hello we are going to uh this is school committee it's 6:33 we're going to open the meeting um and then we're going to go into an executive session since everyone is in person where do not have to take votes by a roll call except for executive session so I'm go ahead and oh wait under executive session mgl chapter 38 section A discuss colletive bargaining with the teachers and so unions and chapter sorry 2182 conduct strategy sessions in preparation negotiation with Nel we'll have AAL the bargain position and then chair so declares um committee will return to open meeting at 7 o'clock okay so we enter into session yes marrow yes Mary yes B yes Natasha yes even the school is now back in Open Session I'm going to go ahead and read this de as chair this meeting I want to confirm that all members in person anticipated on the agenda of president in hey uh School committe members oh we've done this part uh student Representatives do we have oh yeah she Kay that Kay join yeah okay um St call name please respond in the affirmative and yes Brian H yes CH Jus yes yes oh now I can yes I'm here great um this open meeting of the mayor School Comm is being conducted as a hybrid as Allowed by chapter two of the ac23 signed into law by Governor hey on March 29 2023 this act continues to exam C requiring REM meetings and Public Access until March 31st 2025 this committee is via Zoom person isst of the district's website while option for remote meeting participation provided as courtes to the public will not be suspended or t problems interrupt the virtual broadcast toote attendees otherwise required by law please know this meeting is being recorded that other folks may be able to see you and take here not to screen to your computer meing that you broadcast may be captured by the reporting which is audible soon and by the public if you planning to record broadcast function now by the chair no meeting materials along with the agenda most time materials are available school committee school public is encouraged to follow along agenda and Doc unless the chair otherwise the public comments agenda item is a devoted time for the school to the public as such it structure P supports directional reporting public comments rather than a bir directional conversation here are general rules for any period person wish he comment to our virtual meeting may do so by public Advance up into the public item the provided please have your match that we may be able to unmute you to speak all public comments are limited to three minutes to ensure that everyone to comment the opportunity no person may comment one than once without Commission of the chair as time allow the chair could consider allowing a person to comment a second time especially that is related to a topic that has not yet been brought anyone wishing to submit a written comment to be by the chair you like agenda item comments for. us sub comment your first and last name comments will be read comments will only be read minutes and comments that sure all comments can be en is suggested that you keep approximately however submitted comments longer than 300 words the public record anyone submit a comment the public record after uh public comments agenda item pass email comments for ma us up until the end specifically St comments [Music] on speaker ask questions comments motions I'll go through in a way that generates help generate andot we actually session um now that we've return back into Open Session I just want to go ahead and um make a motion that we approve and ratify between the meeting for July first 2024 through June 30th 2027 and to authoriz shair school committee to sign on any further discussion um Brian just thank you all inv everybody discussion to thank everyone for for having a successful negotiation for for um just everyone for um for all the work they do and we're happy that all are are pleas um agree yes motion yes iar um any Ur business okay public comments yes not many of you people know me my name is Ed M and uh I'm here about can you just get your address real quick sorry 5 Circle me and uh I was a part School Committee Member very interested in the schools and the town and uh all my children and grandchildren contributed that so I applaud what you do so I'm here to give you and it's my impression that the school committe is in charge of a lot of my field and it's a main interest for me so I wrote down some buet points that I will go over with you and I'll leave it at that then you can take them leave them and uh so I'm sorry I don't have any more okay so I have history field called a citizen and been 70 years involved with that and as I wrote here uh this is an important gateway to M it there are two places in M it that are gateways in downtown and alumni beeld and in my well first of all people know that I get involved and they know that I've had a history here and come up with me and complain so I say okay I listen to them and I what am I going to the coffee shop say somebody so I found out for Mary uh when you have a meeting and I felt that I should Express as a public citizen my concern and perhaps a way that we could solve these concerns you can take them and move forward with them or at least I would like you to consider them for discussion and just think about them uh I've thought about Al life Feld for a long time and it's a slow process and to me and to the people who complain to me it hasn't gone fast enough so the first thing I have here you can see ma Point STS it's they're terrible and they are an eyes saw for example I went to the track meet yesterday or the day before three or four different Town my granddaughter run from M high school walking around and stands get the yellow tape and it just isn't eyes saw and we don't present ourselves enough to me I talk to the guys that work around there those stands can be taken down and as far as I'm concerned they should be taken down sooner rather than later I've talked to the guys from the DPW they can take them down you initiate if you want to take the all of them down I talked to Mike about it he would like the the speaker stand there the press boxs that could stand alone but if you took the other stands down that would tell the community hey things are stting we have and if you call or work with the public works perhaps they could do it in a day take those SCS down remove the Yellow Tape Grabel it up and then move on I have $50,000 now so we have spent from my information $50,000 on temporary stands and another $25,000 F next year and another it maybe another $50,000 that's $100,000 gone where if we had s of this plan two or 3 years ago we could have saved the community $100,000 okay I went to this CPA money as a citizen and I don't know I M BL but when I was on the school building committee it was refering to me that anytime you want to renovate STS you can use CPA money and to me that's an urgent thing for the community of made it so as a school committee member or full board if you went to the CPA committees which I don't know where they are I think they're down the town hall and say look we haven't ear concern that we could use taxpayer money that's already there for something toate the St and you wouldn't have to go to the the general tax you could use the CPA money so I had an overall plan in my head as I bought around there I bought around there twice a week okay so first of all as I said to you the St second of all the clubhouse you go to Clinton go to Littleton similar towns to and they have public restrooms and and that old field house has all the plumbing all the electricity that can be used for public B when you have the football games soccer games and all the public events out there they instead of the B houses you could use the the bathrooms okay of course if you take a general idea which is what I feel should happen is that there should be a total package to fix that whole whole whole I know we can hit the new fire station and of course I supported the new school if you put something together for the community to see that you are going to renovate the stands you're going to renovate the field you're going to renovate the tennis courts you're going to renovate the bathroom you come up with a number and verify that Community because it's a community community thing with lots of people use that and if you could get that done say I I don't even like to talking them I them milon and you put that on as a budget item and then you get and you involve the whole Community I think I think a lot of and for the instantaneous things I WR down is I walk around first of all I pick the rubber sh all rubish put them in the cans so that's clean the mowing is very good the guys do a good job mowing uh and they they care for the fs as as all the green here there's a lot of ring that needs to be done we take a couple of hours all the tennis courts have leaves all around them and I always said when I was a selector of school you take care of the little things and the people outside say you hey take interest in this so I don't know how what your role is and how that director comes down from here down there but I know the guys are work here but you said hey I want you to like in front of the field it's all stones and all kinds of twigs and around the torts you go to every other town There's no leaves in the corners there's no leaves outside that that should be a Simple Thing couple hours okay in front of the clubhouse where I pop my truck KN grab and uh that's one thing so um that's all I have to say if you have any questions of me this is my presentation I just wanted to give you a Citizens perspective and I will tell people who complain to me that I come to the official board daughter who's a resident M I always complains about those stands yeah what can we do thank you very much and I we want to make sure I don't want to get into too much it yeah but I I would love to maybe connect offline about some of the there's a website that has about project information of what's going what's going on on the bathroom some those things that you question um so maybe afterwards if do you have email address or some way that maybe I can share some information with you I'm interested in doing it right and uh saving the money as well so is it your first name m l l y Ms wife thank you very much and I just I I don't want to too sidetracked on on the public comments because I'm sure everyone has feedback but I want to send over some information about and then need um with is there is there another uh Committee involved are they is there logic there's a course there's design project yeah yeah um yeah so I'll send over some information we'll start with that um that might a like give a good place for some information see speak some interview to brought up that place to start share with other people what is already under way and um and also what we s what's the this is this is the the school committee it makes the vot for actually IDE there are multiple people who are providing boards planning board has been involved there's designs that are under way fores so that kind of stuff I um budget money for SC designs approv last year but money for designs and then in the fall you're GNA see some other folks for are you are you hearing me on the stand that's a first you're hearing that so I don't know what how you can remember that but it would be my hope if you would uh listen to me and the people of but loud there okay and I thank you very much thank you for your support at all of our time years support thank you and well education is the foundation I don't know if you know that my mother us picture teacher in 30s ands wowow so 1941 she had me she had quit because ladies couldn't teach pregnant so she stay away years for 20 years thank you very much for your time have a good night student represent hi good evening hi so for our highlights we have the stuco Earth Day event was held on April 10th brandise Professor Dr Sally Warner brought her warming Stripes Banner many groups worked on climate positive projects um April break was last week um Al Alvaro Gonzalez's senior project alto saxophone recital was a success same with Tessa Gilligan senior project a self-defense class um baseball is so far undefeated in their season and softball both had games over break and track had their first home meet uh yesterday or Tuesday um concerns in Solutions the homework pilot teachers voted to end the pilot and sa brainstormed next steps um Field Day date needs to be scheduled as sap actually at our stuco meeting this morning we did pick a date which is May 24th or no maybe it was June 8th we switched it to it was a whole thing um for upcoming we have pops night on Friday Thrift mayard is Harry lenich senior project that's coming up in a couple weeks the mayard history scavenger hunt is Megan Ray senior project and that is this Saturday um One Love is a healthy relationships training for seniors um the mock accident for prom attendees will be next week and the Addison Gallery field trip is also next week for many students to see an exhibition of historical photographs from across the USA perfect um go around Elizabeth oh yeah thanks so much I have a question about what was the homework pilot and what what are the next steps um what was the homework pilot it was a Civics Action Project last year by one of Mr Paterno's classes and it was that homework should not exceed three times a week from more than either 30 or 45 minutes um and that was in addition to the school committee homework policy um it was pretty controversial among teachers it was voted in at the beginning of the year but they voted to end it recently because um it restricted their essential rights to teach their students and give them assignments in their words um the next steps are pretty unclear because um as this homework policy didn't work it's going to be it would be difficult to Pilot another one because it's pretty clear where the teachers stand and where the students stand and it seems to be pretty different sides so um next steps were not really decided though they were thank you so much yeah did you do um when you guys were doing trying to figure out the pilot did you um interview other towns other school systems to see what they were doing um I'm not sure because it was a a junior class last year so current seniors um but I imagine they did do some research we've also discuss different um schools homework policies around us in siic because there's like one school that doesn't do any homework and other schools with like more restrictive homework policies um and I think it's pretty agreed upon that the students would like to see a homework policy that restricts what teachers can assign and the teachers are basically of the opposite mind so it's kind of an impass right now thank you I was at the one of the sap meetings last year talking about policy yeah I was super disappointed to hear that they voted to end it so you know before the full year I was really hoping that at least we get one year to kind of figure that out so um yeah sorry to hear that I am too um you have any questions can you um clarify is there like um what the vote was teachers are just wondering the language what was the concern you mentioned about is it about autonomy they felt that it was restrictive to how they are able toach teach the so I'm not um exactly I wasn't there it was at one of their teach faculty meetings um and I'm not sure what exactly the vote was but I'm I think it was well it was obviously a majority but um I think it was a good amount of teacher it was most teachers wanted to end it and from my understanding they just felt oh um it was brought up that uh te some teachers felt that it had become disruptive to their classes because every time they tried to assign a homework policy students responded by like quoting this homework policy and claiming what they were doing went against it which I mean I'm I've never experienced that personally um I think I might have an idea of some of the teachers who felt that way and I think um the homework policy it it was definitely controversial and there were a lot a lot of reports of teachers violating it so I can see where that idea might come from because I've been in classes where um I've participated in discussions and basically the teachers the students coming to the teacher and saying hey you've assigned us four assignments this week that goes against the policy and there's been some mixed responses between teachers mostly displeasure upon hearing that and yeah just the inconsistency and it was being app also caused for how it be F and and also it became more of a contentious point class um that cross conflict that led to was more disruptive than helpful that was that was one point of view yes um I think mostly those came from when teachers were violating the homework policy and so again it just comes down to they feel like they should have the freedom to assign as much homework as they deem necessary Brian I know princi your here but at some point maybe it would be helpful of someone who teacher at the high school that can share their perspective on their experience with this pilot you know I know students but I know be curious to here also how teachers their experience with the pilot and you know more about the vote and is there opportunity I guess I would probably look at the policy sub committee is there opportunity like information to the polies of to improve it in some way maybe not I don't know sub yeah try this so that that would be my my thought is like how do we get the teacher I would like to hear from teachers maybe they have some suggestions incremental sometimes you can't get everything but maybe incremental changes that and then I the some um oh the prom mock accident for PR is the pr I know this came up last time about the the price inre was a price increase and it seems it questionable is everything okay with that I just want to um the prom ticket cost this year was $65 and last year was 60 so I believe um I don't know if it was the school committee that someone said was gave approval for the increase which um I didn't hear any complaints about it I I mean obviously no one wants to pay that much money for a prom ticket but um as someone who just started their classes prom committee I can certainly attest that it is very expensive so the tickets the ticket prices are unfortunately I see them as the necessary evil so um one thing one thing about homework for the prom um is there a mechanism for kids to go who can't afford $65 yeah um that I'm not sure exactly where it comes out of I assume maybe the class government funds but um that there are several students who are having their tickets being paid for by um I was told it's by Miss Thompson I'm assuming that's her acting on behalf as a class adviser um so I'd assume that comes out of the class fund and not her pocket but yes there is um a way for students who can't afford prop tickets to still go that's great um question about the homework pilot is were teachers how were teachers involved with coming up with the pilot or was it a student run student idea that was sort of just imposed on teachers so I believe they were involved I know the Civics Action project is led by um Mr Paterno it was his class um so he's very involved in the process um and I believe part of the process was talking to different teachers and um it was definitely not just a hey this is what we want and I believe there were like surveys that went about to both the students and the teachers so yeah they were definitely a part of the decision-making process thank you um Kay is it possible for us on our on these that we get is it possible to have a little more information on them so like for example if it had said you know this was what the pilot was that would be helpful to have it's so just having there was a pilot then on here when you have like you know Harry L senior project is coming up like what day you know when when is this is there something like when is this um when is this sexophone um fored you know and those kinds of things when is the scav you know we can have that information written on here I think that would be really nice to have ahead of time yeah um I I apologize for the lack of information lately on our reports um in in the past um so far what we do is we write the outline of the report essentially and then um usually principal York goes in and adds detail but we haven't been doing that lately we've I mean the we've been doing the outline during um sa but um So lately it's become like a last minute uh effort to add the details so yeah we we will definitely get back to proper reports and and then I don't know are we um is there any are we thinking at all of highlighting some of the student work during the sa presentations I don't know they just I think that's what they started they just speak them as elaborate um they mentioned actually in this one the last three reports they talk about the projects and I the [Music] last we have toally invite them or know Kay for the last couple weeks we have much time yeah maybe be recorded as a separate event have thank you so much Kaye Kay I have one more question for you um your did you had yours rescheduled your um your election did that happen already or is it still yet yeah um that was the week before vacation and I did not get the position I was running for but because I was that I had the second highest amount of votes I'm a delegate on the board so I am still on the board so that is a success um and next year I'll probably rerun though I'm not sure for what position um so yeah my first meeting's in May congratulations yes yes and please keep us upated on how how this new role worked for you too I know this is new for everybody here to here so thank you for representing will thank you guys all right moving on um superintendent report Let's see we you saw the report in the folder already lots of good news at me of public schools um the Rotary Club of nishoba nishoba uh Awards scholarships to local students for rotary youth leadership awards and one of our students ID fall so congratulations to her say thanks to chck for is all and um chak has been instrumental and bring mayard into the folds of the show us I really appreciate that great organization keep senior projects are happening which we just sort of heard a little bit about but I think I shared all the information with you all in a couple of different ways that if you want to sign up um there's panel presentations on May 17th there was an email I can resend it but it's on this document in folder so you can sign up we can arrange your personal work schedules to be be able to attend if you haven't ever attended it's well worth if you've done it you know it it's exciting lot of very rewarding and I think for school committee it's super exciting because it's all what you support it the budget the policies all the time and energy you put in this is when it comes to solution for students so hopefully you'll be able to attend some else and see them firsthand it's a lot of fun uh the solar project update so we are making progress I know that's sort of been talked about for a long time but it's some you can see the canopy is up from school they did a really nice job of uh just groundwork in terms of putting her back and putting fin back together they've been working with the tree Comm the mainor tree committee so they have the right number of trees and right locations of where they'll be planted um when they're done over April break we did do the trenching which was they've been really good about schools using vacation time so we did all of our uh vacation programming at at F school so they could do the trench and thank you to school committee for approving the some additional funding so that they can put extra conduit in the trench now which will allow us at any point in the future to add electronic charging stations without having to retrench so it's basically empty conduit that lighter can be run through um that's built in already up at the building and will'll be at so infastructure so we can do it at much lity to do that she had sent email that said they were going to have TRS I'll have her clarify that um and I know they're working on the they work on the roof and at some point between now and the end of the year uh Byron and Bobby actually seen him but he's very responsive and his guy this the site superintendent what what I would call him for the construction company for select um they're putting they'll work with the administration teachers who want um regarding the educational component of the solar project so they we won't be able to see our data yet so the way that want like they finished the project they put their information into do ever SCE and then we're sort of going cute so a little bit outside our control we wait for them to come and actually test it and then they make it live but we can practice look solar data it's just different data what does it look like how does it work how can we Implement that so that's already been talked about at the by weekly me so they are work at that it would be great to get um having that built into some type of regular the student groups I don't know you know whoever that might be um GRE Le that they can just like give updates on this the games or whatever it might be just so it work so hard absolutely it's exciting definitely coming along and then um just to question thought about I'm guess maybe when structur this maybe that might be a good opportunity to clarify you can send pictures right just that might be this is what it you know what it is it's not kind of like broken up people so it'll probably if that's the case it'll probably be some sort of update at the end of the year because it won't be live at the end of the year and then over the summer at you knowning the structure will be complete it won't have power until and maybe it will I don't want to speak for you're going to hear from Chuck about the student Opportunity Act which that's a whole piece of the agenda so I'll sort of skip that for this I just want to do to have some basic information about it um and somebody already nicely mentioned that Mike Ari the athletic director passed his uh National inter Scholastic athletic administrators Association certification as an athletic administrator let B teachers can do national boards nurses can do national boards um um but it's it's an accomplishment a lot of work lot of effort um and the validation so we're we're proud of absolutely exactly kudos to much uham so some of this was just you already know Green metal principal princip completed we're happy that linquist is will be the Principal next year we're starting the assistant principal search for green meow we're partway through the director of student services search we have two finalist coming next Wednesday to this building to meet with staff Andor community members and myself um so we should have some conne and that's great getting a big strong committee with parents staff car Janice facilitated that great job so moving ahead there I could some overlap so they Jeff this I don't want to overly promise would say that we can encourage that both candidates are fully employed as right now but that doesn't mean to your point and I think they would agree that they would love to take a day or two or something to come so I would yeah so we will work on that y agreed and we are currently still working on the director facility search we started we had uh a few interviews that didn't we didn't find the person that we wanted at this point so we're continuing and we'll sort of continue we'll find somebody we repost that yeah we we reposted it we tweaked a little we salary in there see if that attracted some people and and there's some more people applying so we'll wait from that is it posted as the Director of facilities okay I just I know he went back and forth with this yep last time know that it helps I hope so we hope so yes I mean I say fine because Tony has you know works with him so he's actually the head custodi and then we have leaves at each building and if there's anything that really comes up that's above and beyond unexpectedly he is willing to step that you know take on some add responsibility temporarily so we're we're in good shape we're very fortunate um is there um you know what you could probably post for that addition at anytime um headed into summer I'd love to have somebody on board because that's when they have of just cleaning and tpping and projects that we can't do during the school year so the sooner the better have somebody on board us the right person yeah we we could do an interm if we get to that point I didn't feel like we were there just summer project that um so they don't fall yeah and I don't think we won't fall behind we have Bo um all right so opportunity act uh is required by the state of all districts threeyear plan is submitted um what you have for you is the plan will be submitted this year we do need to vote of the um to the plan um what happens after the initial year is there is updating each year but you don't have to submit in the same way that have do once every three years the numbers you see here are not new spending um the numbers in here are also spread over 3 years uh if I was to summarize sort of a big picture opportunity at basically te ask districts do you look at data um student achievement data attendance data do you work at cohort GRS that's sort of one question student opportunity at a second question which is the me of the uh SOA is uh what does the district currently do to address the items that have been identified through data um so that's where the money comes in so if we uh for example are working on the three items that are listed here those three items come out of our data we know that we need to work on early intervention and Mathematics that sort of inv particularly four we saw real disparities of chronic absenteeism uh subgroups uh English Learners Hispanic Laino students students disabilities students with from lwi income families uh their Quan gism rates were were marketly higher than other students um and we also noted uh achievement gaps and mcast scores but also using map data we saw achievement gaps particularly with English Learners uh students and Hispanic Latino students so the three areas that we've identified came from data uh this was discussed with the U uh District leadership team it's also been discussed with the BL Pac it's been discussed in a whole variety forms for special education appearance um so there's been broad input intoing that if we're going to be focusing and the state recommends one two or three areas that these the three areas that we to focus on um then as you get into the the meat of the uh proposal uh you'll see that uh here is a section on how will we communicate uh with parent groups here's a section on how we analyze the data um here is a section that says we will agree to meet desie targets uh over the next three years to try to close gaps in these areas I do want to say a couple things here um desie has not put the targets out yet yet they've asked all districts to agreed to the targets um if if you if you say no we don't agree because we don't know what they are then you don't get any SOA funds so it's an active Fate on the part of districts um uh the uh final section gets into the details of um how each of the three areas we identified will be addressed with the funds that the district commits each year now again this is not new spending uh we know that we're going to spend money on professional development we know that money's already been set side This spells out what portion of that money will be dedicated to these three items so I can't stress enough that this is not new spending um at the end of all this the outcome of all this is if the school committee approves the plan uh the state desie then says uh you have used data you have identified um worthy areas to work on and as a result we will give you some additional funding to support these areas so you have some idea last year uh that was about $34,000 um so on top of what the district already does use $34,000 more dollars to help support these areas there is uh the state has not indicated yet what the funds will be for districts this year but they have put out the formula that was used last year and the formula that they're going to use this year uh when I look at the uh formula as it applies to mayard um it appears that because we've had a growth particularly in um El students that it's likely that that $34,000 might go up but I wouldn't get real excited you know it might go from 34 to 37 or something like that the numb start 30 issue I think it'll still be 30ish it'll be somewhere in the 30s but I don't think it's going to go down based on the formula they put out it might go up a little bit so um I do need approval of plan uh in order to check the final box to submit it to the state um and again it's kind of like a contract and the contract is we look at data we identify subgroups that need additional support we do commit District funds to that effort and if we fulfill our part of that contract then the state will give us some additional funding to support us clarify question the plan this is for 2024 20232 but is it three year a threee and then Amendment okay so that's I just clarify we want to it 24 to 26756 2425 526 2425 5266 on7 okay so 24 so basically it would be for fiscal year 25 is go to 27 okay um so that was one question and then um um another one I this is kind of Rel how does the just how does I mean this is really basic like I know we don't get it's not our chapter 7even so is there a separate allocation that comes in that I don't see it as a brand I'm just I'm just curious on where we would the 30 something or is it or is it built in I don't know Wayne might know and if you don't know now say that received it so I I'm sorry I didn't hear the question sorry Wayne I just for follow if you don't know now but just for follow upus on the student opportunity at funding that we get allocated or every town gets allocated does that is that built into the chapter 70 funds or do that come separately is a separate allocation that we get like a grant or sell outside of what our budget so that would be what I I think the school committee want to have a better understanding on I I think chapter 7 excuse me I think s SOA is included in Chapter 70 but I can verify yes that's fine if you could if you could um just confirm if the student Opportunity Act is part of chapter 7 which means we actually don't benefit directly from it it goes to find the town that would be helpful to understand can we get that well I mean we're getting less is where kind of there a larger conversation of justif expense for it I just want to make sure that I guess the bigger picture for me is thinking about if we are committing we can't cut this kind of stuff right because we are committing we have a plan so I just want to make sure our our vision and our budget process aligns with what we're saying our programmatic what we're committing to if you know to this plan that we've done I think we commit to this whether we it's not like it's a deal break on we spending an extra $30,000 to accomplish these three goals and the state is giving us money but it gets redirected towards the well that's like that's not fair no I agree that's not fair but what I'm saying is we would expend These funds anyway and we get the 30,000 come in we so I think it's just more it's not be 7 right so it's not you know I clearly it's from our budget I think it's more some yes money back to you question no that was gonna be my question the money town or us basically my question I Wasing how we it yeah well when when Kate and they all talk about like oh all this CH 70 money I'm like or you know take opportunity this is what I'm saying you know it's get yeah it benefit I know other towns have got million you know every it just seems to me that if the state if the state is giving us that money or for to go towards this then we should be putting that money towards this well and when Greg created his budget he wasn't accounting for this $30,000 because we hadn't applied for it yet right so well I know like when the town gets an extra $30,000 that wasn't budgeted that should just get shifted over it wasn't already counter I almost think though that it's we're going to get it just this is more of supporting documents justify get it so do this then they would maybe take it away they could yeah I don't know so I feel like there's some entitlement there that that's um Mary yeah no was this is this the first time that we've had to submit this no every years and the amend process is much simpler so you get the you get the full you you get the whole deal once every Mary Elizabeth okay so then I will um CH thank you very much for work on this I will make motion that appr the 2020 uh the fiscal year 25 to the fiscal year 27 student Opportunity Act plan as second any further discussion okay all in favor motion carries thank you uh budget Brian yes um I know it'll surprise you when I tell you that it hasn't changed um we're still moving forward with a minimum service budget of 23, 629 $629,500 th000 ofing of our recall but that hasn't changed in quite some time it hasn't changed on Town side Island so i' stand by chular be and uh he hasn't even this week has not indicated that has any need to reduce any allocation he hasn't indicated that he found any Mone tring back there but I'll take non reduction of a positive sign so we know what they're able to allocate we we're able to allocate from roling ites and we're slowly but surely moving forward you know there are some things that we really would love to have that you know we struggle to get and I think that's true if we watch the newes across the state lots and lots of f for overl this year and the overwhelming yeah they were two they just failed the other night and they're cutting a lot of school programs so there's a lot these contracts that I've gotten and having to go back in I'm gonna go I'm going to go actually hit the button the budget update when we were speaking with r so there were um the budget is still based on the governor's recomend budget even though they had the house came out with their it's gone up like snitched but Greg is still not to change that um there is some changes to uh give us some free cash Els that we put in but basically um or monies that were for Town budget and if there is an increase for the school it would uh it would be um in the fall that you would recommend a change the budget at that time so that I just wanted to to add that so things so far don't look like the T the state is is going down it might have some uh opportunities there smid go up for he did actually uh recommend adding some funding for the health insurance I think that's where we added the one that came back higher add so um add budget questions it's not a question but it's a comment I have been concern previously that to understand the rest your Tak by using involving accounts and what the effect that will have in years to come um and that they weren't really understanding that we can keep meeting our needs through that but that's not a long-term solion and I talked to some folks in town over the last weeks and I'm hearing that they actually understand that but to in a different way than I see it um and that there's frustration with us for doing it um and not thinking it's the right thing um which I still think it is the right thing but I I had I was surprised to hear that um I don't know what they would prer us to be doing so is the perspective to keep the money in the revolving well SEL who they try to say work within your and I push back on that because it is very disruptive to C S turn over like that you know and I think it's I shortsighted um approach um I hear I hear what you're saying but I think that there are maybe some people on board who are not happy that a decision what I say to them is it's our decision to make and that's the way we decided to and I feel like we're being forced to make that decision at this point I don't feel like we're any of our goal um there were people who wanted us to come cut our budget and I think um our go has been continuously Advocate with the best interest of students in the programs and this is what it requires to provide that so you know um they are I agree the board is B Run for the school committee um if they feel like their their voice is not TR push the system for all like that you know I I challenge any any board to come to a public school committee and actually say I think you should have laid some money on well whatever that that's what was the result of not yeah I I'm just stop all right um I'm sorry like triggered me because I heard it before and still talk about just so disrespectful for us to ask questions I mostly just wanted to say that if that is the thought I feel like we're we're forcing to that that it's not the goal it's not nobody wants to be doing it we find out the final numbers from St What's um they it depends they they might go to Jun sometimes it it's all the way and so yeah they don't have like a yeah it could be October no no that no then they have to then you have to do like the one month by mon there like when happened um so I think um last year I want to say it was June like right towards June the they approve the budget for the state but it could go even after I do I do recall a number years ago it was like you know into the mid middle of June let mean July I expect the show the first I know the you have new governor um they have a extra time and so I don't know if that's where last year was a little bit longer because um so hopefully that would be the this year but I guess they're allowed so Mary um no I don't about this budget um but I brought to Sub sub budget committee budget um and I want to bring it up again and I will be bringing up again um but my my one big concern that I have few years down the road is we're starting to create a curriculum for which there are going to be licenses that are going to be out for Renewal and we are at the mercy of those licenses we can't just say we we're going to use these materials for another years and I we really need to consider how we're going to be as tight as the budgets are how we're going to be setting a little bit of money aside so that we don't fall off the cliff when we've got the literacy one now we're going to have the math one we're going to science you know all of these of licenses they're smart they want us to they they you know self-fulfilling prophecies so um we really need to take a step back at some point I don't know how but to go in with eyes wide open when that I wanted to ask CH because what we need to do is find out when that is going to happen and I think chck said that there will be a point at which we will know what money's we talking about so that a to understand I I think that might be a good U maybe budget goal next year is to really look at how how those can be strategically schedule and plan like what does that Fort pass look like what are the different licenses right I know sometimes we get rid of them they replace yet so going away from F Bo this which is great but again do I will say not all schools do that some schools have stuck with books just just saying again yeah that's that's it finger for that I I thought you were gonna talk about the over rde piece oh no I'll wait to June for that yes we did actually um we did actually bring that up that the leadership meetings this we just a reminder because I haven't heard anything about scheduling that I guess right to the Capcom to do the agenda but I I told that the school um and I told CH as well very much make want to make sure that the home conversation is part of that it's not just about large projects so will we have um some else for that just the yeah it's not a spbo thing so I don't know maybe Greg I mean um Brian check with Greg on like he mentioned cap doing the C I don't know if they're G be the on Capital planning yeah who's who he envisioning getting moderating that today if it will be a board chair that board or will be fours we do have to vote on on the budget and it all comes back to money here um and what was that other Revol I did send it you send it to me right but sorry I'll send it I post see have that in a separate document what we had last year y I think Sor sit not in the the motion those are the centers yeah this was um yes we send it to yeah the budget bu should be there now thank you all right so um I will make a motion that FY 25 um budget allocation of 23, 62956 as recommended cost center 1,000 for 1 million 2,23 for I guess for Coster 2000 for 17,3 7,600 cost center 3,000 for 1,463 for cost CER 4,000 for 1 [Music] 92,000 $6 nothing for [Music] Center and for cost center 9,928 20 thank you 1,928 570 and and recommended allocation to that I think that money includes that that's what I wanted to ask yes it does okay thank you um okay any further discussion oh thank you second tomorrow second any further discussion no okay um all in favor motion carries yes thank you very much say Chang um okay chair report uh Colleen I first wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all the work that you do you and all of our uh administrative assistants but really you're just the brains behind every operation so thank you for um your work now all night again very much appreciated and um I know Brian staff but I just want to make sure that took a moment to acknowledge um we would not um able to operate any really us so and not that Brian don't do a great job but you know okay yeah yeah so calling thank you thank you for everything um I I wanted to just I I went last week to the um the task force the fields task force meeting and I as I mentioned Mike Mike Ario was there the conversation at one point turned to um setting a a rock go for talking about so the the would which is really led by the recogition they would um they're looking to think about the fall of 25 to have some type of fee structure for the Fe so whatever tier version that might be they were very much advocating that uh because they are it would be U whatever is related to school property the school would UL look on I told them that probably should have a recommendation to the school by next spring for the budget season so that we know make sure there's opportuni to talk about it and whatever Outreach public that might to happen but that's the button for that so continuation of what had been doing yes nobody wanted to P Fe because they were all donations so we bring that up again yes well because so yeah so what Happ I mean I think that was Brian Brian need to be good B you know I think also there was a level of mistrust on of who was using what when so right now um has worked really again to her to get um work with u Mike ARA to get everyone set up in ml schedules so that there able to track um usage so practices yeah so this spring is the first season that they're going to be able to like fully track the summer will be coming up and then next fall be another another full season that they're able to really have so that would give a good store data say okay who's using stuff and then that can help inform the next I don't know what's going to happen yet but that's the idea this is just gather data and then how that I will say that um there hasn't been a lot of even though there's been invitation there hasn't been a lot of persecution from other Town Sport um groups they invited every meeting um so I will try to sh ad to a couple B hey so you know this is coming up I don't want any is a surprise from that spring that the it will be even though they're on every email they take minutes the ROM takes their minutes they're be but I just update yeah so question why why they pushing for it if the money would to us no the town the town does not charge and has never charged Char so they want to start charging they were frustrated with the c here and so they thought you know they ran it and go better they also um oh oh colen I wanted to mention actually the the report you could run a report for May um that they you know we're getting that cence of that financial report and that so all of that is kind of like that I guess that build up to to get to this place of now see how much is what's being spent on the data and then that I think people last time probably felt like there was a lot of questions left and the Fe didn't you could end up with the same result to be honest I don't know this is the field Recreation committee because that's what we were hearing was well we'll just go through the town because they don't charge so if we're all on the same same level because it cost everybody then well that's the other part two is that so jusa was at this meeting as well and um the part of policies and protocols that also is a part of this that's going to be that is how do we have unification the con cons a committee is also part so we talk about um what said Ro um so management we're trying to get the town which I know prob been working on getting Greg Wilson in account so that they can do the scheduling even for grow you know right now it's just paper the t is done so all of this has been behind the scenes um so it's very good momentum I was really help progress so progress is but I I think we'll take a lot of um push back off a bus because we'll vote for it the rec commission it will be behind it Conservation Commission just then when when it goes out to external folks it won't fall on five of us it will fall on yeah it's going to have um exactly it's going to be with the U recommendation of M bers that's that's the goal so uh that's that's really all that B about getting a report from that was just said and um I oh I know there was questions about pen access that came up at SL that it seemed like it wasn't a consensus it was just maybe like one member who wants to know I we spending Bri did a great job answering the questions Greg had um posed and so there wasue that's really all I have chair not to report except for that as of ago there we were sending email for the survey School L that they can click on so that they then do the survey with that a couple of questions or one comment um question and sort of a Segway from Mr M's presentation do we have the future qsite I know been work it was approved and I don't know i't to see I know that the expectation was that's where I was going to send some links of what was posted because on okay so I'll hold off until I just make sure was updated because the information like in the bathroom that's on there CPC so I'm wondering is that something that could be sent out sent out toor or something abely it doesn't go no it doesn't but it would go to a lot of no but it on the website because you're you have links a superintendent's page right but if you also sent it to the of Advantage put it in do you know okay but no but I think it's it's a good point we need to figure [Music] F say very much involv your send I think they you know where we had the for the like one stop at the intersector could we say like interested in status of l night field or for info on a night field and that like website the barcode get scan it yes absolutely I'm happy to provide the barode don't you right that's what people see great idea and then question [Music] um Bri with right I was going to bring that up and we definitely need to just review the timeline so we can figure out I'll put it on the agenda next and then did we submit a name for the town to I talk with Brian about that yesterday they are putting somebody for yes I actually asked I I know Mar you had isues representing us um but I asked I asked I must asked and I don't does think that nothing I brag maybe last mon just saying hey either way we put the radar Brian and also I just want make sure that we have our staff yes um first of all um our Outreach um so yeah we need to figure out we can go to let's see there's um the Green Meadow PTO is May 14th or June 11th um f PTO is May 6 high school PTO is May 15th or June 19 and then we have Green Meadow staff um paren suggests we go to the whoever is going to go to the PTO sta lunch on um May 10th Bor um we have either the 514 or 61 and then the high school is 514 so yes so um I would suggest that at least two people go to the to the staff stop the PTO I think person um I think it will be would be really short time if people went if somebody or two people could go to 5:14 um one go to the Fowler and then or go to the go to the high school and then head to Fowler that's what we did I think uh we didn't I go to the right but I and then to read me out on that last day um so I need to let them know so if whoever is interested Monday put and and then maybe shoot me an email saying that they um it is it's in our goals folder yes right so that's um I was speaking with a teacher today um and he was really pushing for us to really start on getting our school system one of the things he said was that um gets stuff at his home um from aset all the time we P that essal to yeah exactly item and um and you know he gets Flyers it's in the action of um you know and he basically saying you know we should you know really start working on trying to get you know use wabm to its full extent in you know really trying to um get our school name out and all the cool things the amount of awards that our WM um has one is unbelievable just til um so I don't know if can you know somehow put that in a goal for next year um for us um or for the schools to have that goal to to really try and um you know put it out there maybe they I probably identifying what what things at each school would want to do you know like what events or whatever that might be that the person might that and then from there we can come up with a strategy of how those particular ones you know to highl so what are the most things book obviously that reading um but I mean the high school has so really I don't know we really do job do it outside our not only that but right yes and and not only that but you know we also to do surrounding towns um well how does a we we only Ser yeah that's we only serve that's wonder goal is to one keep our students and possibly Market our our school system so we could maybe bring in students for choice so is that the goal SCH Choice yeah I just want to be clear I mean because like different model that's a place for a lot no I agree with that but I'm saying that there's still people you know like there there could be kids that go to aset but they don't realize that we have this wonderful wav app you know so our own kids yeah I know last year no I know last year we did like a school place like marketing kind yeah we have to yeah um but it was more like on social media yep we have to advertise okay did we did we do one this I haven't done yet okay so maybe that the deadline for the state hasn't hasn't so maybe we can think about like how we buff that up a little bit like you know just statut pieces like what other between the high school and the father to do more do not say we can't do more be more strategic there has been a pretty concertive effort like when J was not in in eth grade there were so many the pathways of high school I never would have known about not school committee and you know I I been it's like you know there's a Facebook group for younger kids were talking about different schools they can do different things and I was really impressed talking about ma but it was like all these things that I was saying about how great maard is I didn't really know a lot of the details three years ago well that's why went first here talking about that's why I need to be for somewhere because that's where school um all that like the classes that you take that's not your clip better and as far as another goal so another goal is for our current residents to feel good about the money that being spent in their budget and so they we have a great support system of people that voted down meting people that were just here and they support the schools but the more that we can get that word out there you know return on investment like who we put a page handout out at town meeting like advertising the pathways at the high school like you know just like one page that said like the different pathways or even put it on the screen you know that television like flower the and not even just the high school I mean so many great things going on schools I think you're be each principal you know come up with five bullet points yeah just put her in she that's to ask yeah um you [Music] and oh mostly I'm really excited about the policies and that um we to have everything organized and clear and um there are few to go back to but I'm really excited that in a short while people will be able to go to a website and actually see what our policy is for something and there'll be one policy for a topic and take that will be wonderful so I'm really excited work too yes I'm she spent years before we started um oh actually not school committee um I I'm going to be emailing the town clerk asking about process or the seat that's open so that just so I actually already spoke with Diane um all that needs to be if there are right in candidates right in candidate or votes gets off at the position well yeah so she said just one vote okay yeah but also um I wanted to follow out that person right that's I think I think it goes the typical appointment process this workit I just wanted to have just the is it just that one or they go down the list I heard they go down the list that's i' rather get it I've heard so many different things I she reached out about something else because they're gonna be putting like what her respond I'm ask her inform um all right I think that was it now we are moving on to approval of minutes and had three minutes four um so without objection that we approve approve minutes from 21024 224 2294 314 with heads they are approved and then this Warr um Warr um I did have one thing about Mars uh I just noticed and I one uh there were a lot of the the new peard there's that bang information on there so tomorrow the give a budget um sub committee meeting so I'm just going to talk about more they those lines it's just how a new process anyway I just wanted to mention that about the warrs because I noticed that pass a lot okay so uh and you got the answer to what they for I assume um no but I just wanted I'm just most yes yeah I just wanted to get the descriptions of about them just moving forward because like they one of them was like the Reps you know like just as for I I I I get that they were but what I would yeah what I want to make sure is that we just provide like know BL with dates like basic stuff just to um support the business expense that we understand especially right right like Wayne had like he has his was like Wayne this so that's un as develop okay um so without objection I that we accept 2461 062 063 064 065 066 and 067 all right those are accepted um I'm going to turn it over tomorrow okay all right so this this there three things that we're doing do second read approval and then resending the second the second read what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the second and approval all in one okay so and I uh Colleen and I talked a little bit about the process um and I do not so um so what we're just going to do is um just site the the document document which is in okay so um first off second question yes um so um will this not publ right can we make sure that they are part of the the lists were attached to the agenda oh okay the all and the policies to to Y oh okay never mind sorry I make sure I just okay um okay so the policies for the second read motion to accept um and approve the second reading uh listed the document policy to SC second approval of b e i j k uh 42524 submitted to the school committee discussion so these are part of theor I so it's so it's without objection yes okay and is there any objection no objection okay okay second one is the approvals for the all the others um without objection we're going to approve the the accepted policies um as listed on the document polies to SC approval a b b c d f g h and L 4254 that was submitted to the school commit okay policies to resent okay so this one um without objection have some a slight Amendment to the to this one um so without objection we're going to send the policies as listed in the document policies to send s approve 42524 except for the following policies it's 241 duplication of materials 325 loans of instructional materials to students not attending mayor Public Schools 381 accident Insurance 406 gift giving to students 518 exit interview 519 student scholarships 59-1 gu guia fer scholarship marrow there's also I I didn't capture them all 721 flag displays oh yeah no I I pulled those oh yes because we still need to to do the full full flag p and stuff wait so I pulled those all right those now appr we will be doing there are few that we still need to do um but this this was the biggest chunk and we do have some that need need to just review and there Poli yes the flag policies one of them um yeah we had a few that we had we had questions that we had not been able to get answers to so know except those were it was not received right I didn't want to send them and then find out oh no oh no we really do need that much still yes exactly that's why I was like I don't know enough about this let's not resend it we didn't have a chance to really go through them um so those are ones that we will still be looking at and and if we still need them then we will um make make the them mask letters um so one of our um policies that we've accepted has to do with the acceptance of um the approval of new policies and it says that we will have a date the appr things'll be a date they go into effect um basically to give calling time to upload them and to email them out and stuff um we didn't talk about the actual date that they should be in effect um and there's a lot of policies how long do you think yeah I'm gonna have Heather help me format and all that so honestly have no idea yeah a lot of them most of those should be should be good ready to go I I've gone through them all yeah making sure that they are ready so status oh definitely we have themess I think that's need to be the policy says when we approve them they're not yet because we can't have a policy in effect like we can't have we can't approve poliy tonight that teachers are bound by tomorrow when they don't yet so we would be the policy says that we vote to approve we also announce a date that they so should we no we just need to say now what date are they hello J okay should be up and running before the so I six question just because a few of the changes that I requested or whatever it was like it's going to be in the attachment it's going to be attachment yeah is that also July 1 yeah they that we approve them the way M have them we want to get additional information right so we're going to work on the additional information um and then we'll bring that to school committee once that's sure everybody else too and it's like this is a lot a lot of additional work that se yeah we were figuring because Mas and other schools use it as is we're okay to approve them as is but you know now start working on the additional um P um one more aome question before um are these safe in the policy so I just wanted to like go through ask me a question about a policy happens randomly like the website not updated um is this in the Poli like something folder like for f25 that I would be able just at they will be okay okay things that we did like what they M to and stuff yes so right now those um all of those are in our tonight's right folder okay but if we okay some right but I might I have to remember the date like two months from now so basically what I will and move them that I was just gonna quote you and say that sounds I really wish that somebody would tell UB um that if you want to copy a folder with everything in it can you please just make them do that because go in and like each every single one it was so I all right so I think are we good all right so I make a motion that we quar and nine 6:0 all right right I don't know all right yes okay thank you all