##VIDEO ID:6YCEJAaKY1E## meeting to order of the Manan handing Regional School District Board of Education um The Time Is Now 6:32 the O New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public I at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or agreed upon in accordance with the provision of this act the mwan a Regional School District Board of Education advertised this meeting on August 13th 2024 in the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger these notices were sent to the municipal Clerks of the buau of Manan and the township of aine and the Manan aine Public Library these notices were also placed on the district's website can we please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the [Music] stands thank you we have roll call Miss Violet here Miss Martinez here Mr mcover here Mr montone here miss SC here miss brell M War here Mrs goie here M pal um can I have a motion in a second to uh oh I guess I'll read the resolution first be it resolved that a closed session be convened for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides although the board cannot guarantee at the length of the executive session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and proceed with B business action will take place have a motion a second to go into executive session motion okay all in favor I we are in executive session okay can I have a motion a second to return to oh do we have to end ex first yes I'm sorry I need a motion second end ex I'll second okay and then a uh then we're already here yeah so okay okay so m to the next thank you everybody sorry for the delay been a little longer than we anticipated um okay so moving on we were talking about the minutes uh can I be a motion in a second to accept the minutes as presented the regular Action meeting July 25th and exec session meeting one two July 2th second okay um okay if my apologies can I have a motion I thankfully hopefully people people got to see the um all of the emails today when Chris forwarded them um can be motion and a second to accept the correspondence to the board as listed in the agenda thank you um okay can we have the a superintendent's report so I'm going to start with some updates before Mr get the report for him um so we're super excited about opening day um we're winding down to finalizing schedules across the board from PR all the way through 12th grade um we're finalizing our plans with our staff opening um which we will have all staff at the high school um that first day when they come back so we're excited about that we will also be serving lunch um for all staff so we'll send out an invite to all the board members the PTO will be involved they'll be there as well um and we do have a um a great guest speaker this month um in terms of opening day and just getting back into the swing of things um we will be sharing out those student hooks that um you did review and um they will have to sign off um that that they reviewed them on Genesis so we're setting all of that up um all students will receive their schedules so the parent portal by um August 26 um parent portter will be open to start um doing the course and see that information the YMCA a um we're pretty full um K pre to 5 um Ms we have about four families for the morning and 5 for the afternoon um zero for Friday and we will continue to push that and we also anticipate that um once school starts that we will have um some additional registrations as well um the website um will be um finalized for October as well um some exciting activities besides um back school night before we even start posting those on August 30th um the the direct the supervisor of Athletics invited a um all the the little KS they'll be out on the field joining um our teams um for August 30th and then September 6th we will also have a special game um where we will be recognizing staff members that uh have served so we get those final um information and times thank you and Report thank you good evening twice a year the school district the board that H and student safety datet is submitted to New Jersey Department of Education report Period 2 data which is collected from January 1st through June 30th of 2024 has been successfully uploaded to the Department of AD secure portal the data reflects the hit reports that have been previously shared with the board and approved on the agenda each month throughout this report period this signifies that we are compliant with certification data and that includes the head report thank you any questions about [Music] the Mr in terms of the hip report the numbers the overall numbers those compared to the same time last year correct those have gone down right we' seen a decrease in in reports coming through we have actually since the 2122 school year which WEA saw one of our biggest Peaks uh the numbers have come down drastically from 2122 and then so year to year this building in particular has had the greatest drop in that time period um followed then by the high school then the medal school yes great thank you thank you uh any other questions okay moving on to the board pres report this will be short I just wanted to uh thank everybody for our work over spring and Into Summer on the board goals which is in the um agenda today um and looking forward with that um I I think that we'll need to kind of a leadership can work with admin on this about um how there there's quite a bit on the the orles about being involved in the budget and so how do we practically do that I think that's something we can have as a discussion um and bring it back to the board or some ideas um also uh the piggy backing um surises updates about the the football games coming other fun activities this this fall that but um I will reshare the calendar Point import dates and it'll be updated um so that that try to get back into communicating more I feel like some of this uh as much fa B fell off a little bit um so so yeah I mean I think we're on track and uh if you following along with njsba calendar we are still on track so thanks to the administration and all of you for that does anybody any questions about that stuff oh also I'm sorry I missed I wanted to thank everybody that's been working on the Committees uh because uh the policy committee did some great work um just over the course of this summer and and um you know we actually can consider something on this agenda that I didn't honestly think could be get done in time so I'm very impressed um and also the uh U cultural awareness committee I'm I'm happy to to hear that that's moving along and I I'm just looking forward to more uh participation by everybody that's what that's what's just so great about being with this group of folks everybody's involved and interested and really like to see that um okay so uh I guess does anybody have any questions okay I'm not sure question well H the board gos that was listed was that corrected thank okay moving on um there is no student representative report so I think we can go to the curriculum instruction agenda thank you we have several walking throughout the agenda first one is for curricular instruction so it's page one of one so this is curric instruction instruction walking out this is for action it's number one other there's a resolution that we're asking the Au to approve as listed on the walk in to the regular agenda also for Action this evening curriculum instruction Gras to approve item a travel PR for to approve under item the other item number one which is um revisions and updates to the curriculum item number two which is an annual appointment of our evaluation model item three it's an annual approval of our district professional development plan item number four is a continuation this is a component of our evaluation model item number five is to approve an annual approval of curricula and textbooks we have school year item number six is to proove a field trip item number seven is to approve a presentation of the high school item number eight is to approve curriculum materials item number nine is to approve District committee members and item number 10 which begins on page 3 and continues through P 17 would be field trips for the 24 or 25 school year that concludes cric construction can I have a motion in a second to accept the agenda I'll motion I'll second are there any other questions and comments about the C instruction agenda aside from looking forward to all of these trips I love the trips that's what I was going to say and I like that a lot of them are right here in the community um and also really varied like roots that are going and the care that's you know the Vietnam memorial we have state capital we have um [Applause] yes I saw that I thought of you I saw that yeah it really it brings a lot of I mean you're mentioning things like um I do see a lot of Community Resources on here that that it's good to get some familiarity with like you know flipping through freeold Courthouse like that's it's just good to be able to see that so that that's that's something that before you're an adult before you're out in the world you've seen our our county seat and in the courthouse which is certainly enormous building that's right in the middle and the flor's Mansion which is right Street absolutely yeah the own and they started that and it was bus so not only is teaching them like that but teaching the kids about being entrepreneurs stuff like that okay great fantastic um moving on to this is student services student services we are asking the board to approve item number one is uh is a revision which was previously proved on on PRI agenda this is for tuition item number two is also out a district placement item number three is for Keys tuition and item number four also for tuition extraordinary 8 that includes student services uh can I motion second to accept the student service are there any questions or comments about this agend okay moving on to Personnel so Personnel we have several Walkins so we'll split out a little bit make sure we have them all so we'll start with walking item four action 1 a and 1 b as listed both are sta changes for the 24 25 school year so that's the First Walk-In or action the next walk-in item page 101 item 1 C with information as listed for Action third walk-in item it's four pages so go through some of this and we'll see where it connects to the regular agenda so the walkin item is for action item number one resignation as listed item number two three staff members is listed for me of absences with respect to dates item number three appointments for 24 25 school year this is really why we're Walkin we had after the last minute some new higher appointments so uh names as listed for appointments item number four on the Walkin sta changes with primarily are overloads for the upcoming of the school year which continues on page 3 or four and on page four or four of the walk-in item for Action instructional systems who hold their substitute teaching certificates so they can act as substitute teachers for 24 high school year and item number six to Sal correction so that's walking items to the Personnel agenda for Action we have additional resignations and retirements under Section A is listed we have additional gr of absence under B we have additional appointments listed under c number one page 204 item number two summer 24 staff recommendations is fill out to wrap up some summer work item number three summer workshop professional development um Fork on page three of four item number four is to proove staff or orientation item number five additional staff rate changes for that coming school year item six is for our college student observers page 404 item number seven we have two staff members who are volunteering for High School athletics and under the other there are no hints for this particular report item number two under others student registration so staff MERS in charge of registration item number three is a rehire discrection four is a job description and five is transtion handbook that concludes the Personnel agenda including BLS all right oh can I have a motion a second to accept the Personnel agenda are there any questions about the personel agenda um just a few things um I know I some questions um and I know that we mentioned it's a concern about um the monitor at Middle School um I know said that you had posted or that it's been posted um that you know moving forward with our security plan um you know love to be able to get make sure that's and then say also um that resignation for uh I don't know how to say last name okay um she's been with us for so long and she was wonderful s to see her um the one I think this is um Nick wman he was a student with us he's a new uh teacher Elementary CL with that's who he to my son's friend think that's what it is it's so nice to see um the kids some of the kids come back so I think that might be my son friend um and then the as far as the what uh the high school counsel what is the plan um also I know I've to this case about this but the transportation just make sure that we make the revisions oh and also m i mean we're all C teachers those um that have you know especially the ones that vised time she's another teer thank any other questions or comments about personel okay moving on to policy policy agenda the superintendent is recommending to the board for item number one under policy second reading for approval adoption of policies that are listed under number one and item number two this the first and second reading for crial adoption of policy 551 6.02 it's important as noted under item number two that ran Court to suspend the rules of bylaw 0131 requiring to board readings to adopt the policy and adopt policy 551 6.02 with one reading to have this policy effective for September 1st 2021 for that concludes policy the motion of second to accept policy agenda motion and I did want to note that the uh as far as I know when the this agenda was posted online uh for the benefit of the public that policy the one that it is both first and secondly was available um yes um M pal can I just give a quick update um so well I have a question um I I had asked uh this case just to give us a heads up a reminder where we're at facilities I just needed s so that we we can't change any the access okay cuz I know you said you were going to check with then we it over but the I guess the right the facilities yeah that would be awesome um I know I want to get that done for you from me opening um the other thing was the uh the cell phone policy in the handbook uh was a little bit different than this policy I know we said we're going to um make sure I guess it was just about usage in the hall okay um and then the um yeah we talked about the office phones is that something that um uh what you were what you guys wanted to do decided they going to use an office phone office you're using an office phone definitely a k to um the high going to come from but I believe it's the office to the office to use the call right um I think in the policy if I'm correct it was they could actually use their phone but in the office just permission type of IDE right my corre and I was also in the questions with you saying could we please have to be uniform because I think it opens up way too much of a student suddenly pulling out their phone knowing what I know students will then be asking to call their parents to go to the office so they can pull out their phone and check so school we were all fine wasyl perfect yeah um I just want to give a shout out to the policy committee too because I to be honest these guys really um so we had our meeting on Thursday our last meeting um we were told that you know thumbs up get a policy together and these guys I was not available all weekends by Saturday night it was in my inbox and they had done it so these guys really were the three that that did that I looked through it and we just moved it a um so I really appreciate that and I appreciate admin and being anoy and asking please let's go let's go we want to get this done so my only thought is that like I had asked we forward the committee to please um staff kids admin everybody's on the same page that there is policy that they can see it it's visual so that we can all just start out the year and nobody says oh I didn't done type of thing um so um yeah so thank you again and then hazardous um I know um this press updated at the last meeting um as far as uh things that we're doing um if you would it be okay for you to just reiterate that so we have breakfast at the high school um I don't want to missp speake or forget something so so kada five um has been born after and um some of the families that were concerned I reviewed the list I actually asked for C few names from the YMCA they were able to say that they did register um with BN aare um so those families can do that um in terms of middle school we have YMCA before and after and at the high school we have we have The Breakfast Club and we will also have the lake bus and usually the lake bus was really for kids that are participating um we are going to be flexible in terms of that they're not participating they staying after school just to be teacher or something like that um they'll be eligible to do that so the families that I've spoken when will be taking um the opportunity to utilize the late bu um for um to get so it also encourages and so the families that we supp to me trying to encourage students to actually get involved in any of the extracurricular clubs and things like that after school did see in terms of looking at the data that we shared before that there were 25 family members unfortunately that um they're not taking the bus and they're waving their bus but unfortunately that's just not enough to have a bus and another bus um so we will monitor attendance at the beginning of the school year making sure that the students who are taking that they are taking with us to see if there would be any additional and then the other key piece is that when looking at group 34 which um the policy Community brought to our attention group 34 um while there were quite a few families that lived along or across 34 where they would have to cross 34 out of that list there were six family members 6 to eight family members that actually utilize the subscription c um so the the students or the families that have more of a concern in looking at the information is really are impressionable so and that is understandable right because they don't know high school yet they don't know any of the clubs they don't know any in the school like they're just learning and they're trying to trying to find their way through so they're nervous and ask the parents are school so we um we ENT we were able to identify that particulares as well but it looks like the questions that were coming up about there you are coming from FR just so you guys thank you update and and lastly about 34 uh I know I had asked this U maybe you can reiterate the answer the crossing guards where we at with that so the crossing guards that was in communication with the town um we're looking at currently where our crossing guards are um to see if we can ship any of them and where where which ones are really needed because there's been a lot of we've had the same um assignments over long periods of time we we may need to look at that because they may have placed something else in safety guard there instead of just having the crossing guard um so like for example we know that we just were informed last week that they're putting a flash the flashing Beacon um in front of lyd and I lyd and I so there's still going to be a crossing board there um to press the button for the kids and everything so the cross board will remain there um and that's part of a large project that is another layer of you know kids arriving to school SE for those so the last time we followed up about the crossing guards if I'm correct we we didn't have any on 34re so therefore that would be on the town to higher because at the at the very minimum if we're talking about our kids crossing that we were hoping that they would at least be able to hire a couple before the new school year which would also help these parents with the Freshman peas them and and Danielle isn't here but she also had mentioned or we we've talked about this cluster stops where they don't have to cross stop on one side stop on the other side um however that may look but the crossing guards really would be um ideal so so they so that is a budgetary item that would be budgetary item for the town to do that which was not budgeted for which is why we went back and M to evaluate the were the chief was out so we this week so that's why we have to look at what we have and see sh the other piece to too is that 34 was not a priority in terms of the Cross part because it's high school kids so the thought process while the high school kids are crossing later apologize but early in morning but it's dark um there there's other ways that to get through a 34 is what I was told but they're they're well aware that we have concern residents that um that that concerned about especially with all of the now just a every attracted yeah which I mean you know first of all all we don't have any extra in my opinion Crossing LS where we could move from A to B we need every single body that we have if not more um secondly it it should be a no-brainer to have a crossing guard on 34 as an adult whether it's light day or not you're I don't want to run across 34 so um you know I can't imagine how much money a Crossing hard makes but that's that would really make a huge difference um so yeah I I mean I don't other than to plead beg and bar I don't know what else to do about that because we don't hire them um but yeah thank you if you can follow up with them on that that would be even better um and I think that was it for bu thank you thank you thank you um does anybody else have any questions or comments about the policies on the agenda see none um we move to the finance agenda good evening we're looking to take action on payroll for the month of July as well as bills list for August transfer funds for July board secretaries for July all major fund status for July report remain a July uh SS will be approving the Board of Education goals for the new year seven will be approving the Dual use of waiver for educational space as listed in the chart eight is the acceptance of the grant funds for the recovery at High School nine is the allocation of nonpublic Technology nursing security a and jeer I3 we do utilize MC uh 10 is for MC and participating in their Cooperative pricing system this does help us when we need uh to go out and purchase that means they've gone out to multitude of different vendors to see if we can get the best possible and 11 is the Garden State Coalition for the new school year 12 is the shared service agreement for Belmar for the master teacher uh this is something we've done since the Inception of the prepay expansion Grant a teacher Master teacher goes over one day for a week and we do receive Revenue back to the district for it 13 is the acceptance of the donation with the live on give charity 14 is the acceptance of the donation for and received elements from them and then 15 is Costco they were able to provide backpacks I believe believe 100 to to cook with all entry 16 is the use of l Road Elementary as an emergency shelter for home way from home Academy and 17 is the memorandum of understanding for the thy dogs that were out last year and then we be visiting and then 18 last but not least is the fire acation drills for thank you you have a motion a second to accept the finance agenda I'll motion second any questions or comments about the finance agenda I did want to note that I just um as usual forward by the uh activities of the community to support our schools including raising 11,000 for the Music Theater program that's enormous and yet not to say not to minimize the efforts Costco and donating $500 in backpacks and also Wagers maren because that's I can't wait to see the garden with a boat in it it's going be fun um so thank you to local businesses and off the cat to all the comments Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on matters of interests to the school Community individuals wishing to speak must State their name and Municipality of residents comments are limited to 3 minutes duration but the individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard all statements should be directed to the board president and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to express themselves in a simple manner with due respect to the dignity and privacy of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while is not the force intention to stifle comment on matters of legitimate concern the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the injured party if speakers are uncertain of the legal ramifications of their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand for their legal adviser um so first I just want to say I haven't been here in a while my son had his graduation and I was on a vacation so I have not been here for the last two meetings um you held the fort down I haven't heard anything crazy going on so good job Tara um but I do want to say that uh I've been the president here since 2016 and we had I think was our most productive negotiations this go so kudos to the board team kudos to the m team for working together um and really having an honest dialogue with with one another about what each side needs and where we can come to an agreement and also recognizing where we knew we were going to hit walls that we were never going to get through and a little bit of pressure here or there but you know no I went to relent um so I do want to say not only to the the board team but also to the board of ed we appreciate um you guys ratifying the contract we thought we're going to be able to sign it tonight but the table of contents pages are not cooperating so um we we shall see um my other the other the question that do have is regards to the cell phone policy so I I didn't see it up on the website um which is okay um I just want to know what are those changes that are being proposed within the policy just so you can find it when you click on the agenda go down to policy it's l oh in the okay so got okay all right fine okay gotcha I possibly either uh whoever wants to go over so basically you're referring to all the policies already on the books in one place and saying that we will be enforcing we will be expecting them to be enforced as outline in and all the policies are listed in that new policy so really we're just I think the intention was to have one place to refer to as an umbrella um um to give the staff and the building Administration support so that um they feel confident in enforcing the policies that are already there cuz we all know that they're kind of just looking the other way because they don't want to have that fight um but I think that the success of the middle school now coming into the high school those kids know what to expect and I think it'll get easier as the older grades move on okay um I think it's going to just it's kind of going to be second nature um so there's nothing new in there it's really just reiterating what's already on the books and putting it in one place where it can be referred to to a student or a parent everybody like this is it it's been here you know it's it's it's no more looking the other way go and that these pertain to sell yeah so um yeah Mr BR but we decided um in looking through with admin I had asked we had asked the last meeting um all the electronic devices there's so much in there and it includes so many things so we really just wanted to pull cell phone out have a very tight small policy that refers only to cell phones cuz let's face it that's really what we're talking about and um Middle School seems to do very well with it the high school obviously is a challenge but we wanted staff and admin to know that we will back them and and that this policy is you know enforceable and that it should be non-negotiable um but we would back them if there's an issue or a concern or if a parent comes forward or if a child is is uh disruptive or whatever the case may be we just want phones off obviously for social media reasons issues in the classroom cheating a list of things um so the high school so is it phon off or phones not visible so like at the middle school I'll give you an example um and and I don't think I'm saying anything out of school here we we had very good I I I I had it was my first year there I had heard that it was so much better than it had been um and quite frankly one of the only ways you can get a pencil back from a kid that you loan to them is if you tell them give me your phone as a trade for the pencil so it had a little bit of Leverage there but you know I might have had a kid in my class where his phone fell out of his pocket twice and I'm like just put it on my desk they weren't using it it was just falling out it was becoming a distraction um the only thing that I want to keep people mindful of and I'm just thinking from my own personal life with my wife um and any of you that have daughters that may have done dance or cheer schedules can change at a moment and if you have a son that can drive you may need to be able to get in touch with him during the day as a senior um so um I don't know if there's any provisions in there where like kids that can drive live have the ability to contact their parents or or get a text cuz like if my phone is off or in my pocket and I'm not really allowed to look at it but I'm getting communication from my mom for argument sake I don't think that they want the office being called hey can you tell Derek that he's got to go pick up his sister today actually we ask Mrs I believe we do want the office call so in the high school you can have your phone during passing time right the bathroom in the cafeteria um noing passing time and lunch you can have your phone passing time lunch so if your parent is telling is sending you a message you're going to have a chance to check it every 40 minutes so here's a question cuz I do and I know I'm overtime but there's no um so just in playing this out cuz this happens um you know kids go to the bathroom they're taking a test now and math it really doesn't matter cuz you either know how to do the math or you don't but let's say you have a study guide for social studies and you have to go to the bathroom you go to the bathroom your phone could be in your pocket how does the teacher know you actually have your phone or don't now you're in the bathroom and it's well I had to use the bathroom um I'm just saying it's not it's not full um in the way that we do it I mean if we see kids that have phones I think one of the things we can say to them is before they go to the bathroom you have to put your phone on my desk um it could be a way in terms of utilizing the past to go to the bathroom I know that and I don't know what they do at the high school here but I know in freeold Regional there are some teachers that have the hanging wall pockets and they call it a phone hotel and the kid when they come in have to put their phone in there and that's just a so we talked about all of those things anything that a teacher wants to do in their classroom they have full discretion to do however they want take the phone when the kids go to the bathroom for the bathroom pass we're on board with all that the main purpose of this was to reduce sell c phone being on your cell phone during instructional time because people are kids are playing video games while they're supposed to be learning we know that right so that's like the main purpose of this is that you're in school to learn please give your your teacher the full attention that's number one and then secondarily trying trying to avoid social media and bullying using the phone for bullying and all that so the the best we can do I mean the more we can do better than we have been doing is our go okay so whatever I mean using what's what's in the policy that we're adopting tonight I'm on all four teachers making a phone hotel or anything like that we didn't specify that in the policy because there are some teachers that may say I don't want the responsibility of someone taking the wrong phone right or it getting stolen or going missing and then it's on my watch that I went missing or anything like or it gets damaged you know so if they want to whoever wants to do anything to help enforce what's there we love it so I think we want to leave that up to the teachers to get creative or however they feel their students will receive it the best um but our goal is that we want to eliminate distractions cheating and um perh giving giving yourselves a 6h hour break from the noise of would there I'm just thinking more on the high school level I I would never have a reason um to for a kid to have a phone but I'll give you an example of a project I did in the elementary school with another teacher we were doing geometry and it would have been so lovely if the kids had phones cuz we were having them go out to the playground at boy Road right here and taking pictures of different geometric shapes they could identify them and they needed their Chromebooks so they're trying to snap a picture with the Chromebook which at their age is kind of difficult so is there anything within the policy like I said I would never use it for that that gives a teacher any leeway if they that they could use it for an instruction or is it not even something okay okay no by the way I'm not advocating for that just that's because I know that question but but I do think M Roa if a teacher wants to take it upon no if the policy is black and white no then that's the policy I'm just looking for if it's if it's a learning lesson no no is that that's slippery slope okay okay well if you I'm thinking if the teacher wants to hang their phone on a hotel that's up to them so I'm thinking okay listen at the end all we want is them to just not use yeah I just want to know the staff know what their limitations are on how those phones can actually be used within the classroom I this is to be reviewed right believe and the reason why I'm saying that is years ago when QR codes first came out one of selling points that that we had a technology person here she doesn't work here anymore but she was teaching teachers how to use it and if kids had cell phones you could put it right on the door jam and it could be a do now when they come in so some high school teachers took advantage of that so they need to know hey that's a aw ex I think we've learned a lot more in the last few years so I think the teachers will agree that for the sake of a do now let's just no you can put it well this was before classroom and all that so there's and we also did ask uh Mr R for check-ins um so just to you know for admin to say hey how are you guys doing with it is everything okay just so that we're getting some feedback on what they're seeing in the classrooms that's the most challenging so uh the teachers you know if they have feedback that would be awesome for us too moving forward okay sounds good um and my apologies for disp speaking I coming straight out of as you know my my son is just finishing he just to the middle school where it is even if you did want to use your cell phone to call your parents it's almost impossible inside that building so he always called from the office ni that's the rule there like I said I I thought it worked well so it's good thank you thank you absent any other public comment I think we can vote on agenda items okay um I guess uh yeah to roll call vote on all the agenda items together miss m Mar yes Mr yes Mr mon yes M Scott yes M yes I need tostain from Personnel of item C line one yes yes um does anybody have any unfinished business or new business so if I could um Mr girl I know you weren't here at the meeting where um we did discuss if who was on the agenda but I want to agree with you 100% I thought this process the negotiation process was a very smooth process process um very efficient in terms of how we handled it um thank you to you your team negotiations team admin because I feel like we did all listen to each other um very open discussions like I haven't seen before which I thought was fantastic um you know we all discussed issues how we could potentially fix them um and I just I felt like it was just such a great respectful process that I open been four years for those that don't know it's a fouryear contract um process no I just a couple uh well to to add on to that I also want to say um this was only my second negotiations but it was um as everybody said it was easy it was fast it was respectful um but I would like to note that Mrs scy saved us 750 by typing the contract right and that you know honestly and all s is though Annette is like I told her she has to get a job and be paid because she's unbelievable with um you know she even corrects Mr Baro when he doesn't catch spelling I'm human um but no she's been amazing and thank God for her uh she her attention to detail and to save us money so if it wasn't forette um and I'm being honest the last two times um just a couple quick questions um the demographer I know you guys said we're meeting or you're meeting I'm sorry the town so they're they're going to work with the leason from the town yes we just need Aon from the town the as soon as weet we'll we'll have they have they have a Le on to work with like the planning so when there's questions as they're reviewing docents they have something to reach out to got it um and then lastly I think I asked this question but it didn't come up on the question so I don't even know if I typed it out um I know we had spoke about updating the elementary handbook about bringing in not bringing in things that could be of concern or or dangerous um I wasn't able to get into any of those handbooks is that going to be in there or is that a thing yes we're working with the principles K to3 and then also reach the principles to update the link so it be public so going to have that I'm sure the next day or so you'll be able to perfect thank you um two quick things so um Mr Brook just say reiterate what I was saying before I think we want to arm the teachers with what they need to you know get the kids to put their phones away so um you know one a teacher being able to say this is what the board wants this is what the admin you know the superintendent wants they could blame it on us and it gets them off the hook a little bit that that's fine with us too or at least me um the other thing that I wanted to bring up was um I've been talking to Miss Perez a little bit um about how we're going to handle anything that might come up this fall with students who want to voice their you know exercise their freedom of speech in terms of any H issues that are going on so um I just wanted to make sure that somehow in the hooker reiterated that you know anything during instructional time that takes the student out of the classroom like a walk out or anything like that I know in my 10 year with the high school there was a walk out um I think my oldest was a freshman and it was extremely disruptive and half the kids didn't even know what they were walking out for so anything like a sit in or a walk out where it's out of instructional time I mean there feel free to discuss issues debate where you know support their person whatever I just don't want it to interfere with instructional times I don't know how to make sure that happens so so for those days the build we F certain policies that they will cover at their faculty meetings um those policies that we discussed the controversial issues and then the political political views or for teachers in St those policies will Beed at their faulty meetings and then as obviously as we get closer debat happening in September that it's going to be Contin to be reemphasized and also SP with in class but also Administration particular on those topics so we didn't um we talk about it with the administration um both at the middle school and high school level in terms of put it whether to put it in the F Com or not um we felt that two things could happen one it could get lost because they weren't parents weren't reviewing it and kids weren't reviewing it um and the other or it could cause them to plan which you could have those scenarios so um we then just decided as a team that let's focus on that in that um a discussion on how to have conversations about issues or things that are going on the uh the first week of August the summer Theater Workshop did amazing job so get to go three times what I did I hope you all have to time um and Mr Wells and Miss Ryder and Miss hind are just amazing and maybe it all happen it was beautiful something I I wanted to uh bring up that um the speaking with this scr who's not here and and I was thinking the same thing I didn't want to surprise anybody about if we don't have to anything tonight up the discussion I had with with admin that perhaps we do when we make the calendar for next maybe we do need to have two meetings in July and two meetings in August um I know that a lot of like we may have limited attendance at times but it was there's been so much on these agendas the last just something we consider I'm not saying anybody side tonight but the school year keeps going like full year year round and it's a lot to squeeze in to two meetings in the summer so something it was brewing I was thinking about wanted to share um is any other new business or un finished business okay um the I will read the resolution that then I can ask in a second um be resolved at a closed session be convened for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters subject matter these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides although the board did not guarantee it the length of the executive session is estimated to be an hour um after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and proceed with business action will not take place um have a motion a second to enter executive session motion all in favor I you're now exective