I see that we have a quorum for the finance committee meeting um so I will start reading um the script so my name is uh Julian past I am the chair uh of the finance committee meeting uh and please please permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me um finance committee members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative um Linda yes Katie yes Nathan yes Kevin yes Peter yes all right um and great so the members can hear me so I will call this um mainor finance committee meeting uh to open at 7:01 PM um I did want to ask the members that are present um who might be whom of you will uh volunteer to take the notes for tonight I can do I think Linda you did it last time I'd be happy to do it tonight thanks Katie yeah thanks Katie yeah um all right great um and I also see that we have members of the uh public presence so uh welcome tonight um so good evening this is an open meeting of the mayard finance committee meeting it is being conducted via Zoom um speakers on the agenda will be participating remotely uh and the chair may may allow for public to provide comment um so the committee um would like to hear public comments and if there is further action required um I can add it as a matter appropriate to a forthcoming agenda if we do not have the answers for you tonight um please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other folks may be able to see you um if your camera is on so please take care not to screen share your computer um and anything that you broadcast um will be captured by the recording this meeting is being currently recorded um for meeting materials please see on board dos um all of the materials for this meeting um and we recommend that you follow along the agenda as posted on board dos unless I note otherwise um please allow me to cover some ground rules for our meeting um we will be turning to the agenda um but before we do so uh I did want to make clear the conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes uh I as the chair will introduce each uh speaker Andor agenda topic today uh and after they conclude on the remarks I will go down the line of members of the finance committee meeting inviting each of them by name to provide any comments questions or motions um please hold until your name is called um please remember to mute your phone Andor computer when you are not speaking um and please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps uh generate accurate minutes um for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and please state your name before speaking uh if you wish to engage in qually with other members please do th s do so through the chair taking care to identify yourself um and tonight for for items with public comment after the members of the committee have spoken um the chair will afford public comment as follows the chair will first ask the member of the public who wishes to speak um to identify themselves by their name and address um once the chair has listed all the P public commenters um I will call each by name and afford you a number of minutes for your comments uh and public comment for public hearings will um will be allowed tonight via Zoom uh if you use the raise hand function um and if that is uh having technological difficulties um you can also wave on the camera or otherwise jump in when I open the floor for public comment um and questions so uh that is the remote meeting script that I have finished reading so that is one of the important parts that we will cover tonight um and as our first order of business um we will turn to uh the town meeting uh warrant so um Peter or maybe I see that um you're also on the call uh Greg so Our Town Administrator is also on the call thanks Greg for attending um I did have a question for before I officially open the public hearing um for the two articles that we have not yet voted on does that happen in our meeting and then once that's voted on I open the public hearing and go over each of the Articles or can I do it within the body of the public hearing because I've never experienced that before we do it either way I generally wouldn't do it during the public hearing we could do it beforehand but it would delay the public hearing um in Prior years I think we've just during the public meeting said that we haven't yet made our recommendation on certain articles and then you know people can stay for our public meeting following the public hearing when we would normally when we would vote on the recommendations um or we can you know announce in the child meeting okay yeah I did make them a two separate agenda so so I yeah I would tend to do it afterward because you know there are people here for 7 o'clock and I would don't want to delay that or I personally don't want to delay that but that also makes sense to me um all right thank thank you for your guidance so um so I can bring up the warrant and we can go over the additional articles um let me just see I'm having technological difficulties so I guess uh as a formal matter I'll call the public hearing of the manance mayard finance committee uh to open at 7:07 p.m. so I will share my screen so we can go through the Articles together um and I can talk about the ones that we have voted on and made recommendations on um I will then open the floor after I go over um and ask if there's any public comment or questions um so we will start and go through the articles in their order so article number one is the town report accept acceptance so uh this is um the annual procedural article that um accept reports from the various Town committees um and the finance committee has voted to recommend um this article so um I will say if there is any additional questions or comments from the committee uh hearing none uh I will also open this to any questions or comments um from the town's people all right I'm not hearing any on this article um so I will move on to article number two so article number two is an annual procedural article that allows the select Bo to sell or dispose of surplus equipment in accordance with the state law and the finance committee voted to recommend this article um so if there is any questions or comments from the committee hearing none I will open the floor to uh the town's people if there's any questions from the citizens sorry that's my dog um all right um hopefully he'll calm down so uh for article number three um um this is to talk about the revolving funds um so the finance committee has voted to recommend this article this is an annual procedural article that is authorizing the revolving funds in the amounts that are detailed in the table above um and it'll allow the town to collect and disperse money for these stated purposes um so I will open the floor if there is any additional comments um from the committee uh hearing none I will open the floor for questions um from the town people or citizens on the call for article number three is the revolving PS all right I not seeing any hands or comments um so we will move on to article number four so article number four is the certified free cash appro appropriation for this fiscal year upcoming um and the Appropriations are as detailed in this list um and this is uh these are the sponsor sponsors comments um detailing uh this article and what each of the amounts are going to cover um for various things through the town so the finance committee did vote to recommend so the passage of this article would appropriate excess cash um which was generated in the town so um to the various departments as out listed above um and this is something we talked about um in in our comments about how covering the snow and ice deficits is something we often do um this also allows for some um Alumni field bleacher rentals and some um unimers covid costs as well as some various capital projects as outlined um above um including some money for an intersection at Route 27 um which will also see some receive some State funding um match funds so um I will open for article number four to any additional comments from the committee all right hearing none I will also open this if there is any public comment or question all right I um I recognize I see um Stephen you have your hand raised I do uh I'm curious as to whether there will be an explanation at to me meeting of exactly what is going to be done at that intersection it has been a real problem for many years uh Greg I'm not sure if they'll present the full thing there but um in our finance committee me minutes on board dos um we were we did talk to I think it was the planning board that presented or the zoning I forget exactly who it was but we do have um on our on board docs a presentation with some maps and some figures that are showing so it's not on today's but in the past we did invite them to our meeting and so we could write our comments on this article um so that would be on our past minutes um which does have all of that information Madam chair could I could I add one thing yes please please uh and Mr ragner I just want confirm you're were talking about the conquered Acton Street the intersection next to Lake Cumberland okay the um so the select board has been presented in the past about what the plan is so I if um I can't remember the date off the top of my head which board meeting that was but I I could I I don't my understanding is we're not going to be getting into like here's the big plans for that intersection in this article because the select board had already received that those plans and those presentation but I can send it to you or I can send you the link and then you can just look it up yourself um I'll check if I have your email if not I'm G Johnson town of manner.net thank you yeah no problem yes and you can also um directly email me as well if that um doesn't go through for you so uh on our website for today um the finance committee emails on there so I'm also happy to help coordinate that too all right are there any additional um public questions or comments about the article number four certified free cash no all right uh hearing none I'm going to go on to article number five which is the salary Administration plan um so the finance committee recommended this article um so this is an annual procedural article that makes adjustment to the salary table and other terms um in the salary Administration plan this the change from last year is that the veteran Agent salary has increased by 2% uh and the rests of the table Remains the Same as the prior years um so I will be happy to open the floor to any questions or comments from uh the citizens on the call today all right hearing none uh I'm going to go to article number six next so this is the town general fund budget so this is the proposal um splitting of the budget into the different um overlays um sort of our main funding buckets um in terms in terms of these major categories here listed on the screen um and the finance committee recommended this article um so passage of this article would adopt the town general fund budget breaking it out by the name nine major uh functions in that table in this article uh and this is a combined effort from the select board the administrator fincom school committee basically all the department heads um throughout the year we have various meetings to sort of up with this table um and Greg really does a really great B Balancing Act to come to um a way to sort of cut the pie there's only so much pie to go around uh and it's always appreciated the process where we talk about this um throughout all our meetings so we encourage you if you're interested in learning more about that to come to our other meetings uh there's a really interesting meeting in February about the budget as well um where we sort of lay this out um but the finance committee did recommend this article as presented we did also want to note that the school department um did to meet their level service they did draw on some various reserve and revolving funds uh and they did also they did let us know that this might not replenish quickly enough to do that again next year uh so we did want to note that um in our comments um but we did vote to recommend this article because we did feel overall it presented a balanced budget that weighs the need of the town um based on our available revenues um so I am happy to open the floor to uh any public comment I see Linda has her hand up from the yeah I just wanted to note to me it looks like um I see in the original table 53581 and then the appropriation 53821 and in the comments 53821 so I'm not sure where that will that just get clarified at town meeting and so we know exactly what we're voting on do you want me to answer that Madam chair I don't I don't want to step on you yes please so it's up to the finance committee if you want to if you want to address it I I may have made a note in in the I write a little script for the select board when they when they you know when they go over the slides so I made have I may have said in my script for them what I'm about to tell you now which is that difference is 240,000 000 which is the overlay so when when we so um it's expected every year that there's going to be a certain amount of like abatements filed with the assessor office and then the board of assessors they they determine whether to approve the abated money or not but we don't know how much it is so $240,000 is how much is collected every year um or at least as far as I can remember it's been $240,000 so you so you collect $240,000 over because you don't know there the expectation is you might have to approve $240,000 less Revenue like you you approve people those abatements um so that's the difference so the you we collect more than what we need for the budget with the expectation we might we might not actually you might not actually keep all that money because of abatements so town meeting we vote the lower figure no town meeting vote for the higher figure so the the how it says in the sponsor comments um except the single raise ination of 53,8 121 okay even though that includes 240 that we don't think we may not get or I may have to give some back right because I'm not I don't plan on spending that do you know what I'm saying like the budget is what you plan on spending your money on but but we we collect and then some from time to time overlay is released um but that's that's at the not the full discretion but it really is comes from the board of assessors if they if they decide like they have enough overlay and they don't need that overlay then it's released but that's that's a topic for another time so I apologize for the confusion but that's a good catch Linda that yep all right um did I answer your question Linda did you have any followups um no followup just guess we should watch out for it in the future what those differences yeah because we wrote the lower number so we must have got that from someplace no the lower number is is correct that's how much the the the select board has approved the spending of 53 million that's the budget that's the budget okay y all right um I see Natasha you have your hand raised yes and um is that and forgive me because I've seen a lot of these is this something that I've just never noticed before Greg or is this could be I'm always looking at the school numbers and and now I'm um Linda has me wondering is this extra 200 um we appropriate over what we're allocating is that what it just to kind of dummy it down a little bit is that what it is so we're not allocating yes you're not allocating it because we might because what if the board of assessors approves $240,000 worth of a payments like that means we're not getting that Revenue so if so if that appropriation was match if the appropriation was also 53,5 181,000 and this assessors approved $240,000 worth I'd have to make a lot of cuts we'd have to we'd have to cut $240,000 worth of the budget but if in during budget subcommittee meetings I I that's usually where you see like you know I do like the one pager of all these lines yeah and at the very bottom you'll see and I'm not trying to be sneaky but it's like an afterthought it's I feel like are kind of now I feel like I've been scammed Greg no you haven't if you go back to past budget subc commune means you'll see and then look at the one pager and you'll see 240,000 overlay at the bottom yeah and I I think I know what you're you're referencing I don't think we've just ever explicitly talked about what that is so maybe this is the first time it's getting a little bit more air time that I'm um um understanding what it is so it's really you're we are appropriating um more than what we're allocating but where does that difference sit if it's not allocated I guess just from a more it's it's held in reserve it's held in a overlay it's just just held we don't we don't because maybe we don't actually have to spend it in all likelihood the board of assessors does approve a certain amount of abatements every year so we just don't like 240,000 was the number that we went with a long time ago right and it just carries every year yeah okay when would when do you normally or the board of assessors I know they set the rates in in the in the fall is that when you normally uh oh now you're now you're now you're going out of my wheelhouse um well I know that I'm just wondering when you'll because we we have special town meeting in the fall and you normally might present a budget let me no that's that's a good question it might I we have in the six years I've been here we've we have released overlay and I and but I don't remember when so let me let me I'll follow up with you I just yeah no maybe just for our meeting on um Wednesday that would be just some good info thank you thank you sorry all right uh I would also like to open the floor if there's any additional comments on the general art uh general fund budget uh article number six all right I just wanna um sorry me again sorry Jillian just real quick I just wanted to thank the the fincom and and all the boards I know that this is always a hard process but I appreciate the collaborative effort and the questions um that the fincom has for the school committee as we put together the school part of our budget yes and we very much appreciate you uh explaining and helping us understand uh the tea leaves that is the school budget it's a little little hard to follow so we really appreciate having your guidance there and expertise so hope I'm hoping we yeah it is a little tricky I wish it was more aligned with similar how the municipal budget is and and and it isn't so um but I I do appreciate the opportunities to provide feedback and also um you all given feedback so we can make sure it's um as transparent and informative as possible yeah it also creates a lot of opportunities potentially too because there's a lot of interesting different uh scholarships and other sort of reserves and funds that that you can pull on from the state and the the government and other areas so um yeah yes we we appreciate learning about those opportunities too because that offsets some of the burd yes thank you awesome all right um okay so I don't think I saw any other additional questions or comments for article number six uh so I will move on to article number seven so article number seven has to do with assabet Valley Regional votex School um so this would uh this article the finance committee has recommended this article um so you could read the sponsors comments uh in the printed warrant here um the finance committee comments um basically goes over that this article will authorize um the the votex to create a stabilization fund so the article is to create the fund it's not necessarily to put any money in the fund right now this article in particular um So currently Capital expenses are paid through a capital expense line item in the annual operating budget or through special assessments and borrowing so um this article would set up a stabilization fund uh within that so and spending from this would be controlled by the school committee for the votc school specifically um and Maynard has a representative on this committee uh it is not the finance committee meeting but uh we do have a representative uh as a town on that and um we do recommend this um as it can help to address future long-term capital needs of the school um and the sponsor wrote very nice detailed comments which we did not want to uh Rec copy over so uh I will open the floor for any questions on article number seven all right I am not seeing anyone's hands raised for that um so we'll move on to article number eight so article number eight is the sewer Enterprise fund um so you can see the revenues and the uh expenditures here so the finance committee did recommend this article um so passage of this article would adopt the proposed fund budget and appropriate a certain amount of that for direct expenses and indirect expenses are appropriated through the town general fund budget um so we did support this um and it's sort of in line with uh industry and aary drivers from our assessment um so for article number eight I'll open the floor to any questions or comments all right I am not currently seeing any so we'll go on to article number nine which in this case is the water fund so the water Enterprise fund uh you can see here the revenues the and the expenses uh in the table in the article uh and the finance committee did recommend this article um so we said that passage of this article would um adopt this fund as as outlined in the article itself um and we supported this it is uh a little over a 10% increase we acknowledge that there is a need to spend on the water infrastructure um to both support our new growth um we will also need to support growing water capacity demands um so our town can grow um so this is why we recommended this article um so I will open the floor to any questions on article number nine all right I'm not seeing any raised hands uh so I'll move on to article number 10 so this is going over a transfer from the water retained earnings fund um so the finance committee recommended this article um you can see the sponsors comments um within the printed warrant and we are comments here we've recommended this article so this would use um part of the total amount of the of retained earnings um to fund the operating budget for unanticipated expenses um the Aging infrastructure and unforeseen circumstances there are concerns that require a potentially Swift action so creating um this Reserve fund would allow emergency expenses to be paid in a timely manner um and these funds are controlled by the votes of the finance committee and the select boards um then it would not necessarily require a town meeting vote to be able to pay for these um unforeseen expenses so and this is article uh number 10 so I'll open the floor to any uh questions or comments for article number 10 all right uh I'm not seeing any so we'll move on to article number 11 so this is very similar except this is for the sewer um so this is transferring um $200,000 to replenish the reserve fund um so the finance committee recommended this you can see the sponsors comments in the printed warrant and the finance committee um recommended this article so it would transfer a portion of the uh retained earnings to establish a reserve fund uh and this would be used for similar expenses uh as the previous article except for sewer um and this we felt this was important because of Aging infrastructure um and it could potentially require Swift action so I will open the floor to any questions on article number 11 all right not hearing any uh we will go to article number 12 so this is transfer from water retained earnings for Capital Improvements um this the finance committee recommended this article you can see the sponsor comments here uh and our comments so this would transfer transfer a portion of the water retained earnings um to use for Capital Equipment uh procurement so this would allow the purchase of a new truck to replace an old truck um and also um to um properly service the town's water operation repairs um so the maintaining an aging Fleet of the vehicles this can add to the cost so we support the transfer to strengthen the fleet um and since this would be a transfer the rates uh would not necessarily be affected in this current cycle um so I will open the floor if there are any question questions on article number 12 all right we will move on so um article number 13 and 14 are the articles that the the committee has not yet voted on um so this has to do with the transfer um from sales of cemetery lots to Perpetual care uh and also to um the expenditure account and to the trust fund account this is Article 13 and 14 um so before we open the public hearing we talked about how um if people are interested in these two articles this is what we will deliberate after our public hearing to make our recommendations and our comments uh at this meeting later tonight um but we will not currently do that right now uh as we're going through the ones we have voted on so we voted on all the other articles so far so I will move on from Article 13 and 14 unless there is any um public comment that would like to be noted at our public meeting all right so uh article number 15 is the select board uh sorry it's sponsored by the select board the this is uh about the mayor Golf Course receipts and transfer um so uh the sponsored comments sort of go through the procedure itself um and the finance committee did recommend this the passage of this article would transfer the sum in the noted in the article to the um to pay for Capital Improvements to the golf course so this is part of an ongoing Savings Plan um to fund Capital Improvements to the clubhouse as outlined in the sponsor's comments um so the finance committee did recommend this I will open the floor if there are any questions or comments on article number 15 all right I am not hearing any we will go to article number 16 so article number 16 is transfer from MSB reimbursements to general fund stabilization um so the finance committee recommended this article um see the sponsored comments in the printed warrant uh and the finance committee comments here so we recommended this article we felt The Passage would allow the town to use reimbursed funds um by the msda for Approved expenses incurred and transfer them to the general stabilization fund so finishing this fund will allow for the continuation of Green Meadows design phase uh and this was voted on in um by the Town members in the past so um this is article number 16 so I will open the floor for comments I see the first hand raised is Natasha hi um Natasha I just had a question about is this and maybe Greg might know it do we have another payment is this the only payment we're getting for the reimbursement I don't um good question I I wasn't sure if we were if this was the full amount of reimb so I think I got $52,900 because that was how much I asked was currently received the day I wrote this and and so that was probably a couple months ago but I I my assumption was anything after that we would have to come back to town meeting probably in the fall and say by the way there was a little bit left we want you know or or maybe whatever we want to do with that whatever okay okay so this is this is based on I know that I I haven't been following exactly what it was either so I wasn't sure if this was the final number for the reimbursement could be because that sound that looks pretty close to like yeah yeah it could be but but um well yeah okay okay no I wasn't sure if that was that and then the other question was um what is what what does this bring the balance for the general stabilization to or do we have a current balance of what that is that we could the current balance of the stabilization is uh general fund of stabilization is $1.8 million so this would get it up to 2.33 okay yeah all right thank you all right are there any additional questions or public comments on article number 16 all right I am not hearing any um so we'll move on to article number 17 so 17 is the disposition of 61-63 Summer Street um so the finance committee did recommend this um you can see the sponsored comments in the printed article so uh our comments we recommended this because this will allow the select board to sell the property uh this is the former Fowler School uh on the terms and conditions it deems mostly advantageous to the town um it has outlived its educational purpose um needs major rehab um and uh the first step to sell the property is to declare it an obsolete asset um and then allow for an RSP process to uh develop it um using the master the Mard master plan as guidance so we recommended the sale of this property which could be a potential Financial benefit to the town uh so I will open the floor to any questions on article number 17 all right uh so I am not hearing any we will move on to article number 18 so 18 is a public shade tree article um so this is a bylaw article to adopt a new chapter going over public shade trees um so the article uh contains fully what the proposed bylaw would be and it's a couple pages long um so um the finance committee did recommend this article you can see the sponsored comments here uh and the finance committee uh recommended this because it would define the role of the tree Warden and establish an official tree committee um and this would make mayor eligible for State funding through the department of conservation and Recreation um for uh urban forestry and other type grants um so these could be used for planting new trees uh preserving trees removing hazardous trees uh and we do actually have a tree management plan which is on the town's website so it would use that as guidance as well um and the definitions that are in this bylaw F closely follow the state law um and current practices um so and this would be overseen by the tree Warden uh private trees are unaffected this is only Town trees um and this represents an opportunity need to bring in supplemental funding um through the department of uh conservation and Recreation um and if this is which a bylaw like this would be required for so um so I'll open the floor to any public comment or questions about article number 18 all right uh so I'm not hearing any or see anyone raising their hand uh so for article number 19 uh this is acceptance of Roads um so the finance committee recommended this um you can see the sponsored comments here um so as well as our comments so at the special town meeting in October um we did vote to approve the article that allowed for speaking of these roadways um that are that were um listed in this article um but a layout hearing was actually not yet completed at the time of that special town meeting so to officially accept these roads as public roadways um that was held uh and that is why it is now on the ATM warrant one more time um so it proposes to acquire the following streets that are listed here uh Fletcher uh Fletcher Street Heights terce and Allen Drive um and unaccepted roads are surveyed every year for potential Town acceptance um following the pavement management plan and this is managed by the Department of Public Works the DPW uh and unaccepted roads are not allowed to be improved um using Manor Town resources so um this was recommended by the finance committee um so I will open it do any public comment or question on article number 19 acceptance of these private roads all right so I'm not hearing any questions uh so for article number 20 so 20 is the community preservation fund budget for this year you can see um listed here are Appropriations and reserves um making up the toal budget for the CPC uh finance committee did recommend this article um you can see the sponsored comments here um and the comments for the finance committee why we recommended this this would authorize um the CPC to be appropriated and reserved as recommended by the CPC this budget is based on um projection of the state revenue collected through the community preservation act real estate uh tax search charge adopted in the 2006 Town Meeting uh it's similar this budget is similar to what it was in 2024 so last year um and um this has been a valuable source of Revenue to the town and it's a benefit um because there is also a state match to some of these funds and they can be appropriated for designated uses only um and we felt that these were um in accordance with the requirements of those um designated uses to allow for historic preservation affordable housing and outdoor recreation space so is there any public questions or comments about article number 20 all right I don't see anyone's hands raised um so I'll move on to article number 21 um so this is for the CPC um Appropriations uh and you can see in this article it lists certain amounts of money for different um different uh reasons here that they would like to appropriate for and this is the total amount of money um in the article and the finance committee did recommend this article the sponsors comments goes through each of the sort of line items of why that amount of money would like to be um appropriated for those causes uh and the finance committee did recommend this article um since it would appropriate funds from the CPA to the four projects as described um this vote is required for those funds to be used um and that is why it is on the town warrant um and we felt that they adhered to restrictions for the uses of these types of funds um and that they will provide a long-term benefit to the town is there any uh questions or comments on article number 21 no all right uh so I am going to move on to article number 22 so this is vendor contract emergency notification Services um and this is to enter a contract with um an emergency service vendor finance committee did recommend this you can see the sponsors comments here um and passage of this article would allow the town to negotiate their best rate possible regarding an emergency notification contract uh and not being limited to a short shorter term contract could potentially allow for a greater benefit and we felt this was in the town's best financial interest um are there any public comments or questions on article number 22 all right uh so I'm going to move on to article number 23 so this is a vendor contract for information technology finance committee did recommend this um and we felt that passage of this article would allow the town to negotiate the best rate possible regarding an information technology contract um and not being limited to a shorter term contract could allow for potentially better negotiated rates and we felt this could be in the town's best financial interest which is why we recommended article number 23 um I any public questions or comments for article number 23 Julian it's Natasha I had a question um but it might be more for for Greg um is this something that would be also applicable for school department it contracts I know we have quite a lot of different licenses and and whatnot so I'm just wondering if there is overlap or does this extend in some way um their ability to negotiate in some way or that's a great question I don't I'm not sure I mean that's not what I had in mind right but I think it's a good question so it might um and as the chief procurement officer I have delegated procurement authority to Wayne so maybe but it does say with the approval of the board so it would be a little odd for the school committee to bring a contract to the select board for approval like this motion says with the the board so that that's but you know it's not it's not a bad question we can I can check I just didn't I haven't read under the like what this exception would would allow but yeah if if we could get like just some general guidance um we just been talking about you know a lot of um and I don't know if it's applicable but we're talking a lot of curriculum everything is license based and and and I don't know if this would fall into the parameters of three plus year um I'll I'll I'll check if this article applies to the school department okay and yeah and how you know maybe what particular aspects of it would be thank you all right um I recognize I see um Mr Wade has raised their hand yeah Chris ree 12 cutting Drive um I just had a question about a 10e length for an information technology a potential 10e length for information technology contract Ian I understand the the benefits of rates but um there concerns I don't know what your current contract like is but there concerns about something that long in a in a area where where technology changes and evolves pretty quickly you can would you like me to address that manager yes please gra thanks okay um so here here's how we do it in mayard so we've we have had because this was done 10 years ago so since that time we've had the same vendor it's this firm called Drive te although dri Tech was just acquired by this other company called it's a horrible name if you ask me the 20 like 20 msp doesn't matter so that was just like a month or two ago um but the the advantage of having the same it prevent uh provider as as in my observation has been that it and or maybe I'll speak specifically to the event that we've had is that um it's been a really good partnership and they've been really responsive and in front of updating the technology and software requirements and whatnot um they're they're a local company in fact the owner happens to live in town of course that's not a requisite to be a vendor for the town but um I have found this particular vendor has been very present and very responsive and really a good Steward of IT services to the town of mayard um and so I I feel I feel confident that that I can't I'm not going to say that this just allows for up to a 10-year contract it wouldn't necessarily that would be that would be the case but I've I've this is a lot of towns do this particularly for IT services just because it allows for that continuity of of Services um so I I don't know if that answers your question uh Chris but sound you've thought it through and and you've thought about the other oh yeah yes I've thought it through no I and and I just yeah I thought I'd raise it no I appreciate the question and and um and because the The Firm was acquired now we're asking ourselves okay so what is a good fit for the town where where what the this particular firm also does carile right so that's they're kind of used to public sector they also do private sector so it's good questions we're we're always kind of have to be critical so to speak yeah thanks um M Madam chair may I ask a question of Greg yes please so Greg is are are the town uh IT services particularly like the citizen or the resident facing services are those run in the cloud or do we have local servers uh both so we have depends on the depends on the system so you said forward facing so that might include um the website so the websites is out of the cloud but the individual documents that might be uploaded for Access those might be internal servers or board docs board dos is like the platform that we use for board meting went up so that that is a cloud-based system that I upload files that have been saved on the Town server so there so um our it provider um also provides backup services to the towns like so like I can work from anywhere as is I mean we really we really tried to modernize all the you know during Co like we wanted to work from home capabilities so we made sure um everybody had vpns everybody could work from home and so we went Cloud if you will however the backup is there like there's servers within um Within our it that that has the backup are are those are those just document are those just hosting documents primarily or are there other functions that are run on premises and now you might be just speaking I have I have a li arts degree Kevin so you I thought they were all documents what's a PDF all let me let me rephrase uh would you would you characterize most of our services most of the town's it infrastructure is being run in the cloud yes but I don't I don't know you're kind of you're kind of over my I don't know I man I don't know I could let me find out I don't want to I just we can move on I just in in regards to Wade's question um for those Town services that are run in the cloud uh usually the technology upgrades happen on the um third party service provider side um and those happen usually seamlessly oh yes that's true like walked in this morning cuz I turned off my computer over the weekend and windows updated like we you know we we we have so you know as sort of consultant if you will through our it provider we have subscriptions to uh licensing and whatnot and and yeah so yeah so there's very little exposure to obsolescence from what I've seen that's the idea great thanks um are there any additional questions or comments on article number 23 all right um so I'll move on to article number 24 so um this is the bylaw addition um a rooster prohibition um so this would add um to to in in there in the bylaws um to prohibit um Roosters on Residential Properties um the finance committee did recommend this um so I will note that um this was a uh split vote so there were some members of the committee that had different opinions um but overall the majority voted to recommend so this would um prohibit keeping roosters in all Residential Properties within the town limits um so the majority of the fincom recommended this because we felt that uh roosters uh as described by the sponsor of the Board of Health are um a nuisance that are inappropriate for residential settings um and uh we also did um understand from the Board of Health that they have to go out for these nuisance calls so it was a potential Financial impact to have those calls um and the um minority believe that this nuisance would be better uh addressed by a noise ordinance instead of a blanket prohibition um so but the the passing vote was to recommend passage of this article but we did want to note in our comments that there were um some disagreements within the committee um so I would open article two number 24 for uh comments and discussion or questions all right so I'm not seeing anyone's hands raised so we'll move on to article number 25 um so 25 is amending the bylaws so this is for uh water supply Protection District site plan approval uh so the finance committee did recommend this article um and you can see the sponsors comments here so the finance committee comments is that this article would clarify the zoning bylaws um for development near the town Water Supplies so passing of this article would make the bylaws more specific um for a requirement of a site plan approval process for development within this water protection district um and I will open the floor to any questions or comments on article number 25 all right I am not seeing any hands raised or questions so for article number 26 we're almost there um so this is amendment to the community preservation Reserve fund appropriation for fiscal year 2020 um so this um finance committee did recommend this article so this article would allow payment for a final $2,000 bill on a previously funded project uh looking at irrigation on the field at the front of the high school so this project is um under budget but it did take longer than the initial funding cut off of June 30th uh 2023 which is why this is listed as an article uh at the town meeting uh for voting uh so I will open the floor for questions on article number 26 all right I am not seeing any hands raised so we'll move on to article number 27 so article number 27 is to amend the zoning bylaws um for accessory dwelling units for ad use uh and you can see that the bylaw itself isn't contained here in the body of the article and it's a couple pages long um right and uh the finance committee did vote to recommend this you can see the sponsor comments that are in the printed warrant um and the finance committee comments of why we recommend this is that the existing section in the bylaws containing uh about the these uh accessory dwelling units or adus is to allow family members to live in smaller units immediately adjacent to an existing larger dwelling passage of this article would allow these adus um at more affordable rates to smaller households that are not necessarily related by blood so they don't necessarily have to be family members um and this amendment would allow the planning board um to be consistent with the mayor uh the master plan uh and also the housing production plan um so we recommended this article are there any questions or comments on article number 27 all right not seeing any raised hands so we'll move on to article number 28 so 28 is to um amend the zoning bylaws for the overlay district and the MBTA communities so you can see in the article itself is the proposed bylaw and it's a couple pages [Music] long and we're still going uh okay the finance committee recommends this article um so you can see the sponsored comments are quite detailed about what this article Passage would mean um and our comments here about why we recommended it so we felt that this was in compliance with the master plan um at the Powder Mill Corridor as well uh and would allow mayor to be in compliance with the new NBTA communities act um so this is Mass General law um we felt that it provided adequate control as well in these proposed bylaws to allow Manor to grow in a thoughtful manner that could be financially beneficial to the town so I will open the floor to any questions or comments on article number 28 all right so I'm not hearing or seeing any questions or comments so I'll move on to article number 29 um so this is to amend the zoning bylaw for firearm businesses and shooting ranges um so you can see the proposed bylaw changes in the body of the article uh as well as the definitions of different items within this article and it is also a few pages long couple pages long um and the finance committee did recommend this article um the sponsor has very detailed comments that go over what passing of this article would mean um and it also talks about the public hearings that the that board had um the finance committee did recommend this article we we um currently there are no Town bylaws that are Zoning for firearm businesses and shooting ranges and if this article is passed it'll amend the Town bylaws by adding this uh section so um it will not supersede federal or state law regulations and it would allow the town planning board to have oversight of the new proposed businesses and give guidance um on how new business owners can get established in town uh and this was heavily um focused on new businesses uh in the town so uh I will open the floor to questions and comments and I see Natasha has their hand raised I actually thank you Julian I had a question about the article before I apologize um the 20 um 28 of the MBTA um okay um sorry I think I'll see if there's any questions on this first um and then we'll go back to 28 great thank you okay so there are there any questions or comments on our article 29 which is the Firearms article right so I'm not hearing any so I'll go back to article number 28 so this is uh the article about the MBTA zoning bylaws this is an article we did recommend yes I um is the applicability of this is because we are considered an adjacent town is that right Greg okay because I I wasn't sure I didn't explicitly say that but I thought I had heard that before and I don't know in case questions from the community because we obviously don't have an MBTA stop or anything here but I don't know if I saw anything within the sponsor comments or fincom comments that talks about the applicability because we're considered an adjacent Community I don't think it says it Jason but it does the sponsor comments says that it makes us this will allow us to be in compliance with the NBTA communities act um okay that's that's a level Nuance of like whether you're adjacent or like well just because I know that all around the state there's been a lot of you knowla about some of the and um on its surface it doesn't really you know if someone's not following it closely may not understand it just it's the town themselves but it's also the the adjacent community so I just wanted to make sure I understood that was that was still the case okay thank you y all right great thanks all right so we're going to move on from article number 28 uh there was no uh questions I saw for the Firearms article was Article [Music] 29 which we went through and read and I wish there was a quick way to scroll through this my mouse button is getting to work out all right article number 30 is what we are currently on so this is to transfer ambulance receipts reserved for the lease appropriation um so the finance committee did recommend this um so passage of this article will move money from the receipts to be used for leasing required for required equipment for the fire department services and those equipments are outlined uh in the article uh itself for these um equipments that are required for the safety of the Town um and the sponsor's comments goes over nicely how um how these this money would be used so I will open the floor to any questions on article number 30 all right I'm not seeing any raised hands so we will go on to article number 31 which is a lease to purchase an ambulance um so finance committee did recommend this article um and in the sponsor's comments you can learn more about uh ambulances and uh the article and finance committee did recommend this because it would authorize the select board to enter into a lease to purchase agreement for a new ambulance uh and this would be funded by the passage um of the related article um the one before number 30 so these articles are uh a little bit tied to each other so I'll open the floor do any questions or comments on article number 31 the lease to purchase the ambulance all right I am not seeing any raised hands here uh that is the final article um in the warrant um so we will uh as a committee after I close this we will discuss and vote on and make our recommendations for uh the cemetery so Article 13 and 14 um after I close the public hearing but before I close the public hearing um I will open the floor if there are any additional questions or comments um on the ATM or otherwise for the public hearing on these articles all right so I'm not seeing any uh anyone else raising their hands for that um so I would I think I have to motion to close the public hearing is that is that correct I'm seeing nods so um so I would like to motion uh that we close our I'm going to stop sharing we close our public hearing um and we will after this we will continue with our open meeting uh if you would like to stay you are welcome to but I will make a motion to close our public hearing of the manard finance committee at 811 pm I'll second the motion all right and Linda has seconded is there any further discussions questions or comments all right so I'm not seeing any uh so I'll take a roll call vote Linda yes ktie yes Nathan yes Gavin oh I think you're on mute Kavin yes Peter yes and I also yes so the public hearing is closed um we will now have our normal meeting um and our first order of business at our normal meeting is uh voting on or discussing and voting the two Cemetary related articles uh and I forwarded to us all um Greg's KN comments about um the questions we have on these articles about where they where the money comes from what they are um so this is I'm pulling my up thought I had it printed here guess I don't all right um okay here we go so um so we were asking about where these monies are so the fees that are collected and I don't know I'm basically just going to read the email you sent me Greg so I don't know um I don't know if everyone got a chance to look at that so I'll just read it here so um the fees that are collected for the purchase of a sumary deed is deposited into the sumary Lots receipt Reserve account so that account accumulates funds and then periodically it's transferred into two different accounts both related to Perpetual care the first one is um supplements the DPW cemeteries division operating budget and like from the general fund too but that goes to like the Perpetual care fund the second one is the trust fund for the Perpetual care so that's reserved for like major projects expansions and it's not like ordinary maintenance or regular operations so and the attack the spreadsheet that we had going over like the different transfers over the past I think it was like seven years that's that's what those different funds are um I have I have uh one and the current no you finished I have I have something to amend my comments when you're ready okay um and I was just going to say that the Perpetual care trust fund is uh 324,000 dollars and a little little bit over that like yeah so you have something to add to that gr yes so you you nailed it I wish I had done like a like a a diagram like money we we get money when people get they they buy so to speak a deed and then that goes to the sale of can't remember the proper term sale of grave Lots sale of Lots it's the sales and then that goes into two different accounts from time to time not every time but we I checked we did it last year uh we put money into it but um but I so one of them is I'm repeating pretty much what you said Jill but one which is what I said it's it's all meta one one um one of those accounts is the Perpetual care expenditure and it's not it's not very much but it's it's the expenditure account that we we most of the maintenance operational cost comes from the general fund because those guys are Mo Lawns and whatnot but they they do cemeteries and then they um and so we get a little bit of money from the sale of lots to supplement the general fund that again that money is transferred into Perpetual care trust okay um Perpetual care Expendable now the other account is the Perpetual care trust which is considered non-expendable right because it's a trust so it accumulates it accumulates Ates funds uh it accumulates interest okay so but not very much uh maybe KD knows better than I but I can't imagine $324,000 makes a lot of interest from year to year okay so this is what I found out since I sent you that email so like within the last let's say 48 Hours of working I I'm I've contacted a couple of people to get really clarification on this trust that we have because okay so that the interest that we make off that trust we can expend because that's not the trust itself that's the interest okay but the um which isn't very much what I let's say it's a th000 bu it can't be very much it's like a th000 2,000 it can't be very much depends on the market um the trust itself the money that's in the trust itself my original understanding as I sent to you Jill was that if from time to time if if it's found that we need it extraordinary circumstances expand expanding the cemetery whatever the case may be which none of that's being proposed that I know of right now and then but you can transfer out so you wouldn't be expending it from that trust you'd be transferring the money out to then use that I understand is not the case the when the law was written years ago the understanding or whenever the this whenever the state started allowing towns for creating these trusts yes like a trust has certain rules right so like every trust has different rules according to and who might be the trustees and how you expend from it whatever but semetary Perpetual care trusts are pretty much uniform across the state as is my current understanding and um um and so if you don't contribute enough to it you're not going to get enough interest from it to actually spend but otherwise you can't transfer out of it so I think I was misled in or I misled you in my original understanding which is I thought it was similar to like a stabilization account so like or we transfer out of it when needed but but apparently a Perpetual care trust for cemeteries is is rather unique in that it's just sits there which I think at the time maybe there's an understanding that you know it would accumulate so much and you'd get enough interest that it would be kind of worth your while doesn't seem so much so nowadays but if um so that's the case so I am going to amend my little script I have for the select board I don't recommend any changes the article itself doesn't get any that the article itself just says take from sale of graves lot and put put half of it into Expendable and half into the trust so that that I think is that's just not what we're talking about but what but eventually if we're trying to ask ourselves what are we going to do with this trust money that's the question so the the trust money I think it just sits there now I have a question out to um our Department of Revenue rep because frankly from Greg Johnson's perspective I know this is being recorded So if if my if our state delegates hear me say this I don't think that's the good use of that trust fund it seems like it's debilitating to the towns that we can't transfer out of it that seems irrational to me but that's not to say like that there aren't Other M laws that are Greg Johnson also finds irrational so let's let's but I think from right now again this isn't what the article is asking anyways the article is just asking to transfer money into it but um I'm kind of just being frank with with the finance committee and those of you on the internet but I I think it's um I think it's something to ask ourselves later like what's the trust really meant for and and and what are we going to do with it or what can we do with it so I have a question now to our Department of Revenue rep right now too um so that's well and Greg I'd be curious because even if it was invested in treasuries or like fixed Securities now they should at least be getting 4% which would be like 12 Grand a year of 350,000 for perc would be 12 to 15,000 I might have to I might I might have to follow up with you about that okay well chat I mean that that's low for treasuries they were at 5% so cool that's not nothing I mean it's it wouldn't it would barely probably cover the cost of gas for like a season but like it still that's not nothing yeah yeah and our cemeter expenses went up 26% it went up a lot from 20 24 to 25 seems very high but yeah so this um and sort of why we're asking a bunch of these questions is we're sort of trying to formulate our comments um so I have in our draft comments here um you know if if we're not entirely sure what this trust account is I also want to make sure that's why we ask all these questions basically so um like we sort of said that one is Expendable and one is non-expendable like I think your comments are accurate as I'm reading them right now the the U for the non-expendable Professional Care trust is the purpose of sustaining funding for care to cemetery grants I think that's true if but if you're only using the interest it's just not very much you're just not you're not giving a lot for the purpose of but um yeah but I think that's accurate okay and I'm not saying these are our final comments either because this is this is open to discussion here um with the committee I think these were drafts that were kindly provided Maybe by Nathan if I remember um I just I have the conglomerate file and it doesn't really say who did what anymore so whoever did it on the committee thank you um thumbs up from Nathan all right great appreciate it so um so I can pull the Articles themselves up um as well for us to discuss and vote on um I'm lost in my windows here um but I sort of wanted to touch base on um if we have any additional questions or you know for for Greg on on these two different articles um or if we're ready to start going through the Articles individually themselves and um sorry we're is all right if I ask a Greg question absolutely um so Greg is the idea that the uh the sale of lots account will be and will be fully transferred on like a three-year cycle or rather than like annually that's a good question I think it depends on how much is accumulated year by year so if and um that's a good question I I I don't I I don't want to say one way or the other because I'm not I'm just not sure right now but I I would I would say if we look at it every year and see what the balance is like how much we collected um yeah yeah well just if that's like a receiving account only I I don't understand why we don't like want to transfer that as often as possible oh but I just want I don't I don't know if we would put it into each account each year so and then I got and the cycle like the the frequency to which we might be able to do both but I it is a good idea like otherwise it just sits there it's a receipts Reserve so like if um if you're like you can only use it for certain things otherwi and so you don't want to just sit like you should use it mhm like so I just like the last two articles in the warrant that y'all just went over is the ambulance receipts reserved so it's it's the same same concept like those articles are to ask to transfer from money you've collected for cost a lot of money to get an ambulance ride so the you we collect those money what's called a receipts reserved meaning meaning it doesn't go to the general fund it's reserved it's re received Revenue just for whatever the function is and then you um and then you transfer it indeed uh so I would like to propose that we look at Article 13 here um so this is transferring it to the Professional Care expenditure account do we feel comfortable on potentially doing some motions um I'll make a motion to approve the Article [Music] 13 I'll second the motion Nathan all right so Nathan has U made made a motion to uh recommend uh article number 13 and Melinda seconded it is there any further questions or discussions on article number 13 all right uh hearing none uh I will take a roll call vote to recommend article number 13 uh Nathan yes Linda yes Kevin yes Katie yes Peter yes I am also a yes um so that is that is recommends um so recommends um is there any further input on the comments for this article so now that we have recommended it it'll move money from the sale of lots which is funded by the purchase to the Perpetual care expenditure account so that it can be utilized for care of the ground this looks pretty consistent to me based on it's flipping through all my pages here based on the article itself so are we comfortable with this wording right I not hearing any additional questions or comments so I guess that we are acceptable with this wording for our comments for article number 13 right cool thank you for drafting those comments uh all right so uh we didn't vote to actually recommend I don't or I don't think we voted on the other comments we sort of just opened them as a floor to the committee so I don't think we have to vote on our comments unless there's any questions or concerns here but um before and before we lose momentum I'll go to article number 14 and then I just have a quick question for Greg about how we actually get this to you and where it goes um so before we lose momentum I'll just bring up article number 14 so uh 14 is the transfer uh to the Perpetual trust fund um so I will open up the floor for a motion for article number 14 I move to approve article 14 all right second the motion all right thank you um so there has been a recommendation so um Nathan has recommended Linda has seconded um to recommend article number 14 is there any additional comments or discussion for article number 14 all right hearing none uh I will open uh to a roll call vote Nathan yes Linda yes Kavin yes Katie yes Peter yes I am also a yes um so this is uh this is the same here so I'm having trouble moving this Zoom window all right so this is recommend oh shoot we recommend um article number 14 so this will move money from the sale of lots which is funded by the Perpetual to the non-expendable Perpetual care trust for the purpose of sustaining care to the Cemetary grounds and this is our current comment for this article do we have any additional feedback uh on the comment as it is currently written all right I am not seeing any um so these have been voted on and the comments have been finalized um thank you very much so Greg how would you like me to get this to you I assume it'll be posted on the website maybe a handout or something that's that's what I was thinking so based um my notes from today's meeting with with dick you know the the meting we had at noon today um I was expecting but correct me for if you heard otherwise or whatever or or you don't want to do it you just but this is what I got um dick likes dick likes handouts right so like he likes people have in hand like like you bring the warrant if you have warrant but um so I was thinking if you email me whatever you want the language to be right so the you finance committee recommends and here's the comments whatever um we could do a quick one pager and then and then just out it's like 600 copies like dick wanted to have he thinks there might be 600 people showing up so he said have 600 copies of anything we we do so like the select board they they have a a statement that they drafted like a state of the Town sort of statement and so we 600 copies of that um so you give me you give me what you want sort of print it I'll print it and then secondly um we'll I'll I'll update the um like the Motions form which again I just referred to as the script but it's like the format that dick really likes and and like Mo only a handful of people have actually seen this thing but um I'll update that and then I'll update the uh the PowerPoint slide um you know what I'm saying like I just want to make it like hit every point and then as soon as you get it to me yeah ideally I like to have the PowerPoint slide I like to have the PowerPoint like before time meeting starts because the power the PowerPoint kind of like does a good job of sort of summarizing this crazy warrant and then so I try to kind of do it and then people maybe before before the weekend going to town meeting they could just look at the PowerPoint and it really sort of like streamlines what people are voting on great but it but it particularly because um if there's any amendments or any changes to the warrant and I oh and and Jill I don't know um if you caught did you caught what I I said in the at this meetings today this morning that there is an amendment to one of the Articles no I actually I signed on like 10 minutes late so do you want me to speak to it's not it's actually not complicated want me to speak to it really quick yeah that would be great okay so that that article about the acceptance of um Fletcher Heist terce and the other one um that article says that it's according to the plans that are in the town clerk's office d did January something March something and August um because that's what they said in the fall when we when we first tried to get the roads accepted since then the plans have been like finally blessed certified by Town engineers and therefore the dates are not January March and August it's just August so the so it's it is actually kind of common I was I was really hoping we would get this whole town meeting would be the I think it might be my first first time mean that wouldn't be any amendments on the floor but this this is there's going to be Amendment on the floor and it'll be kind of seamless like the select board will just read instead of the selectboard or whoever most of these articles are selectboard articles but whoever is going to say articles in this case selectboard usually they just say something like motion to approve what's in the warrant accept the words to do or or there on accepted dudes to do or act their own like and then they that's it in in this case and you'll see on the slide and on the script they'll say motion to accept the warrant without the January March dates and only the August whatever the date is and then that's it so like it it'll be kind of seamless and again it's just because the maps have been certified so we go by we go by that makes sense I just hate I hate sort of like any Town meaning is already complicated in itself so I just I don't like one more thing thanks for sharing Craig appreciate that uh no problem I just something on that document that you're editing um it autocorrected the word convenience at the end of the first sentence to something else oh convivence that's that's that's the right word right that's not right either it's that's not right either oh no now you get to see how bad Jill spells there we go [Laughter] a I know spell good um especially when spell check sabotages me that don't like I don't know how that word spelled now I'm just going to use a different one um okay um so yeah is this is this sort of what you mean Greg something like this like okay yep I think that's it um all right great okay so I can send this to you after the meeting um and then you'll put these on the slides that are sort of projected at the meeting because I think I think so I'll see how we don't have to make separate slides you have to do the slides I I do that you just um okay I I uh I've already done the slides I there's just a couple like odds and ends I got to do um uh but yeah I I'll I'll see how it kind of fits and if it looks kind of wonky maybe I won't like say something about it and then sometimes dick says how he wants the slides to look and whatnot so yeah okay all right and um and I did want to bring up uh Katie I I am traveling for work and will actually not make the ATM meeting so I didn't know if you were available to chair uh the finance committee meeting in my absence oh she she's struck with with the silence um she did respond to me that she would do this um by email but I did also want to bring it up in the meeting to make sure that that's acceptable so I I'll follow up with her she maybe stepped away to use a take a little quick break it's been a long meeting [Music] um okay so uh the only other question I think I would have for you Greg is about the tri board meeting so that will be a separate topic we talk about tonight um I'm close this it um stop sharing I'm lost all my screen do you so we're going to discuss about that um here um about the the agenda and things like that do you need anything else from me about about the tri board meeting do I no are you referring to um like Wednesday night's budget meeting the tri board meeting on June 11th oh I'm actually considering that a quad meeting because because we're also inviting the planning committee no it's all good I just want to make sure um I so on the on the agenda for this Wednesday's budget subcommittee meeting there is an agenda topic to talk about what are we gonna talk about on the June 11th joint I don't know what we're going to call it but but joint Financial strategy I don't know but it but that's that's on the agenda okay otherwise my my Baseline understanding right now is that the capital planning committee is going to be doing a lot of the driving of that but not all of it but but like you know the I it's sort of like a followup to the February joint budget review meeting and Natasha's chiming in too but I I've but we've we've talked about this about like what we could talk about and and it's primarily longrange planning which is a lot of capital but it could ALS Al and is expected to include operational costs so longrange planning okay yeah and uh jillen and I don't know um I know that the school committee because we Greg had punted over that this question and I guess maybe this would be better for Wednesday but I don't think um the school department or was looking to present anything the way it was worded was that there would be a I guess present it's more about about kind of what you're mentioning now so I I would say um you know start some discussions about FY 26 operating but nothing that is more of presenting with numbers or anything at this point I think it's just opening the discussion piece amongst all the boards was the intent I think that the school had okay yeah I would just note that um I also um share the school committee's concern about FY 2026 I think um we for this upcoming budget we've drawn down on some uh limited use funds um that are not being replenished at the same rate we're drawing down and we may not be able to do the same gymnastics we're doing this year um next year so I my projection is that we are going to have to have a difficult discussion um with our residents uh for FY 2026 regarding our budget yeah thanks for voicing that that concern um that's also why I wanted to make sure it was in our our comments for the uh general fund budget too so um okay great um yeah so I guess before I fully move on to that topic is there any other questions or concerns people have for the ATM meeting okay um so if I'm looking at our agenda here so um so I will I will continue the uh I guess it's like you said it's maybe not a tri board meeting but it's a uh quad quad board meeting um which is a multifaceted meeting um yeah so it is also possible so I'll stop sharing here um oh I sorry I did going back to the ATM I knew there was something else I wanted to ask are we going to meet um we could potentially meet before or after so I can post the May 20th as um like a finance committee meeting starting at 6:30 if we think that that is something that we need like if there's going to be any articles we think we have to vote on or change our recommendations to if they get amended on the floor um we could post it as a meeting starting potentially at 6:30 uh and continuing on through the town meeting and then closing when town meeting is done um but that would have to be like someone would have to take notes and motion that it opens and when it closes and if there's any votes or anything which Peter I think we might have done in the past in case we thought there was something that was going to be changed but it sounds like we don't anticipate necessarily any voting or changes like I think there'll be a notice of Quorum because that's already posted with the ATM I don't know if we need necessarily posted as a as a fincom meeting it might I think I always recomend I know you didn't ask but like I'm trying I can't help myself like I I recommend you do post a meeting like that because there might be an amendment on the floor you don't you just don't want anyone to be like well why is the finance committee meeting like they I just I'm now you're on Peter so I'm sorry if this is and hopefully I'm not contradicting what you were about to say but I I recommend like I'm going to do it for this I'm going to do it for the select board so like I I generally recommend um posting a meeting sure that makes sense to me okay sorry okay so I can do like a simple notice of quum posting I think I have something from when we posted for the febrary meeting so it'll be a little simpler than our normal posting um and if Katie is g to cheer it because you won't be there Jillian I I'll volunteer to take notes ahead now so I'll make sure to be there and take notes ah you're back K hi oh you're on mute though I I said I was I was listening I just had food so ah okay yeah um yeah so I wanted to double check I know we sort of coordinated um oneon-one just to make sure that's acceptable so I did confirm I have that work obligation so I'm not going to be able to make the okay meeting itself okay thank you so much much appreciated all right um and then sorry Julian I was slightly uh confused but you're posting our notice for seven o'clock though not 6:30 right yeah it sounds like we won't have anything to deliberate before so I will post it at 7 I think in the meeting you I think you'll have to call it to open um I don't think you have to do it at the on the microphones like to the whole assembly I don't really know how that works honestly or if we just post it because we're all going to be there well except me like you have to take a roll call vote to open it right still yeah but you don't have to like you don't have to use a mic or anything like that you just yeah you just you can do it amongst yourselves if yeah yeah it's pretty lowkey yeah it's more the act of posting the meeting yeah okay all right so I have that written down so I will send that out to the clerk uh tonight I'm also going to send you Greg tonight those notes um the handout all right great so I think it sounds like our agenda items number one and two um are all set now so I think we're all set for the ATM checked all our boxes great um yeah so I think now we'll just talk about the tribe board meeting and I'll sort of brief you about some potential topics there um and potential future budget planning discussions um but I think before I do I I want to be conscious of Greg's time here so um are there any additional topics or questions um it sounds like going to have the budget subcommittee meeting tomorrow so I think we can get a debrief on that from um from Katie and Peter uh at one of our future meetings it's on it's on Wednesday but yes yeah one of our future finance committee meetings yeah so it sounds oh yeah tomorrow is not Wednesday I'm jumping ahead of myself I thought it was Tuesday okay yeah all right so um I think you're welcome to stay if you'd like Greg but I also want to be conscious of your time too so uh no thank you but I I I I like these you know pre-own meeting meetings they're very good and I actually appreciate that we had some little bit of turnout I know the Wagers actually I think they come every year but I still appreciate that they do and then um anyways so I'm here in town hall so I gotta go shut off we had a we had a public forum for the school building project so I have to go turn that I'm like I'm the guy in town hall so I got to shut everything down and lock up and go home and all that stuff so thank you so much I I I noticed it wasn't your basement so I wanted to make sure that you weren't walking or getting out really late tonight so l no I appreciate that um so anyways but if anything else comes up or Julian if you have any questions uh you can always email me can do thanks very much Greg okay bye guys yeah um all right great so um so for this quad board meeting um I did want to let you know the agenda is not yet set um but an agenda has been circulated um so um it'll be between the select board the finance committee the school committee and capital planning committee um and the topics um proposed are capital planning where the capital planning committee will make a presentation on some of their things that they've been I think you know they're planning they long range planning the five-year planning the um Clearo planning things like that I'm not exactly sure what will be on there so I was actually thinking to invite the capital planning committee to come and talk to us so um technically our next schedule meeting is the 27th which is Memorial Day so there will be no finance committee meeting that day um so we could meet on and I'm pulling up my calendar here um we could meet instead on um so June 10th would be our you know sticking with the second Monday and fourth Monday of the month but then the very next day on the 11th would be this this quad board meeting or tribe whatever we're calling it um so I don't know if we would like to propose to meet on the third instead so then we don't have two two meetings back to back um um but I can I can also check the the C the capital planning committee's availability on the third and on the 10th but I wanted to sort of do a little straw poll to see if people had a strong preference I like your proposal on third yeah I think the third too just split it up some yeah I like the third I can't be there on the 10th so the third works for me okay so I will I will ask if they're available on the 3 uh at 7M for our normal meeting okay um that's great and uh a couple other things for the Trib Bo planning meeting um that is proposed to be on June 11th which is a Tuesday um so the question is what time would we like to start the meeting at or propose to start it at it could either be 6: 6:30 or 7 um I thought it was at 6:30 but it sounds like there's some flexibility in that time is there a strong preference from the committee I was I was leaning towards 6:30 because it's in the middle of the proposed times but six would be hard for me 6:30 would be fine for me this is an in-person meeting right well and that's the other question is if we wanted to be inperson or hybrid um I would prefer it to be hybrid since it's like a week night and that's easier for me to do than like an in-person meeting I prefer hybrid I and it's going to be sketchy if I can make the 11th with or in Colorado coming back so I might be able to make a hybrid but definitely not in person okay all right um okay so that's great so um yep and the topics right now are the capital planning topics and then the second topic that um Natasha nicely touched upon is talking about operational budget planning um so um and I am also going to propose not necessarily like an official topic but we can also talk about that projection um projecting out you know three years to anticipate some of our budgets uh and I can work on that spreadsheet that we have been modeling uh in the past sort of the very simplified one um as like a tool so I can present that as a tool it probably won't even be slides it'll be more like a working meeting so um are there any other topics that the committee would like to flag for this uh quad meeting or things that you think are we're really burning to hear about I think maybe we'll know more after our meeting with the capital committee yeah I mean as far as capital planning is going it goes um I'd like to have some sort of update on the golf course and what like the long-term plans are for that um I was just concerned after Justin was explaining how like all the money go goes into the maintenance and how we're not really going to be able to afford the roofing so all right so I took some notes on that I can I can forward that to them ahead of the the call um okay great so are there any other questions that you'd like me to bring to uh Capcom about that uh June 3 meeting so I have the golf course written down um I'd be interested Jillian in the senior center if that's in their where that stands in their priority list or how they think we might move forward on that yeah okay um I'm also going to put the general topic on there of understanding that how they make priorities um okay um great okay so uh that's what I have for right now uh and that's that's all I have um besides our routine agenda uh so I do have some prior minutes that were supplied by Linda I'll pull those up I can get [Music] unlocked um okay so these are the minutes for April 22nd um so we talked about the different articles uh and we also talked about the fire department request and voted on that to do the transfer from the reserve fund and then we talked about the updates and the review of minutes um and you also nicely captured um the transfer in the line items down here so that's much appreciated to bring our Reserve fund balance to 184,000 and some change do we have any questions or comments on the minutes from April 22nd all right I'm not hearing any do we have a motion to approve approve the minutes from April 22nd I will make a motion to approve the minutes from April 22nd I'll second all right so Katie has made and has second approve minutes from April 22nd I will take a roll call vote now uh Nathan yes Linda yes Gavin yes Katie yes Peter yes I am also a yes um so these minutes have been approved so thanks for that I will save these as approved great um so I can send those to the clerk um all right so now that is that's all the minutes I have um so I think we're also missing minutes so if you look you look on the past website so April 8th are we missing so April 8th in January 2022 or January 22 2024 Jill I don't know if you're talking but you are muted there we go um so sorry about that I don't I don't know how long I've been muted but um yeah so I was going to say we so we are missing April 8th and the 22nd from this year of January um and in 2023 we're missing like eight meetings worth oh there's a lot I thought we were all caught up on those yeah I don't know what happened so um I wanted to bring this up again because I thought we sent them all but uh we're we're apparently missing some still all right we'll go back and look at those yeah so that that's um that'd be appreciated if maybe I'm just missing them no I'll look at those yeah I'll see what ones I because I know Kevin I don't what month what month did we make the change but I'll I'll look at what ones I had prior to that okay and you can find this this is on the town of mayard finance committee website and then you just click on like meeting minutes um and I can also if you if you can't find it I can also send the link directly um so so that would be much appreciated if you could help me figure that out maybe they did get approved and I just didn't send them and maybe it's me so no was us yeah I have in my notes from April 8 C said he would take the notes but I don't K I don't know if you have the notes from April 8th well I do I'm just I'm just still putting them together okay okay [Music] um all right so uh yeah so I think that's that's all I have for the minutes of Prior meeting so um and I updated you on the potential uh quad board meeting so I'll sort that out and let you know uh when that might be posted or what time that'll be for and um and we talked about the future meeting planning with the CPC on the 3 is what I'll propos to them so I'll send that meeting that that out to them later uh does anyone else have any updates or things you would like to comment to the rest of the committee on nope okay so um I was going to let kadia announce it but she's not here tonight but she will not be renewing her uh term so her term is ending um with this this upcoming fiscal year cycle in June July I always mix it up um so we will have one opening on the finance committee um so I also let dick know um and Diane who's the clerk so it I think it'll be posted uh at the ATM as a potential opening for people who might be interested um but if you have any anyone that you would recommend or you know might be interested um please do let me and Andor dick no so dick dick is Downey is the person who appoints us obviously to the committee um saying this more for the recording than for everyone here who was appointed by dick so um he is the town moderator so um if there are any any updates on that I guess just let me know so uh we will go forward um we'll have to also make sure that if people are going to be absent um that you please just shoot me an email so I can make sure we still have a quorum um so I think kadida said that she couldn't come tonight but she would try to stay uh and come to the other meetings uh until the end of the term uh and help with any potential transition so that is much appreciated um but um please do let me know if you might not be able to make future meetings and then that way I'll just make sure we have a quorum so I think a quorum would be four four people well that sounds right to me okay I think you are right great so yeah so um yeah if there's no additional uh topics for us to talk about tonight I will entertain a motion toour I will make a motion to adjourn our meeting on what is today it is May 13 2024 at 9:04 9:05 p.m. it's a record pretty good second the motion Linda has seconded any further discussion or comments NOP hearing none I will take a roll call vote um Linda yes Katie yes Nathan yes Kavin yes Peter yes I am also a yes um so our meeting is adjourned thanks everyone for the efficient meeting today