gave you want you want to all right you want to I'm waiting for the green light thank you ready we are going to call this emergency meeting of the Martin County School Board to order if you would all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li Justice for All Mrs Falls will you please call the role Mr derer Lizzy here Mrs Roberts hi Mrs Powers Mrs Powers Mrs pett here Mrs Russell here we'll wait just a minute to see if we can hear from Mara Mrs Powers she can't hear us I don't think or we can't hear her guess he not going to be working on the fourth I hear her talking in the Box we can hear her in there just not out here did we go into the box St out okay okay very good well we will move on do I have a motion to approve the agenda so move second I have a motion by Miss pritchet and a second by Mr dley all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously we will now move on to our action item item number 3.01 controlled open enrollment High School additions are there any questions from the board Miss Roberts so um I had a question I discussed this with Dr Miller earlier today and I'm interested in adding as we add the those other two high schools and understanding what that means is that we specify that it's for full-time equivalent students meaning and if you can explain my understanding is that would include you could be doing dual enrollment you could be doing work study you could be doing internships but it would um kind of close a loophole piece for if you were just coming because what happens is the way that Dr Miller has found this available space is by looking at people's schedule and looking at their say off blocks and and realizing that if two students are taking half of their schedule as off blocks it frees up a whole seat for somebody but in freeing up that whole seat I think when we fill that whole seat we should be sure that we're filling that with another student that is taking a whole seat because if we're counting them you know we're saying you get a hundred people and we're counting them all as 100 we're going to end up in the same situation if those 100 come in and each take a half schedule or mostly off blocks and two courses or something and it still creates a position where they can still do dual enrollment they can still do work study they can still do internships those are still full-time equivalent students but it eliminates the getting a student who is taking a whole list of off blocks and then messing that up so that's the only piece and I know if you could talk to the piece about the Athletics yes thank you very much feedback there so yes Mrs Roberts explained that perfectly that is how we were able to find some space available and we will know as students who are currently enrolled in our high schools as they complete their schedules and their requests for schedules for next year we'll be able to get a better picture of the exact number of seats that might be available at each of our high schools and that is the way that we're able to free up some space in the schools for additional students who would like to join us and so the way that they could join us is by completing the controlled open enrollment form so anyone who is a resident or non-resident who would like to attend one of our schools can complete should must complete the controlled open enrollment application which will go live tomorrow and will be available through March 31st after the 31st on that application a parent would indicate the interest for their child to attend one of our schools and is should the board approve this agenda item tonight all schools come comprehensive schools would be available for controlled open enrollment depending on seats available and those seats available can fluctuate will fluctuate by school by grade level and by time of year there may be other availability once students go on a wait list if they don't get accepted initially as the year unfolds we may have additional availability and some students may come off the weit list so things may open up as the year progresses and students transition but once students once parents apply for controlled open enrollment after the period closes on April 1st we will work furiously to compile everything and we basically according to policy have four phases or four groups if you will the first group are the Martin County residents well the first group includes our employees children of Martin County School District employees also includes Martin County residents with characteristics such as students in foster care students with a court order or active military students of active military members so that would be the first group or the first um phase or the first priority of students and we would use the lottery system to determine the order in which those students in the first phase would be eligible for seats that are available in the schools that they're asking for once that is done should there be seats still available in phase two we're looking at Martin County residents who don't have the characteristics that were just mentioned we go through that phase phase three is is then non- Martin County residents with one of the characteristics mentioned active military court order foster care that kind of thing and then the fourth phase is non- Martin County residents who don't possess any of those characteristics according to board policy and controlled open enrollment procedures and so we once we place all of the students all of the seats are filled then any student who remains interested without a seat available would go on the wait list and as we mentioned as the year unfolds if students withdraw things change we have students maybe in the high school who might graduate early a seat could open up and then we would go down the list in those phases and make those seats available to families who wish to attend the Martin County School District for athletics students who any student who is accepted into one of our schools is eligible to participate in athletics at our schools so in other words if a student is accepted in controlled open enrollment they would receive a full schedule or be a full-time equivalent student and can participate in the Athletics at our schools however controlled open enrollment is not a method to just participate in a sports team so in other words if you apply for controlled open enrollment only and you go to a different school you can't use that as a mechanism just to a play sports at a different School other than the one that you attend nothing changes for homeschool students or students in private school they may still participate obviously in athletics activities all of those things at their home zones School nothing changes in that regard this is just regarding students who apply for controlled open enrollment thank you Dr Miller you're welcome are there any other questions from the board okay seeing none do I have a motion I staff approval staff recommendation I'm sorry staff recommendation I move with the with the addition of full-time equivalent student yes I'm fine with that and I'll second that then okay I have a motion by Mr dley and a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously we will now have open to the public is there anyone here that would like to speak seeing none we will move on to open with the board Mr derley Roberts I'm good thank you Miss Bridget yes um I spoke with Dr Miller this afternoon and I would like to know if it's possible at an upcoming regular meeting if the board is so inclined to to put some really good solid data together informing the public exactly what's going on with the swimming pool at Martin County High School the steps we are taking to accommodate students Andor the community and and in such a way that they understand exactly why we're doing it and the expense and the rationale because I think there's a lot of misunderstanding and I feel that the only way we're going to let everybody know is be totally transparent with everything and just make sure that we can give them the information that they need so that so that they understand what we're doing doing and why we're doing it thank you thank you superintendent Maine do you have anything you would like to say no ma'am thank you thank you okay well this meeting is adjourned it's a long meeting I'm tired