good evening we're just gonna quickly open the schooling and then we're going to enter into an executive session and then return back to the open meeting at 7 o'clock so uh I'm G to go ahead and call the meeting to order at uh 630 roll call Mary yes marrow yes yes ly yes Tasha okay yes the first item on the agenda call the school committee to enter into executive session under mgl chapter 30A section 21 A3 to discuss collective bargaining with the teachers mea teachers union mea and um chapter 21 A2 to uh to conduct strategy my gosh I can't my glasses sorry strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non union Personnel director of student service this open meeting will have a disal effect paring position of the public body and the chairs players school meeting will return to open session at 7.m so we're going to go ahead and enter into executive session May a roll call um Mary yes marrow yes Elizabeth yes Hillary yes Natasha yes we're recomputing from executive session so I am going to go ahead and go through the verbiage um as chair of this meeting I need to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me school committee members might call your name please uh respond to the affirmative Elizabeth Al yes Mary brandley yes Griff yes Mar Hogan yes okay uh student Representatives when I name please respond in the affir do we have we have report I don't see um so we'll come back I know did they say if they were coming tonight is it uh was Megan I don't know Rachel it's usually Rachel Liam or or Kay I don't see either them if anybody no Liam Liam was at the maybe oh track um okay staff when I call your name please responded May affirmative colen and yes ran hos yes CH Cara Janus yes Wayne White yes Adam Steiner yes great uh this open meeting of the manor school committee is being conducted as a hybrid meeting as Allowed by chapter two of the act of 2023 signed into law by Governor Healey on March 29 2023 this act continues to exempt certain Provisions under the open meeting law regarding um remote meetings and Public Access until March 31st 2025 this meeting is uh meeting via zoom and in person as post of the district's website while uh an option for remote attendance or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public this meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to remote attendees unless required by law please under this meeting is being recorded just um be aware that other folks may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording which is audible too and people by the public if you're planning to record uh please raise your hand okay no raises along with the agenda most of tonight's meeting materials are available in on Mayu website in the folder 2023 toate more agendas under the tab school committee public is encouraged to follow along using the ined agendas and documents unless the chair notes otherwise for public comments um it's a Time devoted to the school committee to hear from the public as such it structure primarily supports a unidirectional reporting of public comments rather than a bidirectional conversation here are the general rules for any form of public comment period any person wishing to speak and make a comment during a virtual meeting May do so by signing up publicly in advance up to the public comment agenda item at using the link provided on the agenda and I think that was posted in the in the chat that link okay um so on the agenda please have your name match so that we may be able to unmute you to speak all public comments are limited to three minutes to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has the opportunity to be heard no person may comment more than once that Commission of the chair as time allows the chair would consider allowing public comment for a second time especially if it bels or a topic that has not yet been brought up a person wishing to submit written comments to be read by the chair Medusa by emailing comments in advance up into the public comment agenda item to comments for SC meeting at mayor. subject line must stay public comments please make sure comments will only be read for three minutes if the submitted comments are longer they'll be suspended at the three minute Mark to ensure all comments may be read in their entirety suggested that you keep to approximately 350 words however submitted comments longer will be included in the public record um you can email comments up until at the end of anyone wishing to submit a comment for the public record after the public comment J item has passed can do so by emailing comments to comments for S meeting at m.2 up until the end of the meeting specifically standing are desire to have these additional comments ined uh BR rules I'll introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their comments or their remarks I will ask each member if any comments questions motions that anyone to make I'll go to the members for addition comments question time please go speaking into your name is call remember to speak clearly MERS wish to engage with others chair following today actually will be um was not be taken by roll call because we're all in person um and we had already called meeting to order previously before we entered into um our executive session so I am going to actually sorry okay um so now we will um we have two two discussion items we have the mea Teachers Union contract to discuss and and vote on um so I will make a motion to approve next uh execute the ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the school committee and the mayor education teachers effective September 1st 2024 through August 31st 2027 and um and ask the authorization for the chair to sign on behalf of school committee okay um discussion I just want to thank all Mars uh Brian negotiation team our teachers for uh such a successful um negotiation I know we've seen things through the state and it's really great that we've been able to um demonstrate how effective negotiations can occur and all parties are um hopefully happy with the results that we have so uh thank you all for your effort and time and making this such a success for us so three more years um all right um all in favor okay motion carries unanimous next item on the the agenda is the appointment of the director of student services uh Brian I know we talked but I don't know if you want to just maybe say thanks um or I could just read the motion happy to say we had a thorough and uh detailed search process where we were able to get many many resumes and interview committee worked really hard to identify who interview and finalists came and met with community members and staff and two two strong finalists after interviewing anding at all data and Survey results I'm happy to recommend Heather new to be the new director of student services terrific thank you for your recommendation um I'll go ahead and make a motion then open up for discussion I will make a motion that we uh confirm the appointment of Heather Newman as director of student services for mayor Public Schools approved the agree upon terms the threeyear contract effective July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2027 based the recommendations provided by um discussion Mary tomorrow right I know that Hill um um Heather she will be joining our next meeting is that correct okay great so we'll be able to to meet her and um and congratulate her person I'm very excited for for mayard a lot of transition but I look forward to opportunities to engage with her so and I know that um just to add I know cpad had wonderful things to to say through that process so I just wanted to add that as well so thank you all for a great hiring um U process I'm GL it worked out so all right uh go ahead and vote all in favor okay motion carries yes okay um any urgent business okay uh public comments I don't think we had any well H student representative report I don't see that we have a student did they say that they were not coming or or not I can I can table it until just in case give more time um that objection is that okay okay so I will go ahead and um table the student representative report agenda item till later on in the agenda just in case we get them to you're able to plug in if not we can U before the chair report I'll go ahead and can read it um okay superintendent report great I to be here uh hopefully we had a chance to do that um I'm really excited the first thing on there talks about the parent survey from the Dei committee and they we have worked really hard over a really long time to come up with a valid and reliable survey to some which as simple as that sentence sounds it is a really difficult Tas uh especially when you're working at trying to get feelings of belonging and safety emotions Etc um and we've worked with the education common project and in particular Peter Patza who's been just a great facilitator of lead leading us through this process and I'm really excited CH Janice has been a leader in this work as well and we're one of the few schools that's actually do a valid viable parent surve we also do the student we also do the staff which we've done so we're starting to cut on that up but this is really exciting but it's out there it's live right now it's live until May 15 and hopefully we'll continue to get into and won't take long I'm just excited that we were able to get it done get it out there and then start to do a look at the data so that's one really exciting thing question about that just just thinking about um once the survey results command from the parents is it going to be um able to be posted or shared in a way like redacted for the community to see the results as well because I know that in the past we had like the school councils would do it and then they would see the results the end and I just think it might you know to make I'll follow up with p and get his advice on what what to do with it there certain parts of it or something that might be more public facing that I think would be helpful for the community to have and then and then we can collectively see you know we're using a similar survey each year yeah exactly that but but the community can also see how the improvements are where they Shi on the way y so that would be great okay sorry it's okay uh the next thing will be on Monday we have a Green Meadow Elementary School building project Community Forum it's a hybrid meeting so if you want to come in person we actually not me in scho it will be at Town Hall and but it'll also be online it's in many of the s'mores it's on the website um so if you can't make it in person you can tune in it's just the update on the exciting b elementary school project and what the next steps are um currently the mayor high school art show is in full swing until May 10th it's at actually at the main Public Library um they typically open till 5: um they have a couple of late nights being one tonight so you're not watching you could go there they open you could go see it at the high school they did a mock a mock sorry accident event for the prom to get just remind kids about the dangers of drink PR it went well the police were excited to be involved the fighter department so me you know emergency services and the high school and little things that you know we continue to do just to educate the kids kids wear the glasses that mimic the different blood Club concentrations I don't believe but I don't know for sure those are really eye opening oh yeah so we haven't done it a little while probably since Co so it was nice to bring something back and just have that opportunity to really remind obviously tomorrow green metal book fair was last was last week was very successful uh another plug for the mayor Foundation they have their third annual taste in motion so if you haven't participated another great opportunity to do two things one of my favorite things is eating so you get to eat um the other thing is and probably more importantly it does support the mainor Education Foundation which there were many students and staff at their celebration a couple of hours Bel today and they're just an amazing group that fundrais fundraises and then gives that money promptly back in forms of Grants to students and teachers so just and I'm sort of poting just Mary's on that board oh no no no that's that's actually um I know when the video they had a fantastic video and um yeah and and Amanda uh was saying that when she's put gets post on the website She's going to send a link so that everyone could go see it tonight yeah sister was there oh awesome yeah it was it was really great um so yeah thank you for all the the work that the staff that a lot of attendees also great and I love to all kids there the high school kids and the fact that they felt comfortable getting up talk amazing but I want to say Jolly has given $165,000 for we incredible one of the themes that uh not to steal too much but I just wanted well it's in my mind is that they the themes from the rant from the the literacy literacy was a strong theme literacy I just wanted to to share like just the evolution of of literacy in Mard and how where we were you know a few years ago and and where we are now um so many teachers talked about it there as well and just the professional development that they're doing and bring that back and even students were talking about it and it's just become um just part of the culture which it needed to be but I just wanted to just also recognize that because it was it was fantastic so um anyway so thanks for everybody for all of that uh if you're not aware the mayor High School senior projects are underway they've been some are over some are still in play been working on that there'll be presentations on May 17th um so you can open also an evening with next week I think is when they do the they do the tri board uh that's when the projects are the Showcase the Showcase right yes I think the showcas yeah May 2 yeah oh is it it's May 2 showcase so project update if you've driven by the high school you'll see they've kind of cleaned up the site with the goal of having the front visitor parking reopened by May 20 so absolutely making progress um at the end of May father school will have a really interested but a holocaust survival speak to the students and do the ma that's get but that's exciting have you seen somebody speaking like that when I it's an exciting thing in act you can tell me stand the back absolutely um there were student faculty test matches student and faculty chess and Checker depending what they want to play matches at Green medal successful uh Personnel updates just we have changes obviously at Green metal because it's just became a principal we're doing search for syst principal which is underway right now we just talked about the director stud services the director of facility I'm excited to tell you that we did do a search we posted it we searched we had a committee um they interviewed a few people nobody really fit the B to move forward or you know as we should be we want the right person for the job we clarified the title and salary range put that out again got a couple more people and luckily for an internal candidate came forward and said you know I'm really interested um it wasn't quite that like it solved it in five minutes wasn't quite that um he this person Tony Saar he's been with us for a while he really did give it a lot of thought um he's actually been with us since 2013 he became the high school lead custodian in 2017 and the head custodian which is right below the director facilities just recently as in March of 2024 but he's like I'm really ready to move up I don't necessarily know everything but I know a lot about the high school I know about facilities I know about being you know overseeing people and I can learn some of these other things he's really excited to take on sort of like some of our other positions people taking that little leap of faith from the current position to a step up if you will into an administrative position so he is excited um we excited to have him also uh you know very much teams softball coach been around expected so we're excited to have him on board as part of the administrative team and then the last Personnel update you see the person on the screen who head brought our director of technology has an opportunity that he really can't pass up and we respect that although we will missed Dr Steiner because he is talented intelligent a team member he has really shephered through some of the hardest times technologically speaking with the pandemic and moving forward and we appreciate all he's done for us and wish him only the best um so we will start that process as wellam thank you that was more Accolade than I was planning give appreciate that appreciate that yeah just to say thank you I mean it's really been an amazing experience in Maynard I feel lucky to have had it um s such great teachers and with your leadership team now um really honored to have worked with them and I also was a mayard parent for one year with my daughter coming to the high school during covid and I I'm very thankful for that and um so it's it's a time for a move for me personally but I'm Really Gonna Miss Manor a lot so thank you help us especially through yes yes and also I just you know I know when you started you U I know this is really invting but I just want to make sure take this they don't get to see very often but um I know that you have such a a great vision for inclusion and in all aspects of your work carries over from your personal experience and how passionate you are about about that from you know website integration and programs and I just know that that you leave some big shoes to fill so thank you for all that you brought to mayard um and also just any success for your transition um thank you nice segue into the next agenda item by the way so I'm thank you very much yes all right so now we will go into the Innovation line um oh to I can talk about that because I know we just had some the chair yeah um Innovation learning and website update so Adam's yours thank you uh yeah this is going to be real brief um Colleen do you want me to share my screen or you going to share I can share okay thank you yeah so I uh wanted to give you just a brief update on the website and um and an even briefer one on Innovative learning committees um and so on the website I'm going to be showing you some slides that show statistics and for the last year we've been able to gather statistics on visitors to the website um to really use that data to help find what we're doing so um with the goal to make it more user friendly I've yet to find a municipal or a school website that seems perfect because there's so much information and everybody visiting seems to want something slightly different but we can use this data to try and make things easier um and this one is just to show you how much traffic we do get so in a a month we're getting about 10,000 views on average short visits generally people are looking for a phone number or they want to know what's for lunch they pop in they find it hopefully quickly and then they move on uh one other thing to note um part of the reason why there's this up and down is just the days of the week but we also use a page on the website as sort of our staff landing page and our computers are set so that it lands on that page automatically um to make it easier for our teachers and u perh professionals to get to what they're looking for I think one good goal um for my um the next tech director will probably will be a uh we have a a pln an internal website that it's just in its infancy but I think a good goal would be to build that out so that teachers can use that and we can have teachers go there because really the kinds of things that teachers are looking for and the kinds of things that are parents and community members are looking for are not the same and we really want the public website to be directed for the public and then direct teachers elsewhere so that's just something to bring up there um you can go to the next slide so one of the things we're able to look at are what are the pages that people are going to and to make sure that those are brought out and so uh the quick Links Page is that that staff landing page and there are some things that kids look for on there um calendars are are big people want to know you know when the day is off or what's the last day of school school lunches are always at the top of the the list um job opportunities staff listings like I want to find the teacher and send them a message or an administrator and then to get to Aspen so one thing that we have done is we have buttons that are larger on the bottom of the uh website underneath the banner is to make sure those buttons match up with what we're seeing as the most trafficked areas and you know when there was a lot of discussion about the Green Meadow project in in relation to the election that really popped to the top of the list so we made sure that button was higher up or that that was more um highlighted and then over time every month we get this report we can take a look oh okay this is what people are interested this is what they're looking for and making sure those things are are easy to find uh you can go to the next one uh we also you know I think I think we tend to think about our own usage and I know I'm more of a computer person generally when I'm looking for information just have a hard time on a phone but more and more we're seeing more mobile users and this data shows us that it's basically 5050 with even mobile being a little higher so as we design pages and um and Landing areas we want to make sure it's mobile friendly any web page we have any document that we have um we want to be sure that it can be viewed on a phone as well as uh on the web the platform we have does that automatically but it's something to keep in mind as we're adding custom pages and uh actually should mention which isn't a slide here but one of the things we've been working on over the last year that we're in pretty good shape on is making sure that all of our content is accessible and um in two ways one we want to make sure that we have text that can be translated our website has built-in translation functionality and because it's web-based people who um speak languages other than ones that we have built in they can use their web browser to translate to their language of choice but only if it's like clear text in the web page the other thing that people can do if they choose is to have text to speech so if there's somebody who's um visually impaired they may be listening to our web pages and that only works if we have text on the page so one thing we're trying to get away from are images of text which it sounds kind of kind of intuitive but sometimes people like they're going to do a post they can make it look prettier if it's a picture with like a background and then all the words on there but if that's just like an image then it can't be read by screen readers it can't be translated so we've been going through the website finding those examples and converting them and also working with our administrators to um get them to post if it's text post text if you want to have an image you can have a picture but any image you have you need to have what's called alt text which is a description of what's in that picture so that if somebody's using a screen reader it tells them exactly what um is visual on the screen uh you can go to the next um so that's sort of an update on the web page um Innovative learning committees uh so this really started when covid hit because we were introducing so much technology so quickly whether it be Google meet or Google classroom and getting devices out to people who hadn't had them including parents of our younger students and so we formed that committee pretty early on in covid and it was very vibrant and had some you know challenging issues to to overcome over the last year it's become clear that it's tougher for a districtwide committee like that to operate effectively because uh our teachers at different buildings are now doing more things that are unique to those buildings so you know it's not like we have Google meet which is like this overarching thing the software we tend to use at the high school is not going to be the same that we're using in Green Meadow and so there's it's ch nor the approach is so something like AI artificial intelligence is an issue that is K through 12 but the way we would talk about that in relation to high schoolers would be very different than kindergarteners and the other thing is that so much of the technology is now connected with the curriculum directly so you know we're not operating a vacuum but oh this is a cool you know Tech that somebody might want to use it's more like Hey we're adopting this literacy curriculum or this math curriculum and it comes with this technology or this technology would help to connect to that and again that's very building based so one thing that we're doing now and um I wish we were a little further along but I think mcast has kind of derailed us a bit but we're gonna I'm gonna get this going um between now and when I go is to shift to have uh and we've talked this through as a leadership team and the principles agree with the concept and and Brian and Chuck is to shift to school-based ilcs to have one in each School that can not only look at the technology but just Innovative practices and how we can make sure that technology is serving Innovative teaching in our classrooms at each building and I think that it's going to be much easier to have teacher participation because we can set the time that's U makes the most sense for that building we'll have you know a collaboration between the tech staff and the building administrators because we really want to tie this all together the you know the tech the teaching and also the evaluation um we want to see good uses of Technology you know in the classrooms as part of the observation process we want teachers to be setting goals around that and I think the ilc will be a you know a good place to do that some of the issues that I think are are critical are going to be critical over the next year to look at that these groups would be helpful with I mentioned AI um I think there's different ways to approach that and um we've already had some discussions about that as a leadership team second is around cell phones you know there's a lot of um discussion right now or examples of schools that are Banning cell phones or having kids lock them away during the day it's worth having that discussion to see if that's something we would want to do um and again that would be more of an issue for the high school and and Fowler um and then you know social media is always a question mark but I think it continues to be a real challenge to um to make sure that our kids are using social media safely and um so these are some issues that I think the ilc will take on uh we don't have these building based teams formed yet but that's something I'm going to work on in the next couple weeks and try and get going so that uh in the fall you know as teachers are coming back these are uh ready to get going right away um so those are the updates I have and i' be happy to take questions I don't thank you very much so I have a couple of questions I'm going to go through the school committee uh see if anybody else um Mar yeah um okay um so Adam could you put some you're probably already going to do this but would you put some of these notes down in paper for the next person coming in these are the things these are the next stages that I see um so that it make her faster to learning for that person yeah absolutely and in fact you know once somebody is hired I'm you know now and even after July 1st I'm happy to connect with them and you know support them in any way but that that's a good point about you know giving them some notes yeah got such a great idea it would be wonderful for them to have it thank you you're welcome um I this great I I did it's interesting because what you I looked at this beforehand and I was like I don't understand a lot of what what you're trying to show but you after you explain it I was like oh that's what that is that totally makes sense now so I appreciate you um being so thorough in um explaining what what that what what all you know especially the graph of the I wasn't sure what that was all about but um I think that what you've done is is fantastic over the the course of your time here um and I really appreciate all that you've done and um know I hope that that where you end up going is is all you hope for so thank you thank you yeah it Welly did make it official so we don't have to step around my next Landing place so there's no backing out now you um well appreciation so thank you very much and also I just along the same length what Mary said I think it's be important to make sure that the outs are establishs scho I'm sorry you I lost the last you have a lead that of the oh lead a lead person people who you know already would be interested yeah I mean there's certainly very active teachers who are involved with technology at each building I think within within the department I know that um you know Jason cabal who's a member of the you know Tech staff um really know he he's centered at the high school and he really knows the the staff really well he has a great relationship with them and he also um you know is has been picking up more of the educational side of it over time so I think he'll be a great resource there and then um at um at Fowler and green meow I mean even though the ilc the districtwide one has been kind of deflating there are folks from those buildings who've been involved throughout who I know would be a great asset um but I think it's you know hopefully these will bring in new people because sometimes when you form these committees and you mention the word technology you have the real High Flyers who you know they want to be they're really interested so they want to be there but we really want The Reluctant users to also come in and those um you know midare career professionals who maybe have established high quality teaching but they're looking to take it that to the next level so my hope is that we'll be able to um have some new faces that don't normally attend these kinds of meetings around technology okay so how can we make sure that we don't that doesn't fall through the craps now that you're um well I will make sure it doesn't fall through the so uh and I know you know I there's um you know a couple of the administrators are are especially invested and and they they've been reminding me so and we're past the main this is the last uh I think toughest week around mcast where we had multiple buildings at the same time um and we've thankful y all the technology is held up even with you know 300 kids doing it at the same time so I I think um it's a good time for the department and and uh for our building staff to take a look at this so right thank you so much you're welcome um I just appreciate all you've done and I I have a friend who works in a district that did not handle the technology while through Co and caused enormous disasters and so I think the things that you did behind the scenes to make sure it wasn't a factor was just amazing um and then the increases for accessibility and um I particularly love the securely uh account that you have like that really helps with the parent um I'm just really appreciative of you keeping everything going so that everything else can go to thank you uh I have a few questions for you with just kind of follow with some of the information that you shared the uh you mentioned about you monthly that I hear that monthly Pence you be you're looking at approximate the data of usage for the different websites to see where do you is there like a report that you or your you and your team look at to see um like maybe what buttons as you were referring to you might want to what is that is there like a certain process just kind of like ad hoc you know like Hey we're we have some changes we want to highlight I didn't know if You' have that systematically built in as a a process we do it's it's um called Google Google analytics and it even though we don't have our our website's not hosted on Google they allow you to put special you know uh piece of technology in the website so it can actually gather all that data for you and I you know I provide a sampling of graphs there but you can you can break it down in a lot of different ways you can you know you can look at you know where people are accessing it from languages and things like that and every month it generates a report that gets emailed um to me you know I mean I think most of the time it's the same patterns appear but it it is a good thing to keep an eye on um especially as different projects big projects come up and kind of thinking about I think it's a really great way that you're being responsive you know to um you know where the traffic where people are looking a lot and I didn't realize that that was something that you did um so often so thank you thank you for that because um I think anything that gets the community fewer clicks you know to get access their information I'm a proponent of so if that means moving a couple of buttons a little bit more prominently uh I'm glad that you've been looking at that monthly to see where we might need to make tweeps along the way so that's that's really wonderful to hear and I um echoing what everyone I would want to make sure that that is a sustained process you know for the next person as well that there you know uh expectation would be that you know to continue on with that type of work and to be responsive those type of um of things because information is going to be evoled and posting for the school websites all the time um that's great and then you the information that you were talking about the accessibility uh and the readers is there when information gets posted by different users right now do you does it all eventually come through you to finalize or I know people can have certain access to their own Pages do you run periodically a certain accessibility program to see like what pages might lag or you know kind of might need tweaks or something along that line I know like there's things that I've learned just um in my professional world that you know like underlying words is not really you know something that a lot of readers um are you know it's not really great to do and I don't know how much of that information is is shared collectively I know that the point you made about the photo and text in in in like photos U that can be quite challenging and so I I appreciate your lens to that but I'm wondering how do we continue to mitigate those things because it's not something that's very intuitive for the you know the average person to think about who's not who doesn't have these type of um you know considerations on a daily basis yeah the the website hosting company which is thrillshare runs an an at our request they run an annual report and they go through every page on the entire website and then they send us a list of things that are inaccessible so we can go through and adjust them and in some cases we can just add alt text if there was no alt text you know a lot of simple fixes but um also the web platform itself PE sometimes when people first get trained on how to post to it they say this looks kind of boring like why don't we have like Graphics flying across the screen or this doesn't look like 21st century website and it's designed with really accessibility first um so it can be a little bit Bland in some ways but that report helps us to identify things that have come up I think it's going to be an ongoing process because we do have our administrators posting their own content um within their web page you know and that also goes for social media and also of course emailing parents and using s'more so we just want to try and create as many structures as possible to make it easy and and then provide those occasional reminders and then keep an eye on it um and but I think s'more has been a you know a real um asset you know we adopted that pretty early on in covid and it you know it enforces a lot of those accessibility rules and also allows translation thank you for that and and thinking about the Innovative learning committees as well um I I know that again we think of the through the pandemic we've needed to have all these licenses and you know different programs that every school might use a different one would is the intent that these different building level committees would help inform some of those decisions as well or some you know usage or need not need I'm just wondering how do we how do we get alignment there um because it can be overwhelming and I know one of the things just from a school committee perspective we're talking about everything is licensing now you know with curriculum and so we you know I I know that you've worked a lot to to kind of kind of flag all of those but it'd be really great to continue to have a systematic process that um is building level but also you know District level that kind of says okay which ones are we getting our most bang for our buck um that we're you know we expand or purchasing you know I don't know whatever that might be is that something that these committees would maybe help with that as well just um understanding usage and which one we would not need to do itm I think that's a a great point and yes I think they could be an important part of that and uh you know during covid using Sr funds we were able to you know move quickly to get digital tools that um normally maybe we'd be more cautious but we needed to get stuff in kids hands so they could keep their learning going and since then we've been going back we can not only look at um you know talk to teachers about whether they're using these tools we actually can use uh Google and clever to see how you know actual how many clicks how many students are using a lot of these things and then in some cases we've you know had to make and by we I mean the building administrators say like this was good but we really we only have two teachers using it it costs a lot we also have this and you know and then working with the tech department we've identified this other tool that we all can use or we already have licensed but I think that's going to be important to keep going and also will come up as we're adopting these curricula so I don't know uh you know I don't know where we are uh in terms of the the math curriculum um as far as which we're direction we're going but that may take the place of some other things that we have and there may be some teachers who really love a different tool and again it's going to be a a discussion and a a professional development to in some cases say you know that uh we need to move on so that we have this colle you know this common technology that we're all using right um thank you very much and I just want to Echo what Hillary was saying about securely I know I think it's a really great um product that um I don't know if a lot of families I don't know the usage that you see that um parents have just signed up and using it their own children um at home but if not I think it's something that we should probably um you know promote a little bit more because it's you know turn the hours I don't even know how how how that there's been a tutorial that parents at the elementary school can get be like hey did you know this is what because it was it's been great you know years I've used it and I have middle schooler but I know even going through you know it's just one of those things that as a parent um they have a computer at home this is for school but you know it's can only have so many eyes where you're watching and and that's just a great tool to have so I love that it's accessible to parents not just school yes yeah so yeah both are incredibly valuable because we also have more teachers using it because kids are distracted and they're able to not only see students screens but they can even say today we're going to be working with these five websites and I'm going to set it so that you can only go to these websites and then at the end of class you know I'll unlock it um so I I agree with you it's a it's an excellent tool and one that we're gonna it's going to be important for mayor to keep encouraging people to use and and providing training um before I go I I um I did also want to recognize the other members of the department because I do think whoever's coming in is walking in with with uh three great team members there um I already mentioned Jason and just how critical he is to the high school and how much institutional knowledge he has because he was here long before I was and I really he still knows a lot more than I do about our systems and our servers and all of that um Jacqueline is our data specialist our Aspen expert but also is helping our administrators to use data to inform um their leadership and instruction at the schools and I think she's uh been in the district around a year or so um she's terrific and has really picked uh up so much and become such a critical person and then William is our halftime helped us specialist and he um such enthusiasm and he actually just got a cyber security certificate I've encouraging the members of the all the members of the department to to be training on cyber security because I think that's going to be such a challenge for every District um including mayard and um so he took the initiative to go do that and has become a really knowledgeable member of the team too so one Ben you know one good thing for the new person coming in is that they're GNA have this great team to work with right from day one thank you for um for being such a great leader to your team and advocating for your your team's needs and point about the cyber security uh these I I everyone can turn the news on here all kinds of um you know Ransom situations and I think May being a small District know is small or a small town um wasn't there a grant I I I I remember there was something about the Cyber it was a town level or some type of joint I don't know I don't remember all the details but there was some type of State Grant um does that sound familiar you at all about either about implenting cyber security or something that we were either looking at or got or I don't know I don't know if yeah two I think two years ago we got a state Grant and it was tied to a certain training product for cyber security and yeah Brian May start twitching in a moment so the product that the state selected for cyber security was way too um redundant and long and painful for our teaching staff it just didn't fit school systems you know I think it was mainly you know had um cities and towns in mind or I don't know it had people with a lot more time onali and schools right it was kind of like a a townwide kind of effort or trying to yeah it was for both uh so it went to everybody and so we recognized that that was not the right platform for us even though it was Grant funded so we identified a different product which is called No before which um you you may have noticed those emails test emails that's part of that there's also training required training that everybody did at the beginning of the year that is manageable and and reasonable and fits in with uh you know teacher schedules and all the demands on them it just so happens that the state also recognized that that initial software was not the right fit and so last year they announced we're adopting a new platform for our grant program and it's no before so we actually beat them to that so we are um we'll be able to apply for that Grant in the future when we go to renew no before but I think it was a good choice and the feedback has been that it fits our needs better and um it also is effective but you know it's ongoing training um and something that that's going to be a challenge going forward so we're just going to have to constantly be reminding folks and um looking at systems to make sure they're safe email last week I thought it was um had the attachment that's what it was like a test I thought it would um you're like oh no this is one of those things and there was like some email asking me about um a bill and it looked like say I'm fishing um and I ho it over to Adam and Adam was like oh no this is one of those they they open it but it was one of those tests so they it comes to everybody so it was really uh it's relief that to see how that it looked like just regular yeah regular email but basically if someone opens that you get do you get like a notification or is like like a weekly kind of how does how does thaten if you click it it pops open the email and it says you know this was a pretend fishing message and then it shows you the things that you should have noticed to recognize that it wasn't authentic so um we don't want to do that too often because we don't want people to be clicking just you know because they're curious so um we want people to assume it's the real thing and ask us if they're not sure um but that is a you know an effective tool to right you know to see how we're doing and because we can see who actually clicks through as well and um in our case with those messages there were very few people who actually clicked any of them so um it was good evidence that we're on the right path that's very good L Miss test on on how we're how we're learning and growing that so uh thank thank you very much for for your time this evening and for your work and um hopefully we'll get to see you before you officially leave but um thanks very sounds good thank you all good night okay so now we are moving on Chuck I think this is for you is this the racial uh oh that's you okay both of us actually all right well um Jump Right In All right so we did we had a team Chuck Adam David SN assistant principal here Li the principal of high school and robt the six of us attended participated in the ready Initiative Program that both Jessie and MS support so it was actually in Chuck with ch um it was actually the inperson session were really really good uh they had a facilitator who I never seen before having met before who was really sort of took the approach of helping us understand our why and really it wasn't about um what people are doing wrong really about where we at now um and it was a lot about some of the things so that was interesting it was pretty informative I would say as a district it was nice to be able to bring a team so we had representation from each building we had District level um representation and to really be able to have conversations about your District so there were lots of districts represent this like is this like AAL kind of so it changes this was one of the mod this was like part two part two that we participated in um there may a part three they're sort of in discussion with themselves with that so we also had the inperson days then we had virtual days and then we actually got a coach um which was a lot of fun we had this retired superintendent um who's interested in this topic and came out and we could basically bring a problem practice um and it was really interesting before I go down that path and some of the key things we talked about of leadership um at the very beginning we talk about the empathy Bridge which is a different way of thinking helping us think about why these all few points acknowledging that it's Challenge and expressing empathy uh and talking about Hope and choice and spency so I think we gained a skill set that we might not have had prior to this um experience I'm changing we we really looked at changing our leadership to um as a group and focusing on this but also being realistic to where we are we have U capacity to do um we talked about this great term which maybe not mean to everybody but zone of productive equilibrium and being in that spot so you're not you know uh in a situation where everybody's overwhelmed and just upet but you're in this Zone where you can feel it and you're working and you're making progress and they're just incremental steps um the view from the balcony which is not what necessar probably business but that ability to take a step back and reassess the situation and sometimes saying oh that wasn't what we wanted to happen we need to do that just or acknowledging that was well that work well let's do that again and anything in between and a lot of discussion around identifying and addressing Equity gaps um so one and then also talked we talked about inclusive teaching strategies Community engagement so some of the things like Community we did our data equity walk we work with the D committee surveys out the data um one of the things that no oh no I know I remember when our coach came out we questioned our loty system for Spanish inversion was it fair wasn't it fair and we looked at what we did what has been done what could we do different and we really just focused in on that and spent a lot of time problem Cas so we yeah one of our coachs came to us that's that was one of the ones that we brought to really let's look at who applies and let's look at how many KS all put on the table and really say should we should we have a lot should we do should we change it and so it was just really I would say it was a beneficial practice beneficial experience um having a third person third party facilitate the discussion because we can get pretty you know SL we do it it works we love this program it's successful our kids get the seal by literacy and you can sometimes it's hard to step back um so having that person facilitate that um and look at so what could you do that be any better or is that when we just meting different hles to then overcome so I would say it was a really really good part two um I think our team learned a lot I think it's a topic so that diversity equ that topic is something so we asked our like do you stay with us next year or is there a part three if you will um and they're sort of working they have next depart education the buying so F call this one not have attach to because we switched I think there was no feed I think this I CH you want to add you feel free yeah just uh than think all what struck me is uh particularly this last session we looked at techniques to analyze problems of practice and try to uh really drill down to what what are the issues that might be in play that we can tackle and there was questioning techniques that we learned and you know not to be satisfied with the first surface layer responses but to really keep going down but in a very respectful way um and uh there were demonstrations of that we got to practice that uh ourselves so that was very useful but the coach Meg May o' Brown was uh I think a really really strong coach uh so was pleasure to work with her and I think that I think one of the other things that came out of session one and session two is to be deliberate in what you do um to really think through your steps I think our parent survey is an example of we want to get quality information not just any information and when you get quality information then you can make really warm judgments about where you want to go from there so it's uh it was extremely worthwhile and and the team we had coming with us was a very strong team um unfortunately Adam is leaving and Rob is retiring but um but you know four of us are back and I I'm sure we'll have two strong team numbers I suspect that there will be a part three I I think these sessions have been well received and I'd be surprised if Jesse and ass suddenly said well think think they're done I don't think we're done so yeah definitely a worthwhile training and uh with benefits to the district great I I and the reason why I was asking um is one to your point there's we have leadership turnovers it' be great that this opportunity can be something that new leaders can attest you know they missed one leer so everyone kind of has that same either common knowledge or common language that they're using like they're building um I also was wondering because there's just been um and you know maybe this isn't quite we're not hearing any type of push back on Dei initiatives as a whole just because you know just um we're seeing those in on higher education and I don't know any of that has kind of trickled down to well no but that's good um so I think we're gathering information in a manner where it we'll be you're the possibility of someone coming in and saying you know this is crazy whatever is it's always there but I think we're creating a broad based set of uh questions and responses through our surveys with the student staff and now the parents where someone comes in and says this is ridiculous how can it's like we have a 90% response grate um you know and the data is showing what the data shows uh so you know it it it takes it certainly takes the logical or any attempt at logical schem out of the sales of someone who just wants to push their own particular I think it just reinforces that we are always intending to make data form decisions and um and so using the data like collecting that is part of that process so I mean people obviously always have opinions on way you do it or whatever but I think it be are consistent in how our approaches it's evidence-based um that's when I think it builds that credibility now so that just using it way so I just want to go through and that's okay I I'm hear Hillary you first um questions so I'm thinking about this coach and if you guys found it really tful in terms of assessing things and that they were able to push back in a way that was receptive or people were receptive to and like help like expand thinking um it it do they have their own Consulting Group that they could be you know hired to help with things if they come off like a good question think she works a in the I'm not sure which group she is align so but we could certainly reach out I don't I don't know if at some point that but I would think both groups would support us reaching out and saying hey we have a good work relationship and they help us look get problem and I think to CH I think it will yeah we be able to participate in because I think they're getting trash like they were there were how many districts the B AC State and we're probably distri but we had a good siiz team we had we had a siiz team that some of the bigger distri had I was I was very happy that we had a team and they invested they participated and I think all of them I think it sounds great and especially if like you could concurrently work on like the overall culture shift and addressing specific issues as they come up yeah and that person would be able to help with that you for the update I this it looks great um I have two questions one is I see that some of the you know things about Lottery you're still kind left conversation little are plans to continue that conversation not be around or so no I mean I we did just sort stop but we actually finished that conversation and made decision as long as we're communicating so that was some of the things making sure that like ours know that happening but another we and so some of it was sort of just fortunate that happening and our out so we didn't have that in the past so we didn't have that yeah yeah so that so that um and the second thing is I guess you know whenever you do a training like this or my experience it's it's like it's it's neat when you're doing it a shift in your brain but then it's hard for my brand to continue to go on the same that it on is think but fall back to my place so I'm this program do something supports me how to kind of retrain her systems besides this one training potentially so I think it does and I think and I'm be well no this is more Mas which I do like and I think they are a strong organization and so like we'll go you know Chuck and I will go this summer today this has been part of their it's different every year and it continues to evolve so I would say that that support is there you sort of if you sign up now during the year you have that sort of every other one all the way then you have B in July and then it's part of the conversation that we're having because half them more is on so I would say and I would say current like right now leadership team is they're on boardly about I think they strongly about I think the next step leadership yes I think we're still working on making sure it's like you just talked about it's strong leadership level but then really the next step and it's just I know it's impal steps just hard is really then rolling it out to how that's that's we we actually started that work I looking at my phone for a graphic that we started sketching out just in terms of the initiatives we have in the district how do we bring that home to everyone so we sort of conceived of it as a wheel and the wheel has sort of pie wedges and you know we want to have udl we want to have sheltered immersion we want all of these strands to come together in the classroom so you know so we're starting to look at how do we make that reality I actually when you say that um principal you at the sack meeting um did the wheel and so it was cool to talk about that like yell and to the students um were talking about so yeah yeah so actually my original sketch it's great that I I didn't connect that was where um so yeah clearly already it's starting to translate so that's you know she brought it back to students and how they're thinking about um all those pieces um right yeah I guess just I say I think it's really nice to hear that everything is coing to a very Pro Vision of how you supposed to write from building right that we are thanks Mor um so going back to the Spanish Emer Lottery um did you do that did did whatever you learn inform this past one or did that happen after the L had happen that one more time what you learned in y did that happen for this past lottery because I know that was like we two weeks ago whatever what this this latest yes yes yes it happened before so so in this one used but anybody could okay have information you think do you have stats on the makeup of the spish inversion and during class to be able to compare like last year's kindergarten this year's kindergarten that could be interesting see if you did get yeah well I wonder if when did this happen that that okay because I just wonder if like next year because you'll have more time to kind of absolutely get the word out that more you know kids of different diversity apply Lottery that maybe you'll get more I would think that will happen great job Mary yeah um I just had two questions one was sort of answered but um how does all of this triple down to the benefit of the students so I think if you have real integration of all these Concepts um Universal Design for Learning really is to increase accessibility to the curriculum for all students um it's its ways of looking at it moving construction for all Learners rather than um traditionally maybe a curriculum is chosen or even a book is chosen and it's taught in a particular way and if 85% of the class does pretty well with it you say well that's pretty good and you know and the you know the other 15% kind of sort of got it well you know kind of talk yourself into just moving on I think uh if if we do this well over the coming years it's going to be real instructional impact um for every learner to be able to access the curriculum and we put a lot of work into uh bringing tools on board to measure that well I think part of why we wanted something like map uh as a assessment system is so that we can look kid by kid like student by student and cohort by cohort and say is every student really you know reaching a level of proficiency with this B of Concepts in English format I think that's where we want to get to so I think the work we're doing through the ready initiative is kind of given us a different set of tools administratively to look at what we do um and um things like uh bringing new curriculum in English and math in gives us better curriculum tools so you know if you have solid curricular tools solid instructional practice you ought to see better results and now we have an instrument to measure those results so we're trying to put all the pieces in place that second question it was how do we know it's effective it's working you know the atics mostly through the map assessment I think Maps will give us insight into sort of academic achievement I also think the uh partnership we have with BCP where we're doing the survey work will give us insight into sort of the the emotional and social uh effectiveness of what we're doing too so we're trying to come in from both Direction and have tools in place to measure Effectiveness I gu question um so right now it's leadership team that has has gone to these how do we go from there to all the teachers to then all students it's the mindset leadership tripling down to that the profession develop hopefully it isn't even solely tripling down we have we have a good number of Staff members currently who are highly proficient teachers and you know you want to go on peer-to peer uh horizontally as well it's not leadership comes and goes you know you want the culture to stay I was just actually that was my followup say it's really like it's a culture shift yeah so and that doesn't happen always pretty easy um but you know the the measurable piece you know I was thinking about you know Mary's question there is is there um is there thought to maybe thinking about um picking a particular thing you know and then like following through so like the Spanish Immersion right that was a case that that guys presented this year and then um you know let's follow that like this is this year's you know project that we want to look at and see in next year and then maybe next year there's like another um I don't know maybe collective decision where we want to look at something and then I think that would that really might help um I mean I know it's more than that there's like the intangible piece but that also informs like um you know a little bit more data um you know okay let's follow this one through we can look at all those different influen of dat the communication piece the maps uh I think that's a great example but I would look to see there's some scenarios like that that you guys can come up with I think and right I mean like some of the things I'm looking like the um empathetic Bridge you know I don't know if that is you know I know there's been a lot of conversations around like discipline and that's shifting in our state and how this might influence that as well you know there was a student who got um you know a me Grant it was talking about you know like the the school for the pipeline like that was something they were interested in so like is there those scenarios like something that we can look at again that do kind of kind of touch on some of these that we might want to be like you know hey let's look at this approach how do we um you know how how are we in practice fing so anyway that's just a thought from From perspective but I'm I'm glad it's um it's continuing and thank you all for your work um bringing it to the district so now we are moving on to the super evaluation timeline Brian I you we haven't talked about this but uh yeah so um but I I went and dug out our um the in our put in our folder what the last iteration we we had put penciled in um number 11 so we don't have looks like the next step so we what we've done is the um the formative assessment the midar kind of call The Next Step would be the end of the year uh report cycles and um so this is what we had tentatively penciled in before was the end of May there was no concrete date but I don't know if maybe if you can yeah kind of start thinking about kind of coming to this conclusion and then the school committee uh we had talked about uh I guess if we work backwards maybe um is late June still a realistic I think that was our Target um and I want to make sure that yes yeah so I think that's still our Target for getting to finalize your evaluation but it's going to probably require a lot of between now and then just you know next end of May I can get you okay okay I can okay so June 20th is our laste just to let you know that that's right so when we're talking about final evaluation presented discussed and voted in a public meeting June 20th is the day that was have to be okay so that's what I was just saying like let's work backwards from that then that means um we would want to also I think last time and we do like to have a meeting that we talk about it first right we actually having a meeting and voting so it might be that we need to have a special meeting you know or maybe that maybe that's the meeting we vote I don't know how we going do that I think we did schedule like a special me just for the superintendent thing um if we need to um so we say June 20th is we maybe vote um before that we'll need a meeting to um think I think if we were going off of the actual already scheduled meetings of go the meeting before that would be the six and then the meeting for that to go for the gr information May 23rd which is [Music] so June 6 is um that'll be like our first exection right like first reading okay so first discussion oops um but then we have um we need a [Laughter] compiler so mind okay well we have template at least we're off a little bit that's just like I'm scooting back okay all right so um so you you're okay with the compiling being the compiler okay great um it sounds like a terrible goal when we that so I'm not a of this process I know I know it's it's we so if we are thinking about again working backwards then tomorrow will need to have time to do the compiling um before June 6th so um that's a Thursday so I would say school committee each members would have to have ours done by the 31st right no don't we just submit the final um evaluations by by the six right and then she has between the 6th and the 20th now the sixth is when we're having a meeting where it need to be are compiled because we're going to be discussing it first unless we again unless we want to schedule again I think that the way this is this compiling needs to go here well no yes you submit to me but that's not going to be on okay this this date what this should be done is is we discuss a first read that will be the six we okay yeah no I've been looking at okay all so I've taken the updated it yeah so that's what that's what I saying so Brian is GNA get us his um by May 24th his but in the interim Nothing Stops any member to go into the evidence bu that they're all there so you know if there's anything I would say between now and 24 that you're um like you don't see me you want to be done or whatever I U one thing I I the superintendent J us I think that was one the you're still working on um upate um okay all right so we have the 24th we're going to get the stuff and the school committee is going to do our individual we have between the 24th and the 31st we have one week we giving ourselves right I think we can do it I think we have to have to are you someone going away right after that 20 the last meeting in June too I thought that usually does I she's going with her family and I'm going jump sh but like so the 20th is basically a hard well I think it should be because well yeah yes but I like the 28th is been like it that's oh really like so we have yeah yeah but you're saying yeah otherwise it ends up being last year you're in August not went out okay all right so school committee will get the information by the 24th thank you Brian y um and interm school numbers go to the folder what see BS whatever there is Mara can you double check the the template the up toate one the goals I think it was I think I updated it but but just but then I feel like if I'm remembering directly we made tweaks and stuff so I think I need to go back in and just make sure that it's all so I will go I will do that and and send everybody a link to that like the updated yes um the the the final yeah okay great the r okay so just remind me which is the folder is the goals not there no there's another one um yeah it's a superintendent evaluation it today um there's like a folder within a folder Mary yeah this well we have the evidence folders as well yeah I'll send an email just for the I'll do that okay just make I'll fill in the up the updated dates on the template and I'll circulate um that and then what the links are to the folders because I did look at it earlier today um just so we're all making sure we're using the same or with same understanding of what's Okay um do a plan yeah yeah okay so okay so I'm doing the compiling from the 31st June 6 well so no because we'll have to have it before June this is where you're GNA comp day before yeah you're gonna compile it and then I guess maybe send it to Colleen so Colleen can oh yeah it has to posted right yeah because we can't see it until it has to be like really almost shortly thereafter like if we get it then we have to so um so we want to make sure it's included with the agenda um Tuesday so then June 4 yeah then it can be attached with the agenda exactly and then that's public notice of it we'll get access at the same time okay that means that I really need it yeah on the 31st yeah no later yeah so we should really start drafting it and then kind and then okay all right I think it'sit they actually they didn't say 24th they said he's gonna give us phone no he's he's just gonna he's gonna he's gonna give it to us which I think when we get our evaluation that's what I would imagine think about that the process when you because you're going to email it to us um do you want to do you want to present it as in a way first we're doing evaluation I can do on the 20 so instead of the 24th it'll be the 23rd and I will the school committee meeting so I will walk you through my year end form but that questions you can tweak it4 follow I'm gonna give this well day right but I will have that form done you just aren't going to get it a week in advance like yeah time you guys time to and also I mean I'll meet with you that Monday SP or up their check in so if there's any questions over the weekend anyone's reading in or whatever ever I can next on the 27th okay so present 23 okay are we uh are we good right now feel we many the head one like no no I'll there's a couple of different there's things in different folders so I want to make sure I don't move also so to dash I know but I don't want to send it I want I want to know where to find it myself okay well then we after sorry you go to file details it'll tell you what folder it's into okay um are we good so I can on to the next thing yeah uh set school committee meeting dates for FY 25 so I pass out in the folders yes your visual there's a calendar circling the dates um I know agenda itself didn't say vote on it but i' appreciate a vote if there's no real issues yeah that's my I we I think remember if we actually vote on it normally okay um so yeah it works um and we did check all the religious holidays and all that do we need to avoid the April 17th I know some staff do appreciate it okay because we do have some but do go to church only 30s oh yes that has like Charles wouldn't come to school I um not that I'm or against um I would want to make sure from an equity perspective that same logic is like we have Jewish you know staff as well and for like sh we at we looked at all that as well um so there's only one no there's two meetings that will be on a Wednesday instead of Thursday and and June that's because that's juneth day on the night and in October there's like a 3 week meeting schedule because the third is Young right I thought that there was a thing in previous years where we sort of needed two meetings early in summer for the budget I think once we have our budget calendar like maybe we we might need a TW like that's happened like a coup depending on where and the way Christmas Falls this year and everything just because we need to get it to we're probably gonna have to get it to um him earlier because it has to be I think by the 15 or the six for the charter so that's well vote on that budget um so that looks about right I mean if need to add like a one before that or something yeah but yeah so I would say we probably on voting well on the reest and then um so Brian can BR with before the the next uh I I know I just wanted to just clarify I had sent over for the summer so Alexis seemed to be uh have flexibility in the summer so there wasn't anything there was I think she will be uh away but also accessible via Zoom for a certain period for an audence so that 15th meeting probably she'll be probably joining via zoom on uh on that day and I think we probably we probably haven't a lot of workshops this year um but maybe I the summer is always good to kind of we're have our self evaluation so maybe we'll do that next um we can add a workshop also we um sort of the one of the policies was um mission statement and he sort of just went with what was already there and schol the schools but it's a school committee policy statement and um trying to talk about working on it in the summer and the leadership team working on it and then it may it may be something that the to together some you know like either like beginning or the end like a brainstorming or a so something help get on the same page yeah I think last the last two years I last this year but we have like an adbe in August you know which might be come here and do like a you know a workshop um together that something just some out there that might I think it be fun everybody page Yeah just something yeah com back so whatever yeah versus late every summer schedule T to get busy yeah I mean I'm sort of looking late in August yeah great um So based on what we see here um are we good for now to vote on this okay so then I will make motion that we vote to accept the recommended school committee meeting dates um then call f25 said that um and then calling are you able to they just add to our right um any further discussion only thing that I I think they adds workshops here or December depending on bunch of stuff but that's always kind of like else you can vote I mean you guys yeah so want actually um so all in FA all right and all St all right so we have one obal and rest for yes motion carries thank you very much okay and uh chair report so something I mentioned earlier was that uh Mar and I reach out and we just congratulate uh Alexis and anyone else to know who her email share her email address she has already been sworn in so she's able to to join right away she could make it evening but um she intends to join um the rest of the school means uh she didn't indicate if it was to be person or um but I let her know whether the hyri is so we are going just kind of work get new number some materials to start off with um a lot of the work has already been done I know there's who kind of like started it I know marrow did a lot we found some things there so it might not be as difficult it just kind of like tweaking and what done the protocols that will be that's new for this year so we want to add that into the new member for um and uh and we she be you know kind of like have fun reading along the way so that's that's for that um I I don't have anything oh leer this is the other one uh to this is actually just came up this week there we've had a little feedback I know we had public comments at our last meeting about um Bringing Down the pictures and so we met uh Brian and I met with with Mike Arya and Justin and R and Phil fers two days ago yesterday actually and just discussed all the considerations um you know Brian and I were know expressed Our concern with like the Yellow Tape is insufficient for for a risk perspective Yellow Tape is no longer there yeah right and there are people sitting on it well and there was a for like at um the softball Baseball opening day there was a four-year-old hanging from side of the bleachers and lifting his leg up over the top and so these are the these are the option you know I and we did I talk about that all the time I you know I um Justin and Greg in the kid they don't hear any back that people wanted hear them now so I was thought that was an interesting like oh we don't hear I know I like exactly they you know so I think there's there two things one is Aesthetics and one is C right so putting the Aesthetics aside right because I think the focus was well like what do we think M be perspective um there is either we could tear them down now um it obviously it's not without cost so right now the number hasn't really been you know it'd have to be bit out it would be probably over like $40,000 um there were concerns with doing it peace meal because that was going to be part of the larger project and sometimes peace meal projects it can cost more um because it's you know you're you're maybe doing things twice so you having to bring it right um so that was a concern is you know and nobody has ,000 um you know right now to do that um so the other question was okay how do we make them more secure possibly and so um Brian I mean talk about the so um one of the suggestions that Justin brought up was like okay we can get some fencing like six foot fencing like like they have our construction sites and um see if you know either rental or or purchase depending on that cost so Mike and um kle we're going to do some measurements around so it would be like around so the back part the side the front um and you know if there are access points it would be something that you know as needed Mike um I think there is Interruption if you take them down that know I think obviously rather Vis up to power source so that having the Press Box there is preferable but it didn't seem um insurmountable if it did we you know decision was to take them down they could they could do we here um it doesn't it might mean that some events might have to be plan differently us football would be the most impacted sport didn't sound like it would inhibit us from participating anyway maybe we wouldn't host certain things but anyway that was the tear down option so right now we're just in this of Discovery phase where um we're going to see costing how much it might be to do but I wanted to just I wanted to ask you all um because everyone has strong opinions on what what the majority you know feel is that something that folks feel like would be um because it really would be for a year have that was the other question but I don't want to be spending I'm spending $40,000 on fencing this is my my thought because you actually me we're not going to secure funding till November right realistically construction's not going to happen we're not going to demo the next day so you know that's November um let's just say December if we're optimistic you know we ready demo um if we are renting fencing now or spending money on fencing now that could I don't know how much that would be we're still G to have to demo so it's a it's a redundant cost you know um Phill did say that approximately and nobody has CH to is that you know peace Meed it it be like 40,000 now might be 30,000 with the project because it's it's Ed larger project you know I think it depends on how much people feel so right now we're just discovering getting the cost does this cover the other the smaller fures between the softball and this is just the oh there was the the tape on the yellow tape on those smaller ones yeah I mean it's not ATT H in like it's there like two years and fallen off and you I can do I was not I think there was some there was one that was taken down there was like one that were really bad I think uh I they down the visitor side visitor there was one alter between DJ and ke um those the ones they were I think there were two sets there's um can we check on the safety of the one that's remaining um it is it is there is no I was there what last week or something um track um and there's no tape on there anymore on the alumni on the alumni bleachers no tape and there were there were spectators on the bleachers watching that's the challenge is that we're heading into the summer and and it's going to be less you know there's no right now there's no enforcement right there's you know somebody but over the summer there's G be fewer staff to monitor the situation and that's was you know Brian's concern that I me obviously we don't wan to I like when I went to the high school today I took project it's a big SP six High nice met offense with the gate that could be the same thing those tap Z when they meet them for football for the six they can open and go up and then doesn't impact the schedule or anything like that so that but I say that not knowing all the information the cost of but I think that will be I do anticipate so that aside um with with is the not knowing the cost um is the fening option something that that cost ver cost that and then when could be actually sooner maybe that's better you so demo umss with the pressx but it does take away stress of thinking about some bra cells on there you know and then maybe too there's more an understanding and they man with the big thing that they put up for the WM and stuff for softball that what they would do if it was instead bre box so and again you're as right we don't that these were the questions that and I don't want to to but it sounded like there was concern that the cost electric that was a pretty significant number and putting a fence around that may be a significant reduced amount that we to be on track and to also but it does what you said message of these AR user friendly we need to do something I so $4,000 like that's the number that was thrown on there could be you know but you know um as we saw like just the information with the project the escalation costs you know between now and higher I mean I was also saying you're bundling it into bonding be actually spending more right um so necessar I'm not I think the cost is going to be I don't know if Justin said maybe 8,000 I think it's the number he threw out there that yeah I think they did something they did something for um but he does all just kind like yeah very soft num um so in either case right now K was doing somewh measuring around and somewhere a lot more so that while we're waiting put these numbers we get nicer can someone just go put t it doesn't keep them absolutely keep that tape up there put a sign make it scarier it doesn't look scary enough right the buildings all right so it sounds like yeah a lot of concern about the same p so no one's entirely sold on fening but you no no I just give you update yeah just numbers anyway so I just wanted to give an update I didn't know if anyone would be like no I want like you know I'm strong sounds like everyone just is okay get more information not rolling any option out yet um but the safety is is is what we're Le it's not Aesthetics and that's what I was conveying to Justin R it's like no concern about this it's always been about the saf um you know that's what kind of got us here is the safety someone have you know and um even if it's one more one more like that that's going more to many you know and I think we all kind probably have I don't want to wait till it happens again that's not the way I want respond so okay I did have a question about what the new bleaches will look like what kind of access do you have going under them yeah it won't it won't be the same I asked about that um I don't I think one of the pictures it might show it but it won't be that hanging from the bottom like but think it might be storage is one of the way so there's no like things what if things fall down it's Clos okay from the top I thought that's what what it was actually one the options was you can maybe get color like or whatever that's all it's all closed and the back part one of the options was that you know we maybe even put storage like up a something that so yeah that was mine yeah that that's good one of one of my sons to story just too tall think I thought someplace else the top yeah definitely need um something before the summer I think that's the goal right something but okay and then we also have to for school committee um you know we might get pushed back because of the aesthetic argument and I think not our primary concern right now that's not the the finan our argument one way the other yeah okay wonderful all right I don't have anything else um no we need to do the student oh thank you thank you for my name yeah yeah oh oh how else because I I be and continue next weekor project was sucess set upop and $500 go towards close they close here and Sydney Ontario Senor project the art brought together people all art together there's designed to raise awareness of all softball senior night was on Monday may6 at trap senior night this evening the music department solo and ass coner of huge success and also featured the trim Honor Society the police the mayor police demor fire department has collaborated to present a mock accent to Pro last we demonstration of how responders react to acci scene we hope that students remember that Mo accident distracted pop SN is a musical talent show to the class of4 um One Love presentation was last presentation and discussion important message a suggest for next year is have smaller groups watch be separately by College field Tri for juniors allow students to make contact M colleges and here are some concerns and solutions seniors have requested more voting election education proud Behavior assemblies have become distraction students who want been joining C we discussed possible solutions students suggested introduce a younger students to Career pass early this effort is under way at Bower as part of the my program students wondered if MHS students could help present upcoming is tomorrow night senior projects are coming up to me Meg injur presentation we well programs also on cour um baseball senior night postponed and reschedule and we already talked about panel next week and after that the Senor presentation what is that 6 to8 in the G yes it's usually I did see so was was actually and I I asked him he could stop by before you know you know one of our next meetings so hoping to and to bring a i to see yeah I guess it was like is it deep May right yeah yeah I know build yeah yeah no it was add like a cigar uh I say cigar box that's pretty exciting so yeah so I'm hoping be able to you know join us one last time before sign our um right I don't have anything else that looks like we just have approval of sub oh sorry my um all right some uh reports uh Eliz uh no all right Mary no all right Mara um I just have two short things um uh I don't know if anybody else can do um Outreach for Green Meadow um but can tomorrow it's tomorrow um Tas is going right now um be great more but um I oh no the staff meeting you go down um that's one thing um and then um I was just thinking about when when um Adam was talking about the accessibility on the websites um we should possibly talk about um our the accessibility of our Poli policies and how that works on the website um so talk about that may a little bit have a policy meeting this coming Tuesday that's it I we have that's all right um did I check everyone [Music] up somebody I went out of order sorry okay um I don't have much for to many who are G to meet next week and start working on the leftover policies um but I also just want to say I'm really excited that Alexis was willing to serve on the school committee um made my day um I just wanted anybody but she actually seems like a really fabulous great person for that to start reply CL wrote like what was her word for the different people that were written in um not St scattered scattered yeah so all right so it looks like now we'll just go on to the warrants we have re warrants that are approved so with that objection I will go ahead andove or sorry accept warrants 2468 2469 and 2472 right no objection so those warrants are are accepted and then I will go ahead and make a motion that we so um all all right um happy Mother's Day to oh my goodness of course Teachers Appreciation and nurse I yes thank you Mary thank you very much so to all of the teachers and um and staff and thank you all for your work this week this week all the time I know that said out the coffee which is always a that Monday so thank you for yes thank you very much for that so uh of the school everything and um and the nurses as well we're such a critical um part of our our system so we our students and our parents and families um what we same that so thank you very much