##VIDEO ID:KRGl42z0Q3g## all right it is 6:30 Monday September 9th 2024 we'll call the city of Mayor City meeting to order if you could please join me with the pledge of allegiance alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you with that do we have any additions to the agenda tonight mayor I don't have any additions hearing none I'll look for motion to approve the agenda as presented motion second we have motion a second all in favor say I iose same sign motion carries 4 Z with that then we'll open up to public comments if there's anyone who would like to discuss anything that is not on the agenda please come forward none we'll close public comments we move to consent agenda is anything on the consent agenda that needs to be pulled for further discussion hearing none I'll look for a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented motion second motion a second all in favor say I I sign motion carries 40 with that we will move to business items uh first one is consider introduction of ordinance 245 amending city code chapter 152 regarding storage containers thank you mayor the Planning Commission about a month or so ago took up discussions on some of the code Provisions uh regarding storage containers some of the uh businesses around town have storage containers on premise and they wanted to take a look at the existing regulations which did not exist and they wanted to provide for a framework for storage containers to be allowed within City Limits uh so they craft some language after a couple of meetings and uh bringing that up to city council for review um so the language in here uh amends city code chapter 152 section 1523 on definitions and then also 15290 on outside storage uh under definitions it adds the definition would add the def definition of a storage container is a container with strength suitable to withstand ship storage and handling storage containers consist of a large reusable steel boxes used for Intermodal shipments and is designed to be moved from moved from one mode of transport to another without loading or reloading down on 15290 and outside storage under a it would add language for storage containers and then meeting the requirements of the section the bulk of the changes comes to section f of outside storage this is added at the end of e uh as a new section and under F uh storage containers storage containers shall be considered outside storage and shall be allowed in the agricultural District the commercial and in commercial industrial district storage containers shall not be allowed in residential districts the C1 General commercial District the the C2 Central business district or the public institutional District while being used unless it's being used on a temporary basis for construction purposes or moving in which case the requirements of the section do not apply applications for storage containers shall be submitted to the city to be reviewed for zoning compliance under the following requirements uh numbers one through nine number one excess reuse no storage container shall be considered a principal use and instead shall be considered an accessory use and shall not be located on a lot prior to the construction of a principal structure number two numbers allowed there shall not be more than three storage containers located on a lot number three use storage containers shall not be permitted to be rented or leased to third parties for storage purposes and shall only before for and shall only be used for by the owner or occupant of the lot four dimensions storage containers shall not exceed the dimensions of 40 feet in length 8 and 1/2 fet in width and 10 feet in height and shall not be stacked on top of each other number five location storage container shall meet all accessory building setback requirements and shall only be located in the rear yard of the lot or in the side yard of the lot if the storage container is located in the rear 50% of the lot but in no case shall the storage container be located further forward than the front of the building number six lot coverage storage containers unless being used on a temporary basis for construction purposes or moving shall count towards the lot coverage requirement of the zoning District storage container is located in seven signs no signs or lettering shall be permitted on storage containers other than what comes on a storage container as Manu ufactured eight screening storage containers shall meet their screening requirements of section 152 uh. 091 screening of this chapter unless the owner Paints the storage container in Earth Tone color to complement the principal structure on the lot screening shall be required when the storage container abuts a residential district or public right of way yeah sorry about that thank you nine exterior appearance storage containers shall be maintained in a good condition free from structural damage rust deterioration and shell be painted in Earth Tone color to complement the principal structure on the lot if the storage container is not screened per section 152.092 part of that uh and this is what Planning Commission is recommending up for consideration by the city council and the uh ordinance 245 that is part of this reflects these language changes as well so the possible action items for uh council tonight is to uh approve the text Amendment as stated and then introduce the ordinance as is table the text amendment to a specific date and provide Direction on the issues that have been discussed or three deny the text Amendment so with that turn it over to city council for discussion all right any questions clarifications on this that we need we're not having any current issues other than there are containers which exist and according to the existing language they should not be there that was kind of one of my questions to kind of go off Chad what are we fixing here has have people complained are people don't like the ordinance don't you know I look back at similarly to golf carts where we had people come in and say hey we would like can you take a look at this what what has this been are we fixing something that didn't need to be fixed is this a problem is there I've only have one complaint and it was in passing so nothing a complaint that they're not allowed yes that there were storage containers and they're not allowed what are you gonna do about it kind of thing okay but not someone complaining hey I want to I want to put one on my property and the ordinance says I can't can you look at the or right okay as it exists now there are I understand there are probably complaints but probably something we should have dealt with at the time I assume but and this will deal with the complaint is the resident aware so the two are not connected okay so the one question was have I received complaints then the answer is yes a couple years ago I did get one that is aside from how this came to be this was brought up a handful of months ago by Planning Commission when they were looking at some other things and they said well what about storage containers and it just got brought up and so brought up by a commission member John talked about what the current ordinance currently allows which is nothing and then they said well perhaps we should deal with this because we know there are storage containers around town understand and I get that and I think that's great that we look at all our ordinances periodically and say can they be adjusted that's good but I was just gonna if we have it we don't allow them and we're just changing it because people have them and they're not supposed to it that seems backwards to me like are those people coming in saying that they want to be zoned properly those people should be told they can't have them they need to remove them that's our ordinance and then if they came to council say hey would you mind looking at this that I think that makes sense that's where I'm a little confused by this are we going to run into any issues like with the fire department's training containers with this ordinance the Planning Commission talked about that and the decision was those would be Exempted out because they're not storage containers for storage and the sense of what they're it's it's a structure that is built for training purposes just want to make sure Council the fire department brought that Council Council approve that for that re exact reason they're not for storage just want to make sure they're training y they're training is simulate they in they simulate a house for fires and they're OB not rules for wood walls every time I just want to make sure that we're cover yep that's already taken care of my question to that and I know somebody from Planning Commission asked me if we ever planned on stacking them um we did as we were starting to set this up you know um had talked about you know possibly stacking one so we could have a you know basically a twostory type you know training that we could have a Stairway up into something you know stairway down into a basement you know type scenario so down the road would that be something that would be still allowed and that's still a separate case I think that would be handled SE proba likely be allowed just because it's train you know it's a whole different I think that it's exempt from this right yeah I think it's outside of the scope of what this is meant to cover right it's an exigent circumstance right where not everybody is going to have storage containers set up for training purposes right it's gonna be the fire department I know of two of them around town and there may be more but I just if yeah just not sure why we're changing this to satisfy something that's already there versus going to them saying hey can't have them come to council if you want to you know come come with your uh uh argument and yeah I just don't think we're very good at enforcing any of our ordinances to be honest so um I guess I think if the planning commissioner doesn't see an issue with it and they're existing and we're not getting complaints I don't have an issue changing this ordinance but does it set a precedence for other things like you know um other ordinances that are out there right we're going to talk about the parking on the streets and you know different things like that so um I mean I see mayor's point but um and same thing I I see what you're saying but I think of our rationale is we're changing things because we can't enforce things so we're going to change it to make it what we don't have to enfor I think that's the wrong that's certainly the wrong way to manage things I I believe but and again I'm not certainly opposed to them I was just wasn't sure why they're coming to us so perhaps in it um under the field of jurist prudence uh there is a concept of ripeness when it comes to law and the concept of ripeness is you could bring a law forward or a complaint or or a case for it but is it the right timing for it are we have you received anything that is a like you're saying a complaint are we fixing something that is fine as it stands now there hasn't been really complaints about it and is there a need for this at this time and I'm fine with what you're saying and I mean commercial it it's clearly commercial use not residential and and the setbacks and the the painting and the maintenance and the screen and I understand all that so I mean I'm fine with what it says I just and I agree with that right I would like to there's one section about what we consider short term I think I'd like to Define that a little bit more um but no to your point yeah I'm I'm okay with how that's work I'm really okay if we have them I'm just not I I just struggle with that we we shouldn't be doing it just too sad because a couple people are doing it and we can't enforce it um and on a s and I'll let that go on a side note what about um pods would pods be included in the shipping container assum so they moving PODS residential moving PODS put something in there for we can't have them in residential areas correct temporarily temporarily and that's where you get back to your question on on how we Define some of that I would't even mind a little section separate for for pod for the residential ones well it is in there for moving we don't we don't Define define temporary I think it was Mike's getting at so on a temporary basis well okay how it's temporary how long is temporary for a pod to be there 10 days a month two three weeks for longer well and right and that could someone could throw one in their driveway and you know and maybe it's six months maybe they just bought one I don't know may you know you don't want to give them two weeks cuz they got to move and get in there and do their but I think a little more definition around that I I would like to see but I would agree with that and just a little bit more during construction is there anything we need to put in there if we move forward that kind of I don't want someone to buy a property and throw a storage container on there because they're going to build and out and they're using it for different things or living in it or you you know well that's kind of like what he says like you know it can't be on the unless it's principal structur oh it did where did I miss the pr oh but it says this doesn't this section does not apply for use yeah so in that circum circumstance you would be so to clarify on that if a building is being constructed you could have a storage container on site for construction purposes before the principal structure goes up once the prle structures go up and let's say you you want a storage container for inventory purposes you have to have your principal structure up before that permanent storage container sits there for inventory purposes but I think they did a good job I think what they've got there is good I'd like to see something more wrapped on temporary or perhaps some if it's three months but then come to a city administrator to get you know an extension on that I mean I don't want to make it where they you know it's three months and it's going to be three and a half months and it's like no you got to get it out of there where you they can come up and at least talk and get some an extension you know so go back get uh more def defs on uh the definitions for temporary for construction and residential moving purposes Define those a bit more clear and then I want to touch back on the basis of the ripeness of this ordinance if they bring it back is it something you want to consider do you want to send it back and say Define those things and let's just keep this one on the Shelf until the time comes when we really need to consider it if they've they've gotten this far into it me personally I'd be okay if we can get some of the stuff to find I'd be I'd be okay making the change I get that we should be proactive on certain things but but I'm also on the other hand I don't like to fix problems that aren't there I just don't see this being a huge problem in the future I mean it's good perhaps that we're addressing it but I don't see it being a huge issue now when I read through the um the Planning Commission notes is there anybody that has more than three I thought there was at least one and then it was going to be grandfathered in is what the conversation looked like so I think we need to talk about that if we're going to say it's three do we grandfather in anybody who's got four five or six I don't know what the number was then we're back to making things specific for one or two right as of today they shouldn't have any right sure story so if three is the number I mean if that's what we C with this now coming up and being talked about and if for some this fails I think we have no choice then but to enfor I mean it's now come to come to light and M we would have to have everyone get rid of them do we have a idea is there any way to find out who has them how many drive around I don't know if that should matter but we might be missing something maybe if we talk to the person who has more than three maybe we're missing something maybe three is not the right number maybe it should be four you know and then I'm okay with that if we're there's just more information we're missing yeah I thought I read that three seems like a lot to me I could see one and then right if if they have let's just say they have four are they within their ground cover right so I'm getting the sense remand this back to Planning Commission for a bit more review before it comes back once again I I I be comfortable with that with the notes discussed should we need a motion on that yep all right then I'll look for a motion unless there's any other questions or any other comments we want them to look at I'll look for a motion to send this back to Planning Commission with the notes that Nick Nick has taken motion second motion to Second any further discussion hearing that all in favor say I I carries 4 Z thank you thanks Nick and with that we'll look to next business item consider approval to purchase skid Ste replacement for public works all right it does say that Peggy but it doesn't say who yeah sorry go ahead Mr Mayor members of the council staff is proposing the purchase a new 2024 t66 bcat Track Loader the skid loader is normally due for replacement every four years according to the public works Capital Improvement plan staff would like to trade in the city's current skid loader now on a different machine that'll better suit the public work Department the city's current skill loer is new with low hours resulting in a high trade in value so this is kind of the route we want to go as to a track unit and we want to take advantage of that high trading value now versus in two years when it normally would be due for replacement uh since hireing additional Public Works staff the city's tool cat has begin use drastically more than the skid steer loader by purchasing a track machine it'll free up some of the tasks that the toolcat does that our current skid loader can't do one of the main things is mowing the compost site ditch areas RightWay areas um a couple Meadow areas that are really soft and wet a track machine would just float right over everything and it works really really well um mowing the uh compos site track areas uh it'll also serve as a better tool in the Parks and on the trails because it doesn't cause the damage that the current machine does when you turn your current machine going across the trails edges of the trails it kind of bends breaks tears stuff up when you spin around track machine kind of floats over everything the city Uh current skid loader is one of the most important pieces of equipment that the city owns staff uses the skid steer for numerous tasks including storm removal Park projects slip station maintenance large deliveries road maintenance compos maintenance Etc the t66 skid track skid loader is a size smaller it will be much more efficient and economical step has put a lot of time researching demoing and testing track machines to ensure this is the right move staff is proposing the purchase the new T6 6 compact Track Loader from La equipment and amount of $16 after trade in value total cost breakdown the total for the machine is about 98,000 we get a go Source well government discount which is about 33% that's about $32,000 off of that making our price for the machine $ 66,67 517 tradeing value for s76 is $5,673 17 total cost to boot for tradeing is 16,000 and this would come from the 435 fund and Nick can probably talk a little bit more on that if he wants otherwi you got that little video C up on the this one yeah Scotty out there mowing the compost site it's really Ruddy um take our current machine out there you'd be up and down all over getting stuck so this floats right over everything bigger horsepower really mows down all the weeds real nice foot smaller we fit downtown plowing snow snow tracks on it able to grip good in snow that was always kind of the big downfall there track machines were always a little slower and they weren't always the best in snow that's why we don't have one in the past but they gotten a lot nicer and everything so talk a little bit more about the size difference of the the current one versus the one we're looking at now and the advantages of that yeah so size difference so Weight Wise and everything it's relatively the same but with the tracks it's about 5 pounds per square inch so you could literally run over someone's foot and they wouldn't feel it at all it was you know it's very light on its feet type thing you float over when you're grading and dragging you don't sink in you can side Hill nicer our current machine we bought during covid couldn't really demo it it was our replacement for our old 650 when when we got it it's about a foot longer than the 650 much bigger about 500 lbs heavy year but it made a huge difference at least to us compared to our old machine so um this one's about that same size but with the tracks or same weight but with the tracks it makes it you don't even notice it but it's a size smaller same horsepower smaller frame but it can pick up the same amount of weight almost as our current machine can too so we're being a little bit more conservative downsizing and everything but uh we're not really uh losing any of the capacities or whatever from our current machine and it's still high enough to dump into dump trucks and all that other stuff if we go any smaller that gets a little tough being able to dump in dump trucks that sort of thing so and our existing attachments for the current skid steer will transfer over to correct yep everything will work with the tool cat with this and currently our tool cat's getting used a lot and where you know one guy's out watering flowers or using it in the Parks another guy could be out chopping the compost site with this machine right away areas that currently you can't do s Hills with any of our machines and we've been weed whipping it and we got the ball club's old four-wheeler that we've been using for quite a bit of things that the old old Rush hog on it so it's not ideal or the safest I guess you could say and this would definitely be able to handle all that so on the finance end of things as uh Kyle men this will come out of the 435 fund and we'll touch a bit more on the CIP when it comes to this uh so we've got CIP set up for the 435 fund right now under this heading this is the s76 Bobcat that we currently have and that's the one Kyle is proposing we have that in an every four-year schedule uh we got this one in early 2023 it was approved for purchase in 22 we paid uh where I have $6,717 for our current machine so how it works the public uh with the CIP in general we have our incomes up top our cash balances what's spent throughout the year and then we have ending fund balance the idea ending fund balance should always be a positive number when we're putting funds away so when we look at the current schedule when it would be replaced in 2027 if we look at shifting this whole thing let me just grab this real quick do my spreadsheet magic so when we look at this the numberers below if we shift the purchase forward impacts it a bit on the front end but as you can see overall minimal impact to our fund balances it just shifts the purchase up a cou couple of years rather than waiting till 2027 for that and this is a good this a nice working document then it kind of put together and even like our our lawnmowers we our schedule to get a new one every year is kind of how we have it all laid out but we don't just replace it just to replace it so we haven't really had the last couple Summers been really dry so we haven't put many hours on the lawnmowers at all so this year we decided no we can get another year out of the lawn more still have low hours still have low maintenance on the machine so we'll push it off one more year so now this year we've definitely mowed quite a bit um so probably next year we'll probably rotate one of them out but this year we were scheduled to get one but we didn't so we pushed it off so y normally this one you would would have seen in this slot for 2024 is about $7,000 but as Kyle said decided to push that off where we delet that one out since it didn't make sense to trade trade it in at the time right and this did uh did come to Public Works and we had discussion quite a bit of discussion around it and the recommendation was to bring it to council that we thought this was the right thing to do at the time get now that we have an extra person in public works make sure they have the right equipment and then take some of that load off the The Tool cat's much more an expensive item and if we can take some of the load off that to keep that trade in value when it's ready we figured it's going to be could even come close to a wash you know from the 16 Grand we're at now if we can save some of that tool cat hours and with the nice trade in value we're still get to pretty nice trade in value on the existing one and so does Lano have one in stock yeah actually so that was kind of the one we demoed there is the one that they'll sell us and yeah it it you kind of got a surplus of machines normally on state bid you got to order machine we got to wait months to get it but now with this sourcewell government is it works a little differently now so we can buy the machine that they currently have in stock which is their so and they had two of them as of last week they still had two of them so or one of them for sure so we should potentially be able to get it tomorrow if not sometime this week so that would be by their question do we wait until 25 so it's on every other year for budgeting purposes is what else comes out of the 435 CIP the 435 CIP functions as the general it's basically the general fund CIP so it contains things for the community center flooring um the gym floor uh the community center roof h back units for public works it's got the lawnmowers the toolcat the front-end payloader all these items no I don't want to do that all these items you can see here we put in we have a cost associated with them and then how it works is this part of it is the working end of it where we have an inflationary factor that gets put on this to predict what the price will be down the road the nice part about this being our own document is we get to update this as we please rather than waiting for a consultant to do it so these costs down here are brought up into these slots up here and that's how those costs get calculated why that because that's what it is down here and so with that we have expected life for these pieces of equipment and again like Kyle said this is this is our general rule of thumb that we go by for replacing this equipment if things are still in good condition and we can push it out another year hey great we'll do that like just like we did with the lawnmower this year but if we get a lawnmower or another piece of equipment turns out to be a bit of a lemon and we got to replace it sooner we have that EB and flow so how it starts out with our fund balance up here uh for 2024 starting at 22175 we get income from the levy which was approved by Council as part of the budget for 40,000 and then there's if there's any interest income uh because we invest funds in each of our F in each of our uh funds we put into Investments little Garner interest returns and then down here we have an idea uh general idea of when things are going to be slotted in based upon the years and the hours of our current machines like we have slotted here so dump trucks payloader that was purchased in 2020 so our next replacement on is to 2040 so if we go I'll bring it up here so we can show years out to 2040 boom there you can see that's in there so if your income you have inflows your cash inflows your balances and then what we look at doing is down here with the end fund balance we want this to remain positive so that when we go to purchase a piece of equipment the money's in the bank ready to go so as you can see here it's keeps a pretty decently High fund balance throughout so this when we look at this in future years we look at the fund balance as we come here and then we ask ourselves the question do we need to Levy this amount or what can this be adjusted to so we're not over leving we're not under leving we're hitting that right amount and it looks like next year there's a side by side on there yeah yep yep that's also going along withing additional Public Work St I as Nick we can definitely utilize that type of machine now again versus is having another pickup because I know we talked about having another pickup but I think this would be kind of the more of the route to go way cheaper than that well certainly have more conversation yeah we have more we just we just heard about this at the last Public Works meeting right yep and so that yeah not even that's just a budget number for now next year within the next couple years kind of time frame R kind of what we were thinking on that so we kind of threw it in for next year um if it works out great but you know one more year won't hurt us either but yeah I can make the hour arent at a later time so this is one of the great Parts about having this being our in-house document and is we can ask these question why this and not here and then we can talk about it and make adjustments and really dial it in to suit our needs any other questions for Kyle on the skidsteer end of things anything else so hearing nothing more I'll look for a motion can you go back to the numbers back on there please sure I can't get mine to pop late I'll look for motion to approve the trade in of the s76 and purchase the t66 for a total cost of $16,000 motion second we have a motion a second any further discuss s Hearing none all in favor say I hi hi post same sign motion carries 4 Z thank you thank you Kyle with that go through uh Council reports council member Wagner anything report on I have nothing council member H anything report on not at this time nope I'm I was blanking out I am so sorry I am so sorry C fch thank you I was I was I was thinking of Nikki for some reason yes I'm sorry nothing um and I had Public Works meeting uh one of these items we just talked about the other we'll be discussing at the uh Works work uh session after this and we dis started planning for our 2025 Street project for upcoming so and that's all I have so with that I'll look for a motion to adjourn second we have a motion and a second all in favor say I I sign motion carries 4 z um we are adjourned I apologize whis it Happ there oh now we have public comments if you don't mind all right with that we will just jump right into the work session and uh we'll call that to order thank you mayor uh for the first item up on the work session tonight uh dis uh discussing the mayor fire department 125th anniversary celebration with that let me get a couple is going up here so I'll te it up here real quick Andy then I'll have you take over so uh the fire department got a hold of me uh last month start talking about their 125th uh anniversary celebration that will be coming up in 2025 and so we have uh they've been doing the bulk of the work I've just been playing some sideline stuff helping line up things and uh they provided me with some additional information on that we'll discuss tonight so they're looking at having a band that will play some stuff potentially some stuff going on during the day for kids families that sort of thing um setting up an area you can see here for beer garden beer tent food stage and what have you and rather than spoil too much of it uh we'll turn it over to Andy who's been dealing with it far more closely than I have at this point um Council so yeah next year being uh the fire department's 125th celebration um we'd like to hold an event um have uh probably all the details we have not worked through uh reason we kind of started trying to plan real early um to get a band uh scheduled um you need to kind of plan this early out otherwise their schedules fill up so um we started talking about it to fit that um but tentative plans would be um in the afternoon we'd probably have some type of bouncy houses some uh fire prevention things maybe demonstrations things like that uh during the day um and it's we'd serve you know food uh as things kind of roll into the evening then we would have um I think the potential we've got um one band that uh said that they would donate their uh time or whatever um possibly have them play earlier and then a second band kind of after that um any I guess questions thoughts would be um we have talked about um making shim cor a for that event a one-way road so that we could get um utilize parking on both sides of the street maybe somewhat out of a diagonal so we can get more parking there I have spoke with uh Pete Johnson that has the empty lot uh right adjacent to us uh I did talk to him about utilizing that uh that area for parking and he was fine with that um we would talk with uh some of the other businesses and stuff like they're letting them know that the event is going to be happening and um you know that not that they would have any concerns or being it would be a Saturday uh September 20th is the date we're looking at right now um usually a Saturday most of those businesses uh aren't in operation so we don't feel that it would be a inconvenience for them great any question so a couple things one I appreciate you coming a year in advance on then working on this with us that's great very much appreciated um I love the idea of it I think it's a great idea to do my only concern is parking have you considered maybe having to do a shuttle from somewhere from city hall or something understand the additional part but this this going to be hundreds of people I'm assuming so I just make sure we think through parking so we're not running you we have additional is that is it a field or is it paved that additional it's a it's a field if it gets rainy then is it gonna get you grass lot it's pretty high ground think through some of I mean think about some of that I think maybe a shuttle might be needed from somewhere U maybe from Mary Lutheran High even if we could partner with them or but I just just want to make sure we have parking is not an issue but otherwise I think it's a great idea I think we should be able to we'll definitely dial in park and the idea is cut it off right up here after Casey so Casey can continue to have access cut it off at the South side down here make this a one way the entire way and then we will you have angle parking on both sides so you get one lane of traffic down the center two sides there for parking and angling in to try to get as many cars you can saved he's got posted there so the front of the station the um area the parking area is right in front of the station we would have for handicap um people uh so that you know that is addressed sure would it be possible to ask the other business owners if we could use their Lots if they're not run I'm sure uh knowing a number of them I don't think it would be too much of a problem good so uh there is a couple extra um you know open areas um you know as well along that street that uh could be potential other additional parking spots but um when you're going to have people coming and leaving yeah you know yeah throughout the day so I think I think you'll be okay that's quite a bit of parking and I think we can I mean we could probably map it out a little bit to get a decent idea of how many vehicles park in that area to see if it will be enough it's it's a it's a huge guess on how many people are going to show up you know not having anything like that to base it off of is a little bit tough but right it' be nice in that additional parking if you could paint some lines to encourage people to have somebody there kind of in the beginning to uh get people to park sensibly to maximize the yeah the parking I think this is great completely support it any other questions I don't have any and as Andy I uh discussed regarding there would be perimeter fencing put up here gated in here so that you don't have miners in there obtaining alcohol where they shouldn't in a controlled environment they talked about having wristbands to make sure people were vetted to ensure it all goes well for the most part it's kind of pretty much surrounded the only place we' have to basically put a fence is from the corner of the building to up to um Public Works fence otherwise we're fenced all along that north side you know the back is all tree line and by fence that's as simple snow fence for yes correct do you have to stay in the beer tent or can you purch that's just basically we're where we would um where we would be selling the beer okay so then from like 10 to midnight or whatever is it a 21 plus no it would just be um you know we would rband people um you know miners would have you know wouldn't have a wristband and you know that were of drinking age would need to be wrist banded and stuff so that it would make it easy for the sellers then to see that and I think a lot of those details we have plenty of time to work through right that's going to be all fluid you're looking more we just wanted to make sure everybody okay with it so we can can book the bands book a band uh because we got to put a deposit down and stuff to do that do you want this to come to next council meeting to approve this initial part of it just so they have that com you know so they book the ban also and it somehow doesn't fa that we've committed to this from a council motion I it took it as as long as we're not hearing any huge red flags tonight passive approval type of thing we're not we don't approve anything at work sections but thinking about new could be new council members coming in the next year oh and so it doesn't make sense to do that and I'll let you decide you and Andy can just discuss that but sure it might be worth doing just to know that it's locked locked in right and like I said all these little details I think we work out throughout the year I think you guys will take care of that this is a great idea this will be great for the community I'm gonna throw them back so any other questions for chief all right sounds good thank you Andy I appreciate it thank you looks great you're welcome me for anything else I do not meeting perfect thank you have a good night thanks Andy all right with that let's move to the mayor baseball club uh structure at City Hall thank you mayor uh this one let me get resumed here so this one comes uh I've been having discussions with the mayor baseball club uh they currently have storage facility ities and it's uh getting a bit on the expensive side for them so they've been looking at options and most recently I allowed them to utilize one of our storage closets here in the storage area for some of their business purposes we weren't using it it was standing free and open and I do like to help out our local Civic organizations uh when we all work together um everybody wins in my book so a lot of them moved in there but the question then became well they have uh uh quite a bit of pull tab that they have to keep for auditing purpose since it's a lawful gambling requirement and looking at other spaces naturally then came to well is there space that the city has that they could store these and unfortunately not at City Hall it's just too much that we currently have space for perhaps in the future it might be indoors but as it stands we're utilizing our space so then the conversation shifted towards well if not indoors is there somewhere that it could be done and in my discussions uh and feel free to jump on in on this one Peggy uh in discussions they've been talking with mayor Lutheran about having their class build a shed and the location we were looking at is this area right in here so uh this being City Hall proper these are right here is the double doors that lead out the back of the gym this is the emergency exit out the back on the way back but we have this 17 by 20 uh uh 16 by 27 dirt patch here this lawn patch here and they were looking at a shed that would be approximately 12 by 20 in size so it would fit in there quite well and discussions with them preliminarily the design of it stick built brought in but we would want coloration tone and texture that would blend in with the existing structure and no uh Hunter orange no Viking purple nothing of that sort uh something that would blend in and at least look well being tucked back within there uh and talking with John the city planner this is not something that has to come to Planning Commission for review this is something that can be taken up directly by city council so wanting to bring this to Workshop before city council to get feedback on this is if this is something we want to do another component of this would be uh uh some sort of land use rental agreement to be put in place um so if they're going to have a shed on our property I think it would be good and proper to have some sort of rental fee associated with that as part of it and with that then I will turn it over to council for feedback reactions comments questions don't they already make a rather large donation to the city that is so that 10% is required by law okay so if they like bumped it to like 12 is that good enough I think we'd want a rental agreement in there of some sort that defines terms and conditions just so each side knows they would want that assurances of how that relationship is going to work got it yeah we if I may um we did ask for a tenant agreement for the space we're utilizing currently um right more so of if it doesn't work out we get some sort of notice it's not that one day we come in and Nick says hey get your stuff out right so I would you mean baseball club yes CC correct yes and are you a member on the baseball I am a member yes so um yes so I won't be voting on this um but uh the baseball club um right again to protect the city and to protect you know their rights we would want a right some sort of agreement will that be in the way for any renters if they want to use those double doors backing up a U-Haul backing things up is there room to get trucks backed in are we blocking off something no uh currently when they bring in they back up right up here and then they use this kitchen access door yeah this this is these are the double doors that they bring in oh okay so it's not even close kitchen access door is uh way back here yeah yeah back there got it got it I thought that gray was I'm sorry kitchen AIS is right here generator generator is right oh I'm off okay there now I see yep generator right there kitchen access is right there these are the two double doors in the back beyond that so so it's behind even that I was one step off so they shouldn't interfere with any loading unloading anything of that nature is secure enough there there is cameras correct Nick there's cameras yeah there's a camera that faces back that direction so it's more secure than what is currently being utilized yeah and I understand cameras but we're not concerned even though camera someone breaking and taking something that's so important I mean would it be better in a locked a gated area like compost site where we have the gate or you know there's a lot of room in the compost site it's an access isue though so there's the challenges is right they're in town at the bars picking things up they've got a check them in that we're using City Hall that the baseball club is using City Hall space for so it's the convenience of the all of it being in one spot that's right I mean you guys previously the basball club had a shed on somebody's property that wasn't I don't even know if it had cameras and you know all of that so said handle plowing to it yeah we already plow off this area anyway it's not blocking like the antenna entrance NOP Tower okay nope uh so the antenna's here and then this is kind of the the battery backup Transformer area and then the shed the building is right there I think that's that's T-Mobile I think Nick that's kind of a that guy yeah the tower so they gotta have some sort of little something the shed would go in there you'd there'd still be room yeah to walk past here if then if the doors I don't know if we can ask them how to build it you know slope the roof away have it you know not a peak but just one you know then if we have the doors worse comes to worse we have equipment to move the shed if we right I mean oh yeah we can comes for us well mayor Lumber is bringing it or I would imagine mayor Lumber would bring no we are contacting mayor Lutheran High School to build it here to build it the oh I see like somebody have to move it yeah yeah no it'll probably be built at Lutheran High yeah because Mar Lumber is the only one big enough with forks big enough to bring it down yeah we got the payload oh yeah that's right I forget I it's not too wide going on the road I forget the payloader but it is almost easier just to talk to L yeah I have no no issues with it at all I completely support it um I want to be good partners with the baseball club like Nick said we want to help out and and I do think we should have some sort of land agreement I'm not talking about we got to have something in there I think definitely I insist upon some sort of a contractual Arrangement yeah I think that's best for everyone but no I I have no problems with that good idea any other questions from Council all right then let's move to 2025 budget update all right just what Nick one yes the right spreadsheet spreadsheet time everybody here we go um got some tweaks to the general fund for this go around looking at some stuff some more so the changes that I have as always highlighted in yellow first on the revenue side for the general fund looking at court fines and looking over the last couple of years uh it's been 2500 or more actually year to date we're currently sitting at $2,547 for court fine returns and we're not even through the entire year yet and the previous years have been above $2500 so that being as it is we have some good history there bumping it 2,000 to 2500 uh when we get down to Tower antenna rent that was 49,000 uh at the last iteration I have bumped that up to 54 now that we have payments coming in the original 49 was based off of a spreadsheet I had that was trying to project numbers and calculate them out because I didn't we didn't have a payment history quite yet to know what the exact numbers would be now that we have some of that payment history and looking at that put those numbers in and all of the all four of the contracts I should say the one maintenant with Verizon and the three Subs those are have 3% price inflators or rent inflation for each year so calculating that in it goes from 40 49 to uh actually a little a little over 54 but rounding to 54 there based on those calculations so an increase to 5,000 other than that the rest of the revenues on the general fund stay the same when we get down to the expense side of things we do have some changes in the general government side of things uh for auditing Services uh this was at 35,000 the last iteration we looked uh proposing we take that down to 30,000 um current year to date we have uh spent on that $233 something5 um and we're not expecting a whole lot of expense towards the end of the year the audit has been paid for anything else is going to be some reporting um some disclosure reporting which is probably another 1,500 that they do annually for us and maybe some odds and ends auditing Services last year in 2023 uh our total outlay for this category was $ 31,48 but also keep in mind that's when Tracy was hired and a good chunk of money was intentionally dedicated to training for her from the Auditors to get her up to speed that training has concluded she's no longer utilizing those services so those even at the 31846 there was uh money in that so I think we're going to be very safe at 30,000 for auditing Services bringing that down uh similar type of story for the Engineering Services is was $25,000 and in the last iteration bringing it down to 20 um we're just not having the general fund specific engineering that has been in the past uh I touching back on auditing services in 2019 this category had spent 44,000 in 2020 it was up to 54 2021 it was at 55 and 2022 was at 70 um so we've had a nice downward Trend here where we've taken some of those things brought them in housee with the CIP long-term planning and then even having Tracy on board she's doing Preparatory work on audit end of things that is helping save time there too so we're seeing we're seeing gains there engineering side of things again we're just not seeing the kind of expenses we had in the past year-to date uh for engineering in the general fund it's $949 out of a budgeted 25 in 2023 it was 28,000 2022 was 28,000 and those that's a miscellaneous odds and ends stuff um not everything was being allocated to the 405 fund and we had some of the sidewalk type of stuff that we didn't have the fund created for yet so now that those things are out of the way we have the cips built those that's really flowing well it's not hitting the general fund nearly like it used to so taking it from 25 down to 20 I think we can do that pretty easily uh this one in green here stop you for a second sorry yes yes go I thought I could get in when you break when you took a breath um just a a question yes do we ever look at going out to bid to see what other options we can get with our auditing services or Engineering Services so yes you can our engineering I would say Engineering Services in my exper engineering is engineering is engineering they all take 177% on projects and their hourly rates aren't that different in my experien when I've done rfqs in the past request for qualifications when it's in Engineering Services uh for auditing Services you can do a request for proposals so every so often every five seven years typically a city will go out and do an RFP if they so choose we've worked with ABDO ABDO has been really good I have no complaints about them but if the city did want to go out for an RFP to see what else was out there we certainly could okay I was just asking I mean not that I haven't any complaints I just thought now was probably a good time to ask the question and I've done a couple of rfps for auditing services in my career so I'd have examples to draw from on that uh moving down to telephone so telephone I got this in green I'm waiting for feedback this one pertains to Metronet specifically so Metronet provides our phone services for the city I was taking a look at our billing and it seemed on the high side so um we did worked with them did a lot of regrading on what we have for services just to match what we actually use and we're going to get uh we're going to lower that bill by about 40% so we're going to save about $1,700 a year but those changes were made recently so I got to see what the actual bills look like before I go ahead and start adjusting things so once the new bills get cranked out we'll see this tweaked down I just don't know by how much for each department um postage this is at 1,000 putting at 250 this is getting more the postage for this this was coming because utility bills were being coded to general fund which didn't make a whole lot of sense since their utility bills it should be more on the water sewer end of things so that's getting coted more properly that cost shift going out to be more appropriate then means we don't need to budget as much for here so does that mean the 750 is going to go back into a different one it'll go it'll get split between water and silver but we're still at a thousand no total um nope going down to 250 i al together well the 750 be going to the two other funds and 250 stay in the general yes so that's what I'm asking okay yes so yeah it's still a thousand but 750 is now getting reallocated two different or three different buckets versus one right okay because the whole share of it wasn't appropriate for general fund to be footing since they are utility bills not general fund bills sense yep sorry uh advertising this has been more as you can see the 3,000 went to 3500 2,000 went to three um more of the expense of what was happening here is getting absorbed here because it's better Cate categorized and similarly to here this has been shifted more into these two funds or these two line item categories so that's being reduced to zero because it's all getting picked up here anyway and just noticing that the trend so reducing that uh miscellaneous General General moving 8,000 out of here because there were software subscriptions and other software related stuff that was coming out of miscellaneous General and that's getting moved down I can jump down here down to the appropriate one down here which is computer and software support so it's recategorization of expense items to where they really ought to be and some of those uh better recat uh are copier lease payment our annual lease payment for the copy machine it's our website hosting fee it's our record digitization subscription and a bunch of other small support items that were just in Min cellaneous didn't make sense so res shifting them down here from up there uh then we get down to Pro travel expenses for city council you guys don't go to a lot of trainings so we don't spend as much on travel expenses but it's never been this high it's never crested over a ,000 and I looked back three four years and just hasn't so taking this down seemed appropriate on that again we talked about the computer end of things adjusting that to compensate um looking at Professional Services Community Center is getting used more than it has been historically so when it's getting used more by events we do have more cleaning expense so what was 12 bumping it up to 13 to cover what cost we're seeing on that front getting down into fire protection ction for Professional Services on that uh this is for when uh we picked up Ridge View them coming in we do have cleaning services that come in to clean on a more frequent basis we do offset by billing that back to Ridge View but to show it on the expense side is what we need to do and then we see it on the miscellaneous Revenue side as well so it's a bit of an offset but making sure we're budgeting appropriately again the green one for telephone we'll see how that Metronet one shakes out and then down to Professional Services for uh Public Works that was a little too low where we were at 2,000 tried to go to one wasn't quite right so back up to two it just wasn't the right number for that other than that uh we get down to the maintenance building so this is the new uh well it's the Public Works building with the addition now brought it to three in 2024 anticipating the expansion that was put on looking like Gas Utilities will be in more than that 3500 to make sure we're covered should you bump it another five because what if this Winter's actually bad thinking I was I'm sorry I think that's a little on the weak side we'll bump it to four then I mean if you're talking heat for that big section of building 500 bucks seems a little weak station not right off hand no I don't but you probably get him probably I don't know is bigger than the old fire station taller and everything too so it's probably but something maybe Bas on just seems like 500 bucks seems a little weak if you get some 30 belows yeah and we're I promise you we're not keeping a eeve or anything well no but I mean you know what I'm saying though it's like if you if you actually get a winter oh yeah y compared to last year oh yes y I do agree with that so it wouldn't hurt I'd rather be safe than you can always lower it the next year yep bump it to four there that is perfectly fine under parks and wreck uh bumping this from three to 5,000 this is the miscellaneous uh General miscellaneous one this is where parkboard events get expensed out of so when they expand doing music in the park like they have done this year when they expand doing the Christmas lighting ceremony when they add things to that this is where where those costs go to and since they are expanding their events making them bigger better adding a little bit more in there to make sure that they can accommodate that down to compost why this is an orange is because I had it when I sent this out in the packets it was at 6500 um when I relooked at the numbers again for today I don't I used the wrong hours for Rick I don't know where I grabbed those other hours but I double check the hours for Rick and it's really more should be 6,000 so not 65 but 6,000 what the heck Nick we you stare at them for hours on end sometimes I don't know how you do it I'd have all kinds of mess numbers in there so with those adjustments uh keeping the property tax at they were uh we generated an additional $10,750 revenues over expenditures my recommendation will be leave that as is leave that where that's at we've talked of uh $450,500 downward even at this amount and if we make some tweaks uh we can in December we can always drop it by 10,750 to the final ly I just got a message saying that I'm supposed to tell somebody that there's a door open on the water tower I know I haven't felt like climbing up there yet okay we're just airing it out yeah anything I thought you were raising bir message says tell one of your City Boys there's a door open on the water we are well aware no pun intended it's about a 100 foot climb and I just I thought about it after lunch one time I'm like no wait but it will be done this week just to avoid a 100 more of those comments on the water fund sorry I don't have um one my on the oh I got a couple on the expense side on the revenue side for the water use charge um we slated for a 2% increase however this is something I want to talk about I'll close that get out of CIP get up to the util rate study we're a little little premature on this conversation but it's I just want you guys thinking about it as uh we dive into the Enterprise side of things a bit heavier when we get into October and November uh be thinking about this so the debt service for the water fund specifically in 2026 we have our our one of our last big PFA payments and it drops off and then we don't have anything I don't have we don't have major projects maybe some additional expense when we go ahead and redo Second Street that area if we ever pipe in lines for the unan nexted island that we've talked about in the past that could be in there but that there's no that will never bridge this sizable Gap here I you're talking several Million worth of funding here which it won't come close to it might bump it up a little bit but so we have this Gap here and when we looked at our utility rates um coming into 2027 because that's when the debt drops off we're looking at in order to keep a funding ratio you know our goal of 10% revenues over expenditures for the utility funds that we discussed in the past dropping it from what it is down to 66% of what it is you get 64% of what it is so dropping it by over 30% we could potentially do in the future so we know that this potential is coming because the debts dropping off and we're not looking to replace it with anything as substantial which is a good thing that means we can reduce our rates how that plays then into the budget discussion is knowing this is coming in 27 in some way shape or form when we look at this it it calls for a 2% increase in the rate study when you increase this and we look down at our final number down here it keeps us in the black now we did it this year and I'm going to switch over to the Sewer fund for 20124 we're riding in the red because we know we knew that sewer debt was falling off and as you can see here in the next year when the debt falls off we know we have a project coming on but we're okay with that flux in there because we deficit spending is not necessarily good thing unless you know what the end Point's going to be similar situation for the water fund we could choose to leave rates flat for 2025 knowing that if you do that let's plug that in keep it the same that then generates in in the red at this point however with the go back here and open up my other spreadsheet oh nope I got to go back a couple here to the financial reports that's one swear I know where they all are so this is a spreadsheet I use to track where the funds are at and this then produces the report the financial report you guys get in your packet so we look at the water fund especially January through August so far high water mark on this has been a little over 600,000 the idea being that over time and our our fund balance our fund balance being you want at a very minimum three months worth of expenses um as a balance when you're talking make sure talking little half million on that and then you're sitting at 600,000 you're over 100% funded as part of that so it's it's sitting rather well the reason it dipped here is because we had the major Bond payment that was the major both major Bond payments came out of there but this one one of the big ones here is the one that's ending in 2027 we won't have it anymore so Nick that's the balance that's in that fund yes okay the 626 was the high in May yep so this now in August that what you saw in you guys' financial report at the end of August it was sitting at 423 752 and there's no major expenses because the biggest expense that we have as a one-time hit happens in July we pay it in July because the B Du Bond payments are due in August so we pay them in July they hit the books in July and that's why you see this dip in July from down here to right here that's the bond payment that's hitting it then over time it builds back up as you can see it doing here not keep increasing until that Bond payment hits again and then it drops it down uh looking at it from a graphical standpoint of course I have charts knock it off sorry here you can see the trend line of what that does and over the rest of it this be this will be climbing back up once again so that's one component of looking at how you want to think about utility rat for 2025 another thing that I've been tracking if you've been looking at my reports it's commonly over the last handful of months uh the report has said that the water uh usage fees are tracking below Target and I was waiting to see how the irrigation season would end up on that uh the answer is we've been using significantly less water this year than we have in previous years so we like to thank Alicia for pulling our reports from previous years so we've got it split up into regular water uses and irrigation we have the years on this side and these are in uh gallons so you you can see here 2020 21 22 and 23 it was in the 50 Millions gallons used as of September 9th we're currently at 27 m451 th000 gallons used now if we do some real rudimentary projections on that we're probably looking at 37 million used under the water side but then you can see the projection for the irrigation is under 4 million when in previous years we've been looking at over three times as much so it's more approaching that 2019 levels so I this happens it's been a wet year people haven't been irrigating what that the question then becomes is what is this mean for our budget for 2024 because we have an anticipation of things and water sales extrapolating this out I am predicting that for 2024 this 494 th000 will be and more in that 380,000 area so we're talking probably a $100,000 shortfall just due to the wet weather and people haven't been irrigating on that so that again that component I need to bring in because if we're talking about not raising rates and we've had a short fall this year these are the components we need to be mindful of when we talk about where our fund balance is going to be if we want a deficit spend to not raise rates knowing that in 2027 we'll be back in the black again because we'll only reduce reduce rates enough to make sure that we're generating a surplus a normal Surplus for the utility funds so not necessarily looking for any action or anything like this just making sure this is on your guys's radar so when we hit October November to talk about things it's not like oh shock on that front so Nick just so I understand you're thinking 2024 is going to come in at like 390 yeah for the revenue right about 100,000 less just due to this this versus that and when you looked at your crystal ball you think next year is going to be a drought or rain if I could if I could Dr we're going to make the money back the WR I'm probably fine with the 2% because we're keeping the taxes down if I could predict that whether I would quit this job and be making millions elsewhere 2027 well I would I would love that too but I don't want to raise them then lower them two years later I significantly lower them yeah I don't mind going in the r i mean a 30% decrease why would you raise it 2% to turn around and drop it through 30 but I don't want to take a $100,000 hit either and so like I'm not looking for reaction at this point absorb it yeah at this point I want to work on a little bit right with numbers scenar I want to run some scenarios here I think it'll play out depending on these factors oh yeah the three grand yeah here's what fund balances might look like depending on what and so we go in open eyes when but ni so they're watering less but we're also you know running Wells less running big high service laws true that kind of true see in the 100,000 but it's in the operations right so I mean that's true there is some op offset on the operation on the expense side yes for sure I don't have a grasp of with what degree but yes there would be come on Nick we to put together but I'll get I will run scenarios you know I will you know I will I'll have probably have eight of them ready for you guys more charts more charts and graphs and spreadsheets but I mean the electric B for the water should be was I'm sure yeah nor we're like right around 9 million and I got June for like June and July's report at five million normal or closer to 10 12 million gallons a month so half of what that's a lot of water our aqua are happy now again though right poop some water a little bit again oh yeah did nothing but rain something noodle run I'll certainly have it back um but from the budget standpoint uh this one okay this that that was a change that I made well number two we only had two grand here for well number two was the only thing that in there such a minor amount I moved that down to here as part of just the general water end of things we'll just shift that down into there incorp orporated to the other repairs and maintenance that we've got for there and we'll call it a day so that's the shift in the water fund so if you don't do the 2% looking at a little over three grand in a deficit which I normally would never recommend but knowing this is coming down the pike it's something to consider well the fund is healthy too right fund is healthy when you're looking at over 100% Reserve fund balance that's for Utility Fund that's really good right normally I would suggest a healthy fund balance is six months or 50% right so your fund balance for that 300,000 we'll say quick Roundup math and we're double that now probably 100 grand less at the end of the year due to water consumption but still good still good still very much healthy let's see have anything on sewer ah yes sewer end of things um so for interest earnings I bumped this up to 45,000 this has always been very low historically uh since the sewer fund I mean we even go back to the spreadsheet you look at the sewer fund sitting on 2 million bucks I have 1.6 of that invested and returning interest uh which is much higher than 16,000 uh in 2022 our interest earnings were 44,000 in 2023 the interest earnings was 557 uh year-to date is $ 37,46 and we've got 16 budget I always like to budget this on the conservative side um so I think for 25 since we don't have construction slated for the wastewater treatment facility that's going to suck up funds I think we're safe bumping this up for at least for 2025 we'll evaluate this and when the water treatment facility project hits that's going to draw draw down this fund balance probably to around half a million or so um and that naturally with a bunch of that not invested that'll then take this interest earnings back down as well so that's a change on the revenue side and Professional Services I bumped it up to four just had a little bit more in that and tracking it otherwise that was the changes for sewer fund and storm and Eda didn't have any changes so that's my update on the budget and rolling right along to we won't I don't think well this sure talk that um we talked about CIP and for this I just want to talk about structure making sure we're looking I know we looked at it last year filled it out a bit more um structurally how it's set up again up here you have your income for the specific one for the Fire Equipment fund for Parks streets and Equipment um that thing gets calculated we have our cost for things and when we think they're going to be happening so for the small rescue we had it for 2024 turnout gear and 2027 for the fire we're not looking at any super major purchases until 2029 when we're looking at replacing the 2000 engine which is roughly on a 30-year schedule give or take so this could get moved out to 30 31 depending on the condition and what have you but we got it slated in there and just like we look at uh for end fund balance we want to make sure this is staying in the positive so that's where if we may need to make adjustments up in the levy section we can but so far this is sitting all right low point is in 2032 after we purchase a fire engine after we I wish I could a CBA equipment and then the 200 I'm sorry nope it's the heavy rescue heavy rescue replacement and 32 drains it down uh do have the money in the bank for those figures like we do before my inflationary Factor on things over the long term is 3% and that can be adjusted and if you adjust it say you go 3.5 I'm sorry automatically updates the numbers which automatically repopulates up into here which then readjusts all the numbers so all flows into comments over there Kyle I love Excel talking couple data junkies your formula in I got a 3500 line gross parks on the other hand uh working with the parkboard and getting this short up this one kind of hit the back burner because they spent all their money on Pavilions and splash pads so they they don't really have money to budget for it necessarily because they're just going to start getting it again in 2025 and right now they're looking at a disc golf course potentially uh maybe some other small stuff but nothing too major coming out of here so we'll get that ship shape with the parkboard and recommendations coming out of them streets we're working on getting this far more solidified uh we've got seal coats and Mill and overlay plant out into the future working with Bolton men on figures this one I got to do some more working on because Bolton M got me the figures today and I plug them in and when we get into the mill and overlays for Field Stone and some of the cold water Crossings it's going to dip us into the negative you can see here which means um have some Financial work to do likely means bonding of some sort we'll take out a bond issuance like we did for 2023 to pay for those Mill and overlays likely looking in a scenario like that but we'll play with Levy numbers see how that comes out at see if we can't mitigate that but for 2025 at least that's where we talked coming up here the only thing we have here is the 2023 Hidden Creek and shim cor overlay areas looking at those so to get an idea of what that looked like nope wrong one that was 2023 so for that we'd be looking at the blue are down here and the orange and this seal coating those areas for 2025 that's what Public Works committee has been talking about just m an overlay Chim we did this this be sealed coating okay seal coating not overlay and that bolt men got me figures back should be about 125 to take care of that so there you can see we have the funding coming in for there we have uh the levy that we have but then we're also getting the uh Transportation account funding this was the new funding that was passed by the legislature uh for small cities to get it comes from delivery fees and then a sales tax now whether or not you agree with those whole another story but this is funding that is slated for us that helps us out when is Second Street planned Second Street that's one I don't have in here because I'm building that as more of an infrastructure project looking at utility uh work slip lining things we've been talking about potential pipe bursting we haven't figured it all out yet that's going to be a fun one but that one we talk Finance on that end of thing let me get back my beloved Levy comparison Cals that's where I have this up here whenever that is triggered for the Second Street Northwest project 2930 is in there so I'm kind of placeholder that's where I'm placeholder that one because I figured it'll be a bond issuance on that front pulling it all together and the 435 I'll just we talked about that quite a bit already when we were talking about the uh Bobcat so I won't go into that too much in detail since we talked about 25 there and that's what I have for the CIP any question questions comments observations on that we have a Batwing more batwing Mo I've got nothing budgeted for it oh Kyle and I have been talking and the conversations have been we're about one Park away from that way from a Batwing more being pretty darn useful and the disc golf course could be that Park quote unquote Park get a signal too yeah not just annoys when he pulls it around just kidding C talked about that similar to the park side by side we doing some more detailed work on it at this point see how that fits in but even at a Batwing more fund balance is still sitting pretty oh yeah not that you spend it for the fund of spending it of course not but allows that flexibility that's what I've gotten CIP uh winter parking ordinance Amendment too far take it back so the Public Works committee has been talking on the winter parking rules that we have currently have in place shuffle my notes here as I get there flept terribly so my mind is like I got to write notes notes now rather than having it up there so the current or ordinance that we have in place utilizes uh date range along with various restrictions for parking enforcement there's actually two tiers in here when we look at it um you have the definitions up here for blowing snow and snowfall which an accumulation on the street of two or more inches and that applies to blowing snow and snowfall and that applies when we look at General prohibitions here because it's specifically uses that term snowfall and periods of blowing snow so it refers to those definitions when we talk up here in 712a the one we generally look at the bulk of the time is this one down here that's our 1 inch rule so between November 1st and April 1st no motor vehicles shall be parked on either side of the street when there has been one inch or more so how this dual structure works it really targets when we do our enfor ment action when do we give out tickets when do we do Towing this is really what this targets and so the current Oran ordinance if it's between November 1st and April 1 if there is more than one inch of snow at any point in time enforcement action can be taken it can be ticketed can be towed anytime between those time periods the second layer is when it's outside of a November 1st to April 1st if there's two inches of snow we can still do enforcement action little bit convoluted when you really get into the weeds of it really this is the one that has been used historically this other one has up here really hasn't been touched so as a matter of practice this is the one that has been leaned on the proposed ordinance would repeal those sections it would repeal that snowfall and blowing snow so the two inches are now gone it would repeal those sections regarding to the inch and a half in the time range and it would replace it with uh winter parking would be November 1st to April 1st so it urance that stays instated but instead of any time enforcement action would be limited would be limited between 2 am and 6: am since that's when the bulk of their snowplow operations occur during a winter season so between 2 am and 6: a.m. if there's any accumulation of snow if it's still snowing in the air or stuff is hit the ground can't be parked on the street and some of the Genesis of occurs uh when we look at this in the one inch some parts of town you get an inch and it's clearly visible other parts of town it blows and there's none but we're plowing the entire town anyway so you get some resident to say there's no snow outside why am I being told to move and then the other part time that do have snow so to clean that up and make it a bit more clear there's any precipitation whether on the ground or in the air between 2 and six am get your car off the street this also allows since the majority of days in the winter you don't have snowfall events this also then allows it's not just 2 am to 6: am get it off the street regardless of there's snow or not if there is no snow or there hasn't been any snow you can park on the street between 2 am and 6: am and you won't be facing enforcement action so it's trying to strike that balance of allowing people to be on the street uh but then also having targeted enforcement between these date ranges and these hours Kyle anything on that oh I think you covered it really well do we show them my picture on why we kind of want yep do we have a lot of issue right there is a good example oh my you can't fit through when you got a 12 foot blade that's about one inch snow maybe we blade it off mechanically removing snow is a way to do it so we use l SL so that's what npca everybody recommends we got the equipment now we can bust through town and have everything plowed curb to curb with an inch with two hours or so so that's what we usually like to do and this was around the corner and I couldn't get through so I had to back all the way around and I had to back up and and do a little dance and uh yeah so that's kind that was really it's really frustrating when things are like oh yeah that's that's uh not naming places now when we used to contract it was always 2 Ines before we even call in the contractor so it's pretty much set but now that we brought it in house and they may want to get out when there's an inch and so we do want to get people out that's what we're trying to solve here and it's just not I mean it's even salting and it's even I mean there's you we'll use our best judgment when the toe when not to toe but when you're going through with a big truck and you can't fit through then that's and we've contracted now with the toe company so we want it clear so there isn't because we've had that before where someone's got a ticket and out there with the rul and said no I only got an inch and 3/4 you guys gave me a ticket and that's you know so now we're just cleaning it up so yeah like in this instance we didn't because we didn't is it one inch is it three4 of an inch seven e of an inch an inch and a half clear with everyone It's just tough to and then the only change we'll have to make new signs obviously but we think that's gonna be minimal a couple hundred bucks of that we came up with something I don't remember our number very minimal for but we want to then properly make sure we get everything signed long as we're doing it make sure 25's done get everything we need to yep yep makes sense I think it also clarifies I think this will also help with the residents it's very clear concise rules on the whole thing so it's not inch this but then than this you're still gonna have to one here's a date range here's a Time range if there's any snow in the air on the ground get off that is nice having the times you know because honestly the to in the middle of the day but it's like we don't want to tow people people you know so we'll bust open the roads get them open and we come back during our you know normal time dur which is usually between two and six so just unfortunate though you know you're out there you want to get done and yes just like anybody else yep yeah that would be my question so if you know it wasn't you know say midnight well it could be midnight you know if this isn't at 3:00 a.m. and it's at 10: p.m. then that's acceptable 10 p.m. so they can still be so if it snows it's this is 10 p.m. they have and we haven't done operations between 2 and 6 a.m they got to be off the street but again if Kyle is plowing at 10 pm this is acceptable yes technically yeah the idea being is that his targeted time for clearing curb to curb is 2: am to 6: am that's 2 a and 6 there's nobody wants it clear right this wasn't those are simil more times to like big studies toap and then of course we talk about education we'll educate people we'll get stuff out in all their Avenues and right social media it out in the water bus yeah we talked about that earlier I would even suggest when we do it maybe that's the only thing that's on it for that month is just explaining this or you know headline so it's clear yeah or or a big majority it you know so it's clear thing is though it doesn't matter if you put it in flashing no lights I know but we've done the best we can I know we got to be able to say we did our education piece you know how it is nowadays unfortunately any other comments on this nope I think it's great yeah so those would be the proposed change to the winter parking rules meet Kyle at9 [Music] am I like getting out there no it just means before 2 just means before 2 am we'll plow you in for free he's in luck I've got a PL I'm just kidding uh then the final one on here talks about our water shut off procedures uh currently have I I've heard in the past and having been here less than two years I've heard in the past that shut offs were done at one point then they went to the Wayside I don't know the entire timing of that history but in my experience in the cities I've worked for as long as as well as several other cities I know of shutting off utilities is a normal thing that cities do um similar to Natural Gas Utilities do it and Electric utilities Do It um this is very common in our current ordinance we do have have a procedure for water shut off um but refreshing the ordinance as a whole is a good thing um just to reset that clear timeline uh the other part that also gets cleaned up and this is uh with the old ordinance I'll get to that here we have this little section here where it says payment shall be due by the 1 of the month if payment is not received by the 10th of the uh month then you get charged a penalty so the due date is the first but you don't get penalties until the 10th what that means is the real due date is the 10th because there's no incentive for paying on the first why you're not getting penalized in any way whatsoever this also cleans this up the proposed language would set it to the first of the month and that's when penalties would be applied so right now even though they're due on the first and we get bills in on the first we can't process our utility bills and until we do a the penalty application so we have to wait in house until the 11th before we can process utility bills even though we read our Meers at the start of the month there's now a 10-day leg between when we can actually process because in doing that process we have to do a penalty calculation and then we run the utility bills in our uh in our software this then moves up the timeline so if it's due on the 1 as soon as we get the readings in we can then go ahead and process process bills sooner in the month and get them out sooner so instead of bills coming out mid-mon we could get them out earlier for residents to have in their hand so do you have any data which shows how many people are paying by the first compared to the 10th because right like I look at this people are going to go you just took away 10 days agreed agreed but if we can move when they get out sooner by 10 days then it's so you know if we can't get the bills out by the 15th which has been about right I wouldn't support this but if we're getting the bills out 10 days sooner they got their 10 days back Technic yes but from a personal budget standpoint it's a paycheck it's a you know what I mean their bill on the fifth that gives them three weeks so go through two pay roll right but if they usually pay it closer to the 10th and now they have to pay it earlier in their paycheck cycle that is a could have a big impact on families could I could see that could if they're used to paying on the ninth or the eth and that's when it works because they're going paycheck to paycheck yep and all of a sudden it's shifting back a week that might throw off the personal finances well for a month or two so again kind of like the street we've got to be very clear because right you're saying on the second month they're getting notice of shut off yes so how timelines work for the shut off it's actually very similar between the old ordinance and the new ordinance the old ordinance just words it differently um but your timeline would look something like okay you get your utility bill this month it's due October 1st well since we're here so we push out bills you get your bill in September now it's due on the 1 okay the first of October comes doesn't get paid at that point it also aligns with our the other benefit of the first not from the personal finance side but when we do utility bills at the beginning of the month the delinquency letter would go in with that second utility bill so we're doing one mailing instead of two separate mailings on the delinquency notice the leny notice would say if you don't pay by November 1st we're going to turn you off November 1st comes so now you've had two months to get paid up we've added an extra step in the new ordinance which then Public Works will have door hangers public work will write the date and time no sooner you can't do it sooner than 48 hours from when the door hanger goes on there because that's too sudden but post 48 hours after the door hanger goes on the door that's when Public Works come shut you off we do that just to make sure we accommodate public works' schedule in case they have something they're doing we can get that we currently kind of do that door hangers are so the old ordinance doesn't call for door hangers the new one gives that extra step extra leniency of the door hanger in that on top of that so you from start to finish it's a little over two months for when to shut would happen under the current ordinance if you use the existing structure it would be about two months on that two months of nonpayment not two months of delinquent payment right two months of non-payment yeah right so come due after that first month not pay then you have 30 days after that and then door hanger time after that is it like a straight penalty you know like fee yes 10% and it's been that way for many years 10% is very common with cities or late water bills or shut offs late utility bills as as far already have shut offs in our fee schedule correct yes charge for shut offs in yes yeah yeah I think I think turn it off and turn it on I think to your point Peggy about the hardship or the potential of it I don't think there's any reason we could not say we start this January 1st we could set something where it's the first now but we'll for the next two months we'll wave late fees we could do something like that too just to help those few people that it may be I mean it's it's an option we could look at is certainly something I'd probably support just for that reason we we could wave them if if you know or if they're before the 10th we wave them if they're after the 10th maybe we you know we W so I think we could help in that aspect to get people used to an in that cycle of paying on the first and one current practice that we do have and we do Implement if you know you're not going to be able to make payment by the 10th if you call in and tell us we aren't going to charge you a late fee if you're communicating with us right you're not just stiffing we're not going to stiff you say hey think we can I can't pay till the 11th I know it's the 10th I'll have the money and we go okay good you called us it's great we're not going to apply penalties yeah but right like you know in existing today I pay it on the 10th whatever future state by the 10th I've already got late fees and a notice if I don't pay I'm getting my water shut off before last month I even had to pay my bill you know what I mean if we're mailing the bills out sooner they're going to get their nasty gram before the 10th of the month when they think and have for many years been able to pay it I mean that would be another question I would have is how many years have we allowed this 10th of the probably forever so again I think there's an education piece December 13th 1999 yeah so as long as I've lived in town so I think we just have to be very diligent in yes and S and similar to the winter parking rules we're getting that the newsletter this would not be like an immediate Hy slam it in now let's go we would want I would say even a longer time than the win parking rules to get this out do mailers let people know that this is like you talk if we were to adopt this in October let's talk a January 1 Beyond start point so we're making sure people are educated and they know and they may even have an opportunity to adjust their finances in advance to make sure that they're prepared for that first yeah and right because I'm sure there's people that have it set up to automatically pay on the 10th of the month probably because that's what I have at until right so we've gota again so they may not even look at their bill they may not read the newsletter so I just think we've got to be right I don't set mine on auto because it's never the same each month if it was the same I'd set it on a but right I know there's plenty of people that like again whatever that last day is that's I'm not giving my money up until yeah I know plenty of people like like that yeah different than the ones who can't do it y right but again I think we've got I mean the education piece 10 days in there and then just have the 10th day do the first you shouldn't see it oh yeah you would see a delinquency notice because that would come automatic if you paid the first month's late yeah you would automatically see that even though you paid your previous months wouldn't you if you paid it after the first after the first yeah you delinquency notice with your second Bill even though you technically weren't delinquent you pay it up I mean then it goes away of course but right so like if you got your Excel bill after you paid it and it said you were late but throw that away I don't know I've never had to worry about education so yeah and for this I implementation implementation date we talk about very extensively like I said you could pass the ordinance but you have an imp an effective date January 1 February 1 whatever you feel that time frame is to do proper education I think January 1 is a good implementation date but we just got to give Grace I would argue it's not a good just because of the holidays and all of that I would look for an end of q1 being right you've got your seasonal employees you've got I think we look at get some of the numbers I I really think it's a handful of people if we're talking about doing doing uh the snow ordinance on nove starting November 1st and people get towed for $135 tote and they we're gonna have enough time to educate that we should have plenty of time I would think by the it's just my thoughts but maybe the numbers might be different maybe it is a ton of people who are but I'm just saying you can come with an excuse at every yeah for what's going on in lives there's quarter one and then you got taxes you know end of quarter one beginning quarter you know what I'm saying there's always something going on in people's lives where where do you stop and start there will always be a small frequent flyer list we can talk about that I don't know just first of the year new year new thing I don't know that's the way I look at it it doesn't mean it's right mull it over we'll bring it back to the next Workshop yeah all right anything else on that one that's all I have that's everything wonderful then we are adjourned glued back together oh they're glued