I will move to enter into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining as an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the bargaining of the public body and the chair so declares and we'll be discussing an abme clerical Union and also conduct strategy and preparation for negotiations with a non-union Personnel namely the Town Administrator we will session on completion of our executive session second all right we will read the Governor script for open meetings as a preliminary matter I am CHR Sila the chair of the mate select board permit me to confirm that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda our president can can hear me so the only person that is on the agenda is Greg Johnson Greg can you hear us he by Wave Y says he can hear us okay this open meeting of the mayard select board is being conducted via zoom in live speakers on the agenda will be participating remotely in the chair may allow for the public to provide comments the select board would like to hear public comments and if there is further action that is required by the board the chair will add the matter as appropriate to a forthcoming agenda depending on the comment the board May if we are able within the confines of the open meeting law respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast to individual attendees unless otherwise required by law accordingly Please be aware that other people may be able to see you so take care not to screen share your computer as anything you broadcast may be captured by the recording all of the documents for this evening's meeting are on board docs except for our executive session documents and um so please follow along there unless otherwise noted we are now going to turn to the first itting on the agenda but before we do so permit me to cover some ground rules for the effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes the chair will introduce each speaker on the agenda after they conclude their remarks the chair will go down the line of members inviting each by name to provide any further comments questions or motions please hold until your name is called further please remember to mute your phone or computer computer when you are not speaking and please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate minutes for any response please wait until the chair yields the floor to you and state your name and address before speaking if members wish to engage in Cy with other members please do so through the chair taking care to identify yourselves for items with public comments after the members have spoken the chair May afford public comments as follows we will first ask the members of the public who wish to speak to identif Iden ify their names and addresses only and once the chair is a list of all public commentators we will call on each by name in a four three minutes for any comments public comment for public hearings will only be accepted in person per the open meeting law and we are now going to go to the next agenda on the item on our agenda the next item which will be the Pledge of Allegiance but before we do I'd like to welcome our new member Lindy mcy to the board it might be the first member a long time to actually start on July 1 the so welcome and we all look forward to having you be a part of our group so we'll with that we'll do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the rep it stands nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you right um do we have any public comments this evening in the room all right do we have any public comments online this evening okay don't public comments good night all right um right into the next item which is the reorganization of the select one an annual event in the first meeting of July and um there are two motions to be made and then some housekeeping so um would anybody like to make a motion under the first category which is the naming of the chair for the next year uh I would like to make a motion to nominate J Swanberg um as chair of the select board for a term of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 I'll second that motion um okay is there any comments questions I accept Okay does anybody have anyone else they' like to nominate under the offensive chair okay um all those in favor of Jeff Swan become the chairman of the board from July 1st to June 30th of 2025 raise your hand all right thank you everybody thank you and thank everybody for the past year um as chair all your help in getting to where we are today from last year's first day thank you Chris thank you thank you you're very welcome my pleasure um would anybody like to make a motion as to the clerk yeah I'll motion uh to nominate select board member Mike Stevens as clerk for the select board for the term July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 second any conversation argument oh show her hands Mike's been doing a great job Mike's been it to the best thank you thank you I appreciate you taking out all right so you wanted here you want what do you want to oh we can today and want me to do this you want to run through the rest of meeting okay yeah it's gonna be quick all right um so we have weison and and it's on here listed as a topic um I don't know if do you do we want to go through them tonight if you guys everybody want to kind of take a look at them we do them at the next meeting just kind of assign them at the next meeting if anybody has anything that U kind of pequs their interest or um gets them you know something that they're doing now that they might want to get away from and if we're if we're looking at the ones that we've got assigned to us now and we take Justin's we assign them over to Lindsay uh for the time being at least um it's probably the easiest way to do it and then have a discussion if we want to uh adjust the one that uh Lindsay should be aware of uh is the animate PC issue which requires uh presumably meetings uh you know outside um off- campus if you want to call it there is there is some off-campus stuff it's usually once once once or twice a month um and it's you know it's usually Link in a conquer or any you know some of the surrounding towns that are um on mapc with us um the bill Nemer is also involved he's the second person from Maynard on the mapc and he has been a board member a director he's very very involved with the mapc so if there's ever anything that anyone that's in that position can't do bill is always there to pick up the slack and you know follow up with an email as to what went on so that's that's that one but so if you want you know if you want to um accept those those one two she has six yeah and then take so take a look at them and then we'll sure we'll we'll red discuss it the next time and just have a conversation so no I mean I think this is fine does anybody have one they don't want to be part of anymore or continue on us nothing in particular there's anything that particularly interested in okay planet is really the thing I was most interested in and that was Justin that's fine it's good all right so goal setting we have a suggested um goal setting meeting for um 2025 and Beyond um with a proposed date yeah did you July 23rd no that's no where did I I know I saw yeah I put it in the next item because it's relative to all year okay schedule for July 23rd on here yeah that was just a penciled in date I just was trying to help out with throwing a you know throwing a calendar date out there okay all right um does anybody well does anybody have a conflict to July 23rd that they know as of this this time I the other question I guess I'll ask because we we you know does anybody have a at at that date is it is it beneficial more beneficial to anybody or a majority of us to do it um remotely um on that dat i in person for that particular meeting to have that location the other question great Len a few location um yeah Mill and Main Open Table Sanctuary COA Library we have done at the COA in the past that's kind at the fire station yeah you can do it there too okay can we try the fire station on the 20 that sure works for me okay um we have it listed at 6:30 is everybody okay with 6:30 on the 23rd I can do that and Becky's not here either so all right so 6 6:30 on um the 23rd at the 5 cool all right um and then we have below that the next item is to set the meeting dates for fiscal year 2025 and there is a motion for that um would like to make a motion for that Mr chair if I could give a quick context so um Greg Wilson did a great job putting putting this together he looks at the first and third Tuesdays of the month and then he also tries to catch any other special um it's you know it's never perfect but you know like you know I I appreciate Greg Wilson's attempts to try to get um all the all the regular meeting schedules in there um but I also noted some other you know more uh um appro you know closer meeting dates that are proposed as well like for example I've been trying to figure out when is the best time to have that follow-up quad meeting that we had the other day at the training at the um fire station and um that's a little tricky because uh the town clerk points out that you know in order to have it on the ballot measure for the state um election then we need to have a decision made um by August 6th I think so that kind of messed up my expect expected timeline but I I have I have a proposed um proposed meeting in there which I can see doesn't quite capture uh Greg's Greg proposal um so if you look at the board Ducks it says um July 30th I put under the public content um in my message to the board proposed joint meeting because if it was after August 6 then it would miss the deadline to be on the state's ballot and that and the the consequence of that would be um the town would have to put any debt exclusion or other any sort of measures on on a pilot on a on our own election outside of the state's um ballot and it's just more cost effective and efficient if you if you try to capture all the votes you need on a prescheduled election like the state ballot okay otherwise most of the dates should be just the first and third Tuesdays of the month all right just so just so that I'm I'm look I'm reading it and I understand so the the the state ballot is November 5th that would have to be done by the August 6th yep our special town meeting have we scheduled that or this start part of the process of scheduling that is this already scheduled or the board is not the board has not taking formal Like official action that's just we're aiming it October 7th yep so so in essence the decision to be made octo August 6th for the November 5th ballot just placing a placeholder on that ballot is that what that's going to do we won't know have until till no October 7th well yes and no so um I asked that question of the clerk's office to ask the Secretary of State's office who regulates um elections and I said like what if what if the select board said on August 6 like hey we are thinking about having something on the state ballot and then two days later the board decided they changed their minds and we don't want anything on the November 5th or maybe you know we have a special a special town meeting in October and it doesn't pass and so we decide not to have anything on the November It's Too Late by that point the state says once you've once you've given them notice by August 6th that you want something on the state's ballot it's on the state's B ballot okay all right we really haven't given ourselves um anywhere near enough time to have a vigorous reasonable discussion about priorities because if assuming that the schools move forward this board uh has not had any discussion other than commentary from various members about priorities and whether or not we even support a ballot Initiative for a school proposed initiative let alone uh a senior proposed initiative or a DPW proposed initiative or a DPW proposed initiative we don't have the time for that given that we're now talking six weeks between today and the date that uh of July 30th when we have the quad board which is three what that's 29 days away and then August 6 we're not doing our we're not doing the residents or the voters Fair Justice by not having that discussion but the fact of the matter is those are the those are timelines that are set I understand if we feel as though we're not in a position to make that type of decision we don't have to I think we're in that position now we're not prepared but if we're if we find ourselves unprepared we we don't have to take those steps those are the dates of those dates are if we decide to take those steps if we don't feel we're adequately prepared to take those steps we just don't take them I I don't think that everybody in the world is going to be happy about it but if we are not ready to make the step we're not going to make the step I don't think so I think the conversation around the senior lease is relatively new after inform I don't I don't I think that would be too accelerated for bound meeting at this point um it'll be we just looking at fusibility study for the bleachers this is something that they were pushing for spring meeting and were nearing completion and then decided they need more time and have done a lot of the fre exra but that that goes to the issue of priorities because if we if we move forward and ask the voters or the residents the taxpayers to approve a um an an override for bleaches 3.5 million dollars whatever it might be and then proposed that in October we're going to come back and ask for another X number of millions of dollars I mean that's not fair but it's just not fair I agree it's not fair but all we're doing right now is setting the schedule we're just setting the schedule if we if we don't have information or we don't have what we need to make those decisions we can alter we can alter our schedule we just can't alter the November 5th state election date in the August 6 I file so I think but I think the the the point that I'm trying to make is let's just be honest we're not prepared to go forward for July 30th or August 6 to say that this is our priority as a community and so therefore you're not ready to go forward with whe for the that's correct that's what you're saying that's correct because I think that there are other issues that we need to discuss about how to go about planning for other issues that I believe are more important to the community than bleaches but would it make sense so that that's the purpose of the discussion I believe on July 30th so you don't feel comfortable having that discussion on July 30th and then say you know the next day you say I feel uncomfort that's fine that's fine but but we would then be leaving ourselves a week and a day I don't know how many 31 or 30 or 31 days a song I sing this because it's Tuesday leaving a week and a day but if answer is no because you don't feel prepared does it matter that it's just a day it does I'm not saying not to have a meeting on the 30th my issue is more on we need to be prepared now basically say it really doesn't look good for August 6 no your Point's well taken David absolutely well taken but I think we just set the schedule and we we work as best as we can to get to those dates and see where we are in those dates and if you know to Lindsay's point if we're not ready at that point we vote no we don't take a vote that's all I mean we you know we're just setting a schedule we're not we're not committing us to anything or the town or you know town meeting we're not setting any we're making no commitment other than these are the dates that we'll likely meet to discuss these things Greg if we were to ask you on the six of August to prepare whatever text is needed to move forward Bach fall town meeting would you be able to do that or would you need some time no I I can do that that's yeah that's that's not that complicated um a debt exclusion vote both for town meeting and for the election we've done multiple times already in the just in even in my tenure so that's that itself is not I guess the the detail is the the amount like the the how much are we actually asking but um if you recall it's it's it's very similar legislative action at town meeting and the and the ballot but it's a little different one is actually appropriating and the other one is just asking to borrow so it is like asking to go above the the set tax rate but either way um I think this is a good I think these are all good points um my my recommendation would be if the if the board is moving in this direction of approving that proposed set of scheduled dates um I would amend the August 8th joint meeting to July 30th because what what you see on board docs is that's a we can change that next meeting I'm looking at July 30th as the date so just the material the material that's in board dos has August 8th I I'm just saying it would be July 30th there's two different documents and they don't have the same information got it okay yeah I was confused this document that's not the not the same yeah so they just don't align Greg and Greg have to get together and fix it I know see we leave each other for a couple days and then we lose our mind meld yes all right so um well I guess would anyone like to make a motion to approve this u based on the combined schedules well are we proposing a meeting on August 8 or August July 30 July 30th AUST 30th and August 6 July 30th for the proposed joint me in case anybody wants to know who will be here 6 Tuesdays in a row but okay um anyways all right so yeah we'll use the dates on the um agenda which is July 23rd July 24th is sub budget subcomittee then July 30th for a proposed joint meeting of the quard boards and August 6th is our regular meeting and then the rest Falls online would that quad board meaning be 6:30 like it was the last time yeah what information you feel you would need to move forward with leers hypothetically I I don't think it's a priority okay that's a different than I don't have enough information the conversation think it's very simple I don't think it's I don't think it's I think we have too many issues that are going to require us for uh to ask the voters for uh an increased tax rate beyond the typical two and a half that we have to talk about what our priority is and the two issues that I think need to be talked about the one that we had the discussion with on this past weekend with residents um sort of offline as the senior issue for a proposed longterm or short-term plan for seniors or bleachers both are going to require an override we can't do both I just think we have to be honest and if we don't go for breaches at fa or you don't think they're a priority for the town at this point or in the next say few years you'd propose continuing or to build in the rental fees for the current leaches into the current budget yeah probably that would be what we would have to do I think that would be part of the discussion as we go forward but uh but not I I don't think it's the priority that's just my opinion I think we have to choose we have to choose a priority for the community and it's not bleachers in my eyes that's a more detailed discussion that yeah intend July 30 yeah no I think I would hope that that's the discussion we do have on July 30th that's what I'm saying oh okay sorry that's the discussion we need to have yeah all right um all right so well I move to approve the select board FY 25 schedule of meetings as presented okay all right would anyone like to second that second with July 30th is the propos joint budget meeting um all right any discussion any more discussion all those in favor all right so that's the schedule um the two Gregs will M the schedule up and get it out to us next up is number five on the agenda and that's use of town property um anyone like to make a motion for this one Shakespeare and the park I'll move to approve the US of Memorial Park by the mayor pille council pille District committee for Shakespeare in the park on Saturday and Sunday August 3rd and 4th 2024 from 3M to 8m contingent upon adherence to all federal state and local public health and safety guidance authorizing the use ofal signatures through S all right um all well does anybody have any arm is here so does anyone have any questions from Armen or any concerns that they want to voice with arm Armen could you just give us a brief description of what we're uh spitting and soon well this is our first one obviously first of all welcome thank you this is our first one we're trying it out and see how that's going to work out we got the con players putting it on so they're already experienced they've done it conquer they've done it in newon um so um are very much infused about who we in the evening 5 to 7 set up and break down like basically you know we don't want any CL we don't any Clos the streets or anything like that just basically do they perform a show or what it's like a Shakespeare perform they got to be doing an array of different types of plays so it's not going to be one specific so more more like an introduction of Shakespeare but I guess it's it's it's a play but is it pie it's like a you know Snippets snippet what they call it when he do that what they call it when he doing the songle medle you yeah a med medle medle of sh Shakespeare midley with but it's it's not King Le or whatever no maybe next this works out and it's successful they'll pick one do you guys do you guys anticipate having like somebody selling Refreshments or anything like that okay all right it's a very simple okay so okay so pres we have to practice eloquent language abely you should be you should be veryy you know you have the just as I waste time so do time waste me it's Shakespeare at these meetings we to do she like shakeseare Justine's gonna be jealous she's missing it all right um so on that note um any other questions from any other comments all those in favor of Shakespeare in the Park thank you very much look forward to it yes all right we have um number six is some appointments to some some board appointments y I move to reappoint board committee members terms to expire June 30th 2027 as provided authorizing use of digital signatures if approved second any comments on the three appointments three year appointments okay all those sorry go ahead go ahead Just A Min one I'm just uh curious if anybody knows how to pronounce the first person pige how you pronounce that last name I was kind of glad I was kind of a motion it was covered PA z z thank you get it right okay and I guess my question would be uh why do we need to have a a representation approved by the board for the scholarship committee that's how the how the committee was formed um by the warrant article okay it has it has it has like uh so when the I can't remember what year Greg Wilson might know off the top of his head but but what it we uh if you follow the warrant article it should outline how the money is spent and who who authorizes the money being spent Etc town because we're we've got some Town money that's being uh distributed out there for the for the town scholarships is that why yeah I believe I mean it's been a long time since I I researched the article Greg does that sound familiar uh honestly I'm not positive because they um they just showed up in the the schedule of they need to be repointed believe that they were first appointed I think it was three years ago before I got here um but I'll look it up but I'm pretty sure it was it's related to its formation in the first place all right any other questions regarding those three appointments all those in favor thank you all right Mr Justin would you like to go on the contract for stct with us yes good evening good evening welcome Lindsay congratulations thank you night good thank you for having me tonight Marco Works director in front of you today is the long awaited uh initiation of phase two of our four phase water capacity improvement process um this Consulting contract incorporates actually three major tasks under one we were able to secure immer funding with the help of Kate Hogan um as part of Economic Development process for $4,000 to move our planning processes forward the three major CL of this contract consists of the finalization of a treatability and capacity Improvement plan that incorporates um for those of you who may not know but others say quite often our three water treatment plants are interconnected meaning they be a system together so they work in unison like a living organism whenever we do one to one we have to review what its cause and effects on to the end ultimately the distribution of um so we have some new mcls um minimum contamination level requirements that are coming down the pipe probably heard it all over the news you be talk about quite often such as past and those levels are about to be adopted by Nast EP right now the EPA limits are proposed they are not finalized in regards to how Mass can digest those and then make them low so as of right now Nas DP is reviewing the limits they cannot make them higher they can make them lower but those implementation processes haven't hit us yet but they will be hit us so as part of our capacity Improvement program we also have to look at treatability as we put on new sources raw water difference no matter where you surface water well sources whatever we look for as part of our phase two which is Rockland which will be well sources we have to look at the treatability aspect as well when we incorporate what that um overall schematic design and design development would be the finalized stage two process number two is during our four-phase Improvement plan as we know plans are implemented and then variables change throughout whether it's environment policy Etc when we first um introduced our four phased plan MW was not an option during that process NWA has made themselves potentially available when they say potentially available as Mike is Ley is on for a little while they have included the Metro EST region which includes mayard in their feasibility study for their excess water DET it also recently come to light that the current house bill for uh the state of Massachusetts has included money for mwa expansion but it's not Incorporated M region it has incorporated the North and South now at first pass you would say oh no I'm not us I will say that I am also disappointed I'm also encouraged because this is the first time the Commonwealth in over 20 years is investing in the expansion um which then holds true for the fact of our legislative bodies fting hard for us to be included in the preure bond bill as well but with that being said the next phase of our uh collaboration approach is every individual Community is doing the own feasibility study to weigh them option versus their current option meaning their inhal services for us to move any process forward and to involve the town with you know a real hard analytical view we have to look at our long-term vision and come up with cost estimates versus the cost it would be for mwa whether it's full mwa submission pariss Etc so that is Phase One of M it also incorporates our master plan as required and number three is actually the most important which is the beginning exploration of future well sources I.E Rockland in Omar so some of you remember that at Omar oraba Road treatment location we actually were able to preliminarily find a well Source there with previous grant funding that was identified only for omr with the potential of a half a million to a million gallon weth Source o AB which is phase two in our process we are aware of a piloted well source that was part of the online we also have acquired a significant amount of land in that area through pcom and our town purchase that has expanded the original scope of what Roth was explored that there was a significant amount of land that was unexplored as part of the original loation process and as you may not know omr and well 4A sit in the conquer River Bas which is a stress Bas Rockland is no Rockland is a situation that also has really reduced defense lers compared toar well treatment locations Rockland was identified for phase two because of its availability of exploration sources it's natural water reduction of keast and it is our most well well for's treatment plant is now our most sophisticated and modified but Rockland Al is our Workforce and it actually has excess treatment capacity when we lost the well sourc so it is our most efficient effor means to capture water in a shorter am the reason that part of this includes Omar's U exploration is because as we plan longterm cips even though the town is moving towards a fiveyear window in the DPW we plan for 2550 and in order for me to make sure that we continue to um entertain our four-phase approach you may have seen Bob McCarthy and our um newsletters that indicated that omr original phase three has a 3A which is MWR we need to make sure that we provide enough guidance that if our plan is appropriate it may change and phase three may be NWA expans phase four may not exist phase three may still be Omar with phase four being in I can tell you right now even though it says including white Pawn which we are it's p levels are 44.5 not treat that that that AET is pretty much a li um but as we move through this process the reason it refers to the White's Pawn treatment is that it's a treatment study that provided us our religion based and a lot of that comes with the assumptions of what our annual historic use patterns are in I know that was a lot to digest but let's just think about it as this way this is the T moving forward with phase two water capacity improvement process on a funding mechanism provided by the state and not on our residents and our customers any questions um yeah I don't know if it's directly related to the approval of this particular post but given the recent developments relative to the MW issue um what is the realistic uh possibility that we're even going to have an opportunity to jump in to MW given that they apparently start they focused on the NorthShore region and ignored the Metro West Region and so what is short is all I need I don't definitive response but what is the realistic opportunity that we're even going to be in that mix or should we start again prioritizing and saying hey MW is not going to be it that's so David to your point that's why we're focusing still on our original plan with incorporation I would be disheartened if I saw no expansion funded to the state I'm highly encourag that the state is even entertaining the fact that they are going to fund an expansion of MWR um it was discouraging when we went through the process with mwa to find out that mwa was not going to fund any it was made very clear they will not fund any of their expansion their customers in their board made it very clear that their current customer base is not funding an expansion program as part of that that's why I encouraged yourselves many stakeholders within this community including our collaborative we were were with a lot of other communities in met to really push your legislative Bess you know Kate Hogan's office is well aware this Jam El's office is well aware of this that house bill is only house it's not over yet right now is a conversation with Jamie Al G to go through Senate I don't see why there shouldn't be a conversation of the importance of metal West versus North and South Shore but to your point David I will say this I know Mike we kind of included Mike in the process but you have to understand the North Shore and the South Shore was a process that was led by local House Representatives in the Metro West was led by BPW brers there is a harder put from House Representatives in those two regions than there was me L as you also heard the 495 partnership that deal with Jason fre years whether it's here in Malo Metro West's overall planning has been highly focused on transportation and they for some reason have not been highly focused on water infrastructure and it's because to your point with Jason the Metro West region 495 has a significant amount of communities already tied in end but mayard as we always do kind of gets left out of that Circle so M Sho you name it most of the 495 major communities are already tied in WWA we're kind of on an island if you remember the feasibility study we have one town in our way it's Sudbury it's water Rich so there's some complexities to that but it's not really hitting us um I did have a discussion with Hogan she asked how how she could help after I had Greg sent out the email to the board of of understanding where we're at but I really think Jamie ELD is the key to at least having a conversation because it does need to pass through and if not now the understanding of the importance of it to me I will tell you my colleagues and most of the other communities that are looking for this conquer uh Lexington Lincoln a lot of other of our colleagues are doing the same thing it's time to hit your senator make sure they at least they're aware of it but I am encouraged that this bill is even going even going to come to fruition for any end expansion so we are incorporating it where it falls in our overall plan is either three 3A or four and we still have due diligence to do to make sure that one if it's available it's the right decision for M and that's the due diligence we'll start with our phase three approach here and as we already understand the f usability study it's a$ 1.6 billion project for metal that's not coming from the back in there's no we can afford it all of our communities Town administrators that are participated managers there's no way they can afford them they we need State support which is why there's a bond buil for North sou same same approach so I think we need to keep the keep the pressure on why is Sunbury as opposed to that Hudson Stow off I know we talked about that s it still doesn't have a distribution so a lot of it is is really and a lot of it is also dictated by mwa current infrastructure so they have a major AR for them Boston which goes through mro right on the skirt of subur Wayland and that's where they want to tag off of because like anything else their capacity yes they have an expansive amount of water and the ability to produce it but they don't as part of the 1.6 billion they also explore the most efficient piping system so the size of their oer is capable of handling that access demand it's the piping from oer to us and other community still has no infrastructure whatsoever yeah there's no infrastructure yeah we have what we could refer to and if you read the study enough it's referred to as Wheeling water Wheeling water is a grid we have a grid a distribution Network within the ground in mayard um as do a lot of our neighboring communities where they pump water like back feeding it through your veins and produce it that way but that's a very hard process to do and a lot of our piping that's already in the ground versus our other communities don't match up and that's a pressure so we have to provide a significant amount of pressure so that was explored as part of process of Wheeling water situations like that but um it was determined to be unus can I ask a question on the just on sequencing of the phases so as I recall from Capital planning the omr site water treatment plan required like an 80 something million dollar so this is to explore whether or not Omar would be feasible instead of MW is that correct that's one part it's one part of it so just so you also know omr is currently an active cycle meaning it's not shut down we produce really bad water and anybody that lives in the neighborhoods know that purple water comes out of that okay and that's because the plant's not designed to handle the raw water that there but we actually rely on that plant to provide almost 30 30% of our water but if it does need a replacement for 80 something million dollars we obviously wouldn't be able to afford that without an override and so how does the how does the sequencing and like the Cadence of timing workout if we get to a point where we do have to go to the town to ask for an override to cover the cost of that replacement but also we're still waiting for MW are we way far out from that are we years from having to Absol years from that but to go back and override is another guarantee for this so Enterprise funds could support this it just depends on What's happen Enterprise funds could support the OM 86 yeah absolutely it's just what do you want the rat to so unlike the general fund we could supplement the Enterprise fund with General Obligations but we have a self-supporting system per se and our long-term financial plan has started to incorporate and build into these so unlike hey we have $86 million tomorrow we need to raise those funds financially we have forecasted out and advanced a lot of our rate increases to start to build the cost of The Debt Service that can be focused into anything because it's not an obligation per se it's an obligation to financial forecasting continues but to your point beyond that we do need to go through the exercise of the cost in measur so that 86 million is a very very high level estimate of what recent 1 million gallon plants are focused on roughly In The Raw water capacity that we see but we are going to fail defense and we do not have the ability like other communities to shut down a plant and survive off other two which other communities will do as they start toate the PS we need to explore how we manage our water treatment capacity and our Water Production so we have two phases on like communities we could if mwa was closer there was a if if that Bond Bill included mwa we could modally lease treatment processes that will get us through p as we talk about phasing out sources or phasing in sources that will be part of this process remember when I started I said it's all interconnected because we don't have the ability to close omr if we put a p treatment plan at Rockland in well Bo still pumping P pass into the system that's inefficient so we may look at a a conversation conceptually very very high level where we have either a centralized or a dual P treatment facility and we pipe Omar directly to it versus back feeding in system we have to go through all of that exercise and that's included and then that will provide us some guidance one with real with higher level cost that's I'm still this is SD stage it's a really high level but it will come up with a better costing mechanism but it will also expand on the share fact of what we will have to spend not only in treatment capacity Improvement but water quality and then that will be gauged against mwa what we know about MW is they have excess capacity they can meet 100% of man current Peak and forecast in flu and that means development to also are the development that I had to deny we could handle all that development with what it also brings is water quality that will meet today's standards and the future standards all that will be measured against what our abilities and then we can look at that from a f perspective then we can kind of bridge that Gap as we know more information so I would love to see what it go how fast anday moves in that process they still have to go through a major design biding process that can take five years before the North El we even see that infrastructure but when we're planning even omr so we'll be lucky to implement Rockland in five exped which I have told this board many times if we stay to our financial plan with our rates and we continue to invest in that process we could hopefully expedite that in four years a lot of that comes with the piloting through D omr is probably 10 15 20 years away even if we stay on the original just because the cost Rockland have projected right now if we find a couple well sources and we able to put a well build on and do the modifications that we need it's probably going to cost roughly almost the same amount as what we just did at w doorway which is 13 to15 million total That's not including people indry we have to start to incl that because we're so it's I don't want to say omr or under raise a pike dream but it is good to have the conversation when we're talking about long-term plan at the dav's point is what's next what's our highest priority but the biggest issue that mayor typically had in regards to its water um water Improvement projects is it would never fund this and it would sit so nothing's moving so the ball just set so you didn't get piloting working you didn't get anything going and then when the time is to need which we kind of are in right now as a community we're dying developments the quad board is has talked about we need to have development long-term investment to handle a lot of our general fund obligations well this is the Bott so as long as these processes move we can expedite that foure window versus seven year versus 10 year window and then we can make those decisions I will say this the conceptual idea of Rockland having a new well Source will be able to enhance development soon m is a final road is a final something that I would retire in never it would be over with the future generations of mayard and I'm talking I'm only 43 I work until I'm 64 so that's 20 years out before that would be in all the leip even mwa even if we got lucky that's still years away because they also have to go through the same piloting and permit process not necessarily piloting but they do what's called an interbasin transfer so they're taking water from one area of the state and transferring it to another and they have to do environmental okay all right I will move to yeah just a quick question about the um the litigation beath litigation going on um as I was uh what amount of about 146,000 is that right no so we so yes and no right so that's the phase two so just very high level because we're still in that litigation issue right so the manufacturers of P the major manufacturers 3M and dupon are sued by hundreds of thousands of communities such as M with the class action lawsuit right now our projected allocation of funds from that specific lawsuit are between three and $3.5 million there is two phases of trusts fund money that is direct violation now meaning there PS in our system currently we detect it we know it that's phase one phase two is any future which is the 146 and that's if we new well or Test new well is this topic public or is it is it's a public litigation that's already been s but there is a second litigation that we have not joined in because it's just started and that is the firefighter which I won't I don't have but so it want to violate you know no we're not executive session issues no it's not how we potentially harate those funds so is it fair to say that even that three and a half million is still going to be if it was to ever surface would' still be part of sort of Drop in the Ocean of the expenses required to actually cover theow it's a real shame so I will tell you this now the last session offic was um within court and I want to say was North Carolina which federal was app to and the judge's ruling at the end his executive summary was D and 3M are too big to fail and we can't have them fail this is what they and you can look at it both ways how that affects the federal economy versus us but from a local perspective 3.5 million is not even 33% of what one best treatment facility but it is better than it's top a lot of this burden is going to fall on local taxpayers as typical policy changes all right thank you go ahead Dave uh move to approve the contract number 1469 for the Department of Public Works drinking water supply and treatment master plan with stanc Consulting Services Inc in the amount of $400,000 as presented authorizing use of digital signatures if approve it can't possibly be any more discussion all in favor I got take one last shot at the guy I don't I mean in a few days yes you are all right um now we're on to um our policies as it relate to food vendors in Haw in Peddlers Steve's up do we I only have do we draft this or did did Council draft this for us uh little bit of it and then uh we had some modifications have some comments all right exective director of Municipal Services all right sir um want just why don't we start with the um food vendors piece and then we'll move on to the Hawkers and what now and they're both kind of related so Greg do you want to frame it in any me on the spot there the framing of this is is no I think no this fair point I'll give a little bit of um maybe additional context but I think everyone remembers the the taco truck that we're trying to figure out you know whether or not to permit it onto the onto the public Wass but an additional sort of chapter is that I was um messaged by someone who's considering or was asking if they could sell their art I may have the details incorrect but but I think they want to sell their art on the roadside um and then I had asked Council how do we is that allowed and they said oh that's a hawker Peddler's license and then um looked it up and the state has regulations related to that and to Steve's point and it's all kind of coincidental that then then this taco truck and we're trying to figure out that out too but um it is very later layered and and you can you can sort of approach it different ways um some towns have the permits to have a food truck go through the select board some towns have it really sort of um at the Board of Health level but you know the but mayor select board generally does um exude authority over the public way so that's that's you know parking sidewalks streets um that's that's generally what this board has done but in addition to that and I think Steve can get into this um think of it very similar to like a common victory license so even though the board were to issue a common Vic license for a restaurant it doesn't mean that the board is saying you can start serving food because the restaurant still needs to pass the food permits and the Board of Health regulations and the fire code Etc um and then similarly for a food truck and Steve can get into the details um you know there's still there's still sort of um um Associated regulations whether it be from the police department or the fire department and especially the the health department so um yeah if that sort of helps the sort of like context of this discussion think of it very similar to like a mobile restaurant but also consider the Hawkers Peddlers because there may be something besides food being asked to sell but if you're selling something you you that's what we're that's what we're proposing if you're going to sell something you need a Haw pedlers if you're going to sell something and that something happens to be food you're going to need a food truck permit is that right but Steve correct you've you've done a lot more research and talked to council many more proced are you presentation or do you want us to ask questions based on our just the presentation very good uh questions if you have questions yeah because we all you know Greg you're done I'm I'm done I didn't think to talk I thought he was going to do all the talking so now I'm gonna stop talking okay and do you have a presentation or you no presentation okay um go ahead all right as I read through this there were a couple of issues that sort of hit me and I I'm want to see what you're going food trucks before Hawkers right yeah food trucks um although to Greg's point I guess they are related in some way but um um I was focused initially on the food trucks um one thing I don't want to do and is if we're going to be inviting food trucks into the Community I don't want to be an overly hard burden for food trucks to be able to operate otherwise it's not going to work um you know some of this stuff about notifying of Butters and everything else I appreciate the fact we want to notify but that can be really burdensome if you're coming in for a one- Day event and you have to notify all these abutters and what happened you know what what rights do the abutters have can they appeal you know all this type of stuff the other issue that um interested in is this $90 fee which seemed low to me or I think it was $90 seemed low to me given that um you know I think we heard the outcry from people that were saying you know that uh mid brick and Mort pay taxes and uh and have a lot more overhead expenses than $90 fees to the town um and is that Equitable so that's that's an issue i' I'd like to address and then the whole issue issue of uh you know I I appreciate keeping trying to keep the food trucks from the downtown business district area which was incorporated into the the plan but I'm troubled by the fact somebody can move you know 10 feet down the road from in front of GG's to right in front of town hall you're no longer in the downtown it really doesn't achieve I think what the obligation was the other thing is uh I understand that many uh neighborhoods uh are starting too frequently when they have their neighborhood parties in the summertime they want to have a truck the food truck as part of their celebration and this seems to add a big hurdle for that so uh I guess overall issue is unintended consequences of making a policy that becomes overly restrictive and in effect back backfires on us and becomes not really what we were looking for which was to preserve and protect and defend the uh the downtown immediate downtown restaurants that were being impacted so those are my observations um I guess the board can can throw rocks at those ideas or thoughts or build upon them with some concerns that other concerns that might be there to talk about you looking for specific changes David say again are you looking for specific changes I'm looking for clarification more so than changes just how how all these things apply for specific changes on the only one that I might say a specific change is I'd like to review the price of a $90 so I'm G to start with sorry no a related question to that one actually so um did you take a look at other towns and and what kind of policies can you give us a an overview of what you found in other towns and then with the focus on the price because that was my question on how that that was concluded at as well uh yeah okay so let me take uh let me start off with the abutters so a lot of this was generated from anecdotes that we had in town obviously you know you had the the public comments from the downtown restaurants that saw the food trucks as an existential threat um there was one non food related but mobile vending uh kind of controversy that had Arisen where a flower truck had been invited and uh there was some there was a brick and mortar business that found that that was kind of distasteful especially because of the timing of it so from that point came the insertion of the informing of Butters specifically in the in the downtown area so it was although when I read through to that point um the only time we would allow according to what I was reading the downtown business district is during town events so everybody would be aware that it was coming anyway right and then they would they would still have to inform so there would be you know the Town Event would be you know pronounced and then when the license so the select board basically the idea of the of this policy is to have your okay over any and everyone who's coming into town to sell from a food so you have the say you have an event that that's scheduled when that when XY or Z food truck comes in say that it's a say that it's a tie or tii Fusion type of food truck then any of the businesses would um they could they could say you know we are opposed to this specific food truck do we require that of any um anyone else who seeking a license like if if there were a restaurant seeking a liquor license I think most of our restaurants have liquor licenses but if there was one that didn't have one and came seeking that would we require that that restaurant let all the other restaurants in town with liquor licenses know that they were pursuing a liquor license do not believe so know yeah so then what's different here yeah I me the analogy would be the can ofish shop that are very very close to Wi an open do they let each other know when a new one's opening or when they're seeking a license do they it's part of their process let everyone else only through the public process so we've added a step specific to food trucks in a lot of well got a lot but that one burden that we haven't burdened other license Seekers with a burden up yeah I think you could probably characterize it as such but that's why and that's what I wanted from Greg sorry my question was was poorly framed was how does this you know how do you want to play this out in terms of the fact that this is very rough draft for an issues that is kind of multifaceted um yes there's a lot of you know the the select board should have a policy to regulate the food trucks but a lot of it does kind of come into contact with the a tendency towards antic competition which you know there is something that should be said for protecting the businesses that are here that are paying taxes but also there's reputational concern so it's it's it's a bit difficult um yeah and so I also look to to town of Hudson coner Grafton Tisbury uh and there's no what conquer there's nothing set there's no one template that's been applied there's various ways to handle it so talk about some of the commonalities please and if you could talk about the ab butters for those towns question that was just raised on than the price point the abutters if I have if I recall correctly I think I was Cherry Picked that from Crafton where they had notification of any other any other towns have anything similar to that no but they have varying degrees of of oversight and having hand in this in terms of who can come in uh you know placing food trucks on a list for you know allowing them and then allowing them to uh even sell at specific town events that's conquered uh the money the annual fee is fairly consistent I made it $90 down from1 $90 because the health Fe annual healthy for having a few trouble is also R so there's consistency there uh what other towns do have is and this is probably a uh a distinction that needs to be made is you have the food truck license so they come in and you bless them and you say okay this food truck can operate here in mayard and then you also give them a permit which we don't really I don't believe that we charge for use of town property at this point but there are other towns that do that so in Hudson for example if I were a food truck operator I get my food truck license $100 for the year that means that's they've beted me it's done if I want to operate in their regulated food truck area which is basically downtown Hudson I would pay $10 every time I go there which is per townwide events and there's a cap of two food trucks that are allowed there at any given uh downtown by varying levels of you know layers complexity that you could add or not or subtract and that's either on Town property or on private property in the downtown LLY District that's just on public property in the down okay in private property no need for a permit but you still have to get the license just to be but you wouldn't this wouldn't preclude the current situation which is private property owner with a business allowing the food truck to come on certainties right so take the taco truck Nour they have they would have to get the license but to go operate at am's or to operate at Ericson's they don't have to get any permit or they don't have to pay any add this this wouldn't change any of the C's Lobster truck or the taco truck will go to A's or Eric's that's right only the taco truck now would have to get the select board food truck L this hold on clear this right now the taco truck and go and get the normal Health um Board license right and go to Amry and cousins can get the same Health Board license and go to Erics right this wouldn't change any of that that's true uh was there any exploration done on the whole conversation on um meals tax so the the all food trucks have to register with Department of Revenue and Report their earnings on they they report on a monthly basis and then through the magic of do there's some formula where the the towns in which they've worked received a portion of the meal tax so if they work in mayor they're paying into we would recognize some type of revenue from these food trucks in M or yes it's just the percentage would be determined to buy the do and some back room yeah so that's already that should already be happening for cousins and for yeah and Craig are we sure we're are we recognizing that are we seeing that Revenue come in from food trucks I haven't I haven't actually I don't know Steve have you looked into how much I haven't asked I looked I've looked online at do site and you could see for the local option tax what we get on a quarterly basis it doesn't break it down farther so Jen will so I mean is is there is there yeah please do because I want I want to know if there's a like a line item that she identifies that says this is our food truck Revenue uh versus uh prepared food at you know the like the sources of the meals tax I get it yeah um the other question um how how about issues like facilities for employees bathrooms um are there requirements for a business to have access for their employees to be able to use a restaurant there and if so how does that apply how do these people assure that they have access for their employees to a restaurant so and this is probably best covered by our health director but that's all under the health code so each food truck has to have a service or servicing area where it accounts for clean water for disposal disposal that address yeah and then I believe all uh everything under um industrial called not workman's comp but like you know labor standards should all are all accounted that's just under the state if I'm if I'm not my understanding is that the state requirement is that permanent or Portable Restrooms have to be available um for use during food preparation and along the Route and I'm guessing that that's part of the licensing procedure but who provides this uh I infer that it's the responsibility of the food truck when they choose their location to make sure that they have those facilities available did they make those kinds of arrang right do we know do we know if when Picos or whatever name was what their Arrangement was along those lines when they were setting up outside here um as per what they put on their application and any subsequent inspections yeah theoretically yes what was their plan you uh well I mean at Ericson's I know that the well the Ericson's that's private so that's not AIG when they were here that's a good question I could find out for you when they were parked here uh perhaps yeah I don't know I didn't see anything I didn't see anything separate from the trailer you know that would indicate a rest area restroom I'm sure that Hudson and all the towns that allowed them must have some type of but that's something we should explore so that we're aware I I have a question about um the requirement for this uh the application to go through the select board I see that some town do some don't gring on they done I don't think con could do I maybe r on there so what are the in terms of what was raised earlier about um making it uh you know but it's not overly burdensome what are the prosen teres about requiring this to go through select as opposed to just through the Board of Health providing we have a good policy in place for the Board of Health to follow so the the I mean the our Board of Health policy is in line with the rest of the state um with this food truck policy it's more it's an additional layer of Regulation to be frank but it gives you increased oversight of what's going on in the community right so specifically in EAS the use of public properties uh you are now in the position to say okay we the downtown overlay District of downtown area downtown Commander cannot be here except for in cases X1 Z or even in the case of this town event we still say that we don't want food truck so you have an additional lever to say you can or you cannot be on Municipal property and I guess the same thing would be the the neighborhood parties you could say you entertain through public hearing whether or not the there should be approval for the food truck to be at you know neighborh block because even if the you know 75% of neighbors agree that yeah we should have food trucks if there's 25% that are vocal I mean you entertain them in the in the course of a public Heary and make the determination of whether or not you want the trucks to be to be there in a neighborhood block party been some's driveway then it's then and they have their food license and all their yeah no I'm just curious like I I I don't want to make it so onerous that if you're having like a graduation party and you want a food TR in your driveway you to come to the select board private property that it's the same situation if you have at ER so whatever it's private property for a private event that's even less restrictive than private proper sell public that that doesn't require I think the birthday party where in your really on your property should still be all said one comment that Mike made I I don't see coming to the board for approval as being mons and burds I do feel that some of the restrictions that are here about a butter notification might be but I wanted you know I want to see the little paperwork that people have to get involved and not coming to say hey I want to conduct my business I think that's appropriate for the board especially if they're going to be using public property I think it's board to have some oversight of it and to understand what's going on within the within the confines of the Town um the other point is I'd like to hear uh the other board members reactions to the Restriction of these types of things in the overlay District area and whether or not it should be an absolute um unless it's a Town Event um maybe maybe not but um because otherwise I don't know where they'd go to have any type of uh you know body of people that that are that are available to them know IED to look I guess that's up to the individual business but um yeah you know I just don't know where they would park in order to get enough people to make it worth their while um to conduct this inside or outside DOD uh the downtown overlay District um right now the way this is written is they're restricted they can't go there unless it's a Town Event yeah um and that that's maybe that's where we want to go I don't know but from I don't know if if a the food truck's going to be too excited to be sitting on um you know name a street um where where there's not much activity and even if you did name that Street then the people in the neighborhood because is so dense and residential they would say what what's this food Tru doing pamp outside of my house that's kind of said that's why you know the other you would then say yes for to on bases the other towns that you looked at do they also I mean this essentially other than town events precludes food trucks from being on public property near you business activity do other policies that you looked at from other towns similarly prude food trucks from being in a downtown area with business activity other than for town events oh yeah some of them specifically say the streets that you cannot be on at all and then Hudson having spoken with uh representative SCH Hudson and actually the aset Valley Chamber of Commerce it was a pck battle between every all the businesses it was basically what we saw here the downtown businesses said what the heck is this we pay so much money we pay taxes we pay into our bid and now people come mobile you know they could Escape whenever they want to they avoid paying taxes here and there uh and so Hudson's kind of decision was to say you can't be in our downtown unless we say you can even then tapping it but otherwise stay out of hist how long ago did Hudson have that conversation 2019 I want to say yeah it's a but it's not something that I ever paid any attention to until we had this conversation here the first night so but in in moving around and noticing food trucks you kind of notice that they're more or less all on private property unless it's a a Town Event like uh you know one any of the ones that we have annually or the we you know farmers markets you're starting to see them in off to the side in farmers markets but you I I just don't see them on streets I don't see food trucks on many streets that aren't part of whether it's a weekly food truck situation or something like that you just I'm not seeing it so I don't you know I'm not I'm going from here you know to you know Burlington Lexington wal the places that are around us and I'm just not seeing food trucks on public streets except that they're in parking lots of private facilities like Ericson like there's a couple of farms um as you head in on 117 that you see them when they're on a Saturday down by Drumlin Farm there that typically there's one in the parking lot some days but not on Main Street yeah you're right or Summer Street or Powder Mill they not on those roads so does this create that is that what we create here with um with 2.7 you know food truck license may be issued to an mfv with an attached with any attached conditions limitations or restrictions required by the board for exercise on public property outside of downtown overl district yes it does you know but then they come and they make it their case to you for why they should be allowed there but I mean the private property is working out so based on what you see here why you go through the I mean it's kind of funny it seems as though the situation in a sense resolved itself but I think we need to be prepared if this situation arises again to have an answer for the next guy that says you know this is really what we want and expect is what it is I mean I don't I don't I don't really think anything here is too onerous I mean you know it's 20 minutes of paperwork and a $90 fee and then we discuss where you're going and what you're doing some someday just like we discuss Shakespeare in the park you know that type of thing and that's that's what we're really looking at other than the informing of the of the butter yeah that's a tough one that's a tough that's a tough one buts for other people I feel like we should be consistent I I I I I do think that's kind of difficult only because when we do a a taking or we do a street Improvement we do some of those things that require um a butter notification the list of Butters seems extraordinarily long you don't even know who the butters are well that's another problem but you look at like you know the short answer to the story I look I consider Maya but is anybody who's anybody who's proberly touches mind in in it's directly across the street type of thing but when we do those other things in town the list of a butters for those type of things is lengthy say the least what do we have a do you do we or can we create a um something in that you know limits that that what's considered an butter can we can we say what and the butter is as a board I mean so this one says butter is within 500 ft of wherever the okay it's everyone within 500 feet so if you were sitting in the middle you know if you were on Mason Street it's basically you're mostly downtown like where you live right 500 that's a lot of I mean in the same in my you know I mean man every everything's a 500 feet I guess we're so we're so densely you know densely settled but and that's that's I don't know that that's unfair or fair I'm just but it may be overfilled but it's something we could look at and adjust if we have to yeah I I figur this should be reviewed at you know some interval either six months or a year massage you know bu points to it's working yeah it's um see see the other thing is see how many applications we get that could that could resolve the issue itself if we don't get too many applications people realize well if I go to Erics I just have to talk to the Board of Health and I'm Sor or you know it this this is eliminated in in a sense by people going to private property and and setting up camp there if they have a what a health person now we ask to staff to write this inste the economic development committee but the economic development commit looker reviewed this at their last meeting yes we we talked about it at the Ed DC uh and then we went back to the lawyers and so we have multiple levels of review didn't no oh they didn't see the final it discussion sorry what was that AR we had the discussion that's know St fact looking at other pounds anding coun so so the committee hasn't seen this thing the directive is my understanding was to get input from the EDC do the draft and then get the draft back it only once a month well I but that's why are we Consulting with them we going to make a decision without them seeing the final draft right like so why don't we send it back so send it back to the EDC and and then bring it back to us right what we meant to make a decision make a decision no no we have to the talk found other places the urgency that was there at the last meeting has been roduced that would be yeah so why don't we you know why don't we do that why don't we go back to EDC and with the draft that they get and if there's any other questions they can resolve that and then we'll come back and take a look again maybe there'll be some other questions can I ask you can ask as many questions as you like okay I just have maybe two other questions um on 4.6 Li on public property food truck operate within the width of parking space but to get a food truck to a location it requires the vehicle and the actual truck so how's that physically possible attach the vehicle and then the other so they can't and then the other vehicle has to go away from town property well there's the width and the length so some some trucks some some some are self-contained the the the motor unit is the food truck a van you a Food Van food truck and then there's a TR the taco guy he his unit is towed by his his truck and then you know when they were here downtown they actually parked food truck space behind it space and then the truck and I don't know I assume over at Ericson say it's I think it looks like it's just sitting all by itself and that the pickup truck is parked up in the pH yeah right exactly but yeah your point is is well taken so the length I mean with those ones that are built in definitely go over the length they usually 20 feet long yeah ex some of them are r v size yeah some good size not so concerned about the length and really be is $290 these are two spots but they're supposed to operate with the width of that I believe the taco Tru had like cones spreading out into the road and that's over here when yeah for the week or two where they were sitting up yeah and part of that is just conflicting kind of uh guidance about all right well have the cones make sure that you know traffic is circulating properly or that pedestrians aren't going behind the the truck potentially com into traffic I think that's what they it it looked like that was exactly what that was more of a safety concern than it was a size concern but because the trailer and the truck either or can only be a certain width and they can't be any wider than a tractor trailer and that's you know literally supposed to fit in that same spot you know widthwise but the vehicle within the width of the space it's pretty close a regular a regular food truck or a thing like a RV that's typically you know not a an oversized one but a smaller RV in a food truck typically will the width is there's not a lot of room that guy's usually got a grill in a spot to turn around and he's facing you it's it's usually a a a pretty um common width to the width of a typical landscaping trailer or a typical you know boat trailer and they they have to fit within a certain guideline because when they're on the highway they have to fit between the lines so that's that's the width is pretty standard yeah um and to be perfectly Frank with you a lot of this is just Podge Podge from various policies that I saw across the entire Commonwealth so there like little bit of you know eye of N and you know bre of which you to throw everything in and then have S board and forever it down something okay so you're gonna so so okay so we're going to send the food truck regulations back for a review from the EDC and then we're going to get on to the Hawkers and ped now those typically guys that like we see at carnibal and stuff is that typically what that is you know we have like Parade October Fest they get a guy that's dragging a cart behind him with ballons andow guns and all that is that what that is or is this going to different other things well I think from my review of it it it also includes as as Steve was commenting on earlier typ apparently somebody who wanted to sell artwork just sitting on the sidewalk so I guess similar to what you would see when you go to some of the artsy towns in uh on the cape or even out in western Mass where there are Artisans who sit on the sidewalk and um they put up easels and they sell their stuff even though their store may not be in front of them huh yeah exactly yeah but most of the time in Newberry Street at least it's associated with business that might be behind them uh but in in certain towns especially in western Mass you see people out there selling things that are unrelated that's what I see more so than the guy pulling the grocery cart with the balloons hanging off of it that we see at parades um those are pedlers too but a little different I my thought on this was more the person who's trying to create their own small little business on the sidewalk so I mean is anybody who goes town to town uh either on foot or with a c certain or from an animal according to NGL it really kind of hearkens back to 19th century this so number two is kind of interesting it says if sales are not being conducted from a tent Booth building or other structure a Hawkers and peders license is quiet you have to physically be moving around I think yeah sounds still sorry kid keep up like I think you do I think you have to be walking that's why when they do it the street I think that was like the spirit of the law I'm I'm curious to know uh in the session four there what forkers and peders may not sell um why small artificial flowers and miniature flags are included where did that come from this is actually this is mostly from mgl so I think it's probably the uh flower Lobby when you said oh so that if it's from mgl then that then that we have to meet their standards B yeah I mean this was kind of a a no-brainer mostly this came from Council Council said take this and then we just you know added some additional details Eng why are we repeating mgl because now mgl changes now we have this weird artificial flowered FL that's nobody knows how it got there and C the community off why why AR we just def follow ml here's what we would expect in May which is to go here that right why are we repeating mgl our we don't we don't have to so the the Master General law and the and the guidance from the state is that towns mun ities can add their own policies on top of but without conflicting with the Mass General law usually it's very Public Safety oriented so the so the police chief may say hey this is not safe you can't do it this close to intersection or whatever the case may be but it could be but the the town through the executive body or otherwise could add your own regulations the a police chief may say um I don't want you to be so close to the street Edge I don't know but the police chief may not determine which street that is but the executive board the the the select board they may you may say here are the particular streets you have to do everything the chief says but here's the particular streets you can operate on I I'll be I'll be give a little bit more context the the artists that reached out to me weeks ago um asked to set up sales at there's like a dirt sort of roundabout around the the mayard welcome to mayard sign as you get into Sudbury um is that is that um well um I'm forgetting that which street it is but if you continue into SB then it has the soccer fields on your right um that's that's Parker Parker Street no it's walam Street where walam Street no he's talking about right where the soccer field is is on mayard road which yeah that's Park yeah and so so there's a big you know there's that big dirt turnaround I think there's someone's driveway back there too but either way there yeah so that's where they want to set up shop so so but they that's publicly owned so they can't just do that so that's why the Hawkers pedders license came up um and Steve so what's represented here is this all taken straight from mgl or did we did Maynard add in that you can sell furs or smaller straight like what should we not so so we today today today do we H is this an existing policy do we have an existing Hawkins policy or no we don't we don't other than Mass General okay okay I was just I was just curious so this is this is the states basically yeah so why what's the purpose of adding if the state has this policy and I looked a little bit online and it looks like for most towns you have to get the license from the state and then you go to the police chief before you know perres point that this is mostly a public safety is because the person has to be walking around so are we adding a step that Hawkers and pedlers would have to come to the select board and also get our approval even though they have their their license from the state and or is this instead of them going to the police department no it's in it's in tandem with so you would get the state level license and then Town it feels like I guess I'm curious why so you're right you could delegate your Authority so you so you don't have to make a policy you could say it could be up to the police or the Town Administrator it doesn't have to be a s POS so I guess I guess the question is since it's the most um glaring example of this is Christmas parade has typically always had a couple Hawkers yeah along the Route what what have they done like what what has a what has um those guys Hawkers I guess we'll call what have those Hawkers or Peddlers done in Prior years to be licensed by the town if anything have they for a license or have they just dets I'm sorry I'm not doing a good job in the zoom here but those details should have been included in the application so so similar to a food truck um being included in in a cultural Council event in Memorial Park if it should be listed as to and if it's not then you know whether it be the police or otherwise someone to say Hey you weren't included in the in the Christmas or the Maynard Fest or the whatever event application you know it has to be detailed to that level of like what's included in the in the in the so the master application oh and the the the reason for the distinction between the state and the local licensing is because the state level is the state level but say for a specific locality one of the components is to go and to announce to the town I'm going to be going through here so then you have to get an attestation from the local police chief which says or you know from the licensing Authority and it's specifically as mandated under chapter 101 is called the certificate of character which says that you're someone who has good morals and an upstanding person uh which again is very kind of 19th century but also the the function is not entirely you know out of place it is to say because all right so the reason that it's very closely linked with the food truck policy is and it's that it's not done it is Parkers and pedders licenses in the context of the boot truck policy is meant to specifically be for the people who are dealing with the exchange of money to make sure that those there won't there won't be any kind of like malfeasance on the part of you know whoever's taking the running the Beno food truck yes so you need so for the food truck license you have to have the Hawkers and pedlers license in most municipalities do we don't have to accept it we don't have to adopt it but it's very very common practice acoss but in the language for the Hawkers and Peddlers policy from the mgl very specifically says merchandise by foot and it also talks about people like pulling parts and stuff so it seems like it's a little bit redundant or no but that's where I'm a bit confused and I'm thinking back to it doesn't seem like it seems from a chent booth building or other structure which is what I would assume the trailer or theck food truck represents the other structure which means they don't need a license and and but even let's go back to the whole issue with the flower sales back years you know five three years ago um according to this um there was uh under number five Hawkers and pedlers may sell the following items without underlined a license and one of them are uncultivated wild flowers through fruits nuts and berries the person who was selling those flowers my recollection is they were selling wild flowers no I don't know I think they were they were uh so in effect we had no authority to tell them they couldn't be there in the first place because they were in a an established tent Booth building or other structure and they were on public property but so that would have been our only authority to to rule on it it's because they were on public property but nothing prevents somebody from taking up a parking space and saying I'm gonna Park here and I'll pay my quarter for for an hour and according to the state law if you're selling wild flowers you're good to go well no but they still would have had to go because of the mgl Hawkers and peders license they still would have had to go to the police department to get the character I don't know what kind were it wased they would need to do it at all mayard has not required the Hawkers and pedlers go to the police department yeah I see okay so there's been no policy at all I thought at least people were going to the police department but no that's not going to happen said you must you know you must comply with all Town parking regulations so they put have just put a dime into the into the machine put their little truck there and sold their one wild flowers and we had no authority to say anything to them and we took a bunch of crap for that no well one one difference is they were going to display onto the sidewalk so they they were using more than the parking space the FL yeah they were they had like they like put some of their displays this was years ago based on my loose recollection but like I'm pretty sure they they wanted to like have a display they actually ended up resolving that absent hour input yep yes they did so so it doesn't really M it doesn't really no it's just the the point being what those people were doing according to the state law we had no authority to tell them they couldn't do it I don't I I don't know if that's I don't know I don't I don't recall the exact specific so I can't I couldn't say I'm gonna call Kevin swe he's got a great memory I mean so I guess just a larger maybe philosophical question from the board is to what extent do we want to preclude business competition no I don't think we want to preclude or or inhibit business competition at all like I don't want I don't want to see a flowers truck parked across from a flower PT on Mother's Day either you know which is what was basically was going to happen something along those lines there up be the exact dates but I mean I don't want it in I I don't want either of these policies to um inhibit one's ability to set up shop and um make make money I just I just wanted to be you know fear fear to the folks that are already here and established businesses and everything else that's all again but it gets to the same argument um it's not competition per se it's fairness issue where you know somebody comes in for a day and that that day was Mother's Day by by happen stance and for $90 they can take away business from a business that is paying taxes and uh contributing to our community every single day various volunteer issues and whatever and so do we want to have allow that type of competition where our contributing businesses are getting hurt by somebody coming in taking advantage of this policy so I feel like that's a very specific example with it being Mother's Day I would also just to the tax piece I understand the brick andm businesses are paying obviously significantly more in taxes um than you know daily permit but it's an entirely different business model so I wouldn't expect that if you're coming in for a day and you're only selling one or two products I would hope that you have a brick and morar business and you have a hundred different products you're able to make more money in that day than a person who's only selling a couple products and therefore the associated fees are failed accordingly um that is you know the specific example of it being Mother's Day and flowers I feel like this this process having it go to the police department or the board or whoever the authorizing body would be would help get around some of those special circumstances but broadly a food truck is a very different business model than a brick-and Mor you know restaurant and so I don't know that we would want to try to hold them to the same standard when it comes to things like taxes at least I you that's the concern from the the concern from the restaurant owners we here that night was that this particular food truck was going has had established their days and times and they were you know parked right across the street from G's and five do down from the Man pizza bar and they were here and and others had concerns about you know setting up a schedule such as that at that time and then actually someone that didn't even have a food business was concerned because they were taking up four parking spaces on their you know across the street from their business and that's where where where do their customers Park there's three or four businesses across the street from where that was that were you know concerned about the number of parking spaces but that's so that's what that the Genesis of the complaint was but it's definitely a different business model but when the guys says I'm going to be here every T Tuesday and Friday that's that's not fair to um you know the regular businesses that are there seven days six days a week but it's I don't know I guess I can see the point there but I mean if I Wasing the same kind of they didn't park PR ggs and sell Vietnamese food it's totally different food it's I don't personally I don't think it affects GG's that much but if I'm the mained you know the pizza bar or I'm the guy at the um the Italian family Deli and I sold you know 25 Fridays in a in a row I sold 250 sandwiches and she sold 250 sandwiches and 100 pizzas the taco truck shows up at Friday at lunchtime for three weeks in a row my business up 10% and I don't know the numbers but that's that's what the implication was what you know the fear was in the in the implications were that those type of things would happen and you know at least the gentleman from um the family Deli said that he's had that exact experience in other places and that was what his major concern was that that up for the town you know swinging up a lot of peripheral issues but that was the main argument was that he lost business specifically on the dates that they came in he's paying rent he's paying overhead costs he's doing everything else and the people with with the food truck are coming in and uh with very MD overhead and taking away his FS yeah there some slight embellishments but that's the basic story I mean full disclosure I eat at the taco truck I also eat at belli pretty much the same frequency before food truck and after the food truck um and I think a lot of the the issues that come before you know when we talk about individual cases these are things that can easily be solved by would you mind you know not parking the the you pick up in front of here take up a little bit less space or move more spaces ahead the food truck owners are very reasonable I mean no there no question they they you know but they I think the other part of that concern too is with s talking about kind of come back a little bit is that the the concern would be that in some places where it is or was unregulated they saw kind of a a a growing uh food truck community and that affected business not necessarily singling out the taco truck but they were concerned that we will going to have you know what if we have four or five taco trucks on Main Street what then what and then then that becomes I think the concern was that that was what was going to happen more than one guy selling tacos and honestly if that did happen you know it's in your well within your perv and S to be like well now we have an issue that's you know public right away and making sure things are well organized can't have that or not I think some towns have uh like two trap limit given area he said Hudson do too Steve said Hudson do did ADC look at this one as well you guys have in put in this they did not this last week so what I we just Mak sense that we do them both at the same time and bring them back together my opinion on the pkers is we should just reduce all the N points one through6 down a single line that says refer to mgl and then seven is the real add-ons per mayard um and for those add-ons frankly I don't issue G to us on this one so I would be okay uh delegating this authority to administrator somewhere along those lines that's okay too it seems it seems like it it almost seems like it's it's going to be a special permit special use type of thing Greg and Greg could probably handle that we love scheduling events but but we need to but but we still need we still need to make the changes that Jeff suggested and then come back when we come back with the other and vote on it and then you know you guys can be the you guys can be the uh licensing Authority per se and we'll just vote to put it in play was that for both the pedlers or was that was that for both the pedlers and haers and no no no no no I think just just the ha and peders okay and then we'll we'll we'll keep the um we'll keep the food thing uh something we'll go through here on a regular you know regular basis when it occurs one thing I would we at least have included in the Hawkers unless I missed it was um who has the authority to shut them down if they're out there without a license okay they're without a license we have a $250 fee but somebody must have authority to be able to go out and say get out of here you're not allowed to be here and it's not it's not indicated as to who has that Authority is that the police department is that members of Board of Health is it the members of uh select board is it you know who has the authority tell for Hawkers pedlers I would recommend that it be the police department and then I I am the um appealing Authority generally for citations so um I would I would recommend that be the police department be enforcer because generally it's and it doesn't matter who we put in there but I think we should put somebody in there as the uh as the authority yep similar similar to license liquor license violations and everything else you know how we have um lemon stands are generally except the question that comes up don't ask questions you don't want answers to yeah I saw kids lemonades in on Cambridge Street in Burlington the other day that's 3A two kids selling L sell lemonade on C Street I'm thinking to myself where's the parents wild I was thirsty but I kept going all right so um the senior center um commit we had a meeting last week um most of the meeting was centered on on um the discussions about the um RFI um a timeline that um Jack mcken had developed for um have he had he shared that with you Greg Johnson Jack's timeline um a time I don't recall so Jack had corresponded with me um either last week or the week before and just to sort of you know kind of talk details about me releasing the RFI and I got back to him saying like I as I'd already told the board in the meeting I won't I haven't started I won't be able to get back to it until next week all right it was just a um timeline about articles and you know dollars and cents and what what the uh a little bit of um what he or the board the committee thought the article would look like in in that type of stuff and that's just work and progress stuff I kind of suggested it has to go through here anyway but we'll see where it goes and then um you know that was really that was really most of the conversation there was some other conversation that took place about um the group has done a lot of visits to other communities senior centers throughout the area and um there was just discussions about different aspects of those visits by the people that went on them in the in the the um subcommittee of that committee that's kind of taking care of the um you know the visit scheduling them and and attending them and everything and it was an interesting conversation um just about what some of the other things that they see in other communities that might be good fits for mayard um and you know they just just moving forward they're moving forward with those type of things and looking at places and waiting to see what comes back from the um request for information from other other sources in towns there was three of full listed it was part of the conversation M and Main um uh 129 Parker that you know the mayor mayor Crossing and a couple others were listed as people that they would have sent the um request for information too when the time came that was really it just you know onward and upward is the conversation U if I may add to that Jack shared with me um and I believe he must have shared it with the with the members of the committee I don't know but um essentially they've he he has listed and in in the email he sent to me he listed five specific uh items as to where they're focusing in on their cost analysis um one is a lease what where that is they don't know but a five to seveny year plan with lease that would include their proposal would include fit up costs if any for any lease space as you know when we spoke here with them when they were here a couple of weeks ago I expressed that so he wanted to share with me that that he was working on this fit out costs including incremental costs to furnish and equip any larger space and um including seeking grants for these things uh or whether or not we need to execute as funds available operating costs that might change uh with a larger space um he says that Amy is drafting a memo that will go along with this including COA Staffing that might be needed a social worker if there's a necessary change necessary otherwise within the town budget U increased use of volunteers is a cons is a consideration so some programs pay as you go um seeking grants for operating costs as well as any Town budget issues that might come up then lastly the feasibility study for a long-term project um which he's calling they call it maal Chris are you familiar with that yeah man Community active living I think is what it said it was active Living Center active Living Center believe that's not they don't want to use the term Senior Center they want to call it a community active manard Community active Living Center which would include uh some type of younger kids involvement um and so they're looking for possible sources of revenue for their feasibility study including an earmark or a grant or a possible uh warrant article and all these things that this group is actively working on is all part of my point from earlier in the meeting when I discussed priorities these people are a lot further along with their uh in investment in time and planning than we may be aware of I know Chris is involved in the meetings uh and they're planning on coming to us on the same date in October uh to town meeting see this money um at least that's their current plan from what we heard on Saturday but Mike was with me when Jack was talking with us at the Farmers Market um so then it becomes okay can't do everything and what's more important y the same discussion as we had earlier can I ask one question and I missed it I'm sorry yeah um the money that they want to ask for at the fall town meeting is to pay for the temporary lease spas or feasibility study I think they're looking at in the fall and I don't quote me on this because I'm not in there meetings but my understanding they're looking for the lease space number okay both both they want both and they um that's why they're they're really insistent on getting that you know Greg to get out that uh request for what's it called request for information RFI sooner rather than later so that they can be prepared for that yeah meeting in six weeks um and regarding the feasibility study I know that they have they had some money allocated a couple years ago it was like during that freea allocation process for the purpose of a feasibility study and then I I feel like Kate Hogan also got them some money yeah that's for the that's for the that's that's for the analysis from from UMass Boston or UMass so that money was to pay UMass that money was for that and that's still on going got it that's for their longterm Vision okay so this is just for the phys St if I misquoted that Chris no no it's it's they want both they're looking for they're looking to get both that that you know that meeting you yeah you so then we're next to um the green medal school so um their last meeting was 10 days ago or so week ago Monday and it was a meeting that um covered a lot actually a lot of conversation a lot of pictures of um and blueprints schematics of um specifically the um cafeteria what I believe what they were calling it the gymnasium cafeteria that whole area of the building um and it spoke about you know the lighting and different all different types of lighting a lot of different stuff but um a lot of the med was taken up by a conversation um that related to reviews of the plans done by um Nicholas Kane Nick Kane and then Ken newuser and and um you know what their expertise you know their their other life expertise their job expertise is put to use to um question not to say question but just comment on a lot of the different things that they saw um request some changes some alterations to different things and the um you know the project managers were you know more than willing to um look at all those things and make some changes and actually some of them they had already made and we just kind of got a rund down of the whole things and that was basically the um you basically the um the meeting in the nutshell Le they continue to U move ahead you know with scheduling and getting uh some of the work done that um that they can do without site plan reviews and that type of stuff and then actually the um I believe I signed a document the other day that suggest that uh they're going to go to the planning board pretty soon with site plan review are they not Greg I think that's one of the next steps I'm not sure but I think they are getting close yes yeah I think they're very close they're going to start their site plan with the planning board fairly soon I think there's a meeting on Monday I think July 8th there's the next meeting yeah it is yeah next week it's next week and that's it so that's that Green Meadow the Green Meadow School building committee is moving forward with all that stuff I I would just like to acknowledge the work that K and Ken new house have put into it many many hours of work which if it had been done professionally would have been pretty expensive so didn't underappreciate that contribution to to this part thanks all right on you correspondences have some couple correspondence items this evening like to make a motion to accept correspondence a be a a second second anybody want to talk about wars or pcast all right all those in favor great um minutes this minutes one set of minutes to approve accepting approve I'll move to accept approve meeting minut June 424 shown author digal sign approv second anybody have any concerns about the meetings from the 6 64 and 628 meetings all those in favor all right we next have we Mr Johnson's report that's me um yeah so um I really appreciate Stephanie Doug and putting in the work to uh updating the town Administration report for the board for this evening um so I'll steal her thunder so she noted that uh Town Town Offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday of this week in observation of the July 4th holiday hope everyone has a very safe and joyous Independence Day activities um the route 27 project uh as I refer to as cat Cottage front door it is um coming along so um the last report that I'm stealing a thunder from Justin Demarco is that um it should be in well into the planning phase right now and I'm looking forward to hearing what the construction schedule is going to be and then um I thought it was uh really um impressive the PowerPoint presentation put together um regarding the solar uh array that's on top of the high school and and you know and the parking structure in front of the high school um it's not done yet there as noted in the PowerPoint presentation the the the switch flip event or whatever it's referred to has not yet happened it looks like it's in its final stages of uh reviews and eversource approvals um but I'm looking forward to that switch getting flipped on um but it's also good reference point in thinking about the green metal elementary school so um we are still engaged with our long-term consultant Beth greenblat with Beacon integrated I can't remember the name of her firm but I think it's Beacon integration LLC but either way um She's Been instrumental uh in getting the high school solar project off the ground and on the roof and and over the parking it's wonderful and so we look to her again to help us out engaging with SCT or otherwise particularly with slect s OCT um to see what they could do for us with the elementary school so it's kind of exciting that we're we're able ble to sort of Leverage those relationships into our future buildings and then lastly I really appreciate um fire chief lais putting together her uh diligently putting together her fire department's report um the fire department per usual is very engaged with the community that's the takeaways I had from her most recent report in addition to all their emergency response but they're very um um Community um integrated and Community supporting they they even recognize as such with a grant as she noted and then I also appreciate the responsiveness to the recent cooling center initiatives that they took the fire station is a wonderful hub for all things emergencies even if it's a cooling center um the fire station's there and that's all I had unless there was questions from the board the end the end reports I guess wrong my my own report is again to um thank Lindsay for joining us and welcome her to our board and to thank the other members of the board for um all your help in the last year and um for entrusting me with your chairmanship and I look forward to um the upcoming year with Jeff's leadership and helping in that as much as we can so that's my report and um that's it for me um Jeff um nothing additional welcome Lindsay and looking forward to another successful year with everybody all right nsy you got a report now try I don't think I have anything exciting to report all right just thank you thanks for having me it's really interesting as always all right um David yes um wanted to remind the residents that Wednesday starts the community band performances downtown so everyone's encouraged to uh take an opportunity to go and see at least one if not all during their Wednesday performances over the summer second Greg have you had any opportunity probably not given that you've been on vacation to speak with the schools about the wabm uh use of the live television that we talked about at our last meeting and if not can you put it on your radar to speak with them I did I mean I did I mentioned it to Brian hos and um and so reaction I don't remember exactly but I I'm also in contacts with Steve Valente who's the wavm director so we'll um I don't I don't think anyone's opposed to it's probably just a matter of logistics so we just have to look into it all right and the last point is you shared with us which I thought it was just today so I don't know if every if my colleagues have had a chance to see it but the League of Women Voters uh document that came out relative to town meeting um I really think that we as a board should speak with the town moderator um possibly even ask him to join us at a meeting so we can talk about some of the issues that came up um mayard fell sort of towards the low end on the average over the last 20 years of attendance the town meeting I think the average attendance of vote number of Voters was 2.78 uh which is dismal but the uh some of the interesting things that um that I thought about like for act and for example there Town meetings that last six and a half days and whatever they may have um that's exaggeration but um they may I don't know how they count numbers if it's individual attendees if it's total attendance versus number of Voters I don't know how they do it but it would be interesting to see them but our average was 2.78 for uh 2.78% at attendance with the highest attendance being 16.49% 20 year history I think it was actually 16 or 18 year history it was probably the 129 Parker Street that got us to the 1649 and then the low was 1.94 less than 2% of our voters attending Town meetings um and the overall number of 2.78 in the area that the League of Women Voters was um was reviewing which was like five towns in our immediate area uh we were towards the low end um so we you know we need to encourage more involvement at Town town meeting one could say oh we do such a wonderful job that our voters trust us they don't think they have a need to to attend and so they just don't uh I tend to think that's probably not true that I'm I'm my concern immediately went through to people don't want to attend because they're afraid to attend they we don't uh gives the floor that the right you know who knows but why aren't people attending and I think we should have that discussion not only among ourselves but with the moderator and possibly some type of a town Forum to ask what can we do better what can we do but any that's it mik yeah thank you um so other than to also welcome Lindsay thank you for being here and contributing um and Dave you you you stole my thunder on that uh the women's league Women Voters I I agree I think it there's some questions raised there uh which I think would do well to study um not least in terms of how we communicate with the we motivate people to get involved and yeah the numers low it's it's depressingly low but also depressingly common I don't think we're outli definitely wor to do all right um would anyone like to make a motion you make MO I make a motion to Second all in favor the next meeting is July 16 anybody have a c