good evening everyone as the chair of this meeting I need to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are present and can hear me school committee members when I call your name please respond didn't get permanent Elizabeth outa yes Mary Bradley yes Hillary griet yes Ora Hogan yes and um joining us as our guest this evening Alexis fishbone nice to welcome and just want to make sure you're can hear us you're here in person so um student Representatives so I call your name respond in the I don't think they're going to be here because they have senior saw Liam over there so we will do that staff and I call your name please respond in the affirmative Colleen you can hear me Brian yes hear me Chuck you can hear me right Wayne can you hear me right now hear you yep okay we can hear you you you can hear us so it's gonna be a one-way conversation B um and then this open meeting of the mayor school committee is being conducted as a hybrid Allowed by chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 20 uh signed into law by governor herley on March 29 2023 this act continues to exempt certain Provisions under over meeting law regarding quote meetings and Public Access until March 31st 2025 this committee is convened via zoom and in person as posted on the district's website while an option for remote attendance Andor participation provided as a courtesy to the public this meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to remote attendees unless otherwise Reed by law please know that this meeting is being recorded accordingly be aware that others May other folks may be able to see you and take care not to screen share your computer anything that you broadcast may be captured by the reporting which is audible to and by the public there people are there's n people oh okay sorry um if you're planning to record report or broadcast this meeting please to raise your hand function now to notify the chair I don't think anyone could be doing that right along with the agenda most and tonight's meeting materials are available on the mayor Public School website of holder title 2023 2024 agendas under the tab sport public is encouraged to follow homeing the posst of agenda and documents unless the chair those otherwise uh public comments is a devoted time for the school committee to hear from the public Mage it structure primarily supports directional reporting of comment public comments rather than a bidirectional conversation here on the general rules for any form of public comment period any person wishing to make a comment during a virtual meeting May do so by signing up to speak publicly in advance and up to the public comments agenda item at the link provided on the agenda please have your Zoom name match so we'll be able to unmute speak all public comments are limited to three minute to ensure that everyone who wishes to comment has the opportunity to be heard no person may comment more than once without Commission of the chair as time allows the chair could consider allowing a person to comment a second time especially if it's un related if it's related to a topic that has not yet been brought up any person wishing to submit written comments May uh to be read by the chair may do so by emailing comments in advance up to the public comments agenda item to comments for s.2 uh ma. us the subject line must state public comment please include your first and last name and your town to ensure your comments are read comments will only be read the 3 minutes they will be submitted comments or longer they will be suspended at the 3 minute Mark to ensure all comments can be read in their entirety as as suggested that you keep them to approximately 350 words however submitted comments longer than 350 words will be included in the public record in their entirety anyone wishing to submit comments for the public record after the public comments agenda item has passed can do so by emailing comments for a meeting at mayor. K2 . us up until the end of the meeting specifically stating their comment the desire to have these comments included before I move on to the first agenda item cover some ground rules for clear and effective conduct of our minutes of our business and accurate meeting minutes I will introduce speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks I will ask each member have any comments questions or motions go through the members for additional comments All well speaking to your name is PA remember to speak clearly and in a way that talks generate minutes if members wish to engage for please do s under the chair and take care not to interrupt anyone speaking finally each vote tonight meeting does not be uh conducted roll call since all members are in person we move to the first item of the agenda and with that objection I'd like to call the school committe order at 711 all right now first item on the agenda um business superintendent okay sound okay all right um I'm G be wise not be wise okay all right great I'm quite tired so I wouldn't have caught it either um public comments none no public comments all right anyway no email no one's raising their hand back out the camera so that at least Bri unless you don't want to be on there I didn't oh yeah I see you're here I am here you are here so I'm not like talking to the wall that's a very good point okay it's gonna be a silly night um student representative report I know they are not here we can we do have a report that just came in an hour ago okay so it's just uploading it now to the so without that objection I'll just table that to the end just in case they arrive afterwards that they don't will I share report that's okay all right um superintendent Court yeah great happy to be here on this wild evening hopefully most of you had an opportunity to start over at the high school in the gym and see the senior projects um which were fabulous which I'll talk a little bit more about that later but in terms of the report I just want to remind you our final uh NES report came last week and it was a glowing accreditation report which having seen several of them over the course of time um this one was a very strong report and was respective of all the work that at the time principal care Janice did in the past and currently principal York is doing and really the staff that is not as good as leadership is that is a Grassroots accreditation process it takes all the teachers and it takes an incredible amount of effort and not only the teachers but it takes the school committee like they really assess students faculty school committee Community they look at it all and our report was very very strong uh it had more than 10 commendations um and it had a few see by out three um project areas or target areas for us to work on over the next one to three to five years which were kind of we've already started most of them we knew what they were division of graduate which has really taken off in the last couple of years um making sure that we have things like Rec maps for all the classes and that's kind of an evolving document because every time we add a class we need to have then the curriculum documented behind and so that was a great report and go to the the students the parents the school make were such a successful experience uh senior projects so luckily for me I had the option to go to participate in panels last Friday so if anybody out there or anybody here hasn't had the opportunity to be on the panel it's kind of like this there's three of the for the TK and which students comes in and they do a presentation on their their topic their and what was interesting this year I happened to see three and I actually saw them tonight again I saw some of the parents of the kids I saw on Friday and what was different this year is that each project each student was passionate about their project it was near and dear to their heart and that was palpable and some years they're equally strong but it's just an interest um which is fine that's not a good or a bad just an observation this year um they had personal life experiences with their topic and it it drove them and not only did it drive them for their senior project but it is impacting where they're going to college what they're studying in college and at this point what they do or don't want to do they've been able to say if I want to be a teacher I realize I don't little kids necessarily but I want to teach high school or college or if they want to things like that so it impacts now it impacts where they're going to school and what they want to so they were just phenomenal and tonight they were lined up in the gym teachers parents um were there they did a great thing tonight which isn't in here but I'm going add it I'm talking about senior project and we senior project tonight um for the students that opted for an education major we have a table and they get to sign on they get a letter that sort of describes who they are where they're going to college and it was great we had about six kids out of our senior class going into education and several of them I sort of planted that seed since as soon as they said they're in interested in elementary education College typically takes four years if you're on track one more for your Masters and we will have a new elementary school by that time who doesn't want to work the air conditioning with the big cell tonight I go so senior projects huge thumbs up but I shouldn't leave the staff again they're an integral part of this process as hard as the kids work and they do and they get credit behind that are teachers supporting them and helping them and specifically the administ rtion and Jean LEL and jine thank you um they both put so much time and energy into it and it gets accolades across the state um because the project is just that well it's that thorough and everybody does it so a lots of schools do it but they won't do it and and lots of schools they do it differently this works really well and it's got multiple components and I I think just to add to that I I don't know if I said it last time but I had the chance to Monica at at uh her project was a PD at the elementary school and I thought it was really great how they were able to do their uh incorporate that into like support leadership and it was about um girls and ADHD and again passion all that stuff and it was um you know great how they broke out into groups and really work it so anyway yes kudos to the staff yeah sorry I just wanted to add um you do want to um mention the town meeting and that somebody related to project oh yeah at the town I yeah absolutely I mean so at the town meeting one of the things mayor does which is really really nice is they do a recognition program so they recognize somebody in the town it could be in town government in the school any of the Departments for that matter and they get recogn recognized for really going above and beyond and just dedicating their time their energy their expertise to the town and one of the people that got recognized this year was mayor High School librarian Jee leel and I mentioned her earlier she also has sort of spearheads the scene project so she's one of our rock stars we're lucky that we have men very very all right I I'll keep going sorry go down the rabbit see project great um we have the fif annual mayard amateur photography winners um and I think I shared the pictures with you in the um wasy Riley green Owen wild and Zoe Avery so congratulations to them and if you saw the pictures can we post them online they're really they're spectacular they are just different shots of Mayor ones theill ones um so water because water was the was part of the top um so and yeah may it was uh this year's theme was to compose the town of Mayor B corporating water so they're really neat scenes we'll get them on clip the solar project update if you you happen to drive by the front of the high school on your way to the side parking you'll notice that the canopy is up the fening is gone and parking has been reopened at the front of the high school so we aren't yet taking electricity or anything but the building part of that project which has been in the works for many and many years is done so we're making progress all the infrastructure is in place you got it very excited about thatu just and there are in the report that you guys have seen which yet they might actually be on these online solar project yes yeah so these pictures are online you can see the roof of the high school all the solar panels up there and then you can see the canopy out front so they did a really really spectacular job so very happy with that um bleacher update so what I would say is we've heard from a couple of people a couple different times about the current bleachers and it's more of an alumni facility upgrade including bleachers potentially bleachers bathrooms and concessions right and we in sort of consultation with the group which is made up of town people DPW our OPM uh the architect Etc made the Strategic decision to not take this to town meeting this week and to do it in Fall there's just too much going on right now in the mean in the meantime however we have these W so this is where I am going to sort not a vote but either sort of thumbs up I'm not sure or no way so support from the school committee um the concern is the bleaches have been condu they're not safe which I think that is not news to anybody in this room and so the question was we've wrapped tape around it we've tried to do some things put up signs which is nice it does keep people informed that we don't want you on there we know they're not safe but we do let people up to use the Press Box um but they're adults and they can make that choice a little more weak on their own and so we the topic and I don't remember where it came from but of different topics fencing the bleachers in so we met with DPW and our OPM on the project and and the architect and said is that a possibility because we're not Architects we're not bleacher Builders I don't really know what that means to be discussion by the end of it they did some homework they reached out to some companies we got a quote for $3,856 and that is for a legally 400 ft uh construction grade fence that would go around the the bleachers are big right it would go around all the bleachers they would be set in cement so two options for sand or cement I personally am recommending the cement block that they sit in and they would have a gate at one at sort of the front if you will so that people if they wanted to use the Press Box that's the way electricity is goes to so for sound system what now those adults or what not to go through there with commission and obviously make it go but it would really keep my concern would be like what would I lose sleep over this summer would be when we're not in session so I don't have the athletic director we know the teachers and we know programs it's just open we keep kids and anybody else just offer it wouldn't be like oh the tape fell down I this is very clear it's closed for business and it is a nice segue into fall when we do say we are asking for this project in here why and it's going to be obvious because it's been fenced off we are you looking for just like looking for approval from you guys not a vote but just a thumbs up like yeah you're okay with the school um using 3850 one time fee it's good for a year it's an initial setup and it stays it's not for rated or anything I still think that it's really money well spent for liability purposes and safety purposes for the commun it will um just a couple question um so that that is for full flat whole year so even if we need it last still be that correct right um where is it where we is it school choice is that or the maintenance do we have the revolver I don't know it it won't it could be either if we we don't typically tap the existing facility move all account until we have to for things the school choice I expected thing so either one of those but Wayne and he's online to me that we can afford the 3856 for this purpose or um the alternative is do we want to go to a finance committee and I don't again I just well I'll I will say I had the conversation with the Town Administrator who was not in favor of splitting and I know it's not a lot of I get that so I did ask did we talk about so at the end of the day in speaking with Wayne and in thinking of the safe aspect of that if you're kind of thumbs up with that then we'll move Thee I definitely support it I think it's important because we've had um public people speak about isore and this will be more of an isore with fening um and because we had also mentioned that you know we're looked into removing them now rather than later could we maybe do a Facebook post on the school's Facebook page and say you know we looked into sure you know removing them or putting up a fence in the interest of saving however many thousands of dollars for the town we decided to go with the fence instead of removing them now we can put so what I would say is the decision is not only financial it's also well it is but it's really the complicating piece for the bleachers is the electric so we have the and the electric for the entire place was there so if we tear them down we then it starts to ramp up cost to get the electric company involved to rerun line so that we can then have a system but just to basically say like we did hear you we heard your concerns and this is why we are going with us we could put something together for a high level yeah yeah yeah I don't yeah I I want to make sure I as one person I am concerned about the safety as to me it's been the saf like likef is the safety is addressed both by removing and events so yeah but the but the that's the primary focus me the aesthetic piece right now is I can live with because a fence actually in my view does come across because I think actually maybe Justin or somebody said this when we have met it it kind of shows that you're taking steps like you know that it's not just Yellow Tape there that it's actually construction but youing them like one step further too and people so just to make sure that we know we're listening to them we're not ignoring them we just have other factors that we consider as well and messaging I feel about like that sounds like everyone okay with doing the penting the question why you talking about one year something goes beyond or which it's only going to be the contract that the company provide that's kind of their setup it's a one-year contract they will come set it up and leave it for up to a year if we said oh we want to keep it for another year it would actually be a little bit less it wouldn't include a setup but we don't anticipate it needing that because I think we will quickly get to what Hillary referenc was a demolition model if it passes the town meeting at 12 and that was the the question that that had come up is that they presented it as this one Fe but even if it's less than one year they're not they don't they're not going to Pro so it's like if it's more than a year it's going to cost a scho it would cost more right go can we also um look into the safety of the that look just as bad the ones that are in between DJ okay all right um I think I don't remember where this is we have those get expected I think I feel like all of them should be I don't they probably do I don't recall a report recently on those in particular I went through I tried to find their report and I can only find multiple reports on the alumni one not thing on that one um but there was caution tape there's remnants of caution tape on them so at some point somebody I will reach out to yeah the but so this particular discuss this would be the main night feur yes if you're support of I do agree Hillary yeah like in the superintendent report I would rather it somewhere online online that people who are not par I really like the idea someone brought this up before getting a poster like can scan like in the front I said that like walking and then it to like the project do that I just I actually no no I everybody like you know because we get people who we asking about it and I would love for it to just go directly to the project website because it's the people who are not families who are kind of I keep getting questions from Seniors who are not getting super write myself thank you you're thank you all that you're good yeah yeah so I think the only is if you could just confir is it for sure going to be the school choice or is that funding source to be determined but I just I wasn't sure if we are firm on that I'm firm you're fir I was looking for my former friend yeah looks like hepped okay yeah um okay all right so and then my last two pieces of superintendent report just to give you an update I'll have an update either end of this week or early next week probably early next week on the assistant principal of Green Meadow we have reached out we have we're getting very close so we should that like guess at beginning of next week we should be put there um really good process good candidates um I continue to be happy that we're able to get such good quality candidates at this time I think education is just quite difficult to get do you feel like the timing I know we're always worried about like that yeah we're actually job so we're we're still there y we're you were in it and director of technology and I anticipate also by the end of next week we we've already met we've identified candidates what inter Dowing next week um that's great so I feel good about yep we we have several candidates that we're interviewing and I feel like we'll have some good quality choose they do no kidding well thank you um so you're you know your super yes okay all right yeah so the next thing on the agenda is um just incoming um director of student services Heather Newman an introduction um Brian I don't know if you want to say well again I am super super happy to Heather Newman to you um again strong candidates in that um position as well and we were fortunate that Heather came to us and was um really excited to be here she clearly had done her homework she knew not as much about manard as I knew on the surface if you will she came prepared um made just did a met with staff and community members and made a great connection um we're really looking forward to having her I mean a lot of what she talked about was building those relationships and building programing from Side and being inclusive I don't want to steal her Thunder there um so Heather Newman are are as of July 1 will be our director of student services our volume is a little bit our technology is a little bit bit struggling tonight so if it doesn't work can you hear us okay I can hear you perfect can you hear me okay uh it's soft but we yeah yeah it might be also because the air conditioner is on too so um yeah I can we can hear you um just first welcome um I know I heard a lot of I know you kicked it out of the park with the parent sessions that you participated with a lot of great feedback um there and I just just you know very excited to have you um join us and you know at some point I know you're kind of getting you know you're transitioning getting your feet wet but um we'd love to see how you could you know introduce or liaison with CPAC and um you know when that might if there's going to be time over the summer for for for that just like a soft intro and then maybe start planning some things for the for the year just to get that off that was my thought yeah no and I would love that and actually Brian invited me to meeting that's happening um in the beginning of June I unfortunately will be in Old stbridge Village on a field trip and I think you know they don't have virtual calls back in the 1800s so I can't make that one but um I would love to do some sort of kind of soft introduction and get to know that group of people um over the summer if not before if an opportunity presents itself um I'm very eager to connect with that group of people um as well as several others so I just recently got my mayor email and I'm already seeing emails coming well wellow I may have to share that already or maybe not um but that's that's wonderful I think the um I know that one of the next thing that the CPAC will do is put out U they put a pamphlet for kind of that gets included with the the parental rights that goes out the beginning of uh the year so maybe before that um maybe coordinating with Rhonda we can figure a good time um just to get you know feedback and and just just to back with them so so welcome welcome toor and um Heather sorry um just welcome I'm excited that you're excited about this um what are you most looking forward to um so honestly when um when I decided on mayor I was just super excited to join this particular Community um when I started researching it I just I got hooked um I started meeting people within the community um the the teachers um honestly I came to one of these meetings in the past and I was really impressed with the commitment by your committee um as well as Brian ha and then I got an opportunity to have some conversations with the principles and I just felt like everyone I talked to um enjoyed working in mayard enjoyed supporting mayard community and I just thought to myself this is a community that I want to be a part of and so you were just so welcoming so I just I'm very excited to be part of that thank you I really enj I was at one of the um the parent uh forums and I really thought that you did a fantastic job so I'm very excited to have you on um and really excited to see what you're going to do over the here so thank you yeah yes happy have you in community I'm glad excited to be here excellent I'm actually gonna be in May tomorrow we're gonna be doing some interviews tomorrow for some new chair team chairs in a couple of the buildings so I will be there I've been collaborating with the principls already on that and I'm excited to head over there tomorrow afternoon to get started well and um I know that um our current director of services has um joins us periodically for when there's certain um relevant topics um just as a department head and so hopefully we'll also see you um you know more when uh when the time is right during our meetings participating as well I hope to be a very familiar face among everyone in the community including this one great thank you so much thank you thanks hether our next item on the agenda is the district Improvement plan um District curriculum accommodation plan this yep so we have really it's gonna be Chuck we have it's a lot of documents so we're not going to read 52 pages to because a lot of going in later than typical but we'll kind of type this time of year getting into that folder um the done and Mr K Janice is going to give an overview um so you can sort of see what what is it what does it look like what are the goals if you will um and then we'll be revisiting this period so this is a one and done this is sort of the newer version this is the dip right back this is the one that so we're getting before you go yeah she's excited so when we speak speak to speak to live all right and so in ch has done Yan's work on this in including a lot of other people that have been involved in different committees here and different committees there but he's really the one who to pull it together I did get the in clarify just for everyone who might not yes no one the the accommodation plan is a compliance piee as well right so that is something that need to is it um review with the frequency is it just annually part of Jeff fi has been working on that part of this the uh the accommodation plan um is required by the state to be submitted annually uh it has to have certain components but the central feature is that it lists all of the types of accommodations that a student might receive and the resources that the district has to support students um that uh may not be within a 50 the student may not have a 504 plan or an I uh these are things that every every student is uh is entitled to um and these are modifications that any teacher can make to support a student in a particular subject or in all subjects depending on the nature of uh the student need um so it is submitted to the state it has to meet certain criteria if it doesn't meet those criteria the state sends it back and says you need to fix this section you know it's it's an edit editing process back and forth and ultimately the state accepts plan so Jeff has been working on that um and we have a filed Decap with State um so uh uh that that's uh something that I'm that I'm aware of I've seen I've read um it's not part of what I'll be presenting on but it it's filed with State um so the district Improvement plan uh is really part of a Cascade of uh documents that all kind of support one another um what what typically happens is a lot of data comes into the district and a lot of feedback comes in from things like School councils uh even um uh survey data we've done the last couple couple of years and and from that uh leadership team sits down and decides uh what are the sort of focus areas going to be for the district um in the coming three years so the district Improvement plan is actually a three-year document um it it it can be modified annually or as needed but the idea is that it's a little bit longer range type of of document um what I what I've done this year is I actually went on to many websites around the state looking at District Improvement plans um from other districts I've seen District Improvement plans as short as one page um that are extraordinarily General I've seen District Improvement plans that are 40 50 pages long um those two ends of the spectrum are extremely rare uh somewhere in the middle it's it's it's almost like the Three Bears you want to get the forge just right um because the document should be accessible to the public um and to staff and if you create a document that goes on for pages and pages and item item after item um so a couple of things happen one is people stop looking at it because it's just it becomes like a door stop um the the other thing is looking three years into the future and saying that you know with some degree of certainty that in 42 different areas this is where the district's going to be from now is is not a realistic proposition so with that in mind and with those models in mind um this District Improvement plan is about five to six pages long it it uh gives the vision and Mission that had been agreed to for the main public school system and it gets to Broad District priorities uh which match up with our uh Roman house with the three pillars for now I think it will be the vision of a graduate starting to dominate that within the next couple years I think we're in the midst right now transitioning over but the uh three three areas we're looking at are superior academic experience for students inclusive practices that support all students and developing Global uh citizens and then under uh next to each area uh we break out some strategic initiatives that we're doing within each of those areas this is meant to be a a high uh a balcony view uh type of document but I mentioned earlier that it kind of Cascades into other a um so coming out of the district Improvement plan uh is a district action plan um and the action plan starts to bring a little more clarity into uh what types of activities will we do to make the bigger ideas in the district Improvement plan start to come true but this is a one-year plan so the design here is what steps are we doing this year to propel us toward the three-year Vision um so you'll see that there's a little more clarity within this document and I think this is probably where staff and committees and teams start to look at these two documents and say okay we've got we've got the direction that we're supposed to be going in um the last thing I prepared and I'll going to do this one in more detail is uh I've prepared a Jo regarding our math and literacy adoption specifically if you were to look at the district action plan and open up to the section that says uh Superior academic experience this entire document is basically 1.1 so if if you were to get to the level of detail of trying to fill in the just these 14 kind of target areas you know with this level of detail now you'd be at like a two to 300 Page document so you know this is 1.1 so then I'll I'll go over this in in some detail um so if we can get into that document call me this is p district uh math and literacy adoption thank you so so in in this document um I set it up in the format uh slide format that we've used in this committee for quite a while now um so we want to have effective implementation of literacy and numeracy initiatives that's critical to Superior academic experience but we also want to make sure the materials and techniques we're using are inclusive and supportive and open Pathways for students to other opportunities uh uh Global Pathways at at the high school for example so as we looked at Ela and math over the last couple of years um some key questions were uh you know well do we and why do we uh why are we even getting curriculum materials um what materials are ultimately adopted how were they selected um did staff receive professional development training uh before trying to implement the materials and ultimately how do we measure the effectiveness of the curriculum on student learning so here's a brief background um I've mentioned this several times before uh it's not in the document here but in mayard when I started as a curriculum director last year it's almost two years ago now it's really that um a curriculum review cycle had not been uh undertaken in any curricular area in mayard in about 20 years um I talked to veteran teachers who've been here forever and a few of them kind of scratch ahead and it's like yeah way back around 2000 I think we might have kind of done something like that um so uh what we undertook was uh a couple of years ago to uh really concentrate on Ela ccul as you're aware so that was CK and uh and amplifying and Minos I'll be put a ponics based reading program into the kindergarten first and second grade um without jumping too far ahead uh we're actually extending um the new curriculum uh which is CA to second grade next year so it'll be 2 through eight will be uh ccla and amplify in the fic based reading programs in the kindergarten first grade to build pamic awareness basic reading skills um so we had a review cycle where various curriculum were examined uh some were piloted in English the state came out with a massive Grant as you're I think all aware and we wound up purchasing the materials we purchased a requirement of the was that we also uh select a state approved consultant uh to work with us that's instruction Partners um and uh they've been acting as coaches and guides uh with our staff and helping us with professional development over the last couple years um we've noticed that broadly speaking um uh the curriculum is being used with Fidelity by all of the staff members there was some push P back initially by a small you know a few folks really wanted to continue using the materials they had been using but we're seeing that people are using the materials uniformly now across the district um pacing has uh been adjusted over the last couple of years uh frankly the pacing was too slow at first um and now it's coming up to a speed where the uh students uh can can handle the material and they're kind of kept in a zone of uh development or productive struggle um where uh students are being asked to do meaningful tasks uh but not at a pace that's blowing them away but also not at a pace that's too slow so the ELA materials have uh been implemented and come a long way we continue to work with construction Partners we've gotten additional grants to pay for that um so I feel like Ela particularly K to8 is in a much better place than it was a couple of second uh strand that we decided to work on was map um and for the last two years uh we formed a map curriculum committee uh that committee uh initially realized that we didn't really even have a vision for that in the district and the course thing they undertook and this was a team made up of 18 people uh representing all three buildings special Educators uh teachers um administrators uh you say very broad-based group and uh we we wrote a mission statement that I presented last year uh and then we switched over to what materials uh are we going to select um and the reason for that as I I know you're aware of is the materials we have been using Gat has been completely phased out by publisher hmh um you can no they no longer uh support the website that goes with go map um it still it still kind of works but as links break and as Hardware changes and things don't interface properly uh the teachers can't even are in decreasingly able to even use the website that goes with text there are materials um that are consumable each year that are getting harder to even locate uh and more expensive so we knew that we needed a new math text uh members of the team uh went into Ed reports in curate uh looked at various curriculum and um they phoned area districts everybody seems to know a few people in different districts and they say what are you using what are you using uh we kind of wound up with some semifinalists uh we we wound up with uh looking at the successor to go math from H hmh uh we looked at a program called Bridges we looked at things from Carnegie Learning and we looked at illustrative math by Kendall punt after looking at those uh we piloted um two of them uh illustrative math and what's now called clear math by uh Carnegie which is their latest edition of their materials uh for for full transparency here when we initially started looking at Carnegie uh their materials were on um curate n reports the latest edition is not there because it is just out I mean just out in the nature of those rating systems are they have to get feedback from the teachers um we are very comfortable that the modifications are improvements um and that these are big Publishers they're going to be approved in the near future not want to purchase or pursue materials which they said they Hope to support for six more years the existing materials it just smelled a lot like go map coming over again you know you do materials and then five or six years old they're they're being phased out illustrative map also let us know that they're about to issue a new addition within the next month or two that will not be rated a curator reports either because it will be brand new so there is a certain amount of um weirdness here that brand new additions are coming out and the the two programs we' piloted but we're confident having actually used those materials that um that that they will be effective um so both companies and Carnegie uh we had training prior to Pilot implementations um and uh uh we have piloted both of them uh we then had a meeting uh we had surveys to all staff that um had piloted both materials both were favorably rated so it wasn't I don't feel like we picked unwisely that you know like one was a dog with fleas and the other one was like you know uh a uh a a fluffy husky or something like that it was uh they they were both strong but there was a very very strong consensus to go with and so that you're aware uh we just signed the contract with Cari Cari map today um so the materials are being purchas um the materials OU questions since you're talking about that yeah what was the feedback in particular that really pushed carage over there were a couple couple factors uh one was the uh ease of website use um teachers found that with illustrative map uh things were very scattered if you wanted to find like the opener for this lesson you're over here and if you're looking for the manipulatives that go the lesson it's over here so it was much more time consuming to even gather the material before you created the lesson the lessons themselves went well which is why they were rated favorably but the uh the uh relative ease of use just Gathering materials and and and creating the lessons uh was uh they felt Carnegie was much stronger um and they also like the uh sequencing of Carnegie just a bit better so I think those were the the two main reasons um getting back to the costs very briefly because people always wonder about costs um it uh we spent $249,000 today um and everyone's going to go like what on so um we through S3 funding uh we can uh first off they allow us to uh pay this in two fiscal years so in the current fiscal year uh sr3 Grant is expiring uh June 30th and in that Grant we can pull $130,000 for the first payment we'll need to add about $25,000 to that which Wayne has assured us we do uh next year the maining $80,000 will be due and Wayne has assured us in a new fiscal year we can do that another factor to consider is that this fiveyear contract includes all consumables that we're going to need over the 5year period currently with doat we've been spending about 15 to $20,000 a year consumable materials rates K to e we will no longer be spending 15 to $220,000 a year over the next five years we're going to save about $100,000 there we've got about $130,000 coming out of the grant out of sr3 in this year the real cost to the district over the next five years going to be around $6,000 um it's front loaded but over a 5e period of time uh that will be the cost to the district which we're very comfortable whoever's in budget next year I think we need to talk about how do we strategically plan that so it's not a go a clip every five years that the savings though when you think about it in total dollars that's really good to highlight that um yeah yeah um so uh so that's how we came to uh select Carnegie Ma and sign the contract today um another thing I'd like to point out is a lot of things have been referenced over several school committee meetings now like what kind of data do you use um to make decisions so I've included three uh um items in here uh that I think you might be interested in one of them is the district heat map um if we could go to that point um the state prepares this for every District okay uh it has some key metrics on there this comes out every year there's total enrollment there's chronic absenteeism you you can see it's School suspensions but then there's mcast scores and Ela and Ma and they're broken out by uh demographic subgroups uh so when we determine which students are in need of additional support um the this is sort of a foundational document when we do things like construct the dip and the da and the SOA and and the accessible website right you can find this for every District yeah this also you'll see on all of these slides that there's a uh typically a menu somewhere on the left here you can look at uh State numbers uh you can break out English language Learners specifically um lowincome uh in a district as small as mayard in terms of student population by grade frequently when you click on this sidebar you get nothing down here the reason is the uh number of students who are eel Learners in grade six are fewer than 20 and that's the minimum cohort size that the state uses to um show data so you for bigger districts these are very interesting to click over here for us uh we frequently just get blanks um so but this is aggregate of of uh students and uh uh we we do have large enough groups in the categories that show here for us to look at um just real quick um anyone else I just want to quite startling how the group that meets or exceeds is only the white group dumps out as very and I know there's a lot of story context about that but that um it just yeah just the way that at it surface without a lot of detail there it just is a story that I I know that everyone's working on but it just would like to see more blue SP it uh We've noticed that particularly with El students and janic students um that uh tend to be in the pinks and reds uh we had uh the English Learners in great uh three map uh they they did okay I mean uh but uh to your point though that is that is the outlier that's that's not TR yeah is the is the zero for the student disabilities and the percent and the pathways and moment is that because at the high school up until this year the kids couldn't to WM if they needed special services and that will change now well this is the sort of thing where we start looking at that in a much different much different way um we just had a English learner audit completed last week and um you know one of one of the things that came through and that AED as well is that if a student is receiving services to learn English um the uh at the middle school level uh have typically been taking those students out of what would be a world language class and uh it was pointed out that we should not be doing that that that a world language is considered a more subject area and we should be looking to uh work with the student for their additional English hours um from other things which would be another elective but um to your point if we want students to have seal biliteracy uh which we do to be truly uh uh biliterate in English and in other language um we need to support the other language as well as English um so we we want to put so that's a corrective action that we're already figuring about but but to your point Hillary uh yeah there are some numbers in here that are that are disturbing um but that's kind of the point of the heat map is like so it's effective yeah that sense um so I've kind of done a narrative year obviously weuse this inform think this is a relatively new tool and Co they were not publishing this data during Co because they felt it was uh going to be completely inaccurate data um this we see on desie but it's not it's laid out this is very clear this so I've kind yeah I've I've kind of done a narrative on most of what's in here but uh if colen could if you could skip forward to some of the other uh slides that have uh graphic information um we've been working with ECP I know Elizabeth is really familiar with them the last couple of years uh we have a data dashboard that they've created these are surveys that have been taken by teachers and students uh we just completed our first parent survey the window closed about a week ago and we saw the first uh compilation of data earlier tonight um so it was very exciting uh it the data is not from the parent surveys are not yet in dashboard form it's it's that new it'll take them a few weeks to do that but the reason I'm I'm showing you this is uh you you know questions are asked about um our teachers being effective um that typically can be inferred maybe from uh some standardized test or something like that but there are a lot of confounding factors about student achievement like is this so ECP uh this is just one of the categories and questions they asked is they asked uh students and teachers do you think teaching is effective and the pink bar is last year and the red bar is this year the top graph is uh all the data aggregated together that little orange dotted line is mine this is exactly the same question but using the dash you can see on the left on this one I checked uh uh survey data only students by Group by race so now you can look at uh thanks to ecp's dashboard um by race how do students feel about the effectiveness of teaching at mayor high school you can also do that by El status you can also do that by IEP status you can do that by gender you can do that by income status um I did not I'm not using live slides I uh Peter Piaza from ECP who's worked with us said he'd be happy to come and do a presentation to the school committee at some point if if if you were great because I know a lot of work went into this and I think there this could be its own presentation yeah so so yeah I I realized that too so you're only getting this rather than a whole another presentation uh the next slide uh you've been hearing about map data um here's the Green Meadow School uh this is grades 1 two and three which took the map assessments they did they've just finishing up the final assessment of the year so this is the fall Administration and the winter Administration here at the top of each grade there is growth students have achiev achieved as a grade level uh for the fall to Winter period underneath those are the achievement scores for the fall and then the achievement scores for the winter when the end of year is are done there'll be three grabs underneath each grade um you know again uh this you you start to say you can ask some questions here like why is grade one showing 35% growth there's a lot of reasons why that could be rate Two showing 66 percentile growth this is a nationally normed test in the third grade is showing 58 uh percentile growth and if you look under grade two and three you notice achievement scores are going up that's not surprising because growth is high okay so in some sense even if a grade comes in with low achievement scores in the fall if you are if the instruction and the materials being used to then yielding high growth rates the achievement starts to catch up and and you can see that here and we've got a grade where the growth was a little lower than we'd like to see and the achievement scores actually fell a bit in in grade one so you start to see how growth affects achievement very directly now this is also intentionally a dead slide uh it's just a screenshot basically If This Were a live slide you could move your mouse to any one of these bands and click on it and you would see the names of every student in that grade and that quinide wow so if you were a teacher and you were saying who are my kids who were scuffling you can go here and or who are my kids who are ready for some more advanced work you can click right here and then if you click on the individual student it will tell you the areas in the math assessment and English assessment where they did well or where they did uh showing in needs of support so this is a tool that helps us inform all kinds of instruction uh and uh I know family's good they they had yes we from Forever After uh yes we had some families in the fall I think there were about three or four people contacted us why couldn't we see why weren't we letting them see the maps for first of all we were trying to figure out how to interpret the ourselves but we also let them know that until we have two administrations you're not really getting very much VI and we promised that when we gave the second Administration they would see both okay so families now have seen both administrations when we complete testing at all three buildings this year the reports will be sent home again and you'll then be able to see all three administrations it's going to continue next year and next year and next year and they'll be able to track their individual child um your progress and growth ask a question just real quick but I don't want to get too much into the data piece but who um at a high level who has access to this like just thinking about how it's being used um basis is this something that uh principles like is it the DT team has access to this okay teachers have access to their individual class of students they P it up at our right I just no because we don't have the mtss you know that's kind of Sensi that data element um how this is gray I just wasn't sure this informs tiers of support that's that's what I'm wondering is that that's part of what we' kind of put in some some of the other things we've purchased this year like uh we purchased a program called newella or some people say newa um when you click on the ELA metrics if a student um you can uh link that student directly to the appropriate Lexile level in newella articles that you can assign that student um and in maap it links directly tol um so if a student is in need of additional support or if a student again is Advanced you can say why don't you try these fall and it's linked directly through uh map so you can you'd like to connect this to this to here to here you go so this is a very interesting and Powerful tool that we're just wrapping our heads around the final slide here is this wait no know because I know this is allit I didn't want to ask too many but talk about you know the back and have their own students in that but um I'm also just as interested in the next year so the next year does the the next get teacher clicks first student that year she'll see the two years wor the DAT so then you can start to look at trend lines exactly great thank you say another question I think this is G I'm trying to figure out how the the chat actually works with the different color codes do is it okay I know that coup there a lot far just quick um so I know in the fall the kids couldn't rush through it and then they figured out how to rush through it at the midyear one uh yeah and teachers were stopping tests okay like do do you think you can get like keep the kids from rushing in the spring uh they've been working on that but again if a if a kid starts to rush the teacher notified goes over talks to the student um if the student is just not going to take the test then the results be valid um hopefully we don't get very many of those um but uh in terms of can a student Rush the answer is know in a certain sense that if they start to rush the test locks itself um so they can't continue to rush but you know after the teachi has a talk with that student says come on now really give your best effort because we want to give you the materials that really match up with what to do unlocks the test if the student starts rushing again just going to walk in I mean you could kind of play that you know hopefully we don't have L students that can't can't mcast is way scarier it's much higher Stakes particularly in high school and unlike when the tests were on paper in mcast I many teachers have probably encountered that you see a kid looking a little frustrated R rushing a bit you say just stretch for a minute got to drink of water you know you can do this uh take some breaths you can usually get the student calm down and they will kind of proceed with the test in the electronic version of the mcast they just start hitting enter and you they cannot go back to the questions he's got locking sections of the test it is a massive flaw in the electronic F that the state refuses to is there any way the state could utilize the technology that is using on um so anyway uh did any more questions about you know this slide before we I just want to request for um what we next year when we continue to do like the mcast presentation I really would like it not to just be presentation exactly this we want to start bringing in additional data is just really a bigger picture and and it's it's it's real time within the school year too yes uh which is more effective because teachers can modify instruction within the year ra rather than waiting for the results only at the end of the year um this these color codes by the way there are five colors uh red would represent the students uh in the lowest quintile blue would represent the students in the the highest next uh graph this is from an individual student who goes to some school somewhere um in mayor um and uh you can you can look at an individual student and you can project how their growth and achievement is doing against a whole variety of metrics in this slide if you look over on the right is's a little check mark in a box over there that you might not be able to see it says mest okay there also SAT and ACT so you could project these scores against SAT and ACT tests as well this particular student had a pretty good growth rate uh from the uh uh fall Administration to the winter Administration and you can see that he he or she uh went or they uh went from sort of low in the partially meeting expectations projection to relatively high in the partially uh meeting uh uh expectation if that growth continues into future years they're going to start edging up into meeting expectations the as as this black bar moves this way like the red part of the graph starts to fade down out of the screen and the blue part of the graph starts to come down depending on the student um so this is another way to look at how is an individual student doing um and if a student say is in the red which would be the lowest quintile but they're in second grade if you maintain a good growth rate year to year to year to year they're going to climb out of the red into the orange through the yellow and by the time they're in 10th Grade when frankly it really counts you know but this is a reminder to the teachers in English and math that you know this particular student we we need to move them out of the red and we need to see the growth in particular is what needs to climb don't sweat the achievement score sweat the growth score because the achievement takes care of itself if the if the growth is um so that's sort of a lesson that comes out of this so so um that's dip and dap and this is really again this is representing just 1.1 in the uh in the dab um so you know had a packet like this for 20 of them yeah yeah I'll have that ready for future meeting future um any other questions Mary into them now but yeah just it seems like we're so much again they pretty aggressive from initial I'm saying but been asking a lot about yeah you know just briefly and and I've had the floor for a while um in terms of curriculum review cycle we we know the kto five teachers have been really um uh heavily charged uh with work over the last few years they've adopted a new Ela curriculum and they were about to adopt a new math curriculum the next um uh strand that we're going to start a curriculum review cycle the World Language um so that teachers have not been drawn into that the work that's been done the last couple of years and um I'm also looking at having uh various specials teachers uh start curriculum review Cycles uh we'll tackle history and science maybe starting a year after that or maybe two years after that to let the English and math really uh people really get good facility as teachers ask them to lay on something new again so as we restart something that hasn't been started hasn't been done in 20 years trying to do it in a way that uh also just takes into account kind of human reality well thing is got that cycle now in writing right so it's not g to be another 20 years you know so should [Laughter] know that's true that's true something to Aspire um um all right thank you for everything it was a lot and um I just want to say I did look at the dip and I thought it was actually great everybody think that you did a really good job of nailing what is already happen here and then it out a way that's so clear that back that said and then it gives us direction as we goals and figure how doing I think as a teacher that I would be able to a that in a way that's pretty concrete so I'm really yeah I was like so well done on that and then and then the The Da I looked at that also and I thought that was also greate I did a couple edits it's funny that har said it that way because I was thinking I added some things because I think you're under selling yourself and the things you're doing put in things that I think aren box I noticed that I like that yeah yeah so I think so I think there's a lot of things that are in place that you are doing and I think that that you know is fantastic there's a lot of stuff there's more room for you more and as for Chris teachers I just want to say like I think is interesting to me to I think that having this Clarity and having a place to aim you know things like your Prof and they're all useful things I was just gonna say I wish that they had this like years and years and years and years ago it would be great to like be able to see you know how it kind of grow and at least for me I'm more of a visual person so the the graphs really fantastic so great I'm looking forward to to getting the end um of this this full year done so glad that you explained it all when I was looking at this earlier I was like so it's good that you didn't explain um now it's it's much more clear Missy last I would actually just thinking that that how grateful I am that the curriculum director position was created in that you're the work you're doing because it wasn't really filled at all for so long how great to be for are just Ming forward for years after um you move on um though I you stay forever but um my one question uh specific question that I can assume to answer to but um I've heard some teachers prior to these new curriculums um that different I guess particular grade um teachers will have trouble given that the younger grade um taught different things in different classes and so the kids come in learning different things are these structured and are teachers required to sort of teach in the same order so that all the kids are learning the same thing and enter the next grade similar knowledge um that's broadly speaking that's the case um there's still going to be certain classes are going a little slow a little faster but that's part of why uh education Partners we've been working on pacing gu with with us teaching staff because we we want students to be advancing at um a robust but not impossible clip um and we've seen over the two years now that it's been in place it's gone from more disjointed kind of like what you were saying to more coordinated and this is only year two I think year three will'll be even more coordinated um with math we're going to be implementing brand new curriculum this coming year I suspect it'll be somewhat disjointed again um but you know that the goal is within two to three years to have a uh curriculum and math from K to8 which is from the same publisher so the structure is consistent students teachers and students will get into a pace that kind of walks in so that when student goes from sixth grade to seventh grade the teacher will have a couple of tools to look at like the individual students map growth score but they shouldn't be seeing blaring gaps um like a student who was in teacher X's class has these three gaps and a teach a student who was in teacher wi class has these three gaps and by the time you're done with that it's like you've got a new Shuffle of kids all of them exhibiting all sorts of weird gaps all all over the place kids coming in one group new percentages one group new fractions one group knew decimals right and none of them knew the others yeah exactly that's what we're trying to avoid with these adoptions in in the train yeah at the high school there are Curriculum maps for just about every course that's prob the process but at I know that uh Robin Karen at the green Netto and now I think Keith that the fou are trying to have Curriculum maps aligned to State Frameworks um supported by curricular materials that aligned with the state Frameworks with assessment tools that allow you to measure if the students are actually on track I mean we're I've been trying to put these all these pieces into place the last couple just a Time Che okay sorry just a couple of U Clarity questions about the dip and um the accommodation plan are they going to be once finalized put on I guess where prominently on the website they should be on website okay all right I couldn't find them um so if we could just um yeah if we could just get those accessible uh I was thinking under maybe for families um seem like more logical place just that they don't have a lot of you know click click click yeah um so that would be my first thought um the the second was was with the math curriculum and I know we don't have an answer for this but um given that we don't have the mtss next year um I I have heard concerns about you know how implementation of that because that will be different than how we started with the literacy we had know so just just I nothing that go into so part of the part of the purchase uh part of our 24,000 like upper grades as well part of the 249 ,000 includes training from the publisher uh I'm already talking the math uh math curriculum review team is going to continue to exist and we're going to start pivoting toward uh professional development I really think there's training and there's professional development the the uh publisher is going to provide training how do what how do you use the materials how do you access all the features that to me is training um but we want to also be cognizant of giving people professional development in terms of best techniques and teaching mathematics so that's something where the professional development committee in the district and Terry Morrison is on that team who's a very strong math professional um that's an area that we're going to be looking at as well questions um just thank you for the data yeah going back to the math assessment and parents receive all the information is there explanation i' I've read the report and I I felt comfortable with it and then I thought you know I've been in education years yes and but it's enough turn not the report and then when I met with the teachers they could explain why her confusing and why will would be clear and I was just wondering if it's something that it should be like a zoom meeting or something for you know for to explain you know how to read it or or something like that it sounds like it's pretty self-explanatory it's a pretty good report and the u a flaw that we were not happy with uh kind of found later than we should have um was that uh translations of map was uh were not available um that's been rectified it's now available in about 16 or 18 langages so they have the company has rectified that so we can now issue those reports in the whole Lang um so uh thank you very much I wanted to thank Colleen for doing that time check um I going to go ahead and make sure we have a pack agenda so we can move on to the superintendent end of your report before we do that just with that objection I I think we were looking to table the case collaborative updates uh there's also the asit valley update so we were thinking that at next at our next meeting we can do that is it okay okay so that all right so for back to you Bryant late last week um we're trying to shift it forward so that we get it to you in time so you have time to review it make comments and get it tomorrow in time so she had time to Cate it and it gets back cl to you um so hopefully the year in submission was my attempt to explain sort of the overarching what does a superintendent do and connected to and I think if you're not in education Sometimes using that build so in the document you have the first few pages broken down sections leadership and vision and then in parentheses you'll see it says instructional leadership of professional culture that's the exact standard from superintendent thank the connection I love this layout I was like oh again this is long I wanted to be th we think about like late person like I almost feel like I need like someone a training on the yes this actually was a lot better I won't have to pull up all the desie website documents figure out theart it felt like it was helpful to be able to provide feedback later on so yeah I want you to be able to see it connected and then under each section so under instructional leadership and professional culture there are bullets of examples of things that I can sh for you like I won't read them all some of them we've already talked about um for example eie sponsored professional de development the racial ersity inclusion professional development that's just an example the wellness but you'll be able to read this um administrative oversight ties directly to the management and operations standard um so an example would be reading the monthly Grant current standard grants and ensure funds Focus as much as possible on teaching and learning so for example making sure R use all of our this case as hearding ly and Ma particular the math CC we're able to significant money to support the math CC so that's a great connection for us um we met we meet as a leadership team weekly one of the topics throughout the year budget so as you know you saw a budget presentation probably October which had significantly different reductions than we up with a back view the town you know Chang their number a little bit at the end but that budget conversation is not as simple as here's presentation that's lots of paper on the wall and pens and discussions with leadership who then take it back to the school buildings have discussions with their teams and at the end of it comes back to you and we do have discussions and ultimate we have viable fy2 FY just real quick while we're on that one because I think it deserves a little bit of just we just had to meeting we voted on um is thinking about how um before the school votes on our budget in the future the school committee on that have our hearing how we can get maybe the information of at a high level of those implications of funding you know when there's the shifting of programmatic and um because I know they're not always solid but I do feel that it's helpful especially next year we think about what's you know it's going to be a lot more to look at I think that that that's probably something that would be helpful to um we can work on the right way to do that okay great thanks uh personnel management also ties into management operations this year the things such as successfully negotiating contract only uh successfully contract the ask the unit um also changes in hiring for administrators they've had a lot of had a lot of changes this year some due to retirements some due to people moving um and then of course they're shifting but sometimes the internal person will actually get that job which then creates another Ro so just facilitating those Advan and really keeping high quality commitment to high quality instructional practices and Student Center decisions at the center of all and that could look like a lot of things some examples would be the Weekly Newsletter that you got this superintend update that scho committee gets prior to the weekly smores that goes out to The Community there's a lot of overlap there and you tend to get some different information more school committee related um but really keeping that level of communication open as that's that that's gone well I think people appreciated that um being visible in the buildings uh regularly attending school and community events for example lots of examples on it but VI the same events whether it's the play whether it's a music event whether it's athletic event Track event um I ask a question about uh you've been here few years already um from when you started to where you are now is there they're just very like a high level of um some feedback that you've received about the level of Engagement that you have with you know going so I I I think as one person I've seen I appreciate that you're actually in each building at some point and I know that that has not always been you know the case but I don't know uh I think that helps with culture but I don't know there's things that you've seen witness that you felt like this particular thing that I really invented in my you know leadership process iel has been very effective um you know so think a couple of things one in particular would be being visible in all three buildings on a continual basis I think that makes a difference teachers of that makes a difference um doing stay interviews with people and getting to know their story and taking the time to really get to know individual stories and I don't have to know everybody's story some people are private they don't want to share you'd be surprised how many people are more can't share story um when they're asked when they're asked and it's just it's time to sit down and listen and it's not about getting anything for they're not asking for anything it's just building that relationship so in terms of building trust and building culture um I think that has helped in the district and I think being it's funny so some of the so said and I don't even believe that's that way but um I'll refas that you know when I'm in a football game or a basketball game and people say I've not seen a superintendent of football think I find that hard may not they were where they said my guess is they were the fire super sure right so but being at those events being at the senior project tonight you know being able to talk to the parents of the kids uh who I saw their pres so just building those relationships within the community any talk call and get a quick response from whether it's the main fire depart the police department the boys and girls CL being over Pisa that if we need something boys ands our facilities us Library the Town Administrator talk to the Town Administrator on a weekly basis so having those relationships across Community helps a lot I I do know particular the the relationship with Town Administrator also one of those areas that um has not been or just those two leadership roles with u EMP PR Administration so um I think that there's been a lot of work there and I appreciate that uh policy development implementation falls under management and operations and really besides the commission of education and staying informed via him and participating in the mass associations also our policy subcommittee locally I tomed I feel like this year the policy subcommittee everybody um but really we've made progress I feel like you know we had this very complicated system that kind of we were stuck trying to work through and now we have policies we Fe them we can you know we make recommendations we think about mask we ask questions um we move things along they come and I think we sort of created a system that only polies I give you a lot of CR for that it's working well State stop totally that will be difficult moving forward that we'll be in a better place curriculum instruction ties to the instructional leadership standard that is just all over what we do from walk throughs we do instructional walkthroughs small team back the leadership team and I would monthly or every six eight weeks um and that's that's really helpful I think it's helpful for me I think it's helpful for the administrators because if you're an administrator having been one you know you're in your building for uh whether it's the follow or the Green Meadow but it's nice to be able to get through the Green Meadow just say you know the greal principle to be able to get into the file and say hey this is what my kids have to do and see that vertical alignment likewise to see the high school to come down to the p and say okay this is what the kids are doing great and this is you know looking backwards at the vertical helps us set complet goals um working with Chuck as the Director foring working on these plans and working on um curriculum to make sure our teachers have great because several years ago that was one of the issues we didn't really have solid curriculum we had really solid teachers creating and then implementing that but now we're be we're able to provide them resources which then they can use their expertise of being teacher to imp so it's a good um advocacy and communication connects to professional culture and again that's staying in touch with the commission of education and does the mass SCH superintendence the mass conference crisis management ties to management operations we've done some things this year kind of exciting a TBL talk exercise with civil t froma with the m Fire Department police department and our own Safety Committee which is a really robust committee Kev SRO which in a lot of districts that's that's di see it's not somebody who really wants that job who's been trained Contin get and we're and I'm fortunate that the beliefs Chief and the lieutenant are supportable that model and because in some places they have it they're like oh we have an emergency we need so so they get pulled up they don't get pulled they're very support that um just on the crisis management um yeah aspect and I I know this is necessarily your your goal but um but thinking about SRO at some point we I know that there's been change in um like some of the responsibilities that shift to administrators that are no longer I guess um and I think it came up with the prom maybe there's just like a Reyers and things like that be helpful just to get like some information about so what change or like just overall so typically we as a school system hand with discipline right unless it becomes it's a felony thing right which teally is not in the school and so for prom it's a great question so when our SRO goes to prom she's not going as a maor police officer she's going as a basically SCH if you want you we would will have a detail from whatever Community the proms in so if the prom's in at Stow Acres we would have a sto as a and then they would operate under sort of as law as the police officer theur they have the jurisdiction but we can I think we often have and usually the so my experience as a principal was the venue that was always a requirement it's part of the package we've had venues where it's a requirement right and it's easier it's that then you have to think about it we'll have one in the future yeah so that'll be so that's kind of high level connecting to the superintendent rber different scan I read one or two examples on there and then quite frankly in the Google Drive which I know you renamed and whatnot but I think everybody can find it lots of examples of communications of of communications for weekly SM to families to superintendent updates to you um the superintendent's checklist is in there um so there's a lot of data there's just a lot of evidence if you want for you to refer back to and then the specific goals again the standards on listed so like I'm just using St uh super ptical one is our is the standard would be instructional leadership and the indicators ccul indicator that chart you guys can follow the same thing you get to the rubric um and then it has the benchmarks and what we agreed early on this year and the dates and if it's been done or not and most of them have been done I think there's one that did not get done which I'll highlight to you um then there's measuring impact and a lot of this I won't go over because heard a lot ofth update already that's goal there's a lot about the math in here really to paraphrase of what Jan told you tonight um CH we going to go on Co G I I knew we were going to go in detail um gold two has just has to do literally last I think it was the last schol committee meeting gave you the update on the ready uh professional development again that ties the professional culture and the cultural proficiency indicator specifically so like one of the things that I would say is not done yet would be analyzing all the data we literally saw the raw data I parent survey which is exciting but because it's not I'm pointing at the screen I don't know why because it's not in graph form didn't necessarily make a whole lot of sense yet it's the difference between a 3.1 and a four scale for eight per statistics but in a few weeks it becomes part of that dashboard that so people like me can understand it a little bit better I think you will too I think it'll actually be exciting this year I think it's going to be really exciting year two and year three when there's Trends to be made in longitudinal data and we're one of the few strs just say that really worked hard to come up with a valid and reliable surveyance um there's a couple other that they've worked with and said it's easy to put a survey out like anybody Sur parents um this is a good qu survey that's been beted the data is good our return rate we have 250 roughly 349 completed surveys which that's really strong we're not a big District uh and it was and it wasn't an easy survey they had to think about it it was probably the hardest and we tried to make it direct and as short as possible but it was still a thought-provoking survey that took 20 30 minutes if they took their time and they did so we were very happy with the results and we would expect them to increase as time go on talk about next steps I do it on that R um we have a fully functioning l which has continued and has only got stronger which is huge because our that popul our students beond speakers has grown functioning L has been a huge strength and I can see that Contin to well just looking at data I think that show um we've also worked on attendance this year at each building play for a little while that was are uh the prior Commissioners push and he gave money out at the drop of the Hat you basically Chuck that yeah we'll take money ,000 and they gave us money the good news there's some benefit to that do I think that was necessarily where I want to put all my push no um quite frankly that I don't know if that's like the end all be all but was it something that we were able to do and do I think it helps some kids I do um is it something that will carry forward in some way absolutely there's some things that we're doing reaching out to kids going to the house knocking on the doors letting them know that school support and you know what we care about you and we want you here to succeed because we know that if you're not here and you don't succeed the trajectory is not good you make that up so doing those things really help excited about that our own Dei committee I I have to say it's a thoughtful right motivated group of people as the year gone G on it's gotten tougher and tougher just with schedules I mean we're at that time of year probably should schedu me because it's there's just so much going on no we want to miss any but we got the survey out we got the data in and we're going to be able to set some time aside at the end of this year and over the some the third go I know I what I um has to do with building relationships with stakeholders using subcommittees and that's the communication indicator and we really have talked a little bit about that already everything from being on the green meal building committee to the bleacher committee to working Club um to a variety of committees and really just being out there I think that helps when there's issue you know Boys and Girls Club needs to use the facilities um they just call set up a meeting and we work that so we really have worked hard I worked hard with all these and they're really responsive and it's not just them it's the it's the whole team so I have to say we have an athletic director so I know I physically can't get to every single it's not reason but I know that myar is an expert in athletics right he knows it he understands the scheduling he can go to the rec commission to represent the school well I go sometimes but he goes more out in the night but that's because we're a team and we support one another so I know there's more there's a lot more in the folder there's one more goal which is standard four which is the goal four which has to do with nas the professional culture and commitment to high standards and we had them we've had the high school folks come and talk about NES we've seen the gra report the final report um I can't say no good things about the NES report and the whole process and actually the last paragraph on page 19 which is really a direct line from the visiting team of Educators who came and said the time and effort dedicated to the ination process School Improvement growth the sumary report and the preparation kind of St it out our team worked hard you guys work hard we made sure you knew what was going on we made sure the content the learning you were prepared for them the teachers were the kids were they did a great job so there is information in the folder electron feel fre to dig in and I just go evaluation this year so than you know try to pull so many different places that absolutely list yeah very clear and I'm gonna shout out the Hy yes it'll getting better try just lot about the it's impressive so thank you here I I have three questions um on page 10 um the first big block the bottom uh in third column since March 2024 yeah and I'm just wondering like is that supposed to have a done or on the prior page okay I wasn't sure if that if the done was October or you know I read it the way you read it I missed the done there but it is we did those okay all right that that one um I had a question about the the neas maybe I misread it but they were they said something about how the vision of The Graduate was basically not hadn't changed like what we were doing for the vision of The Graduate was the same as the 21st century whatever you know what I'm talking about first century skills and that okay and that that had changed in and the way that I read it was that that wasn't really a good thing that it so that's one of our that's one of the three things that we need to work on so good you picked it out one of their their projects for us to work on is finalizing the visual and the can statements which you'll probably help with related to the vision of a graduate and then fully incorporate that vision of The Graduate into the myap and the academic curriculum and then I'm just this is right from them so what you said BR yeah finalize the plan to assess each student progress toward the vision at least once per year and then finalize the plan to report our school progress toward the vision that would great to the gr ofing so that's one of the areas we are done okay all right um and then last thing was um I know last year you did stay in for interviews yeah and so and um so I'm wondering did you do more this year I did some this year I'll do the full next year like every other year okay Y and other than that I as you're talking I'm like I'm so tired for you did a lot of stuff this year so really appreciate um I'm so grateful that you put this together in this format with all the information here it's been so difficult to try to find everything and fit it into the wording and the like you know in the past see the actions that you do but figuring out how they fit into the rubric has been complicated um I have a couple of questions and they may totally be because I got four months yeah so uh it says the youth risk survey led to um did it recommendations for improvement what were were the what kind of recommendations that stem from that or what actions stem from that I mean I don't off top my head survey the well looked at them looked at them and we will continue I can go back and what specific recommendation for this year so this year um BR actually just talked about them she talked about them this morning uh this morning right and um one of them it it's actually um better than during um and that one of one of the big ones which is one that we could actually deal with is um La of sleep kids were saying that they got you know they just not getting enough sleep that the other ones but they didn't seem quite as um scary as some of the ones in past but yeah the information just come out so we'll going through that probably St better in sept all right um kind of similarly so I understand the parent survey um the data is it's just now available it um I read that uh feed back the data equity walk in the student surveys from last year um have there been changes with that information I think it said that integrated interchanges what has like what stemmed from the student survey in the past and from the data terms of act changes so we looked at the data this we now just got what and we really best came out but uh to point to me we had at the beginning of this year we had uh sh and services PR Mental Health First a training with our staff that was a result of comination by data as well as the data student surveys and teacher surveys uh we also did the N training to uh what about um the black boys at that were identified as needing support year surve is there anything targeted to that sub group action plan from yeah that data identify that area that group that like was already follow up for that um oh and then um for the state from the state interviews I know how much the teachers really appreciate it last year in the benefits of social capital from any of those were they identifying changes or things that like were their changes I think in the beginning of this year I was put out at different buildings whether it District or building level and so that's something that we've obviously worked on both at the build and I have with you and with staff to make sure that communication is as as possible even if it's just schedule changes right so no new B thank you um I mean I I probably have had the opportunity to speak with you more frequently during our um our one ones but for for me me that has been an invaluable tool and I think also just to for those schol uh because everyone know it's been kind of built into our relationship so we can communicate um I know as much as possible our our goal is always kind of like avoiding surprises right that's our Mantra that we uh continue to fall back on and and I think we'll you know continue to to to do that rely on that um for all leer just a small town and so um things travel like wildfire um um very fast and so I I think it just makes us more effective to support you and then hopefully you getting feedback um from community members do reach out um the communication piece I think over the years you uh you but through your your leadership team have set a really great tone with the expectations so parents now I I know just as a parent going through each school it it was different math depending on the leader you know would change and it's really embedded you know you're going to get as moreor as you know this day this building this they're all following the same type of communication tool there's just that consistency and so when a parent you know has a child who goes from third to fourth grade because that's a a very big transition at least they know they have a communication tool that they should expect to see that it's not that you know because it's all it's a transition for kids and for parents as well um so I do appreciate how that's a continuous work effort set the tone um and the expectation for that um and you mentioned something earlier which I think is really important to just you can't be everywhere um and you built a team that represents you well um and I think that it sounds as though you know people appreciate like their job you know for the most part so that is really a reflection of um you know I top down um because education these days is not very easy and so I think when you have um a leader who is supportive and provides the tools and the resources you know to make the job as um good as possible and Advocates I think you know you go into town meeting you've represented when you've gone in speaking about the budget I you know you put yourself at the selectboard um you know during those critical times I think and I hope that our our staff and the unions um understand how supportive you are of of the whole district and and you're really advocating for each of them as well as our students so um that's really all that I have to say the only thing I I small thing um is on the checklist I know Colleen was gonna um what I um but I noticed which I want to make sure is um uh well I just wanted to look over a couple other things but I it probably is something that you're so uh that's really it I think just going back now for our next steps for the school committee just thinking about that so uh tomorrow you think you for making the the template of putting all of this in um the date is May 30th is when everyone should be getting our individual uh assessment in that template to you as our wonderful compiler and then from there me just make sure Friday next Friday I'm gonna go back to my email I put I put it lovely in an email I but now now you make question you're good with I mean it could have been I it could have been UHD either way let me go back and see super because I already I I also um did it oh no you're right okay I think I put it for the yeah just because I know that um well because also um we need to it needs to be compiled by you I wanted to make sure you've had you know time because you're going to have to compile it and then get it back to Colleen and we need to post it with right we need to post it with the agenda so that's that's the the cruxs there so Colleen that just as a heads up that one we're probably not GNA be posting like we do then Tuesday but it'll be with um you know right exactly that public um and then then we'll have our first kind of first read um on that sixth um and if we could just make sure that I know you guys have done a great job with sending the with the staff so that'll be great because I do sometimes staff want you know be present like the the teachers as we're discussing evaluation as well so I want to make sure that that you know they're not feeling like anything is um you know underhanded or whatever make sure it's it is a public um it's intended to be public and I want to make sure everyone understands it's uh as open as possible and then so we'll just discuss it that first meeting we're not going to be voting on anything at that time and then we'll be returning at the subsequent meeting to do uh or okay any other questions before does everyone know uh the only thing that I I just wanted to add um this is not necessarily for you but as we think about uh well what we're thinking about for next year is um I I was uh I need to St out the our self evaluation earlier as well because I want to make sure that you know that before you you know sign off that we can get our our self- evaluation but I know that also informs um our goal Creation with a superintendent sometime there's like PS there so if we can get that earlier then it kind of we can get that ball ruing for fy2 and um not have that does that sound well the good thing is that the self evaluation is already created from last year so I just need a cop it and it's that was the big part last year was putting it in Google dog that was terrible formatting before so I just need to uh Google uh form I just need that copy it and put you know 25 but I can set it out and then um um any anything else on that Brian um thank you so much it sounds like the only thing that um just for uh housekeeping is just that that done went done thing okay and then awesome right um go back to oh thank you I think I get your here chair okay chair report um I don't I don't have too much except for that we had a very successful Town Meeting thank you Brian Wayne um who joined I I I think at one point there was uh very obvious the school committee voted against one of the Articles so it would be curious um I don't know you ever got any questions about it I gotten question ion say I was surprised nobody got up that night and asked yeah like I was getting messages at that moment from actually several seniors saying did I know that the school committee all voted no what was going on and several of them said why didn't you guys sit up and say and explain to we wouldn't understand senors yeah well so yeah we voted um yeah sou so and it was interesting because none of us actually like no yeah it was just we all voted against the um the and I and I just will say mine youon I don't know if anyone else shares it but just being the budget we voted I voted um against the the article for the um stabilization account for a couple of things U I do feel that it's necessary but I feel that um it's approaching how we're funding education oh as yes the stabilization account for the votex school uh I think it's necessary to fund it I think um there needs to be a larger conversation about how we approach education equitably for um mayor students for VCH and M public I don't feel that any particular student um funding for their education should come at the cost of another the other option and um with the stabilization account um it will allow more money to be allocated to aset every year part of the allocation and they've already indicated ated that they their assessment is going to be growing um and and and Ernie did say that said we're not getting out of they're out of District funding is like our school choice for them they're not getting that anymore and that means that um we will have to pay more to ask they're going up at a rate of seven eight% of what they're getting and I look at our our trend of percentage is going down to like two two and a half you know so that's that's a trend that I think as a town we we we're failing to recognize how we should be approaching it I think it's going to come to aeck next year um which is my worry anyway that was my I don't know if anyone else everyone else has a similar thought it has no mine has got no concern as far as the students going there that dollars taken from students here and we don't have any control um it's we get a bill and we have to pay it uh and it's each time this happens it Parts the kids that choose to stay Main and public schools what the things we could do if we created our budget that we want and just say this is what we want people vote for it think of what we could do with that money they got they got they got to be hiring an athletic trainer and they their families don't have to pay for bus transportation and all which is wonderful I would love to be able for our our families not to have to pay fees for for things I think that's great um so that that was my my my personal deal also um we have a stabilization account that the town does not allocate money to and so I think that's an issue that we should also larger conversation we have all these funds that are but we we're not strategically um as a town addressing how we're putting um monies for school that separate and any whether it be Transportation or something conversations done so um anyway and that's it just a successful meeting thank you everybody your participation and um I'll the members comments reports oh also Alexis I know I mentioned earlier but just to um thank you congratulations and thank you for I know that you're going to be attending our meetings where wher you're able to um and so you know maybe at some point I don't know if everyone really knows you I know we've kind of started to meet with you but um even if you wanted to just share a little volue of yourself you know just to help I think that would really be great for you know us to kind understand the background for people who just to kind of understand your your perspective and coming into school if you're if you're that that speaker open to speak with that sure absolutely great um and then just reach out you have you know there's any questions um that come up that you're hearing things that you want to get more information on um to just kind of bring yourself up to a place where you feel that you're you know better informed um please ask we're all we're all available to direct and it's you know there is a learning curve that first year is is a learning curve and so whatever we can do to kind of help that transition um thank you um hello um I just want to say the tast mayard was great um we really love that thanks for supporting it if it's our signature EV that fundraising event it would really really well so I think that not having it sunny and brought out great I also like hearing um people in town uh think an Art Specialty if keep waiting in line for a while and someone there are folks in there buying things that weren't part of tasta mayard and they were saying what's going on here and somebody said where what happens with the money and a person started actually explaining all the grants and giving examples and so I thought that was really cool and then um besides really liking seeing the presentations at um the senior project um and I love seeing the different personalities and how different kids took the same goal and implemented it so differently um I this year specifically knowing more of at the high school I realized how many younger kids like not like younger men seniors went to it and that they were interested and excited um to see it and I thought that was really cool um and also people like the nurses and the coaches that were there interacting with the kids about the academic side of their work um just I like that it was sort of the whole child aspect um and encouraging them in different areas and the younger kids pay attention and that was really cool um I I agree I participated in in last weeks um the senior presentation and the the three students that I was able to um to watch um give their presentations say each one was were so different but you know it's just really cool and a lot of the stuff they that they um talked about um was very thought-provoking which was awesome um and it was it was great to see how some of those you know I kind of went through all of them picking up the three that that I had seen and you know figuring out like how it was interesting to see their original you know um slide deck and then how they made it into their you know Tri school it's cool how both the students who were really into one topic and everything related to this one fion and the kids that you know piing from different areas and a miss also seem to gain just much from it yeah yeah yeah I thought it just really Beau the whole the whole thing just a lot of the only other thing is we had our a policy subcommittee meeting it wasn't yest okay you're right it was an answer day so you're right good Lu um and um so we're we're going to slowly um go through ones that we still need to kind of um finalize so we'll it'll be like drips drafts over the next progress these will take more time thought and then we have a list of ones that we want to revisit um um would as you're doing that um I know try to like At first or earlier on have like a priority like have a list of what these I guess maybe when you we reestablish or reward um that would be one of my first thoughts is that getting that these are the recommended policies that like to prioritize for the next year so we kind of have that based on the ones like we tried to just you know when we adopted masks some require res the flag policy there's there's webinars to read legal advice to read so like that's that that couldn't do that is part of our math ad option no I was thinking not for even math like the ones exactly like so outside of that like no stuff you know but ones that you say okay these are the ones that we want to actually take out and we feel that we're going to I think that would be helpful because we have that list it's in the folder um and it was sort of created as we went through them when we read it and thought okay we're not we don't love this but we'll accept it for now right and even I think there were ones that Mary pointed out and we said well let's just go with MK for now and I'll add it to the list so over like last month we've been and we have and we have notes um also on our huge tracker B I love the tracker I go back to it to speak class question and I'm like there's certain things that come up and I'm like I know we've talked about it or voted on it but I that just is such like we can keep that up in some way I think it's just necessary there's so much yeah definitely so there are notes in there about you know we wanna that we want to you know keep going with you know like um like the Green Meadow Navy stuff we have a note in there just basically saying we need to keep on top of you know that that's something that we need to know right don't want so um and even things like I know when I joined the school committee you had sent me suggestions that you had the discipline policy and that they weren't Incorporated at that time but so I added the discipline policy to the list than you I know it'll be so um nothing after all that well you know what you have a few more meetings with us so and I'm gonna I'm GNA sort of plagiar eyes from um sh's um so myself and um Brenda Sullivan and and from the safe from the um the wellness committee um were invited to um the John stalker Institute um they had a wellness um conference and we were actually um not we were um we're recognized as a wellness meth School Wellness Champion so that was incred it was very you know um the you know the acting um Desy commissioner was there was there funding associated with this award umited spoke well and optimistic but yeah so but it was it was quite a nice event there were um 47 um school districts that were um that will recognize oh wow so yeah a lot of work and it was largely because of the policy that we you know the wellness policy that we spent so much time uh to put together and we had a great coach too that uh actually highight that in a more profound way yeah so child put together this great verbage that I think um Brian's gonna put out and I said I put it in action unlimited advantage and that kind of thing to try and get it outside of school you know like the emphasis on that well I mean there a lot of work that went into that and I just don't feel like it should be like oh we got this and then let's move on like let's celebrate take a moment to acknowledge it and celebrate it and then yeah it continues but it shows progress and accom really commitment all right um so now we'll go on to the consent agenda and I will first the warrant so without OB SE I will move to um accept approved warrants 24071 and 2472 all right so hearing no objections warrants have been accepted and then we are moving on MAR I'll give you back for for the policy that's um without objection um we're going to presentend um policy 241 325 381 406 742 i h h d just take I guess 46 just getting understanding what was the Sol questions maybe we don't well you know what let's take that one out and then we had the other two um and then we just yeah that's fine we had a couple other one I think they were were looking that we're gonna have to have a conversation with yeah so all right how how do I do this um and yeah so I would just say amend your yeah amending that objection um will resend group of resend 241 325 381 742 and IB Das so all approv approve to Yes um and then um without objection uh for this first read uh for e CFA Mar excuse me did we really go through that because what I would find is very outdated the ecfi yeah according to what C says no there so there's a new one on mask's website which is the one 2023 yeah that's very it's outdated already really the CC it talks about 14 I thought it removed that one I found I found a version that didn't have the reading didn't have the quarantine so maybe we will also well first it's a first read yeah okay yeah so it sounds like yeah we we bring it back yeah okay progress still progress right um so then we will not do the first read of that or is that what we're saying okay yeah all right so now we will go into um executive session under mgl chapter 30A section 21A two to conduct strategy uh session and preparation negotiation all non Personnel meeting will have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of public body and Shar players player the school committee will return to open session entering into session brle yes yes yes and yes so okay wonderful we are now returning to our Open Session and we um I'll go ahead and and make a motion to approve the uh salary increases for our non-union Personnel contracts recommended by superintendent hos for FY 25 and um with the caveat um that the the superintendent's annual salary increase will instead be decided and determined um at a later date um um relating to his evaluation okay okay any further discussion on this um Brian thank you Wayne thank you for your work on on this and um and also to our staff um you know hopefully this is you know it's never feels enough but um but I'm glad we're you know getting back to where we are able to to do before work bit so um all in favor okay motion carries unanimous all right so I will ot to name change I think we need to vote on that no yeah I don't think we yeah so um I think that's just if there's a job when it comes to that job description maybe that need that so yeah all right so a motion to adjourn okay all right all in favor okay we are everybody