##VIDEO ID:hdi0fm9NpW8## okay good evening everyone this is the school committee it's September 5th and let me go ahead and start with our meeting script as a chair of this meeting I need to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me school committee members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Mary branley here Hillary Griffiths yes but my internet's very cranky okay that's all right I can hear you so far we're good Maro Hogan yes um Alexis fishbone here staff when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Colleen Andra yes Brian hos yes and we have both of the Charles's tonight Chuck and Charles so aren't we lucky um and Wayne is Wayne um I [Music] know either way I'll keep ring itting I don't see him yet but okay yeah I think he said he would be here um but okay and then I know we have um I don't think there's necessarily speaking rules but I just want to make sure we acknowledge Keith can you hear if we have any questions for you yes thank you okay and Karen link thank you okay and K oh I'm really that was funny um Karen can you hear okay that was funny right and um okay can you hear me I can hear you I can hear Karen but I think there's a delay somewhere I don't know if it's me I think there's a delay oh can you hear me yes okay Heather um can you hear okay I can hear you okay wonderful all right let me get back to my verbiage here uh oh geez okay uh this open meeting of the mayard school committee is being conducted um as a remote meeting as Allowed by chapter 2 of the act of 2023 signed into law by Governor Hy on March 29 2023 the ACT continues to exempt certain Provisions under open meeting law regarding remote meetings and public um access until March 31st 2025 this committee is convening via Zoom as posted on the district's website while an option for uh remote attendance is also being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological um problems interrupt and just to kind of hold on there I know that the school committee um has decided to we're going to be pivoting to remote for the interm basis um so if there is technological issues um the meeting itself will be suspended because obviously none of us will be able to so that's a little bit of a deviation and we would have to reschedule um from wherever we we pick up or wherever we leave off um please note that this meeting is being recorded accordingly be aware that other folks may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording which is audible too and viewable by the public if you plan on uh recording or broadcasting this meeting please use the raise your hand um function now to notify the chairs required by law I don't see any hands great um the public comments agenda item is devoted for the school committee um to hear from the public as such its structure primarily supports a unidirectional recording of public comments rather than a bidirectional conversation here are the general ground rules for any form of public comments um any person wishing to speak make a comment during a virtual meeting such as tonight may do so by um speaking in advance and signing up sorry signing up to speak in advance until the public comment agenda item on the link provided on the agenda this uh please have your Zoom name match so that we'll be able to unmute you to speak all public comments are list are limited to three minutes so uh ensure that everyone has to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has an opportunity to be heard no person may comment more than once without permission of the chair as time allows a chair could consider allowing a person to comment a second time especially if it's related to a topic that has not yet been brought up any person wishing to submit a a written comment may do so by emailing comments for SC meeting manor. K1 12.ma.us the subject M line must state public comments please include your first and last name in your town to ensure your comments are read comments will be read only for 3 minutes if the submitted comments are longer they'll be suspended at the three minute Mark to ensure all comments are read in their entirety suggested that you keep them to approximately 350 words however submitted comments longer than 350 words will be included in the record in their entirety uh anyone wishing to submit comments for the public record after the public comments agend item has passed can do so also by emailing comments for SC meeting at manor. k12.us up until the end of the meeting specifically stating their desire to have these additional comments included uh before we go on to the first am the agenda I'm going to permit me to review some ground rules I will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they can conclude their marks I will ask each member if they have comments questions or motions they'd like to make I will go through the members for additional comments or questions if time allows please hold off speaking until your name is called and remember to speak clearly in a way that helps generate accurate um minutes if members wish to engage with other members please do so through the chair and take care not to interrupt anyone who is speaking finally each vote taken in this meeting must be recorded by a roll call vote since all members are remote before we move on I will go ahead and call the meeting to order via roll call vote Mary branley here um Alexis fishbone here Hillary Griffiths here Mar Hogan here and Natasha Riva yes all right and now that's at 708 calling me in order um public comments I didn't see anything Colleen any anybody sign up nobody signed up for anything okay all right so let me just see there's no hands that are raised okay moving on to um urgent business superintendent hos do we have any urgent business can you hear me or am I muted I can hear you oh excellent I'm not muted I love it uh no urgent business lots of business nothing urgent to supersede okay okay great um and then oh Kate Hi I know this is your first I I want to take a moment to recognize because everybody else got a hello for me earlier so welcome to the school committee meeting thank you for joining us this evening thank you thank you I'm excited to be here great excited to have you I'm so excited how much staff can participate when it it's remote so I just want to call it out and I really thank you all for joining in when you can um Okay so no urgent business then we move on now to the superintendent report Ryan okay so we're going to do a couple things so opening of schools I gave uh principls the opportunity because we were they could either tune in live and share their own updates because they are all very positive or if they're like I'm really busy tonight or in lizz's case she she earned the night off she sent me something so I'll start by reading the high school update and I hope we didn't give her like PTSD please you guys didn't she is okay all right F she had she was busy day today um with field mocky stuff and whatnot but all good stuff um but overall the opening was really fabulous from our convocation to our professional development days um teacher meetings to the wel welcoming of students in all three buildings um Chuck and I had the opportunity to visit all three buildings on the first day within the first few days um and really and I hear this over and over from really teachers secretaries parents that it was a smooth opening perfect no was it smooth was it positive absolutely yes see Karen's laughing I'm not stealing or thunder I can't wait to hear what she has to share but we'll start at the high school just because Lis is not here and she shared that schools underway at mayard high school for the year they started the year with a whole assem a whole school assembly and the theme was your presence matters student council did a fabulous job as they always do leading each grade and the teachers in a dance contest that had everyone laughing and clapping each grade had a class meeting on the first day as well I'm happy to report that the new phone procedures are going very well in the classrooms not a phone was in sight as teachers and students got to know each other and previewed this year's curriculum phonefree classrooms aren't easy but as we gathered for an ice cream social on Thursday after school last week the faculty and staff agreed that the change is worth the effort so with that before I go on to my other comments within my report I was going to have Keith and then Karen go and they're welcome to stay as long as they want but Keith you're on awesome hi everybody thank you for having me tonight um so we had a very uh successful start to the year we've kicked off The Year Without a hitch um the most important part of our jobs in our in our environment is our students um and they're happy um the ones I've been a to speak to during both arrival dismissal lunchtimes CL transitions have all reported that their year is going really great so far which is really great news um backing up that our staff U through just an informal survey that I've done uh you know as well as you know my conversations with staff which are constantly always happening but they're all reporting that they're they're happy and they're a loving follower and they made public school um our first day was fantastic we kicked it off with um a entire school assembly where um we all met in the gym and then we proceeded outside to kick off our school year with our whole school wave which I was able to share a video of um with in our s'mores um you know that represents the simple you know strength of a wave working together and and going around the circle and that's kicking off our school year symbolizing that we are working together um as one um you know our first several days of school um all of our grades have really uh worked on emphasizing building relationships and establishing grade level expectations and Norms um that's been going really great our Elementary grades are hosting morning meetings every morning uh both Mr Snider who wasn't able to be here tonight I mean that's the luxuries of having three three young boys in his case um under the age of 10 all doing different sports so he wasn't able to join us but I want to kick that in um but we've been able to join every classroom at least twice in the elementary levels during their morning meetings um kids are super happy super pyed laughing and you know doing what we want them to do smiling and enjoying school our middle schoolers are also um addressing really well um the new locks and the lockers is definitely um challenging for some but they're doing great um and they're adjusting to set times that they're allowed to go to the lockers moving classes and building relationships within their within their grades which is fantastic um so this year also so we have an incredible veteran staff that um has been great but our new staff staff are adjusting very nicely we've got several new staff members um I've been able to formally meet with almost all of them I think my last couple meetings are tomorrow with them just to kind of talk to them and you know see where they are in terms of what they need for support um and those are the formal meetings we've had many informal meetings um throughout the days um and we've had an opportunities to visit all the classrooms multiple times um September 11th we have a PTO sponsored BMX bike presentation coming in it's uh a bunch of professional um BMX bikers that will all take place out in our giant parking lot for our entire school where they'll be focusing on establishing uh a bully free learning environment and last but not least for good news um just like Liz had reported to everybody our phone free policy has been a great success um even better for me being a little bit selfish here I've had zero negative feedback which is fantastic um you know we've not had any issues with phones I have not seen any phones out which is fantastic um literally from Bell to Bell kids are adjusting nicely there it's it's really fantastic I think that was a really positive and great move uh on our District's part to kind of implement that this year I actually just to add to that I when I had to stop by today I when I was trying to get into the office I was afraid to pull out my cell phone in the hallway because I because I was like I was like I was like someone's gonna be like look at her try to call I went back to Joan I haven't seen any earbuds which is fantastic you know it's really really good it feels like um you know I've been doing this for I've been doing this for 24 years in this year for some reason feels like it's the most successful smooth kickoff which is really great great wonderful um I don't know if anyone has any questions for Keith or poer kickoff Mary I just had a comment Keith um I happen to be going through the parking lot at F I forget why the other day and I love I love all the signage I love the signage in the parking um parking carer about where you know where the kids go where the parents go and where not to go so thank you for that so sure really good it's it's it's been a little chaotic in the past so um those signs really pointed out well absolutely no orange Barrels have been hit yet so that's pretty good I see Hillary has her hand up I know she's having some audio issues so she may have called in um Hillary are you yeah um sorry I'm on the phone so I don't have video but I have um audio I was just wondering how if it worked okay with the election on Tuesday um and if that created more chaos or if that was okay um for the operations of the school yeah no um I was able to spend you know certain periods of time um out in that lobby area um throughout the day um traffic-wise there was no issues that I observed or that were reported to me um the voters coming in I mean it's always a a a bit of a struggle with having the access to the bathrooms we really limit the space where you know visitors can walk through um so it's you know it's not an open area um the police officer was asked to be you know specifically out there during that time when our kids were arriving um you know as well as throughout the day but more specifically during that arrival time where our kids gra Gather in the lobby and then transition from the cafeteria you know for breakfast it was really great it was smooth um certainly certainly a different environment I'm going to imagine if we were to be in school in November but um luckily we're not in so that's great but it worked well great thanks thank you thank you um Maro any any questions or no awesome and Alexis nope I don't have any questions all right Keith thank you so much you answered my question I was going to ask about election I heard the select board also indicated it was successful as well um so I just you know kudos to you and town working in collaboration and Brian to you know putting that on I know it's not always an easy undertaking so um it's also great to see the kids you know have the kids see the Democracy at work so that piece of it I think is it we you know should also be noted that uh that that was important so read thank you for the time tonight everybody thank you thanks Keith and we have Karen linquest here to talk about the opening of green metal here to talk about the oh everybody you know first want to formally oh Karen I think I think we're having some issues can everyone hear her okay or is it just kind of no I Karen you might need to join log out and maybe join back in it's like a a delay I [Music] think okay maybe while she's doing that Brian um yeah I don't know oh actually can you hear me I can hear you fine okay I could you want I can uh I don't know now actually because I realized you did Liz's so we don't have another principal Kate um how was your first day and let's just how was your first day in the district and and with the opening School tell me your experience well I'm so happy to be at Green Meadow and I feel like our our first couple days went so well and it's just been um such a pleasure to see the student students kind of I know Karen will touch upon this but um you know just going over the routines and having students who really want to be back at school Karen you're back I just started a little bit I didn't say I didn't I didn't steal anything from you no there's no it's choppy yeah I don't know maybe if you turn your maybe your video off maybe it will turn your Maybe video off maybe it will and I need to stop talking to because I keep hearing myself hear me now talk yes you can hear me yes yes yes no yes okay okay thank you [Laughter] Kate Kate has been to have her Green Meadow um amazing the Green Meadow staff has been Karen I feel bad I think we're only getting like every other word overwheling I wonder if you call in just call in help with this I wonder if you call Heather while while she's doing that I saw that you had your hand up I don't know if you wanted to share sure well first I put it up just because I felt bad that there was no one talking while we're waiting for Karen to come back on um but what I was going to say is in addition to each of the buildings having an opportunity to welcome back their staff I also welcome back um the special education staff just on their own as well um I had one session where I just met with all of the ABA and Paras and then I had a session where I met with all the other special education staff and we got to dive into some new IEP conversations um we also reviewed some um timelines and other regulations so it was a really nice way to kick off the year um bringing the whole department together so and that was in addition to them participating in their welcome backs at their buildings thank you Heather and Heather I just wanted to mention because I did see that on the day's agenda that the for the first day of for staff that you were meeting with um the the Paras and I just thought that was just great I know it's not maybe something that they get often you know your full attention or that position and uh I know that when we we've always been looking for just just to make sure that they they're just such an active um group and I'm just appreciative that they got to have you oneon-one for that time so thanks for making that work out absolutely I enjoyed it so I'm I'm glad I got similar feedback from them as well or those of them that came up to approach me so it was a great way to start the year off wonderful um so I don't know if we have I wonder if Kate has access to the same information and can share it since Karen's having some technological difficulties yeah feels yeah I was trying to um we we did chat about it today so do you want to I I could get it and then you move on and I'll get it and then you can come back to me yeah absolutely right so I we can certainly move on because I can talk about the msba so and it's too bad Karen's trying to log on because she's at most of the same meetings and there were four of them this week um so that green metal building project definitely underway they are we had a great meeting about recess equipment a ton of fun and it's um Karen's there staff is there um and it's really interesting just to hear the conversation about why they recommend which pieces of equipment things that quite frankly I would not think of like for examp the slide that was a big discussion so the Bas slide is a tube an all- enclosed slide which we didn't which people did not like and so the alternative is an open slide kind of like what I think most of us would have grown up with it's a little more expensive but we said well we want to get what we want to you know we want to get what we think is best for our community and the open slide was that so there's been conversations and meetings about recess equipment about furniture about just a planning um about the 60 to 90% completion document so it's super busy all moving along all within budget um msba seems happy with us because we had a very brief meeting with them at their request as part of the process um about different programs that buildings building projects can partake in in terms of where they get equipment and furniture and whatnot um so it's been a really busy week this week at end of last week if you've been there you've seen the fencing perimeter was installed right before school started so the Jersey barriers are up the fencing is up with uh sort of the silk covering so you can't see through it um the office trailer and Equipment have been delivered on site for the construction people on their side of the fence surveying in the field located behind the existing schools in progress uh test pits have been performed to locate existing utility lines and the next big thing will be in the next couple of weeks will be blasting um and Karen and Kate have been working with uh Phil and Chris to make sure and I can't remember the guy's name now who's in charge of the blasting maybe Tom but they're gonna come and actually do a little bit of a presentation for the kids so they know what's happening making it sort of part of their curriculum a little bit part of the life of what they're doing so it really msba well on the way let me turn it uh back over to Karen and then I'll continue after her thanks Brian I talked about msba not your opening so now you're on that was a wild ride can you hear me yes yes all right thanks for your patience and thanks Keith Kenny for coming to the rescue um you know at this point you've probably heard everybody jump in and um talk a little bit about all of the wonderful things that been happening at Green Meadow I think um you know when I was breaking up a little bit what I was trying to share was just how amazing our Green Meadow staff has been over our opening days they've been overwhelmingly supportive as we ease into our school building project as we welcome new preschoolers and kindergarteners um new uh families grades one through three and lots of familiar faces back this week so we can't thank them enough um we've gotten a lot of positive feedback from both staff and families about the consistent communication um which there's been a lot of in our first five days of school for various reasons um you know we're welcoming back 462 students at Green Meadow which is really exciting our grade one continues to be our largest class with 101 111 students in our kindergarten classes are not that far behind um and our preschool has 60 students with more um who will be enrolling as they age into our programs so it's a really Vibrant Community right now we also um welcomed over 60 English language Learners to our school which is really exciting um and has brought just a lot of positive and wonderful um pieces to our community um uh as you know the construction fencing is up at Green Meadow Northern construction has been really great with communicating with us about their project timelines about everything that's going to be happening we've had several team meetings that we've been including staff in including um this week we met with the Landscape Architects to do some playground design work and we brought our OT and our PT into the conversation as well as our bcba our um PE teacher had previously been part of some earlier conversations that happened last spring so um really exciting things to come with this new project um our staff had attended some math PD training before school started to implement our new math curriculum um which is going really well considering it's day five and anytime you implement new curriculum it comes with you know a little bit of of um just anticipation and um everybody getting their brains around a new structure but the kids have been really engaged in the math lessons and feedback from staff has been you know anytime you take on something new there's there's a lot of work involved but they're feeling really positive about student reaction participation um with the curriculum we're continuing to imple implement our new Ela curriculums um and our prek team is using a new curriculum called Frog Street that they did their training on last spring and um that they are implementing this year so lots of really great work happening at Green Meadow um as you know we had some opportunities to test our safety respon plans last week and I'm happy to report that our protocols were successful and every situation we're really grateful to our facilities staff for their quick response to our wasp situation on site and um you know we continue to be grateful to the mayard fire department and police department for their support um both with our Medical Response last week and um with our fire drill which is new some new planning involved with our construction project um but everything went really smoothly and I think most importantly our students are settling into their routines um and we today we had our first bus meeting with all of the bus students gathered together to talk about um expectations and rules and answer any of their questions um you know about like what happens if nobody's waiting for you at your bus stop and um you know what happens if you get on the wrong bus and so we had some great discussion about how we're here to support students in this situation so overall just a good start um and you know again I can't thank Keith Kenny and Brian and Chuck and Charles for all their support as Kate and I get established as a new administrative team at Green Meadow wonderful that was I'm glad we were able to get you because that was a lot we would have missed um thank you so much for that that up date um and I I know Mary probably can speak a little bit but I know that there's been a lot of communications that selectboard also gave about the Green Meadow and the you know getting started with all the um the fencing and whatnot so it would be great you know I know Brian just to make sure that we get an update on how that Community feedback is responding to that um on a on a now that we're they're kind of noise potential noise and things are ticking up um I think hopefully people are more excited than anything to that we're you know kind of breaking ground there so thank you so much and I just want to go through the rest of the school committee Karen to see if anyone has any questions or um some feedback for you Mary anything no just um Karen thank you so much for and Kate I guess for um for I mean there was just a a you know short um note that was sent out to parents about this is what's going on this week as far as the new construction goes and that I think that's the way to do it just you know little Snippets that people will definitely read and just keeping them updated and while you were trying to relog on Brian was saying that the um the blasting um company is going to incorporate the kids which I think is always phenomenal so learning learning time so thank you for that also Rems me of when they had the solar um how the students at the solar they kind of turned that into a learning opportunity um bits and pieces when that was at the high school so that's great um Hillary did you have any questions or feedback um no questions I just thank you so much I love that you're um taking the feedback from the OT and PT for the playground and um the updates for Green Meadow I've seen and from a couple different sources so I really like that they're shared widely um so people miss it one time there's another opportunity for them to see it um and then great job handling that start to school and that excitement um so successfully okay thank you thank you marrow um I don't have anything specific for Green Meadow but um I'm loving all the updates um I don't recall um in previous years getting updates from from each um school and especially um Heather um thank you for your um your update on how that the first also so thank you so much yeah Alexis I don't have any questions but it is I agree with Maro it's nice to get these updates I only get updates from one school um where my kids are at so it's nice to hear um about what's going on at the other schools great um and I'll just say ditto for everything that everyone said I appreciate everyone's you know summer has ended and we're back into school um it was cute seeing all the I think teachers kind of getting back in as well but I really um glad it's been successful so far so make one one more General comment um that Brian sent out a note to everybody before the Labor Day weekend I think all the staff to say that Boston magazine has um has mayor is number 47 in the state Brian I think correct yeah that is like huge huge and four number four for the bang for your buck and number four for the bang for your so kudos to all the hard work and everything that all the staff um has put together to um put us there so justall thank you I think in the years since you oh yeah I was gonna mention that later but I think in the years that um I've seen that that I don't think that's the highest we've been Brian so I don't know mayor 47 I think we it's not been often that we've broken or come within that 50 um you know considering the the group that you know there's a lot of well-funded communities there um so I just think that um it was it's yeah Mary thank you for that's okay so I happened to be with a client last week that is enacting people look at that their kids are in acting and he brought it to my attention he's like wow Main's really doing well I'm like yes we are and and going back to where we've been in the past I remember us being like 151 yeah so there you go so I didn't want to say that but I was like yeah I don't think we've ever been in the first 50 I was like w we're in the first 50 it was really ex General thank you to everybody because it's all everybody's had work it is I think we need to really share the bang for your buck piece at town meeting because I think historically there's been you know complaints that we don't spend money well and I think that's the proof that that's just not even close to True good idea good point all right um I think Brian thank you all for I have one more I two more yeah okay thank you thank you uh Keith Karen Kate Heather who else is on there well we'll we'll get to Charles momentarily yeah exactly but late in the day today I got an email from Byron Woodman you should know his name and as of today the mayor High School is officially receiving solar power from both the canopy and the rooftop systems so we're in process of setting up a transition meeting to review the systems monitoring documentation and the educational component but we couldn't do any of that until we were actually operational so it just happened late today um and the other thing that you'll be involved in uh we'll do a dedication ceremony at some point this fall we'll be in I'll be in communication with you about that so that's exciting though that's very very exciting oh my gosh I don't know yeah when I when I think about the first iteration of that that plan was to take the place of Behind Green Meadow and rent that out for 20 plus years I'm so glad that we did not proceed with that plan right we're in a good place with that right now yes thank thanks for everyone's welcome yeah and last thing where's Charles he's here put them on the spot we're going to talk about Grant approvals yes and and Charles before you get started I just wanted to um um Wayne the um cost center for these I just wanted to confirm is this all going to go to instruction or or Charles do you I just need to get the the code for more of a procedural so when I I'm crafting my motion um want to make sure where the additional funding from the town no the the grants no for the grants is it 200 or 2,000 is that or is it instruction or none of those are all costs for the operational budget grants don't aren't in the operational budget so we attribute them to the cost center yeah we attribute them we allocate like like from our expense where we're expending it so that's what we've done historically we've had a cost center that we're allocating it to find out where they're G to spend the money I don't and they're all they're all instruction we can it is okay so I think it's 2,000 so I'll just I'll go with that um if you say cost center the instruction that's fine got it okay great thank you good I'm on Charles you now it's all you yes okay first of all um Chuck and I are very pleased with um we got a own own report card are the the title grants were due are due September 13th and had them in by August 13th a month early which is great and we had to go through the processes quite it's quite a process but I'm happy to report they've all been approved both the programs and the fiscal spending so we're with your approval of the school committee we're set to spend the money okay the first grant is Title One um Grant 3 305 and that is for $178,600 um the the grant is used uh in well four different ways first of all it pays the Sal it pays most of the salaries of our Title One teachers one at Green Meadow and one at Fowler uh High School is not eligible for title one just Green Meadow and Fowler Green Meadow we serve as uh students in grades K to three and follow all the way grades four to eight so U it's a change this year because we used to just service students in grades four and five and this year we wrote the grant to service students all the way through 8th grade which we really need mostly literacy and pretty much all literacy and math so $160,000 goes to the salary we have a fee we need to pay because the way grants work if you can believe this fee it's an mtrs fee Massachusetts teacher retirements it doesn't help any teachers it's just a fee for grants that fee is $14,400 so 9% of any salaries that are spent so um Wayne and I have worked very carefully um um to to to make sure that we minimize the number of the way that we use Sal gr but title one we really have no choice we have to have Title One teachers but in um as we you'll find out in a couple weeks when we talk about our special um education grants that none of that is used for salaries just for the purpose of saving that 9% because that's a lot of money we also are obligated to set aside um some money for for homeless students homeless doesn't mean that you're out on the street it means you don't have a place to stay you can be staying with relatives or what have you and we use uh we uh we set aside $2,000 for that it's just the supplies other that needed sometimes as technical supplies sometimes as clothing whatever else and then the rest of the money $2,295 is for um supplies so that's a total for the 305 Grant of $178,600 okay I don't know should I go through all the grants and then we can do questions might be the EAS yeah second Grant is um it's called title 2A it's Grant number 140 and the purpose of that is really professional development and in keeping with um u a serious goal that we have for the year is we're trying to increase strategies to narrow the achievement gap between our our general population and our students who are we we call from historically marginalized groups that is our El students are special ed students are students who might be from um impoverished homes and whatever might be so uh a huge goal for us is to narrow that Gap and you'll be and O'Brien will be talking about that as as Thea goes on so we're using um a good amount of money for for that we're doing um we're doing $11,000 um for U part of it is for an El uh par professional working at the high school working at the high school part of it is for um professional um increasing strategies to use as I said uh for for ocid and um um the uh and we're also using it for um for instructional coaches and for some and some for some supplies that Grant totals $ 28,29 and it's all used for professional involvement all really for the purpose of helping students who um who who are not achieving as well as they could be and generally some of the things are the strategies that we talk about for for students in need are strategies Ed with all students so it's not you know exclusive but it's the emphasis on seeing what we can do to narrow that um achievement G so that Grant is for $ 28,29 the third Grant um is title three and that is not as much as we would like it to be it's um it's just $1 14,18 and under title threee that's a grant for especially for um English Learners that Grant has to be used for three ways part of it is um as I mentioned before the salary for our um um our profession for our um par professional that we have at the high school just to help with El students um U part of that gr is using to part not the whole salary part of that salary we also use and that be $8,000 we're using $4,000 for our our um lay on striping for L on for our lpac that's 100 hours at $40 an hour and the rest is used for um outside professional development just to help us uh with the PD for helping teachers increase strategies to use with the Learners and that's $4,189 our last Grant title for is for 11,000 uh for um 11,989 and what we did is we took that Grant and we we call it Flex we put all that because what I mentioned before is such a huge issue this year huge um initiative this year is reducing that achievement Gap as I talk about it we put that whole $1,980 into assist teachers in assessment using assessment data and tailoring instruction to meet the needs of our of of all students but with particular emphasis on students who are in need so those are our four grants I'll repeat the totals again if that if that helps U the first one is title Title One $178,600 title 2 a 28,0 $298 title three $1 4,181 and title four $1,989 and I'll be very glad to answer questions about the grants um my I have a quick question and I'll just go around um how do for the because these are entitlement grants right that we we get standard um are you seeing any Trends um particular you mentioned about the the the one that really earmarked fund um supporting El um are you seeing any Trends with yeah going down yeah I'm just wondering how how that is like in a formula work because I know that a Learners or population is increasing and I heard Karen mentioning like we had 60 or something that so I'm just curious on how I'll start with Title One title one is really based on poverty rate and at one time the poverty rate was close to 40% and what years ago in May the poverty rate now is only 24% which is still high but it's um it's nowhere near the 40% so the most the most money goes to cities and towns that have a poverty rate of of 40% or more so we're not close to that so we're we're we're finding that we cannot keep up with the salaries that we once had with teachers with our mtrs St so it's going down not huge amount but it's not keeping up with inflation in any way right okay that's unfortunate uh thank you for but we have Sub in in a sense we were very fortunate last year that we received some other grants that helped us which were competitive grants and you never know if competitive grants are going to get them or not the the T of Grants we know we have right right well even apparently um you you still can't necessarily rely on a certain amount because if it's going down that's not a good a good basis and grants are always they always say it's like a gift we're not you know it's not yeah it's not part of your your budget yeah um all right thank you and Chuck I think Chuck wants to add something oh yes yeah I just add the uh the actual total dollars of the four grants are fairly flat down slightly but obviously in the inflationary environment we've seen over the last couple of years being flatten dollars actually means uh less less service all right thank you for that sad fact of reality there um Alexis any questions I do I actually have a question about the title one money for um at risk of homeless and families for students and families who don't have stable housing um the $2,000 that's required in years past have you found that that amount is not enough to help support those families um um that's a good question because um right now we've also had some uh we we actually had a amount of money set aside for homeless students through another grant that was another question I had right so it's just part of um some areas and we've uh one of the things that we've done when we've had any if we haven't spent all our money we buy extra equipment could be backpacks it could be school supplies in some cases technology um um to haveen in so we're in pretty good shape last year we had set aside 4,000 and Consulting after Consulting with desie we thought 2,000 would be enough considering we also have some other grants okay because my other question was you have other grant money that help support them and then how are the students and families identified is there a HUD uh liaison point of contact within the district yes okay at the high school or um the whole District right yes okay thank you uh Maro uh I have a question about the salaries um right mainly for the first one it looks to me like the other ones are like just stiens which cover so are these two new new people yeah one is one is the one personal Green Meadow has been there for for several years person that follower is brand new um Den taking Denise hatches please oh okay but so it's really just replace like this person is replacing Denise right okay so these are these are positions that we've already had and then so we're just using this money to cover their their salaries it's not like these are new employees that were that no no not no it's it's so and that they're not going to be like you know let go at the end of the year similar we're sure that we even though the money is is going down uh it we're not expecting a you know such a huge we will be able to afford the Sal each year okay great thank you Hillary hi I have a couple of questions and some of it could be because I'm cutting in and out a little bit um for the homeless the money set assigned for homeless students does any of that get um used for transportation or is it free to be used for it can be used for transport yes this it can be used for transportation yes and as I mentioned we do have other grants as well that can be used for transportation for homeless so so I'm sure that cost is huge yeah yeah yeah um do you end up having leftover after the transportation to cover need other needs or you're right we yeah we as I said this year we had a little bit of money and we spent it on um sort of stock stocking you know some some supplies that we would have in in case because you know things come up we don't you know when you're dealing with um with homes you don't you don't always get advanced warning you know so it's nice to yeah um and then so with the title one poverty rate going down is any of that due to not having um free and reduced school lunch applications like by any CH we underestimating that no I I know a lot of people think that's that's not a lot of people think it's tied into free and reduced lunch but um no it's it's it's just what however they do the statistics it's not you know it's because we you know as you know lunch is is for free right now and breakfast and I and it looks like it will how do get the data I'm not sure how it's where are they getting that number from is that from yeah it's it comes to us when you it actually has right to the figure exactly what the poverty rate is at each school um and it's done it's already prepopulated for us by Dy and the figures that they get yeah oh yeah you went like super robotic I we yeah we didn't catch any of that okay I'm gonna Colleen are you doing a time check I see just want to clarify we do not charge for transportation yeah okay Hillary we can't hear um anything I just want to make sure you understand um sorry I don't know if you want to try to call back in oh there you go hear you okay oh never mind nope you're you're you're RoboCop now again sorry okay um Mary I'm GNA move on looks like Hillary's gonna hop off and hop back in that's okay so um my question it it follows up actually on Alexis about you know identifying the students and that so my question is how are we helping those students because in a lot to a large extent I'm thinking that they're tied into the buses after school and that so are they takeout programs to get these kids it's it's a combination both some many times it's in class support and sometimes it's a pull out depending upon the needs what we we do is um we we um um at the school level they decide um sort of a rank order um who needs the most support and where you know where are we getting support and Title One is used mostly in literacy and math the students who need support depending upon their needs using the data that we have available okay so it is during the the school day so um so that they're it is accessible to to all of them that need it right excellent all right thank you okay and did Hillary hop back on or she Hillary can you I think she Pro is I got to is looking about how is the poverty rate determined and um I can tell you first of all it's not you know it's not it's poverty rate from a year ago it's not you know it's not the the exact current rate of this day but it's um I'm not sure how it's determined it's pretty much given to us yeah I I was just wondering if it was underestimated because of not needing to collect that data from students don't think but I'd be glad to check on that and see if I can get some information you know yeah um my last question was um and this also could have been because I caught out a bit um the stiens for be working beyond the school day on instructional strategies yeah what is that can you tell me about that one sure it's a it it's the teachers we have different study groups for instance um uh and professional development um so in and since last year we had a a math committee um and U this year we'll have different kinds of committees to um K to 12 trying to find out um what's going on are we you know where our strengths are where our weaknesses are especially trying to zero in we get from um new testing data we have that's called Maps we get you know some really good data three times a year and we can really take a look at not only how all students are doing but really keying into what are we doing about students who are in as we call it historically Marin groups where are we seeing growth now we're not going to see tremendous growth all immediately but over time the hope is that we'll really see an ning of that Gap and that's a huge issue for us this year yeah thank you yeah so so teachers are looking studying sometime you know strategies and it also going be um for instance Keith is going to be doing uh a book making thinking visible which is U for you know a book study group for for teachers again talking about what are the instructional strategies that we're using I I like to call it we're we're widening our repertoire of skills because many times teachers can be very successful in a classroom but are we reaching some of our most needy kids who need you know different approach these not necessar not necessarily children students but it could be you know our Els which is a you know um a number of strategies working on that but also students who have had some problems with attendance um come you know come you know have um you know to just have some difficult ities in school and it's we want to use the strategies to really help them great thank you I just want to emphasize as a longterm goal we're not going to see overnight can we're really I think we would definitely need a lot more money to get all that goal um but I I appreciate I I I'm really happy that we we're F whatever whatever money we're able to get we're trying to maximize to the best that we can for each student so um uh Charles thank you so much um I will go ahead any other questions just a point of order kind of um so on the summary it said that title four was 11,989 but in the description it says it's 12,800 so I just want to make sure that we're voting on the right number okay that I must have been a typo I'm so sorry it is okay no no no just want to make sure again that we're which one which one Mary which title um number four 11,989 is that 11,989 yeah okay that's the number good that's the correct one okay yeah sorry about that okay I didn't catch that um and then I I did have a question that the title to a fund is that also 305 I didn't have the title 2A is 180 um no the title title is two 140 14 140 okay got it that was the only other thing all right so um so without any other questions I'll go ahead and move that we accept the entitlement grants for Title One Fund 305 in the amount of $170,000 $695 title TOA for fund um code 140 for $ 28,29 title three for fund code 180 for $1 14,18 and title 4 fund code 309 for $1,989 and allocate to cost center for instruction second okay um any other questions discussion all right um roll call Mary Bradley yes Mara Hogan yes Alexis Fishburn yes and Hillary griffits yes and Natasha Rivera yes so motion carries you so much thank you all right um now Brian that was I think the remainder of your superintendent report correct okay um so tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and throw it to you if that's okay y That's fine all right policies take it away okay so we start with ecfa um so we're the policy subcommittee meeting uh um committee is um suggesting that we resend this policy because um there's no real reason to have it right now now um the CDC is not um suggesting people wear masks um and obviously it will be all it'll be up to the um students the teachers um administrators um to wear masks um when they feel that they need them um the um mask masc which is the mask um Association of school committees has already rescinded theirs so we're just following their in their footsteps um how do you want to do this do you want me to go through all of these first um I think um if we go through because there's some that are just that are resend and then there's those seem to be easier maybe we can just I can do a straw poll if anyone has any question about that particular one and we can kind of move on to the next one um and then we can just do like one one vote um y if that's okay that's fine Hillary yeah so I was okay with resending this one when we met as the policy subcommittee but now you know the email saying about going because of school starting and covid and if I kind of feel like if we're making the school committee meetings be remote because of Co it's kind of hypocritical to say that we're going to increase protections for the school committee by going remote at the same time we're taking away the mask policy for students wear mask let me just make sure let me pull up the policy just so I can make sure the reading the verbiage to understand because I think the policy was more of an effect to use masks as a practice but that's the policy was to require them for the five days following the the covid test and I think that's out of date and it's we can't that's not ever enforced so it's kind of nonsense to have a policy that's not enforced and not followed um but I also feel like and I've heard from people who asked about this um that it's bizarre to simultaneously in the same meeting say we're going to be remote because of covid and to take away the mask policy I had put a comment in there about just the one paragraph the school committee giv gives the authority to the superintendent um just keep that as as the only you know the only portion of it um so we give Brian the authority to just put it in place if it seems like it's important so I know if it was some if we could add it to to a different policy or just have that be the blanket um because I think that was sort of where we were you know where we ended up last year so um yeah so I I I mean I think it's just illnesses in general that I've I don't think it's just Co Hillary that I like I know that's one thing but there's just generally like their people aren't getting tested necessarily anymore so it's not necessarily knowing what the illnesses are all for I know people who had like pneumonia or you know just a couple of different things to start off with and I think it was more of I if I'm I wouldn't want public coming into our school if we're having a inperson meeting um you know that might get our staff sick or something from the members of the public not necessarily protecting us as a school committee um just bringing that into um further so I don't I I don't know I I am fine resending it myself um and we can always revisit it if I would probably want to rely on if we keep it we'd have to like amend it and then it we're not I don't know I'm not a health expert so I really don't want to rely on making up some stand that's not really grounded in some State advisory um that's my concern I mean I think we people can wear a mask I don't know Brian what your what are your thoughts yeah I think if people want to wear a mask by all means we don't have very many of any right now doing that uh but they're always welcome to we support that if they want to if they need to and quite frankly sometimes staff do if they are just coming back from sickness it's more likely to see staff doing it than kids right now um okay so I think it's fine and if we got to that point at some point in the future where we need that we can make that recommendation okay but I think the Poli the recommendation is um to resend is fine uh just a quick question and followup Brian on that thought that you brought up have you heard any staff concerns about not having a mask policy where they would feel like not protected or anything I mean I don't know that would be question if they they think that we're you know okay all right I mean I think we either resend or we have to table it to do a revision I don't know if I would feel comfortable with any revision unless it was grounded in state guidance I would rather resend it and then have another policy that what if the state comes with something if it it could happen like next week right that's what happened at when we had a policy we went through all this effort and then the state you know released some guidance so I don't I don't know Mary do you have any yeah no like I say I was just thinking that we would leave that one paragraph just have that be the protocol so that we don't have to get involved We Trust Brian to you know to put something in place rather than having us have to call a meeting to do it 48 hours later or that kind of thing we resend it that that's not there no I was that's why I was saying just we have that paragraph be the be protocol mass that was yeah that's that was my like amend it the policy and just take everything just to have that paragraph just to give Brian the authority to do what he feels is needed so would be my recommendation if we did anything or either that or just we send it and then we revisit it I just figured it would take us out of the equation when we don't really need to be I would potentially also want to give you know the nurses the ability to require masks when they see fit like if somebody's coming in and coughing like crazy I would like the nurses to have the power to require it in that instance um and I think that you know in different states there's people you know saying that people shouldn't be allowed to wear masks and so leaving the sentence that says you know we encourage those who want to wear masks to do so um just like to be supportive of that so there's there's things that I would kind of like but I was was okay with resending it um I just it it feels uncomfortable to me to do it today and then I've heard from somebody at you know in the community saying why are you guys going remote tonight and why what are you doing with the Mas policy and I'm like well we're going remote because of illnesses and we're resending The Mask policy because we don't think it's needed anymore and those two things kind of seemed it made me uncomfortable doing resending it today um Alexis what are your what are your thoughts um I had some of the same questions that Mary had as to well if we do resend it what Authority does Brian have to actually put it in place because we might potentially need it um I however am not 100% sold on stating that the nurses can require a child to wear a mask back into their classroom I can understand it in the health office I could here I can in Vision potential blowback from a parent um and so I me in the nurse's office oh okay like while waiting to get picked up if like a down that I completely I am that I completely understand and I would be 100% on board with that if the nurses felt that the students posed some I don't like using the word threat but that there's some virus some germ that they don't want spreading um and so I would be in favor of that um I just want to make sure that we have that ability regardless of what the state tells us um whether or not there's a state policy I just want to make sure we have the flexibility within the school Community to make those decisions that are best for the students and staff I meant like if the te if the if a kid's if it's going to take 45 minutes for a parent to come pick up the child and the child is coughing like crazy and has a fever and I don't mean to send them back to class with a mask okay I wasn't sure so I figured out tomorrow um are you I mean I I would like to make a motion that we resend the I just want to move us forward here because I don't know if we have a lot of other policies here so we either either have to not resend it or or resend it so I'm going to make a motion that we um resend the policy for masks ecfa and that we will um upon recommendation for the superintendent that we will revisit um with a a new policy if um based on new guidance second okay um Brian are you comfortable with that so if you're I mean like you're closer to you know the updates the nurses get from the State you know health and stuff if things do uptick I mean we can even if we need to add as yeah if we need to add it as urgent business you know because we just we're seeing that Spike you know I think we all probably agree I want want to make sure that we do have their input on whatever that is and we're not going to get that tonight no and if it gets to that point we'll get that from the CDC or from the Department of Education or from the town Health agent who I'm in contact with all the well not the CDC but the town Health agent and desie I know surprised they don't call me yeah um any other Hillary I hear your your thoughts I just don't know how we're going to address all that in a policy without making it overly political and angst I mean I I I'm kind of like the nurse part about you know requiring it I you know I can see that not going over well we don't do that now we never did that for no currently everybody in the nurse's office has to wear a mask um and that was enforced when my daughter was sick last week um the nurse made a point of saying that she was wearing a mask because everybody in the nurse's office has to wear a mask um and so it would be decreasing the requirement for that to only if the nurse found it medically appropriate um I think that would be okay if medically appropriate would that be a good judgment that we would be comfortable with them but if they're doing it already then they're doing it because of this policy right that's yeah that's why you put the policies in place so that people can you know so that it's written that it's been approved and so everybody's going by the same rules maybe weend this and then maybe you guys come back with a more modified version why don't we do that I don't think this this one's outdated clearly so it's not you know in effect or it's not being executed properly anyway um so I think resending and you know bring it back and maybe there might be new guidance next week that comes out or something um I think we're just not going to do that be able to do that tonight well when we when we originally were looking at this there were there was not any specific um you know from the CDC or from desie there was not any specific because they because basically mask just took this whole thing away so um and we we so we're just following the CDC and Jessie at this point and mass a lot of big school districts though have decided to keep it um this year anyway so maybe if we can get another like with that data or analysis of what like if you're looking at other school districts what their policies are what they've changed I'm guessing if they're the same one it's outdated because it's relying on you know guidance that's not there or not quite the same so they're either leaving in place a policy that's not quite updated or they've amended it if they're keeping it yeah so yeah I think that the newspaper articles they read about the schools that are keeping it as is are basically saying that it's still good medicine to do it um even if like the reason that the CDC got rid of the five- day um like the mass requirement through day between day five and day 10 was because people weren't following it and so if they have a policy out there that says to do this and nobody's doing it people have the false sense security that nobody's wearing a mask nobody has Co and yet the person sitting next to them could very well have Co know it and just not be wearing a mask and so it was sort of more of a behavioral policy than a medical policy like the medicine hasn't changed we've always known that masks self prevent illness like that's not you know that that's not dependent on Co or like that helps for pneumonia that helps for colds like masks just help prevent the spread of airborne disease um and so the schools have said like they feel like it's not worth the risk of having you know with all the pressure on attendance they want to keep the policy to keep the kids from getting sick and missing school and things like that um but can can you can you guys add it to your list for your next meeting to I mean I I really wantan to you know I don't want to feel like we're not being responsive to those concerns I just don't I wouldn't be comfortable adopting something or keeping it with it the way it is especially since it's we put it on here unless we want to just table it all together um you know at this point I just want to kind of move us forward so we have a motion on the table it's been seconded um any you can either vote on it or and it and it stays or it resends so um tomorrow I think we should vote on it since it's on the table okay so right now the vote is to Res we'll see where we end up yeah you want to vote oh yes yes is is your yes vote to resend yes it is okay okay sorry uh Alexis it's to resend and to revisit this within the policy committee subcommittee well that was kind of what I think part of the the language was that you know with recommendation because Brian would be part of that um recommendation as well yes then I would say yes okay Mary ditto to what Alexis just said yes to to resin this and then just make sure that we create something or revisit um what we can put in writing to again help Ryan and to help the nurses so and the whole po the whole population okay Hillary um I'm I'm okay with that plan but I think given the timing um with going remote today and the fact that we've had this policy in effect you know nothing drastically changed last week to this week that makes it less accurate today than last week um I'm going to vote no okay um I will vote Yes so um the motion carries four to one but I think with everyone the consensus is everyone feels like there's something that should be just looked at a little bit more and um you know Hillary I I do appreciate you highlighting that those areas because I don't I want to make sure the teachers I mean the teachers feel safe obviously and they don't feel like they don't have um muscle to be able to to do what they need to do in the nurses as well um and um we'll be revisiting it at um a future meeting so marrow will kind of take your lead on yeah on when that will be okay and any data we can get about like what other districts are doing how if they've amended it that would be helpful as well sure great okay thank you all right moving so um B which is supposed to say number 406 gift giving to students um we did not find anything there Mass doesn't have a policy about gift giving to students um I we looked at other you know anywhere else and I couldn't find anything else so um so the the plan is to just resend it because there's there is nothing um mask mask I think either descended theirs or doesn't have a a um comparable um this kind ofi policy too yeah it is it is I'm reading and I'm like we're just like giving money and for yeah I don't I don't glad we're recent I'll be I'll be glad I don't know if anyone else has any um desire to keep it maybe that would be I don't Alexis yeah I felt like I wouldn't even know what I wanted to change it to but I think it's weird if we have a policy saying you know they can't give GI they can give gifts to their own children it's like yeah no kidding and saying you know you can't give a gift more than $200 I don't really want a teacher giving a gift that's $150 so right definitely an outdated policy um all right so we're we'll be on okay I'll just hold that and we'll do a larger lump sum if we can of a vote um okay marrow the exit interview one is that the next so that one um what we decided to do is we're resending the entire the the entirety of this exit interview 518 but we took the last um the last paragraph of this and we added it to the end of I okay so I is just is an update with that uh that one paragraph it's at it's the like the second to last got it so that's why we were doing an amend for that one and then we'll be resending this one okay and I see um Mary made a comment to edit the title and I like that idea yeah because otherwise when I mean the exit interviews are so we're saying they're so important but nobody's going to be able to find where where it falls in so just to add that to the title okay is what I would recommend I like that as well um Alexa any thoughts on on that no no I I think it's fine making those changes um just an interest of accuracy we basically just moved that paragraph over but I changed the wording from that the surveys will be made available to families to will be requested of families because I know when my child left her last school we got a personal email from the dean of students requesting that we fill out the survey and how important it was to them and it went on and on about how important the survey was and how they would use it and it it like compelled me to actually take the time to fill it out versus if somebody just said oh here's a survey if you feel like it you know they made you feel guilty enough yeah um that sounds good Brian and just to confirm I know this because this is really falls on um you guys for executing the surveys and all this this is those suggestions from the school committee seem okay with you yeah we'll make okay sure that we send out a letter with the surveys and a link to do it electronically great okay all right so um so we talked about marrow the exit one is there anything else on the because I know we have to go back to 400 on no there's no there's no other nothing else on 518 or I okay great and then and so um so mask does not have a policy that talks about Personnel policies goals um so um we felt it was you know something that we should well hold on they used to have a policy that they then took away because they basically are were saying that each district should have their own Personnel policies goals so that's basically what we're doing is we're taking the the 400 and there are you know a few changes um and updates within it to reflect Manor Public Schools um like the policy numbers updated the cross reference um so that's that's what the difference between 400 and GA so basically we're just Rec codifying and updating um 400 to GA okay thank you um Mary any questions I was fine with this yeah great Alexis this one I'm not gonna vote on okay because of the potential conflict okay um so if possible if we could separate this one out that would be lovely we will do that um Hillary anything to add on nope that this was this made a lot of sense okay all right and um all right so what I'll do is we did the mask one um we have two straight resends so I'm going to um make a motion that we resend the gift giving to students policy that's number 46 number 406 and the exit interview 518 I can second okay any further discussion all right so roll call um Mary yes Alexis yes Hillary yes Maro yes Natasha yes so so those two policies are recent send it out right and then I'm going to break these two updates up so we're going to start with um policy I um we I will make a motion that we update policy I including with edits to add um exit interviews exit surveys as recommended by the policy subcommittee I can second any further discussion okay uh roll call Alexis yes Hillary yes Maro yes Mary yes Natasha yes I almost forgot to say yes so yeah was waiting for her okay um so then we will move on to this one okay and so this is the one um for policy 400 we're going to we'll make a motion that we um Rec codify policy 400 for personnel policies to instead policy GA and update as recommended on second okay and um Alexis is this this is the one that you want to refuse yourself okay got it all right so um any other discussions from anyone else okay um then marrow yes Hillary yes Mary yes Natasha yes okay so motion carries four and one abstention thank you all and we got through policies oh my goodness um awesome any other updates I'm just curious for the things that you guys have with everything else it seem nothing yet so um Hillary and I we'll um plan our next um meeting and then we'll we'll plug through the the ones that we need to do okay um all right so let me just close out all my policy documents I'm so glad that we're pushing right along there um now moving on to um special town meeting prep and [Music] um the alumni article so just a couple of quick updates last night the select board um approv the warrant but um they we have a couple of people have to put comments still and fincom still needs to have their comments so we will I will send those over um for tomorrow morning uh if you know I have them in the folder right now we can kind of go over them a little bit and edit wherever folks feel you know would like to edit um and then fincom is meeting on Monday I'll go to their meeting just to see if they have any additional questions um you know to hear what their final recommendation will be and then this will be included in the warrant that gets it goes to print um for Tuesday so the um areas that I the takeaways I I added in like the the you know 750 seats I try to break it out in a way that I felt like it was like topic specific in the comments I don't it just felt easier to to maybe read and digest a bit and got a little bit more I I've been looking at this probably so long and just hearing feedback about what not to include and what to include um the select board you know had an opinion about there's a sentence in there about the potential to you know have for the school be looking for an operational thing I thought that you know we committed to just trying to be transparent about that that is this is more of a capital expense but um there could be um FY uh 26 a short budget shortfall for operation um on the horizon um I didn't get too much into the like dollars necessarily except for the annual bleacher rental um but I do I would like and this is just more of a matter of timing um printing out like a a spreadsheet that will later on like you know we have a handout for um maybe like school like it shows because I keep getting asked this question I just haven't had time to f price it out like what it cost for escalation for like the Ada bleachers you know over um you know 15 years plus adding in um rentals you know like things that are not met with the code because there was still last night um feedback that maybe rental is still an option and I I I I'm not seeing that in what the code requirements are because we're not meeting like the curb and the Ada pathway that's not something that can be cured by rental um and you don't have hand additional hand sinks and drinking stations so I try to put that in there as well even if we rented it that would be cost prohibitive over you know 15 years you would have you're you're spending less just buying bleachers in 15 years and doing all that in a permanent way so um and then you know this might not go anywhere it could be that you know we people vote on it and the board are still not um willing to you know proceed with the ballot I didn't get the warm and fuzzies last night that that much has changed so I think the question really for us or the conversation is that we have not been given any direction on what if not this what else like it's just the comments from the town feedback is not a priority so what does that what does that mean cuz really we will have to make if this doesn't pass at town meeting or if it passes and then there's no no subsequent ballot vote the school committe is going to have to decide about tearing down the bleachers because we're not meeting code and we don't have the funds to do all this extra stuff to do that and that is going to be um and we have no funding source to move forward with anything else so so it will be like no bleachers because we can't rent we can't continue to rent without doing all this other stuff knowingly so I know Brian that's not a easy conversation to think about but I I think it is something as a reality if we don't secure funding for this project um we need to think about start pivoting to a world with um demoing and what and what that might be so anyway so do does it um does your description and I'd love to be able to read this later and give you notes tomorrow but um I wrote a couple but um does this talk about that if we don't get this this is the the result we're going to have to features and everybody's gonna have to bring chairs and well I didn't I didn't no but I mean it's it's true I mean we need to tell people I it's really important that we're putting this article on because we're we've been told left right and Center that we've got to do something we're putting in front of the people and if everybody decides no then we need to tell them this is this is what it's going to look like afterwards so there's a couple of things that there's the sponsor comments are supposed to be more like factual you know like this is the but I think there's a separate piece where the school committee can you know do an advocating like it's within our authority to do like a separate school committee message that speaks about those pieces um I was trying to because this is on a this is going to be on a warrant and it's more like election kind of thing um there's certain kind of you know what I mean there certain things with the debt exclusion that how much you can try to sway or Advocate versus just inform um so I kind of went back and forth like like how much was too much you know opinion you know versus like factual information um but the reality is yeah I could certainly I think emphasize somewhere and there that um you know there is no funding source like there's no zero cost that's the actually thank you for bringing that there's no zero cost option um without this there will be you know we will have no option to to do and I think I mentioned there but I I don't think I emphasized it and maybe maybe I think it might be the next let me see and and that's exactly what we did with Green Meadow I mean it's factual that you know people no funding source yeah yeah after this okay so I will make sure that I I look at that a little bit more to expand on that but um I would maybe add a section that says you know alternative options or and then lay out what the alternative is um there's not really alternative that's the problem like but I mean if people are going to read this and think so what's the like is you know and they're going to think well let's just keep the leaches we have and like particularly people who don't go to the field and have no idea and are just thinking okay this is great you want this but just stick with what you have and by saying like something along the lines of alternative options or um what a no vote entails or in some way just factually lay out what a no vote mean if this is not without this plan here's what we have I like I like what you said like what a no vote means um because I think that's what if this doesn't pass right um what is that what does that leave us okay I'll I'll I'll I think that's that's a because I did put in here um yeah I'll do that I'll add that in there um and I'll take a better look at it after our meeting just yeah yeah I don't I don't have to send it over until the morning so um and it's just going to go it's going to go to fincom and um so and I'm like just hearing last night and trying to get people's feedback I mean like the CPC and um although that's looking like a a noo at this point all right um so if everyone has any like thoughts or want to look over it tonight send me anything you know happy to update it Incorporated I know that a prior vote gave me the authorization to to amend that already so I don't think we need to go through a formal thing I just wanted to make sure you guys like I wasn't completely off base it Incorporated the the topics like the historical piece like um what got us here the inspection like those are the areas a little bit more of the story behind the scenes um but I also didn't want to you know be like like right now clearly the select board is not in favor of it but or I don't know not all of them so they do plan on putting um out their own message they said last night and I asked if um you know I asked how like that what that would be and it would be would it be like an advocating and they didn't have one ready so I think it's going to be kind of like last year when we had that for annual town meeting when we had our own or the year before was it at our own article and they put together this message I think it's going to be something like that so we might have a separate we'll see how the response is um now that also we may hear now that the community's back in session you know um because this all all the conversations about not proceeding happened over the summer when uh parents and families were really not around so I think I don't know you for putting this together this is good yeah it's a lot easier to critique it than to actually create it to begin with so thank you yeah no and um and it again it's I don't know if there's always going to be a right everyone wants to see a different version of it and I'm just always hard I get always get so like re rewriting this is like the fourth fifth revision of myself um so for a special town meeting Brian um from a planning purpose I know that we'll have to be there will Mike can we see if Mike can join if there's any questions about the task force okay that would be great I don't expect him to like to come up and do the presentation but just to be on hand if people are asking about like field use or um you know capacity questions or things like that you know it would be great for him to be able to speak to that um and I don't know if anyone else wants to this is going to have to be a school committee anyone wants to speak on this or is it something that folks want want me to um we have time to think about that but we'll you know happy to you know tag team with anyone as well um so it's not all one but we will have to speak on the article itself is a school committee and um be able to field questions from from the community as the sponsors so we can I'm assuming that Justin will be there to Marco just because he might be helpful too for questions that come up about you know the actual condition of them yeah I think Justin will be there um you know I think it'll be tough because they have water infrastructure stuff that um you know actually just thought about which I need to add in there that this the capsom recommendation um I want to include that in there that the capsom recommended this as a priority project um as well at that meeting so okay um any other questions about special every is everyone able to I know it's a little bit away but if everyone just start planning make sure that you're G to be there it's like it doesn't look like there's a lot of articles that are going to be on the uh the warrant so I think we're in lock about that there wasn't anything for the seniors um that were presented as a subcommittee but who knows if individuals you know come up um and then there was the other special Town um so this the budget is being updated as well so the school will be getting an additional 76 approximate $76,000 um the this came up in our budget subcommittee meeting but also what I noticed on the the warrant is that it looks like it's baking it into our operational budget because there it wasn't a way I think legally to transfer directly to the um facilities account so what's going to happen I think and Wayne can um Brian I think we hadn't had a chance to talk about this yet but because I think what were're going to happen because we're not used to getting extra money when it is a budget revision I think we're going to have to do like an amended budget allocation just for that se that 76,000 and um and maybe allocate it to that like cost center for like building or maintenance or whatever however we we do that we can discuss that a little bit more in our in our subcommittee but um because SEL board was okay with it the select board was okay with the way that it was distributed I think the select board took Greg's recommendation but um but you there was a comment from select board like oh they're just you know they can just do whatever they want with their money you know it's like I mean you would think that we're like you know going out buying lottery tickets with all this extra money um but anyway it just I don't know it just it just rubs me the wrong way because it's just such a yeah um so that's why I just kind of to reinforce the transparency and the intent you know that it is going to be put towards maintenance it's not going to be put towards you know another staff person or whatever and whatever we can do to to show um that we were not acting in bad faith in you know in that um discussion because it can't go to a facility account directly I think the best option would be that when we we will amend after town meeting we just we would amend like a quick amending to our budget um for that particular cost center um that's kind of what I'm thinking so something along those lines and we can flush that out later all right and that's it I think it for special town meeting planning um that I had so let me pull back up the agendas now we have just uh oh chair report um the thanks for the work for the that was put into the um election the primaries that was really great um I also just wanted to you know acknowledge that you know schools started and you know around our country we were already ining um School violence and um and active Shooters which is uh not you know just not what we we would want to be thinking about at this point already so just my you know condolences and I think everyone probably feels that you know just that angst that anxiety that comes with those type of situations I you know Brian you Educators or students who are in the building I never had a grow up with that experience erence and it's you know it's a harsh reality I think for everyone to face so just my appreciation for all the work that the staff do to protect our students um fire department police department everyone um that we are we are safe today um because of the protocols we have in place but um also thinking about those who were lost and hurt in the recent incident in Georgia um I don't have really anything else except uh Mary budget wise there's a couple of dates that we I saw that they were yeah okay um and then coming up soon Jeff and I will start meeting for our leadership meetings so that's going to I think it's maybe next week or the week after um so we'll have an opportunity to connect and hopefully issues we can discuss so those will be reestablished all right um subcommittees um Mary anything nope nothing nothing tonight oh you know what I forgot to mention we're gon to be going visit the seniors speaking of oh yes that's right that's next next Friday at 11: PM 11:30 at night right they they put it that's what the paper said yeah but we'll be there 11: a.m. just in case anybody shows up yeah yeah yeah well yeah hopefully they won't be surprised or maybe they will be yeah so good opportunity yeah and and Marrow what we have to start and and you're the one that keeps nudging us so you need to nudge us early that um we need to do a better job this year about the Outreach to the schools and stuff so I for one have fallen down on that piece so yeah and I and I um oh sorry go ahead oh go ahead I'll I'll touch on it when you get to me no I was just going to say um I know the office hours the select board talk last night they were like they went over their goals and I know we also talked about doing a school committee office hours in some way and I did see maybe it was Sudbury I didn't save where one of the school districts um nearby had some type of like on their school comp page like hey drop in it was like a remote option too so like people could I think it was like make an appointment you know at a certain time and just show up so like you could just be you know at your home whatever and someone might if you have an appointment that someone books so I don't know that kind of option would that flexibility so if someone would be like hey you know ask some you know ask a school committee a question you know it might give that person who just wants to show up you know just to ask a random question about like hey Town meeting's coming up let me what do you what do you know about can you tell me about this particular thing about the bleachers or whatever I don't know um so that's do one um near the [Laughter] bleachers you're funny maybe before a football game or something I was just gonna say before the first football game maybe Thanksgiving morning well there there are games being played I was there earlier for for the boy soccer varsity varsity team so you could potentially do do something you know either during it have a table so all I do is get I last year just going to the games when this was kind of people complain that's it like oh so I it was hard to kind of get like feedback necessarily because everyone you're looking exactly to your point illary people are mostely people to like power up to Advocate you know yeah well I I think once people hear the message and the warrant goes out and people see the comments and stuff I think what they'll you know people will maybe we could print out that page or and a a modified version of that page because I know I don't get the warrant in the mail and you know there's probably people who don't go regularly go to town meeting yeah who potentially go to games at the bleachers and could be encouraged to go to the town meeting by saying you know if you don't like the state of bleachers come October 7th yeah and we can use some of that to do our like our our message like to be more advocating for like our our school committee like a letter so maybe um I'll look at the calendar to see where we can finalize our own letter and that would be something that we can um get printed um yeah ahead of time we can post it you know a couple weeks before um town meeting and then um and then make sure it's available for when people are checking in to go to their um all right that's a good idea thanks um oh actually maybe um the students who do the table to pay for the football game they would want to encourage too and people might be interested in listening to the words of the students more than us um I think because it's an election I'm just going to play Devil's Advocate there's you be careful on how you get staff and stuff to um advocate for school purposes I think we as elected officials have a different you know our role policy but what Municipal Employees or public employees and me the kids that do there's there's students that you know stand at the table to collect money to enter the I would just be a little bit not adults no but there are adults there also who who sometimes and I just I don't know I that would be my caution after reading it a little bit I just don't want it to get ugly um May anyway okay Colleen a question for you uh since Liz in here um student reps if we could get and I know they were're going to be doing elections soon um they have student reps they voted last um June um but I will reach out to Liz okay yeah I just want to kind of give her the schedule yeah if we can get like schedule them on their next meeting I'd love to see who's here and be able to put them on our next agenda item to pencil it in we can great thank you so much uh all right marrow that I'm glad you brought that up because I was wondering um when they were gonna come back to give us some some input um I also wanted to touch base uh again um about Outreach um what I can do is um contact UM this doctor off about Sac um and then the three well it's looking like just two pto's because it's looking like we do not have a high school PTO right now um so I can look at those and and then populate our spreadsheet for this year um and then and then also um maybe I should touch base with um the principles to talk about maybe doing some some Outreach earlier in the year because I know that Karen had suggested that um that we do um an earlier in the year um meet with teachers and things instead of waiting until the very end of the year um and then the other thing is um goals for finalizing goals for us finalizing goals for Brian we really need to do that I'm hoping like the next our next meeting we can do either come up with some you know the ones that we're going to do and then the next one we um vote but we need to want that and um Bri I had talked about it earlier this week as well so I know he's um I don't want to speak for you Brian but I just remember um looking at the takeaways from the pre prior evaluation the action plans and I think that's where you were kind of um going with the those draft goals Brian yep I'll be able to send a draft tomorrow okay oh great thank you fantastic thank you absolutely um and I think that's that's all I've got um other than mentioning to Hillary that we need to schedule a policy meeting so I'll email you I'll message you tonight because I'm looking at my calendar and I have some ideas okay great Alexis I don't have anything tonight um Mary did you no I'm good anything else okay um and I don't have anything else except for what was already shared so I think now we'll move on to um there were no Dent agenda we do not have any minutes for tonight right no minutes but we did have um warrants warrants to accept 25009 to 13 got it here we go okay so I will go ahead um without objection move that we accept approved warrants 25 9 251 0 2500 no 2511 2512 25013 all righty no hearing no objections those are accepted and uh I did want to just point out because I had asked um just for the warrants I had a couple of questions about them and I just to share um there is um cleargov that was on the most recent ones and I had um so we can Wayne we can talk about that in our budget sub comme because I know that there's some enhancements or whatever um that help functionality wise and um but I also want to make sure because I know the town is using clargo for their budgeting purposes and I just want to make sure that we're not incurring additional costs in support of the Town um for their you know to help them with their budgeting stuff so I just want to understand the value and what we're doing a little bit more um it sounds like it looks fine but I just know we had stepped away from it um at one point because it was it seemed like an unnecessary cost but that was the only um followup that we'll we can do and Keith I actually for you before I forget um CPAC is looking to um hold an event um in next month in Fowler so you're going to get an email about just space um and and date commitment and see I don't I can't can't remember what the date was it actually will be me emailing you but just so you know but it'll be for CPAC and um so just as a heads up so they're looking to kind of um get folks together and kind of reconnect with the community as well which I think is great so would that be evening time during the daytime it was it was going to be I think a Friday Friday I don't have my exact day a Friday evening yeah so it'll be like after like six so like after basic kind of um in the cafeteria you know so I think it was they were looking to do um like maybe like a a paint pumpkin painting or something like that like mini pumpkins or you know just a kind of like not food because food kind of gets a little you know crazy but just an activity where parents could drop in if they have kids and seasonal um so we're going to try to explore something like that but I'll get the date over to you um by early next week for sure not maybe tomorrow but early next week okay awesome I'll be looking forward thank you thank you all right um then I think that is it so I will go ahead and entertain a motion that we adjourn make that motion okay second did someone second that I'm just yeah I second oh all right Maro second okay um roll call marrow yes Hillary yes Alexis yes Mary yes Natasha yes all right we are adjourned thank you all for attending and hanging on we got it in there before nine o'clock yes impressive all right good night all night good night