##VIDEO ID:I3ippfjusS0## it's going to be fun because I get to be chair for like five minutes you can do that I'm going to use most of my five minutes reading this ridiculous thing uh as chair of this meeting I need to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me school committee members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Mary brandley Hillary Griffith not not yet uh Mara Hogan yes Natasha Rivera yes Alex Fishbone yes staff when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Colleen Andrade yes Chuck car Janis yes Wayne White yes and other important people who are attending would be Chris blank and he not and Nick Nikki Nikki can undo yourself can you hear us Nick yes I can there we go there you go okay this open meeting of the mayard school committee is being conducted as a hybrid meeting as Allowed by chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 signed into law by Governor healing on March 29th 2023 this act continues to exempt certain Provisions under open meeting law regarding remote meetings and Public Access until March 31st 2025 this committee is convening via zoom and in person as posted on the district's website while an option for remote attendance and or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technical problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to remote attendees unless otherwise required by law please note that this meeting is being recorded accordingly be aware that other folks may be able to see you and take care not to and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording which is audible audible to and viewable by the public if you are planning to record or broadcast this meeting please use the raise your hand function now to notify the chairs required by law okay meeting materials along with the agenda most of tonight's meeting materials are available on the mayard public schools website in a folder titled 2024 2025 agendas under the tab school committee this public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda and documents unless the chair notes otherwise the public comments agenda item is a devoted time for the school committee to hear from the public as such it is its structure primarily supports a unidirectional recording of public comments rather than a bidirectional conversation here are the general rules for for any form of public comment period one any person wishing to speak and make a comment during a virtual meeting May do so by sign up to speak publicly in advance and up until the public comment agenda item at da please have your Zoom name match so we be able to unmute you to speak all public comments are limited to three minutes to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has the opportunity to be heard and no person may comment more than once without permission of the chair as time allows the chair could consider allowing a person to comment second time especially if it is related to a topic that has not yet been brought up any personation to submit written comments to be read by the chair may do so you can email them in advance up until the public comment agenda item two comments orfc meeting at mayor. k12.us the subject line must state public comment please include your first and last name and your town to ensure your comments are read comments will only be read for 3 minutes if the submitted comments are longer they will be suspended at the 3 minute Mark to ensure all comments can be read in their entirety it is suggested that you keep them to approximately 350 words however submitted comments longer than 300 350 words will be included in the public record in their entire note anyone wishing to submit a comment for the public record after the public comment comments agenda has passed can do so by emailing comments to comments for meeting at mayor. k12.us up until the end of the meeting specifically stating their desire to have these additional comments included meeting ground rules before we go to the first item on the agenda cover some ground rules for Effective and clear conduct of our business and ensure accurate meeting minutes I'll introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks I'll ask each member if they have any comments questions or motions that they would like to make I will go through the members for additional comments or questions if time allows please hold off speaking until your name is called and remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes if members wish to engage with other members please do do so through the chair and take care not to interrupt anyone who is speaking finally each vote taken in this meeting must be conducted by a roll call vote since all members are not in person before we move on to the first item on the agenda and without objection I'd like to call the school committee meeting to order at 705 good awesome and with that we will take nominations because we are about to do our annual reorganization of the school committee first and then we'll get down to other business nominations for chair you do it I'd like to nominate Sasha for chair second second any discussion um thank you vote Yes oh very brand need to be a roll call for this because all four members are here in person and no one is online just ra okay so uh oh no done like to nominate Mara Hogan as Vice chair who want back in okay any discussion nominations thank you very much made a great Mary's always the worker be behind the scenes as well so it's not it's really a shared it is all shared yes um all right so any further discussion call or actually hillo is not join so we can just do raise your hands okay yes all right that um so I think we haven't really talked to you about subcommittees or anything yet so I think at this point probably just think about our subcommittees that we were looking to do for um next year I think the primary ones be probably like the budget is still going to be a necessary one the policy is still going to be a necessary one um the I would like to figure out how we can make that more effective the strategic planning it's pretty effective this past year thanks in spot to Elizabeth but yeah around the superintendent evaluation okay yeah we can just do that how about if we um do um the spreadsheet and ask people which one they would like to do yeah I just wanted to think about before we did like some ideas if everyone is comfortable with the on that we did last year we had also the we had the we did a negotiation we don't yeah the Personnel we didn't have a lot of um negotiations this coming year we had a lot more last year we have what we have right one this year one oh one this year parent professionals com that's and then we'll have secretaries she said we just did that I was just thinking we did about three years ago you know Dei but Elizabeth said she's going to help with that right and she said my recommendation would that we maintain our Dei committee and one of them one of the school committee members Andor Elizabeth it doesn't matter to me participates in that as opposed to making it a separate sounds perfect yeah yeah I want to make sure we get Hillary's feedback on that too because I wasn't part of it last year and I know she was no she was not oh she wasn't she didn't attend Elizabeth did okay that which is why I think you maintain it and you're all one of you is always invited F okay okay um I think that we also had you know just to add we we kind of made our like the fields task force that was one that has was you know kind ofen had gone to a couple of those as well I've gone to those uh Mike had had joined a lot of those so we do have some of those I think ad hoc ones that come up with the need presents a little bit um the budget subcommittee the town that is one that we'll probably have a standing one for so um we can think about if we want to just kind of stick with that or if we want to how I want to do that um did you have questions about or do you have any thoughts on any subcommittees I'm just curious of don't know that might I don't know them all and they probably I'm not sure I want to do policy because I write policy every day so I'm not sure feel I can do that and I'm pretty sure that Hillary also will so you guys have you guys just like get a good Groove I feel like it's you know it's working so um so maybe we can talk a little off on about like what they do the frequency of you know how often the ones that we currently do and if there's anything that comes to mind that you are interested in okay um that you feel like need more attention from the school committee we can um maybe revisit this at another school committe meeting when Hillary is also available too so we'll start by sending out you have it you have it right here and I will yeah I can this is La the last time because we didn't change it right two years ago so I'll um I'll clean it up and fy2 tab and okay a great start that would be great um and then liaison appointments um I don't know if we want to stick with it's Elizabeth I don't know if she really did a lot of liaisoning um or well what we have on for liaison right now on here is Green Meadow building committee which town budget thcom um Town Charter review which is done um master plan implementation is also not happening not happening it's not happening um Art Space is I think that's you could scratch that I don't know if there is Wellness y safety I'll do those two again um Boris lechman fincom CPAC and then we have whole bunch of other ones CPC Capital planning Recreation committee human Relations Committee sustainability committee Boys and Girls Club Library uh and then the three buildings um school council and PTO okay um Alexis is like when did I sign up not a lot of these are like just kind of like you just list in your report back like so last year um like for the select board um I I would meet with Christa Silva on a monthly basis and we would have our leadership meetings and we would you know kind of talk about what things coming up things that came here that people were you know percolating I'd you know share that with them I'd go to their meetings I'd look at their agenda to see if there's some things that look School related or articles or things and um just kind of hop on to to listen some things can get lost in translation so I think that's where we found that listening firsthand to some of the how the conversations happened has been effective but now that everything's recorded you can always you know go back and don't have to you know join live um so I think I don't know if we want to stick with what we have but I I certainly think it would be worthwhile having maybe Alexis Join one of the um the standing like like you know just to kind of get I was you and I fall off at the same time for Budget right and I think that we need to think another couple years we do we do but it takes a little bit of a you know to learn and um so I wanted to talk to you about um joining the Green Meadow building committee because Hillary is unable to continue okay and we're supposed to have two active school committee members so it's a good it's a good one for you to get into because we're like you know we're really into aove in that so um so if you'd like to do that and has a good crosssection really good so okay so yeah so that would be great so Bri um I think with the green there's some like official paperwork or something when it comes toh generate the list and goes to msba to get signed okay all right that one is a little bit more try because it for that one I tell okay that would be great um the finance I would like to stay on finance as well and um CPAC I do know that we've already started um Heather try to coordinate to meet with Heather and the SE Pac already so they're trying to get some summer dates that are lined up but the intent is that we're going to have probably in the next week or two just a couple members meet face to face with how they're here and um just kind of kick off you know where we are looking at some events for uh next year so I hope to be able to report back on um some happenings there there's also some new membership coming to CPAC I don't want to because they still kind of like but to two parents potentially joining be no I you okay okay oh see that's what happens when you read that that takes like 10 minutes happens when you go on vacation the list right yes indicate okay the sign up of what we want to do and then um one thing I would like to see in the strategic planning and curriculum sub commmittee is actually more of the curriculum like I know when there's changes happening at the different schools it would be good to see if that can be kind of filtered through that subcommittee and some way so that like when we have the media like at the middle school that's happening yeah so maybe that kind of well I think the first step was what was done with the um um the dip um and the the district action so those were two big pieces and then yeah but now yeah absolutely I would I would think that that might be like you know CU we're going to have those Cycles now that coming up um and I don't know if that would be a good place to have a home for yep sounds good okay um anything else on liaison and subcommittees um the only thing that's time sensitive I can think of Brian which we haven't had a meeting in a while was the the design uh task force for the field the project I know the bleachers yeah yeah do we need to have one soon I think we maybe do just because we have some time sensitive deadlines that are coming up and I just want to make sure we're all with Phil on the same page okay we have like the the article like all that stuff yeah um design was already in place well we have the CPC going out but there's just a lot of like right behind each other I want to make sure everyone you know gets what they need um binom is already asking about so I think Greg needs his Language by August 6th I want to say either August 5 or August 6th because they need it x amount of days prior to the that's the ballot the ballot right that's the ballot that's not the article language though that's the ballot first that's the two- part that one has to go to the state right I'm remembering because they put it with the the presidential ballot they have to print it um I know he sent over an example of what the fire station could we share that with like legal council just be like hey how does this I'd rather um I don't know if that who looked at that one I'm guessing you know Lisa but just to see like this is what I we looking to do for us make sure that the verbiage yeah I can send in yeah because um Sarah still on my Turney yeah okay yeah if we can get maybe Andy to kind of help with how does that look for a ballot um yeah okay later on all right so but going back to what I was talking about the the sub the subcommittee if if we are um maybe we need to just schedule a meeting for for that in the next week or so all right any urgent business no no urgent business okay public comments I don't think we had any nope none all right moving on superintendent report well it's July so it's a little bit light but hopefully you guys can see it because I added pictures because I want walk into lots of pictures but um so we did finish the year we had two days of Retreats where we be sort of reflected on 2324 and just focused on building our relationships with our new team we have several new leadership roles that have been filled um and we have two more days in in the beginning of August that we continue sort of working together after the mass so next week is the mass Association of school superintendent conference um when all most of the superintendents get together um cape and desie really or nass puts on the conference of one of the goals what's the focus for the year so that's exciting we'll learn about that on starting Monday any um sneak peeks of what some hot topics might be or what the breakout sessions they're looking at I mean there are a lot of really good ones it has to do with like how from what I've heard helping figuring out how to help everyone Thrive and so then one of the question so who's everyone like that's what so Define your right exactly is it so so it'll be interesting and lots of good U topics that will come out from that um the solar project you can see uh the canopies up we had an update last time from buy room from select um I would think so we're just in a holding pack we waiting for eversource hits the comes and does their check and then hits the button but our our part our part is done okay so the town part also they did all there they did their okay good sh got it thank you um and then hopefully I put some pictures of that CU I like very exciting long time coming they did a nice job um the Green Meadow Elementary School Chris is going to give an update so I'm not going to steal his Thunder and I can't do as good of a job as he can soon anyway um and then I did also take some pictures you can see the field actually I don't know if you can tell exactly from the pictures but the Field's closed and the grass is growing itally healthy um they were actually there they act took um DPW cutting you can see their trucks in the background um but it it's the right thing to do to let it it's got a technical term rest yeah a or I don't know something it is resting the grass so no one's playing on it it's closed it looks great you can see one of the other pictures shows the smaller bleachers by uh Keenan field that were taken down and they did a really nice job there sand blasted the pad and just just safety concern um but that's there and there's a couple other pictures just of there's a little set by Keenan field but those are safe because they're like five rows and the relatively new aluminum and people loost it in those and then Personnel changes were actually almost fully hired for next year um I think Liz at the high school is working on one final position um right now uh other than that we're in really good shape I want to give the principles um a lot of credit they started early they were really thoughtful about it and they and the teachers they put committees together at each building and they interviewed and they you know had a goal of getting it done in June and we're pretty close that's hard to do because sometimes those things just happen you know people get an opportunity and they need to take that's a lot of work when you're losing steam toward the end in June yeah that's hard Heat cakes on yeah so yeah that I'm not going to talk about green meow today we had chy um superintendent report any questions for report Alexis make sure be okay um all right then moving on to the msba Green Meadow building update and Chris the floor is yours or Nick okay great thank you so uh I'm gonna share my screen and then uh we'll talk through some of the updates where we are with the design process what's been happening behind the scenes and then obviously if anybody has any questions uh certainly uh move to provide you with some information okay and if you let me know when you can see my screen y can yes okay great so moving forward uh some of the things we've been working on in the background so from an educational standpoint I want to bring up to date we are currently maintaining the approved program space requirements that were submitted during schematic design to the msba uh we have had our second round of administration and staff meetings uh with everybody at Green Meadow thanks to both Rob Rulo and Karen linquist um we shared the plans with them based on our original meetings um about a year or so ago got their input with uh you know the various spaces you know from prek PE art music uh the nurse admin all the specialty groups in the school um happy to report that since then um we've provided them with updates they are all very pleased with the progress there were no changes we are meeting their goals and needs and I believe everybody's just excited to to see the project happen and get completed with that we are also maintaining the approved Desi space requir IR ments uh for special education and whatnot so everything that was submitted based on the district's uh educational program and needs um We are continuing to meet those needs um and we as Brian alluded to earlier before the start of the meeting we had a meeting with msba uh Monday to bring them up to speed uh and show them the exact same PowerPoint I'm sharing with you let them know what our progress has been um and they were pleased with everything that's progressing we are currently working towards a document submission to msba coming up at the end of the month that will be our 60% construction document submission basically what that does is it demonstrates to the msba uh the progress with the construction documents for the new school project the site the building and everything that goes along with that um I'll share with you some of the changes that have come up which have been extremely minimal um since our schematic design submission back uh a year ago actually and then what I'd like to do is share with you the early site package progress and some of the things uh you can expect to see happening on the School site in the coming weeks when we uh give the contractor the notice proceed so first I'll share with you the latest site plan couple of minor changes um no cost impact it was at the request of the school district's um green metal education Administration so basically um if you take a look from the upper right we still have the drivein from Tiger drive it's going to loop around we had the bus and administration visitor uh peel off to the front they'll exit back out parents will queue up and drive around the back to a single Lane parent drop off and pickup location one of the changes that we've we were asked to make and we did study this we studied a few option with Brian and his teams and our our civil engineers we originally had both play areas the prek and the K through3 up here in the upper leftand corner of the developed area what we did at the request of the administrative team is we took the kindergarten through third grade play area and we moved it to the front which is space number three in that exchange we provided some additional parking so we're maintaining approximately the same number of parking spaces I believe somewhere around 125 or so but what the concern was um through the staff was given that we have a prease space here item number four very close to the prek wing the concern was as with young children if there's an event all of a sudden you know uh weather starts rolling in someone gets hurt they felt it was a you know a little bit longer walk to get back into the school so they wanted to move the K through three play area closer to the front of the school and off the front of the school kind of in this general area in the middle of the building is the cafeteria the gym the administration suite and and um Health Suite so having this in close proximity allows for um couple of things actually it allows for the teachers to get the kids out after lunch recess directly outside to the front of the school this also helps um the close proximity to be adjacent to the play areas right the fields um and the basketball court so when students come out based on the number of kids that they'll have out there children will have an option of playing on the play structures uh some activity tables or running around in the field kicking balls Etc getting getting some energy uh expelled so when they get back into school so that's kind of the close proximity that affords some nice adjacencies during school hours it also affords some nice adjacencies after school hours we know that the town of Mater has a nice Youth Athletic program they currently practice in the back of the fields where the new school will be located and so we provided some play areas and and um they're not formal Fields really but you can see that there are space for some fields in the front so when parents are there with their children practicing and they have younger siblings Etc there is the option for them to utilize the structured play areas and parents can keep an eye on everybody at the same time they're also upfront so from a public safety standpoint Public Safety officials um we did vet this with um you know the police as well they can see these structured play areas from Great Road and when coming into the site so again provides for better security better visibility better adjacencies um and things of that nature so at the request of the district we were able to accommodate that it did not result in any increase in cost of the project we're just kind of switching around some spaces it also now affords for those parents who may be coming to pick up their pre K children uh after school while they're maybe waiting for other children things to go on they can come in park and utilize the prease space as well so it it gives the school district a lot of various options in how the site is laid out any questions about the site um I just had one if I'm looking at it it kind of looks like the current set up a little bit right where the playground is the only thing they changed was they separated the two playgrounds okay like yeah the preschool one is now on the side but into the courtyard but so basically it follows a similar layout where it's to the side of the parking lot okay and um it's close to the front end versus the FR yeah right older kids is close to the front so they can come and go from the cafeteria in the gym easily okay yeah which is better um question about five the general Playfield and um recently the in front of the high school that field that's in front of the high school they did some type of uh survey and underneath it they found it had like Foundation or something from the old building that wasn't fully removed and is now a bit problematic if they wanted to actually create a usable field there um I just am wondering number five represents where the current building will is right now right so when that building is removed will all the foundation be removed with it so that we don't encounter that same type of junk I guess the soil issue that they're having now for the front of the high school absolutely the entire building foundations anything they find down below will be completely removed and then the appropriate amount of um soil material will be brought in Loom it'll be graded Now msba does not reimburse for formal Fields but what we do have is just kind of they just to show as a graphic they're really placeholders to show that you do have um you know a a child's or an elementary size play field so you could set up cones the town could stripe it in the future it is relatively flat it'll be sloped enough so that there will be no standing water and runoff will create it but it just shows that there's placeholders there for appropriate practice and Playfield for the younger children okay yeah I think right now the the one the high school they're finding a lot of like rock and yeah cre and which is a safety issue so I want to make sure so that is not an issue we will encounter this go around for no it will not so the goal is once they've removed all of the existing building debris they'll fill in the hole with gravel and then they'll put 6 Ines of loom on top and will Hydro seed it um typically it takes at least one growing season for it really to come in and thicken um and then the town will be able to utilize that and maintain it as they would any other field um and I have another question but it's not related to this but I would to go around tomorrow um what is the blue be down the lower portion no no up above five to the left the so that would be a basketball court oh okay it's a mirage it look like a pool for a minute yeah so in the original in the original site plan layout we actually had the basketball court over in this area of number seven with the play area that's item number three so what we did is we broke that out because really we want the basketball court to be in a flatter area so gives you you know play surfaces throughout the site for the different groups of children the community Etc um and you can see that now parking is dispersed so that parents can come in and utilize those spaces with their kids uh so I guess my question about having the basketball court all the way over there in relation to where the um the K through three playground is um would be you know the um recess monitors will end up having to be you know split um Y and I'm I'm just wondering whether or not that has been brought up to um say you know Karen now that she's the the principal over there and and mother or not and how she feels or you know okay yeah so you know everybody from Brian Rob Karen the PE teacher um everybody was part of the um decision Mak process and how site was laid out where the the play areas were uh relation to the building how they were going to be accessed Etc one of the things we do have planned is during the day we're going to have a gate here um where where the road comes in uh on either end to eliminate any traffic coming through there during the day um you know obviously people can can still come in and park and visit as need to to access the school um but it'll make sure it's a a safe area for kids uh TR Traverse from the play area from the school Etc you won't have people driving through that location okay any other questions on the site portion um Alex do you have any questions no moment okay um I had one um other question and it's not really related to um the layout oh first actually two more Al like Brian was there any concern with this change that or we wanted okay I mean we asked for it because was anything like any concerns that came up in the conversation of of of why this might be an issue or any Department brought up no the departments were fine I mean like the DPW the fire the police they were all good with us there's no hesitation from any minut there was a a question as to whether or not it was going to cost more because whether there was ledge underneath there right um but there's not so it's not going to be any additional cost so all right that's great um and then the other question was um I don't know if this is way early in the stage to be thinking about solar um and what like um like on the parking lots is that no that's part of the conversation comment on that okay I yeah so um I can fill you in we we are in discussions with select uh and the town's solar provider the roof of the new school building will be populated with solar panels as any new building should be um and then we've been talking with the district based on the goals to get as close to a net zero building or Net Zero to the extent possible um so we are going to plan on putting a solar canopy down here um in area number seven so it's not in front of the school to you know inhibit any of the the Aesthetics or the use um but it will be down here it's close to the electric uh Main Electric room so we have more efficiencies with getting that power to the electrical system in the school so that is currently in the planning stages um and what we hope to do is bid that out as part of the project and then once it's constructed the town will be able to put panels on it uh like they have done with the high school great thank you awesome okay so we'll move along to the floor plans um here's the first floor plan there are really no changes in the plan since we've been showing this throughout uh the last several months right now now we're currently just uh detailing and fine-tuning everything uh labeling everything I've you know we're kind of showing some furniture layouts we went through this with the staff as well uh identifying their spaces making sure that we have the storage needs the doors the toilet rooms everything that kind of goes around along with the Early Elementary School building would desire it is very efficient in the fact that we've got one main Corridor that will go from one end to the other the classroom Wings kind of flank the main common and community space which does allow for after hours use very ease so for example if you've got a recital on the weekend you can lock off the the classroom wings and then people can come in the main entrance go directly to the cafetorium where there's a stage or at night if you've got youth groups or adult groups using the gym for various practices or Games Etc um so it keeps everybody kind of secluded into one area um the spaces all meet the msba requirements they have addressed all of the staff requirements that we've uh we've discussed through our meetings if we move up to the second floor kind of the same thing layout the easy way finding for the young children as they move from prek to K first grade and then up to the second floor um typically what we'll get into in the future is kind of the the color schemes that will go into the different Wings Etc so kids can identify that very easily hey if I'm in first grade I can identify because my classroom Wing is color X and if I've got to go to a different Wing things of that nature uh we find it very positive with the young children will work with the building committee and the staff uh to identify those appropriate colors uh Etc they're usually um not necessarily very bright and vigorous because we do also have kids that have sensitivity to certain colors and noises that we want to be be able to address um so we'll make sure they're very appropriate for the district um so at this point you know no changes there we've got the classroom Wings the second floor does have the media center uh which is centered and one of the things we did kind of go through in the schematic design is we've grouped the guidance Suite um and counselors in one area centered in across from the media center so it gives an extra set of adult eyes on the building it gives Administration and it also centralizes kind of the guidance area for young children easy way finding they can go from any one of the wings um and visit the spaces if need be and talking with the staff um our understanding is they also have lunch with some of the kids at times um you know during the pro uh the progress of the day today uh we have this St room science Technology and Engineering which is off the main media center the art room is across the area so when we when the district starts getting into in the staff plans for example Project based learning and projects uh that will be shared between s art and media center activities uh all that's in close proximity uh so the adjacencies are pretty good again the um classroom Wings all have staff and student toilet rooms within them uh there are doors at the end of the corridors and stairs so that during security um or just kind of confining people to one space or another that can be done very easily um and and that's kind of our plan layout up to date not really changed since um the initial design so we were hoping to progress that throughout once we've had our IAL you know approval of spaces with the district then we just kind of fine-tune that as we've gone through and that's where we're at anybody have any questions about the building layout no no Alexis um I can't tell if um first did I hear you said that there's restrooms in each classroom no or each Wing right just so the pre K uh has I'll go back one page on the second the first floor right so that right so on the first floor the prek and kindergarten room all have shared bathrooms within them right they are handicap accessible um single user uh unisex type toilet rooms uh with age appropriate fixtures in each of them and then when you get to the first second and third grade Wings there are are more conventional gang toilet rooms for boys and girls and single user unisex uh toilet rooms for staff and students and the media center on the second floor that you were mentioning um yes I know I think from what I'm seeing I know in one version of this it was kind of like an open space but that's been change there's now that a hallway is that right that there's it's not like yes yes that we did originally have a um like a centralized area it's look like but I think there was concerns raised about noise and like yeah yeah we've done it in some project we thought it might be interesting here but the district preferred not to have that they wanted an enclosed space so we responded to that so we do have an enclosed Media Center there is some glass uh for visuals out into the quarter get some natural light in things of that nature but it is a dedicated space and we actually have so it's kind of separated into three compartments if you will we've got the main media center with the circulation desk some tables and book Stacks all the all the shelving will be low so it's there's visibility throughout and kids can access the books there's kind of also um off that there's a little Reading area so if you have people come in that do reading to the children Etc it's a quiet space and then to the right of the media center um we have have um kind of a I'll call it a very flexible space there's an operable partition that can open and close and it can be open for any activity that the Stu uh the students or staff wants to use it for or they can close it and it creates a flexible learning space for it could be for an additional classroom it could be for students who are learning how to use the computer or tablets um it's really going to be at the the district's dis discretion um so but it provides flexibility for maybe there's a bubble year and you need another classroom um another activity that that may need to take place and I I guess the other question this might be just to understand from I know at one point we're going to have some like a security or discussion about safety security aspects and I don't I know that at the time we weren't quite there yet but I don't know if we're getting closer to maybe having um an update about some of that and I don't maybe some part of that might be an executive section if we if we need to um but I just wanted to see if we could you know have that more sooner than later if we had yeah so we did have a number of security meetings uh with Brian Rob Karen and the key administrative people um police and fire chiefs were part of that we have a security consultant on our staff uh that does this nationally um so we talked about everything about security the site the building access control cameras all the conditions that you would you would expect to find in a modern day school um what we can do at some point in the coming weeks is um I can even come in um to a meeting as opposed to presenting it you know through zoom and sit with you share the plans and discuss it um I would expect or suggest that that might be done um in an executive session format yeah okay yeah I um yeah and nothing like Earth shadowing right now I just know that the conversation has come up last year Jerry had brought up for our own school and I just want to make sure that thread um continues and and I think at the time that the subcommittee hadn't yet been formed yet so it would be great to put some time maybe in the B for us to um have an executive session Nick I saw that you raised your hand I was just going to mention that they believe Jerry was involved as well and he's part of that Safety Committee he's been along at every step of the way yeah I'm sure he's championing as much as he can uh as well it' be good to hear you know where how far everything has come with um with that need as well sure absolutely absolutely any other questions on the floor plans no thank you very much for this update and all the work you all doing all right I do have more if you oh yes yeah yeah yeah okay so um I got a couple of rending I want to share with you just talk about some of the exterior features of the school so this kind of gives you the bird's eye view of the site layout how it's laid out um parents will come in and buses Etc the buses and and visitors staff will peel off in the front um parents kind of drive around the back you can see the multiple parking areas the play areas and how they're related to the building uh the front Plaza and then once we get into a more centralized look we are currently the so the colors right now are just placeholders uh we're going to be meeting with the the building committee and the working group to talk about specific school colors but one of the things we want to identify is um we've got this kind of central entrance in the front that is going to be a little bit more unique it'll be something that's very identifiable so people who are coming to the school for the first time know where to go to access it the front entrance um but you can see how we've got some push and pull in the front elevations there may be some Stripes that's all going to help kind of scale the school down a little bit for the younger children so it doesn't seem to be this big massive uh building and be overwhelming um and it'll kind of provide some nice character to the campus right you have fer you have the high school um and something that the the the town can be proud of if we continue on around to the backside uh parents will queue up and be able to come down this single drive very safe so nobody can pass anybody while they're picking up and dropping off students there are things that we're talking about with the district and helping to organize that uh some of the districts for example will have a um kind of a q code on a post so his parents come in they can scan it it will show up on the districts like a staff will have an iPad and they'll know who's coming in first to get the kids out in a particular order so that nobody's left behind it becomes very efficient so nobody's waiting in line while their children are coming in or coming out um so that's something we're also working with the district to possibly Implement as a suggestion uh when school starts opening one of the things I did talk to Karen linquist about is I know it's a couple years away but when they're getting ready to open right that summer when the superintendent and the principal put out their prechool opening uh notes we'll provide a site plan showing traffic um how to come in how to exit where to park so you get that out ahead of time so the parents um will know how to proceed because the first few weeks especially in the new school are always a little confusing it'll help to have the police and staff members out there to help direct but keep in mind every year you know you're going to have a 20% turnover with new kids coming in because some kids are now going to f school so this routine can happen at the beginning every school year um working with the districts it's been very very favorable it you know kind of lessens the congestion at the beginning of the year helps people understand it um so then the last piece I wanted to share with everybody is our early site enabling package we have put out a package uh that was recently bid and we're happy to say it came in you know about $700,000 under bid which is a good savings to start um and what it does is It prepares the site so that once we're finished with the design and we bid the building package the contract can come in and start building right they can start Excavating for their foundations what this will help do is it's going to create an access road um around the side of the existing building which you can see this road will become in the future the part of the permanent Road that's accessing around the building you can see where the new building's kind of located um we are going to make sure that the separation between the existing school and the new construction is done with Jersey barriers and fencing uh so that first and foremost student and staff uh security and safety utilizing the existing school school while this work's going on is maintained we're going to have a kickoff meeting with the contractor we'll have Brian and key Administration people we'll have the police and fire chiefs there to make sure DPW to make sure that hey while the contractor is coming in to do his work which will include cutting down of trees removing of any ledge um filling in the ledge removal process so that you have a nice flat building pad uh so that the next contractor come and start and then also these circles down here installation of our geothermal heat pump Wells so all that preliminary work will be done uh starting Midsummer it'll continue on into the fall so that when we get a Contractor on board after the first of the year in 2025 all the prep work is done or I should say probably about 90% of the prep work is done we've done this on a number of projects I've got a project that's going on right now um the contractor came in and was able to start working uh what that does is also help with the bid process we got a lot of bid savings um during that time frame the schedule was able to be condensed into the time where we're saving things on the back end so we can get the building demolished and ab baited and the fields done that much quicker as well so that it really helps with the schedule it helps with the bidding cost that we'll see we see favorable bids um we expect and hope for the same on this project and um during the process we'll make sure safety is maintained we're going to have a meeting with the contractor to tell them first and foremost you need to provide a schedule of your activities so we can make sure that Karen and her staff are aware of it if there's any days where we need quiet time due to testing or things of that nature we can we can Implement that and again make sure that the S the entire site is safe uh from start to finish so that's the kind of the work you're going to see going on in starting in probably end of uh end of July wow Mara did you have any other questions any questions the only question I had was the where the geothermal uh Wells are going um you guys moved them because orig originally you were you had them kind of I think on the left hand side yeah yeah they were in this location right do you guys move them and does that mean that you're taking down trees all through there we are taking down some trees yes as we are with the entire site there is some tree removal um the reason for moving the wells there is there's a couple of reasons for that number one if we were to locate them out in the front um where we were originally looking they wouldn't be able to be installed until after the existing building is demolished and removed which means during the first winter you'd have temporary heating pumps and heat system costing money so what we did was we wanted to get them in early so that they can be connected to the school once the school's built that saves some money it's going to save we estimated somewhere around1 $120,000 in the project which I think is is a good savings um number two two having them closer to the building um has some efficiencies right if if they're further away we need more Wells because we're going to lose some of that energy between the wells and the building by moving them in the back we were able to reduce a number of the wells again thereby saving some money so yeah there's some trees coming down but the nice thing is once these Wells are installed they exist about 4T below the ground and they extend down so some 600 ft uh into the Earth surface to help either gain or dissipate heat um what that'll do is this area will then once it's done it'll be loomed and seated so the the school has an additional play area out behind the school during recess Etc should they want to utilize that um so it kind of created some efficiencies some cost savings some scheduling efficiencies um all on the right to make it a just a better project in in general so that now when the building opens in the fall of I believe uh let's see for 25 26 so 26 27 I don't know the exact dates but when it opens in the fall the building is fully operational the heating system cooling system everything is there and then we can then work to take down the existing building and then just finish up some parking areas and play areas and then have it completed okay okay thank you you're welcome questions no okay I had a couple of questions um on on this slide and then the one that you had before so on this slide just to on on maro's questions about the location of the wells it it looks like they now go into a different parcel that's no longer school property is that the DPW Town yes so it's all t on property it's owned by the DPW we conversed and um coordinated with Justin DeMarco initially we both kind of had the same idea when we were talking about geothermal Wells and his comments and our understanding is um all he needed was we needed was his approval it is still all town-owned property um it does not affect anything that he has it's not close to anything that uh is of concern other than just other woods so so it is on some unused property clarify just maybe more of a procedural aspect I would think that the select board would need to vote on that because it was never set up for the use for school I just want to make sure I know Justin has authority over the DPW but when it comes to new projects on Town site like that was not a parcel part of the regular I just want to make sure we're not leaving anyone um you know I don't know even if it was be just just a matter of saying hey this is now extended Christ silver is on the committee and Greg Johnson is also both um you know that that was brought up to them and this is all right so they they all have that and there's and there's nothing having to do with the msba being on a different parcel that there's going to be an issue okay question no because it is in fact all town-owned property it's just scheduled one's DPW one School use so yeah we're we are good to go it's brilliant because not only is it going to be more efficient to put in um but maintaining and all of that there's less stress so it's gonna no I I I totally agree with the idea I think it adds the complexity of another parcel that's now molten use we only had the one parcel which was the crow Green Meadow one that was kind of now we have another parcel that is has overlap for school and town use so it's a joint so I don't know if that impacts the ownership or in some capacity because now school property will be overflowing into another parcel and so that's where I again I don't know all the how that works out but I just want to make sure because the deeding on the pro parcel is a little ugly um and I want to make sure we do our due diligence and if there's deed changes that need to happen because of this oh okayy Nick no ni yeah wondering if Mary if you remember if this was a just an easement as opposed to change in ownership like do we actually we don't have to change ownership since it's all town right I don't know if we were joint owners because that's what happened with the other parcel that we're co-owners kind of where we both have ownership of it um but if it's an easement I don't know I just hadn't seen anything in writing about that and I just want to make sure that we can definitely ask again we can make sure we can we can check in with Phil and see if what he had to do to put something in in paper or whatever with Justin we can find something that's that's concrete I think that's what you're looking for make sure we have something right yeah I want to make sure we have some historical documents they need to you know dig these things up and you know I have no idea what's going to happen who you know is it school property is it Town property who's responsible all that kind of jazz um so thank you for explaining that and I think the idea behind it is great so I just want to I just want to make sure that we're um um just crossing our our tees and dying our eyes on and then the the slide before when you had the yes this one and the one before actually maybe the one prior to it was the nice um yes um I know we have a lot of kids because this complex this area is is a lot of walking have siblings who will walk from fower to Green Meadow often times and I just would like to see maybe in a future um render about the safety the pathway that will go for um you know each school so if there's siblings who are going to help go pick up their sibling here because right now I know we've we've added a lot of crossovers now they have to uh and I just want to make sure that that's highlighted for the public on those um you know so if they're coming through for instance and I don't know if this is going to happen in the future but sometimes weow they go to to do after after school care or whatever kind of uh you know is there going to be a dedicated path created that will be you know um paid to allow that because the school is set back a little bit further now so to to answer your question um we do have sidewalks and and crosswalks so from the main entrance there is a sidewalk along the drive that will come back towards tiger drive with a crosswalk that then then gets to follow their school one of the things we can't do is we can't do anything that crosses the Wetland so we are forced to create That Sidewalk item number 10 that comes down beyond the wetlands here which is existing and it won't change right okay but from Green Meadow I'm sorry from Great Road um up to the school so so from Great Road we do have a sidewalk that comes up from it's the same one that exist will improve that that exists between tiger drive and the crow Park parking area so that walk will continue up along the drive and then there will be a raised crosswalk here with lights so just like you would have it many any pedestrian crosswalk there'll be a button there and then you'll get flashing lights to make sure it is uh any vehicles are identified and one of the reasons we located it this far up because now it gives you a nice sight line and you're not close to any Corners where cars may be coming around unexpectedly and then that'll get you inside the sidewalks that will access the entire perimeter of the building and play areas okay all right thank you very much you're welcome anything else that's it thank you so much Chris everybody work really Mary I know that you guys well thanks for all the meetings that you guys resigned to Brian no you're very welcome um when you're ready to uh discuss you want a presentation on the security or any other aspects we can uh certainly I'll schedule a time to come out and meet with you in person I'll make sure Jerry makes it to that one instead of me I know he put much effort into the reports he's provided before and it's his passion so I really would want to make sure that he you know we get to talk with him directly about um that as well so thank you so much Nick not that you're not ever welcome here I know you're always doing so much work behind the scenes as well so thank you very much yeah Chris knows how much I've been picking apart the inside of the building less about the outside of the building it's all right it's all right it's extra help extra eyes all right everybody thank you I'm gonna jump off too if we're all set much okay a good night thank you okay also meeting the select board next Tuesday the same present for the same presentation just so you know that okay to msba got got hit all the exactly exactly that's always a concern people like oh I didn't hear that um so I that's that's great um I just maybe because I went through it and researching all that article happen 50 years from now you're right when we're all no here anymore oh well there SCH property on this and you know um okay I I won't be but I definitely want to make sure that we get something as writing about that and I want to make sure the select board even though I know Chris is on it that the full it full Johnson is on it yeah I know I know we did ask the question we we specifically did ask the question so okay but um all right so all right that's great um okay so moving on then the next thing is um the operating principle so I was able to upload it into our folder I tried to do it the other day but um for some reason the perm my permissions weren't I think it I don't know anyway so I saved and Hillary's not here so we're going to um this is just our annual for you this is something we started we've been working on for several years and finally last year we put finalized um to paper and this has helped us every year for the school committee and the superintendent to kind of um make sure that we are working within our our area and that we are you know supporting each other in the most effective way um that could be how we represent how we do business how we communicate with so there's a lot of different topics um mask has helped us in the past with providing some some language different different School committees have some version of this and so um through a lot of effort we found this is the one that might work so I think that it would make sense if we can oh and I don't you don't have a um a stamp yet right no okay so maybe you will sign you can print we don't do docy sign right we do oh we could do docu sign okay maybe we'll do docu sign put this in a PDF and we can do docu sign just use it all the time yeah just Alexis because the rest of us could just do the St if that works for you until she gets a stamp yeah all I did was just kind of plug in every that Alexis as the new member um and I just wanted to make sure if anyone has any questions otherwise I think we we actually really don't need to vote on it we're all just going to be signing it just give the approval to sign yeah exactly if we're all fine with the language that we're using here it was just cop it over I don't have any changes me all right so then um I guess with without objection um I will move that we um approve or I guess authorized Colleen to use our signature stamp to sign the fy2 school committee and superintendent operating principles and protein calls any second you say without objection so colen if you can use our signature stamp um to sign this and then Brian looks like you're GNA your signature as well and then um and then afterwards maybe um circulate it to everyone so just so we can have on record for for this year awesome okay um quad board meeting um so July 31st is Brian did you have any questions about the operating principles I know we haven't really talked about it okay they were from last year so great great I didn't know if anyone had any tweaks or anything for them all right great the quad board meeting um July 31st and I believe Brian was it 6:30 again was that they were station right yeah so it was going to be I'm so glad that they're doing it again so like yes so soon yes I know Lindsay's really pushing for for that and um what's gonna be the objective um so Jeff is the chair this year for for the select board uh I'm guessing he'll have a little bit more structure to how he he wants to present it or the work that he wants to do um I got to tell you I don't really know much as far as agenda items nothing's been shared that I've seen except for the date um I just want to make sure Brian you have not seen anything either right I have not it was meant to be a followup for the last meeting right so what we supposed to go into it with any information or um well for the school where we left off because there was one voice who boast um concern about this the project the bleacher project we were talking about um capital projects and things that aren't funded and there's a whole host of things there's you know the town has a lot and I think I was like well the school committee has not received any type of recommendation from any board advising that we change our path for our project so we're in the 11th Hour um and you know as far as re prioritizing efforts um I I don't see it a viable I don't see a reason why we would just change I think my concern is going to be that they're trying they some people might try to pit projects like the senior center against and you know reality is a town inevitably has multiple needs that you need to figure out a strategic way to move forward in it you don't stop a project to do on so I I don't know what may come of it I just know that at the end of the meeting a lot of people did feel like nothing was there was nothing really prioritized um so I I really don't know what's going to come of this meeting the conversation that we went into it with that um Brian and Wayne had done the work on with like the the long term this is what we need for the next five years nothing came out of that either did everybody else not do a similar thing because I thought that no we were only asked to do we were only asked to do one um interesting they the town did Greg did put like a whole bunch of like one of his slides there was a lot of different town projects that needed to to get done like the like the garage and so they were more talking about the capital which I know was one of the lead items it seems to be a lot of capital and to be honest um you know there should be a if we're going to do a capital like override or whatever it is I I've always been in favor of doing something that that joins like it shouldn't just be only project I would rather have something that's more representative of the Town need but I can't do anything or we can't do anything besides school you know so there is no you know I don't know if what's going to be what's ready for the the seniors what they might do or what I'm just know that for us on our timeline we have the um the the ballot question that's due in a couple of weeks that has to go out we have to put the article together Jillian actually had already reached out about the school committee um heading over to one of their meetings we've submitted the CPC application which I don't I know we got an acknowledgement from but we didn't get is there a date right we didn't I think they had a schedule of meeting and they hadn't scheduled they normally didn't have like a lot of I don't think they do like a July meeting normally so I'll Circle back to see what what that and maybe reach out to Jeff and say do can we get the agenda for I'll talk yeah um I'll reach I'll I'm going to have to anyway because we need to reestablish leadership meetings and I don't know if that that time worked well for him um we were Chris and I and and we were meeting like at 3 o'cl like once a month the first one day of every month and I don't know if that's going to work with with jff so anyway that's that's what I know about that the CPC application was received um oh we uh the dollars for the project I was asked this question recently and I know it's on um in our in our link and also I just wanted to again thank you for the sign I just every time I go by it we need to put some more zip ties on the one around did oh did he yes I I saw it today it looked nice I like every time I went by it's like D I gotta get my zip ties I know I was gonna do that too but then I I drove by this morning and it was all flipped up so I I did send him an email and he he fixed it very quickly so there was um there was um something about the financing of how much if when we did the override or for the bleacher project the impact per household and I I think we I want to make sure that we're recirculating that because as we get closer I want to say wasn't it like 75 it was like something a year or it was like $50 a year I I don't remember if you could have well we might need to get another one because I think the number went high so if you could have Phil um yeah because I think it was they worked on one I just wna I want to bring that up again and bring bubble that up because as we get closer to town meeting Mary and I are gonna um go to the seniors we're g we're going to do an Outreach with them at the at their on their um yeah we figured that you know it's ask question that doesn't do we also need to do like um what Mary did for the for Green Meadow um like doing a table at um the farmers market or something like that yeah I mean we we did quite a number of them there actually yeah takes takes people to do it yeah help me's I don't I don't you know yeah I I want to make sure we get our best thing for our buck too like where are the people are that's why I want to go where the senior you know they're the ones I think who often don't have access to the online information is readily so I thought it's amazing how many people don't do Facebook and Instagram we found and that's young people I was amazed at how many people did not so so so just quick question so what are we putting in the article we putting the 3.2 million or are we putting the different well yeah because we're asking for 2.1 million from CPA right because that's only um it can't yeah it's only C eligible stuff okay oh that's right too okay um and it can't be like the project manager salary campy in that so yeah I think that's what the the number would be that we would do a little bit you know round it up and then whatever like it comes out lower right y y the high number and then adjust it down yeah and then there was a follow-up question I guess the select board somehow it it it was brought up um about rentals and the ADA Compliant I thought that was one of the most interesting things is that we can't keep doing the rentals because they're not Ada and do it the same question like every two months and the answer is the same is that the bleachers we've been renting are not Ada compant they were never intended to be for long term they're only being used to and in accompanying with the Press Box that's there once we take it down then we would have to rent a platform or something to that effect because then we'll have no Press Box um and the bathrooms botties do not meet ADA compliance guide so and we keep keep kicking the can down yeah the road so yeah and um I just think it's really important to remember like people have gotten hurt you know and we're not doing ourselves you know any any benefit by just you know minimizing like this is a continued the every day that those things are up um you know we it's we need to get things moving I was asked recently by a select board member um why we didn't um tear them down recently and they seem to be unaware that the DPW and Greg had advise us not to tear them down because it would cost more as a separate project versus incorporating so I just want to make sure that we are all on the same page if you all get asked questions about that which inevitably may happen um we talk about it at our meetings we explore the options and um it is something that decision that was made um with the recommendation for the town to not tear them down now to put up the fence well and to your point it also keeps the crust box which that's where all the electricity right that's the other piece of that right it's it's a big it's also a larger demo than because it has electricity it's not just it's not just a simple was a 40,000 I think at not like the 10,000 that was across the way just the regular bleaches yeah there correct so all right um can everyone go to the July 31st meeting um okay all right I thought it was the 30th I think it's the 30 oh no I forgot so Colleen can you can you put us a placeholder for July 30th at the fire station I will try because I will be out west okay oh no worries yeah worries I We're not gonna have to De I'm not in right I don't know like even last time I hope it at least the conversation around priorities if that is all that happens in a while and if that doesn't happen I will that yeah yeah yeah um yeah I hope it a minimum that's really what what happens too is that we can uh figure out and also so if not this then how are we going to like whatever project doesn't you don't want to prioritize now it still is a project that needs to happen you can't just say you know get it off the list like what is the plan for for doing whatever it is if it's not this year if it's next year or whatever that might be that's really the how the conversation needs to happen not like this is not a priority well then what does it still needs to happen what does that mean if not and what so um I think going to the the fincom Brian I don't I would look to you and and and maybe Wayne to let me know what kind of what dates um they need on on Mondays so I know SE is going to be pretty tight though I mean just with coming back the school what do they I'm just curious what's the purpose um we're going to have an article so they're going to want us to talk speak to the article about um about the bleachers about the bleach project yeah that's going to be on the warrant for the special town meeting so I imagine they're just going to ask some questions about language the need what do we do our due diligence they're doing it they' have to provide a recommendation I get okay just like annual town meeting so they're going to have to give the recommendation if they want more information about it um by then I'm hoping we'll know also about the um CPC application so whatever we are asking for yeah let's see if we can sort of line these up so we know where CPC stand exactly that's why I want to get meeting so we can make sure that we're kind of getting all these time sensitive date things or um and SEL be probably key if we know where select board stands on this as well I'm guessing we'll find out by July 30th well I I'll say let me to that back I guess we they have to if they want to vote and and say the whole board would have to vote and say we're not in favor of this they haven't done that two years ago they advised us to proceed with this Pro and so that's where that's where we are until they advise otherwise it would be very foolish because because of their original advisement is why we proceeded to ask the talent for money you got a design you know so and there are people like I have not gotten any information from Seniors that are opposed to this project in fact one person who came to one of our meetings in Spring I'll go out on a women's say as a senior right we had some seniors yeah category no I think just yeah I hear you I think the issue which was known two years ago was that the senior population the senior center is something that they felt that they've been neglected for a while which is not anything doing the school no it's nothing of our doing but I think there might be a tug on why you're prioritizing this when we've been at like some some of that may be narrative behind the scenes um again nothing of our doing it is what it is both projects have been kicked down the can you know for several years um I don't know I don't believe the senior um building is any closer to any type of recommendation or decision that can but I don't know that's why Jerry couldn't be here tonight because he was year meeting yeah I was actually thinking of uh their meetings maybe going into one of their meetings just to you know gear some of the conversations firsthand just a little bit and um you know I I really hope there's nobody trying to pit projects that get together that really bugs me when this is all its pound need so but I think that's really what it is is that some people are like if we're paying for that's why I want to get the dollars so we can actually put numbers to what is it we're talking about that we're for this project it'd be great if they could do both I mean hey do senior and that they want to have a warrant article that's you know together I mean like I wouldn't be opposed anything that I just haven't seen anything that's really outlined so all right so we're all I can reply back that we are on board for July 30th and we all can be there in let know what the agenda what the goal is and I would we would like to get inform on the agenda um then week or so what the plans for that great um CPC application we kind of touched on that a little bit just need to know when they're going to be talking about it yes and let me look on see when there this says possible vote are do we need to vote [Music] uh no no there's something that we're voting on right now CU we already voted at the last meting on it and no but it's just I'm just trying to see if they have scoll up I know a little bit ago when I just Wednesday yeah yeah so I'll look for the next meeting an um but Analise I thought she said she would let us know at her um at her last email when she acknowledge receipt of the information from Mike and Mike did a great job he did did he always he's oriented thorough and so um you know kudos to him for really being so diligent and detail oriented about that um so that will the outcome of their V will inform what we're asking for ultimately okay all right um anything else Brian that you for the bleacher update I know we have the fence the fencing around there is just going to stay up until until we get back right or is it just till whenever right until we have it for the year was was a set up leave and then Away Great keeps it safer yeah no and if does per chance go on longer then we we can renew it if we just but it'll be a lot cheaper to renew because they're not putting it up and taking it down they're just right okay yeah uh anything else about the bleacher project that we okay so you'll out to Phil and see who I think it's Greg actually working with and I forget her about the tax impact with stepan stepan no who's the new um that's what I thought is it Stephanie Stephanie doesn't do doesn't do that she's HR she's the assistant administrator right yeah oh that's right right but I'll ask him about tax impact okay yeah yeah I think it was another analysis so we had one but now that we have the number went up a little bit um it'd be good to kind of have that at our hand we can just either circulated um would be Jen rsh I think it's Jen probably gonna be go through Greg I'll start with him yeah okay are you still meeting with him regular like over the summer just was he okay did he come back from in surgery or something wait said he's got his oh Greg no got sea legs got his legs back under him or something well maybe he was he was on vacation maybe he on vacation the cave quite healthy when I anything else on bleachers any questions no okay say I should say it or not I I wish we could get this and maybe we won't get the select board but I wish we could get the select board to go with us to the CPC to talk about the value of this project I mean it's it would be very I think it would be helpful I don't know but I just feel like we're the only ones that are you know asking them for this and I know they're an independent group in that but I think it I just feel like if there was more support maybe they would um think differently but I don't know if that's possible um I can ask you know I can ask and see hey we would like to go I mean it'd be great to it's a good to it's a collaboration it's not just the schools it this is a you know um this is a townwide you know projects um yeah um I mean I can ask UMR Jeff if he has any thoughts if not maybe reach out to Lindsay M Mike yeah it would be I think it couldn't hurt let's put it that way and some them I think I think Mike is on the liaison for the the seniors center task course yeah um and I think also maybe it's going for the seniors like you say and it's not one or the other we're trying to you know do everything collabora the year of the seniors from the task force right there of course they're going to be responsive we have the I mean the students so I mean I can't imagine going back to school like oh by the way we're we decided not to do like I just can't imagine that conversation of how that would happen to our tell our students that like we just decided um you know like the town boats for not doing it then the town boats and that let let it be um but I just don't see the school committee backing backing down from this project okay all right I'll ask Jeff to see if any want to this an idea that we're going to be doing and we would certainly like to see if any s board members are willing to join us it's you know usually it's going to be a Friday after or morning late morning or something I think that's how she normally does yeah okay um chair report just thank you for joining your first official meeting a official now you are official you are official yes thank you I just want to make sure you've been getting all the emails yep I've getting everything access to stuff wonderful okay with Google oh yeah have you looked through our drive not yet okay I figured when I had a little bit of down time maybe this weekend or next week I was going to just sort of poke through and see everything how everything's set up where everything lives make sure the access is okay set up some time with you we can do like a virtual just like where to kind of find things and I mean what might work better for you to like St I I do star a whole bunch of things you know so which meetings are coming up but however works better for you but you can see like where the different subcommittee folders are um the meeting folders how you're looking for stuff weight don't be afraid to this is the girl right there okay so school system yeah so um yeah responsive I know she's going to be around a lot this summer as well yep um so and I know that be I sent out just a little while ago the self- evaluation so Haven seen that no it just went through like an hour not even an hour ago oh um it came through for Google so you wouldn't get this because I just sended up for the school committe but we'll share it um the results I sent it also because Beth still has access so um so we can get her feedback as well so maybe we can um hopefully everyone can get to it I just copied last year's essentially and did a new one but I think that seemed to work well and then we can use the results of that to um to do a workshop and July is not working out very nicely so far um so we can maybe think about well you might not even need to be there for our Workshop it'll maybe just be the school so we can review our self evaluation and prioritize like think about goals um yeah again because the evalu because of um Brian's um evaluation it that'll help us with our goals I think this year too like it's a really good starting point yeah excellent great um and then there was just a quick uh blur we have a couple of students which I know that um Liz York and Mike Arya had shared um who are representing let's see the Bay State Games the soccer showcase the see let's see what students we have here um Sienna HCK um Arabella Victoria Caldwell uh eron um mcis they're gon to be representing the Northeast Metro region for the girls soccer showcase Thursday through Saturday at the game on in Fitchburg so um I can't make it but I know that they did post it on social media in case anyone is able to go into the V it's a great event um and just um you know hopefully everyone is stay in pool it's been really crazy how hot it's been sorry um so that's all I have uh marrow any updates from you no now so on the on the next school committee meeting should we plan on doing those problem or or or okay all right so okay let's just face before that see and maybe n Hillary as well just so I will definitely um n her yeah um yeah I did last week or the week before is it that you just need to because it was like three there were there were a few we were we originally went in our at our last meeting right we pulled out we we Hillary and I um just briefly talked um trying to figure out do we need to meet before to talk about them or can we just bring them and she she wanted to meet so so we'll just we'll meet that's what she wanted to do so um so that's what but I feel like if we can get together to to actually meet then maybe we just need to just bring it and yeah yeah we have some good momentum going so let's um you know I don't want to hold it up for right um because I think it would still need to go through like a read anyway so it's not like we would be voting I think on it um and and it also made me think about once we get um everyone who's in the whatever sub whatever the policy would be we can um put forward some recommendations of what policies we want to like focus on for the year as well I know we used to well we do have a list and so what we could do is at our next meeting just talk about the list of ones that we do have so that we can yeah we can say like if you if there's ones that you all feel that or I want to hear you know you your recommendations on on that as well um okay anything else no I don't so um I I am I do want to just keep I know we're going to do a workshop on our goals but I do want to make sure that we're working on right Brian's like how that and getting that kind of yeah we did do better this past year but we did but do better than that but technically we should already be talking about his goals well no we need to do I we did last time we so our our self- evaluation also has some parts like that we take away like to have goals for like the community or whatever that might be so I think it's almost like a parallel effort um I think we just need to get some dates set like penciled in for you so we can keep ourselves our feet to the calls on um making sure we get get things done um with a school be I think November was I think it was like October or whatever it was it was October yeah it was October it should be September yeah AB um I mean you do have the list from right from the evaluation evaluation that at least we could start with absolutely okay oh that's good yeah that was awesome right too that you did that so that really was a good um beginning point and then we can see if you know how how every members want to um scan on that so um Brian do you um want to set up Monday check-ins again um I don't know when what your schedule is for the summer but I'm I know it's gonna um yeah after summer it probably won't work for the next few weeks yeah yeah just when after things get kind of a little bit more mid August yeah yeah yeah that might be good um okay might need to connect ad hoc a little bit between okay great um did you have anything um no um as you heard from Chris's presentation we just met um the school building on Monday and thank goodness there we're having some savings already which is a really nice thing nice direction to be going in so um I did I had a question about the what what was this the mayard the final report about um special education and that are we in a good place here we in a great place we are okay cuz I I came so I didn't really have a chance we are in a really good place there was two reports that came in um cover letter this one was the yeah the special ed and then there was one about the e um program and they're both really good they both only had partial like like yeah like two things that were partially implemented and so there is just an action plan from my understanding that b we put together it's got to be done by August I think a August there's a simple pretty okay perfect yeah that was you look at the the thing it had like three things but it was like you know 20 things that were you know it looked like it was all but they were all you know yes just se1 what is se1 you know that kind of thing so yeah um but that's it that's great thank you yeah so maybe um at our when that after that goes um go together if you wanted to circulate them I don't think we need to do any approving or anything be good for us to know what's getting sent in for the plan for both of those that' be great um thank you all right and Alexis did you have any questions or thoughts all right not yet okay um I think then go ahead and move on um minutes minutes so without objection hold on we had were two yeah but I want to see they had they had edits right 327 had edits 327 okay all right so without objection I will move that we approve the meeting minutes for March 14 2024 and March 27 2024 with edits all right those are approved and warrants are 80 through 83 80 through 83 okay so then without objection I move that we accept approved warrants 24 -08 d81 d08 2- 083 all righty and if the two warrants that went out today can be approved before Monday that' be great and is on that now right Lexus is on the warrant to approve them okay all right you can't tell because it just says School how is that how is how is that gonna work because right now those two were just added on to the because they're 24 warrants so at some point we'll flip to 25 okay that's why they're we have to get it out to I awesome I will great bit later um Okay then if that is all I will go ahead and motion that we adjourn second okay all in favor all right we are good thank you very much have a great