##VIDEO ID:vX_nz3tPMpg## okay well let's move on to the agenda to curricul instruction thank you under for of instruction for taking action this evening we recommended the bo to take action on item a travel in Item B numberers one and two under B item number one um the district is ask the board approval to submit a competitive Grant through the Department of Education and then item two are some news that concludes curricul instruction a motion is second to accept the curriculum agend I'll second moving on to also an action agenda for student services we're asking the board to approve item number one which is out of District placement for students is listed item number two rest Bo to improve vside instruction for students is listed item number three is a rebu from 2223 and then it's listed as number one it's a revision to asking the board to re approve an added District placement as listed on the bottom of page1 back includ student services and motion the second accept [Music] Services um we'll talk all together about all of them um can we move on to the Personnel agenda DRS thank you the boarded a walk-in item that we are asking to take action on uh a leave of absence and appointments as listed the prent Personnel agenda we are asking Bo to take action on we have a resignations and Le of absences as listed we have c 1 through1 with appointments for the 24 25 school year extracurricular activities as listed on page 49 we have high school teachers for breakfast before school supervision which I ask Mrs case to take note about for a minutes to reflect there is an era instead of the cost per hour it should be cost per day that is on page 49 item three High School teachers for breakfast of school item four instruction and service presenters as listed and five instructional assistance and substitute teachers and item six on page 9 for home construction for 24 25 school year item seven includes Mentor teachers and eight includes a listing of Staff array changes for the 24 25 school [Music] year along with item 9 a district translator Spanish item 10 we have college student observers I'm sorry and teacher interns as listed volunteers 2425 of the high school draft field as listed and inde D up the other 1 through six we have the H as listed we have our most program as listed extra security coverage as listed for stets back to September we have the administr listed final item is item six which I read earlier this evening uh the school self assessment we deter that the personel a motion in a second to accept the personel agenda motion second change just one um sorry just one change on [Music] number moving on to the person policy agend thank you we are not taking action on the policy listed listed this is a first read for the policy we we have policy 3211 which is Code of Ethics the only Revision in this policy guide 3211 removes the list of protected categories and replaces it with the expanded list defined by njx 6A it is recommended a board adopt the code of ethics policy for professional Educators the code of ethics in policy 3211 is published by the National Education Association in order to make it easier for general public to access the listing of protected categories a link has been provided that directs readers directly to that language policy 5841 which is secret societies there's a revision recommended not mandatory as well the only rision in this policy removes the list of prot protected categories and replaces the list again with the inj 687 1.1 secret society student organizations not open to students are prohibited under nj8 and this is a recommended policy as well policy and regulation 7610 vandalism for revision this policy and regulation 7610 have been updated to remove the list of protected categories and replace the list with the extended list of NJ ac6 the regulation guide also removes the specific list of violation includes unification to law enforcement in terms when it is in accordance with related laws policy 19323 the notification of juvenile offender case disposition this policy 9323 has been updated to align with djsa 2A one of the revisions this policy involves a list of protected categories which is listed out and although this list does not include all of those categories L St es believes that this list still addresses equity in the school that concludes the first read policy and regulations uh and all again I will state are not mandatory but recommended can motion in a second to accept the agenda motioning to finance agenda evening good evening uh as you'll notice tonight we have a little different of an array of how we represent Finance um all this material is still SE just aligned a little bit differently as we prepare for usap um so as we go through this evening for secretary's month for the month of September payroll certification your seat and acceptance for the board secretaries report approval of appropriation transfers approval of the bills list and uh number six we'll focus on a little bit more in depth with the adoption of the 2526 budget uh as was noted in the budget calendar October we've already started speaking as an Administration uh def cabinet members just about next year for the 25 26 school year um November in the beginning of November we will distribute the new budget manual out to all of the Departments as well as the buildings the reason why this can't happen until November is because this week on October 15th we just had our snapshot for the application of state school aid so that just lets everybody know how many uh enrollment it is and rare it is and that's how it's categorized and broken down for us to receive our seed a which again we will not fit those numbers until after the governor has this address uh typically at the end of February and then there's a release back to the schools within 48 hours after the address so then on November 14th the board will have a budget training by the new uh business administrator by the New Jersey School Board Association and from November until right before break we just ask that everybody meets with facilities and technology so that we have better understanding from Administration from the um departments and from the buildings what we're looking for for the next year uh before we leave for break I ask that all items and documents be delivered from those departments to the business office and then that begins the fun scope from the January to March deadline of you know finalizing the budget in central office Personnel requirements coming back to the board and the cabinet delivering the budget as totality uh typically again we do not have the release but the typical due date to the county office is by March 20th we do have a board meeting that night to approve a preliminary budget that would be due to the county and then as far as it goes they get about a month's time to turn that around and then our April 24th meeting would be where we would have our public hearing and Adoption of the budget so settlement agreement for number seven uh eight is the submission of our yearly health and safety evaluation checklist for the buildings as well as uh what we spent last year for the comprehensive maintenance plan and form And1 that is due to the county as another few stack requirement uh 10 delineates the list of our sta or students that go to the vocational school and it's broken down between the two account mbers listed 11 is an Board of the jointure transportation routs that we utilize um with other districts as a call saving mechanism if we're all going to the same destination and then 12 is our fireing vacation bills for the month of September thank you can I have a motion to accept a second to accept the finance I'll second okay so now we will have discussion that ploud through person so Sor can you just explain to for anybody qac is a review of the five different sectors St it's governance Personnel Finance operations getting one off the top of the head fac facilities they do a walk through of the facilities that will happen uh most likely in December we're just waiting on that date from the state however all the reporting for it is due back to the state and uploaded through the module by November 15th that's why it's important on November 14th we do approve it so that we're able to uploaded that's why all those qack meetings will happen and then it in every 3 years they just go through policy and and and again governance and finance just making sure that we're following all those requirements they're um called dprs and those District performance reviews are done in different categories and then we have to give backup that we're actually hitting all those requirements and so they'll actually come in for a deadline and do a desk AED on us to ensure that all those things that we say we're doing we are doing thank you you know I was going to start at the beginning of the agenda but why don't we just keep going are there any other questions or comments about Finance agenda I know I sent um i s this in with my questions but um on the budget calendar um just you know I know the board had requested that we make sure that we build in time just to better understand things and how all the which I know it's now November so we have the training which is great um so just better understanding what the SS are um and then you know I know we don't know the state money until literally like a second before we have to approve the budget but um you know just if we can anticipate you know knowing that the state potentially not as much money next year more than likely um you know anticipate what that could mean to us as a district um I think all districts are going to face it um the rising healthare cost we know are double digits next year um so all the things that we know are going to be increasing just so that the board has a full picture way in advance of March so every meeting after no every meeting after November 14th we will to provide a report updating in some capacity on the budget topics that are correlated yes you are correct they've already started talking about C8 and C8 those C numbers that they're saying are pretty much projecting that we should be making at least two different versions of the budget one being flat but most likely one being a reduction of CDA due to the fact that the State lost their Federal funding that we all lost last year as well as the fact that revenues are down as well uh we asked you know if there's a percentage of what we should be and they said well it's all relative um so that's kind of where we are at that point but we will keep you know speaking to them and seeing how much we can get and continuing to hear what might happen as they continue to look at the CD for formula is being formula is being reviewed um every month they're meeting with reders University on a on an assessment that they're doing um so again as they release information us we can release information out but for right now that's all we know so we'll keep the community up [Music] correct case this is this budget calendar we're putting together here is amazing and I appreciate all the projections can we just mentally know in here where we need to kind of give the town um our anticipations of what we might need from them next year because I'll forget um as we move forward with this Cal this budget calendar and I know that um we may or may not be able to um get what we would like but I know we would like to try to ask for some more crossing guards and some more street signs and some things of that nature so if we could put that in a bullet in here that would really help us I'll add the bullet and when we've been meeting with the town we've also been reviewing what what their deadlines are and how it as for request thank you I also wanted to thank in this case for um getting this schedule ahead of time which will allow us time to really review like a full picture of where things may have to change um and just really making sure that the public knows the amount of rigor and scrutiny that's put on the school any school district and the way that the budget is done um we are audited every year it's a very rigorous process that not every other government entity in the state is required of so um thank you very much for you know making sure we're doing everything by the book okay I just wanted to ask did we have a chance to ask questions about policy I was going to work backwards like I started with the finan gotcha thank you um M Cas also thank than very much I I I don't care how many years I've sat in this seat I still every year don't remember from one year to the next there's just so much um but I did want to just um back up uh what Miss uh scy said too um because you guys are in it every day you you guys talk among yourselves and you know what's coming so we aren't always in those conversations obviously we only see you guys once or twice a month so I ask like I had put in my comment um when I had went over the calendar um anything that you may see that could be hey guys 3 months from now four months from now this might happen that might happen it's always good to know you know I just rather know more than less um and I rather know if it's possibly going to happen and then it and then we're surprised happily pleasantly that it doesn't but just you know CU I know you guys in this every day it's just your your normal job so we appreciate any updates that you can get and I know we everything is pending the state pending the state but we you know we get that but thank you forever I do think Martinez just kind of stole my thought but no that's but that that um essentially I think we all you know we we not entirely optim about what may happen the state funding and revenue and we do know that we have increased cost for year so there's a sense of even without dollars what we know programs or items that may need to go for next year that are being considered it it' be better for us to know sooner so we can kind of wrap our head around it thank you I mean not say that's not a it's not that just the decisions are going to keep getting harder we're aware of that and so the sooner we are aware of that the better thanks um are there any other questions comments Finance agenda okay moving back to policy agenda are there any questions or comments about the policy agenda I have a question oh wait here um I just want to ask because I needed to miss our last meeting so I think I missed something because in the previous meeting we had said we wanted all the protective categories in writing and not only have it as a hyperlink so I just want to understand where we are that because I remember our rationale was to make sure it was written into the policy to acknowledge it so people didn't have to go elsewhere so if I can just get an update yes you were correct uh the first read I I usually present what st's ese presents to to the board as a first gr uh and then I take suggestions from the board and pled the board has been as you mentioned to have allistic so there will be language in second read that I have a question about the policy on secret societies I think everybody kind of went h i saw people in the audience um that's basically saying like we cannot have secret that's all that is I'm surec um Mr can answer this that it must have come up at frat I figured there was some prec there for that for that to be a policym policy property yes so that I was just curious why we took out the examples like should I just find more information helpful versus a hyr all the time like I don't mind mic but like if the policy is vandalism examples of the vandalism I thought were help so some examples I think could be useful but just for an anecdote um I had a family member years ago who squirted Castle chip and mustard packets all over a wall in the school and that they they were they were disciplined as vandalism so you have too many examples like that gives we way that it might not say like food is vandalism you know what I'm saying so it might be good to leave that a little bit flexible because you know it was they wanted to discipline this student appropriate some my family um appropriately time ago not my kids um and were able to do that even though it was ketchup of mustard and didn't do any permanent damage or anything you know it might be good to leave a com on the policy I haven't read our version of it yet but folks should know that there is aat the education was going back 100 years or so that most parents Li monetary [Music] thank you did any everybody hear the public service announcement I'm not sure the mic worked okay parents are for the damage that financially I'm sorry I forgot something and find well no I'll bring it up a new business okay any other questions comments about poliy okay moving backwards to Personnel does anybody have any questions or comments about personel I wanted to say congratulations to miss Hing um for those of us who know her as the production manager for summer theater she always did a fance job so we will miss her expertise and organization congratul yeah thank you very much and yes that's a good call and rations to miss farara too she's been somebody that we've uh many of us have interacted with many many times prior to being on the board anything she feel like I always end up talking her about something um we definitely wish her well okay any questions or comments about student services see none any questions and comments about curriculum destruction um so for the um AI Grant um just if we get I know it's in this too but just if we uh do get awarded the grant the $75,000 if we could just be the board could you know have a presentation or just an understanding of um what instruction and curriculum is going to be taught to the staff or AI it's just I'm just curious myself like what are we going to be teaching the students about AI if we're awarded we're a absolutely will it's a significant Grant so you'll hear a whole lot about it uh and even if we're not awarded the grant our steering committee and St es both have been working on an AI policy so hopefully in January we have a first read for the board so either way you hear some more information about AI in the district which I think would be good because I think just overall it's it's going to impact Us in some way shape I mean it's already kids are using it already for homework and everything else and you know I mean even when they apply to colleges you have to sign off that you're not using AI you know so it's having an impact and you know we should just stay ahead it like policy so our district committee is made up of teachers at almost grade every grade level and administrators and a big Focus From the committee is the ethics and that can be a whole lot of ethics and that would better than the policy so we get that point I'll touch on that um I just want to say I love the trips this is like awesome this brought me back to when I was back in million years ago we went to so I'm so excited to see that they're coming back and that the kids are going to be experience they may think it's funny but I very excited by it um so I'm just happy to see all the um and the travel that's what I you know we do a lot of trips normally but the travel ons are so just Happ any other questions or comments about okay see a public comment Board of Education recognizes the value public comment on matters of interest to the school Community individuals wishing to speak will state their name and municipality residents comments are limited to three minut restoration but an individual may speak a second time after all others who wish to speak on the topic have been heard all statements should be directed to the board president and no participant May address or question board members individually all speakers are requested to express themselves in a civil manner due respect the dignity and privacy of others whose legal rights may be affected please note while is not the board's intention to stifle comment on matters of legitimate concern the public should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy they may face personal liability to the injured party if speakers are uncertain of the legal ramifications of their comments the board urges them to seek guidance beforehand from their legal advisor and just letting as always letting everybody know as somebody that used to speak an awful lot in front of the board three minutes goes by really fast in time so I will be giving you all heads up about 30 seconds um so I'm not interrupting on purpose just trying to give you heads up at 3 minutes CL anybody want to speak my name is AB B I from M cor from a not any longer so I had a couple of things I wanted to talk about first I wanted to just let everybody know that on November 2nd there is a band home show for our band um it is hting I think seven to nine different bands from all over the state and from Pennsylvania and possibly a school from New York it's a really great time to show support for your band who by the way is the winningest team in our school they are undefeated this year our marching band and our Color Guard have not lost theyve also uh raised their points uh 10.2 points from the last year and throughout the year which doesn't sound like a lot but for them it is huge they are being changed from a regular to an open uh class which is humongous they are also still practicing outside in the dark in the parking lot without lights or uh speakers so I'm just still curious as to why the team that wins the only team that actually consistently wins in our district out of all of our teams probably has the worst budget and is literally I mean this program opens up from seventh grade so my daughter was in sixth grade last year she was on the Winter Guard she's now the only seventh grader in the district on the high school team um and it's a program where we need to give them more money like they're the only team that wins here we have a beautiful football field and the team it's not so just want to go you guys about that um okay so I was listening to the report and I was listening to when you said that your goal is graduation and I would really hope that our goal would be bigger than just graduation um I think that we need to give these kids an idea that college is not the only goal and when you're pushing pushing pushing these education is you have to get good grades you know there's a only 106 of our kids in our entire High School are in vocational programming or in career center and I don't know how many kids are in high school but I think that's a really small percentage and I think it's unfortunate there are going to be kids in the 10th grade that are going to be applying to vocational schools for next year and they're not going to get in because there's not enough programs and the school has zero um they don't have anything to do with them and I can tell you that if my child does not get into a vocational program and he's in the high school all day it's going to be a not fun year because the child does not want to go to college he wants to be a mechanic or going to hbac and there's a very limited resources that we have in the state as well as in the county so that's something I think we need to look at um because you know success doesn't always look like college okay and I think that as we noticed I I was talking to the director of The Vocational programs and he was saying that since Co has stship the kids who are not wanting to go to college they understand that it's an expensive world to live in and pay themselves [Music] it's put putting themselves into dead is not great um the other thing I wanted to talk about second we don't officially a tech to cut people off no I'm not off lot more than that to offend me one of questions [Music] Bei keep forgetting that part you guys so one question is going to be the atic activities I'll talk about the second let me talk about um the presentation you guys did about the education and stuff so um I think you guys really and I mean this is something I've spoke to you guys about last year and I don't know like it's just not getting through but starting in the Middle School uh social status becomes incredibly incredibly important my daughter would rather die than have an i or 504 probably should have because she doesn't want to social and unfortunately starting in middle school that's when you're going to start seeing those things so um I've gone to the guidance counselor a bunch of times about her struggling in math and her telling me that my only option to get any help from my daughter is to get a 504 and the I is crazy CU she's not going to it's fact and I got a 4 last year and the teachers are asking my 13-year-olds would you five four no of course she doesn't because she's aware that having five for makes her difference she doesn't want to be different so I think that's something the school really has to take into consideration when we start talking about the people that are in middle school and up you know your your younger kids STIs simpol everyone gets along no one really cares but when you start talking about the older children how their peers perceive them is a huge part of their school okay so I just wanted to let you know that it's frustrating when we can go to the guidance counselor and be like we know our daughter needs help she's had twos and math since fourth grade and once you guys took away her individual pull out during school tutoring we started tanking in her grades and it's so upsetting that she would get onor student if she wasn't getting 60s and that but she wasn't getting the help she needed now this year I would like I don't know if it's B counselor but maybe my tantrum for something because they did put her in an icr class where she does have a second teacher I don't know if they did that like Dart or if it actually was a meaningful choice but there is a huge difference in her grades there's a huge difference in her grades so what I'm trying to say is um I wish we wouldn't have to say get a 504 get a I I think we should be able to identify students by their grades their tues and say hey yeah let's prioritize these students go to icr classes because again this year I'm seeing thank you thank youor did you want to speak quickly about how njs life scores impact I don't know if this is something we can do here um okay yeah I don't know all right we'll talk thanks um my name is meliss I am I'm here my concern regarding at this time my child with others have lost their um on October 7 I reached out toap check in see what's going on and I a respon from her saying that they're no longer um I immediately reached out to the cas manager I was told at that time and again Tuesday that there's no information regarding please um I'm sure you can understand my conative frustration I did not see anything on the agenda this evening regarding of this person a contract spe um so I guess my concern also concerned that I Happ to find out just by reaching out um there was no form communication and my child aduc what so now how long are we waiting going to session miss um when when we get I'm not the only it's um if you could reach out to miss steage the director um student services so typically what happens if there is a loss of time with Services we do we we adjust the schedule to give the child additional Services that's want any L loss Services that's um that's just the process that we've always followed um but if you reach out to her she will be able to provide you who the new therapist will be and she can theine and I am thank you can we deer the thees Conta information I can I can one of the administr just pass so I um so I taught fourth grade I've taught fifth grade I've been a math interventionist so I am very familiar with students in fifth grade scoring on a second grade level in math so if I speak specifically about math math is linear and that in order to be able to progress you have to be able to master the skill to get to the next point so we are in a Bond as a dist our funding is limited you don't have enough money to be able to get enough interventionists where we would love to put them at the lower grade so we can tackle these problems but what's happening is we're continually taking kids that AR necessarily on grade level and them up and that creates a problem as they continue to move if you imagine it like a snowball rolling down a hill the ho of what they don't know get bigger and bigger and bigger so I'm not surprised to see that we have struggles as we move up the ladder because what we're not doing necessarily as a district is and I don't pretend to know what the policy is in terms of retention and I am not for retention attention S I know there are studies out there that talk about you know it doesn't work and all these other things but what I've never seen a study that says let's talk to a 30-year-old man or woman who hated school because they weren't any good at it from second grade on and now they don't have a future that they wanted to have so for me it's kind of simple um when I taught fifth grade I never taught kids how to read they knew how to read when my kids were growing up and I had to teach them how to read I I mean it was mind botling to me that somebody can do that with 20 kids they don't even know like they're not even their family and they do that that requires as Mr Le said practice at home so if we had students exiting kindergarten don't know their basic sight wordss what do we think happens when they get to first grade that support that should have been there isn't there now it becomes more difficult and this snowball just keep happening so it would be ideal if we had an lied supply of money I mean many many many many years ago we used to have programs called breeding recovery and m recovery and that was down to first grade in kindergarten and what we saw was less kids requiring intervention as they moved up the ladder but as funding went down that had to change so that's [Music] my Elementary second grade and right now I'm a bit concerned in the m um I'm I'm curious I would love to look at the math curriculum that we're using or the programs that we're using for the elementary that subject um what these students are learning because we're not breaking it down to the facts the ma facts the basic addition subtraction multiplication that again creates that void we're talking about lesser than greater than not just even like the Pacman which number is bigger we're using word problems and the word problems quite frankly are rather confus so even to myself and other you know families that I speak to so that's how you create that void because we're not learning the physics acts we're learning we're trying to teach these confounding subjects in a basic math course in an elementary level which should be Facts 2 plus 2al 4 always and um I think that's what starts the Snowball Effect so I would really like um I was going ask this privately like speak to curriculum of instruction and what we're using to educate the elementary school elementary school what program or I don't know curriculum we're using for the math specifically it might also correlate to reading or Ela I'm not sure but specifically in math because it's not straightforward and I can see the Snowball Effect begin um for my personally for my second grader and then his so it's interesting that you say that thank you so we can do a couple things we can provide you with access to the curriculum and we can set up time for you to meet with our elementary director for walking through break that than I'm are we still com um I have ability I work in this I very happy work here and sorry two signs um but as a teacher what happened to Cambridge Park that that young girl never mentioned C we went pumpkin pcking what else we do the fire Tru came I don't know I see thongs with them I love tools I like to go that's it I just want to Sor the little ones I'm teaching the P sit nicely you don't have theming around you're welcome can sit in the T my best and thank you for what you do thank you stay regulate Mr Miss Perez said it's the best selfregulation we appreciate it I son wasn't so good um are there any other second times or AB um I have a question about we were talking about the police and security um I remember when we had those meetings we're talking about private security versus the police department um and kind of compare cost comparing services and if what would be best for the community and curious one if that's been done or if we even bu into that um and the other thing is yeah that's that's about that and then my other kind of comment was about chronic absenteeism because my kids definely fall into that that missing school coming late I will tell you for my middle child he has to get on the bus at 6:00 a.m. like on the bus at 6:00 in the morning which means we're up at 4:30 um and the bus stop is like out of the complex down the block and around the corner which means I too am getting off at 4:30 in the morning so you know I will say that it's a def definite problem for that it's just a very long day and then impossible to do any extracurriculars because by like 6 he's like done which makes sense cuz he's been up already for 15 18 hours and I know that our schedule is limited to buses and other schools and extracurriculars but I will tell you my daughter's that she was Mom I really just wish there was a second ship and or something she's like I'm so tired in the morning I can't function she is working really hard to get into math that kid is like I'm like I said on the color she had she had to quit the field talking to me because the days were just too long and she just couldn't be participating in all the things that she wanted and so while I understand we have the Stacked because of the buses and other extracurriculars just something to think about is like how would we as adults cuz I know by 11:30 12:00 in the afternoon like goodness I work from home I could take a nap but how is we as adults would function if we were up trying to have to be on point completely consistently so early in the morning um and then expect them to be these are kids right on point paying attention behaving doing what they're supposed to be doing especially the high school kids I just think it's really um just something to think about you know um so maybe we can work on aism and lateness and look at you know what are we expecting from these kids it's you know it's not enough sleep it's not enough time um oh my other question is in regards to the curriculums um I know you had said that the open science Ed was free um and the materials were paid for like just C like how much does a CRI cost like if we had to PID for I know they're expensive but just how much is it and then alongside how much we have to pay for the ccum how much do it cost to teach everyone how to like do the curriculum and are we doing that like inh housee are we paying someone I kind of know the answer to some of these questions but I'm just curious to like what we are that thank so the question about the security and question so um I can address address um some of the questions Miss so in regards to school security that we will be looking into um private as well and doing comparison that was the plan that this did not go through in terms of the jurisdiction so we are on target with getting that information and Gathering that beting that to the board um in terms of The Chronic absenteeism I think it's important we've had it on our next agenda to discuss with the board that um the state has now um is requiring that if we have more than 10% of our students that are missing school um we have to come up with a corrective action plan for each people schools so there is that mandate but point in terms of the hours particularly for high school we recognize as well that it is a very early day for them to get started however um you're not going to like my response but a lot of this is around Sports so in order for us to go on a later schedule after the high school we also need M County High School to go um the students that or the districts that we play against they have to be on the same schedule because it will be a nightmare to try and do the lease time and all these things are different so um I do agree it's very early they're leaving in the middle of the dark um and it's a long day for students and the research the research does support a later time for high school students um however we're just not there yet and there are districts that have moved in that direction but un your child maybe gra well your children may have graduated high school I'm going to turn it over to Mr Le in terms of the curriculum instruction so on the low end $600,000 upwards of over a million purchase a new curriculum and then it costs us it's an hourly rate that we pay teachers to write the curriculum and then to turn toy that and train them on a level so you're you're clearing $1.1 $1.2 million [Music] Miss I did just want to say um speaking about the times um I don't me to laugh but it's kind I'm glad I'm not on the board on that District but home Del did hell is now middle school and high school is going in at the same time and they're losing their minds because of the busing situation um and they they were drawing to the s same reason but now they have everybody going in at one time so they're going to have to critique it again but trust me we hear about it all the time it's just a matter of everybody doing it it's got to be everybody on the same page so I I feel like they discussed it the school boards last year one of the workshops I went to was on school times and student health and I think the New Jersey um Academy Pediatrics was lobbying the state make the role because that's how it will happen n njsia will have the state says doesn't start at this [Music] time joking when so my dad I don't want to like hijack public comment but my dad grew up um he was a boomer and they had split ships and so they did Sports in the morning because he was on the afternoon ship he loves he still talks about 4 years later so I just really quick on his out of M what he said was really smart C again um the problem is is that a lot of parents like I can teach my child to read I'm a big reader All My Children read my daughter's been reading complex novels uh for very many years and she was 13 years old okay I teach my kid your math I deal with millions of dollars I deal with complex formulas percentages I break things down into teeny tiny numbers I cannot do sixth seventh eth grade math I can't I I I take it I'm going to throw it in school because I I teach my people you you you break things down into the easiest way to do it you guys don't do that there is you you make it harder so when I show her this is the easiest way to comes the answer and she's like I can't do it that way that's not the way I allow to do it in school so I can't teach that home you can't say oh parents teach because the way you do it is not I teach efficiency it's not efficient so that's what I want to mention anyway so and I'm not D again I de millions of dollars okay so I really want to talk really best about this athletic activities because we were kind of talking about budgets right um and I'm kind of going over some of these side yeah they're really really high in my opinion for a couple of weeks of programs and now I don't want anyone to go back to anyone and say CD's again School sports I'm sure I'm probably going to read that on Facebook later but um that I'm not against School sports okay what I'm trying to get at is what are the different steps just could you tell me what the different steps are step one step three and are those steps associated with winning levels like someone who's a step three is like national champion last 17 years I'm just wondering this presid like me to address that so the the stiens are negotiated between the association of the board and for athletics it's a three step guy so Step One is an entry level coach and after years of experience step two is step three so tops out that stuff yeah so I my job I'm teaching my managers um the book from K from duke and you know he's he wins a lot right I would think your steps would be associated with winning your coaches not necessarily how long they've been doing it because I mean like you're paying someone $10,000 I would like to have some kind of Championship that's just me um I'm just concerned about some of these numbers I'm a number person I just think some of these numbers are uh very high for the amount of of weeks I would love to see like how many practices there are or break down like that I'm just wondering if you guys see that like is this a 3E program this paid $10,900 just just a thought just a thought um the next thing I really have one other quick question is is this a miscount or like a misprint where it says winter Che leading head coach is getting paid $3,440 step one and then on the back the assistant coach is step one and she get paid $517 assistant coaches pay more than coach s misprint because I be pissed my making more money than me I'm the director i r the department so again there another I mean like who's looking at the numbers because that's crazy $5,000 and your head is only getting three and they both step ones you know we're checking okay I'm just saying the numbers like cuz you know like we're laying off teachers and we're cutting and weening out bels and again I don't talk just question okay thank you thank you ands that out yeah ass time okay does anybody else wishing to speak a second [Music] time we will move slowly through the as well we're figuring out M yes um going for May to coach cheer that's what I can we take just that we don't have the cont so I don't want to [Music] say can we table just that line or do we have to table the person okay all right [Music] okay okay in that case Okay so we're going to uh I will entertain if we're going to do anything else say motion to table the uh winter cheerleading sement all in [Music] favor you very much [Music] okay so then let's go to the agendas to vote um gooll call with that change that the table is in effect so still [Music] yes Miss stus yes Miss Martinez yes Mr MCG yes Mr Monon yes Miss Scott yes Mell yes Miss War yes Mrs goie yes Mr yes thank you um do we have any unfinished business report for the policy committee sorry think I zoned out for this so we are in the process right now of um substance abuse is still on the table the administration um and our um substance abuse counselor gave us some ideas things that we may want to add or critique so that is being finalized and then we started work on the PTO policy um it's time to update it hasn't been done in a long time um we're going to have uh or Miss Prince has a monthly meeting with the PTO presidents in November so we will um I will be there just to try to get some input from them if there's things that they would like to see or uh change as well um so that's where we're at right now with those two policies thank you very much um does anybody else have any unch business your [Music] buiness um so I just wanted to bring up that today the board was informed that there was a silver blockage at the high school correct yes the high school um 100 more than 100 Vapes were found to be causing that blockage so I think that we will be doing some parent education about that why it's really bad for you to begin with and why you should never flush them even if you're about to get caught and um you know we do have Bape detectors in the backround and then I was curious because we were talking about budget and numbers and everything all the time because this came up last year too how much money is spent on correcting sewer problems because of things getting clogged and I was absolutely shocked to find out that so far since the first day of school this year we have spent $28,000 $28,000 unclogging our sewer pit or whatever it's called and that is a lot of money that could go to really really good places elsewhere that's at one school so I don't know what we have to do to make sure that our kids are taking care of our plumbing but we have to do something cuz that's not money that we have to just use for emergencies like that I don't I don't really know what to do about it but [Music] something agre um on a lighter note maybe they can fund raise for the there you go CU I know if it was my kids toilet they'd be paying for the plumbing [Music] um Mr I did speak with Mr Wells this afternoon he will be putting out something to the parents in regards to not only not just BS um but just any object should not be yeah I mean what are they four I mean that's the last time I myold not they're afraid of getting suspended schoolid and I don't know it's not really public comment but they're afraid of they're very bended they don't want to go to the drug program because they all SM and I think as a parent you should charge the parents is there trash can I know I know no one else on the board is allowed to say that but if your kid gets caught with a babe in the bathroom and suddenly toilets get stuck maybe we should charge the parents put as a parent no mind I say you should charge my apartment complex will charge me if I if I flush something on the toilet that doesn't belong I'm going to get for so I don't see why we're letting the parents off the hook because parents don't care unless there's a good reason for them to care and when you take more money out of their pocket [Music] they're I think we're okay so um any other um new business all right seeing none um be resol their Clos session oh sorry I have a motion and I'm read be resolved at a closed session be convened for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides although the board cannot guarantee it the length of the executive session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and proceed with business action will not take place can I motion a second to Ender executive session all motion all in favor thank you tonight --------- ##VIDEO ID:_DXSciOBGB0## the meeting is startingate at 6:4 um New Jersey open public meeting law was an to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or agreed upon in accordance with the provision of this act the mwan a Regional School District Board of Education advertised this meeting on June 5th 2024 in the Asbury Park Press of the star ler these notices were sent to the municipal clerks at the buau of Madan the township of a and the Madan avue Public Library these notices were also placed on the district's website we please stand to the pledge States rep stands Nation indiv miss here Miss Martinez here Mr M here Mr here M here here okay um being resolved closed session be convened for the purpose of discussing privacy personnel and legal matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsid although the board cannot guarantee if the length of the executive session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and receive with business action will take place have a motion to second to enter second session motion I'll second all in favor ex session we already entered back in the public session while you guys were all coming on in um and so um can I have a motion in a second to accept the minut motion and second to accept correspondence to the Bove on to the superintendent report thank you very much good evening uh at this time I'd like to call [Music] Mr all right thank you very much and at this time I'm going to welcome our three first Huskies of the month for mwan a middle school so if you could please join me in welcoming Ryan bja John Gordon and [Applause] R all right they're going to lead us in the flag salute right now and then I'm going to talk about all the great things they're doing to the flag of the United States of Amica America and the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible withy all right thank you very much okay you guys can stay all right so later on in the presentation in a little bit Mrs col Dr is going to talk about some of the new initiatives that we have going on at mams this year one of them is that we are recognizing one student from each GR grade each month and we have more than 270 students in each grade so to be recognized this way is a big deal and each one of the Learners standing next to me have exemplified our school's core values see last year we entered into a partnership with Ruckers University to start a pbsis program positive behavior supports and school program and one of our first things was involving all stakeholders to identify what are our core Val values as a school what are the most important things to us and the core values that we're voted on or what you see on the screen right now Community accountability respect and empathy and we know that all nearly 900 students that attend Ms each day are capable of demonstrating these values but we're looking for the three students each month out of that nearly 900 that are doing an absolute fantastic job day in and day out so if you you didn't see their names are on the sign the digital Marquee out in front of our school all right I am going to look at my paper because I want to do these young people Justice and read you some of the things some of the notes that they're teachers because these are coming from our sta these recommendations are coming from our staff all right who are taking time out to recommend these students and to vote on these students and first up is Ryan who's our sixth grade husky of the month all right some of the things that his teacher said about Ryan were he works with all of his classmates in a way that helps to build community he works great in pairs or groups and takes on a leadership role he provides support and encouragement for his classmates he advocates for himself and for his academics he is honest and open about his understanding of the content he can admit when he's wrong or is confused he enters each day with a positive attitude toward learning and he is always polite with students teachers and even holds the door for others which is something that I love so let's give Ryan a real big round of [Music] applause this is K hert our assistant principal here has a nice certificate for Ryan all right Ryan got a gift certificate yesterday as well and um I you go sit down but thank you so much we're going to call you up in a minute though we're going to take a picture okay all right next up is John Gordon here John is our seventh grade husky of the month his teach teachers say that he is a focused student who is behaved and attentive at all times during class time and in study hall he is engaged he focuses on class he follows all the classroom rules and procedures he always shows respect for his teachers his classmates and school property his teachers describe him as a quote model student and when another student was confused on an assignment the teacher wrote about an example where John volunteered and helped his last me which I thought was awesome so let's give John a big round of applause for our second gr h [Music] [Applause] of and lastly is rileyan she is our eighth grade husky of the month she is student council president this year she brought all members of council together and has been a leader she shows responsibility and organization for her academics and at student council she shows respect to all of her peers faculty and herself she is considerate thoughtful polite and caring she leads by example she helped a classmate and underclassman or she will help a classmate underclassman especially at student council or anyone in the hallway she is a conscience conscientious student who's concerned about her grades and is willing to put in the work to be a scholar which is definitely going to serve you well for the rest of your the rest of your life actually but let's give Riley a big round of [Music] [Applause] [Music] and somebody take a picture told we're going to take a picture up here all right the Huskies of the month you want to come on up here we're going to get a nice picture in front of the screen with your names all right thank you so much [Applause] [Music] like you said that's a great honor for there's two more than 270 students in each grade so to be identified like that was really something special all right um I have a quick presentation Mrs palr our assistant principal and Mrs Pon herd our assistant principal are going to help me out the theme this year at Ms is raising the bar all right that's the theme since the very first day of school and even the two inservice days before school um we've talked a lot as a staff we've talked a lot in our expectation meetings that we hold with all of the students uh we do that each quarter we talked about the importance of having high expectations high expectations are important obviously for academic success but we're also wored about students are focused on our students personal growth as young people and the long-term impact that having high expectations for themselves especially is going to serve them well in high school Beyond high school and in the workforce here at Ms what we're focusing on this year is high expectations first and foremost for academic achievement all right we know how great our staff is how talented our staff is we know how capable our young people are and we want to see them demonstrate that they can reach those capabilities that we know they are able to we fully believe as a staff and as an administrative team that students are going to reach to wherever we set the bar so if we have you know low or medium expectations for students they're going to come up to where we set the bar there but if we have very very high expectations for learning if we have high expectations for attendance if we have high expectations for behavior and discipline expectations if we have high expectations for social emotional stuff we know that our students can get there and that's really going to be the focus for this year but we don't have unrealistic expectations we know that young people or anybody in order to breach those expectations that we have that they need supports and so what are we doing as a staff to support our students first and foremost we're examining our own instructional practices we're taking a very careful look at what we are doing as a staff each day in the 68 minute block right we are improving Ming our practices we just had a tremendous faculty meeting yesterday where all of our teachers and certificated staff were in the cafeteria meeting together as departments to talk about ways to literally improve their practices to brainstorm new ideas to dialogue with each other with the administrators we are really focused on as a staff keeping a growth mindset even though we do a good job already how can we stand to improve always trying to get a little bit better each day we're setting high standards for ourselves as an administrative team we have set very challenging but we think realistic targets for student attendance for student discipline and for academics we know that our students can learn at a higher rate than they are currently we are creating new programs and Mrs Pon her is going to touch on this a little bit using student feedback to drive decision making and we are celebrating effort we saw that before with our husb of the month we also have some other examples where we're going to be recognizing students not just for getting an A or getting a perfect school or on njsla but for growth I've always been an advocate for that for for recognizing students who have grown a great amount so though it's really in a nutshell that is our Focus for Ms for this year um I'm going to turn things over right now to Mrs P andrano and she's going to talk about some new initiatives and highlights in our school [Music] so so at Ms this year we're extremely excited and proud to be able to you know do these new initiatives and these highlights that are things that some things that you'll see on the screen are things that we're doing for the first time here at Ms um like Mr Van Horn said before we're going to touch on that student voice piece so we're really looking for the feedback from the students to give us kind of that Outlook of what the rest of the will look like uh okay um so what's new at Ms this year so husky of the month Mr Van Horn went over that before each month we're going to pick three students um from each grade level who exemplify those core values that Mr Van Horn had put up before uh the students seem to be very excited about it um we put it on the newsletter as you saw it was on the Marquee out front um and we're always looking for ways to improve you know what we can provide to the students as far as celebrating how great they're doing this school year uh the next one is marsy spirit wear on Wednesday so we're encouraging students to wear Matan gear on Wednesdays this has been a great hit um I'm very proud to say that our students are they're receiving tickets in their advisory period if they're wearing Madan gear they're dropping it into bucket or a bin and then we're pulling those names so we're going to start that this week we'll be pulling the names um and and then students will win various prizes things like vouchers for snacks or gift cards and things like that um another great uh new thing that we're doing this year at mans is the quiet lunch so this is something that students at the start of the school year they were able to opt out of the cafeteria and they're able to enjoy their lunch in our media center we have a staff member who oversees that for each grade level um and our students have the opportunity it's it's it's it's really great to see um the students are reading they're working on maybe activities or projects that they need to catch up on you know they're sitting sometimes with their friends but they're really doing a nice job in there we actually have for sixth grade I believe we're still at the point of rotating because we have so many students who are interested in doing it um digital Club Rush this is something new to Ms this year so we uh used an online platform to be able to deliver the options for the clubs and extracurriculars that we have here at Ms uh the students were able to review that during advisory and then they were able to actually sign right up through that online platform if they wanted to uh the next one stamp highlights I don't know when you walked in if anybody saw that bulletin board it's right by outside of the main office that is highlighting some staff members so we're switching those out monthly it's giving fun facts about our staff members and it's really giving the staff and the students and our community the opportunity to learn a little bit more about the staff in the building uh Mr van har also has been putting it in his newsletters so that will rotate monthly as well it's funny I actually at the end of the day today a staff member was outside there looking at it and she was kind of giggling a little bit and she was reading it and she was saying it's awesome to be able to learn a little bit about you know our each other a little bit more than I would have thought um the next one's pick us on Friday so we uh I don't know if you guys are aware we've been welcoming the students in with music every morning um and every morning we try to change it up we're trying to do different genres we're trying to do you know different types of songs as best we can but you know I thought we thought about it in the beginning of the school year and we said you know it would be a great opportunity for the students to get a little bit more involved with that so we're starting in um advisory where they will be able to basically vote on a song earlier in the week so that on Friday they can listen and hear if their song was chosen on Fridays um homewor Health that's starting up this upcoming week we're going to have uh Matan Middle School student sorry madaan staff Middle School they'll be able to uh assist students on Mondays and Thursdays will the students will be able to stay after school and they can help them with projects or any homework or any assignments that either they missed or they need help catching up on um so that's another exciting piece that we are implementing for this school year pick your seat for seventh grade so for the cafeteria we are in 8th grade has always been able to pick their seat for the cafeteria this is the first year that we opened it up to seventh grade as well we really wanted to give them the independence and being able to socialize you know respectfully as much as possible and that has been the students the feedback we've received from the students is that they really enjoy being able to sit with their friends um in seventh grade assemblies so we are looking to increase the amount of assemblies that we're doing throughout Ms this year we've really partnered closely with our school counselors and leaned on them as far as what are the students looking for what are the needs of the building and how can we really Target each grade level and what those needs are so throughout the school year you'll be hearing more about the different assemblies that we will be bringing into Ms lastly extracurriculars we're proud to say that we have over 25 clubs and um activities that happen after school each year the amount of clubs has been growing and our students are really excited to get involved they stay after they do what they need to do um and and our advisers are very excited about it as well so again that's just a snapshot of a couple of the things that we're highlighting here at Ms for the 2425 school year now I'm going to pass it over this is just a picture of the stamp highlight that we have again it's right outside of the main office so if you're going that way on the way out you'll be able to see it this is the week of respect just happened so this is something that our counselors put together um it's a bulletin board right actually on the opposite side of this wall here um and it is how can you make a husky smile today so all of our students during advisory wrote saying so you could see on there you know you're you're welcomed we're happy you're here all you know nice quotes that they put on those rays of the sunshine okay now I'm going to switch it over to P her so I'm going to take this time to talk a little bit about student voice and what we're doing to implement that into our initiatives as we move forward this year so last week we had students complete a survey it was 10 questions long really just to give them the opportunity to self-reflect on their own um instructional practices um learning styles and different ways that they feel they can give us feedback to better tailor what we're doing in the building to fit their needs we are so excited to say that 75% of the students gave their feedback it was voluntaries so you'll see as we go through and look at a few snapshots that I wanted to highlight 615 students voluntarily completed the survey gave their feedback and were really able to give us what they want to see moving forward so we're going to look a little bit at what that looks like we started we had questions that varied a little bit like I had mentioned instructional practices learning styles um subjects so as you can see here we had the most challenging subjects as per student opinion um are math and language arts so that's good information for us to know where they feel they are being challenged and how we can better support that what that would look like moving forward for instructional practices in those departments Etc a preferred instructional practices we've really looked at how they feel they learn best and how they're able to really understand retain and then show back Mastery of the information and material um so we have independent work up there partner work and then working in a small group setting so over 50% of the participants who responded feel that either that partner work working with the peer or working in that small group setting is really beneficial to how they're able to understand and work through the content and on their end we looked at learning styles so there are several different learning styles that you can have um one being visual auditory kinesthetic and then reading and writing so kinesthetic and visual were the highest rated ones for students that's really looking at visual of course seeing it but then also the opportunity to do it handson and really get that full experience we ask students about their current workload and how they felt that looked um for them so nearly 50% of students felt it was easy um or there was a minimal workload so that's great for us to to take as feedback for administrators and with our teachers and really look at how we can figure out a way for students to really feel challenged um you know in in regards to what they had shared back earlier in the feedback with their learning styles and their best instructional practices extracurriculars which we touch a little bit on over 75% of the students that participated in the survey are involved in some way in the school which is tremendous so you'll see that there are even students that are part of four or more clubs or organizations but that involvement is great and we want to continue to see how we can support students and increase that we did have a narrative section this was open-ended so we had students really have the opportunity to give detailed explicit specific feedback answering these two questions what is your favorite thing about Ms which vared um you know we saw responses such as the staff members and there you know how happy they are to see us in the morning to listening to music on the way in that was really great an eye opening for us to see because we can take that and kind of continue to build on what we feel the positive feedback was for that and then the last one was what is one thing you would change about Ms if you could so that was also really important for us because we take those respons responses those open-ended and we're now charting to see how we can take that feedback and tailor maybe some things that they'd like to see change to benefit all students in the school home thank you for [Applause] [Music] listening thank you Mr bror for hosting this evening and the ad team um highlighting our students back progams and um we so much about the school Community here at Ms and what I absolutely love um is the focus and emphasis on student voice um we always do need to hear from um our students they are leg H so they will tell us the good the bad the ugly so we need to be able to take that in and receive it and um I love that you guys are open to that feedback from our um from students thank you so much um at this time I'm going to turn it over to Mr lman to U present our district assessment data thank you and good evening I'm just to remind the board that this is part two of District assessment presentation part one was back in July where we open the data from the New Jersey GPA the 11th grade assessment and the WEA assessment so this evening part two we're going to cover NJ SLA and we're going to cover again as a refresher for the board the New Jersey Statewide Assessment program is what it covers so students take the English language arts exam the mathematics assessment for grades 3 through 9 students took the Science assessment in grades 5 8 and 11 the purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate Readiness for the next grade level and then to judge whether they're on track for power Readiness um parents do receive the school report so they receive hard copies for get sent home email sent home and then they have access through the Gen portal to see scores this presentation will be uploaded to the new District website when the community parent go to this particular slide there is a link at the bottom that a parents want to read more about score trications we put that resource there for parents as well so score and performance levels um scored 1 through five one is low five is high the goal would be having students achieve four or five fours meeting grade level expectations and five is exceeding this is here just again to get some context to the board and for parents this is the individual student work that gets sent home it's already been sent home for this particular assessment this is everything that a parent would need to know in terms of how to interpret schools there's a lot of great information it's a it's a one major fromont Ma so I highly encourage parents to do two things one to take a look at it and read through it and two create a file for their child that way you can keep track from grades three all the way up through high school and this really break down in pictures and In Colors the interpretation of the source it's very very useful document okay so first English language arts so what does it assess so it assesses reading and writing it's broken down into five components So reading informational texts reading fictional texts reading vocabulary writing interventions which is grammar and then writing Expressions which is composition okay the scores so on this particular slide we're looking at two sets of scores we're looking at the district scores which would be the column that would come first and then we're looking at State scores this is important so we want to compare our district to New Jersey peers uh one because New Jersey sets the standards for which we teach and which students learn and then we also we're part of the state of New Jersey so when we look at our particular group of students and we compare them to the whole we can identify where they particularly land so again just refresher in terms of how to look at this particular slide level one is on the left that's the Lower Side level five is to the right you would want to see lower scores on the left and then progress to higher scores on the right but when you're comparing District to State you typically on the left when be even lower than the state for example we look at level one third grade that's saying that 11% of our third graders school board at a level one compared to 20% of their peers across the state of New Jersey so we're lower than the state peers that's appropriate if you go all the way to the right and look at level five still third grade top row our students 8% of our students are at level five compared to 6% of students at level five across the state of New Jersey so our numbers are higher on the right side also appropriate now this's to go slide lot of data this board you have this parents will have an opportunity to look at this as well so we're looking at 3 years worth of data starting with the 2122 school year moving up until last spring this is just English Language Art you'll have a chance to look at math as well the same philosophy works here as well you want to see lower scores on the left progressing to higher scores on the right there's two ways to interpret this data you could if we did third grade again you could look from from left to right horizontally so if you do that for third grade moving from left to right keep in mind that you are seeing the same grade same curriculum different years different students so that's going to be important same grade same curriculum different years different students you could also look at this diagonally upper left to bottom right so if we start with third grade again we go to third grade level 1 2122 roriz there the %. if you move diagonally down to the right you're now looking at different years different grades seeing students so now you're looking at a cohort of students working together so in this case third grade in 2122 they were at 8% of our students were level one then it went to 7% in fourth grade then in fifth grade 8% so that's telling us a few things it's telling us that our numbers are still lower than the state average and that our third graders did score level one the scores are basically flat so it means that the students who were scoring level one stayed there we didn't increase money but we also increase money if we take that same philosophy and we move from third grade level one to third grade level five and do the same thing so if you find third grade level 5 21 22 say 17% the top row go diagonally down 17 in third grade 17% level 5 21% in fourth grade 177% in fifth grade again basically the standard deviation of three which means that you can typically go up or down 3% in a given year Source scores are flat which means that the students who have been achieving a level five in grade three and four continue achieving a level five in fifth grade just to break out the data a little bit more because we do have three elementary schools that have third grade students who take assessments so you can look at Cliffwood R drive and strap again the same approach Works where you want to see lower on the left higher on the right if you go all the to the right in this particular one we're actually combining students who SC to four to five those are achievement levels so if you take a look last call the right Cliffwood 45% of our students achieve a 45 46 at Ravine Drive and 54 at strator so if you put on the board for a little while or if you at previous presentations there a bigger gap between our buildings the numbers now are becoming much much more aligned much more closer that's good right we hopefully we want to see them to be exactly the same but we're pretty close at all three buildings and the scores have improved that's a good sign when you look at l Road you're looking at grades four to five all of our students have now come together so 65% of our students can grade four and 66% of our students in grade five have achieved the score 405 so again that's we're showing our scores are getting higher that's great but not perfect so when we look at the the gap of third grade compared to fourth and fifth it's still pretty significant there's a 2020 percentage Point difference so we're going to talk more about this in a little while but we're only start to focus more on third grade literacy and looking at where that particular lands in terms of third graders about taking just this assessment but our also local assessments as well so now moving on to to math math scores are based on major content area which is your addition subtraction dividing there's supporting content area there's solving real world problems there's analyzing problems there's explaining how there's Ro problems those are all assessed starting in grade three interpret dat the same way so this slide is showing us again our district compared to the state lower on the left higher on the right different than language arts in terms of you saw a greater trajectory in language arts where we saw a growth math not as much if we go down to Algebra 1 for example so you're almost at the bottom Al one take a look our students 18% of our students scored a level one compared to their peers which was 17 so we don't want to be higher than our state peers but however we are and if we follow from left to right on algebra one you're going to see that pattern is going to continue straight across where our New Jersey peers have SCH higher than our district students we're going talk about that as well again same thing same philosophy for mathematics but instead of looking at third grade we'll mix it up a little bit and let's go to fifth grade we can go left to right look at curriculum and different students but we want to look at the cohort of students who are traveling together together so fifth grade level one and 2122 7% of our students go to level one when they went to sixth grade it was 12% then it dropped back down to 7% in seventh grade let's take that same idea move from left to right so start with fifth grade move yourself all the way over to level five so 70% of our students scored level five in fifth grade then they moved to 5% and then move to 3% so we're starting to see that we have students who are achieving in the hirings but clearly not enough so we're going to address that we'll talk more about some action plans in a little while again we have an opportunity to take a closer look at where students scored from our individual buildings same approach however the numbers are are much much lower on the left side which is what we need to to work on in our three Elementary buildings scorers are better when they get to Lloyd gr but still in terms of matching up to language arts not reading the same petch so science so our students do not take the Science assessment in every grade it starts in fifth grade and it goes to 8th grade then again into 11th grade so our Science assessment measures mostly content so Earth and space life science physical sciences some investigating practic sensemaking practices critiquing practices it's important to know that the Science assessment especially early on is not always content heavy but it's literacy heavy so if you a good reader often you can score better on the Science assessment even if you don't have the content knowledge early on that does start to change when you get to Upper grades right so you can see the breakdown between the three grade levels and the three buildings so l Road you can see again going from left to right where students score the proficiency levels there's a significant drop when we get to 8th grade we address that and then the scor increase again when we get to 11th grade still not where it should be however we can address the e8th grade testing a little while the second assessment we're to report out tonight is the dlm so DM is a Dynam Dynamic learning map where we assess English Language Art mathematics and science this is for students who have a significant com of disability so if the student has an IEP they may be eligible to take the deal out much much smaller sub group of students so when you take a look at the number of students who took the English language arts assessment in Spring 29 students 11 were emerging nine were approaching the Target and nine students met the Target in ela in math 29 students again 15 were emerging six were approaching and eight met their target nine students of the Science assessment where are four students were emerging four approaching and one met Target okay so the question is so what are we doing with all the data especially the the data points where we're me we're not meeting our expectations so we had talked about this in the summer time we're going to mention this several different times so in the district strategic plan the first part of our strategic plan talks about Student Success there are six goals in our strategic plan for Student Success when we go through some of the action plans just a moment you'll see a number in parenthesis that number corresponds to our strategic plan okay so action items and strategic plan goals uh the first is targeted instruction that's an immediate need see the strategic planning goals so targeted instruction meaning that if we've identified a student who has scored a level one a two or a three on one of those assessments that we know if we can identify the specific standard that they fell short on that we can remediate those standards SCH skill groups so we can go from an individual student who meets remediation to students who have that same deficit in common we can group them together and we can remediate that way for articulation and training which means that we're offering professional development to our teaching staff we just did this on Monday where teachers who teach a common grade or common content area they come together we can look at assessment results and we can identify not only the students who are in need but we do we focusing on particular curriculum area or resource or program to address those needs so we've already been doing that we did that again on Monday in our professional development day for the district it's also happening in department meetings and effective meetings after school job eded PD which means that we bring someone in to work with our teachers while they're teaching during the school day so we can have a professional from one of our curricular resources they would come in they would do a model lesson the teachers would watch the teachers have a chance to teach and then the professional would watch them and then give them feedback and then benchmarks assessments to measure growth so in District we do assessments we do them throughout the year where teachers can take a look at assessment results to see if there's growth if there's not growth they know where to riate those assessments the house assessments standard based which allies to the engine la which is also standard based they matter they matter those two together so we really identifi where students are struggling so some additional action items when I had presented last October I talked about bringing fundations which the F based based program back into the district last year I talked about doing it for grades K and one we actually have expanded that to include second grade so teaching staff in grades K one and two they have the materials they have the resources training actually began last spring so teachers were trained in May and June they had the materials they opened up school and they were ready to hit the ground running with foundations where we now to see over three grades building progress of phic based instruction which should help our third grade literacy schools as well we're going to continue to invest in our prepaid program because we know the sooner we have students in our district the sooner we can address their needs so when they spend 14 or 15 years in the district if they're threeyear old or four-year-old we have that much opportunity to help Advance them by the time they graduate because ultimately the goal is graduation we've expanded the tools of the line curriculum so tools of line is the curriculum that we use our prepa classroom we're currently piloting tools online at Ravine Drive next one review Drive Dr K will be presenting to the board he's going to speak a lot more about to and how that's being utilized in the K classrooms developing guiding instructional statements for Student Success this is something that as a team we've been working on with our building principles we're going to report out more about this in November and we give updates on our strategic plan we're going to share some of the work that we've been doing with our principles to specifically look at our strategic plan and how we're breaking down what we believe as a community will help Drive success for students so we've done a lot of work with that we're going to share that with you in the M as well when I had presented to the board in July I mentioned that when we regroup we to give an update on how we're providing interventions and if you just for a moment kind of revisualization we're talking about so intervention blocks so in September and through up to Mid October so right around now this is when teachers are giving students their screeners the Diagnostics they're looking at test data so they're Gathering all the information then look second bullet so the first week of October have moved to this week and throughout the rest of the month analyze the results so principals work with teachers to form the subgroups to help identify students who may be in Te two and three so that's currently happening from October to December the first round of tiered interventions begin so in the next couple of weeks teachers will have an opportunity to work with the students based on the data that they pulled from not just the assessment data that we saw but the internal data that they're working with their students as well Target intervention programs will be happening so couron gingham V&V Wilson to a little bit more about Wilson earlier this evening so those targeted programms are happening based on the data that we have small group tutorial we happening during the day so at K to 5 there are dedicated intervention blocks with the day where teachers can pull those small groups and they work on those tier 2 and tier three interventions that's K to 5 in grades 4 through 8 there is after school tutorial so you heard it in Mr Van's presentation earlier and drir I'm sure will mentioned when we get to his building there's some after school programs that are being offered at 4 five and then English and math tutorial slor program prr so at the high school this is something new that Mr Wells is introducing at the high school so grades 9 through 12 there will be a program to help students there as well and it's combined where if you need tutorial it's there if you need mentorship it's there and if often we find that students need a little bit of both and so they'll have that opportunity some additional support so remember that that triangle with three colors one side is really academic supports then there's also Behavior Support all works in that tiered intervention model so the effective School Solutions BS that's here at the middle school at the high school so some data free 66% of the students who are involved in that particular program are improving or retaining good attendance 66% are maintaining or improving their GPA and 88 of those students are improving or maintaining their discipline that's all through that couns program we continue to offer YMCA Counseling in the district shelter of English instruction that's for language Learners again additional academic supports for students Title One support So Title One support is at Cliffwood so the time the board we travel over to Cliffwood we'll hear more about that from Miss chair but a one school where there's additional resources and programs that are available for students specifically with intervention and then of course Title One ESL family nights that we will have there's three that we plan throughout the district this week year right so you saw also data we had some intervention updates ultimately what do we do what can we do as a community to help students succeed not not just on test scores you that's a snapshot of what students are being assessed at any given moment but in terms of how do we move students from pre through 12 and ultimately get them College Career Technical ready how to get them life ready these are some things that we need to do the first one we have to improve our attendance rates and so we need a partnership and that partnership has to be not just with administrators teachers the poor parents it's extremely important that everybody comes the table understanding that kids have to come to school in order to learn and in order to achieve we're going to be talking more within the board about plans that we have in place for Chic actionism as the year goes on most likely in December you're going to hear more about that that's that the top of the list for a reason maximize instructional time so whether it's here the the Middle School in a 68 minute block or the high school for a 44 minute period that the expectation is that we've got you know 180 days with our that we need to maximize every moment that we have with them small group instruction which it looked different in preschool and it looks different in middle school and it looks different in third grade but the research shows us that when you have an opportunity as a teacher to connect with students one to one small groups of two or three to remediate a skill which means that you talk to the group and you found that a couple of students are struggling you can pull two students together to go over that skill again to give them a little bit more attention it goes walk away that can be done in this smaller [Music] construction we shared this with the board probably in June when we talked about crial right the state of New Jersey has issued additional standards new standards in ela and math really what they did is that they shifted standards between grade levels that's going to be important what one it affects our curriculum and when we address certain standards another thing to keep in mind remember those slides where I showed you three years worth of data it's going to be difficult next year because the test is going to be a little bit different because we've shifted some standards and then prob this might be my favorite again you know that I'm a former English teacher but it's extremely important do you want to know how to improve test scores sure but how do we improve student achievement students should be reading every day and parents that are out out there we need parent partnership with this 15 minutes makes a big big difference so it doesn't have to be Shakespeare that we're reading it it can be a graphic novel it can be an article it could be um something from an online BL there are a lot of opportunities to engage in reading but it's extremely important and if it's our younger Learners where our parents are reading to them or with them absolutely that's our students progress to the grade levels don't give up that reading time at home it's extremely important so I know I have the support of the board I'm piing the fire but it's extremely important to mention the guest that for achievement students should be reading 15 minutes every [Music] [Applause] day if you don't mind if I could just ask you a couple of questions um so thank you of all for presenting that that was very helpful um specifically um two areas that are questions on the math and the science pie um so the scien P those numbers were very surprising to me I think what you said helped explain it a little bit to me CU my initial reaction my own child who was just in eighth grade last year seeing his grades in school excellent seeing his grades on that test I was like oh my God and then I looked at the district average and I was like oh my God what's going on with science so to me I started to question is the curriculum not sinking with you know the standards that we're testing against and so therefore it's just not coming through like there there's clearly a disconnect everyone I've talked to with kids in the same grade seem to have had the same issue great in school but then come to the test is very different so I'm trying to understand what happens there so is it a curriculum specific thing or is you mentioned which is the test is more literacy heavy and word teaching content in school and I guess if that's the case then how do we like merge them together like is there something different we should be doing with science then because we're never get to if we keep doing what we're doing we're never going to be the standards I do so it's actually combination of several things I'll get into each of those proponents so for many years there have been an eighth grade Science assessment and for a long time the state of New Jersey struggled to even make it to point where those counted because New Jersey was struggling with how do we create an assessment where the questions are fair enough to every District to match what the schools are teaching which me that there really wasn't a set of science standards pushed out by the state teers that had been fixed several years ago so that that was the first issue and for a long time not Curr for a long time the Science assessment wasn't taken seriously because everybody knew this to take count they count out but for a long time that was the case because of that a lot of curriculums had not been updated so we are in need of updating science curriculum in the districts we're in the middle school so we talk about that that Happ to be the lowest of assess so we have purchased and starting this year a new set of curriculum materials we're rolling out it's going take several years to to roll this out so there's a science curriculum called opening side so we open SI s ed it's it's a free curriculum that's available it's available to anybody but it's being it's being promoted in the state of New Jersey as a more investigatory type of science curriculum where you're not just opening up a science textbook but you're actually opening up a box materials and you're doing science rather than just hearing about reading about science so we are realigning our curriculum guides to match up to inside head great that it's free the catches that you have purchase material toide so that's the the stuff that we purchase that we're rolling out this year rolling out the next couple of years that's what we're doing so that's the the second component why re small SCH and the third one is yes it it is it's a reading assessment at the end of the day if you were on that literacy assessment in a level one or two you're going to struggle with the Science assessment there's a lot of into so it's a combination of those three things so what we encourage science teachers to do is kind of pick up the golet from the English language arts teacher and teach some reading skills you're going to do some informational texts reading science also looking at graphs looking at data looking at lab reports that's considered reading because it's going to pop up on the assessment and I would when I was a building principal I would often say to teachers and sometimes Middle School Math teachers is like I said this but everybody is a teacher of literacy everybody doesn't matter what assignment you have everybody should be you some and similar to in the past years years we started to leave social studies intoa bla into social so it's the same idea and basically just carrying it through into science now yes okay so that should have um so that was one and then just overall in terms of um how the staff looks at this information so they get this for each student the younger students I understand because we're doing a small group instruction in the classroom they have the same class same students for full year less students so it seems like that's an easier anle for them in terms of like carrying it out and really making sure each student based on their test results is getting that specific um intervention essentially but when it comes to the older kids so Middle School up how is that hand because they have so many students are they really looking at each and every student individual scores and then it feels like you know when the kids get into a classroom they're taught a general lesson so how is it I know we mention the after school tutorial programs but the reality is a lot of kids probably not vot to the to school tutorial programs so how do we help those kids you know in the upper grades I guess you know you know I yes so the first part of your question are student are teachers looking at individual yes the answer is yes and there's a variety of ath that teachers can look at data so they look at individual student stores there's also a great report that teachers administrators have access to that is a line plot draft that takes every St every single standard that's in the question on the map Lang of assessment they put across and they drop points to see where our students scored on that standard and you also prepar their so you can see for example alra you can see that often times in third or fourth grade we teach algebra not as a course you know meur as a skill you can see that our students are struggling with algebra type skill so our teachers have access to what we also look I think isimportant where we're in terms of ass second question yeah it does get more challenged get to the other there's a lot of opportun high school there's a lot of ss there a lot of environments in high school so we're fortunate here school with a 68 minute period that teachers have a big block of time they can bre that that block of time these a segments where they keep a whole group lesson and make it great for group then they can do handson activity they can regroup whole group instruction so that that's if you have an opportunity to teach like that a lot you [Music] first of all thank you so much that you're promoting literacy across the district because I know when someone in your position and it Contin to down through the administrators makes such a huge impact because has an English teacher and know we can't do it all and what I've had years in my district when that's been pushed through and all of the teachers should actually have it put down when as part of their pdps it used to be that every one of them had to cover literacy it makes such a difference when it's backed up and not just a suggestion so I'm hoping that it's going to be pushed through the F that everyone is responsible for that literacy um I just think we all have to say out loud that even as well as Rie against the state looking at only half of our students passing in English and even less cing in math is horrific and I also was wondering is any of the data broken out cu this is Statewide what about communities of schools have our peers do we have any of that data to go school districts that are similar to ours where their data involves because we obviously know that tax dollars are aligned with successive schools so is there any data that shows other schools like us how they're aligning with the standards do you have any sense of how we're doing against those so for for long time New Jersey did District Factor groups and you identify by a number or they M away from that but yet the idea know kind where you're at at factory group so while they don't promote that particular pment anymore you can still kind of figure out so so where do we land in terms of our peer groups um pretty close I pretty close to where our peers are math we're on the low side so we time up more specifically to to create levels so while we're common with our peer groups our district Factor groups in literacy third grade we now we are struggling with third grade literacy and that has to be Focus for us and Mathematics put it out on that slide for algeb one we have to improve improve algebra one as the course but the algebra one skills that we teach in elementary and middle school absolutely needs Improvement so if we're preparing ourselves to other schools where we need to third grade ly that's the last piece is just anal completely but it just going of thr out there that when my child took the science test the feedback was it covered so much science in 11th grade and some of them they hadn't taken for 2 three years so our our scores would improve if we had some kind of course or not even course but before test having some kind of review where something because based on what track they've been on I know we're we're doing it differently now but the students we have who are moving up have been in this tracking system so they could be at all different Sciences some might actually be taking just starting to take a science and they're getting tested on or haven't taken it yet so if there's some kind of review to help them out we're losing out on the data wrong they're we're missing out on the knowledge that they've gained and they've just forgotten because they not might not be science kids anymore they might be excelling in other subjects and not taking them so I I would hope that we harness what they've learned and done so well on and just get some kind of reminder to prep them because we don't want to spend our days test prepping we know that's not what education is about but in the end we're all sitting looking at the STA and going you know so how do how do we take care of right that's it's a good suggestion right to be to kind of circle back on certain skills that you may address thank you so much I have a good question do you think that um the fact that we now have the state funded prek well that I mean it's years down the road right and we won't have a big chunk of time in the same from being in a school in there hopefully ever again well do you think that will alleviate some of this like we'll start getting this earlier well the literacy piece I would think for sure right yes so this is probably help the exactly level where St are at but by this point we're to start to see if we don't only have them captured we will year we are the board I believe a year or two on this presentation students who were in our pre C and Trav with us from H3 compared to students several years ago even the high school were part of that program we can look at that disparity I would sayti see difference positive for students I don't remember the they so um it would be our fourth grade that we're looking at that um had a majority of our students in School fourth graders and then um what the pilot taking place atention which is of line kindergart that is directly aligned to the that we're using in preschool [Music] for so it's going this year is really um really really important because that'll give us addition data in terms of if we need to make any changes with our kindergarten the feedback from the kindergarten staff and students that have come up now with our preschool expansion has been that um that they're ready to learn um and their vocabulary is there um and self-regulation is there where however though our our kindergarten curriculum that we currently use pilot was to tools so they were still they the kids are learning in preschool a lot of hands on their to so that sence that M they use a lot of manipul that you're begin to see in first second and third grade kindergarten they still need we still need to harvest on the self-regulation perment because when kids are self-regulated earlier on then their academic success is a lot better they know how to manage their emotions their behaviors their relationships with kids you're spending that and then not necessarily working on the fundamentals of litery and M at an early AG so that's why we decided to go with the pilot which was free um that was a big plus um R drive so we're really really excited about what the work and the feedback that we're getting from that there excited but yes so they actually so with preschool expansion typically um buckers um program near it's a project that's added ruers um typically they'll do a longitud study on students or districts that have participated in preschool expansion and what they'll look at is from the all years so I'd say probably within the next two years we will probably be asked to participate in that cboard and then we would provide them the data in terms of our where we started and then what how are the so there's a lot of that where it covers the attendance discipline behaviors but also the [Music] academ um just real quick I know Miss FR just mentioned it so the the tools of the mind is a um pilot so that means obviously it's free for the year then then it turns into an expenditure that we purchase if we decide to continue with it yes we have a budget for it there's a couple opportunities so we could budget for locally or we could there's opportunity we discussed this last year with our County suant we could roll this into our paa funds which exension funds so there there is opportunity in that particular where if you're doing something that's transitioning students from prek with approval which we have that we put okay okay that was our okay all right and then um I know you said foundations were moving into two um so I always bring this up and for just years of being on the board um I I'm always cognizant of asking about programs purchasing utilizing what we have uh you know getting our our money's worth and not to keep changing um so if we add foundations in two what are we replacing something or that's a question I should we talk about that bullet so we had foundations in the districts preco K so it's just a matter of reaching out to teachers go go back in years Supply find your man it was only a purchase [Music] of some refresher kits who were pay so it's not a reinvestment K12 repurposing we so not not as expensive as thank you maybe for the public maybe for just sharing myself that the uh bringing together all of this presentation one of the things that comes to foundations especially is that um the children that are now in third grade uh are the cohort that was in kindergarten for the 2020 2020 school year which would have been when foundations couldn't happen because foundations is an inperson instruction yes so it's good that we figured out that we need to go back to that I I I was lucky that my son was just one year ahead of that so I [Music] feel thank you thank you Dr can um can we go over the hip self assessment for the 22 23 24 school year yes we can thank [Music] you thank you mrsz annually the district is required to complete a self assessment on HIV practices and procedures each of our seven buildings completes a draft of the assessment we culate the data and Report the draft scores to the Department of Education results are published and made public in late spring early summer the self assessment is for the 23 24 school year the purpose of the report tonight is to share with the poor at our steps and process are complete in the school and dist at the school and District levels and we are ready to submit I'll share back with board Community later this year thank you Dr um under the superintendent report I just want to uh conclude with some updates and highlights um in our district so on Monday we had our PD day um which filled with various learning activities for um District staff um housed at the high school where everyone here together for either articulation or specific training in instructional programs um strategies and for instruction um in addition to that this year we partnered with um Horizon CL Shield where we offered um some Wellness sessions as well where teachers were able to um get the cholesterol check the flu shot several um so it was really nice to see so some of our um staff were able to engage in that we had a yoga session so it was well perceived and we did send out a um a survey to gain feedback from our staff so we can plan for future um workshops in addition to that um we had a funfill activity uh funfield week with activities to recognize week of respect through each of our at each of our buildings on October 24th we have two events that are take place this month um the battle of the classes um will be housed at the high school so staff and students are excited um students I think are really excited to see the staff um participate in and engage in um some ffi activities there so we'll see who's the winner um and then also on the 24th we do have the Hall of Fame induction um that will be held at the Grand mer um I will be participating um and attending the event so it's really nice it's my first time attending but I think it's really nice that we're honoring some um alumni that have contributed to Community um and continue to do great work in um in the communities in the workforce on November 10th I wanted to highlight the um Keys our um recovery High School is doing our second annual walk that will be held at bookto Community College the walk will help um fund some un additional activities taking place at the Academy where we're housing currently 13 students in um from not only our district but also our surrounding districts in h County um just a reminder that half Halloween is a half day um so have fun um everyone and Community with their kiddos um so we're happy that's a fun day to kind of see everybody dress up this so it's going to be great um on October 28th we will review the website um we're really excited and we are welcoming feedback from our community members our stakeholders after opening the new website and we will continue to um next few months and throughout the year we will continue to enhance the we said with additional feedback that we reive from our community members so um we'll be providing more information on that um in regards to security um school security and update at our last meeting I shared that both the bur of Matan and a Township are advocating for the approval on sharing jurisdictions meaning that madaan police particularly because they have one drive that they would be able to to um rotate their police officers in um the other um in our district that are technically aine um unfortunately the formal request um was not approved by the state um I want to thank both talents um particularly the Chiefs because they've really spent a lot of time in this process and um we're really advocating to have a shared Town um however um it's out of that's kind of out of our hands and out of their hands right now but we um when I met with the Chiefs we just um they were told that um we need to advocate for a change in statute so that would require us advocating to the our you know our Senators and the legisl the legislation uh community members um to have us make a change for them to make the change say in terms of Statute to consider that not for every single town but for unique towns like ours where we have share services and we are serving 4,000 students together um and where we have buildings that we have our students where they're going to be combined and they're going to be house on one house um so I asked that our commune members board members um continue to advocate for that um and in the meantime we do have plans in place in terms of how to um you know how to have s and that security presence from our police force in our buildings and we are waiting to have you know some ongoing dialogue um within the next few weeks with them but we still are you know anticipating we want the change for January in terms of having pres pres so we have those options available but again I want to thank them um because I know they were very very disappointed that t um lastly um I want to acknowledge vice president Mrs Coy who will be participated in a panel discussion for the NJ ASA women's leadership at the New Jersey School Board conference next week she's she has the opportunity to share her experiences as board member in her leadership role um the perspectives serving as a leader um and just the experiences so she's going to be with an additional um five additional panelists so it should be to talk about leadership on the board thank [Music] you thank thank you very much um I have a very quick for present report along with congratulating Mrs Coy on to be in that pan I'm excited I can't wait to see it um so I just wanted to share that the uh um I once saw a meme that said uh my monthly goal for October is to make it through October and the U it's just it's a very busy month it's not bad month it's just a really busy month and so um wanted to share that we have board members attending lots of things over the next week and a half um tomorrow is the Latin American Association banquet celebration which honors Latino students and schools um I'll be there and a lot of our Administration will be there um next week is Jersey school boards uh annual workshop and that's a multi-day professional development event for board members and and all of us will be there at one point or another not the entire time but uh we will be there um and then Thursday next Thursday is the Matan high school hall of fame um which um M Martinez will be at any other board members were going to attend that one but then same night is the Matan aine Education Foundation battle facilities which many of us will be at and um miss spr and miss hori are going to be guest judges so that's exciting yeah um um and then uh heads up to the board members that volunteer to be on qack committees we're going to be meeting in the interim between this meeting and the meeting in November um so that we you will see the reports and discuss them and then the U board as a whole will be approving those reports in November did I get that ready yes okay great so yeah there's a lot going on in Halloween so um thanks so we'll Mo on to the student representative report so patient even theol day on hen still doing they normally do right thank you good evening as we reach the Midway point in October I can definitely say this month has been funfilled event for students across the district we acknowledge the week of respect October 7th through 11th at the high school students were encouraged by Civic leaders to write positive messages during their lunch periods and to participate in various fear days like wearing blue for anti-bullying we also had an assembly held by preferred Behavioral Health and Compass uh we previously mentioned the battle of the faculties on October 24th this event is being organized by the Matan abine Educational Foundation and will take place at the high school at 6 p.m. each team of Staff members hopes to see support from their school I would also like to acknowledge the return of the most Mentor our students together program that was also previously mentioned students in grades 2 to 12 will have the opportunity to work with staff dedicated community members and high school students for tutoring and mentoring Services most will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Middle School cafeteria coming up the high school student council will be hosting their Fall fundraiser on Saturday October 26th from 5:00 to 10: p.m. at at the high school this event is open to all students and families in the community with an exciting Haunted Hallway and other fall festivities tickets will be on sale for $10 at the door we hope to see you there we also look forward to our home our homecoming pep rally and football game tomorrow the 18th and to Red Ribbon Week for drug and alcohol awareness toward the end of this month October 25th through the 31st lastly for the high school the Hall of Fame dinner will be held October 24th at the gru Lakeside from 6:00 to 10: p.m. as for Ravine Drive October has been a blast right after the their Fall Festival on the last Saturday of September they were able to award their first remarkable road runners who all received a book from inie the book vending machine as a reward students have been enjoying their completed Outdoor Classroom with the addition of five tables Ravine kindergarten students and teachers have completed the first round of filming for their launch of tools of a mind gravine hopes to see everyone at their MJ's night on October 22nd and their costume parate on Halloween Lloyd Road is excited to share information about upcoming events and activities for students on Tuesday October 22nd all fourth grade students will participate in a half in a halfday team building and character education program made possible through a grant from the ban aine Educational Foundation this program is designed to capitalize on the advantages of teamwork each session will enhance the skills of students as well as the report between students and staff the activities are focusing on resiliency the development of positive Community value self-confidence communication skills positive leadership stress stress management problem solving and teamwork on Wednesday October 23rd all fourth and fifth grade students will participate in a special program focused on fire safety the aine fire company will be visiting l Road providing students an opportunity to learn about firefighters explore the trucks and learn important information Lloyd Road students and staff welcomed therapy dogs back into their school this past week students and staff welcomed back sa of black lad mix Lucy of bernadoodle and Zara they look forward to welcoming more four-legged Furry Friends throughout the year Lloyd Road is excited to announce announce their second annual diverse Learners day which will take place on Friday November 1st for all fourth grade students diverse learning day is designed to both celebrate and educate students the day will focus on providing insight and understanding into the many wonderful ways people learn and the different tools equipment and strategies people use to find success the goal of diverse Learners day is to foster a greater awareness understanding and appreciation for diverse Learners throughout the day all fourth graders will rotate their five disability awareness rooms including vision speech and hearing physical disabilities learning disabilities and developmental disabilities um I'm also a part of Civic leadership and we're going to L Ro that day to help lead the stations I didn't bre that to they will engage in interactive activities designed to give students a sense of what it like to have have the disability and how having a disability impacts various facets of everyday life it was also a busy start to October at strathore the students enjoyed the fall book fair thanks to the PTO and a special thank you also goes out to the aine fire dep for recently visiting fire truck to talk with the students October has also been an exciting month at Cliffwood Elementary their successful fundraiser Texas Roadhouse brought together students and families for a great time outside of school they're looking forward to their trunk Retreat event on Friday October 25th at 4:30 which promises to be a fun meeting for all kindergarten students also enjoyed a walking trip to the Cliffwood Firehouse additionally cwood recently held a title one meeting where they selected this year's book title and began planning family nights focused on math and steam finally finally Ms has some great activities coming up homework help will begin on Monday which allows for up to 60 students to get after school help of homework from M's teachers and selected M students have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Food Service Company mashos students will share feedback about breakfast lunch and snack foods and try new meal offerings assemblies are planned for next week at Ms on October 23rd 24th and 25th at these assemblies students will learn about the importance of making good choices and the dangers of vaping this brings me to the end of my report thank you I have a question Mr can you repeat the date for the Haunted Hallway and the time please that was the high school one right um Saturday October 26th it's 5: to 10: p.m. I heard though it's it's slowing down they might wrap it up a little sooner than that but if it's a little kid wa thank you so much