something like that so there are ways in which we can increase that billing rate particularly for the transportation services um should this program expansion meet or Pro meet or exceed the projection the revenue projections we would want this to be a self- sustaining entity where that salary would then come out of the um the general fund based on the revenues the additional revenues being being um projected uh what we did is that we went to the manager schedule and just took the top the top of the manager schedule at 81 currently approved 8173 Plus benefits would be about 10688 deducted that from the um from the the potential collections there so we literally would double our Medicaid uh revenues coming in with this investment so that would that would be a potential number four for us to be funding um just for one year only as I mentioned as an investment to try to get our Revenue um up the potential number five initiative number five is Accelerated Reader uh we have put some um we have put some historical data in front of you um that in 23 excuse me in 2122 we had 14 Schools but we essentially paid that out of sr2 for two years which is why 2223 you see Zero because it was already included for a period of two years and 2324 we funded it from ARP as you aware that um ARP is coming to a close in September this initiative would fall under the category of academic initiatives in the millage and would qualify for for funding if the board were to give us some consensus to move forward the next potential initiative um is robotics programming and STEM Center uh we would expand um STEM Center Field experiences which is an expansion of our current robotics program um it was designed to facilitate robotics ICS and Engineering exposure for students at elementary and middle schools um in February of on February 18 of 2020 the board had actually authorized um an elementary and middle school robotics plan that was kind of paused at the time and so we're bringing that back now for you know for board discussion and consensus to move forward we've put some potential expenditures there for field experiences additional VEX IQ robot kits Reg ation for regional competitions competition travel costs Vex annual renewal and teacher PD and for student meals for the field experiences at a cost of about 11 19,35 so we we're just bringing that back to you um as a potential um initiative number six potential initiative number seven is um a textbook adoption um what you see in front of you currently is just a his historical um track record of what the adoptions over time typically cost us um you can see in 1819 math was about 600,000 World languages another 600,000 the ELA was huge and but that was funded out of the ARP dollars at the time typically we don't because of constrained budgets uh the funding that we get from the state in the categor in the instructional materials categorical would have to be shared would have to to be allocated out out so we typically don't do a full-blown adoption because of funding we were lucky that we had the ARP and the essr dollars that we were able to do a full adoption social studies um as you can see was a mix between the general fund and also ARP for about $2.1 million what we're asking um in this potential initiative if you look at the bottom leftand quadrant of your slide uh we're looking at a cost of about $2.2 million for a total K12 science adoption of full adoption um the total cost is $2.2 million again estimated funding from the general fund base funding and what that means is typically in the past we've had a separate categorical that comes from the state that was eliminated and rolled into the base funding net of charter schools we usually pick up about 1.4 million so in order to do the full um schoolwide K12 adoption we're asking for the difference of about 765,000 626 um if that would come from the millage again this would fall under the academic initiatives category and fully authorized by by the millage um the millage funding so with the potential addition um of these categories and the and the initiatives that we've put before you today um if you look at the slide you will see that at Point 42 Ms 425 M excuse me um revenues less expenses were 1.6 91 million however category a Safety and Security would then pick up your fingerprinting um your your fingerprinting and your cell phone storage piece category B would be 10688 for which would then pick up the Medicaid manager for one year only um the $200,000 um in category C which would be for millage supplements for Recruitment and Retention um if you were to continue funding the Indiantown critical shortage millage and category e excuse me um category e yes which is academic initiatives uh would pick up your Accelerated Reader EUR Robotics and the request for the additional funding for the difference for the textbook so we can do a full K12 science adoption next year um at this point that would conclude the update on the millage would you want me to complete the um presentation or do you want to pause and have some discussion on the potential um pieces at this point I think we'd like to pause and go ahead and open this up for discussion okay do anyone have any questions on what we've discussed so far Mr Roberts um so I have a couple things so using these seven initiatives I think your number of the 16,7 965 is a little bit off in your letter A you're using a number of 216 for fingerprints but on your slide for fingerprints you're using 221 619 so I'm not sure um which is the right number at 5,619 you see what I'm talking about yes I do I see that but either way it it leaves that piece um I I want to understand that that the cell phone solution initiative whatever isn't necessarily committing us to this solution it's setting aside funding so that if we do need need to do something to implement that that I'm then expecting that the superintendent will this is an example of how much something like this would cost and an example of how it could be funded to do that is that what I'm that's what I'm understanding yes um and then I also understand and I agree with Miss pritchet that we should look at adjusting the the distribution numbers for Indiantown middle school and I computed the ROI for the medic deade manager and it's 342 so I think that's kind of a Nob brainer yeah um that's all the comments I have at this timey um had a question regarding the stem program into middle schools have we have we talked to the St the spam leadership and they're on board with all this I I know they they had an interest in it I just wasn't I haven't spoken to Michael and his team in a in a few weeks so I wasn't sure I think it'll only help them and and the total program for all of us in our so I know that um on February 18th of 2020 the before uh preco time the board had authorized um the way that robotics was going to be rolled out in Martin County which involved um an elementary school grade doing a a thing on Robotics and then involved some something that's going to hit the middle school I know that this is from um Dr Kennedy and I think Dr Kennedy and Dan met with the spam people as to what exactly that could look like and how that would work out and I think that was um I I actually called Dr Kennedy and suggested that they meet with the spam people and talk to the spam people so that everybody was on the same page and everybody kind of knew because I know that the spam people had sent something into the superintendent about here's a proposal of where we could go but kind of knowing what we'd already approved back in 2020 and being sure that the language um that that it's a an overall plan and it's not just a pushin thing and I know and they were very appreciative I know that they were saying something about and I don't know anything about this but they were saying something about um the spam people said something that had to do with when they found out that our CTE tech people were using C++ or something like that and they were using some other coding thing they changed what they were doing over there so that it complemented what the district was doing and those two things could kind of go together so right yeah Miss bars would you like to speak to any of them anyone else have any further questions or comments so um I just wanted to I support the initiative for Indian town I I still have some questions on the fingerprinting I am doing some research on that um because I have I know the the concept was is that we would fingerprint ref fingerprint everyone on the same day like at the same time which then creates an issue five years from now when we're trying to re fingerprint everybody again at the exact same time so um I just want to understand that a little bit better um um I'm I am not a fan of the cell phone initiative I I feel very strongly that we should have a zero kids should not have their cell phone out I don't know that we as a district should be creating situations where phones could possibly be damaged um if they bring their phone it should be in their backpack turned off and I'm not a fan of store teachers being required to store cell phones when they walk into a room there's so many issues that could happen so I just I'm not I'm not a I think this one um because I saw this one I don't remember what district Mr Shazer could probably mention which district is using this the cell phone doesn't leave the child it's like a I know I've done I've used them at a concert before but it's labor intensive it's like um you know taking the security tag off of clothes when you're checking out and if you have 25 of them and the teacher is going to have to oh you know manually do this at the end of the day um or the beginning of the day when they put them in so um this this I'm not a fan of well I'm just I'm just yes do I think we're at some point going to have to take cell phones from kids who that there we should have a safe place to store them until their parent comes with comes to pick it up um but I don't know that this is but I'm I'm okay earmarking some money I don't know that this much money is going to be needed and I agree with you with the um the fingerprinting thing I mean I'm okay with earmarking the money but I think it needs to come with whatever the plan is because I do think that that's a problem if everybody gets it done at the same time but I I just think that if we have the ability to earmark it and set it aside and be able to give some clarity as to what next year's millage would look like I think that kind of um well I just want to be um fair and transparent if we have no intention of doing one of these initiatives I just want to say that and not just put it out there to earmark money and save it right um so I just that's I I mean I think the textbook adoption obviously is um great and then need Town accelerated reader for those who want to continue participating I'd like to see the data on that um where we are since that was initiated um how effective it's been I know some schools um it's been very very popular with students I don't know if it's the same at every school I don't necessarily think every school should have to have it it should be up to principles and the teachers they want it in robotics yes Medicaid manager Medicaid manager yeah that I mean that obviously pays for itself we would just front the initial salary and then after year one we would it would come off this millage would not be a requirement I just had one question about the Medicaid reimbursements so we would want it to be a self- sustaining so when you collect those reimbursements like can you use that to pay the per those dollars to yes so we actually turned that back to the ESC budget um this will help to offset some of the increases that we're seeing from some of the providers for your SLP otpt that kind of thing we currently pay about $70 is per student and I know we're in the process of negotiating right now um some of those increases so U this would kind of help to offset some of those increases in terms of generating a little bit more revenues well and I guess my question is is the are those collected dollars is an allowable expense paying the Medicare manager and you use those collected dollars to offset that as yes as far as I know it's an administrative piece to to generating those revenues and is allowable okay yes perfect Mr dley yeah regarding the cell phones yeah I agree with Miss Roberts and probably the rest of the board I think there's some some Alternatives that may not um that may be more gen General versus having these places where you store the phones I have issues with that and I was speaking with staff a little earlier this this afternoon or this morning and I'm wondering you know there the the there's certain places where they don't allow cell phones so they block the signals and is that like sci-fi television or something they're illegal now they're illegal now are they legal for government to do I don't know but certainly if we were to look at something like that electronically that could do it not necessarily blocking all cell phone signals because in case of an emergency you'd have to shut that system down so I think there's some just I I agree we should set some money aside just think we should look at all possible options and maybe wait it out a little bit and see what the future brings for dealing with cell phones I heard on the news the other day I think it was New York or Conneticut could U ban all cell phones from students and I could just you know I couldn't support that because God forbid there's a an Emergency parents want to talk to their kids so well I I think that obviously we're trying to create personal responsibility for our students and if the rule is you can bring your cell phone to school but it has to be put stored away it cannot come out of your back pack during the day at all or whatever that and then the consequences for that we have to have consequences and I did talk to Lisa um and Dr perendi about this we have to have consequences that you know not that we're going to kick them out of school or in school but things that matter to students whether it's driving privileges on C you know parking on campus or it's Athletics or it's after school activities or membership in certain clubs or I don't know we need to come up with a list of things that and be very clear to students and to parents at the beginning of the year if you do this this is what's going to happen to you this is what's going to happen um I don't the cell phone blocking they can still use their cameras they can still pull it out and videotape and I'm not I don't know that that's a solution I just think we have to create personal responsibility in students and parents to help us enforce it Miss pret didn't we have science book adoption this past I remember assigning people from the community and teachers to sit haven't bought them yet on the but they were adopted they were chosen now we have so the Publishers have been chosen but I don't think necessarily whether how many we get whether it's electronic Etc so the this is just the funding of it we've already accomplished the actual okay thank you do you have any comments about any of the initiatives I agree about the cell phone I agree about Medicaid I would love to see Indian town uh receive receive those funds but I want it to be more fair um cell phones it's just are you agreeing to the pouches or are you agreeing to just no I'm agreeing to put some money aside I don't think those pouches are going to be effective all right I think we have consensus as for myself I am for everything with the exception of the cell phone pouches I I'm along the lines of you know I don't think money should be spent on the PES um and I think that would be a logistic nightmare at the end of the day just for clarification Mrs Russell you sp you said no money should be spent on the pouches money from what I thought I heard was more like money should be set aside but not specifically for this solution okay from a budgetary perspective we' still set something you can still set it aside but not necessarily that it's going to be spent on and that gives me a little that gives me a little I mean we're talking about a tax here and we set it aside maybe we just well then if we don't use it we don't collect it next year the next all right as long I know we have the option but if we ear if we earmark it for that but then it's just yeah we'll just use it when the time comes to to actually solve the problem or or we don't or we say we're we're giving up and we're not going to use that you know our solution is $10,000 or $188,000 whatever ex right and so we have 200 so we have 200 less we need to collect good thanks thank you we're also moving our percentage from point our Mills from 04 to 0425 that's the proposed to fund all of these things yeah so I look at it as moving the Mills from 0.5 down to 0425 yes what well no last year we had 040 five we did five last year we're lowering it to and then point 4 is the number of the number if you don't fund any of the initiatives it's 04 but we're still even including all of the initiatives we're lowering it from 0.5 to0 425 and so Carter what is our projected increase in property value for the coming year I believe it was 7.26% based on the $ 38.1 billion doll that the property appraiser sent us um I did some preliminary numbers and based on the millage that we saw uh um in the in the in the governor's budget Etc um it was looking like a tax decrease even with the 05 at this point so going down to 0 425 we should see some level of decrease but again this is not final until we plug in all the numbers and we received the certified millage um from the property appraiser this was just um the letter that he they normally send out to say okay here's kind of where we are you can use this for planning until we finally certifi to to the state and then that's what I will bring forward to you when we um request approval to advertise the budget so you're saying the overall value is dropped no I'm saying that the the revenues obviously um for the point for for the millage um or would go down um to about $15.5 million based on the increase in the Tav but the offsetting decrease in the milit rate they're dropping it to 0425 from 0.50 the in the increase in taxable value gives you more money than right we were collecting last year so this is not a tax decrease right well it is a tax rate decrease but it generates more money but it's still a tax increase for the tax payers what would the tax what what was 2023 24 that we um see there's no comparison on this chart I'll pulling that up separately yeah because that would be nice to see the difference opening this file as we go I personally don't mind if we keep it the same as it was the revenue the same as it was and let the millage rate be determined by the amount of Revenue and even if we had a slight increase in Revenue but I've always been one to want to lower that if we had the ability to keep it as low as possible I don't want to go from you know uh 15 million let's say we're at 14.5 million today going to 15.5 million that's um that's a big increase and I know we have a lot of wants and or a lot of needs I should say so the estimated taxable value goes from 35.5 billion to 38.1 billion which is a 7.26% increase in the tax role um the required local effort last year um just that portion of it was 3195 in the second calculation from the state was 3173 which is a decrease of 0 022 Mills the um discretionary um local effort which is the 78 that kind of remains fixed the 1.5 for Capital remain s fixed um when when I say fixed I mean that there has been no discussion to to make a change to that um the special Mill referendum goes from 0. five down to the proposed 0425 which what money was generated in that 0.5 how much did it generate uh let me pull that up for you it's bear with me for a second the budget number before you took out the charters was 17.7 Million Carter yes I believe that is correct actually it's 17.7 million but that includes interest Mrs Roberts it includes interest and it doesn't take out the charters does not take out the charters so so we would so we would be going from 17 million to 15 million yeah the reeven this year this past year we got 17 million in change that's the budget yes 17 million okay and this would be a drop to 15.8 million that's correct okay that's fair and we which is what we said we were going to try to do is we were only going to collect exactly what we needed we were going to and we were kind of hoping that it would get when we originally brought this forward we talked about mental health issues yeah we talked about um our Safety and Security these are our categories that we all talked about so yeah okay as long as we're not adding categories I'm okay with that and decreasing the funds can't I know I can't be sure other questions Mr Morrison if you'd like to proceed thank you madam chair uh the next item is an update on our 2425 Insurance renewal for property casualty and workman's comp um I've highlighted through this is the document from the um scrm Consortium um as you can see our premium for 2324 was $5.4 million and for projected for 2425 is a little over $5.5 million or a 1.8% increase um just of special note is that the premiums last year uh was for a coridor or total um insured value of about 75 million total in total insurance coverage was about 75 million we were able to achieve about a100 million um this year um pretty much for a little under over a million dollars more so I think that that well job well done to Mr mccu and his team and the relations team and of course um Don ceron and the risk management team for managing that um program very well um1 total I'm sorry $100,000 100 th I said a million, not a million my bad I said a I usually look from 29 to 30 um the total insured value of the the scrimp pool is about $3.95 billion dollar um in this scenario again we would go up by about 1.8% um pursuant to Florida statute 10171 we pay the property portion um for of this cost excuse me from our our Capital funds which is authorized in that statute um just the point of personal privilege and lobbying um for next year um may not be appropriate to bring it up now but but um as you are aware that we've seen some efforts by the state to change the sovereign immunity caps um the C the casualty portion of that can Curr is currently not eligible for reimbursement in in the in the capital um dollars so if subsequently as we know how it goes legislation might fail this year but it might come back next year um just to keep in the back of your mind that maybe we could ask for this to be a an area where we could probably um help to offset some of those costs if our premium go up as a result of those caps being changed by the legislature uh the next item is just a rough um out timeline we've been working with pfm um asset managers um the ffp as I mentioned to you before um is being reduced by the state and more being put on the local um side of the ffp equation um that calculation is driving a deficit due to the timing of the cash flows uh for this current fiscal year we knew we collected $8 million less than the prior year um so therefore we actually accelerated our transfers this year to try to shore up and make sure we have enough cash in the general fund for operations um typically the magic Windows between October 15th and November 15th when we um start to hit those deficits um and before we get our cash um coming in in November M once those tax the tax bills are people are starting to pay those taxes uh we're currently doing some cash flow projections inhouse uh we'll be sending those out obviously out to pfm for their review as well to right size um what we're looking at right now maybe under 10 million 10 million in that region which typically for that amount you don't really do a uh public offering and do a a full-blown offering you would pretty much send out an RFP to like I believe l told me 60 Banks and then they would give us the best interest rates and terms and conditions Etc and then we would um obviously bring that back for the board to approve in September um typically what we also do we try we try to tie the cash flows to the tentative budget and based on our history of how our cash patterns flow that we would be able to kind of project when that deficit would be it's not a perfect science but it it's the best that we can do to project for that uh the next item is an update on the American Rescue plan I'm heading into the summer or or just want to remind everybody that the original budget was was $ 31595 million and just to give you an update on that we have about 7 million 44499 at this point heading into the summer now what I I can announce for you board members you may recall that we approved uh budget amendment number 14 which includes a $790 payment to um all eligible um employees uh we have received information thank you very much Mrs Canal uh for working with the doe on this that we have approved we have received information that the doe has approved that so subtract that from your 7.4 million roughly about four 5144 099 will be heading into the summer once we pay out that $2.3 million so uh we are we know that that 5 million that's remaining is for summer programming plus the positions that uh the bo we're recommending that they be absorbed into the general fund so what we will do from July 1 through September 30 we'll keep those people on the ARP funds and burn that money not burn the money but we will charge and expend those funds and then subsequently switch switch over to general fund funding at that point I've also included for you on page 24 a slide and it's a little different from what you've seen before so what I tried to do is anything in red is different from what you've seen before I have put in there the FTE that was fi the FTE or the filled positions estimated annual cost and then the new column is a new cost to the general fund the second column is absorbed into general fund vacant positions so previously those were in the cost of the general fund column now I've moved those over into the absorbed into vacant positions in the general fund so you could see that se separately and also the federal funds where the coordinator of Extended Learning position has been written into the title to Grant that's also be a change is a change I believe that was a TBD the last time we saw that uh we're still um looking at the $554,000 for the student support technician we're working with um I believe Mrs Barrow's um the budget to see how we were going to handle that going forward but for the most part this is the superintendent recommendation with respect to positions that um we will be either eliminating or absorbing into the general fund or moving those into other funds Ma so can you talk to me for a minute about the 50440 for the CTE High School teachers as we have declining enrollment yes um what we're doing with that is we're monitoring and um looking at the enrollment statistics whether or not we have enough students to make those programs run so we will be looking at that whether or not those those classes um have enough enrollment to sustain or justify us moving into that into that area um if not they may be absorbed into basic allocations or things of that nature so so we're not moving things into the general fund for those positions and then not having students we're sure that we have we're we're correcting those numbers we're right sizing those correct yes um I know that that was a priority for for the board the other thing that I want you to know is the the numbers when Carter pulled the numbers for the presentation purposes to get it into Diane those numbers are now not 100% accurate so in talking to Lana we actually have 405 additional students new to US versus the 165 the other thing that's important to note is that like we had a waiting list we took on additional students at Jensen Beach High School so Lori has already asked for additional chairs desks uh things to take on those additional students but yes we will monitor those numbers and make sure that we are not giving those allocations unless those CTE programs have the numbers to warn those thank you are our CT numbers dropping like our as Inc comparable comparability to our uh population so the only place that we really saw drop was because of the financial literacy requirement so that if you think of the financial literacy requirement it takes and we put all freshmen so all freshmen were reduced by a half a semester and so that came out of an elective so we saw a hit this year because of that but in terms of the courses and the requests to be in the courses they are full great so I'm just curious about the spend plan in the end so it looks like $5 million to spent between now and September 30th 5 million is in theory yes in theory yes because we do have a lot of Summer programming that's going to eat up a lot of that um as you're aware summer school has started and we're making sure that all of those expenditures outside of esy are coded to the ARP funding and then again saving some of that for July 1 through September 30 for the positions that are going to be on arp temporarily and then do you fully expect that we're going to expend the 7.4 million before the end of yes ma'am we even have a backup plan that I've discussed well that's what I was going to ask what what is the backup plan I was hoping that it would be that we would use the money to give bonuses to give it to the our staff there is there is a plan that we've discussed privately on that yes okay okay okay go ahead so in um the final slide of my presentation today is to continue to review the but the departmental budgets we are loading in those budgets into Skyward once they have been approved um and making adjustments as necessary uh we are finalizing the 2425 allocations uh for Staffing you we brought a staffing Plan before you that's been approved um and also on the July 22nd is when uh at four o'clock is when I would come before you with the documentation to approve the uh advertising of the tenative budget um just a quick note on that um there's an earlier Workshop in in July that I would like to bring forward the fiveyear Capital plan to you I know Mr secis is going to do a presentation with you so um after this but you haven't really seen the fiveyear capital plan and I wanted to kind of take you through that in early July I know it's not including budget but with your permission I'd like to bring that forward for your review as well as well and with that Madam chair superintendent that concludes my um my presentation thank you Mr Morrison thank you and actually um we are not going to have Mr cus c um that's going to be brought back at a later date we've taking that off for today we will now move on to board member discussion at the superintendent or of the superintendent's evaluation tool so this item will need to be completed by each board member and ready for review at our June 12th Workshop are there any questions changes or comments from the board in reference to the actual template itself Roberts so um in domain s for the performance indicators I know that the that Mr Main's and so this is for the last year since he became superintendent up until now I know that in his entry plan he had six goals listed in his entry plan which included like hosting listening sess sessions reviewing student achievement outcomes um opportunity to engage community members but it was one whole page they were numbered one through six um I would think that it's fair to include those numbers one through six each of those as one line in domain 7 because we really don't have anything in domain 7 because I mean I kind of look at it as I don't want to play gotcha I don't want to to go out I don't want to review you on something that I didn't specify that I wanted you to do you know so let's say it was to increase soft drink sales or something but I didn't tell you that ahead of time so it's I don't think that's really fair but I do think it's fair to take the entry plan goals because that's a published document that he gave to us with the six goals on there and to add each of those is a one line onto the so you're thinking it' be unfair to make Mara Marsha go ahead I um I think domain 7 is optional I don't necessarily think that we should make something part of his evaluation at this point if we were going to make it as a part of his evaluation we should have said that from the get-go and you know I'm fine if you would like to reflect on that with us but and share that information but I think it's we should not put something that we're going to evaluate him on this late in the game no I like that idea actually is if he wants to report on his seven or whatever six objectives that would be nice because I know he's met several of them and and I'm thankful for that so but it would be nice to hear that from him during the evalu doesn't need to be on seven I'm good with that but to miss Robert's point I do think we should be talking about what we want those to be moving forward so when this evaluation is complete are there local initiatives or performance indicators tied to the Strategic plan or tied to other things that are important to the board that we would want to put in for that he can start working on now for next year sure and I agree with that I think that if he can give us a report back for the one through six with and even with his suggestions of what things he sees as things that need attention in the 2425 year before the next evaluation of things that he personal goals that he has on behalf of the governance team to get us to where we need to be I think that would be helpful my uh goal would be to take those six goals and within the other domains find what fits based on what was in those goals and provide artifacts in each of those areas and each in each of those domains for your review so if there's something within those six goals that already fits within those other domains I'll include them in that as an artifact that would match that for your review and if you feel that it is something that adequately addressed it then at that point you could and then at the same time Mr main give us something give us your reflection for moving forward over this next year so that we can all see if we're on the same page I mean you may think that department a is where you should be putting your efforts and we may all be thinking no it's C you you got that one you know we're all on a completely different page than you are and I think that's a fair thing moving forward for the year as a governance team that we all understand that there isn't any misunderstanding through the year at the end of the year that that you thought you were working on a and we thought you read our minds and we wanted you on C the whole time so bridet so this is very new to me because I've never done this before are we going to receive some indicators to match these different areas for instance in see if I can if we go to um human resource management and District staff am I just relying on these to make an evaluation or will there be data to back up these different areas so typically what has happened is each board member um evaluates the superintendent like through one-on-one conversation with the superintendent and then we come together as a group with each of our individual evaluations and we talk about that as a group and kind of I the way cuz this was a template that is used that I was formulated by University of Florida that is used by for my position in with the state and what basically what we do is we take maybe Diane gets everyone's um and creates almost like a one document and averages like what did what was the average in this provides leadership for developing and executing sound Personnel procedures how did on average how did everyone rate him and then we can talk about that we talk about it individually or we talk it about it together as a group we don't we're not and then we can talk to the superintendent if someone rated him really low in an area but everybody else rated him high we need to talk about that and figure out um you know what the issues are and it may be something we don't know so that's kind of where how I see the discussion going so I'll just give an example because I don't think I articulated it properly ensures compliance with relevant workplace and employment laws maintains a safe respectful and inclusive working environment how do I know that those things were done what's the measurement what's the data or do I just rely on you and I'm just being honest that you say hey everything was fine and then I give you a three that is not my idea of evaluation nor would it be mine okay so uh what my expectation is of myself for you is that I'm going to go through once you decide on this tool because I needed to wait you all agree that it's you're not changing anything and it's it's good in its form I'm going to go through each of those domains domains with staff and begin to collect evidence in each of those areas Toc these things were actually being done not just relying on it sounded like we were just going to talk about it and go yeah that's okay then we'll set up individual meeting talking about it with him is the okay where you'll have all the so I'll be doing oneon-one everyone will be doing one-on-one with you and you'll be providing those indicators and data for me and then you can feel confident in whatever you feel rating me in that area based on the artifacts and explanation that I gave you and then I am prepared to type up a rational for each of the domains on what I'm working on or maybe what we haven't yet achieved in that area and I continue to work okay thank you any other comments open to the board is there anything that anyone would like to say to close this out yes go ahead M Bri it happened today at the border County Commission meeting a student at Jensen Beach High School a freshman was awarded a um she won she won out of 15 contestants she was there with Mark cowls and they showed the logo that for the Martin Centennial oh yeah it's beautiful it's a sailfish and it's very nice it it's in a rough draft but I just thought that was really exciting that a freshman at Jensen Beach obtained this 15 kids applied and she was the winner so I just think that's pretty awesome thank you thank you for sharing El okay this Workshop is now [Music] adjourned for