e e e e e e e e e e e we are going to call this regular meeting of the Martin County School Board to order we will now have Pastor Mike delave say an opening prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance microphones please I just put it on there you I just put it on you guys can hear me now okay cool it's a pleasure to be here I'm actually a children's pastor at a local church at revive but before I was a pastor I was a teacher and I got to say I was a teacher in Martin County and it was like the it was the promised land for me seriously I taught at Citrus Grove I taught fourth grade and it was amazing amazing so I love this I love this County and I love the school system I truly do so Lord Jesus we just we just bless this day Lord we thank you for the leadership in this room Lord and we trust what you want to do with this County Lord and for our precious children so Lord we we we bless everyone in this room but not only everyone in this room but also all the administrators and Lord especially the teachers because we know they don't do it for pay Lord they do it for passion for the children so Lord we bless all the teachers all the nurses all the administrators Lord we bless them all Lord Jesus and we ask that you comfort them and you guide them and Lord we ask that you just give a love for the kids because at the end of the day this is just about the kids and Lord we just bless the kids right now and Lord we know that your word says that not only teach them head knowledge but teach them how to live and if we teach them how to live they'll remember it for the rest of their Liv life so Lord we thank you for today and Lord we bless this County in your mighty name amen flag United States of America stands andice Mrs Falls will you please call the role Mr derer lizing here Mrs Roberts here Mrs Powers here Mrs pritchet here Mrs Robert um Mrs Russell sorry okay I'm here thank you do I have a motion to approve the agenda with item numbers 3.06 3.07 7.05 11.01 and 11.02 move to action and the agenda with the following items also added 7.09 22 or uh 7.10 18.13 items updated 3.03 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 4.02 4.06 7.01 9.0 1 9.02 9.03 9.04 18.05 18.12 items removed 18.7 so moved Roberts second thank you I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by Mr dley all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously can you please repeat the ones that were moved to action please yes that's going to be 3.0 6 3.07 7.05 11.01 and 11.02 thank you right move approval of the action agenda with those five move to the consent agenda with those five move to action thank you I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by Mr dley all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously all right next up we will have our district update with Derek low Madam chair members of the board superintendent Maine my name is Derrick low coordinator of public information and community relations it's my pleasure to bring you this month's District update for the month of July uh first off introducing a new acceleration option for secondary students in Martin County including those who currently attend Charter private and home school the Martin County virtual school is a new innovative local chapter of the Florida Virtual School where online classes are taught by Martin County school district teachers rather than traditional Florida Virtual School teachers here for the upcoming school year there will be four courses offered those include hope which is Health opportunities through physical education driers education Spanish one and Spanish 2 it's important to know that the Martin County virtual school is for Accelerated options only meaning that students will not get an off block from their traditional schedule by enrolling in a course offered by the Martin County virtual school instead these courses will be completed on top of a student's traditional schedule to accelerate or even catch up on their path to graduation Martin County Virtual School teachers will be holding office hours each weekday in the afternoon from 4: to 8:00 p.m. with one-on-one assistance as needed similar to a college professor if you're interested in signing up you can visit our website martinschools.org we're excited to share with everyone a sneak peek inside some of our newest additions to our district campuses in this video I'm about to play you'll soon see South Fork High School's new athletic complex media center and front office spaces the project was funded by the half-cent sales tax increase approved by voters in 2018 here in Martin County thank you the new gym is expected to be ready in time for the Bulldog's first volleyball game coming up next month we're so grateful to partner with the citizens of Martin County to be able to enhance our schools providing our students with some of the best facilities in the immediate area also in this video is a sneak peek inside Stuart Middle School's new Administrative Building and media center this project was funded with money from the district's capital budget and provides a new and improved space for students and staff ensuring that they're equipped with the most upto-date facilities needed to succeed let's take a look at some of the new spaces now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] recently WPTV News Channel 5 highlighted the success of just one of our Martin County graduating seniors Brian Lopez who graduated from South Fork High School and earned a certificate for the school's Medical Academy is now employed here in Stewart by Evergreen private care care let's take a look at how the district's programs are preparing local students for Life After High School and the newly formed Workforce pipeline that employers in our area are planning to take great advantage of remember to wash your hands use hand sanitizer utilize gloves when necessary Brian Lopez is participating in new employee orientation at Evergreen private care in Stewart 98 he just graduated from South Fork High School school where he took part in the Medical Academy the handson the Hands-On I would say it really put you to through a different perspective he learned what it takes to be a certified nursing assistant or CNA and earned his state license the certification was I felt really prepared for it I um I passed it no problem now all he needed was a job and that's where a newfound partnership comes in thanks to our story just a few months ago WPTV had done a done a special on South Fork High School's CNA program and I just happened to see it one afternoon they're learning everything from patient care to performing procedures and was very intrigued at the idea that we had a a feeder pipe essentially of a Workforce right here within our school district owner of Evergreen private care David Snider went right to the school board to connect him with the Medical Academy teachers and get access to a new pool of potential employees we were thrilled that he came here um we're so appreciative of the CNA instructors um at at South Fork High School Superintendent Michael Maine says this is exactly what he wants to see the school district Foster in the community if we're saying that they're going to be Workforce ready when they graduate then I don't want them leaving and going to other towns or locations we want them to be Workforce ready for Martin County that was good I would just recomend next time maybe going a little bit higher so while this may only be day one Brian already has sight set on the future I I want to go to my RN my RN is next and then from there I do want to become a nurse practitioner and Evergreen plans to recruit from the Medical Academy programs at all three Martin County high schools Brian will see his first client this weekend in Martin County Stephanie saskin WPTV News Channel 5 remember to wash your hands use hand and last but certainly not not least Jensen Beach High School's Entrepreneurship Academy recently hosted its inaugural incubator edu final pitch night competition throughout each school year students in the Entrepreneurship Academy work to find a problem worth solving and then build a business creating a solution to said problem during final pitch night students presented their unique ideas to local Business Leaders in our community and answered questions to determine if their business was worthy of investment let's watch a quick recap to see which business idea claimed the top prize was hi everyone I'm Elizabeth Aubrey three groups of entrepreneurs enter the Shark Tank and we are although this is more like the Falcon nest with trco we plan to develop a bag that is not only weatherproof but it's also Sun damaging Jensen Beach High School students in the Entrepreneurship Academy spent the school year finding a problem worth solving and building a business creating the solution they build test learn and apply embracing the cycle of experimentation core to entrepreneurship a great training ground for life they created marketing plans looked looked at profit margins and revenue goals everything to build a successful business so for tactics we app such as Instagram Tik Tok Facebook and YouTube we're going to have three plans for our subcribers one month 6 month and onee plan with those different plans we're expecting to bring about $34,000 in our first year pension their hard work culminated into this inaugural pitch night where they share their ideas with local Business Leaders in terms of your Market what percentage of people in Florida actually serve how did you come up with the number of people that would actually use this this situation trco reimagines surfboard bags Salem mates a website to help competitive Sailors find teammates and lifefy an app to help athletes stay on schedule and the winner is and coming in first place in the inaugural jent Beach High School pitch night tro coach [Applause] they might not have all left the tank with a deal but each one is walking away with valuable knowledge to become a successful business [Music] owner and that includes or concludes rather this month's District update until next time of course you can find us wherever you scroll the district has its own app and websites as well as profiles on Facebook Twitter Youtube and Instagram and Linkedin thank you thank you Derek Mr main would you please share your superintendent update yes Madam chair uh before I begin with my update pending board approval we do have a uh new assistant principal uh Mr Beasley Robert Beasley for Murray Middle School Mr Beasley if You' please stand recognized by Mr Beasley holds a master's degree in curriculum technology served as an assistant principal in St Lucy at alpath Flats K8 school from 2009 to 2011 and has been with our school district now uh working as a district technology instructional coach and just really is one of those key utility players uh he's all over the place and we really appreciate the work that he has put forth both here at the District level and all of the assistance that you've provided each of our schools uh superintendent kickoff you had a huge hand in that as well as a lot of our graphic design uh that that you see throughout the district is done by uh Mr Beasley so we are very pleased and blessed to have him at Murray Middle School joining uh alongside or serving alongside of Miss Tiffany Roth so welcome aboard sir uh the administrative ranks earlier this month the Florida Department of Education released the results of year two of the Florida assessment of student thinking otherwise known as fast Mr Maine I believe we're having some technical difficulties if he could hold off for just a few minutes no problem thank you I don't think I don't think I need can try and reop e happens anytime there's a problem just turn it off all right turn it back on we'll get you were just trying to save my voice a little bit I appreciate um earlier this month the Florida Department of Education released the results of year two of the Florida assessment of student thinking otherwise known as our fast assessment students in the Martin County School District have once again demonstrated notable success across multiple subject areas and grade levels surpassing State averages and also local rankings data shows that our students outperform St Lou public schools in ela math algebra geometry science Civics and US History rankings also show The District outperform Indian River County schools in algebra Civics and writing and outperform the Palm Beach County School District in math algebra geometry science Civics and US history with these rankings the Martin County School District name uh ranks number one in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast in algebra Civics and writing our students are also outperforming the State average in math algebra geometry writing science and Civics is combined please join me in congratulating the hard work of all of our students and our staff it is a true Testament to our teachers as well as our administrators in each of those buildings thank you it is of note that uh English language arts continues to be an area of focus for the school district an area that the team knows we need to put more priority and emphasis in um it is not acceptable for our students to be performing where they are at in ela particularly in fourth grade and fifth grade um respectively for math uh so we'll work on those areas and the team is hard at work at putting a plan in place to assist our schools and I know our administrators are focusing on those areas as well uh we are currently waiting on the State Board to make their final determination on school and District grade calculations as soon as that uh happens we will be very proud hopefully to um put that information out at the end of this month although we just received the fast assessment data for 2324 school year it usually takes some time to find out which of our students have earned perfect scores on their tests because of that the district recently received the names of students who received perfect scores on their fast assessments for the 2223 school year I'm proud to announce more than 150 Martin County School students accomplished the goal of perfect scores this is a feat fewer than 1% of students across the state achieve and we are proud of each and every one of these students let's hear from a few of them that were most recently recognized at our perfect score celebration celebrating Perfection I get a perfect score on the science EOC for eth grade obtaining a perfect score on my grade for fast more than 150 Martin County students are nothing less than perfect on at least one of their state tests during the 2022 2023 school year I am very very happy that we have a room so full of kids it's an incredible achievement not many can say they've earned this is no easy feat so scoring a perfect score means you scored perfectly you got every question correct fewer than 1% of the students that take this test all across the state achieve a perfect score you guys have accomplished something significant so how did they do it uh you can do it it's easy just Advance on your own where possible maybe easier said than done for subjects and ideas and topics in a class I try to go to the very Bas level of it try and find out how it was derived why it makes sense for example the quadratic formula how is it derived why does it find the zeros of a quadratic equation they might have different tactics but their quest for knowledge is the same and it gives me hope for the future they're setting the standard for excellence and inspiring us all to reach that number one spot please know uh students that it doesn't end here go on to do great things life is not necessarily about a perfect score it's about what you do it's about what you do with that perfect score and with that knowledge that you have congratulations to all these students their Educators and [Music] families I was doing well till he said quadratic equation I'm not sure I would get a perfect score myself as you may have well heard by now all Florida schools must comply with new start times by the 2627 school year earlier this year the Martin County School District voted to adopt the new start times early beginning the upcoming 2425 school year in order to be in compliance start times for The Martin County School District were adjust uh adjusted by just 10 minutes uh because early adoption the district has been awarded roughly $60,000 in grant funding which we will use towards a new bus app where parents will be able to track their students uh ontime arrivals of their bus or if the bus is running late they'll know that as well so that they could adjust their time arriving to the stop and not have to worry about where they're at they can just click of a button track the bus uh to and from its its location let's watch A Brief video to learn more this year the Martin County School District is adjusting our start times to comply with Florida statute that requires school start times not begin before 8:00 a.m. for middle school or before 830 a.m. for high schools this means just a slight adjustment from what we're accustomed to here in the Martin County School District for example elementary schools that typically began instruction at 7:30 a.m. will now begin instruction at 7:40 a.m. Middle School instructional start times will begin at 9:20 and high school start time will begin at 8:30 because the Martin County School District is complying now with Florida statute we have been awarded a grant that is being used to provide an exciting new product that will support families and schools in helping our students arrive at school on time the here comes the bus app is now available for Martin County families to provide real time information about the Bus location to help parents and students get to the bus stop on time these new school start times will begin in August 2024 and will allow students to arrive just 10 minutes to school later than the times we're accustomed to from last school year this should allow families a little bit of extra time in the morning and we're excited to welcome our students back to the Martin County School District on August 12th we encourage All Families to download the here comes the bus app in your local app store please be aware there is a similar name app called where's the bus that is not the correct app the correct uh Bus Tracker app will be that we will be using in the Martin County School District is called here comes the bus please be on the lookout as District staff will be pushing out more information on our local social media and YouTube channels on how to sign up the district just held its summer job fair last Thursday July 11th over 150 people had pre-registered but uh staff has briefed me and we had over 175 including many walk-ins that did actually attend in total District departments offered conditional letters of employment to uh over 24 positions that were either offered the day of the job fair or uh shortly before nine teachers nine pair of professionals one painter one School site Support Tech One desktop Support Tech Two secretaries and one bus driver as of yesterday we have about 10 teacher vacancies which is extremely good good for this time of the school year last time this year we we were averaging well over 30 positions for instructional vacancies that we still needed but we do still have 20 PA professional vacancies most of those par positions being with our ESC students so if you are someone out there that would like to be a teachers's Aid otherwise known as what we call a par professional uh please contact the school district office and go on our website for HR where those positions are posted um and we encourage anyone interested in making the difference of the lives of students to definitely apply we need wonderful people out there and uh to start the 24 25 school year at this time Madam chair this completes my superintendent update thank you are there any questions from the board for any of the other information only reports yes Miss pritchet superintendent would you just update our Union our mcea dates and things if we have anything to report uh yes ma'am we did receive a list of dates last week uh from the union so we're happy to begin scheduling those uh meetings with the Union uh the MCA teachers union it is the uh board's um definite position that we will try to begin negotiations uh almost effective immediately based on those dates uh and it is also the goal of the board and myself to have a contract uh to the teachers hopefully at the latest uh end of August beginning of September is definitely the goal things definitely happen as we begin working through that process but that is the commitment from the board and myself and asme our non-teachers Union also uh we're in the process of getting a list of dates from them and the same level of commitment so that we are not um we're we're getting out ahead and getting both bargaining unions contracts as quickly as possible thank you any others seeing none we will move on to public comment early today okay uh we can go ahead and get started and if anyone comes in they can join us at the end citizen input is vital to the Improvement of our district most times your remarks may be listened to without comment from the board members or superintendent this does not mean they are heard with any less intensity or concern where appropriate the superintendent and staff will investigate your comments and report back to you and the board with an answer we thank you for taking the time and having the concern to make our district better your presentation to the board should not exceed 3 minutes letters or statements from others not present can be given to our clerk who will be sure that each School Board member and the superintendent receive a copy to keep our records straight and authentic our policy does not permit you to read the statements of others into the record first up is Lynn barleta thank you Madame chair of the board and superintendent Maine I'm the founder of four nonprofit organizations in Martin County beginning in 2001 includ including Visionary School of Arts in Florida Faith Alliance to fight child trafficking I've served as the community liaison and face on South Florida news since 2016 as an expert on child trafficking prevention and have conducted over 100 live awareness presentations personally we produce the awareness videos and the live training for Martin County Schools Indian River schools stud spreading to other counties I'm happy to have Rob Gluckman here who is one of our video sponsors with Treasure Coast Urgent Care and I'm here to inform you of the mounting dangers of cell phones in the hands of children as a safety issue my Stats come from the Justice Department Florida State Alliance to inhuman trafficking FBI Polaris National Center for missing children and more the average Predator tries to contact a child through their cell phone with apps texts gaming and the internet 30 to 50 times a day every day like a sales call now with AI on the scene you can multiply that by thousands under understanding that child trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the entire world and America is the biggest buyer of sex 50% of all prosecutions for trafficking involve online Recruitment and the fastest growing gateway to child trafficking is sexting and sextortion on their phones which is a leading cause of Youth suicide it's in every school and there are recruiters the same age as our children who are connected to organized crime rings and they are paid in cyber money and gift cards that cannot be traced Recruiters in schools invite children into vaults of well-known apps and games where there is violent video sexual activity going on with adults and children we just helped to rescue a child from a vault not in this County but a recruiter had invited a 14-year-old into a vault her grades dropped she stopped communicating with her family she became depressed she exhibited all the signs of a child being trafficked physically and with our help the family recognized what was going going on with her just as her seven-year-old little sister was being invited into the Vault BBC just reported that a school in England reported over 200 children in this vault as young as 9 years old from one school this is worldwide in Martin County largely due to awareness of the last year and a half there have been 10 arrests including two Martin County High School teachers arrested for sexting a High School Janitor arrested for child porn the worst the sheriff had ever seen and there are five more men arrested for child porn four of them had porn as young as infants and a woman arrested in Palm City for recruiting and trafficking across the State of Florida that's all happening because of awareness but we must stop cell phone usage in schools inform students staff and do our best to get this information to parents so they can actually make informed decisions am I at the end of my three minutes okay yes well I really want to say that this is a safety issue and I encourage you to continue to stop the cell phone usage and do what you have to do because it'll save lives thank you thank you Michael chura good afternoon my name's Michael chur I'm here to speak about the code of conduct mostly on the cell phone policy that you guys are getting ready to vote on I I received a copy of the code of conduct for the 2425 school year and it's 106 pages long half the book is currently marked for removal so it should bring it down to about 40 45 pages I know as a parent I don't read this so you're expecting parents to be involved which I find ridiculous mispers at the meeting last week it said that you guys want parents involvement but you guys don't make an effort to get the knowledge out I heard about the cell phone policy last week from the news the district did not make an effort now the wording that you guys are getting ready to vote on says that you're going to um all cell phones and wireless devices visible or in use on campus during cell phone hours will be taken away and only return to a parent Guardian at a designated time by the Administration well the school hours that the office are open are 7 to 3:30 for elementary 810 to 440 for middle schools and 7 to 4 for high schools so I understand it's an inconvenient for parents but when do you expect parents to come and pick up the phones I mean parents are inconvenience constantly we take our children to dance sporting events we make dinner dinners so I don't understand why you guys are requiring the parents to pick up the phones now I can go through this code of conduct and I've ducktail certain pages but my concern is where the vice chair and Miss Powers wants to move it to a l can address yeah thank you sorry you guys made comments last week in the board meeting so I'm addressing the comments you can address the board as a whole you just cannot address individuals I'll address the board as a whole so the board has wanted to move it to a level three and if I have the correct page here yes page three um the a level three starts with a minimum of alternative placements expulsion suspension up to 10 days so you're telling me that you're going to suspend a Kindergarten kid for having their a cell phone out they they may not even know that their parents put in their backpack I mean if you brought it back down to a level one or a level two you guys could address the situations on an individual basis but when the board decides to make it a level three and want to suspend children because they have a phone out that's where you guys are crossing the line thank you for your time and you guys have a good day un B hello superintendent Main and members of the school board my name is Unice buam and this year I will have all five of my children in the Martin County School District from high school to VPK I'm here to speak in favor of the uh code of conduct potential changes regarding cell phones visible or in use on school campus during school hours my eighth grader at Hidden Oak spent most of the school year without a phone at school or home because she broke it early on in the school year she was just fine all year and I love not having her involved in all the drama that comes along with kids texting each other or being on social media we had a plan every day when she left for school and for some reason she needed to reach me in the she needed to reach me the office was more than accommodating she'll be a freshman in a few weeks here and still has no phone and she's better off without it there's absolutely no need for a student to have a personal phone during the school day we all survived without personal phone bones during the school day and are probably better off for it Bones have become too much of a distraction and are used inappropriately by kids both on and off school grounds as we just heard I've heard numerous stories of kids using them to cheat on tests as well as bully other kids and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg please do whatever you needs to be done to keep them out of sight and use when the kids are at school for the sole purpose of learning thank you thank you dick Landrum hi good afternoon dick Landon from Palm City I'm here to talk about the community pool at the coach dick Wells Training Center again but more importantly I want you to know how disappointed I am in the school board's handling of this situation we've had a great opportunity to display to our community and to our students a good lesson in the functioning of a Democratic Republic and the importance of consistent truth and honesty in our governance as for the the Democratic Republic you each represent districts um and your responsibility is to listen and correspond to your constituents allowing you to understand what the majority wants none of you ever answered my questions to you truth and honesty the lesson I want are young people to take away from each government action is that we admit our mistakes correct them and go on in the best possible Direction your work order for $1.2 million was bogus we showed you that was overstated by almost a million dollar and yet you refuse to let the public know your airor I have been trying to compile figures from the school district on what it cost to run the pool each year you have been saying for years that it costs close to $150,000 a year but my first two years sample show that the net cost is about $83,000 will you let the public know your aor as a group we want to work with you and make the pool more financially Equitable by imp implementing the old programs that you have taken away over the years we need all the programs back and then some more 60 people have drowned in Florida since January some adults some children here's what we want you to do admit to the public your overstated work order error provide the exact method used internally to create that work order let the public know the actual annual net cost of running the pool let the public know what you're going to do to improve swimming safety in our country in our County excuse me a friend just returned from vacation as in Iceland she noted that in all the villages she visited Villages of populations of just hundreds of people they all had community pools that were full of swimmers she was told that Iceland has a requirement that everyone must be able to swim by age eight we can do better thank you thank you Lauren Esposito hi superintendent Michael Main and the school board I just wanted to say as a parent I have my boys here they are in going in fifth grade and second grade and I just so pleased with the schools um you guys are doing a great job I want to say thank you and also the state assessment test the scores are amazing um the only question that I was wondering is so I'm on the PTA and I want to make sure that the teachers and the students are celebrated for all their hard work last year because they did amazing and there was a lot of testing and you know make sure you eat a good breakfast got a good night sleep to get good grades um just for a reward and I'm trying to you know come up with something with the principal and PTA as far as doing something special for the kids and the teachers who put in the hard job and continue it because it's the testing is going to continue to go um and we're definitely on our way to top of the State of Florida um but thank you so much for everything you do I love our school system thank you thank you okay that concludes public comment we will have to stop at 5:00 p.m. since we did end early and we'll see if there's any other um public comment at that time now we will move on to our action items item number 3 6 is renewal Indiantown High School transportation agreement are there any questions from the board um yes I ask that that be moved to action so both 3.06 and 3.07 um have a requirement in there about a fuel surcharge if diesel prices go above $336 c a gallon I just wanted to verify that we were in fact charging the sech charge when it's appropriate I was looking over there to see if Mrs spes is here but if Mrs Dr Miller is Ruth back there Ruth are you able to answer that question okay can we sure maybe Mr Morrison do you know I do not know at this time but we can research to make sure that the appropriate search charge is levied once that price is exceeded okay thank you very much I appreciate it I move approval of 3.06 and 3.07 second for discussion I know we buy under the state contract so we get considerable discounts so our diesel fuel prices all any of our fuel prices are considerably cheaper than on the street so um it would be nice to know if we're if that portion of the contract is street price or our our ual cost okay did say our cost um so yeah just for public sake it we do get deep deep discounts thank you I just wanted to be sure that um if there was a search charge in the contract that we were in fact charging the search charge thank you okay so we'll go ahead and approve 3.06 first and I have a motion by Miss Roberts do I have a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously now we will go ahead and do item number 3.07 renewal of Clark Advance Learning Center Transportation agreement it was the same question so it was both of those so I'll move approval of that as well second thank you I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by Mr der sorry dley all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay we will go on to to our next item which is item number 7.05 yes like us your I would in light of this change from the vam score to the um years of service I would like to propose that the board consider giving them uh back pay for the years that they didn't get what they should have that they were te they were they were being given stipend based on other teachers scores so I think it's a a way to give back and make them whole because that's why this all came about to begin with because they were being uh paid on on things that they had no control over and I just feel it would it would only be the um Zer to three years and the uh I guess it's four to six or seven years the five the ones who already got 5,000 uh wouldn't need to be made whole because they already got 5,000 so I I'm just asking that we discuss it because I I think it's a a good effort to make them whole we not getting they were they were getting uh paid on test scores that were out of their control and I don't think that was a a fair or Equitable way to to do it and I just I want to make them whole so if you were Z to three years and you got or or at that time your vam score gave you only 2,000 now that you're zero to three years you should get that extra I think it's $1,000 and $2,000 for the teachers so that that was my my proposal if I said it did I articulate it the right way superintendent the teachers that were not getting $5,000 that's who I'm talking about they were they were getting $2,000 and $3,000 not always based on scores that they had any control over so give them the difference that they would have had if we had this in place to begin with yeah my I'm concerned just a little bit about how we would do that considering they were paid on a totally different system it was a totally different um vam is totally separate from years of service so I I'm just not sure we will do whatever the pleasure of the board directs but I'm just concerned on how we would go back excuse me I'm not feeling well tonight I'm just concerned how we would go back and um and do that Miss Roberts sorry um I'm not sure how since that was a past action of the board to go back and change that action I then wonder what it does do we have anybody that we overpaid then and then if we had anybody that we gave too much money to do we try to get that money back I don't know what the fiscal impact is I mean I think that I I heard you and I agreed with you when you brought it up that the formula needed to be changed um and I agreed that it needed to be changed and I think this is good moving forward Ward um I think it's it it's kind of problematic to be going backwards it's just the way I I I just wanted I yeah I understand what you're saying I my concern was the teachers didn't didn't Fair aect they did not the ones who were affected because of an Ela score where they don't even teach Ela they got a stien based upon someone else's classroom scores I'm trying to find a way to make them whole for not being in control of that action and I think um it's it's my understanding that the growth component of evaluations for teachers if you don't have a set classroom roster that's the way that it works is that correct Mr main that if if I don't have so let's say I'm a um a media specialist and or a gym teacher and I don't have a classroom roster that my growth component of my um evaluation is based on kind of like all the students that I touch kind of thing is that the way that that works that is correct Mr Robert and I think that that was the way when it was first the first time it was brought up and the first time we implemented this that was the way it was explained to me was that this was mimicking or looking similar to that but then I did understand what you said afterwards of maybe moving to a different formula where we were doing it um the way that it's proposed now all right and and I appreciate that and appreciate being heard I I would just say moving forward that when we do offer these types of things that we make sure we're not depending relying on other teachers scores for that teacher who's getting it who can't control that they're not they're not responsible for what other kids did in other classes they can only be responsible so I I think it's more practical to just deal with if you're a teacher and you get the score then that's fine but if someone else is getting it and you're getting the the stien based on what someone else got we can't we shouldn't be doing that moving forward that's my thank you well I just first of all I think we would have to negotiate something like that okay but secondly I mean I think there are a lot of issues with vam in general because it makes a lot of assumptions and it makes a lot of there's a lot of what ifs in the formula I mean I I don't even think unless you're um a psychometrician that you're going to understand the whole vam and the wave am and the Simplicity of this I think is so much better I hear what you're saying I just think it's going to be difficult for us to go back something and but recognizing you know I think we all everyone had ISS has issues with that fam model okay I just I just brought it up because I I think more for the principle of it that it's just it it didn't work so now we fixed it so thank you thank you all right so do I have a motion thank you second I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously our next item that came off of consent to action is 11.01 field trip request over 75 miles Miss Roberts um yeah so it's the same issue with 11.01 and 11.02 that 11.01 is talking about a trip for basketball camp that occurred on June 28th and we had a meeting I believe on um June 16th so I think we need to do a better job of approving these of having these going through the review and approving them before the trip happens I mean even if we're approving something that is contingent on somebody doing something so that they then therefore go it concerns me and I I spoke to some Staff last month when this was happening last month it concerns me when we're approving something that we had the ability to approve beforehand and we didn't so then it didn't go through risk management it didn't get any of the scrutiny that it should have gotten instead we're just rubber stamping it afterwards and hoping that nothing bad happened on that trip I mean and I think that you know you can't convince me that that on June 16th that nobody knew that this was going to be happening on June 28th and the same thing with the second item on 11 on 11.02 the skills USA national leadership conference that happened on June 24th it was a trip to Atlanta I mean I don't I just have a hard time wrapping my head around eight days before the trip nobody knew that the trip was happening that it was but I think those things I just wanted to bring attention to that and say that you know I really think that we need to clean that up and not be doing it that way thank you and I'll move approval of 1101 and 1102 okay I have a motion by we'll be approving 11.01 first I have a motion by Mr or Miss goodness I'm Lee yes Miss Roberts and a second by Mr Dy all those in favor I I any opposed motion carries unanimously the next one we will approve is 11.02 out of state leave requests and I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously all right we will move back to our agenda item number 18.01 Schoolboard travel there is none at this time item number 18.02 transportation bus routes school year 2425 are there any questions from from the board move approval of 18.02 second I have a motion by Miss Powers a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.03 mental health assistance allocation plan per Florida doe are there any questions from the board I I do have one question um and I'm s sorry Dr Aron doy right that I didn't bring this up with you before but I know in the past besides approving the mental health allocation plan um it's been the practice of this board to approve an overall mental health plan or at least have one available that shows all the resources from all of our partners I don't know if you've had a chance to see that but um I'd like to share that with you and maybe we could bring that back to the board because I know that the allocation that's coming from the state this is the report that is what we're doing with the state's money but I think it's helpful for the community to understand that the state is putting in money for something but we do need all the additional partners and all the other people that are willing to step up and do something and the assets that we're doing from the general fund or whatever so that people understand exactly what that overall plan looks like and exactly how much that actually costs and how much the district is spending so um but I'll move approval of 1803 thank you I have a motion by Miss Roberts and a second by Mr dley all those in favor any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.04 proposal Implement tap transformative Action Program in middle schools are there any questions from the board move approval of 18.04 I have a motion by Miss Powers the second by miss pritchet all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.05 strategic plan are there any questions from the board see none do I have a motion second have a motion by Miss pritchet a second by Miss Powers all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.06 K12 uniform assessment calendar 2024 2025 are there any questions from the board see none do I have a motion second I have a motion by Miss pritchet a second by Mr dley all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously 18 uh item number 18.07% there different versions of this but on page on item number or section three paragraph F numbers two and three which talk about annual enrollment there's some deadlines on there about um enrollment capacity and reporting to us as the sponsor which are March 1st and June 1st and what I would like is on the page that talks about section three oh that other one was section two sorry section two paragraph paragraph F2 and three have some deadlines it's a March 1st deadline and a June 1st deadline of a year preceding the year that you're going into um section three which is talking in paragraph a about changing our agreement with um Clark so they can be authorized to serve students 9 through 12 I would like a sentence added in there that says the school shall comply with the deadlines and requirements of section two paragraph F just to kind of link it back and be sure that um that those deadlines that they have to give us advanced notice are being complied with well I guess I would want to know from what that from an attorney if we're going to change the contract that sounds a little bit um what the impact would be and whether Park Advance Learning Center is going to agree to that or not right well I'm not asking that we change the contract I'm asking to restate that we they would be complying with that section of the contract so the contract already has those deadlines and things in that um section F I just want to be sure that we're drawing attention back to it so that the things are linked together so I guess you could argue well it's already in there so it doesn't need to be in there um I do serve as the board appointee to the Clark um Advisory Board and when we had our last meeting they weren't even really aware that they were being asked to do ninth grade um but my concern is that I just want to be sure that everybody's on the same page that if on one section it's it's saying that you need to give us enrollment numbers and what you anticipate your enrollment to be that everybody's looking at that page as well as the other page well the principal is here I believe from Clark okay gu would you like to come forward what can I answer so I guess you're hearing what those deadlines are do we need to change the contract to add that language are you you're aware of that right so my understanding is the notification of proposed enrollment is related to FTE funding because we get they frontload our FTE estimates and funding so we have to give kind of our best guess number by those deadlines which we submit you know our finance submits that um over to the district and always has um the enrollment physical enrollment increase with grade nine because we're considered a high performing Charter there's some exceptions to being able to increase your enrollment capacity um and so we would be within those guidelines for increasing our overall from the traditional 250 which when we open the school we were at 200 so we've always kind of crep up um a handful of kids as the demand is needed and how many students do you anticipate 75 to 300 for next year well for this year so if this for this for the 24 25 school year yeah and we just hadn't been recruiting for nth grade this was something that our governing board had been interested in um but because we didn't have it officially in the you know an approved contract to add a grade level because that deadline was November 1st to be or excuse me March 1st to be able to submit for just kind of a outside a contract as a high performing Charter at a grade level level um that we didn't start because we missed that deadline We Didn't Start recruiting so what I discussed at management board was that yes we hadn't opened up applications to 9th grade advertised for 9th grade because we were waiting the official approval of the charter renewal right now was this meeting so when you're saying the estimate is 275 to 300 is that 2425 the year that's starting now yes the the starting with August 12th yes with August 12th your estimate is 275 to 300 and those are the numbers you gave us on March 1st the March well for March 1 I'm looking to see I don't know what the numbers were submitted there because that comes out of our finance so we would in order to accommodate adding the ninth G grade grade level so no what if if that was not submitted my understanding is is that whatever was submitted that probably was around the 250 because that's what we usually carry as our capacity cations for our proportionate share it would be based on 250 when the real numbers come in it's going to be more of a 275 to 300 because of adding the grade level so just so I'm clear so we're adding this request is to add ninth grade for this year like corre school that starts in a month correct but the FTE numbers that were given to us in March did they include the ninth grade no I don't believe I mean looking this way because I think Carter has the access to that we budgeted on the 250 that's what we received they didn't obviously have the approval to go above the 250 because the 250 was always seen as the cap so we budgeted on 250 which is what we received by that deadline right so I'm just trying to keep you in compliance with the contract that if you're giving us estimate in March your estimate that you give us in March of 2024 is for what your enrollment is for the 2425 year what we're projecting enrollment to be correct an estimate at that time that's what we were projecting the enrollment to be and then the conversation was that when we submitted for this Charter renewal because our Charter was up for this school year wanting to add in the additional grade level which therefore would increase enrollment capacity so when our next call for projected enrollment comes because it's a couple times a year um you know we would be submitting that our numbers have increased based on the new contract and adding the ninth grade so it sounds like at the time you gave us the 250 number on March 1st you were unaware from your governing boards that the request was being made to add n9th grade correct and that's the situation I'm trying to avoid I'm trying to avoid that situation where when we know what the FTE number is what the projected FTE number what the projected grade levels are that we're knowing in March and then again in June for what's going to happen starting in August so six weeks like your second June July well two and a half months so the second deadline is June 1st um because if so if the June 1 date and I Look to Mr Morrison for this that That's the basis for the initial FTE payments so the number the 250 number is the number is the basis for the initial FTE payments yes yes Mrs Arbor that would be correct and then on the 10day count or typically when we open school in August and then the October count is made if if they're at 275 and assuming you approved this tonight and they will be paid on the 275 they would be Tred up to the 275 but as it is right now uh because we received 250 that's what we budgeted on and it's no different than what we do as a school district and when we if we realize an increase or a decrease in enrollment after the 10day count and then October it's our FTE is adjusted as well so we report that to the state and then we our budget is then adjusted as well sure yeah I understand that I'm I'm just saying that as we plan for whether it's whoever's enrollment as you plan for teachers Etc that if you're using dates of the March 1st and the June first in order to figure out how you're going to open on August 12th I think is the date that's been quoted if how you're going to open on August 12th um I can see next year it's not going to be a problem I can see this year it's kind of like this is what's today's date this is July 16th so so what is the what what problem is it creating so what what do we need to solve I don't I don't understand what problem it's creating other than they're not they're only going to get paid initially for 250 FTE and then if if their enrollment increases it will be adjusted and our count will be adjusted as well and then they'll be compensated up or down based on what their true number is in October so what I I don't understand if there's a problem that we need to solve or well I'm I just think that you give us an estimate on March 1 you give us another estimate on June 1st and then whatever those estimates are are what you're trying to get enrollment for for starting at the beginning of the school year that's coming up right after that right and at those at those dates because we had not brought the to get the approval of the charter renewal that reflected a new grade level therefore some increased in in student body and FTE we we didn't have we didn't want to jump the gun with saying hey we're going to go for this be overpaid and then the grade level and the renewal not be approved I don't understand that explain that to me so when we submitted for the 250 back in March that was the plan that's what we've always done we rolled it forward in June again when they submitted we didn't have approval to add a grade level so if this Charter renewal wasn't approved we would still be looking at 250 did you know in June that you were contemplating adding a grade level on June 1st our board had requested it but not like they've t talked about wanting to increase it add it but that was something that was in a u with legal counsel okay I mean I I just think that it's the flow is you tell us on March 1st then you tell us on June 1st and then that's what you try to get for your enrollment starting for the beginning of the school year I I just think that it's so so do you hold the school district to that same standard I'm just curious because what if we have like a hundred kids on a wait list for a VPK classroom when we decide to open up that we weren't contemplating that those children would be en enrolled in our school we would not stop and not enroll more children because we didn't estimate correctly I just I feel like yeah I do think we hold people to the same standard because I think you look I look at this as one school so I look at this as one school and not a district so in looking at this as one school the same way when we do Choice as you do choice and as you open seats if you run out of your capacity for what you're doing you estimate you hire based on what your capacity is what you think you're going to get for an enrollment and you don't over over enroll in those Choice seats and say well okay there's nothing I can do because I didn't know on well so will the increase cause you to over enroll are you all short teachers are is there an issue that is I'm not seeing like because it really is their problem if they don't have enough teachers or they don't have enough staff or chairs or tables or whatever equipment they need I don't understand why so let let me try to make let me try to make it a little simpler if you're usually doing two 50 and you're taking 50 additional students if it's 50 students that you have not yet told are coming to your school right and I'm assuming since it hasn't been approved you haven't told 50 students that they could be coming to your school right I don't know where those 50 students are coming from I don't know if those 50 students are coming from The Martin County School District right then our estimates for what we have for FTE what we've hired for for FTE or what we're attempting to hire for our scheduling Etc is based on using those additional 50 students and then coming to us later after the fact and saying yeah I know it's less than a week less than a month away but yeah I've got out of my 50 students that I've got on my list 40 of them are coming from The Martin County School District that would normally be going to I've got some at Martin County I've got some at South Fork Etc that yeah I I believe that parents deserve choice I believe that the Money Follows the child and the parent should have choice on where their student goes but I just think as far as planning goes it puts us in a position where okay so Mike you take your 40 students and take them out of the Martin County School District and send them over to Clark and now Dr Miller I've got some seats that have now opened up in ninth grade um 14 of them are at Jensen Beach and some of them are at Martin County count high school so do you want to go back to your Lana go back to your choice list and see who you have there I mean I just think it's it's like it's it's very last minute it's very I I just don't think you do things that way well we are continuing to enroll kids in Choice programs now if we have seats available correct in high school we don't have any seats available so what we're saying is we might be freeing up 40 seats I mean or 50 seats I mean but I don't know do we know how many of them are currently enrolled to be coming to Martin County so I would anticipate that with the addition of grade nine the numbers will run about the same as our other grade levels that this year probably close to 50% if not a little over have come from non not from the three comprehensive high schools in Martin County they've come out of home school private school other charter schools out of area Etc so I would anticipate that with the addition of n9th grade those numbers would stay about the same that we would be pulling from kids that are home virtual other non-traditional schools and then you would be letting us know when were these 25 potential students are coming from once this is approved then we would open the application for nth grade and just as we do with our other students you know I've had kids on wait lists for the other grade levels that every time a student you know yesterday a child decided to stay at South Fork High School great we went to the next kid on the wait list we offer him the seat and then if they're coming from home as as we accept kids off of the wait list they go to their schools to be withdrawn so do you have ninth grade kids on a wait list right now I do not we've put out an interest survey to our current families we have we sent it out on Friday knowing that this was coming on board agenda said we have to wait for official approval and so from that to our current families we have 11 children who have said or families who have responded that they would be interested if we have nth grade that Friday I think she can't tell us what she doesn't know so that the fact that they are asking for more capacity doesn't mean that they have 25 or 50 students to fill those spots so they can't tell us we're taking three from South Forth we're taking 10 from Jensen it's it's not applicable yet because the enrollment process hasn't begun so they can't tell us what they don't know I just think I just think it's um it's a planning issue for us even if even if the superintendent says I'll do whatever you want me to do Etc I believe it's a planning issue because I think that in high school right now with less than a month to go before school that most n9th graders kind of know what classes they going to take what school they're going to Etc um and we're hiring based on those numbers so even if those so if you if those kids were all coming from somewhere else and weren't coming planning on coming to us it doesn't impact us but I think it ends up impacting us so I think it's um it's not like it is is not the same as what we do because what we would be doing is it would be the equivalent of saying okay well I've got 50 more slots at Jensen Beach High School so therefore I can take kids that would normally be going to Martin County and let them go to Jensen Beach High School Etc and I would be moving people around but they're already with the district I've already got my hiring numbers based on that enrollment and it's just a location of the enrollment that's moving around so I mean I think it's so I'm not a fan thank you so do we have how are our weight lists in our choice programs for our high schools the last I checked with you Dr Miller we had like over 50 kids on the weight list at Jensen I don't know if we do anymore what those look like yes good evening thank you at this time we do have a wait list for two of our high schools we have some availability right now at Martin County High School very limited Avail availability where we're constantly in contact with principal Salvage the other two high schools have are actually over capacity at this point so we we are at a point where we're not taking additional students person statute we do continue to allow students to join the wait list for any of the controlled open enrollment options so at this time we do have a wait list I apologize I don't have the exact numbers on the list so the weit list is comprised of Martin County students that are already have a seat at a school somewhere correct in in some cases like I might be on the wait list to go to Martin County high school and I'm currently enrolled at South Fork yes for sure that's correct correct not all the kids I know I know there's quite a few kids from private school that are waiting to are waiting to get into high one of our um high schools that are on the wait list they want to go to Jensen or County or South Fork and there's just not space available at this point they're currently out a private school I just think it's bad planning are there any other questions any other board members I move approval of [Music] public comment at this time seeing none we will move forward to our next action item item number 18.09.2011 any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.10 request approval to renew piggyback St Lucy Public Schools ITB number 21-05 dairy products to school cafeterias are there any questions from the board do I have a motion Mo approval of 18.10 I have a motion by Mr Dy and a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.11 request approval to renew piggyback St Lucy Public Schools ITB number 23-9 fresh produce and pre-cut packaged items are there any questions from the board move approval second I have a motion by Mr dley in a second by Miss Roberts all those in favor I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.12 requisitions to be approved for purchase orders over 100,000 are there any questions from the the board grp approval I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by miss pritchet all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously item number 18.13 2024 2025 code of student conduct are there any questions from the board do I have a motion for approval move approval second I have a motion by Miss Roberts a second by Mr dley all those in favor I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay next up is open to the board Mr dley do you have anything this evening I don't believe I have anything this evening thank you thank you m Roberts I don't I'm good thanks Miss Bridget Dr Miller could you give a brief update of the Martin County High School pool sure absolutely good evening needs any information there's actually a meeting we have been as the board is aware having an exploratory committee that has been meeting the committee is made up of members who have been here speaking before the board to hear the views of the of the members and to solicit input we have heard ideas such as bringing students in over the summer to get lifeguard certified unfortunately no no members of the committee have been able to find someone who can do such training so we have been exploring and investigating options Mr cist will be working with a an architect in a pool expert I I'll call what's the right word Mr secrist consultant thank you a pool consultant an expert that that was I was a little bit close good to take a look at the pool so I just do want to be clear there was never a a the staff never brought a work order before for the board for work to be done what we brought before the board were items that had been brought to staff by those at the Martin County High School pool at that time the pool manager who was there that time who had submitted work orders who had submitted requests and work that needed to take place so I I if I could allow Mr CIS to just share what that information is that we didn't submit hard bids we didn't submit actual plans for the work it was let let me give you have the technical terms thank you so one of my fears was I started looking at the work orders I'm thinking in my mind these numbers could be large they could be small it's a specialized facility we had actually a pool contractor from one of our contractors look at it and give us ballpark budgetary numbers they weren't proposal they weren't hard bid numbers it was just something that we could present to the board so they knew kind of what range we were looking at for repairs that were needed and the costs associated what we are moving forward with in my discussions with Mr Maine and and Dr Miller we are going to bring forward an architect with a pool consultant that have done pool facilities they're going to investigate the pool we have now the structures around them the slabs around them and give us a summary of what they think the condition of the pool is right now and what and then with that recommendation we can we can decide if you if the board wants to move forward with a proposal of scope of work to the contractors and get hard numbers on what that all the above at that point it will become a real number a real proposal um that the board can decide what they want to do with it but right now we're just going to get a proposal of what what it's going to cost to inspect that pool and get an expert opinion couldn't see my light sorry um so it's not just the pool that needs the work it's the locker room facility or the CH changing area facility the the whole um building all around the fencing all of the is there truly I don't know I guess we'll find this out when we have someone go look at it but is there an issue I had heard something about the foundation of the pool that it sits on um but I guess I I don't even want to bring those things up until I guess we get a professional opinion on the stability if it needs to be reinforced from the bottom up kind of thing because somebody had said there's a crack in the pool is that well true or not true there's so many things my understanding was the liner was installed in 2007 because there was a crack in the bottom of the pool now no one has seen that crack since then because of the liner because of the liner so it's it's probably there we've noticed some cracks in the pool deck we've noticed some cracks in some of the buildings so consult to look at the whole complex so that we get the overall picture that was my thought process and I would agree with that I just want to put to bed that we're not being transparent I've heard that word come up several times and I think it's important to note that we are doing everything that we're supposed to be doing we're not hiding anything and we are moving forward to get an absolute proposal that you can bring before the board correct thank you yes and Madam chair if I may add with the meeting that we have the the team that's been there we've had quite a bit of staff there to listen to hear to share information we did have our attorney who's here with us this evening he presented at the last meeting to share the status of the ownership of the pool so that we could also share the that the Martin County School District does in fact own the pool facility and that it doesn't belong to a Community Partnership or a community agency so that information was shared with the committee so we have been meeting and moving along we continue to listen we have some students who have presented ideas and again we've tried to make a forum at the school a a very it's informal people come in kind of share what they're thinking what they would like to see and again exploratory is really a good way to describe exploring the potential options available for the pool but until we really know what the status and the condition of the pool is the physical condition of the pool that's something something that we just want to be sure that never did staff present that this was these were hard numbers this was exactly as Mr C Christ explained it and so that's something that we have shared with the committee again several times and I can reiterate that tomorrow as well you're welcome our do you have anything this evening I just had one question about the virtual school options for our new Martin County virtual school um it was stated that it's acceleration only um I'm just concerned that we're not going to get a lot of students that want to take Spanish one or two if they're taking it on top of a seven period schedule during the day um I can understand like the Hope or Driver's Ed but I just want to be careful that we're not eliminating students to do that through our Virtual School because we're not allowing them to take that as one of their seven periods during the school day I can speak to that Madam chair members of the board yes that is uh Our intention is to Market it as an acceleration option to get some of those kids that can get ahead we are not going to prohibit kids from taking it uh during the day they are welcome to take those courses whenever they would like and engage in them whenever they would like um our plan is not to create off blocks for them to take those courses but we'll of course look at every situation um as a caseby case basis um but we are not going to prohibit students um and bar them from taking those courses only outside of the school day so when you said per the off block so if a student is enrolled in six classes on a traditional high school campus and then they're taking one virtual class through um our Martin County virtual school they would only be on our campus six periods and then they would be be doing virtually the like Spanish one or Spanish 2 if that's the way we pursued it yes and so what we are the way we're marketing this is for acceleration so students can get some of those courses um out of the way or catch up for students that are a little behind get some of those electives out of the way so that they can accelerate in their core courses well again that's my concern is that students May shy away from this because of the complex complexity of the course if they're already taking a full seven period periods during the day and then have to go home if they have sports go home at night I don't know that we're going to recruit as many students I know one of my kids took Spanish one virtually and it was a lot of work and so I can't imagine that our virtual school is going to be any different than that so I just think it's going to discourage kids and only kids that can handle that type of workload are going to be the ones that are going to take those courses even though we all of our students should be taking Spanish one and two absolutely so when we um did our interest surveys that's where a lot of the interest was was it in that acceleration and so that's why we targeted our marketing towards the acceleration options because of the 60 75 parents that responded to that survey that was the primary interest motivator was acceleration so they won't be prevented from if they want to take six periods and then take Spanish one they will not be prevented from doing that is what you're telling of our agreement with Florida Virtual School we cannot prevent them we cannot ban them from doing it during school hours but we can certainly encourage them to do it as an acceleration option well not Florida virtual but our virtual school this will be our virtual school with our teachers franch ma' so we we have a virtual school franchise so we use their platform and as a part of that agreement um we have to you maintain certain um requirements and full access to the system is one of them so when we have the schedule will you let us know when those uh I don't know how they're if it's going to be self-paced if there's going to be certain classroom time if it's during the day if those classroom meeting times are at night um I know a lot of virtual schools do that I just would like to understand what kind of what it what a virtual course is going to what they're going to look like for a student um whether they're doing it during the day or they're doing it at night to accelerate yeah absolutely and so we'll be happy to provide more information about how that works but as their Martin County virtual teachers we can't schedule our kids into them while they're teaching Martin County virtual so their teacher time would be during those those business hours after school but they could certainly work on it anytime they have access to the platform and we'll provide more of it in terms of like a a soft opening because the vision would eventually be that we are able to capture some students back from homeschool as an option whose parents would wouldn't otherwise maybe be ready or prepared to be at home with the kids and provide an actual curriculum but um want them to still be a Martin County School student that we would eventually have a full scheduling option as we work up to and build up um as one of the things that I had brought up yesterday evening is the opportunity to create part-time or halftime instructor positions or teachers that would give us the ability to have more flexibility within a student schedule to provide more courses but for right now given the fact that we're just moving into this space um and kind of softly opening this eventually I would like the program to be self- sustaining in which it's generating enough to FTE that it would have its own virtual principle that continues to build the program and allow there to be more more coursework uh right now options would also be that if a teacher is teaching a full schedule during our day and they wanted to eventually give up their planning period to teach a a Martin County virtual course during that planning period they would have to have an additional classroom supplement to be able to teach that course so there's a lot of different things that we can look at um but for right now as uh Mr Moore explained they would have to teach that after their regular school day after they did their normal day with us their Martin County Teachers they would then teach the virtual course after hours uh to those students I guess my question is I mean Florida virtual doesn't like have a set typically a set classroom time so I I want to understand what that what it's going to what a virtual course is going to look like are there going to be classroom time is it going to be self-paced um is it going to be homework and then you schedule your meeting with your teacher like um Florida virtual does like what what is what is Martin County virtual school going to look like and I I just will re re re iterate again that because this is all happening after hours um and I I'm if if a teacher wants to um teach a class outside of their normal day obviously they're going to get I guess we have to negotiate that um but I'm more concerned I'm concerned too about children that maybe can't handle eight classes um that wanted that their only way to fit Spanish one into schedule is to have it virtually that we're going to continue to lose those students because we're not being flexible with their time and their what what meeting them we're only to me this is catering to kids that can handle um a full day of coursework seven periods and then tackle AP um world history and Spanish 2 um addition and there not all kids can handle that so I don't want to exclude them um but that's kind of my concern that's all ABS our goal is to create options for students and so with this virtual school we'll have opportunities for kids that are looking to accelerate kids that are looking to course recover and of course it's a new program and so as we're learning we'll make adjustments to make sure our kids are supported and that's the reason we wanted to have this program so our teachers could teach our kids and have that flexibility that I think you're looking for um to have teachers that are here that can talk to our kids that can meet with our kids that can coordinate with our families to provide that support I think that's the value of this program um and it gives our parents some of that flexibility outside the school day on weekends to coordinate with an instructor um to tackle some of these these elective courses that that are substantial and do require a lot of work and so I think it's a step up from what Florida Virtual School offers and still gives some flexibility and we'll absolutely make adjustments as we go to support our students thank you thank you anything else Mr Man you all right well this meeting is now adjourned for